diff --git a/docs/en/compute-edition/32/admin-guide/welcome/product-architecture.adoc b/docs/en/compute-edition/32/admin-guide/welcome/product-architecture.adoc index 10c0995d3..f622a66a2 100644 --- a/docs/en/compute-edition/32/admin-guide/welcome/product-architecture.adoc +++ b/docs/en/compute-edition/32/admin-guide/welcome/product-architecture.adoc @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ image::prisma_cloud_arch1.png[width=800] The following screenshot shows the Compute tab on Prisma Cloud. To access the Compute tab, you must log in to the Prisma Cloud administrative console; it cannot be directly addressed in the browser. + image::prisma_cloud_arch2.png[width=800] You can find the address of Compute Console in Prisma Cloud under *Compute > Manage > System > Utilities*.