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More information about the HEC (Hidden Economy Conditionality) project can be found here.

This microservice serves the public digital UI to allow licensing bodies (LB's) to verify a tax check code. The LB will need to have some other verifying information about the licence application in order to successfully do a check. Too many unsuccessful checks for a particular tax check code will lock the user from verifying that tax check code for a period of time.

Running the service

When running locally, the dependant services can be run using the service manager command

sm2 --start HEC_DEP

All HEC services can run via

sm2 --start HEC_ALL

By default, this service runs on port 10107.


Starting a journey

A journey can be started via the start endpoint

GET /confirm-tax-check-code/start

This service is unauthenticated.


The rules defining the route from one page to another are contained in JourneyService. As well as defining the routes forward, this service also automatically calculates the previous page relative to a current page based upon the session state. This is used to make the back links on the pages point to the right place.

Test data

In order to get some valid tax check data that can be checked in this service, either complete a successful tax check journey on the applicant frontend microservice or use the test-only endpoint in the back end microservice to save a tax check.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.