diff --git a/IntroToGithubSpring2017.md b/IntroToGithubSpring2017.md index 82ee097..ea7866e 100644 --- a/IntroToGithubSpring2017.md +++ b/IntroToGithubSpring2017.md @@ -504,6 +504,28 @@ These are the basic steps of the Github Flow process. Create an Issue, Create a While the are other features and capabilities in Github, just these simple steps go along ways towards establishing a collaborative coding environment. +## Cloning an existing repository + +It is also easy to clone an existing repository from either the terminal or Github Desktop. First, navigate to https://github.com/hmsrc/hmsrcght. + +This is a sample repo I set up for this exercise. Look for a green button that says **Clone or download**. To clone via Github Desktop, just click Open in Desktop. To clone from the terminal, copy the repo URL and then in the terminal, type: `git clone https://github.com/hmsrc/hmsrcght.git`. + +You may have noticed that Github also supports Forking a Repository, which is like cloning to your local workstation, but makes Github.com "aware" of your server side clone. + +I wanted to point out a couple of nice rendering features of Github, like support for Jupyter Notebooks. + +I also wanted to add a few comments about `.gitignore`. + +## `gitignore` and What Not to Share + +It is really important to note that researchers dealing with data subject to legal restrictions that prohibit sharing (such as medical data) should be careful not to put sensitive data into repositories. + +Also, be extra careful not to accidentally put credentials, such as passwords and private keys, into repositories. + +Additionally, intermediate data files and other results that can be re-generated from raw data need not be added to version control. + +Adding a .gitignore file to your repo is a good way to help ensure you don't inadvertantly share sensitive info. + ## Github Organizations So I wanted to quickly show you how a Github Organization like [HMS Resource Computing](https://github.com/hmsrc) can really improve collaboration. @@ -520,12 +542,14 @@ and many other things. You can use Trello-style Kanban boards for light weight p ![Kanban](./img/hmsrcght-kanban.png) -## Oh yeah, Emoji! +I feel like I'm forgetting an important collaboration feature. + +## Oh yeah, Emoji :+1: :bowtie: | :smile: | :laughing: | :blush: | :smiley: | :relaxed: | :smirk: | :heart_eyes: | :flushed: | :relieved: | :satisfied: | :grin: | :wink: | :tongue: | :unamused: | :sweat_smile: | :sweat: -:-1: | :thumbsdown: | :ok_hand: | :punch: | :facepunch: | :fist: | :v: | :wave: | :hand: | :open_hands: | :point_up: | :point_down: | :raised_hands: | :pray: | :point_up_2: | :clap: | :muscle: | :metal: +:+1: | :thumbsdown: | :ok_hand: | :punch: | :facepunch: | :fist: | :v: | :wave: | :hand: | :open_hands: | :point_up: | :point_down: | :raised_hands: | :pray: | :point_up_2: | :clap: | :muscle: | :metal: ## Q & A