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Hold Me

HOLD ME is an Artificial Intelligence Revolution Live Chat software powered by Ethereum Blockchain

HOLDME Company Token

Holdme Company Token (HME) is a company share. It means that that the HME is the stock of Holdme coporation. HME is implemented as an Ethereum-based token on the Ethereum blockchain. HME complies with the ERC23 standard. ERC23 tokens are backwards compatible with ERC20 tokens. It means that ERC23 supports every ERC20 functional and contracts or services working with ERC20 tokens will work with ERC23 tokens correctly.

Token Emission

Tokens emission – 300 000 000 (300 millions) Initial price for 1 token = 0.00033 ETH ( ± 1$=10 tokens)

Company Shares

Total 2425 ETH funds are expected. Total company shares: 300 000 000 HME Shares = 100% of the company shares.

  • (21,5%) 63 000 000 HME Shares to be available in Token sale:
    • (0,5%) 1 500 000 HME Shares Pre-Launch;
    • Price per token during pre-launch = 0.00022 ETH
    • (21%) 61 500 000 HME Shares Token Sales;
  • Price per token during pre-launch = 0.00033 ETH
  • (14%) 42 000 000 HME Shares to be reserved for future use.
  • (51%) 152 000 000 HME Shares reserved after the owners.
  • (15%) 4 500 000 HME Shares goes to team.

Tokens will be sold for ETH, BTC, BCH, DASH and LTC.


To run tests you need to install the following software:

Getting Started

Holdme integrates with Truffle, an Ethereum development environment. Testrpc is a Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development. It uses ethereumjs to simulate full client behavior and make developing Ethereum applications much faster. It also includes all popular RPC functions and features (like events) and can be run deterministically to make development a breeze.

Please install truffle and testrpc to be able to test HME smart contracts.

Install Truffle

npm install -g truffle

Install TestRPC

npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc

Install geth

npm install -g geth

Get HME smart contracts

git clone

How to test on Development Network

Open the terminal and run the following commands:


Open another terminal and run the following commands:

cd holdme-company-token
truffle compile --all

How to do unit testing

truffle test --network development

Migrate to testrpc

truffle migrate --network development

How to test on Ropsten Test Network

Change the Ethereum Wallet addrress in truffle.js file. Add your ETH wallet address

Open the terminal and run the following commands:

geth --testnet --syncmode "fast" --unlock "YOUR ETH WALLET ADDRESS" --rpc --rpcapi "eth,net,web3,personal" --rpccorsdomain '*' --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 8546 console

Open another terminal and run the following commands:

cd hme
truffle compile --all
truffle migrate --network ropsten


Smart contracts for the initial sale of HME tokens







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