This is the source code that accompanies my blog post The SEFR classifier.
SEFR is a binary classifier. To use it on a binary classfication task:
let sefr = SEFR() X_train, targets: y_train)
let y_pred = sefr.predict(examples: X_test)
You can use it for multiclass tasks by using a simple wrapper that performs one-vs-rest:
let model = SEFRMulticlass() X_train, targets: y_train)
let y_pred = model.predict(examples: X_test)
The demo program is a simple Swift script that runs on macOS. It uses the Vision framework to generate "feature prints" for a set of training and test images. Each feature print consists of 2048 numbers. It trains SEFR on these feature prints.
To run the demo program, open a Terminal on macOS and type:
$ cat SEFR.swift Demo.swift | swift -
The images used in the dataset were hand-picked from Google Open Images Dataset V6. For full credits and license terms, see here.
The source code is licensed as MIT.
My implementation is based on the following sources: