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type of the device connected to the output. 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"Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Saving state before power failure", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "All outputs are set to OFF upon power restore", "1": "Outputs set to previous state upon power restore"}, "label": "Saving state before power failure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 10, "propertyName": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "description": "Defines the setting of the timer", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 11, "propertyName": "ALL ON/ALL OFF function", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "default": 255, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "ALL ON not active, ALL OFF not active", "1": "ALL ON not active, ALL OFF active", "2": "ALL ON active, ALL OFF not active", "255": "ALL ON active, ALL OFF active"}, "label": "ALL ON/ALL OFF function", "description": "The parameter specifies the available functions.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 255}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 13, "propertyName": "Force auto-calibration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "readout", "1": "Force auto-calibration without Fibaro Bypass", "2": "Force auto-calibration with Fibaro Bypass"}, "label": "Force auto-calibration", "description": "Force calibration process", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 14, "propertyName": "Auto-calibration status (read-only parameter)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No calibration or manual settings", "1": "Dimmer operates on auto-calibration settings"}, "label": "Auto-calibration status (read-only parameter)", "description": "Operating mode of the Dimmer", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 16, "propertyName": "Time delay of a burnt out bulb", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Time delay of a burnt out bulb", "description": "Time of delay for power variation detection", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 19, "propertyName": "Forced switch on brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 99, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Forced switch on brightness level", "description": "Dimmer 2 will always set this brightness level.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 20, "propertyName": "Inputs Button/Switch configuration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Mono-stable input (button)", "1": "Bi-stable input (switch)", "2": "Roller blind switch (UP / DOWN)"}, "label": "Inputs Button/Switch configuration", "description": "Binary inputs type configuration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 21, "propertyName": "Value sent to associated devices on single click", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Set associated devices to last state", "1": "Dimmer 2 state synchronizes brightness level"}, "label": "Value sent to associated devices on single click", "description": "The value sent to associated devices on single click.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 23, "propertyName": "Double click option", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disable double click", "1": "Enable double click"}, "label": "Double click option", "description": "Double-click set lighting at 100%", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 24, "propertyName": "Command frames sent in 2nd and 3rd assoc group", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "all actions send to association groups", "1": "do not send when switching ON (single click)", "2": "do not send when switching OFF (single click)", "4": "Do not send when changing dimming level", "8": "do not send on double click", "16": "send 0xFF value on double click"}, "label": "Command frames sent in 2nd and 3rd assoc group", "description": "Actions not resulting in sending frames to assoc", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 25, "propertyName": "Command frames sent in 4th and 5th assoc grp", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "all actions send to association groups", "1": "do not send when switching ON (single click)", "2": "do not send when switching OFF (single click)", "4": "Do not send when changing dimming level", "8": "do not send on double click", "16": "send 0xFF value on double click"}, "label": "Command frames sent in 4th and 5th assoc grp", "description": "Actions not resulting in sending frames to assoc grp", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 26, "propertyName": "The 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secure"}, "label": "Associations in Z-Wave network security mode", "description": "Defines commands are sent as secure or non-secure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 28, "propertyName": "Scene activation functionality", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Scene functionality deactivated", "1": "Scene functionality activated"}, "label": "Scene activation functionality", "description": "SCENE ID depends on the switch type configuration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 29, "propertyName": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "standard mode", "1": "S1 operates as S2, S2 operates as S1"}, "label": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "description": "Switch S1 and S2 buttons", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 30, "propertyName": "Load control mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 2, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "forced leading edge control", "1": "forced trailing edge control", "2": "Control mode selected automatically"}, "label": "Load control mode", "description": "The parameter defines the used control mode.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 31, "propertyName": "Load recognized during auto-calibration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "leading edge control", "1": "trailing edge control"}, "label": "Load recognized during auto-calibration", "description": "Load control mode recognized during auto-calibration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 32, "propertyName": "On/Off mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 2, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "on/off mode disabled (dimming is possible)", "1": "on/off mode enabled (dimming is not possible)", "2": "mode selected automatically"}, "label": "On/Off mode", "description": "Mode for connecting non-dimmable light sources", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 33, "propertyName": "Dimmability of the load (read only)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Load recognized as dimmable", "1": "Load recognized as non-dimmable"}, "label": "Dimmability of the load (read only)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 34, "propertyName": "Soft-Start functionality", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "no soft-start", "1": "short soft-start (0,1s)", "2": "long soft-start (0,5s)"}, "label": "Soft-Start functionality", "description": "Time required to warm up the filament of halogen bulb.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 35, "propertyName": "Auto-calibration after power on", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No auto-calibration of the load after power on", "1": "Auto-calibration performed after first power on", "2": "Auto-calibration performed after each power on", "3": "Auto-calibration after pwr up or load error", "4": "Auto-calibration after pwr on or load error"}, "label": "Auto-calibration after power on", "description": "Determines trigger of auto-calibration procedure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 37, "propertyName": "Behaviour of the Dimmer after overload or surge", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Device permanently disabled", "1": "three attempts to turn on the load"}, "label": "Behaviour of the Dimmer after overload or surge", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 38, "propertyName": "Brightness level correction for flickering loads", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 255, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Brightness level correction for flickering loads", "description": "Duration of brightn level correction for flickering", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 255}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 39, "propertyName": "Power limit - OVERLOAD", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 250, "default": 250, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Power limit - OVERLOAD", "description": "Defined value turns off load", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 250}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 40, "propertyName": "General Purpose Alarm", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 3, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Turn on the load", "2": "Turn off the load", "3": "Load blinking"}, "label": "General Purpose Alarm", "description": "The parameter specifies the response to an alarm.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 41, "propertyName": "Water Flooding Alarm", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 2, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Turn on the load", "2": "Turn off the load", "3": "Load blinking"}, "label": "Water Flooding Alarm", "description": "The parameter specifies the response to an alarm.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 2}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 43, "propertyName": "Temperature Alarm", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Turn on the load", "2": "Turn off the load", "3": "Load blinking"}, "label": "Temperature Alarm", "description": "The parameter specifies the response to an alarm.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 44, "propertyName": "Time of alarm state", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 1, "max": 32767, "default": 600, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Time of alarm state", "description": "Time alarm state cancelled", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 600}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 45, "propertyName": "OVERLOAD alarm report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Send an alarm frame"}, "label": "OVERLOAD alarm report", "description": "(load power consumption too high)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 46, "propertyName": "LOAD ERROR alarm report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Send an alarm frame"}, "label": "LOAD ERROR alarm report", "description": "(no load, load failure, burnt out bulb)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 47, "propertyName": "OVERCURRENT alarm report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Send an alarm frame"}, "label": "OVERCURRENT alarm report", "description": "(short circuit, burnt out bulb causing overcurrent)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 48, "propertyName": "SURGE alarm report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Send an alarm frame"}, "label": "SURGE alarm report", "description": "(Dimmer output overvoltage)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 49, "propertyName": "OVERHEAT and VOLTAGE DROP alarm report", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Send an alarm frame"}, "label": "OVERHEAT and VOLTAGE DROP alarm report", "description": "Critical temperature/VOLTAGE DROP alarm report", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 50, "propertyName": "Active power reports", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 100, "default": 10, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Active power reports", "description": "Pwr level change resulting in power report sent", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 10}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 52, "propertyName": "Periodic active power and energy reports", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 3600, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Periodic active power and energy reports", "description": "Time period between consecutive reports", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 3600}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 53, "propertyName": "Energy reports", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 10, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Energy reports", "description": "Energy level change resulting in energy report sent", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 54, "propertyName": "Self-measurement", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Self-measurement inactive", "1": "Self-measurement active"}, "label": "Self-measurement", "description": "Reports include power/energy used by device", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 58, "propertyName": "Method of calculating the active power", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "measurement based on the standard algorithm", "1": "approximation based on the calibration data", "2": "approximation based on the control angle"}, "label": "Method of calculating the active power", "description": "Calculation of active power", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 59, "propertyName": "Approximated power at the maximum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 500, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Approximated power at the maximum brightness level", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 15, "propertyName": "Burnt out bulb detection", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 99, "default": 30, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Burnt out bulb detection", "description": "Percentage value of power variation", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 30}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 22, "propertyName": "Change [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Device changes status on key status change", "1": "Status depends on key status"}, "label": "Change [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "description": "Allow changing [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 42, "propertyName": "Smoke, CO or CO2 Alarm", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 3, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No reaction", "1": "Turn on the load", "2": "Turn off the load", "3": "Load blinking"}, "label": "Smoke, CO or CO2 Alarm", "description": "The parameter specifies the response to an alarm.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 3}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Heat Alarm", "propertyKey": "Heat sensor status", "propertyName": "Heat Alarm", "propertyKeyName": "Heat sensor status", "ccVersion": 5, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Heat sensor status", "states": {"0": "idle", "2": "Overheat detected"}, "ccSpecific": {"notificationType": 4}}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 113, "commandClassName": "Notification", "property": "Power Management", "propertyKey": "Over-current status", "propertyName": "Power Management", "propertyKeyName": "Over-current status", "ccVersion": 5, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": 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"propertyName": "Output Switch selection", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "0V (NC).", "1": "230V or 240V (NO)."}, "label": "Output Switch selection", "description": "Set the type of the device connected to the output. (NO) / (NC)", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 100, "propertyName": "Endpoints I2 Notification Type and Event", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Endpoint, I2 disabled", "1": "Home Security", "2": "Carbon Monoxide", "3": "Carbon Dioxide", "4": "Water Alarm", "5": "Heat Alarm", "6": "Smoke Alarm", "9": "Sensor binary."}, "label": "Endpoints I2 Notification Type and Event", "description": "Enable / Disable Endpoints I2 or select Notification Type and Event", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 101, "propertyName": "Endpoints I3 Notification Type and Event", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Endpoint, I3 disabled", "1": "Home Security", "2": "Carbon Monoxide", "3": "Carbon Dioxide", "4": "Water Alarm", "5": "Heat Alarm", "6": "Smoke Alarm", "9": "Sensor binary."}, "label": "Endpoints I3 Notification Type and Event", "description": "Enable / Disable Endpoints I3 or select Notification Type and Event", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 110, "propertyName": "Temperature sensor offset settings", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "default": 32536, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Temperature sensor offset settings", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 32536}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 120, "propertyName": "Digital temperature sensor 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"Version", "property": "hardwareVersion", "propertyName": "hardwareVersion", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": {"type": "any", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Z-Wave chip hardware version"}}]}, {"nodeId": 35, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536, "status": 4, "ready": true, "deviceClass": {"basic": "Routing Slave", "generic": "Multilevel Switch", "specific": "Multilevel Power Switch", "mandatorySupportedCCs": ["Basic", "Multilevel Switch", "All Switch"], "mandatoryControlCCs": []}, "isListening": true, "isFrequentListening": false, "isRouting": true, "maxBaudRate": 40000, "isSecure": true, "version": 4, "isBeaming": true, "manufacturerId": 271, "productId": 4096, "productType": 258, "firmwareVersion": "3.5", "zwavePlusVersion": 1, "nodeType": 0, "roleType": 5, "deviceConfig": {"manufacturerId": 271, "manufacturer": "Fibargroup", "label": "FGD212", "description": "Dimmer 2", "devices": [{"productType": "0x0102", "productId": "0x1000"}, {"productType": "0x0102", "productId": "0x2000"}, {"productType": "0x0102", "productId": "0x3000"}, {"productType": "0x0102", "productId": "0x4000"}, {"productType": "0x0102", "productId": "0x6000"}], "firmwareVersion": {"min": "3.5", "max": "255.255"}, "paramInformation": {"_map": {}}}, "label": "FGD212", "neighbors": [6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 45, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59], "endpointCountIsDynamic": false, "endpointsHaveIdenticalCapabilities": false, "individualEndpointCount": 2, "aggregatedEndpointCount": 0, "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [{"nodeId": 35, "index": 0, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536}, {"nodeId": 35, "index": 1, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536}, {"nodeId": 35, "index": 2, "installerIcon": 1536, "userIcon": 1536}], "values": [{"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "On", "propertyName": "On", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Perform a level change (On)", "ccSpecific": {"switchType": 1}}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 38, "commandClassName": "Multilevel Switch", "property": "Off", "propertyName": "Off", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "label": "Perform a level change (Off)", "ccSpecific": {"switchType": 1}}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "value", "propertyKey": 65537, "propertyName": "value", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Electric Consumed [kWh]", "unit": "kWh", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 0}}, "value": 10.24}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "deltaTime", "propertyKey": 65537, "propertyName": "deltaTime", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Electric 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"propertyName": "reset", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "boolean", "readable": false, "writeable": true, "label": "Reset accumulated values"}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "previousValue", "propertyKey": 65537, "propertyName": "previousValue", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_kWh_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Electric Consumed [kWh] (prev. value)", "unit": "kWh", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 0}}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 50, "commandClassName": "Meter", "property": "previousValue", "propertyKey": 66049, "propertyName": "previousValue", "propertyKeyName": "Electric_W_Consumed", "ccVersion": 3, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "label": "Electric Consumed [W] (prev. value)", "unit": "W", "ccSpecific": {"meterType": 1, "rateType": 1, "scale": 2}}}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 1, "propertyName": "Minimum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 98, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Minimum brightness level", "description": "set automatically during the calibration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 2, "propertyName": "Maximum brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 99, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Maximum brightness level", "description": "parameter is set automatically during the calibration process", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 60}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 3, "propertyName": "Incandescence level of 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true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Dimming Step at Automatic Control", "description": "percentage of a dimming step at automatic control. 1-99", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 6, "propertyName": "Dimming Step Timing at Automatic Control", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Dimming Step Timing at Automatic Control", "description": "Defines the time of a dimming step at automatic control", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 7, "propertyName": "Dimming Step at Manual Control", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 1, "max": 99, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Dimming Step at Manual Control", "description": "The parameter defines the percentage of a dimming step at manual control. 1-99", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 8, "propertyName": "Dimming Step Timing at Manual Control", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Dimming Step Timing at Manual Control", "description": "Defines the time of a dimming step at manual control.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 9, "propertyName": "Saving state before power failure", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "All outputs are set to OFF upon power restore", "1": "Outputs set to previous state upon power restore"}, "label": "Saving state before power failure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 10, "propertyName": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 32767, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Timer functionality (auto - off)", "description": "Defines the setting of the timer", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 11, "propertyName": "ALL ON/ALL OFF function", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 65535, "default": 255, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "ALL ON not active, ALL OFF not active", "1": "ALL ON not active, ALL OFF active", "2": "ALL ON active, ALL OFF not active", "255": "ALL ON active, ALL OFF active"}, "label": "ALL ON/ALL OFF function", "description": "The parameter specifies the available functions.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 255}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 13, "propertyName": "Force auto-calibration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "readout", "1": "Force auto-calibration without Fibaro Bypass", "2": "Force auto-calibration with Fibaro Bypass"}, "label": "Force auto-calibration", "description": "Force calibration process", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 14, "propertyName": "Auto-calibration status (read-only parameter)", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": false, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "No calibration or manual settings", "1": "Dimmer operates on auto-calibration settings"}, "label": "Auto-calibration status (read-only parameter)", "description": "Operating mode of the Dimmer", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 15, "propertyName": "Burnt out bulb detection", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 99, "default": 30, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Burnt out bulb detection", "description": "Percentage value of power variation", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 30}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 16, "propertyName": "Time delay of a burnt out bulb", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 2, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 5, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Time delay of a burnt out bulb", "description": "Time of delay for power variation detection", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 5}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 19, "propertyName": "Forced switch on brightness level", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 99, "default": 0, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": true, "label": "Forced switch on brightness level", "description": "Dimmer 2 will always set this brightness level.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 20, "propertyName": "Inputs Button/Switch configuration", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Mono-stable input (button)", "1": "Bi-stable input (switch)", "2": "Roller blind switch (UP / DOWN)"}, "label": "Inputs Button/Switch configuration", "description": "Binary inputs type configuration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 21, "propertyName": "Value sent to associated devices on single click", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Set associated devices to last state", "1": "Dimmer 2 state synchronizes brightness level"}, "label": "Value sent to associated devices on single click", "description": "The value sent to associated devices on single click.", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 22, "propertyName": "Change [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Device changes status on key status change", "1": "Status depends on key status"}, "label": "Change [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "description": "Allow changing [On-Off] bi-stable keys", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 23, "propertyName": "Double click option", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 1, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Disable double click", "1": "Enable double click"}, "label": "Double click option", "description": "Double-click set lighting at 100%", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 1}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 24, "propertyName": "Command frames sent in 2nd and 3rd assoc group", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "all actions send to association groups", "1": "do not send when switching ON (single click)", "2": "do not send when switching OFF (single click)", "4": "Do not send when changing dimming level", "8": "do not send on double click", "16": "send 0xFF value on double click"}, "label": "Command frames sent in 2nd and 3rd assoc group", "description": "Actions not resulting in sending frames to assoc", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 25, "propertyName": "Command 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"3-way switch function for S2 disabled", "1": "3-way switch function for S2 enabled"}, "label": "The function of 3-way switch", "description": "Key no. 2 controls the Dimmer additionally", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 27, "propertyName": "Associations in Z-Wave network security mode", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 15, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "all groups (II-V) sent as non-secure", "1": "2nd group sent as secure", "2": "3rd group sent as secure", "4": "4th group sent as secure", "8": "5th group sent as secure", "15": "all groups (II-V) sent as secure"}, "label": "Associations in Z-Wave network security mode", "description": "Defines commands are sent as secure or non-secure", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 15}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 28, "propertyName": "Scene activation functionality", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "Scene functionality deactivated", "1": "Scene functionality activated"}, "label": "Scene activation functionality", "description": "SCENE ID depends on the switch type configuration", "isFromConfig": true}, "value": 0}, {"endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 112, "commandClassName": "Configuration", "property": 29, "propertyName": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": {"type": "number", "readable": true, "writeable": true, "valueSize": 1, "min": 0, "max": 255, "default": 0, "format": 1, "allowManualEntry": false, "states": {"0": "standard mode", "1": "S1 operates as S2, S2 operates as S1"}, "label": "Switch functionality of S1 and S2", "description": "Switch S1 and S2 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