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2. Searching TILLING database with known gene or scaffold

uauy edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 5 revisions
  1. Enter your gene name(s) into the ‘Search TILLING data’ box (Fig 1a).You may also search for mutant lines using the IWGSC scaffold or by blasting the sequence. Blasting the sequence may be useful for when your gene model is not complete or not present in the IWGSC reference (see below for more details).
  2. Select the population you wish to find mutations in. You may select Cadenza (hexaploid), Kronos (tetraploid) or both (Fig 1b). The default is to search both populations.
  3. Click ‘Search’ (Fig 1c). This will open up an HTML output (Fig 3).
  4. You may also search for all mutations present in a specific mutant line by entering the Kronos or Cadenza mutant line name. Please note that it may take between 3-8 minutes to retrieve each lines from the database and display the data in the HTML output.
  5. There is also an option to upload a “.csv” file containing a list of your terms of choice (Fig 1d).

Figure 1