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docs improvments (#3857)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Create

* move contributing info to

so GitHub will link it when opening a PR

* make "Contributor guidelines" an h1

* link directly to releases page

* link to changelogs in the readme

* move full message to readme

* Delete

* is outdated and partially duplicated by

* Update

* Update

* clean up project structure docs
  • Loading branch information
erikdesjardins committed Jan 6, 2017
1 parent d7044ee commit 8983c74
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 5 changed files with 186 additions and 219 deletions.
17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion

This file was deleted.

164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Contributor guidelines

Thinking about contributing to RES? Awesome! We just ask that you follow a few simple guidelines:

1. RES has grown quite large, so we do have to pick and choose what features we should add. Code bloat is always a concern, and RES is already rather hefty. If you're unsure if your feature would appeal to a wide audience, please post about it on [/r/Enhancement]( or [contact @honestbleeps]( directly to ask.

1. There are a few features we have made a conscious choice not to add to RES, so make sure whatever you'd like to contribute [isn't on that list](

1. To build the extension, see [Building development versions of the extension](#building-development-versions-of-the-extension).

1. If you're adding new modules or hosts, see [Adding new files](#adding-new-files).

1. Code style is enforced with ESLint and sass-lint. To check code style and autofix common errors, see [Lint and test commands](#lint-and-test-commands).

## Project structure

#### Top level files and folders

- `.github/`: Github templates
- `build/`: Files handling automated browser deployments
- `changelog/`: Release changelogs
- `chrome/`: Chrome-specific RES files
- `dist/`: build output
- `edge/`: Microsoft Edge-specific RES files
- `examples/`: example code for new hosts/modules
- `firefox/`: Firefox-specific RES files
- `images/`: Images for RES logo and CSS icons
- `lib/`: all RES code
- `lib/core/`: core RES code
- `lib/css/`: RES css
- `lib/environment/`: RES environment code
- `lib/images/`: RES images
- `lib/modules/`: RES modules
- `lib/templates/`: RES templates
- `lib/utils/`: RES utilities
- `lib/vendor/`: RES vendor libraries (old libs not on npm)
- `lib/**/__tests__`: unit tests
- `locales`: RES i18n translations
- `node/`: Node files
- `safari/`: Safari-specific RES files
- `tests/`: integration tests
- `utils/`: Misc RES utilities
- `package.json`: package info, dependencies
- `webpack.config.babel.js`: build script

##### Chrome (`chrome/`)

- `background.entry.js`: the "background page" for RES, necessary for Chrome extensions
- `environment.js`: specific environment settings for Chrome
- `manifest.json`: the project manifest
- `options.html`: options page for chrome extensions

##### Microsoft Edge (`edge/`)

- `edge.entry.js`: shim to allow chrome extension code usage
- `environment.js`: Edge-specific overrides of the Chrome environment
- `manifest.json`: the project manifest

##### Firefox (`firefox/`)

- `background.entry.js`: the "background page" for RES, necessary for Firefox extensions
- `environment.js`: specific environment settings for Firefox
- `package.json`: the project manifest for the Firefox add-on

##### Safari (`safari/`)

- `Info.plist`: the project manifest
- `background-safari.html`: the "background html page" for RES, necessary for Safari extensions
- `background.entry.js`: the "background page" for RES, necessary for Safari extensions
- `environment.js`: specific environment settings for Safari

## Building development versions of the extension

#### First time installation

1. Install [git](
1. Install [node.js]( (version >= 6).
1. Install [Python 2]( (*not* version 3). On Windows, please install the "Add python.exe to path" feature on the customize screen.
1. Navigate to your RES folder.
1. Run `npm install`.

Once done, you can build the extension by running `npm start` (see [Build commands](#build-commands)).

To load the extension into your browser, see [Loading RES into your browser](#loading-res-into-your-browser).

#### Build commands

**`npm start [-- <browsers>]`** will clean `dist/`, then build RES (dev mode), and start a watch task that will rebuild RES when you make changes. Only changed files will be rebuilt.

**`npm run once [-- <browsers>]`** will clean `dist/`, then build RES (dev mode) a single time.

**`npm run build [-- <browsers>]`** will clean `dist/`, then build RES (release mode). Each build output will be compressed to a .zip file in `dist/zip/`.

`<browsers>` is a comma-separated list of browsers to target, e.g. `chrome,firefox,safari,node`. `all` will build all targets. By default, `chrome` will be targeted.

#### Lint and test commands

**`npm run lint`** will verify the code style (and point out any errors) of all `.js` files in `lib/` (except `lib/vendor/`) using [ESLint](, as well as all `.scss` files with [sass-lint](

**`npm run lint-fix`** will autofix any [fixable]( lint issues.

**`npm run flow`** will run [Flow]( type checking, and start the Flow server so future runs will complete faster. Use `npm run flow -- stop` to stop the server, or `npm run flow -- check` to run Flow once without starting the server.

**`npm test`** will run unit tests (in `__tests__` directories) using [Ava](

**`npm run test-integration -- <browsers>`** will run integration tests (in `tests/`) using [Nightwatch.js](
Currently just `chrome` and `firefox` can be targeted.
To run integration tests locally, you must change `selenium_host`, `selenium_port`, `username`, and `access_key` in `nightwatch.conf.js` to correspond to your Selenium server.

#### Loading RES into your browser

##### Chrome

1. Go to `Menu->Tools->Extensions` and tick the `Developer Mode` checkbox
2. Choose `Load unpacked extension` and point it to the `/dist/chrome` folder (not the `/chrome` folder). Make sure you only have one RES version running at a time.
3. Any time you make changes to the script, you must go back to the `Menu->Tools->Extensions` page and `Reload` the extension.

##### Microsoft Edge

1. Go to `about:flags` and tick the `Enable extension developer features` checkbox.
2. Choose `Load extension` on the extensions menu and select the `/dist/edge` folder (not the `/edge` folder).
3. Any time you make changes to the extension, you must go back to the `Menu->Extensions` page, go to the extensions settings and `Reload` the extension.

##### Firefox

1. Install [jpm]( using `npm`: `npm install -g jpm`
2. Navigate to the `/dist/firefox` folder (not the `/firefox` folder) and run the command `jpm run`, which should launch a new Firefox browser using a temporary profile with only RES installed.

##### Safari

1. Open the `Preferences` by going to `Safari->Preferences` or pressing `⌘,`, then go to `Advanced` and check the checkbox for `Show Develop menu in menu bar`.
2. Navigate to `Develop->Show Extension Builder` to open the extensions builder. Add a new extension by pressing the `+` in the bottom left and choosing `Add Extension`.
3. Navigate to the `/dist/RES.safariextension` folder (not the `/safari` folder) for RES and select it.
4. If you are using Safari 9+, you should be able to install the extension without enrolling in the [Apple Developer Program](; however, the extension will be auto-uninstalled when you quit Safari.

If you use an older version of Safari or find the auto-uninstall annoying, you need to purchase a proper certificate by signing up for the [Apple Developer Program]( (currently $99/yr).

## Adding new files

#### Modules

See [`examples/module.js`]( for an example.

Create a new `.js` file in `lib/modules`.
It will automatically be loaded when the build script is restarted.

All modules must now have i18n implementations. Please see [here]( for details.

#### Media hosts

Please be sure that they support [CORS]( so the sites do not need to be added as additional permissions, which has caused [headaches in the past](

See [`examples/host.js`]( for an example.

Create a new `.js` file in `lib/modules/hosts`.
It will automatically be loaded when the build script is restarted.

#### Stylesheets

Create a new Sass partial under `lib/css/modules/` (with a leading underscore, e.g. `_myPartial.scss`).
Import the file in `lib/css/res.scss` (i.e. `@import 'modules/myPartial';`—do not include the underscore or file extension).

Body classes will be automatically added for boolean and enum options with the property `bodyClass: true`, in the form `.res-moduleId-optionKey` for boolean options (only when they're enabled), and `.res-moduleId-optionKey-optionValue` for enums.
This is the preferred way to create optional CSS; do not use `addCSS()` unless absolutely necessary (i.e. variable color, size, etc.).
56 changes: 18 additions & 38 deletions
@@ -1,58 +1,38 @@
# All browsers

1. Run `npm run build` for the desired browser


`gulp build -b chrome` > `/dist/chrome`

**Upload at:**
## Chrome


1. Upload `` to

`gulp build -b firefox` > `/dist/firefox`

Upload at:
## Firefox


1. Run `npm run jpm xpi` or `npm run jpm-beta xpi` for stable/beta
1. Upload `reddit-enhancement-suite.xpi` to

# Safari 8 - Self-distribute
## Safari

`gulp build -b safari` > `/dist/RES.safariextension`

#### Safari 8 - Self-distribute

1. Safari > Develop > Show extension builder
1. Build package
1. Upload .safariextz package to
1. Upload `.safariextz` package to
1. Update the update manifest.

# Safari 9+ - Gallery

Follow Safari 8 rules, then submit to gallery:


# Opera 20+

`gulp build -b oblink` > `/dist/oblink`

Opera20 does have a "Pack extension" button on the extensions page, next to "Load unpacked extension"

"Navigator" is Opera's internal name for Opera20+

# Opera 12.17
#### Safari 9+ - Gallery
1. Follow Safari 8 rules
1. Upload `.safariextz` to

`gulp build -b opera` > `/dist/opera`
## Opera


"Opera" is Opera's internal name for Opera12
1. Upload `` to

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