{ "pluginAlias": "HomeConnect", "pluginType": "platform", "dynamicSchemaVersion": 1, "singular": true, "headerDisplay": "*This is a temporary configuration schema for initial setup only. When the plugin runs it will replace this schema with one tailored to the available Home Connect appliances.*\n\n*Update [homebridge-config-ui-x](https://github.com/oznu/homebridge-config-ui-x) to version 4.8.1 or later if this message remains after the Home Connect Client has been configured.*\n\nFor help please refer to the [README](https://github.com/thoukydides/homebridge-homeconnect/blob/master/README.md) and [`config.json`](https://github.com/thoukydides/homebridge-homeconnect/wiki/config.json).", "footerDisplay": "© 2019-2020 [Alexander Thoukydides](https://www.thouky.co.uk/)", "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "clientid": { "type": "string", "minLength": 64, "maxLength": 64, "pattern": "^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$", "required": true }, "simulator": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "required": true }, "language": { "type": "object", "properties": { "api": { "type": "string", "default": "en-GB", "oneOf": [ { "title": "Bulgarian", "const": "bg-BG" }, { "title": "Chinese (Simplified): China - Chinese (Simplified)", "const": "zh-CN" }, { "title": "Chinese (Simplified): Hong Kong - Chinese (Simplified)", "const": "zh-HK" }, { "title": "Chinese (Simplified): Taiwan, Province of China - Chinese (Simplified)", "const": "zh-TW" }, { "title": "Croatian", "const": "hr-HR" }, { "title": "Czech", "const": "cs-CZ" }, { "title": "Danish", "const": "da-DK" }, { "title": "Dutch: Belgium - Dutch", "const": "nl-BE" }, { "title": "Dutch: Netherlands - Dutch", "const": "nl-NL" }, { "title": "English: Australia - English", "const": "en-AU" }, { "title": "English: Canada - English", "const": "en-CA" }, { "title": "English: India - English", "const": "en-IN" }, { "title": "English: New Zealand - English", "const": "en-NZ" }, { "title": "English: Singapore - English", "const": "en-SG" }, { "title": "English: South Africa - English", "const": "en-ZA" }, { "title": "English: United Kingdom - English", "const": "en-GB" }, { "title": "English: United States - English", "const": "en-US" }, { "title": "Finnish", "const": "fi-FI" }, { "title": "French: Belgium - French", "const": "fr-BE" }, { "title": "French: Canada - French", "const": "fr-CA" }, { "title": "French: France - French", "const": "fr-FR" }, { "title": "French: Luxembourg - French", "const": "fr-LU" }, { "title": "French: Switzerland - French", "const": "fr-CH" }, { "title": "German: Austria - German", "const": "de-AT" }, { "title": "German: Germany - German", "const": "de-DE" }, { "title": "German: Luxembourg - German", "const": "de-LU" }, { "title": "German: Switzerland - German", "const": "de-CH" }, { "title": "Greek", "const": "el-GR" }, { "title": "Hungarian", "const": "hu-HU" }, { "title": "Italian: Italy - Italian", "const": "it-IT" }, { "title": "Italian: Switzerland - Italian", "const": "it-CH" }, { "title": "Norwegian", "const": "nb-NO" }, { "title": "Polish", "const": "pl-PL" }, { "title": "Portuguese", "const": "pt-PT" }, { "title": "Romanian", "const": "ro-RO" }, { "title": "Russian", "const": "ru-RU" }, { "title": "Serbian", "const": "sr-SR" }, { "title": "Slovak", "const": "sk-SK" }, { "title": "Slovenian", "const": "sl-SI" }, { "title": "Spanish: Chile - Spanish", "const": "es-CL" }, { "title": "Spanish: Peru - Spanish", "const": "es-PE" }, { "title": "Spanish: Spain - Spanish", "const": "es-ES" }, { "title": "Swedish", "const": "sv-SE" }, { "title": "Turkish", "const": "tr-TR" }, { "title": "Ukrainian", "const": "uk-UA" } ], "required": true } } } } }, "form": [ { "type": "fieldset", "title": "Home Connect Client", "expandable": false, "items": [ { "key": "simulator", "title": "Client Type", "type": "select", "titleMap": { "false": "Physical Appliances (production server)", "true": "Simulated Appliances (test server)" } }, { "key": "clientid", "title": "Client ID", "description": "Create an application via the Home Connect Developer Program, with OAuth Flow set to Device Flow.", "placeholder": "e.g. 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF", "condition": { "functionBody": "return !model.simulator" } }, { "key": "clientid", "title": "Client ID", "description": "Enter the Client ID for the automatically generated API Web Client to use the Appliance Simulators.
Use this to test the functionality of this plugin without requiring access to physical appliances.", "placeholder": "e.g. 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF", "condition": { "functionBody": "return model.simulator" } }, { "key": "language.api", "title": "API Language", "description": "This changes the language used for program names and their options.", "condition": { "functionBody": "return !model.simulator && model.clientid" } }, { "type": "help", "helpvalue": "

This plugin requires authorisation to access Home Connect appliances.

The authorisation link will appear here (and in the Homebridge log file) after the Client ID has been configured and the plugin started.

", "condition": { "functionBody": "return !model.simulator && model.clientid" } } ] } ], "display": null }