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Copyright (c) 2014 George Farris - farrisga@gmail.com Licensed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
H19term aims to provide close to 100 percent software emulation of the Heathkit H19, also known as Zenith Z19, hardware video terminal.
Latest version V2.4
It currently has the following features:
- Software bell - User configurable sound
- Heath mode
- Ansi mode
- Supports 25th line.
- Support all graphics characters.
- Custom font files for the Linux console, includes Raspberry Pi
- Custom font for X11 based terminals such as gnome-terminal
- Serial Port logging.
- Selectable serial ports and baud rates
- Easily configurable in .h19termrc file
- Colour changing mode for Amber and Green or other colours.
- Xmodem transfer with H8/H89 companion app (RX.COM)
- Help files directly inside h19term.
- Ascii table
- User Manual
- CP/M quick help.
Runs on the Linux console or in most X11 terminal emulators such as gnome-terminal and xterm. I have found that the terminal in XFCE does not work as well.
Run make-tarballs.sh to create the installation tar files.