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YouTube killer for embedded videos only
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hoyois committed May 18, 2016
1 parent ef22c7f commit 6fe1164
Showing 1 changed file with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions YouTube-embed-only.js
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
if(window.safari) {
// YOUTUBE HACKS for ClickToPlugin
var script = "var s = document.createElement('script'); s.textContent = 'if(!/\\\\/watch\\\\?v=/.test(location.href)){";
// Disable SPF
script += "ytspf={};Object.defineProperty(ytspf,\"enabled\",{\"value\":false});";
// Disable HTML5
script += "HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType=function(){return\"\";};;{if(this.className===\"CTPmediaElement\")this.nativePlay();else{this.removeAttribute(\"src\");this.load();}};";
// Disable Flash version checking...
// ... on /watch pages
script += "ytplayer={};Object.defineProperty(ytplayer,\"config\",{\"get\":function(){return ytplayer.$;},\"set\":function($){$.min_version=\"0.0.0\";ytplayer.$=$;}});";
// ... on /embed pages
script += "yt={\"config_\":{}};Object.defineProperty(yt.config_,\"PLAYER_CONFIG\",{\"get\":function(){return yt.config_.$;},\"set\":function($){$.min_version=\"0.0.0\";yt.config_.$=$;}});";
// ... on /user pages
script += "document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\",function(){var v=document.getElementById(\"upsell-video\");if(v)v.dataset.swfConfig=v.dataset.swfConfig.replace(/(min_version[^\\\\d]*)\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+/,\"$10.0.0\");},true);";
script += "}'; document.documentElement.appendChild(s);";
safari.extension.addContentScript(script, ["*", "*"], [], false);

addKiller("YouTube", {

"decoder": {
"swf": "",
"timeStamp": "",
"key": []

"canKill": function(data) {
if(/^https?:\/\/s\.ytimg\.com\//.test(data.src)) return true;
if(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube(?:-nocookie|\.googleapis)?\.com\/[vpe]\//.test(data.src)) {data.embed = true; return true;}
return false;

"process": function(data, callback) {
var videoID, playlistID, startTime;
var onsite = /^https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?/.test(data.location);

if(data.embed) { // old-style YT embed
var match = /\.com\/([vpe])\/+([^&?]+)/.exec(data.src);
if(match) {
if(match[1] === "p") playlistID = "PL" + match[2];
else videoID = match[2];
} else return;
match = /[?&]start=([\d]+)/.exec(data.src);
if(match) startTime = parseInt(match[1]);
} else {
var flashvars = parseFlashVariables(data.params.flashvars);
videoID = flashvars.video_id;
if(!videoID) return;

// Check if decoder must be updated
var match = /-vfl(.{6})/.exec(data.src);
if(match && match[1] !== this.decoder.swf) {
this.decoder.swf = match[1];
this.updateDecoder(videoID, data, callback);

if(/^PL|^FL|^SP|^AL/.test(flashvars.list)) playlistID = flashvars.list;
if(onsite) {
var match = /[#&?]t=(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s?)?/.exec(data.location);
if(match) {
var hours = parseInt(match[1]) || 0;
var minutes = parseInt(match[2]) || 0;
var seconds = parseInt(match[3]) || 0;
startTime = 3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds;
} else startTime = parseInt(flashvars.start);

var mainCallback = function(mediaData) {
mediaData.startTime = startTime;
if(onsite) {
mediaData.initScript = "try{var _this=this;var seekTo=function(time){var seek=function(){_this.removeEventListener(\"loadeddata\",seek,false);;_this.currentTime=time;};if(_this.readyState>=_this.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA)seek();else{_this.preload=\"auto\";_this.addEventListener(\"loadeddata\",seek,false);}_this.parentNode.focus();};||{};yt.www=yt.www||{};||{};||{};;Object.defineProperty(,\"seekTo\",{\"get\":function(){return seekTo;},\"set\":function(x){;},\"enumerable\":false,\"configurable\":false});}catch(e){}";
mediaData.restoreScript = "try{var player={\"seekTo\"};for(var e in{if(e!==\"flashSeekTo\")player[e][e];};}catch(e){}";

if(playlistID) this.processPlaylist(playlistID, videoID, onsite ? flashvars : null, mainCallback, callback);
else if(videoID) {
if(onsite) this.processFlashVars(flashvars, mainCallback);
else this.processVideoID(videoID, mainCallback);

"processVideoID": function(videoID, callback) {
var _this = this;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "" + videoID + "&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eyoutube%2Ecom%2F&sts=" + this.decoder.timeStamp, true);
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
var callbackForEmbed = function(mediaData) {
mediaData.playlist[0].siteInfo = {"name": "YouTube", "url": "" + videoID};
var flashvars = parseFlashVariables(xhr.responseText);
if(flashvars.status === "ok") {
_this.processFlashVars(flashvars, callbackForEmbed);
} else { // e.g. non-embedable videos
var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "" + videoID, true);
xhr2.addEventListener("load", function() {
var match = /\"args\":(\{[^}]*\})/.exec(xhr2.responseText);
try {
var flashvars = JSON.parse(match[1]);
_this.processFlashVars(flashvars, callbackForEmbed, true);
} catch(e) { // e.g. region-blocked video
callback({"playlist": [null]});
}, false);
}, false);

"processFlashVars": function(flashvars, callback, clean) {
if( === "live" && !flashvars.hlsvp) return;

var sources = [];
var title = flashvars.title.replace(/%22/g, "%5C%22");

var decode = clean ? function(s) {return s;} : decodeURIComponent;

// Get video URLs
if(flashvars.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map) { // Get 240p, 360p, and 720p
var fmtList = decode(flashvars.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map).split(",");
var fmt, source;
for(var i = 0; i < fmtList.length; i++) {
fmt = parseFlashVariables(fmtList[i]);
if(!fmt.url) continue;

if(fmt.itag === "22") {
source = {"format": "720p MP4", "height": 720, "isNative": true};
} else if(fmt.itag === "18") {
source = {"format": "360p MP4", "height": 360, "isNative": true};
} else if(canPlayFLV && fmt.itag === "5") {
source = {"format": "240p FLV", "height": 240, "isNative": false};
} else continue;

source.url = decodeURIComponent(fmt.url);
if(fmt.sig) source.url += "&signature=" + fmt.sig;
else if(fmt.s) source.url += "&signature=" + this.decodeSignature(fmt.s);
// title parameter cannot be more than 228 unescaped characters
if(unescape(title + source.height).length < 225) source.url += "&title=" + title + "%20%5B" + source.height + "p%5D";
} else if(flashvars.hlsvp) {
sources.push({"url": decode(flashvars.hlsvp), "format": "HLS", "isNative": true});

var poster, title;
if(flashvars.iurlmaxres) poster = decode(flashvars.iurlmaxres);
else if(flashvars.iurlsd) poster = decode(flashvars.iurlsd);
else poster = "" + flashvars.video_id + "/hqdefault.jpg";
if(flashvars.title) title = decode(flashvars.title.replace(/\+/g, " "));

sources.sort(function(s, t) {
return s.height < t.height ? 1 : -1;

"playlist": [{
"title": title,
"poster": poster,
"sources": sources

"decodeSignature": function(s) {
s = s.split("");
var swap = function(n) {
var t = s[0];
s[0] = s[n%s.length];
s[n] = t;
for(var i = 0; i < this.decoder.key.length; i++) {
var n = this.decoder.key[i];
if(n === 0) s = s.reverse();
else if(n < 0) s = s.slice(-n);
else swap(n);
return s.join("");

"updateDecoder": function(videoID, data, callback) {
var _this = this;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "" + videoID, true);
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
var match = /\"sts\":(\d*)/.exec(xhr.responseText);
var timeStamp = match[1];
match = /\"js\":\"([^"]*)\"/.exec(xhr.responseText);
var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "https:" + match[1].replace(/\\/g, ""), true);
xhr2.addEventListener("load", function() {
// Crude JS parsing
var match = /function[ $_A-Za-z0-9]*\(a\)\{a=a(?:\.split|\[[$_A-Za-z0-9]+\])\(\"\"\);\s*([^"]*)/.exec(xhr2.responseText);
var index = xhr2.responseText.indexOf(";var " + /^[$_A-Za-z0-9]+/.exec(match[1])[0] + "=\{");
var x = xhr2.responseText.substring(index);
var a, tmp, n, r, s, regex = /([$_A-Za-z0-9]+):|reverse|splice/g;
while((a = regex.exec(x)) && (!r || !s)) {
if(a[0] === "reverse") r = tmp;
else if(a[0] === "splice") s = tmp;
else tmp = a[1];
var key = [];
regex = /[$_A-Za-z0-9]+\.([$_A-Za-z0-9]+)\(a,(\d*)\)/g;
while(a = regex.exec(match[1])) {
n = a[2];
if(a[1] === r) key.push(0);
else if(a[1] === s) key.push(-parseInt(n));
else key.push(parseInt(n));

_this.decoder.timeStamp = timeStamp;
_this.decoder.key = key;
_this.process(data, callback);
}, false);
}, false);

"processPlaylist": function(playlistID, videoID, flashvars, mainCallback, callback) {
var videoIDList = [];
var _this = this;

var loadPlaylist = function(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url ? url : "" + playlistID, true);
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
if(xhr.status === 200) {
var regex = /\bdata-video-id=\\?"([^\\"]*)\\?"/g;
var match;
while(match = regex.exec(xhr.responseText)) {
match = /\bdata-uix-load-more-href=\\?"([^"]*)\\?"/.exec(xhr.responseText);
if(match === null) processList();
else loadPlaylist("" + unescapeUnicode(match[1]).replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/&amp;/g, "&"));
} else if(flashvars) _this.processFlashVars(flashvars, mainCallback);
else if(videoID) _this.processVideoID(videoID, mainCallback);
}, false);

var processList = function() {
var track = 0;
var length = videoIDList.length;
if(videoID) { // shift list so that videoID is first
while(videoIDList[0] !== videoID && track < length) {
if(track === length) {
track = 0;

var callbackForPlaylist = function(mediaData) {
mediaData.playlistLength = length;
mediaData.startTrack = track;

// load the first video at once
if(flashvars) _this.processFlashVars(flashvars, callbackForPlaylist);
else _this.processVideoID(videoIDList[0], callbackForPlaylist);

var unloadList = function() {
if(videoIDList.length === 0) return;
var i = 0;
var imax = videoIDList.length;
if(imax > 3) imax = 3; // load by groups of 3
var mediaData = {"loadAfter": true, "playlist": []};
var next = function(data) {
if(i === imax) {
} else _this.processVideoID(videoIDList.shift(), next);
_this.processVideoID(videoIDList.shift(), next);



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