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Releases: hroptatyr/glod

glod v0.1.6

30 Jun 05:08
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Summary: v0.1.6 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.6

This is glod v0.1.6.

This is a feature release.

  • new tool qgscore(1) to measure string similarity
  • new tool uncol(1) to decolumnise input
  • unpgbrk(1) now reads input always from stdin

glod v0.1.5

11 Nov 11:59
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Summary: v0.1.5 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.5

This is glod v0.1.5.

This is a feature release.

  • new tool glanz(1) to (re)encode unicode and/or convert to ASCII
  • escaped quotes in glep patterns now work
  • remove tokyocabinet based tools
  • remove glod-charstat and glod-classify
  • case-sensitivity indicators on small patterns now work

glod v0.1.4

12 Nov 15:38
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Summary: v0.1.4 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.4

This is glod v0.1.4.

This is a feature release.

  • ldmatrix(1) overreads terms that are whitespace only
  • new tool gloom(1)
  • new tool fastterms(1) based on SIMD operations
  • new tool enum(1) to enumerate a list of entities
  • marry glod-alert and glep (and glep2) into glep(1)
  • provide -c|--count in glep(1)

glod v0.1.3

19 May 10:15
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Summary: v0.1.3 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.3

This is glod v0.1.3.

This is a feature release.

  • glep(1) can read patterns from fifo file
  • terms(1) can produce n-grams
  • terms(1) performance is tweaked
  • provide man pages for the main tools

glod v0.1.2

19 May 08:42
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This is glod v0.1.2, a bugfix release.

  • glep and glod-alert are married
  • new tools ldmatrix and levenshtein
  • new tool unwrap to discard line endings
  • new tool unpgbrk to issue shell commands on page-broken texts
  • wu-manber matching with case-insensitive data is fixed

glod v0.1.1

03 Sep 12:09
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Summary: v0.1.1 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.1

This is glod v0.1.1.

This is a feature release.

  • terms Support utf8 terms and fix character set that define a term
  • tf Provide umbrella interface and calculate tfidf

glod v0.1.0

09 Aug 12:05
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Summary: v0.1.0 of glod
Keywords: v0.1.0

This is glod v0.1.0.

This is a feature release.

Everything in glod so far is experimental, as glod is still in its
trying to find its niche. Two tools look promising so far:

  • terms Extract terms from a text file and display them one per line
  • tf Count terms, i.e. obtain their frequency given a document