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Harry Scells edited this page May 4, 2015 · 1 revision

filterai exposes two crucial lisp functions that you can use to create your own works of art! It takes a long time to run the feature extraction process on the images, and as such it is advised that once these files are generated, they are renamed so you can use them again in another photo.

If you are using a new painting for the first time, run:

(filter-image painting photo output-name)

Note: filterai only uses .png files for input and output. This is to keep the program simple, and because png files are very good at storing pixel data and can be resized efficiently. Using any other types of files will not work, your images will need to be converted for use here.

If you already have the three png files with the features, you can run:

(filter-image-inputs blobs edges noise photo output-name)
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