5.1.0 (2021-08-03)
This version sets upper bound of OpenLayers peer dependency to ~6.5 which mitigates failing compilation of hslayers-ng using OL 6.6 that could be incorrectly automatically installed with hslayers-ng 5.0 version.
Bug Fixes
- Move Cesium terrainExaggeration peropery to globe (7b00cd3)
- hslayers-app: Use update() on HsConfig object (4dc87af)
- Load trip planner routes sequentially (25c7f35)
- Pass all view options when cloning the view (5529d15), closes #2034
- Read SLD style file for shp (0164a78)
- Trip planner feature serialization bug (2e42cc5), closes #2036
- Wait for drawables before accessing them (ccc705c)
- compositions-parser: Check if layers exist before looping through them (58aed58)
- deps: Stick ol to version 6.5 for a while (06e23fa)
- draw: Get drawables only after map is loaded (c1f3d00), closes #2030
- layout: Hide basemapgallery and deafult view button on guiOverlay false (f12b0cf)
- layout: Hide sidebar if HsConfig.pureMap is set to true (9411940)
- layout: Hide toolbar and geolocation button on guiOverlay false (f744297)
- LM: Change 'unknown source' error to warning (a50eec3)
- layer-editor: Ask confirmation when deleting layer (3a787a3), closes #2040
- Accept only SLD format as Shp style (d97ab98)
- Inform user about invalid or missing layman endpoint url (1f043b9)
- Make truncated WMS service layer title/abstract expandable (b292624)
- Switch title and name also in nested WMS layers table (6113f47)