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influxhtm is a data interface for InfluxDB that makes it easier to use with Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) systems like NuPIC, HTM.Java, and Comportex.

The World as a Temporal Data Stream

Our world is a constant stream of real-time data made up of many billions of small data feeds. Tools are emerging to help us tap into those streams and make use of this data in real-time. InfluxDB is one of these tools, allowing users to store data streams quickly and efficiently into a system that is easily queryable and performant.

HTM systems can provide real-time analysis when attached to live temporal data streams, but HTM runtimes can be tedious to configure. We need a common interface for streaming data storage, retrieval, and aggregation for HTM systems, allowing them to contribute their analysis results back into the stream itself. influxhtm provides a concrete example implementation of that interface.

Objectives of influxhtm

I want to enable easier experimentation with HTM on live data streams. Almost all data stored in a time-series database like InfluxDB is well-suited for HTM analysis. influxhtm could potentially be used to add HTM anomaly detection and prediction capabilities to any InfluxDB system.

  1. Expose individual data streams as sensor objects that can have HTM models attached to them
  2. Easy way to create HTM models for sensors, process their data, and store the results
  3. The underlying HTM system is not linked to this interface
  4. HTM results are accessed as a part of the sensor interface
  5. Enable both live HTM processing and batch processing of time slices of sensor data
  6. Allow HTM users a platform for experimentation with different model params over and over against the same data sensors
  7. Provide an API for the merge of raw sensor data (aggregated or not) with HTM results for easy plotting


The Client

The client object is the gateway to the rest of the influxhtm API.

client = InfluxHtmClient(

If the credentials above are not passed into the constructor, influxhtm will look for the credentials in the following environment variables:



A Sensor in influxhtm is a series of data with a unique measurement and component. The measurement represents the value being measured, like power, temperature, motion, contact, etc. The component is an identifier for a sensor that is emitting a measurement in the form of data fields. A component might be called coffee-machine or hallway-motion. It represents a physical object (usually) collecting and emitting data. To create a Sensor, you must have both.

To create a Sensor and store data:

sensor = client.createSensor(
  measurement="power", component="coffee-machine"
  "value": 23.33

Currently, sensors only support one field called value to be written.

To list current sensors:

for sensor in client.listSensors():
  print sensor

The Sensor object has an interface that allows data retreival, storage, and the creation of an HTM model representation in InfluxDB.


This program does not actually run HTM models. That part is up to the user. This program exposes an interface for easy data retrieval and the storage of HTM results in a way that links them to the input data, allowing the easy experimentation with many model definitions (different parameters and different data aggregations).

htmModelStore = sensor.createHtmModel("unique-id")

for point in sensor.getData(limit=1000):
  # Process each data point through an HTM here.
  results =

Getting data and predictions

The Sensor interface has a method for retrieving all input data and HTM results in the same data structure for easy plotting.

data = sensor.getCombinedSensorData(since=oneWeekAgo, aggregation="10m")

If there an HTM model exists within influxhtm for the given sensor, the data object will contain columns and values for anomalies and predictions.

A NuPIC Example

See an example script using NuPIC here.


A data interface for InfluxDB that makes it easier to use with HTM systems.







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