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[Server][Experimental] Deprecate with-channel, add as-channel
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This is an attempt to address #318, and an alternative to #391.
In contrast to #391, this approach:

  - Avoids a breaking change by keeping the old (racey) behaviour
    by default.

  - Offers a new API (`as-channel`) with explicit pre/post WebSocket
    handshake handlers.

Another alternative would be to (re)introduce a queue as discussed at
#318 (comment),
but would be a fair bit of complexity.
  • Loading branch information
ptaoussanis committed Jan 4, 2020
1 parent 9a0d209 commit 4295b86
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Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 76 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ lein test :benchmark

### Enabling http-kit client SNI support

> Requires JVM >= 8, http-kit >= 2.4.0-alpha5.
> Common cause of: ` Received fatal alert: handshake_failure`
To retain backwards-compatibility with JVMs < 8, the http-kit client currently **does not have SNI support enabled by default**.
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179 changes: 103 additions & 76 deletions src/org/httpkit/server.clj
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{:local-port (.getPort s)
:server s})))

;;;; Asynchronous extension
;;;; WebSockets

(defn sec-websocket-accept [sec-websocket-key]
(let [md (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA1")
websocket-13-guid "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"]
(.digest md (.getBytes (str sec-websocket-key websocket-13-guid))))))

(def accept "DEPRECATED: prefer `sec-websocket-accept`" sec-websocket-accept)

(defn websocket-handshake-check
"Returns `sec-ws-accept` string iff given Ring request is a valid
WebSocket handshake."
(when-let [sec-ws-key (get-in ring-req [:headers "sec-websocket-key"])]
(sec-websocket-accept sec-ws-key)
(catch Exception _ nil))))

(defn send-checked-websocket-handshake!
"Given an AsyncChannel and `sec-ws-accept` string, unconditionally
sends handshake to upgrade given AsyncChannel to a WebSocket.
See also `websocket-handshake-check`."
[^AsyncChannel ch ^String sec-ws-accept]
(.sendHandshake ch
{"Upgrade" "websocket"
"Connection" "Upgrade"
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept" sec-ws-accept}))

(defn send-websocket-handshake!
"Returns true iff successfully upgraded a valid WebSocket request."
[^AsyncChannel ch ring-req]
(when-let [sec-ws-accept (websocket-handshake-check ring-req)]
(send-checked-websocket-handshake! ch sec-ws-accept)))

;;;; Channel API

(defprotocol Channel
"Unified asynchronous channel interface for HTTP (streaming or long-polling)
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(on-ping [ch callback] (.setPingHandler ch callback))
(on-close [ch callback] (.setCloseHandler ch callback)))

;;;; WebSockets

(defn sec-websocket-accept [sec-websocket-key]
(let [md (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA1")
websocket-13-guid "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"]
(.digest md (.getBytes (str sec-websocket-key websocket-13-guid))))))

(def accept "DEPRECATED for `sec-websocket-accept" sec-websocket-accept)

(defn websocket-handshake-check
"Returns `sec-ws-accept` string iff given Ring request is a valid
WebSocket handshake."
(when-let [sec-ws-key (get-in ring-req [:headers "sec-websocket-key"])]
(sec-websocket-accept sec-ws-key)
(catch Exception _ nil))))

(defn send-checked-websocket-handshake!
"Given an AsyncChannel and `sec-ws-accept` string, unconditionally
sends handshake to upgrade given AsyncChannel to a WebSocket.
See also `websocket-handshake-check`."
[^AsyncChannel ch ^String sec-ws-accept]
(.sendHandshake ch
{"Upgrade" "websocket"
"Connection" "Upgrade"
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept" sec-ws-accept}))

(defn send-websocket-handshake!
"Returns true iff successfully upgraded a valid WebSocket request."
[^AsyncChannel ch ring-req]
(when-let [sec-ws-accept (websocket-handshake-check ring-req)]
(send-checked-websocket-handshake! ch sec-ws-accept)))


(defmacro with-channel
"Evaluates body with `ch-name` bound to the request's underlying
asynchronous HTTP or WebSocket channel, and returns {:body AsyncChannel}
as an implementation detail.
;; Asynchronous HTTP response (with optional streaming)
(defn my-async-handler [request]
(with-channel request ch ; Request's channel
;; Make ch available to whoever can deliver the response to it; ex.:
(swap! clients conj ch))) ; given (def clients (atom #{}))
;; Some place later:
(doseq [ch @clients]
(swap! clients disj ch)
(send! ch {:status 200
:headers {\"Content-Type\" \"text/html\"}
:body your-async-response}
;; false ; Uncomment to use chunk encoding for HTTP streaming
;; WebSocket response
(defn my-chatroom-handler [request]
(if-not (:websocket? request)
{:status 200 :body \"Welcome to the chatroom! JS client connecting...\"}
(with-channel request ch
(println \"New WebSocket channel:\" ch)
(on-receive ch (fn [msg] (println \"on-receive:\" msg)))
(on-close ch (fn [status] (println \"on-close:\" status))))))
Channel API (see relevant docstrings for more info):
(open? [ch])
(websocket? [ch])
(close [ch])
(send! [ch data] [ch data close-after-send?])
(on-receieve [ch callback])
(on-close [ch callback])
See org.httpkit.timer ns for optional timeout facilities."
"DEPRECATED: this macro has potential race conditions, Ref. #318.
Prefer `as-channel` instead."
[ring-req ch-name & body]
`(let [ring-req# ~ring-req
~ch-name (:async-channel ring-req#)]
Expand All @@ -244,3 +206,68 @@
{:body ~ch-name})
{:status 400 :body "Bad Sec-WebSocket-Key header"})
(do ~@body {:body ~ch-name}))))

(defn as-channel
"Returns `{:body ch}`, where `ch` is the request's underlying
asynchronous HTTP or WebSocket `AsyncChannel`.
Main options:
:on-receive - (fn [ch message]) called for client WebSocket messages.
:on-ping - (fn [ch data]) called for client WebSocket pings.
:on-close - (fn [ch status]) called when AsyncChannel is closed.
:on-open - (fn [ch]) called when AsyncChannel is ready for `send!`, etc.
See `Channel` protocol for more info on handlers and `AsyncChannel`s.
See `org.httpkit.timer` ns for optional timeout utils.
Example - Async HTTP response:
(def clients_ (atom #{}))
(defn my-async-handler [ring-req]
(as-channel ring-req
{:on-open (fn [ch] (swap! clients_ conj ch))}))
;; Somewhere else in your code
(doseq [ch @clients_]
(swap! clients_ disj ch)
(send! ch {:status 200 :headers {\"Content-Type\" \"text/html\"}
:body \"Your async response\"}
;; false ; Uncomment to use chunk encoding for HTTP streaming
Example - WebSocket response:
(defn my-chatroom-handler [ring-req]
(if-not (:websocket? ring-req)
{:status 200 :body \"Welcome to the chatroom! JS client connecting...\"}
(as-channel ring-req
{:on-receive (fn [ch message] (println \"on-receive:\" message))
:on-close (fn [ch status] (println \"on-close:\" status))
:on-open (fn [ch] (println \"on-open:\" ch))})))"

[ring-req {:keys [on-receive on-ping on-close on-open on-handshake-error]
:or {on-handshake-error
(fn [ch]
(send! ch
{:status 400
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Bad Sec-Websocket-Key header"}

(when-let [ch (:async-channel ring-req)]

(when-let [f on-close] (org.httpkit.server/on-close ch (partial f ch)))

(if (:websocket? ring-req)
(if-let [sec-ws-accept (websocket-handshake-check ring-req)]
(when-let [f on-receive] (org.httpkit.server/on-receive ch (partial f ch)))
(when-let [f on-ping] (org.httpkit.server/on-ping ch (partial f ch)))
(send-checked-websocket-handshake! ch sec-ws-accept)
(when-let [f on-open] (f ch)))
(when-let [f on-handshake-error] (f ch)))
(when-let [f on-open] (f ch)))

{:body ch}))

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