diff --git a/draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis.md b/draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis.md index 43ab10c3f..4a5c88785 100644 --- a/draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis.md +++ b/draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis.md @@ -592,8 +592,18 @@ This is only a small sample of the kinds of issues that applications using HTTP Generally, the best approach is to consider the application *as* a Web application, and to follow best practices for their secure development. -A complete enumeration of such practices is out of scope for this document. External resources are -numerous; e.g., . +A complete enumeration of such practices is out of scope for this document, but some considerations +include: + +* Using Strict Transport Security {{?RFC6797}} to assure that HTTPS is used +* Using Content-Security-Policy {{?W3C.WD-CSP3-20160913}} to constrain the capabilities of content, thereby mitigating Cross-Site Scripting attacks (which are possible if client-provided data is exposed in any part of a response in the application) +* Using X-Frame-Options {{?RFC7034}} to prevent content from being included in a HTML frame from another origin, thereby enabling "clickjacking" +* Using Referrer-Policy {{?W3C.CR-referrer-policy-20170126}} to prevent sensitive data in URLs from being leaked in the Referer request header +* Using the 'HttpOnly' flag on Cookies to assure that cookies are not exposed to browser scripting languages {{?RFC6265}} + +Depending on how they are intended to be deployed, specifications for applications using HTTP might +require the use of these mechanisms in specific ways, or might merely point them out in Security +Considerations. If an application using HTTP has browser compatibility as a goal, client interaction ought to be defined in terms of {{FETCH}}, since that is the abstraction that browsers use for HTTP; it