Gibberish-detector is built upon a Clojure port of @rrenaud's python gibberish detector. For a full description of how the HMM classifier works, please refer to his README.
A key difference between this implementation and @rrenaud's is that in this implementation, false will be printed if a sentence is not gibberish and true will be printed if it is. Besides, this detector include some heristic rules in determining when to use HMM classifer and when to use direct dictionary check.
[juji/gibberish-detector "0.3.0"]
git clone
Note: You will have to do lein run
in order for the program to generate the data file it needs to determine if input is gibberish.
After that simply call is the is-gibberish?
function in detect.clj
Require [gibberish-detector.detect]
(is-gibberish? "dafsfaenadf")
=> true
(is-gibberish? "hello")
=> false
(is-gibberish? "dafdsfa hello")
=> true
(is-gibberish? "Hey what's up")
=> false
(is-gibberish? "i adfsaf afeia dasf safsa nnn12")
=> true
(is-gibberish? "aksdjflak" {:gt 4 :unk-thresh 0.6 :custom-only true})
=> false
(is-gibberish? "aksdjflak asdfas jalsdkjlkaj jasdlkfjlk kljlkjlkj" {:gt 4 :unk-thresh 0.6 :custom-only true})
=> true
The big.txt
file is used in trainer.clj
to initialize the markov chain.
(with-open [rdr ( "big.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(doseq [[a b] (ngram 2 line)]
(swap! counts #(update-in % [(pos a) (pos b)] inc)))))
If you wish to replace big.txt with another large text file, replace "big.txt"
with the name of the new file.
The new file should be located in the root project directory.
The good.txt
file is used in trainer.clj
to obtain a vector of average-transition-probabilities of words we know to be not gibberish.
(with-open [rdr ( "good.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(swap! good-probs #(conj % (avg-transition-prob line @counts)))))
If you wish to replace goood.txt
with another file whose lines are NOT gibberish then simply change "good.txt"
to the name of a new file located in the root project directory.
The bad.txt
file is used in trainer.clj
to obtain a vector of average-transition-probabilities of words we know to be gibberish.
Every line in bad.txt
consists of random characters (aka gibberish).
(with-open [rdr ( "bad.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(swap! bad-probs #(conj % (avg-transition-prob line @counts)))))
If you wish to replace bad.txt
with another file whose lines are NOT gibberish then simply change "bad.txt"
to the name of the new file located in the root project directory.
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.