GuessWrongLabel User Interface (UI) was developed to support the paper:
- How Useful Are the Machine-Generated Interpretations to General Users?A Human Evaluation on Guessing the Wrongly Predicted Labels. Hua Shen, Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang. The 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), 2020.
User Interface of two experimental conditions, including [Interpretation] and [No-interpretation], are both provided in this repo with six examples.
- UI for [No-Interpretation] condition is in "/No_Interpretation_Interface/" with original images in "/condition1/";
- UI for [Interpretation] condition is in "/Interpretation_Interface/" with images and saliency maps in "/condition2/".
The machine-generated interpretation codes using Pytorch is in "/machine_generated_interpretation/".
The full paper can be found here.