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The `huaweicloud-ecs` Packer builder plugin is able to create new images with HuaweiCloud. The builder takes a source image, runs any provisioning necessary on the image after launching it, then converts it into a reusable image. This reusable image can then be used as the foundation of new servers that are launched within HuaweiCloud.
HuaweiCloud Image Builder

HuaweiCloud Image Builder

Type: huaweicloud-ecs Artifact BuilderId: huawei.huaweicloud

The huaweicloud-ecs Packer builder plugin is able to create new images with HuaweiCloud. The builder takes a source image, runs any provisioning necessary on the image after launching it, then converts it into a reusable image. This reusable image can then be used as the foundation of new servers that are launched within HuaweiCloud.

The builder does not manage images. Once it creates an image, it is up to you to use it or delete it.

Configuration Reference

There are many configuration options available for the builder. They are segmented below into two categories: required and optional parameters.

In addition to the options listed here, a communicator can be configured for this builder.


@include 'builder/ecs/AccessConfig-required.mdx'

@include 'builder/ecs/ImageConfig-required.mdx'

@include 'builder/ecs/RunConfig-required.mdx'


@include 'builder/ecs/ImageConfig-not-required.mdx'

@include 'builder/ecs/RunConfig-not-required.mdx'

@include 'builder/ecs/AccessConfig-not-required.mdx'

Communicator Configuration

In addition to the above options, a communicator can be configured for this builder.


@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/Config-not-required.mdx'

@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/SSH-not-required.mdx'

@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/SSHTemporaryKeyPair-not-required.mdx'

@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/SSH-Key-Pair-Name-not-required.mdx'

@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/SSH-Private-Key-File-not-required.mdx'

@include 'packer-plugin-sdk/communicator/SSH-Agent-Auth-not-required.mdx'

Basic Example

Here is a basic example for HuaweiCloud.

    "builders": [
            "type": "huaweicloud-ecs",
            "access_key": "{{ my-access-key }}",
            "secret_key": "{{ my-secret-key }}",
            "region": "cn-north-1",
            "image_name": "{{ image_name }}",
            "source_image": "{{ source_image }}",
            "flavor": "s6.large.2",
            "security_groups": [
              "{{ security_group }}"
            "eip_type": "5_bgp",
            "eip_bandwidth_size": 2,
            "ssh_username": "root",
            "ssh_ip_version": "4",

    "provisioners": [
            "type": "shell",
            "inline": [
                "echo \"start install nginx, sleep 20s first\"",
                "sleep 20",
                "echo \"run install\"",
                "yum -y install nginx",
                "echo \"enable nginx\"",
                "systemctl enable nginx.service",
                "echo \"install nginx done\""
variable "access_key" {
  type = string
variable "secret_key" {
  type = string
variable "source_image_id" {
  type = string

source "huaweicloud-ecs" "basic-example" {
  region             = "cn-north-1"
  access_key         = var.access_key
  secret_key         = var.secret_key
  flavor             = "s6.large.2"
  image_name         = "packer-image"
  source_image       = var.source_image_id
  security_groups    = ["default"]
  eip_bandwidth_size = 5
  eip_type           = "5_bgp"
  ssh_ip_version     = "4"
  ssh_username       = "root"

build {
  sources = ["source.huaweicloud-ecs.basic-example"]

  provisioner "shell" {
    inline = [
      "echo \"start install nginx, sleep 20s first\"",
      "sleep 20",
      "echo \"run install\"",
      "apt install -y nginx",
      "echo \"enable nginx\"",
      "systemctl enable nginx.service",
      "echo \"install nginx done\""