And then? And then? And then? And then? And then? And then! And then? And then? And then! And then? And then? And then? And then! And then? And then? And then? And then . "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then." "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" "And then?" And then Bio. And then what? And then what? And then Paris! And then, what! And then behold! "And then, sire?" And then--thwack! And then we knew. And then he went. And then, presto! And then Miles's. And then we spoke. And then--ah, yes! And then--Remorse! And then, man-cub? And then she went. And then, O night! And then the heat. And then I forget. "And then Porthos?" And then she began. And then she awoke. And then I met you. "And then, mother?" And then the third. And then he saw me. "And then the army." And then we stopped. And then, her birth. And then---and then! And then her mother! And then Gog-horned. And then, the Bible! And then, who knows? And then to Becfola. And then he laughed. "And then the queen?" And then he departed. And then I came home. And then they parted. And then those looks! And then think of ME! And then his clothes! And then the expense! And then they parted. And then he went out. And then--oh, Deryck! And then the tragedy. And then she said "Oh! And then she got sick. And then we may begin. And then he went away. And then I was caught. And then injury spoke. "And then - and then?" And then still nearer. And then laughed more. And then it's all over! And then came Mr Slope. And then both listened. And then away for home! And then--who can tell? And then the policemen! And then going to Mama. 'And then, about money? `And then "MOME RATHS"? And then the fray began. And then I comes behind. And then his banishment. And then you can choose. And then, too, my grief! And then I took it easy. And then you're so deep. And then,' said the Hon. And then your mountains. And then he went to bed. And then, there is Rome. And then we got talking. And then so, do you see? And then," continued Mme. And then I awoke, and lo! And then she is rich too. And then the dream ended. And then Robert goes off. And then let him cork it. And then you disappeared. "And then I became calm." And then Tublat went mad. And then came Piramus Lys. And then Sir does he this? And then a shift of scene. "And then breakfast, sir?" And then began the search. And then--a real magician! And then I mark the queen. And then he shouted: "Yes! And then the two embraced. And then to have lost her! "And then what do you do?" And then the maiden arose. ... And then he came back! And then they made an oath. And then you will know all. And then Dr Thorne arrived. And then that look of hers! And then what was her life! And then he is disobedient! And then what had happened? And then at the forester's. And then what would happen? And then Tarzan: Yes, rest. And then they yelled again. And then, he was not there. And then shame came to him. "And then will he slay me?" And then I. comes behind Fa. And then there's The Butcha. And then they began to fish. "And then yours, De Wardes?" And then--it's so dark here! And then she began to laugh. And then her friend came in. And then the ladies retired. And then she was speechless. And then-good-bye gentility! And then come forth in pomp! And then what if he did not? And then the meals--" "What! "And then you began to cry." And then--then he came home. And then come the reactions. And then something happened. And then his banishment Iach. And then he sat down to rest. And then the whip duel began. And then there are the twins. And then at last I heard him. And then the farce commenced. And then, too, Lady Arabella! And then Patience Oriel came. And then take for our reward? And then something struck me. And then I wish to go abroad. And then the letter was sent. And then we are so very poor. And then, thought I, (and oh! And then: The bank collapsed. And then either saluted other. And then he asked his Saviour. And then a chair falling over. And then there is my uncle.... 'And then--he took hold of me. And then I laid him on my bed. And then I had another reason. And then, workmen are so mean! And then, I have my daughters. And then, we must be cautious. And then they were both wroth. And then they do so much good. And then the cruiser had come. And then their stomachs clean. And then Jim Hall disappeared. And then he saw a little house. And then wee'l sleepe together. And then, too, the joy of work! And then we made the discovery. And then--look out for squalls! And then she paused for breath. And then--and then--all passes. And then we returned to dinner. And then there 's the religion! And then Lady Lufton went home. And then Mrs Broughton laughed. And then, religion is attacked. And then, whither was he to go? And then she does so much good! And then the thought came back. And then the people came along. And then they went to rest them. And then I'd just FEEL a prayer. And then into the parlor to sit? And then the hyena laughed loud. And then his exile was a favour. And then he began praising Papa. And then he was so sick -- DRUG. And then, an idea occurred to M. And then---- "Scars of the past! "And then it will all come out?" And then began the great reform. And then something would happen. And then, one night, he escaped. And then what a thing to ask for! And then I began to see daylight. And then I told him all about it. And then Fate came to her rescue. And then one day Chopin proposed. 'And then he is no longer a hero. And then he looked all round him. And then he will stay in England. And then Mr Cradell began to cry. And then he began to be fatigued. And then she got up to leave him. And then there was another pause. And then there was again silence. And then suddenly light had come. And then, is this the only thing? And then there was Leonard Boyce. And then Sir Launcelot rode after. And then either gat another spear. And then Sir Bors led the forward. And then the child was brought in. And then, he has sold Boxall Hill. And then he knew how good she was. And then, moreover, one ought not. And then it was that she went mad. And then we're ashamed to show it. And then the unbelievers perished. And then I hate horse-hair chairs. And then there are all your plans! And then she told him to say papa. And then old Pettit smiled slowly. And then a strange thing occurred. And then when it comes to sleeping! And then he laid him down to sleep. And then you'd be a lot better off! And then certainly he was startled. And then they waited for the night. And then the three were left alone. And then, such a quantity of money! And then the miserable instruments! And then I'll take you to the play. And then I heard a voice say, `Mme. And then he remembered his manners. And then a new idea dawned for him. And then there's Badger, of course. And then came the Duke of Strelsau. And then the three kings fled aback. And then you bring news, do you not? And then she thought of the signora. And then, after a pause, he went on. And then young Ulerick, his son, Ha! And then my wife began to nag at me. And then they very nearly buried me. And then, besides, we shall see God. And then, how she had looked at him! And then, I've forgot my English so. And then Highsmith played his trump. And then King Arthur blew to lodging. And then Sir Launcelot began to weep. And then I am sure she would love me. And then, besides, the useless blood! And then he'd go all to pieces again. And then we pulled up sharp, staring. And then Mrs Quiverful told her tale. And then the doctor went to the lady. And then the many posts of the enemy! And then I said: "What is the matter? And then he told an anecdote of Papa. And then he was still more ridiculed. And then he fell to weeping bitterly. And then, along came these behemoths. And then you could see,' said Ursula. And then nothing would have happened. And then Sir Palamides left the queen. And then every knight drew to his inn. And then, aloud: "Is it not Gourville? And then again "He laid up seven days. "And then he was called" -- "Fernand." And then of what use would be pursuit? And then he must have been frightened. And then they're dead," said Crossjay. And then he looked into Jurgis's face. And then people complain of the flour. And then I have such a nervous system! And then she stared fiercely at Fionn. And then I said, 'Panthea, look on me. And then I heard the sobs of the King. And then, how illfavoured the queen is! And then they made joy either of other. And then June laughed softly once more. "And then that `apology' you made her." And then the dream grew dim, and faded. And then, then--alas, that is all over! And then we will look at your pictures. And then, seeing Philip: "Oh, it's you. And then, M. Fouquet is a man of honor. "And then your negotiations will fail?" And then came letters from an attorney. And then, it was no longer the tilbury. And then, are all uprisings calamities? And then the boat, perhaps," said Anna. And then I know what will become of me. And then, more gently: "Why do you cry? And then, to my joy, you began to sing. And then, suddenly, he turned upon her. And then Sir Gawaine asked him his name. And then he made great sorrow for anger. And then the White Knight vanished away. And then he asked her what was her lord. And then were they wroth out of measure. "And then, that is not the true reason." And then he relapsed into moody silence. And then Fanny, Miss Fanny, is so young! And then the white knight vanished away. And then the noble knight's heart burst. And then the scoundrels left the forest. And then his thoughts recurred to Frank. And then, dear Augusta, come to us here. And then kept silence and spoke no more. And then he knew why the chest had come. And then let virtue follow, if she will. "And then you will be married, Herbert?" And then he felt the misery of his life. And then we won't 'alf go on the razzle. And then it was the blood of Louis XIII. And then she added, almost in a whisper. And then, am I to be accused of poverty? And then, no wages, do you hear, my boy? And then shall Mounser weare the diadem. And then they disparaged all high hopes. And then, fourth, there's this here boy. And then there are two fates open to us. And then people call him a sensible man. And then again they had a real struggle. And then betwixt me, and my marryed Wife. And then he wist well it was Sir Galahad. And then how they all suffer from spleen! And then he went out and locked the door. And then began a life of dreary monotony. And then both of them together to Maggie. And then, did he have the right to do so? And then he took us home and hammered us. And then she begged his assistance in it. And then the mother wishes it," he added. And then, at last: "Oh, how thirsty I am! And then Clayton saw an incredible thing. And then he cried, 'Desist, O Tangerines! And then the food--do you like shellfish? And then he yielded him unto Sir Tristram. And then he departed with a great tempest. And then the third ball and third dolphin. And then nothing was good enough for Mary. And then he turned round and stared at me. And then you and Dickon can bring it here. And then I did as assassins do--real ones. And then he had been in bed the whole day. And then, Montparnasse had escaped Javert. And then, what would the doctor have said? And then, he has deceived her so horribly. And then suddenly things seemed to change. And then he turned again to the mutineers. And then Sir Launcelot unbound Sir Gawaine. And then was Sir Palomides clean forgotten. And then -- no -- he is not the man I want. And then I heard--[With a short laugh]--oh! And then describe the nature of the senses. And then I laid a plan and devoted my life. And then Miss Thorne was great about teeth. And then, what follows in the same prophet? And then the impunity of his defiance-- Oh! And then they took to religion for comfort. 'And then, Evan, you will never need to go. And then at Temple, 'You see if I wouldn't. And then was the time for her chastisement. And then, Miss Dale, he is also so devoted! And then again he blew--blew like anything. And then it was, Am I not worthy an answer? And then when we came away it was such fun! And then we were so merry all the way home! And then came- -Flower;--and complications. And then surprise and emotion silenced him. And then he awoke to find the howling real. And then do thy will, O Friend of the Well. And then he turned away his visage and wept. And then King Mark made Sir Tristram to eat. And then they turned again with heavy cheer. And then Sir Launcelot repented him greatly. And then he departed about the hour of noon. And then a new earth will rise from the sea. And then a soothing voice broke the silence. And then she cried: "Now hear me, O my love! And then we can RALPH Return, for none BOAT. And then, why did he not at least answer it? And then it's all up with the whole concern! And then as she only gloomed: "The Prince's? And then he continued: "Have you any papers? "And then there is the cruelty, the injury!" And then he and Mrs Arabin are not together. And then, rules To give and take the lie by. And then the water at Paris, don't you know! And then that portrait of me he did so well. And then Maimie went and spoiled everything. And then the mourning women came.-- _195 ... And then they steamed bang into the monitor. And then the city smote him with loneliness. And then, to have a brother, a dear brother! And then, there's the baby's grave, you know. And then sobbed out, "With all my heart I do! And then other thoughts crowded on his brain. And then we could be so happy together again. And then, of course, she was very particular. And then, good-bye, my life will be finished. And then he muttered 'Extraordinary likeness! And then the Queen made answer, 'What know I? And then he runs the risk of getting crushed! And then, she was in debt to the Thenardiers! And then there was nothing more for the poor. And then she was with him, and she felt safe. And then we'll go to see the guillotine work. And then I asked: `Why do you say that to me? And then I said--[He looks at her pleadingly. And then leaped in, but there no warrant had. And then, of a sudden, I began to comprehend. And then Merlin was bound to come to the king. And then he asked Sir Gareth to be his carver. And then he set him down surely in that siege. And then shall every man have praise from God. And then his life was, you might say, crossed. And then Dr Fillgrave went on to Greshamsbury. And then I saw that she was as thin as a rail. And then we all waved our swords and hurrahed. And then she must go because of Major Grantly. And then he muttered to himself a word or two. And then they walked out of the Park together. And then, it will not be long before I return. And then he would say to himself, "O you fool! And then his studies--so very dry, as you say. And then I came into this room and I saw that. "And then--and then you must come and see us." And then to you this night Laon will I betray. And then these two knights each welcomed other. And then, mother, to cause you all this sorrow! And then I think that what he foresaw happened. And then the Honourable George returned thanks. And then," said Monte Cristo, "this is not all. And then he must have had it wrote down for 'n. 'And then I will go on to Jerusalem, after him. And then, let us scrutinize your state reasons. And then his head rose through the trap behind. And then we'll talk;--what shall we talk about? And then your children--oh, what might they be? And then shall we come to the siege by daylight. And then he said: Sir knight, keep thee from me. And then he answered: That will I not grant you. And then he thought to counsel them if he might. And then Sir Bors saluted him, and he him again. And then I am very ungenerously attacked for it! And then the King and Jack shook hands together. And then I shall not feel this dread any longer. And then the early bed and the refreshing sleep. And then, who knows but you may starve to death. And then he said, did the jury know Bevis Marks? And then there was Miss Gushing,--a young thing. And then he went away on the nine o'clock train. And then," he said, "the governor left the room. And then he heard her say: 'Blow, breezes, blow! And then, as now you evaded giving me an answer. "And then how would you slip it into my pocket?" And then I peered into the large eves of Ligeia. And then followed an extraordinary scene indeed. And then called me in, and was very civil to me. "And then I pressed him further," Kalinin added. And then he made him ready to ride into Cornwall. And then the poor man went again with the barget. And then Sir Bedivere hid Excalibur under a tree. And then Sir Bedivere hid Excalibar under a tree. And then they went to the affair of the hospital. -- And then, say'st thou, we will our vices shew. And then again they were called to their patient. And then she did think for one moment of herself. And then, for a moment, she thought of her uncle. And then--her discovery--of the penalty she paid! And then he called aloud: "To the tank, Bagheera. And then, all of a sudden, he thought of Fantine. And then she stared at him with a bewildered air. And then, my friends, we must foresee everything. And then came the spring night when he got drunk. And then she swooned as though she would <205>die. And then was Sir Gareth staunched of his bleeding. And then within a while he overtook Sir Palamides. And then they dashed together with swords eagerly. And then he said: Ah Melias, who hath wounded you? And then he told there that good man all his life. And then suddenly he began to laugh in a wild way. And then Nova Scotia is right close to the Island. -- `And then there are robbers,' said La Carconte. And then there was that other trick she played us. And then as she waited: "The use is all before me. And then, merely to see him drink was a curiosity. And then he added: "A little more rabbit, my dear? 'And then you would not dream of flight before it! And then the indignity of calling him Mr. Perkins! And then I think he's been awfully hard up lately. And then again he accused himself of the same sin. And then, moreover, you it was who placed me here. And then, thou shouldst have some cashmere shawls. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. And then is Numidia, and the province of Carthage. And then some one did die, and they let me aboard. And then you will know the happiness of forgiving. And then she found the thing for which she sought. And then said Sir Gawaine: What will ye do with me? And then he answered himself: I am here, fair lady. And then he asked Sir Melias how it stood with him. And then ever after he called it the Dolorous Gard. And then I went into England -- no more D'Artagnan. And then I understood that it was all machine-sewn. And then I answered to you, 'Greetings to you also. And then I can imagine that I'm dressed gorgeously. And then he tried to win her domestics to his side. And then again, there is the 'friends of the C.C.H. And then there were other troubles at Greshamsbury. And then you came along and you were so good to me. And then--I should be FREE, and I could go to Jude! And then telling such terrible falsehoods about it! And then, that there was another: the empty coffin. And then she thought of his manner towards herself. And then, take my word for it, I nearly killed her. And then I am used to not sleeping before a battle. 'And then you would like me as well as your father? And then he wist well that Sir Tristram enjoyed her. And then Sir Dinas gat King Mark again to horseback. And then the noise began greatly upon Sir Palomides. And then he gave it to the girl, bidding her begone. And then suddenly the whole business came to an end. And then began a contest that lasted until daybreak. And then he went on for a moment with his breakfast. And then they went into different parts of the room. And then I will speak to Frank,' said Lady Arabella. And then she wept a little as if she felt regretful. And then she laughed, but without any accompaniment. And then I am sure you must have them by themselves. And then one may have to regret a previous rashness. And then he busted into tears, and so did everybody. And then--I thought over our conversation yesterday. And then after a moment or two: "Suppose I'm nabbed. And then, as before, the light went out like a lamp. And then I dressed myself and came away to find you. And then he made a sign of the cross in his forehead. And then, sir, do you wish me to speak freely to you? And then they all started a-crying worse than before. And then, sword in hand, he sprang over into the sea. And then the scream died away, and there was silence. And then, with a smiling countenance, she added: "Oh! And then I thought, "What are my young griefs to his? And then I said my prayers and thought a little more. And then he moved farther on, and began again to dig. And then, all of a sudden, the signal of deliverance. And then, at last, to fill the measure up---- CARLOS. And then there came again what this had made him say. And then the maid came to my door with a letter: 'Mr. And then - " "And then - you commanded us to be shot. And then he also went out and took a walk by himself. And then I suppose I shall be one of the bridesmaids. And then how easy a thing is it to satisfy the fancy? And then, suddenly, I was silent, dazed by the light. And then three things happened almost simultaneously. And then, in the vernacular: "Jesse Holmes for yours. And then, out of a full throat, she crooned 'Kiss me! And then there are--well, traps and things--YOU know. And then they rode together, and so he hurt my fellow. And then he raced off his helm and smote off his head. And then he yede backward to his bed till on the morn. And then the king and the queen went unto the minster. And then to that of getting Charlotte a husband at Mr. And then I shall see whether you have any imagination. And then perhaps we shall never see one another again. And then, last night, I drank that whole jug of water. And then 'a stepped back, and then 'a looked in again. And then you can both rule," suggested the Woggle-Bug. And then commenced a train of thought quite new to me. And then I do not see that I am benefited by the sale. And then I got a bogus note from Tuppence--and I knew! And then I remembered that strange terror of the dark. And then, wonder of wonders and delight of de- lights! "And then I should get no brains," said the Scarecrow. And then, so strange was the dream, there was a crash. And then come along and have some of this cold tongue. And then knights of either party rescued their knights. And then, you will not escape the spur of the Nautilus. And then they went in and took possession of the house. And then the old cynic said--[Clenching his fist] Oh--! And then the apse of Combray: what am I to say of that? And then burst forth a volley of oaths and execrations. And then he made the sign of the cross on his forehead. And then if you obey your father, go wrong if you like. "And then, that is one point I wish to make, you know." And then I will call my daughter, my grown-up daughter. And then: "How could I guess that you felt in this way? And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die. And then, whence was to come the money for the journey? And then someone would whisper something of a madhouse. And then they had another little business between them. And then he talked of her mother, and he made her pray. And then up stood a woman at my side--a-touching of me. And then, c'est un interieur si joli, si comme il faut. And then Valdemar Simonson is quite an exceptional man. And then a sudden calm fell on us like a cloud of fear. And then, to get them jocks out o' t' maister's cellar! And then, would not Cardenio have gone free as a madman? And then the senators made ready for his enthronization. And then he espied that he had his armour and his horse. And then he thanked God of the fellowship of that beast. And then they within came out and chased them all about. And then he turned him and went his way toward the city. And then thou begin with shame to take the lowest place. And then he was older than any of us," added D'Artagnan. And then he plays music too, with his daughter's friend. And then was the game of Badger in the Bag first played. And then you will at least know the limit of my purpose. And then he had appeared for a little to be making time. And then I did not say anything; but of course she knew. And then the children might be married by-and-by, Susan. And then there are you and the children and our affairs. And then the King cried: Where are my knights and my men? And then he fled, and Sir Galahad pursued fast after him. And then he stroked him on the neck and on the shoulders. And then they joyed much, and dwelled there all that day. And then if any man shall say to you: Lo, here is Christ. And then the latter will cost no blood, no precious life. And then I must be silent and can only await your coming. And then the moon would rise and I would look around me . And then they went on arm-in-arm, very lovingly together. And then I will give you further advice as to what to do. And then, as you have said just now, M. Fouquet is there. And then, nobody need to have a quieter death nor he had. And then, just as better times came to me, he stepped in! And then, you see, land gives so much more than the rent. And then he went, leaving Musselboro in the drawing-room. And then, to tell the truth, there's one's own interests. And then the latter will cost no blood, no precious life. And then I thought once more of the meat that I had seen. And then a rocket sprang and bang shot blind blank and O! And then one night when it rained Alice had an adventure. 'And then we shall fight to the death, sha'n't we, Nelly? And then the king let make a feast that lasted eight days. And then soon after departed Sir Kay and thanked his host. And then this knight waxed pale and wroth at Sir Tristram. And then there are wider pieces to protect it at the ends. And then the gentle rebuke of Jonah's petulant narrowness! And then, as a second thought, why should she come at all? And then, without further speech, the doctor went his way. And then Beatrice was wedded and carried off to the Lakes. And then," he added more calmly, "I have gained land here. And then with increased satisfaction: "Oh, you blackguard! And then comes catastrophe; in this case not to the woman. And then a glance at the girl's white face determined him. And then, and then--oh, THEN I was seized with an illness. And then she was filled with a fury of contempt and anger. And then it came to an end, and the men went back to work. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. And then the three knights of Arthur's stood by themselves. And then there was always the glory and the money for thee. And then there was made great joy and mirths in that court. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven. And then she went on and on till she came to a great house. And then one must be an old hand to know what has happened. And then, the unspeakable purity--and freshness of the air! And then she added, getting up and whispering into his ear. And then he gave her his arm and handed her down to dinner. And then, the doctor began a long and very useless lecture. And then, there is nothing more amusing than the entresols. "And then he ceased speaking, his eyes filling with tears." And then there were theatres here--huge extravagant places! And then she exclaimed, 'Oh, the blessed child's poor papa! And then I went in due time to Dr. Cupid on my own account. And then mosey right down the lightning-rod and come along. "And then," he pursued, "I am cold: no fervour infects me." And then Grace found herself kneeling at her friend's feet. And then, they have cannons in the courtyard of the Louvre. And then, what do you think is the best thing in your work? And then I'll get a drinking with the landlord and his kin. And then the voice began to sing the leading phrase, "Come! And then, being hardened, they show themselves as they are. And then that dromedary touch -- do you take me for a fool? And then home, and prepared to go to Walthamstow to-morrow. And then said such a one, "Yes, I will be true to the King. And then he waited for the words which would seal his fate. And then, as soon as it is day, you will come home with me. And then the crowd in one impulse moved to the dining-room. And then he let call him Tristram, the sorrowful born child. And then anon Sir Darras saw Sir Tristram brought afore him. And then she abandoned the ark on the shores of the Red Sea. And then he began to make a rhyme of La Beale Isoud and him. And then they said all: O my lord Sir Launcelot, be that ye? And then, of course, I had to tell Matthew about the picnic. And then, vainly grasping at every argument his blunt sense. And then, see you, we will taste the sweetness of vengeance. And then, should he be successful, what would be the reward? And then as we looked the white figure moved forwards again. And then there was nothing further to be said on the matter. And then adieu to prudence and virtue, honour and fair fame. "And then my husband will talk all the time to Lady Judith." 'And then I'm where I was before I met the horrid old brute! And then they were in the presence of her mother and sister. And then we are cousins, and it is bad for cousins to marry. And then Marija--" A sob choked Stanislovas, and he stopped. And then Jurgis went limp, and caught himself on the ladder. And then if the flood came, you know, Bob, I shouldn't mind. And then you'd know what he was: he was a great sea-captain. And then what title has the Chamber to demand my abdication? And then he added: "Now you whisper it to me--just the same. And then the fierce, buried anger surged up into his throat. And then he added, quickly: "An' this is Saturday afternoon. And then she fetched a sigh, and began with her story again. And then Balan and his brother took their leave of King Mark. And then the emperor fell down dead and there ended his life. And then Sir Tristram bade him turn and give again the child. And then he, weening to be strong enough, would have mounted. And then they took the maiden and the treasure of the castle. And then Sir Launcelot dwelled with that good man that night. And then Launcelot dressed unto him, and said: Ye be welcome. And then with great pain Sir Lavaine halp him upon his horse. And then he besought the Bishop that he might be his brother. And then you asked so piteously for fringe for your trousers. And then they took out the princess and laid her on the bank. And then Amyas calls: "Now, silence trumpets, waits, play up! And then he espied that he had taken his armor and his horse. And then the letters of congratulation will begin to pour in. And then he sighed again, so that it was piteous to hear him. And then I had other things on my mind which I will tell you. And then, in Paris, she felt like a stranger and an intruder. And then he sat with Miss Posy quite happy for an hour or so. And then they moved on quickly, and the misery was soon over. "And then, we were afraid of being alone like that at night." And then one morning the Viscount had taken it away with him. And then she looks up at the clock, and 'Hurry up,' she says. And then Kerchak emitted the volleying challenge of his kind. And then--there is something very unusual about it--about me. And then there was the second expression of her restlessness. And then they rode unto a castle thereby where lay Sir Meliot. And then Sir Castor sent for the fool--that was Sir Launcelot. And then he rode all that day, and harboured with an old lady. And then Lady Malvern came back, a good bit ahead of schedule. "And then made you swear never to utter the name of Noirtier?" And then the present emergency came on for serious discussion. And then it has pierced my heart to see her clutch her throat. And then came the news of Leclerc's death (November 2, 1802) . And then how peculiar were the domestic affairs which he told! And then, it seems that they cut your flesh with the scissors. And then I heard the voice of Captain Smollett issuing orders. And then there was consideration--and consideration was sweet. And then he says I persecute him, that he can't get rid of me. And then, when one has seen one's soul, one is something else. And then the Emperor..." he began, but Pierre interrupted him. And then Sir Breuse fled, and Sir Launcelot followed after him. And then either took leave of other, and departed on their way. And then King Mark arose again, and followed after Sir Lamorak. And then he raced off his helm, and smote off his head lightly. And then he struck fiercely at Sir Tristram many great strokes. And then Sir Percivale departed and rode till the hour of noon. And then they alighted both, and put him into a tomb of marble. And then he took an ubblie which was made in likeness of bread. And then England is a very inconvenient country for transports. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light. And then the incident of the grey cloth seen by young McCarthy. And then I found out how it was, and I was drawn to stay there. And then, after that, as was natural, we hurled word upon word. And then all clustered round Paganel eager to hear his project. And then came a day, a wonderful day, which I spent in ecstasy. And then I saw something which filled my very soul with horror. And then I know Louis would be mad if I talked of such a thing. And then there was a scene between the squire and her ladyship. And then they began to work harder than ever and more joyfully. And then I climb up on the box, open my umbrella and off we go. And then we contemplated one another afresh, and laughed again. And then--is all this a joke on her part, or is she in earnest? And then I rose and fled from Arthur's court To break the mood. And then it is all so different from what you have always been. And then, if pain were so hard to _her_, what was it to others? And then you could come, and any one else you would like asked. And then, suddenly; she fell upon her knees before the picture. And then I heard the doctor put in: "'What was it you gave him? And then Sir Tristram was received worshipfully with procession. And then it started, like a guilty thing Upon a fearful summons. And then he had crawled away with the kid, licked to a splinter. And then, seeing that M. de Froberville was still gazing at Mme. "And then, my dear Paganel, you can gain the gold medal anyway." And then she said cheerfully, "I can never thank you all enough. And then as he seemed slow to follow: "It all comes back to her. And then he is such a man;--so singular, so unlike anybody else! And then, there you see him, that horrid scamp, with his pistol! And then they consulted on the question, and the day was chosen. And then, as usual, he dreamed that HE was a princeling himself. And then the lower line tables and the tables of the third line. And then, after a few soft, impromptu chords; the theme changed. And then Ustane crept past her on her hands and knees, and went. And then, after a pause: 'Don't you like the yellow ring at all? And then it started, like a guilty thing Vpon a fearfull Summons. And then was he searched in the best manner, and laid in his bed. And then the king and the queen went a-hunting, and Sir Tristram. And then this man came up and began chopping at me as I sprawled. And then he stopped his bleeding wound with a piece of his shirt. And then a voice she had never heard before, `Sure then I'm here! And then, too, there is a cabin taken for me on board the SCOTIA. And then he fixed the green eyes upon me--the blazing green eyes. And then, moreover, I immediately remembered a personal instance. And then she suddenly asked: "Would you like me to come with you? And then such a pain griped me again that I thought I should die. And then, back in my bed, I felt so sick that I could not get up. And then, really, my child, you must adapt yourself to the words. And then, turning her face to her sister's, she burst into tears. And then, 'if now' again and again, 'if now;--and still 'if now'. 'And then he would have been too old to marry at all,' said Lily. "And then, the wind is not blowing in my direction this morning." And then, their knives; they can't be able to cut well with them! And then I shall never forget that," he said, slapping his thigh. And then he added, anxiously, 'Yes; to keep her safe, that's all. And then it was so unnatural to execute such a child as Rozovsky. And then came the usual chorus on such occasions, of Que infamia! And then such a death... without friends and without consolation! And then, across the narrow oblong box, each nodded to the other. And then he set him down softly upon a little hill, and bled fast. And then he bade Sir Tristram: Alight, thou knight, an thou durst. And then anon after they took off their helms and rode to Camelot. And then Sir Gawaine and other knights prayed him to take a spear. And then we couldn't sleep in the spare room after being promised. And then my number is thirteen and Josie Pye says it's so unlucky. And then to think, with all this, that we are to go to Snow Lodge! And then go home and pack, and meet me at Waterloo at six o'clock. And then, on the following morning, Sir Omicron also went his way. And then, down at what's a the man of the place, there was Thorne. And then a servant in livery would open the big drawing-room door. And then the Countess looked at her husband; she sank at his feet. And then that brute had not as yet made his way down to Allington! And then he induced Mamma Valerius to indulge a queer whim of his. And then you saw Red Death stalking about at the last masked ball. And then mac an Da'v began to sneeze, for he didn't know what for. And then, as the idea came home to him, he resorted to caricature. And then, very slowly, I realised that by a miracle I had escaped. And then she'd turn on you as if she'd trample you under her feet. And then the determination of the troops would be quite different. And then the knights of the King of Northgalis would joust no more. And then they lashed together as men that were wild and courageous. And then he let call his barons to judge Sir Tristram to the death. And then by assent of Sir Tristram they would have lodged together. And then he gat a great spear in his hand and came towards the cry. And then would he fall upon a weeping as his heart should to-brast. And then through his good belief he had the better of King Tolleme. And then to go straight away down and set light to the whole thing! And then a whisper ran through the whole congregation, "Who is she? And then there is the obvious advantage that dog can be fed on dog. And then the travelling tent was taken down and the sledges packed. And then shall I run down the cellar and get some russets, Matthew? And then it vanished at her first glance, as a ghost from the dawn. And then she was about to put her hand in his, but I drew her back. And then, for the first time, he felt free to return to the damsel. And then Harry Jocelyn said: 'I say, have you worked the flags yet? And then, talking on, long low sighs lifted her bosom at intervals. And then once more, and but for once, her voice was heard in Milan. And then you talk to yourself, just as boys do when they are blown. And then, "Take the pencil and write under my name, 'I forgive her! And then we can do Fonthill if we like-- all in the same afternoon. And then one day there befell Jurgis the one adventure of his life. And then there was one who was known at the "millionaire Socialist. And then there came an illness upon me, and I know not what passed. And then he saw her in Lombard Street, and put her into an omnibus. And then the turning of this lawyer's pewter To plate at Christmas. And then I told him the particulars which I had observed him there. And then he bowed in a manner of his own invention and moved to go. And then my vision fell upon the seven tall candles upon the table. And then you were surprised because she threw your slippers at you! And then--Meredyth--this is what she said: "'You swear to marry me? And then,' said Polydore to his brother, 'how angel- like he sings! And then the knight prayed Sir Gawaine to lodge with him that night. And then Sir Lambegus armed him, and rode after as fast as he might. And then Sir Breuse and Sir Bertelot gat their horses and fled away. And then he shouted that /man muss/ pay him fifteen roubles damages. And then you can be so useful to me, now that I am ill. MRS. ALVING. And then there was the dog-harness, which we must all have in order. And then, as his wife at first said nothing: "Did she give any sign? And then he kissed me, madame, kissed me as one does when they love. And then the awful laugh broke out from another part of the chamber. And then write me a full account of all that has been said and done. And then Evan found himself alone with Miss Bonner, and very uneasy. And then, monsieur, you did me the honour to come to my own country. And then Lily had ceased to talk of him, and she did expect nothing. And then with what shame and regret would he look back upon himself! And then I heard his voice on the stairs, as he was coming up to me. And then took place a scene which it is beyond my power to describe. And then the deep eyes filled up with unshed tears of great emotion. And then I do not see how any one could have lived more comfortably. And then rose up that solemn veiled figure, and drew aside the veil. And then you turned to and found the very door-scraper that done it! And then it seemed as though he were slashing vigorously at the wall. And then the commons of Carlion arose with clubs and staves <15 CHAP. And then Sir Phelot lashed at him eagerly, weening to have slain him. And then he bade his dwarf stert upon Sir Kay's horse, and so he did. And then he took a great horse, and a green shield and a green spear. And then Mr Slope descended with the learned Miss Trefoil on his arm. And then we are obliged to recollect ourselves, saying, "Where was I? And then, you know," he said, "an idea, a supposition, is sufficient. And then I shall come on board to receive my bride's congratulations. And then, and then my dish; Zotti's dish, that is not yet christened. And then, mates, us that has the boats, I reckon, has the upper hand. And then, as swift as light from a fixed star, the answer came to me. And then a weird and gorgeous musical comedy engaged their attention. And then in a tone of whimsical inquisitiveness: 'What fruit, Rupert? And then that knight yielded him, and Sir Launcelot received him fair. And then or I might recover my horse this Sir Breuse slew the damosel. And then also soon as she might she gave the varlet all that he asked. And then Sir Launcelot promised him he nold, by the faith of his body. And then he listened and heard an horse come, and one riding upon him. And then to his intense amazement he caught the voice of his landlady. And then there are nerves, there are nerves, you have overlooked them! And then--and then--God saw that I was very proud, and I was punished. And then only think of the beautiful books that the major has sent us. And then as with her friend's last word in her ear: "'Otherwise'--yes. And then you go to freedom and I to bondage," returned Miss Wilkinson. And then he whispered to his wife, as soon as Mary was out of hearing. And then, you know, they are always living in the crater of a volcano. And then--here's this friend o' yours offers to buy the goods for you. And then, to the company, 'Father is lying down, he is not quite well. And then if he doesn't want me, I know I can get work with Carmarthen. And then suddenly Louise realized that she was not alone in the house. And then they heard the angels tell `Who were the first to cry NOWELL? And then it waxed clear day, and Sir Palomides entered into the castle. And then the noise turned awhile how the green knights were slain down. And then he turned to an hermitage that was in the entry of the forest. And then she sent for Sir Bors de Ganis in all the haste that might be. And then they said that Sir Mordred warred upon King Arthur with wrong. And then, at the renewal of this consciousness, it all rolled over her. And then it laughed a weird and terrible laughter that froze the blood. And then I felt sure at the time that I had left it at Crawley's house! And then I feel ashamed of myself, and swear that I will do it no more. And then he slept in his chair; and you know, ma'am, we never wake him. And then he maketh her lady of his money, and of his house, and meinie. And then, you know, when once they get together, there is no end of it. And then they are astonished that society is not moved by their appeal! And then your gift of wild roses, Set on the table to grace our dinner. And then the fifth quarter lost: all that raw stuff, hide, hair, horns. And then the real clumsiness of his mind is its lack of self- criticism. And then, in 1912, occurred the great turning point in Anderson's life. And then if we turn to sacred dramas- what miracles they invent in them! And then, after passing a little wood, the island itself came into view. "And then I said Bleak House was thinning fast; and so it was, my dear." And then a more tenderly pious glance ever beamed from the lover's eyes. And then I say to myself, says I, oh yes, but them offers came too late. And then to explain: "That's good, and it's natural--but it isn't great. And then, after a short silence, she went on: 'I was there--by his side. And then their way of preaching; they have a skilful manner of doing it! And then came Akela's deep bay, crying: "Look well--look well, O Wolves! And then, as luck would have it, Grace Crawley got up and left the room. And then the indictment must be quashed, or something of that kind done. And then the absurdity of the thing, and the story that would go abroad! And then I slept the sleep without dreams Here on the hill by the river. And then they blew unto lodging, and unarmed them, and went to the feast. And then were the people of the city the joyfullest people that might be. And then when it was past noon Sir Gawaine had no more but his own might. And then he went at full into the comparative geology of the two regions. And then Clarence married, and in a mad moment I gave my treasure to him. And then, again, I am not as brave and courageous as was my poor brother. And then, you ungrateful being, you are not pleased to see an old friend? And then, please God, all this sorrow and anxiety may lead to a good end. And then he thought of Sir Roger and his will, and of Mary and her lover. And then, I should like to have Mary so much if mamma would let her come. "And then I shall see my wife frowning and blushing at Lord Mountfalcon." And then did the best man of a host blow his triumphant horn, and loudly. And then there was the condemned meat industry, with its endless horrors. And then little Stanislovas began to whimper--who would take care of him? And then, still turning, but more slowly, he guided her back to her seat. And then she adverted, with a blush, to the extreme recency of this date. And then the king cried out in dismay: "I have beaten Tibraide''s people. And then the king returned unto London, and made great joy of his victory. And then the Green Knight kneeled down, and did him homage with his sword. And then Sir Gareth alighted, and there came his dwarf and took his horse. And then he came into a fair meadow, and there was a fair lodge of boughs. And then, as the French book saith, the queen and Launcelot were together. And then, here was the Alleghany to cross again, and no horse to help one. And then, Mina, I felt a sort of duty to tell him that there was some one. And then we spend the night, you and I, in the churchyard where Lucy lies. And then came to her mind those curious questions; what makes a gentleman? And then Mary, with a calm brow and steady gait, went in and made the tea. And then the doctor used his surgical lore, as he well knew how to use it. And then he lay back on his cushion and was still, as if he were thinking. And then hoam agin all slack as if he'd been beaten in a race by somebody. And then there was the poor young fellow trudging to his father's funeral! And then he determined to let the fellow have five minutes alone with him. And then her comic imagination pictured Redworth dramatically making love. And then like the winter brickfields at midnight, hot fire lengthened out. And then, "When she first came, I meant to save her from misery like mine. And then her wicked heart was glad, and as happy as such a heart could be. And then, up in the garret, he heard sounds of wailing, in Marija's voice. And then I suppose I shall go and cut names about bridges--eh, Lady Julia? And then, when you don't talk at all, you run no risk of talking too loud. And then another voice in the group was heard to say, "We must hush it up. And then he asked the shy little waitress, "Well, Jennie, how's your John? And then followed such a concussion as I have never heard before or since. And then I was married and it did not turn out at all," she said bitterly. And then two squires were commanded to make a bed in midst of the pavilion. And then he took his helm and his shield, and thanked God of his adventure. And then to glance from him to the duke himself, To tax him with injustice? And then the ogre began to nod his head, and to snore till the house shook. And then she put her head down to the footstool and kissed Beatrice's feet. And then, you had killed my father, who was a soldier of the first Emperor. And then on a sudden, without warning, Mildred broke into a storm of tears. And then it would not be possible for him to abstain from some explanation. And then you talk of the distance which separates the planets from the sun! And then, there was a sound as though Mr Mantalini were sipping his coffee. And then thou hast a memory, as I see by your papers, that nothing escapes. And then she went into her room, and sank down in despair and utter misery. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. And then I am interested in Italy, in her coming to national consciousness. And then, I thought, how ever will that weakling live at Wuthering Heights? And then he rode in a deep forest two days and more, and had strait lodging. And then they let carry home the dead queen, and much dole was made for her. And then he bound Sir Gawaine hand and foot, and so threw him to the ground. And then upon the morn the king blew unto the tournament upon the third day. And then Sir Mordred sought the Bishop of Canterbury, for to have slain him. And then Massachusetts turned once more to her deadlier enemy, King Charles. And then, suddenly, came a face that he could not relate to the other faces. And then of course Thomas' illness has cost a good deal, one way or another. And then they rowed from the land, and Sir Bedivere beheld them go from him. And then,--and not too soon,--discover we That plans soap-bubbles are alone. And then he said: "Number One, called Pamela, is adjudged to the commandant. And then I thought of Estella, and of our parting, and went home very sadly. And then I thought of what you had said this morning as to whether we ought. And then he wanted to make up a marriage between Bell and my cousin Bernard. And then the squire made a clean breast of it and declared his full purpose. And then the archdeacon himself was so big and so clerical, and so imposing. And then off goes a brisk clerk to the long galleries of the index building. And then one night, Minerva, the poetess, Came to me in her trouble, crying. And then I saw Thy invisible things understood by the things which are made. And then I thought also of Antoinette de Mauban and her journey to Strelsau. And then he took a great spear of his squire, and departed his way a furlong. And then Sir Tristram was ware that Sir Palomides came to have destroyed him. And then they said: This gentlewoman must yield us the custom of this castle. And then he fell down and swooned, and long he lay there as he had been dead. And then the third head asked: "The dead carrying the living; riddle me that? And then I had to cram myself into these confounded evening clothes of yours. And then I wanted to tell them to somebody and there was nobody but Mary Joe. And then--then-- Ah, Esther, if I could buy them, I do not know that I would. And then he fell down and swooned, and long he lay there as he had been dead. And then a voice, at once gruff and harsh, was heard vociferating, "My money! And then Lucy's breathing became stertorous again, and all at once it ceased. And then, as if to make everything complete for our happiness, came the dawn. And then there occurred the first skirmish between the new party and the old. And then lowering her voice, "I suppose Mrs. Jennings has heard all about it. And then he struck from forth the strings a sound Of deep and fearful melody. And then Tarzan of the Apes did just what his first ancestor would have done. And then in a flash it came to him--the man was a mute, possibly a deaf mute. And then she told him, she hoped he only spoke these words to try her virtue. And then on the very wound the bright spurs came down, pressing relentlessly. And then Hera bethought her of the counsels and wrath of Zeus concerning them. And then they dressed their shields, and came running together with great ire. And then they drew out swords and made great battle, and fought long together. And then Sir Launcelot prayed Sir Lavaine to take her up: And bring her to me. And then that laughed and twirled that's tail till you couldn't hardly see it. And thenceforth, every day, and all day long, he waited at her grave, for her. And then, as the hour was come, they broke up the meeting and took their rest. And then he can write back to my address, and I can smuggle the letter to you? And then, when he found that this be all right, he try to move them all alone. And then, how had it answered, that plan of his of keeping her all to himself? And then a truce to all that Radical rageing and hot- pokering of the country! And then again someone nudged him, and he sat up with his old terrified start! And then there was not another word said about Grace Crawley on that occasion. And then Will went out of the house, Martha never knowing that he had been in. "And then you have added so much to it yourself, you are always buying books." And then I went away by water to the office, and there staid till it was late. And then again he was convinced that they contained the very essence of truth. And then anon within six strokes, Sir Launcelot had stricken them to the earth. And then the Green Knight avoided his horse lightly, and dressed him upon foot. And then he prayed Sir Tristram to give him leave to go in his <389>fellowship. "And then--oh, then," said Dick, still capering, "we will spoil the Egyptians!" And then Sir Palomides told Sir Dinadan the same day that they should have met. And then these three knights rode straight unto the party of the King of Scots. And then was he ware of Sir Palomides bounden, and led shamefully to his death. And then all the fellowship of the castle were overcome for the default of him. And then, when he arose of his swoon, he cried out sorrowfully, and said: Alas! And then the merchant said, "_Dyangs_, if ye Love Bidasari, see ye vex her not. And then, how charming to be entrusted with the care and education of children! And then we saw the fold of a white tunic among the trees, and a gleam of gold. And then Sir Perceval proffered her love, and prayed her that she would be his. And then the signora; what would he not have given to be able to hate her also? And then shall we be lordes all our life Of all the world, as Noe and his wife. And then, what an enchanted gleam when you open your thought even but a little! And then was my neighbour, Pliable, discouraged, and would not venture further. And then - then all is mystery and terror, and a tale which should not be told. "And then you thought you would get more money by coming to London, I suppose?" And then to turn the discourse, she began admiring the house and the furniture. "And then I caught the four-thirty-eight, soft- coal unlimited; and here I am." And then Sir Launcelot bade Sir Carados: Lay down that knight and fight with me. And then they sware together that none of them should never fight against other. And then she coughed so loud that Sir Launcelot awaked, and he knew her hemming. And then Sir Percivale proffered her love, and prayed her that she would be his. And then Sir Bors and Sir Lavaine came to him with sorrow-making out of measure. And then that queen said: Ah, dear brother, why have ye tarried so long from me? And then a sudden thought struck me which brought me out in a cold perspiration. And then The princess sought her room, and curtains drew Of rich Egyptian stuff. And then, turning to the rose-tree, she went on, `What HAVE you been doing here? And then was noble Sir Gawain found, in a great boat, lying more than half dead. And then you heard nothing until you read the reports of the death in the paper? And then of Mary's birth, and of his own theoretical doctrines as to pure blood. And then with a start he remembered that he had heard Fanny Price say just that. And then she followed Merlin all the way, Even to the wild woods of Broceliande. And then such a measure as that would bring punishment where punishment was due. And then, there is the affair with the little Savoyard, who will return, I hope. And then, London, the metropolis of luxury, is the headquarters of wretchedness. And then to the very depths of my heart I rejoiced that I had spoken so frankly. And then fell there a thunder and a rain, as heaven and earth should go together. And then they hurtled together as wild boars, and thus they fought a great while. And then there began great battle, and many knights were cast under horses' feet. And then Sir Launcelot brought to King Arthur one of the best of the four horses. And then Launcelot kneeled down and cried on Our Lord mercy for his wicked works. And then, did she not love him--love him already, without waiting for any change? And then I thought again of his words--"I WILL BE WITH YOU ON YOUR WEDDING-NIGHT. And then to renew to her my vows of love, and chant unceasingly her broken oaths! And then we shall come home, and I shall lead Austin's life, with her to help me. And then turning to her younger sister, she said: "Do you not think so, Tamayori? And then the train moved on, and waving her pretty hand to him she vanished away. And then turn over the page with me, and gaze upon the other side of the picture. And then the subject became Religion, which was the Archfiend's deadliest weapon. And then there are always so many other things to go to in May and June and July. And then he had always heard so high a character of this man from his son-in-law. And then she was dragged out of my sight into the depths of the deserted edifice. And then," said the friend who had whispered, "there was Boullard, the tee-totum. And then, louder still, the words floated down to him: "This is a terrible house. And then he mused and dreamed, and planned a life-work; and the train flew south. And then this strange knight left them there, and took his way through the forest. And then Sir Tristram alighted and put off his helm to drink of that bubbly water. And then there were (beside the captain) three officers, steward, agent and clerk. And then I crashed over the precipice towards whose edge I had been blindly going. And then and there the conviction stole upon Inga that her child did not love her. And then to be driven from the door, when I only came to ask how old master was--! And then Beatrice fully enjoyed the delicious talk which she had promised herself. And then, as though a thought had suddenly struck her, she spoke with more energy. And then, monsieur, business became better, and we were tranquil as to the future! And then she says: "Yes, you BETTER turn y'r head away--I would if I was you, Tom. And then beyond the Reflecting Pool the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial. And then, as regarded this special Hogglestock job, how was he to get paid for it? `And then he took the helmet off again--but it took hours and hours to get me out. And then, think of all the scandalous fortunes accumulated, all the malversations! And then the will of Louis XIV was not respected; it is likely that mine would be? And then...and then there was that man's voice behind the door--"You must love me! And then it struck me suddenly that I was very anxious that she should believe me. And then, again, let as look at the present position of American women in society. And then he kisseth the King's hand, and rises and stands covered before the king. And then beyond the Reflecting Pool the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial. And then, just as my hope and courage had ebbed to their lowest, I saw two things. And then, blind and reeling, he followed at Beauty Smith's heels back to the fort. And then he bent Downwards his forehead, and in troubled mood Broke off his speech. And then the weather was hot about noon, and Sir Launcelot had great lust to sleep. And then Sir Tristram asked them their names, and so either told other their names. And then Sir Tristram hurtled unto that knight, and smote him quite from his horse. And then he ran upon him more and more, and the other went back for dread of death. "And then Monsieur de Chatillon will not come to the Place Royale to look for you." And then what about Carl Schurz; or, in other words, what about our German friends? And then, them dreadful words, "Many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able. And then slowly, gradually, and craftily, Mr Harding propounded his own new scheme. And then he thought to slay her, but he forbore, because of his great love for her. And then see all the brave men that have enlisted in the service of the good cause. And then insensibly there came the strange change which I had noticed in the night. And then when I see you, perhaps, you will be very kind and tell me what you think. And then she let the bottle drop from her hand as though it were too heavy for her. And then, timidly, I took her hand in mine; after that all went on without a hitch. And then she looks over at me, and I swear I'm not going to be defended by a woman. And then perceiving Arabella's garb her voice grew sympathetic in spite of herself. And then to spend such a sum, all in a single day of your life, at a wedding feast! And then the bishop came in and greeted his guest with his pleasantest good humour. And then, destiny was there sufficiently stamped to make them hesitate to touch it. And then for the first time in their lives they shopped as partners in one concern. And then it came into my head that I would amaze our friends behind by lighting it. And then, a moment after, she was saying assuredly, 'I shall know more of that man. And then, very near to his face, to his fear, he saw the round, dark head of a boy. And then came King Carados of Scotland, and Sir Gareth smote him down horse and man. And then Sir Sauseise encountered with Sir Meliagaunce, and either smote other down. And then the king yielded thankings to God, of His good grace that he had sent them. "And then I feel the loss of my house, 'tis a long time since I visited my castles." And then Davy brought me here and run out and shut the door; and I couldn't get out. And then, by a river-bank, something moved; and she stopped her knitting for wonder. And then return to me; and this, sir, will be the second lesson in this gay science. And then they would forever be beyond the reach of the clamor of her voluble tongue. And then Reggie Byng arrived in his grey racing car, more cheerful than any of them. And then the horses cowered lower and lower, and moaned in terror as men do in pain. And then was made the murderer of my wife--fool that I was to trust two erring eyes? And then something so important happened, that Schneider himself urged me to depart. And then (as Alice afterwards described it) all sorts of thing happened in a moment. And then I thought I should have had her ladyship upon me; but her woman interposed. And then came Mr. Brunelli to Katy's secluded table, and drew a chair close to hers. And then to call him out, reckoning on Fedya not fighting because he owed him money! And then he rode unto Morgan again, and asked if she would anything unto King Arthur. And then he imagined in himself to send Sir Tristram into Ireland for La Beale Isoud. And then they avoided their horses, and dressed their shields, and drew their swords. And then they took their horses and departed and left Sir Berluse there sore wounded. And then after he gave him a drink, the which as soon as he had drunk he fell asleep. And then he cried mercy, and prayed him to save his life, and bade him take his lady. And then Sir Mador was had to leech-craft, and Sir Launcelot was healed of his wound. "And then suddenly in the silence I heard a sound which sent my heart into my mouth." And then follows the description of the dragon: In the sea was the Serpent cre[ated]. And then I must speak out before every guest and servant, every man and woman, in it. And then, falling upon the chair nearest the door, she burst into a paroxysm of sobs. And then two gentlemen appeared in evening dress, and wearing the ribbon of an order. And then, he had been saying impertinent things to me for a long time: `You are ugly! And then you will see her ears, and then you will see her tail and it will amaze you. And then shall ye know that I am an honest man, and that I am sent unto you from God. And then he said, Why, Pamela, you write a very pretty hand, and spell tolerably too. And then the series of accidents and coincidences - these were so very extraordinary. And then, so it seems, I have fallen asleep myself, I who wanted to guard your sleep. And then he explored the Amazon,' said Birkin, 'and now he is ruling over coal-mines. And then, to press myself close to the Poet, I backward, and not forward, took a step. And then, and then, We wandered to the Hills, And so the Little Less became Much More. And then King Evelake was baptised, and for the most part all the people of that city. And then he espied in that lodge a chair, wherein was a crown of gold, subtly wrought. And then he set down the maiden, and was armed at all pieces save he lacked his spear. And then he alighted off his horse, and said: Fair sweet brother, when came ye hither? And then Sir Launcelot waked of his swoon, and then the hermit staunched his bleeding. And then she sate down in the chair of the Middle Bear, and that was too soft for her. And then I should be so sorry to leave Mrs. Alving; she has always been so kind to me. And then forgive her if you can, and cry to heaven to forgive her, which it never can! And then he knew it was Sir Perceval de Galis, and each made of other right great joy. And then he had no proof of any promise; he could not force the bishop to appoint him. And then, this morning, in the king's apartment, The queen was spoken of mysteriously. And then we entrust our goods to the lawyers, who never go to law against one another. And then I can paddle over to town nights, and slink around and pick up things I want. And then the pose of the woman would be so good, so much strength, and yet such grace! And then being at the West End, and all that, gives a man such a standing with a girl. And then, these exchanges, they don't answer when you have 'cute jockeys to deal with. And then, Lycas will be sure to want to visit a sick passenger, as part of his duties! And then mark how he excites himself to lust as by celestial authority: "And what God? And then the lamb and the cat and the dog and the stick and the water and the butcher. And then," continued Carter, "we will travel on and see whatever we wish in the world. And then, to the amazement of everybody, the maid came hurrying with a large tea-tray. And then she realised that his presence was the wall, his presence was destroying her. And then--' 'There's a bicycle coming,' he said, writhing under her loud denunciation. And then, as in a dream, he was in the long street of Beldover, with its street-lamps. And then let the head-piece fall again, and set spurs to his horse and gallopped away. And then it is plain that whatever costs most is valued and deserves to be valued most. And then he rode unto the second knight, and smote him so that man and horse fell down. And then the page saw where came the Brown Knight: Lo, said the page, yonder he cometh. And then, truly, a company of thirty men, when all together, will look rather imposing. And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty. And then he made such sorrow that he fell to the ground in a swoon, and lay there long. And then I thought of that other one--the face in the cab, the figure against the moon. "And then after you had sent the letter he dissuaded you from keeping the appointment?" And then I began to find out that life wasn't all happiness just because you had money. And then, when you ought to be sacrificing, you are inflicting tortures and litigating. And then, he would never dare; you see, he is dependent on the De Courcys for his seat. And then there was a long quarrel, between them, and but an indifferent reconciliation. "And then perhaps you'll plead my cause, and make me thankful to you for life, Dahlia?" And then, one may be travelling; and then you wish to have seven suits always with you. "And then, when there is a ray of sun, the garden is very small for the convalescents." And then M. Maniera again hears the voice in his right ear, saying, this time, `Ha, ha! And then came, as if to my final and irrevocable overthrow, the spirit of PERVERSENESS. And then all of both had been swept ruthlessly away down the gory draught of sacrifice. And then both reason and right combine not merely to justify but to require its repeal. And then there are unsung heroes: single parents, couples, church and civic volunteers. And then he knew, he must go away from her, there must be pure separation between them. And then he did bid Sir Gaheris stand aside with that knight that hath no list to fight. And then by force of King Arthur's knights the King and Sir Palomides were horsed again. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory. And then we saw iron rings as steps leading down a shaft into a darkness without bottom. And then he laid down on the bank and stuck his head right into the spring to show them. And then the blood thrilled along his veins, as if one more than mortal had touched him. And then she added, with a stress upon the words, "It is in the nature formed within me. "And then," said Sir Anthony, "it's that poor dear old lady that I've been thinking of." And then slowly, and with infinite labour and struggling, the wolves bore the lion down. And then they bound him--his hands behind his back and his feet trussed up to meet them. And then I was saying to myself all the way, 'How well Anisya carried herself, how well! And then Arthur weltered and wrung, that he was other while under and another time above. And then the King Meliodas had great joy of Sir Tristram, and so had the queen, his wife. And then the flaming failed, and the fire staunched, the which many a day had been great. And then he rode with her, and they all, to his castle, in all the haste that they might. And then the queen wagged her head upon Sir Launcelot, as though she would say: Slay him. And then he kneeled down on his knee, and prayed the Bishop to shrive him and assoil him. And then the guests came in shoals; Mr and Mrs Quiverful and their three grown daughters. And then he began to feel a righteous disgust at the wickedness of the doings around him. And then he walked about six steps in silence, plucking up courage for the great attempt. And then he had his own individual annoyances, and very aggravating annoyances they were. And then she slipped through Lady Arabella's arms, and sat down, meekly down, on a chair. And then you dance but indifferently, and would be out of countenance at the first entry. And then she shouted into the shaking old man's ears: "This is a friend of Simon's, papa. And then, the poor boy submitted with such docility to all the prescriptions ordered him! And then, with a slight bow, turned again into the plantation, and was soon out of sight. And then was he ware of an old manor, and thither ran the brachet, and so over the bridge. And then anon that damosel picked her away privily, that no man wist where she was become. And then the folding-doors of the hall were burst open, and the King of Elfland rushed in. And then, I hear, will wonderful things be done, The art poetic will be weighed in scales. And then he began to prepare some ground, and he sowed a croft, and a second, and a third. And then he walked rapidly to and fro, and pressed his burning forehead against the fence. And then they did not separate without another slight repast and another bottle of claret. And then the heaviness of visage again gave way for a moment as his eye fell upon his son. And then you will force the dagger into my hand as eagerly as you now seek to withhold it. And then as she again took her time: "I thought your whole point is just that you're sure. "And then Cornu gave me a hundred sous, not Brument, Cornu; it was Cornu gave them to me." And then my wife began to talk aloud, as if she were thinking, and you can see her tricks. And then a disembodied thought flew round her, comparing her with Vernon to her discredit. And then they become fathers of families, and point the finger at the "wretched creatures. And then, of course, there is the bell--which is the most distinctive feature of the case. And then," said Diggory sadly, "I came away, for her history as Tamsin Yeobright was over. And then when she came back into town she again drove furiously through the quiet streets. And then, looking down, Seth had seen the bees everywhere all about him in the long grass. And then to sleepe but three houres in the night, And not be seene to winke of all the day. And then they all three cried: Sir knight, we yield us unto you as a man of might makeless. And then they troth-plight each other to love, and never to fail whiles their life lasteth. And then he commanded him the wine, and made to search him and to stop his bleeding wounds. And then Sir Launcelot stuffed and furnished and garnished all his noble towns and castles. And then shall many be scandalized and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And then by a miracle this robbery of the Romney takes place at a house not two miles away. And then her thoughts, cleaving through space like a bird in the air, rested on Cavalcanti. And then for making matches for rich widows, Young gentlewomen, heirs, the fortunat'st man! And then, Cosette, in whom the woman was beginning to dawn, was delighted to be a Baroness. And then they told him stories of people who had all been cured by other remedies than his. And then he inquired, whether we were not all much taken by surprise at his having fainted? And then the three harpooneers were bidden to the feast, they being its residuary legatees. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And then, filled with love for men, He went forth and called to men to hear the new gospel. And then there came, mingling with his half- formed dreams, a most melancholy caterwauling. And then he introduced him to another lady, and I saw soon that his heart was gone from me. And then Pettit came to me bearing an invisible mitten, with the forti- tude of a dish-rag. And then "Tiger's" eye, discrediting these signs, fell upon one that bore a bud of promise. And then, just as suddenly, like the sun rising on a stormy sea, they would begin to laugh. And then, perchance because his breath was failing, He grouped himself together with a bush. And then came in Sir Bagdemagus, and Sir Gareth smote him down, horse and man, to the earth. And then the good Prince Boudwin, at the landing, he raised the country privily and hastily. And then Galahalt rode fast after him, and bade him: Abide, Dinadan, for King Arthur's sake. And then Sir Palomides returned again and took his damosel, and Sir Safere returned his way. And then were they ware of four hundred tents and pavilions, and marvellous great ordinance. And then they heard three blasts blow, and every king and knight dressed him unto the field. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity. "And then you will say nothing to him at all until I have made up my mind about the matter." And then I retired from the contest defeated by vulgar fellows, though I did not deserve it. "And then," Cyrus continued, "once inside the walls, he could put the place into our hands?" And then too, you will tell me of husband Jonathan's trouble so far as you can, but not yet. And then, putting his feet on the opposite seat, he settled himself comfortably to his rest. And then, as to be herself ideally right: "I don't see what you would have done without her. And then cometh the season and the end; and my vineyard will I cause to be burned with fire. And then, all of a sudden, a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness: "Pieces of eight! And then the angel of death kills the butcher and he kills the ox and the dog kills the cat. And then, one day, again out in the back-pasture, he saw Dick start a jackrabbit and run it. And then he gat his spear of his squire, and departed from Sir Launcelot to fetch his course. And then Sir Launcelot returned unto Dame Bragwaine, and she thanked him of his great labour. And then the noise went plain from Sir Palomides, and all the people cried upon Sir Tristram. And then they ordained him clothes to his body, and straw underneath him, and a little house. And then a little voice said: Solomon, the last knight of thy lineage shall rest in this bed. And then it came right to the Vessel, and took it and the spear, and so bare it up to heaven. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. And then, when I was for giving them a bit of an admonition to lead a new life-- MRS. ALVING. And then, through the silence, cut a throbbing scream-- the scream of a woman in direst fear. And then there were official returns from the various precincts and wards of the city itself! And then should not the charity be all the more profound, in proportion as the fall is great? And then, Lieutenant Gillenormand sometimes came in his uniform, with the tricolored cockade. And then is all the sorrow forth of remembrance That ever I had a-forrow in luvis observance. And then his dogged and meaningless imitation of my gait, my voice, my habits, and my manner! And then he told him to go away and not to provoke him, if he intended to get home unscathed. And then she led him into the hut, where he needed no pressing to do what she desired of him. And then there came out upon the air the sound of voices and the pealing anthem of the organ. And then the Louer, Sighing like Furnace, with a wofull ballad Made to his Mistresse eye-brow. And then hear thou in heaven their prayers, and their supplications, and do judgment for them. And then he was ware of Sir Gawaine, and saluted him, and prayed God to send him much worship. And then were they ware by them where stood a great horse tied to a tree, and ever he neighed. And then there's another thing," said Mark, as if he was cataloguing a list of their troubles. And then thy lofty mind, 'neath passion's sway, Left its high throne, and wander'd far astray. And then, perversely enough, she persisted in asking numerous questions about Louis Scatcherd. And then the squire left the room, and Lady Arabella remained alone, perplexed by many doubts. And then remembering himself he suddenly touched his hat gardener fashion and said, "Yes, sir! And then the moment came, the uncontrollable moment when the sounds forgot to hush themselves. And then other fish come to the whale's tail, and if the whale be overcome the other fish die. And then your gipsy story will be made out, that she will have a husband younger than herself. And then sitting down again, she very soon forgot that there were any such things in the room. And then as he saw the squire's letter, he seemed to me to give something almost like a start. And then a stray bunch of politicians and good fellows who lived for sport came into the room. And then when ye <244>have brought him unto your castle, I will have him in examination myself. And then Sir Gareth recomforted his mother in such wise that she recovered and made good cheer. And then largely King Meliodas and his queen departed of their lands and goods to Sir Tristram. And then was he so enamoured upon her that he wist not whether he were on horseback or on foot. And then she began to weep so heartily for the despite of Sir Palomides that there she swooned. And then he said unto Galahad: An it please you abide here still, till ye wit how that I speed. And then he took the crown and went his way; and Sir Melias lay still and had no power to stir. And then she gave me such a strange look, and asked, "But what's to become of my trip to Paris? And then the third question, What of him who foretold the ruin which has so certainly befallen? And then he cried, till he laughed again, and laughed and cried together, just as a woman does. And then it was clear that this man had no appreciation of the dignity of a learned profession. And then he had a sudden inspiration: "Look here, I will come and see you at Fecamp next month. And then this money came only to me: not to me and a rejoicing family, but to my isolated self. And then she had bright eyes, and she flattered him, and allowed him to scold her occasionally. And then for suitors proud and high, To bend before my conquering eye,-- Thou, flattering bard! And then the party drove off and vanished in the night shades, and Yeobright entered the house. And then the woman said, Here is the line of Jupiter crossing the line of life; and Mars-- Odd! And then these thoughts would at the least be fled; Let us not fear such pain can vex the dead. And thence home, calling by the way to see Sir Robert Slingsby, who continues ill, and so home. And then, with a sidelong glance at myself, asked in a deep bass voice: "Who is this young man? And then curtseying low she sailed on, leaving her lover in anything but a happy state of mind. And then, on the crowded sidewalks there were persons innumerable whose attention he attracted. And then anon he made him ready, and armed him at all points, and took his horse and his shield. And then he sent a squire unto the hurt knight, and commanded him to come to him, and so he did. And then there was neither Sir Tristram nor none of King Arthur's party that knew Sir Palomides. And then will we all ride together unto the court of Arthur, that we be there at the high feast. And then this King Constantine sent for the Bishop of Canterbury, for he heard say where he was. And then, as he says, it will be too late to return to earth and get me," thought Mark bitterly. And then the girls were around them and Anne was the center of a laughing, congratulating group. And then, it must be confessed, Fernand had never been hated -- he was only not precisely loved. And then, failing the BRITANNIA, the DUNCAN certainly had fallen into the hands of the convicts. And then the squire came to see her, and this was a yet harder trial than the visit of Beatrice. And then This Butler, too--he cannot even conceal The passionate workings of his ill intentions. And then as he was silent: "Not even if he should have to say to me 'The Golden Bowl is broken'? And then as the Princess didn't at first answer: "Do you call such an allegation as that 'mild'? And then, after a short silence, he continued: "Have you any fowls you could sell us every week? "And then old Tinman said, 'And a D. to you; and if I lift my finger, it's Big D. on your back." And then repeated, with her former pleasant change, "shall we walk a little farther, or go home? And then a sweet-voiced bell from somewhere high up towards Oberalp chimes two-and-twenty times. And then," added the merry Frenchman, "I am not sorry to have tasted a little of this heady gas. And then you'll out with the pipes, and we'll light up just as ca'm, and then just see 'em look! And then he painted for them with hard, broad strokes a marvellous lingual panorama of the West. And then night and extinction--nothing but a silent mass of impenetrable vapour hiding its dead. And then for despite Sir Ector put off his armour from him, and went on foot, and would not ride. And then Sir Launcelot praised Sir Tristram, and called him the man of most worship in the world. And then she said she would beck us with her hand.-- Back with these boys and saucy great knaves! And then he said to the man: Canst thou tell me unto some chapel where that I may bury this body? And then they all, king and court, saw it glide away over the bright sea towards the setting sun. And then she had a head so daintily shaped, small and spirited, that it was a joy to look at her. And then, turning toward the geographer, he added: "You have traveled in these parts before, sir? And then, from unseen lips, a cruel and mocking peal of laughter rang through the desolate place. And then a man sprang to his feet in the audience, and raising his hand on high, cried: "Justice! And then, not seeing any friendly demonstration on his part, she folded her arms in another knot. And then the whole scene, down to our final escape, repeated itself, only not quite so violently. And then were they all glad, and so prayed they Sir Marhaus to ride with them to the king's court. And then it happened him to come to a poor man's house, and there he was harboured all that night. And then by one assent Sir Gaheris and Sir Dinadan went betwixt them, and departed them in-sunder. And then they feutred their spears, and this knight came so eagerly that he smote down Sir Uwaine. And then either of them made much of other, and so they went into the castle to take their repast. And then Elaine said unto her woman, Dame Brisen: the unkindness of Sir Launcelot slayeth me near. And then he awoke and asked her if she had any meat, and she said: Yea, also ye shall have enough. And then it happed suddenly a knight came to the chief door and knocked, and cried: Undo the door. And then certain people of the town brought him into the castle of Dover, and shewed him the tomb. And then there was the singular possessive adjective: "'Our' balloon; 'our' car; 'our' expedition. And then he told that good man all his life, and how he had loved a queen unmeasurably many years. And then I like cemeteries because they are immense cities filled to overflowing with inhabitants. And then, all at once you are talking of this mad project--of these seventy-five thousand roubles! And then again-- "a monthly rental of twelve dollars, for a period of eight years and four months! And then he handed her the letter as to which he had refused to speak to her on the preceding day. And then if we look at things from a still more lofty point of view, why do we speak of civil war? And then I asked him if I might come to see you; because I felt so much for his trouble and yours. And then one of the hunters cometh to him and beateth and smiteth him, and pricketh him full sore. And then she went away well satisfied with her revenge, and returned to her own people in the Shi. And then Sir Bors seemed that there came the whitest dove with a little golden censer in her mouth. And then he began to tremble right hard when the deadly flesh began to behold the spiritual things. And then what about your trembling, what about your bell-ringing in your illness, in semi-delirium? And then to talk of your honour being questioned because you wish to provide for fourteen children. And then her eye, brilliant and bright, now mirthful, now melancholy, and invincible in either way! And then I have the most dreadful fears that what I have done has disturbed him in the other world. And then suddenly it struck me that what was dark to me might be very light to Mr. Sherlock Holmes. And thence to Somerset House; and there into the chappell, where Monsieur d'Espagne used to preach. And then he perceived that, very slowly, the circular top of the cylinder was rotating on its body. And then straight to the third knight he rode, and smote him behind his horse's arse a spear length. And then La Cote Male Taile rode unto that knight that smote down Sir Mordred, and jousted with him. And then Sir Tristram required that knight of his knighthood to alight upon foot and fight with him. And then accompanying the glance with explanatory words, "That is but too just," said she, tenderly. And then maketh prayer to it, enquiring concerning his substance, and his children, or his marriage. And then came into the place the duke's son of Orkney, and then they began to do many deeds of arms. And then he came, and she asked him what he was, and of what place, and where about he went to seek. And then he beheld Lionel would have slain his brother, and knew Sir Bors which he loved right well. And then he smote Sir Bleoberis such a buffet on the helm that he fell down to the earth in a swoon. And then Sir Launcelot promised the hermit, by his faith, that he would no more come in her company. And then he said to the man, "Canst thou tell me the way to some chapel, where I may bury this body? And then she came over from her seat at the tea-tray and sat down on a foot-stool close at his knee. And then I sent her another, and my poesie was, The deeper the sweeter, I'll be judg'd by St. Peter. And then the women, as I have given the bride her instructions, to break in upon him in the l'enuoy. And then she took a long breath and looked behind her up the long walk to see if any one was coming. And then, if you admitted only Freethinkers among you, I could understand it, but you admit anybody. And then I recalled that other woman, the peasant, the "Devil," who sold her children, her monsters. And then, without touching Fouquet's hand, he turned his head aside, and stepped back a pace or two. And then suddenly the place would spring into activity, and the merciless "speeding-up" would begin! And then again Ona cried out; he could hear it nearly as plainly here, and he staggered to his feet. And then he would pause, never daring to produce such notes in succession--one close upon the other. And then she cast her arms along The golden barriers, And laid her face between her hands, And wept. And then, instead of comforting me, you leave me entirely in the wrong, and completely in the lurch. And then my search for Rebecca, Finding her at last in Virginia, Two children dead in the meanwhile. And then he sharpened his long knife again, and looking eagerly on Antonio, he said: 'Come, prepare! And then this Sir Perimones prayed Sir Gareth to grant him to be his chief butler at that high feast. And then they fought on foot, and there Sauseise had won Sir Meliagaunce, had there not come rescues. And then he made the Siege Perilous, in the which Galahad sat in at his meat on Whitsunday last past. And then he went to Galahad and kissed him, and bade him go and kiss his fellows: and so he did anon. And then Launcelot gat a spear in his hand, and there he smote Sir Bors, horse and man, to the earth. And then she stopped in her work, and looked at me, with her needle drawn out to its thread's length. And then, also, there was not much in his individual manner to recommend him to the favour of ladies. And then she's INTERESTING--which plenty of other people with plenty of other merits never are a bit. And then, recurring to her interview with Wilfrid, it struck her: "Suppose that, after all, Money!... And then would his nostrils begin to lift and sniff at the creeping up of a thick pestiferous vapour. And then, by the light of the smoky lamp, he saw Marija who sat nearest him, shaking her head slowly. And then, she had so often been told that she was homely; Jean Valjean alone said gently: "No indeed! And then I caught the pistol from him...and then I dragged myself on my knees toward what I had seen. And then either hypocritically rebuke me for mocking, or foolishly take part in the supposed mockery! And then when all was satisfactorily settled, we could pack them off home, and be by ourselves again. And then followed a couple of minutes of heart-breaking excitement such as I cannot hope to describe. And then he hurled the fellow from him with such force that Rokoff lunged sprawling against the rail. And then in unison all the voices of the soil began a chant addressed to the soul of Robert Walmsley. And then she began to cry, bitterly, bitterly weeping: but whether for misery or joy, she never knew. And then she told him why she would have slain Tristram, because her children should rejoice his land. And then their fury against him increased, they beat him and maltreated him, and he wept bitter tears. And then one asked why; and my father shook his head in despair, and said, "But you ought to feel why! And then I started, broad awake and in full possession of my senses, and ran screaming from the place. And then bowing low to her, he left the room and the house, and sauntered slowly away to his own home. And then she began rocking herself backwards and forwards on her chair, with her apron up to her eyes. And then, getting up, to avoid the flood he himself had caused, he nearly fell into the doctor's arms. And then he, too, looked into her eyes, and waited composedly, as though determined to have an answer. And then, do you know, darling--you won't think me vain?--I think he is beginning to like me a little. And then, as they were secure in their privacy, Louisa cried aloud for her father, her beloved father! And then beautiful things grow rich with the emotion that they have aroused in succeeding generations. And then, to cap the climax, the floor boss would come rushing up with a rifle and begin blazing away! And then, following the lead of the Scarecrow, they all advanced in the direction of the Emerald City. And then there were Boyce's half confessions, the glimpses he had afforded me into the tormented soul. And then, if your ideas get larger and you want to expand--why, a dig and a scrape, and there you are! And then, for that perchance no longer breath Suffic'd him, of himself and of a bush One group he made. And then Balin called unto him his host, saying, Now may ye fetch blood enough to heal your son withal. And then I also wish to see a notary, that I may be assured that all our property returns to Valentine. And then as if this were perhaps ambiguous or inadequate: "She's not selfish--God forgive her!--enough. And then with 'Gee' and 'Gaw,' the marquis spouted out reminiscences of scene, the best ever witnessed! And then he added, "I will lead the way, monseigneur," and he conducted Aramis to Fouquet's apartments. And then again came Ona's scream, smiting him like a blow in the face, making him wince and turn white. And then we walked in; and Mrs. Jewkes said; Well, you have made haste now.--You shall go another time. And then I fell suddenly calm, and lay smiling at the glittering death, as a child at some rare bauble. And then the girl's mother gave him the clew, for when she addressed her daughter she called her Hazel. And then, existence is tedious, anyway; it is a senseless, dirty business, this life, and goes heavily. And then, like a dart, it had shot out of the room, through the open window-doors, and into the garden. And then on a Monday evening two or three weeks after the writing of the note, John Hardy came for her. And then all the host of Orkney fled for the death of King Lot, and there were slain many mothers' sons. And then he put off his helm to drink, and then every knight knew him that it was Sir Launcelot du Lake. And then David asks for it before inquiring of Jahveh whether the men of Keilah would betray him or not. And then bidding Diana goodbye-e-e--" Here Anne broke down entirely and wept with increasing bitterness. And then he told his sister that every little fellow whose name he had written was just as good as gold. And then he again repeated his question, asking for his father's advice under the present circumstances. And then as it had apparently for her companion an effect of abruptness: "Maggie, I mean, and the child. And then again, the small beginnings, which are in reality the mighty barriers, are so easily slid over. And then Ashputtel took the dishes to her mother, rejoicing to think that she should now go to the ball. And then, all those three years, I tried to understand why men should be for ever tormenting themselves. And then after a moment of thoughtful pause: "Possibly he joined his own tribe--the men who attacked us. And then, with a renewed horror, I saw a round, black object bobbing up and down on the edge of the pit. And then that happy moment, that Toulon for which he had so long waited, presents itself to him at last. And then Sir Lavaine beat on the gate with the butt of his spear, and cried fast: Let in for Jesu's sake. And then I will go of myself to be crucified, for it's not merry- making I seek but tears and tribulation! And then, in return for these, they swallow "slices of great, fine mullets, and bird's-flesh of thrushes. And then they all perceived the inexplicable change that had taken place in the movements of the Maories. And then go back to your porch with a chastened spirit and admit that you might be a whole lot worse off. And then we sat exchanging puffs from that wild pipe of his, and keeping it regularly passing between us. And then, I think, he might have sent to Colbrand, or to Robin, to carry me back, whether I would or not. And then, of course, there was the hospital which, in one way or another, took up a good deal of my time. "And then--and then--well I won't be certain, but it seems like as if you made Sid go and--and--" "Well?" And then Sir Meliot de Logres came home, and told the king how Sir Launcelot had saved him from the death. And then came in Sir Gareth, and knew that it was Sir Launcelot that fought with the two perilous knights. And then Sir Lamorak asked Sir Launcelot if there were anything that he might do for him in these marches. And then privily he wrote unto her letters and ballads of the most goodliest that were used in those days. And then he looked into a ship, and saw her enter therein, which said: Sir Percivale, ye have betrayed me. And then Sir Launcelot cried unto Sir Bors: Ah, Sir Bors and Sir Lavaine, help, for I am come to mine end. And then sometimes I see a piece of a picture, no beginning, no end, sometimes horrible, sometimes lovely. And then there was a pause, for the archdeacon was not quite ready to explain the ground of his suspicion. And then they were agreed upon a night (When the good King should not be there) to meet And part for ever. And then Tamoszius' face would light up and he would get out his fiddle, tuck it under his chin, and play. And then he heard Lydgate's account of the troubles which Rosamond had already depicted to him in her way. And then she ridicules me, and laughs at my notions of honesty; and tells me, impudent creature as she is! And then came my brother Tom, and staid and talked with me, and I hope he will do very well and get money. And then in Monsieur Thuran's loss, if they are lost, you would suffer a severe bereavement," he ventured. And then, in her sweet simple way, George's mother made commentaries to the boy upon this affecting story. And then there came to him a feeling that he wanted her more than all the rest of the things in the world. And then his lady and paramour cried sir Dinas mercy, and said she would love him better than ever she did. And then Sir Ector dressed his spear, and smote either other passing sore, but Sir Ector fell to the earth. And then Sir Tristram rode softly thither, for he deemed there was some knight errant that was at the well. And then in a valley they met with a knight all armed, which proffered them to joust as far as he saw them. And then he drank a dew From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass. And then immediately the brethren sent away Paul, to go unto the sea: but Silas and Timothy remained there. And then, drawing his sword, put himself in a posture of defence, which was the only science he understood. And then--woe to the father who by a culpable tenderness bath frustrated the ordinances of a higher wisdom! "And then--as I was coming to Paris I thought that I would please you by coming to tell you the good news." And then if you don't feel well at any time you can just go to bed, and I shall be there to look after you. And then, gripping Jurgis tight with one hand, the young fellow began searching his pockets with the other. And then she told herself that John would have a better chance if he had been content to plead for himself. And then she burst out disconcertingly: "Do you think he has gone off with that dreadful little Gedge girl? And then the eleven kings and knights put them on a heap all together, as men adread and out of all comfort. And then within a while he came to the same place thereas the ten noble knights fought with Sir Meliagrance. And then kneeling before her, "Forgive me, I am going; I am leaving you ... but I entreat you to forgive me. And then, when your hands and your hearts are united, When you kneel at one shrine, when you bow to one law. And then Sir Louis cannot go without you,'--and Mary pointed upstairs--'and you may be sure that he will go. And then a struggle arose as to who should remain, and who should find reasons for the others not remaining. And then I shewed her your kind letter; and she made a thousand remarks upon it, and made me wish I had not. And then, only fancy, the next day I hear--they let me know by knocking at the wall--that Mitin is arrested. And then she diluted the compliment by adding, "But it's powerful seldom you're a mind to, I'm bound to say. And then, as I gathered from Mr. Corbeck's story, the coffer was not back in the tomb, though the mummy was. And then when the sun came and that awful pattern began to laugh at me, I declared I would finish it to-day! And then the lady Dame Lionesse was sent for, thereas she was with Sir Gringamore her brother and Sir Gareth. And then a squire told the queen that he was in the garden taking his rest, and reposing him against the sun. And then were they ware of a knight that came riding against them unarmed, and nothing about him but a sword. And then, as the women were preparing to leave the library, "Tell me, Esperance, who is the Countess Styvens? And then turning to Mrs Honour, she asked her "How she had the assurance to mention her name with disrespect? `And then,' cried one of the girls, `Peter will be keeping company with some one, and setting up for himself. And then the father died, and the two brothers were left living together with very little means between them. And then he would take her hand, murmuring those words which the woman divines, without seeming to hear them. And then, with a persuasive sincerity, he assured her that he could neither study nor live apart from Dahlia. And thence Dr. Middleton was to be hauled along to the habitable quarters of North Italy in high Summer-tide. And then, dear boy, it was a recompense to me, look'ee here, to know in secret that I was making a gentleman. And then he notes the following chant by John Jones: [Jones was organist of St Paul's Cathedral at this time. And then, you ask, will these breeders of silk-worms, these manufacturers of silks and hats, lose their work? And then, perhaps, this Clos de Vougeot is a little heady, you know -- a little strong -- you understand, eh? And then, for the rest, when had such a chance ever come to a man before as that which now lay in Leo's hand? And then Irving Carter, painter, millionaire, etc., felt a warm flush rise to his aristocratically pale face. And then the Green Knight cried him mercy, and yielded him unto Sir Beaumains, and prayed him to slay him not. And then they feutred their spears and hurled together so strongly that both their horses rashed to the earth. And then was Sir Tristram ware of a likely knight riding upon a great black horse, and a black-covered shield. And then he dressed his shield and his spear, and cried aloud unto Sir Tristram and said: Knight, defend thee. And then the pleasure of drinking wine with Mrs Jones and Miss Smith; with all the Joneses and all the Smiths! And then he laid him softly down once more, and asked if the little girl were there, for he could not see her. And then my uncle must go and break his neck hunting, and the baby, poor little chap, got croup or something . And then Dr Thorne, taking Lady Scatcherd's hand and leading her out into another chamber, told her the truth. And then he watched a white pocket-handkerchief, which somebody was waving, as it disappeared in the distance. And then looked all round the room, and paused with his pocket- handkerchief in his hand, half-way to his nose. And then, an unexpected bliss had happened to him, oil on the fire, a redoubling of the shadows over his eyes. And then, are you really acting according to your conscience, or are you acting in order to be admired of men? And then he sent for the queen, and soon she was come, and she made great joy of the overcoming of that battle. And then he looked for the scabbard, but it would not be found, so he returned to the abbey where he came from. And then Sir Launcelot after meat bade him come to his chamber, and there he should have meat and drink enough. And then she laid an ointment and a salve to him as it pleased to her, that he was never so fresh nor so lusty. And then he ran to the one knight, and eft to the other, and smote them to the cold earth, that they lay still. And then they yode both on foot to them, and bade them yield them, and tell their names outher they should die. And then she said: Ye may keep the room of this castle this twelvemonth and a day, then break ye not your oath. And then they were departed, and had unto their lodging, and unarmed them, and so they went to the great feast. And then departed Sir Palomides whereas fortune led him, and within a month Sir Tristram was whole of his hurt. And then Sir Gawaine prayed the king for to send for Sir Launcelot, and to cherish him above all other knights. And then, gradually, the memory of her would dissolve and vanish, until I had forgotten the maiden of my dream. And then she went off and left him; for he was not lustful, nor an agreeable bedfellow to spend the night with. And then there's that woman with the Pagan name,' said my aunt, 'that Peggotty, she goes and gets married next. And then they felt sure that none but Scatcherd would be called upon to construct the dock or make the railway. And then, with an angry look at his mother, he mounted his horse, and was soon leading the way down the avenue. And then she sat for the next half hour with her head against his shoulder; but nothing more was said about it. And then he asked me to go with him to the river one evening, so that we might talk without disturbing any one. And then that imbecile crowd down on the deck started their little fun, and I could see nothing more for smoke. And then he crawled away like a snake, went into his room, closed the door and left me alone to my reflections. And then the King came down and offered, and took the sacrament upon his knees; a sight very well worth seeing. And then we need a long-term plan to keep the combustion going and to guarantee our place in the world economy. And then the women came, and the children--eager, curious, and, at sight of Tarzan, more questioning than ever. And then he saw a fair sword lie by the dead knight, and that he gat in his hand and hied him out of the chapel. And then Sir Tristram rode by the woods and by the ditches as secretly as he might, till he came nigh the gates. And then he put off his helm; and she saw his visage, she said: O sweet Jesu, thee I must love, and never other. And then there came another knight that hight Sir Hewgon, and Sir Alisander smote him down as he did that other. And then either took a greater spear, and then the knight smote down Sir Palomides, horse and man, to the earth. And then I go the furthest off To counteract a knock; Then draw my little letter forth And softly pick its lock. "And then, in addition to being better lighted and eating what we prefer, I place the pleasure of your company." And then she all but resolved to run down to the baker's wife, and get back her letter, that she might alter it. And then suddenly he said: "I remember Mr. Gordon used to call me a gipsy counter-jumper when I was in his form. And then all at once love turns up, and you're done for, done for," Stepan Arkadyevitch said with weary despair. And then the senate met, to pass a decree that the people should change their dress as in time of public sorrow. And then I told him my story as I have written it here, omitting only any reference to my love for Dejah Thoris. And then to my Lady, who do shew my wife and me the greatest favour in the world, in which I take great content. And then sometimes he was wanted to dance with them, and he did not know how to dance, and did not want to know. And then he gat another great spear, and smote down twelve knights, and the most part of them never throve after. And then he called unto him Sir Marhaus, the good knight, that was nobly proved, and a Knight of the Table Round. And then they two rode to their lodging, and there they found Sir Brandiles, and Sir Tor came thither anon after. And then were they ware of a castle that was fair and rich, and also passing strong as any was within this realm. And then Sir Tristram gave Sir Berrant such a buffet upon the helm that he fell down over his horse sore stonied. And then Sir Bromel, as an hardy knight, pulled out his sword, and dressed his shield to do battle with Sir Bors. And then he kissed her, and either gave other a ring; and so there he left the queen, and went until his lodging. And then this enthusiastic listener tells them how he once heard the same song, but with a very different result. And then to shut your eyes and fall asleep among roses, with the one you loved best on earth smiling down at you. And then the taunt of Messala in the garden of Herod-- "All you conquer in the six days, you lose on the seventh. And then the knights of the king of North Wales would just no more; and so the gree was given to King Bagdemagus. And then, if glory come by chance your way, To pay no tribute unto Caesar, none, But keep the merit all your own! And then I was recommended to the place as a man who could give another man as good as he brought, and I took it. And then shyly, with a little break in her voice, she asked: "You are glad to come back to your home, aren't you? And then Mr Robarts had left him, fully convinced that any further interference on his part could be of no avail. And then an idea suddenly struck her, which made her shudder and even disturb Mitya, who glanced severely at her. And then I recounted to him the whole affair of the gipsy, and how the letter was put among the loose grass, etc. And then as I was hurrying off I heard him say, quite loudly, to the doctor, "I'll have no favourites on my ship. And then he dismounted and placed his hand upon my shoulder after the manner of most friendly greeting upon Mars. And then Sir Tristram yede his way and armed him, and took his horse and his man, and so he rode into that forest. And then Sir Tristram asked them where was La Beale Isoud, for he weened she had been had away of Andred's people. And then either party encountered with other, and there were many spears broken, and many knights cast under feet. And then he gripped about it with his fingers a great deal; and then she girt him about the middle with the sword. And then for pity Sir Launcelot withheld his knights, and suffered King Arthur's party for to withdraw them aside. "And then you will travel slowly through Bretagne, and will examine carefully the fortifications of that country." And then the King Alfonso gave command to clear the ground, And gather in the relics of the battle strewed around. And then King Arthur made Sir Tristram knight of the Table Round with great nobley and feasting as can be thought. And then, after a glance at matters there and an inquiry if aught were needed, he rode back to his own detachment. And then the banquet came to an end: the guests rose, and Cyrus stood up with them and conducted them to the door. And then long spells of oblivion, and the rising back to life as a diver coming up through a great press of water. And then, as men become better than He, He has made beasts, in order to see men hunt them, kill them and eat them. And then we lay down side by side, our eyes turned toward the sky, while the boat glided slowly through the water. And then the scene began again, and after the storm had raged for an hour, he at last was able to explain himself. And then, on the day when his grandfather had turned him out of doors, he had been only a child, now he was a man. And then they likewise shall Their ruin have; For as yourselves your empires fall, And every kingdom hath a grave. And then they were silent, and the tramping of the horses' feet along the highroad was the only sound to be heard. And then the shadow of thy coming fell On Saxon Alfred's olive- cinctured brow: And many a warrior-peopled citadel. And then we took boat to Woolwich, where we staid and gave order for the fitting out of some more ships presently. And then she went unto her chamber slily again for to behold how that one knight fought against an hundred knights. And then Sir Gawaine rode betwixt Sir Breuse and the lady, and said: False knight, leave her, and have ado with me. And then Arthur made Sir Tristram Knight of the Table Round, with great nobley and great feast as might be thought. And then began a great slaughter of men; none escaped but the foremost of those who had fled or who hid themselves. And then suddenly, in the very dead of the night, there came a sound to my ears, clear, resonant, and unmistakable. And then, as he passed the gates of the In and Out Club, he had a moment of clear vision and understood everything. And then the writhing and quivering of the body became less, and the teeth seemed to champ, and the face to quiver. And then these two girls both knew--not her secret; she had no secret --but the little history of her ill-treatment. And then in a moment, as if even this were almost too grave, he sounded the note that had least to do with himself. And then, when I shall be great and strong, when France is great and strong, in my turn, then, will I cry, 'Mercy'! And then, monsieur l'ambassadeur, you may not believe what I am going to tell you, but I have a still further idea. And then the mill, and the river, and Yap pricking up his ears, ready to obey the least sign when Tom said, "Hoigh! And then came several years in which our military capability was allowed to deteriorate to a very dangerous degree. And then, did it not occur to you that once Miss Porter knew the truth she would break her engagement with Clayton? And then only she turned to Ursula, who, with all the class, had been watching the little scene between the lovers. And then enter two of Titus Sonnes; After them, two men bearing a Coffin couered with blacke, then two other Sonnes. And then after washing his garments, and body, he shall enter into the camp, and shall be unclean until the evening. And then she made Launcelot passing good cheer, and she said he was the knight in the world was most welcome to her. And then he met with a yeoman riding upon an hackney, the which led in his hand a great steed blacker than any bear. And then," went on Woloda, smiling tenderly, "kiss her fingers and eyes and lips and nose and feet--kiss all of her. And then we will protect the fruits, and the vines, so that neither drought afflict them, nor excessive wet weather. And then pushing his prisoners aside, he laid his hand on the shoulder of Lady Helena, who turned pale at his touch. And then a spasm constricted her mouth for an instant: as it passed away she turned and left the room, and so did I. And then, strange to say, the first symptom of true love in a young man is timidity; in a young girl it is boldness. And then he lay in wait with his evil eye and wicked gun, safely ambushed behind the legend of his own incompetence. And then, again, the frog-man croaked away as if the salvation of his soul depended upon every note that he uttered. And then, perchance Arise together, Lalage, and roam The starry and quiet dwellings of the blest, And still- _ Lal_. And then, quite unexpectedly, that occurred which decided the question without the necessity for further discussion. And then another case was called, and Mr. George Osborne thenceforth dismissed from these worthy gentlemen's memory. And then Sir Launcelot gave him the order of knighthood, and then Sir Gareth prayed him for to depart and let him go. And then he let call his nephew Sir Andred, and bade arm him and horse him lightly; and by that time it was midnight. And then the king saw in the siege of Marhaus letters that said: This is the siege of the noble knight, Sir Tristram. And then Sir Launcelot told the queen all, and how he was made to lie by her by enchantment in likeness of the queen. And then he cried aloud: Ah fair knight, abide and suffer me to do thankings unto thee, for much have ye done for me. And then Sir Launcelot drew his sword, for he felt himself so sore y-hurt that he weened there to have had his death. And then Sir Gawaine made many men to blow upon Sir Launcelot; and all at once they called him false recreant knight. "And then it was, I presume," said Monte Cristo "that you came to me as the bearer of a letter from the Abbe Busoni?" And then he asked himself whether it would not be the best of plans to drive off booty from the country of the Medes? And then this viper, this Octavio, Is excellent at stabbing in the back, But ne'er meets Friedland in the open field. And then, seeing her dear bosom heave quickly, he was tempted to fall on his knees to her with a wild outcry of love. And then I didn't see him for months, and when he came to the shop again and asked me I don't know what came over me. And then Mr Toogood had only written one short scrap of a letter--just three words, and they were written in triumph. And then," cried Farfrae impetuously, his face alight, "I sold it a few weeks after, when it happened to go up again! And then, bursting into naturalness, and glancing from the corner of her eye, "'Tis the funniest thing under the sun! And then she thought of her past with Alexey Alexandrovitch, of how she had blotted the memory of it out of her life. And then he sent a message to say that he loved her so much that he would certainly burst of love if it did not stop. And then she took the lanterns from him, while he stood swooning with the perfect fire that burned in all his joints. And then he yielded him unto Sir Launcelot, and so he granted him, so that he would tell him why he came into the bed. And then Sir Sadok passed forth into his chamber, and took his horse and his harness, and rode on his way a good pace. And then came Sir Dinadan with a spear, and he smote Sir Launcelot such a buffet that horse and all fell to the earth. And then she said: Ah, my dear sons, when your father was slain he left me four sons, of the which now be twain slain. And then I told my father, and so were ye brought afore this holy vessel, and by the virtue of it thus were ye healed. And then Uwaine himself and Sir Gawaine drew out the truncheon of the spear, and anon departed the soul from the body. And then the preferment had in a sort of way been offered to Mr Harding, and had in a sort of way been refused by him. And then she would give it up as a bad job, and put the account-book away, after pretending to crush the lion with it. And then I stooped beside the prostrate form, tore the harness from it, and bound the fellow's arms and legs securely. And then he opened a trunk full of jewels, all the jewels of the cathedral of Embrun, which the thieves had given him. And then, a voice called from the drawing-room within, in a measured and assured tone, "Peter, darling, where are you? And then all helplessly we peered into those Other-worlds, and wailed, "O World of Worlds, how shall man make you one? And then it sought to get through the ultimate walls with its head-- and not with its head only--into "the other world. And then she told him all--told him the truth word by word, without attempting to shield herself or condone her error. And then my lord would defy the ghost which threatened him, for he knew of a remedy by which he could baulk his enemy. And then Sir Gareth came with his good horse and hurtled them in- sunder, and no stroke would he smite to Sir Launcelot. And then Sir Tristram smote on the right hand and on the left hand, that all lords and ladies spake of his noble deeds. And then to dwell in sovereign barns, And dream the days away, -- The grass so little has to do, I wish I were the hay! And then anon he made his horse to run over Sir Bleoberis, and rashed him to the earth like if he would have slain him. And then Sir Ector came again and gave Sir Palomides such a dash with a sword that he stooped down upon his saddle bow. And then Caddy Jellyby came down, and Caddy brought such a packet of domestic news that it gave us abundant occupation. And then--' 'Then I jumped away from him, and gave him a slap on the face; and ran away along the path, till I saw you. And then she stopped, to fancy how the noise would sound inside, and how gently it would seem to die away upon the ear. And then I am quite sure that he has managed to get a shot into himself somewhere or other, for we hear nothing of him. And then there was "potted game" and "potted grouse," "potted ham," and "deviled ham"-- de-vyled, as the men called it. And then, when he was able to use his hands, Jurgis took his bedding again and went back to his task of shifting rails. And then, and please your honour, he said, he could not bear this; for his daughter was ruined, to be sure, before now. And then he shook hands, and left my dear father almost unable to speak, through the sense of his favours and goodness. And then I think I saw the most tremendous exhibition of moral courage and intrepidity that it is possible to conceive. And then to supper, and after supper he went away, and so I got the girl to comb my head, and then to bed, my eyes bad. And then they began to strive for the lady; for the knight said he would have her, and the dwarf said he would have her. And then, as he walked on, he could not divest his mind of the remembrance of what had passed between him and Sir Roger. And then, as if baffled by the lucidity of this, Mrs. Assingham for a little said nothing: "Now do you think I'm modest? And then inveterately, before she could say--he enjoyed so much coming to this: "What will have squared Lady Castledean? And then you would grow disgusted with me and I was sent into the country, the family chateau, among fields and meadows. And then a minute or two afterwards someone else entered the room and expressed his surprise at finding Griffiths there. And then they brought him to a barn, A prisoner to endure; And so they fetched him out again, And laid him on the floor. And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave. And then the affair also proved the zeal of the Archdeacon, and so he let the case proceed along the lines it had taken. And then, far away in the sea, I remembered Ulster, and there came on me an instant, uncontrollable anguish to be there. And then it was discomforting to see Huck eying Joe's preparations so wistfully, and keeping up such an ominous silence. And then the bitch began to wag her tail back and forth in the snow and gaze with lustful eyes at the mouth of the pack. And then he looked on his armour, and understood he was well armed, and therewith blessed him and mounted upon his horse. And then she let throw the scabbard in the deepest of the water so it sank, for it was heavy of gold and precious stones. And then Sir Palomides rode against Sir Tristram, and either met other with great spears, that they brast to their hands. And then she kneeled down upon her knees to-fore Aglovale and Sir Percivale, and besought them to abide at home with her. And then every day they would throw him meat, and set him drink, but there was but few would bring him meat to his hands. And then, even in his trouble, he remembered the old saw that "What is done is done; and the egg cracked cannot be cured. And then to scape drowning thrice, and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a feather-bed; here are simple 'scapes. And then, when he came to the 'darling boy,' and the 'silken tresses,' he slowly closed and folded the letter in despair. And then we scampered on the beach, To chase the foaming wave; And when we ran beyond its reach We all became more brave. And then he catched hold of us, and kep on a talking to her, and answering of her, till I half believed I see her myself. And then suddenly, as in an explosion, the horrible truth burst over him, and he reeled and staggered back with a scream. And then he had the curiosity to examine this flaw with a strong magnifier which he unscrewed from one of the telescopes. And then Marco Polo knew him to be a Chinaman, because, as all the world knows, Chinamen are never surprised at anything. And then, in Lochlann, at the battle of Cnocha your father and I met at last, foot to foot, eye to eye, and there, Fionn! And then in the business of fore-castles, which he did oppose, all the world sees now the use of them for shelter of men. And then I asked him `Do you think, to such a degree that it will urge him to act contrary to the designs of his eminence? And then, to be frank with you--you know that I'm a blunt, straightforward fellow--you'll not give thank'ye for my advice. And then I strangled a new-born agony -- a deformed thing which I could not persuade myself to own and rear -- and ran on. And then they arrested me as a witness, And I lost my train and staid in Spoon River To wage my battle of life to the end. And then, making a great effort: "Shipmates," he cried, "I'm here to get that stuff, and I'll not be beat by man or devil. And then La Cote Male Taile jousted with that other, and either of them <356>smote other down, horse and all, to the earth. And then they within the castle marvelled what knight he was, when Sir Brian and his knights delivered all those prisoners. And then, on rendering his soul to the devil, he would recommend Anne of Austria to make me the inhabitant of a safe place. And then she tasted the porridge of the Middle Bear, and that was too cold for her; and she said a bad word about that too. And then----" "You must have shown a flash of speed if you got her to confide in you after knowing you for about two hours. And then I laid my pen aside, With sad, despairing mind, And, fill'd with self-contemptuous scorn, I thought of human kind. And then the fear that when I should attempt to go out I should be discovered and called to a halt, filled me with anxiety. And then the looks of the two men met, and they both saw that they had understood each other without exchanging a syllable. And then they will fool the voters once more, and all the powers of plunder and corruption will be swept into office again! And then again Mrs Van Siever would often go out in the morning, and when she did so, would always go without her daughter. And then, when I had promised you, I learnt of the rumour that you had --sold your first wife at a fair like a horse or cow! And then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money. And then, stretch as I would, I could not reach far enough to apply the match to the end of the cigarette between his lips. And then when the damosel knew certainly that he was not Sir Launcelot, then she took her leave, and departed <296>from him. And then they were ware of Sir Breuse Saunce Pite chasing a lady for to have slain her, for he had slain her paramour afore. And then were they ware of a fair knight armed, under a tree, lacking no piece of harness, save his helm lay under his head. And then he hurtled to King Mark, and smote him sore upon the shield, that he bare him clean out of his saddle to the earth. And then he told the king all that battle, and how Sir Palomides was more weaker, and more hurt, and more lost of his blood. And then she was ware where came his horse ever after that chariot, and ever he trod his guts and his paunch under his feet. And then we will pass an edifying hour together, my good fellow; for now I quite believe you are in the right frame of mind. And then the fine arts were resorted to, seeing that language fell short in telling all that was found necessary to be told. And then--the respectable women--that is to say our wives--are--are not--in fact do not understand their profession of wife. And then, in his turn, he would not have enough caresses to please his wife from morning to night and from night to morning. And then there was something of a protest in his manner, as though remonstrating against a thing that was unbecoming to him. And then, besides himself, there is Tryphaena, a most charming woman, travelling about here and there in search of pleasure. And then you must come into the office and sign," he added to the convoy soldier, who had not left the convict for a moment. And then the good, heart-wrung little man, who had been beating about the bush for half an hour, came straight to the point. And then I knew I was one of Life's fools, Whom only death would treat as the equal Of other men, making me feel like a man. And then to-morrow I'll strike the old Broadway trail again, and wear some more paint off the chairs in the agents' offices. And then I was a young man and I loved action, and I was offered such a hand in such a game as perhaps never man played yet. And then in manner of the little flame, Which followeth the fire where'er it shifts, After the spirit followeth its new form. And then his nephews Sir Uwaine le Blanchemains, and Sir Aglovale, Sir Tor, Sir Percivale de Galis, and Sir Lamorak de Galis. And then all these dollar-grabbing Yankees, enjoying all the advantages of war without any of its dangers--they make me sick. And then began the first examination of that part of the great Antarctic Barrier which has since been named the Ross Barrier. And then was poetical justice made complete; for who should appear before the helpless forts but Evertsen with a Dutch fleet! And then, punishments must be administered; but if punishment is for improvement, it has been as ineffective as the treaties. And then he spoke about the Sunday school; and to tell the truth I agreed with him; and I thought you would have done so too. And then he resumed his mental retrospect of the navigators who made known to us these two great islands of the Southern Sea. And then they both sat silent, as though each was waiting to hear whether the other had anything more to say on that subject. And then her going in disguise to that conjurer, and this cunning woman: where the first question is, how soon you shall die? And then I made a brusque movement, and one of the remaining posts of that vanished fence leaped up in the field of my glass. And then he continued to dream, and thought he might become even a bishop by leading a pure, energetic, wise, Christian life. And then it was such a surprise upon us all!--I believe truly, you owe some of your danger to the lovely appearance you made. And then when Sir Tristram came toward the old manor he found the track of many horses, and thereby he wist his lady was gone. And then the queen sent them treasure enough for their expenses, and so they took their horses and their armour, and departed. And then he asked his arms, and mounted upon his horse, and hung the white shield about his neck, and commended them unto God. And then if that ye fall in any distress through wilful folly, then is there none other remedy or help but by me and my blood. And then, as if exclaiming, said: Oh, covetousness of the human race, thinking that even the whole earth is too little for it! And then--something--moved beneath them, there was a gasp and a cry-- and somebody said in muffled accents: "Merciful goodness! And then again, sir, we were both of us very fond of Sir Charles, as we well might be considering all that he has done for us. And then as he again fixed her with his hard yearning, which he couldn't keep down: "The question is so much bigger than that. And then, you know me of old, I fancy, and you know that when I once make up my mind to a thing, I perform it in grim earnest. And then--I don't know how it was-- I couldn't bear to let you go-- possibly to Arabella again--and so I got to love you, Jude. And then they command to draw out of the clue unto three knots, or mo or less, as they will have the wind more soft or strong. And then, as to Campbell's interest with Morris, I incline to suppose that it must have been gained by playing upon his fears. And then, when they condescend to compose a sort of verse that was at that time in vogue in Kandy, which they call seguidillas! And then was he ware of a great knight that drove an horse afore him, and overthwart the horse there lay an armed knight bound. And then within a little while he had slain half their horses and unhorsed them, and their horses ran in the fields and forest. And then she added, "Your father and he were not such good friends as they ought to have been, and the Captain has been abroad. And then, with ready boat at hand, The hunter got his game; For to its struggling, frightened mark, The well-aim'd bullet came. And then came a sandy tract, without any transition, but with the abruptness of change so characteristic of Australian scenery. And then there was silence over everything, silence so profound that it startled me, and I got up and looked out of the window. And then he sat down, amid the loud plaudits of the company, and a string of blessings which came from the servants behind him. And then the dismal monotonous walk recommenced, until, exhausted, he regained the chamber and his bed, his domicile by choice. And then the old lady took them up, and altogether there came to be a sort of feeling that they were to be regarded as friends. And then, when he caught the sound of my voice, he continued: "And art thou, my brother, likewise unwilling to see me at peace? And then, as they were holding his mouth open by force to give him a draught, he observed to M. de Belot: "An vivere tanti est? `And then, looking more nearly into their features, I saw some further peculiarities in their Dresden-china type of prettiness. And then he ordered his horses, affirming they should reach Baptista's house by dinner-time, for that it was but seven o'clock. And then the good-natured little man began to consider how his friend might be best rescued from a death so horrid and painful. And then, one night, Matt, reading to himself with moving lips and mumbled sounds, was startled by a low whine from White Fang. And then the others, sweetly and devoutly, Accompanied it through all the hymn entire, Having their eyes on the supernal wheels. And then he cursed the time that ever he came in their <394>fellowship, and so he took his horse, and his harness, and departed. And then Sir Launcelot with the three knights of his kin did so great deeds of arms that all the noise began upon Sir Launcelot. And then they kneeled down and made their devotions, and there was such a savour as all the spicery in the world had been there. And then thus he said: Sir knight, whatsomever thou be, I require thee upon the high order of knighthood, tell me thy true name. And then, sir, does he this,--he does--What was I about to say?-- By the mass, I was about to say something:--Where did I leave? And then she sate down in the chair of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too hard, nor too soft, but just right. And then; day after day, I dwelt on the one thought that by rights Regina should be at home in this house--just like my own boy. And then as his own conviction appeared to continue as little to match: "The ground, I mean, of any nervousness I may ever feel. And then I turned up the main corridor in the direction that Carthoris and the head of the column had passed a half-hour before. And then, when I have eaten and drunk with you, go with me as far as the finger-post, dear Joe and Biddy, before we say good by! "And then," said Fouquet, "because it is impossible it should be the king, Gourville, as the king was still in Paris yesterday." And then, as the beginning of the story dates thirty years back, there is no longer any one at Faverolles who knew Jean Valjean. And then all this immense expense of art, that seems somehow to lie outside life and make it no better for the world, pains one. And then there was an ignoramus," said he, "who mistook himself for a frog, which, by the way, he resembled in no little degree. "And then you were together five years in California, so that this business dates back not less than eleven years at the least?" And then there's his dear eyes--but when I speak about that to my Rose she calls me an old fool and says I ought to be poleaxed. And then again came the child's high, screaming voice, with a note of weeping and impatience in it now: 'Di--Oh Di--Oh Di--Di--! And then he said: 'Be not thy heart afraid; Henceforth I thee absolve; and thou instruct me How to raze Palestrina to the ground. And then they departed and took their horses; and then they let carry the dead squire unto a priory, and there they interred him. And then he went into a valley, and there he saw a young serpent bring a young lion by the neck, and so he came by Sir Percivale. And then Sir Mador prayed that knight to save his life, and so he yielded him as overcome, and released the queen of his quarrel. And then they loose their hands, and the cool curate doth bid the Man to put a ring on the Woman's fourth finger, counting thumb. And then Adela knew that the weight of Edward Buxley's remonstrative wrath had fallen on silent Emilia, to whom she clung fondly. And then he sells me my house at an advanced price, and I buy, and then he votes against a penny for the protection of the shore! And then the agonized thoughts returned more horrible, and her wailing cry broke out again as she beat her head against the wall. And then, that bundle of clothes prepared beforehand for the child; all that was singular; many mysteries lay concealed under it. And then I should know what to do, when I got older: I should see how it was possible to lead a grand life here--now--in England. And then he glanced at Nicholas again, and, squeezing his hand, said, 'I am a bad one at putting off anything I am interested in. "And then there was Jules Desoulieres, who was a very singular genius, indeed, and went mad with the idea that he was a pumpkin." "And then," said some other one of the party, -- "then there was Bouffon Le Grand -- another extraordinary personage in his way." And then an old fellow starts blowing into his bagpipes and all the gougers shuffling their feet to the tune the old cow died of. And then they call'd me foule Adulteresse, Lasciuious Goth, and all the bitterest tearmes That euer eare did heare to such effect. And then Sir Ector told him all, how he was betaken him for to nourish him, and by whose commandment, and by Merlin's deliverance. And then he said unto the damosel that came from his sister, Damosel, this mantle that ye have brought me, I will see it upon you. And then the same squire that brought the letter and the brachet came again unto Sir Tristram, as after ye shall hear in the tale. And then the five knights set upon him all at once with their spears, and there they smote La Cote Male Taile down, horse and man. And then they were glad of Sir Gawaine, and he of them, but they wist not what he was with the shield of Cornwall, but by deeming. And then there is an important discovery in his example--the art of being paid for what one eats, instead of having to pay for it. And then Sir Launcelot was wroth, and up he gat upon his feet, and drew his sword, and he smote off the boar's head at one stroke. And thence they sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been delivered to the grace of God, unto the work which they accomplished. * * * * * ... And then Eupeithes' son, Antinoüs, to the crowd of suitors said:-- "Rise one by one, my friends, from right to left. And thenceforward he persevered in slighting upon all occasions, and even in private conversation, this divine worship of himself. And then, after a moment, he grumbled in his beard: "After all I am sorry for the poor fellow; he is so brave, and shoots so well! And then a murder was such a rare thing in the country, and, above all, the murder of a child, that he could not believe his eyes. And then, taking my arm, he would whisper to me: "See here, that fellow will play me a trick some day or other, I feel sure of it. And then: 'I ought to tell you the princess is well, and so on--pardon me just now: Grandada is kept waiting, and I don't like it. And then shall no blame attach to you in making proposals of marriage92 to such women, or in keeping such intention to yourselves? And then I scrutinized, with a minute scrutiny, the forms, and the methods, and the leading traits of his impertinent supervision. And then we send him, at the public expense, from the Moscow to the Irkoutsk Government, in company with the most depraved of men. And then, as if wishing to tone down his question, he added, "I cannot give you the permission without knowing why you require it. And then, noting that he had dozed off while we carried him, added: 'And he will have done with beds, poor chap, before I need it. And then a theme I had never heard crept in, and caught my ear at once, because it was quite new to me, and so marvellously sweet. And then he added with rather gallowsbird humour considering his alleged end: --AS BAD AS OLD ANTONIO, FOR HE LEFT ME ON MY OWNIO. And then the Martian beside us raised his tube on high and discharged it, gunwise, with a heavy report that made the ground heave. And then I heard: "The ancient and the new Postulates, that to thee are so conclusive, Why dost thou take them for the word divine? And then he wrast his sword out of his hand, and therewith he ran to one of his squires and smote off his head, and the other fled. And then he might see sometime the battle was driven a bow-draught from the castle, and sometime it was at the gates of the castle. And then they gat off their horses as well as they might, and dressed their shields and swords to do their battle to the utterance. And then they both went to the stone, and sat them down upon it and took off their helms and each kissed the other a hundred times. And then they had lunch, and then Mr Arabin went out on parish duty; and Eleanor and Miss Thorne were left to take a walk together. And then some few years later, there came a rector, and a rector's sister; and with the latter Mary studied German and French also. "And then they took me, Brument by the head, and Cornu by the feet, as one might take, for instance, a sheet that has been washed." "And then Brument pushed down my head as if to drown me, so that the water ran into my nose, so that I could already see Paradise." And then, even if they adored me, is it possible for two women and one man to know a secret--such a secret!--and not to tell of it? And then there was 'The Man in the Bell,' a paper by-the-by, Miss Zenobia, which I cannot sufficiently recommend to your attention. And then came the time when she shot up rapidly into young womanhood and their eyes were on a level and their ages seemed the same. And then to church again, and there was Mr. Frampton in the pulpit, they cry up so much, a young man, and of a mighty ready tongue. And then shall he be judged subject to this evil, when a filthy humour, at every moment, cleaveth to his flesh, and gathereth there. And then Sir Tristram took great sorrow, and endured with great pain long time, for the arrow that he was hurt withal was envenomed. And then the King of Ireland and the King of Scots with their knights did their pain to take King Arthur and Sir Launcelot prisoner. And then he came lower, and watched how his own horse stood; and suddenly he leapt on the further side of his horse from the knight. And then they leapt from their horses, and drew their swords, and gave many sad strokes, so that the blood burst out in many places. And then came the sixth company, And gunnen* fast on Fame to cry; *began Right verily in this mannere They saide; "Mercy, Lady dear! And then he recalled the scene in the winter beech-woods, and Diana's wild-deer eyes; her, perfect generosity to a traitor and fool. And then he told the king all that had happened, and showed him the three branches and the golden cup which he had brought with him. And then, throwing out your chest like a bully and lacing yourself like a girl, with stays under your cuirass, is doubly ridiculous. And then she experienced a keen paroxyism, a transport, as if she had made some incredible discovery, known to nobody else on earth. And then you'll have to go to a blacksmith's or a wheelwright's and arrange for the cart to be fetched and mended and put to rights. And then said he to them, "Heal my broken heart and eat of my sweetmeats; for, by Allah, I cannot look at thee but my heart flutters. And then the Lord God will take away before your eyes nations that are great and very strong, and no man shall be able to resist you. And then Sir Lamorak kneeled down, and unlaced first his umberere, and then his own, and then either kissed other with weeping tears. And then they rode with Sir Palomides unto a castle by the seaside, that hight Pelownes, and there Sir Palomides should have justice. And then Sir Launcelot's party withdrew them into his castle, and either parties buried the dead, and put salve unto the wounded men. And then, how grievous a thing it is to have the pleasure of your novel destroyed by the ill-considered triumph of a previous reader. And then, to follow your Lordship's wishes I shall hold myself at your disposal to render an account to you, when and where you will. And then Teta Elzbieta broke forth into protestations and reproaches, so that the people outside stopped and peered in at the window. And then he remembered that Mrs Butterwell especially disliked Mr Crosbie--disliked him because she knew that he snubbed her husband. And then for hours he thought of Dr Tempest and Mr Crawley, considering what he had better do to repair the shipwreck of the morning. And then down in the remote blackness of the gallery I heard a peculiar pattering, and the same odd noises I had heard down the well. And then, amid the clangour of the machinery, came a drifting suspicion of human voices, that I entertained at first only to dismiss. And then round the bushes came the tall form of Alexander Roddice, striding romantically like a Meredith hero who remembers Disraeli. And then if among all these different sorts of music that of the albogues is heard, almost all the pastoral instruments will be there. And then Sir Tristram took his horse and sought lodging, and there he met with a good ancient knight and prayed him to lodge with him. And then they went to council; and wit you well either party were loath to fight more, so that either might escape with their worship. And then they put on their helms and departed, and recommended them all wholly unto the queen; and there was weeping and great sorrow. And then, his anguish becoming too keen, he passed his hand over his forehead, let the monocle drop from his eye, and wiped its glass. And then as Maggie herself now wondered, echoing it again: "We can suggest to her to suggest to him that he shall let me take him off. And then he said to the two gendarmes: "You will conduct this man two hundred yards from the village and let him continue his journey. And then he told me that I could see Nastasia Philipovna at the opera- house that evening, if I liked, and described which was her box. And then, the noises grew confused in the distance; and a cold deadly feeling crept over the boy's heart; and he saw or heard no more. And then a living mass of destruction sprang from the surrounding darkness full upon the creature that held me pinioned to the ground. And then the thought of the schatz once more rushed into my mind, and I reflected how happy I might be, could I but dig up the schatz. And then, as though she had caught his respectful but ardent regard, she melted away, leaving the fragrant emblems on the window-sill. And thence the inmost round marks with its seal Sodom and Cahors, and all such as speak Contemptuously' of the Godhead in their hearts. And then he alighted down and reined his horse on the bridle, and bound all the three knights fast with the reins of their own bridles. And then there leapt out knights out of their tents and pavilions, and they within the castle looked over the walls and out at windows. And then they came riding together as it had been thunder, and either smote other so sore that their horses fell backward to the earth. And then he kneeled adown, and made his oath upon the cross of the sword, that never while he lived he would be against errant-knights. And then Sir Launcelot mounted upon his horse, and gat his spear in his hand, and rode after the twelve knights that led Sir Palomides. And then this Brisen by the commandment of King Pelles let send Elaine to this castle with twenty-five knights unto the Castle of Case. And then Sir Tristram mounted upon his own horse, and in his hand he gat Sir Galleron's spear; and therewithal Sir Palomides was ready. And then the king blew unto lodging, and the prize was given by heralds unto the knight with the white shield that bare the red sleeve. And then, what has often been shown elsewhere was shown here, namely, that of all strong formations the strongest is a band of friends. And then Lady Arabella stood up before her son as Lady Macbeth might have stood, had Lady Macbeth lived to have a son of Frank's years. And then the prince and Briar Rose were married, and the wedding feast was given; and they lived happily together all their lives long. "And then," continued the duchess, with an innocent air, "then I do not believe either that Lord Hertford is to blame for your recall." And then he would go on to tell you that Socialism was "paternalism," and that if it ever had its way the world would stop progressing. And then, one night they came to a fishing village, where brown nets were drying in the wind along the cliffs and in front of the huts. And then he turned and went, and with him went the tall and sullen- looking bearers, and that was the last that we saw of the Amahagger. And then from that Vision Splendid all the glory faded slowly away, and left an earth gray and stern rolling on beneath a dark despair. And then he came most unexpectedly upon Rokoff and Paulvitch at a moment when of all others the two might least appreciate his company. And then on either side, linked by golden clasps of exquisite shape, was a line of flaming jewels, of which the colours seemed to glow. And then, as we all slunk back to our places, "Gray," he said, "I'll put your name in the log; you've stood by your duty like a seaman. And then he came lower and awaited how his own horse stood, and suddenly he leapt on the further side of the horse, fro-ward the knight. And then by the means of the damosel Savage Sir Gawaine and Sir Gareth were healed of their wounds; and there they sojourned eight days. And then they lashed all at once to Sir Lamorak, but anon at two strokes Sir Lamorak had slain two of them, and then the other two fled. And then Sir Launcelot rode betwixt them, and asked them for what cause they fought so together: And ye are both knights of King Arthur! And then Sir Launcelot armed him at all points, and mounted upon his horse, and gat a great spear in his hand, and rode out at the gate. And then he had fetched away a three-gallon jug of whisky, too, that he found under a wagon when he was starting home through the woods. And then there was Mrs Billington, the famous singer, whom Michael Kelly describes as "an angel of beauty and the Saint Cecilia of song. And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again. And then the Mother of God would say to Her Son: "Son, pray see the fearfulness of Thy people on earth, and their estrangement from joy! And then he said to Viola: 'You know, Cesario, I have told you all the secrets of my heart; therefore, good youth, go to Olivia's house. And then Sir Launcelot knocked at the gate with the pommel of his sword, and with that came his host, and in they entered Sir Kay and he. And then he bled so fast that he might not stand, but so he laid him down upon his bed, and there he swooned and lay as he had been dead. And then Sir Lamorak went betwixt them, and asked them why they would slay that one <347>knight, and said it was shame, four against one. And then he came with his fellowship and rescued Sir Tristram, and brought him away from those knights that bare the shields of Cornwall. And then--and then I opened the door, and the room was filled with bodies and skeletons of poor dead women, all stained with their blood. And then a miser, rich in gold, Who locks away some jewel bright, For fear the thief a gem may steal, Which yet can yield him no delight. And then, while he was speaking, Amrah turned away, and walked noiselessly to the door, and went out; and none of the company saw her go. And then it made me twenty times more wretched, to know how unselfishly mindful she was of me, and how selfishly mindful I was of myself. "And then, my good fellow, use your daggers in any way you please, and I further promise you to be there as a spectator of your prowess." And then Dr Fillgrave, thinking that even the present circumstances required no further condescension, ensconced himself in the carriage. And then the other two came at him with their swords bared, and both deal him great blows, but they receive still heavier blows from him. And then among them some one would "take a shine" to him, and they would go off together and travel for a week, exchanging reminiscences. And then consider that, added to this competition in display, you have, like oil on the flames, a whole system of competition in selling! And then, in the next place, was it probable that the dean would act upon such a letter by filling up the vacancy, even if he did get it? And then, there still remained some petty but pressing debts in the neighborhood, and they were collecting the bills for them, etc., etc. And then, as the others still hesitated to do so: "Come, I shall do it myself if no other will," and he stepped forward toward the count. And then hastily the king answered: Take her with the adventures that shall fall of it, for as I suppose thou wilt not enjoy her no while. And then Sir La Cote Male Taile came to Sir Launcelot, and then Sir Launcelot would have given him all these fortresses and these bridges. And then the king made a feast royal, and to that feast came Sir Uwaine le Fise de Roy Ureine, and some called him Uwaine le Blanchemains. And then they came together a soft pace, and wonderly they lashed together passing thick the mountenance of an hour or ever they breathed. And then they made either to other their complaints of many divers things, and then Sir Launcelot wished that he might have come into her. "`And then do you take this poniard,' said the young herdsman; `you will not find one better carved between Albano and Civita-Castellana." And thence I past Far through a ruinous city, and I saw That man had once dwelt there; but there I found Only one man of an exceeding age. And then the other would begin to pour out some tale of misery, and the man would say, "Come have a glass, and maybe that'll brace you up. And then, without waiting for a reply: "Miss Sally, she sick in bed, en Mars John, he bleedzd ter go in de country, en dey tuck'n sont me. And then, without waiting for an answer, he turned and walked to his litter, and in ten minutes from that time we were all well under way. And then I left my wife to go home by coach, and I walked to the Temple about my law business, and there received a subpoena for T. Trice. And then quite suddenly it settled down, hobbled among the grass, and sat considering, its nose twitching like a bit of fluff in the wind. And then they hurtled together and all to- brast their spears, and then they pulled out their <329>swords, and hewed on helms and hauberks. And then Sir Lamorak asked him why he loved Queen Guenever as he did: For I was not far from you when ye made your complaint by the chapel. And then he considered in what manner it would be best and most becoming that he should still prosecute his endeavour and repeat his offer. And then, for some unknown reason, these same men had condemned her to hard labour, though she was innocent of the charge laid against her. And then I got the theme for life fading, and what one feels when the glorious noon is suddenly plunged into darkness; and then the prayer. And then, although she would rather there had been no word spoken on the subject, Tess had to hear in detail the story of Marian and Retty. And then he showed her whom she had got in his stead: how like a blight or a mildew he looked, for so he had blasted his wholesome brother. And then of course my family has also to be considered," Prince Vasili went on, testily pushing away a little table without looking at her. And then he kneeled down unto Sir Launcelot, and to Sir Gawaine, and prayed them of forgiveness of his enmity that ever he had against them. And then was he ware before him in a valley where rode Sir Bleoberis, with Sir Segwarides' lady, that rode behind his squire upon a palfrey. And then suddenly Sir Tristram, Sir Dinadan, and Gouvernail, his man, rode their way into the forest, that no man perceived where they went. And then he took the pieces and set them together, and they seemed that they had never been broken, and as well as it had been first forged. And then the moral and intellectual effect of drill, as an introduction to, and aid of, all other sorts of training, must not be overlooked. And then by degrees Mr Slope had introduced the subject of the pretty school which he had hoped before long to see attached to the hospital. And then look at that are pauper, dragged away in that ox-cart from his wife for ever, like a feller to States' Prison, and you see Lazarus. And then, you would hardly believe it, but my mother-- Nina Alexandrovna--helps Hippolyte in all sorts of ways, sends him money and clothes. And then, because their hall must also serve For kitchen, boiled the flesh, and spread the board, And stood behind, and waited on the three. And then,-- if it must be said,--however different your language is from mine, we believe in the same principles; you share all my opinions. And then, I HEARD a vision of heaven, where evening shadows never fall: And after that came the end; just certainty, and worship, and peace. And then I have made a little purchase within this half year; East Kingham Farm, you must remember the place, where old Gibson used to live. And then to dinner, and got Mr. Pett the Commissioner to dinner with me, he and I alone, my wife not being well, and so after dinner parted. And then the whole quire hold their hips, and loffe, And waxen in their mirth, and neeze, and sweare, A merrier houre was neuer wasted there. And then he took her by the hand, and said: Thou false traitress, thou shalt tell me what manner of drink this is, or else I shall slay thee. And then, at the last, by great might and force, he slew the Earl Grip with his own hands, and more than an hundred knights he slew that day. And then forthwithal I saw him ride to the hurt knight, and changed harness with him, and then straight I saw him how he rode into the field. And then they rode unto his castle, where they had great cheer and joy, as great as ever Sir Palomides and Sir Safere had in their life- days. And then philosophic ideas are wholly wanting in Voiture's works, but I am of the same opinion as the coadjutor -- he is a poet, a true poet. And then I thought he adored me, and would let me have my own way: he did pretend to do so at first, but now he does not care a bit about me. And then, said he, a lookin up to me and callin out at the tip eend of his voice, Mr. Hogreave Slick, says he, here's a job out here for you. And then the Lady Arabella stalked off, not without full observation from Mrs Yates Umbleby and her friend Miss Gustring, who lived close by. And then he thought kindly of her, and that a meeting would not be good for her, and that she ought to go to Italy and follow her profession. And then we parted--at least, until I remembered that I had written straight off to tell you the night before, and that frightened him again. And then a day before the day named, Mrs Crawley had come into Silverbridge, and had paid the butcher twenty pounds in four five- pound notes. And then consider the sort of people who pronounce judgments on the moral and intellectual capacity of the negro, the Malay, or the Chinaman. And then that match was made, which, uniting his and Pompey's power, had well-nigh ruined the Roman empire, and did destroy the commonwealth. And then, although they may have no desire of change, the others charge them with plotting against the people and being friends of oligarchy? And then he appeared suddenly to see something wonderfully interesting behind him, which served as an excuse to turn his reddening face away. And then he wiped his wounds with a part of the bloody cloth that Sir Gilbert was wrapped in, and anon an wholer man in his life was he never. And then Sir Percivale was wood wroth, and cried: Abide, wicked knight; coward and false-hearted knight, turn again and fight with me on foot. And then he led Sir Bors into an high tower, and there he found knights and ladies: those ladies said he was welcome, and so they unarmed him. And then he was buried; and as soon as he was buried Sir Percivale yielded him to an hermitage out of the city, and took a religious clothing. And then she lay down upon the bed of the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and that was neither too high at the head, nor at the foot, but just right. And then Prince took her arm in his and turned with great emotion and respect to his father, whose deportment at that moment was overwhelming. And then, transfix'd unto the floor, I stood, in terror pinion'd there, With drops of sweat upon my brow, And eyes with fix'd and rigid stare. And then, my dear, before I could say a word he began pouring out a perfect torrent of love-making, laying his very heart and soul at my feet. And then she returned to the house with slow steps, only stopping to cough, for she had remained out too long and she was cold, a little cold. And then came a frown upon his brow, and a gleam of fire into his eyes, which effectually banished that look of humility which he had assumed. And then he mounted upon his horse, and rode into many strange and wild countries, and through many waters and valleys, and evil was he lodged. And then Sir Tristram horsed King Arthur and rode forth with him, but he charged the Lady of the Lake not to discover his name as at that time. And then," he added, whispering and grinning, "if that ever was to happen--which it won't--the birds that have never been caged would kill 'em. And then he again plunged into a train of thought, the character of which was better revealed by a sad smile, than it would have been by tears. And then gently pressing him away she got free, trying to mitigate the sadness by saying: "We'll be dear friends just the same, Jude, won't we? And then the father, who has nothing to do but pet them and spoil them, comes in when all her work is done and steals their affection from her. And then shall ye lament, and say: Helaman 13:33 33 O that I had repented, and had not killed the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out. And then the stately grace of the clean, delicately -- granulated columnar stems, the largest four feet in diameter, at twenty from the ground. And then they joined hands and danced joyfully around their father, and they sang a song, the first line of which is: "Fionn thinks he is safe. And thence doth doubt Spring, like a shoot, around the stock of truth; And it is nature which from height to height On to the summit prompts us. And then he gart to unarm him, and beat him with thorns all naked, and sithen put him down in a deep dungeon, where he knew many of his fellows. And then he said: Take your rest, and look that ye be up betimes and make you ready and your lady, for ye shall want no thing that you behoveth. And then he gat his sword in his hands, and made many strange signs and tokens; and so through his raging he threw his sword into that fountain. And then Sir Lionel took fifteen lords with him, and rode to London to seek Sir Launcelot; and there Sir Lionel was slain and many of his lords. And then he added some fine words: he said, `I have friends on the other side of the channel, and these friends only want a leader and a banner. And then his pupils loved him better than they imitated him, and in their imitations fell as much below him as he had fallen below the ancients. And then, in all my ardor sharing, The silent form expression found; Returned my kiss of youthful daring, And understood my heart's quick sound. And then, as the matter is made plain to you at so early an age, you are not of course hampered by any indiscreet tie; by any absurd engagement. And then he hurried Franko along to the bridge, where, behold, the Countess alighted with the gentleman, and walked beside him into the gardens. "And then you won't know me, sir; and I shall not be your Jane Eyre any longer, but an ape in a harlequin's jacket -- a jay in borrowed plumes." And then his behavior to you, father, is really good; he has a deep respect for you; and it is impossible to have a better temper than Fred has. And then when Myra would go off duty and Miss Cleghorn, who was sallow, would come on, the commercial men would be off again like autumn leaves. And then was there great joy made of him in the court, for they weened all he had been dead, forasmuch as he had been so long out of the country. And then Sir Lavaine was horsed again, and he smote down Sir Lucan the Butler and Sir Bedevere and then there began great throng of good knights. And then he said: I pray to God, damosel, ye may speed well, for all we that be about the king would Sir Launcelot did best of any knight living. And then, seeing that I smiled and shook my head, she suddenly threw aside her constraint and made a step forward, with her hands wrung together. And then when everything is done, the kindest-hearted critic of them all invariably twit us with the incompetency and lameness of our conclusion. "And then," said Eugenie, while turning over the leaves of Madame de Villefort's album, "add that you have taken a great fancy to the young man." And then, having thus given vent to his feelings in somewhat high- flown language, he walked forth and trudged away along the road towards Courcy. And then, as I understand, he is absolutely encouraging that girl--' 'Now, Bell, you are quite wrong--' 'Of course I am; I always am quite wrong. And then he went into particulars, and discussed, 'more suo,' the constitutional question, in which various Leicestrian counsellors seconded him. And then there was Marija Berczynskas, who, fired with jealousy by the success of Jurgis, had set out upon her own responsibility to get a place. And then, adds M. Dunoyer, if the State owes instruction to everybody, it will soon be maintained that it owes labor; then lodging; then shelter. And then she recalled the old line of cruel reasoning: "It was not the sort of face one would have wanted to see always in front of one at table. And then: "But I am not going to worry about it any longer; I am going to find out where Mr. Caldwell is," and she motioned to a passing steward. And then Sir Tristram saw another fellowship by themself, and there were a forty knights together, and Sir Kay, the Seneschal, was their governor. And then I had to struggle twice as hard, fighting as though for life or death, so that nobody should know what sort of man my child's father was. And then turning to the magicians: "Let one magician of the magicians tell me what is hidden in the bags that are lying across the back of my cow. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them. And then Sir Gawaine and Sir Bors did their message, and commanded Lucius, in Arthur's name to avoid his land, or shortly to address him to battle. And then that strong knight bare a spear to Dagonet, and smote him so sore that he bare him over his horse's tail, and nigh he had broken his neck. And then those kings gat Sir Palomides' horse again, and made him to arm him and mount upon his horse, and so he rode with them, making great dole. 'And then I saw it, the fairy city, Far away o'er the waters deep; Towers and castles and chapels glowing Like blesséd dreams that we see in sleep. And then he swore to himself a solemn oath, resolving that he would repeat the purport of it to Lily herself--that this should be the last attempt. And then, one after the other, there came a series of incidents so curious and so inexplicable that the very shrewdest people began to feel uneasy. And then all of a sudden there was a flash of cold steel, and a great spear was held against my throat, and behind it other spears gleamed cruelly. And then great plots are talked to be discovered, and all the prisons in town full of ordinary people, taken from their meeting-places last Sunday. And then our spades showed us that SOMETHING had been buried beneath the corpse, for a hole had been there and it had been filled with loose earth. And then I thought of the quantity of striped cuffs and blue glass beads that $2,000,000 can buy for the heathen, and I said to myself that he was. And then he erected an altar to God upon his land, and he said, "Thou art the Lord of all celestial things, and I am the lord of all earthly things. And then she said unto the knight, Sir, it needeth not to put me to more pain or labour, for it seemeth not you to speed there as other have failed. And then Sir Gawaine said, I am of the court of King Arthur, and his sister's son, and King Lot of Orkney was my father, and my name is Sir Gawaine. And then Sir Gareth rode out on the one side to amend his helm; and then said his dwarf: Take me your ring, that ye lose it not while that ye drink. And then Palomides alighted and drew his sword, but Sir Archade might not arise; and there Sir Palomides raced off his helm, and smote off his head. And then he said: Gawaine, Gawaine, ye have set me in great sorrow, for I have great doubt that my true fellowship shall never meet here more again. And then another difficulty of huge dimensions arose, a difficulty which Mr Plomacy had indeed foreseen, and for which he was in some sort provided. And then it will go in, you know - and then -' said Mr. Dick, after checking himself, and pausing a long time, 'there'll be a pretty kettle of fish! And then the young democrat walked on again in solitude, leaving Mr Oriel in doubt as to the exact line of argument which he had meant to inculcate. And then almost immediately he felt quite merry and light-hearted from the effects of the alcohol, just as if some great happiness filled his heart. And then I changed my pipings-- Singing how down the vale of Maenalus I pursued a maiden, and clasp'd a reed: Gods and men, we are all deluded thus! And then, what shall we say of the facility with which a born queen or empress will give herself over into the arms of some unknown wandering knight? And then he let ordain privily a little vessel, and therein they went, Sir Tristram, Kehydius, Dame Bragwaine, and Gouvernail, Sir Tristram's squire. And then he put the three questions to him; but the young man had been told everything by the good fairy, so he was able to answer all the questions. And then you, sir, she loves you so entirely that--" "No," interrupted my father; "you can advance no arguments like these to touch a mother's heart. And then Frank, in voluble language, which he hardly, however, had quite under his command, told his father all that had passed between him and Mary. And then she exclaimed: "Oh, he is not going to die; tell me that he is not going to die, I beg of you; tell him that I love him, that I worship him. And then sets to work to persecute him, because he has blood in his veins, because he worships beauty; because he seeks a real marriage, a real mate. And then it is taken out of the water, and laid abroad till it be dried, and twined and wend in the sun, and then bound in pretty niches and bundles. And then when you go away, you may leave one or two of my sisters behind you; and I dare say I shall get husbands for them before the winter is over. And then did cloud after cloud roll over the spirit, until at last madness preached: "Everything perisheth, therefore everything deserveth to perish! And then he was gone again into the swaying trees, following the high- flung spoor which no other human eye could have detected, much less translated. And then again I dreamed that two fair whelps lay before me yelling aloud, and that the flesh of them I ate, though my will went not with the eating. And then they all wist not where he was become; and Sir Gawaine had in manner espied where Sir Gareth rode, and then he rode after with all his might. And then he said thus: Sir Galahalt, well may I liken you to a wolf, for he will never eat fish, but flesh; then the haut prince laughed at his words. "And then, my lord," continued Rochefort, "you understand that to emerge from the Bastile in order to enter Vincennes is only to change one's prison." And then there was the fearful heat -- considering the circumstances -- which often made us get out of our sleeping-bags and lie with nothing over us. "And then bury it in the woods," added Albert, wincing as the consequences of his rash act swept through his small form like some nauseous tidal wave. And then while, for all they seemed to give him, he sounded again her eyes: "I feel the day like a great gold cup that we must somehow drain together. And then--after the assizes, Mr Crawley might come to his senses; and I think--mind you it's only an idea--but I think the committal might be quashed. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. And then I myself, when I was gotten very old, fared thither a-seeking it, and I found it; for I was one of those who bore the chaplet of the seekers. And then I said it again, several times, very gently and slowly, and said it so often that he had to go and see, and he got it of course, and came in. And then Sir Tristram, Sir Ironside, Sir Persant, and his brother, rode together for to help Sir Gareth; and then there were given many strong strokes. And then Sir Tristram put his spear from him, and put Sir Palomides again on horseback, and Sir Launcelot put King Arthur on horseback and so departed. And then when the corn is all ripe, down it will come, rattling all over the place, and think no more of where it is falling than if it was on the sea! And then, when he was once inside, without thinking, his eyes sparkled suddenly with such radiant happiness that M. Verdurin said to the painter: "H'm. And then my mother came again and softened his heart, and for the first time in his life let into its cold crotchets the warm light of human gratitude. And then the baroness remembered that she had felt no pity for poor Mercedes, who had been afflicted with as severe a blow through her husband and son. And then He moved the mist to the right and left, and I could see that there were thousands of rats with their eyes blazing red, like His only smaller. And then fell to pulling off, not only his jacket and waistcoat, but his shirt too, in a manner at once light-hearted, business-like, and bloodthirsty. And then, that look which he directed over to her at the moment when he had conquered his antagonist, Henry Howard, and hurled the lance from his hand! And then it was such an emotion to find the serene calm of an European place of worship in the midst of the distasteful turmoil of the Chinese country. And then again said that the only quality eminent in him was, that he did persevere; and indeed he is a very drudge, and stands by the King's business. And then coming back was the worst thing you ever did because it went without saying you would feel out of place as things always moved with the times. And then Kulan Tith told of the savage calot that fought beside me, and after that I saw suspicion in the eyes of Matai Shang--or did I but imagine it? And then I spake again, and told him that he should by no means stop at our house, and l told him what it was like, so that he might give it the go by. And then again turning towards the young man, he said, "Do you not remember to have been visited at some time or another by a strange lady or gentleman? And then Miss Rose said--for she can be in a passion about some things"-- What do you mean, Ferdinand," was her words, "I insist upon your speaking out. And then you will order all my actions; and I shall be certain that they are such as I would proudly call mine; and I shall be shut away from the world. And then he besiegeth cities to ransom and to take men: but when the lions be taken, then they be hanged, for other lions should dread such manner pain. And then he besiegeth cities to ransom and to take men: but when the lions be taken, then they be hanged, for other lions should dread such manner pain. And then followed a full description of Oliver's dress, person, appearance, and disappearance: with the name and address of Mr. Brownlow at full length. And then the people come with sledges upon the ice, with snow at the bottome, and lay the fish in and cover them with snow, and so carry them to market. And then Sir Tristram rode privily unto the postern, where kept him La Beale Isoud, and there she made him good cheer, and thanked God of his good speed. And then Sir Meliagrance said to the queen: Madam, ye are about to betray me, but I shall ordain for Sir Launcelot that he shall not come lightly at you. And then Cotton Mather would go home to his secret chamber, and write in his diary that God and religion were perhaps, after all, but an old wives' tale. And then they hurtled together like two wild bulls, rashing and lashing with their swords and shields, so that sometimes they fell, as it were, headlong. And then I thought 'tis thus with us-- We mortals, who, with darken'd sight See things, and fearful sounds do hear, Which cause our narrow senses fright. And then she turned her head to the arm of the sofa, and silently, without audible sobs, hiding her face, she endeavoured to get rid of the tears unseen. And then as she met in her friend's face the absence of any such remembrance: "He did tell me that he wanted me just BECAUSE I could be useful about her. And then I rained cut after cut upon the surprised warriors, while the reds without took heart at the sound of my voice, and with shouts of "John Carter! And then she could not help remembering that he had passed some time with her under like circumstances, so why should there be any unfitness in the fact? And then down we came with a sweep, a slide, and a plunge, that made me feel sick and dizzy, as if I was falling from some lofty mountain- top in a dream. And then, if M. Thiers is so well assured of the intentions of the government, why does he not wish the forts to be built before the circuit is extended? And then he said slowly: "Let a white man touch me, and he dies; I don't boast this,--I don't say it around loud, or before the children, --but I mean it. And then a muffled scream came from the cavernous mouth of the dark hole beyond the sacrificial altar through which the priestess had entered the temple. And then the noble knight Sir Gareth went unto the Dame Lionesse, which he then much loved, and kissed her many times, and either made great joy of other. And then they alighted suddenly, and set their hands upon him all at once, and took him prisoner, and so led him unto the castle and kept him as prisoner. And then he came to Bagdemagus' squire and said: Bear this shield unto the good knight Sir Galahad, that thou left in the abbey, and greet him well by me. And then He went without the town, and found in midst of the way a fig tree, the which was right fair and well garnished of leaves, but fruit had it none. And then--Yes, and then--this abominable prince showed his face again, and everything went topsy-turvy at once, and everyone seemed as mad as March hares. And then, to my great relief, Mr. Henry Lynn summoned them to the other side of the room, to settle some point about the deferred excursion to Hay Common. And then says she, 'Thass true, Freddie dear' (she's a smart one, is Kitty), 'but I'm stayin' in the flat, an' you're goin' out into the cold, cold night! And then, to our amazement the New York crept towards us, slowly and stealthily, as if drawn by some invisible force which she was powerless to withstand. And then there was 'The Diary of a Late Physician,' where the merit lay in good rant, and indifferent Greek -- both of them taking things with the public. And then, too,' said he to Florizel, 'I lost the society and friendship of your grave father, whom I now desire more than my life once again to look upon. And then they went unto council, and with them Gwenbaus, the brother unto Sir Ban and Bors, a wise clerk, and thither went Ulfius and Brastias, and Merlin. And then his horse was led into the stable, and he and the damosel were brought into the hall, and there stood a mighty duke and many goodly men about him. And then Jones very briskly cried out, "Since it is absolutely impossible for me to pursue any farther the steps of my angel--I will pursue those of glory. And then again the more dissolute Italian youths of Milan frequented the Stanhope villa and surrounded her couch, not greatly to her father's satisfaction. And then she added, looking at me slyly: 'Nor so ugly, either: And before she could make a movement to avoid me I had implanted a hearty kiss on her cheek. "And then to wake Aramis, who sleeps very soundly, when he is asleep, I put that down at another five minutes; making a total of fifteen minutes' absence." And then she told herself that the hours were not tedious with her at home, while sitting with her mother, with all her daily occupations within her reach. And then, without stirring, without even moving her head, she began to stare all about her with wide-open eyes and a joyous air, and she said nothing more. And then my little grandchildren, the gibbets, Promising children as you ever saw,-- The young playing at hanging, the elder learning How to hold radicals. And then she cried because there was none to find it, for the thunder was far away chasing the Eclipse, and all the gods lamented when They saw her sorrow. And then again, had I declared myself I should have robbed the woman I love of the wealth and position that her marriage to Clayton will now insure to her. And then King Mark fled, and Sir Tristram followed him, and smote upon him five or six strokes flatling on the neck, that he made him to fall upon the nose. And then Sir Bleoberis encountered with Sir Palomides, and he smote him so hard upon the shield that Sir Palomides and his white horse rustled to the earth. And then he called himself a very wretch, and most unhappy of all knights; and there he said: My sin and my wickedness have brought me unto great dishonour. And then she commanded the gates to be opened, and there he had all the cheer that she might make him, and all that was in her power was at his commandment. And then Launcelot marvelled not a little, for him thought the priest was so greatly charged of the figure that him seemed that he should fall to the earth. And then Dmitri escaped and ran into the street, and I ran after him; but I did not catch him, and went back to the flat alone; I had to clear up my things. And then shall some one say who sees thee weep, 'This was the wife of Hector, most renowned Of the horse-taming Trojans, when they fought Around their city. And then, to prove once more how far above all else they prized principle, they passed a Navigation Act of their own, which met all the king's stipulations. And then Miss Gushing began to bethink herself of whom should be composed the congregation which it must be presumed that Mr Oriel wished to see around him. And then, while Hopkins was arranging his spade so that he might lean upon it for a little chat, Johnny was gone and had made his way into the other garden. And then the joke was over; for there had been a rumour, now for some years prevalent in Barchester, that Bishop Proudie was not liberal in his expenditure. And then, the moon fell full upon that facade, and the man who was watching at the corner of the street would have seen Jean Valjean in the act of climbing. And then will He search Jerusalem with candles,(3) and the hidden things of darkness(4) shall be made manifest, and the arguings of tongues shall be silent. And then they both forthwithal went to the stone, and set them down upon it, and took off their helms to cool them, and either kissed other an hundred times. And then soon after they departed, riding toward Camelot, where King Arthur and Queen Guenever was, and for the most part all the knights of the Round Table. And then he gave him such a buffet upon the helm that he fell to the earth flatling, and therewith he strode to him to have pulled off his helm off his head. And then I lost,-- All mine own folly,--the society, Amity too, of your brave father, whom, Though bearing misery, I desire my life Once more to look on him. "And then, besides, there's yourself----" he had continued, "I know what women are; you must have a whole heap of things to do, and never any time to spare." And then, as she stood hesitating, about to speak, he seized her by the arm, and half flung her from the room, slamming the door and barring it with a table. And then, forgetting her determination to go veiled for seven long years, she drew aside her veil, saying: 'But I will draw the curtain and show the picture. And then "Big Jim" Dougherty, who was no talker, sat dumb, and saw the wife who had dined every evening for three years at home, blossom like a fairy flower. And then a swift movement of the steamboat (she had suddenly come round to avoid being run down) flung him headlong from the seat upon which he was standing. And then she did come out, and before she had been free a fortnight, she began shop-lifting and going on the loose again--and all to get money to drink with. And then another truth flashed upon me--I had lived nine days of the allotted ten which must intervene before Salensus Oll could make Dejah Thoris his queen. And then Sir Galahault, the noble prince, cried on high: Knight with the many colours, well hast thou jousted; now make thee ready that I may joust with thee. And then Sir Tristram saw none other bote, but rode against him, and overthrew Sir Uwaine and hurt him in the side, and so he departed unto his lodging again. And then he said with fair speech: Good man, lay down that sword, for as meseemeth thou hadst more need of sleep and of warm clothes than to wield that sword. And then, to the vast astonishment of Standish and of the others who had gathered to his support, he opened his mouth and spoke English: "Welcome, Englishmen! And then the hotel-keeper would go on to show how the Socialists had the only real remedy for such evils, how they alone "meant business" with the Beef Trust. And then what will it avail that I have lived a little longer, holding off death by the knowledge that I have wrung from Nature, since at last I too must die? And then it struck her, with inexpressible pain and mortification too, that it was William who was the giver of the piano, and not George, as she had fancied. And then, of course, he had known people, many people, known them in a peculiarly intimate way that was different from the way in which you and I know people. And then you can give them a licking a-piece, if it's any satisfaction to you, and put them out by the back-door, and we shan't see any more of THEM, I fancy. And then when he well could speak the language, and had learned all that he might learn in that country, then he came home to his father, King Meliodas, again. And then he wondered all about their lives, their hearts, Their thoughts, their feelings, and their dreams, Their joys and sorrows, and their smiles and tears. And then a thought struck her that Mr Arabin might perchance hear of her 'disgraceful' correspondence with Mr Slope, and she turned crimson with pure vexation. And then, he well knew that she would never put out her hand in token of love to any one without telling all she knew and all she surmised as to her own birth. And then a woman, equally furious, spat out more spitefully still--"If only some god would put Giton into my hands, what a fine time I would give that runaway. And then the big boys,--the hulking Lawrences; the lazy Neills, unfa- thered sons of mother and daughter; Hickman, with a stoop in his shoulders; and the rest. And then he would pass into details about the Hash-enders and the resurrectos and technical things like that till it was thought a wonder how he could know it. And then, with a sweep of his white, unringed hands, be dismissed Melpomene, and forthwith Diana and Amaryllis footed it before the mind's eyes of the clubmen. And then he thought himself to prove himself in strange adventures, then he bade his nephew, Sir Lionel, for to make him ready; for we two will seek adventures. And then that lord commanded his men to have him away and slay him; and so they did, and so pulled him out of the castle, and there they slew him without mercy. And then on the other party was the King of Northgalis, and the King with the Hundred Knights, and the King of Northumberland, and Sir Galahad, the haut prince. And then, forsooth, the faint defects of age Must be the scene of mirth: to cough and spit And, with a palsy-fumbling on his gorget, Shake in and out the rivet. And then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. And then I called the porter, and Karl came, and he took Karl and hit him in the eye; and he hit Henriette in the eye, too, and gave me five slaps on the cheek. And then they came together, and there was wit and repartee suitable to the electrical atmosphere of the dancing-room, on the march to a magical hall of supper. And then it was, that suddenly sweeping his sickle-shaped lower jaw beneath him, Moby Dick had reaped away Ahab's leg, as a mower a blade of grass in the field. And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head. And then he had laughingly declared his intention of getting up a "best party" of his own, with the duchess as chaperon; and she had promised to make one of it. And then, as Kernan's ready finger kept the but- ton and the waiter working, his weak point -- a tre- mendous vanity and arrogant egotism, began to show itself. And then he commanded his treasurer to give to them great and large gifts, and to pay all their dispenses, and assigned Sir Cador to convey them out of the land. And then anon hastily he armed him, and took his horse, and a great spear in his hand, and said to Sir Dinadan: Adieu; and rode toward Sir Palomides a soft pace. And then," she had said, "it isn't of course a question of anything expensive, gorged with treasure as Maggie is; it isn't a question of competing or outshining. And then a formal and noble offer on his part to keep to the engagement with the unhappy wreck: yes, and to lead the limping thing to the altar, if she insisted. And then they got angry at the Wizard, and threat- 37 ened to expose him; so the Wizard made a big balloon and escaped in it, and no one has ever seen him since. And then there's sodgers, puir things, hoyed out frae the garrison at a' body's bidding--Puir Rob will hae his hands fu' by the time the sun comes ower the hill. And then the man whom Tarzan had seen drop them there turned to sneak from the room, but to his annoyance he found the exit barred by a tall, gray-eyed stranger. `And thenketh wel, ye shal in Grekes finde, A more parfit love, er it be night, Than any Troian is, and more kinde, 920 And bet to serven yow wol doon his might. And then and there did Pericles, with the consent of Thaisa, solemnly affiance their daughter, the virtuous Marina, to the well-deserving Lysimachus in marriage. And then she leapt out of her pavilion, and took Sir Alisander by the bridle, and thus she said: Fair knight, I require thee of thy knighthood show me thy visage. And then the noble knight, Sir Launcelot, departed with right heavy cheer suddenly, that none earthly creature wist of him, nor where he was become, but Sir Bors. And then she was wrapped in cered cloth of Raines, from the top to the toe, in thirtyfold, and after she was put in a web of lead, and then in a coffin of marble. And then began a fight most fierce and fell; the Spaniards, according to their fashion, attempted to board, the English, amid fierce shouts of "God and the Queen! And then, seeing that there were two of us, she gave a cry of hope which sank into a groan as she saw that my companion shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. And then they fled, chased forth either by the brilliancy of the politically allusive epigrams profusely inscribed around them on the walls, or by the atmosphere. And then when turning to Lynette he told The tale of Gareth, petulantly she said, 'Ay well--ay well--for worse than being fooled Of others, is to fool one's self. And then, it was clear that she no longer loved him, since she had departed thus without warning, without a word, without a letter, although she knew his address! And then to St. James's Court he went, _15 And St. Paul's Church he took on his way; He was mighty thick with every Saint, Though they were formal and he was gay. And then he said something in old Greek, which I scarcely understood, but which I think was equivalent to, 'Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow we die! And then you realise that it was there all the time--it was always there--you understand what I mean?--the possibility of this incurable illness, this slow death. And then said a voice: Lords and fellows, to-morrow at the hour of prime ye three shall depart everych from other, till the adventure bring you to the Maimed King. And then," said the Gruagach, "he is the only man in the whole world I have ever told why I stopped laughing, and the only one who has ever seen my fleece of wool. And then such a number of circumstances have happened bad for him, and such a number of people will be brought forward to speak against him, and Bucket is so deep. And then he perceived how a falcon came flying over his head, toward a high elm; and she had long lunys [Footnote: LUNYS, the string with which the falcon is held. And then the pair sitting down lovingly together, talked over all their difficulties, as they so often did, and all their hopes, as they so seldom were able to do. And then, though exhausted by the toil of a three hours' wading through the drifts, he commenced, in the midst of a mountain storm, a long day's journey upon foot. And then, further, as if, slightly disconcerted, she had nothing to meet this and he quickly perceived the effect: "They would have done the same for one of yours. And then by the mere weight and momentum of my body, I rushed completely through the two remaining ranks and sprang upon the dais beside the carved sorapus throne. And then she knew their home would be in the country, and she wanted to go, not abroad where she was not going to live, but to the place where their home would be. And then a great wonderment arose in her heart--a mighty wave of thankfulness and gratitude that though she had been in such terrible danger, yet she was unharmed. And then immediately the shadow came back, a sullen, eagle look was on her face, she glanced from under her brows like a sinister creature at bay, hating them all. And then, what a snare and a delusion, this beauty of static things-- what a horrible, dead prison Breadalby really was, what an intolerable confinement, the peace! And then shall all be well, for in a few days we will go back to thy people, and there will I be their lord or thy servant, or my brother's man, or what thou wilt. And then, at last, he spake to me of our case, and bade me fear not, for that a band of his friends, all-armed, was keeping watch and ward in the cloister without. And then he spurred his horse <218>upon the land, where the other knight fell upon him, and brake his spear, and so they drew their swords and fought long together. And then they avoided their saddles, and dressed their shields, and drew their swords, and flang together as wood men, and there were many strokes given in a while. And then Sir Tristram rode his way and left Sir Persides' squire within the pavilions, and Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan rode to an old knight's place to lodge them. And then he drew out his sword, and struck many knights to the earth, so that all those that saw him marvelled that ever one knight might do so great deeds of arms. And then fall they to daunce about it, like as the heathen people did at the dedication of the Idols, whereof this is a perfect pattern, or rather the thing itself. And then would he upon his Bible seek That ilke* proverb of Ecclesiast, *same Where he commandeth, and forbiddeth fast, Man shall not suffer his wife go roll about. And then he seemed a moderate and gracious governor, more especially as compared to his son Ochus, who outdid all his predecessors in blood-thirstiness and cruelty. And then, within thirty yards of the pit, advancing from the direction of Horsell, I noted a little black knot of men, the foremost of whom was waving a white flag. And then the cub saw his mother, the she-wolf, the fearless one, crouching down till her belly touched the ground, whimpering, wagging her tail, making peace signs. And then was Sir Gawaine ware how there hung a white shield on that tree, and ever as the damosels came by it they spit upon it, and some threw mire upon the shield. And then Sir Bors took her up, and dawed her; and when she was awaked she kneeled afore the three knights, and held up both her hands, and besought them to seek him. And then they brought the Earl Hernox out of prison into the midst of the hall, that knew Galahad anon, and yet he saw him never afore but by revelation of Our Lord. And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: him 2:9. And then he said,--"Well," says he, "you must come to church, where you'll hear the Scriptures properly explained, instead of sitting poring over your Bible at home. And then, not by the clang of trumpets, but by praying, singing hallelujah, and by the cries of the army to God, the enemies were routed, and driven even to the sea. And then, suddenly, without warning, uttering a cry that was inarticulate and more like the cry of an animal, John Thornton sprang upon the man who wielded the club. "And then I should have one advantage, which is by no means inconsiderable--I should find fellow-countrymen at Senegal, and that is not far away from those islands." And then bills were sent in, and the question arose, what could Jude do with his great-aunt's heavy old furniture, if he left the town to travel he knew not whither? And then Jurgis would drop his work, whatever it was, and come, and the other would say, "Comrade Jurgis, just tell these gentlemen what you saw on the killing-beds. And then," continued the sailor, "if the document was several years old, if it had been shut up in that bottle for several years, it would have been injured by damp. And then, in a sweet and easy accent, (with his dear arms about me as we walked,) he sung me the following verses; of which he afterwards favoured me with a copy: I. And then he recalled the battle between this man and the great, black- maned lion which he had witnessed a short time before, and he commenced to feel more assurance. And then, in his first gracious tones, he replied to me, "Yesterday morning, Mr. Hawkins," said he, "in the dog-watch, down came Doctor Livesey with a flag of truce. And then he thought of the three years she had suffered immurement, uncomplaining, and a flush of shame warmed him, for he carried fair play as an item in his creed. And then Ralph told all the tale of his wanderings how it had betid, bringing in all that Ursula had told him of Utterbol; while as for her she put in no word of it. And then when they promise the Phoenix of Arabia, the crown of Ariadne, the horses of the Sun, the pearls of the South, the gold of Tibar, and the balsam of Panchaia! And then Dame Lionesse, and the damosel Linet with Sir Gringamore, rode to their castle; and a goodly and a rich ring she gave to Sir Gareth, and he gave her another. And then said Sir Launcelot: I know thee well for a good knight, but wit thou well thy life and death is in my hand, and therefore yield thee to me, and thy prisoner. And then he smote many sad strokes at the haut prince; but when Dinadan saw he might not get him to the earth he said: My lord, I pray you leave me, and take another. And then the king again said: Ah Gawaine, Gawaine, ye have betrayed me; for never shall my court be amended by you, but ye will never be sorry for me as I am for you. And then he dressed him toward the twenty men of arms as fast as his horse might drive, with his spear in the rest, and smote the foremost horse and man to the earth. And then she opened a box, and took out girdles which were seemly wrought with golden threads, and upon that were set full precious stones, and a rich buckle of gold. And then it happened that, going the 'Guermantes way,' I passed occasionally by a row of well-watered little gardens, over whose hedges rose clusters of dark blossom. And then he walked along beside her, with his hands clasped behind his back, looking down on the grass beneath his feet, and utterly at a loss to express his meaning. And then, shut out from friendship, having but one affection, which could not be mixed up with her ordinary pursuits, she thought of herself -- of no one but herself. And then again, when they went to pay their January's installment on the house, the agent terrified them by asking them if they had had the insurance attended to yet. And then he asked a sudden question, keeping his eye as he did so upon a little square open window which communicated between the landlord's private room and the bar. And then Ursula noticed again the dark, rather stooping figure of Mr Crich, waiting suspended on the path, watching with expressionless face the flight to the church. And then to have the humour of state: and after a demure travel of regard,--telling them I know my place as I would they should do theirs,--to ask for my kinsman Toby. And then the doctor silently, and almost unconsciously, made such a comparison between Louis Scatcherd and Frank Gresham as Hamlet made between the dead and live king. And then some of his sons recovered, and would have set upon Sir Marhaus; then Sir Marhaus said to the duke, Cease thy sons, or else I will do the uttermost to you all. And then they concluded all at once, and said thus unto King Mark: Sir, wit ye well ye must send for Sir Tristram, the good knight, or else they will never be overcome. And then, who knows not on how much may venture the man, be he a private individual or a prince, who has succeeded in enchaining the admiration of his fellow-creatures! And then the editor wanted to know upon what ground Dr. Schliemann asserted that it might be possible for a society to exist upon an hour's toil by each of its members. And then (had Fortune ordered matters so, As the most part desired they should befall) Taken had been the Tartar king or slain; So had that blow offended all the train. And then the floodgates of his tongue were loosed, and, at length, with unsparing detail of circumstances, he told her all that he wished, and all that he could not do. And then I knew that for some reason the veil had been lifted for me alone, and that I bad been elected to save my friend from de- struction at the Fool-Killer's bands. And then, as suddenly as the dreadful genie arose in vapor from the copper vase of the fisherman, arose in that room the formidable shape of the New England Conscience. And then she fell to thinking what she should do if--if anything happened to poor good Rawdon, and what a great piece of luck it was that he had left his horses behind. And then had I had no hurt, for it is an old said saw, there is hard battle thereas kin and friends do battle either against other, there may be no mercy but mortal war. And then noble Arthur said: Fair knight, me repenteth of thy hurt, and for to courage all other noble knights I will pray thee softly to suffer me to handle your wounds. And then another slash of the whip, when all the time we are doing our very best to get along, uncomplaining and obedient, though often sorely harassed and down-hearted. And then, above all, he remembered the pleasant gleam of inward satisfaction which always spread itself over the old bishop's face, whenever his friend entered his room. And then, to speak the truth, Monsieur Beaurain never said much to me, but when I looked in the glass, I also understood quite well that I no longer appealed to any one! And then turning to Zat Arras, I said in a low voice: "Unless you be a bigger fool than I take you to be, you will grasp the chance I am offering you ere it is too late. And then, with a relaxing look upon Cornelia: "Perhaps you might have fifteen, sixteen, perhaps for the first year; or, say--you see, the exact acreage is unknown to me. And then they had turned from each other in estrangement, and gone their several ways, till at a distance of twenty or thirty yards both had looked round simultaneously. And then," said she, "if that very improbable event should ever take place, I shall merely be able to tell what Bingley may tell in a much more agreeable manner himself. And then again this evening, sir," continued Marigold, slipping me into my pyjama jacket, "as I was starting the Major's car, who should be waiting there for him but Mr. And then he went to his bed, and pondered these matters somewhat, and said to himself that it was by this damsel's means that he should find the Well at the World's End. "And then--and then, Your Honor, we carried him in to his house and gave him water, and put wet cloths on the wound, and he laid down in his house and gave up the ghost." And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool. And then they came into a fair court well repaired, and they had passing good cheer, till the lieutenant of this castle, that hight Berluse, espied King Mark of Cornwall. And then there were great feasts made and great joy; and many great lords and ladies, when they heard that Sir Launcelot was come to the court again, they made great joy. And then, as a symbol of the Puritan protest, and a pledge of his vital sincerity, he took the banner in his hand, and, drawing his sword, cut the cross out of its folds. And then the watchword being given, a bell shall ring, Which when they heare, they shall begin to kill: And never cease untill that bell shall cease, Then breath a while. And then to hear how like a passionate and ignorant asse Sir G. Carteret did harangue upon the abuse of Tickets did make me mad almost and yet was fain to hold my tongue. And then to bed, and I lay in the trundle-bed, the girl being gone to bed to my wife, and there lay in some disquiet all night, telling of the clock till it was daylight. And then she cried on high to the Red Knight, Alas, thou noble Red Knight, think what worship hath followed thee, let never a kitchen knave endure thee so long as he doth. And then they put afore them their spears, and Sir Launcelot came so fiercely upon him that he smote him and his horse down to the earth, that he had nigh broken his neck. And then she smiled with joy as she thought of all the comforts that she could give him; not that he cared for comforts, but that it would be so delicious for her to give. And then Quintilian and Horace must be cautiously interpreted, where they affirm that satire is wholly Roman, and a sort of verse which was not touched on by the Grecians. And then the door burst open and Nick Chopper rushed into their midst and caught the Scarecrow in a close and loving embrace that creased him into many folds and wrinkles. And then, old fellow, he gives him one in the teeth with the butt end of his gun..." a soldier whose greatcoat was well tucked up said gaily, with a wide swing of his arm. And then he rode afore Sir Uwaine, and suddenly at a gap he ran upon him as he that was not ware of him, and there he smote him almost through the body, and there left him. And then upon a day he said unto Dame Elaine these words: Lady Elaine, for your sake I have had much travail, care, and anguish, it needeth not to rehearse it, ye know how. And then they rode so long till that they came to Camelot, that time called Winchester; and there was great press of kings, dukes earls, and barons, and many noble knights. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. And then, taking off his eye-glasses and folding them in a red case, and leaning back in his arm-chair, turning the case about in his two hands, he gave my godmother a nod. And then, winding his arm round her waist, he stood there gazing at the fire, and she with her head leaning in his shoulder, stood by him, well satisfied with her position. And then, also, the old-fashioned phaeton, of old-fashioned old Dr Century was seen to rumble up to the big house, and it became known that Lady Arabella was not very well. And then, suddenly remembering a portion of their doings, he took Mary in his arms, and kissed and blessed her; and declared that, in spite of all this, he was a happy man. And then, as Jurgis came out from this meeting, some one handed him a paper which he carried home with him and read; and so he became acquainted with the "Appeal to Reason. And then he prayed--yes, prayed, that in his madness the Devil might not be too strong for him, and that he might be preserved from some terrible sin of murder or violence. And then to haue the humor of state: and after a demure trauaile of regard: telling them I knowe my place, as I would they should doe theirs: to aske for my kinsman Toby To. And then he sprinkled his body, and terrible prowess entered into him, unspeakable, dauntless; and his hands on both sides thrilled vigorously as they swelled with strength. And then the maiden Linet came to Sir Beaumains, and unarmed him and searched his wounds, and stinted his blood, and in likewise she did to the Red Knight of the Red Launds. And then all they that longed to the castle came to him, and did him homage and fealty, praying him that he would abide there still a little while to fordo that foul custom. And then upon a day Sir Launcelot ran his way into the forest; and by adventure he came to the city of Corbin, where Dame Elaine was, that bare Galahad, Sir Launcelot's son. And then the king commanded all the kings, dukes, and earls, and all noble knights of the Round Table that were there that time present, to come into the meadow of Carlisle. And then within a little while, by evensong time, Sir Launcelot and his party better stood, for their horses went in blood past the fetlocks, there was so much people slain. And then, gentlemen, I howled like a calf and I am not ashamed to say so; I stooped down to the friend who had saved my life twice over and kissed his head, again and again. And then she would order fresh horses and go on, though Mrs. Bates (the housekeeper, you know, sir) was very angry with Mrs. Mole, who encouraged Miss; and--" "Good heavens! And then also he went his way from him--went his way also from Greshamsbury, and was absent for the full period of the allotted banishment--twelve months, namely, and a day. And then they both stared at me, and I, with an obtrusive show of artlessness on my countenance, stared at them, and plaited the right leg of my trousers with my right hand. And then, on the lath March, M. d'Oignon came to them, and presented, on the part of the King, to each of the envoys a gold chain weighing twenty- one ounces and two grains. And then, every morning, he sets himself afresh to the task of earning his bread; and while his hands earn his bread, his dorsal column gains pride, his brain gathers ideas. And then what happens but his uncle Matthew claps him on the back, "How would you like to go to China, Marco Markeen," says he, "and preach religion to the benighted people! And then to have my young revellers of the Temple take notes, like prentices at a conventicle; and after talk it over again in Commons, or before drawers in an eating-house. And then was he naked and waxed lean and poor of flesh; and so he fell in the fellowship of herdmen and shepherds, and daily they would give him some of their meat and drink. And then we were off: It was a hard pull to begin with, both for men and beasts, as the high sastrugi continued towards the south, and made it extremely difficult to advance. And then there came for the first, and, I now rejoice to think, for the only time, a bitter, ungrateful accusation against the cruelty of fortune and the disparities of life. And then Roland said to himself, "I have spared and saved for this son: what care I for aught else than enough to live without debt, creep into a corner, and await the grave? And then I bent over her and whispered, `Awake, fairest, thy lover is near--he who would give his life but to obtain one look of affection from thine eyes; my beloved, awake! And then he fell passing sore sick, so that three days and three nights he was speechless: wherefore all the barons made great sorrow, and asked Merlin what counsel were best. And then came in Sir Safere and Sir Segwarides, brethren to Sir Palamides; and there encountered Sir Agravaine with Sir Safere and Sir Gaheris encountered with Sir Segwarides. And then, by all their advices, Sir Tristram and Sir Bleoberis took up Sir Blamore, and the two brethren were accorded with King Anguish, and kissed and made friends for ever. "And then I have thought that considering three months' lodging, about which I have said nothing--" "Yes, yes; you have already given me that reason, and I find it excellent." And then they rushed together like two boars, and laid on their helms and shields long time, by the space of three hours, that never man could say which was the better knight. And then, her temper's pretty quick, I guess; but there's one comfort, a child that has a quick temper, just blaze up and cool down, ain't never likely to be sly or deceitful. And then, if you plan it, he Changes organity, With an urbanity, Full of Satanity, Vexes humanity With an inanity Fatal to vanity-- Driving your foes to the verge of insanity! And then I seemed sinking into deep green water, and there was a singing in my ears, as I have heard there is to drowning men, and then everything seemed passing away from me. And then she asked herself whether, in consenting to accept Frank's hand, she had adequately considered this; and she was forced to acknowledge that she had not considered it. And then Lady Scatcherd, as she made the exclamation, put both her hands down to hold her chair, as though she feared the weight of her surprise would topple her off her seat. And then the three players continued their game, and held out their hands without looking up, when the others wished them "Good-night," and then they both went home to dinner. And then because of his memories and his shame, he was glad when others joined them, men and women; and they had more drink and spent the night in wild rioting and debauchery. And then, without at all alluding to the shovel, he pointed to three lads, as the customary sweepers; who, not being billeted at the pumps, had done little or nothing all day. And then all our victuals in beggar's attire, At the hands of good people we then did require; At last into England, as now it is seen, We came, and remained in Bednall Green. And then, for fear all of his finery would not be displayed, he bared his right arm, adorned with a golden arm-band and an ivory circlet clasped with a plate of shining metal. "And then there was a whole lot of talk 'bout dragging the river for us, and 'bout having the funeral Sunday, and then you and old Miss Harper hugged and cried, and she went." And then one night the little feet pattered wearily to the wee white bed, and the tiny hands trembled; and a warm flushed face tossed on the pillow, and we knew baby was sick. And then began for the French officer the most terrifying experience which man can encounter upon earth--the reception of a white prisoner into a village of African cannibals. And then we will do the wisest thing of all: We will turn to the only resource we have that in times of need always grows--the goodness and the courage of the American people. And then Sir Gareth sent his summons to all these knights and ladies that he had won in battle to-fore, that they should be at his day of marriage at Kink Kenadon by the sands. And then in all the field was a noise that with the wind it might be heard two mile thence, how the lords and ladies cried: The Knight with the Black Shield hath won the field. And then he devised how it should be; and Sir Tristram devised to send his two pavilions to set them fast by the well of Lonazep, and therein shall be the queen La Beale Isoud. And then he rode so much until he came to Astolat, that is Guildford; and there it happed him in the eventide he came to an old baron's place that hight Sir Bernard of Astolat. And then Sir Launcelot compassed in his mind that Sir Gawaine would tell Queen Guenever how he bare the red sleeve, and for whom; that he wist well would turn into great anger. And then we will do the wisest thing of all: We will turn to the only resource we have that in times of need always grows - the goodness and the courage of the American people. And then he again uneasily saw, as he had latterly seen with more and more frequency, the scorn of Nature for man's finer emotions, and her lack of interest in his aspirations. And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself, and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys. And then, she loved her father, that is to say, Jean Valjean, with all her soul, with an innocent filial passion which made the goodman a beloved and charming companion to her. "And then," remarked the elder timidly,--he alone dared talk to Gavroche, and reply to him, "a spark might fall in the straw, and we must look out and not burn the house down." And then another savage face appeared, and a third and fourth and fifth, craning their necks over the shoulders of their fellows whom they could not pass upon the narrow ledge. And then, with a sudden change of tone and manner-- "Hast thou seen enough, my stranger guest, or shall I show thee more of the wonders of these tombs that are my palace halls? And then I fell to gaze upon another pretty maid in a pew close to me, and she on me; and I did go about to take her by the hand, which she suffered a little and then withdrew. And then him thought there came an old man afore him, the which said: Ah, Launcelot of evil faith and poor belief, wherefore is thy will turned so lightly toward thy deadly sin? And then he spoke bitterly of his father's dislike to him, and his own resolution to prove the injustice of that dislike by the position he would himself establish in the world. And then this affair of Frank and Mary Thorne ceased for a while to be talked of at Greshamsbury, for that other affair of Mr Moffat and Augusta monopolized the rural attention. And then the couple had a pleasant petitish wrangle;--he was requested to avow that he had came solely, or principally, to beg forgiveness of her, who had such heaps to forgive. And then waltzed in and cussed HIMSELF awhile, and said it all come of him not laying late and taking his natural rest that morning, and he'd be blamed if he'd ever do it again. 'And then,' he continued, without minding her words, 'at other times I feel that it must be my own fault; that if I only persevered with sufficient energy, I must be successful. And then, Cosette had, for long years, been habituated to seeing enigmas around her; every being who has had a mysterious childhood is always prepared for certain renunciations. And then, when they got to church door he'd throw down the clarinet, mount the gallery, snatch up the bass viol, and rozum away as if he'd never played anything but a bass viol. And thence to buy a pair of stands and a hanging shelf for my wife's chamber, and so home, and thither came Mr. Savill with the pictures, and we hung them up in our dining-room. And then the light filtered in, not through the window, which remained black, but through a triangular aperture between a beam and a heap of broken bricks in the wall behind us. And then the king sent him plain word again, and bade him be ready and stuff him and garnish him, for within forty days he would fetch him out of the biggest castle that he hath. And then he departed and came to the abbey where Galahad did the adventure of the tombs, and won the white shield with the red cross; and there had he great cheer all that night. And then the question as to the twelve hundred, or fifteen hundred, or two thousand, ran in his mind, as it had run through those of the other clergymen in the cathedral library. And then King Arthur and every knight spake of those knights; but above all men they gave Sir Palomides the prize, and all knights that knew Sir Palomides had wonder of his deeds. And then Sir Palomides said to himself: An Sir Tristram were armed, it were hard to cease him of this battle, and if I turn again and slay him I am ashamed wheresomever that I go. And then they let their horses run as fast as they might, so that the other knight smote Sir Melias through hauberk and through the left side, that he fell to the earth nigh dead. And then he lift up his hand and blessed him, and so took his arms and made him ready; and so by adventure he came by a strand, and found a ship the which was without sail or oar. And then he thought, 'In spite of all my care, For all my pains, poor man, for all my pains, She is not faithful to me, and I see her Weeping for some gay knight in Arthur's hall. And then a light flashed out upon the darkness of the tower chamber, and there stood Sarkoja, her gleaming, baleful eyes fixed in a frenzy of loathing and contempt upon my mother. And then at last I see him, and behold, my chance is gone but by a hair's breadth even before I have it, for he is in the very jaws of death, whence no power of mine can draw him. And thence he took me to a dancing school in Fleet Street, where we saw a company of pretty girls dance, but I do not in myself like to have young girls exposed to so much vanity. And then Sir Launcelot gat another spear, and there he smote down Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, and Sir Mordred, and Sir Meliot de Logris; and Sir Lavaine smote Ozanna le Cure Hardy. And then she rebuked her brother and Sir Bors, and called them false traitors, why they would take him out of his bed; there she cried, and said she would appeal them of his death. And then in the evening when the fog begins, my little boy, he coughs so, and that makes me shiver; then I take him in my bed, but my blood is not warm enough so he can't get warm. And then, in his home, afar o'er the ocean, Or by the turf fire, upon Erin's old sod, Each Irishman, kneeling in humble devotion, Would love all his brothers, while praying to God. And then she told him about the robin and Ben Weatherstaff, and there was so much to tell about the robin and it was so easy and safe to talk about it that she ceased to be afraid. And then, having been to the mayor's office and to church, she now lived in the house which her man had bought, while he continued to tend his flocks, day and night, on the plains. And then their toil, month by month, to get together the twelve dollars, and the interest as well, and now and then the taxes, and the other charges, and the repairs, and what not! And then far away in the distance, along the white ribbon of road, winding up from the valley, she saw a high gig, trotting swiftly; one man in it, and a small groom seated behind. And then the Witch would let them take no ill: Of many thousand schemes which lovers find, The Witch found one,--and so they took their fill Of happiness in marriage warm and kind. And then I looked around and saw the Fool-Killer, as he had always appeared to my imagination, sitting at a nearby table, and regarding us with his reddish, fatal, relentless eyes. And then they came so hard together that their spears all to-shivered, but Sir Galahalt smote him so hard that he bare him backward over his horse, but yet he lost not his stirrups. And then Sir Launcelot said: Now have good day, my lord the king, for wit you well ye win no worship at these walls; and if I would my knights outbring, there should many a man die. And then, a thing sufficiently disquieting for a man with such foresight as our musketeer, he found himself alone; and even the friendship of Athos could not restore his confidence. And then--oh, marvellous independence of the human gaze, tied to the human face by a cord so loose, so long, so elastic that it can stray, alone, as far as it may choose--while Mme. And then may chance thee to repent The time that thou has lost and spent To cause thy lover's sigh and swoon: Then shalt thou know beauty but lent, And wish and want as I have done. And then Mr. Spillikins checked himself, for he noticed--this was on the verandah in the morning--that Norah had a hat and jacket on and that the motor was rolling towards the door. And then when Netley walked up to the head of the table and laid down a cheque for a hundred dollars conditional on the fund reaching one hundred thousand the room was in an uproar. And then, as Morgan rolled back to his seat, Silver added to me in a confidential whisper that was very flattering, as I thought, "He's quite an honest man, Tom Morgan, on'y stupid. And then he kneeled down and made his prayer devoutly unto Almighty Jesu, for he was one of the best knights of the world that at that time was, in whom the very faith stood most in. And then they took a stroll out among the trim parterres, and Mr Arabin explained to Mrs Bold the difference between a naiad and a dryad, and dilated on vases and the shapes of urns. And then, how improbable that the Prince should have paid the comparatively trifling school-fees and left the young man when he went abroad dependent upon the support of his parents! And then from beyond the blank wall beside which I lay I heard the shuffling of feet, the snarling of grim beasts, the clank of metal accoutrements, and the heavy breathing of a man. And then it was discovered how their common observation had fastened on the boot-lace; and this vagrant article became the key to certain speculations on her condition and character. And then," he continued, "place beside this fact of an unlimited food supply, the newest discovery of physiologists, that most of the ills of the human system are due to overfeeding! And then Mr Butterwell was nervous, and if the thing was managed well, he might be cheated out of an assent, before time had been given him in which to pluck up courage for refusing. And then, we insist upon it, the study of social deformities and infirmities, and the task of pointing them out with a view to remedy, is not a business in which choice is permitted. And then--" "Then Mrs. Harper she began to cry, and said Joe was just the same, and she wished she hadn't whipped him for taking cream when she'd throwed it out her own self--" "Tom! And then, recollecting that the attorney-general would hardly care to hear how the service of a cathedral church is divided among the minor canons, stopped short in his explanations. And then he dressed up his shield unto Elias, and gave him many sad strokes, twenty against one, and all to-brake his shield and his hauberk, that the hot blood ran down to the earth. And then, as Archer made no effort to glance at the paper or to repudiate the suggestion, the lawyer somewhat flatly continued: "I don't say it's conclusive, you observe; far from it. And then Katie Maurice would have taken me by the hand and led me out into a wonderful place, all flowers and sunshine and fairies, and we would have lived there happy for ever after. And then shall all this gold departed* be, *divided My deare friend, betwixte thee and me: Then may we both our lustes* all fulfil, *pleasures And play at dice right at our owen will. And then from the far corner of the great chamber a hollow voice chanted: "There is no hope, there is no hope; the dead return not, the dead return not; nor is there any resurrection. And then, after all, I go too fast in my conclusions: for what I yet know, you may be no better than the rest; you may have intolerable defects to counterbalance your few good points. And then she blushed and dropped her eyes, which he did not specially observe, though her manner seemed to him to be rather peculiar, considering that she was only addressing himself. And then every knight of the Round Table that were there at that time present made them ready to be at that jousts at All Hallowmass, and thither drew many knights of divers countries. And then I went upstairs, and came to a gallery, at the end of which was a door, on which was written: BE BOLD, BE BOLD, BUT NOT TOO BOLD, LEST THAT YOUR HEART'S BLOOD SHOULD RUN COLD. And then, for the first time, her mind condescended to dwell for a moment on the author of that act, George Bevan, the friend in need, whom she had met only the day before in the lane. And then again, as if that were but half: "My idea is this, that when you only love a little you're naturally not jealous--or are only jealous also a little, so that it doesn't matter. And then," said Tip to himself, with a laugh, "she'll squeal louder than the brown pig does when I pull her tail, and shiver with fright worse than I did last year when I had the ague! And then came the lightning-flash of the gala performance: the heavens torn asunder and an angel's voice heard upon earth for the delight of mankind and the utter capture of his heart. And then again the sweet recollection of better and earlier times came over me, and I thought of that happy period when the world was not all a desert, and Pompey not altogether cruel. And then he bade them get the fire lit, and stalked out upon his crutch, with his hand on my shoulder, leaving them in a disarray, and silenced by his volubility rather than convinced. And then they set upon him and drew out swords to have slain him; but there would no sword bite on him more than upon a gad of steel, for the high Lord which he served He him preserved. And then knights, squires, and yeomen, awaked the king; and then he was so amazed that he wist not where he was; and then he fell a-slumbering again, not sleeping nor thoroughly waking. "And then the Neogilos shall go to school,--upo kolpo,--the nurse with him, and all will be right again," said my father, with a look of sly, mysterious humor which was peculiar to him. And then, if you think well enough of me--if I have not stumbled more than twice, or asked more than ten times how far it is from the top, I should like to be promoted to scale a giant. And then I looked at the stars, and considered how awful if would be for a man to turn his face up to them as he froze to death, and see no help or pity in all the glittering multitude. And then when he felt himself so wounded, then he doubled his strokes, and gave them so many wounds that he felled them to the earth, and would have slain them had they not yielded them. And then shall ye bring again the queen to the king with great worship; and then peradventure ye shall have thank for her bringing home, and love and thank where other shall have maugre. And then either parties of the battles withdrew them to repose them, and buried the dead, and to the wounded men they laid soft salves; and thus they endured that night till on the morn. And then, after all, if Swann tries to come the man of fashion over us, the champion of distressed Duchesses, at any rate the other man has got a title; he's always Comte de Forcheville! And then, while some of the other prisoners gathered round he told his wild story; most of them were incredulous, but Duane knew that Jurgis could never have made up such a yarn as that. And then they laid him upon his shield, and bare him so on horseback between two knights, and brought him unto the castle and laid him in a chamber, and at night they sent him his supper. And then, remembering that in England the new-comer ought not to call before she is called upon, she changed her tone from awe to disapproval, and opined that Mrs. Wilcox was "keine Dame. And then in an instant the key of the riddle was in my hands, and I saw that every third word, beginning with the first, would give a message which might well drive old Trevor to despair. And then in sudden brutality that was as unlike Clayton as courteous consideration is unlike an ape, he blurted out: "When your forest god left you he was doubtless hurrying to the feast. And then the black-bearded tyrant turned and cast a sudden greedy look upon Dejah Thoris, as though with the words a new thought and a new desire had sprung up within his mind and breast. And then they made a feast in honour of the goddess on the Mount of Bears, singing the praises of Rhea most venerable; but at dawn the winds had ceased and they rowed away from the island. And then Sir Launcelot and Sir Palomides rushed together with two spears strongly, but Sir Launcelot smote Sir Palomides so hard that he went quite out of his saddle, and had a great fall. And then my father would wisely and kindly, but wondrous slowly, erase three fourths of one's pet verses, and intercalate others that one saw were exquisite, but could not exactly see why. And then I gave a cry of exultation, for a tiny pin-point of yellow light had suddenly transfixed the dark veil, and glowed steadily in the centre of the black square framed by the window. And then he walked slowly by himself, backwards and forwards through the garden, thinking of what he had done with reference to this girl, and doubting whether he had done wisely and well. And then the cabman made himself heard: a civil cabman, but without directions, and uncertain of his dinner and his pay, tolerably hot, also, from threading a crowd after a deaf gentleman. And then, our circumstances were so much alike,--both orphans, and well off; responsible to no one for our actions; with heaps of mutual friends, and constantly staying at the same houses. And then she cried, and took a little picture from her neck, and said I should have that; two pictures in a gold case, on one side her mother, and on the other uncle, when they were young. And then shall the Most High say to the nations that are raised from the dead, See ye and understand whom ye have denied, or whom ye have not served, or whose commandments ye have despised. And then Sir Tristram was delivered out of prison; and anon in all the haste Queen Isoud and Sir Tristram went and took their counsel with that they would have with them when they departed. And then Sir Launcelot with great might drew that dead knight within the chamber door; and Sir Launcelot with help of the queen and her ladies was lightly armed in Sir Colgrevance's armour. And then, as he was silent, she went on, in tones so clear and evenly- pitched that each separate syllable tapped like a little hammer on his brain: "That is, if the doctors will let me go . And then, if our secret were discovered, there would be nothing but misery,--dreadful anger; and then we must part after all, and it would be harder, when we were used to seeing each other. And then our servants, too, will know, generally, the times of their business, and the hours of their leisure or recess; and we, as well as they, shall reap the benefits of this regularity. And then did what I would with her, and I perceive she is come to be very bad, and offers any thing, that it is dangerous to have to do with her, nor will I see [her] any more a good while. And then talked Zarathustra in this wise to his exulting conscience: Alone am I again, and like to be so, alone with the pure heaven, and the open sea; and again is the afternoon around me. And then Ferdinand, in another fine long speech (for young princes speak in courtly phrases), told the innocent Miranda he was heir to the crown of Naples, and that she should be his queen. And then, for your religion, profess none, But wonder at the diversity, of all: And, for your part, protest, were there no other But simply the laws o' the land, you could content you, Nic. And then King Arthur sent out many knights of the Table Round; and Sir Palomides was ever in the foremost front, and Sir Tristram did so strongly well that the king and all other had marvel. And then Sir Launcelot and he went to supper, and so laid him to rest, and the hair pricked so Sir Launcelot's skin which grieved him full sore, but he took it meekly, and suffered the pain. And then, honoured sir, and then, I, being at the time a widower, with a daughter of fourteen left me by my first wife, offered her my hand, for I could not bear the sight of such suffering. And then, when I was leaning over the bridge, it just slipped through my fingers--so--and went down--down--down, all purplysparkling, and sank forevermore beneath the Lake of Shining Waters. And then the squire's lawyers had to take up the matter; and they did so greatly to the detriment of poor Mr Yates Umbleby, who was found to have made a mess of the affairs entrusted to him. And then, if you please, with an eye gone and a piece of his face blow away, he came to the conclusion that the world wasn't such a bad place after all, and he lived happily ever afterwards. And then at night, when this throng poured out into the streets to play--fighting, gambling, drinking and carousing, cursing and screaming, laughing and singing, playing banjoes and dancing! And then, finally, Mr. Diston persuaded Dean Drone to come, and as soon as Mr. Smith and Alphonse saw him they landed him with a fried flounder that even the apostles would have appreciated. And then was he ware of a falcon came flying over his head toward an high elm, and long lunes about her feet, and as she flew unto the elm to take her perch the lunes over-cast about a bough. And then came in Sir Palamides out of the castle, and there encountered with him Gawaine, and either of them smote other so hard that both the good knights and their horses fell to the earth. And then Sir Launcelot himself alighted and avoided his horse, and took the queen, and so led her where King Arthur was in his seat: and Sir Gawaine sat afore him, and many other great lords. And then you occupy yourself with miracles, and write that you possess information of those things of which the human mind is incapable and which cannot be proved by any instance from nature. And then repeated a most solemn protestation, "That he was no more the father of Jones than of the Pope of Rome;" and imprecated the most bitter curses on his head, if he did not speak truth. And then a red cloud, like the colour of blood, seemed to close over my eyes, and before I knew what I was doing, I found myself opening the sash and saying to Him, `Come in, Lord and Master! And then I remembered taking you up to hear that damnable slander, and I felt that I had a share in it, as far as you were concerned, and I longed to get at you somehow and tell you about it. And thence to the Wardrobe with my Lady's, and there could not stay dinner, but went by promise to Mr. Savill's, and there sat the first time for my picture in little, which pleaseth me well. And then her cooing voice, plaintive in expostulation, disturbed the darkness, the velvet touch of her lips passed over his brow, and he could distinguish in the air the warmth of her breath. And then Lady Jane and her new-found friend had one of those confidential medical conversations about the children, which all mothers, and most women, as I am given to understand, delight in. And then that knight took a greater spear in his hand, and encountered with Sir Tristram, <369>and there by great force that knight smote down Sir Tristram from his horse and had a great fall. And then Sir Bors was ware where came in an hideous lion; so Sir Bors dressed him unto the lion, and anon the lion bereft him his shield, and with his sword Sir Bors smote off the lion's head. And then it came over him, in a vast flash made up of many broken gleams, that to all of them he and Madame Olenska were lovers, lovers in the extreme sense peculiar to "foreign" vocabularies. And then as Mrs. Assingham opened wide eyes: "I've been in the dark since we came down, not understanding what he has been doing or intending--not making out what can have passed between them. And then he fell into political discourse again on the subject of the Waartgelders and the State rights, and the villainous pasquils and libels that had circulated so long through the country. And then I had certainly been cuffed, if her woman had not interposed, and told her I was not worthy her anger; and that I was as much to be pitied for my credulity, as despised for my vanity. And then something gave, there was a momentary feeling of nausea, a sharp click as of the snapping of a steel wire, and I stood with my back against the wall of the cave facing my unknown foe. And then he got into the company of a more refined, licentious sort of people, and taking to all their wanton ways rushed into the opposite extreme from an abhorrence of his father's meanness. And then he remembered the look on Tarzan's face when they had discovered that the cabin was empty--such a look as the hunter sees in the eyes of the wounded deer he has wantonly brought down. And then he spoke--a minute sooner or a minute later might have made all the difference in the world to three lives --but chance stepped in and pointed out to Clayton the psychological moment. And then they scampered in all directions, for Toto had awakened from his sleep, and seeing all these mice around him he gave one bark of delight and jumped right into the middle of the group. And then he took his place Upon the threshold, and essayed the bow; And thrice he made the attempt, and thrice gave o'er, Yet hoping still to draw the cord, and send An arrow through the rings. And then, when she heard how true he was, how he persisted against father, mother, and sisters, how could it be that that should not be a merit in her eyes which was so great a fault in theirs? And then one Saturday night he jumped off the car and started home, with the sun shining low under the edge of a bank of clouds that had been pouring floods of water into the mud-soaked street. And then," said somebody else, "then there was Petit Gaillard, who thought himself a pinch of snuff, and was truly distressed because he could not take himself between his own finger and thumb. And then he suddenly remembered the prison, the shaved heads, the cells, the disgusting smells, the chains, and, by the side of it all, the madly lavish city lift of the rich, himself included. And then Sir Launcelot passed through them, and lightly he turned in again, and smote another knight through the breast and throughout the back more than an ell, and therewithal his spear brake. And then came in Sir Tristram de Liones; and then Sir Tristram smote down Sir Uwaine and Sir Lucanere; and Sir Palomides smote down other two knights and Sir Gareth smote down other two knights. And then, after this, King Pelles with ten knights, and Dame Elaine, and twenty ladies, rode unto the Castle of Bliant that stood in an island beclosed in iron, with a fair water deep and large. And then he would not suffer me to be any longer in his company, and so drove me from mine heritage, and so disherited me, and he had never pity of me nor of none of my council, nor of my court. And then came the nightingale to me, And said, "Friend, forsooth I thank thee That thou hast lik'd me to rescow;* *rescue And one avow to Love make I now, That all this May I will thy singer be. And then Pantheia spoke of Cyrus, his nobleness, his honour, and the compassion he had shown her, and Abradatas cried: "Tell me, tell me, how can I repay him all I owe him in your name and mine! And then as the girl, with one of her so deeply and oddly, yet so tenderly, critical looks at him, failed to take up the remark, he found himself moved, as by a vague anxiety, to add a question. And then they rode to them, and either saluted other, and the eldest had a garland of gold about her head, and she was three score winter of age or more, and her hair was white under the garland. And then they avoided their horses, and dressed their shields, and drew their swords, and gave many sad strokes, and one while the one knight was afore on the bridge, and another while the other. And then he turned his horse and struck at Palomides six great strokes upon his helm; and then Sir Palomides stood still, and beheld Sir Tristram, and marvelled of his woodness, and of his folly. And then King Arthur was wood wroth, and ran to the King with the Hundred Knights, and there King Arthur smote him down; and after with that same spear King Arthur smote down three other knights. And then my thoughts, did not they form a similar sort of hiding-hole, in the depths of which I felt that I could bury myself and remain invisible even when I was looking at what went on outside? And then, perhaps a little ashamed of her rudeness, "It doesn't matter; take your time about it; there's no hurry; I only reminded you because of the others, you know; it keeps the servants back. And then waxing enthusiastic, and warming more and more into German gutturals and pronunciation, the good Doctor would lift up his hands, with two great rings on his thumbs, and exclaim: "Und Du! And then Carlo said:-- "One reason why I am gaunt and thin is because I am not a little up-start of a pug,--of no earthly use under Heaven, and nothing to do but waddle around and accumulate fat. And then he added, with what he evidently meant for grim pleasantry-- for he looked round to catch the approving smile of the rest--"And you may have enough of such matters before you go to sleep. "And then," said a tall man just opposite, "we had here, not long ago, a person who had taken it into his head that he was a donkey -- which allegorically speaking, you will say, was quite true." And then indeed the little woman found herself in such a situation as made her acknowledge the correctness of Lord Steyne's caution to her to beware of the society of ladies above her own sphere. And then Sir Blamore and Sir Tristram kissed together, and there they made their oaths that they would never none of them two brethren fight with Sir Tristram, and Sir Tristram made the same oath. And then, again, after the old desires have been driven out, fresh ones spring up, which are akin to them, and because he, their father, does not know how to educate them, wax fierce and numerous. And then Sir Palomides said: My lord, Sir Tristram, much am I beholding unto you of your great goodness, that would proffer your noble body to rescue me undeserved, for I have greatly offended you. And then I thought, anon* it was day, *whenever I would go somewhere to assay If that I might a nightingale hear; For yet had I none heard of all that year, And it was then the thirde night of May. And then, too, there was the fresh smart of that disclosure about his mother's family, which if known would be an added reason why Dorothea's friends should look down upon him as utterly below her. And then his noble knights strode about him, and said: Sir Launcelot, wherefore make ye such cheer, think what ye are, and what men we are, and let us noble knights match them in midst of the field. And then Ozma would sit in her jeweled throne, with her chosen courtiers all about her, and listen patiently to any complaint brought to her by her subjects, striving to accord equal justice to all. And then instead of that--disgust, pity..." She listened attentively, looking at him over the baby, while she put back on her slender fingers the rings she had taken off while giving Mitya his bath. And then there were other good cases, as of a woman that come to serve a gentlewoman, and in three days run away, betimes in the morning, with a great deal of plate and rings, and other good things. And then he looked afore him, and there he apperceived and saw come an armed knight, with many lights about him; and this knight had a long gisarm in his hand, and made grim countenance to smite him. And then Sir Tristram would have jousted with Sir Bors, and Sir Bors said that he would not joust with no Cornish knights, for they are not called men of worship; and all this was done upon a bridge. And then the poet, in an access of patriotism, cries out: "And what, in fine, art thou, O Israel, but a poor _Bahur_ among the peoples, eating one day with one of them, another day with the other!... And then the other question was pressed upon him; and he lifted up his hands, and raised his voice, and swore by the Saviour in whom he trusted, and he knew not from whence the money had come to him. And then, as the men stood looking first at Tarzan and then at their superior the ape-man did the one thing which was needed to erase the last remnant of animosity which they might have felt for him. And then when he saw Sir Beaumains fast asleep, he came stilly stalking behind the dwarf, and plucked him fast under his arm, and so he rode away with him as fast as ever he might unto his own castle. And then the king and all estates went home unto Camelot, and so went to evensong to the great minster, and so after upon that to supper, and every knight sat in his own place as they were toforehand. And then Galahad put him in the earth as a king ought to be, and so departed and so came into a perilous forest where he found the well the which boileth with great waves, as the tale telleth to-fore. And then at the signal of two fusees and the watchword, "With the help of God," he ordered his cannon to open on the Russian trenches, and through a furious snow-storm charged straight upon the enemy. And then proceeding to his operation, "Sir," said he, "since I have dealt in suds, I could never discover more than two reasons for shaving; the one is to get a beard, and the other to get rid of one. And then, as everybody knows, given youth and such companionship, there is no situation in which the fancy takes such complete control as upon tranquil waters under a calm night sky, warm with summer. And then he kneeled down before the table, and made his prayers, and suddenly his soul departed, and a great multitude of angels bare his soul up to heaven, so as the two fellows could well behold it. And then, suddenly, you are aware that you are really alone in the world, always and everywhere, and that in places which we know, the familiar jostlings give us the illusion only of human fraternity. And then Mr. Jobson talks big about reporting his principal to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if it were not for his particular regard and friendship for Mr. Inglewood and his family. And then as the insistence of his great figure towering over me had begun to fret my nerves--"Sit down, man," said I, with an impatient gesture, "and put that sickening toy away and come to the point. And then Sir Meliagrance charged the queen and all her knights that none of all her fellowship should depart from her; for full sore he dread Sir Launcelot du Lake, lest he should have any knowledging. And then he seemed to discern in her something that was familiar, something which carried him back into a joyous and unforeseeing past, before the necessity of taking thought had made the heavens gray. And then boldly he resolved upon what he regarded as the masterscheme of life; namely, to obtain a small pecuniary independence and to emancipate himself formally and entirely from his father's control. And then,' said Mr. Micawber, who was present, 'I have no doubt I shall, please Heaven, begin to be beforehand with the world, and to live in a perfectly new manner, if - in short, if anything turns up. And then as Maggie might appear to be wondering what, for instance: "I see the long miles of ocean and the dreadful great country, State after State--which have never seemed to me so big or so terrible. And then Mr. Linton, to mend matters, paid us a visit himself on the morrow, and read the young master such a lecture on the road he guided his family, that he was stirred to look about him, in earnest. And then came there another knight, and in the same wise he served him; and so he served the third and the fourth, that he smote them over their horses' croups, and always Sir Palomides' spear was whole. And then she called her father, Sir Bernard, and her brother, Sir Tirre, and heartily she prayed her father that her brother might write a letter like as she did indite it: and so her father granted her. And then Mr Slope's face, tinted with a deeper dye than usual by the wine he had drunk, simpering and puckering itself with pseudo piety and tender grimaces, seemed specially to call for such punishment. And then she thought of the person that Ophelia of fifty might be, who would have to find a good apology for him in his dose of snake-bite, or love of a younger woman whom he termed gold-crested serpent. And then we may proceed further to enquire whether that which suffers dispersion is or is not of the nature of soul--our hopes and fears as to our own souls will turn upon the answers to these questions. And then if that little real estate deal I've got on goes through, we'll get married," he said with a great show of earnestness, the while he took his place before the mirror and began brushing his hair. And then be felt a sudden tolerance for them, and an elating, courageous contempt for the conventions upon which he had fed, and an unhesitating deter- mination to have this perfect creature for his own. And then, mirabile dictu, between the piers, leaping from wave to wave as it rushed at headlong speed, swept the strange schooner before the blast, with all sail set, and gained the safety of the harbour. And then, explained Schliemann, society would break up into independent, self-governing communities of mutually congenial persons; examples of which at present were clubs, churches, and political parties. And then I stept to her again, and kissed her; and said, Join with me, my pretty love, to beg your dear uncle to let you come and live with your new aunt: Indeed, my little precious, I'll love you dearly. And then the moonlight flooded the cave, and there before me lay my own body as it had been lying all these hours, with the eyes staring toward the open ledge and the hands resting limply upon the ground. And then he yede to the third pavilion and found Sir Gawaine lying in bed with his Lady Ettard, and either clipping other in arms, and when he saw that his heart well-nigh brast for sorrow, and said: Alas! And then he spurred his horse and came upon Sir Hue and overthrew him, but they soon recovered and dressed their shields and drew their swords and bade Sir Uwaine alight and do his battle to the uttermost. And then by great force they held all the knights of this castle against their will under their obeissance, and in great service and truage, robbing and pilling the poor common people of all that they had. And then Sir Launcelot's fellowship came out at three gates, in a full good array; and Sir Lionel came in the foremost battle, and Sir Launcelot came in the middle, and Sir Bors came out at the third gate. And then, in an evil hour, somebody discovered that what made the Belpher Oyster so particularly plump and succulent was the fact that it breakfasted, lunched and dined almost entirely on the local sewage. And then and there Jo renounced her old ambition, pledged herself to a new and better one, acknowledging the poverty of other desires, and feeling the blessed solace of a belief in the immortality of love. And then she showed to the duke and Mariana two keys that Angelo had given her; and she said: 'This bigger key opens the vineyard gate; this other a little door which leads from the vineyard to the garden. And then a trump is led, then another trump; then a king--and then an ace--and then a long ten, which brings down from the meagre doctor his only remaining tower of strength--his cherished queen of trumps. And then appeared Goldsmith, too much influenced by the fad of sensibility, but aiming to depict human life as governed by high ideals, and helping to cleanse the English novel from brutality and indecency. And then he got so mad with drinking that we all thought--' And so Mr Bideawhile went on for two hours, and Frank found no opportunity of saying one word about the business which had brought him up to town. And then he hurl'd into the night alone, Wailing unto the spirit of his son, That somewhere in dark mist and sighing wind Must dwell, nor yet to Hades had it won, Nor quite had left the world of men behind. And then Alexandra wanted to shave her head, not from caprice or mischief, but, like a little fool, simply because Aglaya persuaded her she would sleep better without her hair, and not suffer from headache! And then, as soon as you are accustomed to look upon the prisoner as a dangerous man, all of a sudden, without rhyme or reason they write - 'Set him at liberty,' and actually add to their missive - 'urgent. And then, creeping over the edge of the sea where the flash had been, we saw a single light, and presently a second below it, and in a few minutes they were well above the horizon and they remained in line! And then he thought of his preservers--those who had made him again a man, and an honest mm, those to whom he owed all--murdered without pity, their works destroyed, their island turned into a pirates' den! And then Tublat went to Kerchak to urge him to use his authority with Kala, and force her to give up little Tarzan, which was the name they had given to the tiny Lord Greystoke, and which meant "White-Skin. And then he told her of his experiences with this strange creature--of how twice the wild man had saved his life--of the wondrous strength, and agility, and bravery--of the brown skin and the handsome face. And then they all three left Sir Kay, and turned unto Sir Launcelot, and there began great battle, for they alighted all three, and struck many great strokes at Sir Launcelot, and assailed him on every side. And then he laid him down again for pain; and anon therewithal there came a knight armed with his shield on his shoulder and his sword in his hand, and he bade Sir Bors: Arise, sir knight, and fight with me. And then anon they rode toward Camelot, and on the way they met with Sir Gawain and Sir Gaheris, that had made promise to Arthur never to come again to the court till they had brought Sir Tristram with them. And then again, it has been proven that meat is unnecessary as a food; and meat is obviously more difficult to produce than vegetable food, less pleasant to prepare and handle, and more likely to be unclean. And then Mrs Walker whispered something further, which we may presume to have been in intimation that the gentleman opposite--Major Grantly --was supposed by some people to be very fond of Miss Grace Crawley. And then Sir Tristram feutred his spear, and smote his uncle, King Mark, so sore, that he rashed him to the earth, and bruised him that he lay still in a swoon, and long it was or ever he might wield himself. And then commenced a roar of laughter in which they all joined, to the astonishment of poor Porthos; but when he was informed of the cause of their hilarity, he shared it vociferously according to his custom. And then he smote Sir Helius with such a might that he fell to the earth grovelling; and then he raced off his helm from his head, and there he smote him such a buffet that he departed his head from the body. And then there he shewed him the right belief of the Holy Trinity, to the which he agreed unto with all his heart; and there this shield was made for King Evelake, in the name of Him that died upon the Cross. And then when he might speak he said thus: O my lord, Sir Launcelot, God you bless, and send you hasty recover; and full heavy am I of my misfortune and of mine unhappiness, for now I may call myself unhappy. And then, too, there would be the greatest difficulty in wording her request to the doctor; and Lady Arabella was sufficiently conscious of her own weakness to know that she was not always very good at words. And then he thought of the condition he would be in, if he were to find her some fine day in his own rooms, and if she were to tell him that she could not go home again, and that she meant to remain with him! And then the dean, finding it to be vain to expect to be left alone with Mr Crawley for a moment--in vain also to wait for a proper opening for that which he had to say--rushed violently at his other subject. And then, does it not seem to you," continued Madame Bovary, "that the mind travels more freely on this limitless expanse, the contemplation of which elevates the soul, gives ideas of the infinite, the ideal? And then, jealousy means lowering both myself and her," he told himself as he went into her boudoir; but this dictum, which had always had such weight with him before, had now no weight and no meaning at all. And then as she had waited without result for her companion to say: "But isn't it true that--after you had this time again, at the eleventh hour, said YOU wouldn't--they would really much rather not have gone? And then--was she in a moment to be talked out of the resolution of years; and was she to give up herself, not because she loved, but because the man who talked to her talked so well that he deserved a reward? And then a great fury filled me, and made me mad, and I seized the javelin that thou didst bear, and stabbed thee, so that there, at my very feet, in the place of Life, thou didst groan and go down into death. And then they taught him to sing, and when once the glory of the Jubilee songs passed into the soul of George L. White, he knew his life-work was to let those Negroes sing to the world as they had sung to him. And then when it was past noon, and when it drew toward evensong, Sir Gawaine's strength feebled, and waxed passing faint that unnethes he might dure any <130>longer, and Sir Marhaus was then bigger and bigger. And then, Guy, and then, that girl needs ten times the love and trust and honor--yes, honor--that was enough when she was only a mere wife if--if--the other life she chooses to lead is to be made even bearable. And then Sir Launcelot made great sorrow, For never or now was I never at tournament nor jousts but I had the best, and now I am shamed; and then he said: Now I am sure that I am more sinfuller than ever I was. And then, suddenly collecting themselves, as men awakened from a dream, half-a-dozen desperate gallants, reckless of sharks and eddies, leaped overboard, swam toward the flag, and towed it alongside in triumph. And then were discovered, they say, the ways of playing with the dice and the knucklebones and the ball, and all the other games excepting draughts (for the discovery of this last is not claimed by the Lydians). And then the King with the Hundred Knights and an hundred more of North Wales set upon the twenty of Sir Launcelot's kin: and they twenty knights held them ever together as wild swine, and none would fail other. And then, as one intending gently to remonstrate, he was on the point of stretching out his finger to the shoulder of Mr. Malkin, when Redworth seized his arm, saying: 'I 'm your man: me first: you're due to me. And thence you went speeding swiftly to the mountain ridge, and came to Crisa beneath snowy Parnassus, a foothill turned towards the west: a cliff hangs over if from above, and a hollow, rugged glade runs under. And then they asked him if there was nothing that troubled him in, his conscience in the matters for which he must die; nothing for which he repented and sorrowed, and for which he would call upon God for mercy. And then, perceiving that the senate, dissatisfied with his proceedings, began to cast their eyes abroad upon Brutus, and decreed and confirmed the government of several provinces to him, he had taken the alarm. And then they came afore the Castle Orgulous, and there was such a custom that there might no knight come by that castle but either he must joust or be prisoner, or at the least to lose his horse and his harness. | And then and there, as I stood, a dripping ghost, beneath the f trees before him, the unconscionable fellow, wishing to exhaust upon me the utmost resources of military hospitality, deliberately presented arms! And then, you see, if you have rows, and he turns you out of doors, you can get the law to protect you, which you can't otherwise, unless he half-runs you through with a knife, or cracks your noddle with a poker. And then occurred what everybody except M. Talma and his wife had foreseen, that the Emperor, having seen her play once, was much provoked that she had been allowed to come, and had her name struck from the list. And then a small still voice, thus-- SEMICHORUS 2: For Revenge and Wrong bring forth their kind, The foul cubs like their parents are, _730 Their den is in the guilty mind, And Conscience feeds them with despair. And then thou gavest him the medicine, and that five minutes dragged long before I knew if he would live or die, and I tell thee that all the sixty generations that are gone were not so long as that five minutes. And then I set myself to reflect how I had tended him in infancy, and watched him grow to youth, and followed him almost through his whole course; and what absurd nonsense it was to yield to that sense of horror. And then they had come to Erythrai in Bœotia, then they learnt that the Barbarians were encamping on the Asopos, and having perceived this they ranged themselves over against them on the lower slopes of Kithairon. And then to see the little critter shake herself when she gets up, like a duck landin from a pond, a chatterin away all the time like a Canary bird, and you a haw-hawin with pleasure, is fun alive, you may depend. And then he has his lesser glasses, that he calls his deer and his ape; and several degrees of them too; and never is well, nor thinks any entertainment perfect, till these be brought out, and set on the cupboard. And then," continued the bishop, "as an answer to what you were coming to ask the king, my dear D'Artagnan, here is an order of his majesty, which you will be good enough to attend to forthwith, for it concerns M. And then their arms, which for their riches and beauty they wore with pleasure, becoming light and easy to them with constant use, they longed for nothing more than to try them with an enemy, and fight in earnest. And then imagine this sickening stench, multiplied a millionfold and a millionfold again from the millions upon millions of fetid carcasses massed together in the reeking darkness, a huge and rotting human fungus. And then the king and the queen by Merlin's advice made him to swear to tell of his adventures, and so he told and made proofs of his deeds as it is afore rehearsed, wherefore the king and the queen made great joy. And then Sir Marhaus made the Earl Fergus' man to fetch him stones, and with those stones the knight gave the giant many sore knocks, till at the last he made him fall down into the water, and so was he there dead. And then observe the superior effect of putting them first:--"Were the honour now given to wealth and title given exclusively to high achievements and intrinsic worth, how immense would be the stimulus to progress! And then she thought of her child, who was the cause of her misfortunes, but who was also the cause of all her happiness on earth, and whom she went to see twice a year, though she came back more unhappy each time. And then the phantom which had stood there mocking while he felt as other men--the phantom, now flesh and blood reality, seized and convulsed his heart, and filled its unforgiving crevices with bitter ironic venom. And then," asked one particular busy body, who made himself very unpleasant on the Amsterdam Exchange, "why has her Majesty forbidden all noblemen and gentlemen from coming hither, as was the case at the beginning? And then there came questions as to John's projected journey to the Continent, and he explained that he was going on law-business, on behalf of Mr Crawley, to catch the dean and Mrs Arabin, if it might be possible. And then, as we gazed awe-struck, she tilted slowly up, revolving apparently about a centre of gravity just astern of amidships, until she attained a vertically upright position; and there she remained-- motionless! And then they advanced banners and smote together and all to-shivered their spears; and Arthur's knights, with the help of the Knight with the Two Swords and his brother Balan put King Lot and his host to the worse. And then I stole all courtesy from Heaven, And dress'd myself in such humility, That I did pluck allegiance from men's hearts, Loud shouts and salutations from their mouths, Even in the presence of the crowned King. And then also I felt something in the air, something I could not express, one of those mysterious premonitions that warn one of another person's secret intentions in regard to yourself, whether they be good or evil. And then rising, she went away to join Marianne, whom she found, as she expected, in her own room, leaning, in silent misery, over the small remains of a fire, which, till Elinor's entrance, had been her only light. And then, turning to Leo with a look of the most utter tenderness that I ever saw upon the face of a woman, civilised or savage, she took his head between her hands, and kissed him on the forehead as a mother might. And then comes this ruling of the polis driving people out o' their comfortable homes to sleep in parks -- 'twas for all the world like a ukase of them Rus- sians -- 'twill be heard from again at next election time. And then they took their horses, and rode after to see how Sir Dagonet sped, for they would not for no good that Sir Dagonet were shent, for King Arthur loved him passing well, and made him knight with his own hands. And then there came a voice and said: Take thou that for thy forfeit that thou didst in drawing of this sword, therefore thou receivest a wound, for thou were never worthy to handle it, as the writing maketh mention. And then to leave one's folks, and naTIVE place where one was raised, halter broke, and trained to go in gear, and exchange all the comforts of the old States, for them are new ones, dont seem to go down well at all. And then all the tricks of the packers, their masters, the tyrants who ruled them-- the shutdowns and the scarcity of work, the irregular hours and the cruel speeding-up, the lowering of wages, the raising of prices! And then the bear cometh and is an- hungered, and the log that hangeth there on high letteth him: and he putteth away the wedge despiteously, but after the removing the wedge falleth again and hitteth him on the ear. And then, not withstanding the dissuasions of Rinuccini to the contrary, it was to be kept secret from the world, though some of its obligations were expected to be at once fulfilled, on their side, by the Catholics. And then it dawned upon me that Césarine had known all about the diamonds and their story; that it was Césarine who took us to see Schloss Lebenstein; that it was Césarine who posted the letter to Lord Craig-Ellachie! And then the old man clasped his hands above her head, and said, in a few broken words, that from that time forth they would wander up and down together, and never part more until Death took one or other of the twain. And then, must it be said, that nature, exquisite in tenderness and reserve, no longer finding anything to understand its feelings, gave itself up to grief with all the warmth of common natures when they yield to joy. And then they called out to him that she was on the roof, where she was standing, waving her arms, above the battlements, and shouting out till they could hear her a mile off: I saw her and heard her with my own eyes. And then I stole all Courtesie from Heauen, And drest my selfe in such Humilitie, That I did plucke Allegeance from mens hearts, Lowd Showts and Salutations from their mouthes, Euen in the presence of the Crowned King. And then they led him unto the Abbess's chamber and unarmed him; and right so he was ware upon a bed lying two of his cousins, Sir Bors and Sir Lionel, and then he waked them; and when they saw him they made great joy. And then there was the sound of a body falling on the floor and being dragged along and a door slammed and then nothing, nothing more around us save the scorching silence of the south in the heart of a tropical forest! And then the scar upon his forehead turned to a flaming band of scarlet, a red mist floated before his eyes, and, with the awful roar of the bull ape gone mad, he sprang like a huge lion into the midst of the votaries. And then, when Ralph had risen up and the horses were come, he said to him: "One thing thou art not to forget, young conqueror, to wit, that thou art to come here early one day, and tell me all thy tale at full length. And then, turning to Sancho, he said, "Forgive me, my friend, that I led thee to seem as mad as myself, making thee fall into the same error I myself fell into, that there were and still are knights-errant in the world. And then the doctor thought of her Italian and French readings, of her music, of her nice books, and sweet lady ways, of her happy companionship with Patience Oriel, and her dear, bosom friendship with Beatrice Gresham. And then there was withered old poni Aniele--who was a widow, and had three children, and the rheumatism besides, and did washing for the tradespeople on Halsted Street at prices it would break your heart to hear named. And then how was a man in the archdeacon's position to be desirous of gentle words--gentle words which would not be efficient--when he knew well in his heart of hearts that he had nothing but threats on which to depend. And then, the old irritable demon prompting him to give another good pinch at the moth-wings of poor Mr. Casaubon's glory, he went on, "And I have seen since that Mr. Casaubon does not like any one to overlook his work. And then, that everything should be firmly binding, they called or sang: "Ha assironi atsimach koo kent oya kayuig wee Onneyatte Onaondaga Koyocke hoo hanoto wany agweganne hoo schene ha caton scahten franosoni yndicho. And then by unhap the queen drew out his sword and beheld it a long while, and both they thought it a passing fair sword; but within a foot and an half of the point there was a great piece thereof out- broken of the edge. And then I have asked myself what prospect I can hold out at home to induce you to be contented here, and I see none; and therefore I should say to you, 'Go thy ways, and God shield thee,'--but, Pisistratus, your mother! And then Mr Arabin, finding it impossible to say anything further, stood silent till Charlotte had completed her plans, and Mrs Bold stood equally silent, intently occupied as it appeared in the arrangement of her rings. And then you will pass years in a dungeon, riveted to a wall, groping for your jug that you may drink, gnawing at a horrible loaf of darkness which dogs would not touch, eating beans that the worms have eaten before you. And then Sir Launcelot sent for Nerovens that he made once knight, and he made him to have all the rule of that castle and of that country, under La Cote Male Taile; and so they rode to Arthur's court all wholly together. And then he commanded me to put forth that same vessel down Humber, and I should give these mariners in commandment never to stint until that they came unto Logris, where all the noble knights shall assemble at this time. And then he turned to Mrs. Mountstuart to speak of Paradise and Adam, in whom he saw the prototype of himself: also the Hebrew people in the bondage of Egypt, discoursed of by the clergymen, not without a likeness to him. And then ourselves--three modern Englishmen in a modern English boat-- seeming to jar upon and look out of tone with that measureless desolation; and in front of us the noble buck limned out upon a background of ruddy sky. And then they helped up their father, and so by their cominal assent promised to Sir Marhaus never to be foes unto King Arthur, and thereupon at Whitsuntide after to come, he and his sons, and put them in the king's grace. And then when he had so done he mounted upon his horse; and when he was in his saddle well apparelled, and his shield dressed upon his shoulder, Tristram asked Gouvernail, Where is this knight that I shall have ado withal? And then he turned to Gaheris, and Sir Tristram smote his sword and his helm together with such a might that Gaheris fell out of his saddle: and so Sir Tristram rode unto Joyous Gard, and there he alighted and unarmed him. And then this Roland, too,--who would go and dine in a cookshop, and receive change for a shilling, and shun the ruinous luxury of a hack cabriolet,--could be positively extravagant in his liberalities to those around him. And then they began to kiss and hug again, without putting any more restraint upon themselves than if we had not been there; and then they whispered together, and got up and went off among the trees, without saying a word. And then on the right bank, the left bank, on the quays, on the boulevards, in the Latin country, in the quarter of the Halles, panting men, artisans, students, members of sections read proclamations and shouted: "To arms! And then, if you and Fred get married," here Caleb's voice shook just perceptibly, "he'll be steady and saving; and you've got your mother's cleverness, and mine too, in a woman's sort of way; and you'll keep him in order. And then his lordship turned to another superlative gentleman, something older, something stouter, something redder in the face, and something longer upon town, and said in a loud whisper that the girl was 'deyvlish pitty. And then King Mark sent unto Sir Marhaus, and did him to wit that a better born man than he was himself should fight with him, and his name is Sir Tristram de Liones, gotten of King Meliodas, and born of King Mark's sister. And then she prayed Sir Servause that he would promise her never to do battle against Sir Launcelot du Lake, and in the same wise she prayed Sir Launcelot never to do battle against Sir Servause, and so either promised her. And then, if these two men did die within the prescribed period, if this clause of Sir Roger's will were brought to bear, it should become his, Dr Thorne's, duty to see that clause carried out, how would he be bound to act? And then Apollo with the plectrum strook _670 The chords, and from beneath his hands a crash Of mighty sounds rushed up, whose music shook The soul with sweetness, and like an adept His sweeter voice a just accordance kept. And then, in a second, I spied the rattler-- The shutters wide in his yellow eyes, The head of him arched, sunk back in the rings of him, A circle of filth, the color of ashes, Or oak leaves bleached under layers of leaves. And then Sir Launcelot took the best horse that he found, and loosed Sir Palomides and set him upon that horse; and so they returned again unto Joyous Gard, and then was Sir Palomides ware of Sir Tristram how he came riding. And then, that I might strike him dumb with shame, I spoke of my wife's dowry; but he coined A brief yet specious tale, how I had wasted The sum in secret riot; and he saw _320 My wife was touched, and he went smiling forth. And then Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan departed from them into a forest, and there met them a damosel that came for the love of Sir Launcelot to seek after some noble knights of King Arthur's court for to rescue Sir Launcelot. And then as his friend's face, in her extremity, quite again as with Charlotte, but continued to fly the black flag of general repudiation: "Well, we really began then, as it seems to me, the work of placing her where she is. And then he walked firmly out of Romfrey oakwoods, and, at a mile's distance from her, related to his countess Rosamund that the burial was over without much silly ceremony, and that she needed to know nothing of it whatever. And then came in the postilion, and two helpers, (for my master has both here, and at Lincolnshire, fine hunting horses; and it is the chief sport he takes delight in,) as also the scullion-boy: And I said, How do all of you? And then they pulled out their swords, and dressed their shields, and lashed together mightily as mighty knights, that well-nigh there was no piece of harness would hold them, for this Corsabrin was a passing felonious knight. "And then," said Aramis, with the tone of philosophical indifference which he had assumed since he had belonged to the church and in which there was more atheism than confidence in God, "what is the use of thinking of it all?" And then--if the doctor wants you to go out in your chair, and if you can always do what you want to do, perhaps--perhaps we might find some boy who would push you, and we could go alone and it would always be a secret garden. And then will begin the rush that will never be checked, the tide that will never turn till it has reached its flood--that will be irresistible, overwhelming--the rallying of the outraged workingmen of Chicago to our standard! And thence he and I in his coach, against my will (for I am resolved to shun too great fellowship with him) to White Hall, but came too late, the Duke having been with our fellow officers before we came, for which I was sorry. And then he spied Kala, who, returning from a search for food with her young babe, was ignorant of the state of the mighty male's temper until suddenly the shrill warnings of her fellows caused her to scamper madly for safety. And then they had tables all around the house kivered over with [------] caps and pincushions and ten thousand such little knick- knacks, tryin' to sell 'em to the fellows that were bowin', and scrapin' and kungeerin' about 'em. And then he rode forth, and there he found Sir Adtherp sore wounded, and he told him how the queen would have drowned herself had he not been, and how for her sake and love he had taken upon him to do battle with Sir Palamides. And then, to be sure, in that scene, as you called it, between him and his mother, where you told me he acted so fine, why, Lord help me, any man, that is, any good man, that had such a mother, would have done exactly the same. And then would sit amiably smiling and taking no notice of the reply or would sweetly glide off into a calculation of the number of letters she had lately received and answered or of the coffee-bearing power of Borrioboola-Gha. And then they knew that while they searched for Time, Time had gone forth against their city and leaguered it with the years, and had taken it while they were far away and enslaved their women and children with the yoke of age. And then he gave Sir Bors such a buffet that he made him bow his head passing low; and therewithal he raced off his helm, and might have slain him; and so pulled him down, and in the same wise he served Sir Ector and Sir Lionel. And then Mr Slope began to meditate, as others also had done, as to who might possibly be the new dean; and it occurred to him, as it had also occurred to others, that it might be possible that he should be the new dean himself. And then came in the goldfinch fresh and gay, And said this psalm with heartly glad intent, "Domini est terra;" <48> this Latin intent,* *means The God of Love hath earth in governance: And then the wren began to skip and dance. And then there are other chances in life far more thrilling and rapture-giving: THIS is solid, an affair of the actual world, nothing ideal about it: all its associations are solid and sober, and its manifestations are the same. And then he would watch, day after day, in the vague hope of seeing somebody sent to redeem him; and, when nobody came, he would crush back to his soul bitter thoughts,--that it was vain to serve God, that God had forgotten him. And then Sir Percivale thought to help the lion, for he was the more natural beast of the two; and therewith he drew his sword, and set his shield afore him, and there he gave the serpent such a buffet that he had a deadly wound. And then the flowery garland she tied upon his head, "Thy face is delicate and fair as Ganymede's," she said; "And if great Jove beheld thee now, he'd send his eagle down, To take thee to the palace halls that high Olympus crown. And then the great discomfiture of that arch enemy of all that was respectable in Barchester, of that new low church clerical parvenu that had fallen amongst them, that alone would be worth more, almost than the situation itself. And then let any man explain to me, if he can, how it happened that Scrooge, having his key in the lock of the door, saw in the knocker, without its undergoing any intermediate process of change--not a knocker, but Marley's face. And then she told the duke her husband, and said, I suppose that we were sent for that I should be dishonoured; wherefore, husband, I counsel you, that we depart from hence suddenly, that we may ride all night unto our own castle. And then he told the king how he had rescued him from the nine knights and Breuse Saunce Pit; and how he found a knight lying by a well, and that knight smote down Sir Palomides and me, but his shield was covered with a cloth. And then after they had talked a little longer Childe Rowland began to feel hungry from his long travels, and told his sister Burd Ellen how hungry he was and asked for some food, forgetting all about the Warlock Merlin's warning. And then she began to laugh too and they both laughed until they could not stop themselves and they laughed until the room echoed and Mrs. Medlock opening the door to come in drew back into the corridor and stood listening amazed. And then the rollers groaned under the sturdy keel as they were chafed, and round them rose up a dark smoke owing to the weight, and she glided into the sea; but the heroes stood there and kept dragging her back as she sped onward. And then Sir Percivale alighted, and said to Sir Ector de Maris: Ye shall abide me here until that I wit what manner a knight he is; for it were shame unto us, inasmuch as he is but one knight, an we should both do battle with him. And then, feeling not unnatural anxiety as to the present state of Miss Dunstable's worldly concerns, he took an opportunity of falling back on that part of her conversation which Mrs Proudie had exercised so much tact in avoiding. And then, hurrying on to the subject with confused haste, in order that a word or two might be spoken before her husband came back, she expressed her thanks and his for the good things which had been sent to them at Christmas-tide. And then the wretch fell a laughing, and talked most impertinently, and shewed me, that I had nothing to expect from her virtue or conscience: and this gave me great mortification; for I was in hopes of working upon her by degrees. And thence I home and after dinner to the office, where Sir W. Rider and Cutler come, and in dispute I very high with them against their demands, I hope to no hurt to myself, for I was very plain with them to the best of my reason. And then the Lord will shew these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear, and there shall be a cloud as it was also shewed to Moses, and he shewed it when Solomon prayed that the place might be sanctified to the great God. And then there was no more else to say, but Sir Launcelot and Sir Meliagrance dressed them unto battle, and took their spears; and so they came together as thunder, and there Sir Launcelot bare him down quite over his horse's croup. And then, examining the Princess's headdress, "Why, you're quite right; it is copied from... what shall I say, not chestnuts, no,--oh, it's a delightful idea, but how can the Princess have known what was going to be on my programme? And then he did not stir any more, but read on, read on with his eye and his mind; all his wasting body seemed to read, all his soul plunged, lost, disappeared, in this book, up to the hour when the cool air made him cough a little. And then when I come back to him--to him, rich, happy, free--to implore the help the first stranger would give, a suppliant, and bringing back to him all my tenderness, he repulses me because it would cost him three thousand francs! And then said Sir Tristram to Sir Lamorak: I require you if ye hap to meet with Sir Palomides, say him that he shall find me at the same well where I met him, and there I, Sir Tristram, shall prove whether he be better knight than I. And then either dressed their spears and their shields, and smote together, so that through fine force Sir Dinadan was smitten to the earth; and lightly he rose up and gat his horse, and required that knight to do battle with swords. And then Sir Bors alighted and avoided his horse, and there they dashed together many sad strokes; and long thus they fought, till at the last Sir Bromel was laid to the earth, and there Sir Bors began to unlace his helm to slay him. And then, he don't seem to be quite right yet about the legs, so he hasn't got up; but he's got that Winterbones with him to write for him, and when Winterbones is there, Scatcherd might as well be up for any good that bed'll do him. "And then, and then, they gave me nuts and pleasant things to eat, and they--they carried me in their arms up to the top of the trees and said I was their blood brother except that I had no tail, and should be their leader some day." And then his wife might set out to look for him, and she too would feel the cold; and perhaps she would have some of the children with her--and so a whole family would drift into drinking, as the current of a river drifts downstream. And then after that they fell to talking of relics and traces of the past, and Dr. Gallagher said that if Dean Drone would come round to his house some night he would show him some Indian arrow heads that he had dug up in his garden. And then, full of yourself, not thinking of Elizabeth, but to withdraw in the chivalrous attitude of the man true to his word to the old woman, only stickling to bring a certain independence to the common stock, because-- I quote you! And then she would pout like a disappointed child; a pensive cloud would soften her radiant vivacity; she would withdraw her hand hastily from his, and turn in transient petulance from his aspect, at once so heroic and so martyr-like. And then he made a great many other remarks, no less illustrative of his humility, which were received with equal favour and applause, and were, withal, as original and as much to the purpose, as the remarks of great men commonly are. And thence had another meeting with the Duke of York, at White Hall, on yesterday's work, and made a good advance: and so, being called by my wife, we to the Park, Mary Batelier, and a Dutch gentleman, a friend of hers, being with us. And then every man agreed to make war, and to aid after their power; that is to wit, the lord of West Wales promised to bring thirty thousand men, and Sir Uwaine, Sir Ider his son, with their cousins, promised to bring thirty thousand. And then he drew his sword, and dressed him unto Sir Percivale, and smote him so on the helm, that it rove to the coif of steel; and had not the sword swerved Sir Percivale had been slain, and with the stroke he fell out of his saddle. And then they drew their swords, and gave many sad strokes, and either of them wounded other full ill. And at the last, at an overthwart, Beaumains with his horse struck the Green Knight's horse upon the side, that he fell to the earth. And then Sir Launcelot prayed Sir Urre to let him see his head; and then devoutly kneeling he ransacked the three wounds, that they bled a little, and forthwith all the wounds fair healed, and seemed as they had been whole a seven year. And then," said Madame de Villefort, endeavoring by a struggle, and with effort, to get away from her thoughts, "however skilfully it is prepared, crime is always crime, and if it avoid human scrutiny, it does not escape the eye of God. And then Miss Anne gave her a cloth cloak, very warm, with pretty buttons and gimp trimmings--just such a cloak as any girl might like to wear who thought that she would be seen out walking with her Major Grantly on a Christmas morning. And then when we got up in hall she sware that the cock pheasant was one of her rearing, when 'twas not your bird at all, Joe; 'twas Squire Brown's bird--that's whose 'twas--one that we'd picked off as we passed his wood, an hour afore. And then I threw myself at his feet, blessed God, and blessed him for his goodness; and he overwhelmed me with kindness, calling me his sweet bride, and twenty lovely epithets, that swell my grateful heart beyond the power of utterance. And then to Sir W. Batten's, and dined; and there hear that Sir W. Rider says that the towne is full of the report of the wealth that is in his house, and would be glad that his friends would provide for the safety of their goods there. And then, just when I was beginning to think I might safely pop down in that direction and gather up the dropped threads, so to speak, time, instead of working the healing wheeze, went and pulled the most awful bone and put the lid on it. And then there are those cannons, which certainly it must be thought the highest presumption to go in the way of; and nobody but a madman-- I ask pardon; upon my soul I meant no harm; I beg I may not throw your honour into another passion. And then it was "the dry commonplace, the cold, the wooden Francis," and all the pretty little epithets which the contrast between us suggested to your fatherly affection, when he was sitting on your knee, or playfully patting your cheeks? And then, continued Homenas, they were miraculously transmitted to us here from the very heaven of heavens; in the same manner as the river Nile is called Diipetes by Homer, the father of all philosophy--the holy decretals always excepted. And then he summoned to go with him the sons of Phrixus, and Telamon and Augeias; and himself took Hermes' wand; and at once they passed forth from the ship beyond the reeds and the water to dry land, towards the rising ground of the plain. And then," said Aramis, pinching his ear to make it red, as he rubbed his hands to make them white, "and then I made a certain RONDEAU upon it last year, which I showed to Monsieur Voiture, and that great man paid me a thousand compliments. And then he came to Arthur's court and told him his intent, how this was his will, how he would let cry a jousts in the country of Surluse, the which country was within the lands of King Arthur, and there he asked leave to let cry a jousts. And then he told Olaf how, "in the great trading place which is called Southwark," the Danes had raised "a great work and dug large ditches, and within had builded a bulwark of stone, timber, and turf, where they had stationed a large army. And then the tear, which had been no whit controlled, which indeed had now made itself master of her, came to a head, and, bursting through the floodgates of the eye, came rolling down, and in its fall, wetted her hand as it lay on her lap. And then they stood about, as soldiers do; now, with their hands loosely clasped before them; now, resting a knee or a shoulder; now, easing a belt or a pouch; now, opening the door to spit stiffly over their high stocks, out into the yard. And then to see in what pomp his table was laid for himself to go to dinner; and here, among other pictures, saw the so much desired by me picture of my Lady Castlemaine, which is a most blessed picture; and that that I must have a copy of. And then came into the field Sir Perimones, the Red Knight, Sir Persant's brother, that was a knight of the castle, and he encountered with Sir Ector de Maris, and either smote other so hard that both their horses and they fell to the earth. And then he cried: Knight, turn again; and he turned and set his spear against Sir Percivale, and he smote the hackney in the midst of the breast that he fell down dead to the earth, and there he had a great fall, and the other rode his way. And then faster and faster they went, all of them dancing, first one foot out in the air and then the other, the horses leaning more and more, and the ringmaster going round and round the center-pole, cracking his whip and shouting "Hi!--hi! And then, really," said Baisemeaux to his next in command, "an ordinary prisoner is already unhappy enough in being a prisoner; he suffers quite enough, indeed, to induce one to hope, charitably enough, that his death may not be far distant. And then she told the king where he was wounded, and of whom; and how his mother had discovered in her pride how she had wrought that by enchantment, so that he should never be whole until the best knight of the world had searched his wounds. And then they couched their spears, and came together with a great dash, and there were overthrown at the first encounter twelve of King Bagdemagus's party and six of the king of North Wales's party, and King Bagdemagus's party had the worse. And then I bade him at least take a myrtle-wreath and recite to me some portion of Aeschylus; and then he immediately said, "Shall I consider Aeschylus the first among the poets, full of empty sound, unpolished, bombastic, using rugged words? And then she asked Dejah Thoris who she might be, and when she heard she fell upon her knees and kissed Dejah Thoris' fettered hands, and told her that that very morning she had been with John Carter, Prince of Helium, and Carthoris, her son. And then they of Liones sent letters unto Sir Tristram of recommendation, and many great gifts to maintain Sir Tristram's estate; and ever, between, Sir Tristram resorted unto Joyous Gard whereas La Beale Isoud was, that loved him as her life. And then, what shall we say of Gasabal, the squire of Galaor, who was so silent that in order to indicate to us the greatness of his marvellous taciturnity his name is only once mentioned in the whole of that history, as long as it is truthful? And then in a forest by a well Sir Palomides saw where lay a fair wounded knight and his horse bounden by him; and that knight made the greatest dole that ever he heard man make, for ever he wept, and therewith he sighed as though he would die. And then we went to battle first upon horse and after on foot, but at the last Sir Helior wounded me so that he left me for dead, and so he took my lady with him; and thus my sorrow is more than yours, for I have rejoiced and ye rejoiced never. And then came in Sir Brandiles, Sir Sagramore le Desirous, Sir Dodinas le Savage, Sir Kay le Seneschal, Sir Griflet le Fise de Dieu, Sir Mordred, Sir Meliot de Logris, Sir Ozanna le Cure Hardy, Sir Safere, Sir Epinogris, Sir Galleron of Galway. And then he highly praised Proteus to the duke, saying: 'My lord, though I have been a truant of my time, yet hath my friend made use and fair advantage of his days, and is complete in person and in mind, in all good grace to grace a gentleman. And then, skipping, running, and capering, the girl reached the town, but before going into the house she called out at the door, "Come out, mother Teresa, come out, come out; here's a gentleman with letters and other things from my good father. And then the uses of life transform us into strange things with other names: the tree is a tree no more, it is a gate or a ship; the youth is a youth no more, but a one-legged soldier, a hollow-eyed statesman, a scholar spectacled and slippered! And then Sir Gareth and Dinadan did wonderly great deeds of arms, as two noble knights, so that King Arthur spake of them great honour and worship; and the kings and knights of Sir Tristram's side did passingly well, and held them truly together. And then she sang, '"O morning star" (not that tall felon there Whom thou by sorcery or unhappiness Or some device, hast foully overthrown), "O morning star that smilest in the blue, O star, my morning dream hath proven true, Smile sweetly, thou! And then laughed like an idiot, for all he is a lord's son, and may be a lord himself.--For he is the son of Lord ----; and his mother, who was Lord Davers's sister, being dead, he has received what education he has, from Lord Davers's direction. And then Sir Launcelot asked where were the ten knights that were wounded sore; so she showed them unto Sir Launcelot, and there they made great joy of the coming of him, and Sir Launcelot made great dole of their hurts, and bewailed them greatly. And then, realising the dreadful position in which I was placed, I implored him to remember that not only my honour but that of one who was far greater than I was at stake; and that he threatened to raise a scandal which would convulse the nation. And then it authorizes "free liberty and license, in case they conceive it necessary, to send either ships of war, men, or ammunition, into any of their plantations, forts, factories, or places of trade," "for the security and defence of the same. And then the hotel dinners--those dreary table d'hote dinners in the midst of all sorts of extraordinary people, or else those terrible solitary dinners at a small table in a restaurant, feebly lighted by a wretched composite candle under a shade. And then Sir Gaheris took his leave of King Mark, but or he departed he said: Sir king, ye did a foul shame unto you and your court, when ye banished Sir Tristram out of this country, for ye needed not to have doubted no knight an he had been here. And then he took his horse, and rode from country to country, and all strange adventures he achieved wheresomever he rode; and always he enquired for Sir Palomides, but of all that quarter of summer Sir Tristram could never meet with Sir Palomides. And then they rode a great wallop together, and ever Sir Launcelot bled that it ran down to the earth; and so by fortune they came to that hermitage the which was under a wood, and a great cliff on the other side, and a fair water running under it. And then the organ sounds, and unseen choirs Sing the old Latin hymns of peace and love And benedictions of the Holy Ghost; And the melodious bells among the spires O'er all the house-tops and through heaven above Proclaim the elevation of the Host! And then Sir Tristram ran to him, and gave him a fall; and so they left them on foot, and Sir Tristram rode unto Joyous Gard, and there Sir Gareth would not of his courtesy have gone into this castle, but Sir Tristram would not suffer him to depart. And then, feeling that my mind is growing fatigued without having any success to report, I compel it for a change to enjoy that distraction which I have just denied it, to think of other things, to rest and refresh itself before the supreme attempt. And then, without further formalities, Goulburn stated in blunt and business-like fashion the matters on which they had been instructed: impressment, fisheries, boundaries, the pacification of the Indians, and the demarkation of an Indian territory. And then--to bite a piece off an apple, and when you saw that Duphilus was busy talking to Thraso, to lean forward and throw it right into her lap, without caring whether I saw it or not; and she kissed it and put it into her bosom under her girdle! And then she would say quite simply, without taking (as she would once have taken) the precaution of covering herself, at all costs, with a little fragment borrowed from the truth, that she had just, at that very moment, arrived by the morning train. And then I was sick of going to the shop every morning, and I wasn't getting on very well with my aunt; she wanted to treat me as a servant instead of a relation, said I ought to do my own room, and if I didn't do it nobody was going to do it for me. And then Dame Brisen brought Sir Launcelot a cup full of wine; and anon as he had drunken that wine he was so assotted and mad that he might make no delay, but withouten any let he went to bed; and he weened that maiden Elaine had been Queen Guenever. And then anon Sir Bors and the knights of his blood espied Sir Launcelot, and said to them all: I warn you beware of him with the sleeve of gold upon his head, for he is himself Sir Launcelot du Lake; and for great goodness Sir Bors warned Sir Gareth. And then again to quarters; for half the day's work, or more than half, still remained to be done; and hardly were the decks cleared afresh, and the damage repaired as best it could be, when she came ranging up to leeward, as closehauled as she could. And then behold a woman at a door Spinning; and fair the house whereby she sat, And kind the woman's eyes and innocent, And all her bearing gracious; and she rose Opening her arms to meet me, as who should say, "Rest here;" but when I touched her, lo! And then, lastly, the voluminous cloud uprose, and, abandoning the tops of the mountains to the dimness of old, fell back into the regions of Hesper, and took away all its manifold golden and gorgeous glories from the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass. And then Mary Lennox was led up a broad staircase and down a long corridor and up a short flight of steps and through another corridor and another, until a door opened in a wall and she found herself in a room with a fire in it and a supper on a table. And then, she was no longer the school-girl with her felt hat, her merino gown, her scholar's shoes, and red hands; taste had come to her with beauty; she was a well-dressed person, clad with a sort of rich and simple elegance, and without affectation. And then we find that they are reduced into a Latin style the most elegant and ornate that whole language is able to afford, without excepting that of any that ever wrote therein, nay, not of Sallust, Varro, Cicero, Seneca, Titus Livius, nor Quintilian. And then, hour after hour, would I linger by her side, and dwell upon the music of her voice, until at length its melody was tainted with terror, and there fell a shadow upon my soul, and I grew pale, and shuddered inwardly at those too unearthly tones. And then, suppose; You are a woman well endowed, And the only man with whom the law and morality Permit you to have the marital relation Is the very man that fills you with disgust Every time you think of it while you think of it Every time you see him? And then with a trumpet were they all assembled to council, and there Priamus told unto them what lords and knights had sworn to rescue him, and that without fail they should be assailed with many thousands, wherefore he counselled them to withdraw them. And then for her To win the Moor,--were't to renounce his baptism, All seals and symbols of redeemed sin,-- His soul is so enfetter'd to her love That she may make, unmake, do what she list, Even as her appetite shall play the god With his weak function. And then you gave a little laugh and ran through your list point by point:-- 'And pray what will be the use of tactics to an army without supplies, without health, without discipline, without knowledge of those arts and inventions that are of use in war? And then Sir Percivale took the knight's horse and made Sir Persides to mount up him; and so they rode unto the castle, and bade the lady deliver Sir Persides' servants, or else he would slay all that ever he found; and so for fear she delivered them all. And then they rode to the lists' end, and there they couched their spears, and ran together with all their might, and Sir Mador's spear brake all to pieces, but the other's spear held, and bare Sir Mador's horse and all backward to the earth a great fall. And then, also, Sir Roger was the richest man in the county, and to county practitioners a new patient with large means is a godsend; how much greater a godsend when not only acquired, but taken also from some rival practitioner, need hardly be explained. And then, although he did not care two rushes about Miss Dunstable in the way of love, he nevertheless experienced a sort of jealousy when he found that she appeared to be indifferent to him, and that she corresponded the meanwhile with his cousin George. And then, when two lovers have come to an understanding, things always go well; the third party who might disturb their love is kept in a state of perfect blindness by a restricted number of precautions which are always the same in the case of all lovers. And then our husband--if he loved and trusted us, and we have not helped him, but made a curse in his life--" Her voice had sunk very low: there was a dread upon her of presuming too far, and of speaking as if she herself were perfection addressing error. And then it is called of physicians the vital spirit: because that from the heart, by the wosen, and veins, and small ways, it spreadeth itself into all the limbs of the body, and increaseth the virtues spiritual, and ruleth and keepeth the works thereof. And then to the garden, and there eat many grapes, and took some with us and so away thence, exceeding well satisfied, though not to that degree that, by my old esteem of the house, I ought and did expect to have done, the situation of it not pleasing me. And then anon Sir Tristram took the sea, and La Beale Isoud; and when they were in their cabin, it happed so that they were thirsty, and they saw a little flasket of gold stand by <319>them, and it seemed by the colour and the taste that it was noble wine. And then when it came to the time for me to leave Galway and come up to the convent he was much worse and I wouldn't be let see him so I wrote him a letter saying I was going up to Dublin and would be back in the summer, and hoping he would be better then. And then he dived into the coffee-room, and she heard him say, "For God's sake, hurry the women up; we shall never be off," and Albert Fussell reply, "Not I; I've done my share," and Colonel Fussell opine that the ladies were getting themselves up to kill. And then Aerssens bewitches them, and they imagine that after having played runaway horses his Majesty will be only too happy to receive them back, caress them, and, in order to have their friendship, approve everything they have been doing right or wrong. And then, through the rain and the darkness, far down the street he saw red lights flaring and heard the thumping of a bass drum; and his heart gave a leap, and he made for the place on the run--knowing without the asking that it meant a political meeting. And then outside the cafe the comparative stillness of the early morning was punctured by faint, uncer- tain cries that seemed mere fireflies of sound, some growing louder, some fainter, waxing and waning amid the rumble of milk wagons and infrequent cars. And then for her To win the Moore, were to renownce his Baptisme, All Seales, and Simbols of redeemed sin: His Soule is so enfetter'd to her Loue, That she may make, vnmake, do what she list, Euen as her Appetite shall play the God, With his weake Function. And then with kind embracements, tempting kisses, And with declining head into his bosom, Bid him shed tears, as being overjoy'd To see her noble lord restor'd to health, Who for this seven years hath esteemed him No better than a poor and loathsome beggar. And then she thought of Tony's piteous instance; and thinking with her heart, the tears insisted on that bitter irony of the heavens, which bestowed the long-withheld and coveted boon when it was empty of value or was but as a handful of spices to a shroud. And then Cal Harkness, probably reasoning that further pursuance of the controversy would give a too decided personal flavor to the feud, suddenly disappeared from the relieved Cumberlands, baulking the avenging hand of Sam, the ultimate op- posing Folwell. And then, when he reflected that, merely by coming at an hour when he was not in the habit of coming, he had managed to disturb so many arrangements of which she did not wish him to know, he had a feeling of discouragement that amounted, almost, to distress. And then as he remembered that he was only twenty-seven and that she was twenty-four, he began to marvel at the feeling of grey old age which had come upon him, and tried to make himself believe that he would have her yet before the bloom was off her cheeks. And then they pretended to persuade themselves that all that had happened was of no consequence, and that they could still be cousins and friends and warm correspondents, and have happy genial times when they met, even if they met less frequently than before. And then to talk of general matters, and, by and by, Sheres being gone, my wife, and he, and I out, and I set him down at Temple Bar, and myself and wife went down the Temple upon seeming business, only to put him off, and just at the Temple gate I spied Deb. And then all were gone, and the mourners went back to the place which should know her no more; and Marie's room was darkened, and she lay on the bed, sobbing and moaning in uncontrollable grief, and calling every moment for the attentions of all her servants. And then that abominable and mysterious thing occurred which I was a long time in understanding (but I grew sharp by dint of watching your thoughts and actions): You attached yourself to your children with all the security which they gave you while I bore them. And then the butcher had written repeated letters to the bishop--to bishop Proudie of Barchester, who had first caused his chaplain to answer them, and had told Mr Crawley somewhat roundly what was his opinion of a clergyman who ate meat and did not pay for it. And then--women are women and can't help themselves--the old word--by George, sir, she spat it at me from a festering sore in her very soul --the old word would have rankled all the time, and some stupid quarrel having arisen, she would have spat it at me again. And then, with a whoop, he clattered to the rear and brought back Uncle like, a battered colored retainer of the family, with his banjo, and strewed sand on the porch and danced "Chicken in the Bread Tray" and did buck-and- wing wonders for half an hour longer. And then was noble Sir Gawaine found in a great boat, lying more than half dead When Sir Arthur wist that Sir Gawaine was laid so low; he went unto him; and there the king made sorrow out of measure, and took Sir Gawaine in his arms, and thrice he there swooned. And then our thoughts must naturally wander to the formation and creation of those mighty ships of the desert, that alone could have brought us here, and by whose strength and incomprehensible powers of endurance, only are we enabled to leave this desert behind. And then turning towards the mills he said aloud, "Friends, whoe'er ye be that are immured in that prison, forgive me that, to my misfortune and yours, I cannot deliver you from your misery; this adventure is doubtless reserved and destined for some other knight. And then had these three kings great cheer of King Leodegrance, that thanked them of their great goodness, that they would revenge him of his enemies; and there had Arthur the first sight of Guenever, the king's daughter of Cameliard, and ever after he loved her. And then said the duke to him, That me sore repenteth: the cause is this, for I love not thy lord nor none of thy <142>fellows of the Table Round; and therefore ease thyself this night as well as thou mayest, for as to-morn I and my six sons shall match with you. And then, over and above all, Marius experienced unutterable impulses to revolt, when he reflected that it was M. Gillenormand who had, from stupid motives, torn him ruthlessly from the colonel, thus depriving the father of the child, and the child of the father. And then another hunter cometh and smiteth the first hunter, and doth him away, and defendeth the elephant, and giveth him barley to eat, and when he hath eaten thrice or four times, then he loveth him that defended him, and is afterward mild and obedient to him. And then at last our bliss Full and perfect is, But now begins; for from this happy day Th'old Dragon under ground In straiter limits bound, Not half so far casts his usurped sway, And wrath to see his Kingdom fail, Swindges the scaly Horrour of his foulded tail. And then Sir Bors started up and dressed his shield; and then they lashed together mightily a great while; and at the last Sir Bors bare him backward until that he came unto a chamber door, and there that knight yede into that chamber and rested him a great while. And then Sir Launcelot betook the fair maiden his shield in keeping, and prayed her to keep that until that he came again; and so that night he had merry rest and great cheer, for ever the damosel Elaine was about Sir Launcelot all the while she might be suffered. And then, as if this was not enough, and she had not stood sufficiently in the light of this child's sister, Betsey Trotwood,' said my aunt, 'she marries a second time - goes and marries a Murderer - or a man with a name like it - and stands in THIS child's light! And then, as nothing stirred, he went up to the window and pushed it wider open with his hand, and the close warm air of the kitchen, full of the smell of hot soup, meat and cabbage, escaped into the cold outer air, and with a bound the carpenter was in the house. And then Aidos and Nemesis (7), with their sweet forms wrapped in white robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil. And then the old Leaguer, who had always refused bribes himself, although he had negotiated much bribery of others, warmed into sincere eloquence as he spoke of the simple virtues on which the little republic, as should be the case with all republics, was founded. And then this passing discriminative power was withdrawn, and Jude was lost to all conditions of things in the advent of a fresh and wild pleasure, that of having found a new channel for emotional interest hitherto unsuspected, though it had lain close beside him. And then to see him fall on his knees to beg pardon of his child; and she, good lady, kneeling all the while to ask a blessing of him, and telling him that it did not become him to kneel, but it was her duty, for she was his child, his true and very child Cordial! And then he said to the old man: Sir, ye may now go your way, for well have ye done that ye were commanded to do; and recommend me unto my grandsire, King Pelles, and unto my lord Petchere, and say them on my behalf, I shall come and see them as soon as ever I may. And then her cheeks of green and yellow hues, The obvious penalty of poisonous envy-- Zeus oft complains to me that that same shrew Each night torments him with her nauseous love, And with her jealous whims, --enough, I'm sure, Into Ixion's wheel to turn all heaven. And then they had called her to a sofa, where she now sat, ensconced between them, chattering alternately in French and broken English; absorbing not only the young ladies' attention, but that of Mrs. Eshton and Lady Lynn, and getting spoilt to her heart's content. And then your father, maybe, will stay.--I should have been glad to have had it to-morrow, added he; but I have sent Monsieur Colbrand for a license, that, you may have no scruple unanswered; and he can't very well be back before to-morrow night, or Monday morning. And then two big police- men took a band and dragged out of the furious mob of onlookers a crushed and trampled thing, with a wedding ring in its vest pocket and a shredded and hysterical woman beating her way to the carpet's edge, ragged, bruised and obstreperous. And then Sir Palomides prayed them all to take keep unto all the lordship of King Hermance: For, fair sirs, wit ye well I may not as at this time abide with you, for I must in all haste be with my lord King Arthur at the Castle of Lonazep, the which I have promised. And then there were serious debates whether he might not have stolen the money without much sin, being mad or half-mad--touched with madness when he took it; and whether he might not, in spite of such temporary touch of madness, be well fitted for his parish duties. And then they came to the shore in smooth-running wains, bearing with them many gifts, when now he had related from beginning to end the speech which Hypsipyle had spoken when she summoned them; and the maids readily led the men back to their homes for entertainment. And then when Sir Gareth was in the field all folks saw him well and plainly that he was in yellow colours; and there he rased off helms and pulled down knights, that King Arthur had marvel what knight he was, for the king saw by his hair that it was the same knight. And then so short a time had elapsed since the death of poor Valentine, and the gloom which overshadowed the house was so recent, that no one wondered to see the father so absorbed in his professional duties, which were the only means he had of dissipating his grief. And then, when thou hast heedfully sought the grace of the goddess, retreat from the pyre; and let neither the sound of feet drive thee to turn back, nor the baying of hounds, lest haply thou shouldst maim all the rites and thyself fail to return duly to thy comrades. And then all at once a marsh was squelching under our feet, and we saw little round moss-covered hillocks which I had never noticed before either.... We turned back--a small hill was sharply before us and on the top of it stood a shanty--and in it someone was snoring. And thence the botanist and I walk on to the apartments that have been set aside for us, and into which the poor little rolls of the property that has accumulated about us in Utopia, our earthly raiment, and a change of linen and the like, have already been delivered. And then with Mr. Creed and two friends of his (my late landlord Jones' son one of them), to an ordinary to dinner, and then Creed and I to Whitefriars' to the Play-house, and saw "The Mad Lover," the first time I ever saw it acted, which I like pretty well, and home. And then they rode from country to country, in forests, and in wilderness, and in wastes; and ever they laid watch both at forests and at all manner of men as they rode, to hearken and spere after him, as he that was a naked man, in his shirt, with a sword in his hand. And then they went together from chamber to chamber, for Sir Launcelot dread no perils; for ever a man of worship and of prowess dreadeth least always perils, for they ween every man be as they be; but ever he that fareth with treason putteth oft a man in great danger. And then, with a glad cry, I turned with outstretched arms to seize my princess, and as my lips smothered hers to reap the reward that would be thrice ample payment for the bloody encounters through which I had passed for her dear sake from the south pole to the north. And then thinking as men will think when they look on the figure of a fair girl marching serenely to a sacrifice, the horrors of which they insist that she ought to know: half-hating her for her calmness-- adoring her for her innocence: he said: 'It rests with you, Rose. `And then there's the Butterfly,' Alice went on, after she had taken a good look at the insect with its head on fire, and had thought to herself, `I wonder if that's the reason insects are so fond of flying into candles--because they want to turn into Snap-dragon-flies! And then he took both our hands, and joined them; and my lady saluting me again, with tears on both sides, he put his kind arms about each of our waists, and saluted us with great affection, saying, Now, God bless you both, the two dearest creatures I have in the world! And then," replied the latter, after having mastered his feelings, "should I be the man I really am, should I be the true friend you believe me, if I were to expose you, whom the king already hates so bitterly, to a feeling more than ever to be dreaded in that young man? And then Mr Gazebee came down from town, with an intimation that it behoved the squire himself to go up that he might see certain learned pundits, and be badgered in his own person at various dingy, dismal chambers in Lincoln's Inn Fields, the Temple, and Gray's Inn Lane. And then he would rumple my hair the wrong way,--which from my earliest remembrance, as already hinted, I have in my soul denied the right of any fellow-creature to do,--and would hold me before him by the sleeve,--a spectacle of imbecility only to be equalled by himself. And then, as Simpson coughed tactfully behind his hand, and nudged her very obviously with his elbow, she added, as a sympathetic after- thought: "For, though a homey face may indeed be redeemed by its kindly expression, you cannot very well explain expression to the blind. And then he asked leave, and went out of his hermitage for to maintain his nephew against the mighty earl; and so it happed that this man that lieth here dead did so much by his wisdom and hardiness that the earl was taken, and three of his lords, by force of this dead man. And then they woke, and came the hour around Which had been wont our scanty meal to bring; But from our dreams dumb terrors seemed to spring; "When from below we heard the dreadful sound Of nails; the horrible tower was closed; all dumb I let my gaze into my sons' eyes come. And then, putting her knitting on the counter, she went upstairs to the first floor, where she met two other neighbors, who had just come, and who were discussing the event with Madame Caravan, who was giving them the details, and they all went together to the death chamber. And then, if Tom's to go and live at Mudport, like Riley, he'll have a house with a kitchen hardly big enough to turn in, an' niver get a fresh egg for his breakfast, an' sleep up three pair o' stairs,--or four, for what I know,--and be burnt to death before he can get down. And then Sir Launcelot smote down the King of Ireland quite from his horse; and so Sir Launcelot smote down the King of Scots, and the King of Wales; and then Sir Arthur ran unto Sir Palomides and smote him quite from his horse; and then Sir Tristram bare down all that he met. And then he told her all, what he was, and how he had changed his name because he would not be known, and how a lady told him that he should never be whole till he came into this country where the <299>poison was made, wherethrough I was near my death had not your ladyship been. And then democracy comes into being after the poor have conquered their opponents, slaughtering some and banishing some, while to the remainder they give an equal share of freedom and power; and this is the form of government in which the magistrates are commonly elected by lot. And then what a happiness would it have been could Hester Prynne have heard her clear, bird-like voice mingling with the uproar of other childish voices, and have distinguished and unravelled her own darling's tones, amid all the entangled outcry of a group of sportive children. And then -- then, when poring over forbidden pages, I felt a forbidden spirit enkindling within me -- would Morella place her cold hand upon my own, and rake up from the ashes of a dead philosophy some low, singular words, whose strange meaning burned themselves in upon my memory. And then met the ladies, and were showed the whole house by Mr. Marriott; which is indeed nobly furnished, particularly the Queen's bed, given her by the States of Holland; a looking-glass sent by the Queen-mother from France, hanging in the Queen's chamber, and many brave pictures. And then on the morrow the newspapers would have a chance to report the tremendous ovation, and to add that it had been no "silk-stocking" audience, either, proving clearly that the high tariff sentiments of the distinguished candidate were pleasing to the wage-earners of the nation. And then he required him to choose a tenth part of all the treasure and horses and captives that had fallen into their hands, before any division should be made to others; besides which, he made him the special present of a horse with trappings and ornaments, in honor of his actions. And then they take my horse and harness and put me out of the gates, and she will not suffer me to eat nor drink; and always I offer me to be her prisoner, but that she will not suffer me, for I would desire no more, what pains so ever I had, so that I might have a sight of her daily. And then by little and little I recovered my former thoughts of Thy handmaid, her holy conversation towards Thee, her holy tenderness and observance towards us, whereof I was suddenly deprived: and I was minded to weep in Thy sight, for her and for myself, in her behalf and in my own. And then the queen gripped that sword in her hand fiercely, and with all her might she ran straight upon Tramtrist where he sat in his bain, and there she had rived him through had not Sir Hebes gotten her in his arms, and pulled the sword from her, and else she had thrust him through. And then there is one further reason, psychological perhaps, but none the less important; you will watch these little trees, which are largely the result of your own labor and care, when set in their permanent positions, much more carefully than you would those direct from the nursery. And then forgetting his grandeur he fell to and stuffed himself with buns and drank milk out of the pail in copious draughts in the manner of any hungry little boy who had been taking unusual exercise and breathing in moorland air and whose breakfast was more than two hours behind him. And then he is no less diligent and careful for her than he is for himself: and specially lovingly he adviseth her if she do amiss, and taketh good heed to keep her well, and taketh heed of her bearing and going, of her speaking and looking, of her passing and ayencoming, out and home. And then," resumed D'Artagnan, "to this decrepitude is probably added poverty, for he must have neglected the little that he had, and the dirty scoundrel, Grimaud, more taciturn than ever and still more drunken than his master -- stay, Planchet, it breaks my heart to merely think of it. And then I saw from that saying, "He that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst", that believing and coming was all one; and that he that came, that is, ran out in his heart and affections after salvation by Christ, he indeed believed in Christ. And then he departed unto the court of King Arthur, and there openly the Red Knight of the Red Launds put him in the mercy of Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine, and there he told openly how he was overcome and by whom, and also he told all the battles from the beginning unto the <242>ending. And then Sir Launcelot stood near Sir Gawaine, and then Sir Launcelot doubled his strokes; and Sir Gawaine defended him mightily, but nevertheless Sir Launcelot smote such a stroke upon Sir Gawaine's helm, and upon the old wound, that Sir Gawaine sinked down upon his one side in a swoon. And then, suddenly having reached a certain point from which he was prepared to follow it, after pausing for a moment, abruptly it changed its direction, and in a fresh movement, more rapid, multiform, melancholy, incessant, sweet, it bore him off with it towards a vista of joys unknown. And then the fight surged upon us once more and we were separated, but my heart's desire was attained, and it was with renewed vigor and a joyous soul that I laid about me with my long-sword until the last of the green men had had enough and had withdrawn toward their distant sea bottom. And then I went up into the Lord's chamber; and as it happed, all the while of my playing I had had my short-sword naked in my hand, and thus, I deem without noting it, yet as weird would, I came before the tyrant, where he sat with none anigh him save this Otter and another man-at-arms. And then Sir Launcelot returned again unto the queen, and said: Madam, now wit you well all our true love is brought to an end, for now will King Arthur ever be my foe; and therefore, madam, an it like you that I may have you with me, I shall save you from all manner adventures dangerous. And then, hurrying on, Trevanion spoke flatteringly of my pretensions, in right of birth and capabilities, to honorable employment, and placed before me a picture of public life, its prizes and distinctions, which for the moment, at least, made my heart beat loud and my breath come quick. And then the brush was given, and then the tint was placed; and, for one moment, the painter stood entranced before the work which he had wrought; but in the next, while he yet gazed, he grew tremulous and very pallid, and aghast, and crying with a loud voice, 'This is indeed Life itself! And then he wrote the letter to the darling Moorish slave, And this is the tender message that royal Chico gave: THE LETTER OF THE KING "Thy words have done me grievous wrong, for, lovely Mooress, couldst thou think That he who loves thee more than life could e'er to such a treachery sink? And then thou seest the rain forthcoming from their midst; and He causeth clouds like mountains charged with hail, to descend from the heaven, and He maketh it to fall on whom He will, and from whom He will He turneth it aside.–The brightness of His lightning all but taketh away the sight! And then she spurned the loaves with her pale feet, Towards her bloodless guests;--that sight to meet, Mine eyes and my heart ached, and but that she Who loved me, did with absent looks defeat _2800 Despair, I might have raved in sympathy; But now I took the food that woman offered me; 53. And then they rode to the dykes, and saw them double dyked with full warlike walls; and there were lodged many great lords nigh the walls; and there was great noise of minstrelsy; and the sea beat upon the one side of the walls, where were many ships and mariners' noise with ``hale and how. And then came in the Red Knight of the Red Launds, and Sir Gareth, from the castle, and there encountered with them Sir Bors de Ganis and Sir Bleoberis, and there the Red Knight and Sir Bors [either] smote other so hard that their spears brast, and their horses fell grovelling to the earth. `And thenk what wo ther hath bitid er this, For makinge of avantes, as men rede; And what mischaunce in this world yet ther is, 290 Fro day to day, right for that wikked dede; For which these wyse clerkes that ben dede Han ever yet proverbed to us yonge, That "Firste vertu is to kepe tonge. And then Sir Launcelot drew his sword, and there he smote on the right hand and on the left hand, and by great force he unhorsed Sir Safere, Sir Epinogris, and Sir Galleron; and then the knights of the Table Round withdrew them aback, after they had gotten their horses as well as they might. And then the other chield got up, and said, he caredna whether Morris was rubbed or no, provided it wasna to become a stain on ony gentleman's honour and reputation, especially in the north of England; for, said he before them, I come frae the north mysell, and I carena a boddle wha kens it. And then a great cry of rejoicing rose among the free men of Marentina and the Kadabran prisoners, for all had thought that the red men would retain that which they had taken by force of arms, for such had been the way upon Barsoom, and that they should be ruled henceforth by an alien Jeddak. And then the good man and Sir Launcelot went into the chapel; and the good man took a stole about his neck, and a book, and then he conjured on that book; and with that they saw in an hideous figure and horrible, that there was no man so hard-hearted nor so hard but he should have been afeard. And then it occurred to him how he might make one, and that was by tearing a great strip off the tail of his shirt which hung down, and making eleven knots on it, one bigger than the rest, and this served him for a rosary all the time he was there, during which he repeated countless ave-marias. And then he cried upon him aloud: Most noble knight, Sir Launcelot du Lake, save my life, for I yield me unto you, and I require you, as ye be a knight and fellow of the Table Round, slay me not, for I yield me as overcome; and whether I shall live or die I put me in the king's hands and yours. And then, when all was said, although the President was a kindly and a tolerably intelligent man, he was, at the same time, a devoted and almost an ardent royalist, and he had been shocked to hear the Mayor of M. sur M. say the Emperor, and not Bonaparte, when alluding to the landing at Cannes. And then, you know," said Ernest to me, when I asked him not long since to give me more of his childish reminiscences for the benefit of my story, "we used to learn Mrs Barbauld's hymns; they were in prose, and there was one about the lion which began, 'Come, and I will show you what is strong. And then I rose and up, leaving my wife in bed, and to my brother's, where I set them on cleaning the house, and my wife coming anon to look after things, I up and down to my cozen Stradwicke's and uncle Fenner's about discoursing for the funeral, which I am resolved to put off till Friday next. And then he fell to explain to me his manner of casting the draught of water which a ship will draw before-hand: which is a secret the King and all admire in him; and he is the first that hath come to any certainty before-hand, of foretelling the draught of water of a ship before she be launched. And then the farmer in Maine or California or Texas would buy this, at say twenty-five dollars a ton, and plant it with his corn; and for several days after the operation the fields would have a strong odor, and the farmer and his wagon and the very horses that had hauled it would all have it too. And then Sir Nerovens told Sir Launcelot that he should not go by the Castle of Pendragon: For there is a lord, a mighty knight, and many knights with him, and this night I heard say that they took a knight prisoner yesterday that rode with a damosel, and they say he is a Knight of the Round Table. And then she thanked God and Sir Launcelot; and so he rode his way with the queen, as the French book saith, unto Joyous Gard, and there he kept her as a noble knight should do; and many great lords and some kings sent Sir Launcelot many good knights, and many noble knights drew unto Sir Launcelot. And then, and not till then, I said to Annie, "Annie, Doctor Strong will not only be your husband, but he will represent your late father: he will represent the head of our family, he will represent the wisdom and station, and I may say the means, of our family; and will be, in short, a Boon to it. And then, you, you come; you are certainly obliged to preserve order, you lead off the woman who is in the wrong; but on reflection, since you are a good man, you say that I am to be set at liberty; it is for the sake of the little one, for six months in prison would prevent my supporting my child. And then again my spendings this year have exceeded my spendings the last by L644: my whole spendings last year being but L509; whereas this year, it appears, I have spent L1154, which is a sum not fit to be said that ever I should spend in one year, before I am master of a better estate than I am. And then Sir Bors laid him down to rest, and then he heard and felt much noise in that chamber; and then Sir Bors espied that there came in, he wist not whether at the doors nor windows, shot of arrows and of quarrels so thick that he marvelled, and many fell upon him and hurt him in the bare places. And then they laid their spears in their rests, and they came together as thunder, and Sir Gawaine brake his spear upon Sir Launcelot in a hundred pieces unto his hand; and Sir Launcelot smote him with a greater might, that Sir Gawaine's horse's feet raised, and so the horse and he fell to the earth. And then for flowers, they are best seen in a little plat by themselves; besides, their borders spoil the walks of another garden: and then for fruit, the best way is to have walls built circularly one within another, to the South, on purpose for fruit, and leave the walking garden only for that use. And then when Sir Beaumains' helm was off, he looked up to the window, and there he saw the fair lady Dame Lionesse, and she made him such countenance that his heart waxed light and jolly; and therewith he bade the Red Knight of the Red Launds make him ready, and let us do the battle to the utterance. And then Sir Tristram gave the King of Northgalis King Arthur's horse: then was there great press about King Arthur for to horse him again; but Sir Palomides would not suffer King Arthur to be horsed again, but ever Sir Palomides smote on the right hand and on the left hand mightily as a noble knight. And then each ghost with his ladye-toast to their churchyard beds takes flight, With a kiss, perhaps, on her lantern chaps, and a grisly grim "good-night"; Till the welcome knell of the midnight bell rings forth its jolliest tune, And ushers in our next high holiday--the dead of the night's high-noon! And then Merlin said unto Arthur, These eleven kings have more on hand than they are ware of, for the Saracens are landed in their countries, more than forty thousand, that burn and slay, and have laid siege at the castle Wandesborow, and make great destruction; therefore dread you not this three year. And then they returned to terra firma, that is to say, to some passage that led them to the little girls' dancing-school, where brats between six and ten were practising their steps, in the hope of becoming great dancers one day, "covered with diamonds...." Meanwhile, Christine gave them sweets instead. And then Sir Bors saw four gentlewomen come by him, purely beseen: and he saw where that they entered into a chamber where was great light as it were a summer light; and the women kneeled down afore an altar of silver with four pillars, and as it had been a bishop kneeled down afore that table of silver. And then she went to the porridge of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and tasted that; and that was neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right; and she liked it so well, that she ate it all up: but the naughty old Woman said a bad word about the little porridge-pot, because it did not hold enough for her. And then, at the highest pitch of your enthusiasm, you shouted: "Yes, if to put an end to this hateful system, it should become necessary for me to shed the last drop of my blood, I would joyfully spring into the gap, asking only time enough to give thanks to God for having judged me worthy of martyrdom! And then, again, to make the wisest of men say that nothing in his opinion is more glorious than When the tables are full of bread and meat, and the cup-bearer carries round wine which he draws from the bowl and pours into the cups, is it fit or conducive to temperance for a young man to hear such words? And then, reflecting that at the present moment there was far more likelihood of our earthly careers being cut exceedingly short than of their being unduly prolonged, I at last managed to get to sleep, a fact for which anybody who reads this narrative, if anybody ever does, may very probably be thankful. And then about several stories of the basenesse of the King of Spayne's being served with officers: they in Flanders having as good common men as any Prince in the world, but the veriest cowards for the officers, nay for the generall officers, as the Generall and Lieutenant- generall, in the whole world. And then he strove to recall his mind and to think of other affairs, his parish, his college, his creed--but his thoughts would revert to Mrs Bold and the Flemish chieftain: When we think upon it How little flattering is woman's love, Given commonly to whosoe'er is nearest And propped with most advantage. And then, when, after a day spent in meditation, he returned in the evening through the boulevards, and caught a glimpse through the branches of the trees of the fathomless space beyond, the nameless gleams, the abyss, the shadow, the mystery, all that which is only human seemed very pretty indeed to him. And then he took him a scarlet coat, so that should be instead of his shirt till he had fulfilled the quest of the Sangreal; and the good man found in him so marvellous a life and so stable, that he marvelled and felt that he was never corrupt in fleshly lusts, but in one time that he begat Elian le Blank. And then it must be remembered that such a marriage as that which the archdeacon contemplated with disgust, which we who know Mr Slope so well would regard with equal disgust, did not appear so monstrous to Mr Harding, because in his charity he did not hate the chaplain as the archdeacon did, and as we do. And then to Deptford, where we staid and did the same; and so took barge again, and were overtaken by the King in his barge, he having been down the river with his yacht this day for pleasure to try it; and, as I hear, Commissioner Pett's do prove better than the Dutch one, and that that his brother built. And then was it three days or that she could find him, and then she brought him meat and drink, but he would none; and then another time Sir Tristram escaped away from the damosel, and it happed him to ride by the same castle where Sir Palomides and Sir Tristram did battle when La Beale Isoud departed them. And then he was called on to compare, as it were, the prospects of this unfortunate with those of his own darling; to contrast all that was murky, foul, and disheartening, with all that was perfect--for to him she was all but perfect; to liken Louis Scatcherd to the angel who brightened his own hearthstone. And then as two green-ridged, white-topped, broad-swung, overwhelming, vehement billows of the deep, they met and crashed and sunk into and rolled away from each other; and the noise of these two waves was as the roar of all ocean when the howl of the tempest is drowned in the league-long fury of the surge. And then to regard this work of cleansing and beautifying the domains of Mount Zion as that preparatory to the visitation of the Most High, is something which speaks to the heart and says: 'Dost thou appear as beautiful, as clean, and as comely in the sight of God as do these elements of an unthinking world? And then he proceeds to ask of some one who is incredulous, whether a man lasts longer, or the coat which is in use and wear; and when he is answered that a man lasts far longer, thinks that he has thus certainly demonstrated the survival of the man, who is the more lasting, because the less lasting remains. And then he turned again unto Sir Melias, and there he alighted and dressed him softly on his horse to-fore him, for the truncheon of his spear was in his body; and Sir Galahad stert up behind him, and held him in his arms, and so brought him to the abbey, and there unarmed him and brought him to his chamber. And then came the terrible news that the whole world was gathering in arms against us; I could not deny that these were important matters, but still I felt certain, if all went well, a time would come at last when you need not grudge me your company, and we should be together to my heart's content, you and I. And then taking with him the priests and Initiates and the Initiators, and encompassing them with his soldiers, he conducted them with great order and profound silence; an august and venerable procession, wherein all who did not envy him said, he performed at once the office of a high-priest and of a general. And then, in the gilt and tooled volumes which we open once in ten years," he went on, shewing that contempt for the things of this world which some men of the world like to affect, "we should read that the Queen of the Hellenes had arrived at Cannes, or that the Princesse de Léon had given a fancy dress ball. And then a number of things happened, almost simultaneously--the lion sprang from his ambush toward the retreating black--Tarzan cried out in warning--and the black turned just in time to see Numa halted in mid-flight by a slender strand of grass rope, the noosed end of which had fallen cleanly about his neck. And then, how were we not to suppose that our servants, living in a situation inferior to our own, adding to our fortunes and to our frailties imaginary riches and vices for which they at once envied and despised us, should not find themselves led by fate to act in a manner abhorrent to people of our own class? And then, in this case there was perfection attained, the will of the highest was perfectly fulfilled, the will of mankind was perfectly enacted; for was not mankind mystically contra-distinguished against inanimate Matter, was not the history of mankind just the history of the conquest of the one by the other? And then the king let blow to lodging; and because Sir Palomides began first, and never he went nor rode out of the field to repose, but ever he was doing marvellously well either on foot or on horseback, and longest during, King Arthur and all the kings gave Sir Palomides the honour and the gree as for that day. And then, when they quote the Holy Scriptures!- anyone would say they are St. Thomases or other doctors of the Church, observing as they do a decorum so ingenious that in one sentence they describe a distracted lover and in the next deliver a devout little sermon that it is a pleasure and a treat to hear and read. And then the kings--the son of Jesse, a hero in war, and a singer of songs eternal as that of the sea; and his son, who, passing all other kings in riches and wisdom, and while making the Desert habitable, and in its waste places planting cities, forgot not Jerusalem which the Lord had chosen for his seat on earth. And then the Goddess took her zone,--where lies All her enchantment, love and lustihead, And the glad converse that beguiles the wise, And grace the very Gods may not despise, And sweet Desire that doth the whole world move, - And therewith touch'd she Helen's sleeping eyes And made her lovely as the Queen of Love. And then with lank and lean discolour'd cheek, With heavy eye, knit brow, and strengthless pace, Feeble desire, all recreant, poor, and meek, Like to a bankrupt beggar wails his case: The flesh being proud, desire doth fight with Grace, For there it revels; and when that decays, The guilty rebel for remission prays. And then all the kings and knights for the most part prayed Sir Launcelot to search him; and then the wounded knight, Sir Urre, set him up weakly, and prayed Sir Launcelot heartily, saying: Courteous knight, I require thee for God's sake heal my wounds, for methinketh ever sithen ye came here my wounds grieve me not. And then one afternoon, the ninth of his work in the place, when he went to get his overcoat he saw a group of men crowded before a placard on the door, and when he went over and asked what it was, they told him that beginning with the morrow his department of the harvester works would be closed until further notice! "And then," I continued, "though I have only sisterly affection for him now, yet, if forced to be his wife, I can imagine the possibility of conceiving an inevitable, strange, torturing kind of love for him, because he is so talented; and there is often a certain heroic grandeur in his look, manner, and conversation." And then when it happed any of them to be of great worship by his noble deeds, then at the next Feast of Pentecost, if there were any slain or dead, as there was none year that there failed but some were dead, then was there chosen in his stead that was dead the most men of worship, that were called the Queen's Knights. And then Sir Launcelot alighted and dressed his shield on his shoulder, with his sword in his hand, and Sir Meliagrance in the same wise dressed him unto him, and there they smote many great strokes together; and at the last Sir Launcelot smote him such a buffet upon the helmet that he fell on the one side to the earth. And then, sir, you know, I love reading and scribbling; and though all the latter will be employed in the family accounts, between the servants and me, and me and your good self: yet reading, at proper times, will be a pleasure to me, which I shall be unwilling to give up, for the best company in the world, except yours. And then they avoided their horses as noble knights, and dressed their shields, and drew their swords with ire and rancour, and they lashed together many sad strokes, and one while striking, another while foining, tracing and traversing as noble knights; thus they fought long, near half a day, and either were sore wounded. And then his precept, which he, in vain- glory, said he had drawn up himself, and hath printed it, against coachmen and carrmen affronting of the gentry in the street; it is drawn so like a fool, and some faults were openly found in it, that I believe he will have so much wit as not to proceed upon it though it be printed. And then Sir Segwarides delivered all prisoners, and set good governance in that valley; and so he returned into Cornwall, and told King Mark and La Beale Isoud how Sir Tristram had advanced him to the Isle of Servage, and there he proclaimed in all Cornwall of all the adventures of these two knights, so was it openly known. And then, as though it had slipped, with his latchkey, from his waistcoat pocket, he would point out to us, when it stood before our eyes, the back-gate of our own garden, which had come hand-in-hand with the familiar corner of the Rue du Saint-Esprit, to await us, to greet us at the end of our wanderings over paths unknown. And then the dear critters say the bells make such a din there's no hearin one's self speak; so they put their pretty little mugs close up to your face, and talk, talk, talk, till one can't help lookin right at them instead of the horse, and then whap you both go capsized into, a snow drift together, skins, cushions and all. And then the poor little man rubbed his hands, unconscious of the indignant pity for his wretched abilities in the gaze of the Countess; and he must have been exposed--there was a fear that the ghost of Sir Abraham would have darkened this day, for Miss Carrington was about to speak, when Lady Jocelyn cried: 'There's a purl! And then, in proportion as he regained life, the old ulcers of his memory opened once more, he reflected again on the past, Colonel Pontmercy placed himself once more between M. Gillenormand and him, Marius, he told himself that he had no true kindness to expect from a person who had been so unjust and so hard to his father. And then he made after another squadron, who were just come into port, and were hauling their vessels ashore, but fought from the decks, and sorely galled Lucullus's men; there being neither room to sail round them, nor to bear upon them for any damage, his ships being afloat, while theirs stood secure and fixed on the sand. And then, it seems to proclaim to the public that you have the odious courage, and are even under a legal obligation, to caress that ridiculous face and that ill- shaped body, and that you will, without doubt, be shameless enough to make a mother of this by no means desirable being--which is the very height of the ridiculous. And then, when he applied that Lady Alexandrina's small fortune should be made over to him--according to a certain agreement under which he had made over all his possessions to his wife, should she have survived him--Mr Gazebee expressed a mild opinion that he was wrong in his law, and blandly recommended an amicable lawsuit. And then the widow was thin; she had long teeth; wore in all weathers a little black shawl, the edge of which hung down between her shoulder-blades; her bony figure was sheathed in her clothes as if they were a scabbard; they were too short, and displayed her ankles with the laces of her large boots crossed over grey stockings. And then, as if it would not satisfy their hatred to destroy some by hunger, and offer others to the mercy of a plague, they must proceed to involve them also in a needless war of their own making, that no calamity might be wanting to complete the punishment of the citizens for refusing to submit to that of slavery to the rich. And then Sir Tristram drew his sword and rode into the thickest of the press against them of Orkney; and there he smote down knights, and rashed off helms, and pulled away their shields, and hurtled down many knights: he fared so that Sir Arthur and all knights had great marvel when they saw one knight do so great deeds of arms. And then, when we were at sea, sailing from port to port, instead of giving us "watch and watch," as was the custom on board every other vessel on the coast, we were all kept on deck and at work, rain or shine, making spun-yarn and rope, and at other work in good weather, and picking oakum, when it was too wet for anything else. And then he's sic an auld-farran lang-headed chield as never took up the trade o' cateran in our time; mony a daft reik he has played--mair than wad fill a book, and a queer ane it wad be--as gude as Robin Hood, or William Wallace--a' fu' o' venturesome deeds and escapes, sic as folk tell ower at a winter ingle in the daft days. And then her brother came to see her, and he being gone she told me that she believed he was married and had a wife worth L500 to him, and did inquire how he might dispose the money to the best advantage, but I forbore to advise her till she could certainly tell me how things are with him, being loth to meddle too soon with him. And then he asked me three gifts; and one he asked the same day, that was that I would give him meat enough that twelvemonth; and the other two gifts he asked that day a twelvemonth, and that was that he might have the adventure of the damosel Linet, and the third was that Sir Launcelot should make him knight when he desired him. And then in the evening walked in the garden, where we conjured him to look after the yard, and for the time to come that he would take the whole faults and ill management of the yard upon himself, he having full power and our concurrence to suspend or do anything else that he thinks fit to keep people and officers to their duty. And thence to Westminster Hall, where I met Fitzgerald; and with him to a tavern, to consider of the instructions for Sir Thomas Allen, against his going to Algiers; he and I being designed to go down to Portsmouth by the Council's order, and by and by he and I went to the Duke of York, who orders me to go down to-morrow morning. And then they despoiled him, and put upon him this shirt, and cast him in a fire, and there he lay all that night till it was day in that fire, and was not dead, and so in the morn I came and found him dead; but I found neither thread nor skin tamed, and so took him out of the fire with great fear, and laid him here as ye may see. And thence I to the Excise Office about some tallies, and then to the Exchange, where I did much business, and so home to dinner, and then to the office, where busy all the afternoon till night, and then home to supper, and after supper an hour reading to my wife and brother something in Chaucer with great pleasure, and so to bed. And then Mary would talk as though they three were joined in some close peculiar bond together; as though they were in future always to wish together, contrive together, and act together; and Eleanor could not gainsay this; she could not make another speech, and say, 'Mr Bold and I are strangers, Mary, and are always to remain so! And then King Arthur was wroth when he saw Sir Launcelot do such deeds; and then the king called unto him Sir Gawaine, Sir Mordred, Sir Kay, Sir Griflet, Sir Lucan the Butler, Sir Bedivere, Sir Palomides, Sir Safere, his brother; and so the king with these nine knights made them ready to set upon Sir Launcelot, and upon Sir Lavaine. And then on four different times the two ladies had to retire into Mrs Broughton's room in order that Jael might be arrayed in various costumes--and in each costume she had to kneel down, taking the hammer in her hand, and holding the pointed stick which had been prepared to do duty as the nail, upon the forehead of the dummy Sisera. And then she slept; and then she rose refreshed; and met her father with her kindest embrace and most loving smiles; and on the whole their breakfast was by no means so triste as had been their dinner the day before; and then, making some excuse to her father for so soon leaving him, she started on the commencement of her operations. And then he said, So affectionate a father and daughter may, perhaps, be glad to be alone together; therefore remember me to your good wife, and tell her, it will not be long, I hope, before I see you together; on a visit to your daughter, at my other house: and so I wish you good night, and a good journey, if you go before I see you. And then look at yourselves, mark the numbers and efficiency of the heavy infantry marching in your ranks, and do not give way too much to despondency, but reflect that you are yourselves at once a city wherever you sit down, and that there is no other in Sicily that could easily resist your attack, or expel you when once established. And then Pantagruel, for an eternal memorial, wrote this victorial ditton, as followeth:-- Here was the prowess made apparent of Four brave and valiant champions of proof, Who, without any arms but wit, at once, Like Fabius, or the two Scipions, Burnt in a fire six hundred and threescore Crablice, strong rogues ne'er vanquished before. And then about nine o'clock to Mrs. Mercer's gate, where the fire and boys expected us, and her son had provided abundance of serpents and rockets; and there mighty merry (my Lady Pen and Pegg going thither with us, and Nan Wright), till about twelve at night, flinging our fireworks, and burning one another and the people over the way. And then, in the curious way in which inspired words will sometimes occur to the mind quite apart from their inspired context, and bearing a totally different meaning from that which they primarily bear, these words came to Jane: "For He is our peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us . And then, in her joy and confusion at the combination of neatness and daring which there had been in making so discreet and yet so unmistakable an allusion to the new and brilliantly successful play by Dumas, she broke down in a charming, girlish laugh, not very loud, but so irresistible that it was some time before she could control it. And then you, Araspas, must hold the right wing in the position it has now, and the rest of you who command a thousand men must do the same with your divisions: it is no time to be changing horses when the race is being run; and you will send word to the brigadiers and captains under you to draw up the phalanx with each company two deep. And then, besides these performances of his depending on his own strength of mind and body, fortune was also very favorable to him; for he seldom failed of success in his wars; and when he failed, he was not himself the occasion of such failings, but he either vas betrayed by some, or the rashness of his own soldiers procured his defeat. And then he took such a <340>thought suddenly that he was all dismayed, and other cheer made he none but with clipping and kissing; as for other fleshly lusts Sir Tristram never thought nor had ado with her: such mention maketh the French book; also it maketh mention that the lady weened there had been no pleasure but kissing and clipping. And thenceforward, he says, Parysatis watched her advantage against Statira, and made up poison for her; not a very probable story, or a very likely motive to account for her conduct, if indeed he means that out of respect to Clearchus she dared to attempt the life of the lawful queen, that was mother of those who were heirs of the empire. And then Dr. Franklin began to share his deepest hopes and fears about the outcome of their efforts, and this is what he said: "I have often looked at that picture behind the President without being able to tell whether it was a rising or setting Sun: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun. And then came the farmer, a good-like sort of man, grave, and well- behaved; and spoke to me in such sort, as made me a little pacified; and seeing no help for it, I went in; and the wife immediately conducted me up stairs to the best apartment, and told me, that was mine as long as I staid: and nobody should come near me but when I called. And thence to Sir W. Batten's, whither Sir Richard Ford came, the Sheriffe, who hath been at this fire all the while; and he tells me, upon my question, that he and the Mayor were there, as it is their dutys to be, not only to keep the peace, but they have power of commanding the pulling down of any house or houses, to defend the whole City. And then he must needs have me down in the country, to lead the life of a nun, lest I should dishonour him or bring him to ruin; as if he had not been ten times worse every way, with his betting-book, and his gaming- table, and his opera-girls, and his Lady This and Mrs. That-- yes, and his bottles of wine, and glasses of brandy-and-water too! And then--' he stopped on the snow and suddenly opened his clenched hands--'it's nothing--your brain might have gone charred as rags-- and--' he looked round into the air with a queer histrionic movement 'it's blasting--you understand what I mean--it is a great experience, something final--and then--you're shrivelled as if struck by electricity. And then they took the way under the castle, and there they lost the way that Sir Galahad rode, and there everych of them departed from other; and Sir Gawaine rode till he came to an hermitage, and there he found the good man saying his evensong of Our Lady; and there Sir Gawaine asked harbour for charity, and the good man granted it him gladly. And then he held up his hands, and looked into the east, saying secretly unto himself: Thou blessed Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I beseech thee of thy mercy, that my simple worship and honesty be saved, and thou blessed Trinity, thou mayst give power to heal this sick knight by thy great virtue and grace of thee, but, Good Lord, never of myself. And then, when you were for choosing as your general the Paphlagonian tanner, hateful to the gods, we contracted our brows and were enraged; and thunder burst through the lightning; and the Moon forsook her usual paths; and the Sun immediately drew in his wick to himself, and declared he would not give you light, if Cleon should be your general. And then I clasped my hands and looked around-- --But none was near to mock my streaming eyes, Which poured their warm drops on the sunny ground-- _30 So without shame I spake:--'I will be wise, And just, and free, and mild, if in me lies Such power, for I grow weary to behold The selfish and the strong still tyrannise Without reproach or check. And then Tiphys leapt on board to urge the youths to push at the right moment; and calling on them he shouted loudly; and they at once, leaning with all their strength, with one push started the ship from her place, and strained with their feet, forcing her onward; and Pelian Argo followed swiftly; and they on each side shouted as they rushed on. And then I would be obliged to pause for breath; so stifling was the pressure, upon that part of me where it was for ever inscribed, of that name which, at the moment when I heard it, seemed to me fuller, more portentous than any other name, because it was burdened with the weight of all the occasions on which I had secretly uttered it in my mind. And then Dame Prudence, without delay or tarrying, sent anon her messengers for their kin and for their old friends, which were true and wise; and told them by order, in the presence of Meliboeus, all this matter, as it is above expressed and declared; and prayed them that they would give their advice and counsel what were best to do in this need. And then it occurred to me suddenly that my parents could not fail to experience the same emotions, that they must find themselves sharing my point of view, that they perceived in their turn, that they condoned, that they even embraced my visionary longings, and I was as wretched as though I had ravished and corrupted the innocence of their hearts. And then he told him this and that, And swore thereto, that it was sooth; "Thus hath he said," and "Thus he do'th," And "Thus shall 't be," and "Thus heard I say "That shall be found, that dare I lay;"* *wager That all the folk that is alive Have not the cunning to descrive* *describe The thinges that I hearde there, What aloud, and what in th'ear. And then it winnowed the Elysian air Which ever hung about that lady bright, With its aethereal vans--and speeding there, Like a star up the torrent of the night, Or a swift eagle in the morning glare _405 Breasting the whirlwind with impetuous flight, The pinnace, oared by those enchanted wings, Clove the fierce streams towards their upper springs. And then I thought I saw, but dare not speak _270 With certainty of such a wondrous thing, A child, who could not have been born a week, Those fair-horned cattle closely following, And in his hand he held a polished stick: And, as on purpose, he walked wavering _275 From one side to the other of the road, And with his face opposed the steps he trod. And then an idea came across her mind that she hated Patience Oriel; and then, instantly another idea followed--quick as such thoughts are quick--that she did not hate Patience Oriel at all; that she liked her, nay, loved her; that Patience Oriel was a sweet girl; and that she hoped the time would come when she might see her the lady of Greshamsbury. And then Prospero embraced his brother, and again assured him of his forgiveness; and said that a wise overruling Providence had permitted that he should be driven from his poor dukedom of Milan, that his daughter might inherit the crown of Naples, for that by their meeting in this desert island, it had happened that the king's son had loved Miranda. And then her own work in the matter, which should have culminated at one o'clock in Lord Grenville's dining-room, when the relentless agent of the French Government would finally learn who was this mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel, who so openly defied an army of spies and placed himself so boldly, and for mere sport, on the side of the enemies of France. And then Gratiano, who loved to copy what his lord did, thought he must make a speech like Bassanio's, and he said, in Nerissa's hearing, who was writing in her clerk's dress by the side of Portia: 'I have a wife, whom I protest I love; I wish she were in heaven, if she could but entreat some power there to change the cruel temper of this currish Jew. And then holding forth the broken arm, he began a long and very learned lecture of anatomy, in which simple and double fractures were most accurately considered; and the several ways in which Jones might have broken his arm were discussed, with proper annotations showing how many of these would have been better, and how many worse than the present case. And then she called out of the hollow turrets Of those high clouds, white, golden and vermilion, The armies of her ministering spirits-- In mighty legions, million after million, _460 They came, each troop emblazoning its merits On meteor flags; and many a proud pavilion Of the intertexture of the atmosphere They pitched upon the plain of the calm mere. And then curious indeed was it to see how many people suddenly came into view on the river--to see how they appeared to issue from below the very ice itself, and, hurrying to and fro like jackdaws startled by the shot of a gun, to dart hither and thither, and to seize up planks and boathooks, and to throw them down again, and once more to seize them up. And then, despite the nakedness and poverty wherein they had first seen us, they would have it that we were gods sent down to them from the world beyond the mountains by their fathers of old time; for of Holy Church, and the Blessed Trinity, and the Mother of God they knew no more than did I at that time, but were heathen, as the Gentiles of yore agone. And then these camels were no use, and Peachey said to Dravot—‘For the Lord’s sake, let’s get out of this before our heads are chopped off,’ and with that they killed the camels all among the mountains, not having anything in particular to eat, but first they took off the boxes with the guns and the ammunition, till two men came along driving four mules. And then was he ware where came from a wood there fast by a knight all armed, upon a white horse, with a strange shield of strange arms; and he came riding all that he might run, and so he came to Sir Bors, and said thus: Fair knight, I pray you be not displeased, for here must a better knight than ye are have this battle, therefore I pray you withdraw you. And then he drew a dial from his poke, And, looking on it with lack- lustre eye, Says very wisely, 'It is ten o'clock: Thus we may see,' quoth he, 'how the world wags; 'Tis but an hour ago since it was nine; And after one hour more 'twill be eleven; And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot; And thereby hangs a tale. And then up to the Duke, and was with him giving him an account how matters go, and of the necessity there is of a power to presse seamen, without which we cannot really raise men for this fleete of twelve sayle, besides that it will assert the King's power of pressing, which at present is somewhat doubted, and will make the Dutch believe that we are in earnest. And then Sir Gareth prayed Dame Lionesse and the Red Knight of the Red Launds, and Sir Persant and his brother, and Sir Gringamore, that in no wise there should none of them tell not his name, and make no more of him than of the least knight that there was, For, he said, I will not be known of neither more nor less, neither at the beginning neither at the ending. And then he's come o' guid kith and kin--My heart warms to the poor thoughtless callant, Mr. Hammorgaw--and then the penny fee"-- In the latter part of this instructive communication, Mr. Fairservice lowered his voice to a tone better beseeming the conversation in a place of public resort on a Sabbath evening, and his companion and he were soon beyond my hearing. And then one by one they got up and stood, and went a-weaving around the ring so gentle and wavy and graceful, the men looking ever so tall and airy and straight, with their heads bobbing and skimming along, away up there under the tent-roof, and every lady's rose- leafy dress flapping soft and silky around her hips, and she looking like the most loveliest parasol. And then to the publique management of business: it is done, as he observes, so loosely and so carelessly, that the kingdom can never be happy with it, every man looking after himself, and his owne lust and luxury; among other things he instanced in the business of money, he do believe that half of what money the Parliament gives the King is not so much as gathered. And then Sir Launcelot said unto Guenever, in hearing of the king and them all: Madam, now I must depart from you and this noble fellowship for ever; and sithen it is so, I beseech you to pray for me, and say me well; and if ye be hard bestead by any false tongues, lightly my lady send me word, and if any knight's hands may deliver you by battle, I shall deliver you. And then the archdeacon became very confidential about money matters-- not offering anything to his son, which, as he well knew, would be seen through as palpable bribery and corruption--but telling him of this little scheme and of that, of one investment and of another;--how he contemplated buying a small property here, and spending a few thousands on building there. And then he knew well that he lay not by the queen; and therewith he leapt out of his bed as he had been a wood man, in his shirt, and the queen met him in the floor; and thus she said: False traitor knight that thou art, look thou never abide in my court, and avoid my chamber, and not so hardy, thou false traitor knight that thou art, that ever thou come in my sight. And then, the presence of Aramis, who had returned from Belle-Isle, and been nominated by Monsieur Fouquet inspector-general of all the arrangements; his perseverance in mixing himself up with all the surintendant's affairs; his visits to Baisemeaux; all this suspicious singularity of conduct had excessively troubled and tormented D'Artagnan during the last two weeks. And then the Bishop had of the king his great seal, and his assurance as he was a true anointed king that Sir Launcelot should come safe, and go safe, and that the queen should not be spoken unto of the king, nor of none other, for no thing done afore time past; and of all these appointments the Bishop brought with him sure assurance and writing, to shew Sir Launcelot. And then, for measured moments in the night watches or as one walks alone or while one sits in thought and speech with a friend, the wider aspirations glow again with a sincere emotion, with the colours of attainable desire.... That is my all about Utopia, and about the desire and need for Utopia, and how that planet lies to this planet that bears the daily lives of men. And then, speaking of the supplies which have been made to this fleete, more than ever in all kinds to any, even that wherein the Duke of Yorke himself was, "Well," says he, "if this will not do, I will say, as Sir J. Falstaffe did to the Prince, 'Tell your father, that if he do not like this let him kill the next Piercy himself,'"--["King Henry IV.," Part I, act v., sc. And then Beaumains threw his shield from him, and proffered to fight with Sir Launcelot on foot; and so they rushed together like boars, tracing, rasing, and foining to the mountenance of an hour; and Sir Launcelot felt him <215>so big that he marvelled of his strength, for he fought more liker a giant than a knight, and that his fighting was durable and passing perilous. And then when he awaked, he said: Alas, Sir Gawaine, my sister's son, here now thou liest; the man in the world that I loved most; and now is my joy gone, for now, my nephew Sir Gawaine, I will discover me unto your person: in Sir Launcelot and you I most had my joy, and mine affiance, and now have I lost my joy of you both; wherefore all mine earthly joy is gone from me. And then there was an abundance of fire-wood at Wolf Creek; indeed, here and on Hackberry Creek--where I intended to make my next camp-- was the only timber north of the Canadian River; and to select the halting places near a plentiful supply of wood was almost indispensable, for as the men were provided with only shelter-tents, good fires were needed in order to keep warm. And then began thy journey over the Waste of Nought, and thy dream camel bore thee well when those of certain of thy fellow travellers fell down in the Waste and were covered over by the silence and were turned again to nought; and those travellers when their dream camels fell, having nothing to carry them further over the Waste, were lost beyond and never found the earth. And then what shall I say of their attention to the time in which the action they represent may or can take place, save that I have seen a play where the first act began in Europe, the second in Asia, the third finished in Africa, and no doubt, had it been in four acts, the fourth would have ended in America, and so it would have been laid in all four quarters of the globe? And then Sir Launcelot with such knights as he had, and men of war to the number of ten thousand, put them in array, and met with them and fought with them manly, and slew and detrenched many of the Romans, and slew many knights and admirals of the party of the Romans and Saracens; there <162>was slain the king of Lyly and three great lords, Aladuke, Herawd, and Heringdale. And then did we, the seven, start from our seats in horror, and stand trembling, and shuddering, and aghast, for the tones in the voice of the shadow were not the tones of any one being, but of a multitude of beings, and, varying in their cadences from syllable to syllable fell duskly upon our ears in the well-remembered and familiar accents of many thousand departed friends. And then she had felt, somehow, more at her ease than for months and months before; she didn't know why, but her time at the Museum, oddly, had done it; it was as if she hadn't come into so many noble and beautiful associations, nor secured them also for her boy, secured them even for her father, only to see them turn to vanity and doubt, turn possibly to something still worse. And then Cyaxares answered: "Listen, Cyrus; I have been reputed royal and of royal lineage as far back as the memory of man can go; my father was a king and a king I myself was thought to be; and now I see myself riding here, meanly and miserably attended, while you come before me in splendour and magnificence, followed by the retinue that once was mine and all your other forces. And then anon the hermit staunched his blood, and made him to drink good wine, so that Sir Launcelot was well refreshed and knew himself; for in those days it was not the guise of hermits as is nowadays, for there were none hermits in those days but that they had been men of worship and of prowess; and those hermits held great household, and refreshed people that were in distress. And then he spoke so ingenuously and sincerely of the sacrifice he made in withdrawing himself for a time from Ada, and of the earnestness with which he aspired--as in thought he always did, I know full well--to repay her love, and to ensure her happiness, and to conquer what was amiss in himself, and to acquire the very soul of decision, that he made my heart ache keenly, sorely. And then the visitors were taken to the other parts of the building, to see what became of each particle of the waste material that had vanished through the floor; and to the pickling rooms, and the salting rooms, the canning rooms, and the packing rooms, where choice meat was prepared for shipping in refrigerator cars, destined to be eaten in all the four corners of civilization. And then the Durham bulls and the Yorkshire horses which Mr. Trevanion sent you and me out as presents, were so tempting, I thought we might fairly add one speculation to another; and since one of us must superintend the bucolics, and two of us were required for the pastorals, I think Vivian was the best of us three to entrust with the first,--and certainly it has succeeded as yet. --And then the voice of God was heard in that garden, calling His creature man to account: and Michael, prince of the heavenly host, with a sword of flame in his hand, appeared before the guilty pair and drove them forth from Eden into the world, the world of sickness and striving, of cruelty and disappointment, of labour and hardship, to earn their bread in the sweat of their brow. And then the two Dropt to the cove, and watched the great sea fall, Wave after wave, each mightier than the last, Till last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame: And down the wave and in the flame was borne A naked babe, and rode to Merlin's feet, Who stoopt and caught the babe, and cried "The King! And then she mentioned how often she had heard of Lady Southdown from that excellent man the Reverend Lawrence Grills, Minister of the chapel in May Fair, which she frequented; and how her views were very much changed by circumstances and misfortunes; and how she hoped that a past life spent in worldliness and error might not incapacitate her from more serious thought for the future. And then that Baron, who from branch to branch, Examining, had thus conducted me, Till the extremest leaves we were approaching, Again began: "The Grace that dallying Plays with thine intellect thy mouth has opened, Up to this point, as it should opened be, So that I do approve what forth emerged; But now thou must express what thou believest, And whence to thy belief it was presented. And then after this feast Sir Launcelot rode on his adventure, till on a time by adventure he passed over the pont of Corbin; and there he saw the fairest tower that ever he saw, and there-under was a fair town full of people; and all the people, men and women, cried at once: Welcome, Sir Launcelot du Lake, the flower of all knighthood, for by thee all we shall be holpen out of danger. And then were they horsed again, and then met Sir Launcelot with Sir Palomides, and there Sir Palomides had a fall; and so Sir Launcelot or ever he stint, as fast as he might get spears, he smote down thirty knights, and the most part of them were knights of the Table Round; and ever the knights of his blood withdrew them, and made them ado in other places where Sir Launcelot came not. And then, before he could let her know what had caused this sudden resolve, or could point to the fatal paper which lay on the table, she told him that the lawsuit was over, that Bold had commissioned her to assure her father in his name that it would be abandoned,--that there was no further cause for misery, that the whole matter might be looked on as though it had never been discussed. And then we marched confidently to the castle, where the savages divided into two rows, and so let us pass through them by the gate, which was--the one we went through--3 1/2 feet wide, and at the top were standing three big wooden images, carved like men, and with them I saw three scalps fluttering in the wind, that they had taken from their foes as a token of the truth of their victory. And thenceforward Nur al-Din ceased not so to administer the Wazirate that the Sultan would not be parted from him night or day; and increased his stipend and supplies until his means were ample and he became the owner of ships that made trading voyages at his command, as well as of Mamelukes and blackamoor slaves; and he laid out many estates and set up Persian wheels and planted gardens. And then the dwarf armed him lightly; and so the knight thought by force and might to take the sword from Sir Launcelot, and so he came stepping out; and when Sir Launcelot saw him come so all armed with his sword in his hand, then Sir Launcelot flew to him with such a might, and hit him upon the helm such a buffet, that the stroke troubled his brains, and therewith the sword brake in three. And then either embraced other to joust and came together as fast as their horses might run, and brast their shields and the mails, and the one more than the other; and Gawaine was wounded in the left side, but the other knight was smitten through the breast, and the spear came out on the other side, and so they fell both out of their saddles, and in the falling they brake both their spears. And then for the land service,--to see how the bear tore out his shoulder-bone; how he cried to me for help, and said his name was Antigonus, a nobleman.--But to make an end of the ship,--to see how the sea flap-dragon'd it:--but first, how the poor souls roared, and the sea mocked them;--and how the poor gentleman roared, and the bear mocked him,--both roaring louder than the sea or weather. And then another thing; you can see at the same time places which you are in the habit of seeing one without the other, as, for instance, the course of the Vivonne and the ditches at Saint-Assise-lès-Combray, which are separated, really, by a screen of tall trees; or, to take another example, there are all the canals at Jouy-le-Vicomte, which is _Gaudiacus vicecomitis_, as of course you know. And then he addressed her in courtly terms, as if the lowly-seeming maid had been the high-born lady he wished to kind her, calling her Fair and beautiful Marina, telling her a great prince on board that ship had fallen into a sad and mournful silence; and, as if Marina had the power of conferring health and felicity, he begged she would undertake to cure the royal stranger of his melancholy. And then there arose in my mind the recollection of a fact, which probably no one here but myself remembers; namely, that some fourteen years ago I was the guest of a citizen of yours, who bears the honoured name of Rathbone, at a very charming and pleasant dinner given by the Philomathic Society; and I there and then, and in this very city, made a speech upon the topic of Scientific Education. And then he dressed him against him, and said: Galahad, the servant of Jesu Christ, whose coming I have abiden so long, now embrace me and let me rest on thy breast, so that I may rest between thine arms, for thou art a clean virgin above all knights, as the flower of the lily in whom virginity is signified, and thou art the rose the which is the flower of all good virtues, and in colour of fire. And then, after all this diplomatic and rhetorical splutter, the high commissioners recovered their temper and grew more polite, and the King's "envoys excused themselves in a mild, merry manner," for the rudeness of their speeches, and the Queen's envoys accepted their apologies with majestic urbanity, and so they separated for the day in a more friendly manner than they had done the day before. And then," said a cadaverous looking personage, near the foot of the table, taking up the thread of the conversation where it had been broken off, -- "and then, among other oddities, we had a patient, once upon a time, who very pertinaciously maintained himself to be a Cordova cheese, and went about, with a knife in his hand, soliciting his friends to try a small slice from the middle of his leg. And then for the Land-seruice, to see how the Beare tore out his shoulder-bone, how he cride to mee for helpe, and said his name was Antigonus, a Nobleman: But to make an end of the Ship, to see how the Sea flapdragon'd it: but first, how the poore soules roared, and the sea mock'd them: and how the poore Gentleman roared, and the Beare mock'd him, both roaring lowder then the sea, or weather Shep. And then these persons would look around at the miles of unconquerable nature stretching out on every side; and they would reflect upon the thousands of leagues of salt water that parted them from the king who was the source of these unwelcome orders; and, finally, they would glance at the travel-stained and weary envoy with a pitying smile, and offer him food and drink and a bed--but not obedience. And then I told Joe that I felt very miserable, and that I hadn't been able to explain myself to Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook, who were so rude to me, and that there had been a beautiful young lady at Miss Havisham's who was dreadfully proud, and that she had said I was common, and that I knew I was common, and that I wished I was not common, and that the lies had come of it somehow, though I didn't know how. And then he told how a friend--his good taste did not suffer him more than to hint subtly who the friend was with such gracious fancies--had laid a laurel wreath on the dead poet's heart; and the beautiful dead hands had seemed to rest with a voluptuous passion upon Apollo's leaves, fragrant with the fragrance of art, and more green than jade brought by swart mariners from the manifold, inexplicable China. And then, with one of those extraordinary transitions of which I have already spoken, she again threw off her veil, and broke out, after the ancient and poetic fashion of the dwellers in Arabia,[*] into a pæan of triumph or epithalamium, which, wild and beautiful as it was, is exceedingly difficult to render into English, and ought by rights to be sung to the music of a cantata, rather than written and read. And then,' she said, 'he laid me in a cave Above the waters, by that chasm of sea, _2930 A fountain round and vast, in which the wave Imprisoned, boiled and leaped perpetually, Down which, one moment resting, he did flee, Winning the adverse depth; that spacious cell Like an hupaithric temple wide and high, _2935 Whose aery dome is inaccessible, Was pierced with one round cleft through which the sunbeams fell. And then he--a wanderer on the earth, a man without fortune, a man without family, a soldier accustomed to inns, cabarets, taverns, and restaurants, a lover of wine forced to depend upon chance treats--was about to partake of family meals, to enjoy the pleasures of a comfortable establishment, and to give himself up to those little attentions which "the harder one is, the more they please," as old soldiers say. And then he glides about and speaks a word here and a word there, in consequence of which, when the anti-official motion is made, a considerable array of steady, grave faces sits behind the Treasury Bench--nay, possibly a rising man who sits in outlying independence below the gangway rises to defend the transaction; the department wins by thirty-three, and the management of that business pursues its steady way. And then they dressed their shields and spears, and came together with all their might of their horses; and they met so fiercely that both their horses and knights fell to the earth, and as fast as they might avoided their horses, and put their shields afore them; and they struck together with bright swords, as men that were of might, and either wounded other wonderly sore, that the blood ran out upon the grass. And then the night-wind steaming from the shore, _1405 Sent odours dying sweet across the sea, And the swift boat the little waves which bore, Were cut by its keen keel, though slantingly; Soon I could hear the leaves sigh, and could see The myrtle-blossoms starring the dim grove, _1410 As past the pebbly beach the boat did flee On sidelong wing, into a silent cove, Where ebon pines a shade under the starlight wove. And thence with them to Mrs. Gotier's, the Queen's tire-woman, for a pair of locks for my wife; she is an oldish French woman, but with a pretty hand as most I have seen; and so home, and to supper, W. Batelier and W. Hewer with us, and so my cold being great, and greater by my having left my coat at my tailor's to-night and come home in a thinner that I borrowed there, I went to bed before them and slept pretty well. And then, abruptly, the memory of his dead wife returned to him, and probably thinking it too complicated to inquire into how, at such a time, he could have allowed himself to be carried away by an impulse of happiness, he confined himself to a gesture which he habitually employed whenever any perplexing question came into his mind: that is, he passed his hand across his forehead, dried his eyes, and wiped his glasses. And then her thoughts flew back to her old predictions, and the number of times she had said, that Kate with no fortune would marry better than other people's daughters with thousands; and, as she pictured with the brightness of a mother's fancy all the beauty and grace of the poor girl who had struggled so cheerfully with her new life of hardship and trial, her heart grew too full, and the tears trickled down her face. And then when the repast is over and the tables removed, for the knight to recline in the chair, picking his teeth perhaps as usual, and a damsel, much lovelier than any of the others, to enter unexpectedly by the chamber door, and herself by his side, and begin to tell him what the castle is, and how she is held enchanted there, and other things that amaze the knight and astonish the readers who are perusing his history. And then it happened also,--and verily, it happened for the first time!-- that his word blessed SELFISHNESS, the wholesome, healthy selfishness, that springeth from the powerful soul:-- --From the powerful soul, to which the high body appertaineth, the handsome, triumphing, refreshing body, around which everything becometh a mirror: --The pliant, persuasive body, the dancer, whose symbol and epitome is the self-enjoying soul. And then he showed me, proved by elaborate calculations in his pocket- book, that supposing he had contracted, say, two hundred pounds of debt in six months out of the army; and that he contracted no debt at all within a corresponding period in the army--as to which he had quite made up his mind; this step must involve a saving of four hundred pounds in a year, or two thousand pounds in five years, which was a considerable sum. And then there are countless, quiet, everyday heroes of American who sacrifice long and hard so their children will know a better life than they've known; church and civic volunteers who help to feed, clothe, nurse, and teach the needy; millions who've made our nation and our nation's destiny so very special-unsung heroes who may not have realized their own dreams themselves but then who reinvest those dreams in their children. And then he offered it the third time; he put it the third time by; and still, as he refused it, the rabblement shouted, and clapp'd their chopt hands, and threw up their sweaty night-caps, and uttered such a deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused the crown, that it had almost choked Caesar, for he swooned and fell down at it: and for mine own part, I durst not laugh for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air. And then the little sleeves were carefully rolled up, and the little arms were plunged in elbow-deep to get the rushes a good long way down before breaking them off--and for a while Alice forgot all about the Sheep and the knitting, as she bent over the side of the boat, with just the ends of her tangled hair dipping into the water--while with bright eager eyes she caught at one bunch after another of the darling scented rushes. And then, while she was making them some orangeade, suddenly, just as when the reflector of a lamp that is badly fitted begins by casting all round an object, on the wall beyond it, huge and fantastic shadows which, in time, contract and are lost in the shadow of the object itself, all the terrible and disturbing ideas which he had formed of Odette melted away and vanished in the charming creature who stood there before his eyes. And then turning to Cleon's wife, Dionysia, he said: 'Good madam, make me blessed in your care in bringing up my child': and she answered: 'I have a child myself who shall not be more dear to my respect than yours, my lord'; and Cleon made the like promise, saying: 'Your noble services, prince Pericles, in feeding my whole people with your corn (for which in their prayers they daily remember you) must in your child be thought on. And then it was that, won by his mild charity, seeing that he was acquainted with all the habits and customs of my own country, and considering also that pardon for the only crime of which I was really guilty might come with a double power from lips so benevolent and kind, I besought him to receive my confession, under the seal of which I recounted the Auteuil affair in all its details, as well as every other transaction of my life. And then she wept aloud, and in her arms Clasped that bright Shape, less marvellously fair Than her own human hues and living charms; _4650 Which, as she leaned in passion's silence there, Breathed warmth on the cold bosom of the air, Which seemed to blush and tremble with delight; The glossy darkness of her streaming hair Fell o'er that snowy child, and wrapped from sight _4655 The fond and long embrace which did their hearts unite. And then he said, My name is Sir Pelleas, born in the Isles, and of many isles I am lord, and never have I loved lady nor damosel till now in an unhappy time; and, sir knight, since ye are so nigh cousin unto King Arthur, and a king's son, therefore betray me not but help me, for I may never come by her but by some good knight, for she is in a strong castle here, fast by within this four mile, and over all this country she is lady of. And then along the highroad, spreading out its long ribbon of dust, along the deep lanes that the trees bent over as in arbours, along paths where the corn reached to the knees, with the sun on his back and the morning air in his nostrils, his heart full of the joys of the past night, his mind at rest, his flesh at ease, he went on, re- chewing his happiness, like those who after dinner taste again the truffles which they are digesting. And then the usual DENOUEMENT after the fun had gone on fast and furious he got 1190 landed into hot water and had to be spirited away by a few friends, after a strong hint to a blind horse from John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so as not to be made amenable under section two of the criminal law amendment act, certain names of those subpoenaed being handed in but not divulged for reasons which will occur to anyone with a pick of brains. And then--think of it still, oh Holly, for never shalt thou hear such another tale, or see such another scene, nay, not even if I give thee ten thousand years of life--and thou shalt have it in payment if thou wilt--think: at last my deliverer came--he for whom I had watched and waited through the generations--at the appointed time he came to seek me, as I knew that he must come, for my wisdom could not err, though I knew not when or how. And then it is to be remembered that "our fathers; who framed the Government under which we live",--the men who made the Constitution-- decided this same constitutional question in our favor, long ago; decided it without division among themselves, when making the decision, without division among themselves about the meaning of it after it was made, and, so far as any evidence is left, without basing it upon any mistaken statement of facts. And then he taught the King to charm the Queen In such-wise, that no man could see her more, Nor saw she save the King, who wrought the charm, Coming and going, and she lay as dead, And lost all use of life: but when the King Made proffer of the league of golden mines, The province with a hundred miles of coast, The palace and the princess, that old man Went back to his old wild, and lived on grass, And vanished, and his book came down to me. And then my mind made its first earnest effort to comprehend what had been infused into it concerning heaven and hell; and for the first time it recoiled, baffled; and for the first time glancing behind, on each side, and before it, it saw all round an unfathomed gulf: it felt the one point where it stood -- the present; all the rest was formless cloud and vacant depth; and it shuddered at the thought of tottering, and plunging amid that chaos. And then there were apple pies, and peach pies, and pumpkin pies; besides slices of ham and smoked beef; and moreover delectable dishes of preserved plums, and peaches, and pears, and quinces; not to mention broiled shad and roasted chickens; together with bowls of milk and cream, all mingled higgledy- piggledy, pretty much as I have enumerated them, with the motherly teapot sending up its clouds of vapor from the midst-- Heaven bless the mark! And then Lord Greystoke wiped his greasy fingers upon his naked thighs and took up the trail of Kulonga, the son of Mbonga, the king; while in far-off London another Lord Greystoke, the younger brother of the real Lord Greystoke's father, sent back his chops to the club's CHEF because they were underdone, and when he had finished his repast he dipped his finger-ends into a silver bowl of scented water and dried them upon a piece of snowy damask. And thence he carried me to Mr. Streeter's, the famous history-painter over the way, whom I have often heard of, but did never see him before; and there I found him, and Dr. Wren, and several Virtuosos, looking upon the paintings which he is making for the new Theatre at Oxford: and, indeed, they look as if they would be very fine, and the rest think better than those of Rubens in the Banqueting-house at White Hall, but I do not so fully think so. And thence to White Hall, and there staid in Mr. Wren's chamber with him, reading over my draught of a letter, which Mr. Gibson then attended me with; and there he did like all, but doubted whether it would be necessary for the Duke to write in so sharp a style to the Office, as I had drawn it in; which I yield to him, to consider the present posture of the times and the Duke of York and whether it were not better to err on that hand than the other. And then he relates an anecdote of the husband, said to have been not a bad fellow before he married his Diana; and the naming of the Goddess reminds him that the second person in the indictment is now everywhere called 'The elderly shepherd';--but immediately after the bridal bells this husband became sour and insupportable, and either she had the trick of putting him publicly in the wrong, or he lost all shame in playing the churlish domestic tyrant. And then he reflected that these had been two houses of God which had received him in succession at two critical moments in his life: the first, when all doors were closed and when human society rejected him; the second, at a moment when human society had again set out in pursuit of him, and when the galleys were again yawning; and that, had it not been for the first, he should have relapsed into crime, and had it not been for the second, into torment. And then he begun to say what a great man Warcupp was, and something else, and what was that but a great lyer; and told me a story, how at table he did, they speaking about antipathys, say, that a rose touching his skin any where, would make it rise and pimple; and, by and by, the dessert coming, with roses upon it, the Duchesse bid him try, and they did; but they rubbed and rubbed, but nothing would do in the world, by which his lie was found at then. And then finally, when election day came, the packing houses posted a notice that men who desired to vote might remain away until nine that morning, and the same night watchman took Jurgis and the rest of his flock into the back room of a saloon, and showed each of them where and how to mark a ballot, and then gave each two dollars, and took them to the polling place, where there was a policeman on duty especially to see that they got through all right. And then, with respect to the present combat in Spain, the gratitude which that country evinced to England after the French, by means of English armies, had been expelled,-- gratitude evinced by discouraging the trade of England on all occasions, and by offering up masses in thanksgiving when the English heretics quitted the Spanish shores,-- ought now to induce England to exhaust and ruin herself, for the sake of hunting Don Carlos out of his mountains. And then it seemed to him that he could behold her through the darkness of night, clad in the green flowered gown as he had first seen her, and she bewailing her captivity and the long tarrying of the deliverer as she went to and fro in a great chamber builded of marble and done about with gold and bright colours: and or ever he slept, he deemed this to be a vision of what then was, rather than a memory of what had been; and it was sweet to his very soul. And then he offered it the third time; hee put it the third time by, and still as hee refus'd it, the rabblement howted, and clapp'd their chopt hands, and threw vppe their sweatie Night-cappes, and vttered such a deale of stinking breath, because Caesar refus'd the Crowne, that it had (almost) choaked Caesar: for hee swoonded, and fell downe at it: And for mine owne part, I durst not laugh, for feare of opening my Lippes, and receyuing the bad Ayre Cassi. And then he saw "the mother" as she was when young, wearing well-worn dresses, which he remembered for such a long time that they seemed inseparable from her; he recollected her movements, the different tones of her voice, her habits, her predilections, her fits of anger, the wrinkles on her face, the movements of her thin fingers, and all her well-known attitudes, which she would never have again, and clutching hold of the doctor, he began to moan and weep. And then the girls heard that the anonymous 'Your Antagonist,' on being cited to proclaim himself in public assembly of school-mates and masters, had jumped on his legs and into the name of--one who was previously thought by Miss Vincent's good girls incapable of the 'appalling wickedness,' as Mr. Cuper called it, of signing 'Your Antagonist' to a Christian school- fellow, having the design to provoke a breach of the law of the land and shed Christian blood. And then we did begin to discourse of the young gentlemen captains, which he was very free with me in speaking his mind of the unruliness of them; and what a losse the King hath of his old men, and now of this Hannam, of the Resolution, if he be dead, and that there is but few old sober men in the fleete, and if these few of the Flags that are so should die, he fears some other gentlemen captains will get in, and then what a council we shall have, God knows. And then Tom he talked along and talked along, and says, le's all three slide out of here one of these nights and get an outfit, and go for howling adventures amongst the Injuns, over in the Territory, for a couple of weeks or two; and I says, all right, that suits me, but I ain't got no money for to buy the outfit, and I reckon I couldn't get none from home, because it's likely pap's been back before now, and got it all away from Judge Thatcher and drunk it up. And then to change the subject he dilated on that strange story of the man who, an enormous number of years back in the date of the world's history, carried his little son on his shoulders one night when the winds were not so boisterous, though we were deeper in Winter, along the identical road we traversed, between the gorsemounds, across the heaths, with yonder remembered fir-tree clump in sight and the waste- water visible to footfarers rounding under the firs. And then Sir Launcelot brake the chains from his legs and off his arms, and in the breaking he hurt his hands sore; and so Sir Launcelot ran out at a postern, and there he met with the two knights that chased Sir Bliant; and there he pulled down Sir Bertelot with his bare hands from his horse, and therewithal he wrothe his sword out of his hand; and so he leapt unto Sir Breuse, and gave him such a buffet upon the head that he tumbled backward over his horse's croup. And then, as she belonged to that witty 'Guermantes set'--in which there survived something of the alert mentality, stripped of all commonplace phrases and conventional sentiments, which dated from Mérimée, and found its final expression in the plays of Meilhac and Halévy--she adapted its formula so as to suit even her social engagements, transposed it into the courtesy which was always struggling to be positive and precise, to approximate itself to the plain truth. And then ounly percave the cuteness of the swate angel, for no sooner did she obsarve that I was afther the squazing of her flipper, than she up wid it in a jiffy, and put it away behind her back, jist as much as to say, "Now thin, Sir Pathrick O'Grandison, there's a bitther chance for ye, mavourneen, for it's not altogether the gentaal thing to be afther the squazing of my flipper right full in the sight of that little furrenner Frinchman, Mounseer Maiter-di-dauns. And then, in the peroration that follows, he rouses the passions of the judges by a glowing picture of Clodius's guilt, balanced by an equally glowing one of Milo's virtues; he shows that Providence itself had intervened to bring the sinful career of Clodius to an end, and sanctified Milo by making him its instrument, and he concludes with a brilliant avowal of love and admiration for his client, for whose loss, if he is to be condemned, nothing can ever console him. And then by a relation from them it was that Caesar learned the admirable nature and virtue of this wood, which of itself produceth neither fire, flame, nor coal, and would, therefore, in regard of that rare quality of incombustibility, have been admitted into this rank and degree of a true Pantagruelional plant; and that so much the rather, for that Pantagruel directed that all the gates, doors, angiports, windows, gutters, fretticed and embowed ceilings, cans, (cants? And then plucking off a glove he threw it down in the middle of the hall, and the duke picked it up, saying, as he had said before, that he accepted the challenge in the name of his vassal, and fixed six days thence as the time, the courtyard of the castle as the place, and for arms the customary ones of knights, lance and shield and full armour, with all the other accessories, without trickery, guile, or charms of any sort, and examined and passed by the judges of the field. And then up and home, and there dressed myself, and by appointment to Deptford, to Sir G. Carteret's, between six and seven o'clock, where I found him and my Lady almost ready, and by and by went over to the ferry, and took coach and six horses nobly for Dagenhams, himself and lady and their little daughter, Louisonne, and myself in the coach; where, when we come, we were bravely entertained and spent the day most pleasantly with the young ladies, and I so merry as never more. And then A bridesmaid went,--and ere she came again A silence fell upon the guests--a pause _135 Of expectation, as when beauty awes All hearts with its approach, though unbeheld; Then wonder, and then fear that wonder quelled;-- For whispers passed from mouth to ear which drew The colour from the hearer's cheeks, and flew _140 Louder and swifter round the company; And then Gherardi entered with an eye Of ostentatious trouble, and a crowd Surrounded him, and some were weeping loud. And then I returned to my hawthorns, and stood before them as one stands before those masterpieces of painting which, one imagines, one will be better able to 'take in' when one has looked away, for a moment, at something else; but in vain did I shape my fingers into a frame, so as to have nothing but the hawthorns before my eyes; the sentiment which they aroused in me remained obscure and vague, struggling and failing to free itself, to float across and become one with the flowers. And then the king commanded Sir Kay to smite off the giant's head, and to set it upon a truncheon of a spear, and bear it to Sir Howell, and tell him that his enemy was slain; and after let this head be bound to a barbican that all the people may see and behold it; and go ye two up to the mountain, and fetch me my shield, my sword, and the club of iron; and as for the treasure, take ye it, for ye shall find there goods out of number; so I have the kirtle and the club I desire no more. And then the Statutes go on to enact --we cull from various chapters: "The English cannot any more make peace or war with the Irish without special warrant; it is made penal to the English to permit the Irish to send their cattle to graze upon their land; the Irish could not be presented by the English to any ecclesiastical benefice; they--the Irish--could not be received into any monasteries or religious houses; the English could not entertain any of their bards, or poets, or shanachies, " etc. And then Elise -- certainly that was her name told us, merrily, that the brown spot on her waist was caused by her landlady knocking at the door while she (the girl -- confound the English language) was heating an iron over the gas jet, and she hid the iron under the bedclothes until the coast was clear, and there was the piece of chewing gum stuck to it when she began to iron the waist, and -- well, I wondered bow in the world the chewing gum came to be there -- don't they ever stop chewing it? And then they took their horses and rode throughout a fair forest; and then they came to a plain, and saw where were many pavilions and tents, and a fair castle, and there was much smoke and great noise; and when they came near the siege Sir Beaumains espied upon great trees, as he rode, how there hung full goodly armed knights by the neck, and their shields about their necks with their swords, and gilt spurs upon their heels, and so there hung nigh a forty knights shamefully with full rich arms. And then his poverty, and his struggles, and the sufferings of his wife, were remembered; and stories were told from mouth to mouth of his industry in his profession, of his great zeal among the brickmakers of Hoggle End, of acts of charity done by him which startled the people of the district into admiration:--how he had worked with his own hands for the sick poor to whom he could not give relief in money, turning a woman's mangle for a couple of hours, and carrying a boy's load along the lanes. And then, as I read in the quietness of the night, broken only by the muffled sound that came to me through the ventilators of stewards talking and moving along the corridors, when nearly all the passengers were in their cabins, some asleep in bed, others undressing, and others only just down from the smoking-room and still discussing many things, there came what seemed to me nothing more than an extra heave of the engines and a more than usually obvious dancing motion of the mattress on which I sat. And then Sir Tristram gave her a ring, and she gave him another; and therewith he departed from her, leaving her making great dole and lamentation; and he straight went unto the court among all the barons, and there he took his leave at most and least, and openly he said among them all: Fair lords, now it is so that I must depart: if there be any man here that I have offended unto, or that any man be with me grieved, let complain him here afore me or that ever I depart, and I shall amend it unto my power. And then, so strong an element of hypocrisy is there in even the most sincere of men, who cast off, while they are talking to anyone, the opinion they actually hold of him and will express when he is no longer there, my family joined with M. Vinteuil in deploring Swann's marriage, invoking principles and conventions which (all the more because they invoked them in common with him, as though we were all thorough good fellows of the same sort) they appeared to suggest were in no way infringed at Montjouvain. And then upon a Monday in the morning, as they were departed from an abbey, they came to a cross which departed two ways, and in that cross were letters written that said thus: Now, ye knights errant, the which goeth to seek knights adventurous, see here two ways; that one way defendeth thee that thou ne go that way, for he shall not go out of the way again but if he be a good man and a worthy knight; and if thou go on the left hand, thou shalt not lightly there win prowess, for thou shalt in this way be soon assayed. And then it was that Cestius, despairing of obtaining room for a public march, contrived how he might best run away; and when he had selected four hundred of the most courageous of his soldiers, he placed them at the strongest of their fortifications, and gave order, that when they went up to the morning guard, they should erect their ensigns, that the Jews might be made to believe that the entire army was there still, while he himself took the rest of his forces with him, and marched, without any noise, thirty furlongs. And then, in a moment of illumination, like a man in a fever who awakes from sleep and is conscious of the absurdity of the dream- shapes among which his mind has been wandering without any clear distinction between himself and them, Swann suddenly perceived how foreign to his nature were the thoughts which he had been revolving in his mind ever since he had heard at the Verdurins' that Odette had left, how novel the heartache from which he was suffering, but of which he was only now conscious, as though he had just woken up. And then came a period of unusual irritation, to which we owe, in part at least, Carlyle's railings against progress and his deplorable criticism of England's great men and women,--poor little Browning, animalcular De Quincey, rabbit-brained Newman, sawdustish Mill, chattering George Eliot, ghastly-shrieky Shelley, once-enough Lamb, stinted-scanty Wordsworth, poor thin fool Darwin and his book (_The Origin of Species_, of which Carlyle confessed he never read a page) which was wonderful as an example of the stupidity of mankind. And then, he was such a wonderful speaker; at the Union Debating Club he had been without a rival, and had, of course, been president; his moral character,--a point on which so many geniuses were weak--was absolutely irreproachable; foremost of all, however, among his many great qualities, and perhaps more remarkable even than his genius was what biographers have called "the simple-minded and child-like earnestness of his character," an earnestness which might be perceived by the solemnity with which he spoke even about trifles. And then was Sir Bleoberis wroth, and gat a spear and rode against Sir Tristram in great ire; and there Sir Tristram met with him, and smote Sir Bleoberis from his horse So then the King with the Hundred Knights was wroth, and he horsed Sir Bleoberis and Sir Gaheris again, and there began a great medley; and ever Sir Tristram held them passing short, and ever Sir Bleoberis was passing busy upon Sir Tristram; and there came Sir Dinadan against Sir Tristram, and Sir Tristram gave him such a buffet that he swooned <404>in his saddle. And then when they had discussed all this, when the father had told all to the child, she could not be less confiding than he had been; and as John Bold's name was mentioned between them, she owned how well she had learned to love him--'had loved him once,' she said, 'but she would not, could not do so now--no, even had her troth been plighted to him, she would have taken it back again--had she sworn to love him as his wife, she would have discarded him, and not felt herself forsworn, when he proved himself the enemy of her father. And then with kinde embracements, tempting kisses, And with declining head into his bosome Bid him shed teares, as being ouer-ioyed To see her noble Lord restor'd to health, Who for this seuen yeares hath esteemed him No better then a poore and loathsome begger: And if the boy haue not a womans guift To raine a shower of commanded teares, An Onion wil do well for such a shift, Which in a Napkin (being close conuei'd) Shall in despight enforce a waterie eie: See this dispatch'd with all the hast thou canst, Anon Ile giue thee more instructions. And then, to have the footstool placed carefully by a too self- confident personage,--not _any_ self-confident personage, but one in particular, who suddenly looks humble and anxious, and lingers, bending still, to ask if there is not some draught in that position between the window and the fireplace, and if he may not be allowed to move the work-table for her,--these things will summon a little of the too ready, traitorous tenderness into a woman's eyes, compelled as she is in her girlish time to learn her life-lessons in very trivial language. ... And thenceforth shall so firm an amity 'Twixt thee and me be, that neither Fortune, The monstrous phantom which pursues success, _180 That careful miser, that free prodigal, Who ever alternates, with changeful hand, Evil and good, reproach and fame; nor Time, That lodestar of the ages, to whose beam The winged years speed o'er the intervals _185 Of their unequal revolutions; nor Heaven itself, whose beautiful bright stars Rule and adorn the world, can ever make The least division between thee and me, Since now I find a refuge in thy favour. And then Schliemann went on to outline some of the wastes of competition: the losses of industrial warfare; the ceaseless worry and friction; the vices--such as drink, for instance, the use of which had nearly doubled in twenty years, as a consequence of the intensification of the economic struggle; the idle and unproductive members of the community, the frivolous rich and the pauperized poor; the law and the whole machinery of repression; the wastes of social ostentation, the milliners and tailors, the hairdressers, dancing masters, chefs and lackeys. And then, number one, you came up against the man in possession and had to produce your credentials like the claimant in the Tichborne case, Roger Charles Tichborne, BELLA was the boat's name to the best of his recollection he, the heir, went down in as the evidence went to show and there was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, lord Bellew was it, as he might very easily have picked up the details from some pal on board ship and then, when got up to tally with the description given, introduce himself with: EXCUSE ME, MY NAME IS SO AND SO or some such commonplace remark. And thence heard at the Council-board the City, by their single counsel Symson, and the company of Strangers Merchants, a debate the business of water-baylage; a tax demanded upon all goods, by the City, imported and exported: which these Merchants oppose, and demanding leave to try the justice of the City's demand by a Quo Warranto, which the City opposed, the Merchants did quite lay the City on their backs with great triumph, the City's cause being apparently too weak: but here I observed Mr. Gold, the merchant, to speak very well, and very sharply, against the City. And then Sir Percivale laid him down by her naked; and by adventure and grace he saw his sword lie on the ground naked, in whose pommel was a red cross and the sign of the crucifix therein, and bethought him on his knighthood and his promise made to-forehand unto the good man; then he made a sign of the cross in his forehead, and therewith the pavilion turned up-so- down, and then it changed unto a smoke, and a black cloud, and then he was adread and cried aloud: CHAPTER X How Sir Percivale for penance rove himself through the thigh; and how she was known for the devil. And then when paper and ink was brought, then Gawaine was set up weakly by King Arthur, for he was shriven a little to-fore; and then he wrote thus, as the French book maketh mention: Unto Sir Launcelot, flower of all noble knights that ever I heard of or saw by my days, I, Sir Gawaine, King Lot's son of Orkney, sister's son unto the noble King Arthur, send thee greeting, and let thee have knowledge that the tenth day of May I was smitten upon the old wound that thou gavest me afore the city of Benwick, and through the same wound that thou gavest me I am come to my death-day. And then, with small adventure met, Sir Bors Rode to the lonest tract of all the realm, And found a people there among their crags, Our race and blood, a remnant that were left Paynim amid their circles, and the stones They pitch up straight to heaven: and their wise men Were strong in that old magic which can trace The wandering of the stars, and scoffed at him And this high Quest as at a simple thing: Told him he followed--almost Arthur's words-- A mocking fire: "what other fire than he, Whereby the blood beats, and the blossom blows, And the sea rolls, and all the world is warmed? And then she wished Cesario was the duke; and perceiving the fast hold he had taken on her affections, she blamed herself for her sudden love: but the gentle blame which people lay upon their own faults has no deep root; and presently the noble lady Olivia so far forgot the inequality between her fortunes and those of this seeming page, as well as the maidenly reserve which is the chief ornament of a lady's character, that she resolved to court the love of young Cesario, and sent a servant after him with a diamond ring, under the presence that he had left it with her as a present from Orsino. And then, next, after we have, perhaps, half broken their hearts, a wife is looked out for: convenience, or birth, or fortune, are the first motives, affection the last (if it is at all consulted): and two people thus educated, thus trained up, in a course of unnatural ingratitude, and who have been headstrong torments to every one who has had a share in their education, as well as to those to whom they owe their being, are brought together; and what can be expected, but that they should pursue, and carry on, the same comfortable conduct in matrimony, and join most heartily to plague one another? And then, inspiring me with that rapture which we feel on seeing a work by our favourite painter quite different from any of those that we already know, or, better still, when some one has taken us and set us down in front of a picture of which we have hitherto seen no more than a pencilled sketch, or when a piece of music which we have heard played over on the piano bursts out again in our ears with all the splendour and fullness of an orchestra, my grandfather called me to him, and, pointing to the hedge of Tansonville, said: "You are fond of hawthorns; just look at this pink one; isn't it pretty? And then he pointed to a company, 'Midst whom I quickly recognized the heirs Of Caesar's crime, from him to Constantine; The anarch chiefs, whose force and murderous snares _285 Had founded many a sceptre- bearing line, And spread the plague of gold and blood abroad: And Gregory and John, and men divine, Who rose like shadows between man and God; Till that eclipse, still hanging over heaven, _290 Was worshipped by the world o'er which they strode, For the true sun it quenched--'Their power was given But to destroy,' replied the leader:--'I Am one of those who have created, even 'If it be but a world of agony. And then without waiting for any answer she left the window, though not before she saw me take the letter and the handkerchief, and I had by signs let her know that I would do as she bade me; and so, seeing myself so well paid for the trouble I would have in bringing it to you, and knowing by the address that it was to you it was sent (for, senor, I know you very well), and also unable to resist that beautiful lady's tears, I resolved to trust no one else, but to come myself and give it to you, and in sixteen hours from the time when it was given me I have made the journey, which, as you know, is eighteen leagues. And then we all up to the Duke of York, and there did our usual business, and so I with J. Minnes home, and there finding my wife gone to my aunt Wight's, to see her the first time after her coming to town, and indeed the first time, I think, these two years (we having been great strangers one to the other for a great while), I to them; and there mighty kindly used, and had a barrel of oysters, and so to look up and down their house, they having hung a room since I was there, but with hangings not fit to be seen with mine, which I find all come home to-night, and here staying an hour or two we home, and there to supper and to bed. And then when his spear was broken King Arthur did passingly well; and so therewithal came in Sir Gawaine and Sir Gaheris, Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred, and there everych of them smote down a knight, and Sir Gawaine smote down four knights; and then there began a strong medley, for then there came in the knights of Launcelot's blood, and Sir Gareth and Sir Palomides with them, and many knights of the Table Round, and they began to hold the four kings and the mighty duke so hard that they were discomfit; but this Duke Galahad, the haut prince, was a noble knight, and by his mighty prowess of arms he held the knights of the Table Round strait enough. And then, like him, you must, by a sedulous lecture, and frequent meditation, break the bone, and suck out the marrow,--that is, my allegorical sense, or the things I to myself propose to be signified by these Pythagorical symbols, with assured hope, that in so doing you will at last attain to be both well-advised and valiant by the reading of them: for in the perusal of this treatise you shall find another kind of taste, and a doctrine of a more profound and abstruse consideration, which will disclose unto you the most glorious sacraments and dreadful mysteries, as well in what concerneth your religion, as matters of the public state, and life economical. 'And thence I dropt into a lowly vale, Low as the hill was high, and where the vale Was lowest, found a chapel, and thereby A holy hermit in a hermitage, To whom I told my phantoms, and he said: '"O son, thou hast not true humility, The highest virtue, mother of them all; For when the Lord of all things made Himself Naked of glory for His mortal change, 'Take thou my robe,' she said, 'for all is thine,' And all her form shone forth with sudden light So that the angels were amazed, and she Followed Him down, and like a flying star Led on the gray-haired wisdom of the east; But her thou hast not known: for what is this Thou thoughtest of thy prowess and thy sins? And then there was a return quintuplication, in choice Latin, by the classic Dale, and then there was a colloquy on the quintuplication, and everything that had been charged, and truly charged, by the English; was now denied by the King's commissioners; and Champagny-- more gouty and more irascible than ever--"chopped in" at every word spoken by King's envoys or Queen's, contradicted everybody, repudiated everything said or done by Andrew de Loo, or any of the other secret negotiators during the past year, declared that there never had been a general cessation of arms promised, and that, at any rate, times were now changed, and such an armistice was inadmissible! And then, I said, we must try them with enchantments that is the third sort of test--and see what will be their behaviour: like those who take colts amid noise and tumult to see if they are of a timid nature, so must we take our youth amid terrors of some kind, and again pass them into pleasures, and prove them more thoroughly than gold is proved in the furnace, that we may discover whether they are armed against all enchantments, and of a noble bearing always, good guardians of themselves and of the music which they have learned, and retaining under all circumstances a rhythmical and harmonious nature, such as will be most serviceable to the individual and to the State. And then I found my Lord Sandwich, his title under his armes is, "The most noble and mighty Lord, Edward, Earl of Sandwich, &c." Sir Edward Walker afterwards coming in, in discourse did say that there was none of the families of princes in Christendom that do derive themselves so high as Julius Caesar, nor so far by 1000 years, that can directly prove their rise; only some in Germany do derive themselves from the patrician familys of Rome, but that uncertainly; and, among other things, did much inveigh against the writing of romances, that 500 years hence being wrote of matters in general, true as the romance of Cleopatra, the world will not know which is the true and which the false. And then standing up in the boat he began in a loud voice to hurl threats at the millers, exclaiming, "Ill-conditioned and worse- counselled rabble, restore to liberty and freedom the person ye hold in durance in this your fortress or prison, high or low or of whatever rank or quality he be, for I am Don Quixote of La Mancha, otherwise called the Knight of the Lions, for whom, by the disposition of heaven above, it is reserved to give a happy issue to this adventure;" and so saying he drew his sword and began making passes in the air at the millers, who, hearing but not understanding all this nonsense, strove to stop the boat, which was now getting into the rushing channel of the wheels. And then consider the great historical fact that, for three centuries, this book has been woven into the life of all that is best and noblest in English history; that it has become the national epic of Britain, and is as familiar to noble and simple, from John-o'-Groat's House to Land's End, as Dante and Tasso once were to the Italians; that it is written in the noblest and purest English, and abounds in exquisite beauties of mere literary form; and, finally, that it forbids the veriest hind who never left his village to be ignorant of the existence of other countries and other civilisations, and of a great past, stretching back to the furthest limits of the oldest nations in the world. And then, turning to the housekeeper, he said, "Mistress housekeeper may just as well give over saying the prayer of Santa Apollonia, for I know it is the positive determination of the spheres that Senor Don Quixote shall proceed to put into execution his new and lofty designs; and I should lay a heavy burden on my conscience did I not urge and persuade this knight not to keep the might of his strong arm and the virtue of his valiant spirit any longer curbed and checked, for by his inactivity he is defrauding the world of the redress of wrongs, of the protection of orphans, of the honour of virgins, of the aid of widows, and of the support of wives, and other matters of this kind appertaining, belonging, proper and peculiar to the order of knight- errantry. And then, what do you say to the good Cirongilio of Thrace, that was so stout and bold; as may be seen in the book, where it is related that as he was sailing along a river there came up out of the midst of the water against him a fiery serpent, and he, as soon as he saw it, flung himself upon it and got astride of its scaly shoulders, and squeezed its throat with both hands with such force that the serpent, finding he was throttling it, had nothing for it but to let itself sink to the bottom of the river, carrying with it the knight who would not let go his hold; and when they got down there he found himself among palaces and gardens so pretty that it was a wonder to see; and then the serpent changed itself into an old ancient man, who told him such things as were never heard. And then when I went up to bed she come up with me and fetched her candle, and tucked me in, and mothered me so good I felt mean, and like I couldn't look her in the face; and she set down on the bed and talked with me a long time, and said what a splendid boy Sid was, and didn't seem to want to ever stop talking about him; and kept asking me every now and then if I reckoned he could a got lost, or hurt, or maybe drownded, and might be laying at this minute somewheres suffering or dead, and she not by him to help him, and so the tears would drip down silent, and I would tell her that Sid was all right, and would be home in the morning, sure; and she would squeeze my hand, or maybe kiss me, and tell me to say it again, and keep on saying it, because it done her good, and she was in so much trouble. And then, suddenly, he asked himself whether that was not precisely what was implied by 'keeping' a woman (as if, in fact, that idea of 'keeping' could be derived from elements not at all mysterious nor perverse, but belonging to the intimate routine of his daily life, such as that thousand-franc note, a familiar and domestic object, torn in places and mended with gummed paper, which his valet, after paying the household accounts and the rent, had locked up hi a drawer in the old writing-desk whence he had extracted it to send it, with four others, to Odette) and whether it was not possible to apply to Odette, since he had known her (for he never imagined for a moment that she could ever have taken a penny from anyone else, before), that title, which he had believed so wholly inapplicable to her, of 'kept' woman. And then, without waiting for an answer, he described to her, as he best could, the accusation that was made about Hiram's will; the claims which the old men put forward; what he considered the strength and what the weakness of his own position; the course which Bold had taken, and that which he presumed he was about to take; and then by degrees, without further question, he presumed on the fact of Eleanor's love, and spoke of that love as a feeling which he could in no way disapprove: he apologised for Bold, excused what he was doing; nay, praised him for his energy and intentions; made much of his good qualities, and harped on none of his foibles; then, reminding his daughter how late it was, and comforting her with much assurance which he hardly felt himself, he sent her to her room, with flowing eyes and a full heart. And then, as I continue to trace the outward course of these impressions from their close-packed intimate source in my consciousness, and before I come to the horizon of reality which envelops them, I discover pleasures of another kind, those of being comfortably seated, of tasting the good scent on the air, of not being disturbed by any visitor; and, when an hour chimed from the steeple of Saint-Hilaire, of watching what was already spent of the afternoon fall drop by drop until I heard the last stroke which enabled me to add up the total sum, after which the silence that followed seemed to herald the beginning, in the blue sky above me, of that long part of the day still allowed me for reading, until the good dinner which Françoise was even now preparing should come to strengthen and refresh me after the strenuous pursuit of its hero through the pages of my book. And then he says, which I wonder at, that I should not in all this time see, that Moorefields have houses two stories high in them, and paved streets, the City having let leases for seven years, which he do conclude will be very much to the hindering the building of the City; but it was considered that the streets cannot be passable in London till a whole street be built; and several that had got ground of the City for charity, to build sheds on, had got the trick presently to sell that for L60, which did not cost them L20 to put up; and so the City, being very poor in stock, thought it as good to do it themselves, and therefore let leases for seven years of the ground in Moorefields; and a good deal of this money, thus advanced, hath been employed for the enabling them to find some money for Commissioner Taylor, and Sir W. Batten, towards the charge of "The Loyall London," or else, it is feared, it had never been paid. And then again in a mighty bustle he bandied it, slubbered it, hacked it, whittled it, wayed it, darted it, hurled it, staggered it, reeled it, swinged it, brangled it, tottered it, lifted it, heaved it, transformed it, transfigured it, transposed it, transplaced it, reared it, raised it, hoised it, washed it, dighted it, cleansed it, rinsed it, nailed it, settled it, fastened it, shackled it, fettered it, levelled it, blocked it, tugged it, tewed it, carried it, bedashed it, bewrayed it, parched it, mounted it, broached it, nicked it, notched it, bespattered it, decked it, adorned it, trimmed it, garnished it, gauged it, furnished it, bored it, pierced it, trapped it, rumbled it, slid it down the hill, and precipitated it from the very height of the Cranie; then from the foot to the top (like another Sisyphus with his stone) bore it up again, and every way so banged it and belaboured it that it was ten thousand to one he had not struck the bottom of it out. And then rose and called W. Hewer, and he and I, with pails and a sieve, did lock ourselves into the garden, and there gather all the earth about the place into pails, and then sift those pails in one of the summer-houses, just as they do for dyamonds in other parts of the world; and there, to our great content, did with much trouble by nine o'clock (and by the time we emptied several pails and could not find one), we did make the last night's forty-five up seventy-nine: so that we are come to about twenty or thirty of what I think the true number should be; and perhaps within less; and of them I may reasonably think that Mr. Gibson might lose some: so that I am pretty well satisfied that my loss is not great, and do bless God that it is so well, [About the year 1842, in removing the foundation of an old wall, adjoining a mansion at Brampton, always considered the quondam residence of the Pepys family, an iron pot, full of silver coins, was discovered, and taken to the Earl of Sandwich, the owner of the house, in whose possession they still remain. And then Queen Anne, that's dead, gae the chiefs bits o' pensions, sae they had wherewith to support their gillies and caterans that work nae wark, as I said afore; and they lay by quiet eneugh, saying some spreagherie on the Lowlands, whilk is their use and wont, and some cutting o' thrapples amang themsells, that nae civilised body kens or cares onything anent.--Weel, but there's a new warld come up wi' this King George (I say, God bless him, for ane)--there's neither like to be siller nor pensions gaun amang them; they haena the means o' mainteening the clans that eat them up, as ye may guess frae what I said before; their credit's gane in the Lowlands; and a man that can whistle ye up a thousand or feifteen hundred linking lads to do his will, wad hardly get fifty punds on his band at the Cross o' Glasgow-- This canna stand lang-- there will be an outbreak for the Stuarts-- there will be an outbreak-- they will come down on the low country like a flood, as they did in the waefu' wars o' Montrose, and that will be seen and heard tell o' ere a twalmonth gangs round. And then there was a presentation to the Queen, and to the Queen- Mother, when Leoninus was more prolix than before, and Catharine even more affectionate than her son; and there were consultations with Chiverny and Villeroy, and Brulart and Pruneaux, and great banquets at the royal expense, and bales of protocols, and drafts of articles, and conditions and programmes and apostilles by the hundred weight, and at last articles of annexation were presented by the envoys, and Pruneaux looked at and pronounced them "too raw and imperative," and the envoys took them home again, and dressed them and cooked them till there was no substance left in them; for whereas the envoys originally offered the crown of their country to France, on condition that no religion but the reformed religion should be tolerated there, no appointments made but by the States, and no security offered for advances to be made by the Christian King, save the hearts and oaths of his new subjects--so they now ended by proposing the sovereignty unconditionally, almost abjectly; and, after the expiration of nearly three months, even these terms were absolutely refused, and the deputies were graciously permitted to go home as they came. And then he goes on to say: The cousin was amazed as well at Sancho's boldness as at the patience of his master, and concluded that the good temper the latter displayed arose from the happiness he felt at having seen his lady Dulcinea, even enchanted as she was; because otherwise the words and language Sancho had addressed to him deserved a thrashing; for indeed he seemed to him to have been rather impudent to his master, to whom he now observed, "I, Senor Don Quixote of La Mancha, look upon the time I have spent in travelling with your worship as very well employed, for I have gained four things in the course of it; the first is that I have made your acquaintance, which I consider great good fortune; the second, that I have learned what the cave of Montesinos contains, together with the transformations of Guadiana and of the lakes of Ruidera; which will be of use to me for the Spanish Ovid that I have in hand; the third, to have discovered the antiquity of cards, that they were in use at least in the time of Charlemagne, as may be inferred from the words you say Durandarte uttered when, at the end of that long spell while Montesinos was talking to him, he woke up and said, 'Patience and shuffle. And then, being still deeply moved by his dream, he would thank heaven for those special circumstances which made him independent, thanks to which he could remain in Odette's vicinity, and could even succeed in making her allow him to see her sometimes; and, counting over the list of his advantages: his social position--his fortune, from which she stood too often in need of assistance not to shrink from the prospect of a definite rupture (having even, so people said, an ulterior plan of getting him to marry her)--his friendship with M. de Charlus, which, it must be confessed, had never won him any very great favour from Odette, but which gave him the pleasant feeling that she was always hearing complimentary things said about him by this common friend for whom she had so great an esteem--and even his own intelligence, the whole of which he employed in weaving, every day, a fresh plot which would make his presence, if not agreeable, at any rate necessary to Odette --he thought of what might have happened to him if all these advantages had been lacking, he thought that, if he had been, like so many other men, poor and humble, without resources, forced to undertake any task that might be offered to him, or tied down by parents or by a wife, he might have been obliged to part from Odette, that that dream, the terror of which was still so recent, might well have been true; and he said to himself: "People don't know when they are happy. And then, as soon as he had left the house, not without returning to kiss her once again, because he had forgotten to take away with him, in memory, some detail of her fragrance or of her features, while he drove home in his victoria, blessing the name of Odette who allowed him to pay her these daily visits, which, although they could not, he felt, bring any great happiness to her, still, by keeping him immune from the fever of jealousy--by removing from him every possibility of a fresh outbreak of the heart-sickness which had manifested itself in him that evening, when he had failed to find her at the Verdurins'-- might help him to arrive, without any recurrence of those crises, of which the first had been so distressing that it must also be the last, at the termination of this strange series of hours in his life, hours almost enchanted, in the same manner as these other, following hours, in which he drove through a deserted Paris by the light of the moon: noticing as he drove home that the satellite had now changed its position, relatively to his own, and was almost touching the horizon; feeling that his love, also, was obedient to these immutable laws of nature, he asked himself whether this period, upon which he had entered, was to last much longer, whether presently his mind's eye would cease to behold that dear countenance, save as occupying a distant and diminished position, and on the verge of ceasing to shed on him the radiance of its charm.