For which, liue long to thank both heauen & me, You may so in the end. I sir, that sokes vp the Kings Countenance, his Rewards, his Authorities (but such Officers do the King best seruice in the end. There mark'd I Helen, for whose sake so long The time was fraught with evil; there the great Achilles, who with love fought to the end. As in a vessel to go down the tide, Then of this path thou wilt have reach'd the end. But as it comes to pass, if one food sates, And for another still remains the longing, We ask for this, and that decline with thanks, E'en thus did I; with gesture and with word, To learn from her what was the web wherein She did not ply the shuttle to the end. I was infatuated aforetime, when in my folly I declared the will of Zeus in order and to the end. Both came by degrees to attach more importance to the means than to the end. He fought out the battle obstinately to the end. Nor had he only proposed to himself the end. Sterility or estility," answered Pedro, "it is all the same in the end. Eight days hence I will give you your full shares in money, without defrauding you of a farthing, as you will see in the end. I am very glad my lady the duchess has written to my wife Teresa Panza and sent her the present your worship speaks of; and I will strive to show myself grateful when the time comes; kiss her hands for me, and tell her I say she has not thrown it into a sack with a hole in it, as she will see in the end. "Hold your peace, my daughters," said Don Quixote; "I know very well what my duty is; help me to bed, for I don't feel very well; and rest assured that, knight-errant now or wandering shepherd to be, I shall never fail to have a care for your interests, as you will see in the end." Moses therefore spoke, in the hearing of the whole assembly of Israel, the words of this canticle, and finished it even to the end. Job Chapter 27 Job persists in asserting his own innocence, and that hypocrites will be punished in the end. The magistrates however at the first introduction replied that they had forgotten the things which had been spoken at the beginning, and did not understand those which were spoken at the end. And therefore by my will I would have driven him away for jealousy that I had of his life, for it may be no young knight's deed that shall enchieve this adventure to the end. To the European mind it seems natural to rank myths of the gods before myths of the making or the evolution of the world, because our religion, like that of the more philosophic Greeks, makes the deity the fount of all existences, causa causans, "what unmoved moves," the beginning and the end. Hear the end. said Felton; "you see plainly that I listen, and that I am anxious to know the end. said Milady, who, having entered this track, and perceiving that falsehood succeeded, was determined to follow it to the end. Then nodded, and kindly, as friend nods to friend, "Old man, you fought well, but you lost in the end. I heard him out to the end. In the wet, windy afternoons, I saw that the tale might indeed be written, but would be nothing more than a faked, false-varnished, sham-rusted piece of Wardour Street work at the end. In the third row; fourth from the end. They'll be more scandalized before the end. But he had one more sorrow to digest before the end. You'll find it cheapest in the end. Only you and I--I and you--in the whole wide, wide world until the end. Say that you'll always love me--until the end. G. Until the end. This isn't the end. Pardon the errors is all ready past, And live in hope the best doth come at last: My hope upon your favour doth depend, And look to have your liking ere the end. but mark the end, my Lord, Mark the end. Stand close, Doll, we'll see the end. whereto I answered, "Yes; but she wept on hearing them and she replied with this couplet beginning, If he of patience fail, to the end. His mind appears to have retained its strength and liveliness to the end. If the last six books, which are said to have been destroyed in Ireland, had been preserved, we doubt whether any heart less stout than that of a commentator would have held out to the end. It is singular, at least, that Gibbon should have quoted "as probably authentic," acts so much embellished with miracle as these of Tarachus are, particularly towards the end. Unto the end. For he hath said in his heart: God hath forgotten, he hath turned away his face, not to see to the end. Unto the end. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life, thou shalt fill me with joy with thy countenance: at thy right hand are delights even to the end. Unto the end. Unto the end. Unto the end. arise, and cast us not off to the end. And shall still live unto the end. A mountain in which God is well pleased to dwell: for there the Lord shall dwell unto the end. A prayer for God's grace to assist us to the end. He hath made all things good in their time, and hath delivered the world to their consideration, so that man cannot find out the work which God hath made from the beginning to the end. Because his heart is departed from him that made him: for pride is the beginning of all sin: he that holdeth it, shall be filled with maledictions, and it shall ruin him in the end. for the testament is far from some, and the examination of all is in the end. To a man that is a fornicator all bread is sweet, he will not be weary of sinning unto the end. While he openeth his hands he shall rejoice: but transgressors shall pine away in the end. And a judgment shall sit, that his power may be taken away, and be broken in pieces, and perish even to the end. And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end. When this was done, and they had all made a common supplication, they besought the merciful Lord, to be reconciled to his servants unto the end. 54 Sorowes are past, & the treasure of immortalitie is shewed in the end. 6 Now therfore I wil pray the Highest, that he strengthen me euen to the end. 21 But when the middest time approcheth, foure shal be kept til a time, when the time therof shal beginne to approch to be ended, yet two shal be kept to the end. If sufficient, they are sufficient out of Congress as well as in it, and there is the end. But when I go to Union-saving, I must believe, at least, that the means I employ have some adaptation to the end. If we lose Kansas to freedom, an example will be set which will prove fatal to freedom in the end. The chief butler was not aware that his dream contained a prophecy regarding the future of Israel, but Joseph discerned the recondite meaning,[149] and he interpreted the dream thus: The three branches are the three Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose descendants in Egypt will be redeemed by three leaders, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam; and the cup given into the hand of Pharaoh is the cup of wrath that he will have to drain in the end. They either sat the whole time, or stood; as they were at the beginning, so they remained until the end. TILL THE END. I am waiting for the end. His bag and his hammer hung upon a twig of the oak tree, and near by leaned his good stout cudgel, as thick as his wrist and knotted at the end. to the end. Now you are heir, therefore enjoy it now; By giving the house of Lancaster leave to breathe, It will outrun you, father, in the end. By my troth, thou'lt set me a-weeping, an thou sayest so: prove that ever I dress myself handsome till thy return: well, hearken at the end. Your worm is your only emperor for diet: we fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots: your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service,--two dishes, but to one table: that's the end. You may so in the end.-- My mother told me just how he would woo, As if she sat in's heart; she says all men Have the like oaths: he had sworn to marry me When his wife's dead; therefore I'll lie with him When I am buried. Before the festival day of the pasch, Jesus knowing that his hour was come, that he should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end. And I hope that you shall know unto the end. Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end. For the wrath of God is come upon them to the end. .That is, to continue on them to the end. But Christ, as the Son in his own house: which house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and glory of hope unto the end. For we are made partakers of Christ: yet so, if we hold the beginning of his substance firm unto the end. I am Alpha and Omega: the Beginning and the End. I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I do not understand his declaration, that he cares not whether slavery be voted down or voted up, to be intended by him other than as an apt definition of the policy he would impress upon the public mind,--the principle for which he declares he has suffered so much, and is ready to suffer to the end. God quieted this letter, saying: "Formerly thou wert in a woman's name, and, moreover, at the end. Thou didst create those above and those below, Thou art the beginning and the end. "To the end." He was in the front row of the crowd, admirably placed for seeing; and as on the whole the sight was curious, he probably wished to stay to the end. p. 1 - 590, the end. The Nebraska-Kansas Bill was introduced four years and a half ago, and if the agitation is ever to come to an end we may say we are four years and a half nearer the end. As Jacob was victorious over the angel with whom he wrestled, and Moses and Aaron caused the drowning of Pharaoh and his host, so Mordecai will overcome thee in the end. (Concerning these terms see the foregoing preface towards the end. In the support of truth, the arts of fraud and fiction may be deemed less criminal; and he would have started at the foulness of the means, had he not been satisfied of the importance and justice of the end. But since the Lecompton Bill no Democrat, within my experience, has ever pretended that he could see the end. It was his duty, and he would fulfil it to the end. He wished to struggle on to the end. Then the four arose and seating themselves before that Shaykh, asked him of the case of Hasan to whom he said, "Tell the company thy tale and all that hath betided thee from the beginning of thine adventure to the end. THE END. The Tutor counsels revenge; though a slave, he will work for her to the end. Its one commendation is that it has never yet been tried among us and many simple folk will applaud the philosophy which persuades itself that all our mistakes will somehow come right in the end. I, however, avoided visiting Cardinal de’ Medici; for whenever I showed my face before him, his lordship gave me some commission of importance, which hindered me from working at my medal to the end. While I was thus speaking, my lord the Duke writhed on his chair, and seemed as though he could not bear to hear me to the end. If he had been sentenced to be burnt at that moment, he would not have stirred, would hardly have heard the sentence to the end. Hear the end. And so I would give up the third thousand and go back to the second and so on to the end. Such a beginning was no good omen for the end. p. 227. and at the end. So it went on, every bird taking away some knowledge of how to build nests, but, none of them waiting to the end. It may be necessary, I find, to explain to the little ones that Tom Tit can only be referred to as "that," because his name is not known till the end. But Athens and Sparta with their allies remained joined for resistance to the end. Finally he was believed to be dying and his wife and chief officials gathered round his bed to await the end. I foresee the end. Discretion still Is the best gift of heaven, and he alone Is truly blest who prospers to the end. for man, if in his prosperous hour, Fate faintly limns the shape of happiness, Soon comes the sponge and wipes the picture out; And sad is the beginning, worse the end. Then shalt thou share his tomb, And be his faithful consort to the end. Then also died John Knox, the last of the men who had seen the Reformation through from its commencement; grim to the end. Lonely but stubborn and indomitable as ever she ruled still to the end. It is peculiarly sweet; but its unmistakable mark is his constant tendency to break down the blank verse line by the use of extra syllables, both within the line and at the end. His industry, also, stimulated by necessity, was unabated to the end. Not without influence here was the necessity of filling a specified number of serial instalments, each of a definite number of pages, and each requiring a striking situation at the end. 797) [Greek: kapetos] is a chamber covered with great stones, within the howe, the casket being swathed with purple robes, and this was the end. Everything had been done that could be, and now there was nothing but to wait for the end. At the Latkins' I was told that the old man had quietly expired like a candle that has burnt out, and that until he had lost power and consciousness, he kept stroking his daughter's head and saying something unintelligible but not gloomy, and he was smiling to the end. But his hopes, nevertheless, he still rested on the nearness of the end. THE END. Some say that his heroic soul pined with a jealous smart, That disappointment and neglect had broke that mighty heart; That all his ancient hopes gave way beneath the cloud of grief, Until his green and youthful years were withered like a leaf; And he is wept by those he loved, by every faithful friend, And those who slandered him in life speak evil to the end. A verse is writ on this, if thou wouldst hear:-- _"There is naught better than to be With noble souls in company: There is naught better than to wend With good friends faithful to the end. Though his mind was open to all the new influences, he nevertheless remained a loyal adherent of his faith, and occupied strictly religious ground until the end. But there is one thing that is perfectly certain, and it is that, in undertaking all enterprises, one of the most important conditions of success is to have a perfectly clear comprehension of what you want to do--to have that before your minds before you set out, and from that point of view to consider carefully the measures which are best adapted to the end. THE END. THE END. Chapter xii -- Approaching still nearer to the end. Indeed, dear Harriet," answered Sophia, "your story is an apology for any neglect; but, indeed, I feel that I have been guilty of a remissness, without so good an excuse.--Yet pray proceed; for I long, though I tremble, to hear the end. Indifference may, perhaps, sometimes yield to it; but the usual triumphs gained by perseverance in a lover are over caprice, prudence, affectation, and often an exorbitant degree of levity, which excites women not over-warm in their constitutions to indulge their vanity by prolonging the time of courtship, even when they are well enough pleased with the object, and resolve (if they ever resolve at all) to make him a very pitiful amends in the end. Approaching still nearer to the end. Fra Bañes did so, and wrote his "censure" of the book on the blank leaves at the end. It was a long and tedious business, and I was glad when I saw that at last we were nearing the end. It was strenuous work, but it succeeded in the end. Here were books to suit all tastes; "Librarian, Adolf Henrik Lindström," I read at the end. Our plan had now to be laid so that we might not only make the ascent as easily as possible, but also get through to the end. We all shook hands, with mutual congratulations; we had won our way far by holding together, and we would go farther yet -- to the end. In addition to the learning of his time, he had a towering genius, indomitable courage and constancy, lofty and generous principles, far- seeing wisdom, Christian humanity, and a charity that gave and forgave to the end. Things were rapidly shaping themselves for the end. But, when I saw what thou didst, I knew thee for one of those who are virtuous to the end. Again, supposing such preternaturalisms to be around and amongst us, the wilder and more capricious they prove, the more our attention is excited and our forecasts are baffled to be set right in the end. `Please your Majesty,' said the Knave, `I didn't write it, and they can't prove I did: there's no name signed at the end. They who lie in the shallow graves of Andersonville, Belle Isle, Florence and Salisbury, lie there in obedience to the precepts and maxims inculcated into their minds in the churches and Common Schools of the North; precepts which impressed upon them the duty of manliness and honor in all the relations and exigencies of life; not the "chivalric" prate of their enemies, but the calm steadfastness which endureth to the end. It is the end. This, for instance, had a true companion-in-arms heartiness about it, not impaired by the feminine invocation at the end. He have been wid us, Jesus He still wid us, Jesus, He will be wid us, Jesus, Be wid us to the end. .and that," concluded Diana softly, "was the end. Then he talked to all the boys very seriously about cruelty, and said how hard-hearted and cowardly it was to hurt the weak and the helpless; but what stuck in my mind was this, he said that cruelty was the devil's own trade-mark, and if we saw any one who took pleasure in cruelty we might know who he belonged to, for the devil was a murderer from the beginning, and a tormentor to the end. she said, "I did once, but it's no use; men are strongest, and if they are cruel and have no feeling, there is nothing that we can do, but just bear it -- bear it on and on to the end. Esther, as if spoken to, raised her head; but Simonides returned to his calm, and answered, coldly, "Hear me to the end. The most perfect life develops as a circle, and terminates in its beginning, making it impossible to say, This is the commencement, that the end. Would you be perfectly safe, do more--keep watch over them with armed hand as well as sleepless eye; then I will have no fear of the end. If they were not there now, but had been, some record of the fact must remain, a clew which had only to be followed faithfully to the end. But Isis knew better; and she waited and waited, nor minded the many laughs flung at her from the sun; she waited and waited, and at last saw signs of the end. In his lifetime, and likewise in the period of Snagsby's "time" of seven long years, there dwelt with Peffer in the same law- stationering premises a niece--a short, shrewd niece, something too violently compressed about the waist, and with a sharp nose like a sharp autumn evening, inclining to be frosty towards the end. Now, there's the end. It is the beginning of the end. The gods fear the end. Then comes the end. Now," said Sir Tristram, "I have thee at a vantage, as thou hadst me to-day; but it shall never be said, in court, or among good knights, that Sir Tristram did slay any knight that was weaponless; therefore take thou thy sword, and let us fight this battle to the end. It reminded them of the enchanted forest in "Undine," through which a man might ride forever without finding the end. Down to the first century before our era the Hercynian forest stretched eastward from the Rhine for a distance at once vast and unknown; Germans whom Caesar questioned had travelled for two months through it without reaching the end. Oh, you needn't be alarmed, for Augusta, of course, she accepts Gustavus in the end. He uttered strange sounds, and seemed very much afraid of the darkness, into which he peered continually, clutching in his hand, which hung midway between knee and foot, a stick with a heavy stone made fast to the end. The Newfoundland went first, followed by the three short-haired pointers, the two mongrels hanging more grittily on to life, but going in the end. Buck hurried on, swiftly and stealthily, every nerve straining and tense, alert to the multitudinous details which told a story--all but the end. THE END. And abide the end. Bishops be shapen with her for to wend, Lordes, ladies, and knightes of renown, And other folk enough, this is the end. Word and end: apparently a corruption of the Anglo-Saxon phrase, "ord and end," meaning the whole, the beginning and the end. * *will not The philosophers sworn were every one, That they should not discover it to none, Nor in no book it write in no mannere; For unto God it is so lefe* and dear, *precious That he will not that it discover'd be, But where it liketh to his deity Man for to inspire, and eke for to defend'* *protect Whom that he liketh; lo, this is the end. One enthusiast observed that there were only three parts of the game he could not play, viz., the beginning, the middle and the end. THE END. And at times, when I gave way to those strange thoughts about the use and end of human existence, which crowd upon the mind in nervous disease--it seemed to me as if I could weigh and measure the particles of vitality from my daily diminishing store-- expended in each unnatural effort of labour--as if every stroke of my business craft represented so much of that daily shortening distance which lay between me and the end. "Ay, true, my friend," rejoined the count; "we must be philosophers and something more; we must be grateful to the good Protector who has hitherto befriended us, and we must trust His mercy to the end." The astronomer had hardly patience to hear him to the end. But if any fraud or treachery is practising against him, I hope that simple love and truth will be strong in the end. He come for hiss knife," was all he said at the end. We must play the farce to the end. Well, never mind how it is," answered Albert, "it comes to the same thing in the end. The look of horror on her face died away, and a peace came to it that endured until the end. And now, the end. It is precisely because we have an uncon-testable figure, provided for us, that we should follow it up to the end. He listened to the sublime inspiration of the great master to the end. By little and little the water fell away, so that in ten year after that, a second knot was made, and you must unwind so much rope, or the bucket swung tight and empty at the end. Mr Swiveller expressed his acknowledgments; and it appearing on further conversation that he was in good health, and that Mr Chuckster was in the like enviable condition, both gentlemen, in compliance with a solemn custom of the ancient Brotherhood to which they belonged, joined in a fragment of the popular duet of 'All's Well,' with a long shake' at the end. And in illustration it may be observed, that if Mr Brass, not being over-suspicious, had, without prying and listening, left his sister to manage the conference on their joint behalf, or prying and listening, had not been in such a mighty hurry to anticipate her (which he would not have been, but for his distrust and jealousy), he would probably have found himself much better off in the end. This policy I believe exercised a material influence in hastening the end. The Army of Northern Virginia became despondent and saw the end. There, as I have said, I think that his policy was the best one that could have been pursued by the whole South--protract the war, which was all that was necessary to enable them to gain recognition in the end. They were ready to move without rations and travel without rest until the end. I hope the good feeling inaugurated may continue to the end. I therefore hope the Government of the United States will continue, as heretofore, to collect, in well-organized armies, the physical strength of the nation; applying it, as heretofore, in asserting the national authority; and in persevering, without relaxation, to the end. I was in hopes I had escaped the danger, and now were I prepared I should resign on the spot, as it requires no foresight to predict such must be the inevitable result in the end. The last two accompanied me to St. Louis, and remained with me to the end. It was the saddest spectacle I ever witnessed, but there could be no evasion, no mitigation of the full letter of the law; its timely enforcement was but justice to the brave spirits who had yet to fight the rebellion to the end. [75] Once to have been valiant is not enough; no man can keep his valour unless he watch over it to the end. [30] Such was his belief, and his practice went with it to the end. Quoth she, "Have patience with me for three days, O Queen; this time will be the beginning and the end. Thus he not only took a draught of more wholesome teaching with obedient mind, but wiped off early stains by his purity at the end. You helped to attend dear Lucy at the end. We shall not think of that, but go on our way to the end. I had a growing conviction that this sudden change of his entire intellectual method was but yet another phase of his madness, and so determined to let him go on a little longer, knowing from experience that he would, like all lunatics, give himself away in the end. We seem at last to be on the track, and our work of tomorrow may be the beginning of the end. That we must keep on trusting, and that God will aid us up to the end. Do not fear any of us, we are all devoted to this cause, and today shall see the end. I know that you will always be with me to the end. 'It comes to the same thing in the end. THE END. I know full well that you would not like to see any mishap come to me; but I have faith and confidence in God, that He will protect me to the end. But the great atheists, indeed are hypocrites; which are ever handling holy things, but without feeling; so as they must needs be cauterized in the end. Of which kind also, Plato, in his Protagoras, bringeth in Prodius in scorn, and maketh him make a speech, that consisteth of distinction from the be- ginning to the end. Planting of countries, is like planting of woods; for you must make account to leese al- most twenty years' profit, and expect your recom- pense in the end. George Washington was a primary, or, if Virginians liked it better, an ultimate relation, like the Pole Star, and amid the endless restless motion of every other visible point in space, he alone remained steady, in the mind of Henry Adams, to the end. A captious critic might have replied that all the success he or his father or his grandfather achieved was chiefly due to the field that Europe gave them, and it was more than likely that without the help of Europe they would have all remained local politicians or lawyers, like their neighbors, to the end. They were glad to face the end. By the time society began to reopen its doors after the death of the Prince Consort, even the private secretary occasionally saw a face he knew, although he made no more effort of any kind, but silently waited the end. Algernon Swinburne called it the most noble to the end. Unless they should be more honest with themselves in the future than ever they were in the past, they would be more astonished than their followers when they reached the end. Having nothing else to do, the traveller went on to Washington to wait the end. The consequence of all, the absolute submission due to Providence, both as to our present and future state, v.281, etc., to the end. The Story of Sir Balaam, v.339 to the end. What are the proper objects of Magnificence, and a proper field for the Expense of Great Men, v.177, etc., and finally, the Great and Public Works which become a Prince, v.191 to the end. 4 When he sat down to teach the letters to Jesus, he began with the first letter Aleph; 5 But Jesus pronounced the second letter Mpeth (Beth) Cghimel (Gimel), and said over all the letters to him to the end. 17 For Christianity is not the work of an outward profession; but shows itself in the power of faith, if a man be found faithful unto the end. 232 Whosoever shall do on this wise, are honoured with the Lord; and their place is among the angels, if they shall continue to obey the Lord even unto the end. No omissions nor evasions would answer the end. This, at best, is a proposition confined to one description of causes; and the inference is fair, either that the Massachusetts convention considered that as the only class of federal causes, in which the trial by jury would be proper; or that if desirous of a more extensive provision, they found it impracticable to devise one which would properly answer the end. His conduct and mode of government ruined the Hindu cause in Southern India and opened the whole country to the invader, though he himself did not live to see the end. The third day[332] saw the beginning of the end. Opposite the gate which is on the east side of the front of the open space, and in the middle of it, there are two buildings of the same sort as the House of Victory of which I have spoken; these buildings are served by a kind of staircase of stone beautifully wrought, -- one is in the middle and the other at the end. The little harmony in the selection of the means by which the enemy was to be opposed would not, however, have proved so injurious had there but existed unanimity as to the end. The incident seemed to me novel and proper for a romance, and I waited to see the end. All may be well yet in the end. May it please you, Continue it to the end. I've heard you to the end. Play, loveliest innocence!--Thee yet Arcadia circles round, A charmed power for thee has set the lists of fairy ground; Each gleesome impulse Nature now can sanction and befriend, Nor to that willing heart as yet the duty and the end. In this case the aim or end meets in the material, and it is only because the whole serves the parts that the parts adapt themselves to the end. It is a singular beauty of the German play of "Iphigenia" that the King of Tauris, the only obstacle who thwarts the wishes of Orestes and of his sister, never loses our esteem, and that we love him to the end. Holding a needle in the flame, he dipped it, when red-hot, into an old cocoa tin, and withdrew it with a bead of opium adhering to the end. A complete index is furnished at the end. In the house of one Attaf hight," rejoined Ja'afar, who recounted all that his host had done with him from the beginning to the end. The Rawi said: When she had finished her poetry Ja'afar threw off the last dress and cried out, and the youth said, May God ameliorate your life and make its beginning the end. He liked to pretend that he despised the world and hated men, but this assertion could not be taken literally, and was to be regarded in a general, rather than a special sense, for every beautiful thing in the world kindled eager enthusiasm in his heart, and he remained kindly disposed towards individuals to the end. At his departure Philipp tried to induce the Eletto to change his course betimes, for he was following a dangerous path; but Ulrich laughed in his face, exclaiming: "You know I have found the right word, and shall use it to the end. Count Oberstein, the German commander of the lansquenets, who while intoxicated had pledged himself to make common cause with the mutineers in the citadel, remembered his duty and remained faithful to the end. It had been Charlotte's remark that they were at last "beyond" her; whereas he had ever enjoyed believing that a certain easy imagination in her would keep up with him to the end. That's where my part is so plain--to see her through, to see her through to the end. What he undertook for you he'll do to the end. All of which but deepened Maggie's sense of the sharp and simple need, now, of seeing her through to the end. The right, the right--yes, it took this extraordinary form of her humbugging, as she had called it, to the end. It took a long time, but I succeeded in the end. Promise to stay to the end. The doctor says it's the end. I opened a little mahogany desk with brass trimmings, which was placed between the two windows, in hope of finding some ink and paper; but all I found was a quill-pen, very much worn, and chewed at the end. He knew how tenacious of life, how vigorous and unyielding she was, and she might last another week, in spite of the doctor's opinion; and so he said resolutely: "No, I would rather you would fix a price for the whole time until the end. I said to myself: 'It's the end-it's the end. He will disappear, and that will be the end. That was the end. For Love, the charioteer, is easily tripped, while honest jog-trot Love keeps his legs to the end. if these women are bad, I like them better than a set of hypocritical creatures who are all show, and deceive you in the end. I shall walk on that line up to the end. He walked rather as a man down a lengthened corridor, whose light to which he turns is in one favourite corner, visible till he reaches the end. By the same rule, your cousin Algernon may prove to be some comfort to his father, in the end. You incline to scorn him because, his slippers misplaced, or asparagus not on his table the first day of a particular Spring month, he gazes blankly and sighs as one who saw the End. To-morrow we leave, and there's the end. You will not find me save when you forget Earth's feebleness, and come to faith, my friend, For all Humanity doth owe a debt To all Humanity, until the end. 'Well, ma'am,' said the squire, calm at white heat; 'a fool's confession ought to be heard out to the end. There was the end. The biggest hart wins in the end. He was dying: his two children were nursing him to the end. Let her life be torn and streaming like the flag of battle, it must be forward to the end. No, not the end. One could swear of her that she would have noble offspring!--But old Vernon has had his disappointment, and will moan over it up to the end. He might rage at me for a day and a night, and I would rock him to sleep in the end. That was the end. The wild brain of Diana, armed by her later enlightenment as to the laws of life and nature, dashed in revolt at the laws of the world when she thought of the forces, natural and social, urging young women to marry and be bound to the end. what a funny people, sir!--It 's our way of holding the balance, ma'am.--But would it not be better to rectify the law and the social system, dear sir?--Why, ma'am, we find it comfortabler to take cases as they come, in the style of our fathers.--But don't you see, my good man, that you are offering scapegoats for the comfort of the majority? --Well, ma'am, there always were scapegoats, and always will be; we find it comes round pretty square in the end. I gain more in the end. But Marsett 's Marsett to the end. Admitting the position of affairs for the moment as extraordinary, we are bound by what has happened to expect they will be conformable in the end. A relative from whom a Reversion comes is near the end. I suppose their excellencies to make a pretty nearly equal sum in the end. But the day went too clearly to crown the light and the tight and the right man of the two, for moralizing to wag its tail at the end. The son of the hardheaded father came out at a crisis; and not too highhandedly: he could hear an opposite argument to the end. He eyed her, as one who drinks, And would drink to the end. When Le Moyne is the hunter he never will kennel till the end. But--I warrant the sword will be your best wife in the end. It was the beginning of the end. Another roar, with a prolonged shake at the end. Not long afterwards, there was once more great dearth throughout the land, and the children heard their mother saying at night to their father: 'Everything is eaten again, we have one half loaf left, and that is the end. I have vowed to serve the holy Church, in which alone is salvation, in every way and with all the means at my command; and I will despise none of these means, consider none trifling, disdain none, provided it leads to the end. For, the boys and girls sat on the face of the inclined plane in two compact bodies, divided up the centre by a narrow interval; and Sissy, being at the corner of a row on the sunny side, came in for the beginning of a sunbeam, of which Bitzer, being at the corner of a row on the other side, a few rows in advance, caught the end. Now that I have asked you so much, tell me the end. The concepts of moral responsibility, of desert, of guilt, are emptied of all significance, when we lose sight of the nature, inborn or acquired, of the creature haled before the bar of our judgment, and of the environment, which on the one hand, impels him to action, and, on the other, furnishes the stage upon which the drama of his life must be played out to the end. The thing was in your hands from the beginning to the end. This record will serve to explain the omission to vote on the First Article--Messrs. Sherman and Howe being precluded from supporting it in consequence of the position taken by them in the controversy between the two Houses of Congress over the first section of the Tenure-of-Office Bill while that bill was pending, and to avoid defeat on the first vote taken, which was inevitable on that Article--and also to explain, so far as any explanation is possible, the zig-zag method of conducting the ballot--skipping all the first ten Articles and going down to the bottom of the list for the first vote, with the promise of then going back to the first Article and continuing to the end. That would, in time, by equally logical sequence, have been the natural, inevitable result--and the end. Beethoven chose to make all right in the end. I wanted to get back to the Earth, don't you see, like Richard does in the end. I knew you'd say that in the end. And Helen, dumb with fright, but trying to keep calm for the child's sake, and Miss Avery, calm, but murmuring tenderly, "No one ever told the lad he'll have a child"--they also reminded her that horror is not the end. She was one of those people who think that, if you say the same thing over and over a great many times, it becomes true in the end. But they always became a reality, and were victorious in the end. She wanted her son to know what she looked like at the end. She was obliged to ask for a glass of water in the middle of the sitting; and the assistant, seeing she was ill, suggested that she should come another day, but she insisted on staying till the end. He gave Philip Newman's Apologia to read, and Philip, finding it very dull, nevertheless read it to the end. The smoky atmosphere made Philip's eyes ache, but when he suggested going she turned to him with beseeching face and asked him to stay till the end. When he had altered some drawing in accordance with Philip's suggestion, he always finished up by saying: "Well, it comes round to my own idea in the end. I expect I shall 'ave to pop over to Paris for it in the end. That was the end. Mr. Carey, exhausted by his effort, fell into a light doze, and Philip sat down by the bed and waited for the end. and so on to the end. No, Varia, I shall sit it out to the end. THE END. The desire of winning souls to Christ had begun the work, had run all through it almost to the end. Besides, with this creed, I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last: with this creed revenge never worries my heart, degradation never too deeply disgusts me, injustice never crushes me too low: I live in calm, looking to the end. "I will tease you and vex you to your heart's content, when I have finished my tale: but hear me to the end." I can guess your feelings," he said, "but restrain them for a while: I have nearly finished; hear me to the end. I know my Leader: that He is just as well as mighty; and while He has chosen a feeble instrument to perform a great task, He will, from the boundless stores of His providence, supply the inadequacy of the means to the end. I had a part given me, which I studied for six months without intermission, and in which, on the evening of the representation, I was obliged to be prompted from the beginning to the end. The book I commonly read at night was the Bible, which, in this manner I read five or six times from the beginning to the end. This was the beginning of the end. He declared vehemently that in all his conduct, since his arrival in the provinces, he had been governed exclusively by the interests of Philip, an object which he should steadily pursue to the end. Had they risked the dangerous alternative, it might have ensured the triumph of the whole enterprise, while their actual decision proved most disastrous in the end. The murder of President Brisson and his colleagues by the confederates of the sixteen quarters, was in truth the beginning of the end. The queen, instantly broke the seal and read the letter to the end. His wife, who governed him, and had thus far guided him safely, hoped to do so to the end. Once more James referred to the crisis pending in German affairs, and as usual spoke of the Clove and Julich question as if it were a simple matter to be settled by a few strokes of the pen and a pennyworth of sealing-wax, instead of being the opening act in a vast tragedy, of which neither he, nor Carom nor Barneveld, nor Prince Maurice, nor the youthful king of France, nor Philip, nor Matthias, nor any of the men now foremost in the conduct of affairs, was destined to see the end. I place my trust in God the Lord and in my upright and conscientious determination to serve the country, his Excellency, and the religion in which through God's grace I hope to continue to the end. John Franken has served me faithfully for many years and throughout all these my afflictions, and is to remain with me to the end. No matter however strong and brave the Emperor's soldiers were, the rebel with his magic could always escape in the end. THE END. which she read to the end. So they went home, with a deadly terror gnawing at their souls; and that evening Jurgis came home and heard their story, and that was the end. Christmas was almost come; and because the snow still held, and the searching cold, morning after morning Jurgis hall carried his wife to her post, staggering with her through the darkness; until at last, one night, came the end. He would not spend a penny save for this; and, after two or three days more, he even became sparing of the bread, and would stop and peer into the ash barrels as he walked along the streets, and now and then rake out a bit of something, shake it free from dust, and count himself just so many minutes further from the end. THE END. 119:33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. 119:112 I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway, even unto the end. 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. 6:26 I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end. 7:26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 26:58 But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end. 3:5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. towards the end. 12; (3) by the obviously later style of verse 37 to the end. SAY: Each one of us awaiteth the end. ye shall be examined in the end. It is an abuse from the beginning to the end. But he still let the man go on with his story, and heard him out at last to the end. On the present occasion he did say a word, but she would not even hear him to the end. But I move about through my little world thinking of him, and I shall do so till the end. That may perhaps be the most expedient course for us all in the end. Let me see what further he writes to me,' he then said; and after that he continued the letter slowly to the end. both men and women cut their hair in the forehead which comes down as low as the eyebrows, they have long earlocks cut square at the end. both men & women Cut their hair in the forehead which comes down as low as the Eyebrows, they have long ear locks Cut Square at the end. he informs me this Snag was about 1 inch in diamuter burnt at the end. He had no doubt as to the end. He did not even say to himself that he would not go as far as the end. This manuscript of fifteen pages suddenly and sweetly revealed to her all of love, sorrow, destiny, life, eternity, the beginning, the end. The hydra at the beginning, the angel at the end. Old age goes towards the end. These three manifestations,--the fugitive-slave law, the Dred Scott decision, and the anarchy in Kansas,--though they were revolting in the extreme and indescribably painful, hastened the end. With unspeakable loyalty and devotion he served his chief and his country to the end. THE END. thought Alice, as she groped her way among the tables and chairs, for the shop was very dark towards the end. Saints He hath, good store: Their names are written in His Book of Life; Kneel down, my sons, and pray that if thus long I seem to stand, I fall not at the end. "Well, he went a bit woozy towards the end." This was close before the end. The girls listened with interest, for the tale was romantic, and somewhat pathetic, as most of the characters died in the end. Next morning, instead of the usual call, Amy received a note which made her smile at the beginning and sigh at the end. There was only a comfortable glow that warmed and did him good without putting him into a fever, and he was reluctantly obliged to confess that the boyish passion was slowly subbsiding into a more tranquil sentiment, very tender, a little sad and resentful still, but that was sure to pass away in time, leaving a brotherly affection which would last unbroken to the end. Of course it was uphill work at first, and Jo made queer mistakes, but the wise Professor steered her safely into calmer waters, and the most rampant ragamuffin was conquered in the end. As soon as their war of prices began everybody was interested, and some few guessed the end. There was a knock at the door; literally, three full knocks and a little one at the end. Some men suffer their most grievous temptations in the beginning of their conversion, some at the end. He shall be thy provider and faithful watchman in all things, so that thou hast no need to trust in men, for men soon change and swiftly pass away, but Christ remaineth for ever and standeth by us firmly even to the end. What I have promised I will give; what I have said I will fulfil; if only a man remain faithful in My love unto the end. Lord, it is true as Thou sayest; let it, I pray Thee, be so with me; let Thy truth teach me, let it keep me and preserve me safe unto the end. Grant me Thy grace, most merciful Jesus, that it may be with me, and work in me, and persevere with me, even unto the end. And if he fall into any tribulation, howsoever he may be entangled, yet very quickly he shall be delivered through Thee, or by Thee shall be comforted, because Thou wilt not forsake him that trusteth in Thee unto the end. Fred laughed, and went on with his tune to the end. But Lydgate had not been long in the town before there were particulars enough reported of him to breed much more specific expectations and to intensify differences into partisanship; some of the particulars being of that impressive order of which the significance is entirely hidden, like a statistical amount without a standard of comparison, but with a note of exclamation at the end. Copy me a line or two of that valuation, with the figures at the end. You will never care any more about my one-eyed giant, Loo," said Fred at the end. I remember that one night I sat up and told the rascal stars very earnestly how they should not escape us in the end. "'For an instant before the end." His narrative was short, yet he was obliged to summon up his whole remaining energy to arrive at the end. "Oh, I know what you've been doing," said Tom; "you've been reading the English at the end." But at last there was a change; his uncle took a pen and wrote something with a flourish at the end. Her soul went out to the Unseen Pity that would be with her to the end. The popular inclinations resemble a tidal wave; if the current once commences in your favour, it will go on of its own force to the end. admiration is the foundation of all philosophy, inquisition the progress, ignorance the end. Nor is this the end. As good luck would have it, they had had a whale alongside a day or two previous, and the great tackles were still aloft, and the massive curved blubber-hook, now clean and dry, was still attached to the end. I like to take in hand none but clean, virgin, fair-and-square mathematical jobs, something that regularly begins at the beginning, and is at the middle when midway, and comes to an end at the conclusion; not a cobbler's job, that's at an end in the middle, and at the beginning at the end. A vague uneasiness took possession of them as they neared the end. It would have seemed to them quite insufficient to carry them to the end. Alma 12:27 27 But behold, it was not so; but it was appointed unto men that they must die; and after death, they must come to judgment, even that same judgment of which we have spoken, which is the end. And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end. Alma 38:2 2 And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Moroni 3 Chapter 3 Moroni 3:1 1 The manner which the disciples, who were called the elders of the church, ordained priests and teachers-- Moroni 3:2 2 After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they laid their hands upon them, and said: Moroni 3:3 3 In the name of Jesus Christ I ordain you to be a priest, (or, if he be a teacher) I ordain you to be a teacher, to preach repentance and remission of sins through Jesus Christ, by the endurance of faith on his name to the end. Moroni 8:3 3 I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end. He earnestly tried to keep these resolutions until the end. When the lad ended she began, precisely in the same words, and ranted on without hitch or divergence till she too reached the end. "I can hold it," said Eustacia; and he placed the rope in her hands, going then to search for the end. Finally, as the Continental system had destroyed all trade by the ports of the Baltic, Russia showed herself more favourable to the English, and gradually reciprocal complaints of bad faith led to that war whose unfortunate issue was styled by M. Talleyrand "the beginning of the end. Of the forces of the court and its far-reaching might, of the high worship (18) and of the chivalry these lords did ply with joy throughout their life, of this forsooth none might relate to you the end. None might tell the story of this tiring to the end. Now may God requite you, most noble Rudeger, for all the love and fealty that ye have shown us, if ye would only act more kindly at the end. God knows that I do not wish to undervalue the devotion of the faithful servants who followed the fortunes of the Emperor to the end. Many heroes have they slain, yet of the deeds of Siegfried, done in battle, none shall tell to the end. His nose was straight, and a little turned up at the end. Skarphedinn got Thorhilda, but he stayed still with his father to the end. "Ye would say or do little," says Gunnar, "before a quarrel would spring up; but with me it will take longer, though it will be all the same in the end." And society's so constituted that the harder they work, the greater the profit of the merchants and landowners, while they stay beasts of burden to the end. She disengaged the letter and began reading it at the end. That's always at the end. It's the end. Stepan Arkadyevitch knew that when Karenin began to talk of what THEY were doing and thinking, the persons who would not accept his report and were the cause of everything wrong in Russia, that it was coming near the end. But I'm going first thing to-morrow, so it'll all be the same in the end. None of you could see the end. To be hanged by the neck, till he was dead--that was the end. XLII But that enchantress kind, who with more care Than for himself he watched, still kept the knight, Designed to drag him, by rough road and bare, Towards true virtue, in his own despite; As often cunning leech will burn and pare The flesh, and poisonous drug employ aright: Who, though at first his cruel art offend, Is thanked, since he preserves us in the end. XXVIII "Besides that Faustus sorrowed to descry Him so bested; worse cause for sorrowing Was to that courtier to appear to lie Before Astolpho; he was pledged to bring One that was fairest deemed in every eye, Who must appear the foulest to that king; Yet he continued on his way to wend, And brought him to Pavia in the end. THE END. While soldier thus and chief, In doubtful sort, against their hidden fate Devised their counsel, Appius (6) alone Feared for the chances of the war, and sought Through Phoebus' ancient oracle to break The silence of the gods and know the end. When men have left their homes To seek another, it hath turned their steps Aright, as with the Tyrians; (10) and raised The hearts of nations to confront their foe, As prove the waves of Salamis: (11) when earth Hath been unfruitful, or polluted air Has plagued mankind, this utterance benign Hath raised their hopes and pointed to the end. Such the faith which Fortune kept With prosperous Pompeius to the end. Sorrow COUNT each affliction, whether light or grave, God's messenger sent down to thee; do thou With courtesy receive him; rise and bow; And, ere his shadow pass thy threshold, crave Permission first his heavenly feet to lave; Then lay before him all thou hast; allow No cloud of passion to usurp thy brow, Or mar thy hospitality; no wave Of mortal tumult to obliterate The soul's marmoreal calmness: Grief should be, Like joy, majestic, equable, sedate; Confirming, cleansing, raising, making free; Strong to consume small troubles; to commend Great thoughts, grave thoughts, thoughts lasting to the end. It is enough; the end and the beginning Are one thing to thee, who art past the end. F is a covered walk, with the necessary at the end. But in Greek before historical times the accent had become limited to the last three syllables of a word, so that a long word like the Homeric genitive feromenoio could in no circumstances be accented on either of its first two syllables, while if the final syllable was long, as in the accusative plural feromenous, the accent could go back only to the second syllable from the end. In historical times, when the stress in Latin was on the second syllable from the end of the word if that syllable was long, or on the third syllable from the end if the second from the end was short, we should have expected to find *peparci and *collaedo, for throughout the historical period the stress rested in these words upon the second syllable from the end. The special feature is the rapid fall of voltage at the end. This was the end. The rising in the midland and Munster counties, and the formal adhesion of the Lords of the Pale, were two of the principal steps towards the end. Besides, they were informed that he was even intriguing with the Helots; and such indeed was the fact, for he promised them freedom and citizenship if they would join him in insurrection and would help him to carry out his plans to the end. It is the end. Labor, we say, is being organized: that is, the process of organization has been going on from the beginning of the world, and will continue till the end. By the importance of its acquirements, by its capital, in a word, the intelligence of one individual differs and will always differ from that of another; but, being a power equal in all at the beginning, social progress must consist in rendering it, by an ever increasing perfection of methods, again equal in all at the end. In this volume the notes are at the end. I presume," I said, "you have authority for this spelling, but I have always supposed the name to be written with an e at the end. Hitherto it had served me well, and I now resolved to make it avail me to the end. They would not even look at the end. I resolved to be off forthwith, and try and establish myself in some decent occupation, without dancing attendance any longer upon the caprices of these eccentric old people, and running the risk of being made a genius of in the end. The second step having been a consequence of the _data, _the third step is equally a consequence of the second, the fourth of the third, the fifth of the fourth, and so on, _and not possibly otherwise, _to the end. When the proper time arrives, all that the gentleman intended, and all that he did not intend, will be brought to light, in the "Dial," or the "Down-Easter," together with all that he ought to have intended, and the rest that he clearly meant to intend: -- so that it will all come very straight in the end. [To discover the names in this and the following poem read the first letter of the first line in connection with the second letter of the second line, the third letter of the third line, the fourth of the fourth and so on to the end. By Complication I mean all from the beginning of the story to the point just before the change in the hero's fortunes; by Denouement, all from the beginning of the change to the end. In the _Lynceus_ of Theodectes, for instance, the Complication includes, together with the presupposed incidents, the seizure of the child and that in turn of the parents; and the Denouement all from the indictment for the murder to the end. And now he discovered that although the hole was narrow, it was much longer than he had supposed; for in one direction the roof came down very low, and the hole went off in a narrow passage, of which he could not see the end. I will take care of what Curdie thinks of you in the end. Trust in me--all shall go well in the end. He was for Ireland and Parnell and so was his father: and so was Dante too for one night at the band on the esplanade she had hit a gentleman on the head with her umbrella because he had taken off his hat when the band played GOD SAVE THE QUEEN at the end. Still, 500 pounds will not last two young people for ever; and they both knew, and Eliza felt as well, that they must shift for themselves in the end. But I've learned from long experience that every road leads somewhere, or there wouldn't be any road; so it's likely that if we travel long enough, my dear, we will come to some place or another in the end. Once more Adeimantus returns with the allusion to his brother Glaucon whom he compares to the contentious State; in the next book he is again superseded, and Glaucon continues to the end. Several times in the course of the discussion Thrasymachus had made an attempt to get the argument into his own hands, and had been put down by the rest of the company, who wanted to hear the end. I can read the first few lines and these in the middle of the second page, and one or two at the end. But at least I shall follow it to the end. This was the beginning of the end. Bailie Grahame wad hae an unco hair in my neck an he got that tale by the end. You were to trot her out at the end. THE END. Perhaps--vaguely--Marguerite hoped that the daring plotter, who for so many months had baffled an army of spies, would still manage to evade Chauvelin and remain immune to the end. I guess the professional always scores over the amateur in the end. I must go through with this business to the end. We seem so beset with difficulties on every side, that though it would make us miserable for a time, we should be happier perhaps in the end. _165 THE END. THE END. In the present arrangement all his poetical translations will be placed together at the end. Slop.--With all my heart, replied my father, I don't care what they call you,--but I wish the whole science of fortification, with all its inventors, at the devil;--it has been the death of thousands,--and it will be mine in the end.--I would not, I would not, brother Toby, have my brains so full of saps, mines, blinds, gabions, pallisadoes, ravelins, half-moons, and such trumpery, to be proprietor of Namur, and of all the towns in Flanders with it. Thereon they all three seized the body of poor Ustane by the arms, and dragged it heavily down the cavern and away through the curtains at the end. I only know that I love thee as I never loved before, and that I will cleave to thee to the end. Yes, he had reached the end. Idle words; he might have borne his burden more bravely than we,--aye, and found it lighter too, some day; for surely, surely this is not the end. Home to dinner, and after dinner up and read part of the new play of "The Five Houres' Adventures," which though I have seen it twice; yet I never did admire or understand it enough, it being a play of the greatest plot that ever I expect to see, and of great vigour quite through the whole play, from beginning to the end. From morning till 11 at night (only a little at dinner at home) at my office very busy, setting many businesses in order to my great trouble, but great content in the end. They have been evil, and evil they must be only, to the end. I therefore plead to you now to arrest a fanaticism which has been evil in the beginning, and must be evil to the end. While we, seekers of earth's treasures Getters and hoarders of gold, Are self-contained, compact, harmonized, Even to the end. And then they arrested me as a witness, And I lost my train and staid in Spoon River To wage my battle of life to the end. The good--they have always been the beginning of the end.-- 27. There was a certain kind of man that Jeff would size up sideways as he stropped the razor, and in whose ear he would whisper: "I see where Saint Louis has took four straight games off Chicago,"--and so hold him fascinated to the end. You went out of the back door of the shop, and through a grass plot with petunias beside it, and the house stood at the end. Jimmy was mounted on a gray-hipped horse, which was also out on my former trip; he carried his rider well to the end. The expression in these animals' eyes when they saw the horses drinking was extraordinary; they seemed as though they were going to speak, and had they done so, I know well they would have said, "You give those useless little pigmies the water that cannot save them, and you deny it to us, who have carried it, and will yet be your only saviours in the end. On the 24th August, having filled up everything that could hold a drop of water, we departed from this little isolated spot, having certainly 160 miles of desert without water to traverse, and perhaps none to be found at the end. The end. The offer of a gross sum instead of the satisfaction of each individual claim was accepted because the only alternatives were a rigorous exaction of the whole amount stated to be due on each claim, which might in some instances be exaggerated by design, in other over- rated through error, and which, therefore, it would have been both ungracious and unjust to have insisted on; or a settlement by a mixed commission, to which the French negotiators were very averse, and which experience in other cases had shewn to be dilatory and often wholly inadequate to the end. Although these devices sometimes appear to give temporary relief, they almost invariably aggravate the evil in the end. No matter what ought to be the relations between such settlements and the aborigines, the fact is they do not harmonize well, and one or the other has to give way in the end. And the justice of morality must and will win in the end. By the side of the road to Knowing--O King, it is hard and hot--stand many temples, and in the doorway of every temple stand many priests, and they cry to the travellers that weary of the road, crying to them: "This is the End. And in the temples are the sounds of music, and from each roof arises the savour of pleasant burning; and all that look at a cool temple, whichever temple they look at, or hear the hidden music, turn in to see whether it be indeed the End. And such as find that their temple is not indeed the End set forth again upon the dusty road, stopping at each temple as they pass for fear they miss the End, or striving onwards on the road, and see nothing in the dust, till they can walk no longer and are taken worn and weary of their journey into some other temple by a kindly priest who shall tell them that this also is the End. And the traveller answered: "Yush is very peaceful and this indeed the End. Here among the rocks which first had gathered to the call of Yarni Zai, Hothrun Dath felt a mighty fear, but yet went onwards because of all his people and because he knew that thrice in every hour in some dark chamber Death and Famine met to speak two words together, "The End. then thou shalt answer: 'The End. They must not find you, for, though you fight with the strength of many men, they will kill you in the end. This is the end. Hear, Lord, my prayer; let not my soul faint under Thy discipline, nor let me faint in confessing unto Thee all Thy mercies, whereby Thou hast drawn me out of all my most evil ways, that Thou mightest become a delight to me above all the allurements which I once pursued; that I may most entirely love Thee, and clasp Thy hand with all my affections, and Thou mayest yet rescue me from every temptation, even unto the end. Certainly, if there be mind gifted with such vast knowledge and foreknowledge, as to know all things past and to come, as I know one well-known Psalm, truly that mind is passing wonderful, and fearfully amazing; in that nothing past, nothing to come in after-ages, is any more hidden from him, than when I sung that Psalm, was hidden from me what, and how much of it had passed away from the beginning, what, and how much there remained unto the end. For there Thou instructest us, to divide between the things intellectual, and things of sense, as betwixt the day and the night; or between souls, given either to things intellectual, or things of sense, so that now not Thou only in the secret of Thy judgment, as before the firmament was made, dividest between the light and the darkness, but Thy spiritual children also set and ranked in the same firmament (now that Thy grace is laid open throughout the world), may give light upon the earth, and divide betwixt the day and the night, and be for signs of times, that old things are passed away, and, behold, all things are become new; and that our salvation is nearer than when we believed: and that the night is far spent, and the day is at hand: and that Thou wilt crown Thy year with blessing, sending the labourers of Thy goodness into Thy harvest, in sowing whereof, others have laboured, sending also into another field, whose harvest shall be in the end. 199 The End. They have come short of the perfect state through misunderstanding of the end or through ignorance of the proper means to the end. -- Pamfilo's story elicited the mirth of some of the ladies and the hearty commendation of all, who listened to it with close attention until the end. If, indeed, any of us here may ever see the end. we'll be told officially, I suppose, that it was an accident, or sleep-walking, or something of the kind, to satisfy the conscience of our Record Department; and that will be the end. Why, when this matter was fresh to me, I offered to go on with it to the end. We know from what has been, that there are, or may be, vast and unknown dangers ahead of us, of which none in the house today may ever see the end. One of the most sure principles is, that success depends on a due mixture of special and non-special minds--of minds which attend to the means, and of minds which attend to the end. He reached out his hand for a cigar, and cut the end. He, I know--for the question had been discussed among us long before the Time Machine was made--thought but cheerlessly of the Advancement of Mankind, and saw in the growing pile of civilization only a foolish heaping that must inevitably fall back upon and destroy its makers in the end. The competitor with whom the entertainer wishes to institute a comparison is, by this method, made to serve as a means to the end. After a couple of weeks a motion to put the bill through was made by "the bald eagle"; the "black horse cavalry," whose feelings had undergone a complete change in the intervening time, voted unanimously for it, in company with all the decent members; and that was the end. To do this I had to visit the districts, put the case fairly before the men whom I saw, and make them understand that I was really making a fight and would stay in the fight to the end. However, in that case, doubtless the very men who in the actual event deplored the loss of life and waste of capital which their own supineness had brought about would have loudly inveighed against the "excessive and improper cost of armaments"; so it all came to about the same thing in the end. I was prompt with my answer, however, for I saw where my advantage lay and that with a fellow so densely stupid I could easily conceal my suspicions to the end. 2, towards the end. But that we may understand the full force of this double relation, we must consider, that it is not the present sensation alone or momentary pain or pleasure, which determines the character of any passion, but the whole bent or tendency of it from the beginning to the end. The goodness of an end can bestow a merit on such means alone as are compleat, and actually produce the end. "There was a pause and then Mr. Guggenheim continued: " `Tell my wife, Johnson, if it should happen that my secretary and I both go down and you are saved, tell her I played the game out straight and to the end. But this was not yet quite the end. In going on with the record of what was hideous at Bly, I not only challenge the most liberal faith--for which I little care; but--and this is another matter--I renew what I myself suffered, I again push my way through it to the end. Flora has now her grievance, and she'll work it to the end. Look at this,' said Towers, getting up and turning over the pages of the pamphlet, and pointing to a passage near the end. M. de la Fayette went to America at the early period of the war, and continued a volunteer in her service to the end. I have just to copy the end. But I will fight for the right till the end. The end. Get out before the end. The Boers were the beginning of the end. "No," said Tom; "time was when I would; but the Lord's given me a work among these yer poor souls, and I'll stay with 'em and bear my cross with 'em till the end." I have reserved all I have to say about the Ainos till I had been actually among them, and I hope you will have patience to read to the end. So poor Amelia had been getting ready in silent misery for her son's departure, and had passed many and many a long solitary hour in making preparations for the end. Though reserved in its earlier vocabulary, it becomes, if I remember right, quite garrulous towards the end. Him shalt thou have, and him shalt thou quickly miss; and Atli the king shalt thou wed; and thy brethren shalt thou lose, and slay Atli withal in the end. Accordingly he stood up, and laughed at their pretended accusation, and in a few words confuted the crimes laid to his charge; after which he turned his speech to his accusers, and went over distinctly all their transgressions of the law, and made heavy lamentation upon the confusion they had brought public affairs to: in the mean time, the zealots grew tumultuous, and had much ado to abstain from drawing their swords, although they designed to preserve the appearance and show of judicature to the end. Then suddenly he noticed with a start that some of the grey clinker, the ashy incrustation that covered the meteorite, was falling off the circular edge of the end. The idea people seemed to have here was that the Martians were simply formidable human beings, who might attack and sack the town, to be certainly destroyed in the end. Had my foot stumbled, it would have been the end. I do not know the immediate sequel to the foregoing correspondence, but it all came perfectly right in the end. Dearest," rejoined her lover, "we have ever hitherto endeavoured to be all of these things; we have not been worldly people; let us watch and pray that we may so continue to the end. On the other hand the father doubtless argued that he had never told Theobald he was to have anything at all; he had a full right to do what he liked with his own money; if Theobald chose to indulge in unwarrantable expectations that was no affair of his; as it was he was providing for him liberally; and if he did take 2500 pounds of Theobald's share he was still leaving it to Theobald's son, which, of course, was much the same thing in the end. Mr Pontifex's life not only continued a long time, but was prosperous right up to the end. I remonstrated, but he was very decided about it; and when I reflected that they were illegitimate, I was not sure but that what Ernest proposed might be as well for everyone in the end. The beginning comes out of the end. Gerald would be a dark horse to the end. He knew it was so, he knew it was the end. That then was the end. There is not only NO NEED for our places of work to be ugly, but their ugliness ruins the work, in the end. They seem to creep down some ghastly tunnel of darkness, and will never be satisfied till they've come to the end. He was weak, but he did not want to rest, he wanted to go on and on, to the end. Lavrushka noticed this and to entertain him further, pretending not to know who Napoleon was, added: "We know that you have Bonaparte and that he has beaten everybody in the world, but we are a different matter..."- without knowing why or how this bit of boastful patriotism slipped out at the end. Night and day, hardly sleeping at all, she watched him and, terrible to say, often watched him not with hope of finding signs of improvement but wishing to find symptoms of the approach of the end. But they... they were steady and calm all the time, to the end..." thought he. Formerly he had feared the end. Beyond Vyazma the French army instead of moving in three columns huddled together into one mass, and so went on to the end. Will stick to you clear to the end. Neither the poet nor the responsive guide took the slightest notice of their rudeness, but kept on as energetically as ever to the end.