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Il modulo è protetto."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Il module con il path %path% non è scrivibile!"],"Saved":["Salvato"],"Database":["Base dati"],"No theme":["Nessun tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Non posso caricare LDAP! - Verifica l'estensione PHP"],"File":["File"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["No caching (Solo per test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Nessuno - mostra tendina nella registrazione dell'utente"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Cache salvata e attivata"],"Become this user":["Diventa questo utente"],"Delete":["Elimina","Cancella"],"Disabled":["Disabilitato"],"Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Save":["Salva"],"Unapproved":["Non approvato"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Non puoi eliminare te stesso!"],"Could not load category.":["Non posso caricare la categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Puoi cancellare solo categorie vuote!"],"Group":["Gruppo"],"Message":["Messaggio"],"Subject":["Soggetto"],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Abilita supporto LDAP"],"Encryption":["Crittografia"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Filtro login"],"Password":["Password"],"Port":["Porta"],"User Filer":["Filtro utente"],"Username":["Username"],"Username Attribute":["Attributo Username"],"Anonymous users can register":["Gli utenti anonimi possono registrarsi"],"Default user group for new users":["Gruppo predefinito per i nuovi utenti"],"Members can invite external users by email":["I membri possono invitare utenti esterni via email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Richiede l'approvazione dell'amministratore del gruppo dopo la registrazione"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Lingua predefinita"],"Default space":["Spazio predefinito"],"Invalid space":["Spazio non valido"],"Name of the application":["Nome dell'applicazione"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostra il tour di introduzione ai nuovi utenti"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tempo di scadenza predefinito (in secondi)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP APC mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP SQLite3 mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Misura predefinita dell'impaginazione (Elementi per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Mostra nome (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Convert command not found!":["Comando Converti non trovato"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Risposta non valida di Image Magick! - Comando corretto?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando Converti di Image Magick (opzionale)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Misura massima del file in upload (in MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usa X-Sendfile per scaricare i file"],"Administrator users":["Utenti amministratori"],"Description":["Descrizione"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Name":["Nome"],"E-Mail sender address":["Indirizzo del mittente dell'e-mail"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nome del mittente dell'e-mail"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo di Mail Transport"],"Port number":["Numero porta"],"User":["Utente"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["I Super Admins possono cancellare ogni oggetto di contenuto"],"HTML tracking code":["Codice HTML per il tracciamento"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["La directory del modulo %moduleId% già esiste!"],"Could not extract module!":["Non posso estrarre il modulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Non posso recuperare la lista dei moduli online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Non posso prendere le informazioni sul modulo online! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["La directory del modulo %modulePath% non è scrivibile!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Non è stata trovata nessuna versione compatibile del modulo!","Nessuna versione compatibile del modulo trovata!"],"Activated":["Attivato"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nessun modulo ancora installato. Installane qualcuno per migliorare le funzionalità!"],"Version:":["Versione:"],"Installed":["Installato","Installati"],"No modules found!":["Nessun modulo trovato!"],"search for available modules online":["cerca moduli disponibili online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tutti i moduli sono aggiornati!"],"About HumHub":["Riguardo HumHub"],"Accept":["Accetta"],"Decline":["Rifiuta"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accetta utente: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Send & save":["Invia e salva"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Rifiuta e cancella l'utente: {displayName}"],"Email":["Email"],"Search for email":["Cerca per email"],"Search for username":["Cerca per username"],"Pending user approvals":["Approvazioni utente In sospeso"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Qui vedi tutti gli utenti che si sono registrati e che sono in attesa di approvazione."],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Per eliminare il gruppo \"{group}\" devi impostare un gruppo alternativo per gli utenti esistenti:"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"Edit group":["Modifica gruppo"],"Group name":["Nome gruppo"],"Search for description":["Cerca per descrizione"],"Search for group name":["Cerca per nome gruppo"],"Manage groups":["Gestisci gruppi"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Puoi dividere gli utenti in gruppi differenti (per team, dipartimenti, ecc.) e definire per loro space standard e amminstratori."],"Error logging":["Log degliErrori"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Mostra {count} elementi per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Pulisci log"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} elementi trovati in totale."],"Available updates":["Aggiornamenti disponibili"],"Browse online":["Sfoglia online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["I moduli estendono le funzionalità di HumHub. Qui puoi installare e gestire i moduli tramite il Marketplace di HumHub."],"Module details":["Dettagli Modulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Questo modulo non fornisce ulteriori informazioni."],"Modules directory":["Elenco Moduli"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli saranno perduti!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati e i file relativi ai moduli saranno perduti!"],"Configure":["Configura"],"Disable":["Disabilita"],"Enable":["Abilita"],"More info":["Più informazioni"],"Set as default":["Imposta come predefinito"],"Uninstall":["Disinstalla"],"Install":["Installa"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Latest version:":["Ultima versione:"],"Installed version:":["Versione installata:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Imposta come modulo predefinito"],"Always activated":["Sempre attivato"],"Deactivated":["Disattivato"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Qui puoi scegliere se il modulo sarà automaticamente attivato o meno in uno space o nel profilo utente. "],"Spaces":["Space"],"User Profiles":["Profili utente"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL è fortemente richiesto in ambienti di produzione per prevenire la trasmissione di password con testo in chiaro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definisce il filtro da applicare quando si tenta di accedere. Sostituisce %uid al nome utente nell'azione di accesso. Esempio: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Attributo LDAP per lo username. Esempio: "uid" o "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limita l'accesso agli utenti che soddisfano questo criterio. Esempio: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" o "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Stato: Errore! (Messaggio: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Stato: OK! ({userCount} Utenti)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["La base DN predefinita usata per cercare gli account."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Password credenziale predefinita (usata solo con lo username qui sopra)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Username credenziale predefinito. Alcuni server richiedono che questo sia nella forma DN. Questo deve essere fornito nella forma DN se il server LDAP richiede un DN per vincolare e il vincolamento dovrebbe essere possible con semplici nomi utente."],"Cache Settings":["Impostazioni Cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salva e svuota Cache"],"CronJob settings":["Impostazioni CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab dell'utente: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ultimo lanciato: (giornaliero):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ultimo lanciato (orario):"],"Never":["Mai"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oppure Crontab dell'utente root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ti preghiamo di assicurarti che i seguenti cronjobs siano installati:"],"Design settings":["Impostazioni Design"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nome Cognome (esempio: John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nome utente (esempio: john)"],"File settings":["Impostazioni File"],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Image Libary corrente: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP impostato ad un massimo di {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Impostazioni Basic"],"Dashboard":["Bacheca"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Esempio: http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questi space."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing predefiniti"],"Activities":["Attività"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Sommario giornaliero"],"Defaults":["Predefinite"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Scegli le impostazioni predefinite quanto un utente riceve le e-mail di notifica o riguardo alle nuove attività. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte dagli utenti nelle impostazioni dell'account."],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Server Settings":["Impostazioni server"],"When I´m offline":["Quando sono offline"],"Mailing settings":["Impostazioni Mailing"],"SMTP Options":["Opzioni SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Impostazioni e ruoli realtivi alla Sicurezza"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verifica i prerequisiti del software Humhub."],"Re-Run tests":["Rilancia il test"],"Statistic settings":["Impostazioni Statistiche"],"Manage spaces":["Gestisci spazi"],"All":["Tutti"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definisci qui le impostazioni di default per i nuovi space."],"Delete space":["Cancella space"],"Edit space":["Modifica space"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In questa panoramica puoi trovare tutti gli space e gestirli."],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Search for space name":["Cerca per nome space"],"Search for space owner":["Cerca per proprietario space"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Space name":["Nome space"],"Space owner":["Proprietario dello Spazio"],"View space":["Vedi space"],"Space Settings":["Impostazioni Space"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo utente? Se questo utente è proprietario di qualche space, tu ne diventerai il proprietario."],"Delete user":["Elimina utente"],"Delete user: {username}":["Elimina utente: {username}"],"Edit user":["Modifica utente"],"Admin":["Amministrazione"],"Delete user account":["Cancella l'account dellutente"],"Edit user account":["Modifica l'account dell'utente"],"View user profile":["Vedi profilo utente"],"Yes":["Sì"],"Manage users":["Gestisci utenti"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In questa panoramica puoi cercare ogni utente registrato e gestirlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria di profili"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria dei profili"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo per il profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo del profilo"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestisci campi dei profili"],"Add new category":["Aggiungi nuova categoria"],"Add new field":["Aggiungi nuovo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Sicurezza & Ruoli"],"Administration menu":["Amministrazione menù"],"Authentication":["Autenticazione"],"Cron jobs":["Cron job"],"Files":["File"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduli"],"Self test & update":["Self test & aggiornamento"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"User approval":["Approvazione utenti"],"User profiles":["Profili utente"],"Users":["Persone"],"Click here to review":["Clicca qui per analizzare"],"New approval requests":["Nuove richieste da approvare"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o più utenti hanno bisogno della tua approvazione come amministratore del gruppo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Non puoi cancellare il commento!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe di destinazione non valida fornita"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Necessari Modello e parametro ID"],"Target not found!":["Destinazione non trovata!"],"Access denied!":["Accesso negato!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permessi insufficienti!"],"Comment":["Commenta"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo commento"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Edit your comment...":["Modifica il tuo commento..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato anche il tuo %displayName%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostra tutti i {total} commenti."],"Post":["Articolo"],"Write a new comment...":["Scrivi un nuovo commento..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostra altri %count% commenti"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione del commento"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo commento?"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Updated :timeago":["Aggiornato :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossibile caricare l'oggetto richiesto"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Hai raggiunto il limite dei contenuti evidenziati!\n\nPuoi evidenziare solo due contenuti alla volta.\nPer evidenziare questo, devi rimuoverne un altro!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossibile trovare il contenuto richiesto!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossibile trovare il link permanente richiesto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Invalid model given!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unknown content class!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Invia"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nessun risultato con i filtri che hai selezionato!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Non c'è ancora niente qui!"],"Move to archive":["Archivia"],"Unarchive":["Disarchivia"],"Add a member to notify":["Aggiungi i partecipanti che riceveranno notifica"],"Make private":["Rendi privato"],"Make public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Notify members":["Notifica i partecipanti"],"Public":["Pubblico"],"What's on your mind?":["A cosa stai pensando?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione dell'articolo"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vuoi veramente cancellare quest'articolo? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!","Vuoi veramente cancellare questo post? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!"],"Archived":["Archiviato"],"Sticked":["In evidenza"],"Turn off notifications":["Disattiva notifiche"],"Turn on notifications":["Attiva notifiche"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente a questa pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente a questo articolo"],"Permalink":["Link permanente"],"Stick":["In evidenza"],"Unstick":["Disevidenzia"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nessuno ha ancora scritto qualcosa.
Inizia tu e scrivi qualcosa..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Lo stream di questo profilo è ancora vuoto"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["La tua bacheca è vuota!
Scrivi qualcosa sul tuo profilo o unisciti a qualche spazio!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
Inizia postando qualcosa..."],"Back to stream":["Torna allo stream"],"Content with attached files":["Contenuti con allegati"],"Created by me":["Creato da me","Create da me"],"Creation time":["Data di creazione"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Last update":["Ultimo aggiornamento"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niente soddisfa i tuoi filtri!"],"Only private posts":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public posts":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"Posts only":["Solo articoli"],"Posts with links":["Articoli con link"],"Show all":["Mostra tutti"],"Sorting":["Ordinamento"],"Where I´m involved":["Dove sono coinvolto"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nessun contenuto pubblico da visualizzare trovato!"],"Directory":["Elenchi"],"Member Group Directory":["Elenco dei gruppi di Utenti"],"show all members":["mostra tutti gli utenti"],"Directory menu":["Menù Elenchi"],"Members":["Membri"],"User profile posts":["Articoli dei profili utente"],"Member directory":["Elenco degli Utenti"],"Follow":["Segui"],"No members found!":["Nessun utente trovato!"],"Unfollow":["Non seguire più"],"search for members":["cerca utenti"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli spazi"],"No spaces found!":["Nessuno spazio trovato!"],"You are a member of this space":["Fai parte di questo space","Fai parte di questo spazio"],"search for spaces":["cerca space"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Non ci sono ancora articoli dei profili utente!"],"Group stats":["Statistiche dei Gruppi"],"Average members":["Media utenti"],"Top Group":["Gruppo più grande"],"Total groups":["Gruppi totali"],"Member stats":["Statistiche degli Utenti"],"New people":["Nuove persone"],"Follows somebody":["Che segue qualcuno"],"Online right now":["Online adesso"],"Total users":["Totale utenti"],"See all":["Vedi tutti"],"New spaces":["Nuovi spazi"],"Space stats":["Statistiche degli spazi"],"Most members":["Con più partecipanti"],"Private spaces":["Space privati"],"Total spaces":["Totale space"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossibile trovare il file richiesto!","Non riesco a trovare il file richiesto!","Non risesco a trovare il file richiesto!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permessi non sufficienti!"],"Created By":["Creato da"],"Created at":["Creato il"],"File name":["Nome file"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type non valido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La grandezza massima del file ({maxFileSize}) è stata raggiunta!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Dimensione"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Questo tipo di file non è consentito!"],"Updated at":["Aggiornato il"],"Updated by":["Aggiornato da"],"Could not upload File:":["Non posso caricare il File:"],"Upload files":["Carica file"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista dei file caricati:"],"Sign in":["Accedi"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossibile trovare la classe di destinazione!"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossibile trovare il record di destinazione!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe non valida!"],"Users who like this":["Utenti ai quali piace"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} piace {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["Anche a %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" piace questo."],"You like this.":["Ti piace."],"You
"],"Like":["Mi piace"],"Unlike":["Non mi piace più"],"and {count} more like this.":["e ad altri {count} piace questo."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossibile determinare l'url di reindirizzamento per questo tipo di oggetto sorgente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Non posso caricare l'oggetto sorgente della notifica per effettuare il reindirizzamento!"],"New":["Nuovo"],"Mark all as seen":["Segna tutte come lette"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Non ci sono notifiche."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo articolo."],"Edit your post...":["Modifica il tuo articolo..."],"Read full post...":["Leggi tutto l'articolo..."],"Search results":["Risultati di Ricerca"],"Content":["Contenuto","Contenuti"],"Send & decline":["Invia e rifiuta"]," Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Non posso cancellare l'utente che è proprietario di uno space! Nome dello Space: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Ognuno può entrare"],"Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Only by invite":["Solo per invito"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privato (Invisibile)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Pubblico (Membri e ospiti)"],"Public (Members only)":["Pubblico (Solo membri)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Pubblico (Solo utenti registrati)"],"Public (Visible)":["Pubblico (Visibile)"],"Visible for all":["Visibile a tutti"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visibile a tutti (membri e ospiti)"],"Space is invisible!":["Lo spazio è invisibile!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Devi autenticarti per vedere il contenuto di questo spazio!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Come proprietario non puoi revocare la tua membership!"],"Could not request membership!":["Non puoi richiedere la membership!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Non ci sono inviti pendenti!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Questa azione è disponibile solo per i membri del workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Non puoi aggiungerti a questo spazio!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Il titolo dello space è già in uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["La tua password"],"Invites":["Inviti"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuovi utenti tramite e-mail (separati da virgola)"],"User is already member!":["L'utente è già membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} è già registrato!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} non è valida!"],"Application message":["Messaggio dell'applicazikone"],"Scope":["Ambito"],"Strength":["Robustezza"],"Created At":["Creato il"],"Join Policy":["Policy di aggiunta"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Status":["Stato"],"Tags":["Tag"],"Updated At":["Aggiornato il"],"Visibility":["Visibilità"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL del sito (opzionale)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare spazi privati visibili!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare spazi pubblici visibili!"],"Modify space image":["Modifica l'immagine dello spazio"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Seleziona l'area della tua immagine che vuoi salvare come avatar utente e clicca Salva."],"Delete space":["Elimina space"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo space? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!"],"General space settings":["Impostazioni Generali dello space"],"Archive":["Archivia"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Scegli il tipo di membership che vuoi fornire per questo workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Scegli il livello di sicurezza di questo workspace per definirne la visibilità."],"Manage your space members":["Gestisci i membri del tuo space"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Inviti inviati In sospeso"],"Outstanding user requests":["Richieste In sospeso"],"Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Consenti a questo utente di
invitare altri utenti"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Consenti a questo utente di
creare contenuti pubblici"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo membro da questo space?"],"Can invite":["Può invitare"],"Can share":["Può condividere"],"Change space owner":["Cambia il proprietario dello space"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Gli utenti esterni invitati tramite email non saranno elencati qui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Nello spazio qui sotto vedi tutti i membri attivi di questo space. Puoi modificare i loro privilegi o rimuoverli da questo space."],"Is admin":["E' amministratore"],"Make this user an admin":["Rendi questo utente un amministratore"],"No, cancel":["No, annulla"],"Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Request message":["Messaggio di richiesta"],"Revoke invitation":["Revoca invito"],"Search members":["Cerca membri"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono in attesa di approvazione per entrare in questo space. Per favore fai qualcosa ora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono stati già invitati in questo space, ma non hanno finora accettato l'invito."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Il proprietario dello space è il super amministratore di uno space con tutti i privilegi e normalmente è il creatore dello space. Qui puoi cambiare questo ruolo a favore di un altro utente."],"Yes, remove":["Sì, rimuovi"],"Space Modules":["Moduli dello Space"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo space saranno cancellati!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo space!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Potenzia questo space con i moduli"],"Create new space":["Crea nuovo space"],"Advanced access settings":["Impostazioni avanzate di accesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Impostazioni di ricerca avanzate"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Anche i non membri possono vedere questo
space, ma non hanno accesso"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Ogni utente può entrare nel tuo space
senza la tua approvazione"],"For everyone":["Per tutti"],"How you want to name your space?":["Come vuoi chiamare il tuo space?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Per favore scrivi qui sotto una piccola descrizione per gli altri utenti."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Questo space sarà nascosto
per tutti i non membri"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gli utenti possono anche richiedere la
membership per questo space"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gli utenti possono essere aggiunti
solo tramite invito"],"space description":["descrizione space"],"space name":["nome space"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha richiesto la membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha approvato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ti invitato nello space {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!"],"Accept Invite":["Accetta invito"],"Become member":["Unisciti allo space"],"Cancel membership":["Abbandona lo space"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annulla richiesta di membership"],"Deny Invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Request membership":["Chiedi di farne parte"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Sei il proprietario di questo workspace."],"created by":["creato da"],"Invite members":["Invita membri"],"Add an user":["Aggiungi un utente"],"Email addresses":["Indirizzo email"],"Invite by email":["Invita via email"],"New user?":["Nuovo utente?"],"Pick users":["Scegli gli utenti"],"Send":["Invia"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Per invitare utenti a questo space per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Puoi anche invitare utenti esterni che non sono ancora registrati. Puoi aggiungere il loro indirizzo e-mail separato da virgola."],"Request space membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro accettato in questo space."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello space."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utente è diventato membro."],"User has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato"],"User has not been invited.":["L'utente non è stato invitato."],"Space preferences":["Preferenze Space"],"Back to workspace":["Torna al workspace"],"General":["Generale"],"My Space List":["La lista dei miei space"],"My space summary":["Il sommario dei miei space"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli space"],"Space menu":["Menù Space"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Cambia immagine"],"Current space image":["Immagine dello space corrente"],"Confirm image deleting":["Conferma eliminazione immagine"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine principale?","Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine di testa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine profilo?","Vuoi eliminare la tua immagine profilo?"],"Invite":["Invita"],"Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto","Qualcosa è andato male"],"Followers":["Lo seguono","Mi seguono"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro approvato di questo workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space","Richiesta di memebership per lo space"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori del workspace."],"Create new space":["Crea un nuovo spazio"],"My spaces":["I miei spazi"],"Space info":["Informazioni Space"],"more":["di più"],"Accept invite":["Accetta invito"],"Deny invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Leave space":["Abbandona space"],"New member request":["Nuova richiesta membro"],"Space members":["Membri dello Space","Membri Space"],"End guide":["Fine guida"],"Next »":["Successivo »"],"« Prev":["« Precedente"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurray! Questo è tutto per ora."],"Modules":["Moduli"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Come amministratore puoi gestire l'intera piattaforma da qui.

Riguardo ai moduli, non andremo nel dettaglio qui, in quanto ognuno ha la sua descrizione breve altrove."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ora sei nel menù strumenti. Da qui puoi accedere all'online market di HumHub, da dove puoi installare un numero sempre crescente di tool on-the-fly.

Come già accennato, i tool aumentano le funzionalità disponibili per il tuo space."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["Ora hai imparato a conoscere tutte le funzionalità e le impostazioni più importanti e sono state tutte impostate per iniziare a utilizzare la piattaforma. Auguriamo a te e a tutti i futuri utenti di poter godere dell'utilizzo di questo sito. Non vediamo l'ora di avere qualsiasi suggerimento o supporto che desideri offrire per il nostro progetto. Non esitare a contattarci via www.humhub.org. Resta sintonizzato. :-)"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Questa è la tua dashboard.

Tutte le nuove attività o i nuovi messaggi che possono interessarti saranno mostrati qui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrazione (Moduli)"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurray! Fine."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurray! Fatto!"],"Profile menu":["Menù Profilo"],"Profile photo":["Photo Profilo"],"Profile stream":["Stream Profilo"],"User profile":["Profilo utente"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clicca su questo pulsante per aggiornare le impostazioni del tuo profilo e del tuo account. Puoi anche aggiungere più informazioni al tuo profilo."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Ogni profilo ha una sua propria pin board. I tuoi messaggi appariranno anche sulla dashboard di quegli utenti che ti stanno seguendo."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Proprio come nello space, il profilo utente può essere personalizzato con vari moduli.

Puoi vedere quali moduli sono disponibili per il tuo profilo cercandoli in \"Moduli\" nel menù delle impostazioni dell'account."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Questo è il tuo profilo utente pubblico, che può essere visto da ogni utente registrato."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Carica una nuova foto per il profilo semplicemente cliccando qui o trascinandola. Fai lo stesso per aggiornare la tua foto di copertina."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!

Per andare alla guida di ammnistrazione, clicca qui:

"],"Most recent activities":["Attività più recenti"],"Posts":["Messaggi"],"Profile Guide":["Guida Profilo"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Menù di navigazione Space"],"Writing posts":["Scrittura articoli"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Fatto."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["A tutti gli utenti che sono membri di questo space sarà mostrato questo.

I nuovi membri possono essere aggiunti da coloro ai quali sono stati dati i diritti d'accesso dall'amministratore."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.

The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dai agli altri utenti un piccola idea su cosa riguarda lo space. Puoi aggiungere le informazioni base qui.

L'amministratore dello space può inserire e cambiare la foto di copertina dello space sia cliccando su di essa sia trascinando."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["I nuovi articoli possono essere scritti e inviati qui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una volta che ti sei aggiunto o hai creato un nuovo space puoi lavorare sui progetti, discutere degli argomenti o condividere informazioni con gli altri utenti.

Ci sono vari tool per personalizzare uno space, per rendere il processo di lavoro più produttivo."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Questo è tutto riguardo alla guida dello space.

Per andare alla alla guida del profilo, clicca qui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Qui è dove puoi navigare tra gli space – dove puoi trovare i moduli attivi o disponibili per il particolare space corrente. Essi possono essere sondaggi, task o note per esempio.

Solo l'amministratore dello sapce può gestire i moduli dello space."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Questo menù è visibile solo per gli ammnistratori dello space. Qui puoi gestire le impostazioni del tuo space, aggiungere/bloccare i membri e attivare/disattivare tool per questo space."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Per tenerti aggiornato, saranno visualizzate qui le più recenti attività di questo space."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Gli articoli tuoi e degli altri utenti appariranno qui.

Questi poi possono essere etichettati con \"Mi piace\" o commentati."],"Account Menu":["Menù Account"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Space Menu":["Menù Space"],"Start space guide":["Inizia guida space"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Non perdere di vista le cose!

Questa icona ti terrà informato sulle attività e sugli articoli che ti riguardano direttamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Il menuùdi dell'account ti consente di accedere alle impostazioni private ​​e ti permette di gestire il tuo profilo pubblico."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Questo è il menù più importante e sarà probabilmente quello che userai più spesso! Accedi a tutti gli space a cui ti sei aggiunto e crea nuovi space qui.

La prossima guida ti mostrerà come:"]," Remove panel":["Rimuovi pannello"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guida: Amministrazione (Moduli)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guida: Panoramica"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guida: Spazi"],"Guide: User profile":["Guida: Profilo utente"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Scopri come usare le funzionalità più importanti del sito con le seguenti guide:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["L'account utente non è ancora approvato!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Devi effettuare l'accesso per vedere questo profilo!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Password non corretta!","La tua password non è corretta! "],"You cannot change your password here.":["Non puoi cambiare la tua password qui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link non valido! Assicurati di aver inserito l'intero URL."],"Save profile":["Salva il profilo"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["La mail inserita è già stata utilizzata da un altro utente."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Non puoi cambiare il tuo indirizzo email qui."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Crea un account"],"Current password":["Password attuale"],"E-Mail change":["Cambia e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nuovo indirizzo e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Invio attività?"],"Send notifications?":["Invio notifiche?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Username/email o password errata"],"New password":["Nuova password"],"New password confirm":["Conferma nuova password"],"Remember me next time":["Ricordami per la porssima volta"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora attivato dallo staff."],"Your account is suspended.":["Il tuo account è sospeso."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Il recupero password non è possibile per il tuo tipo di account!"],"Password Recovery":["Recupera password"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" non è stato trovato!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Email già registrata! - Hai dimenticato la password?"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Nascondi pannello sulla dashboard"],"Invalid language!":["Lingua non valida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilità profilo"],"TimeZone":["Fuso orario"],"Default Space":["Space predefinito"],"Group Administrators":["Amministratori dei gruppi"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membri possono creare space privati"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membri possono creare space pubblici"],"Birthday":["Compleanno"],"City":["Città"],"Country":["Paese"],"Firstname":["Nome"],"Lastname":["Cognome"],"Mobile":["Cellulare"],"Phone Private":["Telefono privato"],"Phone Work":["Telefono lavoro"],"State":["Stato"],"Street":["Strada"],"Zip":["CAP"],"Created by":["Creato da"],"Editable":["Modificabile"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Il tipo di campo non può essere cambiato!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo di campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Il nome interno è già in uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Il nome interno non può essere cambiato!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo di campo non valido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributo LDAP"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sono permessi solo caratteri alfanumerici!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoria del campo del profilo"],"Required":["Richiesto"],"Show at registration":["Mostra in fase di registrazione"],"Sort order":["Ordina","Ordinamento","Ordina per"],"Translation Category ID":["ID della categoria della traduzione"],"Type Config":["Configurazione dei tipi"],"Visible":["Visibile"],"Communication":["Comunicazione"],"Datetime":["Data/ora"],"Number":["Numero"],"Select List":["Seleziona lista"],"Text":["Testo"],"Text Area":["Area di testo"],"%y Years":["%y anni"],"Birthday field options":["Opzioni del campo compleanno"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opzioni del campo data(-orario)"],"Number field options":["Opzioni del campo numero"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opzione per linea. Chiave=>Formato del valore (es. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Per favore seleziona:"],"Select field options":["Seleziona le opzioni del campo"],"Text Field Options":["Opzioni del campo di testo"],"Text area field options":["Opzioni del campo area di testo"],"Authentication mode":["Modoalità di autenticazione"],"New user needs approval":["Il nuovo utente ha bisogno di essere approvato"],"Wall":["Bacheca"],"Change E-mail":["Cambia E-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Il tuo indirizzo e-mail è stato cambiato con successo a {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Abbiamo inviato una conferma via e-mail al tuo nuovo indirizzo.
Per favore segui le istruzioni all'interno."],"Change password":["Cambia password"],"Password changed":["Password cambiata"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La tua password è stata cambiata con successo!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica l'immagine del tuo profilo"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?
Tutti i contenuti che hai pubblicato saranno rimossi!"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Inserisci la tua password per continuare"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Spiacenti, come proprietario di uno space non puoi cancellare il tuo account!
Per favore assegnalo a qualcun'altro o cancellalo."],"User details":["Dettagli Utente"],"User modules":["Moduli utente"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Sei veramente sicuro? *Tutti* i dati dei moduli del tuo profilo saranno eliminati!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Potenzia il tuo profilo con i moduli."],"User settings":["Impostazioni utente"],"Getting Started":["Per iniziare"],"Registered users only":["Solo utenti registrati"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visibile a tutti (anche utenti non registrati)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifiche Desktop"],"Email Notifications":["Notifiche email"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ricevi una notifica desktop quando sei online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ricevi email, per le attività degli utenti che segui o
con cui lavori negli space."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ricevi email, quando altri utenti commentano o mettono \"Mi piace\" ai tuoi articoli."],"Account registration":["Registrazione account"],"Create Account":["Crea account"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Il tuo account è stato creato con successo!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Dopo l'attivazione del tuo account dall'amministratore, riceverai una notifica via email."],"Go to login page":["Vai alla pagina di accesso"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Per accedere con il tuo nuovo account, clicca il pulsante qui sotto."],"back to home":["indietro alla home"],"Please sign in":["Per favore accedi"],"Sign up":["Registrati"],"Create a new one.":["Creane una nuova."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Non hai un account? Aggiungiti al network inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Hai dimenticato la password?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se sei già un membro, per favore accedi con il tuo username/email e password."],"Register":["Registrati"],"username or email":["username o email"],"Password recovery":["Recupera password","recupero password"],"enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"your email":["la tua email"],"Password recovery!":["Recupero password!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione avvenuta con successo!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Per favore controlla la tua email e segui le istruzioni!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email"],"Confirm":["Conferma"],"Hello":["Ciao"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Hai richiesto il cambiamento del tuo indirizzo email.
Il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail è {newemail}.

Per confermare il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto."],"Sign up":["Accedi"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Benvenuto in %appName%. Per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto per procedere con la registrazione."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un social network per aumentare la tua comunicazione e il tuo gruppo di lavoro.
Registrati ora per aggiungerti a questo space."],"You got a space invite":["Hai ricevuto l'invito ad uno space"],"invited you to the space:":["sei stato invitato allo space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ti ha menzionato in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} ha iniziato a seguirti."],"About this user":["Informazioni su questo utente"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica il titolo della tua immagine"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine?"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Profile":["Profilo"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Following":["Seguo io"],"Following user":["Persone che seguo io"],"User followers":["Persone che mi seguono"],"Member in these spaces":["Partecipa in questi space"],"User tags":["Tag dell'utente"],"Back to modules":["Indietro ai moduli"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configurazioni Modulo Compleanno"],"No birthday.":["Nessun compleanno."],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Quanti giorni prima del compleanno visualizzare la notifica"],"Tomorrow":["Domani"],"Upcoming":["In arrivo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di giorni entro il quale mostrare i prossimi compleanni in arrivo."],"becomes":["diventa"],"birthdays":["compleanni"],"days":["giorni"],"today":["oggi"],"years old.":["anni."],"Active":["Attivo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca come non visto per tutti gli utenti"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Blocca nuove configurazioni"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puoi usare la sintassi marcata."],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Aggiunge un evento al calendario per questo space."],"All Day":["Tutto il giorno"],"Attending users":["Utenti che partecipano"],"Calendar":["Calendario","Caledario"],"Declining users":["Utenti che hanno rifiutato"],"End Date":["Data fine"],"End Date and Time":["Data e ora fine"],"End Time":["Ora fine"],"End time must be after start time!":["La data fine deve essere successiva alla data inizio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento non trovato!"],"Maybe attending users":["Utenti che forse parteciperanno"],"Participation Mode":["Modalità di partecipazione"],"Recur":["Ripetizione"],"Recur End":["Fine della ripetizione"],"Recur Interval":["Intervallo della ripetizione"],"Recur Type":["Tipo di ripetizione"],"Select participants":["Seleziona i partecipanti"],"Start Date":["Data inizio"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e ora inizio"],"Start Time":["Ora inizio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Non hai il permesso di accedere a questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Non hai il permesso di creare eventi!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Non hai il permesso di modificare questo evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creato un nuovo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% forse partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% non partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Innizio Data/Tempo"],"Create event":["Crea evento"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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discussion":["Abbandona la discussione"],"Write an answer...":["Rispondi..."],"Write new message":["Scrivi un nuovo messaggio"],"User Posts":["Messaggi utente"],"Sign up now":["Accedi ora"],"Show all messages":["Mostra tutti i messaggi"],"Send message":["Invia messaggio"],"Notes":["Note"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossibile ottenere il contenuto delle note!"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossibile ottenere gli utenti delle note!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connessione API avvenuta con successo!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Non posso effettuare la connessione API"],"Current Status:":["Stato corrente:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configurazione del modulo delle note"],"Please read the module documentation under 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{answer}":["Gli utenti hanno votato per: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Il voto per risposte multiple è disabilitato!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Non hai i permessi sufficienti per eseguire questa operazione!"],"Answers":["Risposte"],"Multiple answers per user":["Risposte multiple per utente"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Per favore dai almeno {min} risposte!"],"Question":["Domanda"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votato la domanda {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova domanda {question}."],"User who vote this":["Utente che ha votato"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo sondaggio e l'ha assegnato a te."],"Ask":["Chiedi"],"Reset my vote":["Resetta il mio voto"],"Vote":["Vota"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["più {count} voti per questo."],"votes":["voti"],"Allow multiple answers per 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Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora attività!
Creane una per primo..."],"Assigned to me":["Assegnate a me"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nessun'attività trovata che rispetti i tuoi filtri!"],"Nobody assigned":["Non assegnate"],"State is finished":["Lo stato è completato"],"State is open":["Lo stato è aperto"],"What to do?":["Cosa c'è da fare?"],"Translation Manager":["Gestionnaire de traduction"],"Translations":["Traduzioni"],"Translation Editor":["Editor per le traduzioni"],"Confirm page deleting":["Conferma l'eliminazione della pagina"],"Confirm page reverting":["Conferma il ripristino della pagina"],"Overview of all pages":["Panoramica di tutte le pagine"],"Page history":["Cronologia della pagina"],"Wiki Module":["Modulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Aggiungi una wiki a questo space."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Aggiungi una wiki al tuo profilo."],"Back to page":["Torna alla pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare questa pagina?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vuoi veramente ripristinare questa pagina?"],"Edit page":["Modifica pagina"],"Edited at":["Modificata il"],"Go back":["Indietro"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Carattere invalido nel titolo della pagina!"],"Let's go!":["Andiamo!"],"Main page":["Pagina principale"],"New page":["Nuova pagina"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Non è stata creata ancora nessuna pagina. Tocca a te.
Crea la prima pagina adesso."],"Page History":["Cronologia della pagina"],"Page title already in use!":["Questo tiolo è già in uso!"],"Revert":["Ripristina"],"Revert this":["Ripristina questa"],"View":["Visualizza"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["da"],"Wiki page":["Pagina Wiki"],"Create new page":["Crea una nuova pagina"],"Edit page":["Modifica pagina"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Inserisci un nome per la pagina wiki o un url (es. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Titolo nuova pagina"],"Page content":["Contenuto pagina"],"Open wiki page...":["Apri pagina wiki..."],"Allow":["Consenti"],"Default":["Predefinito"],"Deny":["Rifiuta"],"Next":["Avanti","Successivo"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Prova a digitare almeno 3 caratteri"],"Local":["Locale"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Visibilità dei contenuti predefinita"],"Default Join Policy":["Criterio d'iscrizione predefinito"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilità predefinita"],"Basic":["Di base","Base"],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"You like this.":["Ti piace."],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Trova persone, Spazi e contenuti"],"Change Owner":["Cambia Proprietario"],"General settings":["Impostazioni generali"],"Security settings":["Impostazioni Sicurezza"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Come proprietario di questo Space puoi trasferirne la proprietà ad un altro amministratore dello spazio. "],"Color":["Colore"],"Transfer ownership":["Trasferisci proprietà"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Scegli se un nuovo contenuto dovrebbe essere normalmente pubblico o privato"],"Manage members":["Gestione membri"],"Manage permissions":["Gestione permessi"],"Pending approvals":["Approvazioni in sospeso"],"Pending invitations":["Inviti in sospeso"],"never":["mai"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} ha risposto {question}."],"There are no polls yet!":["Non ci sono ancora sondaggi!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora sondaggi!
Creane uno per primo..."],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Attributo indirizzo E-mail"],"comment":["Commenta"],"post":["Articolo"],"Login":["Login"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Errore interno del server."],"Insert Hyperlink":["Inserisci un link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"Approval":["Approvazione"],"Prerequisites":["Prerequisiti"],"Information":["Informazioni"],"Settings and Configuration":["Impostazioni e Configurazione"],"Add new group":["Aggiungi nuovo gruppo"],"Profiles":["Profili"],"Actions":["Azioni"],"Manage groups":["Gestisci gruppi"],"Permissions":["Permessi"],"Purchases":["Acquista"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creato {contentTitle}."],"Send invite":["Invia invito"],"You":["Tu"],"No spaces found.":["Nessun space trovato."],"Private":["Privato"],"Space":["Spazio"],"Invite users":["Invita utenti"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Cancella affiliazione"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Nascondi post nel dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Mostra post nel dashboard"],"Pending Approvals":["Approvazioni in sospeso"],"Pending Invites":["Inviti in sospeso"],"Your profile":["Il tuo profilo"],"Update HumHub":["Aggiorna HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Aggiorna HumHub BETA"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} e {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} e {number} altri\n"],"Other":["Altri"],"No notifications found!":["Nessuna notifica trovata!"],"Change Email":["Modifica email"],"Change Password":["Modifica password"],"Confirm new password":["Conferma nuova password"],"No users found.":["Nessun utente trovato."],"Invite new people":["Invita nuove persone"],"Email address(es)":["Indirizzo/i email"],"Click here to create an account:":["Premi qui per creare un account:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} ti ha invitato ad unirti a \"{space}\" su {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} ti ha invitato a {name}."],"Date":["Data"],"Hide age per default":["Nascondi l'età per impostazione predefinita"],"Maximum value":["Valore massimo"],"Minimum value":["Valore minimo"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Codici paese separati da virgola, es: DE,EN,AU"],"Possible values":["Valori consentiti"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Codici paese ISO3166 supportati"],"Default value":["Valore predefinito"],"Maximum length":["Lunghezza massima"],"Minimum length":["Lunghezza minima"],"Mentioned":["Menzionato"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} ti sta seguendo."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ti ha menzionato in {contentTitle}."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Puoi cambiare la tua password qui."],"Remember me":["Ricordami"],"email":["email"],"password":["password"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Inserisci la tua email. 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Suggerimento: verifica le impostazioni di upload_max_filesize e post_max_size php."],"Copy to clipboard":["Copia negli appunti"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Sei sicuro di voler procedere con questa azione?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Si è verificato un errore durante l'ultima azione (Invalid request method)."],"Error:":["Errore:"],"Info:":["Informazioni:"],"Loading...":["Caricamento..."],"No error information given.":["Informazione errore mancante."],"Show less":["Mostra meno"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Alcuni file non possono essere caricati:"],"The file has been deleted.":["Il file è stato cancellato."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["La risorsa richiesta non è stata trovata."],"The space has been archived.":["Lo spazio è stato archiviato. "],"The space has been unarchived.":["Lo spazio è stato ripristinato."],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Non hai i permessi per questa azione."],"E-Mail Summaries":["Sommario email"],"E-Mail Summaries":["Sommario email"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["I sommari email sono inviati per informarti riguardo le attività recenti nella tua rete."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["I sommari email sono inviati per informare gli utenti riguardo le attività recenti nella tua rete."],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["Escludi gli spazi sottostanti dal sommario email"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["In questa pagina puoi configurare i contenuti e l'intervallo di questi aggiornamenti via email."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["In questa pagina puoi definire le regole di default per i tuoi utenti. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte dagli utenti nella pagina delle impostazioni dell'account."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["Includi soltanto i sottostanti spazi dal sommario email"],"Reset to defaults":["Reimposta valori originali"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["Riceverai una email soltanto in caso di nuovo contento"],"Your weekly summary":["Il tuo riepilogo settimanale"],"See online:":["Vedi online:"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Aggiungi modulo acquistato tramite chiave licenza"],"Back to overview":["Indietro alla panoramica"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"OEmbed providers":["Fornitori OEmbed"],"Self test":["Auto test"],"Group user not found!":["Gruppo utente non trovato!"],"User is already a member of this group.":["L'utente è già menbro di questo gruppo."],"Add Groups...":["Aggiungi Gruppi..."],"Select Groups":["Seleziona Gruppi"],"Date input format":["Formato inserimento data"],"Enable user friendship system":["Abilita sistema di amicizia per gli utenti"],"Logo upload":["Carica Logo"],"Server Timezone":["Fuso orario server"],"Sort by creation date":["Ordina per data creazione"],"Sort by update date":["Ordina per data aggiornamento"],"APC(u)":["APC(u)"],"No caching":["Nessuna caching"],"PHP APC(u) Extension missing - 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È possibile appuntare solo due elementi in una volta. Per appuntare comunque questo articolo, tuttavia, staccane un altro prima!"],"This action is disabled!":["Questa azione è disattivata!"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} ha appena scritto {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} ha appena scritto {contentInfo} nello spazio {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} ti informa su {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} ti informa su {contentInfo} in {space}"],"New Content":["Nuovo contenuto"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Ricevi notifiche per i nuovi contenuti che segui."],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha scritto sul tuo profilo {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Visibilità dei contenuti"],"This space is archived.":["Questo spazio è archiviato."],"Pin to top":["Appunta in cima"],"Unpin":["Scollega"],"Load more":["Caricane altri","Carica altri"],"The content has been archived.":["Il contenuto è stato archiviato."],"The content has been deleted.":["Il contenuto è stato eliminato."],"The content has been pinned.":["Il contenuto è stato appuntato."],"The content has been unarchived.":["Il contenuto non è stato ripristinato."],"The content has been unpinned.":["Il contenuto è stato scollegato."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["La tua ultima modifica è stato salvata!"],"Group members - {group}":["Membri del Gruppo- {group}"],"This group has no members yet.":["Questo gruppo non ha ancora membri."],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Trascinare una foto qui o fare clic per sfogliare i tuoi file"],"Hide my year of birth":["Nascondi il mio anno di nascita"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, grazie per aver usato HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Sei il primo utente qui.... Yehaaa! Sii un esempio brillante e completa il tuo profilo,
in modo che i futuri utenti sappiano chi è il capo branco qui e a chi possono rivolgersi se hanno domande."],"Your firstname":["Il tuo nome"],"Your lastname":["Il tuo cognome"],"Your mobild phone number":["Il tuo numero di cellulare"],"Your phone number at work":["Il tuo numero di telefono al lavoro"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Le vostre abilità, conoscenze ed esperienze (separate da virgola)"],"Your title or position":["Titolo o posizione"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Getting Started":["Introduzione Iniziale"],"Remove tour panel":["Rimuovi il Pannello del Tour"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Questa azione rimuove il pannello di tour dal cruscotto. È possibile riattivarlo su
Impostazioni account Impostazioni."],"Not registered users":["Utenti non registrati"],"Other users":["Altri utenti"],"Your friends":["I tuoi amici"],"Hello {displayName},":["Benvenuto {displayName},"],"Please click on the link below to view request:":["Clicca sul link sottostante per visualizzare la richiesta:"],"a new user {displayName} needs approval.":["un nuovo utente {displayName} necessita di approvazione."],"Crop profile background":["Ritaglia immagine di sfondo"],"Crop profile image":["Ritaglia immagine profilo"],"Delete profile image":["Elimina immagine profilo"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Qui è possibile connettersi a provider di servizi esterni per utilizzare i servizi esterni come autenticazione integrata."],"Missing E-Mail Attribute from AuthClient.":["Attributo E-Mail mancante da AuthClient."],"Missing ID AuthClient Attribute from AuthClient.":["Attributo ID AuthClient mancante da AuthClient."],"Unknown user status!":["Stato utente sconosciuto!"],"Upload profile banner":["Carica il banner del profilo"],"Upload profile image":["Carica immagine del profilo"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Un Utente con la stessa email esiste già, ma non è collegato a te. Effettua il login utilizzando la tua email per collegarlo."],"Your account is disabled!":["Il tuo account è disabilitato!"],"Your account is not approved yet!":["Il tuo account non è ancora stato approvato!"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Aggiungere qui di seguito gli indirizzi e-mail delle persone che si desidera invitare."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separare più indirizzi e-mail utilizzando la virgola."],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["Sei stato invitato a partecipare a %appName%"],"Custom":["Personalizzato"],"Facebook URL":["Pagina Facebook (URL)"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Femmina"],"Flickr URL":["Profilo Flickr (URL)"],"Gender":["Sesso"],"Google+ URL":["Profilo Google+ (URL)"],"Hide year in profile":["Nascondi età nel profilo"],"LinkedIn URL":["Profilo LinkedIn (URL)"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Maschio"],"MySpace URL":["Profilo MySpace (URL)"],"Skype Nickname":["Nickname Skype"],"Twitter URL":["Profilo Twitter (URL)"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["Profilo Vimeo (URL)"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Indirizzo XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Profilo Xing (URL)"],"YouTube URL":["Profilo YouTube (URL)"],"Searchable":["Ricercabile"],"Checkbox":["Casella di spunta"],"Checkbox List":["Elenco Lista di controllo"],"You've been invited to join {space} on {appName}":["Sei stato invitato a partecipare a {space} su {appName}."],"Add profile calendar":["Aggiungi il calendario del profilo"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Permetti a partecipanti di selezionare 'non parteciperò'"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Permetti a partecipanti di selezionare 'forse'"],"Attending":["Parteciperò"],"Event Type":["Tipologia di Evento"],"Event type color":["Colore degli Eventi"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Per poter aggiungere degli eventi nel tuo profilo, devi aver prima abilitato il Modulo Calendario."],"Interested":["Interessante"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Tipologia di Evento non corretta"],"Invited":["Invitato"],"Maximum number of participants":["Numero Massimo di Partecipanti"],"Send update notification":["Invia notifica di aggiornamento"],"Time Zone":["Fuso Orario"],"canceled":["cancellato"],"(global)":["(globale)"],"Calendar module configuration":["Configurazione del modulo Calendario "],"Confirm Deletion":["Conferma Cancellazione"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Aggiunge un snippet con i prossimi eventi al dashboard degli utenti."],"Create new type":["Crea un nuovo tipo"],"Default event settings":["Impostazione di Default"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Vuoi davvero cancellare questo tipo di evento?"],"Event Type Configuration":["Configurazione Tipo di Evento"],"Half a year":["Semestre"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Qui è possibile configurare le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi eventi del calendario."],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Qui è possibile configurare le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi eventi del calendario. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte a livello di spazio/profilo."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Qui è possibile gestire i tipi di eventi."],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Se attivata, la voce di menu superiore del calendario e lo snippet del cruscotto sono visibili solo per gli utenti che hanno installato il modulo calendario nel loro profilo."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Intervallo eventi imminenti"],"Max event items":["Numero massimo di eventi"],"One month":["Un mese"],"One week":["Una settimana"],"One year":["Un anno"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Mostra solo la voce di menu superiore e lo snippet solo se il modulo è installato nel profilo utente"],"Reset":["Reimposta"],"Show snippet":["Mostra snippet"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Attualmente non sono disponibili tipi di eventi."],"Upcoming events snippet":["snippet Eventi Imminenti"],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Ricevi le notifiche relative al calendario."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento cancellato '{contentTitle}' nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} evento cancellato '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato {contentTitle} nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto {contentTitle} nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["Permetti all' utente di creare nuove voci del calendario"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["Consente all' utente di modificare/eliminare le voci del calendario esistenti"],"Create entry":["Crea voce"],"Manage entries":["Gestione delle voci"],"Create new event type":["Crea un nuovo tipo di evento"],"Create new type":["Crea un nuovo tipo"],"Edit event type":["Modifica il tipo di evento"],"Participation":["Partecipazione"],"Select event type...":["Seleziona il tipo di evento...."],"Participant information:":["Informazioni per i Partecipanti:"],"Read full description...":["Leggi la descrizione completa...."],"Read full participation info...":["Leggi le info sulla partecipazione completa..."],"Event Types":["Tipi di evento"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Open Calendar":["Apri Calendario"],"Create draw.io diagram":["Crea diagramma draw.io"],"Draw.io module configuration":["Configurazione modulo Draw.io"],"Create draw.io document":["Crea documento draw.io "],"Edit using draw.io":["Modifica usando draw.io"],"File write access denied!":["Permesso di scrittura al file negato!","Non posso scrivere sul file!"],"Open the new document in the next step":["Apri il nuovo documento nel prossimo passaggio"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["es. https://draw.io"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Aggiorna a HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Annulla"],"Start":["Inizia"],"Start update":["Inizia aggiornamento"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Download aggiornamento fallito! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["È la homepage"],"Page creation disabled!":["Creazione pagina disabilitata!"],"Page not editable!":["Pagina non modificabile!"],"Page not found.":["Pagina non trovata."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Autorizzazione negata. Lei non si hanno i permessi di amministrazione."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Autorizzazione negata. Non avete diritto di visualizzare la storia."],"Protected":["Protetto"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Ritornare indietro non è possibile. Già ultima revisione!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Per accedere a questa pagina wiki devi essere membro dello spazio \"%space_name%\"!"],"Space member joined":["Membri unitesi allo spazio"],"Space member left":["Membri che hanno lasciato lo spazio"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Ogni volta che un membro lascia il tuo spazio."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Ogni volta che un membro si unisce al tuo spazio."],"Space followers":["persone che seguono lo spazio"],"Administrator:":["Amministratore:"],"Moderator:":["Moderatore:"],"Owner:":["Proprietario:"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (predefinito)"],"Members":["Membri"],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Accesso negato - Non puoi invitare membri!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Spiacente, non sei autorizzato a lasciare questo spazio!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Questo utente è già membro di questo spazio."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Questo utente non è membro di questo spazio."],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["L'utente '{username}' è già membro di questo spazio!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["L'utente '{username}' vuole già unirsi a questo spazio!"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["L'url contiene caratteri non consentiti!"],"Last Visit":["Ultima visita"],"Administrators":["Amministratori"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilità predefinita dei contenuti"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Ospiti)"],"Moderators":["Moderatori"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Consenti agli utenti di creare contenuti pubblici"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Consenti agli utenti di invitare nuovi membri a questo spazio"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Può creare spazi nascosti (privati)"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Può creare spazi pubblici e visibili. (Elencati nella directory)"],"Create private space":["Può creare spazi privati"],"Create public content":["Può creare contenuti pubblici"],"Create public space":["Può creare spazi pubblici"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Aggiungi {n,plural,=1{spazio} other{spazi}}"],"Role":["Ruolo"],"Add Modules":["Aggiungi Moduli"],"Space settings":["Impostazioni Spazio"],"Done":["Fatto"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Non ricevere notifiche per contenuti nuovi"],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Ricevi notifiche per contenuti nuovi"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Questa opzione nasconderà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Questa opzione mostrerà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca"],"Add Space":["Aggiungi spazio"],"No spaces found for the given query":["La query eseguita non ha trovato spazi"],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Seleziona {n,plural,=1{spazio} other{spazi}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# spazio} other{# spazi}}"],"This space is archived":["Questo spazio è archiviato"],"You are following this space":["Stai seguendo questo spazio"],"No result found for the given filter.":["Nessun risultato per questo filtro."],"Search for spaces":["Cerca spazi"],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["Per cercare altri spazi, digita almeno {count} caratteri."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# nuovo inserimento} other{# nuovi inserimenti}} dall'ultima tua visita"],"Export":["Esporta"],"Select Me":["Selezionami"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Accesso Ospiti non attivo, eseguire login."],"Login required for this section.":["Accesso richiesto per questa sezione."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["Non hai i permessi per accedere a questa sezione. "],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["Hai bisogno di permessi da amministratore per accedere a questa sezione. "],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora approvato, prova più tardi oppure contatta l'amministratore."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Il tuo utente è disabilitato, esegui accesso con un account attivo o contatta l'amministratore."],"Back to user overview":["Indietro alla panoramica utente"],"Invited by":["Invitato da"],"Pending user registrations":["Registrazioni utenti pendenti"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La richiesta account per '{displayName}' è stata approvata"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La richiesta account per '{displayName}' è stata rifiutata"],"ID Attribute":["Attributo ID"],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Contenuto Tag assegnato con un valore non valido di contentcontainer_id."],"This space is not visible!":["Questo spazio non è visibile!"],"Tag":["Tag"],"The given name is already in use.":["Il nome fornito è già in uso."],"None":["Nessuno"],"Notification Settings":["Impostazioni Notifiche"],"Web":["Web"],"View online:":["Vedi online:"],"Notification Overview":["Panoramica Notifiche"],"Apply":["Applica"],"Module Filter":["Filtro Modulo"],"Open the notification dropdown menu":["Apri li menu a tendina delle notifiche"],"Show all notifications":["Mostra tutte le notifiche"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Consenti agli altri utenti di creare post sul tuo profilo"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Cerca solo in alcuni spazi:"],"Specify space":["Indica lo spazio"],"Your search returned no matches.":["La tua ricerca non ha trovato risultati.","La tua ricerca non ha trovato riscontri"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["per esempio per {baseUrl}/s/esempio"],"the default start page of this space for members":["pagina predefinita di inizio di questo spazio per i membri"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["pagina predefinita di inizio di questo spazio per i visitatori"],"Originator User ID":["ID utente dell'originatore"],"Request Message":["Messaggio richiesto"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha accetta la tua richiesta di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ti ha invitato allo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha richiesto di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Riceve Notifiche per richieste amicizia e eventi approvazione."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Riceve notifiche per approvazione spazio e eventi invito"],"Space Membership":["Membri spazio"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["I permessi sono assegnati a differenti ruoli utente. Per modificare una permesso, seleziona il ruolo utente che vuoi modificare e cambia il valore a tendina del permesso relativo."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Non sei membro di questo spazio e al momento non esiste contenuto pubblico!"],"No member or following spaces found.":["Nessun membro o spazi seguiti trovati"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Nascondi il pannello tour introduttivo sulla bacheca"],"Social bookmarks":["Segnalibri social"],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Checkbox field options":["Opzioni campo di casella di controllo"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostra selezione data/ora"],"Allow other selection":["Consenti altre selezioni"],"This will add an additional input element for custom values":["Questo aggiungerà un altro elemento immissione per i valori personalizzati"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Espressione regolare: Messaggio di errore"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Espressione regolare: Validatore"],"Validator":["Validatore"],"Auth Mode":["Modalità autenticato"],"Last Login":["Ultimo accesso"],"Manager":["Responsabile"],"Show At Directory":["Mostra negli Elenchi"],"Show At Registration":["Mostra durante la registrazione"],"Space ID":["ID spazio","ID Spazio"],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} ti ha appena menzionato in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\""],"Mentionings":["Menzionature"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno di segue."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno ti menziona in un post."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Permetti l'accesso alla tua pagina con informazioni personali"],"View your about page":["Vedi la tua pagina di informazioni"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["La tua email attuale è {email}. Puoi modificarla qui."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Qui puoi modificare i tuoi dati generali del profile, che sono visibili nella pagina personale del tuo profilo."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Ricevi un'e-mail per ogni attività di altri utenti che segui o con cui lavori insieme in un'area di lavoro."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ricevi notifiche sul desktop quando sei online."],"Join the network":["Unisciti a questo network"],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Per favore accedi con il tuo username o email e la tua password."],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Ti abbiamo inviato una email, contenente un link che ti permetterà di resettare la tua password."],"Hello {displayName}":["Ciao {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Se non usi questo link entro 24 ore, esso verrà disabilitato."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Per favore usa il link seguente entro il prossimo giorno per resettare la tua password."],"Add more...":["Aggiungi altri..."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the result.":["Un errore inaspettato è accaduto mentre il sistema caricava i risultati."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Per favore inserisci almeno {n} caratteri"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Seleziona {n,plural,=1{elemento} other{elementi}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# elemento} other{# elementi}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Hai raggiunto il numeno massimo di caratteri consentiti ({n})"],"Permission":["Permessi"],"No users found for the given query.":["Nessun utente trovato per la query richiesta."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Seleziona{n,plural,=1{utente} other{utenti}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# utente} other{# utenti}}."],"Delete profile banner":["Elimina il banner del profilo"],"Most active people":["Le persone più attive"],"Get a list":["Ottieni elenco"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo Most Active Users"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Il numero di utenti più attive che verrà mostrato"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di utenti da mostrare."],"Comments created":["Commenti creati"],"Likes given":["Mi piace assegnati"],"Posts created":["Post creati"],"Allows to start polls.":["Consente di iniziare un sondaggio."],"Anonymous poll!":["Sondaggio anonimo!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Ancora? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Paninoteca"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Panini Italiani Pisillo"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Al momento siamo nella fase di pianificazione per il nostro prossimo incontro, e vorremmo chiederti: dove vorresti andare?"],"To Daniel":["Da Daniele"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Perché non andiamo al bar Bemelmans?"],"Anonymous":["Anonimo"],"Closed":["Chiuso"],"Complete Poll":["Sondaggio completato"],"Reopen Poll":["Sondaggio riaperto"],"Add answer...":["Aggiungi risposta..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Voti anonimi?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Mostra le risposte in ordine casuale?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Modifica risposta (le risposte vuote saranno rimosse)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Modifica la domanda del tuo sondaggio..."],"No Proxy Hosts":["Nessun Host Proxy"],"Advanced":["Avanzate"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nessun modulo acquistato trovato!"],"Third-party":["Terze parti"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Gli sviluppatori HumHub non forniscono supporto e non garantiscono la compatibilità, la funzionalità o la sicurezza di questo modulo. "],"Third-party disclaimer":["Liberatoria terze parti"],"Administrative":["Amministrazione"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Ricevi notifiche per eventi di amministrazione come ad esempio aggiornamenti disponibili."],"Access Admin Information":["Accesso Amministrazione Informazioni"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Accesso consentito a sezione \"Amministrazione -> Informazioni\""],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Gestione consentita moduli tramite sezione \"Amministrazione -> Moduli\"."],"Add new space":["Aggiungi nuovo spazio"],"User administration":["Amministrazione Utente"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gestisci gruppo: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Approvazioni in sospeso"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versione correntemente installata: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub è attualmente in modalità debug. Disabilitala nel momento in cui sarà in modalità produzione!"],"Licences":["Licenze"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Vedi manuale di installazione per ulteriori dettagli."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Una nuova versione è disponibile! (Ultima versione: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Questa installazione di HumHub è aggiornata!"],"Enable module...":["Abilita modulo..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Compra (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Liberatoria"],"Installing module...":["Sto installando il modulo..."],"Licence Key:":["Chiave licenza:"],"Updating module...":["Modulo in aggiornamento..."],"Visible for members only":["Visibile solo per i membri"],"Visible for members+guests":["Visibile per i membri e gli ospiti"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetico"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Formatta in base alla lingua utente - Esempio: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fisso (mm/gg/aaaa) - Esempio: {example}"],"Last visit":["Ultimo accesso"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Inserisci la tua email. Ti manderemo le istruzioni per recuperare la tua password!"],"Enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"Your email":["la tua email"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["Il testo non può essere copiato negli appunti"],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["Il testo è stato copiato negli appunti"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["Gli url base devono iniziare con http:// o https://"],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fisso (gg/mm/aaaa) - Esempio: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Elenco separato da virgola. Lasciare vuoto per consentire tutti."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Se non configurata, l'altezza predefinita sarà 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Se non configurata, la larghezza predefinita sarà 200px."],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Al momento ci sono {count} elementi nel database a partire dal {dating}."],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["I vecchi log aumentano significativamente la dimensione del database, ma forniscono poche informazioni utili."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Qui puoi definire le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi spazi. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte per ogni spazio individuale."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Questa panoramica contiene un elenco di ogni spazio con le azioni per vedere, modificare e eliminare utenti."],"Add new user":["Aggiungi nuovo utente"],"Group Manager":["Manager del guppo"],"Last login":["Ultimo accesso"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Questo riepilogo contiene la lista di ogni utente registrato, puoi visualizzare, modificare e eliminare gli utenti."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria profilo"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria profilo"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo profilo"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Qui puoi creare o modificare le categorie del profilo e i campi"],"Manage profile attributes":["Gestisci gli attributi del profilo"],"Appearance":["Aspetto"],"E-Mail summaries":["Sommario email"],"Information":["Informazioni"],"Logs":["Log"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Categories":["Categorie"],"Invalid category!":["Categoria non valida!"],"Is category":["È categoria"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Consenti accesso limitato per gli utenti non autenticati (guest)"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Contenuto predefinito dell'email per l'autorizzazione di registrazione di un utente"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Contenuto predefinito dell'email per la mancata autorizzazione di registrazione di un utente"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilità predefinita per il profilo utente"],"Default stream content order":["Ordine per il contenuto streaming predefinito"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Scorrimento orizzontale delle immagini per dispositivi mobile"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Mostra il form per i profili utente sulla bacheca"],"Confirm image deletion":["Conferma l'eliminazione dell'immagine"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questo spazio/spazi."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Non stai usando nessun logo al momento. Carica il tuo logo ora."],"Add OEmbed provider":["Aggiungi OEmbed provider"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Modifica OEmbed provider"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefisso URL senza http:// o https:// (es. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Applica %url% come placeholder per gli URL. Il formato deve essere JSON. (es. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Add":["Aggiungi"],"Back to directory":["Torna alla directory"],"Back to space":["Torna allo spazio"],"Add new gallery":["Aggiungi una nuova galleria"],"Add Gallery":["Aggiungi galleria"],"Add:":["Aggiungi:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Non riesco a trovare la pagina richiesta"],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Digita almeno {count} caratteri"],"(Disabled - please add content in default language!)":["(Disabilitato - aggiungi i contenuti nella lingua predefinita)"],"Legal module - administration":["modulo Legal - amministrazione"],"Accept button label":["Etichetta pulsante accetta"],"Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.":["aggiunge una sovrapposizione che informa gli utenti a proposito dell'uso dei cookie. Puoi aggiungere testi differenti per ogni lingua disponibile."],"Adds several editable legal options, like an imprint and a privacy policy.":["aggiunge alcune opzioni legali modificabili, come l'imprint e le policy per la privacy."],"Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!":["Sei proprio sicuro? Salva le modifiche prima di procedere!"],"Box content":["Contenuto box"],"Box language:":["Lingua box:"],"Configuration":["Configurazione"],"Cookie notification":["Notifica cookie"],"Default languge":["Lingua predefinita"],"Delete my account including my personal data":["Cancella il mio account comprensivo dei miei dati personali"],"Enabled pages and features":["Abilita pagine e funzionalità"],"Got it!":["Ho capito!"],"I am older than 16 years":["Ho più di 16 anni"],"I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy":["Ho letto e accetto le policy della privacy"],"I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions":["Ho letto e accetto i termini e le condizioni"],"If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare l'opzione di \"Ripristina conferma\" per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli ad accettare nuovamente."],"If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare l'opzione di \"Ripristina conferma\" per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli ad accettare nuovamente."],"Imprint":["Imprint"],"Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.":["Informa gli utenti che hai cambiato la tua politica sulla privacy o i tuoi Termini e condizioni. Per attivarla, è necessario attivare il \"ripristino di conferma\"."],"Legal Tools":["Legal Tools"],"Legal Update":["Aggiornamenti legali"],"More information: {link}":["Maggiori informazioni: {link}"],"Page language:":["Lingua pagina:"],"Page:":["Pagina:"],"Privacy Policy":["Policy della privacy"],"Reset confirmation":["Ripristino conferma"],"Reset successful!":["Ripristino effettuato!"],"Show age verification (16+)":["Mostra verifica età (16+)"],"Terms and Conditions":["Termini e condizioni"],"This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Questa pagina è aggiunta al piede della navigazione e nella procedura di registrazione. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.":["Verrà usato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili per la lingua dell'utente."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.":["Verrà usato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili per la lingua dell'utente."],"Add Category":["Aggiungi categoria"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Aggiungi un nuvo link %link% alla categoria \"%category%\"."],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Estendi la validità del link con un test di connessione"],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["La categoria per creare il tuo link non è stata trovata!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Non ci sono ancora link per la categoria aggiunta a questo spazio."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Puoi attivare la validazione estesa dei link per uno spazio o un utente"],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Ti mancano i diritti per aggiungere / modificare i link!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Ti mancano i diritti per eliminare questa categoria!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Ti mancano i diritti per eliminare questo link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Ti mancano i diritti per modificare questa categoria!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Ti mancano i diritti per modificare questo link!"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% è stato archiviato."],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% non è più archiviato. "],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Tutti di dati personali di questo utente verranno irrimediabilmente eliminati."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["L'utente è proprietario di questi spazi."],"This user owns no spaces.":["Questo utente non è proprietario di alcun spazio."],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Attento configurazione non completata! "],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Gruppi (Nota: l'amministratore di gruppo di questo utente non può essere gestito con i tuoi permessi)"],"Open documentation":["Apri documentazione"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["le attività pianificate per i lavori in background (queue) sembra che non funzionino correttamente."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["le attività pianificate per i lavori scadezati (cron) sembra che non funzionino correttamente."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Il modulo è stato disattivato!"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Il modulo è stato attivato!"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Disattiva modulo: {moduleId} ---"],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Attiva modulo: {moduleId} ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Modulo non trovato o non attivato!"],"Module not found!\n":["Modulo non trovato!"],"Deleted invitation":["Inviti eliminati"],"Invite not found!":["Invito non trovato!"],"Resend invitation email":["Invia di nuovo l'invito per email"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Controlla/aggiorna utenti automaticamente"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Attributo LDAP non modificabile che identifica in modo univoco l'utente nella directory. Se lasciato vuoto, l'utente verrà determinato dall'indirizzo e-mail o dal nome utente. Esempi: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) o uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tempo standard di timeout per inattività, auto disconnessione (in secondi, facoltativo)"],"Redis":["Redis"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Tempo massimo consentito per i log."],"CronJob Status":["Stato Attività pianificate"],"Queue Status":["Stato Attività in background"],"Background Jobs":["Attività in background"],"Database migration results:":["Risultato della migrazione della base dati:"],"Delayed":["Posticipato"],"Driver":["Driver"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Guarda la documentazione per impostare le attività pianificate e quelle di background."],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Coda svuotata correttamente"],"Reserved":["Riservato"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Ricostruzione indice di ricerca in corso."],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["La base dati Humhub si chiama:"],"Waiting":["In attesa"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Notifica da {appName}. Sei stato aggiunto al gruppo."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Notifica da {appName}. Sei stato rimosso dal gruppo."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} ti ha aggiunto al gruppo {groupName}"],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} ti ha rimosso dal gruppo {groupName}"],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Può gestire gli spazi attraverso 'Amministrazione -> Spazi' (creare/modificare/eliminare)"],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Può gestire gli utenti, spazi e le impostazioni generali."],"Can manage users and groups":["Può gestire gli utenti e i gruppi."],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Può gestire gli utenti e i gruppi di utenti."],"Change owner":["Cambia proprietario"],"Manage members":["Gestisci i membri"],"Manage modules":["Gestisci i moduli"],"Open space":["Spazio pubblico"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Cerca per nome, descrizione,id o proprietario"],"Active users":["Utenti attivi"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di disabilitare questo utente?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di abilitare questo utente?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di impersonare questo utente?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di eliminare i seguenti utenti?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Cancella tutti i contenuti dell'utente"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Cancella tutti gli spazi posseduti dall'utente"],"Deleted users":["Utenti eliminati"],"Disabled users":["Utenti disabilitati"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Se l'opzione non è selezionata, la proprietà di questo spazio verrà trasferita al tuo account."],"Impersonate":["Impersonifica"],"List pending registrations":["Lista delle registrazioni in attesa"],"Member since":["Membro da"],"Permanently delete":["Elimina definitivamente"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Cerca per nome, email o id"],"User deletion process queued.":["Cancellazione dell'utente in attesa."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Con questa opzione ogni contenuto di questo utente verrà permanentemente eliminato. (post, commenti, like)"],"View profile":["Visualizza profilo"],"Pending user approvals":["Approvazioni utente in attesa"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["La seguente lista contiene tutte le richieste di partecipazione ed inviti in sospeso."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["La seguente lista contiene tutte le registrazioni degli utenti in attesa di approvazione."],"Delete invitation":["Cancella invito"],"Send invitation email":["Invia invito per email"],"Add new members...":["Aggiungi nuovi membri..."],"No":["No"],"Remove from group":["Rimuovi dal gruppo"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gli utenti possono essere assegnati a gruppi differenti gruppi con degli spazi predefiniti, gruppi, manager e permessi."],"Delete invitation?":["Annulla l'invito?"],"Send invitation email again?":["Invia nuovamente l'invito per email?"],"Do not change placeholders like {displayName} if you want them to be automatically filled by the system. To reset the email content fields with the system default, leave them empty.":["Non modificare segnaposti come {displayName} se vuoi che vengano automaticamente compilati dal sistema. Per ripristinare i campi del contenuto dell'email con il valore predefinito del sistema, lasciali vuoti."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Il valore minimo è 20 secondi. Se non impostato, la sessione terminerà dopo 1400 secondi, ovvero 24 minuti di inattività. (default session timeout)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Applicabile solo quando è attivato l'acceso per gli utenti non registrati. Riguarda solo i nuovi utenti."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Attributo LDAP per l'indirizzo E-Mail. Default: "mail""],"Specify your LDAP-backend used to fetch user accounts.":["Specifica il tuo backend LDAP per recuperare gli account utenti"],"Status: Warning! (No users found using the ldap user filter!)":["Attenzione! Non trovo utenti usanto il filtro impostato!"],"Wall entry layout":["Wall entry layout"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["Puoi aggiungere del codice HTML snippet per le statistiche. Verrà aggiunto a tutte le pagine caricate."],"The comment must not be empty!":["Il commento non può essere vuoto!"],"You are not allowed to comment.":["Non sei autorizzato a commentare."],"[Deleted]":["[Eliminato]"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Può gestire contenuti (archiviare, appuntare, spostare o eliminare)"],"Move content":["Sposta contenuto"],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["Il contenuto é stato spostato in {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Spazio selezionato non valido"],"Move content":["Sposta contentuto"],"Target Space":["Spazio di destinazione"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["L'autore di questo contenuto non può creare contenuti privati nello spazio selezionato."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["L'autore di questo contentuto non può creare contenuti pubblici nello spazio selezionato."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["Il contenuto non può essere spostaro dal suo spazio attuale. "],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["Il modulo {moduleName} non è attivato nello spazio selezionato."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Il contenuto non può essere spostato perchè è mancante il settaggio dell'id modulo"],"This content type can't be moved.":["Il contentuto non può essere spostato. "],"Topics":["Argomenti"],"You do not have the permission to move this content to the given space.":["Non hai il permesso di spostare il contenuto nello spazio indicato. "],"You do not have the permission to move this content.":["Non hai il permesso di spostare questo contenuto. "],"Activity":["Attività"],"Add or remove link":["Aggiungi o rimuovi link"],"Animals & Nature":["Animali e natura"],"Change to code block":["Cambia a blocco di codice"],"Change to heading":["Cambia in intestazione"],"Change to paragraph":["Cambia in paragrafo"],"Columns":["Colonne"],"Create a link":["Crea un link"],"Create table":["Crea una tabella"],"Delete column":["Elimina colonna"],"Delete row":["Elimina riga"],"Delete table":["Elimina tabella"],"Flags":["Bandiere"],"Food & Drink":["Cibo e bevande"],"Height":["Altezza ","Altezza"],"Horizontal rule":["Linea orizzontale"],"Insert":["Inserisci"],"Insert column after":["Inserisci colonna dopo"],"Insert column before":["Inserisci colonna prima"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Inserisci linea orizzontale"],"Insert image":["Inserisci immagine"],"Insert row after":["Inserisci riga dopo"],"Insert row before":["Inserisci riga prima"],"Insert table":["Inserisci tabella"],"Link target":["Link destinazione"],"Objects":["Oggetti"],"Paragraph":["Paragrafo"],"People":["Persone"],"Rows":["Righe"],"Symbols":["Simboli"],"Toggle code font":["Attiva il codice del font"],"Toggle emphasis":["Attiva enfasi"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Attiva barrato"],"Toggle strong style":["Attiva grassetto"],"Travel & Places":["Viaggi e luoghi"],"Upload File":["Carica file"],"Upload and include a File":["Carica e incorpora file"],"Width":["larghezza","Larghezza"],"Wrap in block quote":["Elenco a trattini"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Elennco a pallini"],"Wrap in ordered list":["Elenco in lista ordinata"],"Include archived content":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Only private content":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public content":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"With file attachments":["Con allegati"],"Access directory":["Accesso agli elenchi"],"Can access the directory section.":["Puoi accedere alla sezione elenchi"],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Il file {fileName} non può essere caricato!"],"Open file":["Apri file"],"Could not find requested file variant!":["Non è possibile trovare la variante del file richiesta!"],"Last update by:":["Aggiornato da:"],"Size:":["Dimensioni:"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Le dimensioni dell'immagine sono troppo grandi per essere processato con il limite di memoria del server impostata!"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["Mi dispiace, puoi solamente caricare {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# file}} alla volta."],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Questo campo permette di caricare al massimo {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# file}}."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Adoro la carbonara e la pizza."],"Create Admin Account":["Crea un utente Amministratore"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Preferisco il latte al cioccolato."],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Quale è il tuo cibo preferito?"],"Welcome Space":["Spazio di benvenuto"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Humhub è installato ed operativo! ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Il tuo primo spazio di esempio per scoprire la piattaforma."],"Name of your network":["Nome della tua rete"],"Name of Database":["Nome del database"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Aggiungi dei contenuti di esempio (raccomandato)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Permetti l'accesso agli utenti non registrati a tutto il contenuto pubblico"],"Allow friendships between members":["Permetti il sistema di amicizie"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Permetti a nuovi utenti di registrarsi autonomamente (mostra la pagina di registrazione al login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["I nuovi utenti devono essere attivati prima dall'amministratore."],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Gli utenti possono invitare nuovi utenti via email."],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Intendo usare Humhub per:"],"Admin Account":["Account Amministratore"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Tutto è quasi pronto. in questo passaggio compila il modulo per creare un account amministratore. questo account permette di gestire tutta la rete"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Naturalmente, il tuo social network necessita di un nome. Cambia il nome predefinito con uno che preferisci. (per esempio il nome della tua societa, organizzazione o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Nome del Social Network"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Congratulazioni. Hai finito."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["L'installazione è completata! Buon divertimento con il tuo nuovo social network."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["Humhub è molto flessibile e può essere adattato e/o espanso per diferse applicazioni grazie ai differenti moduli. I seguenti moduli sono solo alcuni esempi e quelli che ritenevamo più importanti per l'applicazione scelta.

È sempre possibile installare o rimuovere i moduli in un secondo momento. Puoi trovare altri moduli disponibili dopo l'installazione nell'area di amministrazione."],"Recommended Modules":["Moduli raccomandati"],"Example contents":["Contenuti di esempio"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Per non avere una dashboard vuota al primo login, Humhub può installare dei contenuti di esempio per te. Questi ti danno una buona idea generale di come funziona Humhub. Puoi sempre eliminare i contenuti singolarmente."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Qui puoi decidere come i nuovi utenti non registrati possono accedere a Humhub."],"Security Settings":["Impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Configuration":["Configurazione"],"My club":["Il mio club"],"My community":["La mia community"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["La mia Società (Social intranet / Project management)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Il mio istituto (scuola, università)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Salta questo passaggio, voglio impostare tutto manualmente."],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Per semplificare la configurazione, abbiamo preconfigurato i parametri per gli usi più comuni con diverse opzioni per i moduli e settaggi. Puoi selezionarli nel prossimo passaggio."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Benvenuto su HumHub
Il tuo Social Network Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Questa procedura guidata installa e configura la tua istanza Humhub.

Per continuare, clicca su Avanti."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Qui sotto devi inserire i dettagli per la connessione al database. Se non sei sicuro di avere questi dati, contatta l'amministratore di sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname del tuo MySQL Database Server (es. localhost se MySQL è attivo nella stessa macchina)"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Congratulazioni! tutto è OK e siamo pronti per iniziare!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Riepilogo di tutti i requisiti di sistema per HumHub."],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Qui puoi definire i comportamenti predefiniti per i tuoi utenti. Queste impostazioni possono essere modificate dai singoli utenti nelle loro pagine di impostazione profilo."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Le notifiche sono inviate direttamente ai tuoi utenti per informarli a proposito di nuove attività."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["Le notifiche sono inviate istantaneamente per informarti di nuove attività."],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Qui puoi configurare le impostazioni delle notifiche selezionando gli eventi desiderati per ogni categoria di notifiche."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["Il contentuto richiesto non è valido o è stato rimosso! "],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Permetti le notifiche desktop per default"],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Ricevi le notifiche per nuovi contenuti per i seguenti spazi"],"Space has been archieved":["Lo spazio è stato archiviato"],"Space has been unarchieved":["Lo spazio è stato ripristinato"],"Whenever a space is archieved.":["Ongni volta che uno spazio viene archiviato"],"Whenever a space is unarchieved.":["Ogni volta che uno spazio viene ripristinato"],"User invitations have been added to the queue":["Gli inviti per gli utenti sono stati aggiunti alla lista per l'approvazione."],"User memberships have been added to the queue":["La partecipazione è stata aggiunta alla lista per l'approvazione."],"{count} members":["{count} membri"],"Remove from space":["Rimuovi dallo spazio"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["Sei stato aggiunto allo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} changed your role to {roleName} in the space {spaceName}.":["\n{displayName} ha cambiato la regola {roleName} nello spazio {spaceName}.\n"],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["Ricevi le notifiche degli eventi dei membri dello spazio."],"Allows the user to create private content":["Permetti all'utente di creare contenuti privati. "],"Create private content":["Crea contenuto privato"],"-":["-"],"Add users without invitation":["Aggiungi utenti senza richiesta di invito"],"Select all registered users":["Scegli tutti gli utenti registrati"],"Users has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato."],"Author":["Autore"],"Content Type":["Tipo di contenuto"],"Topic":["Argomento"],"Confirm topic deletion":["Conferma l'eliminazione dell'argomento"],"Edit Topic":["Modifica Argomento"],"Manage Topics":["Gestisci Argomenti"],"Topic Overview":["Riepilogo Argomenti"],"Add Topic":["Aggiungi argomento"],"Do you really want to delete this topic?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare questo argomento?"],"Topic has been deleted!":["L'argomento è stato eliminato!"],"Add Topics":["Aggiungi argomenti"],"Manage Topics":["Gestisci argomenti"],"Can add new topics":["Può aggiungere argomenti"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Può modificare ed eliminare argomenti"],"Add topic":["Aggiungi argomento"],"No topics found for the given query":["Nessun argomento trovato"],"Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}":["Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}":["Questo campo permette un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}"],"User Interface":["Interfaccia utente"],"Invalid icon.":["Icona non valida. "],"Select icon":["Scegli icona. "],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["Tutti i tuoi dati personali verranno definitivamente eliminati."],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?"],"You are currently the owner of following spaces:":["Sei il proprietario dei seguenti spazi:"],"You must transfer ownership or delete these spaces before you can delete your account.":["Devi trasferire la proprietà o cancellare gli spazi prima di eliminare il tuo account."],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["Il tuo account non può essere eliminato!"],"Your new password must not be equal your current password!":["Non puoi scegliere una password uguale alla precedente. "],"This profile is no longer available!":["Il profilo non è più disponibile! "],"Must contain at least one character.":["Deve contenere almeno un carattere."],"This profile stream is still empty
Be the first and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
sii il primo a postare qualcosa...\n"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Compleanni nei prossimi {days} giorni"],"In {days} days":["In {days} giorni"],"The group id of the group that should be exluded.":["l'id del gruppo che verrebbe escluso."],"The number of days future birthdays will be shown within.":["Numero di giorni per i futuri compleanni che verrà mostrato."],"becomes {years} years old.":["Compie {years} anni!"],"Choose target calendar":["Scegli il calendario di destinazione"],"Cancel Event":["Annulla evento"],"Download as ICS file":["Scarica il file ICS per il client di posta"],"Profile Calendar":["Calendario del profilo"],"Reopen Event":["Riapri evento"],"{displayName} Birthday":["Compleanno di {displayName}"],"(disabled)":["(disabilitato)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Qui puoi gestire i tipi di calendario forniti dagli altri moduli"],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Configurazione degli altri Calendari"],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento cancellato \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} evento cancellato \"{contentTitle}\"."],"{displayName} just updated event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} evento riaperto \"{contentTitle}\"."],"Edit calendar":["Modifica calendario"],"I'm attending":["sto partecipando"],"Other Calendars":["Altri calendari"],"Confirm delete file":["Conferma cancellazione file"],"Edit file":["Modifica file"],"File download url":["Url download File"],"File url":["Url File"],"Files module configuration":["Configurazione modulo File"],"Folder url":["Url cartella"],"Note: The replacement behaviour is currently not supported for zip imports.":["Nota: Il comportamento di sostituzione non è attualmente supportato per i caricamenti da file zip"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Un file con questo nome esiste già nella cartella"],"Add directory":["Aggiungi directory"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Aggiungi file a questo space"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Aggiungi il modulo file al tuo profilo"],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["C'è stato un errore creando la cartella {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["C'è stato un errore estraendo il file {filename}."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["L'archivio %filename% non può essere estratto."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Non posso modificare un file inesistente."],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Non riesco a trovare una cartella con id: %id%"],"Creator":["Creatore"],"Destination folder not found!":["Cartella di destinazione non trovata!"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Disabilita il supporto agli archivi (ZIP)"],"Display Url":["Mostra URL"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Vuoi davvero eliminare questo {number} oggetto (i) con tutto il contenuto?"],"Edit directory":["Modifica directory"],"Files from the stream":["File dallo stream"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Il nome cartella non deve inziare o finire con uno spazio vuoto"],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["La cartella {name} non può essere mossa in se stessa!"],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["La cartella {name} non è modificabile!"],"Import Zip":["Importa zip"],"Likes/Comments":["Like/Commenti"],"Make Private":["Rendi privato"],"Make Public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Non è permesso spostare nella stessa cartella"],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Non è permesso spostare questa cartella"],"Open file folder":["Apri la cartella"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Errore di apertura dell'archivio codice: %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Scegli una destinazione valida per %title%."],"Replace existing files":["Sostituisci i file esistenti"],"Root":["Root"],"Selected items...":["Oggetti selezionati..."],"Show Post":["Mostra Post"],"Size: {size}":["Dimensione: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Alcuni file non possono essere importati:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Alcuni file non possono essere spostati:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["La cartella principale è il punto di ingresso che contiene tutti i file disponibili."],"This file is only visible for you and your friends.":["Questo file è visibile da te e i tuoi amici."],"This file is private.":["Questo file è privato."],"This file is protected.":["Questo file è protetto."],"This file is public.":["Questo file è pubblico."],"This folder is empty.":["Questa cartella è vuota."],"This folder is only visible for you and your friends.":["Questa cartella è visibile solo da te e i tuoi amici."],"This folder is private.":["Questa cartella è privata."],"This folder is protected.":["Questa cartella è protetta."],"This folder is public.":["Questa cartella è pubblica."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Sfortunatamente non hai i permessi per caricare/modificare i file."],"Upload behaviour for existing file names":["Comportamento per il caricamento di nomi file già esistenti."],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Carica file o crea sottocartelle con il pulsante sopra."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Carica i file nello stream per riempire questa cartella."],"Use of file indexes for already existing files":["Usa gli indici dei file per i file già esistenti."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["Puoi trovare qui tutti i file che sono stati pubblicati su questo stream."],"ZIP selected":["ZIP selezionato"],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["Il supporto ZIP non è attivo."],"Is Public":["è pubblico"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Nota: Il cambiamento della visibilità della cartella saranno ereditati da tutti i file e cartelle."],"Parent Folder ID":["ID cartella superiore"],"Add files":["Aggiungi file"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Permetti agli utenti di modificare o cancellare i file"],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Permetti agli utenti di caricare nuovi file e creare cartelle"],"Manage files":["Gestisci file"],"Icon":["Icona"],"Invalid template selection!":["Selezione template non valida!"],"Invalid view file selection!":["Selezione visualizzazione non valida!"],"Style Class":["Stile Class"],"Target Url":["Url di destinazione"],"Template Layout":["Layout template"],"Add {templateName} item":["Aggiungi {templateName} oggetto"],"Edit item":["Modifica oggetto"],"Edit {type} element":["Modifca {type} elemento"],"Invalid request data!":["Richiesta non valida!"],"You are not allowed to delete default content!":["Non sei abilitato a cancellare il contenuto predefinito!"],"Empty
Vuoto"],"Only visible for space admins":["Visile solo agli amministratori dello spazio"],"Open in new window":["Apri in una nuova finestra"],"page":["pagina"],"snippet":["snippet"],"Empty Image":["Immagine vuota"],"Only visible for admins":["Visibile solamente agli amministratori"],"Url shortcut":["Scorciatoia Url"],"Empty Richtext":["Richtext vuoto"],"Empty Text":["Testo vuoto"],"Activate PHP based Pages and Snippets":["Attiva Pagine e Sippets basati su PHP"],"If disabled, existing php pages will still be online, but can't be created.":["Se disattivato, le pagine php esistenti resteranno online ma non potranno essere create."],"Sidebar":["Barra laterale"],"Label":["Etichetta"],"Placeholder name":["Nome segnaposto"],"The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except '_'":["Il nome dell'elemento deve contenere almeno due caratteri senza spazi o segni speciali ad eccezione di \"_\""],"The given element name is already in use for this template.":["Il nome dell'elemento specificato è già in uso per questo modello."],"Style":["Stile"],"Use empty content":["Usa contenuto vuoto"],"Use default content":["Usa contenuto predefinito"],"Display Empty Content":["Mostra contenuto vuoto"],"Choose a template":["Scegli un modello"],"Template":["Modello"],"Edit Page":["Modifica pagina"],"View not found":["Vista non trovata"],"Create new {label}":["Crea nuovo {label}"],"No {label} entry created yet!":["Nessuna voce {label} ancora creata!"],"This page lists all available {label} entries.":["Questa pagina elenca tutte le voci {label} disponibili."],"Edit Template":["Modifica modello"],"Edit elements":["Modifica elementi"],"Edit template":["Modifica modello"],"Page configuration":["Configurazione pagina"],"Turn edit off":["Disattiva modifiche"],"Empty":["Vuoto"],"Inline":["In linea"],"Multiple":["Multiplo"],"This template does not contain any elements yet.":["Il modello non contiene ancora elementi."],"none":["nulla"],"less":["meno"],"Open page...":["Apri pagina..."],"Add Dropbox files":["Aggiungi file da Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["File non valido"],"Dropbox API Key":["Api Key Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Mostra avvisi quando crei post"],"Dropbox post":["Post Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Il modulo dropbox richiede un'applicazione Dropbox attiva creata! Vai a questo link, Scegli \"Drop-ins app\" ed inserisci un nome per l'applicazione per ottenere la tua Api key."],"Dropbox settings":["Impostazioni Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Descrivi i tuoi file"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Il modulo Dropbox non è ancora configurato. contatta l'amministratore per aiutarti."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Il modulo Dropbox non è ancora configurato! Configuralo qui.\n"],"Select files from dropbox":["Scegli file da Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Attenzione! Stai condividendo file privati."],"Do not show this warning in future":["Non mostrare ulteriori avvisi in futuro"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Il file che vuoi condividere è privato. Per condividere i file nel tuo spazio abbiamo generato un link condiviso. Chiunque potrà vedere questo file.
Sei sicuro di condividere?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Sì, sono sicuro"],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition periodo di valutazione"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licenza Enterprise Edition non valida"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Registrata "],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Non registrata "],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Inserisci la tua chiave di licenza HumHub - Enterprise Edition qui sotto. Se ancora non hai una chiave di licenza, puoi ottenerne una qui %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Registra questa HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Aggiorna la licenza HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione completata!"],"Validating...":["Validazione..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Hai ancora {daysLeft} giorni per il tuo periodo di valutazione."],"Hide sidebar":["Nascondi la barra laterale"],"Show sidebar":["Mostra la barra laterale"],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Una regola deve essere in formato @example.com per permettere ad ogni email dell'host di completare l'indirizzo ad esempio user@example.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["Mappaggio email"],"E-Mails":["Email"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Questo mappaggio email permette di specificare delle regole per gli utenti per assegnare automaticamente a questo gruppo dopo la registrazione."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["La whitelist email permette di specificare delle regole per limitare gli indirizzi che possono registrarsi o creare inviti."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["La whitelist email permette di specificare delle regole che permettono di non necessitare approvazione dopo la registrazione di un nuovo utente"],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Le seguenti email non corrispondono alle impostazioni della whitelist: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["L'indirizzo indicato non è autorizzato alla registrazione!"],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Quando la funzione whitelist email è attivata (almeno una regola), le regole indicate verranno aggiunte alla whitelist."],"Whitelist":["Whitelist"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licenza Enterprise Edition"],"Licence Serial Code":["Codice seriale licenza"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Prego inserisci il codice seriale licenza qui sotto, lasciando in bianco inizierai il periodo di valutazione di 14 giorni."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Crea un nuovo mapping ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Modifica il mapping ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP mapping dei membri"],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this group.":["Assegna automaticamente gli utenti LDAP come membri di questo gruppo."],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this space.":["Assegna automaticamente gli utenti LDAP come membri di questo spazio."],"Attribute value (e.g. street==Some Street or street=~Street)":["Valore attributo (es. street==Some Street o street=~Street)"],"Create new mapping":["Crea un nuovo mapping"],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP Mapping"],"Mapping options:":["Opzioni di mapping:"],"Note: This option is only available for global user administrators.":["Nota: questa opzione è disponibile solo per gli amministratori globali."],"Part of the users base DN (e.g. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)":["Parte della users base DN (es. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)"],"User Memberships (MemberOf, e.g. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)":["User Memberships (MemberOf, es. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)"],"Change space image":["Cambia l'immagine dello spazio"],"Change type":["Cambia tipo"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Crea un nuovo %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Crea nuovo tipo di spazio"],"Delete space type":["Elimina il tipo di spazio"],"Edit space type":["Modifica il tipo di spazio"],"Crop image":["Ritaglia immagine"],"Current image":["Immagine corrente"],"Delete image":["Cancella immagine"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Qui puoi gestire i tipi di spazio, si usano per categorizzare i tuoi spazi"],"Space Types":["Tipi di spazio"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Per eliminare il tipo di spazio \"{type}\" devi selezionarne uno alternativo da quelli esistenti:"],"Types":["Tipi"],"Upload image":["Carica immagine"],"e.g. Project":["es. Progetto"],"e.g. Projects":["es. Progetti"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Una regola whitelisti deve essere nel formato @example.com per permettere all'host di completare l'email con il nome utente es. user@example.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Separa più regole andando a capo."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Separa più regole whitelist andando a capo."],"Your are not a member of this space":["Non sei membro di questo spazio"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Conferma cancellazione galleria"],"Confirm delete item":["Conferma cancellazione elemento"],"Edit gallery":["Modifica galleria"],"Edit media":["Modifica media"],"Gallery ":["Galleria"],"Gallery settings":["Impostazioni Galleria"],"List of galleries":["Elenco gallerie"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Aggiunge il modulo Galleria a questo spazio"],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Aggiunge il modulo Galleria al tuo profilo"],"Choose snippet gallery":["Scegli galleria snippet"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Clicca qui per aggiungere una nuova galleria"],"Click or drop files here":["Clicca o trascina i file qui"],"Delete Gallery":["Elimina Galleria"],"Deleted":["Eliminata"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa galleria e tutto il suo contenuto?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo oggetto e tutti i contenuti collegati?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Non mostrare lo snippet della galleria in questo spazio"],"Edit Gallery":["Modifica Galleria"],"Gallery":["Galleria"],"Gallery:":["Galleria:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Nel caso che la galleria non fosse visibile per l'utente attuale, lo snippet userà la prima galleria accessibile."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Permessi insufficienti per fare questo."],"Item could not be deleted!":["L'oggetto non può essere eliminato!"],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Ultima galleria - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Rendi questa galleria pubblica"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Apri galleria"],"Posted Media Files":["File multimediali postati"],"Posted pictures":["Immagini postate"],"Show connected post":["Mostra post collegati"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Non ci sono gallerie disponibili per questo spazio. Per configurare lo snippet per la galleria, crea una nuova galleria"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Tutti i file di questa galleria sono postati dal profilo"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Tutti i file di questa galleria sono postati dallo spazio"],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Questa galleria contiene tutti i file postati."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Questa galleria contiene tutte le immagini postate."],"added by ":["aggiunto da"],"of posted media files":["di file postati"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Scusa! Limite di utenti raggiunto"],"Administrative Contact":["Contatto amministrativo"],"Advanced Options":["Opzioni avanzate"],"Custom Domain":["Dominio personalizzato"],"Data privacy":["Privacy dei dati"],"Datacenter":["Datacentre"],"Delete instance":["Cancella istanza","Cancella istanaza"],"Export data":["Esporta i dati"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Supporto / Ricevi aiuto"],"Terms of use":["Termini di uso del servizio"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Non ci sono ulteriori registrazioni a disposizione. Il limite di utenti è stato raggiunto in questa istanza ospitata."],"Your plan":["Il tuo piano"],"Mail module configuration":["configurazione moduloMail"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Permetti agli altri di inviarti messaggi privati"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["Permetti agli utenti di iniziare nuove conversazioni"],"Conversation":["conversazione"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuo crea una nuova conversazione"],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno ti invia un messaggio"],"Receive private messages":["Ricevi messaggi privati"],"Show menu item in top Navigation":["Mostra l'icona del modulo nel menu superiore"],"Start new conversations":["Inizia nuove conversazioni"],"This user is already participating in this conversation.":["Questo untente sta già partecipando a questa conversazione."],"Write a message...":["Scrivi un messaggio..."],"You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.":["Non sei autorizzato da iniziare una conversazione con questo utente."],"User {name} is already participating!":["L'utente {name} sta già partecipando!"],"You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!":["Non puoi inviare all'utente {name}!"],"Duration":["Durata"],"Move down":["Sposta giù"],"Move up":["Sposta sù"],"End must be after begin":["La fine deve essere dopo l'inizio"],"Filter meetings":["Filtri appuntamenti"],"I'm participating":["Partecipo"],"Only past meetings":["Solo appuntamenti passati"],"Assign Users":["Assegna utenti"],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["es. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Editors:":["Editori:"],"Create document":["Crea documento"],"DocumentServer not accessible.":["DocumentServer non accessibile."],"DocumentServer not configured yet.":["DocumentServer non ancora configurato."],"DocumentServer successfully connected! - Installed version: {version}":["DocumentServer collegato correttamente! - Versione installata: {version}"],"OnlyOffice - DocumentServer module configuration":["Configurazione modulo OnlyOffice - DocumentServer"],"Share document":["Condividi documento"],"Could not find shared file!":["Non riesco a trovare il file condiviso!"],"File read access denied!":["Accesso al file negato!"],"Link for view only access":["Link per sola visualizzazione"],"Link with enabled write access":["Link per visualizzazione e modifica"],"You can simply share this document using a direct link. The user does not need an valid user account on the platform.":["Puoi semplicemente condividere questo documento con un link diretto. L'utente non necessita di un account valido nella piattaforma."],"e.g. http://documentserver":["es. http://documentserver"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Nota: I risultati sono nascosti fino alla chiusura da parte del moderatore. "],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Vuoi nascondere i rosultati quando il sondaggio è chiuso? "],"Manage reported posts":["Gestisci post segnalati"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Dai una ragione del perché segnali un post. "],"Reported posts":["Post segnalati. "],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Perché vuoi segnalare un post? "],"by :displayName":["Da :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["Creato da :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Non é attinente allo spazio. "],"Offensive":["Offensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Qui puoi gestire i post segnalati dagli utenti."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come offensivo. "],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come spam. "],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come non attinente allo spazio. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come offensivo. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come spam. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come non attinente allo spazio. "],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Qui puoi gestire i post segnalati per questo spazio. "],"Confirm report deletion":["Conferma la cancellazione della segnalazione"],"Approve":["Approva"],"Approve post":["Approva post"],"Delete post":["Cancella post"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Vuoi approvare questo post? "],"Reason":["Motivo"],"Reporter":["Segnalatore"],"There are no reported posts.":["Non ci sono post segnalati"],"Does not belong here":["Non é attinente. "],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Aiutaci a capire cosa è successo"],"It's offensive":["È offensivo"],"It's spam":["Spam! "],"Report post":["Segnala post"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Permetti i messaggi con più di 160 caratteri (predefinito disattivato, attualmente non supportato)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Errore sconosciuto"],"Body too long.":["Testo troppo lungo."],"Body too too short.":["Testo troppo corto."],"Characters left:":["Caratteri rimanenti:"],"Choose Provider":["Scegli provider"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Non posso collegarmi al fornitore di SMS, contatta l'amministratore."],"Gateway Number":["Numero gateway"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Il gateway non è disponibile per questa rete"],"Insufficent credits.":["Crediti insufficienti."],"Invalid IP address.":["Indirizzo IP non valido"],"Invalid destination.":["Destinazione non valida."],"Invalid sender.":["Mittente non valido."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Utento o passoword errati. Contatta l'amministratore."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Credito non sufficiente per l'account principale."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Credito non sufficiente per l'account secondario."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Provider non inizializzato. Contratta l'amministratore."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Destinatario non valido."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Destinatario scritto in modo errato dece essere in formato internazionale, ad esempio 00[...] o +[...]"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Tag di riferimento per creare un filtro nelle statistiche"],"Route access violation.":["Violazione route access."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo SMS"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["L'SMS è stato rifiutato/non può essere consegnato."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["L'SMS è stato spedito correttamente."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS mancante di indicazione del prezzo (annunci a numeri premium)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS con testo di messaggio identico sono stati inviati troppo spesso negli ultimi 180 secondi.\nSMS con testo di messaggio identico è stato inviato troppo spesso negli ultimi 180 secondi."],"Save Configuration":["Salva la configurazione"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Errore di sicurezza. Contatta l'amministratore per controllare la configurazione del modulo."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Seleziona la rotta Spryng (default: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Invia SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Invia un SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Invia un SMS a"],"Sender is invalid.":["Mittente non valido."],"Technical error.":["Errore tecnico."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opzione di test. Gli SMS non vengono consegnati, ma il server risponde come se lo fossero."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Per poter inviare un sms a un account specifico, assicurati che il campo del profilo \"mobile\" sia compilato nelle informazioni dell'account."],"Unknown route.":["Rotta sconosciuta."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["All'interno di questa configurazione puoi scegliere tra diversi provider sms e configurarli. È necessario impostare correttamente le informazioni del proprio account del fornitore scelto per far funzionare correttamente la funzione sms."],"Application folder not writable!":["La cartella dell'applicazione non è scrivibile!"],"Application folder: {folder}":["Cartella dell'applicazione: {folder}"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Fai il backup di tutti i file e del database prima di procedere"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Le modifiche ai file di sistema di Humhub verranno sovrascritte!"],"Channel":["Canale"],"Cleanup update files":["Pulizia dei file dell'aggiornamento"],"Could not extract update package!":["Non posso estrarre il pacchetto di aggiornamento!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Non riesco a trovare informazioni sugli aggiornamenti online! (%error%)"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Non usare questo update in combinazione con installazioni di tipo Git o Composer"],"Downloading update package":["Scaricamento del pacchetto di aggiornamento"],"Extracting package files":["Estrazione del pacchetto di aggiornamento"],"Installed PHP version not support!":["Versione di PHP installata non supportata"],"Installing files":["Installazione dei file"],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Controlla che tutti i file siano scrivibili dall'applicazione"],"Make sure all files are writable! (file)":["Controlla che tutti i file siano scrivibili!"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Controlla che i moduli personalizzati o i temi siano compatibili con la versione %version%"],"Migrating database":["Migrazione database"],"New updater version available!":["Nessuna nuova versione disponibile!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Nessun messaggio di errore disponibile. Controlla il file di log!"],"Please note:":["Nota:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Controlla che tutti i moduli installati siano aggiornati PRIMA e DOPO l'aggiornamento."],"Please update installed modules when new version is available!":["Aggiorna i moduli installati quando una nuova versione è disponibile!"],"Preparing system":["Preparazione del sistema"],"Stable and beta versions":["Versioni stabili e versioni beta"],"Stable versions only":["Solo versioni stabili"],"Switch to default theme after update (strongly recommended)":["Passa al tema predefinito dopo l'aggiornamento (caldamente raccomandato)"],"The currently installed PHP version is too old. Please update before proceed.":["La versione di PHP installata è troppo vecchia. Aggiorna PHP prima di procedere."],"The update was successfully installed!":["L'aggiornamento è stato isntallato con successo!"],"The updater requires write access to all files and folders in the application root folder.":["Il programma di aggiornamento necessita dei permessi di scrittura in tutti i file e le cartelle della cartella principale."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Un nuovo aggiornamento alla versione %version% è disponibile!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["C'è una nuova versione del modulo di aggiornamento disponibile. Aggiorna il modulo prima di procedere."],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Non c'è nessun aggiornamento per Humhub disponibile!"],"Update HumHub":["Aggiorna Humhub"],"Update package invalid!":["Pacchetto di aggiornamento non valido!"],"Update successful":["Aggiornamento completato"],"Updater Configuration":["Configurazione aggiornamenti"],"Validating package":["Validazione pacchetto"],"Are you really sure? All existing category page assignments will be removed!":["Sei proprio sicuro? Tutte le pagine assegnate alla categoria verranno eliminate!"],"Pages in this category":["Pagine in questa categoria"],"Pages without category":["Pagine senza categoria"]} \ No newline at end of file +{"Latest updates":["Ultimi aggiornamenti"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Back":["Indietro"],"Back to dashboard":["Torna alla bacheca"],"Choose language:":["Scegli lingua:"],"Collapse":["Chiudi"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Il contenuto sorgente dell'Addon deve essere un'istanza di HActiveRecordContent o di HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Non posso determinare il contenuto del container!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Impossibile trovare l'addon richiesto!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Non posso trovare il modulo richiesto!"],"Error":["Errore"],"Expand":["Espandi"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permessi non sufficienti per creare il contenuto!"],"Invalid request.":["Richiesta non valida."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Sembrerebbe che tu abbia preso una strada sbagliata."],"Keyword:":["Parola chiave:"],"Language":["Lingua"],"Latest news":["Ultime notizie"],"Logout":["Esci","Disconnetti"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Il modulo non è abilitato in questo contenitore!"],"My profile":["Il mio profilo","il mio profilo"],"New profile image":["Nuova immagine profilo"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nessun risultato con questa parola chiave."],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Results":["Risultati"],"Search":["Cerca","Ricerca"],"Search for users and spaces":["Cerca per utenti e space"],"Show more results":["Visualizza più risultati"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Ops, nessun risultato trovato!"],"Space not found!":["Space non trovato!"],"User Approvals":["Utenti approvati"],"User not found!":["Utente non trovato!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Benvenuto in %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Non puoi creare contenuti visibili al pubblico!"],"Your daily summary":["Il tuo riepilogo giornaliero"],"Login required":["Login obbligatorio"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Non sei abilitato ad effettuare questa operazione."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["L'array globale {global} è stato cancellato usando il metodo {method}."],"Upload error":["Errore durante il Caricamento"],"Close":["Chiudi"],"Add image/file":["Aggiungi immagine/file"],"Add link":["Aggiungi link"],"Bold":["Grassetto"],"Code":["Codice"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Inserisci un URL (es. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Intestazione"],"Image":["Immagine"],"Image/File":["Immagine/File"],"Italic":["Corsivo"],"List":["Lista","lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Attendi il caricamento..."],"Preview":["Anteprima"],"Quote":["Quota"],"Target":["Destinazione"],"Title":["Titolo"],"Title of your link":["Titolo del tuo link"],"code text here":["testo di codice"],"emphasized text":["testo corsivo"],"enter image description here":["scrivi la descrizione dell'immagine qui"],"enter image title here":["scrivi il titolo dell'immagine qui"],"enter link description here":["scrivi la descrizione del link qui"],"heading text":["testo d'intestazione"],"list text here":["elemento lista"],"quote here":["testo quotato"],"strong text":["testo in grassetto"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Non è possibile creare un'attività per questo tipo di oggetto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha creato il nuovo spazio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% ha creato questo spazio."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% si è aggiunto allo spazio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% si è aggiunto a questo spazio."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha lasciato lo spazio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% ha lasciato questo spazio."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} ora segue {user2}."],"see online":["vedi online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Ultime attività"],"There are no activities yet.":["Non ci sono ancora attività."],"Group not found!":["Gruppo non trovato!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Non posso disinstallare il modulo! Il modulo è protetto."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Il module con il path %path% non è scrivibile!"],"Saved":["Salvato"],"Database":["Base dati","Database"],"No theme":["Nessun tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Non posso caricare LDAP! - Verifica l'estensione PHP"],"File":["File"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["No caching (Solo per test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Nessuno - mostra tendina nella registrazione dell'utente"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Cache salvata e attivata"],"Become this user":["Diventa questo utente"],"Delete":["Cancella"],"Disabled":["Disabilitato"],"Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Save":["Salva"],"Unapproved":["Non approvato"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Non puoi eliminare te stesso!"],"Could not load category.":["Non posso caricare la categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Puoi cancellare solo categorie vuote!"],"Group":["Gruppo"],"Message":["Messaggio"],"Subject":["Soggetto"],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Abilita supporto LDAP"],"Encryption":["Crittografia"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Filtro login"],"Password":["Password"],"Port":["Porta"],"User Filer":["Filtro utente"],"Username":["Username"],"Username Attribute":["Attributo Username"],"Anonymous users can register":["Gli utenti anonimi possono registrarsi"],"Default user group for new users":["Gruppo predefinito per i nuovi utenti"],"Members can invite external users by email":["I membri possono invitare utenti esterni via email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Richiede l'approvazione dell'amministratore del gruppo dopo la registrazione"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Lingua predefinita"],"Default space":["Spazio predefinito"],"Invalid space":["Spazio non valido"],"Name of the application":["Nome dell'applicazione"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostra il tour di introduzione ai nuovi utenti"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tempo di scadenza predefinito (in secondi)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP APC mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP SQLite3 mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Misura predefinita dell'impaginazione (Elementi per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Mostra nome (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Convert command not found!":["Comando Converti non trovato"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Risposta non valida di Image Magick! - Comando corretto?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando Converti di Image Magick (opzionale)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Misura massima del file in upload (in MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usa X-Sendfile per scaricare i file"],"Administrator users":["Utenti amministratori"],"Description":["Descrizione"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Name":["Nome"],"E-Mail sender address":["Indirizzo del mittente dell'e-mail"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nome del mittente dell'e-mail"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo di Mail Transport"],"Port number":["Numero porta"],"User":["Utente"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["I Super Admins possono cancellare ogni oggetto di contenuto"],"HTML tracking code":["Codice HTML per il tracciamento"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["La directory del modulo %moduleId% già esiste!"],"Could not extract module!":["Non posso estrarre il modulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Non posso recuperare la lista dei moduli online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Non posso prendere le informazioni sul modulo online! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["La directory del modulo %modulePath% non è scrivibile!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Non è stata trovata nessuna versione compatibile del modulo!","Nessuna versione compatibile del modulo trovata!"],"Activated":["Attivato"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nessun modulo ancora installato. Installane qualcuno per migliorare le funzionalità!"],"Version:":["Versione:"],"Installed":["Installato","Installati"],"No modules found!":["Nessun modulo trovato!"],"search for available modules online":["cerca moduli disponibili online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tutti i moduli sono aggiornati!"],"About HumHub":["Riguardo HumHub"],"Accept":["Accetta"],"Decline":["Rifiuta"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accetta utente: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Send & save":["Invia e salva"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Rifiuta e cancella l'utente: {displayName}"],"Email":["Email"],"Search for email":["Cerca per email"],"Search for username":["Cerca per username"],"Pending user approvals":["Approvazioni utente In sospeso"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Qui vedi tutti gli utenti che si sono registrati e che sono in attesa di approvazione."],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Per eliminare il gruppo \"{group}\" devi impostare un gruppo alternativo per gli utenti esistenti:"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"Edit group":["Modifica gruppo"],"Group name":["Nome gruppo"],"Search for description":["Cerca per descrizione"],"Search for group name":["Cerca per nome gruppo"],"Manage groups":["Gestisci gruppi"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Puoi dividere gli utenti in gruppi differenti (per team, dipartimenti, ecc.) e definire per loro space standard e amminstratori."],"Error logging":["Log degliErrori"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Mostra {count} elementi per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Pulisci log"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} elementi trovati in totale."],"Available updates":["Aggiornamenti disponibili"],"Browse online":["Sfoglia online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["I moduli estendono le funzionalità di HumHub. Qui puoi installare e gestire i moduli tramite il Marketplace di HumHub."],"Module details":["Dettagli Modulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Questo modulo non fornisce ulteriori informazioni."],"Modules directory":["Elenco Moduli"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli saranno perduti!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati e i file relativi ai moduli saranno perduti!"],"Configure":["Configura"],"Disable":["Disabilita"],"Enable":["Abilita"],"More info":["Più informazioni"],"Set as default":["Imposta come predefinito"],"Uninstall":["Disinstalla"],"Install":["Installa"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Latest version:":["Ultima versione:"],"Installed version:":["Versione installata:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Imposta come modulo predefinito"],"Always activated":["Sempre attivato"],"Deactivated":["Disattivato"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Qui puoi scegliere se il modulo sarà automaticamente attivato o meno in uno space o nel profilo utente. "],"Spaces":["Space"],"User Profiles":["Profili utente"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL è fortemente richiesto in ambienti di produzione per prevenire la trasmissione di password con testo in chiaro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definisce il filtro da applicare quando si tenta di accedere. Sostituisce %uid al nome utente nell'azione di accesso. Esempio: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Attributo LDAP per lo username. Esempio: "uid" o "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limita l'accesso agli utenti che soddisfano questo criterio. Esempio: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" o "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Stato: Errore! (Messaggio: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Stato: OK! ({userCount} Utenti)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["La base DN predefinita usata per cercare gli account."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Password credenziale predefinita (usata solo con lo username qui sopra)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Username credenziale predefinito. Alcuni server richiedono che questo sia nella forma DN. Questo deve essere fornito nella forma DN se il server LDAP richiede un DN per vincolare e il vincolamento dovrebbe essere possible con semplici nomi utente."],"Cache Settings":["Impostazioni Cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salva e svuota Cache"],"CronJob settings":["Impostazioni CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab dell'utente: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ultimo lanciato: (giornaliero):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ultimo lanciato (orario):"],"Never":["Mai"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oppure Crontab dell'utente root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ti preghiamo di assicurarti che i seguenti cronjobs siano installati:"],"Design settings":["Impostazioni Design"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nome Cognome (esempio: John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nome utente (esempio: john)"],"File settings":["Impostazioni File"],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Image Libary corrente: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP impostato ad un massimo di {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Impostazioni Basic"],"Dashboard":["Bacheca"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Esempio: http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questi space."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing predefiniti"],"Activities":["Attività"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Sommario giornaliero"],"Defaults":["Predefinite"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Scegli le impostazioni predefinite quanto un utente riceve le e-mail di notifica o riguardo alle nuove attività. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte dagli utenti nelle impostazioni dell'account."],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Server Settings":["Impostazioni server"],"When I´m offline":["Quando sono offline"],"Mailing settings":["Impostazioni Mailing"],"SMTP Options":["Opzioni SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Impostazioni e ruoli realtivi alla Sicurezza"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verifica i prerequisiti del software Humhub."],"Re-Run tests":["Rilancia il test"],"Statistic settings":["Impostazioni Statistiche"],"Manage spaces":["Gestisci spazi"],"All":["Tutti","Tutte"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definisci qui le impostazioni di default per i nuovi space."],"Delete space":["Cancella space"],"Edit space":["Modifica space"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In questa panoramica puoi trovare tutti gli space e gestirli."],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Search for space name":["Cerca per nome space"],"Search for space owner":["Cerca per proprietario space"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Space name":["Nome space","Nome spazio"],"Space owner":["Proprietario dello Spazio"],"View space":["Vedi space"],"Space Settings":["Impostazioni Space"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo utente? Se questo utente è proprietario di qualche space, tu ne diventerai il proprietario."],"Delete user":["Elimina utente"],"Delete user: {username}":["Elimina utente: {username}"],"Edit user":["Modifica utente"],"Admin":["Amministrazione"],"Delete user account":["Cancella l'account dellutente"],"Edit user account":["Modifica l'account dell'utente"],"View user profile":["Vedi profilo utente"],"Yes":["Sì"],"Manage users":["Gestisci utenti"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In questa panoramica puoi cercare ogni utente registrato e gestirlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria di profili"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria dei profili"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo per il profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo del profilo"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestisci campi dei profili"],"Add new category":["Aggiungi nuova categoria"],"Add new field":["Aggiungi nuovo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Sicurezza & Ruoli"],"Administration menu":["Amministrazione menù"],"Authentication":["Autenticazione"],"Cron jobs":["Cron job"],"Files":["File"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduli"],"Self test & update":["Self test & aggiornamento"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"User approval":["Approvazione utenti"],"User profiles":["Profili utente"],"Users":["Persone"],"Click here to review":["Clicca qui per analizzare"],"New approval requests":["Nuove richieste da approvare"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o più utenti hanno bisogno della tua approvazione come amministratore del gruppo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Non puoi cancellare il commento!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe di destinazione non valida fornita"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Necessari Modello e parametro ID"],"Target not found!":["Destinazione non trovata!"],"Access denied!":["Accesso negato!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permessi insufficienti!"],"Comment":["Commenta"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo commento"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Edit your comment...":["Modifica il tuo commento..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato anche il tuo %displayName%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostra tutti i {total} commenti."],"Post":["Articolo"],"Write a new comment...":["Scrivi un nuovo commento..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostra altri %count% commenti"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione del commento"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo commento?"],"Edit":["Modifica","modifica","Modica"],"Updated :timeago":["Aggiornato :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossibile caricare l'oggetto richiesto"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Hai raggiunto il limite dei contenuti evidenziati!\n\nPuoi evidenziare solo due contenuti alla volta.\nPer evidenziare questo, devi rimuoverne un altro!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossibile trovare il contenuto richiesto!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossibile trovare il link permanente richiesto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Invalid model given!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unknown content class!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Invia"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nessun risultato con i filtri che hai selezionato!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Non c'è ancora niente qui!"],"Move to archive":["Archivia"],"Unarchive":["Ripristina"],"Add a member to notify":["Aggiungi i partecipanti che riceveranno notifica"],"Make private":["Rendi privato"],"Make public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Notify members":["Notifica i partecipanti"],"Public":["Pubblico"],"What's on your mind?":["A cosa stai pensando?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione dell'articolo"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vuoi veramente cancellare quest'articolo? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!","Vuoi veramente cancellare questo post? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!"],"Archived":["Archiviato"],"Sticked":["In evidenza"],"Turn off notifications":["Disattiva notifiche"],"Turn on notifications":["Attiva notifiche"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente a questa pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente a questo articolo"],"Permalink":["Link permanente"],"Stick":["In evidenza"],"Unstick":["Disevidenzia"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nessuno ha ancora scritto qualcosa.
Inizia tu e scrivi qualcosa..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Lo stream di questo profilo è ancora vuoto"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui...","Questo spazio è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["La tua bacheca è vuota!
Scrivi qualcosa sul tuo profilo o unisciti a qualche spazio!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
Inizia postando qualcosa..."],"Back to stream":["Torna allo stream"],"Content with attached files":["Contenuti con allegati"],"Created by me":["Creato da me","Create da me"],"Creation time":["Data di creazione"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Last update":["Ultimo aggiornamento"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niente soddisfa i tuoi filtri!"],"Only private posts":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public posts":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"Posts only":["Solo articoli"],"Posts with links":["Articoli con link"],"Show all":["Mostra tutti"],"Sorting":["Ordinamento"],"Where I´m involved":["Dove sono coinvolto"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nessun contenuto pubblico da visualizzare trovato!"],"Directory":["Elenchi","Directory"],"Member Group Directory":["Elenco dei gruppi di Utenti"],"show all members":["mostra tutti gli utenti"],"Directory menu":["Menù Elenchi"],"Members":["Membri"],"User profile posts":["Articoli dei profili utente"],"Member directory":["Elenco degli Utenti"],"Follow":["Segui"],"No members found!":["Nessun utente trovato!"],"Unfollow":["Non seguire più"],"search for members":["cerca utenti"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli spazi"],"No spaces found!":["Nessuno spazio trovato!"],"You are a member of this space":["Fai parte di questo space","Fai parte di questo spazio"],"search for spaces":["cerca space"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Non ci sono ancora articoli dei profili utente!"],"Group stats":["Statistiche dei Gruppi"],"Average members":["Media utenti"],"Top Group":["Gruppo più grande"],"Total groups":["Gruppi totali"],"Member stats":["Statistiche degli Utenti"],"New people":["Nuove persone"],"Follows somebody":["Che segue qualcuno"],"Online right now":["Online adesso"],"Total users":["Totale utenti"],"See all":["Vedi tutti"],"New spaces":["Nuovi spazi"],"Space stats":["Statistiche degli spazi"],"Most members":["Con più partecipanti"],"Private spaces":["Space privati"],"Total spaces":["Totale space"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossibile trovare il file richiesto!","Non riesco a trovare il file richiesto!","Non risesco a trovare il file richiesto!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permessi non sufficienti!"],"Created By":["Creato da"],"Created at":["Creato il"],"File name":["Nome file"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type non valido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La grandezza massima del file ({maxFileSize}) è stata raggiunta!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Dimensione"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Questo tipo di file non è consentito!"],"Updated at":["Aggiornato il"],"Updated by":["Aggiornato da"],"Could not upload File:":["Non posso caricare il File:"],"Upload files":["Carica file"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista dei file caricati:"],"Sign in":["Accedi"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossibile trovare la classe di destinazione!"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossibile trovare il record di destinazione!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe non valida!"],"Users who like this":["Utenti ai quali piace"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} piace {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["Anche a %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" piace questo."],"You like this.":["Ti piace."],"You
"],"Like":["Mi piace"],"Unlike":["Non mi piace più"],"and {count} more like this.":["e ad altri {count} piace questo."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossibile determinare l'url di reindirizzamento per questo tipo di oggetto sorgente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Non posso caricare l'oggetto sorgente della notifica per effettuare il reindirizzamento!"],"New":["Nuovo"],"Mark all as seen":["Segna tutte come lette"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Non ci sono notifiche."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo articolo."],"Edit your post...":["Modifica il tuo articolo..."],"Read full post...":["Leggi tutto l'articolo..."],"Search results":["Risultati di Ricerca"],"Content":["Contenuto","Contenuti"],"Send & decline":["Invia e rifiuta"]," Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Non posso cancellare l'utente che è proprietario di uno space! Nome dello Space: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Ognuno può entrare"],"Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Only by invite":["Solo per invito"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privato (Invisibile)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Pubblico (Membri e ospiti)"],"Public (Members only)":["Pubblico (Solo membri)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Pubblico (Solo utenti registrati)"],"Public (Visible)":["Pubblico (Visibile)"],"Visible for all":["Visibile a tutti"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visibile a tutti (membri e ospiti)"],"Space is invisible!":["Lo spazio è invisibile!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Devi autenticarti per vedere il contenuto di questo spazio!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Come proprietario non puoi revocare la tua membership!"],"Could not request membership!":["Non puoi richiedere la membership!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Non ci sono inviti pendenti!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Questa azione è disponibile solo per i membri del workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Non puoi aggiungerti a questo spazio!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Il titolo dello space è già in uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["La tua password"],"Invites":["Inviti"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuovi utenti tramite e-mail (separati da virgola)"],"User is already member!":["L'utente è già membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} è già registrato!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} non è valida!"],"Application message":["Messaggio dell'applicazikone"],"Scope":["Ambito"],"Strength":["Robustezza"],"Created At":["Creato il"],"Join Policy":["Policy di aggiunta"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Status":["Stato"],"Tags":["Tag"],"Updated At":["Aggiornato il"],"Visibility":["Visibilità"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL del sito (opzionale)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare spazi privati visibili!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare spazi pubblici visibili!"],"Modify space image":["Modifica l'immagine dello spazio"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Seleziona l'area della tua immagine che vuoi salvare come avatar utente e clicca Salva."],"Delete space":["Elimina space"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo space? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!","Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo spazio? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!"],"General space settings":["Impostazioni Generali dello space"],"Archive":["Archivia"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Scegli il tipo di membership che vuoi fornire per questo workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Scegli il livello di sicurezza di questo workspace per definirne la visibilità."],"Manage your space members":["Gestisci i membri del tuo space"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Inviti inviati In sospeso"],"Outstanding user requests":["Richieste In sospeso"],"Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Consenti a questo utente di
invitare altri utenti"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Consenti a questo utente di
creare contenuti pubblici"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo membro da questo space?"],"Can invite":["Può invitare"],"Can share":["Può condividere"],"Change space owner":["Cambia il proprietario dello space"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Gli utenti esterni invitati tramite email non saranno elencati qui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Nello spazio qui sotto vedi tutti i membri attivi di questo space. Puoi modificare i loro privilegi o rimuoverli da questo space."],"Is admin":["E' amministratore"],"Make this user an admin":["Rendi questo utente un amministratore"],"No, cancel":["No, annulla"],"Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Request message":["Messaggio di richiesta"],"Revoke invitation":["Revoca invito"],"Search members":["Cerca membri"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono in attesa di approvazione per entrare in questo space. Per favore fai qualcosa ora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono stati già invitati in questo space, ma non hanno finora accettato l'invito."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Il proprietario dello space è il super amministratore di uno space con tutti i privilegi e normalmente è il creatore dello space. Qui puoi cambiare questo ruolo a favore di un altro utente."],"Yes, remove":["Sì, rimuovi"],"Space Modules":["Moduli dello Space","Moduli dello Spazio"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo space saranno cancellati!","Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo spazio saranno cancellati!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo space!","Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo spazio!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Potenzia questo space con i moduli","Potenzia questo spazio con i moduli"],"Create new space":["Crea nuovo space","Crea nuovo spazio"],"Advanced access settings":["Impostazioni avanzate di accesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Impostazioni di ricerca avanzate"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Anche i non membri possono vedere questo
space, ma non hanno accesso"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Ogni utente può entrare nel tuo space
senza la tua approvazione"],"For everyone":["Per tutti"],"How you want to name your space?":["Come vuoi chiamare il tuo space?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Per favore scrivi qui sotto una piccola descrizione per gli altri utenti."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Questo space sarà nascosto
per tutti i non membri"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gli utenti possono anche richiedere la
membership per questo space"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gli utenti possono essere aggiunti
solo tramite invito"],"space description":["descrizione space","descrizione spazio"],"space name":["nome space"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha richiesto la membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha approvato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ti invitato nello space {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!","Questo spazio è ancora vuoto!"],"Accept Invite":["Accetta invito"],"Become member":["Unisciti allo space"],"Cancel membership":["Abbandona lo space"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annulla richiesta di membership","Annulla richiesta di partecipazione"],"Deny Invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Request membership":["Chiedi di farne parte"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Sei il proprietario di questo workspace."],"created by":["creato da"],"Invite members":["Invita membri"],"Add an user":["Aggiungi un utente"],"Email addresses":["Indirizzo email"],"Invite by email":["Invita via email"],"New user?":["Nuovo utente?"],"Pick users":["Scegli gli utenti"],"Send":["Invia"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Per invitare utenti a questo space per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli.","Per invitare utenti a questo spazio. Per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Puoi anche invitare utenti esterni che non sono ancora registrati. Puoi aggiungere il loro indirizzo e-mail separato da virgola."],"Request space membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space","Richiesta di partecipazione per lo spazio","Richiesta di membership per lo spazio"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro accettato in questo space.","Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro di questo spazio."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello space.","La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello spazio."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utente è diventato membro."],"User has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato"],"User has not been invited.":["L'utente non è stato invitato."],"Space preferences":["Preferenze Space"],"Back to workspace":["Torna al workspace"],"General":["Generale"],"My Space List":["La lista dei miei space","La lista dei miei spazi"],"My space summary":["Il sommario dei miei space","Il sommario dei miei spazi"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli space","Elenco degli spazi"],"Space menu":["Menù Space","Menù Spazio"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Cambia immagine"],"Current space image":["Immagine dello space corrente","Immagine dello spazio corrente"],"Confirm image deleting":["Conferma eliminazione immagine"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine principale?","Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine di testa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine profilo?","Vuoi eliminare la tua immagine profilo?"],"Invite":["Invita"],"Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto","Qualcosa è andato male"],"Followers":["Lo seguono","Mi seguono"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro approvato di questo workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space","Richiesta di memebership per lo space","Richiesta di membership per lo spazio","Richiesta di partecipazione allo spazio"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori del workspace."],"Create new space":["Crea un nuovo spazio"],"My spaces":["I miei spazi"],"Space info":["Informazioni Space"],"more":["di più"],"Accept invite":["Accetta invito"],"Deny invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Leave space":["Abbandona space"],"New member request":["Nuova richiesta membro"],"Space members":["Membri Space"],"End guide":["Fine guida"],"Next »":["Successivo »"],"« Prev":["« Precedente"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurray! Questo è tutto per ora."],"Modules":["Moduli"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Come amministratore puoi gestire l'intera piattaforma da qui.

Riguardo ai moduli, non andremo nel dettaglio qui, in quanto ognuno ha la sua descrizione breve altrove."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ora sei nel menù strumenti. Da qui puoi accedere all'online market di HumHub, da dove puoi installare un numero sempre crescente di tool on-the-fly.

Come già accennato, i tool aumentano le funzionalità disponibili per il tuo space."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["Ora hai imparato a conoscere tutte le funzionalità e le impostazioni più importanti e sono state tutte impostate per iniziare a utilizzare la piattaforma. Auguriamo a te e a tutti i futuri utenti di poter godere dell'utilizzo di questo sito. Non vediamo l'ora di avere qualsiasi suggerimento o supporto che desideri offrire per il nostro progetto. Non esitare a contattarci via www.humhub.org. Resta sintonizzato. :-)"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Questa è la tua dashboard.

Tutte le nuove attività o i nuovi messaggi che possono interessarti saranno mostrati qui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrazione (Moduli)"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurray! Fine."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurray! Fatto!"],"Profile menu":["Menù Profilo"],"Profile photo":["Photo Profilo"],"Profile stream":["Stream Profilo"],"User profile":["Profilo utente"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clicca su questo pulsante per aggiornare le impostazioni del tuo profilo e del tuo account. Puoi anche aggiungere più informazioni al tuo profilo."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Ogni profilo ha una sua propria pin board. I tuoi messaggi appariranno anche sulla dashboard di quegli utenti che ti stanno seguendo."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Proprio come nello space, il profilo utente può essere personalizzato con vari moduli.

Puoi vedere quali moduli sono disponibili per il tuo profilo cercandoli in \"Moduli\" nel menù delle impostazioni dell'account."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Questo è il tuo profilo utente pubblico, che può essere visto da ogni utente registrato."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Carica una nuova foto per il profilo semplicemente cliccando qui o trascinandola. Fai lo stesso per aggiornare la tua foto di copertina."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!

Per andare alla guida di ammnistrazione, clicca qui:

"],"Most recent activities":["Attività più recenti"],"Posts":["Messaggi"],"Profile Guide":["Guida Profilo"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Menù di navigazione Space"],"Writing posts":["Scrittura articoli"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Fatto."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["A tutti gli utenti che sono membri di questo space sarà mostrato questo.

I nuovi membri possono essere aggiunti da coloro ai quali sono stati dati i diritti d'accesso dall'amministratore."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.

The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dai agli altri utenti un piccola idea su cosa riguarda lo space. Puoi aggiungere le informazioni base qui.

L'amministratore dello space può inserire e cambiare la foto di copertina dello space sia cliccando su di essa sia trascinando."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["I nuovi articoli possono essere scritti e inviati qui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una volta che ti sei aggiunto o hai creato un nuovo space puoi lavorare sui progetti, discutere degli argomenti o condividere informazioni con gli altri utenti.

Ci sono vari tool per personalizzare uno space, per rendere il processo di lavoro più produttivo."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Questo è tutto riguardo alla guida dello space.

Per andare alla alla guida del profilo, clicca qui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Qui è dove puoi navigare tra gli space – dove puoi trovare i moduli attivi o disponibili per il particolare space corrente. Essi possono essere sondaggi, task o note per esempio.

Solo l'amministratore dello sapce può gestire i moduli dello space."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Questo menù è visibile solo per gli ammnistratori dello space. Qui puoi gestire le impostazioni del tuo space, aggiungere/bloccare i membri e attivare/disattivare tool per questo space."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Per tenerti aggiornato, saranno visualizzate qui le più recenti attività di questo space."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Gli articoli tuoi e degli altri utenti appariranno qui.

Questi poi possono essere etichettati con \"Mi piace\" o commentati."],"Account Menu":["Menù Account"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Space Menu":["Menù Space"],"Start space guide":["Inizia guida space"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Non perdere di vista le cose!

Questa icona ti terrà informato sulle attività e sugli articoli che ti riguardano direttamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Il menuùdi dell'account ti consente di accedere alle impostazioni private ​​e ti permette di gestire il tuo profilo pubblico."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Questo è il menù più importante e sarà probabilmente quello che userai più spesso! Accedi a tutti gli space a cui ti sei aggiunto e crea nuovi space qui.

La prossima guida ti mostrerà come:"]," Remove panel":["Rimuovi pannello"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guida: Amministrazione (Moduli)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guida: Panoramica"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guida: Spazi"],"Guide: User profile":["Guida: Profilo utente"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Scopri come usare le funzionalità più importanti del sito con le seguenti guide:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["L'account utente non è ancora approvato!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Devi effettuare l'accesso per vedere questo profilo!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Password non corretta!","La tua password non è corretta! "],"You cannot change your password here.":["Non puoi cambiare la tua password qui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link non valido! Assicurati di aver inserito l'intero URL."],"Save profile":["Salva il profilo"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["La mail inserita è già stata utilizzata da un altro utente."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Non puoi cambiare il tuo indirizzo email qui."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Crea un account"],"Current password":["Password attuale"],"E-Mail change":["Cambia e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nuovo indirizzo e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Invio attività?"],"Send notifications?":["Invio notifiche?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Username/email o password errata"],"New password":["Nuova password"],"New password confirm":["Conferma nuova password"],"Remember me next time":["Ricordami per la porssima volta"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora attivato dallo staff."],"Your account is suspended.":["Il tuo account è sospeso."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Il recupero password non è possibile per il tuo tipo di account!"],"Password Recovery":["Recupera password"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" non è stato trovato!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Email già registrata! - Hai dimenticato la password?"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Nascondi pannello sulla dashboard"],"Invalid language!":["Lingua non valida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilità profilo"],"TimeZone":["Fuso orario"],"Default Space":["Space predefinito"],"Group Administrators":["Amministratori dei gruppi"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membri possono creare space privati"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membri possono creare space pubblici"],"Birthday":["Compleanno"],"City":["Città"],"Country":["Paese"],"Firstname":["Nome"],"Lastname":["Cognome"],"Mobile":["Cellulare"],"Phone Private":["Telefono privato"],"Phone Work":["Telefono lavoro"],"State":["Stato"],"Street":["Strada"],"Zip":["CAP"],"Created by":["Creato da"],"Editable":["Modificabile"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Il tipo di campo non può essere cambiato!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo di campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Il nome interno è già in uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Il nome interno non può essere cambiato!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo di campo non valido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributo LDAP"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sono permessi solo caratteri alfanumerici!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoria del campo del profilo"],"Required":["Richiesto"],"Show at registration":["Mostra in fase di registrazione"],"Sort order":["Ordinamento"],"Translation Category ID":["ID della categoria della traduzione"],"Type Config":["Configurazione dei tipi"],"Visible":["Visibile"],"Communication":["Comunicazione"],"Datetime":["Data/ora"],"Number":["Numero"],"Select List":["Seleziona lista"],"Text":["Testo"],"Text Area":["Area di testo"],"%y Years":["%y anni"],"Birthday field options":["Opzioni del campo compleanno"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opzioni del campo data(-orario)"],"Number field options":["Opzioni del campo numero"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opzione per linea. Chiave=>Formato del valore (es. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Per favore seleziona:"],"Select field options":["Seleziona le opzioni del campo"],"Text Field Options":["Opzioni del campo di testo"],"Text area field options":["Opzioni del campo area di testo"],"Authentication mode":["Modoalità di autenticazione"],"New user needs approval":["Il nuovo utente ha bisogno di essere approvato"],"Wall":["Bacheca"],"Change E-mail":["Cambia E-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Il tuo indirizzo e-mail è stato cambiato con successo a {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Abbiamo inviato una conferma via e-mail al tuo nuovo indirizzo.
Per favore segui le istruzioni all'interno."],"Change password":["Cambia password"],"Password changed":["Password cambiata"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La tua password è stata cambiata con successo!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica l'immagine del tuo profilo"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?
Tutti i contenuti che hai pubblicato saranno rimossi!"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Inserisci la tua password per continuare"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Spiacenti, come proprietario di uno space non puoi cancellare il tuo account!
Per favore assegnalo a qualcun'altro o cancellalo."],"User details":["Dettagli Utente"],"User modules":["Moduli utente"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Sei veramente sicuro? *Tutti* i dati dei moduli del tuo profilo saranno eliminati!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Potenzia il tuo profilo con i moduli."],"User settings":["Impostazioni utente"],"Getting Started":["Per iniziare"],"Registered users only":["Solo utenti registrati"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visibile a tutti (anche utenti non registrati)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifiche Desktop"],"Email Notifications":["Notifiche email"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ricevi una notifica desktop quando sei online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ricevi email, per le attività degli utenti che segui o
con cui lavori negli space."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ricevi email, quando altri utenti commentano o mettono \"Mi piace\" ai tuoi articoli."],"Account registration":["Registrazione account"],"Create Account":["Crea account"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Il tuo account è stato creato con successo!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Dopo l'attivazione del tuo account dall'amministratore, riceverai una notifica via email."],"Go to login page":["Vai alla pagina di accesso"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Per accedere con il tuo nuovo account, clicca il pulsante qui sotto."],"back to home":["indietro alla home"],"Please sign in":["Per favore accedi"],"Sign up":["Registrati"],"Create a new one.":["Creane una nuova."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Non hai un account? Aggiungiti al network inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Hai dimenticato la password?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se sei già un membro, per favore accedi con il tuo username/email e password."],"Register":["Registrati"],"username or email":["username o email"],"Password recovery":["Recupera password","recupero password"],"enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"your email":["la tua email"],"Password recovery!":["Recupero password!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione avvenuta con successo!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Per favore controlla la tua email e segui le istruzioni!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email"],"Confirm":["Conferma"],"Hello":["Ciao"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Hai richiesto il cambiamento del tuo indirizzo email.
Il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail è {newemail}.

Per confermare il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto."],"Sign up":["Accedi"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Benvenuto in %appName%. Per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto per procedere con la registrazione."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un social network per aumentare la tua comunicazione e il tuo gruppo di lavoro.
Registrati ora per aggiungerti a questo space."],"You got a space invite":["Hai ricevuto l'invito ad uno space"],"invited you to the space:":["sei stato invitato allo space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ti ha menzionato in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} ha iniziato a seguirti."],"About this user":["Informazioni su questo utente"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica il titolo della tua immagine"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine?"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Profile":["Profilo"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Following":["Seguo io"],"Following user":["Persone che seguo io"],"User followers":["Persone che mi seguono"],"Member in these spaces":["Partecipa in questi space"],"User tags":["Tag dell'utente"],"Back to modules":["Indietro ai moduli"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configurazioni Modulo Compleanno"],"No birthday.":["Nessun compleanno."],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Quanti giorni prima del compleanno visualizzare la notifica"],"Tomorrow":["Domani"],"Upcoming":["In arrivo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di giorni entro il quale mostrare i prossimi compleanni in arrivo."],"becomes":["diventa"],"birthdays":["compleanni"],"days":["giorni"],"today":["oggi"],"years old.":["anni."],"Active":["Attivo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca come non visto per tutti gli utenti"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Blocca nuove configurazioni"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puoi usare la sintassi marcata."],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Aggiunge un evento al calendario per questo space."],"All Day":["Tutto il giorno"],"Attending users":["Utenti che partecipano"],"Calendar":["Calendario","Caledario"],"Declining users":["Utenti che hanno rifiutato"],"End Date":["Data fine","Data di fine"],"End Date and Time":["Data e ora fine"],"End Time":["Ora fine","Orario di fine"],"End time must be after start time!":["La data fine deve essere successiva alla data inizio!","L'orario di fine deve essere dopo l'orario di inizio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento non trovato!"],"Maybe attending users":["Utenti che forse parteciperanno"],"Participation Mode":["Modalità di partecipazione"],"Recur":["Ripetizione"],"Recur End":["Fine della ripetizione"],"Recur Interval":["Intervallo della ripetizione"],"Recur Type":["Tipo di ripetizione"],"Select participants":["Seleziona i partecipanti"],"Start Date":["Data inizio","Data di inizio"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e ora inizio"],"Start Time":["Ora inizio","Orario di inizio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Non hai il permesso di accedere a questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Non hai il permesso di creare eventi!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Non hai il permesso di modificare questo evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creato un nuovo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% forse partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% non partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Innizio Data/Tempo"],"Create event":["Crea evento"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Per creare un evento in uno space apri il calendario dello space desiderato."],"End Date/Time":["Fine Data/Tempo"],"Everybody can participate":["Ognuno può partecipare"],"No participants":["Nessun partecipante"],"Participants":["Partecipanti"],"Attend":["Partecipa"],"Created by:":["Creato da:"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Edit this event":["Modifica questo evento"],"I´m attending":["Partecipo"],"I´m maybe attending":["Forse partecipo"],"I´m not attending":["Non partecipo"],"Maybe":["Forse"],"Filter events":["Filtro eventi"],"Select calendars":["Seleziona calendari"],"Already responded":["Già risposto"],"Followed spaces":["Space che seguo"],"Followed users":["Utenti che seguo"],"My events":["I miei eventi"],"Not responded yet":["Non risposto"],"Upcoming events ":["Eventi imminenti"],":count attending":[":count partecipano"],":count declined":[":count non partecipano"],":count maybe":[":count forse partecipano"],"Participants:":["Partecipanti:"],"Create new Page":["Crea nuova pagina"],"Custom Pages":["Pagine personalizzate"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Menu","Navigazione"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Nessun pagina ancora creata!"],"Sort Order":["Ordinamento"],"Top Navigation":["Top Menu"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu impostazione per utenti"],"Confirm category deleting":["Conferma cancellazione categorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Conferma cancellazione link"],"Delete category":["Cancella categoria"],"Delete link":["Cancella link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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now":["Rispondi ora"],"sent you a new message:":["invia un nuovo messaggio:"],"sent you a new message in":["invia un nuovo messaggio a"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Aggiungi più partecipanti alla tua conversazione..."],"Add user...":["Aggiungi utente..."],"New message":["Nuovo messaggio"],"Edit message entry":["Modifica messaggio"],"Inbox":["Posta in arrivo"],"There are no messages yet.":["Non ci sono messaggi."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confermi l'eliminazione della conversazione?"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confermi di lasciare la conversazione?"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confermi l'eliminazione del messaggio?"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Vuoi eliminare questa conversazione?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Vuoi eliminare questo messaggio?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Vuoi abbandonare questa conversazione?"],"Leave":["Lascia"],"Leave discussion":["Abbandona la discussione"],"Write an answer...":["Rispondi..."],"Write new message":["Scrivi un nuovo messaggio"],"User Posts":["Messaggi utente"],"Sign up now":["Accedi ora"],"Show all messages":["Mostra tutti i messaggi"],"Send message":["Invia messaggio"],"Notes":["Note"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossibile ottenere il contenuto delle note!"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossibile ottenere gli utenti delle note!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connessione API avvenuta con successo!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Non posso effettuare la connessione API"],"Current Status:":["Stato corrente:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configurazione del modulo delle note"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Per favore leggi il modulo della documentazione in /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt per maggiori dettagli!"],"Save & Test":["Salva e testa"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Il modulo delle note ha bisogno di un serve su cui è attivo etherpad!"],"Save and close":["Salva e chiudi"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota e l'ha assegnata a te."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Apri nota"],"Title of your new note":["Titolo della tua nuova nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non c'è alcuna nota che rispetta il tuo filtro corrente!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Non c'è ancora nessuna nota!"],"Polls":["Sondaggi"],"Could not load poll!":["Non posso caricare il sondaggio!"],"Invalid answer!":["Risposta non valida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Gli utenti hanno votato per: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Il voto per risposte multiple è disabilitato!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Non hai i permessi sufficienti per eseguire questa operazione!","Non hai il permesso per eseguire questa operazione!"],"Answers":["Risposte"],"Multiple answers per user":["Risposte multiple per utente"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Per favore dai almeno {min} risposte!"],"Question":["Domanda"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votato la domanda {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova domanda {question}."],"User who vote this":["Utente che ha votato"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo sondaggio e l'ha assegnato a te."],"Ask":["Chiedi"],"Reset my vote":["Resetta il mio voto"],"Vote":["Vota"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["più {count} voti per questo."],"votes":["voti"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Consenti risposte multiple all'utente?"],"Ask something...":["Chiedi qualcosa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Possibili risposte (una per linea)"],"Display all":["Mostra tutto"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non ci sono sondaggi che rispettano il tuo filtro corrente!"],"Asked by me":["Chiesto da me"],"No answered yet":["Ancora nessuna risposta"],"Only private polls":["Solo sondaggi privati"],"Only public polls":["Solo sondaggi pubblici"],"Tasks":["Attività"],"Could not access task!":["Non posso accedere all'attività!"],"Task":["Attività"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} assegnato all'attività {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} ha creato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} ti ha assegnato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} 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Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora attività!
Creane una per primo..."],"Assigned to me":["Assegnate a me"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nessun'attività trovata che rispetti i tuoi filtri!"],"Nobody assigned":["Non assegnate"],"State is finished":["Lo stato è completato"],"State is open":["Lo stato è aperto"],"What to do?":["Cosa c'è da fare?"],"Translation Manager":["Gestionnaire de traduction"],"Translations":["Traduzioni"],"Translation Editor":["Editor per le traduzioni"],"Confirm page deleting":["Conferma l'eliminazione della pagina"],"Confirm page reverting":["Conferma il ripristino della pagina"],"Overview of all pages":["Panoramica di tutte le pagine"],"Page history":["Cronologia della pagina"],"Wiki Module":["Modulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Aggiungi una wiki a questo space."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Aggiungi una wiki al tuo profilo."],"Back to page":["Torna alla pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare questa pagina?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vuoi veramente ripristinare questa pagina?"],"Edit page":["Modifica pagina"],"Edited at":["Modificata il"],"Go back":["Indietro"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Carattere invalido nel titolo della pagina!"],"Let's go!":["Andiamo!"],"Main page":["Pagina principale"],"New page":["Nuova pagina"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Non è stata creata ancora nessuna pagina. Tocca a te.
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Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora sondaggi!
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These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["In questa pagina puoi definire le regole di default per i tuoi utenti. 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Per appuntare comunque questo articolo, tuttavia, staccane un altro prima!"],"This action is disabled!":["Questa azione è disattivata!"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} ha appena scritto {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} ha appena scritto {contentInfo} nello spazio {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} ti informa su {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} ti informa su {contentInfo} in {space}"],"New Content":["Nuovo contenuto"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Ricevi notifiche per i nuovi contenuti che segui."],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha scritto sul tuo profilo {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Visibilità dei contenuti"],"This space is archived.":["Questo spazio è archiviato."],"Pin to top":["Appunta in cima"],"Unpin":["Scollega"],"Load more":["Caricane altri","Carica altri"],"The content has been archived.":["Il contenuto è stato archiviato."],"The content has been deleted.":["Il contenuto è stato eliminato."],"The content has been pinned.":["Il contenuto è stato appuntato."],"The content has been unarchived.":["Il contenuto non è stato ripristinato."],"The content has been unpinned.":["Il contenuto è stato scollegato."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["La tua ultima modifica è stato salvata!"],"Group members - {group}":["Membri del Gruppo- {group}"],"This group has no members yet.":["Questo gruppo non ha ancora membri."],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Trascinare una foto qui o fare clic per sfogliare i tuoi file"],"Hide my year of birth":["Nascondi il mio anno di nascita"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, grazie per aver usato HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Sei il primo utente qui.... Yehaaa! Sii un esempio brillante e completa il tuo profilo,
in modo che i futuri utenti sappiano chi è il capo branco qui e a chi possono rivolgersi se hanno domande."],"Your firstname":["Il tuo nome"],"Your lastname":["Il tuo cognome"],"Your mobild phone number":["Il tuo numero di cellulare"],"Your phone number at work":["Il tuo numero di telefono al lavoro"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Le vostre abilità, conoscenze ed esperienze (separate da virgola)"],"Your title or position":["Titolo o posizione"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Getting Started":["Introduzione Iniziale"],"Remove tour panel":["Rimuovi il Pannello del Tour"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Questa azione rimuove il pannello di tour dal cruscotto. È possibile riattivarlo su
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Login using your email first to link it.":["Un Utente con la stessa email esiste già, ma non è collegato a te. Effettua il login utilizzando la tua email per collegarlo."],"Your account is disabled!":["Il tuo account è disabilitato!"],"Your account is not approved yet!":["Il tuo account non è ancora stato approvato!"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Aggiungere qui di seguito gli indirizzi e-mail delle persone che si desidera invitare."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separare più indirizzi e-mail utilizzando la virgola."],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["Sei stato invitato a partecipare a %appName%"],"Custom":["Personalizzato"],"Facebook URL":["Pagina Facebook (URL)"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Femmina"],"Flickr URL":["Profilo Flickr (URL)"],"Gender":["Sesso"],"Google+ URL":["Profilo Google+ (URL)"],"Hide year in profile":["Nascondi età nel profilo"],"LinkedIn URL":["Profilo LinkedIn (URL)"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Maschio"],"MySpace URL":["Profilo MySpace (URL)"],"Skype Nickname":["Nickname Skype"],"Twitter URL":["Profilo Twitter (URL)"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["Profilo Vimeo (URL)"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Indirizzo XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Profilo Xing (URL)"],"YouTube URL":["Profilo YouTube (URL)"],"Searchable":["Ricercabile"],"Checkbox":["Casella di spunta"],"Checkbox List":["Elenco Lista di controllo"],"You've been invited to join {space} on {appName}":["Sei stato invitato a partecipare a {space} su {appName}."],"Add profile calendar":["Aggiungi il calendario del profilo"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Permetti a partecipanti di selezionare 'non parteciperò'"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Permetti a partecipanti di selezionare 'forse'"],"Attending":["Parteciperò"],"Event Type":["Tipologia di Evento"],"Event type color":["Colore degli Eventi"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Per poter aggiungere degli eventi nel tuo profilo, devi aver prima abilitato il Modulo Calendario."],"Interested":["Interessante"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Tipologia di Evento non corretta"],"Invited":["Invitato"],"Maximum number of participants":["Numero Massimo di Partecipanti"],"Send update notification":["Invia notifica di aggiornamento"],"Time Zone":["Fuso Orario","Fuso orario"],"canceled":["cancellato"],"(global)":["(globale)"],"Calendar module configuration":["Configurazione del modulo Calendario "],"Confirm Deletion":["Conferma Cancellazione"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Aggiunge un snippet con i prossimi eventi al dashboard degli utenti."],"Create new type":["Crea un nuovo tipo"],"Default event settings":["Impostazione di Default"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Vuoi davvero cancellare questo tipo di evento?"],"Event Type Configuration":["Configurazione Tipo di Evento"],"Half a year":["Semestre"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Qui è possibile configurare le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi eventi del calendario."],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Qui è possibile configurare le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi eventi del calendario. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte a livello di spazio/profilo."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Qui è possibile gestire i tipi di eventi."],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Se attivata, la voce di menu superiore del calendario e lo snippet del cruscotto sono visibili solo per gli utenti che hanno installato il modulo calendario nel loro profilo."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Intervallo eventi imminenti"],"Max event items":["Numero massimo di eventi"],"One month":["Un mese"],"One week":["Una settimana"],"One year":["Un anno"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Mostra solo la voce di menu superiore e lo snippet solo se il modulo è installato nel profilo utente"],"Reset":["Reimposta","Reset"],"Show snippet":["Mostra snippet"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Attualmente non sono disponibili tipi di eventi."],"Upcoming events snippet":["snippet Eventi Imminenti"],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Ricevi le notifiche relative al calendario."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento cancellato '{contentTitle}' nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} evento cancellato '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato {contentTitle} nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato {contentTitle}.","{displayName} ha appena aggiornato l' evento {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto {contentTitle} nello space {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["Permetti all' utente di creare nuove voci del calendario"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["Consente all' utente di modificare/eliminare le voci del calendario esistenti"],"Create entry":["Crea voce"],"Manage entries":["Gestione delle voci"],"Create new event type":["Crea un nuovo tipo di evento"],"Create new type":["Crea un nuovo tipo"],"Edit event type":["Modifica il tipo di evento"],"Participation":["Partecipazione"],"Select event type...":["Seleziona il tipo di evento...."],"Participant information:":["Informazioni per i Partecipanti:"],"Read full description...":["Leggi la descrizione completa...."],"Read full participation info...":["Leggi le info sulla partecipazione completa..."],"Event Types":["Tipi di evento"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Open Calendar":["Apri Calendario"],"Create draw.io diagram":["Crea diagramma draw.io"],"Draw.io module configuration":["Configurazione modulo Draw.io"],"Create draw.io document":["Crea documento draw.io "],"Edit using draw.io":["Modifica usando draw.io"],"File write access denied!":["Permesso di scrittura al file negato!","Non posso scrivere sul file!"],"Open the new document in the next step":["Apri il nuovo documento nel prossimo passaggio"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["es. https://draw.io"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Aggiorna a HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Annulla"],"Start":["Inizia"],"Start update":["Inizia aggiornamento"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Download aggiornamento fallito! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["È la homepage"],"Page creation disabled!":["Creazione pagina disabilitata!"],"Page not editable!":["Pagina non modificabile!"],"Page not found.":["Pagina non trovata."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Autorizzazione negata. Lei non si hanno i permessi di amministrazione."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Autorizzazione negata. Non avete diritto di visualizzare la storia."],"Protected":["Protetto"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Ritornare indietro non è possibile. Già ultima revisione!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Per accedere a questa pagina wiki devi essere membro dello spazio \"%space_name%\"!"],"Space member joined":["Membri unitesi allo spazio"],"Space member left":["Membri che hanno lasciato lo spazio"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Ogni volta che un membro lascia il tuo spazio."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Ogni volta che un membro si unisce al tuo spazio."],"Space followers":["persone che seguono lo spazio"],"Administrator:":["Amministratore:"],"Moderator:":["Moderatore:"],"Owner:":["Proprietario:"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (predefinito)"],"Members":["Membri"],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Accesso negato - Non puoi invitare membri!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Spiacente, non sei autorizzato a lasciare questo spazio!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Questo utente è già membro di questo spazio."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Questo utente non è membro di questo spazio."],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["L'utente '{username}' è già membro di questo spazio!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["L'utente '{username}' vuole già unirsi a questo spazio!"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["L'url contiene caratteri non consentiti!"],"Last Visit":["Ultima visita"],"Administrators":["Amministratori"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilità predefinita dei contenuti"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Ospiti)"],"Moderators":["Moderatori"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Consenti agli utenti di creare contenuti pubblici"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Consenti agli utenti di invitare nuovi membri a questo spazio"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Può creare spazi nascosti (privati)"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Può creare spazi pubblici e visibili. (Elencati nella directory)"],"Create private space":["Può creare spazi privati"],"Create public content":["Può creare contenuti pubblici"],"Create public space":["Può creare spazi pubblici"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Aggiungi {n,plural,=1{spazio} other{spazi}}"],"Role":["Ruolo"],"Add Modules":["Aggiungi Moduli"],"Space settings":["Impostazioni Spazio"],"Done":["Fatto"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Non ricevere notifiche per contenuti nuovi"],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Ricevi notifiche per contenuti nuovi"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Questa opzione nasconderà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Questa opzione mostrerà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca"],"Add Space":["Aggiungi spazio"],"No spaces found for the given query":["La query eseguita non ha trovato spazi"],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Seleziona {n,plural,=1{spazio} other{spazi}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# spazio} other{# spazi}}"],"This space is archived":["Questo spazio è archiviato"],"You are following this space":["Stai seguendo questo spazio"],"No result found for the given filter.":["Nessun risultato per questo filtro."],"Search for spaces":["Cerca spazi"],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["Per cercare altri spazi, digita almeno {count} caratteri."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# nuovo inserimento} other{# nuovi inserimenti}} dall'ultima tua visita"],"Export":["Esporta"],"Select Me":["Selezionami"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Accesso Ospiti non attivo, eseguire login."],"Login required for this section.":["Accesso richiesto per questa sezione."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["Non hai i permessi per accedere a questa sezione. "],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["Hai bisogno di permessi da amministratore per accedere a questa sezione. "],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora approvato, prova più tardi oppure contatta l'amministratore."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Il tuo utente è disabilitato, esegui accesso con un account attivo o contatta l'amministratore."],"Back to user overview":["Indietro alla panoramica utente"],"Invited by":["Invitato da"],"Pending user registrations":["Registrazioni utenti pendenti"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La richiesta account per '{displayName}' è stata approvata"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La richiesta account per '{displayName}' è stata rifiutata"],"ID Attribute":["Attributo ID"],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Contenuto Tag assegnato con un valore non valido di contentcontainer_id."],"This space is not visible!":["Questo spazio non è visibile!"],"Tag":["Tag"],"The given name is already in use.":["Il nome fornito è già in uso."],"None":["Nessuno"],"Notification Settings":["Impostazioni Notifiche"],"Web":["Web"],"View online:":["Vedi online:"],"Notification Overview":["Panoramica Notifiche"],"Apply":["Applica"],"Module Filter":["Filtro Modulo"],"Open the notification dropdown menu":["Apri li menu a tendina delle notifiche"],"Show all notifications":["Mostra tutte le notifiche"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Consenti agli altri utenti di creare post sul tuo profilo"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Cerca solo in alcuni spazi:"],"Specify space":["Indica lo spazio"],"Your search returned no matches.":["La tua ricerca non ha trovato risultati.","La tua ricerca non ha trovato riscontri"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["per esempio per {baseUrl}/s/esempio"],"the default start page of this space for members":["pagina predefinita di inizio di questo spazio per i membri"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["pagina predefinita di inizio di questo spazio per i visitatori"],"Originator User ID":["ID utente dell'originatore"],"Request Message":["Messaggio richiesto"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha accetta la tua richiesta di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ti ha invitato allo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ha richiesto di essere membro dello spazio {spaceName}"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Riceve Notifiche per richieste amicizia e eventi approvazione."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Riceve notifiche per approvazione spazio e eventi invito"],"Space Membership":["Membri spazio"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["I permessi sono assegnati a differenti ruoli utente. Per modificare una permesso, seleziona il ruolo utente che vuoi modificare e cambia il valore a tendina del permesso relativo."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Non sei membro di questo spazio e al momento non esiste contenuto pubblico!"],"No member or following spaces found.":["Nessun membro o spazi seguiti trovati"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Nascondi il pannello tour introduttivo sulla bacheca"],"Social bookmarks":["Segnalibri social"],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Checkbox field options":["Opzioni campo di casella di controllo"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostra selezione data/ora"],"Allow other selection":["Consenti altre selezioni"],"This will add an additional input element for custom values":["Questo aggiungerà un altro elemento immissione per i valori personalizzati"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Espressione regolare: Messaggio di errore"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Espressione regolare: Validatore"],"Validator":["Validatore"],"Auth Mode":["Modalità autenticato"],"Last Login":["Ultimo accesso"],"Manager":["Responsabile"],"Show At Directory":["Mostra negli Elenchi"],"Show At Registration":["Mostra durante la registrazione"],"Space ID":["ID spazio","ID Spazio"],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} ti ha appena menzionato in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\""],"Mentionings":["Menzionature"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno di segue."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno ti menziona in un post."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Permetti l'accesso alla tua pagina con informazioni personali"],"View your about page":["Vedi la tua pagina di informazioni"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["La tua email attuale è {email}. Puoi modificarla qui."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Qui puoi modificare i tuoi dati generali del profile, che sono visibili nella pagina personale del tuo profilo."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Ricevi un'e-mail per ogni attività di altri utenti che segui o con cui lavori insieme in un'area di lavoro."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ricevi notifiche sul desktop quando sei online."],"Join the network":["Unisciti a questo network"],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Per favore accedi con il tuo username o email e la tua password."],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Ti abbiamo inviato una email, contenente un link che ti permetterà di resettare la tua password."],"Hello {displayName}":["Ciao {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Se non usi questo link entro 24 ore, esso verrà disabilitato."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Per favore usa il link seguente entro il prossimo giorno per resettare la tua password."],"Add more...":["Aggiungi altri..."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the result.":["Un errore inaspettato è accaduto mentre il sistema caricava i risultati."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Per favore inserisci almeno {n} caratteri"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Seleziona {n,plural,=1{elemento} other{elementi}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# elemento} other{# elementi}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Hai raggiunto il numeno massimo di caratteri consentiti ({n})"],"Permission":["Permessi"],"No users found for the given query.":["Nessun utente trovato per la query richiesta."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Seleziona{n,plural,=1{utente} other{utenti}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Questo campo consente un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# utente} other{# utenti}}."],"Delete profile banner":["Elimina il banner del profilo"],"Most active people":["Le persone più attive"],"Get a list":["Ottieni elenco"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo Most Active Users"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Il numero di utenti più attive che verrà mostrato"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di utenti da mostrare."],"Comments created":["Commenti creati"],"Likes given":["Mi piace assegnati"],"Posts created":["Post creati"],"Allows to start polls.":["Consente di iniziare un sondaggio."],"Anonymous poll!":["Sondaggio anonimo!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Ancora? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Paninoteca"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Panini Italiani Pisillo"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Al momento siamo nella fase di pianificazione per il nostro prossimo incontro, e vorremmo chiederti: dove vorresti andare?"],"To Daniel":["Da Daniele"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Perché non andiamo al bar Bemelmans?"],"Anonymous":["Anonimo"],"Closed":["Chiuso"],"Complete Poll":["Sondaggio completato"],"Reopen Poll":["Sondaggio riaperto"],"Add answer...":["Aggiungi risposta..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Voti anonimi?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Mostra le risposte in ordine casuale?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Modifica risposta (le risposte vuote saranno rimosse)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Modifica la domanda del tuo sondaggio..."],"No Proxy Hosts":["Nessun Host Proxy"],"Advanced":["Avanzate"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nessun modulo acquistato trovato!"],"Third-party":["Terze parti"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Gli sviluppatori HumHub non forniscono supporto e non garantiscono la compatibilità, la funzionalità o la sicurezza di questo modulo. "],"Third-party disclaimer":["Liberatoria terze parti"],"Administrative":["Amministrazione"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Ricevi notifiche per eventi di amministrazione come ad esempio aggiornamenti disponibili."],"Access Admin Information":["Accesso Amministrazione Informazioni"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Accesso consentito a sezione \"Amministrazione -> Informazioni\""],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Gestione consentita moduli tramite sezione \"Amministrazione -> Moduli\"."],"Add new space":["Aggiungi nuovo spazio"],"User administration":["Amministrazione Utente"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gestisci gruppo: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Approvazioni in sospeso"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versione correntemente installata: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub è attualmente in modalità debug. Disabilitala nel momento in cui sarà in modalità produzione!"],"Licences":["Licenze"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Vedi manuale di installazione per ulteriori dettagli."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Una nuova versione è disponibile! (Ultima versione: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Questa installazione di HumHub è aggiornata!"],"Enable module...":["Abilita modulo..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Compra (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Liberatoria"],"Installing module...":["Sto installando il modulo..."],"Licence Key:":["Chiave licenza:"],"Updating module...":["Modulo in aggiornamento..."],"Visible for members only":["Visibile solo per i membri"],"Visible for members+guests":["Visibile per i membri e gli ospiti"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetico"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Formatta in base alla lingua utente - Esempio: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fisso (mm/gg/aaaa) - Esempio: {example}"],"Last visit":["Ultimo accesso"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Inserisci la tua email. Ti manderemo le istruzioni per recuperare la tua password!"],"Enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"Your email":["la tua email"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["Il testo non può essere copiato negli appunti"],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["Il testo è stato copiato negli appunti"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["Gli url base devono iniziare con http:// o https://"],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fisso (gg/mm/aaaa) - Esempio: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Elenco separato da virgola. Lasciare vuoto per consentire tutti."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Se non configurata, l'altezza predefinita sarà 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Se non configurata, la larghezza predefinita sarà 200px."],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Al momento ci sono {count} elementi nel database a partire dal {dating}."],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["I vecchi log aumentano significativamente la dimensione del database, ma forniscono poche informazioni utili."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Qui puoi definire le impostazioni predefinite per i nuovi spazi. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte per ogni spazio individuale."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Questa panoramica contiene un elenco di ogni spazio con le azioni per vedere, modificare e eliminare utenti."],"Add new user":["Aggiungi nuovo utente"],"Group Manager":["Manager del guppo"],"Last login":["Ultimo accesso"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Questo riepilogo contiene la lista di ogni utente registrato, puoi visualizzare, modificare e eliminare gli utenti."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria profilo"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria profilo"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo profilo"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Qui puoi creare o modificare le categorie del profilo e i campi"],"Manage profile attributes":["Gestisci gli attributi del profilo"],"Appearance":["Aspetto"],"E-Mail summaries":["Sommario email"],"Information":["Informazioni"],"Logs":["Log"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Categories":["Categorie"],"Invalid category!":["Categoria non valida!"],"Is category":["È categoria"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Consenti accesso limitato per gli utenti non autenticati (guest)"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Contenuto predefinito dell'email per l'autorizzazione di registrazione di un utente"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Contenuto predefinito dell'email per la mancata autorizzazione di registrazione di un utente"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilità predefinita per il profilo utente"],"Default stream content order":["Ordine per il contenuto streaming predefinito"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Scorrimento orizzontale delle immagini per dispositivi mobile"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Mostra il form per i profili utente sulla bacheca"],"Confirm image deletion":["Conferma l'eliminazione dell'immagine"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questo spazio/spazi."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Non stai usando nessun logo al momento. Carica il tuo logo ora."],"Add OEmbed provider":["Aggiungi OEmbed provider"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Modifica OEmbed provider"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefisso URL senza http:// o https:// (es. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Applica %url% come placeholder per gli URL. Il formato deve essere JSON. (es. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Add":["Aggiungi"],"Back to directory":["Torna alla directory"],"Back to space":["Torna allo spazio"],"Add new gallery":["Aggiungi una nuova galleria"],"Add Gallery":["Aggiungi galleria"],"Add:":["Aggiungi:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Non riesco a trovare la pagina richiesta"],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Digita almeno {count} caratteri"],"(Disabled - please add content in default language!)":["(Disabilitato - aggiungi i contenuti nella lingua predefinita)"],"Legal module - administration":["modulo Legal - amministrazione"],"Accept button label":["Etichetta pulsante accetta"],"Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.":["aggiunge una sovrapposizione che informa gli utenti a proposito dell'uso dei cookie. Puoi aggiungere testi differenti per ogni lingua disponibile."],"Adds several editable legal options, like an imprint and a privacy policy.":["aggiunge alcune opzioni legali modificabili, come l'imprint e le policy per la privacy."],"Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!":["Sei proprio sicuro? Salva le modifiche prima di procedere!"],"Box content":["Contenuto box"],"Box language:":["Lingua box:"],"Configuration":["Configurazione"],"Cookie notification":["Notifica cookie"],"Default languge":["Lingua predefinita"],"Delete my account including my personal data":["Cancella il mio account comprensivo dei miei dati personali"],"Enabled pages and features":["Abilita pagine e funzionalità"],"Got it!":["Ho capito!"],"I am older than 16 years":["Ho più di 16 anni"],"I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy":["Ho letto e accetto le policy della privacy"],"I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions":["Ho letto e accetto i termini e le condizioni"],"If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare l'opzione di \"Ripristina conferma\" per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli ad accettare nuovamente."],"If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare l'opzione di \"Ripristina conferma\" per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli ad accettare nuovamente."],"Imprint":["Imprint"],"Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.":["Informa gli utenti che hai cambiato la tua politica sulla privacy o i tuoi Termini e condizioni. Per attivarla, è necessario attivare il \"ripristino di conferma\"."],"Legal Tools":["Legal Tools"],"Legal Update":["Aggiornamenti legali"],"More information: {link}":["Maggiori informazioni: {link}"],"Page language:":["Lingua pagina:"],"Page:":["Pagina:"],"Privacy Policy":["Policy della privacy"],"Reset confirmation":["Ripristino conferma"],"Reset successful!":["Ripristino effettuato!"],"Show age verification (16+)":["Mostra verifica età (16+)"],"Terms and Conditions":["Termini e condizioni"],"This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Questa pagina è aggiunta al piede della navigazione e nella procedura di registrazione. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.":["Verrà usato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili per la lingua dell'utente."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.":["Verrà usato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili per la lingua dell'utente."],"Add Category":["Aggiungi categoria"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Aggiungi un nuvo link %link% alla categoria \"%category%\"."],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Estendi la validità del link con un test di connessione"],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["La categoria per creare il tuo link non è stata trovata!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Non ci sono ancora link per la categoria aggiunta a questo spazio."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Puoi attivare la validazione estesa dei link per uno spazio o un utente"],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Ti mancano i diritti per aggiungere / modificare i link!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Ti mancano i diritti per eliminare questa categoria!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Ti mancano i diritti per eliminare questo link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Ti mancano i diritti per modificare questa categoria!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Ti mancano i diritti per modificare questo link!"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% è stato archiviato."],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% non è più archiviato. "],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Tutti di dati personali di questo utente verranno irrimediabilmente eliminati."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["L'utente è proprietario di questi spazi."],"This user owns no spaces.":["Questo utente non è proprietario di alcun spazio."],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Attento configurazione non completata! "],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Gruppi (Nota: l'amministratore di gruppo di questo utente non può essere gestito con i tuoi permessi)"],"Open documentation":["Apri documentazione"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["le attività pianificate per i lavori in background (queue) sembra che non funzionino correttamente."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["le attività pianificate per i lavori scadezati (cron) sembra che non funzionino correttamente."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Il modulo è stato disattivato!"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Il modulo è stato attivato!"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Disattiva modulo: {moduleId} ---"],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Attiva modulo: {moduleId} ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Modulo non trovato o non attivato!"],"Module not found!\n":["Modulo non trovato!"],"Deleted invitation":["Inviti eliminati"],"Invite not found!":["Invito non trovato!"],"Resend invitation email":["Invia di nuovo l'invito per email"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Controlla/aggiorna utenti automaticamente"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Attributo LDAP non modificabile che identifica in modo univoco l'utente nella directory. Se lasciato vuoto, l'utente verrà determinato dall'indirizzo e-mail o dal nome utente. Esempi: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) o uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tempo standard di timeout per inattività, auto disconnessione (in secondi, facoltativo)"],"Redis":["Redis"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Tempo massimo consentito per i log."],"CronJob Status":["Stato Attività pianificate"],"Queue Status":["Stato Attività in background"],"Background Jobs":["Attività in background"],"Database migration results:":["Risultato della migrazione della base dati:","Risultato della migrazione del database:"],"Delayed":["Posticipato"],"Driver":["Driver"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Guarda la documentazione per impostare le attività pianificate e quelle di background."],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Coda svuotata correttamente"],"Reserved":["Riservato"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Ricostruzione indice di ricerca in corso."],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["La base dati Humhub si chiama:","Il database principale di Humhub si chiama:"],"Waiting":["In attesa"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Notifica da {appName}. Sei stato aggiunto al gruppo."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Notifica da {appName}. Sei stato rimosso dal gruppo."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} ti ha aggiunto al gruppo {groupName}"],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} ti ha rimosso dal gruppo {groupName}"],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Può gestire gli spazi attraverso 'Amministrazione -> Spazi' (creare/modificare/eliminare)"],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Può gestire gli utenti, spazi e le impostazioni generali."],"Can manage users and groups":["Può gestire gli utenti e i gruppi."],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Può gestire gli utenti e i gruppi di utenti."],"Change owner":["Cambia proprietario"],"Manage members":["Gestisci i membri"],"Manage modules":["Gestisci i moduli"],"Open space":["Spazio pubblico"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Cerca per nome, descrizione,id o proprietario"],"Active users":["Utenti attivi"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di disabilitare questo utente?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di abilitare questo utente?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di impersonare questo utente?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Sei proprio sicuro di eliminare i seguenti utenti?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Cancella tutti i contenuti dell'utente"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Cancella tutti gli spazi posseduti dall'utente"],"Deleted users":["Utenti eliminati"],"Disabled users":["Utenti disabilitati"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Se l'opzione non è selezionata, la proprietà di questo spazio verrà trasferita al tuo account."],"Impersonate":["Impersonifica"],"List pending registrations":["Lista delle registrazioni in attesa"],"Member since":["Membro da"],"Permanently delete":["Elimina definitivamente"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Cerca per nome, email o id"],"User deletion process queued.":["Cancellazione dell'utente in attesa."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Con questa opzione ogni contenuto di questo utente verrà permanentemente eliminato. (post, commenti, like)"],"View profile":["Visualizza profilo"],"Pending user approvals":["Approvazioni utente in attesa"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["La seguente lista contiene tutte le richieste di partecipazione ed inviti in sospeso."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["La seguente lista contiene tutte le registrazioni degli utenti in attesa di approvazione."],"Delete invitation":["Cancella invito"],"Send invitation email":["Invia invito per email"],"Add new members...":["Aggiungi nuovi membri..."],"No":["No"],"Remove from group":["Rimuovi dal gruppo"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gli utenti possono essere assegnati a gruppi differenti gruppi con degli spazi predefiniti, gruppi, manager e permessi."],"Delete invitation?":["Annulla l'invito?"],"Send invitation email again?":["Invia nuovamente l'invito per email?"],"Do not change placeholders like {displayName} if you want them to be automatically filled by the system. To reset the email content fields with the system default, leave them empty.":["Non modificare segnaposti come {displayName} se vuoi che vengano automaticamente compilati dal sistema. Per ripristinare i campi del contenuto dell'email con il valore predefinito del sistema, lasciali vuoti."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Il valore minimo è 20 secondi. Se non impostato, la sessione terminerà dopo 1400 secondi, ovvero 24 minuti di inattività. (default session timeout)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Applicabile solo quando è attivato l'acceso per gli utenti non registrati. Riguarda solo i nuovi utenti."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Attributo LDAP per l'indirizzo E-Mail. Default: "mail""],"Specify your LDAP-backend used to fetch user accounts.":["Specifica il tuo backend LDAP per recuperare gli account utenti"],"Status: Warning! (No users found using the ldap user filter!)":["Attenzione! Non trovo utenti usanto il filtro impostato!"],"Wall entry layout":["Wall entry layout"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["Puoi aggiungere del codice HTML snippet per le statistiche. Verrà aggiunto a tutte le pagine caricate."],"The comment must not be empty!":["Il commento non può essere vuoto!"],"You are not allowed to comment.":["Non sei autorizzato a commentare."],"[Deleted]":["[Eliminato]"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Può gestire contenuti (archiviare, appuntare, spostare o eliminare)"],"Move content":["Sposta contenuto"],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["Il contenuto é stato spostato in {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Spazio selezionato non valido"],"Move content":["Sposta contentuto"],"Target Space":["Spazio di destinazione"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["L'autore di questo contenuto non può creare contenuti privati nello spazio selezionato."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["L'autore di questo contentuto non può creare contenuti pubblici nello spazio selezionato."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["Il contenuto non può essere spostaro dal suo spazio attuale. "],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["Il modulo {moduleName} non è attivato nello spazio selezionato."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Il contenuto non può essere spostato perchè è mancante il settaggio dell'id modulo"],"This content type can't be moved.":["Il contentuto non può essere spostato. "],"Topics":["Argomenti"],"You do not have the permission to move this content to the given space.":["Non hai il permesso di spostare il contenuto nello spazio indicato. "],"You do not have the permission to move this content.":["Non hai il permesso di spostare questo contenuto. "],"Activity":["Attività"],"Add or remove link":["Aggiungi o rimuovi link"],"Animals & Nature":["Animali e natura"],"Change to code block":["Cambia a blocco di codice"],"Change to heading":["Cambia in intestazione"],"Change to paragraph":["Cambia in paragrafo"],"Columns":["Colonne"],"Create a link":["Crea un link"],"Create table":["Crea una tabella"],"Delete column":["Elimina colonna"],"Delete row":["Elimina riga"],"Delete table":["Elimina tabella"],"Flags":["Bandiere"],"Food & Drink":["Cibo e bevande"],"Height":["Altezza ","Altezza"],"Horizontal rule":["Linea orizzontale"],"Insert":["Inserisci"],"Insert column after":["Inserisci colonna dopo"],"Insert column before":["Inserisci colonna prima"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Inserisci linea orizzontale"],"Insert image":["Inserisci immagine"],"Insert row after":["Inserisci riga dopo"],"Insert row before":["Inserisci riga prima"],"Insert table":["Inserisci tabella"],"Link target":["Link destinazione"],"Objects":["Oggetti"],"Paragraph":["Paragrafo"],"People":["Persone"],"Rows":["Righe"],"Symbols":["Simboli"],"Toggle code font":["Attiva il codice del font"],"Toggle emphasis":["Attiva enfasi"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Attiva barrato"],"Toggle strong style":["Attiva grassetto"],"Travel & Places":["Viaggi e luoghi"],"Upload File":["Carica file"],"Upload and include a File":["Carica e incorpora file"],"Width":["larghezza","Larghezza"],"Wrap in block quote":["Elenco a trattini"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Elennco a pallini"],"Wrap in ordered list":["Elenco in lista ordinata"],"Include archived content":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Only private content":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public content":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"With file attachments":["Con allegati"],"Access directory":["Accesso agli elenchi"],"Can access the directory section.":["Puoi accedere alla sezione elenchi"],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Il file {fileName} non può essere caricato!"],"Open file":["Apri file"],"Could not find requested file variant!":["Non è possibile trovare la variante del file richiesta!"],"Last update by:":["Aggiornato da:"],"Size:":["Dimensioni:"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Le dimensioni dell'immagine sono troppo grandi per essere processato con il limite di memoria del server impostata!"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["Mi dispiace, puoi solamente caricare {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# file}} alla volta."],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Questo campo permette di caricare al massimo {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# file}}."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Adoro la carbonara e la pizza."],"Create Admin Account":["Crea un utente Amministratore"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Preferisco il latte al cioccolato."],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Quale è il tuo cibo preferito?"],"Welcome Space":["Spazio di benvenuto"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Humhub è installato ed operativo! ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Il tuo primo spazio di esempio per scoprire la piattaforma."],"Name of your network":["Nome della tua rete"],"Name of Database":["Nome del database"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Aggiungi dei contenuti di esempio (raccomandato)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Permetti l'accesso agli utenti non registrati a tutto il contenuto pubblico"],"Allow friendships between members":["Permetti il sistema di amicizie"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Permetti a nuovi utenti di registrarsi autonomamente (mostra la pagina di registrazione al login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["I nuovi utenti devono essere attivati prima dall'amministratore."],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Gli utenti possono invitare nuovi utenti via email."],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Intendo usare Humhub per:"],"Admin Account":["Account Amministratore"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Tutto è quasi pronto. in questo passaggio compila il modulo per creare un account amministratore. questo account permette di gestire tutta la rete"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Naturalmente, il tuo social network necessita di un nome. Cambia il nome predefinito con uno che preferisci. (per esempio il nome della tua societa, organizzazione o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Nome del Social Network"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Congratulazioni. Hai finito."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["L'installazione è completata! Buon divertimento con il tuo nuovo social network."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["Humhub è molto flessibile e può essere adattato e/o espanso per diferse applicazioni grazie ai differenti moduli. I seguenti moduli sono solo alcuni esempi e quelli che ritenevamo più importanti per l'applicazione scelta.

È sempre possibile installare o rimuovere i moduli in un secondo momento. Puoi trovare altri moduli disponibili dopo l'installazione nell'area di amministrazione."],"Recommended Modules":["Moduli raccomandati"],"Example contents":["Contenuti di esempio"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Per non avere una dashboard vuota al primo login, Humhub può installare dei contenuti di esempio per te. Questi ti danno una buona idea generale di come funziona Humhub. Puoi sempre eliminare i contenuti singolarmente."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Qui puoi decidere come i nuovi utenti non registrati possono accedere a Humhub."],"Security Settings":["Impostazioni di sicurezza"],"Configuration":["Configurazione"],"My club":["Il mio club"],"My community":["La mia community"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["La mia Società (Social intranet / Project management)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Il mio istituto (scuola, università)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Salta questo passaggio, voglio impostare tutto manualmente."],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Per semplificare la configurazione, abbiamo preconfigurato i parametri per gli usi più comuni con diverse opzioni per i moduli e settaggi. Puoi selezionarli nel prossimo passaggio."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Benvenuto su HumHub
Il tuo Social Network Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Questa procedura guidata installa e configura la tua istanza Humhub.

Per continuare, clicca su Avanti."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Qui sotto devi inserire i dettagli per la connessione al database. Se non sei sicuro di avere questi dati, contatta l'amministratore di sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname del tuo MySQL Database Server (es. localhost se MySQL è attivo nella stessa macchina)"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Congratulazioni! tutto è OK e siamo pronti per iniziare!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Riepilogo di tutti i requisiti di sistema per HumHub."],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Qui puoi definire i comportamenti predefiniti per i tuoi utenti. Queste impostazioni possono essere modificate dai singoli utenti nelle loro pagine di impostazione profilo."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Le notifiche sono inviate direttamente ai tuoi utenti per informarli a proposito di nuove attività."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["Le notifiche sono inviate istantaneamente per informarti di nuove attività."],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Qui puoi configurare le impostazioni delle notifiche selezionando gli eventi desiderati per ogni categoria di notifiche."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["Il contentuto richiesto non è valido o è stato rimosso! "],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Permetti le notifiche desktop per default"],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Ricevi le notifiche per nuovi contenuti per i seguenti spazi"],"Space has been archieved":["Lo spazio è stato archiviato"],"Space has been unarchieved":["Lo spazio è stato ripristinato"],"Whenever a space is archieved.":["Ongni volta che uno spazio viene archiviato"],"Whenever a space is unarchieved.":["Ogni volta che uno spazio viene ripristinato"],"User invitations have been added to the queue":["Gli inviti per gli utenti sono stati aggiunti alla lista per l'approvazione."],"User memberships have been added to the queue":["La partecipazione è stata aggiunta alla lista per l'approvazione."],"{count} members":["{count} membri"],"Remove from space":["Rimuovi dallo spazio"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["Sei stato aggiunto allo spazio {spaceName}"],"{displayName} changed your role to {roleName} in the space {spaceName}.":["\n{displayName} ha cambiato la regola {roleName} nello spazio {spaceName}.\n"],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["Ricevi le notifiche degli eventi dei membri dello spazio."],"Allows the user to create private content":["Permetti all'utente di creare contenuti privati. "],"Create private content":["Crea contenuto privato"],"-":["-"],"Add users without invitation":["Aggiungi utenti senza richiesta di invito"],"Select all registered users":["Scegli tutti gli utenti registrati"],"Users has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato."],"Author":["Autore"],"Content Type":["Tipo di contenuto"],"Topic":["Argomento"],"Confirm topic deletion":["Conferma l'eliminazione dell'argomento"],"Edit Topic":["Modifica Argomento"],"Manage Topics":["Gestisci Argomenti"],"Topic Overview":["Riepilogo Argomenti"],"Add Topic":["Aggiungi argomento"],"Do you really want to delete this topic?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare questo argomento?"],"Topic has been deleted!":["L'argomento è stato eliminato!"],"Add Topics":["Aggiungi argomenti"],"Manage Topics":["Gestisci argomenti"],"Can add new topics":["Può aggiungere argomenti"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Può modificare ed eliminare argomenti"],"Add topic":["Aggiungi argomento"],"No topics found for the given query":["Nessun argomento trovato"],"Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}":["Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}":["Questo campo permette un massimo di {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}"],"User Interface":["Interfaccia utente"],"Invalid icon.":["Icona non valida. "],"Select icon":["Scegli icona. "],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["Tutti i tuoi dati personali verranno definitivamente eliminati."],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?"],"You are currently the owner of following spaces:":["Sei il proprietario dei seguenti spazi:"],"You must transfer ownership or delete these spaces before you can delete your account.":["Devi trasferire la proprietà o cancellare gli spazi prima di eliminare il tuo account."],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["Il tuo account non può essere eliminato!"],"Your new password must not be equal your current password!":["Non puoi scegliere una password uguale alla precedente. "],"This profile is no longer available!":["Il profilo non è più disponibile! "],"Must contain at least one character.":["Deve contenere almeno un carattere."],"This profile stream is still empty
Be the first and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
sii il primo a postare qualcosa...\n"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Compleanni nei prossimi {days} giorni"],"In {days} days":["In {days} giorni"],"The group id of the group that should be exluded.":["l'id del gruppo che verrebbe escluso."],"The number of days future birthdays will be shown within.":["Numero di giorni per i futuri compleanni che verrà mostrato."],"becomes {years} years old.":["Compie {years} anni!"],"Choose target calendar":["Scegli il calendario di destinazione"],"Cancel Event":["Annulla evento"],"Download as ICS file":["Scarica il file ICS per il client di posta"],"Profile Calendar":["Calendario del profilo"],"Reopen Event":["Riapri evento"],"{displayName} Birthday":["Compleanno di {displayName}"],"(disabled)":["(disabilitato)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Qui puoi gestire i tipi di calendario forniti dagli altri moduli"],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Configurazione degli altri Calendari"],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento cancellato \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}.","{displayName} ha cancellato l' evento \"{contentTitle}\" nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} evento cancellato \"{contentTitle}\".","{displayName} ha cancellato l' evento \"{contentTitle}\"."],"{displayName} just updated event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento appena aggiornato \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}.","{displayName} ha aggiornato l' evento \"{contentTitle}\" nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} evento riaperto \"{contentTitle}\" nello space {spaceName}.","{displayName} ha riaperto l'evento \"{contentTitle}\" nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} evento riaperto \"{contentTitle}\".","{displayName} ha riaperto l'evento \"{contentTitle}\"."],"Edit calendar":["Modifica calendario"],"I'm attending":["sto partecipando"],"Other Calendars":["Altri calendari"],"Confirm delete file":["Conferma cancellazione file"],"Edit file":["Modifica file"],"File download url":["Url download File"],"File url":["Url File"],"Files module configuration":["Configurazione modulo File"],"Folder url":["Url cartella"],"Note: The replacement behaviour is currently not supported for zip imports.":["Nota: Il comportamento di sostituzione non è attualmente supportato per i caricamenti da file zip"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Un file con questo nome esiste già nella cartella"],"Add directory":["Aggiungi directory"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Aggiungi file a questo space"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Aggiungi il modulo file al tuo profilo"],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["C'è stato un errore creando la cartella {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["C'è stato un errore estraendo il file {filename}."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["L'archivio %filename% non può essere estratto."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Non posso modificare un file inesistente."],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Non riesco a trovare una cartella con id: %id%"],"Creator":["Creatore"],"Destination folder not found!":["Cartella di destinazione non trovata!"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Disabilita il supporto agli archivi (ZIP)"],"Display Url":["Mostra URL"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Vuoi davvero eliminare questo {number} oggetto (i) con tutto il contenuto?"],"Edit directory":["Modifica directory"],"Files from the stream":["File dallo stream"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Il nome cartella non deve inziare o finire con uno spazio vuoto"],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["La cartella {name} non può essere mossa in se stessa!"],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["La cartella {name} non è modificabile!"],"Import Zip":["Importa zip"],"Likes/Comments":["Like/Commenti"],"Make Private":["Rendi privato"],"Make Public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Non è permesso spostare nella stessa cartella"],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Non è permesso spostare questa cartella"],"Open file folder":["Apri la cartella"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Errore di apertura dell'archivio codice: %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Scegli una destinazione valida per %title%."],"Replace existing files":["Sostituisci i file esistenti"],"Root":["Root"],"Selected items...":["Oggetti selezionati..."],"Show Post":["Mostra Post"],"Size: {size}":["Dimensione: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Alcuni file non possono essere importati:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Alcuni file non possono essere spostati:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["La cartella principale è il punto di ingresso che contiene tutti i file disponibili."],"This file is only visible for you and your friends.":["Questo file è visibile da te e i tuoi amici."],"This file is private.":["Questo file è privato."],"This file is protected.":["Questo file è protetto."],"This file is public.":["Questo file è pubblico."],"This folder is empty.":["Questa cartella è vuota."],"This folder is only visible for you and your friends.":["Questa cartella è visibile solo da te e i tuoi amici."],"This folder is private.":["Questa cartella è privata."],"This folder is protected.":["Questa cartella è protetta."],"This folder is public.":["Questa cartella è pubblica."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Sfortunatamente non hai i permessi per caricare/modificare i file."],"Upload behaviour for existing file names":["Comportamento per il caricamento di nomi file già esistenti."],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Carica file o crea sottocartelle con il pulsante sopra."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Carica i file nello stream per riempire questa cartella."],"Use of file indexes for already existing files":["Usa gli indici dei file per i file già esistenti."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["Puoi trovare qui tutti i file che sono stati pubblicati su questo stream."],"ZIP selected":["ZIP selezionato"],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["Il supporto ZIP non è attivo."],"Is Public":["è pubblico"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Nota: Il cambiamento della visibilità della cartella saranno ereditati da tutti i file e cartelle."],"Parent Folder ID":["ID cartella superiore"],"Add files":["Aggiungi file"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Permetti agli utenti di modificare o cancellare i file"],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Permetti agli utenti di caricare nuovi file e creare cartelle"],"Manage files":["Gestisci file"],"Icon":["Icona"],"Invalid template selection!":["Selezione template non valida!"],"Invalid view file selection!":["Selezione visualizzazione non valida!"],"Style Class":["Stile Class"],"Target Url":["Url di destinazione"],"Template Layout":["Layout template"],"Add {templateName} item":["Aggiungi {templateName} oggetto"],"Edit item":["Modifica oggetto"],"Edit {type} element":["Modifca {type} elemento"],"Invalid request data!":["Richiesta non valida!"],"You are not allowed to delete default content!":["Non sei abilitato a cancellare il contenuto predefinito!"],"Empty
Vuoto"],"Only visible for space admins":["Visile solo agli amministratori dello spazio"],"Open in new window":["Apri in una nuova finestra"],"page":["pagina"],"snippet":["snippet"],"Empty Image":["Immagine vuota"],"Only visible for admins":["Visibile solamente agli amministratori"],"Url shortcut":["Scorciatoia Url"],"Empty Richtext":["Richtext vuoto"],"Empty Text":["Testo vuoto"],"Activate PHP based Pages and Snippets":["Attiva Pagine e Sippets basati su PHP"],"If disabled, existing php pages will still be online, but can't be created.":["Se disattivato, le pagine php esistenti resteranno online ma non potranno essere create."],"Sidebar":["Barra laterale"],"Label":["Etichetta"],"Placeholder name":["Nome segnaposto"],"The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except '_'":["Il nome dell'elemento deve contenere almeno due caratteri senza spazi o segni speciali ad eccezione di \"_\""],"The given element name is already in use for this template.":["Il nome dell'elemento specificato è già in uso per questo modello."],"Style":["Stile"],"Use empty content":["Usa contenuto vuoto"],"Use default content":["Usa contenuto predefinito"],"Display Empty Content":["Mostra contenuto vuoto"],"Choose a template":["Scegli un modello"],"Template":["Modello"],"Edit Page":["Modifica pagina"],"View not found":["Vista non trovata"],"Create new {label}":["Crea nuovo {label}"],"No {label} entry created yet!":["Nessuna voce {label} ancora creata!"],"This page lists all available {label} entries.":["Questa pagina elenca tutte le voci {label} disponibili."],"Edit Template":["Modifica modello"],"Edit elements":["Modifica elementi"],"Edit template":["Modifica modello"],"Page configuration":["Configurazione pagina"],"Turn edit off":["Disattiva modifiche"],"Empty":["Vuoto"],"Inline":["In linea"],"Multiple":["Multiplo"],"This template does not contain any elements yet.":["Il modello non contiene ancora elementi."],"none":["nulla"],"less":["meno"],"Open page...":["Apri pagina..."],"Add Dropbox files":["Aggiungi file da Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["File non valido"],"Dropbox API Key":["Api Key Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Mostra avvisi quando crei post"],"Dropbox post":["Post Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Il modulo dropbox richiede un'applicazione Dropbox attiva creata! Vai a questo link, Scegli \"Drop-ins app\" ed inserisci un nome per l'applicazione per ottenere la tua Api key."],"Dropbox settings":["Impostazioni Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Descrivi i tuoi file"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Il modulo Dropbox non è ancora configurato. contatta l'amministratore per aiutarti."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Il modulo Dropbox non è ancora configurato! Configuralo qui.\n"],"Select files from dropbox":["Scegli file da Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Attenzione! Stai condividendo file privati."],"Do not show this warning in future":["Non mostrare ulteriori avvisi in futuro"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Il file che vuoi condividere è privato. Per condividere i file nel tuo spazio abbiamo generato un link condiviso. Chiunque potrà vedere questo file.
Sei sicuro di condividere?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Sì, sono sicuro"],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition periodo di valutazione"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licenza Enterprise Edition non valida"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Registrata "],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Non registrata "],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Inserisci la tua chiave di licenza HumHub - Enterprise Edition qui sotto. Se ancora non hai una chiave di licenza, puoi ottenerne una qui %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Registra questa HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Aggiorna la licenza HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione completata!"],"Validating...":["Validazione..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Hai ancora {daysLeft} giorni per il tuo periodo di valutazione."],"Hide sidebar":["Nascondi la barra laterale"],"Show sidebar":["Mostra la barra laterale"],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Una regola deve essere in formato @example.com per permettere ad ogni email dell'host di completare l'indirizzo ad esempio user@example.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["Mappaggio email"],"E-Mails":["Email"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Questo mappaggio email permette di specificare delle regole per gli utenti per assegnare automaticamente a questo gruppo dopo la registrazione."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["La whitelist email permette di specificare delle regole per limitare gli indirizzi che possono registrarsi o creare inviti."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["La whitelist email permette di specificare delle regole che permettono di non necessitare approvazione dopo la registrazione di un nuovo utente"],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Le seguenti email non corrispondono alle impostazioni della whitelist: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["L'indirizzo indicato non è autorizzato alla registrazione!"],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Quando la funzione whitelist email è attivata (almeno una regola), le regole indicate verranno aggiunte alla whitelist."],"Whitelist":["Whitelist"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licenza Enterprise Edition"],"Licence Serial Code":["Codice seriale licenza"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Prego inserisci il codice seriale licenza qui sotto, lasciando in bianco inizierai il periodo di valutazione di 14 giorni."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Crea un nuovo mapping ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Modifica il mapping ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP mapping dei membri"],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this group.":["Assegna automaticamente gli utenti LDAP come membri di questo gruppo."],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this space.":["Assegna automaticamente gli utenti LDAP come membri di questo spazio."],"Attribute value (e.g. street==Some Street or street=~Street)":["Valore attributo (es. street==Some Street o street=~Street)"],"Create new mapping":["Crea un nuovo mapping"],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP Mapping"],"Mapping options:":["Opzioni di mapping:"],"Note: This option is only available for global user administrators.":["Nota: questa opzione è disponibile solo per gli amministratori globali."],"Part of the users base DN (e.g. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)":["Parte della users base DN (es. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)"],"User Memberships (MemberOf, e.g. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)":["User Memberships (MemberOf, es. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)"],"Change space image":["Cambia l'immagine dello spazio"],"Change type":["Cambia tipo"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Crea un nuovo %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Crea nuovo tipo di spazio"],"Delete space type":["Elimina il tipo di spazio"],"Edit space type":["Modifica il tipo di spazio"],"Crop image":["Ritaglia immagine"],"Current image":["Immagine corrente"],"Delete image":["Cancella immagine"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Qui puoi gestire i tipi di spazio, si usano per categorizzare i tuoi spazi"],"Space Types":["Tipi di spazio"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Per eliminare il tipo di spazio \"{type}\" devi selezionarne uno alternativo da quelli esistenti:"],"Types":["Tipi"],"Upload image":["Carica immagine"],"e.g. Project":["es. Progetto"],"e.g. Projects":["es. Progetti"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Una regola whitelisti deve essere nel formato @example.com per permettere all'host di completare l'email con il nome utente es. user@example.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Separa più regole andando a capo."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Separa più regole whitelist andando a capo."],"Your are not a member of this space":["Non sei membro di questo spazio"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Conferma cancellazione galleria"],"Confirm delete item":["Conferma cancellazione elemento"],"Edit gallery":["Modifica galleria"],"Edit media":["Modifica media"],"Gallery ":["Galleria"],"Gallery settings":["Impostazioni Galleria"],"List of galleries":["Elenco gallerie"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Aggiunge il modulo Galleria a questo spazio"],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Aggiunge il modulo Galleria al tuo profilo"],"Choose snippet gallery":["Scegli galleria snippet"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Clicca qui per aggiungere una nuova galleria"],"Click or drop files here":["Clicca o trascina i file qui"],"Delete Gallery":["Elimina Galleria"],"Deleted":["Eliminata"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa galleria e tutto il suo contenuto?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo oggetto e tutti i contenuti collegati?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Non mostrare lo snippet della galleria in questo spazio"],"Edit Gallery":["Modifica Galleria"],"Gallery":["Galleria"],"Gallery:":["Galleria:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Nel caso che la galleria non fosse visibile per l'utente attuale, lo snippet userà la prima galleria accessibile."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Permessi insufficienti per fare questo."],"Item could not be deleted!":["L'oggetto non può essere eliminato!"],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Ultima galleria - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Rendi questa galleria pubblica"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Apri galleria"],"Posted Media Files":["File multimediali postati"],"Posted pictures":["Immagini postate"],"Show connected post":["Mostra post collegati"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Non ci sono gallerie disponibili per questo spazio. Per configurare lo snippet per la galleria, crea una nuova galleria"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Tutti i file di questa galleria sono postati dal profilo"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Tutti i file di questa galleria sono postati dallo spazio"],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Questa galleria contiene tutti i file postati."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Questa galleria contiene tutte le immagini postate."],"added by ":["aggiunto da"],"of posted media files":["di file postati"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Scusa! Limite di utenti raggiunto"],"Administrative Contact":["Contatto amministrativo"],"Advanced Options":["Opzioni avanzate"],"Custom Domain":["Dominio personalizzato"],"Data privacy":["Privacy dei dati"],"Datacenter":["Datacentre"],"Delete instance":["Cancella istanza","Cancella istanaza"],"Export data":["Esporta i dati"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Supporto / Ricevi aiuto"],"Terms of use":["Termini di uso del servizio"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Non ci sono ulteriori registrazioni a disposizione. Il limite di utenti è stato raggiunto in questa istanza ospitata."],"Your plan":["Il tuo piano"],"Mail module configuration":["configurazione moduloMail"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Permetti agli altri di inviarti messaggi privati"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["Permetti agli utenti di iniziare nuove conversazioni"],"Conversation":["conversazione"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuo crea una nuova conversazione"],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Ricevi una notifica quando qualcuno ti invia un messaggio"],"Receive private messages":["Ricevi messaggi privati"],"Show menu item in top Navigation":["Mostra l'icona del modulo nel menu superiore"],"Start new conversations":["Inizia nuove conversazioni"],"This user is already participating in this conversation.":["Questo untente sta già partecipando a questa conversazione."],"Write a message...":["Scrivi un messaggio..."],"You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.":["Non sei autorizzato da iniziare una conversazione con questo utente."],"User {name} is already participating!":["L'utente {name} sta già partecipando!"],"You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!":["Non puoi inviare all'utente {name}!"],"Duration":["Durata"],"Move down":["Sposta giù"],"Move up":["Sposta sù"],"End must be after begin":["La fine deve essere dopo l'inizio"],"Filter meetings":["Filtri appuntamenti"],"I'm participating":["Partecipo"],"Only past meetings":["Solo appuntamenti passati"],"Assign Users":["Assegna utenti"],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["es. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Editors:":["Editori:"],"Create document":["Crea documento"],"DocumentServer not accessible.":["DocumentServer non accessibile."],"DocumentServer not configured yet.":["DocumentServer non ancora configurato."],"DocumentServer successfully connected! - Installed version: {version}":["DocumentServer collegato correttamente! - Versione installata: {version}"],"OnlyOffice - DocumentServer module configuration":["Configurazione modulo OnlyOffice - DocumentServer"],"Share document":["Condividi documento"],"Could not find shared file!":["Non riesco a trovare il file condiviso!"],"File read access denied!":["Accesso al file negato!"],"Link for view only access":["Link per sola visualizzazione"],"Link with enabled write access":["Link per visualizzazione e modifica"],"You can simply share this document using a direct link. The user does not need an valid user account on the platform.":["Puoi semplicemente condividere questo documento con un link diretto. L'utente non necessita di un account valido nella piattaforma."],"e.g. http://documentserver":["es. http://documentserver"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Nota: I risultati sono nascosti fino alla chiusura da parte del moderatore. "],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Vuoi nascondere i rosultati quando il sondaggio è chiuso? "],"Manage reported posts":["Gestisci post segnalati"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Dai una ragione del perché segnali un post. "],"Reported posts":["Post segnalati. "],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Perché vuoi segnalare un post? "],"by :displayName":["Da :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["Creato da :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Non é attinente allo spazio. "],"Offensive":["Offensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Qui puoi gestire i post segnalati dagli utenti."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come offensivo. "],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come spam. "],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un utente ha segnalato il tuo post come non attinente allo spazio. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come offensivo. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come spam. "],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% ha segnalato %contentTitle% come non attinente allo spazio. "],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Qui puoi gestire i post segnalati per questo spazio. "],"Confirm report deletion":["Conferma la cancellazione della segnalazione"],"Approve":["Approva"],"Approve post":["Approva post"],"Delete post":["Cancella post"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Vuoi approvare questo post? "],"Reason":["Motivo"],"Reporter":["Segnalatore"],"There are no reported posts.":["Non ci sono post segnalati"],"Does not belong here":["Non é attinente. "],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Aiutaci a capire cosa è successo"],"It's offensive":["È offensivo"],"It's spam":["Spam! "],"Report post":["Segnala post"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Permetti i messaggi con più di 160 caratteri (predefinito disattivato, attualmente non supportato)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Errore sconosciuto"],"Body too long.":["Testo troppo lungo."],"Body too too short.":["Testo troppo corto."],"Characters left:":["Caratteri rimanenti:"],"Choose Provider":["Scegli provider"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Non posso collegarmi al fornitore di SMS, contatta l'amministratore."],"Gateway Number":["Numero gateway"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Il gateway non è disponibile per questa rete"],"Insufficent credits.":["Crediti insufficienti."],"Invalid IP address.":["Indirizzo IP non valido"],"Invalid destination.":["Destinazione non valida."],"Invalid sender.":["Mittente non valido."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Utento o passoword errati. Contatta l'amministratore."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Credito non sufficiente per l'account principale."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Credito non sufficiente per l'account secondario."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Provider non inizializzato. Contratta l'amministratore."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Destinatario non valido."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Destinatario scritto in modo errato dece essere in formato internazionale, ad esempio 00[...] o +[...]"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Tag di riferimento per creare un filtro nelle statistiche"],"Route access violation.":["Violazione route access."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Configurazione modulo SMS"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["L'SMS è stato rifiutato/non può essere consegnato."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["L'SMS è stato spedito correttamente."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS mancante di indicazione del prezzo (annunci a numeri premium)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS con testo di messaggio identico sono stati inviati troppo spesso negli ultimi 180 secondi.\nSMS con testo di messaggio identico è stato inviato troppo spesso negli ultimi 180 secondi."],"Save Configuration":["Salva la configurazione"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Errore di sicurezza. Contatta l'amministratore per controllare la configurazione del modulo."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Seleziona la rotta Spryng (default: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Invia SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Invia un SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Invia un SMS a"],"Sender is invalid.":["Mittente non valido."],"Technical error.":["Errore tecnico."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opzione di test. Gli SMS non vengono consegnati, ma il server risponde come se lo fossero."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Per poter inviare un sms a un account specifico, assicurati che il campo del profilo \"mobile\" sia compilato nelle informazioni dell'account."],"Unknown route.":["Rotta sconosciuta."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["All'interno di questa configurazione puoi scegliere tra diversi provider sms e configurarli. È necessario impostare correttamente le informazioni del proprio account del fornitore scelto per far funzionare correttamente la funzione sms."],"Application folder not writable!":["La cartella dell'applicazione non è scrivibile!"],"Application folder: {folder}":["Cartella dell'applicazione: {folder}"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Fai il backup di tutti i file e del database prima di procedere"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Le modifiche ai file di sistema di Humhub verranno sovrascritte!"],"Channel":["Canale"],"Cleanup update files":["Pulizia dei file dell'aggiornamento"],"Could not extract update package!":["Non posso estrarre il pacchetto di aggiornamento!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Non riesco a trovare informazioni sugli aggiornamenti online! (%error%)"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Non usare questo update in combinazione con installazioni di tipo Git o Composer"],"Downloading update package":["Scaricamento del pacchetto di aggiornamento"],"Extracting package files":["Estrazione del pacchetto di aggiornamento"],"Installed PHP version not support!":["Versione di PHP installata non supportata"],"Installing files":["Installazione dei file"],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Controlla che tutti i file siano scrivibili dall'applicazione"],"Make sure all files are writable! (file)":["Controlla che tutti i file siano scrivibili!"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Controlla che i moduli personalizzati o i temi siano compatibili con la versione %version%"],"Migrating database":["Migrazione database"],"New updater version available!":["Nessuna nuova versione disponibile!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Nessun messaggio di errore disponibile. Controlla il file di log!"],"Please note:":["Nota:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Controlla che tutti i moduli installati siano aggiornati PRIMA e DOPO l'aggiornamento."],"Please update installed modules when new version is available!":["Aggiorna i moduli installati quando una nuova versione è disponibile!"],"Preparing system":["Preparazione del sistema"],"Stable and beta versions":["Versioni stabili e versioni beta"],"Stable versions only":["Solo versioni stabili"],"Switch to default theme after update (strongly recommended)":["Passa al tema predefinito dopo l'aggiornamento (caldamente raccomandato)"],"The currently installed PHP version is too old. Please update before proceed.":["La versione di PHP installata è troppo vecchia. Aggiorna PHP prima di procedere."],"The update was successfully installed!":["L'aggiornamento è stato isntallato con successo!"],"The updater requires write access to all files and folders in the application root folder.":["Il programma di aggiornamento necessita dei permessi di scrittura in tutti i file e le cartelle della cartella principale."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Un nuovo aggiornamento alla versione %version% è disponibile!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["C'è una nuova versione del modulo di aggiornamento disponibile. Aggiorna il modulo prima di procedere."],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Non c'è nessun aggiornamento per Humhub disponibile!"],"Update HumHub":["Aggiorna Humhub"],"Update package invalid!":["Pacchetto di aggiornamento non valido!"],"Update successful":["Aggiornamento completato"],"Updater Configuration":["Configurazione aggiornamenti"],"Validating package":["Validazione pacchetto"],"Are you really sure? All existing category page assignments will be removed!":["Sei proprio sicuro? Tutte le pagine assegnate alla categoria verranno eliminate!"],"Pages in this category":["Pagine in questa categoria"],"Pages without category":["Pagine senza categoria"],"Add all space members to this event":["Aggiungi tutti i membri dello spazio a questo evento"],"Add remaining space members to this event":["Aggiungi i rimanenti membri dello spazio a questo evento"],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName} starting at {time}.":["{displayName} ti ha appena aggiunto all' evento \"{contentTitle}\" nello spazio {spaceName} che inizierà alle {time}."],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} ti ha appena aggiunto all' evento \"{contentTitle}\"."],"Custom Pages":["Pagine Personalizzate"],"Edit snippet":["Modifica snippet"],"Add a file icon before the title":["Aggiungi un'icona prima del titolo"],"Adds plain HTML content to your site.":["Aggiunge contenuto HTML al tuo sito."],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Permette di aggiungere pagine (markdown, iframe o link) al menu dello spazio"],"Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.":["Ti permette di aggiungere contenuti nella sintassi MarkDown."],"Alternate text":["Testo alternativo"],"Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!":["Effettua sempre un backup dei tuoi view file al di fuori del tuo ambiente di produzione!"],"An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.":["Una selezione modello vuota consentirà tutti i modelli di contenitore per questo contenitore."],"Containers":["Contenitori"],"Create new {type}":["Crea nuovo {type}"],"Css Class":["Classe CSS"],"Default Content":["Contenuto predefinito"],"Directory Menu":["Menu directory"],"Html":["Html"],"Iframe":["IFrame"],"Invalid type selection":["Selezione tipo invalida"],"Item name":["Nome IFrame"],"Layouts":["Layout"],"Off":["Off"],"On":["On"],"On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.":["In questa pagina puoi configurare le impostazioni generali delle tue pagine personalizzate."],"PHP":["PHP"],"Pages":["Pagine"],"Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embeded to your site.":["Si prega di scegliere uno dei seguenti tipi di contenuto. Il tipo di contenuto definisce il modo in cui i tuoi contenuti sono incorporati al tuo sito."],"Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii's Security best practices.":["Si prega di tenere presente che le pagine basate su php sono vulnerabili ai problemi di sicurezza, specialmente quando si gestisce l'input dell'utente. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le Best practice sulla sicurezza di Yii ."],"Show additional file information (size)":["Mostra informazioni file aggiuntive (dimensioni)"],"Snipped-Layouts":["Layout snipped"],"Snippets":["Snippet"],"Source":["Sorgente"],"Templates":["Modelli"],"Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.":["I modelli permettono di definire parti di pagine combinabili con funzionalità in linea"],"This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!":["Questa azione necessita una istanza ownerContentId o ownerContent !"],"This action requires an templateId or template instance!":["Questa azione richiede una istanza templateid o template"],"This container does not allow any further items!":["Questo contenitore non permette altri oggetti!"],"Will embed the the result of a given url as an iframe element.":["Incorporerà il risultato di un determinato URL come elemento iframe."],"Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.":["Reindirizzerà le richieste a un determinato URL (relativo o assoluto)."],"With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.":["Con le pagine basate su PHP è possibile creare pagine personalizzate tramite i view file nel proprio file system. Si prega di verificare la configurazione del modulo per ulteriori informazioni."],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Senza aggiungere al menu (collegamento diretto)"],"Empty content elements cannot be delted!":["Gli elementi di contenuto vuoti non possono essere eliminati!"],"PHP view path for custom space pages":["Percorso delle view PHP per pagine personalizzate degli spazi "],"PHP view path for custom space snippets":["Percorso delle view PHP per pagine personalizzate degli snippet degli spazi "],"PHP view path for global custom pages":["Percorso delle view PHP per pagine personalizzate globali"],"PHP view path for global custom snippets":["Percorso delle view PHP per pagine personalizzate degli snippet"],"The given view file path does not exist.":["Il percorso del file della view non esiste."],"Here you can manage your template container elements.":["Qui puoi gestire i tuoi elementi del contenitore del modello."],"Here you can manage your template layouts. Layouts are the root of your template pages and can not be combined with other templates.":["Qui puoi gestire i layout del tuo modello. I layout sono la radice delle pagine del modello e non possono essere combinati con altri modelli."],"Confirm container item deletion":["Confirm la cancellazione del contenitore"],"Confirm content deletion":["Confirm la cancellazione del contenuto"],"Confirm element deletion":["Confirm la cancellazione dell'elemento"],"Here you can manage your snipped layouts. Snippet layouts are templates, which can be included into sidebars.":["Qui puoi gestire i tuoi layout snippet. I layout snippet sono modelli che possono essere inclusi nelle barre laterali."],"Add new {type} element":["Aggiungi un nuovo {type} elemento"],"Edit element {name}":["Modifica {name} elemento"],"Edit elements of {templateName}":["Modifica elementi di {templateName}"],"Edit {templateName}":["Modifica {templateName}"],"Template not found!":["Modello non trovato!"],"The template could not be deleted, please get sure that this template is not in use.":["Il modello non può essere cancellato, per favore assicurati che questo modello non sia in uso."],"Allow multiple items?":["Consentire più elementi?"],"Allowed Templates":["Modelli consentiti"],"Render items as inline-blocks within the inline editor?":["Renderizza elementi come blocchi in linea all'interno dell'editor in linea?"],"Edit template '{templateName}'":["Modifica modello '{templateName}'"],"Add Element":["Aggiungi elemento"],"Edit All":["Modifica tutto"],"Here you can edit the source of your template by defining the template layout and adding content elements. Each element can be assigned with a default content and additional definitions.":["Qui puoi modificare l'origine del modello definendo il layout del modello e aggiungendo elementi di contenuto. Ogni elemento può essere assegnato con un contenuto predefinito e definizioni aggiuntive."],"You haven't saved your last changes yet. Do you want to leave without saving?":["Non hai ancora salvato le ultime modifiche. Vuoi andartene senza salvare?"],"Template Infos":["Informazioni sul Modello"],"More infos about the twig syntax is available here":["Ulteriori informazioni sulla sintassi del twig sono disponibili qui "],"This template systems uses {twigLink} as template engine.

You can add elements as Richtexts or Images into your template by using the 'Add Element' dropdown menu.
After adding an element, the elements placeholder is automatically inserted to your template.
You can change the position of your elements anytime. The element for an block with the name 'content' will be represented as '{{ content }}' within your template.

The name of your block hast to start with an alphanumeric letter and cannot contain any special signs except an '_'. Each element provides additional placeholder for rendering the default content or edit links. These additions can be inserted adding for example {{ content.default }} to your template.":["Questo modello utilizza {twigLink} come motore di template.

Puoi aggiungere elementi come Richtexts o Immagini nel tuo modello usando il menu a discesa 'Aggiungi elemento'.
Dopo aver aggiunto un elemento, il gli elementi segnaposto vengono automaticamente inseriti nel tuo modello.
Puoi cambiare la posizione dei tuoi elementi in qualsiasi momento. L'elemento per un blocco con il nome \"contenuto\" verrà rappresentato come \"{{content}}\" all'interno del modello.

Il nome del blocco deve iniziare con una lettera alfanumerica e non può contenere alcun segni speciali tranne un '_'. Ogni elemento fornisce segnaposto aggiuntivo per il rendering del contenuto predefinito o per la modifica dei collegamenti. Queste aggiunte possono essere inserite aggiungendo per esempio {{content.default}} al tuo modello."],"Are you sure you want to delete this container item?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo oggetto contenitore?"],"Do you really want to delete this content?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo contenuto?"],"Do you really want to delete this element?
The deletion will affect all pages using this template.":["Vuoi davvero eliminare questo elemento?
La cancellazione riguarderà tutte le pagine che utilizzano questo modello."],"Add new {pageType}":["Aggiungi nuova {pageType}"],"Create new template":["Crea un nuovo modello"],"By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value 'mypage' will result in an url 'www.example.de/p/mypage'.":["Impostando uno shortUrl dell'URL, puoi creare un URL più leggibile per la tua pagina. Se URL Rewriting è abilitato sul tuo sito, il valore \"mypage\" genererà un URL \"www.example.de/p/mypage\"."],"Here you can configure the general settings of your {label}.":["Qui puoi configurare le impostazioni generali della tua {label}."],"Inline Editor":["Editor in linea"],"e.g. http://www.example.de":["es. http://www.example.com"],"Edit message...":["Modifica messaggio..."],"Delete discussion":["Cancella discussione"],"Duplicate meeting":["Duplica meeting"],"Shift agenda entry to new meeting":["Passa l'ordine del giorno in un nuovo meeting."],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Aggiunge un responsabile meeting a questo spazio."],"Agenda Entry":["Ordine del giorno"],"Duration in hh:mm format ":["Durata in formato hh:mm"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Il formato deve essere ORA: MINUTO"],"Info message has been sent.":["Il messaggio informativo è stato inviato."],"Send as message":["Invia come messaggio"],"Shift to other meeting":["Passa ad altro meeting"],"Can manage meeting content":["Può gestire i contenuti dei meeting"],"Duplicate agenda entries":["Duplica ordine del giorno"],"Manage Meetings":["Gestisci meeting"],"Participants (External)":["Partecipanti (esterni)"],"Duration (hh:mm)":["Durata (hh:mm)"],"Confirm meeting deletion":["Conferma eliminazione meeting"],"Create new meeting":["Crea un nuovo meeting"],"Edit meeting":["Modifica meeting"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Aggiungi partecipanti esterni (testo libero)"],"Add participants":["Aggiungi partecipanti"],"External participants":["Partecipanti esterni"],"Title of your meeting":["Titolo del tuo meeting"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"Confirm entry deletion":["Conferma eliminazione voce"],"Create new entry":["Crea nuova voce"],"Edit entry":["Modifica voce"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Aggiungi moderatori esterni (testo libero)"],"Add moderator":["Aggiungi moderatori"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questa voce?"],"External moderators":["Moderatori esterni"],"Title of this entry":["Titolo di questa voce"],"Edit Note":["Modifica Note"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Dettagli meeting: %link%"],"Meeting overview":["Panoramica Meeting"],"Next meetings":["Prossimi meeting"],"Add a protocol":["Aggiungi un protocollo"],"Add a task":["Aggiungi un'attività"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Crea la tua prima voce ordine del giorno facendo clic sul seguente pulsante."],"Drag entry":["Trascina voce","Sposta"],"Duplicate":["Duplica"],"Edit a protocol":["Modifica un protocollo"],"Filter meetings by title":["Filtra meeting per titolo"],"New agenda entry":["Nuovo ordine del giorno"],"New meeting":["Nuovo meeting"],"Note: This agenda entry still uses a legacy time format, please save all legacy items in order to use new features.":["Nota: questo ordine del giorno continua a utilizzare un formato orario superato, si prega di salvare tutti gli elementi superati per utilizzare le nuove funzionalità."],"Print agenda":["Stampa ordine del giorno"],"Protocol":["Protocollo"],"Share meeting":["Condividi meeting"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Inizia ora, creando un nuovo meeting!"],"There are currently no upcoming meetings!.":["Al momento non ci sono meeting imminenti !."],"Today":["Oggi"],"at":["alle"],"Participants have been notified":["I partecipanti sono stati avvisati"],"Share meeting":["Condivid meeting"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Aggiungi al tuo calendario e invita i partecipanti"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Aggiungi al tuo calendario personale"],"Export ICS":["Esporta file ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Invia notifiche a tutti i partecipanti"],"Send now":["Invia ora"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Invia notifiche interne a tutti i partecipanti alla riunione."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Questo creerà un file ICS, che aggiunge questa riunione solo al tuo calendario personale."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Questo creerà un file ICS, che aggiunge questo incontro al tuo calendario personale, invita tutti gli altri partecipanti via e-mail e attende la loro risposta."],"Shift agenda item":["Passa l'ordine del giorno"],"Choose upcoming meeting":["Scegli il meeting imminente"],"Chose upcoming meeting":["Scegli il meeting imminente"],"Create new meeting":["Crea nuovo meeting"],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} ti ha invitato a {meeting}."],"Open Meeting":["Apri meeting"],"{userName} completed task {task}.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} reset task {task}.":["{userName} ha ricominciato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} reviewed task {task}.":["{userName} ha revisionato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} works on task {task}.":["{userName} sta eseguendo l'attività {task}."],"Assigned users are allowed to process this task.":["Gli utenti assegnati possono processare questa attività."],"Create task list":["Crea lista di attività"],"Edit task list":["Modifica lista di attività"],"Accept Task":["Accetta attività"],"Add Task List":["Aggiungi lista di attività"],"Add task":["Aggiungi attività"],"Allows the user to create new tasks, the user will only be able to edit and delete own tasks":["Permette all'utente di creare nuove attività, l'utente sarà solo in grado di modificare ed eliminare le proprie attività."],"Assignments:":["Assegnazioni:"],"Begin Task":["Inizia attività"],"Checklist:":["Checklist:"],"Continue Review":["Continua revisione"],"Create tasks":["Crea attività"],"Delete list":["Elimina lista"],"Delete task":["Elimina attività"],"Edit list":["modifica lista"],"Edit task":["modifica attività"],"Finish Task":["Concludi attività"],"Finished Lists":["Attività concluse"],"Here you can manage your 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modifiche)."],"Reminder":["Promemoria"],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} ends at {dateTime}.":["L' attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName} finisce il {dateTime}."],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} starts at {dateTime}.":["L' attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName} inizia il {dateTime}."],"{userName} assigned you to task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} ti ha assegnato l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} completed Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} has changed deadline for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} ha modificato la scadenza per l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} has re-opened task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} riaperto l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} has rejected task {task} in space {spaceName} as incomplete.":["{userName} ha rifiutato l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} marked Task {task} in space {spaceName} as completed.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} requests a deadline extension for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} richiesto un' estensione di scadenza per l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} requests you to review Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} richiede di revisionare l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"{userName} started working on Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} inizitato l'attività {task} nello spazio {spaceName}."],"Allows the user to create, delete and edit tasks and lists and also sort tasks and lists":["Permetti agli utenti di creare, eliminare e modificare attività, liste di attività, riordinare attività e liste"],"Allows the user to process unassigned tasks":["Permetti agli utenti di eseguire attività non assegnate"],"Manage tasks":["Gestisci attività"],"Process unassigned 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Disable it when running on production!":["HumHubは現在デバッグモードです。本番環境で実行する場合は無効にすべきです。"],"Licences":["ライセンス"],"See installation manual for more details.":["詳細はインストールマニュアルを参照してください。"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["このHumHubは最新です!"],"Manage groups":["グループ編集"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["ユーザーをグループ(チーム、部門など)に登録できます。グループ用のスペース設定、管理、権限設定もできます。"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["モジュールでHumHubを拡張できます。モジュールはHumHubマーケットプレイスからインストールできます。"],"Purchases":["購入"],"Min value is 20 seconds. 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With this account you can manage the whole network.":["これで最後です。管理者アカウントを作ってください。このアカウントがSNSを管理します。"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["あなたのSNSには名前が必要です。好きな名前をつけてください。(たとえばあなたの会社名や組織名、クラブ名などです)"],"Social Network Name":["SNSの 名前"],"Example contents":["サンプル コンテンツ"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["HumHubにサンプルコンテンツもインストールしますか?インストールすればHumHubの理解に役立ちます。サンプルコンテンツは後から削除できます。"],"Configuration":["かんたん設定"],"My club":["クラブ"],"My community":["仲間"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["会社(イントラネット、プロジェクト管理)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["教育機関(学校、大学)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["かんたん設定をスキップして、後で手動で設定する"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["かんたん設定を選ぶと、一般的な設定をあらかじめ選択した状態にします。次のステップでは、選択した設定を実際に有効にするか選べます。"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["ようこそ! HumHubへ
あなたのSNSツールです"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["このウィザードでHumHubのインストールと初期設定をします。

続けるには「次」をクリックしてください。"],"Database Configuration":["データベース 設定"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["データベースの設定を入力してください。これらの設定が不明な場合はシステム管理者に連絡を取ってください。"],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQLのホスト名を入力してください(例えばMySQLが同じマシンで動作していた場合は「localhost」です。)"],"Initializing database...":["データベースを構築しています。"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["設定に誤りがあります。"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["HumHubを構築したいデータベースの名前を入れてください。"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQLのパスワードを入力してください。"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQLのユーザー名を入力してください。"],"System Check":["必須要件 を確認します"],"Check again":["もう一度チェックする"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["おめでとうございます!条件を満たしているのでインストール準備ができました"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["下記はHumHubの全ての必須要件です。"],"Space member joined":["スペースにメンバーが参加しました"],"Space member left":["スペースからメンバーが脱退しました"],"Space followers":["スペース のフォロワー"],"Private":["プライベート"],"Private (Invisible)":["プライベート(閲覧制限)"],"Public (Members only)":["公開(メンバー限定)"],"Stream (Default)":["ストリーム(デフォルト)"],"Members":["メンバー"],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["アクセスできません - あなたに権限がありません"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["スペースの所有者を別の管理者に移設できます。"],"Remove from space":["このスペースから追放する"],"Show all":["所有者の移設","全て見る"],"Transfer ownership":["所有者の移設"],"the default start page of this space for members":["メンバーがこのスペースにアクセスしたときの画面です"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["メンバー以外がこのスペースにアクセスしたときの画面です"],"Color":["色"],"Default content visibility":["コンテンツの見え方"],"Homepage":["ホームページ"],"Homepage (Guests)":["ホームページ(ゲスト)"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["あなたはスペースに追加されました {spaceName}"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} はあなたの招待を受けました スペース名: {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} はあなたを招待しました スペース名: {spaceName}"],"Friendship":["フレンドシップ"],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["スペースのメンバーに関する通知を受け取る"],"Space Membership":["スペースのメンバー"],"View Online":["オンラインで見る"],"Allows the user to create private content":["ユーザーが非公開コンテンツを作ることを許可する"],"Allows the user to create public content":["ユーザーが公開コンテンツを作ることを許可する"],"Create public content":["公開コンテンツ"],"Invite users":["ユーザー招待"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["追加 {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"-":["-"],"Manage members":["メンバー 管理"],"Role":["役割"],"Space Modules":["スペース モジュール"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["現在、このスペースにはモジュールはありません"],"Create new space":["新規作成 スペース"],"Advanced access settings":["上級者向けのアクセス設定"],"space description":["スペースの説明文"],"Add Modules":["追加 モジュール"],"Space settings":["スペースの設定"],"This space is still empty!":["このスペースにはまだ何も書かれていません"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["このスペースにはまだ何も書かれていません
何か投稿してみてください…"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["このスペースは、メンバー以外の閲覧ができません。"],"Invite members":["メンバーを招待"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["このスペースにメンバーを招待します。テキストボックに招待したいメンバーの名前を入力してください。"],"User has become a member.":["ユーザーはメンバーになりました"],"User has been invited.":["ユーザーが招待されました"],"User has not been invited.":["ユーザーは招待されません"],"":[" 設定"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["ダッシュボードに表示しない"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["このオプションを選ぶと、あなたのダッシュボードにこのスペースが表示されません"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["このオプションを選ぶと、あなたのダッシュボードにこのスペースが表示されます"],"Space menu":["スペース メニュー"],"Change image":["イマージを変更"],"Current space image":["現在のイメージ"],"Invite":["招待"],"Accept Invite":["招待を受ける"],"Become member":["メンバーになる"],"Deny Invite":["招待を断る"],"Something went wrong":["何かが 誤っています"],"Followers":["フォロワー"],"Posts":["投稿数"],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} 最終ログインからの変化"],"New member request":["新規 メンバーのリクエスト"],"Space members":["スペース メンバー"],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["あなたのデータ全てが削除されます!"],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["あなたのアカウントを削除しても良いのですか?"],"Delete account":["アカウントを削除する","アカウント削除"],"Enter your password to continue":["続けるにはパスワードを入力してください"],"No users found.":["ユーザーはいません"],"Communication":["SNS情報"],"Social bookmarks":["ソーシャル・ブックマーク"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["あなたのメールアドレスは{email}です。メールアドレスはここで変更できます。"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["ここであなたのパスワードの変更ができます。"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["ここではプロフィール画面に表示するデータを編集できます。"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["このプロフィール・ストリームには何も書かれていません。"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["あなたのストリームには何も書かれていません
何かを適当に書いてみましょう'"],"Account settings":["アカウント 設定"],"Confirm image deleting":["確認 プロフィール画像の削除"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["本当にあなたのプロフィール画像を削除しますか?"],"Member in these spaces":["スペース 一覧"],"Name of your network":["あなたのネットワークの名前"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["サンプルコンテンツを作成する(推奨)"],"Space has been archieved":["スペースはアーカイブ化されました"],"Space has been unarchieved":["スペースはアーカイブ化を解除しました"],"Everyone can enter":["誰でも参加できます"],"Owner:":["オーナー:"],"Space":["スペース"],"Add Space":["スペース追加"],"Create new space":["スペースを作成する"],"No result found for the given filter.":["この文字列では見つかりませんでした"],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["スペースを検索するには最低2文字必要です"],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["カルバンクライン - 愛と狂気の間には執念があります。"],"Create Admin Account":["管理者アカウントの作成"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["ナイキ – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["私たちは有名ブランドのすばらしいスローガンを探しています。 たぶんあなたはいくつかのサンプルを考え出すことができますか?"],"Welcome Space":["スペースにようこそ"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["HumHubをインストールしたぞ!"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["プラットフォームを発見するための最初のサンプルスペース。"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["ユーザー登録していない人でも公開コンテンツにアクセスできる(ゲストアクセス)"],"Allow friendships between members":["メンバー間のフレンドシップ機能を有効にする"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["ユーザー登録を可能にする(ログイン画面に登録画面を表示する)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["ユーザー登録してもユーザーはアクセスできず、管理者の承認を待つ"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["ログインユーザーは他のユーザーに招待状メールを出せる"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["あなたがHumHubを利用する形態は"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["おめでとうございます. 構築が完了しました"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["インストールは正常に完了しました。あなたのSNSをお楽しみください。"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHubはモジュールを使うことで自由に機能を追加できます。下記のモジュールはあなたの利用形態に適したモジュールです。

モジュールは後から削除・インストールできます。その場合は管理画面を使ってください。"],"Recommended Modules":["推奨 モジュール"],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["HumHubにアクセスした外部ユーザーや、新規ユーザーの閲覧権限を決めてください。"],"Security Settings":["セキュリティ 設定"],"Notification Settings":["通知 設定"],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["通知を使えば、SNS内の出来事をあなたに知らせることができます。"],"Reset to defaults":["デフォルトに戻す"],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["ここでは、通知の種類に応じて設定ができます。"],"Web":["ウェブ"],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["このコンテンツは存在しないか削除済みです"],"Other":["その他"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["デスクトップ通知をデフォルトにする"],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["下記のスペースに投稿があったときに通知する"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["ブラウザやEメールの他に、デスクトップにも通知する"],"Mobile":["モバイル"],"View online:":["オンライン"],"Notification Overview":["通知 概要"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Module Filter":["モジュールフィルター"],"Administrator:":["管理者:"],"No spaces found.":["スペースが見つかりませんでした"],"Only by invite":["招待制"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["公開(メンバーとゲスト)"],"{count} members":["{count} メンバー"],"Email addresses":["Eメールアドレス"],"Invite by email":["Eメールアドレスで招待する"],"Request space membership":["リクエスト スペースメンバー"],"Cancel Membership":["このスペースから脱退する"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["通知を受け取らない"],"Receive Notifications for new content":["通知を受け取る"],"My Space List":["スペースのリスト"],"My space summary":["スペースのサマリー"],"Space directory":["スペースのディレクトリ"],"No spaces found for the given query":["スペースは見つかりませんでした"],"E-Mail Summaries":["Eメールの概要"],"Other users":["その他のユーザー"],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["あなたのアカウントは削除できません"],"Save profile":["プロフィール保存"],"%y Years":["%y 年"],"Birthday field options":["誕生日フィールドのオプション"],"Hide age per default":["年齢を非表示にする"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["アカウントを作る場合は、あなたのEメールアドレスを入力してください。"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["あなたがこのSNSのメンバーなら、ユーザー名 または Eメールとパスワードを入力してログインしてください。"],"Register":["登録"],"Password recovery":["パスワード 再登録","パスワード 復帰"],"Just enter your e-mail address. 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These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["このページでは、ユーザーのデフォルトの動作を定義できます。 これらの設定は、アカウント設定ページでユーザーが上書きすることができます。"],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["以下のスペースのみメールの要約に含める"],"Weekly":["毎週"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["更新情報がある場合のみメールを受け取ります。"],"Your weekly summary":["今週の要約"],"Back to user overview":["ユーザー概要に戻る"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["ベースURLは http:// または https:// で始まる必要があります"],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["グループ(注:このユーザーの管理者グループはあなたの権限で管理することは出来ません)"],"Invited by":["招待した人は"],"Pending user registrations":["保留中のユーザー登録"],"Self test":["セルフテスト"],"User posts":["ユーザー投稿"],"Userprofiles":["ユーザープロフィール"],"Checkbox field options":["チェックボックス型のオプション"],"Default value":["デフォルト値"],"Date(-time) field options":["日付型のオプション"],"Show date/time picker":["補助カレンダーを使う"],"Maximum value":["最大値"],"Minimum value":["最小値"],"Number field options":["数字型のオプション"],"Allow other selection":["全ての選択を許可する"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["カンマを使って国コードを分割する 例 DE,EN,AU"],"Please select:":["選択してください:"],"Select field options":["選択型のオプション"],"Maximum length":["最大の文字数"],"Minimum length":["最小の文字数"],"Text Field Options":["テキスト型のオプション"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["参加者に「辞退」を許可"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["参加者に「未定」を許可"],"Attending":["出席する"],"Cancel Event":["イベントをキャンセル"],"Download as ICS file":["ICSファイルをダウンロード"],"Event Type":["イベントタイプ"],"Event type color":["イベントタイプの色"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["あなたのプロフィールにイベントを追加するには、まずカレンダーモジュールを有効化しなければなりません。"],"Interested":["興味がある"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["無効なイベントタイプIDが選択されました。"],"Maximum number of participants":["最大参加人数"],"Profile Calendar":["プロフィールカレンダー"],"Reopen Event":["イベントを再公開"],"Send update notification":["更新情報を送る"],"canceled":["キャンセル済み"],"{displayName} Birthday":["{displayName} の誕生日"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["他のユーザーがあなたにプライベートメッセージを送るのを許可する"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["ユーザーが新しい会話を開始できるようにする"],"Conversation":["会話"],"Last Viewed":["最終閲覧日"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["誰かが新しく会話を開始したら通知を受け取る"],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["誰かがあなたにメッセージを送ったら通知を受け取る"],"Receive private messages":["プライベートメッセージを受け取る"],"Start new conversations":["新しい会話を開始する"],"Updated By":["更新者"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName%はアーカイブされました"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName%は復元されました"],"This user owns no spaces.":["このユーザーはスペースを持っていません。"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["'{displayName}'のアカウント登録依頼は承認されました。"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["'{displayName}'のアカウント登録依頼は拒否されました。"],"Group user not found!":["グループユーザーが見つかりません!"],"No value found!":["値が入力されていません!"],"User is already a member of this group.":["ユーザーはすでにこのグループのメンバーです"],"Add Groups...":["グループを追加..."],"Select Groups":["グループを選択"],"Date input format":["日付入力形式"],"Default stream content order":["デフォルトのストリームコンテンツ順序"],"Server Timezone":["サーバーのタイムゾーン"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["ユーザープロフィール投稿をダッシュボードに表示する"],"Sort by creation date":["作成日順で並べる"],"Sort by update date":["更新日順で並べる"],"Dropdown space order":["スペースのドロップダウンの並び順"],"Allowed file extensions":["許可されたファイル拡張子"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["ウォールで画像のファイル情報(名前、サイズ)を隠す"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["最大プレビュー画像の高さ(ピクセル単位、オプション)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["最大プレビュー画像の横幅(ピクセル単位、オプション)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["自己署名証明書を許可する?"],"No Proxy Hosts":["プロキシホストがない"],"Server":["サーバー"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["ログの最大許容寿命"],"Database migration results:":["データベースの移行結果"],"Queue successfully cleared.":["キューを正常にクリアしました"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["検索インデックス再構築中"],"Advanced":["高度"],"No modules installed yet. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["新しいメールアドレスにEメールを送信しました。
文面の指示に従ってください。"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["パスワードを変更しました。"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["スペースの管理人はアカウント削除できません。
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Disable it when running on production!":["HumHubは現在デバッグモードです。本番環境で実行する場合は無効にすべきです。"],"Licences":["ライセンス"],"See installation manual for more details.":["詳細はインストールマニュアルを参照してください。"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["このHumHubは最新です!"],"Manage groups":["グループ編集"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["ユーザーをグループ(チーム、部門など)に登録できます。グループ用のスペース設定、管理、権限設定もできます。"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["モジュールでHumHubを拡張できます。モジュールはHumHubマーケットプレイスからインストールできます。"],"Purchases":["購入"],"Min value is 20 seconds. 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You can always delete the individual contents.":["HumHubにサンプルコンテンツもインストールしますか?インストールすればHumHubの理解に役立ちます。サンプルコンテンツは後から削除できます。"],"Configuration":["かんたん設定"],"My club":["クラブ"],"My community":["仲間"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["会社(イントラネット、プロジェクト管理)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["教育機関(学校、大学)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["かんたん設定をスキップして、後で手動で設定する"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["かんたん設定を選ぶと、一般的な設定をあらかじめ選択した状態にします。次のステップでは、選択した設定を実際に有効にするか選べます。"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["ようこそ! HumHubへ
あなたのSNSツールです"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["このウィザードでHumHubのインストールと初期設定をします。

続けるには「次」をクリックしてください。"],"Database Configuration":["データベース 設定"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["データベースの設定を入力してください。これらの設定が不明な場合はシステム管理者に連絡を取ってください。"],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQLのホスト名を入力してください(例えばMySQLが同じマシンで動作していた場合は「localhost」です。)"],"Initializing database...":["データベースを構築しています。"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["設定に誤りがあります。"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["HumHubを構築したいデータベースの名前を入れてください。"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQLのパスワードを入力してください。"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQLのユーザー名を入力してください。"],"System Check":["必須要件 を確認します"],"Check again":["もう一度チェックする"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["おめでとうございます!条件を満たしているのでインストール準備ができました"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["下記はHumHubの全ての必須要件です。"],"Space member joined":["スペースにメンバーが参加しました"],"Space member left":["スペースからメンバーが脱退しました"],"Space followers":["スペース のフォロワー"],"Private":["プライベート"],"Private (Invisible)":["プライベート(閲覧制限)"],"Public (Members only)":["公開(メンバー限定)"],"Stream (Default)":["ストリーム(デフォルト)"],"Members":["メンバー"],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["アクセスできません - あなたに権限がありません"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["スペースの所有者を別の管理者に移設できます。"],"Remove from space":["このスペースから追放する"],"Show all":["所有者の移設","全て見る"],"Transfer ownership":["所有者の移設"],"the default start page of this space for members":["メンバーがこのスペースにアクセスしたときの画面です"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["メンバー以外がこのスペースにアクセスしたときの画面です"],"Color":["色"],"Default content visibility":["コンテンツの見え方"],"Homepage":["ホームページ"],"Homepage (Guests)":["ホームページ(ゲスト)"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["あなたはスペースに追加されました {spaceName}"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} はあなたの招待を受けました スペース名: {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} はあなたを招待しました スペース名: {spaceName}"],"Friendship":["フレンドシップ"],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["スペースのメンバーに関する通知を受け取る"],"Space Membership":["スペースのメンバー"],"View Online":["オンラインで見る"],"Allows the user to create private content":["ユーザーが非公開コンテンツを作ることを許可する"],"Allows the user to create public content":["ユーザーが公開コンテンツを作ることを許可する"],"Create public content":["公開コンテンツ"],"Invite users":["ユーザー招待"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["追加 {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"-":["-"],"Manage members":["メンバー 管理"],"Role":["役割"],"Space Modules":["スペース モジュール"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["現在、このスペースにはモジュールはありません"],"Create new space":["新規作成 スペース"],"Advanced access settings":["上級者向けのアクセス設定"],"space description":["スペースの説明文"],"Add Modules":["追加 モジュール"],"Space settings":["スペースの設定"],"This space is still empty!":["このスペースにはまだ何も書かれていません"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["このスペースにはまだ何も書かれていません
何か投稿してみてください…"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["このスペースは、メンバー以外の閲覧ができません。"],"Invite members":["メンバーを招待"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["このスペースにメンバーを招待します。テキストボックに招待したいメンバーの名前を入力してください。"],"User has become a member.":["ユーザーはメンバーになりました"],"User has been invited.":["ユーザーが招待されました"],"User has not been invited.":["ユーザーは招待されません"],"":[" 設定"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["ダッシュボードに表示しない"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["このオプションを選ぶと、あなたのダッシュボードにこのスペースが表示されません"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["このオプションを選ぶと、あなたのダッシュボードにこのスペースが表示されます"],"Space menu":["スペース メニュー"],"Change image":["イマージを変更"],"Current space image":["現在のイメージ"],"Invite":["招待"],"Accept Invite":["招待を受ける"],"Become member":["メンバーになる"],"Deny Invite":["招待を断る"],"Something went wrong":["何かが 誤っています"],"Followers":["フォロワー"],"Posts":["投稿数"],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} 最終ログインからの変化"],"New member request":["新規 メンバーのリクエスト"],"Space members":["スペース メンバー"],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["あなたのデータ全てが削除されます!"],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["あなたのアカウントを削除しても良いのですか?"],"Delete account":["アカウントを削除する","アカウント削除"],"Enter your password to continue":["続けるにはパスワードを入力してください"],"No users found.":["ユーザーはいません"],"Communication":["SNS情報"],"Social bookmarks":["ソーシャル・ブックマーク"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["あなたのメールアドレスは{email}です。メールアドレスはここで変更できます。"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["ここであなたのパスワードの変更ができます。"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["ここではプロフィール画面に表示するデータを編集できます。"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["このプロフィール・ストリームには何も書かれていません。"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["あなたのストリームには何も書かれていません
何かを適当に書いてみましょう'"],"Account settings":["アカウント 設定"],"Confirm image deleting":["確認 プロフィール画像の削除"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["本当にあなたのプロフィール画像を削除しますか?"],"Member in these spaces":["スペース 一覧"],"Name of your network":["あなたのネットワークの名前"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["サンプルコンテンツを作成する(推奨)"],"Space has been archieved":["スペースはアーカイブ化されました"],"Space has been unarchieved":["スペースはアーカイブ化を解除しました"],"Everyone can enter":["誰でも参加できます"],"Owner:":["オーナー:"],"Space":["スペース"],"Add Space":["スペース追加"],"Create new space":["スペースを作成する"],"No result found for the given filter.":["この文字列では見つかりませんでした"],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["スペースを検索するには最低2文字必要です"],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["カルバンクライン - 愛と狂気の間には執念があります。"],"Create Admin Account":["管理者アカウントの作成"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["ナイキ – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["私たちは有名ブランドのすばらしいスローガンを探しています。 たぶんあなたはいくつかのサンプルを考え出すことができますか?"],"Welcome Space":["スペースにようこそ"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["HumHubをインストールしたぞ!"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["プラットフォームを発見するための最初のサンプルスペース。"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["ユーザー登録していない人でも公開コンテンツにアクセスできる(ゲストアクセス)"],"Allow friendships between members":["メンバー間のフレンドシップ機能を有効にする"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["ユーザー登録を可能にする(ログイン画面に登録画面を表示する)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["ユーザー登録してもユーザーはアクセスできず、管理者の承認を待つ"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["ログインユーザーは他のユーザーに招待状メールを出せる"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["あなたがHumHubを利用する形態は"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["おめでとうございます. 構築が完了しました"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["インストールは正常に完了しました。あなたのSNSをお楽しみください。"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHubはモジュールを使うことで自由に機能を追加できます。下記のモジュールはあなたの利用形態に適したモジュールです。

モジュールは後から削除・インストールできます。その場合は管理画面を使ってください。"],"Recommended Modules":["推奨 モジュール"],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["HumHubにアクセスした外部ユーザーや、新規ユーザーの閲覧権限を決めてください。"],"Security Settings":["セキュリティ 設定"],"Notification Settings":["通知 設定"],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["通知を使えば、SNS内の出来事をあなたに知らせることができます。"],"Reset to defaults":["デフォルトに戻す"],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["ここでは、通知の種類に応じて設定ができます。"],"Web":["ウェブ"],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["このコンテンツは存在しないか削除済みです"],"Other":["その他"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["デスクトップ通知をデフォルトにする"],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["下記のスペースに投稿があったときに通知する"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["ブラウザやEメールの他に、デスクトップにも通知する"],"Mobile":["モバイル"],"View online:":["オンライン"],"Notification Overview":["通知 概要"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Module Filter":["モジュールフィルター"],"Administrator:":["管理者:"],"No spaces found.":["スペースが見つかりませんでした"],"Only by invite":["招待制"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["公開(メンバーとゲスト)"],"{count} members":["{count} メンバー"],"Email addresses":["Eメールアドレス"],"Invite by email":["Eメールアドレスで招待する"],"Request space membership":["リクエスト スペースメンバー"],"Cancel Membership":["このスペースから脱退する"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["通知を受け取らない"],"Receive Notifications for new content":["通知を受け取る"],"My Space List":["スペースのリスト"],"My space summary":["スペースのサマリー"],"Space directory":["スペースのディレクトリ"],"No spaces found for the given query":["スペースは見つかりませんでした"],"E-Mail Summaries":["Eメールの概要"],"Other users":["その他のユーザー"],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["あなたのアカウントは削除できません"],"Save profile":["プロフィール保存"],"%y Years":["%y 年"],"Birthday field options":["誕生日フィールドのオプション"],"Hide age per default":["年齢を非表示にする"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["アカウントを作る場合は、あなたのEメールアドレスを入力してください。"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["あなたがこのSNSのメンバーなら、ユーザー名 または Eメールとパスワードを入力してログインしてください。"],"Register":["登録"],"Password recovery":["パスワード 再登録","パスワード 復帰"],"Just enter your e-mail address. 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These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["このページでは、ユーザーのデフォルトの動作を定義できます。 これらの設定は、アカウント設定ページでユーザーが上書きすることができます。"],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["以下のスペースのみメールの要約に含める"],"Weekly":["毎週"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["更新情報がある場合のみメールを受け取ります。"],"Your weekly summary":["今週の要約"],"Back to user overview":["ユーザー概要に戻る"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["ベースURLは http:// または https:// で始まる必要があります"],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["グループ(注:このユーザーの管理者グループはあなたの権限で管理することは出来ません)"],"Invited by":["招待した人は"],"Pending user registrations":["保留中のユーザー登録"],"Self test":["セルフテスト"],"User posts":["ユーザー投稿"],"Userprofiles":["ユーザープロフィール"],"Checkbox field options":["チェックボックス型のオプション"],"Default value":["デフォルト値"],"Date(-time) field options":["日付型のオプション"],"Show date/time picker":["補助カレンダーを使う"],"Maximum value":["最大値"],"Minimum value":["最小値"],"Number field options":["数字型のオプション"],"Allow other selection":["全ての選択を許可する"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["カンマを使って国コードを分割する 例 DE,EN,AU"],"Please select:":["選択してください:"],"Select field options":["選択型のオプション"],"Maximum length":["最大の文字数"],"Minimum length":["最小の文字数"],"Text Field Options":["テキスト型のオプション"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["参加者に「辞退」を許可"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["参加者に「未定」を許可"],"Attending":["出席する"],"Cancel Event":["イベントをキャンセル"],"Download as ICS file":["ICSファイルをダウンロード"],"Event Type":["イベントタイプ"],"Event type color":["イベントタイプの色"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["あなたのプロフィールにイベントを追加するには、まずカレンダーモジュールを有効化しなければなりません。"],"Interested":["興味がある"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["無効なイベントタイプIDが選択されました。"],"Maximum number of participants":["最大参加人数"],"Profile Calendar":["プロフィールカレンダー"],"Reopen Event":["イベントを再公開"],"Send update notification":["更新情報を送る"],"canceled":["キャンセル済み"],"{displayName} Birthday":["{displayName} の誕生日"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["他のユーザーがあなたにプライベートメッセージを送るのを許可する"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["ユーザーが新しい会話を開始できるようにする"],"Conversation":["会話"],"Last Viewed":["最終閲覧日"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["誰かが新しく会話を開始したら通知を受け取る"],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["誰かがあなたにメッセージを送ったら通知を受け取る"],"Receive private messages":["プライベートメッセージを受け取る"],"Start new conversations":["新しい会話を開始する"],"Updated By":["更新者"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName%はアーカイブされました"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName%は復元されました"],"This user owns no spaces.":["このユーザーはスペースを持っていません。"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["'{displayName}'のアカウント登録依頼は承認されました。"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["'{displayName}'のアカウント登録依頼は拒否されました。"],"Group user not found!":["グループユーザーが見つかりません!"],"No value found!":["値が入力されていません!"],"User is already a member of this group.":["ユーザーはすでにこのグループのメンバーです"],"Add Groups...":["グループを追加..."],"Select Groups":["グループを選択"],"Date input format":["日付入力形式"],"Default stream content order":["デフォルトのストリームコンテンツ順序"],"Server Timezone":["サーバーのタイムゾーン"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["ユーザープロフィール投稿をダッシュボードに表示する"],"Sort by creation date":["作成日順で並べる"],"Sort by update date":["更新日順で並べる"],"Dropdown space order":["スペースのドロップダウンの並び順"],"Allowed file extensions":["許可されたファイル拡張子"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["ウォールで画像のファイル情報(名前、サイズ)を隠す"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["最大プレビュー画像の高さ(ピクセル単位、オプション)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["最大プレビュー画像の横幅(ピクセル単位、オプション)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["自己署名証明書を許可する?"],"No Proxy Hosts":["プロキシホストがない"],"Server":["サーバー"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["ログの最大許容寿命"],"Database migration results:":["データベースの移行結果"],"Queue successfully cleared.":["キューを正常にクリアしました"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["検索インデックス再構築中"],"Advanced":["高度"],"No modules installed yet. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["新しいメールアドレスにEメールを送信しました。
文面の指示に従ってください。"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["パスワードを変更しました。"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["スペースの管理人はアカウント削除できません。
管理人を委譲するか、スペースを削除してください。"],"Account registration":["アカウント 登録"],"Create Account":["アカウント作成"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["アカウント が作成されました。"],"Go to login page":["ログインページに移動する"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["下のボタンから新しいアカウントでログインしてください。"],"back to home":["ホームに戻る"],"Password recovery!":["パスワード が復活しました"],"Registration successful!":["登録 成功"],"Registration successful":["登録成功"],"Hello {displayName}":["こんにちわ {displayName}"],"Reset Password":["パスワードのリセット"],"Register now and participate!":["登録してください"],"You got an invite":["招待を受けました"],"About this user":["ユーザー 詳細"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["ロゴを削除してもよろしいですか?"],"Add more...":["さらに読み込む"],"Load more":["さらに読み込む"],"Please enter at least {n} character":["最低でも {n} 文字を入力してください"],"Your search returned no matches.":["何も検索できませんでした"],"Permission":["権限"],"No users found for the given query.":["ユーザーが見つかりませんでした"],"Friends":["フレンズ"],"Following user":["フォロー ユーザー"],"User followers":["ユーザー 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available!":["モジュールも最新バージョンにアップデートしてください"],"Stable and beta versions":["安定版と開発版をチェックする"],"Stable versions only":["安定版のみチェックする"],"Start":["開始"],"Start update":["アップデート開始"],"Switch to default theme after update (strongly recommended)":["アップデート後にはデフォルトのテーマにする(強く推奨)"],"The update was successfully installed!":["アップデートに成功しました"],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["最新バージョン %version% が存在します。"],"Update HumHub":["HumHubのアップデート"],"Update successful":["アップデート成功"],"Updater Configuration":["アップデート設定"],"Validating package":["パッケージが正しいか確認中"],"Delete invitation":["招待を取り消す"],"Send invitation email":["招待メールを出す"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["ユーザー '{username}' はもう既にメンバーです。"],"Last Visit":["最後の訪問"],"Administrators":["管理者"],"Show posts on dashboard":["ダッシュボードにも表示する"]," Remove panel":["ガイドはもう読まない"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["SNSの機能を知りたい場合はガイドを参照してください。"],"Internal Name":["内部コード"],"Internal name already in use!":["この内部コードは使われています"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["内部コードは変更不可能です"],"Show at registration":["登録時に表示する"],"Move content":["移動 する"],"Move content":["移動する"],"Target Space":["移動先のスペース"],"Topics":["トピックス(タグ付け)"],"The content has been deleted.":["削除しました。"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["他のユーザーがあなたのプロフィールにレスをつけることを許可する"],"Create post":["プロフィールへのレス"],"Topic":["トピック"],"Profile photo":["プロフィール 写真"],"User profile":["あなたのプロフィール"],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["この画面はあなたのプロフィールです。他のユーザーにも閲覧されます。"],"You are currently the owner of following spaces:":["あなたは下記のスペースの管理人です。"],"You must transfer ownership or delete these spaces before you can delete your account.":["あなたはスペース管理者を移譲するか、スペースを削除しないと、アカウントを削除できません。"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Eメールアドレスを読んでログインしてください。"],"Could not extract update package!":["アップデート用のパッケージが解凍できません"]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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ut"],"Menu":["Meny"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nytt profilbilde"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Søk"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søk etter brukere eller områder"],"Space not found!":["Fant ikke gruppen.","Fant ikke gruppen!"],"User Approvals":["Godkjenninger"],"User not found!":["Fant ikke bruker!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke opprette offentlig synlig innhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Login required":["Logg inn påkrevd"],"Close":["Lukk"],"Title":["Tittel"],"Save":["Lagre"],"Message":["Melding"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Tillat begrenset tilgang for ikke-godkjente brukere (gjester)\n"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme brukere kan registrere seg\n"],"Default user group for new users":["Standard brukergruppe for nye brukere\n"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standard tid for automatisk utlogging (i sekunder, valgfritt)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard brukerprofil synlighet"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Medlemmer kan invitere eksterne brukere pr email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Krev godkjennelse av administrator etter registrering"],"Base URL":["Nettsidens adresse"],"Default language":["Standard språk"],"Default space":["Standard gruppe"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig gruppe"],"Logo upload":["Last opp logo"],"Name of the application":["Nettsidens navn"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduksjonen for nye brukere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis bruker innlegg i oversikten"],"Back to modules":["Tilbake til moduler"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marker som usett for alle brukere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Innstillinger for siste nytt"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Merk: Du kan bruker Markdown-syntaks."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"Latest updates":["Siste oppdateringer"],"Allow":["Tillat"],"Back":["Tilbake"],"Choose language:":["Velg Språk"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Innhold Addon kilden må være forekomst av HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kan ikke finne innhold container!"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Avvis"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ut til at du har gått feil vei"],"Language":["Språk"],"Login":["Logg inn"],"Next":["Neste"],"Ok":["Ok","OK"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Tast inn minimum 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["En intern Server Feil"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke lov til og gjøre denne handlingen."],"Add image/file":["Legg til bilde/fil"],"Add link":["Legg til link"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Legg til en link (f.eks. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Tittel"],"Image":["Bilde"],"Image/File":["Bilde/Fil"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vennligst vent mens filen lastes opp..."],"Preview":["Forhåndsvisning"],"Title of your link":["Link tittel"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Kodetekst her"],"enter image description here":["legg til en bildebeskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["legg til bildetittel her"],"enter link description here":["legg til linkbeskrivelse her"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opprettet gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% opprettet denne gruppen."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ble medlem av %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ble medlem av denne gruppen."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% forlot gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% forlot denne gruppen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nå {user2}."],"see online":["se online"],"via":["gjennom"],"Latest activities":["Siste hendelser"],"There are no activities yet.":["Det er ingen aktivitet her enda."],"About":["Om"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Legg til en modul ved hjelp av kjøpt lisensnøkkel"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Approval":["Godkjenning"],"Authentication":["Autentisering"],"Basic":["Basic","Om"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logger"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed tilbydere"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Security":["Sikkerhet"],"Self test":["Selvtest"],"Spaces":["Grupper"],"Statistics":["Statistikk"],"User posts":["Brukerinnlegg"],"Userprofiles":["Brukerprofiler"],"Users":["Brukere"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt godkjent."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt avvist."],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}

"],"Group not found!":["Gruppen ble ikke funnet!"],"Group user not found!":["Gruppe bruker ble ikke funnet!"],"No value found!":["Inget resultat!"],"Become this user":["Logg inn som denne brukeren"],"Delete":["Slett"],"Disabled":["Deaktiver"],"Enabled":["Aktiver"],"Unapproved":["Avvis!"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette din egen bruker."],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke laste kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Subject":["Tittel"],"Date input format":["Dato format"],"Default stream content order":["Standard nyhetsstrøm sorterings orden"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktiver vennskaps system"],"Server Timezone":["Server tidssone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorter etter dato laget"],"Sort by update date":["Sorter etter oppdaterings dato"],"About HumHub":["Om Humhub"],"CronJobs":["Cronjobber"],"Database":["Database"],"Prerequisites":["Forutsetninger"],"Installed":["Installert"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler funnet"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen kjøpte moduler funnet!"],"Register":["Registrer"],"Third-party":["Tredjepart"],"search for available modules online":["søk etter tilgjengelige moduler"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"Settings and Configuration":["innstillinger og konfigurasjon"],"User administration":["Bruker administrasjon"],"Add new group":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"Back to overview":["Tilbake til oversikt"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Administrer gruppe: {groupName}"],"Overview":["Oversikt"],"Pending approvals":["Ventende godkjenninger"],"Profiles":["Profiler"],"Visibility":["Synlighet"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Angi som standard modul"],"Activated":["Aktivert"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiver"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivert"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. 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Bare påvirker nye brukere."],"Visible for members only":["Synlig kun for medlemmer"],"Visible for members+guests":["Synlig for medlemmer + gjester"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab for bruker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Sist kjørt (daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Sist kjørt (time):"],"Never":["Aldri"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab for root bruker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg for og ha installert følgende cronjobs:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formater basert på bruker språk - Eksempel: {example}"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Førstenavn Etternavn (f.eks John Doe)"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Låst format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Last visit":["Siste besøk"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brukernavn (f.eks. john)"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["F.eks http://example.com/humhub"],"Friendship":["Vennskap"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Nye bruker vil automatisk få tilgang til disse gruppen(e)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruker ingen logo for øyeblikket. Last opp en logo nå."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Innstillinger "],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Kontrollerer HumHub software krav"],"Re-Run tests":["Test på nytt"],"Manage spaces":["Behandle grupper"],"Actions":["Handlinger"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Her kan du definere standardinnstillinger for nye grupper. Disse innstillingene kan overskrives for hver enkelt gruppe."],"Settings":["Innstillinger"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver gruppe med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette grupper."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren? Hvis denne brukeren er eier av noen grupper, du vil bli eier av disse rommene."],"Delete user":["Slett bruker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Rediger bruker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Legg til ny bruker"],"Group Manager":["Gruppe administrasjon"],"Last login":["Siste pålogging"],"Send invite":["Send invitasjon"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver registrert bruker med handlinger for å vise, redigere og slette brukere."],"never":["aldri"],"Create new profile category":["Lag en ny bruker kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger bruker kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Lag ett nytt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Add new category":["Legg til en ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Legg til ett nytt felt"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Her kan du legge til eller redigere kategorier og profil felt."],"Manage profile attributes":["Behandle profil rettigheter"],"Administration menu":["Administrasjons meny"],"Advanced":["Avansert"],"Appearance":["Utseende "],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"General":["Generelt"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"User":["Bruker"],"Click here to review":["Trykk her for kontroll"],"New approval requests":["Nye godkjenninger"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere brukere trenger din godkjenning som gruppe admin."],"Access denied!":["Ingen tilgang!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende tillatelse."],"comment":["kommentar"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Ny kommentar"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Tillat bruker og kommentere"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Tillat bruker og lage poster"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan redigere (f.eks. arkivere, låse eller slette) innlegg"],"Create comment":["Lag ny kommentar"],"Create post":["Lag nytt innlegg"],"Manage content":["Redigere innhold"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Send":["Send"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Comment":["Kommenter"],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% flere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kommentar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vill du virkelig slette denne kommentaren?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Oppdatert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} lagde en ny {contentTitle}."],"Content":["Innhold"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke laste ønsket innhold."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\n\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket innhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finne valgt link!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} opprettet {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Send"],"Move to archive":["Flytt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["Ta ut fra arkiv"],"Add a member to notify":["Legg til en følger"],"Make private":["Gjør privat"],"Make public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Varsle medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hva tenker du på?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne posten? Alle likes og kommentarer vil bli tapt!"],"Archived":["Arkivert"],"Sticked":["Låst"],"Turn off notifications":["Skru av varsler"],"Turn on notifications":["Skru på varsler"],"Stick":["Lås"],"Unstick":["Lås opp"],"Back to stream":["Tilbake til nyhetsstrøm","Tilbake til Nyhetsstrøm"],"Content with attached files":["Innlegg med filer"],"Created by me":["Opprettet av meg","Laget av meg"],"Creation time":["Opprettet","Laget dato"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverte innlegg"],"Last update":["Siste oppdatering"],"Load more":["Last inn mer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen treff med dine valgte filtere!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingen ting her enda!"],"Only private posts":["Kun private innlegg"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige poster"],"Posts only":["Kun innlegg"],"Posts with links":["Innlegg med linker"],"Sorting":["Sorter"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involvert"],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Din oversikt er tom!
Post noe på din profil eller meld deg inn i noen grupper!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Ingen åpne innlegg funnet!"],"Directory":["Innhold"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlemmer Gruppe innhold"],"show all members":["Vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Innholds meny"],"User profile posts":["Brukerinnlegg"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppe brukere - {group}"],"Member directory":["Brukerområde"],"No members found!":["Ingen brukere funnet!"],"search for members":["Søk etter brukere"],"Space directory":["Område oversikt"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem av dette område","Du er medlem av denne gruppen"],"search for spaces":["Søk etter område"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg..."],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Det er ingen profil poster enda!"],"Group stats":["Gruppestatistikk"],"Average members":["Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede"],"Top Group":["Mest besøkte"],"Total groups":["Totalt antall grupper"],"Member stats":["Brukerstatistikk"],"New people":["Nye Brukere"],"Follows somebody":["Noen som følger andre"],"Online right now":["Online akkurat nå"],"Total users":["Brukere totalt "],"See all":["Se alt"],"New spaces":["Nye Grupper"],"Space stats":["Gruppestatistikk"],"Most members":["Flest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private grupper"],"Total spaces":["Antall grupper totalt"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} og {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} og {number} andre\n"],"Other":["Andre"],"New":["Ny"],"Notification Overview":["Oppdateringsoversikt"],"Mark all as seen":["Marker alle som sett"],"Module Filter":["Modulfilter"],"No notifications found!":["Ingen oppdateringer funnet!"],"Notifications":["Varsler"],"Show all notifications":["Vis alle oppdateringer"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Det er ingen oppdateringer enda."],"post":["Innlegg"],"Edit your post...":["Rediger ditt innlegg"],"Read full post...":["Les hele innlegget..."],"Search results":["Søkeresultat"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanserte søkeinnstillinger"],"All":["Alt"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søk etter bruker, områder eller innhold"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Søk kun i følgende områder:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Ditt søk ga ingen treff."],"Send & decline":["Send & avvis"],"Space followers":["Gruppens medlemmer"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! 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Gruppens navn: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan bli med"],"Invite and request":["Invitasjon og forespørsel"],"No spaces found.":["Ingen grupper funnet."],"Only by invite":["Kun etter invitasjon"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Skjult)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gjester)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerte brukere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gjester)"],"Space is invisible!":["Gruppen er synlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du må logge inn for og se innhold i denne gruppen!"],"Saved":["Lagret"],"Stream (Default)":["Nyhetsstrøm (Standard)"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som eier kan du ikke avslutte ditt medlemskap!"],"Could not request membership!":["Du kan ikke be om medlemskap!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Beklager, du får ikke forlate denne gruppen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Det er ingen ventende invitasjoner!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handlingen er kun tilgjengelig for gruppens brukere!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å bli medlem av denne gruppen!"],"Your password":["Ditt passord"],"Invites":["Invitasjoner"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruker etter mail (skilles med komma)"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' er allerede medlem av denne gruppen!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' har allerede søkt om og få bli medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registrert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ikke gyldig!"],"Application message":["Søknads melding"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som eier av denne gruppen kan du overføre din rolle til en annen administrator i gruppen."],"Space owner":["Gruppens eier"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Linken inneholder ugyldige tegn!"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør eierskap"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["f.eks. eksempel for {baseUrl}/s/eksempel"],"Created At":["Laget","Postet"],"Created By":["Laget av","Skrevet av"],"Last Visit":["Siste besøk"],"Originator User ID":["Hoved Bruker ID"],"Request Message":["Forespør melding"],"Status":["Status"],"Updated At":["Oppdatert"],"Updated By":["Oppdatert Av","Oppdatert av"],"Administrators":["Administratorer"],"Color":["Farge"],"Default content visibility":["Standard synlighet"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Homepage":["Hjemmeside"],"Join Policy":["Brukerbetingelser"],"Moderators":["Moderatorer"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Eier"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated by":["Oppdatert av"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige private grupper!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige offentlige grupper!"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aksepterte din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} godkjente ditt medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste ditt medlemskap forespørsel til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} inviterte deg til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ønsker medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["legg til {n,plural,=1{space} andre{spaces}}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!
Start med og poste noe her..."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem av denne gruppen og det er ingen offentlige innlegg her!"],"Invite members":["Inviter brukere"],"Add an user":["Legg til en bruker"],"Done":["Klart"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter med en e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruker?"],"Pick users":["Velg brukere"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Hvis du vil invitere brukere til denne gruppen, kan du skrive inn navn under for å finne og hente dem."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brukere, som ikke er registrert nå. Bare legge til deres e-postadresser , skilt med komma."],"Request space membership":["Be om gruppe medlemskap","Søk om gruppe medlemskap"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne gruppen."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Du har send en forespørsel til sidens administrator."],"User has become a member.":["Bruker har blitt medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruker har blitt invitert."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruker har ikke blitt invitert."],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Avslutt medlemskap"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul innlegg i oversikten"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis innlegg i oversikten"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill skjule nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill vise nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"My Space List":["Min Gruppe Liste"],"My space summary":["Mitt gruppe sammendrag"],"Space directory":["Gruppe oversikt"],"Pending Approvals":["Ventende Godkjenninger"],"Pending Invites":["Ventende Invitasjoner"],"Space menu":["Gruppe meny"],"Stream":["Nyhetsstrøm"],"Change image":["Endre bilde"],"Current space image":["Nåværende gruppebilde"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt titel bilde?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt profil bilde?"],"Follow":["Følg"],"Unfollow":["Slutt og følge"],"Invite":["Invitér"],"Accept Invite":["Aksepter invitasjon"],"Become member":["Bli medlem"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Avbryt ventende invitasjon "],"Deny Invite":["Avvis invitasjon"],"Request membership":["Be om medlemskap"],"Something went wrong":["Noe gikk galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Vennligst skriv en kort introduksjon om deg selv for å bli medlem av denne gruppen."],"Request workspace membership":["Be om medlemskap i denne gruppen ","Be om medlemskap i denne gruppen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Du har sendt din forespørsel til gruppens administrator."],"Create new space":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"My spaces":["Mine grupper"],"New member request":["Nye søknader om medlemskap"],"Space members":["Gruppemedlemmer"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"User settings":["Brukerinnstillinger"],"Your profile":["Din profil"],"Security settings":["Sikkerhetsinnstillinger"],"Basic Settings":["Standardinnstillinger"],"Change Email":["Endre e-post"],"Change Password":["Bytt passord"],"Confirm new password":["Bekreft nytt passord"],"Connect account":["Koble til konto"],"Connected Accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Connected accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Currently in use":["I bruk nå"],"Delete Account":["Slett konto"],"Disconnect account":["Koble fra konto"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-post adressen er allerede i bruk! - Forsøk glemt passord."],"Email":["E-post"],"My Account":["Min konto"],"New password":["Nytt passord"],"No users found.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Password":["Passord"],"Profile":["Profil"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["En bruker med denne e-post adressen eksisterer allerede og er ikke linket til deg. Logg inn med din e-post og tilknytt konto først"],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Ditt nye passord kan ikke være ditt samme som nåværende!"],"or":["eller"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Denne brukeren er enda ikke godkjent!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Du må logge inn for og se denne bruker profilen!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Ditt passord er feil!"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link feil! Sørg for at du har skrevet adressen korrekt!"],"Save profile":["Lagre profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["E-mail adressen du har skrevet benyttes av en annen bruker."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Lag en konto"],"Current password":["Nåværende passord"],"E-Mail change":["Endre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send varsler?"],"E-Mail":["E-post","E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Gjenopprett Passord"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" ble ikke funnet!"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Skjul veiviser panelet"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighet"],"TimeZone":["Tids sone"],"Invite new people":["Inviter nye mennesker"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adresse(r)"],"Invitation to join":["Invitasjon"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vennligst legg til E-mail adresser til de du vil invitere under."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separer flere e-mail adresser med komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Trykk er for og lage en konto:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til \"{space}\" i {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til {name}."],"Created at":["Opprettet"],"Created by":["Skrevet av"],"Editable":["Redigerbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Feltet kunne ikke bli redigert!"],"Fieldtype":["Felttype"],"ID":["ID"],"Internal Name":["Internt navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i bruk!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internt navn kunne ikke bli endret!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felttype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP attributt"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun alfanumeriske tegn kan benyttes!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil Felt Kategori"],"Required":["Påkrevd"],"Searchable":["Søkbar"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sorteringsrekkefølge"],"Updated at":["Oppdatert"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Birthday":["Bursdag"],"Country":["Land"],"Date":["Dato"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstfelt"],"%y Years":["%y år"],"Create new Page":["Lag en ny Side"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Link"],"Navigation":["Navigasjon"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen egen definerte sider laget enda!"],"Sort Order":["Sorterings rekkefølge","Sorterings Rekkefølge"],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigering"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruker konto meny (Innstillinger)"],"Add new page":["Legg til ny side"],"Create page":["Opprett side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorterings måte: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"Open page...":["Åpne side..."],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kategori"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekreft sletting av link"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["La til en ny link %link% i kategori\"%category%\"."],"Delete category":["Slett kategori"],"Delete link":["Slett link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne kategorien? Alle linker vil forsvinne!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne linken?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Forleng linkens gyldighet med en tilkoblings test."],"Linklist":["Link liste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Link liste modul konfigurasjon "],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgjengelig."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Forespurt kategori ble ikke funnet."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Forespurt link ble ikke funnet."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis Link listen som en widget på høyre side."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien du ønsker og lagre linken i ble ikke funnet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Det har ikke blitt lagt til noen linker og kategorier for denne gruppen enda."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere link validering for en gruppe eller bruker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere/legge til linker!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne linken!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne linken!"],"list":["liste"],"Category":["Kategori"],"Is Originator":["Er forfatter"],"Last Viewed":["Sist sett"],"Messages":["Meldinger"],"Recipient":["Avsender","Mottaker"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en e-mai til deg selv!l","Du kan ikke sende en e-mail til deg selv!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny melding fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brukere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny melding i samtalen fra %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Reply now":["Svar nå"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte deg en ny melding:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte deg en ny melding i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Legg til flere deltagere i denne samtalen..."],"Add recipients":["Legg til mottakere"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger melding"],"Conversations":["Samtaler"],"There are no messages yet.":["Det er ingen meldinger her enda."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekreft sletting av samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekreft utmelding av samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekreft sletting av melding"],"Add user":["Legg til bruker"],"Delete conversation":["Slett samtale"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne samtalen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne meldingen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og forlate denne samtalen?"],"Leave":["Forlat"],"Leave conversation":["Forlat samtale"],"Leave discussion":["Forlat diskusjon"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv ett svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruker Innlegg"],"Sign up now":["Registrer deg nå"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle meldinger"],"Send message":["Send melding"],"Most active people":["Flest aktive brukere"],"Get a list":["Se listen"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Flest aktive brukere modul konfigurasjon"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Det høyeste nummer av aktive brukere som vil vises"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du kan konfigurere antall brukere som vises"],"Comments created":["Kommentarer laget"],"Likes given":["Likes gitt"],"Posts created":["Poster laget"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tilknyttede bruker (e)"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Tasks":["Oppgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke åpne oppgave!"],"Task":["Oppgave"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilknyttet oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} laget oppgave {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} fullførte oppgave {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tildelte deg en oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} lagde en ny oppgave {task}.\n"],"Create new task":["Lag ny oppgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger oppgave"],"Assign users":["Tilknytt brukere"],"What is to do?":["Hva er det og gjøre?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekreft sletting"],"Add Task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne oppgaven?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åpne oppgaver..."],"completed tasks":["fullførte oppgaver"],"Create":["Lag"],"Click, to finish this task":["Trykk for og fullføre oppgaven"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Denne oppgaven er allerede fullført. Trykk for og gjenåpne."],"My tasks":["Mine oppgaver"],"From space: ":["Fra gruppe: "],"There are no tasks yet!":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!
Vær den første til og lage noen..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildel meg"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen oppgaver er funnet som matcher ditt filter (e) !"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilknyttet"],"State is finished":["Status er fullført"],"State is open":["Status er åpen"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilknytt brukere denne oppgaven"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist for fullføring?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Legg til bruker(e) på forhånd."],"What to do?":["Hva skal gjøres?"],"Update HumHub":["Oppdater HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Oppdater HumHub BETA"],"Show more":["Vis mer"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datoen må være i fortid."],"Unsubscribe":["Avslutte abonnementet"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Her kan du koble til eksterne tjenesteleverandører for bruk av eksterne tjenester som for eksempel single sign-on-godkjenning."],"You're not registered.":["Du er ikke registrert."],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekreft sletting av side\n"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\r\n\r\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\r\n\r\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\r\n\r\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\r\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Pinned":["Låst","Lås"],"Unpinned":["Lås opp"],"User is already a member of this group.":["Bruker er allerede medlem av gruppe"],"Add Groups...":["Legg til grupper"],"Select Groups":["Velg grupper"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Bruker filter"],"Username":["Brukernavn"],"Advanced Settings":["Avanserte innstillinger"],"Appearance Settings":["Utseende innstillinger "],"General Settings":["Generelle innstillinger "],"Add new space":["Legg til ny gruppe"],"Invalid content id given!":["Ugyldig innholds-ID angitt!"],"Confirm Action":["Bekreft handling"],"Mail summary":["E-post sammendrag"],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["En feil oppstod (Handler not found)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["En uventet feil oppstod ved lasting av søkeresultat."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["En uventet feil oppstod. Hvis dette fortsetter å skje, ta kontakt med din administrator."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["En serverfeil oppstod. Hvis dette fortsetter å skje, ta kontakt med din administrator."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["En ukjent feil oppstod under opplasting."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["En ukjent feil oppstod under opplasting. Hing: sjekk upload_max_filesize og post_max_size i PHP-innstillingene."],"Confirm":["Bekreft"],"Copy to clipboard":["Kopier til utklippstavle"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Vil du virkelig utføre denne handlingen?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Feil under forrige handling (Invalid request method)."],"Error:":["Feil: "],"Info:":["Info:"],"Loading...":["Laster..."],"No error information given.":["Ingen feilinformasjon angitt."],"Open":["Åpne"],"Show less":["Vis mindre"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Noen filer kunne ikke lastes opp:"],"The file has been deleted.":["Filen er slettet."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["Forespurt ressurs ble ikke fnnet."],"The space has been archived.":["Gruppen er blitt arkivert."],"The space has been unarchived.":["Gruppen er hentet tilbake fra arkiv."],"Upload":["Last opp"],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Du har ikke tillatelse til å utføre denne handlingen."],"Bold":["Fet"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Sett inn link"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Sett inn bildelink"],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Ordered List":["nummerert liste"],"Quote":["Sitat"],"Target":["Mål"],"Unordered List":["punktliste"],"emphasized text":["uthevet tekst"],"heading text":["overskriftstekst"],"list text here":["listetekst her"],"quote here":["sitat her"],"strong text":["uthevet tekst"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-post sammendrag"],"Activities":["Aktiviteter"],"Daily":["Daglig"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-post sammendrag","Sammendrag på e-post"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-post sammendrag blir sendt for å informere deg om nylige aktiviteter."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-post sammendrag blir sendt for å informere brukerne om nylige aktiviteter."],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["Ekskluder følgende spaces fra e-post sammendraget"],"Hourly":["Hver time"],"Interval":["Intervall"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["På denne siden kan du konfigurere innhold og intervall for e-post sammendrag."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["På denne siden kan du definere standard oppsett for dine brukere. Disse innstillingene kan overstyres individuelt av brukerne."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["Bare inkluder følgende spaces i e-post sammendrag."],"Reset to defaults":["Tilbakestill","Tilbakestill til standard"],"Weekly":["Ukentlig"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["Du vil kun motta e-post hvis det er noe nytt å melde."],"Your weekly summary":["Ditt ukentlige sammendrag"],"See online:":["Se online:"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Når en kommentar ble skrevet"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle} in gruppen {space}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayName} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"Receive Notifications when someone comments on my own or a following post.":["Motta varsling når noen kommenterer på mitt innlegg eller følger et innlegg."],"View Online":["Se online"],"Cancel Edit":["Avbryt redigering"],"Comment has been deleted":["Kommentar er slettet"],"Read full comment...":["Les hele kommentaren..."],"Contents":["Innhold"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Når noe innhold blir publisert."],"Updated":["Oppdatert"],"Could not delete content!":["Kunne ikke slette innhold."],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["Kan ikke slette innhold: ingen tilgang."],"Invalid request method!":["Feil."],"Maximum number of pinned items reached!\n\nYou can pin to top only two items at once.\nTo however pin this item, unpin another before!":["Maks antall pins er nådd. Du kan bare pinne to innlegg på en gang. For å pinne dette innlegget, fjern pin på et annet innlegg først."],"This action is disabled!":["Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig."],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} skrev akkurat {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} skrev akkurat {contentInfo} i gruppen {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} varsler deg om {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} varsler deg om {contentInfo} i gruppen {space}"],"New Content":["Nytt innhold"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Få varsling om nytt innhold du følger."],"This space is archived.":["Denne gruppen er arkivert","Dette området er arkivert."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Pin to top":["Pin til toppen"],"Unpin":["Fjern pin"],"The content has been archived.":["Innholdet er arkivert."],"The content has been deleted.":["Innhodlet er slettet."],"The content has been pinned.":["Innholdet er pinnet."],"The content has been unarchived.":["Innholdet er hentet tilbake fra arkivet."],"The content has been unpinned.":["Pin er fjernet."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["Din siste redigerte versjon er lagret!"],"This group has no members yet.":["Denne gruppen har ingen medlemmer."],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Filen {file} kunne ikke lastes opp."],"Open file":["Åpne fil"],"Could not find requested file variant!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket filtype!"],"Could not find requested file!":["Ikke ikke finne ønsket fil!","Fant ikke forespurt fil!"],"Download":["Last ned"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Ingen rettigheter!"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ugyldig Mime-type"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Bildestørrelsen er for stor til å kunne behandles med nåværende minneinnstilling på serveren!"],"Upload error":["Feil under opplasting"],"Could not upload File:":["Kunne ikke laste opp fil: "],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Dette feltet tillater opplasting av maks {n,plural,=1{# fil} other{# filer}}."],"Upload files":["Last opp filer"],"My friends":["Mine venner"],"Pending friend requests":["Venneforespørsler"],"Sent friend requests":["Sendte venneforespørsler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Godta venneforespørsel"],"Add Friend":["Legg til venn"],"Cancel friend request":["Avbryt venneforespørsel"],"Deny friend request":["Avvis venneforespørsel"],"Friends":["Venner"],"Requests":["Forespørsler"],"Sent requests":["Sendte forespørsler"],"Show all friends":["Vis alle venner"],"Unfriend":["Avslutt vennskap"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} godkjente din venneforespørsel."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} avviste din venneforespørsel."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} sendte deg en venneforespørsel."],"Friendship Request":["Venneforespørsel"],"Friendship Approved":["Venneforespørsel godkjent"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Laster ned og installerer moduler..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Create Admin Account":["Create Admin Account"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?"],"Welcome Space":["Welcome Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Your first sample space to discover the platform."],"Name of your network":["Nettverksnavn"],"Hostname":["Host"],"Name of Database":["Databasenavn"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Fyll inn eksempeldata (anbefalt)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Tillatt tilgang for ikke-registrerte brukere å se offentlig innhold (gjestetilgang)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Tillatt vennskap mellom medlemmer"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Eksterne brukere kan registrere seg (vis registrerings-skjema ved login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nylig registrerte brukere må aktiveres av en admin før de kan logge inn"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrerte brukere kan invitere nye brukere via e-post"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Jeg vil bruke HumHub for:"],"Admin Account":["Admin-konto"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er nesten ferdig. Her må du fylle ut feltene for å opprette en administrator-konto som kan administrere hele nettverket."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Ditt sosiale nettverk trenger åpenbart et navn. Fyll inn navnet du ønsker på ditt sosiale nettverk (for eksempel firmanavn, organisasjon eller klubb)"],"Social Network Name":["Navn på sosialt nettverk"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gratulerer. Du er ferdig."],"Sign in":["Logg inn"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Installasjonen er vellykket. Ha det gøy med ditt nye sosiale nettverk!"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub er veldig fleksibelt og kan tilpasses og utvides for forskjellige typer bruk ved hjelp av moduler. Følgende moduler er bare noen eksempler på de vi mener er viktigst for ditt sosiale nettverk.

Du kan alltid legge til og fjerne moduler senere. Du finner flere moduler tilgjengelig for installasjon i adminpanele.t"],"Recommended Modules":["Anbefalte moduler"],"Example contents":["Eksempel innhold"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["For å unngå et tomt dashboard når du logger inn første gangen, kan HumHub installere eksempeldata for deg. Dette gir deg et godt førsteinntrykk av hvordan HumHub fungerer. Du kan enkelt slette innholdet."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Her kan du bestemme hvordan nye, uregistrerte brukere kan få tilgang til HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Sikkerhetsinnstillinger"],"Configuration":["Innstillinger"],"My club":["Min klubb"],"My community":["Min vennegjeng"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Mitt firma"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Min utdanningsinstitusjon"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Hopp over dette, jeg vil sette opp alt manuelt"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["For å gjøre konfigureringen enklere har vi lagt opp noen maler for de mest brukte moduler og innstillinger. Du kan tilpasse dem i neste steg."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Velkommen til HumHub
Ditt sosiale nettverk!"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Denne veiviseren vil installere og tilpasse din HumHub installasjon.

Trykk neste for å fortsette."],"Database Configuration":["Database oppsett"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Nedenfor fyller du inn databasedetaljene. Hvis du ikke er sikker på denne informasjonen, vennligst kontakt din systemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnavn for din MySQL-server (localhost hvis denne kjører på samme maskin)"],"Initializing database...":["Setter opp database..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oj, noe gikk galt!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Navnet på databasen"],"Your MySQL password.":["Ditt MySQL passord"],"Your MySQL username":["Ditt MySQL brukernavn"],"System Check":["Systemsjekk!"],"Check again":["Sjekk på nytt"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gratulerer! Alt ser greit ut, prøv igjen."],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Denne oversikten viser deg systemkravene for HumHub."],"Likes":["Likes","Liker"],"Whenever someone likes something (e.g. a post or comment).":["Når noen liker noe (for eksempel et innlegg eller en kommentar)"],"Like":["Lik","Liker"],"Users who like this":["Brukere som liker dette"],"New Like":["Nytt likerklikk"],"{displayNames} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} liker innlegget {contentTitle}."],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} liker {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} liker innlegget {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} liker {contentTitle}."],"Receive Notifications when someone likes your content.":["Få varsling når noen liker innhold du har publisert."],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} liker {contentTitle}"]," likes this.":["liker dette."],"Unlike":["Liker ikke"],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Du liker dette."],"and {count} more like this.":["og {count} flere liker dette."],"Notification Settings":["Varsel innstillinger"],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Her kan du sette opp standardhendelser for dine brukere. Disse innstillingene kan overstyres av brukerne selv via deres oppsett."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Varlser er sendt direkte til dine brukere for å informere dem om aktiviteter i nettverket."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["Varsler er sendt umiddelbart for å informere deg om nye hendelser i nettverket."],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Her kan du sette opp varselinnstillinger ved å velge ønsket mål for hver av de forskjellige varselkategoriene."],"Web":["Web"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Tillatt skrivebordsvarsel som standard."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Motta 'nytt innhold'-varsel for følgende grupper"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Motta skrivebordsvarsel når du er online.","Få varsel på skrivebordet når du er online."],"View online:":["Se online:"],"Apply":["Lagre"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Tillatt at andre kan poste innlegg på din profilside"],"Specify space":["Spesifisér område"],"Space member joined":["Gruppen brukeren ble med i"],"Space member left":["Gruppen brukeren forlot"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Når en bruker forlater en av dine grupper."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Når en bruker blir med i en av dine grupper."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Ingen tilgang - du kan ikke invitere medlemmer!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Brukeren er allerede medlem av gruppen."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Brukeren er ikke medlem av denne gruppen."],"the default start page of this space for members":["standard startside for denne gruppens brukere"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["standard startsiden for denne gruppens gjester"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Startside (gjester)"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Motta notifikasjon for venneforespørsler og hendelser."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Motta notifikasjoner for godkjenning og invitasjoner."],"Space Membership":["Gruppemedlemskap"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Tillat at brukeren lager offentlig innhold"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Tillatt brukeren å invitere nye medlemmer til gruppenb"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan lage private grupper."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan lage offentlige grupper (listet i oversikt)"],"Create private space":["Lag private gruppe"],"Create public content":["Lag offentlig innhold"],"Create public space":["Lag offentlig gruppe"],"Invite users":["Invitér brukere"],"Modify space image":["Endre gruppebilde"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette gruppen? Alt publisert innhold blir fjernet!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Vennligst tast inn ditt passord for å fortsette!"],"Archive":["Arkivér"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Velg om nytt innhold skal være offentlig eller privat som standard"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Velg type medlemskap du vil tildele i denne gruppen."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Velg sikkerhetsnivå for denne gruppen for å definere synlighet."],"Manage members":["Vedlikehold av medlemmer"],"Remove":["Fjern"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Space Modules":["Gruppemoduler"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* moduldata for denne gruppen vil fjernes!"],"Configure":["Konfigurer"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Akkurat nå er det ingen moduler tilgjengelig for denne gruppen!"],"Disable":["Deaktivér"],"Enable":["Aktivér","Aktiver"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Utvid gruppen med moduler."],"Create new space":["Opprett ny gruppe"],"Advanced access settings":["Avansert tilgangskontroll"],"Space name":["Gruppenavn"],"space description":["Gruppebeskrivelse"],"Add Modules":["Legg til moduler"],"Space settings":["Gruppeinnstillinger"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Tilgangsrettigheter settes for forskjellige brukerroller. For å redigere rettigheter, velg brukerrollen du ønsker å endre, og så endre verdien for den valgte rettigheten i nedtrekkslisten."],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Ikke motta varsel for nytt innhold."],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Motta varsel for nytt innhold"],"Add Space":["Legg til gruppe"],"No spaces found for the given query":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}"],"This space is archived":["Gruppen er arkivért"],"You are following this space":["Du følger denne gruppen"],"No member or following spaces found.":["Ingen medlemmer ble funnet i følgende grupper:"],"No result found for the given filter.":["Ingen resultater."],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["For å søke blant grupper, skriv inn minst {count} tegn."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} siden ditt siste besøk"],"Modify your profile image":["Endre ditt profilbilde"],"Modify your title image":["Endre ditt bakgrunnsbilde"],"Not registered users":["Ingen registrerte brukere"],"Other users":["Andre brukere"],"Your friends":["Dine venner"],"Current Password":["Nåværende passord"],"Sign in / up":["Logg inn / registrér deg","Logg inn / registrer deg"],"City":["Sted"],"Custom":["Tilpasset"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Faks"],"Female":["Kvinne"],"First name":["Fornavn"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Kjønn"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Skjul år i profil"],"Last name":["Etternavn"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mann"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon arbeid"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype-navn"],"State":["Fylke"],"Street":["Gate"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"YouTube URL":["YouTube URL"],"Zip":["Postnummer"],"Translation Category ID":["Oversettelseskategori ID"],"Type Config":["Type konfigurasjon"],"Communication":["Kommunikasjon"],"Social bookmarks":["Sosiale bokmerker"],"Checkbox":["Avkrysningsboks"],"Datetime":["Datetime"],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Number":["Tall"],"Select List":["Select-boks"],"Birthday field options":["Valg for bursdag"],"Hide age per default":["Skjul alder som standard"],"Checkbox field options":["Avhukingsboks"],"Default value":["Standard verdi","Standardverdi"],"Date(-time) field options":["Innstillinger for dato(-tid) felt"],"Show date/time picker":["Vis dato/tid velger"],"Maximum value":["Maks verdi"],"Minimum value":["Minimum verdi"],"Number field options":["Tallfelt innstillinger"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Kommaseparerte landskoder (f.eks. DE, EN, AU, NO)"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Én innstilling per linje. Key=>Value-format (f.eks. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Vennligst velg:"],"Possible values":["Mulige verdier"],"Select field options":["Velg feltvalg"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Støttede ISO3166 landskoder"],"Maximum length":["Maks lengde"],"Minimum length":["Minimum lengde"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regular Expression: Error message"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regular Expression: Validator"],"Text Field Options":["Tekstfeltvalg"],"Validator":["Validering"],"Text area field options":["Tekstfeltvalg"],"Auth Mode":["Autentisering"],"Default Space":["Standardgruppe"],"Last Login":["Sist innlogget"],"Manager":["Administrator"],"New user needs approval":["Ny bruker trenger godkjenning"],"Show At Directory":["Vis i oversikt"],"Show At Registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Space ID":["Gruppe ID"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} følger deg."],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} nevnte deg akkurat i {contentTitel} \"{preview}\""],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} nevnte deg i {contentTitle}."],"Following":["Følger"],"Mentionings":["Nevnt"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Få varsler når noen følger deg."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Få varsler når noen nevner deg."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Gir tilgang til siden din med personlig informasjon."],"View your about page":["Se din side."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Din nåværende e-post adresse er {email}. Du kan endre din e-post adresse her."],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Din e-post adresse er nå endret til {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Vi har akkurat sendt deg en e-post for bekreftelse.
Vennligst følg instruksjonene i e-posten."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Ditt nåværende passord kan endres her."],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Ditt passord er endret!","Din passordendring er vellykket!"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette kontoen din?
Alt ditt innhold vil fjernes!"],"Delete account":["Slett konto"],"Enter your password to continue":["Fyll inn ditt passord for å fortsette"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Beklager, som eier av en gruppe kan ikke din konto slettes!
Vennligst sett en annen eier eller slett gruppen."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Her kan du redigere generell profilinformasjon."],"User modules":["Brukermoduler"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALL* moduldata for din profil vil slettes!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Utvid din profil med moduler."],"Registered users only":["Kun registrerte brukere"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Synlig for alle (også uregistrerte brukere)"],"Always":["Alltid"],"Daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Få en e-post for hver aktivitet brukere du følger gjør i en gruppe."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Få en e-post når andre brukere kommenterer eller liker et innlegg du har opprettet."],"When I´m offline":["Når jeg er offline"],"Account registration":["Opprett konto"],"Create Account":["Opprett konto"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Din konto er opprettet!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Etter aktivering av din konto av en administrator vil du motta en e-post med bekreftelse."],"Go to login page":["Gå til innlogging"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["For å logge inn med din nye konto, klikk knappen nedenfor."],"back to home":["tilbake"],"Join the network":["Bli medPlease
sign in":["Vennligst logg inn"],"Sign up":["Registrer deg"],"Create a new one.":["Lag en ny"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Har du ingen konto? Bli med i det sosiale nettverket ved å taste inn din e-post adresse."],"Forgot your password?":["Glemt passord?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Hvis du allerede er medlem, logg inn med ditt brukernavn/e-post og pasord."],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Logg inn med ditt brukernavn/e-post og passord."],"Remember me":["Husk meg"],"email":["e-post"],"password":["passord"],"username or email":["brukernavn eller e-post"],"Password recovery":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Tast inn din e-post adresse, vi sender deg informasjon om hvordan du gjenoppretter passordet ditt!"],"Password recovery":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Reset password":["Tilbakestill passord"],"enter security code above":["tast inn sikkerhetskoden over"],"your email":["din e-post adresse"],"Password recovery!":["Gjenopprett passord"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Vi har sendt deg en e-post med en link som hjelper deg å gjenopprette passordet ditt!"],"Registration successful!":["Konto opprettet!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Sjekk innboksen din for en e-post med mer informasjon!"],"Registration successful":["Registrering vellykket!"],"Change your password":["Endre passord"],"Change password":["Endre passord"],"Password reset":["Tilbakestill passord"],"Password changed!":["Passord endret!"],"Confirm
your new email address":["Bekreft ny e-post adresse"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du har bedt om å endre din e-post adresse.
\nDin nye e-post adresse er {newemail}.

\nFor å bekrefte den nye e-post adressen, vennligst klikk knappen nedenfor."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hei {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Hvis du ikke bruker denne linken innen 24 timer vil den være ugyldig."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Vennligst følg linken i løpet av det neste døgnet for å gjenopprette passordet ditt."],"Reset Password":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Registration Link":["Link til registrering"],"Sign up":["Registrer deg"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Velkommen til %appName%. Vennligst klikk knappen nedenfor for å fortsette."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Invitasjon til å bli med i: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registrer deg nå og bli med!"],"You got an invite":["Du har fått en invitasjon"],"invited you to join {name}.":["inviterer deg til å bli med {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["inviterer deg til å bli med i gruppen {space} på {name}."],"About this user":["Om denne brukeren"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Denne profilstrømmen er fortsatt tom!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Din profilstrøm er tom. Kom i gang og post noe..."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vil du virkelig slette bildet?"],"Account settings":["Kontoinnstillinger"],"Add more...":["Legg til flere..."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the result.":["En feil oppstod når resultatet ble lastet inn."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Vennligst skriv inn minst {n} tegn"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{enhet} other{enheter}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# enhet} other{# enheter}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Du har nått maks antall tegn ({n})."],"Permission":["Tilgang"],"Profile menu":["Profilmeny"],"No users found for the given query.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{# bruker} other{# brukere}}."],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# bruker} other{# brukere}}."],"Edit account":["Redigér konto"],"Following user":["Følger denne brukeren"],"User followers":["Bruker sine følgere"],"Member in these spaces":["Medlem av disse gruppene"],"User tags":["Brukertags"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Bursdager de kommende {days} dagene"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfigurér bursdag-modulen"],"In {days} days":["Om {days} dager"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Antall dager å vise burdager innenfor."],"Tomorrow":["I morgen"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kan konfigerere antall dager å vise bursdager innenfor."],"becomes {years} years old.":["blir {years} gammel."],"today":["i dag"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Legger til en kalender for private eller offentlige arrangement til din profil og hovedmeny."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Legger til en kalender i denne gruppen."],"All Day":["Hele dagen"],"Attending users":["Brukere som deltar"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Brukere som ikke deltar"],"End Date":["Slutter dato"],"End Time":["Slutt"],"End time must be after start time!":["Aktiviteten kan ikke slutte før den har startet."],"Event":["Aktiviteten"],"Event not found!":["Kan ikke finne aktiviteten."],"Maybe attending users":["Brukere som kanskje deltar"],"Participation Mode":["Alternativ for deltagelse"],"Start Date":["Starter dato"],"Start Time":["Start"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å slette denne aktiviteten."],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å redigere eventen!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% opprettet en ny %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar på %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar kanskje på %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar ikke på %contentTitle%."],"Create event":["Opprett aktivitet"],"Edit event":["Rediger aktivitet"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Merk: Denne eventen blir lagt til på din profil. For å legge til en gruppeevent åpner du kalenderen i den ønskede gruppen."],"End Date/Time":["Slutt dato & tid"],"Everybody can participate":["Med påmelding"],"No participants":["Uten påmelding"],"Participants":["Deltagere"],"Attend":["Delta"],"Decline":["Avvis"],"Edit event":["Redigér event"],"Maybe":["Kanskje"],"Filter events":["Filtrer events"],"Select calendars":["Velg kalendere"],"Already responded":["Allerede besvart"],"Followed spaces":["Følger grupper"],"Followed users":["Følger brukere"],"I´m attending":["Jeg deltar"],"My events":["Mine events"],"Not responded yet":["Ikke besvart enda"],"Upcoming events ":["Kommende aktiviteter"],":count attending":[":count deltar"],":count declined":[":count deltar ikke"],":count maybe":[":count deltar kanskje"],"Participants:":["Deltagere:"],"Add Dropbox files":["Legg til Dropbox-filer"],"Invalid file":["Ugyldig fil"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API-nøkkel"],"Show warning on posting":["Vis advarsler på innlegg"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox-innlegg"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Innstillinger for Dropbox-modulen"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Dropbox-modulen krever en aktiv Dropbox-applikasjon. Vennligst gå til denne linken, velg \"Drop-ins app\" og oppgi et applikasjonsnavn for å få en API-nøkkel."],"Dropbox settings":["Innstillinger for Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Beskriv filer"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Beklager, Dropbox-modulen er ikke konfigurert enda. Ta kontakt med din administrator."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Dropbox modulen er ikke konfigurert enda. Gå hit for å sette den opp."],"Select files from dropbox":["Velg filer fra Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Hallo du! Du deler private filer!"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Ikke vis denne advarselen i fremtiden"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Filene du deler er private. For å dele filene med gruppen må vi generere en dele-link. Alle med linken kan da se denne filen. Er du sikker på at du vil dele?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, jeg er sikker"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Beklager Maks antall brukere nådd"],"Administrative Contact":["Administrativ kontakt"],"Advanced Options":["Avanserte innstillinger"],"Custom Domain":["Egendefinert domene"],"Datacenter":["Datasenter"],"Delete instance":["Slett instans"],"Export data":["Eksporter data"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Support / få hjelp"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Det er for øyeblikket ingen ledige brukerplasser på denne serveren."],"Your plan":["Din avtale"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Velg forhåndsvisning"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Legger til møtebehandler til denne gruppen."],"Agenda Entry":["Agenda"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Formatet må være TIME:MINUTT"],"Meeting":["Møte"],"Meetings":["Møter"],"Begin":["Start"],"End":["Slutt"],"Location":["Sted"],"Room":["Rom","rom"],"Minutes":["Minutter"],"End must be after begin":["Slutt må være etter start"],"No valid time":["Ingen gyldig tid"],"Task description":["Oppgavebeskrivelse"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Bekreft sletting av møte"],"Create new meeting":["Opprett nytt møte"],"Edit meeting":["Redigér møte"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Legg til eksterne deltagere (fri tekst)"],"Add participant":["Legg til deltager"],"Add participants":["Legg til deltagere"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette møtet?"],"External participants":["Eksterne deltagere"],"Title of your meeting":["Tittel på møtet"],"hh:mm":["tt:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Bekreft sletting av agendapunkt"],"Create new entry":["Opprett nytt punkt på agendaen"],"Edit entry":["Rediger agendapunkt"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Legg til eksterne moderatorer (fri tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Legg til moderator"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette punktet?"],"External moderators":["Eksterne moderatorer"],"Title of this entry":["Tittel på agendapunkt"],"Edit Note":["Rediger notat"],"Note content":["Notat"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Møtedetaljer: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Neste møter"],"Past meetings":["Forrige møter"],"Add a protocol":["Legg til protokoll"],"Add a task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Opprett din første agenda ved å klikke på knappen."],"New agenda entry":["Nytt agendapunkt"],"New meeting":["Nytt møte"],"Print agenda":["Skriv ut agenda"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Share meeting":["Del møte"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Start nå ved å opprette et nytt møte!"],"Today":["I dag"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Beklager, det er ingen innlegg foreløpig."],"Share meeting":["Del møte"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Legg til i din kalender og inviter deltagere"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Legg til i din personlige kalender"],"Export ICS":["Eksporter ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Send varsel til alle deltagere"],"Send now":["Send nå"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Sender internt varsel til alle deltagere av møtet."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Dette vil opprette en ICS-fil som kan brukes for å legge til møtet i din personlige kalender."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Dette vil opprette en ICS-fil som kan brukes for å legge til møtet i din personlige kalender, invitere brukere og avvente deres svar."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} inviterte deg til {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Denne oppgaven er relatert til %link%"],"Get details...":["Se detaljer..."],"Notes":["Notater"],"Allows to start polls.":["Tillater å starte en meningsmåling."],"Polls":["Meningsmålinger"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonym meningsmåling"],"Could not load poll!":["Kunne ikke laste meningsmåling!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ugyldig svar!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Brukerne stemte for: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Stemming på flere alternativer er ikke tillatt!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å utføre handlingen!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Igjen? ; Weary"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Bestem et sted å møtes"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["på hjørnet"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Akkurat nå er vi i planleggingen av neste møte, vi ønsker å vite hvor vi skal møtes?"],"To Daniel":["Hos Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Hva med nærmeste bar?"],"Answers":["Svar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Flere svar pr bruker"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Vennligst spesifisér minst {min} svaralternativer!"],"Question":["Spørsmål"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} svarte på {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} stiller spørsmålet: {question}."],"User who vote this":["Brukere som stemte dette"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} laget en meningsmåling og tagget deg."],"Ask":["Spør"],"Anonymous":["Anonym"],"Closed":["Lukket"],"Complete Poll":["Ferdigstill meningsmåling"],"Reopen Poll":["Gjenåpne meningsmåling"],"Reset my vote":["Tilbakestill min stemme"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["og {count} stemte på dette."],"votes":["stemmer"],"Add answer...":["Legg til svar..."],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Tillagg flere svar pr bruker?"],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anonyme svar?"],"Ask something...":["Still et spørsmål..."],"Display answers in random order?":["Vis svar i tilfeldig rekkefølge?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Rediger svar (tomme svar vil fjernes)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Rediger spørsmålet..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Det er ingen meningsmålinger enda!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen meningsmålinger enda!
Vær førstemann til å lage en..."],"Asked by me":["Spurt av meg"],"No answered yet":["Ikke besvart enda"],"Only private polls":["Bare private meningsmålinger"],"Only public polls":["Bare offentlige meningsmålinger"],"Translations":["Oversettelser"],"Translation Editor":["Oversettelseseditor"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bekreft tilbakestilling av side"],"Overview of all pages":["Oversikt over alle sider"],"Page history":["Sidehistorikk"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki-modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Legger til et wiki i denne gruppen"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Legger til et wiki på din profil"],"Back to page":["Tilbake til side"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne siden?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vil du virkelig tilbakestille denne siden?"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Edited at":["Redigert"],"Go back":["Gå tilbake"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ugyldig tegn i sidetittel!"],"Is homepage":["Er hovedside"],"Let's go!":["Kom igjen!"],"Main page":["Hovedside"],"New page":["Ny side"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Ingen sider opprettet enda. Lag den første siden nå!"],"Page History":["Sidehistorikk"],"Page creation disabled!":["Opprettelse av sider er deaktivert!"],"Page not editable!":["Siden kan ikke redigeres!"],"Page not found.":["Siden ikke funnet."],"Page title already in use!":["Sidetittel allerede i bruk!"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Ikke tillatt! Du har ikke administratorrettigheter."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Ikke tillatt! Du har ingen rettigheter til å se historikken."],"Protected":["Beskyttet"],"Revert":["Tilbakestill"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Tilbakestilling ikke mulig, allerede siste revisjon!"],"Revert this":["Tilbakestill denne"],"View":["Visning"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Du må være medlem av gruppen \"%space_name%\" for å se denne wikisiden!"],"by":["av"],"Wiki page":["Wikiside"],"Create new page":["Opprett side"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Sett inn wiki sidetittel eller url (f.eks. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Ny sidetittel"],"Page content":["Sideinnhold"],"Open wiki page...":["Åpne wikiside..."],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:

\n\n Hilsen

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\n\n Hilsen

"],"Confirm meeting deletion":["Bekreft sletting av møte"],"Confirm entry deletion":["Bekreft sletting av agendapunkt"],"Logo of {appName}":["Logo for {appName}"],"My profile image":["Mitt profil bilde"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profil bilde for {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profil bilde for {displayName}"],"Upload file":["Last opp fil"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ingen - Viser ned nedtrekksmeny i brukerregistreringen."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Lagret og tømt cache."],"1 month":["En måned"],"1 week":["En uke"],"1 year":["Ett år"],"2 weeks":["To Uker"],"3 months":["Tre måneder"],"6 months":["Ett halvt år"],"Encryption":["Kryptering"],"Port number":["Port nummer"],"Permissions":["Tilatelser","Tillatelser"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Det er ingen moduler som er installert enda. Installer noen for å forbedre funksjonaliteten."],"Version:":["Versjon:"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aksepter bruker: {displayName}"],"Send & save":["Send & lager"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Avvis og slett bruker: {displayName}"],"Manage groups":["Administrer grupper"],"Create new group":["Opprett en ny gruppe"],"Available updates":["Tilgjengelige oppdateringer"],"Modules directory":["Modul katalog"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data vil bli slette!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* moduler relaterte data og filer vil bli slettet!"],"Enable module...":["Aktiverer modul.."],"More info":["Mer info"],"Set as default":["Sett som default"],"Uninstall":["Avinstaller"],"Space Settings":["Gruppe innstillinger"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren?"],"Confirm user deletion":["Bekreft sletting av brukeren"],"If this user is owner of some spaces, you will automatically become owner of these spaces.":["Hvis denne brukeren eier noen grupper, du automatisk ble eier av disse gruppene."],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} postet på din profil {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Innholdssynlighet"],"Search for spaces":["Søk etter grupper"],"Show {i} more.":["Vise {i} mer."],"Hello {displayName},":["Hei {displayName}"],"Please click on the link below to view request:":["Vennligst trykk på linken nedenfor for å se forespørselen:"],"a new user {displayName} needs approval.":["en ny bruker {displayName} trenger godkjenning."],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["Du er blitt invitert til å delta i %appName%"],"Add profile calendar":["Opprett profil kalender"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Tillat svaralternativ \"Avvis\""],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Tillat svaralternativ \"Kanskje\""],"Attending":["Deltar"],"Event Type":["Aktivitetstype"],"Event type color":["Farge aktivitetstype"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Hvis du vil opprette en aktivitet i din personlige kalender, må du aktivere kalender modulen på din profil først. "],"Interested":["Intressert"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Ugyldig aktiviteststype id valgt."],"Invited":["Invitert"],"Maximum number of participants":["Maks antall deltagere"],"Send update notification":["Send varsel om oppdatering"],"Time Zone":["Tidssone"],"canceled":["avlyst"],"(global)":["(global)"],"Calendar module configuration":["Konfigurasjon Kalendermodul"],"Confirm Deletion":["Bekreft sletting"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Legger til en snippet med nærstående aktivitet til Oversikt"],"Create new type":["Opprett ny"],"Default event settings":["Standard aktivitetinnstillinger"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Bekreft sletting av aktivitetstype."],"Event Type Configuration":["Konfigurasjon aktivitetstyper"],"Half a year":["Et halvt år"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Her kan du konfigurere standard innstillinger for kalender aktiviteter"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Her kan du konfigurere standard innstillinger for kalender aktiviteter. Innstillingene kan skrives over på gruppe- og profilnivå."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Her kan du redigere dine aktivitetstyper"],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Hvis aktivert, vil Kalender kun vise i hovedmenyen og snippet under Oversikt kun være synlig for brukere som har kalendermodulen installert på sin profil."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Intervall for kommende aktiviteter "],"Max event items":["Maks antall aktiviteter"],"One month":["En måned"],"One week":["En uke"],"One year":["Ett år"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Vis kun øverste menypunkt og snippet hvis modulen er installert på brukerens profil"],"Reset":["Tilbakestill"],"Show snippet":["Vis snippet"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Det er ingen aktivitetstyper tilgjengelig"],"Upcoming events snippet":["Snippet for kommende aktiviteter"],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Bli varslet om hendelser knyttet til kalenderen"],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet '{contentTitle}' i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har oppdatert aktivitet {contentTitle} i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} har oppdatert aktivitet {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet {contentTitle} i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["Gir brukeren tilgang til å opprette aktiviteter"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["Gir brukeren tilgang til å redigere/slette eksisterende aktiviteter"],"Create entry":["Opprette"],"Manage entries":["Endre"],"Create new event type":["Opprett ny aktiviteststype"],"Create new type":["Opprett ny type"],"Edit event type":["Rediger aktivitetstype"],"Participation":["Påmelding"],"Select event type...":["Velg aktivitetstype"],"Participant information:":["Deltaker informasjon:"],"Read full description...":["Les hele beskrivelsen..."],"Read full participation info...":["Les hele deltaker informasjonen..."],"Defaults":["Standard innstillinger"],"Event Types":["Aktivitetstyper"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Open Calendar":["Åpne Kalender"],"Add new gallery":["Opprett nytt bildegalleri"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Bekreft sletting av bildegalleri"],"Confirm delete item":["Bekreft sletting av element"],"Edit gallery":["Rediger bildegalleri"],"Gallery ":["Bildegalleri"],"Gallery settings":["Innstillinger for bildegalleri"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Tillat at andre kan sende deg private meldinger"],"Receive private messages":["Motta private meldinger"],"Abort":["Avbryt"],"Preparing system":["Forbereder systemet"],"Update successful":["Oppdatering vellykket"],"Validating package":["Kontrollerer pakken"],"End guide":["Avslutt veileder"],"Next »":["Neste »"],"« Prev":["« Forrige"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Dra et bilde hit eller klikk for å bla gjennom filer"],"Hide my year of birth":["Skjul fødselsår"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Hei %firstname%, takk for at du bruker Friskus."],"Save and close":["Lagre og lukk"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Hurra, du er den første brukeren her. Vis vei og fyll ut din profil,
så andre kan se til deg som eksempel."],"Your firstname":["Fornavn"],"Your lastname":["Etternavn"],"Your mobild phone number":["Mobilnummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Jobbtelefonnummer"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Her kan du skrive kjekke ting du har gjort,
og ting du har mer eller mindre peiling på (del listen med komma)"],"Your title or position":["Her kan du skrive din tittel eller aller helst noe gøy"],"Administration":["Administrasjon"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Dett var dett."],"Modules":["Moduler"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Som Admin kan du administrere hele løsningen herfra.

"],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du er nå i verktøysmenyen. Herfra kan du ta deg til HumHubs online markedsplass, hvor du superenkelt kan installere flere spennende verktøy til plattformen din.

"],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Her er din oversikt.

Nyheter og innlegg om ting du bryr deg om dukker opp her."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrasjon for moduler"],"Edit account":["Redigér brukerkonto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! Slutt."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurra! I mål!"],"Profile photo":["Profilebilde"],"Profile stream":["Profilestrøm"],"User profile":["Brukerprofil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klikk her om du vil oppdatere profilen din og endre brukerinnstillinger. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Hver profil har sin nyhetsstrøm. Innlegg du skriver vil dukke opp på nyhetsstrømmen til brukere som følger deg."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Din profil kan personliggjøres med forskjellige moduler.

Se hvilke modules som er tilgjengelige under \"Moduler\" i brukerinnstillingene dine."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dette er din brukerprofil, slik den ser ut for andre brukere. Du kan også velge å ha skjult profil."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Last opp ett nytt profilbilde ved å klikke her eller dra og dropp. Du kan gjøre det samme med bakgrunnsbildet."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du har fullført veiledningen for profil."],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Du har fullført veiledningen for profil.

Klikk her for å fortsette med administrasjonsveiledningen:

"],"Most recent activities":["Siste hendelser"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Profile Guide":["Veiledning Profil"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Space navigation menu":["Gruppemeny "],"Space preferences":["Innstillinger for gruppe "],"Writing posts":["Skrive innlegg"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hurra. Du er i mål."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Her ser du medlemmer i gruppen.

Gruppen bestemmer hvem som kan bli medlem og hvordan."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Her kan du skrive nye innlegg."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Som medlem av en gruppe kan du delta på aktiviteter som gruppen arrangerer, diskutere innlegg og følge med på det som skjer."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Dett var dett om grupper.

Klikk videre for å gå videre til brukerprofil:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Her finner du gruppemenyen - gruppens kalender og også annet som gruppen har lagt til. Det kan være egne informasjonssider, undersøkelser med mer."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Denne menyen er kun synlig for gruppens administratorer. Her kan du endre innstillinger, legge til medlemmer og legge til verktøy til gruppen."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Siste hendelser fra gruppens medlemmer ser du her."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Dine, og andre brukeres innlegg dukker opp her.

Disse kan du like og kommentere - og husk å behandle andre med den samme respekt og forståelse som du ønsker og fortjener."],"Account Menu":["Brukerkontomeny"],"Notifications":["Varslinger"],"Space Menu":["Gruppemeny"],"Start space guide":["Start veiledning for grupper"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ding ding.

Bjelle-ikonet holder deg informert om hendelser og innlegg som er viktig for deg."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Brukermenyen gir deg tilgang til dine brukerinnstillinger og lar deg gjøre endringer til din profil."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Denne er verdt å merke seg. Her finner du nemlig alle grupper som du er medlem av."]," Remove panel":["Ta bort panel"],"Getting Started":["Kom igang"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Veiledning: Administrasjon (Moduler)"],"Guide: Overview":["Veiledning: Grunnleggende"],"Guide: Spaces":[" Veiledning: Grupper"],"Guide: User profile":[" Veiledning: Brukerprofil"],"Remove tour panel":["Ta bort veiledningspanel"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Ta en rundtur gjennom plattformen med disse veiledningene:"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Veiledningspanelet vil ikke lenger vises her. Du kan hente det frem igjen under
Brukerinnstillinger."],"Administrator:":["Administrator:"],"Moderator:":["Moderator:"],"Owner:":["Eier:"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["Du kan desverre kun laste opp {n,plural,=1{# fil} other{# filer}} om gangen. "],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% har en ugyldig filtype og ble hoppet over."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Bekreft sletting av fil"],"Create folder":["Lag ny mappe"],"Edit file":["Rediger fil"],"Edit folder":["Rediger mappe"],"File download url":["Filnedlasting url"],"File url":["Fil url"],"Files module configuration":["Konfigurasjon Filmodul"],"Folder url":["Mappe url"],"Move files":["Flytt filer"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Det finnes allerede en fil med samme filnavn i denne mappen."],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Det finnes allerede en mappe med samme navn."],"Add directory":["Legg til mappe"],"Add file(s)":["Legg til fil(er)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Legger til Filmodulen til denne gruppen. "],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Legger til Filmodulen til din profil. "],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["Det oppstod en feil under oppretting av {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["Det oppstod en feil under utpakking av {filename}."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Kunne ikke hente ut arkivert fil %filename%."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Kan ikke redigere - filen finnes ikke. "],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Kunne ikke finne mappe med id: %id%"],"Creator":["Forfatter"],"Destination folder not found!":["Kunne ikke finne mappen du vil flytte til."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Deaktiver arkivsupport (ZIP)"],"Display Url":["Vis url"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Vil du virkelig slette {number} element inkludert alt innhold?"],"Download ZIP":["Lastned ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Rediger mappe"],"File":["Fil"],"Files from the stream":["Filer fra nyhetsstrøm"],"Folder":["Mappe"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Mappenavn bør ikke ha mellomrom først eller sist. "],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["Mappen {name} kan ikke flyttes til seg selv."],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["Mappen {name} er ikke redigerbar."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Du har ikke nødvendige rettigheter for å utføre handlingen."],"Likes/Comments":["Likes/Kommentarer"],"Make Private":["Gjør privat"],"Make Public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Move":["Flytt"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Du kan ikke flytte til samme mappe."],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Du kan ikke flytte til denne mappen."],"Open file folder":["Åpne mappe"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Åpning av arkiv mislyktes. Feilkode %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Velg en gyldig mappe for flytting av %title%."],"Root":["Root"],"Selected items...":["Valgte element..."],"Show Post":["Vis innlegg"],"Size":["Størrelse"],"Size: {size}":["Størrelse: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Noen filer kunne ikke importeres:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Noen filer kunne ikke flyttes:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["Root-mappen inneholder alle tilgjengelige filer."],"This file is private.":["Filen er privat."],"This file is public.":["Filen er offentlig."],"This folder is empty.":["Mappen er tom."],"This folder is private.":["Mappen er privat."],"This folder is public.":["Mappen er offentlig."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Du mangler rettigheter for å laste opp og redigere filer."],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Last opp filer og lag mapper med knappene øverst."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Når du laster opp filer i nyhetsstrømmen, lagres de i denne mappen."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["Du finner alle filer som er lagt til i nyhetsstrømmen her."],"ZIP selected":["ZIP valgt"],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["ZIP support er ikke aktivert."],"Folder ID":["Mappe ID"],"Is Public":["Er offentlig"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Merk: endringer i mappens synlighet, vil overføres til alle filer og mapper inneholdt i mappen."],"Parent Folder ID":["Overordnet mappe ID"],"Add files":["Legg til filer"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Gir brukeren rettigheter til å endre og slette alle filer."],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Gir brukeren rettigheter til å laste opp nye filer og opprette nye mapper."],"Manage files":["Administrer filer"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Kunne ikke lagre filen %title%."],"List of galleries":["Alle bildegalleri"],"Add Gallery":["Legg til bildegalleri"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Legger til bildegallerimodul til denne gruppen"],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Legger til bildegallerimodul til din profil"],"Choose snippet gallery":["Hvilket galleri skal vises i snippet"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Klikk her for å legge til et nytt bildegalleri"],"Click or drop files here":["Klikk eller dra filer her"],"Delete Gallery":["Slett galleri"],"Deleted":["Slettet"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Ønsker du å slette dette bildegalleriet med alt innhold?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Ønsker du å slette dette elementet med alt innhold?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Ikke vis galleri snippet"],"Edit Gallery":["Rediger bildegalleri"],"Gallery":["Bildegalleri"],"Gallery:":["Bildegalleri:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Hvis bildegalleriet ikke er synlig for gjeldende bruker, vil siste synlige galleri vises i stedet."],"Item could not be deleted!":["Elementet kunne ikke slettes."],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Siste bildegalleri - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Gjør bildegalleriet offentlig"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Åpne bildegalleri"],"Posted Media Files":["Mediainnlegg"],"Posted pictures":["Bildeinnlegg"],"Show connected post":["Vis tilknyttet innlegg"],"Size:":["Størrelse:"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Her er ingen bildegalleri ennå. Kom igang og opprett et nytt bildegalleri"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder bilder fra din profil."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder mediafiler fra gruppens nyhetsstrøm."],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Bildegalleriet inneholder media fra innlegg."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder bilder fra innlegg."],"added by ":["lagt til av"],"of posted media files":["av mediafiler"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Legger til en kalender for private eller offentlige arrangement til din profil og hovedmeny."],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Tast inn din e-post adresse, vi sender deg informasjon om hvordan du gjenoppretter passordet ditt!"],"Enter security code above":["tast inn sikkerhetskoden over"],"Your email":["din e-post adresse"],"I'm attending":["Jeg deltar"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Gjeste modus er ikke aktivert, Vennligst logg på først."],"Login required for this section.":["Pålogging er nødvendig for denne delen."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["Du har dessverre ikke tilgang til denne seksjonen"],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["Du trenger administrator tilgang for denne seksjonen"],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Din brukerkonto er ikke godkjent enda, prøv igjen senere eller kontakt administrator."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Brukerkontoen din er inaktiv. Logg på med en aktiv konto eller kontakt administrator."],"[Deleted]":["[Slettet]"],"Choose target calendar":["Velg mål kalender"],"Profile Calendar":["Profil Kalender"],"(disabled)":["(ikke i bruk)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Her kan du redigere kalender typene som er støttet i andre moduler"],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Andre kalender konfigurasjoner"],"Edit calendar":["Rediger kalenderen"],"Other Calendars":["Andre Kalendere"],"Edit media":["Rediger media"],"Conversation":["Samtale"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Motta varsel når noen starter en ny samtale."],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Motta varsel når noen sender deg en melding."],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Nøkkel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL til Etherpad"],"Note":["Notat"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} opprettet ett nytt notat {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} har redigert med notatet {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Sukssefull API tilkobling"],"Could not connect to API!":["Kunne ikke koble til API"],"Current Status:":["Nåværende status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notat Modul Konfigurasjon"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Vennligst les modul dokumentasjonen under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for flere detaljer."],"Save & Test":["Lagre & test"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Notat modulen trenger en etherpad server som kjører."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["f.eks http://dittdomene/pad/"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} laget et nytt notat som er tildelt deg."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} har redigert notatet {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Åpne notatet"],"Title of your new note":["Tittelen for det nye notatet"],"Editors:":["Forfattere:"],"There are no notes yet!":["Det er ikke opprettet noen notater enda."],"Export":["Eksporter"],"Profile dropdown":["Profil nedtreksmeny"],"Select Me":["Velg meg"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["Teksten kunne ikke kopieres til utklipstavlen"],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["Teksten har blitt kopiert til utklipstavlen"],"Toggle comment menu":["Bytt kommentarmeny"],"Toggle panel menu":["Bytt panelmeny"],"Toggle post menu":["Bytt postmeny"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Veksle strømmenyen"],"Back to user overview":["Tilbake til bruker oversikt"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["Basisadressen må begynne med http:// or https://"],"Invited by":["Invitert av"],"Pending user registrations":["Ventende bruker registreringer"],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Ikke mulig å skrive til filstien %path%"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Tillater å legge til sider (markdown, iframe or links) til gruppenavigasjon"],"Custom Pages":["Egne sider"],"Custom pages":["Egne sider"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Merk: Resultatene er skjult til meningsmålingen avsluttes av moderator."],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Ikke vis resultat før meningsmålingen er avsluttet?"],"Add:":["Legg til:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Fant ikke forespurt side."],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Venligst tast inn minst {count} karakterer"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% er arkivert"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% er tatt ut fra arkivet"],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Alle personlige data for denne brukeren vil bli slettet. Dette kan ikke angres."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["Brukeren er eier av følgende grupper:"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Denne brukeren eier ingen grupper."],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Advarsel ufulstendig oppsett."],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Grupper (Merk: Administratorgruppen for denne brukeren kan ikke administreres med dine tillatelser)\n"],"Open documentation":["Åpne dokumentasjon"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["Cron-jobben for bakgrunnsjobber (kø) ser ikke ut til å fungere skikkelig."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["Cron-jobben for de vanlige oppgavene (cron) ser ikke ut til å fungere skikkelig."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Modul er deaktivert"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Modulen er aktivert"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Deaktiver modul: {moduleId} ---"],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Aktiver module: {moduleId} ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Modulen finnes ikke eller er ikke aktivert."],"Module not found!\n":["Modulen finnes ikke."],"Deleted invitation":["Slett invitasjon"],"Invite not found!":["Invitasjon ikke funnet."],"Resend invitation email":["Send invitasjon på e-post"],"Base DN":["Bais DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-post adresse egenskap"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiver LDAP Støtte"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Hent/oppdater bruker automatisk"],"ID Attribute":["ID egenskap"],"Login Filter":["Innlogings filter"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Ikke byttbart LDAP-attributt for entydig å identifisere brukeren i katalogen. Hvis tom blir brukeren bestemt automatisk etter e-postadresse eller brukernavn. Eksempler: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) eller uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Username Attribute":["Brukernavn egenskap"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Standardinnhold i registreringsgodkjennings e-posten"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Standardinnhold i registreringsavvisningsmeldingen"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Horisontal rulling av bilder på mobile enheter"],"APC(u)":["APC(u)"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standard utløpstid (i sekunder)"],"No caching":["Ingen mellomlagring"],"PHP APC(u) Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC(u) Utvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgjengelig."],"Redis":["Redis"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standard sideinndelings størrelse (Oppføringer per side)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Visnings navn (Format)"],"Dropdown space order":["Nedtrekksmeny gruppe rekkefølge."],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Tillatte fil typer"],"Convert command not found!":["Konverter kommando ikke funnet"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Fikk ugyldig bilde magisk respons! - Riktig kommando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Skjul fil informasjon (navn, størrelse) for bilder på veggen"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick konvertering kommando (valgfritt)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimal forhåndsvisningsbildehøyde (i piksler, valgfritt)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimal forhåndsvisningsbildebredde (i piksler, valgfritt)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimal opplastingsfilstørrelse (i MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["bruk X-Sendfile for filnedlastninger"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Tillat selv signerte sertifikater?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-post avsender adresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-post avsender navn"],"Mail Transport Type":["E-post transport type"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint URL"],"Url Prefix":["URL Prefix"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Ingen Proxy tjenere"],"Server":["Tjener"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard innholdssynlighet"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard regler for deltagelse"],"Default Visibility":["Standard synlighet"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML sporings kode"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Maksimal tillatte alder for loggene."],"Administrative group":["Administrasjonsgruppe"],"CronJob Status":["CronJob Status"],"Queue Status":[" Status"],"Background Jobs":["Bakgruns jobber"],"Database migration results:":["Database migreringeresultater:"],"Delayed":["Forsinket"],"Driver":["Driver"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Vennligst se dokumentasjonen for å sette opp cronjobs og køarbeidere."],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Køen er tømt"],"Reserved":["Tilbakestilt"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Søke indeksen bygges på nytt"],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["Den nåværende hoved HumHub databasenavn er"],"Waiting":["Venter"],"Could not extract module!":["Kunne ikke hente ut modulen"],"Download of module failed!":["Nedlasting av modul er mislykket"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Kan ikke skrive til modulmappen: %modulePath% "],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modul nedlastning er mislykket (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["ingen kompatible versjoner av modulen eksisterer."],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle moduler er oppdaterte"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub-utviklerne gir ingen støtte for tredjepartsmoduler, og gir ingen garanti for egnethet, funksjonalitet eller sikkerhet for denne modulen."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Tredjeparts ansvarsfraskrivelse"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Varsel fra {appName}. Du ble lagt til i gruppen."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Varsel fra {appName}. Du er fjernet fra gruppen"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Det er en ny versjon ({version}) tilgjengelig."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} la deg til gruppen {groupName}"],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} fjernet deg fra gruppen {groupName}"],"Administrative":["Administrative"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Motta varsler for administrative hendelser som tilgjengelige oppdateringer."],"Access Admin Information":["Få tilgang til Admin-informasjon"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Kan få tilgang til delen Administrasjon -> Informasjon."],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Kan administrere moduler i delen 'Administrasjon -> Moduler'."],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Kan håndtere grupper i delen 'Administrasjon -> Grupper' (opprett / rediger / slett)."],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Kan administrere brukere- grupper- og generelle innstillinger."],"Can manage users and groups":["Kan administrere brukere og grupper"],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Kan administrere brukere og profiler."],"Manage Groups":["Administrere Grupper"],"Manage Modules":["Administrere Moduler"],"Manage Settings":["Administrere Innstillinger"],"Manage Spaces":["Administrere Grupper"],"Manage Users":["Administrere Brukere"],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Her kan du konfigurere registreringsadferd og tilleggsinnstillinger for ditt sosiale nettverk."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Her kan du konfigurere basis innstillingene for ditt sosiale nettverk."],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Notification Settings":["Innstillinger for varsler"],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Disse innstillingene refererer til avanserte emner i ditt sosiale nettverk."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Disse innstillingene refererer til utseendet til ditt sosiale nettverk."],"User Settings":["Bruker Innstillinger"],"Change owner":["Bytt eier"],"Manage members":["Administrer medlemmer"],"Manage modules":["Administrer moduler"],"Open space":["Åpne grupper"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Søk etter navn beskrivelser, id eller eier."],"Active users":["Aktive brukere"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere denne brukeren?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil aktivere denne brukeren?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Er du virkelig sikker på at du vil etterligne denne brukeren?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Slett alle bidrag fra denne brukeren"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Slett grupper som denne brukeren eier"],"Deleted users":["Slettede brukere"],"Disabled users":["Deaktiver bruker"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Hvis dette alternativet ikke er valgt, overføres eierskapet til gruppene til kontoen din."],"Impersonate":["ligne"],"List pending registrations":["Liste av ventende registreringer"],"Member since":["Medlem siden"],"Permanently delete":["Permanent slettet"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Søk etter navn, E-post eller id"],"User deletion process queued.":["Bruker sletteprosess i kø."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Ved hjelp av dette alternativet vil eventuelle bidrag (for eksempel innhold, kommentarer eller liker) av denne brukeren bli slettet uoppnåelig."],"View profile":["Vis profil"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Gjeldene versjon som er installert: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub er for tiden i feilsøkingsmodus. Deaktiver den når du kjører på produksjon."],"Licences":["Lisens"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Se installasjonsmanualen for flere detaljer."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Det er en ny oppdatering tilgjengelig. (Siste versjon: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Denne HumHub installasjonen kjører på siste versjon."],"Pending user approvals":["Ventende bruker godkjenninger"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["Listen inneholder alle ventende registreringer og invitasjoner."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Listen viser alle registrerte brukere som venter på godkjenning."],"Delete invitation":["Slett invitasjon"],"Send invitation email":["Send invitasjon på E-post"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Lager og tøm Cache."],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Fast format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separert liste. Hvis listen er tom tillates alle."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Gjeldene bilde bibliotek: {currentImageLibrary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Hvis ikke definert, er standard høyde satt til 200px"],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Hvis ikke definert, er standard bredde satt til 200px"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP rapporterte om maksimum {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Confirm image deletion":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Wall entry layout":["Vegg innlegg layout"],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Akkurat nå er det ingen {count} poster i databasen som dateres fra {dating}"],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["Gamle logger kan øke størrelsen på databasen din betydelig, mens uten at det gir noe ekstra informasjon."],"Add new provider":["Legg til ny provider"],"Currently no provider active!":["Gjeldene provider er ikke aktiv."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Aktiver OEmbed provider"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Legg til OEmbed provider"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Rediger OEmbed provider"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url prefiks uten http:// eller https:// (f.eks. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Bruk %url% som plassholder for URL. Formatet må være på JSON. (f.eks. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["Du kan legge til en statistikk HTML-kodebit - som vil legges til alle gjengitte sider."],"All created contents of this user will be deleted.":["Alt innhold fra denne brukeren vil blis slettet"],"E-Mail summaries":["E-post oppsummering"],"Logs":["Logger"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"The comment must not be empty!":["Kommentaren kan ikke være tom."],"You are not allowed to comment.":["Du har ikke rettigheter til å kommentere."],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan håndtere (for eksempel arkiv, pinne, flytte eller slette) vilkårlig innhold"],"Move content":["Flytt innhold"],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Innholdstegn med ugyldig contentcontainer_id tildelt."],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["Innholdet har blitt flyttet til gruppen {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Ugyldig valgt gruppe."],"Move content":["Flytt innhold"],"Target Space":["Målgruppe"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["Forfatteren av dette innholdet kan ikke skjult offentlig innhold på den aktuelle gruppen."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["Forfatteren av dette innholdet kan ikke publisere offentlig innhold på den aktuelle gruppen."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["Innholdet kan ikke flyttes til gjeldene gruppe."],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["Modulen {moduleName} er ikke aktivert for den aktuelle gruppen."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Denne innholdstypen kan ikke flyttes på grunn av en manglende modul-ID-innstilling."],"This content type can't be moved.":["Innholdet kan ikke flyttes"],"This space is not visible!":["Denne gruppen er ikke synlig"],"Topics":["Emne"],"You do not have the permission to move this content to the given space.":["Du har ikke tillatelse til å flytte dette innholdet til den aktuelle gruppen."],"You do not have the permission to move this content.":["Du har ikke tillatelse til å flytte dette innholdet."],"Tag":["Stikkord"],"The given name is already in use.":["Oppgitt navn er allerede i bruk."],"Activity":["Aktivitet"],"Add or remove link":["Legg til eller fjern"],"Animals & Nature":["Dyr & Natur"],"Change to code block":["Endre til kode blokk"],"Change to heading":["Endre til overskrift"],"Change to paragraph":["Endre til paragraf"],"Columns":["Kolonne"],"Create a link":["Lag en link"],"Create table":["Lag en tabell"],"Delete column":["Slett en kolonne"],"Delete row":["Slett en rad"],"Delete table":["Slett en tabell"],"Flags":["Flagg"],"Food & Drink":["Mat & Drikke"],"Height":["Høyde"],"Horizontal rule":["Horisontal linje"],"Insert":["Sett inn"],"Insert column after":["Sett inn kolonne etter"],"Insert column before":["Sett inn kolonne før"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Sett inn horisontal linje"],"Insert image":["Sett inn bilde"],"Insert row after":["Sett inn rad etter"],"Insert row before":["Sett inn rad før"],"Insert table":["Sett inn tabell"],"Link target":["Link mål"],"Objects":["Ojbjekter"],"Paragraph":["Paragraf"],"People":["Personer"],"Rows":["Rader"],"Symbols":["Symboler"],"Toggle code font":["Bytt kode font"],"Toggle emphasis":["Bytt vektlegging"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Bytt gjennomstrykning"],"Toggle strong style":["Bytt sterk stil"],"Travel & Places":["Reiser & Steder"],"Upload File":["Last opp fil"],"Upload and include a File":["Last opp og inkluderfil"],"Width":["Bredde"],"Wrap in block quote":["Legg inn blokk sitat"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Legg inn punktliste"],"Wrap in ordered list":["legg inn sortert liste"],"None":["Ingen"],"Include archived content":["Inkluder arkivert innhold"],"Only private content":["Bare skjult innhold"],"Only public content":["Bare offentlig innhold"],"With file attachments":["Med fil vedlegg"],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the result.":["Det skjedde en uventet feil under henting av søke resultatet ditt."],"Cancel Event":["Avbryt aktivitet"],"Download as ICS file":["Last ned som ICS fil"],"Reopen Event":["Gjennåpne aktivitet"],"{displayName} Birthday":["{displayName} Bursdag"],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\" i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\"."],"{displayName} just updated event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har oppdatert aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\" i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\" i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\"."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["Innholdet er ugyldig eller er flyttet."],"Index":["Indeks"],"Wiki link":["Wiki link"],"Add Page":["Legg til ny side"],"Are you really sure? All existing category page assignments will be removed!":["Er du virkelig sikker? Alle eksisterende kategorioppgaver blir fjernet."],"Choose a Wiki Page":["Velg en Wiki Side."],"Headline":["Overskrift"],"Home":["Hjem"],"Index":["Indeks"],"Invalid category!":["Ugyldig kategori"],"Is category":["Er kategori"],"Label":["Merkelapp"],"Last updated ":["Oppdatert sist"],"Page index":["Side indeks"],"Page not found":["Siden finnes ikke"],"Pages in this category":["Sider med denne kategorien"],"Pages without category":["sider uten kategori"],"Search for Wiki Title":["Søk etter Wiki titler"],"This page is empty.":["Denne siden er tom."]} \ No newline at end of file +{"Could not find requested module!":["Fant ikke forespurt modul!"],"Invalid request.":["Ugyldig forespørsel."],"Keyword:":["Nøkkelord:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Fant ingenting"],"Results":["Resultater"],"Show more results":["Vis flere resultater"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Beklager, fant ingenting."],"Welcome to %appName%":["Velkommen til %appName%"],"Account settings":["Innstillinger"],"Administration":["Administrasjon"],"Back to dashboard":["Tilbake til oversikten"],"Collapse":["Trekk sammen"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kunne ikke finne innhold i tillegg!"],"Error":["Feil"],"Expand":["Utvid"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Ikke tilgang til å lage innhold!"],"Latest news":["Siste nytt"],"Logout":["Logg ut"],"Menu":["Meny"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nytt profilbilde"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Søk"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søk etter brukere eller områder"],"Space not found!":["Fant ikke gruppen.","Fant ikke gruppen!"],"User Approvals":["Godkjenninger"],"User not found!":["Fant ikke bruker!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke opprette offentlig synlig innhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Login required":["Logg inn påkrevd"],"Close":["Lukk"],"Title":["Tittel"],"Save":["Lagre"],"Message":["Melding"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Tillat begrenset tilgang for ikke-godkjente brukere (gjester)\n"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme brukere kan registrere seg\n"],"Default user group for new users":["Standard brukergruppe for nye brukere\n"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standard tid for automatisk utlogging (i sekunder, valgfritt)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard brukerprofil synlighet"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Medlemmer kan invitere eksterne brukere pr email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Krev godkjennelse av administrator etter registrering"],"Base URL":["Nettsidens adresse"],"Default language":["Standard språk"],"Default space":["Standard gruppe"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig gruppe"],"Logo upload":["Last opp logo"],"Name of the application":["Nettsidens navn"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduksjonen for nye brukere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis bruker innlegg i oversikten"],"Back to modules":["Tilbake til moduler"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marker som usett for alle brukere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Innstillinger for siste nytt"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Merk: Du kan bruker Markdown-syntaks."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"Latest updates":["Siste oppdateringer"],"Allow":["Tillat"],"Back":["Tilbake"],"Choose language:":["Velg Språk"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Innhold Addon kilden må være forekomst av HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kan ikke finne innhold container!"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Avvis"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ut til at du har gått feil vei"],"Language":["Språk"],"Login":["Logg inn"],"Next":["Neste"],"Ok":["Ok","OK"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Tast inn minimum 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["En intern Server Feil"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke lov til og gjøre denne handlingen."],"Add image/file":["Legg til bilde/fil"],"Add link":["Legg til link"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Legg til en link (f.eks. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Tittel"],"Image":["Bilde"],"Image/File":["Bilde/Fil"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vennligst vent mens filen lastes opp..."],"Preview":["Forhåndsvisning"],"Title of your link":["Link tittel"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Kodetekst her"],"enter image description here":["legg til en bildebeskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["legg til bildetittel her"],"enter link description here":["legg til linkbeskrivelse her"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opprettet gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% opprettet denne gruppen."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ble medlem av %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ble medlem av denne gruppen."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% forlot gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% forlot denne gruppen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nå {user2}."],"see online":["se online"],"via":["gjennom"],"Latest activities":["Siste hendelser"],"There are no activities yet.":["Det er ingen aktivitet her enda."],"About":["Om"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Legg til en modul ved hjelp av kjøpt lisensnøkkel"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Approval":["Godkjenning"],"Authentication":["Autentisering"],"Basic":["Basic","Om"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logger"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed tilbydere"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Security":["Sikkerhet"],"Self test":["Selvtest"],"Spaces":["Grupper"],"Statistics":["Statistikk"],"User posts":["Brukerinnlegg"],"Userprofiles":["Brukerprofiler"],"Users":["Brukere"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt godkjent."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt avvist."],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}

"],"Group not found!":["Gruppen ble ikke funnet!"],"Group user not found!":["Gruppe bruker ble ikke funnet!"],"No value found!":["Inget resultat!"],"Become this user":["Logg inn som denne brukeren"],"Delete":["Slett"],"Disabled":["Deaktiver"],"Enabled":["Aktiver"],"Unapproved":["Avvis!"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette din egen bruker."],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke laste kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Subject":["Tittel"],"Date input format":["Dato format"],"Default stream content order":["Standard nyhetsstrøm sorterings orden"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktiver vennskaps system"],"Server Timezone":["Server tidssone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorter etter dato laget"],"Sort by update date":["Sorter etter oppdaterings dato"],"About HumHub":["Om Humhub"],"CronJobs":["Cronjobber"],"Database":["Database"],"Prerequisites":["Forutsetninger"],"Installed":["Installert"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler funnet"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen kjøpte moduler funnet!"],"Register":["Registrer"],"Third-party":["Tredjepart"],"search for available modules online":["søk etter tilgjengelige moduler"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"Settings and Configuration":["innstillinger og konfigurasjon"],"User administration":["Bruker administrasjon"],"Add new group":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"Back to overview":["Tilbake til oversikt"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Administrer gruppe: {groupName}"],"Overview":["Oversikt"],"Pending approvals":["Ventende godkjenninger"],"Profiles":["Profiler"],"Visibility":["Synlighet"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Angi som standard modul"],"Activated":["Aktivert"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiver"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivert"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Her kan du velge hvorvidt en modul skal aktiveres automatisk i en gruppe eller brukerprofil . Hvis modulen skal aktiveres, velger du \"alltid aktiver\"."],"User Profiles":["Bruker profiler"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minste verdi er 20 sekunder. Hvis ikke satt, vil en session timeout etter 1400 sekunder (24 minutter), uavhengig av aktivitet (standard timeout sesjon)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Gjelder bare når begrenset tilgang for ikke-godkjente brukere er aktivert. Bare påvirker nye brukere."],"Visible for members only":["Synlig kun for medlemmer"],"Visible for members+guests":["Synlig for medlemmer + gjester"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab for bruker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Sist kjørt (daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Sist kjørt (time):"],"Never":["Aldri"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab for root bruker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg for og ha installert følgende cronjobs:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formater basert på bruker språk - Eksempel: {example}"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Førstenavn Etternavn (f.eks John Doe)"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Låst format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Last visit":["Siste besøk"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brukernavn (f.eks. john)"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["F.eks http://example.com/humhub"],"Friendship":["Vennskap"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Nye bruker vil automatisk få tilgang til disse gruppen(e)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruker ingen logo for øyeblikket. Last opp en logo nå."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Innstillinger "],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Kontrollerer HumHub software krav"],"Re-Run tests":["Test på nytt"],"Manage spaces":["Behandle grupper"],"Actions":["Handlinger"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Her kan du definere standardinnstillinger for nye grupper. Disse innstillingene kan overskrives for hver enkelt gruppe."],"Settings":["Innstillinger"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver gruppe med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette grupper."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren? Hvis denne brukeren er eier av noen grupper, du vil bli eier av disse rommene."],"Delete user":["Slett bruker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Rediger bruker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Legg til ny bruker"],"Group Manager":["Gruppe administrasjon"],"Last login":["Siste pålogging"],"Send invite":["Send invitasjon"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver registrert bruker med handlinger for å vise, redigere og slette brukere."],"never":["aldri"],"Create new profile category":["Lag en ny bruker kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger bruker kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Lag ett nytt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Add new category":["Legg til en ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Legg til ett nytt felt"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Her kan du legge til eller redigere kategorier og profil felt."],"Manage profile attributes":["Behandle profil rettigheter"],"Administration menu":["Administrasjons meny"],"Advanced":["Avansert"],"Appearance":["Utseende "],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"General":["Generelt"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"User":["Bruker"],"Click here to review":["Trykk her for kontroll"],"New approval requests":["Nye godkjenninger"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere brukere trenger din godkjenning som gruppe admin."],"Access denied!":["Ingen tilgang!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende tillatelse."],"comment":["kommentar"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Ny kommentar"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Tillat bruker og kommentere"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Tillat bruker og lage poster"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan redigere (f.eks. arkivere, låse eller slette) innlegg"],"Create comment":["Lag ny kommentar"],"Create post":["Lag nytt innlegg"],"Manage content":["Redigere innhold"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Send":["Send"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Comment":["Kommenter"],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% flere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kommentar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vill du virkelig slette denne kommentaren?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Oppdatert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} lagde en ny {contentTitle}."],"Content":["Innhold"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke laste ønsket innhold."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\n\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket innhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finne valgt link!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} opprettet {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Send"],"Move to archive":["Flytt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["Ta ut fra arkiv"],"Add a member to notify":["Legg til en følger"],"Make private":["Gjør privat"],"Make public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Varsle medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hva tenker du på?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne posten? Alle likes og kommentarer vil bli tapt!"],"Archived":["Arkivert"],"Sticked":["Låst"],"Turn off notifications":["Skru av varsler"],"Turn on notifications":["Skru på varsler"],"Stick":["Lås"],"Unstick":["Lås opp"],"Back to stream":["Tilbake til nyhetsstrøm","Tilbake til Nyhetsstrøm"],"Content with attached files":["Innlegg med filer"],"Created by me":["Opprettet av meg","Laget av meg"],"Creation time":["Opprettet","Laget dato"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverte innlegg"],"Last update":["Siste oppdatering"],"Load more":["Last inn mer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen treff med dine valgte filtere!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingen ting her enda!"],"Only private posts":["Kun private innlegg"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige poster"],"Posts only":["Kun innlegg"],"Posts with links":["Innlegg med linker"],"Sorting":["Sorter"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involvert"],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Din oversikt er tom!
Post noe på din profil eller meld deg inn i noen grupper!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Ingen åpne innlegg funnet!"],"Directory":["Innhold"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlemmer Gruppe innhold"],"show all members":["Vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Innholds meny"],"User profile posts":["Brukerinnlegg"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppe brukere - {group}"],"Member directory":["Brukerområde"],"No members found!":["Ingen brukere funnet!"],"search for members":["Søk etter brukere"],"Space directory":["Område oversikt"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem av dette område","Du er medlem av denne gruppen"],"search for spaces":["Søk etter område"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg..."],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Det er ingen profil poster enda!"],"Group stats":["Gruppestatistikk"],"Average members":["Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede"],"Top Group":["Mest besøkte"],"Total groups":["Totalt antall grupper"],"Member stats":["Brukerstatistikk"],"New people":["Nye Brukere"],"Follows somebody":["Noen som følger andre"],"Online right now":["Online akkurat nå"],"Total users":["Brukere totalt "],"See all":["Se alt"],"New spaces":["Nye Grupper"],"Space stats":["Gruppestatistikk"],"Most members":["Flest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private grupper"],"Total spaces":["Antall grupper totalt"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} og {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} og {number} andre\n"],"Other":["Andre"],"New":["Ny"],"Notification Overview":["Oppdateringsoversikt"],"Mark all as seen":["Marker alle som sett"],"Module Filter":["Modulfilter"],"No notifications found!":["Ingen oppdateringer funnet!"],"Notifications":["Varsler"],"Show all notifications":["Vis alle oppdateringer"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Det er ingen oppdateringer enda."],"post":["Innlegg"],"Edit your post...":["Rediger ditt innlegg"],"Read full post...":["Les hele innlegget..."],"Search results":["Søkeresultat"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanserte søkeinnstillinger"],"All":["Alt"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søk etter bruker, områder eller innhold"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Søk kun i følgende områder:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Ditt søk ga ingen treff."],"Send & decline":["Send & avvis"],"Space followers":["Gruppens medlemmer"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! 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Gruppens navn: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan bli med"],"Invite and request":["Invitasjon og forespørsel"],"No spaces found.":["Ingen grupper funnet."],"Only by invite":["Kun etter invitasjon"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Skjult)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gjester)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerte brukere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gjester)"],"Space is invisible!":["Gruppen er synlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du må logge inn for og se innhold i denne gruppen!"],"Saved":["Lagret"],"Stream (Default)":["Nyhetsstrøm (Standard)"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som eier kan du ikke avslutte ditt medlemskap!"],"Could not request membership!":["Du kan ikke be om medlemskap!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Beklager, du får ikke forlate denne gruppen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Det er ingen ventende invitasjoner!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handlingen er kun tilgjengelig for gruppens brukere!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å bli medlem av denne gruppen!"],"Your password":["Ditt passord"],"Invites":["Invitasjoner"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruker etter mail (skilles med komma)"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' er allerede medlem av denne gruppen!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' har allerede søkt om og få bli medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registrert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ikke gyldig!"],"Application message":["Søknads melding"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som eier av denne gruppen kan du overføre din rolle til en annen administrator i gruppen."],"Space owner":["Gruppens eier"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Linken inneholder ugyldige tegn!"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør eierskap"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["f.eks. eksempel for {baseUrl}/s/eksempel"],"Created At":["Laget","Postet"],"Created By":["Laget av","Skrevet av"],"Last Visit":["Siste besøk"],"Originator User ID":["Hoved Bruker ID"],"Request Message":["Forespør melding"],"Status":["Status"],"Updated At":["Oppdatert"],"Updated By":["Oppdatert Av","Oppdatert av"],"Administrators":["Administratorer"],"Color":["Farge"],"Default content visibility":["Standard synlighet"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Homepage":["Hjemmeside"],"Join Policy":["Brukerbetingelser"],"Moderators":["Moderatorer"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Eier"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated by":["Oppdatert av"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige private grupper!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige offentlige grupper!"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aksepterte din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} godkjente ditt medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste ditt medlemskap forespørsel til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} inviterte deg til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ønsker medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["legg til {n,plural,=1{space} andre{spaces}}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!
Start med og poste noe her..."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem av denne gruppen og det er ingen offentlige innlegg her!"],"Invite members":["Inviter brukere"],"Add an user":["Legg til en bruker"],"Done":["Klart"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter med en e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruker?"],"Pick users":["Velg brukere"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Hvis du vil invitere brukere til denne gruppen, kan du skrive inn navn under for å finne og hente dem."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brukere, som ikke er registrert nå. Bare legge til deres e-postadresser , skilt med komma."],"Request space membership":["Be om gruppe medlemskap","Søk om gruppe medlemskap"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne gruppen."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Du har send en forespørsel til sidens administrator."],"User has become a member.":["Bruker har blitt medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruker har blitt invitert."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruker har ikke blitt invitert."],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Avslutt medlemskap"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul innlegg i oversikten"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis innlegg i oversikten"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill skjule nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill vise nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"My Space List":["Min Gruppe Liste"],"My space summary":["Mitt gruppe sammendrag"],"Space directory":["Gruppe oversikt"],"Pending Approvals":["Ventende Godkjenninger"],"Pending Invites":["Ventende Invitasjoner"],"Space menu":["Gruppe meny"],"Stream":["Nyhetsstrøm"],"Change image":["Endre bilde"],"Current space image":["Nåværende gruppebilde"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt titel bilde?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt profil bilde?"],"Follow":["Følg"],"Unfollow":["Slutt og følge"],"Invite":["Invitér"],"Accept Invite":["Aksepter invitasjon"],"Become member":["Bli medlem"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Avbryt ventende invitasjon "],"Deny Invite":["Avvis invitasjon"],"Request membership":["Be om medlemskap"],"Something went wrong":["Noe gikk galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Vennligst skriv en kort introduksjon om deg selv for å bli medlem av denne gruppen."],"Request workspace membership":["Be om medlemskap i denne gruppen ","Be om medlemskap i denne gruppen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Du har sendt din forespørsel til gruppens administrator."],"Create new space":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"My spaces":["Mine grupper"],"New member request":["Nye søknader om medlemskap"],"Space members":["Gruppemedlemmer"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"User settings":["Brukerinnstillinger"],"Your profile":["Din profil"],"Security settings":["Sikkerhetsinnstillinger"],"Basic Settings":["Standardinnstillinger"],"Change Email":["Endre e-post"],"Change Password":["Bytt passord"],"Confirm new password":["Bekreft nytt passord"],"Connect account":["Koble til konto"],"Connected Accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Connected accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Currently in use":["I bruk nå"],"Delete Account":["Slett konto"],"Disconnect account":["Koble fra konto"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-post adressen er allerede i bruk! - Forsøk glemt passord."],"Email":["E-post"],"My Account":["Min konto"],"New password":["Nytt passord"],"No users found.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Password":["Passord"],"Profile":["Profil"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["En bruker med denne e-post adressen eksisterer allerede og er ikke linket til deg. Logg inn med din e-post og tilknytt konto først"],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Ditt nye passord kan ikke være ditt samme som nåværende!"],"or":["eller"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Denne brukeren er enda ikke godkjent!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Du må logge inn for og se denne bruker profilen!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Ditt passord er feil!"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link feil! Sørg for at du har skrevet adressen korrekt!"],"Save profile":["Lagre profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["E-mail adressen du har skrevet benyttes av en annen bruker."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Lag en konto"],"Current password":["Nåværende passord"],"E-Mail change":["Endre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send varsler?"],"E-Mail":["E-post","E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Gjenopprett Passord"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" ble ikke funnet!"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Skjul veiviser panelet"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighet"],"TimeZone":["Tids sone"],"Invite new people":["Inviter nye mennesker"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adresse(r)"],"Invitation to join":["Invitasjon"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vennligst legg til E-mail adresser til de du vil invitere under."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separer flere e-mail adresser med komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Trykk er for og lage en konto:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til \"{space}\" i {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til {name}."],"Created at":["Opprettet"],"Created by":["Skrevet av"],"Editable":["Redigerbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Feltet kunne ikke bli redigert!"],"Fieldtype":["Felttype"],"ID":["ID"],"Internal Name":["Internt navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i bruk!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internt navn kunne ikke bli endret!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felttype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP attributt"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun alfanumeriske tegn kan benyttes!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil Felt Kategori"],"Required":["Påkrevd"],"Searchable":["Søkbar"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sorteringsrekkefølge"],"Updated at":["Oppdatert"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Birthday":["Bursdag"],"Country":["Land"],"Date":["Dato"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstfelt"],"%y Years":["%y år"],"Create new Page":["Lag en ny Side"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Link"],"Navigation":["Navigasjon"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen egen definerte sider laget enda!"],"Sort Order":["Sorterings rekkefølge","Sorterings Rekkefølge"],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigering"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruker konto meny (Innstillinger)"],"Add new page":["Legg til ny side"],"Create page":["Opprett side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorterings måte: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"Open page...":["Åpne side..."],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kategori"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekreft sletting av link"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["La til en ny link %link% i kategori\"%category%\"."],"Delete category":["Slett kategori"],"Delete link":["Slett link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne kategorien? Alle linker vil forsvinne!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne linken?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Forleng linkens gyldighet med en tilkoblings test."],"Linklist":["Link liste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Link liste modul konfigurasjon "],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgjengelig."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Forespurt kategori ble ikke funnet."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Forespurt link ble ikke funnet."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis Link listen som en widget på høyre side."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien du ønsker og lagre linken i ble ikke funnet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Det har ikke blitt lagt til noen linker og kategorier for denne gruppen enda."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere link validering for en gruppe eller bruker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere/legge til linker!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne linken!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne linken!"],"list":["liste"],"Category":["Kategori"],"Is Originator":["Er forfatter"],"Last Viewed":["Sist sett"],"Messages":["Meldinger"],"Recipient":["Avsender","Mottaker"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en e-mai til deg selv!l","Du kan ikke sende en e-mail til deg selv!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny melding fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brukere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny melding i samtalen fra %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Reply now":["Svar nå"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte deg en ny melding:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte deg en ny melding i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Legg til flere deltagere i denne samtalen..."],"Add recipients":["Legg til mottakere"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger melding"],"Conversations":["Samtaler"],"There are no messages yet.":["Det er ingen meldinger her enda."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekreft sletting av samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekreft utmelding av samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekreft sletting av melding"],"Add user":["Legg til bruker"],"Delete conversation":["Slett samtale"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne samtalen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne meldingen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og forlate denne samtalen?"],"Leave":["Forlat"],"Leave conversation":["Forlat samtale"],"Leave discussion":["Forlat diskusjon"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv ett svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruker Innlegg"],"Sign up now":["Registrer deg nå"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle meldinger"],"Send message":["Send melding"],"Most active people":["Flest aktive brukere"],"Get a list":["Se listen"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Flest aktive brukere modul konfigurasjon"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Det høyeste nummer av aktive brukere som vil vises"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du kan konfigurere antall brukere som vises"],"Comments created":["Kommentarer laget"],"Likes given":["Likes gitt"],"Posts created":["Poster laget"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tilknyttede bruker (e)"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Tasks":["Oppgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke åpne oppgave!"],"Task":["Oppgave"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilknyttet oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} laget oppgave {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} fullførte oppgave {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tildelte deg en oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} lagde en ny oppgave {task}.\n"],"Create new task":["Lag ny oppgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger oppgave"],"Assign users":["Tilknytt brukere"],"What is to do?":["Hva er det og gjøre?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekreft sletting"],"Add Task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne oppgaven?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åpne oppgaver..."],"completed tasks":["fullførte oppgaver"],"Create":["Lag"],"Click, to finish this task":["Trykk for og fullføre oppgaven"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Denne oppgaven er allerede fullført. Trykk for og gjenåpne."],"My tasks":["Mine oppgaver"],"From space: ":["Fra gruppe: "],"There are no tasks yet!":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!
Vær den første til og lage noen..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildel meg"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen oppgaver er funnet som matcher ditt filter (e) !"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilknyttet"],"State is finished":["Status er fullført"],"State is open":["Status er åpen"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilknytt brukere denne oppgaven"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist for fullføring?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Legg til bruker(e) på forhånd."],"What to do?":["Hva skal gjøres?"],"Update HumHub":["Oppdater HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Oppdater HumHub BETA"],"Show more":["Vis mer"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datoen må være i fortid."],"Unsubscribe":["Avslutte abonnementet"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Her kan du koble til eksterne tjenesteleverandører for bruk av eksterne tjenester som for eksempel single sign-on-godkjenning."],"You're not registered.":["Du er ikke registrert."],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekreft sletting av side\n"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\r\n\r\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hei {displayName},

\r\n\r\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\r\n\r\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\r\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Pinned":["Låst","Lås"],"Unpinned":["Lås opp"],"User is already a member of this group.":["Bruker er allerede medlem av gruppe"],"Add Groups...":["Legg til grupper"],"Select Groups":["Velg grupper"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Bruker filter"],"Username":["Brukernavn"],"Advanced Settings":["Avanserte innstillinger"],"Appearance Settings":["Utseende innstillinger "],"General Settings":["Generelle innstillinger "],"Add new space":["Legg til ny gruppe"],"Invalid content id given!":["Ugyldig innholds-ID angitt!"],"Confirm Action":["Bekreft handling"],"Mail summary":["E-post sammendrag"],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["En feil oppstod (Handler not found)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["En uventet feil oppstod ved lasting av søkeresultat."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["En uventet feil oppstod. Hvis dette fortsetter å skje, ta kontakt med din administrator."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["En serverfeil oppstod. Hvis dette fortsetter å skje, ta kontakt med din administrator."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["En ukjent feil oppstod under opplasting."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["En ukjent feil oppstod under opplasting. Hing: sjekk upload_max_filesize og post_max_size i PHP-innstillingene."],"Confirm":["Bekreft"],"Copy to clipboard":["Kopier til utklippstavle"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Vil du virkelig utføre denne handlingen?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Feil under forrige handling (Invalid request method)."],"Error:":["Feil: "],"Info:":["Info:"],"Loading...":["Laster..."],"No error information given.":["Ingen feilinformasjon angitt."],"Open":["Åpne"],"Show less":["Vis mindre"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Noen filer kunne ikke lastes opp:"],"The file has been deleted.":["Filen er slettet."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["Forespurt ressurs ble ikke fnnet."],"The space has been archived.":["Gruppen er blitt arkivert."],"The space has been unarchived.":["Gruppen er hentet tilbake fra arkiv."],"Upload":["Last opp"],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Du har ikke tillatelse til å utføre denne handlingen."],"Bold":["Fet"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Sett inn link"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Sett inn bildelink"],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Ordered List":["nummerert liste"],"Quote":["Sitat"],"Target":["Mål"],"Unordered List":["punktliste"],"emphasized text":["uthevet tekst"],"heading text":["overskriftstekst"],"list text here":["listetekst her"],"quote here":["sitat her"],"strong text":["uthevet tekst"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-post sammendrag"],"Activities":["Aktiviteter"],"Daily":["Daglig"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-post sammendrag","Sammendrag på e-post"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-post sammendrag blir sendt for å informere deg om nylige aktiviteter."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-post sammendrag blir sendt for å informere brukerne om nylige aktiviteter."],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["Ekskluder følgende spaces fra e-post sammendraget"],"Hourly":["Hver time"],"Interval":["Intervall"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["På denne siden kan du konfigurere innhold og intervall for e-post sammendrag."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["På denne siden kan du definere standard oppsett for dine brukere. Disse innstillingene kan overstyres individuelt av brukerne."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["Bare inkluder følgende spaces i e-post sammendrag."],"Reset to defaults":["Tilbakestill","Tilbakestill til standard"],"Weekly":["Ukentlig"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["Du vil kun motta e-post hvis det er noe nytt å melde."],"Your weekly summary":["Ditt ukentlige sammendrag"],"See online:":["Se online:"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Når en kommentar ble skrevet"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle} in gruppen {space}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayName} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} kommenterte akkurat {contentTitle} i gruppen {space}"],"Receive Notifications when someone comments on my own or a following post.":["Motta varsling når noen kommenterer på mitt innlegg eller følger et innlegg."],"View Online":["Se online"],"Cancel Edit":["Avbryt redigering"],"Comment has been deleted":["Kommentar er slettet"],"Read full comment...":["Les hele kommentaren..."],"Contents":["Innhold"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Når noe innhold blir publisert."],"Updated":["Oppdatert"],"Could not delete content!":["Kunne ikke slette innhold."],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["Kan ikke slette innhold: ingen tilgang."],"Invalid request method!":["Feil."],"Maximum number of pinned items reached!\n\nYou can pin to top only two items at once.\nTo however pin this item, unpin another before!":["Maks antall pins er nådd. Du kan bare pinne to innlegg på en gang. For å pinne dette innlegget, fjern pin på et annet innlegg først."],"This action is disabled!":["Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig."],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} skrev akkurat {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} skrev akkurat {contentInfo} i gruppen {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} varsler deg om {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} varsler deg om {contentInfo} i gruppen {space}"],"New Content":["Nytt innhold"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Få varsling om nytt innhold du følger."],"This space is archived.":["Denne gruppen er arkivert","Dette området er arkivert."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Pin to top":["Pin til toppen"],"Unpin":["Fjern pin"],"The content has been archived.":["Innholdet er arkivert."],"The content has been deleted.":["Innhodlet er slettet."],"The content has been pinned.":["Innholdet er pinnet."],"The content has been unarchived.":["Innholdet er hentet tilbake fra arkivet."],"The content has been unpinned.":["Pin er fjernet."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["Din siste redigerte versjon er lagret!"],"This group has no members yet.":["Denne gruppen har ingen medlemmer."],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Filen {file} kunne ikke lastes opp."],"Open file":["Åpne fil"],"Could not find requested file variant!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket filtype!"],"Could not find requested file!":["Ikke ikke finne ønsket fil!","Fant ikke forespurt fil!"],"Download":["Last ned"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Ingen rettigheter!"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ugyldig Mime-type"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Bildestørrelsen er for stor til å kunne behandles med nåværende minneinnstilling på serveren!"],"Upload error":["Feil under opplasting"],"Could not upload File:":["Kunne ikke laste opp fil: "],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Dette feltet tillater opplasting av maks {n,plural,=1{# fil} other{# filer}}."],"Upload files":["Last opp filer"],"My friends":["Mine venner"],"Pending friend requests":["Venneforespørsler"],"Sent friend requests":["Sendte venneforespørsler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Godta venneforespørsel"],"Add Friend":["Legg til venn"],"Cancel friend request":["Avbryt venneforespørsel"],"Deny friend request":["Avvis venneforespørsel"],"Friends":["Venner"],"Requests":["Forespørsler"],"Sent requests":["Sendte forespørsler"],"Show all friends":["Vis alle venner"],"Unfriend":["Avslutt vennskap"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} godkjente din venneforespørsel."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} avviste din venneforespørsel."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} sendte deg en venneforespørsel."],"Friendship Request":["Venneforespørsel"],"Friendship Approved":["Venneforespørsel godkjent"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Laster ned og installerer moduler..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Create Admin Account":["Create Admin Account"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?"],"Welcome Space":["Welcome Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Your first sample space to discover the platform."],"Name of your network":["Nettverksnavn"],"Hostname":["Host"],"Name of Database":["Databasenavn"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Fyll inn eksempeldata (anbefalt)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Tillatt tilgang for ikke-registrerte brukere å se offentlig innhold (gjestetilgang)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Tillatt vennskap mellom medlemmer"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Eksterne brukere kan registrere seg (vis registrerings-skjema ved login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nylig registrerte brukere må aktiveres av en admin før de kan logge inn"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrerte brukere kan invitere nye brukere via e-post"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Jeg vil bruke HumHub for:"],"Admin Account":["Admin-konto"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er nesten ferdig. Her må du fylle ut feltene for å opprette en administrator-konto som kan administrere hele nettverket."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Ditt sosiale nettverk trenger åpenbart et navn. Fyll inn navnet du ønsker på ditt sosiale nettverk (for eksempel firmanavn, organisasjon eller klubb)"],"Social Network Name":["Navn på sosialt nettverk"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gratulerer. Du er ferdig."],"Sign in":["Logg inn"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Installasjonen er vellykket. Ha det gøy med ditt nye sosiale nettverk!"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub er veldig fleksibelt og kan tilpasses og utvides for forskjellige typer bruk ved hjelp av moduler. Følgende moduler er bare noen eksempler på de vi mener er viktigst for ditt sosiale nettverk.

Du kan alltid legge til og fjerne moduler senere. Du finner flere moduler tilgjengelig for installasjon i adminpanele.t"],"Recommended Modules":["Anbefalte moduler"],"Example contents":["Eksempel innhold"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["For å unngå et tomt dashboard når du logger inn første gangen, kan HumHub installere eksempeldata for deg. Dette gir deg et godt førsteinntrykk av hvordan HumHub fungerer. Du kan enkelt slette innholdet."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Her kan du bestemme hvordan nye, uregistrerte brukere kan få tilgang til HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Sikkerhetsinnstillinger"],"Configuration":["Innstillinger"],"My club":["Min klubb"],"My community":["Min vennegjeng"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Mitt firma"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Min utdanningsinstitusjon"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Hopp over dette, jeg vil sette opp alt manuelt"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["For å gjøre konfigureringen enklere har vi lagt opp noen maler for de mest brukte moduler og innstillinger. Du kan tilpasse dem i neste steg."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Velkommen til HumHub
Ditt sosiale nettverk!"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Denne veiviseren vil installere og tilpasse din HumHub installasjon.

Trykk neste for å fortsette."],"Database Configuration":["Database oppsett"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Nedenfor fyller du inn databasedetaljene. Hvis du ikke er sikker på denne informasjonen, vennligst kontakt din systemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnavn for din MySQL-server (localhost hvis denne kjører på samme maskin)"],"Initializing database...":["Setter opp database..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oj, noe gikk galt!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Navnet på databasen"],"Your MySQL password.":["Ditt MySQL passord"],"Your MySQL username":["Ditt MySQL brukernavn"],"System Check":["Systemsjekk!"],"Check again":["Sjekk på nytt"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gratulerer! Alt ser greit ut, prøv igjen."],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Denne oversikten viser deg systemkravene for HumHub."],"Likes":["Likes","Liker"],"Whenever someone likes something (e.g. a post or comment).":["Når noen liker noe (for eksempel et innlegg eller en kommentar)"],"Like":["Lik","Liker"],"Users who like this":["Brukere som liker dette"],"New Like":["Nytt likerklikk"],"{displayNames} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} liker innlegget {contentTitle}."],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} liker {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} liker innlegget {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} liker {contentTitle}."],"Receive Notifications when someone likes your content.":["Få varsling når noen liker innhold du har publisert."],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} liker {contentTitle}"]," likes this.":["liker dette."],"Unlike":["Liker ikke"],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Du liker dette."],"and {count} more like this.":["og {count} flere liker dette."],"Notification Settings":["Varsel innstillinger"],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Her kan du sette opp standardhendelser for dine brukere. Disse innstillingene kan overstyres av brukerne selv via deres oppsett."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Varlser er sendt direkte til dine brukere for å informere dem om aktiviteter i nettverket."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["Varsler er sendt umiddelbart for å informere deg om nye hendelser i nettverket."],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Her kan du sette opp varselinnstillinger ved å velge ønsket mål for hver av de forskjellige varselkategoriene."],"Web":["Web"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Tillatt skrivebordsvarsel som standard."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Motta 'nytt innhold'-varsel for følgende grupper"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Motta skrivebordsvarsel når du er online.","Få varsel på skrivebordet når du er online."],"View online:":["Se online:"],"Apply":["Lagre"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Tillatt at andre kan poste innlegg på din profilside"],"Specify space":["Spesifisér område"],"Space member joined":["Gruppen brukeren ble med i"],"Space member left":["Gruppen brukeren forlot"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Når en bruker forlater en av dine grupper."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Når en bruker blir med i en av dine grupper."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Ingen tilgang - du kan ikke invitere medlemmer!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Brukeren er allerede medlem av gruppen."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Brukeren er ikke medlem av denne gruppen."],"the default start page of this space for members":["standard startside for denne gruppens brukere"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["standard startsiden for denne gruppens gjester"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Startside (gjester)"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Motta notifikasjon for venneforespørsler og hendelser."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Motta notifikasjoner for godkjenning og invitasjoner."],"Space Membership":["Gruppemedlemskap"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Tillat at brukeren lager offentlig innhold"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Tillatt brukeren å invitere nye medlemmer til gruppenb"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan lage private grupper."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan lage offentlige grupper (listet i oversikt)"],"Create private space":["Lag private gruppe"],"Create public content":["Lag offentlig innhold"],"Create public space":["Lag offentlig gruppe"],"Invite users":["Invitér brukere"],"Modify space image":["Endre gruppebilde"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette gruppen? Alt publisert innhold blir fjernet!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Vennligst tast inn ditt passord for å fortsette!"],"Archive":["Arkivér"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Velg om nytt innhold skal være offentlig eller privat som standard"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Velg type medlemskap du vil tildele i denne gruppen."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Velg sikkerhetsnivå for denne gruppen for å definere synlighet."],"Manage members":["Vedlikehold av medlemmer"],"Remove":["Fjern"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Space Modules":["Gruppemoduler"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* moduldata for denne gruppen vil fjernes!"],"Configure":["Konfigurer"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Akkurat nå er det ingen moduler tilgjengelig for denne gruppen!"],"Disable":["Deaktivér"],"Enable":["Aktivér","Aktiver"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Utvid gruppen med moduler."],"Create new space":["Opprett ny gruppe"],"Advanced access settings":["Avansert tilgangskontroll"],"Space name":["Gruppenavn"],"space description":["Gruppebeskrivelse"],"Add Modules":["Legg til moduler"],"Space settings":["Gruppeinnstillinger"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Tilgangsrettigheter settes for forskjellige brukerroller. For å redigere rettigheter, velg brukerrollen du ønsker å endre, og så endre verdien for den valgte rettigheten i nedtrekkslisten."],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Ikke motta varsel for nytt innhold."],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Motta varsel for nytt innhold"],"Add Space":["Legg til gruppe"],"No spaces found for the given query":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}"],"This space is archived":["Gruppen er arkivért"],"You are following this space":["Du følger denne gruppen"],"No member or following spaces found.":["Ingen medlemmer ble funnet i følgende grupper:"],"No result found for the given filter.":["Ingen resultater."],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["For å søke blant grupper, skriv inn minst {count} tegn."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} siden ditt siste besøk"],"Modify your profile image":["Endre ditt profilbilde"],"Modify your title image":["Endre ditt bakgrunnsbilde"],"Not registered users":["Ingen registrerte brukere"],"Other users":["Andre brukere"],"Your friends":["Dine venner"],"Current Password":["Nåværende passord"],"Sign in / up":["Logg inn / registrér deg","Logg inn / registrer deg"],"City":["Sted"],"Custom":["Tilpasset"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Faks"],"Female":["Kvinne"],"First name":["Fornavn"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Kjønn"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Skjul år i profil"],"Last name":["Etternavn"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mann"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon arbeid"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype-navn"],"State":["Fylke"],"Street":["Gate"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"YouTube URL":["YouTube URL"],"Zip":["Postnummer"],"Translation Category ID":["Oversettelseskategori ID"],"Type Config":["Type konfigurasjon"],"Communication":["Kommunikasjon"],"Social bookmarks":["Sosiale bokmerker"],"Checkbox":["Avkrysningsboks"],"Datetime":["Datetime"],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Number":["Tall"],"Select List":["Select-boks"],"Birthday field options":["Valg for bursdag"],"Hide age per default":["Skjul alder som standard"],"Checkbox field options":["Avhukingsboks"],"Default value":["Standard verdi","Standardverdi"],"Date(-time) field options":["Innstillinger for dato(-tid) felt"],"Show date/time picker":["Vis dato/tid velger"],"Maximum value":["Maks verdi"],"Minimum value":["Minimum verdi"],"Number field options":["Tallfelt innstillinger"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Kommaseparerte landskoder (f.eks. DE, EN, AU, NO)"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Én innstilling per linje. Key=>Value-format (f.eks. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Vennligst velg:"],"Possible values":["Mulige verdier"],"Select field options":["Velg feltvalg"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Støttede ISO3166 landskoder"],"Maximum length":["Maks lengde"],"Minimum length":["Minimum lengde"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regular Expression: Error message"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regular Expression: Validator"],"Text Field Options":["Tekstfeltvalg"],"Validator":["Validering"],"Text area field options":["Tekstfeltvalg"],"Auth Mode":["Autentisering"],"Default Space":["Standardgruppe"],"Last Login":["Sist innlogget"],"Manager":["Administrator"],"New user needs approval":["Ny bruker trenger godkjenning"],"Show At Directory":["Vis i oversikt"],"Show At Registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Space ID":["Gruppe ID"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} følger deg."],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} nevnte deg akkurat i {contentTitel} \"{preview}\""],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} nevnte deg i {contentTitle}."],"Following":["Følger"],"Mentionings":["Nevnt"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Få varsler når noen følger deg."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Få varsler når noen nevner deg."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Gir tilgang til siden din med personlig informasjon."],"View your about page":["Se din side."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Din nåværende e-post adresse er {email}. Du kan endre din e-post adresse her."],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Din e-post adresse er nå endret til {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Vi har akkurat sendt deg en e-post for bekreftelse.
Vennligst følg instruksjonene i e-posten."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Ditt nåværende passord kan endres her."],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Ditt passord er endret!","Din passordendring er vellykket!"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette kontoen din?
Alt ditt innhold vil fjernes!"],"Delete account":["Slett konto"],"Enter your password to continue":["Fyll inn ditt passord for å fortsette"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Beklager, som eier av en gruppe kan ikke din konto slettes!
Vennligst sett en annen eier eller slett gruppen."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Her kan du redigere generell profilinformasjon."],"User modules":["Brukermoduler"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALL* moduldata for din profil vil slettes!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Utvid din profil med moduler."],"Registered users only":["Kun registrerte brukere"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Synlig for alle (også uregistrerte brukere)"],"Always":["Alltid"],"Daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Få en e-post for hver aktivitet brukere du følger gjør i en gruppe."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Få en e-post når andre brukere kommenterer eller liker et innlegg du har opprettet."],"When I´m offline":["Når jeg er offline"],"Account registration":["Opprett konto"],"Create Account":["Opprett konto"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Din konto er opprettet!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Etter aktivering av din konto av en administrator vil du motta en e-post med bekreftelse."],"Go to login page":["Gå til innlogging"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["For å logge inn med din nye konto, klikk knappen nedenfor."],"back to home":["tilbake"],"Join the network":["Bli medPlease sign in":["Vennligst logg inn"],"Sign up":["Registrer deg"],"Create a new one.":["Lag en ny"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Har du ingen konto? Bli med i det sosiale nettverket ved å taste inn din e-post adresse."],"Forgot your password?":["Glemt passord?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Hvis du allerede er medlem, logg inn med ditt brukernavn/e-post og pasord."],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Logg inn med ditt brukernavn/e-post og passord."],"Remember me":["Husk meg"],"email":["e-post"],"password":["passord"],"username or email":["brukernavn eller e-post"],"Password recovery":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Tast inn din e-post adresse, vi sender deg informasjon om hvordan du gjenoppretter passordet ditt!"],"Password recovery":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Reset password":["Tilbakestill passord"],"enter security code above":["tast inn sikkerhetskoden over"],"your email":["din e-post adresse"],"Password recovery!":["Gjenopprett passord"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Vi har sendt deg en e-post med en link som hjelper deg å gjenopprette passordet ditt!"],"Registration successful!":["Konto opprettet!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Sjekk innboksen din for en e-post med mer informasjon!"],"Registration successful":["Registrering vellykket!"],"Change your password":["Endre passord"],"Change password":["Endre passord"],"Password reset":["Tilbakestill passord"],"Password changed!":["Passord endret!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bekreft ny e-post adresse"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du har bedt om å endre din e-post adresse.
\nDin nye e-post adresse er {newemail}.

\nFor å bekrefte den nye e-post adressen, vennligst klikk knappen nedenfor."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hei {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Hvis du ikke bruker denne linken innen 24 timer vil den være ugyldig."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Vennligst følg linken i løpet av det neste døgnet for å gjenopprette passordet ditt."],"Reset Password":["Gjenopprett passord"],"Registration Link":["Link til registrering"],"Sign up":["Registrer deg"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Velkommen til %appName%. Vennligst klikk knappen nedenfor for å fortsette."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Invitasjon til å bli med i: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registrer deg nå og bli med!"],"You got an invite":["Du har fått en invitasjon"],"invited you to join {name}.":["inviterer deg til å bli med {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["inviterer deg til å bli med i gruppen {space} på {name}."],"About this user":["Om denne brukeren"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Denne profilstrømmen er fortsatt tom!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Din profilstrøm er tom. Kom i gang og post noe..."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vil du virkelig slette bildet?"],"Account settings":["Kontoinnstillinger"],"Add more...":["Legg til flere..."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the result.":["En feil oppstod når resultatet ble lastet inn."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Vennligst skriv inn minst {n} tegn"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{enhet} other{enheter}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# enhet} other{# enheter}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Du har nått maks antall tegn ({n})."],"Permission":["Tilgang"],"Profile menu":["Profilmeny"],"No users found for the given query.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Velg {n,plural,=1{# bruker} other{# brukere}}."],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Dette feltet tillater maks {n,plural,=1{# bruker} other{# brukere}}."],"Edit account":["Redigér konto"],"Following user":["Følger denne brukeren"],"User followers":["Bruker sine følgere"],"Member in these spaces":["Medlem av disse gruppene"],"User tags":["Brukertags"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Bursdager de kommende {days} dagene"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfigurér bursdag-modulen"],"In {days} days":["Om {days} dager"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Antall dager å vise burdager innenfor."],"Tomorrow":["I morgen"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kan konfigerere antall dager å vise bursdager innenfor."],"becomes {years} years old.":["blir {years} gammel."],"today":["i dag"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Legger til en kalender for private eller offentlige arrangement til din profil og hovedmeny."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Legger til en kalender i denne gruppen."],"All Day":["Hele dagen"],"Attending users":["Brukere som deltar"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Brukere som ikke deltar"],"End Date":["Slutter dato"],"End Time":["Slutt"],"End time must be after start time!":["Aktiviteten kan ikke slutte før den har startet."],"Event":["Aktiviteten"],"Event not found!":["Kan ikke finne aktiviteten."],"Maybe attending users":["Brukere som kanskje deltar"],"Participation Mode":["Alternativ for deltagelse"],"Start Date":["Starter dato"],"Start Time":["Start"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å slette denne aktiviteten."],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å redigere eventen!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% opprettet en ny %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar på %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar kanskje på %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltar ikke på %contentTitle%."],"Create event":["Opprett aktivitet"],"Edit event":["Rediger aktivitet"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Merk: Denne eventen blir lagt til på din profil. For å legge til en gruppeevent åpner du kalenderen i den ønskede gruppen."],"End Date/Time":["Slutt dato & tid"],"Everybody can participate":["Med påmelding"],"No participants":["Uten påmelding"],"Participants":["Deltagere"],"Attend":["Delta"],"Decline":["Avvis"],"Edit event":["Redigér event"],"Maybe":["Kanskje"],"Filter events":["Filtrer events"],"Select calendars":["Velg kalendere"],"Already responded":["Allerede besvart"],"Followed spaces":["Følger grupper"],"Followed users":["Følger brukere"],"I´m attending":["Jeg deltar"],"My events":["Mine events"],"Not responded yet":["Ikke besvart enda"],"Upcoming events ":["Kommende aktiviteter"],":count attending":[":count deltar"],":count declined":[":count deltar ikke"],":count maybe":[":count deltar kanskje"],"Participants:":["Deltagere:"],"Add Dropbox files":["Legg til Dropbox-filer"],"Invalid file":["Ugyldig fil"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API-nøkkel"],"Show warning on posting":["Vis advarsler på innlegg"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox-innlegg"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Innstillinger for Dropbox-modulen"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Dropbox-modulen krever en aktiv Dropbox-applikasjon. Vennligst gå til denne linken, velg \"Drop-ins app\" og oppgi et applikasjonsnavn for å få en API-nøkkel."],"Dropbox settings":["Innstillinger for Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Beskriv filer"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Beklager, Dropbox-modulen er ikke konfigurert enda. Ta kontakt med din administrator."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Dropbox modulen er ikke konfigurert enda. Gå hit for å sette den opp."],"Select files from dropbox":["Velg filer fra Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Hallo du! Du deler private filer!"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Ikke vis denne advarselen i fremtiden"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Filene du deler er private. For å dele filene med gruppen må vi generere en dele-link. Alle med linken kan da se denne filen. Er du sikker på at du vil dele?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, jeg er sikker"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Beklager Maks antall brukere nådd"],"Administrative Contact":["Administrativ kontakt"],"Advanced Options":["Avanserte innstillinger"],"Custom Domain":["Egendefinert domene"],"Datacenter":["Datasenter"],"Delete instance":["Slett instans"],"Export data":["Eksporter data"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Support / få hjelp"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Det er for øyeblikket ingen ledige brukerplasser på denne serveren."],"Your plan":["Din avtale"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Velg forhåndsvisning"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Legger til møtebehandler til denne gruppen."],"Agenda Entry":["Agenda"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Formatet må være TIME:MINUTT"],"Meeting":["Møte"],"Meetings":["Møter"],"Begin":["Start"],"End":["Slutt"],"Location":["Sted"],"Room":["Rom","rom"],"Minutes":["Minutter"],"End must be after begin":["Slutt må være etter start"],"No valid time":["Ingen gyldig tid"],"Task description":["Oppgavebeskrivelse"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Bekreft sletting av møte"],"Create new meeting":["Opprett nytt møte"],"Edit meeting":["Redigér møte"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Legg til eksterne deltagere (fri tekst)"],"Add participant":["Legg til deltager"],"Add participants":["Legg til deltagere"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette møtet?"],"External participants":["Eksterne deltagere"],"Title of your meeting":["Tittel på møtet"],"hh:mm":["tt:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Bekreft sletting av agendapunkt"],"Create new entry":["Opprett nytt punkt på agendaen"],"Edit entry":["Rediger agendapunkt"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Legg til eksterne moderatorer (fri tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Legg til moderator"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette punktet?"],"External moderators":["Eksterne moderatorer"],"Title of this entry":["Tittel på agendapunkt"],"Edit Note":["Rediger notat"],"Note content":["Notat"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Møtedetaljer: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Neste møter"],"Past meetings":["Forrige møter"],"Add a protocol":["Legg til protokoll"],"Add a task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Opprett din første agenda ved å klikke på knappen."],"New agenda entry":["Nytt agendapunkt"],"New meeting":["Nytt møte"],"Print agenda":["Skriv ut agenda"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Share meeting":["Del møte"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Start nå ved å opprette et nytt møte!"],"Today":["I dag"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Beklager, det er ingen innlegg foreløpig."],"Share meeting":["Del møte"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Legg til i din kalender og inviter deltagere"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Legg til i din personlige kalender"],"Export ICS":["Eksporter ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Send varsel til alle deltagere"],"Send now":["Send nå"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Sender internt varsel til alle deltagere av møtet."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Dette vil opprette en ICS-fil som kan brukes for å legge til møtet i din personlige kalender."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Dette vil opprette en ICS-fil som kan brukes for å legge til møtet i din personlige kalender, invitere brukere og avvente deres svar."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} inviterte deg til {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Denne oppgaven er relatert til %link%"],"Get details...":["Se detaljer..."],"Notes":["Notater"],"Allows to start polls.":["Tillater å starte en meningsmåling."],"Polls":["Meningsmålinger"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonym meningsmåling"],"Could not load poll!":["Kunne ikke laste meningsmåling!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ugyldig svar!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Brukerne stemte for: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Stemming på flere alternativer er ikke tillatt!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Du har ikke tilgang til å utføre handlingen!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Igjen? ; Weary"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Bestem et sted å møtes"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["på hjørnet"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Akkurat nå er vi i planleggingen av neste møte, vi ønsker å vite hvor vi skal møtes?"],"To Daniel":["Hos Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Hva med nærmeste bar?"],"Answers":["Svar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Flere svar pr bruker"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Vennligst spesifisér minst {min} svaralternativer!"],"Question":["Spørsmål"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} svarte på {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} stiller spørsmålet: {question}."],"User who vote this":["Brukere som stemte dette"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} laget en meningsmåling og tagget deg."],"Ask":["Spør"],"Anonymous":["Anonym"],"Closed":["Lukket"],"Complete Poll":["Ferdigstill meningsmåling"],"Reopen Poll":["Gjenåpne meningsmåling"],"Reset my vote":["Tilbakestill min stemme"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["og {count} stemte på dette."],"votes":["stemmer"],"Add answer...":["Legg til svar..."],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Tillagg flere svar pr bruker?"],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anonyme svar?"],"Ask something...":["Still et spørsmål..."],"Display answers in random order?":["Vis svar i tilfeldig rekkefølge?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Rediger svar (tomme svar vil fjernes)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Rediger spørsmålet..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Det er ingen meningsmålinger enda!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen meningsmålinger enda!
Vær førstemann til å lage en..."],"Asked by me":["Spurt av meg"],"No answered yet":["Ikke besvart enda"],"Only private polls":["Bare private meningsmålinger"],"Only public polls":["Bare offentlige meningsmålinger"],"Translations":["Oversettelser"],"Translation Editor":["Oversettelseseditor"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bekreft tilbakestilling av side"],"Overview of all pages":["Oversikt over alle sider"],"Page history":["Sidehistorikk"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki-modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Legger til et wiki i denne gruppen"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Legger til et wiki på din profil"],"Back to page":["Tilbake til side"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne siden?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vil du virkelig tilbakestille denne siden?"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Edited at":["Redigert"],"Go back":["Gå tilbake"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ugyldig tegn i sidetittel!"],"Is homepage":["Er hovedside"],"Let's go!":["Kom igjen!"],"Main page":["Hovedside"],"New page":["Ny side"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Ingen sider opprettet enda. Lag den første siden nå!"],"Page History":["Sidehistorikk"],"Page creation disabled!":["Opprettelse av sider er deaktivert!"],"Page not editable!":["Siden kan ikke redigeres!"],"Page not found.":["Siden ikke funnet."],"Page title already in use!":["Sidetittel allerede i bruk!"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Ikke tillatt! Du har ikke administratorrettigheter."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Ikke tillatt! Du har ingen rettigheter til å se historikken."],"Protected":["Beskyttet"],"Revert":["Tilbakestill"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Tilbakestilling ikke mulig, allerede siste revisjon!"],"Revert this":["Tilbakestill denne"],"View":["Visning"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Du må være medlem av gruppen \"%space_name%\" for å se denne wikisiden!"],"by":["av"],"Wiki page":["Wikiside"],"Create new page":["Opprett side"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Sett inn wiki sidetittel eller url (f.eks. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Ny sidetittel"],"Page content":["Sideinnhold"],"Open wiki page...":["Åpne wikiside..."],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.

\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:

\n\n Hilsen

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hei {displayName},

\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.

\n\n Hilsen

"],"Confirm meeting deletion":["Bekreft sletting av møte"],"Confirm entry deletion":["Bekreft sletting av agendapunkt"],"Logo of {appName}":["Logo for {appName}"],"My profile image":["Mitt profil bilde"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profil bilde for {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profil bilde for {displayName}"],"Upload file":["Last opp fil"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ingen - Viser ned nedtrekksmeny i brukerregistreringen."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Lagret og tømt cache."],"1 month":["En måned"],"1 week":["En uke"],"1 year":["Ett år"],"2 weeks":["To Uker"],"3 months":["Tre måneder"],"6 months":["Ett halvt år"],"Encryption":["Kryptering"],"Port number":["Port nummer"],"Permissions":["Tilatelser","Tillatelser"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Det er ingen moduler som er installert enda. Installer noen for å forbedre funksjonaliteten."],"Version:":["Versjon:"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aksepter bruker: {displayName}"],"Send & save":["Send & lager"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Avvis og slett bruker: {displayName}"],"Manage groups":["Administrer grupper"],"Create new group":["Opprett en ny gruppe"],"Available updates":["Tilgjengelige oppdateringer"],"Modules directory":["Modul katalog"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data vil bli slette!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* moduler relaterte data og filer vil bli slettet!"],"Enable module...":["Aktiverer modul.."],"More info":["Mer info"],"Set as default":["Sett som default"],"Uninstall":["Avinstaller"],"Space Settings":["Gruppe innstillinger"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren?"],"Confirm user deletion":["Bekreft sletting av brukeren"],"If this user is owner of some spaces, you will automatically become owner of these spaces.":["Hvis denne brukeren eier noen grupper, du automatisk ble eier av disse gruppene."],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} postet på din profil {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Innholdssynlighet"],"Search for spaces":["Søk etter grupper"],"Show {i} more.":["Vise {i} mer."],"Hello {displayName},":["Hei {displayName}"],"Please click on the link below to view request:":["Vennligst trykk på linken nedenfor for å se forespørselen:"],"a new user {displayName} needs approval.":["en ny bruker {displayName} trenger godkjenning."],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["Du er blitt invitert til å delta i %appName%"],"Add profile calendar":["Opprett profil kalender"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Tillat svaralternativ \"Avvis\""],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Tillat svaralternativ \"Kanskje\""],"Attending":["Deltar"],"Event Type":["Aktivitetstype"],"Event type color":["Farge aktivitetstype"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Hvis du vil opprette en aktivitet i din personlige kalender, må du aktivere kalender modulen på din profil først. "],"Interested":["Intressert"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Ugyldig aktiviteststype id valgt."],"Invited":["Invitert"],"Maximum number of participants":["Maks antall deltagere"],"Send update notification":["Send varsel om oppdatering"],"Time Zone":["Tidssone"],"canceled":["avlyst"],"(global)":["(global)"],"Calendar module configuration":["Konfigurasjon Kalendermodul"],"Confirm Deletion":["Bekreft sletting"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Legger til en snippet med nærstående aktivitet til Oversikt"],"Create new type":["Opprett ny"],"Default event settings":["Standard aktivitetinnstillinger"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Bekreft sletting av aktivitetstype."],"Event Type Configuration":["Konfigurasjon aktivitetstyper"],"Half a year":["Et halvt år"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Her kan du konfigurere standard innstillinger for kalender aktiviteter"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Her kan du konfigurere standard innstillinger for kalender aktiviteter. Innstillingene kan skrives over på gruppe- og profilnivå."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Her kan du redigere dine aktivitetstyper"],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Hvis aktivert, vil Kalender kun vise i hovedmenyen og snippet under Oversikt kun være synlig for brukere som har kalendermodulen installert på sin profil."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Intervall for kommende aktiviteter "],"Max event items":["Maks antall aktiviteter"],"One month":["En måned"],"One week":["En uke"],"One year":["Ett år"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Vis kun øverste menypunkt og snippet hvis modulen er installert på brukerens profil"],"Reset":["Tilbakestill"],"Show snippet":["Vis snippet"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Det er ingen aktivitetstyper tilgjengelig"],"Upcoming events snippet":["Snippet for kommende aktiviteter"],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Bli varslet om hendelser knyttet til kalenderen"],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet '{contentTitle}' i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} har avlyst aktivitet '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har oppdatert aktivitet {contentTitle} i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} har oppdatert aktivitet {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet {contentTitle} i gruppen {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["Gir brukeren tilgang til å opprette aktiviteter"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["Gir brukeren tilgang til å redigere/slette eksisterende aktiviteter"],"Create entry":["Opprette"],"Manage entries":["Endre"],"Create new event type":["Opprett ny aktiviteststype"],"Create new type":["Opprett ny type"],"Edit event type":["Rediger aktivitetstype"],"Participation":["Påmelding"],"Select event type...":["Velg aktivitetstype"],"Participant information:":["Deltaker informasjon:"],"Read full description...":["Les hele beskrivelsen..."],"Read full participation info...":["Les hele deltaker informasjonen..."],"Defaults":["Standard innstillinger"],"Event Types":["Aktivitetstyper"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Open Calendar":["Åpne Kalender"],"Add new gallery":["Opprett nytt bildegalleri"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Bekreft sletting av bildegalleri"],"Confirm delete item":["Bekreft sletting av element"],"Edit gallery":["Rediger bildegalleri"],"Gallery ":["Bildegalleri"],"Gallery settings":["Innstillinger for bildegalleri"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Tillat at andre kan sende deg private meldinger"],"Receive private messages":["Motta private meldinger"],"Abort":["Avbryt"],"Preparing system":["Forbereder systemet"],"Update successful":["Oppdatering vellykket"],"Validating package":["Kontrollerer pakken"],"End guide":["Avslutt veileder"],"Next »":["Neste »"],"« Prev":["« Forrige"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Dra et bilde hit eller klikk for å bla gjennom filer"],"Hide my year of birth":["Skjul fødselsår"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Hei %firstname%, takk for at du bruker Friskus."],"Save and close":["Lagre og lukk"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Hurra, du er den første brukeren her. Vis vei og fyll ut din profil,
så andre kan se til deg som eksempel."],"Your firstname":["Fornavn"],"Your lastname":["Etternavn"],"Your mobild phone number":["Mobilnummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Jobbtelefonnummer"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Her kan du skrive kjekke ting du har gjort,
og ting du har mer eller mindre peiling på (del listen med komma)"],"Your title or position":["Her kan du skrive din tittel eller aller helst noe gøy"],"Administration":["Administrasjon"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Dett var dett."],"Modules":["Moduler"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Som Admin kan du administrere hele løsningen herfra.

"],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du er nå i verktøysmenyen. Herfra kan du ta deg til HumHubs online markedsplass, hvor du superenkelt kan installere flere spennende verktøy til plattformen din.

"],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Her er din oversikt.

Nyheter og innlegg om ting du bryr deg om dukker opp her."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrasjon for moduler"],"Edit account":["Redigér brukerkonto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! Slutt."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurra! I mål!"],"Profile photo":["Profilebilde"],"Profile stream":["Profilestrøm"],"User profile":["Brukerprofil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klikk her om du vil oppdatere profilen din og endre brukerinnstillinger. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Hver profil har sin nyhetsstrøm. Innlegg du skriver vil dukke opp på nyhetsstrømmen til brukere som følger deg."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Din profil kan personliggjøres med forskjellige moduler.

Se hvilke modules som er tilgjengelige under \"Moduler\" i brukerinnstillingene dine."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dette er din brukerprofil, slik den ser ut for andre brukere. Du kan også velge å ha skjult profil."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Last opp ett nytt profilbilde ved å klikke her eller dra og dropp. Du kan gjøre det samme med bakgrunnsbildet."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du har fullført veiledningen for profil."],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Du har fullført veiledningen for profil.

Klikk her for å fortsette med administrasjonsveiledningen:

"],"Most recent activities":["Siste hendelser"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Profile Guide":["Veiledning Profil"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Space navigation menu":["Gruppemeny "],"Space preferences":["Innstillinger for gruppe "],"Writing posts":["Skrive innlegg"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hurra. Du er i mål."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Her ser du medlemmer i gruppen.

Gruppen bestemmer hvem som kan bli medlem og hvordan."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Her kan du skrive nye innlegg."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Som medlem av en gruppe kan du delta på aktiviteter som gruppen arrangerer, diskutere innlegg og følge med på det som skjer."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Dett var dett om grupper.

Klikk videre for å gå videre til brukerprofil:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Her finner du gruppemenyen - gruppens kalender og også annet som gruppen har lagt til. Det kan være egne informasjonssider, undersøkelser med mer."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Denne menyen er kun synlig for gruppens administratorer. Her kan du endre innstillinger, legge til medlemmer og legge til verktøy til gruppen."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Siste hendelser fra gruppens medlemmer ser du her."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Dine, og andre brukeres innlegg dukker opp her.

Disse kan du like og kommentere - og husk å behandle andre med den samme respekt og forståelse som du ønsker og fortjener."],"Account Menu":["Brukerkontomeny"],"Notifications":["Varslinger"],"Space Menu":["Gruppemeny"],"Start space guide":["Start veiledning for grupper"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ding ding.

Bjelle-ikonet holder deg informert om hendelser og innlegg som er viktig for deg."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Brukermenyen gir deg tilgang til dine brukerinnstillinger og lar deg gjøre endringer til din profil."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Denne er verdt å merke seg. Her finner du nemlig alle grupper som du er medlem av."]," Remove panel":["Ta bort panel"],"Getting Started":["Kom igang"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Veiledning: Administrasjon (Moduler)"],"Guide: Overview":["Veiledning: Grunnleggende"],"Guide: Spaces":[" Veiledning: Grupper"],"Guide: User profile":[" Veiledning: Brukerprofil"],"Remove tour panel":["Ta bort veiledningspanel"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Ta en rundtur gjennom plattformen med disse veiledningene:"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Veiledningspanelet vil ikke lenger vises her. Du kan hente det frem igjen under
Brukerinnstillinger."],"Administrator:":["Administrator:"],"Moderator:":["Moderator:"],"Owner:":["Eier:"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["Du kan desverre kun laste opp {n,plural,=1{# fil} other{# filer}} om gangen. "],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% har en ugyldig filtype og ble hoppet over."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Bekreft sletting av fil"],"Create folder":["Lag ny mappe"],"Edit file":["Rediger fil"],"Edit folder":["Rediger mappe"],"File download url":["Filnedlasting url"],"File url":["Fil url"],"Files module configuration":["Konfigurasjon Filmodul"],"Folder url":["Mappe url"],"Move files":["Flytt filer"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Det finnes allerede en fil med samme filnavn i denne mappen."],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Det finnes allerede en mappe med samme navn."],"Add directory":["Legg til mappe"],"Add file(s)":["Legg til fil(er)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Legger til Filmodulen til denne gruppen. "],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Legger til Filmodulen til din profil. "],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["Det oppstod en feil under oppretting av {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["Det oppstod en feil under utpakking av {filename}."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Kunne ikke hente ut arkivert fil %filename%."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Kan ikke redigere - filen finnes ikke. "],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Kunne ikke finne mappe med id: %id%"],"Creator":["Forfatter"],"Destination folder not found!":["Kunne ikke finne mappen du vil flytte til."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Deaktiver arkivsupport (ZIP)"],"Display Url":["Vis url"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Vil du virkelig slette {number} element inkludert alt innhold?"],"Download ZIP":["Lastned ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Rediger mappe"],"File":["Fil"],"Files from the stream":["Filer fra nyhetsstrøm"],"Folder":["Mappe"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Mappenavn bør ikke ha mellomrom først eller sist. "],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["Mappen {name} kan ikke flyttes til seg selv."],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["Mappen {name} er ikke redigerbar."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Du har ikke nødvendige rettigheter for å utføre handlingen."],"Likes/Comments":["Likes/Kommentarer"],"Make Private":["Gjør privat"],"Make Public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Move":["Flytt"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Du kan ikke flytte til samme mappe."],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Du kan ikke flytte til denne mappen."],"Open file folder":["Åpne mappe"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Åpning av arkiv mislyktes. Feilkode %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Velg en gyldig mappe for flytting av %title%."],"Root":["Root"],"Selected items...":["Valgte element..."],"Show Post":["Vis innlegg"],"Size":["Størrelse"],"Size: {size}":["Størrelse: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Noen filer kunne ikke importeres:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Noen filer kunne ikke flyttes:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["Root-mappen inneholder alle tilgjengelige filer."],"This file is private.":["Filen er privat."],"This file is public.":["Filen er offentlig."],"This folder is empty.":["Mappen er tom."],"This folder is private.":["Mappen er privat."],"This folder is public.":["Mappen er offentlig."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Du mangler rettigheter for å laste opp og redigere filer."],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Last opp filer og lag mapper med knappene øverst."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Når du laster opp filer i nyhetsstrømmen, lagres de i denne mappen."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["Du finner alle filer som er lagt til i nyhetsstrømmen her."],"ZIP selected":["ZIP valgt"],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["ZIP support er ikke aktivert."],"Folder ID":["Mappe ID"],"Is Public":["Er offentlig"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Merk: endringer i mappens synlighet, vil overføres til alle filer og mapper inneholdt i mappen."],"Parent Folder ID":["Overordnet mappe ID"],"Add files":["Legg til filer"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Gir brukeren rettigheter til å endre og slette alle filer."],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Gir brukeren rettigheter til å laste opp nye filer og opprette nye mapper."],"Manage files":["Administrer filer"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Kunne ikke lagre filen %title%."],"List of galleries":["Alle bildegalleri"],"Add Gallery":["Legg til bildegalleri"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Legger til bildegallerimodul til denne gruppen"],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Legger til bildegallerimodul til din profil"],"Choose snippet gallery":["Hvilket galleri skal vises i snippet"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Klikk her for å legge til et nytt bildegalleri"],"Click or drop files here":["Klikk eller dra filer her"],"Delete Gallery":["Slett galleri"],"Deleted":["Slettet"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Ønsker du å slette dette bildegalleriet med alt innhold?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Ønsker du å slette dette elementet med alt innhold?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Ikke vis galleri snippet"],"Edit Gallery":["Rediger bildegalleri"],"Gallery":["Bildegalleri"],"Gallery:":["Bildegalleri:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Hvis bildegalleriet ikke er synlig for gjeldende bruker, vil siste synlige galleri vises i stedet."],"Item could not be deleted!":["Elementet kunne ikke slettes."],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Siste bildegalleri - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Gjør bildegalleriet offentlig"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Åpne bildegalleri"],"Posted Media Files":["Mediainnlegg"],"Posted pictures":["Bildeinnlegg"],"Show connected post":["Vis tilknyttet innlegg"],"Size:":["Størrelse:"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Her er ingen bildegalleri ennå. Kom igang og opprett et nytt bildegalleri"],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder bilder fra din profil."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder mediafiler fra gruppens nyhetsstrøm."],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Bildegalleriet inneholder media fra innlegg."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Dette bildegalleriet inneholder bilder fra innlegg."],"added by ":["lagt til av"],"of posted media files":["av mediafiler"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Legger til en kalender for private eller offentlige arrangement til din profil og hovedmeny."],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Tast inn din e-post adresse, vi sender deg informasjon om hvordan du gjenoppretter passordet ditt!"],"Enter security code above":["tast inn sikkerhetskoden over"],"Your email":["din e-post adresse"],"I'm attending":["Jeg deltar"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Gjeste modus er ikke aktivert, Vennligst logg på først."],"Login required for this section.":["Pålogging er nødvendig for denne delen."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["Du har dessverre ikke tilgang til denne seksjonen"],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["Du trenger administrator tilgang for denne seksjonen"],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Din brukerkonto er ikke godkjent enda, prøv igjen senere eller kontakt administrator."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Brukerkontoen din er inaktiv. Logg på med en aktiv konto eller kontakt administrator."],"[Deleted]":["[Slettet]"],"Choose target calendar":["Velg mål kalender"],"Profile Calendar":["Profil Kalender"],"(disabled)":["(ikke i bruk)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Her kan du redigere kalender typene som er støttet i andre moduler"],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Andre kalender konfigurasjoner"],"Edit calendar":["Rediger kalenderen"],"Other Calendars":["Andre Kalendere"],"Edit media":["Rediger media"],"Conversation":["Samtale"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Motta varsel når noen starter en ny samtale."],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Motta varsel når noen sender deg en melding."],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Nøkkel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL til Etherpad"],"Note":["Notat"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} opprettet ett nytt notat {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} har redigert med notatet {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Sukssefull API tilkobling"],"Could not connect to API!":["Kunne ikke koble til API"],"Current Status:":["Nåværende status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notat Modul Konfigurasjon"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Vennligst les modul dokumentasjonen under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for flere detaljer."],"Save & Test":["Lagre & test"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Notat modulen trenger en etherpad server som kjører."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["f.eks http://dittdomene/pad/"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} laget et nytt notat som er tildelt deg."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} har redigert notatet {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Åpne notatet"],"Title of your new note":["Tittelen for det nye notatet"],"Editors:":["Forfattere:"],"There are no notes yet!":["Det er ikke opprettet noen notater enda."],"Export":["Eksporter"],"Profile dropdown":["Profil nedtreksmeny"],"Select Me":["Velg meg"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["Teksten kunne ikke kopieres til utklipstavlen"],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["Teksten har blitt kopiert til utklipstavlen"],"Toggle comment menu":["Bytt kommentarmeny"],"Toggle panel menu":["Bytt panelmeny"],"Toggle post menu":["Bytt postmeny"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Veksle strømmenyen"],"Back to user overview":["Tilbake til bruker oversikt"],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["Basisadressen må begynne med http:// or https://"],"Invited by":["Invitert av"],"Pending user registrations":["Ventende bruker registreringer"],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Ikke mulig å skrive til filstien %path%"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Tillater å legge til sider (markdown, iframe or links) til gruppenavigasjon"],"Custom Pages":["Egne sider"],"Custom pages":["Egne sider"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Merk: Resultatene er skjult til meningsmålingen avsluttes av moderator."],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Ikke vis resultat før meningsmålingen er avsluttet?"],"Add:":["Legg til:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Fant ikke forespurt side."],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Venligst tast inn minst {count} karakterer"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% er arkivert"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% er tatt ut fra arkivet"],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Alle personlige data for denne brukeren vil bli slettet. Dette kan ikke angres."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["Brukeren er eier av følgende grupper:"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Denne brukeren eier ingen grupper."],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Advarsel ufulstendig oppsett."],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Grupper (Merk: Administratorgruppen for denne brukeren kan ikke administreres med dine tillatelser)\n"],"Open documentation":["Åpne dokumentasjon"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["Cron-jobben for bakgrunnsjobber (kø) ser ikke ut til å fungere skikkelig."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["Cron-jobben for de vanlige oppgavene (cron) ser ikke ut til å fungere skikkelig."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Modul er deaktivert"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Modulen er aktivert"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Deaktiver modul: {moduleId} ---"],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Aktiver module: {moduleId} ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Modulen finnes ikke eller er ikke aktivert."],"Module not found!\n":["Modulen finnes ikke."],"Deleted invitation":["Slett invitasjon"],"Invite not found!":["Invitasjon ikke funnet."],"Resend invitation email":["Send invitasjon på e-post"],"Base DN":["Bais DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-post adresse egenskap"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiver LDAP Støtte"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Hent/oppdater bruker automatisk"],"ID Attribute":["ID egenskap"],"Login Filter":["Innlogings filter"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Ikke byttbart LDAP-attributt for entydig å identifisere brukeren i katalogen. Hvis tom blir brukeren bestemt automatisk etter e-postadresse eller brukernavn. Eksempler: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) eller uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Username Attribute":["Brukernavn egenskap"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Standardinnhold i registreringsgodkjennings e-posten"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Standardinnhold i registreringsavvisningsmeldingen"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Horisontal rulling av bilder på mobile enheter"],"APC(u)":["APC(u)"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standard utløpstid (i sekunder)"],"No caching":["Ingen mellomlagring"],"PHP APC(u) Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC(u) Utvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgjengelig."],"Redis":["Redis"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standard sideinndelings størrelse (Oppføringer per side)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Visnings navn (Format)"],"Dropdown space order":["Nedtrekksmeny gruppe rekkefølge."],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Tillatte fil typer"],"Convert command not found!":["Konverter kommando ikke funnet"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Fikk ugyldig bilde magisk respons! - Riktig kommando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Skjul fil informasjon (navn, størrelse) for bilder på veggen"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick konvertering kommando (valgfritt)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimal forhåndsvisningsbildehøyde (i piksler, valgfritt)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimal forhåndsvisningsbildebredde (i piksler, valgfritt)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimal opplastingsfilstørrelse (i MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["bruk X-Sendfile for filnedlastninger"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Tillat selv signerte sertifikater?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-post avsender adresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-post avsender navn"],"Mail Transport Type":["E-post transport type"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint URL"],"Url Prefix":["URL Prefix"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Ingen Proxy tjenere"],"Server":["Tjener"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard innholdssynlighet"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard regler for deltagelse"],"Default Visibility":["Standard synlighet"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML sporings kode"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Maksimal tillatte alder for loggene."],"Administrative group":["Administrasjonsgruppe"],"CronJob Status":["CronJob Status"],"Queue Status":[" Status"],"Background Jobs":["Bakgruns jobber"],"Database migration results:":["Database migreringeresultater:"],"Delayed":["Forsinket"],"Driver":["Driver"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Vennligst se dokumentasjonen for å sette opp cronjobs og køarbeidere."],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Køen er tømt"],"Reserved":["Tilbakestilt"],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Søke indeksen bygges på nytt"],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["Den nåværende hoved HumHub databasenavn er"],"Waiting":["Venter"],"Could not extract module!":["Kunne ikke hente ut modulen"],"Download of module failed!":["Nedlasting av modul er mislykket"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Kan ikke skrive til modulmappen: %modulePath% "],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modul nedlastning er mislykket (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["ingen kompatible versjoner av modulen eksisterer."],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle moduler er oppdaterte"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub-utviklerne gir ingen støtte for tredjepartsmoduler, og gir ingen garanti for egnethet, funksjonalitet eller sikkerhet for denne modulen."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Tredjeparts ansvarsfraskrivelse"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Varsel fra {appName}. Du ble lagt til i gruppen."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Varsel fra {appName}. Du er fjernet fra gruppen"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Det er en ny versjon ({version}) tilgjengelig."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} la deg til gruppen {groupName}"],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} fjernet deg fra gruppen {groupName}"],"Administrative":["Administrative"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Motta varsler for administrative hendelser som tilgjengelige oppdateringer."],"Access Admin Information":["Få tilgang til Admin-informasjon"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Kan få tilgang til delen Administrasjon -> Informasjon."],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Kan administrere moduler i delen 'Administrasjon -> Moduler'."],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Kan håndtere grupper i delen 'Administrasjon -> Grupper' (opprett / rediger / slett)."],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Kan administrere brukere- grupper- og generelle innstillinger."],"Can manage users and groups":["Kan administrere brukere og grupper"],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Kan administrere brukere og profiler."],"Manage Groups":["Administrere Grupper"],"Manage Modules":["Administrere Moduler"],"Manage Settings":["Administrere Innstillinger"],"Manage Spaces":["Administrere Grupper"],"Manage Users":["Administrere Brukere"],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Her kan du konfigurere registreringsadferd og tilleggsinnstillinger for ditt sosiale nettverk."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Her kan du konfigurere basis innstillingene for ditt sosiale nettverk."],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Notification Settings":["Innstillinger for varsler"],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Disse innstillingene refererer til avanserte emner i ditt sosiale nettverk."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Disse innstillingene refererer til utseendet til ditt sosiale nettverk."],"User Settings":["Bruker Innstillinger"],"Change owner":["Bytt eier"],"Manage members":["Administrer medlemmer"],"Manage modules":["Administrer moduler"],"Open space":["Åpne grupper"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Søk etter navn beskrivelser, id eller eier."],"Active users":["Aktive brukere"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere denne brukeren?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil aktivere denne brukeren?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Er du virkelig sikker på at du vil etterligne denne brukeren?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Slett alle bidrag fra denne brukeren"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Slett grupper som denne brukeren eier"],"Deleted users":["Slettede brukere"],"Disabled users":["Deaktiver bruker"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Hvis dette alternativet ikke er valgt, overføres eierskapet til gruppene til kontoen din."],"Impersonate":["ligne"],"List pending registrations":["Liste av ventende registreringer"],"Member since":["Medlem siden"],"Permanently delete":["Permanent slettet"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Søk etter navn, E-post eller id"],"User deletion process queued.":["Bruker sletteprosess i kø."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Ved hjelp av dette alternativet vil eventuelle bidrag (for eksempel innhold, kommentarer eller liker) av denne brukeren bli slettet uoppnåelig."],"View profile":["Vis profil"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Gjeldene versjon som er installert: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub er for tiden i feilsøkingsmodus. Deaktiver den når du kjører på produksjon."],"Licences":["Lisens"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Se installasjonsmanualen for flere detaljer."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Det er en ny oppdatering tilgjengelig. (Siste versjon: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Denne HumHub installasjonen kjører på siste versjon."],"Pending user approvals":["Ventende bruker godkjenninger"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["Listen inneholder alle ventende registreringer og invitasjoner."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Listen viser alle registrerte brukere som venter på godkjenning."],"Delete invitation":["Slett invitasjon"],"Send invitation email":["Send invitasjon på E-post"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Lager og tøm Cache."],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Fast format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separert liste. Hvis listen er tom tillates alle."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Gjeldene bilde bibliotek: {currentImageLibrary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Hvis ikke definert, er standard høyde satt til 200px"],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Hvis ikke definert, er standard bredde satt til 200px"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP rapporterte om maksimum {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Confirm image deletion":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Wall entry layout":["Vegg innlegg layout"],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Akkurat nå er det ingen {count} poster i databasen som dateres fra {dating}"],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["Gamle logger kan øke størrelsen på databasen din betydelig, mens uten at det gir noe ekstra informasjon."],"Add new provider":["Legg til ny provider"],"Currently no provider active!":["Gjeldene provider er ikke aktiv."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Aktiver OEmbed provider"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Legg til OEmbed provider"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Rediger OEmbed provider"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url prefiks uten http:// eller https:// (f.eks. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Bruk %url% som plassholder for URL. Formatet må være på JSON. (f.eks. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["Du kan legge til en statistikk HTML-kodebit - som vil legges til alle gjengitte sider."],"All created contents of this user will be deleted.":["Alt innhold fra denne brukeren vil blis slettet"],"E-Mail summaries":["E-post oppsummering"],"Logs":["Logger"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"The comment must not be empty!":["Kommentaren kan ikke være tom."],"You are not allowed to comment.":["Du har ikke rettigheter til å kommentere."],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan håndtere (for eksempel arkiv, pinne, flytte eller slette) vilkårlig innhold"],"Move content":["Flytt innhold"],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Innholdstegn med ugyldig contentcontainer_id tildelt."],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["Innholdet har blitt flyttet til gruppen {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Ugyldig valgt gruppe."],"Move content":["Flytt innhold"],"Target Space":["Målgruppe"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["Forfatteren av dette innholdet kan ikke skjult offentlig innhold på den aktuelle gruppen."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["Forfatteren av dette innholdet kan ikke publisere offentlig innhold på den aktuelle gruppen."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["Innholdet kan ikke flyttes til gjeldene gruppe."],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["Modulen {moduleName} er ikke aktivert for den aktuelle gruppen."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Denne innholdstypen kan ikke flyttes på grunn av en manglende modul-ID-innstilling."],"This content type can't be moved.":["Innholdet kan ikke flyttes"],"This space is not visible!":["Denne gruppen er 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etter"],"Insert column before":["Sett inn kolonne før"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Sett inn horisontal linje"],"Insert image":["Sett inn bilde"],"Insert row after":["Sett inn rad etter"],"Insert row before":["Sett inn rad før"],"Insert table":["Sett inn tabell"],"Link target":["Link mål"],"Objects":["Ojbjekter"],"Paragraph":["Paragraf"],"People":["Personer"],"Rows":["Rader"],"Symbols":["Symboler"],"Toggle code font":["Bytt kode font"],"Toggle emphasis":["Bytt vektlegging"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Bytt gjennomstrykning"],"Toggle strong style":["Bytt sterk stil"],"Travel & Places":["Reiser & Steder"],"Upload File":["Last opp fil"],"Upload and include a File":["Last opp og inkluderfil"],"Width":["Bredde"],"Wrap in block quote":["Legg inn blokk sitat"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Legg inn punktliste"],"Wrap in ordered list":["legg inn sortert liste"],"None":["Ingen"],"Include archived content":["Inkluder arkivert innhold"],"Only private content":["Bare skjult innhold"],"Only public 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\"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} har gjenåpnet aktivitet \"{contentTitle}\"."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["Innholdet er ugyldig eller er flyttet."],"Index":["Indeks"],"Wiki link":["Wiki link"],"Add Page":["Legg til ny side"],"Are you really sure? 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verkeerde keuze gemaakt."],"Keyword:":["Trefwoord:"],"Language":["Taal"],"Latest news":["Laatste nieuws"],"Login":["Log in","Aanmelden","Login"],"Logout":["Uitloggen","Afmelden"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"My profile":["Mijn profiel"],"New profile image":["Nieuwe profielfoto"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Niets gevonden met deze input."],"Oooops...":["Oeps..."],"Results":["Resultaten"],"Search":["Zoek"],"Search for users and spaces":["Zoeken naar gebruikers en ruimtes"],"Show more results":["Laat meer resultaten zien"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Sorry, niets gevonden!"],"Space not found!":["Ruimte niet gevonden!"],"User Approvals":["Goedkeuren gebruikers"],"User not found!":["Gebruiker niet gevonden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Welkom bij %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare content plaatsen!"],"Your daily summary":["Uw dagelijkse samenvatting"],"Login required":["Inloggen vereist"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Er is een interne serverfout opgetreden."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globale {global} array opgeruimd met de {method} methode."],"Upload error":["Upload fout"],"Close":["Sluit"],"Add image/file":["Voeg afbeelding/bestand toe"],"Add link":["Voeg link toe"],"Bold":["Vet"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een URL in (bijvoobeeld http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Kop"],"Image":["Afbeelding"],"Image/File":["Afbeelding/Bestand"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Link invoegen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Afbeelding link invoegen"],"Italic":["Cursief"],"List":["Lijst","Taaklijst"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Even geduld aub..."],"Preview":["Voorbeeld"],"Quote":["Quote"],"Target":["Doel"],"Title":["Samenvatting"],"Title of your link":["Titel van de 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\n \n your account has been activated.

\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n \n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account request has been declined.

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n \n Je account aanvraag is afgewezen.

\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}

"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is goedgekeurd."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is afgewezen."],"Group not found!":["Groep niet gevonden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kon de module niet deïnstalleren! Module is beveiligd."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Module pad %path% is niet schrijfbaar"],"Saved":["Opgeslagen","Bewaard"],"Database":["Gegevensbank"],"No theme":["Geen thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kon LDAP niet laden! - Controleer PHP Extensie"],"File":["Bestand"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Geen caching (Alleen om te testen!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Geen - toont keuzelijst in gebruikersregistratie."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Opgeslagen en cache vernieuwd"],"Become this user":["Word deze gebruiker"],"Delete":["Verwijder"],"Disabled":["Uitgeschakeld"],"Enabled":["Ingeschakeld"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokaal"],"Save":["Bewaar"],"Unapproved":["Niet goedgekeurd"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["U kunt uzelf niet verwijderen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kon categorie niet laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["U kunt alleen lege categorieën verwijderen!"],"Group":["Groep"],"Message":["Bericht"],"Subject":["Onderwerp"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP ondersteuning inschakelen"],"Encryption":["Encryptie"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Haal Gebruikers Automatisch op"],"Hostname":["Hostnaam","Computernaam","Computernaam (Hostname)"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Wachtwoord"],"Port":["Poort"],"User Filer":["Gebruikersfilter"],"Username":["Gebruikersnaam"],"Username Attribute":["Gebruikersnaam Attribuut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Sta beperkte toegang voor niet-ingelogde gebruikers (gasten) toe"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonieme gebruikers kunnen registreren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standaard gebruikersgroep voor nieuwe gebruikers"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standaard gebruiker idle timeout - auto-uitloggen (in seconden, optioneel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid gebruikersprofiel"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Leden kunnen externe gebruikers uitnodigen per email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Goedkeuring door groep admin benodigd na registratie"],"Base URL":["Basis-URL"],"Default language":["Standaard taal"],"Default space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Invalid space":["Ongeldige ruimte"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Naam van de applicatie"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Toon introductie aan nieuwe gebruikers"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Toon bericht verzenden van gebruikersprofiel op het dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standaard vervaltijd (in seconden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standaard paginering grootte (Berichten per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Weergavenaam (Formaat)"],"Dropdown space order":["Keuzelijst ruimte volgorde"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Toegestane bestandsextensies"],"Convert command not found!":["Conversie commando niet gevonden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! 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(Latest version: %version%)":["Er is een nieuwe update beschikbaar! (Laatste versie: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Deze installatie is up-to-date!"],"Accept":["Aanvaarden"],"Decline":["Afwijzen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepteer gebruiker: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annuleren"],"Send & save":["Verzend & bewaar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afwijzen & verwijderen gebruiker: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Zoek naar e-mail"],"Search for username":["Zoek naar gebruikersnaam"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier zie je alle gebruikers die zich geregistreerd hebben en momenteel nog wachten op een goedkeuring."],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Om de groep \"{group}\" te verwijderen, dien je een alternatieve groep in te stellen voor volgende gebruikers:"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"Edit group":["Bewerk groep"],"Group name":["Naam van de groep"],"Search for description":["Zoek naar beschrijving"],"Search for group name":["Zoek naar groepsnaam"],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Je kan gebruikers in verschillende groepen opsplitsen (voor teams, departementen, enz.) en standaard ruimtes en administrators toekennen een hun."],"Error logging":["Error loggen"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Er worden {count} berichten getoond per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Flush berichten"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} berichten gevonden."],"Available updates":["Beschikbare updates"],"Browse online":["Blader online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modules breiden de functionaliteit van HumHub uit. Hier kunt u de modules van de HumHub marktplaats installeren en beheren."],"Module details":["Module details"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Deze module heeft geen verdere informatie."],"Processing...":["Verwerken..."],"Modules directory":["Modules overzicht"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Weet u het zeker? *ALLE* module gegevens zal verloren gaan!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Weet u het zeker? *ALLE* gegevens en bestanden gerelateerd aan de module zullen verloren gaan!"],"Configure":["Configureren","Configureer"],"Disable":["Uitschakelen"],"Enable":["Inschakelen"],"More info":["Meer info"],"Set as default":["Instellen als standaard"],"Uninstall":["Deïnstalleren"],"Install":["Installeren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Latest version:":["Nieuwste versie:"],"Installed version:":["Geïnstalleerde versie:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Update":["Bijwerken"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Stel in als standaard module"],"Always activated":["Altijd geactiveerd"],"Deactivated":["Gedeactiveerd"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kunt u kiezen of een module automatisch geactiveerd moet worden voor een ruimte of gebruikersprofiel. Als de module moet worden geactiveerd, kies dan \"altijd geactiveerd\"."],"Spaces":["Ruimtes","Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Gebruikersprofielen"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie van HumHub beschikbaar (versie %version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authenticatie - Basis"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimum waarde is 20 seconden. Indien niet ingesteld, zal de sessie na 1400 seconden (24 minuten) verlopen, ongeacht activiteit."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Alleen van toepassing als beperkte toegang voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers ingeschakeld is. Heeft alleen invloed op nieuwe gebruikers."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authenticatie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL is aan te raden in productie omgevingen om te vermijden dat wachtwoorden in leesbare tekst verzonden worden."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definieert de filter om toe te passen wanneer er ingelogd wordt. %uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam in de login actie. Voorbeeld: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" of "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribuut voor gebruikersnaam. Voorbeeld: "uid" of "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Beperk toegang voor gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria. Voorbeeld: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" of "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Error! (Melding: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} gebruikers)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["De standaard Base DN die gebruikt wordt voor het zoeken naar accounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Het standaard wachtwoord (wordt enkel gebruikt in combinatie met bovenstaande gebruikersnaam)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["De standaards gebruikersnaam. Sommige servers eisen dat dit in DN formaat staat. Dit moet in DN formaat staan als de LDAP server een DN vereist voor de bind actie en de bind actie zou mogelijk moeten zijn met simpele gebruikersnamen."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Instellingen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Bewaar & vernieuw de caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob instellingen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab van gebruiker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Laatste dagelijkse run:","Laatste dagelijkse uitvoering:"],"Last run (hourly):":["Laatste run per uur:","Laatste uitvoering per uur:"],"Never":["Nooit"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Of Crontab van root gebruiker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Zorg er aub voor dat de volgende cronjobs geïnstalleerd zijn:"],"Design settings":["Design instellingen"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisch"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Voornaam Achternaam (bijvoorbeeld Jan Jansen)"],"Last visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Gebruikersnaam (bijvoorbeeld jan)"],"File settings":["Bestand instellingen"],"Comma separated list. 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Laat leeg om de bestandslijst voor alle objecten te laten zien op de muur."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de hoogte standaard 200px zijn."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de breedte standaard 200px zijn."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meld een maximum van {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bevestig afbeelding verwijderen"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Voorbeeld http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nieuwe gebruikers zullen standaard aan deze ruimte(s) worden toegevoegd."],"You're using no logo at the moment. 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"],"Target not found!":["Doel niet gevonden!"],"Access denied!":["Toegang geweigerd!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Niet genoeg rechten!"],"Comment":["Reactie"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schreef een nieuwe reactie"],"Comments":["Reacties"],"Edit your comment...":["Bewerk je reactie..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op je %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Toon alle {total} reacties."],"Post":["Bericht"],"Write a new comment...":["Geef een nieuwe reactie..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Toon nog %count% reacties"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bevestig reactie verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Wilt u deze reactie echt verwijderen?"],"Edit":["Bijwerken","Bewerk"],"Updated :timeago":["Bijgewerkt :timeago"],"Back to stream":["Terug naar berichten","Terug naar stream"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\n\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Could not load requested object!":["Kan het gevraagde object niet laden!"],"Invalid model given!":["Ongeldig model opgegeven!"],"Unknown content class!":["Onbekende inhoud klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kon de gevraagde inhoud niet vinden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kon gevraagde permalink niet vinden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuw {contentTitle} aangemaakt."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Verzend"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Geen resultaten met de geselecteerde filters!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nog niets om weer te geven!"],"Unarchive":["Dearchiveer"],"Move to archive":["Verplaats naar archief"],"Add a member to notify":["Hou een lid op de hoogte"],"Make private":["Maak privé"],"Make public":["Maak publiek"],"Notify members":["Breng leden op de hoogte"],"Public":["Publiek","Openbaar"],"What's on your mind?":["Plaats een bericht"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Weet u zeker dat u dit bericht wilt verwijderen? Alle vind-ik-leuks en reacties zullen verloren gaan!","Wil je dit bericht echt verwijderen? Alle likes en commentaren gaan ook verloren!"],"Archived":["Gearchiveerd"],"Sticked":["Vastgekleefd"],"Turn off notifications":["Meldingen uitzetten"],"Turn on notifications":["Meldingen aanzetten"],"Permalink to this page":["Permalink naar deze pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink naar dit bericht"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Vastkleven"],"Unstick":["Losmaken"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Er heeft nog niemand een bericht geschreven.
Wees de eerste en laat een bericht achter..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Uw dashboard is leeg!
Plaats een bericht op uw profiel of word lid van een aantal ruimtes!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Uw profiel is momenteel nog leeg.
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Content with attached files":["Berichten met bestanden"],"Created by me":["Gemaakt door mij"],"Creation time":["Aanmaak datum"],"Include archived posts":["Inclusief gearchiveerde berichten"],"Last update":["Laatste bijwerk datum"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niets gevonden dat overeenkomt met de huidige filter(s)!"],"Only private posts":["Alleen privé berichten"],"Only public posts":["Alleen publieke berichten"],"Posts only":["Alleen berichten"],"Posts with links":["Berichten met links"],"Show all":["Alles weegeven"],"Where I´m involved":["Waar ik bij betrokken ben"],"No public contents to display found!":["Geen openbare inhoud gevonden!"],"Directory":["Overzicht","Adresboek"],"Member Group Directory":["Leden groep overzicht"],"show all members":["Toon alle leden"],"Directory menu":["Mapmenu"],"Members":["Leden"],"User profile posts":["Profiel berichten"],"Member directory":["Leden overzicht"],"Follow":["Volgen","Volg"],"No members found!":["Geen leden gevonden!"],"Unfollow":["Stop volgen"],"search for members":["Zoek naar leden"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"No spaces found!":["Geen ruimtes gevonden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Je bent lid van deze ruimte","U bent lid van deze ruimte"],"search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"Group stats":["Groep statistieken"],"Average members":["Gemiddeld aantal leden"],"Top Group":["Top Groep"],"Total groups":["Totaal aantal groepen"],"Member stats":["Leden statistieken"],"New people":["Nieuwe personen"],"Follows somebody":["Volgt iemand"],"Online right now":["Momenteel online"],"Total users":["Totaal aantal leden"],"See all":["Toon alle"],"New spaces":["Nieuwe ruimtes"],"Space stats":["Ruimte statistieken"],"Most members":["Meeste leden"],"Private spaces":["Private ruimtes"],"Total spaces":["Totaal aantal ruimtes"],"Could not find requested file!":["Gevraagd bestand niet gevonden!","Kan het aangevraagde bestand niet vinden!","Kan het gevraagde bestand niet vinden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Onvoldoende rechten!"],"Created By":["Gemaakt door"],"Created at":["Aangemaakt op","Gemaakt op"],"File name":["Bestandsnaam"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ongeldige Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum bestandsgrootte ({maxFileSize}) overschreden!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Grootte"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dit bestandstype is niet toegelaten!"],"Updated at":["Aangepast op","Bewerkt op"],"Updated by":["Aangepast door","Bewerkt door"],"Could not upload File:":["Kon bestand niet uploaden:"],"Upload files":["Upload bestanden"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lijst van geüploade bestanden:"],"Create Admin Account":["Maak beheerdersaccount"],"Name of your network":["Naam van je netwerk"],"Name of Database":["Databasenaam"],"Admin Account":["Beheerder Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Bijna klaar. In de laatste stap dien je een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met die account kan je het hele netwerk beheren."],"Next":["Volgende"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Wijzig de naam van je nieuwe sociale netwerk. Je kan bijvoorbeeld de naam van je bedrijf, organisatie of club gebruiken."],"Social Network Name":["Sociale Netwerk Naam"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gefeliciteerd. Je bent klaar."],"Sign in":["Aanmelden"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["De installatie is succesvol voltooid! Veel plezier met je nieuwe sociale netwerk."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Welkom bij HumHub
Uw Sociale Netwerk Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Deze wizard zal uw eigen HumHub installeren en configureren.

Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."],"Database Configuration":["Database Configuratie"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hieronder dien je informatie in te vullen voor de database connectie. Als je niet zeker weet wat je moet invullen, neem dan contact op met je systeemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnaam van je MySQL database server (Bijvoorbeeld localhost als MySQL op dezelfde server staat als HumHub)"],"Initializing database...":["Databank initialiseren..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oei, er is iets misgelopen!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["De naam van de database waar je HumHub in wil plaatsen."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Verbinding met database gelukt!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Je MySQL wachtwoord."],"Your MySQL username":["Je MySQL gebruikersnaam."],"System Check":["Systeem Controle"],"Check again":["Controleer opnieuw"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gefeliciteerd! Alles ziet er goed uit en klaar om opnieuw te beginnen!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Dit overzicht toont alle systeemvereisten voor HumHub."],"Users who like this":["Gebruikers die dit leuk vonden"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} vindt {contentTitle} leuk"],"User who vote this":["Gebruiker die dit stemde"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% ook leuk."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% leuk."]," likes this.":[" vindt dit leuk."],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"You
"],"Like":["Vind ik leuk"],"Unlike":["Vind ik niet meer leuk"],"and {count} more like this.":["en nog {count} andere."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kon doorverwijzing niet bepalen voor dit soort bronobject!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kon notificatie bronobject voor doorverwijzing niet laden!"],"New":["Nieuw"],"Mark all as seen":["Markeer alles als gezien"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Er zijn nog geen meldingen."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% heeft een nieuw bericht geplaatst."],"Edit your post...":["Bewerk uw bericht..."],"Read full post...":["Lees volledig bericht..."],"Send & decline":["Verzenden & afwijzen"],"Visible for all":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen"]," Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["De eigenaar van ruimte {spaceName} kan niet verwijderd worden!"],"Everyone can enter":["Iedereen kan lid worden"],"Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Only by invite":["Alleen door uitnodiging"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privaat (Onzichtbaar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiek (Leden & Gasten)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiek (Alleen leden)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiek (Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Public (Visible)":["Publiek (Zichtbaar)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (leden en gasten)"],"Space is invisible!":["Ruimte is onzichtbaar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Je moet inloggen om de inhoud van deze ruimte te zien!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als eigenaar kunt u uw lidmaatschap niet intrekken!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kon lidmaatschap niet aanvragen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Er zijn geen uitnodigingen in behandeling."],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Deze actie is enkel beschikbaar voor leden van de ruimte!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["U mag geen lid worden van deze ruimte!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ruimtetitel is reeds in gebruik!"],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Uw wachtwoord"],"Invites":["Uitnodigingen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nieuwe gebruiker per e-mail (gescheiden met komma)"],"User is already member!":["Gebruiker is reeds lid!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} is reeds geregistreerd!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} is niet geldig!"],"Application message":["Applicatie melding"],"Scope":["Omvang"],"Strength":["Kracht"],"Created At":["Gemaakt op"],"Join Policy":["Gedragslijn om lid te worden"],"Owner":["Eigenaar"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Labels"],"Updated At":["Aangepast op","Bijgewerkt op"],"Visibility":["Zichtbaarheid"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optioneel)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["U kunt geen privaat zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["U kunt geen publiek zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecteer het gebied van je foto dat je wilt gebruiken als avatar en klik op Bewaar."],"Modify space image":["Wijzig ruimte afbeelding"],"Delete space":["Verwijder ruimte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ben je zeker dat je deze ruimte wilt verwijderen? Alle gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Geef je wachtwoord om verder te gaan!"],"General space settings":["Algemene ruimte instellingen"],"Archive":["Archiveren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Kies het soort lidmaatschap dat je wilt voorzien voor deze ruimte."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Kies het beveiligingsniveau voor deze ruimte om de zichtbaarheid te bepalen."],"Manage your space members":["Beheer je ruimte leden"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Openstaande uitnodigingen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Openstaande gebruikersaanvragen"],"Remove member":["Verwijder lid"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Deze gebruiker kan andere gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Deze gebruiker kan berichten publiek maken"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze gebruiker uit deze ruimte wilt verwijderen?"],"Can invite":["Kan uitnodigen"],"Can share":["Kan delen"],"Change space owner":["Verander ruimte eigenaar"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe gebruikers uitgenodigd via e-mail worden hier niet getoond."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Hieronder kan je alle actieve gebruikers van deze ruimte zien. Je kan hun rechten aanpassen of hun verwijderen uit deze ruimte."],"Is admin":["Is admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Maak deze gebruiker een administrator"],"No, cancel":["Nee, annuleer"],"Remove":["Verwijderen"],"Request message":["Aanvraag bericht"],"Revoke invitation":["Uitnodiging intrekken"],"Search members":["Zoek leden"],"Space owner":["Ruimte eigenaar"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De volgende gebruikers wachten op een goedkeuring om deze ruimte te betreden."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De volgende gebruikers zijn reeds uitgenodigd voor deze ruimte, maar hebben de uitnodiging nog niet geaccepteerd."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["De ruimte eigenaar is de super admin van een ruimte met alle rechten en meestal de maker van de ruimte. Hier kan je een andere eigenaar kiezen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, verwijder"],"Space Modules":["Ruimte Modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor deze ruimte zal verwijderd worden!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Er zijn momenteel geen modules beschikbaar voor deze ruimte!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Breid deze ruimte uit met modules."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte"],"Advanced access settings":["Geavanceerde instellingen voor toegang"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Ook niet-leden kunnen deze ruimte zien, maar hebben geen toegang"],"Create":["Maak"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Alle gebruikers kunnen lid worden van je ruimte, zonder je toestemming"],"For everyone":["Voor iedereen"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hoe wil je je ruimte noemen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Geef een korte beschrijving voor andere gebruikers."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Deze ruimte zal verborgen zijn voor alle niet-leden"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gebruikers kunnen ook vragen om lid te worden van deze ruimte"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gebruikers kunnen alleen toegevoegd worden door uitnodiging"],"space description":["Ruimte beschrijving"],"space name":["Ruimte naam"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vraagt lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} goedgekeurd"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je gevraagd om lid te worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} aanvaard"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"This space is still empty!":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!"],"Accept Invite":["Uitnodiging accepteren"],"Become member":["Lid worden"],"Cancel membership":["Lidmaatschap Annuleren"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Lidmaatschapsaanvraag annuleren"],"Deny Invite":["Uitnodiging afwijzen"],"Request membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Je bent de eigenaar van deze ruimte."],"created by":["aangemaakt door"],"Invite members":["Leden uitnodigen"],"Add an user":["Voeg een gebruiker toe"],"Email addresses":["E-mailadres"],"Invite by email":["Uitnodigen per e-mail"],"New user?":["Nieuwe gebruiker?"],"Pick users":["Selecteer gebruikers"],"Send":["Versturen"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Om gebruikers uit te nodigen, vul je hun naam hieronder in om ze te zoeken en selecteren."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Je kan ook personen zonder account uitnodigen. Vul hun e-mailadressen in gescheiden door een komma."],"Request space membership":["Vraag ruimte lidmaatschap aan"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Je aanvraag is succesvol naar de ruimte-administrator verstuurd."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Gebruiker is lid geworden."],"User has been invited.":["De gebruiker is uitgenodigd."],"User has not been invited.":["Gebruiker is niet uitgenodigd."],"Space preferences":["Ruimte voorkeuren"],"General":["Algemeen"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Admin":["Beheerder"],"My Space List":["Mijn Ruimte Lijst"],"My space summary":["Mijn ruimte overzicht"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"Space menu":["Ruimte menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Afbeelding wijzigen"],"Current space image":["Huidige ruimte afbeelding"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ben je zeker dat je de titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?","Ben je zeker dat je je titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je profielafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Invite":["Uitnodigen"],"Something went wrong":["Er is iets fout gegaan"],"Followers":["Volgers"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Request workspace membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol verstuurd naar de ruimte administrator."],"Create new space":["Maak een nieuwe ruimte aan"],"My spaces":["Mijn ruimtes"],"Space info":["Ruimte info"],"more":["meer"],"New member request":["Nieuw lidmaatschapsverzoek"],"Space members":["Ruimte leden"],"Next »":["Volgende »"],"« Prev":["« Vorige"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Dit account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["U moet ingelogd zijn om dit profiel te bekijken!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Uw wachtwoord is onjuist!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Je kan je wachtwoord hier niet aanpassen."],"Invalid link! 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Zorg dat u de volledige URL invoert."],"Save profile":["Bewaar profiel"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Dit e-mailadres is al in gebruik."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Je kan je e-mailadres hier niet aanpassen."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Maak een account aan"],"Current password":["Huidig wachtwoord"],"E-Mail change":["E-mail aanpassen"],"New E-Mail address":["Nieuw e-mailadres"],"Send activities?":["Verzend activiteiten?"],"Send notifications?":["Verzend meldingen?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres of wachtwoord."],"New password":["Nieuw wachtwoord"],"New password confirm":["Nieuw wachtwoord bevestigen"],"Remember me next time":["Onthouden"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Je account is nog niet door onze medewerkers geactiveerd."],"Your account is suspended.":["Je account is geschorst."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Wachtwoordherstel is niet mogelijk voor dit accounttype!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Wachtwoord herstelen"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" niet gevonden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailadres is reeds in gebruik - Probeer wachtwoord vergeten."],"Invalid language!":["Ongeldige taal"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Verberg paneel op het dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profiel zichtbaarheid"],"Default Space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Group Administrators":["Groep Beheerders"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Leden kunnen private ruimtes aanmaken"],"Members can create public spaces":["Leden kunnen publieke ruimtes aanmaken"],"Birthday":["Geboortedatum","Verjaardag"],"City":["Stad"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Extra"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Vrouw"],"Firstname":["Voornaam"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Geslacht"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Verberg jaar in profiel"],"Lastname":["Achternaam"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Man"],"Mobile":["Mobiel"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefoon (privé)"],"Phone Work":["Telefoon (werk)"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Staat"],"Street":["Straat"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Address"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postcode"],"Created by":["Aangemaakt door","Gemaakt door"],"Editable":["Aanpasbaar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Veldtype kan niet aangepast worden!"],"Fieldtype":["Veldtype"],"Internal Name":["Interne naam"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interne naam reeds in gebruik"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interne naam kon niet aangepast worden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ongeldig veldtype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribuut"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Alleen alfanumerieke karakters zijn toegestaan!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profiel Veld Categorie"],"Required":["Verplicht"],"Show at registration":["Toon bij registratie"],"Sort order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertaling Categorie ID"],"Type Config":["Soort configuratie"],"Visible":["Zichtbaar"],"Communication":["Communicatie"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bladwijzer"],"Datetime":["Datumtijd"],"Number":["Getal"],"Select List":["Keuzelijst"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstvlak"],"%y Years":["Mijn leeftijd"],"Birthday field options":["Geboortedatum veld opties"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datum (en tijd) veld opties"],"Show date/time picker":["Toon datum/tijd kiezer"],"Maximum value":["Maximum waarde"],"Minimum value":["Minimun waarde"],"Number field options":["Getalveld opties"],"One option per line. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["Er is een bevestiging verstuurd naar uw e-mailadres."],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Je paswoord is succesvol aangepast!","Je wachtwoord is succesvol aangepast!"],"Modify your profile image":["Wijzig mijn profiel-afbeelding"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Bent u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen?
Al uw gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Vul uw wachtwoord in om door te gaan"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Sorry, als eigenaar van een ruimte kunt u uw account niet verwijderen!
Selecteer eerst een nieuwe eigenaar of verwijder de ruimte."],"User details":["Gebruiker details"],"User modules":["Gebruiker modules"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Bent u zeker? *ALLE* module gegevens voor uw profiel zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Breid uw profiel uit met modules."],"User settings":["Gebruiker instellingen"],"Getting Started":["Aan de slag"],"Registered users only":["Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (ook niet-geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Bureaublad Notificaties"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notificaties"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ontvang een bureaublad notificatie als je online bent."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ontvang een e-mail voor elke activiteit van alle gebruikers die je volgt of waarmee je samen werkt in ruimtes."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ontvang een e-mail wanneer iemand uw bericht leuk vindt of een reactie achterlaat."],"Account registration":["Account registratie"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Uw account is succesvol aangemaakt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nadat juw account geactiveerd is door de beheerder, ontvangt u een bericht per e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Ga naar de aanmeld pagina"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Om aan te melden met uw nieuwe account, klikt u op onderstaande knop."],"back to home":["terug naar begin"],"Please sign in":["Meld u eerst aan"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Create a new one.":["Maak een nieuwe aan."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Hebt uw geen account? Word lid van het netwerk door uw e-mailadres in te vullen."],"Forgot your password?":["Wachtwoord vergeten?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Als u al lid bent, meldt u dan aan met uw gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres en het wachtwoord."],"Register":["Registreren"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["wachtwoord"],"username or email":["gebruikersnaam of e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen","Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul uw e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om uw wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Reset password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"your email":["uw e-mailadres"],"Password recovery!":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["We hebben u een e-mail gestuurd met een link waarmee u uw wachtwoord opnieuw kan instellen."],"Registration successful!":["Registratie succesvol!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Controleer uw e-mail en volg de instructies!"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"Change your password":["Wijzig je wachtwoord"],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed!":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres"],"Confirm":["Bevestig"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Je hebt gevraagd om je e-mailadres te wijzigen.
Je nieuwe e-mailadres is {newemail}.

Om je nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Deze link verloopt binnen 24 uur."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Gebruik de volgende link binnen 24 uur om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen."],"Reset Password":["Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen"],"Registration Link":["Registratielink"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Welkom bij %appName%. Klik op onderstaande knop om verder te gaan met uw registratie."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Space Invite":["Ruimte Uitnodiging"],"You got a space invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging voor een ruimte ontvangen"],"invited you to the space:":["uitgenodigd door:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft je vermeld in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} volgt je vanaf nu."],"About this user":["Over deze gebruiker"],"Modify your title image":["Wijzig uw titel afbeelding"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dit profiel is momenteel nog leeg!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Bent u zeker dat u uw logo wilt verwijderen?"],"Account settings":["Account instellingen"],"Profile":["Profiel"],"Settings":["Instellingen"],"Profile menu":["Profiel menu"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Following":["Volgend"],"Following user":["Volgt"],"User followers":["Volgers"],"Member in these spaces":["Leden van deze ruimtes"],"User tags":["Gebruiker labels"],"No birthday.":["Geen verjaardagen."],"Back to modules":["Terug naar modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Verjaardagen module configuratie"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Aankomende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["U kunt het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden instellen."],"becomes":["wordt"],"birthdays":["verjaardagen"],"days":["dagen"],"today":["vandaag"],"years old.":["jaar oud."],"Active":["Actief"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markeren als ongelezen voor alle gebruikers"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Voegt een agenda voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Voegt een agenda toe aan deze ruimte."],"All Day":["Volledige dag","De hele dag"],"Attending users":["Deelnemers"],"Calendar":["Agenda"],"Declining users":["Afgewezen"],"End Date":["Einddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Einddatum en uur"],"End Time":["Eindtijd"],"End time must be after start time!":["Einde moet na begin zijn!","Eindtijd moet na de starttijd liggen!"],"Event":["Gebeurtenis"],"Event not found!":["Gebeurtenis niet gevonden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Misschien"],"Participation Mode":["Deelname"],"Recur":["Herhaal"],"Recur End":["Herhaal einde"],"Recur Interval":["Herhaal interval"],"Recur Type":["Herhaaltype"],"Select participants":["Selecteer deelnemers"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum en uur"],"Start Time":["Starttijd"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Je hebt geen toegang tot dit evenement!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om een evenement te maken!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["U hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te verwijderen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te bewerken!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% aangemaakt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt misschien deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt niet deel aan %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Startdatum/uur"],"Create event":["Maak gebeurtenis aan"],"Edit event":["Bewerk gebeurtenis"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Merk op: Dit evenement zal aangemaakt worden op je profiel. Om een evenement aan te maken in een ruimte, dien je de kalender op de gewenste ruimte te openen."],"End Date/Time":["Einddatum/uur"],"Everybody can participate":["Iedereen kan deelnemen"],"No participants":["Geen deelnemers"],"Participants":["Deelnemers"],"Attend":["Deelnemen"],"Created by:":["Gemaakt door:"],"Edit event":["Evenement bewerken"],"Edit this event":["Evenement bewerken"],"I´m attending":["Waar ik aan deelneem"],"I´m maybe attending":["Misschien"],"I´m not attending":["Afgewezen"],"Maybe":["Misschien"],"Filter events":["Filter evenementen"],"Select calendars":["Selecteer agendas"],"Already responded":["Reeds gereageerd"],"Followed spaces":["Gevolgde ruimtes"],"Followed users":["Gevolgde gebruikers"],"My events":["Mijn evenementen"],"Not responded yet":["Nog niet gereageerd"],"Loading...":["Laden..."],"Upcoming events ":["Aankomende gebeurtenissen "],":count attending":[":count geaccepteerd"],":count declined":[":count afgewezen"],":count maybe":[":count misschien"],"Participants:":["Deelnemers:"],"Create new Page":["Nieuwe pagina"],"Custom Pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["Iframe"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["Markdown"],"Navigation":["Navigatie"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Geen aangepaste pagina's tot nu toe!"],"Sort Order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Top Navigation":["Hoofd navigatie"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Gebruikersaccountmenu (Instellingen)"],"Create page":["Maak pagina"],"Edit page":["Bewerk pagina"],"Content":["Inhoud","Content"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standaard sorteervolgorde: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Paginatitel"],"URL":["URL"],"Confirm category deleting":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de categorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de link"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Nieuwe link %link% aan categorie \"%category%\" toegevoegd."],"Delete category":["Verwijder categorie"],"Delete link":["Verwijder link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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categorieën aan deze ruimte toegevoegd."],"Toggle view mode":["Toggle weergavemodus"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Je kan de uitgebreide validatie van links inschakelen voor een ruimte of een gebruiker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om links toe te voegen of aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om de volgorde van categorieën aan te passen!"],"list":["lijst"],"Messages":["Berichten"],"You could not send an email to 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alle berichten"],"No users.":["Geen gebruikers."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet meer dan 7 zijn."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet negatief zijn."],"Most active people":["Meest actieve personen"],"Get a list":["Lijst"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Meest Actieve Gebruikers Module Configuratie"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Het aantal van de meest actieve gebruikers die getoond zullen worden."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Je kan het aantal gebruikers dat getoond zal worden configureren."],"Comments created":["Reacties aangemaakt"],"Likes given":["Aantal \"Vind ik leuk\""],"Posts created":["Berichten aangemaakt"],"Notes":["Notities"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API sleutel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL naar Etherpad"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft nieuwe notitie {noteName} gemaakt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft notitie {noteName} aangepast."],"Current Status:":["Huidige status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notitie module configuratie"],"Save & Test":["Bewaar & Test"],"Save and close":["Bewaar en sluiten"],"Polls":["Stembus"],"Could not load poll!":["Kon stembus niet laden!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ongeldig antwoord!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Gebruikers stemden voor: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Stemmen voor meerdere antwoorden is uitgeschakeld!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["U hebt niet de nodige rechten om deze actie uit te voeren!","U hebt onvoldoende bevoegdheid om deze bewerking uit te voeren!"],"Answers":["Antwoorden"],"Multiple answers per user":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Geef minstens {min} antwoorden"],"Question":["Vraag"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} beantwoorde de {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe {question} aangemaakt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe stembus aangemaakt en jou aangewezen."],"Ask":["Vragen"],"Reset my vote":["Reset mijn antwoord"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["en {count} anderen hebben voor dit gestemd."],"votes":["stemmen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker toelaten?"],"Ask something...":["Stel uw vraag..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mogelijke antwoorden (1 per lijn)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Er zijn nog geen stembussen"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen stembussen!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Asked by me":["Gevraagd door mij"],"No answered yet":["Nog geen antwoord"],"Only private polls":["Alleen private stembussen"],"Only public polls":["Alleen publieke stembussen"],"Tasks":["Taken"],"Translation Manager":["Vertaalmanager"],"Translations":["Vertalingen"],"Translation Editor":["Vertaal Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bevestig pagina verwijderen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bevestig het terugzetten van de pagina"],"Overview of all pages":["Overzicht van alle pagina's"],"Page history":["Pagina geschiedenis"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Module"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan deze ruimte."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan uw profiel."],"Back to page":["Terug naar pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Wilt u deze pagina echt terugzetten?"],"Edit page":["Pagina bewerken"],"Edited at":["Bewerkt op"],"Go back":["Ga terug"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ongeldig teken in paginatitel!"],"Let's go!":["Aan de slag!"],"Main page":["Hoofdpagina"],"New page":["Nieuwe pagina"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Er zijn momenteel nog geen pagina's."],"Overview":["Overzicht"],"Page History":["Historie"],"Page title already in use!":["Paginakop reeds in gebruik"],"Revert":["Terugzetten"],"Revert this":["Terugzetten"],"View":["Toon"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["door"],"Wiki page":["Wikipagina"],"Create new page":["Maak nieuwe pagina"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een paginanaam of URL in"],"New page title":["Nieuwe paginakop"],"Page content":["Pagina inhoud"],"Allow":["Toestaan"],"Default":["Standaard"],"Deny":["Weigeren"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Typ tenminste 3 tekens"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Sta gebruikers toe om reacties achter te laten"],"Create comment":["Maak reactie"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft een nieuwe {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Share your opinion with others":["Deel je mening met anderen"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Plaats een bericht op Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Plaats een bericht op Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Deel met mensen op LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweet over deze site"],"Group members - {group}":["Groep leden - {group}"],"You":["Jij"],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"Confirm new password":["Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord"],"No users found.":["Geen gebruikers gevonden."],"TimeZone":["Tijdzone"],"Date":["Datum"],"Hide age per default":["Verberg leeftijd standaard"],"Create Account":["Maak account"],"Remember me":["Onthoud me"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"Registration successful":["Registratie succesvol"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Sign up now":["Nu aanmelden!","Nu registreren!"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Verjaardagen in de komende {days} dagen"],"In {days} days":["Over {days} dagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wordt {years} jaar oud."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking Nieuws Configuratie"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Let op: Je kunt markdown syntax gebruiken"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["De map %filename% kon niet opgeslagen worden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% heeft een ongeldige extensie en is overgeslagen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% is vervangen door een nieuwere versie."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Verwijder bestand"],"Create folder":["Maak map"],"Edit folder":["Bewerk map"],"Files module configuration":["Bestanden module instellingen"],"Move files":["Verplaats bestanden"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Een map met deze naam bestaat al."],"Add directory":["Map toevoegen"],"Add file(s)":["Bestand(en) toevoegen"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Bestanden module toevoegen aan deze space."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Voegt de bestanden module toe aan je profiel."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Verander type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Maak een nieuwe %typeTitle% ruimte"],"Create new space type":["Maak nieuw ruimtetype"],"Delete space type":["Verwijder ruimtetype"],"Edit space type":["bewerk ruimtetype"],"Manage space types":["Beheer space types"],"Create new type":["Nieuw type maken"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Om het ruimtetype \"{type}\"te verwijderen, moet je een alternatief instellen voor dit ruimtetype:"],"Types":["Typen"],"e.g. Project":["bijvoorbeeld Project"],"e.g. Projects":["bijvoorbeeld Projecten"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Kies een afbeelding"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Je kunt jezelf geen mail sturen!","U kunt geen e-mail naar uzelf sturen!"],"Add recipients":["Ontvangers toevoegen"],"Edit message entry":["Bericht bewerken"],"Conversations":["Gesprekken"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Gesprek verwijderen"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Gesprek verlaten"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bericht verwijderen"],"Delete conversation":["Verwijder gesprek"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Wilt u dit gesprek echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Wilt u dit bericht echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Wilt u dit gesprek echt verlaten?"],"Leave":["Verlaat"],"Leave conversation":["Verlaat gesprek"],"Send message":["Verstuur bericht"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonieme stemmen"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Opnieuw? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Op dit moment zijn we een nieuwe meeting aan het plannen en we willen graag van u weten waar u heen zou willen gaan."],"To Daniel":["Aan Daan"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Waarom gaan we niet naar de Bemelman Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anoniem"],"Closed":["Gesloten"],"Add answer...":["Antwoord toevoegen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anoniem stemmen?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antwoorden in willekeurige volgorde weergeven?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwoorden veranderen (Lege antwoorden worden verwijderd)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Verander de vraag..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Waarom wil je dit bericht rapporteren?"],"by :displayName":["door :displayname"],"created by :displayName":["gemaakt door :displayname"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Offensive":["Beledigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als: Hoort niet thuis in space."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd voor niet horen in de space."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"Open wiki page...":["Open wiki pagina..."],"comment":["Reactie"],"post":["Bericht"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definieert de filter om toe te passen wanneer er ingelogd wordt. %s vervangt de gebruikersnaam in de login actie. Voorbeeld: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" of "(uid=%s)""],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Aangeschafte module toevoegen met de licentie code"],"Approval":["Goedkeuring"],"Authentication":["Authenticatie"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Ontwerp"],"Files":["Bestanden"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mailen"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Security":["Veiligheid","Privacy"],"Self test":["Zelf-test"],"Statistics":["Statistieken"],"User posts":["Gebruiker posts"],"Userprofiles":["Gebruikerprofielen"],"Users":["Gebruikers"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Met vriendelijk groet
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\n\n Met vriendelijke groet
\n {AdminName}

"],"Group user not found!":["Groep van de gebruiker niet gevonden"],"No value found!":["Geen waarde gevonden!"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-mail Adres attribuut"],"Date input format":["Datum invoerformaat"],"Default stream content order":["Standaard inhoud volgorde"],"Enable user friendship system":["Vriendschap systeem inschakelen"],"Server Timezone":["Server tijdzone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorteren op aanmaak datum"],"Sort by update date":["Sorteren op update datum"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standaard zichtbaarheid inhoud"],"Administrative group":["Administratieve groep"],"About HumHub":["Over"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Vereisten"],"Advanced":["Geavanceerd"],"Permissions":["Permissies","Machtigingen"],"No purchased modules found!":["Geen aangeschafte modules gevonden!"],"Third-party":["Derde-partij"],"search for available modules online":["Zoek online naar beschikbare modules"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["De ontwikkelaars geven geen ondersteuning op modules van derde partijen en geven ook geen garantie op de werking en veiligheid van deze module."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Derde partij disclamer"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["De nieuwe versie ({version}) is beschikbaar!"],"Advanced Settings":["Geavanceerde Instellingen"],"Appearance Settings":["Weergave instellingen"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-mail Instellingen"],"General Settings":["Algemene instellingen"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Hier kun je de e-mail instellingen van je site veranderen."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Hieronder past u de registratie en aanvullende gebruiker instellingen van uw website aan."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Hieronder verandert u de basis instellingen van uw website."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Hieronder stelt u geavanceerde onderdelen van uw site in."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Hieronder stelt u het uiterlijk van uw site in."],"User Settings":["Gebruikers-instellingen."],"Add new space":["Nieuwe ruimte toevoegen."],"Information":["Informatie"],"Settings and Configuration":["Instellingen en configuratie"],"User administration":["Gebruiker administratie"],"Add new group":["Nieuwe groep toevoegen"],"Back to overview":["Terug naar het overzicht"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Beheer groep: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Profiles":["Profielen"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub bevindt zich momenteel in de foutopsporingsmodus. Schakel dit uit wanneer u in productie draait!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Bekijk de installatie handleiding voor meer info."],"Actions":["Acties"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende gebruiker goedkeuringen"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle geregistreerde mensen die wachtten op goedkeuring."],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Add":["Toevoegen"],"Add new members...":["Nieuwe leden toevoegen..."],"No":["Nee"],"Remove from group":["Verwijder uit groep"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gebruikers kunnen aan verschillende groepen (zoals teams, afdelingen etc.) met specifieke standaard ruimtes, groep managers en permissies."],"Purchases":["Aankopen"],"Enable module...":["Module inschakelen..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koop (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"Installing module...":["Module installeren..."],"Licence Key:":["Licentie code:"],"Updating module...":["Module bijwerken..."],"Visible for members only":["Alleen zichtbaar voor leden"],"Visible for members+guests":["Zichtbaar voor leden+bezoekers"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail""],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Automatisch formaat gebaseerd op de taal van de gebruiker - Voorbeeld: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Vast formaat (mm/dd/yyyy) - Voorbeeld: {example}"],"Friendship":["Vriendschap"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Nieuwe gebruikers worden meteen toegevoegd aan deze ruimte(s):"],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Activiteiten geven een overzicht van genomen acties in context van een space of andere gebruikers. (bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe post of een nieuw lid van een space)"],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Het standaard gedrag voor het zenden van emails. Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen zelf veranderen."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Notificaties is gebruiker geralateerde informatie (bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe post of volger). Notificaties worden ook aangemaakt als er een interactie verseist is (bijvoorbeeld bij een vriendschapsverzoek)."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP opties"],"Add new provider":["Nieuwe provider toevoegen"],"Currently no provider active!":["Er is geen provider actief op dit moment!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers inschakelden."],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider toevoegen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider aanpassen"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["URL prefix zonder http:// of https:// (bijv. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Gebruik %url% als plaatshouder voor een URL. Het formaat dient JSON te zijn (bijv. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Software vereisten controleren."],"Re-Run tests":["Test opnieuw uitvoeren"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["U kunt een statistieken HTML code toevoegen die aan alle pagina's toegevoegd zal worden."],"Manage spaces":["Beheer ruimtes"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Verander hier de standaard instellingen van ruimtes. Een gebruiker kan deze instellingen zelf per ruimte veranderen."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle ruimtes met acties om de ruimte te bekijken, veranderen en verwijderen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen? Als deze gebruiker eigenaar van ruimtes is, wordt u de nieuwe eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"Delete user":["Verwijder gebruiker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Bewerk gebruiker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Nieuwe gebruiker toevoegen"],"Group Manager":["Groepsmanager"],"Last login":["Laatste aanmelding"],"Send invite":["Verstuur uitnodiging"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Deze lijst toont alle geregistreerde gebruikers met opties om te bekijken, te bewerken en te verwijderen."],"never":["nooit"],"Create new profile category":["Nieuwe profiel categorie toevoegen"],"Edit profile category":["Profiel categorie bewerken"],"Create new profile field":["Nieuw profiel veld toevoegen"],"Edit profile field":["Profielveld aanpassen"],"Add new category":["Nieuwe categorie toevoegen"],"Add new field":["Nieuw veld toevoegen"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Pas hier de profiel-categorieën en velden aan. "],"Manage profile attributes":["Profiel-attributen aanpassen"],"Administration menu":["Administratie menu"],"Appearance":["Weergave"],"E-Mails":["E-mails"],"Information":["Informatie"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Click here to review":["Klik hier om te beoordelen"],"New approval requests":["Nieuwe goedkeuring verzoeken"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Een of meerdere gebruikers hebben uw goedkeuring nodig als groep-beheerder"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Nieuwe reactie"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Gebruikers mogen berichten maken"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige content beheren (bijv. vastmaken, archiveren, verwijderen)"],"Create post":["Bericht maken"],"Manage content":["Content beheren"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Load more":["Meer laden"],"My friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Pending friend requests":["Wachtende vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Sent friend requests":["verstuurde vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Accept Friend Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek accepteren"],"Add Friend":["Vriend toevoegen"],"Cancel friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek annuleren"],"Deny friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek weigeren"],"Friends":["Vrienden"],"Requests":["Verzoeken"],"Sent requests":["Verstuurde verzoeken"],"Show all friends":["Alle vrienden weergeven"],"Unfriend":["Ontvrienden"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek goedgekeurd."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek geweigerd."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je een vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd."],"Friendship Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek"],"Friendship Approved":["Vriendschap goedgekeurd"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Modules downloaden en installeren..."],"Welcome Space":["Welkom Ruimte"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Gaaf;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Uw eerste voorbeeld ruimte om het platform te ontdekken."],"New Like":["Nieuwe like"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vinden uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vindt uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} en {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} en {number} andere"],"Other":["Ander"],"Notification Overview":["Notificatie Overzicht"],"Module Filter":["Module filter"],"No notifications found!":["Geen mledingen gevonden!"],"Show all notifications":["Alle meldingen weergeven"],"Search results":["Zoek resultaten"],"Advanced search settings":["Geavanceerde zoekopties"],"All":["Alle"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Zoek naar gebruikers, ruimtes en inhoud"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Zoek alleen in specifieke ruimtes:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Je zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd.","Uw zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd."],"Space followers":["Ruimte volgers"],"No spaces found.":["Geen ruimtes gevonden"],"Private":["Privé"],"Space":["Ruimte"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standaard)"],"Members":["Leden"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, u kunt deze ruimte niet verlaten!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al lid van deze ruimte!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al een aanvrager van deze ruimte!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Als eigenaar van deze ruimte kunt u deze rol overdragen naar een andere administrator in deze ruimte."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["De URL bevat niet toegestane tekens,"],"Transfer ownership":["Eigenaarschap overdragen"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["Dat is bijvoorbeeld voor {baseUrl}/s/voorbeeld"],"Last Visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Originator User ID":["Oprichter gebruiker ID"],"Request Message":["Verzoek bericht"],"Updated By":["Geüpdatet door","Bijgewerkt door"],"Administrators":["Beheerders"],"Color":["Kleur"],"Default content visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid inhoud"],"Homepage":["Startpagina"],"Moderators":["Moderators","Moderatoren"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geaccepteerd"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw verzoek voor de ruimte {spaceName} goed gekeurd"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw verzoek voor de ruimte {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitgenodigd voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} wil lid worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Sta de gebruiker toe openbare inhoud te maken"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Sta de gebruiker toe nieuwe leden uit te nodigen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan verborgen (privé) ruimtes maken"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan openbare ruimtes maken (Te zien in overzicht)"],"Create private space":["Maak privé ruimte"],"Create public content":["Maak openbare inhoud"],"Create public space":["Maak openbare ruimte"],"Invite users":["Gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Toevoegen {n,plural,=1{ruimte} other{ruimtes}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Kies of nieuwe content standaard openbaar of privé is"],"Manage members":["Beheer leden"],"Role":["Rol"],"Space name":["Ruimte naam"],"Add Modules":["Modules toevoegen"],"Security settings":["Veiligheids instellingen","Privacy instellingen"],"Space settings":["Ruimte instellingen"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Permissies zijn toegewezen aan verschillende groepen gebruikers. Om een permissie aan te passen, klik je op de groep die je wilt bewerken en selecteer je in het drop-down menu de gewenste permissie."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Je bent geen lid van deze ruimte en er is nog geen openbare inhoud beschikbaar!"],"Done":["Klaar"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Lidmaatschap beëindigen"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Verberg berichten op het dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Berichten weergeven op het dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe inhoud van deze ruimte verbergen in uw dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe inhoud van deze ruimte weergeven in uw dashboard"],"Pending Approvals":["Wachtende verzoeken"],"Pending Invites":["Wachtende uitnodigingen"],"End guide":["Beëindig tour"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Sleep hier een foto heen of klik hierop om een bestand te kiezen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verberg mijn geboortejaar"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Welkom %firstname, leuk dat u onze website gebruikt!"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["U bent de allereerste hier... Joepie! Wees een uitstekend voorbeeld en vul uw profiel in,
zodat toekomstige gebruikers weten wie hier de baas is en bij wie ze terecht kunnen als ze vragen hebben."],"Your firstname":["Uw voornaam"],"Your lastname":["Uw achternaam"],"Your mobild phone number":["Uw mobiele telefoon nummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Uw telefoonnummer op het werk"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Uw vaardigheden, ervaring, etc. (gescheiden met komma's)"],"Your title or position":["Uw titel of positie"],"Your profile":["Mijn profiel"],"Basic Settings":["Basisinstellingen"],"Change Email":["Verander e-mail"],"Change Password":["Verander wachtwoord"],"Connect account":["Verbind account"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Connected accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Currently in use":["Momenteel in gebruik"],"Delete Account":["Verwijder account"],"Disconnect account":["Ontkoppel account"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier kun je verbinding maken met andere websites om daarmee snel in te loggen."],"My Account":["Mijn account"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Er bestaat al een gebruiker met hetzelfde mailadres, maar dit account is daar niet mee verbonden. Log in met je email adres en wachtwoord en koppel je accounts."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Het nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan het huidige wachtwoord"],"or":["of"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Introductie verbergen op uw dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Nieuwe mensen uitnodigen"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adres(sen)"],"Invitation to join":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vul hieronder de e-mail adressen in van de mensen die u wilt uitnodigen."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Meerdere email adressen gescheiden door een komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Klik hier om een account te maken:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} heeft u uitgenodigd om lid te worden van \"{space}\" op {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} heeft u uitgenodigd voor {name}."],"Searchable":["Doorzoekbaar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma gescheiden land codes, bijv. DE,EN,NL"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Ondersteunde ISO3166 land codes"],"Auth Mode":["Verificatie wijze"],"Last Activity Email":["Laatste activiteit mail"],"Last Login":["Laatste login"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Weergeven in overzicht"],"Show At Registration":["Weergeven bij registratie"],"Space ID":["Ruimte-ID"],"Mentioned":["Genoemd"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} volgt u nu."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft u genoemd in {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Uw huidige e-mail adres is {email}. Hieronder kunt u uw e-mail adres wijzigen.\n"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Uw wachtwoord kunt u hieronder veranderen."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kunt u uw algemene accountgegevens aanpassen, die zichtbaar zijn op de 'over mij' pagina op uw profiel."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Krijg een email voor elke activiteit van gebruikers of ruimtes die u volgt."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ontvang bureaublad meldingen wanneer u online bent","Ontvang desktop melding wanneer u online bent"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden van de ruimte: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registreer nu en doe mee!"],"You got an invite":["U hebt een uitnodiging ontvangen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["heeft uw uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["nodigt u uit om deel te nemen aan {space} op {name}."],"Is Originator":["Is bedenker"],"Last Viewed":["Laatst weergegeven"],"Allows to start polls.":["Starten van stembussen toestaan."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen","Bevestig verwijderen van bericht."],"Confirm report deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van rapportage"],"Delete post":["Verwijder bericht"],"Delete report":["Verwijder rapportage"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Wil je deze rapportage echt verwijderen?"],"Reason":["Reden"],"Reporter":["Rapporteerder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Er zijn geen gerapporteerde berichten."],"Does not belong to this space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Help ons te begrijpen wat er gebeurd."],"It's offensive":["Het is beledigend"],"It's spam":["Het is spam"],"Report post":["Rapporteer bericht"],"Assigned user(s)":["Gekoppelde gebruiker(s)","Toegewezen gebruiker(s)"],"Deadline":["Deadline","Uiterste termijn","Uiterste datum"],"Could not access task!":["Kon taak niet bereiken!","Geen toegang tot de taak!"],"Task":["Taak"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} gekoppeld aan taak {task}.","{userName} toegewezen aan taak {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} gemaakt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} voltooid."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} heeft je aan de taak {task} gekoppeld.","{userName} heeft u aan de taak {task} gekoppeld."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe taak gemaakt: {task}."],"Create new task":["Maak nieuwe taak"],"Edit task":["Bewerk taak"],"Assign users":["Gebruikers koppelen"],"What is to do?":["Wat moet er gedaan worden?","Wat gaan we doen?","Wat is er te doen?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bevestig verwijderen taak"],"Add Task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Wilt u deze taak echt verwijderen?"],"No open tasks...":["Geen open taken..."],"completed tasks":["voltooide taken"],"Click, to finish this task":["Click om deze taak te voltooien"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Deze taak is al voltooid. Klik om als onvoltooid te markeren."],"My tasks":["Mijn taken"],"From space: ":["Van space:","Van ruimte:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Er zijn nog geen taken!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen taken!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Assigned to me":["Gekoppeld aan mij","Toegewezen aan mij"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand gekoppeld"],"State is finished":["Taak is voltooid"],"State is open":["Taak is open"],"Assign users to this task":["Koppel gebruikers aan deze taak"],"Deadline for this task?":["Deadline voor de taak?","Uiterste datum voor deze taak?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Preassign user(s) for this task.","Wijs vooraf gebruiker(s) toe aan deze taak."],"What to do?":["Wat is er te doen?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Wil jij deze taak behandelen?","Wilt u deze taak behandelen?"],"I do it!":["Ik doe het!"],"Update HumHub":["Update"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update HumHub "],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Maak een backup van je bestanden en database voordat je verder gaat!"],"Check for next update":["Controleer op een volgende update"],"Could not extract update package!":["Kon het update pakket niet uitpakken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Kon geen update informatie ophalen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Resultaten van de gegevensbank-migratie"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Gebruik deze updater niet in combinatie met Git of Composer installaties!"],"Downloading update package...":["Update downloaden..."],"Error!":["Fout!"],"Installing update package...":["Nieuwe update installeren..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn door de applicatie."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Zorg er voor dat de modules en thema's compatibel zijn met versie %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Zorg ervoor dat de volgende bestanden schrijfbaar zijn voor de applicatie:"],"Please note:":["Let op:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Update de geïnstalleerde modules voor EN na de update"],"Proceed Installation":["Installatie voortzetten"],"Release Notes:":["Notities van deze versie:"],"Show database migration results":["Database migratie resultaten weergeven"],"Start Installation":["Installatie starten"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["De volgende bestanden lijken niet origineel (%version%) en zullen overschreven of verwijderd worden tijdens het updaten."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":[" De nieuwe versie %version% is beschikbaar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Een nieuwe versie is nog niet voorhanden."],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Het update-pakket is ongeldig!"],"Warning!":["Waarschuwing!"],"Warnings:":["Waarschuwingen:"],"successfully installed!":["succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"version update":["versie update"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Nieuwe versie ophalen is mislukt! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["Is startpagina"],"Protected":["Beschermd"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\r\n\r\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijk groet
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijke groet
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\r\n\r\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\r\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Pinned":["Vastgekleefd","Vastkleven"],"Unpinned":["Losmaken"],"Confirm Action":["Zeker weten?"],"Mail summary":["E-mail samenvatting"],"An error occured while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Een fout ontstond bij het afhandelen van uw laatste actie. (Handler niet gevonden)."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the search result.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond tijdens het laden van het zoekresultaat."],"An unexpected error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"An unexpected server error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte server fout trad op. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl/Cmd+C":["Kopiëren naar het klembord: Ctrl-Cmd + C"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Weet u dit zeker?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Fout bij het uitvoeren van uw laatste actie (Ongeldige request method)."],"No error information given.":["Geen fout informatie beschikbaar."],"Open":["Open"],"Show less":["Toon minder","Laat minder zien"],"Show more":["Toon meer","Laat meer zien"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Enkele bestanden zijn niet geüpload."],"The date has to be in the past.":["De datum moet in het verleden liggen."],"The file has been deleted.":["Het bestand is verwijderd."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["De gevraagde hulpbron kan niet worden gevonden."],"The space has be archived.":["De ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"The space has be unarchived.":["De ruimte is uit het archief gehaald."],"Unsubscribe":["Afmelden"],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Het is niet toegestaan om deze actie uit te voeren.","U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren.."],"Ordered List":["Genummerde lijst"],"Unordered List":["Opsommingslijst"],"Created at:":["Gemaakt op"],"Creator":["Maker"],"Filesize:":["Bestandsgrootte"],"Folder":["Map"],"Folder options":["Map opties"],"Invalid parameter.":["Ongeldige parameter"],"Move":["Verplaatsen"],"Schließen":["Sluiten"],"ZIP all":["Comprimeer alles"],"ZIP selected":["ZIPpen"],"changed:":["veranderd:"],"created:":["gemaakt:"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-Mail samenvattingen"],"Daily":["Dagelijks"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-mail samenvattingen"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-mail samenvattingen informeren u over de recente activiteiten."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-mail samenvattingen informeren andere gebruikers over uw recente activiteiten"],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["Negeer de volgende ruimtes in de e-mail samenvattingen"],"Hourly":["Om het uur"],"Interval":["Interval"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["Op deze pagina kunt u de inhoud en het interval van deze e-mail updates instellen."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Op deze pagina kunt u het standaard gedrag voor uw gebruikers instellen. De gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen overschrijven op hun accountinstellingen pagina."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["Alleen de volgende ruimte in de e-mail samenvatting opnemen."],"Reset to defaults":["Terugzetten naar standaardinstellingen"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["U ontvangt alleen een e-mail bij nieuwe berichten."],"See online:":["Bekijk online"],"User is already a member of this group.":["De gebruiker is al lid van deze groep."],"Add Groups...":["Groep toevoegen..."],"Select Groups":["Groep kiezen ..."],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Beelden horizontaal scrollen op een mobiel apparaat"],"1 month":["1 maand"],"1 week":["1 week"],"1 year":["1 jaar"],"2 weeks":["twee weken"],"3 months":["drie maanden"],"6 months":["zes maanden"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Maximaal leeftijd van logs."],"Administrative":["Beheer"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Ontvang meldingen voor beheertaken zoals nieuwe software versies."],"Access Admin Information":["Toegang tot beheer informatie"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Toegang tot Beheer->informatie "],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Toegang tot beheer ruimtes (maken, wijzigen, verwijderen)."],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Toegang tot beheer gebruiker->ruimte en algemene instellingen."],"Can manage users and groups":["Toegang tot beheer gebruikers en groepen"],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Toegang tot beheer gebruikers en gebruikergegevens"],"Cann manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Toegang tot beheer modules."],"Manage Groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Manage Modules":["Beheer modules"],"Manage Settings":["Beheer instellingen"],"Manage Spaces":["Beheer ruimtes"],"Manage Users":["Beheer gebruikers"],"Notification Settings":["Meldingen instellingen"],"Confirm image deletion":["Bevestig de verwijdering van de afbeelding"],"Wall entry layout":["Afbeeldingenmuur indeling"],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Momenteel zijn er {count} records in de gegevensbank vanaf {dating}."],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["Oude logs nemen veel ruimte in, maar leveren weinig informatie op."],"Space Settings":["Ruimte instellingen"],"E-Mail summaries":["E-mail samenvattingen"],"Logs":["Logs"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Wanneer er een nieuwe reactie is geschreven."],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} reageerde op {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} reageerde op {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayName} reageerde op {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} reageerde op {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayName} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"Receive Notifications when someone comments on my own or a following post.":["Meldingen ontvangen wanneer iemand op mijn eigen of een volgende bericht reageert."],"View Online":["Bekijk online"],"Cancel Edit":["Annuleer bewerking"],"Comment has been deleted":["Reactie is verwijderd"],"Read full comment...":["Lees het volledige bericht..."],"Contents":["Inhoud"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Wanneer nieuwe inhoud (bijvoorbeeld een bericht) is gemaakt."],"Could not delete content!":["Kan de inhoud niet verwijderen!"],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["Kan de inhoud niet verwijderen: toegang verwijderd!"],"Invalid request method!":["Ongeldige aanroep!"],"Maximum number of pinned items reached!\n\nYou can pin to top only two items at once.\nTo however pin this item, unpin another before!":["Maximum aantal vastgezette items bereikt! U kunt slechts twee items tegelijk vastmaken aan top . Maak eerst een bericht los, om dit bericht vast te maken!"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} schreef zojuist {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} schreef zojuist {contentInfo} in ruimte {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} attendeert u op {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} attendeert u op {contentInfo} in {space}"],"New Content":["Nieuwe inhoud"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Ontvang meldingen voor nieuw inhoud die u volgt."],"This space is archived.":["Deze ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"Pin to top":["Kleef vast "],"Unpin":["Maak los"],"The content has been archived.":["De inhoud is gearchiveerd."],"The content has been deleted.":["De inhoud is verwijderd."],"The content has been pinned.":["De inhoud is vastgezet."],"The content has been unarchived.":["De inhoud is uit het archief gehaald."],"The content has been unpinned.":["De inhoud is losgemaakt."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["Uw laatste bewerking is bewaard!"],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Het bestand {fileName} kon niet worden geüpload."],"Could not find requested file variant!":["De gevraagde bestandsvariant is niet gevonden."],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["De afmetingen van de afbeelding zijn te groot om te worden verwerkt met de huidige server geheugen limiet!"],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Dit upload veld kan maximaal {n,plural,=1{# bestand} other {# bestanden}} bevatten."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We zoeken briljante leuzen van bekende merken. Kunt u enkele voorbeelden bedenken?"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Voeg de voorbeeldinhoud toe (aanbevolen)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Toegang toestaan voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers van de openbare inhoud (gast toegang)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Sta vriendschappen tussen leden toe."],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Externe gebruikers kunnen inschrijven (Toon registratieformulier op login-pagina)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nieuw geregistreerde gebruikers moet eerst worden geactiveerd door een beheerder."],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Geregistreerde leden kunnen nieuwe gebruikers via e-mail uitnodigen."],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Ik wil Humhub gebruik voor:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["U bent bijna klaar. In deze stap moet u het formulier invullen om een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met dit account kunt u het hele netwerk te beheren."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub is zeer flexibel en kan worden aangepast uitgebreid voor verschillende toepassingen dankzij de verschillende modules. De volgende modules zijn slechts een paar voorbeelden en degene die we dachten dat het meest belangrijk voor uw gekozen toepassing.
U kunt later modules installeren of verwijderen modules. U kunt meer modules vinden na de installatie in de beheerinstellingen."],"Recommended Modules":["Aanbevolen modules"],"Example contents":["Voorbeeld inhoud"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Om een lege dashboard na uw eerste login te vermijden, kan HumHub bijvoorbeeld-inhoud voor u installeren. Dit geeft u een mooi overzicht van Humhub's mogelijkheden. U kunt altijd de voorbeeld-inhoud verwijderen."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Hier kunt u bepalen hoe nieuwe, niet-geregistreerde gebruikers toegang krijgen tot HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Beveiliginsinstellingen"],"Configuration":["Configuratie"],"My club":["Mijn club"],"My community":["Mijn vereniging"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Mijn bedrijf (Personeelsvereniging / projectmanagement)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Mijn onderwijsinstituut (school, universiteit)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Sla deze stap over, ik wil alles handmatig instellen."],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Om de configuratie te vereenvoudigen, hebben wij de meeste gebruikte instellingen vooraf ingevuld. U kunt deze instellingen aan passen in de volgende stap."],"Likes":["Vind ik leuk"],"Whenever someone likes something (e.g. a post or comment).":["Wanneer iemand van iets houdt (bijvoorbeeld een bericht of reactie)."],"{displayNames} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vindt uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vindt uw {contentTitle}."],"Receive Notifications when someone likes your content.":["Ontvang een meldingen wanneer iemand uw bijdragen leuk vindt."],"Notification Settings":["Notificatie instellingen"],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["In dit scherm kunt u het standaard gedrag voor uw gebruikers definiëren. Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen overschrijven op hun pagina met accountinstellingen."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Uw gebruikers ontvangen meteen meldingen over nieuwe activiteiten in uw netwerk."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["U ontvang meteen meldingen over de nieuwe activiteiten in uw netwerk."],"There are new updates available at {baseUrl}":["Nieuwe updates zijn beschikbaar zijn op {baseurl}"],"There are new updates available at {baseUrl} - ({category})":["Nieuwe updates zijn beschikbaar zijn op {baseurl} - ({categorie})"],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Met dit scherm kunt u uw instellingen voor meldingen configureren door de gewenste instelling te selecteren voor de gegeven notificatiecategorieën."],"Web":["Web"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Sta bureaublad meldingen standaard toe."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Ontvang 'Nieuwe inhoud' meldingen voor de volgende ruimten"],"Apply":["Pas toe"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Anderen mogen nieuwe berichten maken op mijn profielpagina"],"Specify space":["Geef de Ruimte op."],"Space member joined":["Een nieuw lid is toegetreden deze ruimte"],"Space member left":["Een lid heeft van deze ruimte verlaten."],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Wanneer een lid een van uw ruimtes verlaat."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Wanneer een nieuw lid toetreedt tot één van uw ruimtes."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Toegang geweigerd - U kunt geen leden uitnodigen!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["De gebruiker is al lid van deze ruimte."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["De gebruiker is niet een lid van deze ruimte."],"the default start page of this space for members":["De standaard startpagina voor leden van deze ruimte."],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["De standaard startpagina voor bezoekers van deze ruimte."],"Homepage (Guests)":["Startpagina (Gasten)"],"{displayName} just invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} nodigde u zojuist uit voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Ontvang meldingen voor vriendschapsverzoeken en andere uitnodigingen."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Ontvang meldingen voor ruimte goedkeuringen en uitnodigingen."],"Space Membership":["Lidmaatschap ruimte"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Ontvang geen meldingen voor nieuwe inhoud."],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Ontvang meldingen voor nieuwe inhoud."],"Add Space":["Voeg een ruimte toe"],"No spaces found for the given query":["Geen ruimte zijn gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht."],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Kies {n,plural,=1{ruimte} other{ruimtes}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Dit veld kent een maximum van {n,plural,=1{# ruimte} other{# ruimtes}}"],"This space is archived":["Deze ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"You are following this space":["U volgt deze ruimte."],"No member or following spaces found.":["Geen enkel lid of volgende ruimtes gevonden."],"No result found for the given filter.":["Geen resultaat gevonden door het opgegeven filter."],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["Toets tenminste {count} tekens in bij het zoeken naar andere ruimtes."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# nieuw item} other{# nieuw items}} sinds uw laatste bezoek."],"Show {i} more.":["Toon {i} meer."],"Administration":["Beheer"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Klaar! Meer is er niet."],"Modules":["Modules"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Als beheerder kunt u het hele platform vanaf hier beheren.

Afgezien van de modules, gaan we niet op details in, want elk veld heeft een eigen korte beschrijving."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["U bevindt zich nu in het menu Extra. Vanaf hier kunt u toegang krijgen tot de HumHub online marktplaats, waar u een steeds groeiend aantal modules kunt installeren.
Elke nieuwe modules voegt meer functionaliteit toe aan uw ruimtes."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["U hebt nu alle belangrijke functies en instellingen geleerd. U bent l klaar om te beginnen met het platform.
Wij hopen dat u en alle toekomstige gebruikers zullen genieten van het gebruik van deze site. We kijken ernaar uit om het even welke suggesties of ondersteuning die u wenst aan te bieden voor ons project. Voelt u vrij om contact met ons op te nemen via www.humhub.org waar u de laatste informatie kunt vinden. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dit is uw dashboard.

Alle nieuwe activiteiten en berichten die u kunnen interesseren verschijnen hier."],"Administration (Modules)":["Beheer (Modules)"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hoera Dat was het."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hoera! U bent klaar!"],"Profile photo":["Profiel foto"],"Profile stream":["Profiel berichten"],"User profile":["Gebruiker profeil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klik op deze knop om uw profiel en de accountinstellingen bij te werken. U kunt ook meer informatie toe te voegen aan uw profiel."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Elk profiel heeft zijn eigen prikbord. Uw berichten verschijnen ook op de prikborden van gebruikers die u volgt."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Net als in de ruimtes kan het gebruiker profiel worden gepersonaliseerd met verschillende modules.
U kunt zien welke modules beschikbaar zijn voor uw profiel door te kijken in \"Modules\" in het menu accountinstellingen."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dit is uw openbare gebruikersprofiel, die kan worden gezien door een geregistreerde gebruiker."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["U kunt een nieuwe profielfoto uploaden door simpelweg hier te klikken of door een foto hiernaar toe te slepen. Doe precies hetzelfde voor het bijwerken van uw omslagfoto."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["U hebt de gebruikersprofielgids voltooid."],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["U heb de gebruiker profielgids voltooid.

Om door te gaan met de beheerders gids, klik hier:

"],"Most recent activities":["Meest recente activiteiten"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Profile Guide":["Profiel Gids"],"Space":["Ruimte"],"Space navigation menu":["Ruimte navigatie menu"],"Writing posts":["Schrijven van berichten"],"Yay! You're done.":["Ja. U bent klaar."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["157/5000\nAlle gebruikers die lid zijn van deze ruimte worden hier getoond.

Nieuwe leden kunnen worden toegevoegd door iedereen die toegang heeft rechten heeft gekregen van de beheerder."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nieuwe berichten kunnen hier worden geschreven en worden geplaatst."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Wanneer u deelneemt of een nieuwe ruimte maakt, kunt u werken aan projecten bespreken of alleen informatie delen met andere gebruikers.
Er zijn verschillende gereedschappen om een ruimte te personaliseren, waardoor het werkproces productiever is."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Dat is het voor deze ruimte gids.

Om door te gaan met de gebruikersprofiel gids, klik hier:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Hier kunt u door de ruimte navigeren - welke modules zijn actief of beschikbaar in de ruimte waar u momenteel in bent. Dit kunnen bijvoorbeeld vragenlijsten, taken of notities zijn.
Alleen de ruimteeheerder kan modules toevoegen of verwijderen."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Dit menu is alleen toegankelijk voor ruimtebeheerders. Hier kunt u uw ruimte beheren, toevoegen, leden blokkeren en activeren plus gereedschappen in- en uitschakelen voor deze ruimte."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Om u up-to-date te houden, zullen hier de meeste recente activiteiten van andere gebruikers in deze ruimte worden weergegeven."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Berichten van u en andere gebruikers worden hier weergegeven.

U kunt deze dan leuk vinden of er commentaar op geven."],"Account Menu":["Account Menu"],"Notifications":["Meldingen"],"Space Menu":["ruimte Menu"],"Start space guide":["Start de ruimtegids"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Om het spoor van alle zaken niet verliezen!

Dit icoon houdt u op de hoogte van de activiteiten en berichten die u betreffen."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Het account menu geeft u toegang tot uw persoonlijke instellingen en laat u uw openbare profiel beheren."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Dit is de belangrijkste menu en zal waarschijnlijk degene die u het meest gebruikt.
Toegang tot alle ruimtes die u hebt samengevoegd en het maken van nieuwe ruimtes doet u hier.
De volgende gids zal u tonen hoe!.:"]," Remove panel":["Verwijder panel"],"Getting Started":["Beginnen"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Gids: Beheer (Modules)"],"Guide: Overview":["Gids: Overzicht"],"Guide: Spaces":["Gids: Ruimtes"],"Guide: User profile":["Gids: Gebruikers profiel"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Leer de weg kennen op deze webpagina's door de belangrijkste kenmerken met de volgende gidsen te leren kennen:"],"Not registered users":["Niet-geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Other users":["Andere gebruikers"],"Your friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Current Password":["Huidige wachtwoord"],"You're not registered.":["U bent niet geregistreerd."],"YouTube URL":["YouTube URL"],"Checkbox":["Keuzevak"],"Markdown":["Opmaakcodering"],"Checkbox field options":["Keuzevak opties"],"{displayName} is now following you":["{displayName} volgt u nu."],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} heeft u genoemd in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\""],"Mentionings":["Vermeldingen"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand mij volgt."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand mij vermeldt in een bericht."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Verleen toegang tot mijn pagina met persoonlijke informatie"],"View your about page":["Bekijk mijn over-pagina."],"Join the network":["Treed toe tot de groep"],"Add more...":["Voeg meer toe..."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the result.":["Een onverwachte fout trad op tijdens het laden."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Toets tenminste {n} tekens in"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Kies {n,plural,=1{item} other {items}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Het maximale aantal is {n,plural,=1{# item} other {# items}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Het maximale aantal tekens is ({n})."],"Permission":["Toestemming"],"No users found for the given query.":["Geen gebruikers gevonden met de opgegeven waarden."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Selecteer {n,plural,=1{gebruiker} other{gebruikers}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Dit veld kan maximaal {n,plural,=1{# gebruiker} other{# gebruikers}}."],"Sign in / up":["Aanmelden / Registeren"],"Add Dropbox files":["Voeg Dropbox bestanden toe."],"Invalid file":["Ongeldig bestand"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API Key"],"Show warning on posting":["Toon meldingen bij posting"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox post"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox module instellingen"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["De dropbox module moet actief in de dropbox applicatie worden gemaakt! Ga naar deze webpagina , kies 'Drop-ins app \"en koppel uw API-sleutel aan een app naam ."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox instellingen"],"Describe your files":["Beschrijving uw bestanden","Beschrijf uw bestanden"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Sorry, de Dropbox-module is nog niet geconfigureerd! Neem contact op met de beheerder."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["De Dropbox module is nog niet geconfigureerd! hier."],"Select files from dropbox":["Kies bestanden in de Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":[" Let op! U deelt persoonlijke bestanden."],"Do not show this warning in future":["Deze waarschuwing in de toekomst niet te laten zien."],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["De bestanden die u wilt delen zijn privé. Om bestanden in uw ruimte te delen hebben we een gedeelde koppeling gegenereerd. Iedereen met de link kan het bestand te zien.
Weet u zeker dat u de bestanden wilt delen?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, ik weet het zeker."],"Category":["Categorie"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Voegt de vergadermanager toe aan deze ruimte"],"Agenda Entry":["Agenda-item"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["De tijdindeling moet zijn UUR:MINUUT"],"Meeting":["Bijeenkomst"],"Meetings":["Bijeenkomsten"],"Begin":["Begin"],"End":["Einde"],"Location":["Plaats"],"Room":["kamer","Kamer"],"Minutes":["Notulen"],"End must be after begin":["Eindtijdstip moet na het starttijdstip liggen."],"No valid time":["Ongeldige tijd"],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} nodigde u uit voor {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Deze taak heeft te maken met % link%"],"Get details...":["Haal de details..."],"Could not get note content!":["Kan de notitie-inhoud niet vinden."],"Note":["Notitie"],"API Connection successful!":["API verbinding is succesvol."],"Could not connect to API!":["Kan niet verbinden met AP."],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Lees de module documentatie in /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt voor meer details!"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["The notitiemodule heeft een draaide ehterpad server nodig."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["Bijvoorbeeld hppt://uwdomein/pad/"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe notitie gemaakt en aan u toegewezen."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} heeft gewerkt aan notitie {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Open de notitie"],"Title of your new note":["Kop van uw nieuwe notitie"],"There are no notes yet!":["Er zijn nog geen notities!"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Geeft een redenen op waarom u dit bericht wilt rapporteren."],"Approve":["Goedkeuren"],"Approve post":["Keur bericht goed"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Wilt u dit bericht goedkeuren?"],"Does not belong here":["Hoort hier niet."],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Bijwerken naar HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Annuleren"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Veranderingen aan de Humhub kernbestanden worden overschreven bij het bijwerken."],"Cleanup update files":["Opruimen bijwerkbestanden"],"Downloading update package":["Het ophalen van het bijwerkpakket"],"Extracting package files":["Uitpakken van de bestanden in het pakket."],"Installing files":["Installeren van de bestanden."],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Zorg dat alle bestanden beschrijfbaar zijn ("],"Migrating database":["Migreren van de gegevensbank."],"New updater version available!":["Een nieuwe versie staat klaar."],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Foutboodschap is niet beschikbaar. Controleer de log-bestanden"],"Preparing system":["Het systeem voorbereiden."],"Start":["Start"],"Start update":["Start het bijwerken naar de nieuwe versie"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Schakel naar het bijwerken naar de nieuwe versie over naar het standaard thema."],"The update was successfully installed!":["De nieuwe versie is succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Een nieuwe versie van de updater module is beschikbaar. Vernieuw eerst deze module voordat u verder gaat."],"Update HumHub":["Installeer de nieuwste versie van HumHub"],"Update successful":["De nieuwe versie is succesvol geïnstalleerd."],"Validating package":["Het pakket controleren."],"Page creation disabled!":["Maken nieuwe pagina is uitgeschakeld."],"Page not editable!":["Pagina is niet aanpasbaar."],"Page not found.":["Pagina niet gevonden."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Toegang geweigerd. U hebt geen beheerdersrechten."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Toegang geweigerd. U hebt geen rechten om de historie te bekijken."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Terugdraaien is niet mogelijk. Dit is al de laatste herziening."],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["U moet lid zijn van de ruimte \"%space_name%\" te zijn om toegang te krijgen tot deze wiki pagina!"],"Edit file":["Bewerk bestand"],"An internal error occurred. 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Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Er is een interne fout opgetreden. Kan de standaard map met alle geplaatst bestanden niet laden, de gegevensbank is niet goed geïnitialiseerd."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Er is een interne fout opgetreden. Kan hoofdmap niet laden, de gegevensbank is niet goed geïnitialiseerd"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Archief %filename% kan niet worden uitgepakt.."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Archive (zip) ondersteuning is niet ingeschakeld."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Bestand bestaat niet."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Schakel archief (ZIP) ondersteuning uit"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Wilt u echt wilt deze %nummer% artikel(en) met alle onderliggende inhoud verwijderen?"],"Download":["Download"],"Download ZIP":["Download ZIP"],"Edit the file description...":["Bewerk het bestandsomschrijving ..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Bewerk de mapbeschrijving..."],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Naam van de map mag niet beginnen of eindigen met een spatie."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Onvoldoende rechten om deze actie uit te voeren."],"Last edited at:":["Laatst gewijzigd op:"],"Last edited by:":["Laatst bijgwerkt op:"],"Likes/Comments":["Vind ik leuk / Commentaar"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Verhuizen naar dezelfde map is niet mogelijk. Kies een geldige bovenliggende map voor %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Geen geldige items werden geselecteerd om te verplaatsen."],"Open directory!":["Open map!"],"Open parent directory!":["Open bovenliggende map!"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Opening van archief is mislukt, foutcode %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Selecteer een geldige bestemmingsmap voor %title%."],"Selected items...":["Geselecteerde items ..."],"Show Image":["Toon afbeelding"],"Show Post":["Toon bericht"],"Show all files":["Toon alle bestanden"],"Show complete file preview":["Toon een volledige bestandsvoorbeschouwing"],"Show on Wall":["Toon op muur"],"The archive could not be created.":["Het archief kan niet worden gemaakt."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["De map %filename% bestaat al. De Inhoud is overschreven."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["De map met de id %id% bestaat niet."],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Toegang tot beheer modules."],"First name":["Voornaam"],"Last name":["Achternaam"],"Export data":["Exporteer gegevens"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Ondersteuning/hulp"],"Task description":["Taakomschrijving"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de vergadering"],"Create new meeting":["Maak een nieuwe vergadering"],"Edit meeting":["Bewerk de vergadering"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Voeg externe deelnemers toe (vrije tekst)"],"Add participant":["Voeg deelnemer toe"],"Add participants":["Voeg deelnemers toe"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Wilt u deze vergadering echt verwijderen?"],"External participants":["Externe deelnemers"],"Title of your meeting":["Naam van de vergadering"],"hh:mm":["uu:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Bevestig het wissen van het item"],"Create new entry":["Maak een nieuw item"],"Edit entry":["Bewerk het item"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Voeg externe moderatoren toe (vrije tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Voeg moderator toe"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Wilt u dit item echt verwijderen?"],"External moderators":["Externe moderator"],"Title of this entry":["Omschrijving van dit item"],"Edit Note":["Bewerk notitie"],"Note content":["Nieuwe notitie"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Details van de vergadering: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Volgende vergaderingen"],"Past meetings":["Vorige vergaderingen"],"Add a protocol":["Voeg een procedure toe"],"Add a task":["Voeg een taak toe"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Maak uw eigen agendapunt door te klikken op de onderstaande knop."],"New agenda entry":["Nieuw agendapunt"],"New meeting":["Nieuwe vergadering"],"Print agenda":["Druk de agenda af"],"Protocol":["Procedure"],"Share meeting":["Deel de vergadering"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Begin nu, door het maken van een nieuwe vergadering!"],"Today":["Vandaag"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Helaas, tot nu toe ontbreken agendapunten."],"Share meeting":["Deel de vergadering"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Voeg aan uw agenda toe en nodig deelnemers uit"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Toevoeg aan uw persoonlijke agenda"],"Export ICS":["Exporteer ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Stuur kennisgevingen aan alle deelnemers"],"Send now":["Stuur nu"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Stuurt interne kennisgevingen aan alle deelnemers van de vergadering."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Dit maakt een ICS-bestand, die deze bijeenkomst alleen aan uw privé agenda toevoegt."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Dit maakt een ICS-bestand, die deze bijeenkomst aan uw privé agenda toevoegt, alle andere uitnodigt deelnemers uitnodigt en wacht op hun antwoord."],"Send SMS":["Stuur een SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Stuur een SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Stuur een SMS naar"],"The space has been archived.":["De ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"The space has been unarchived.":["De ruimte is uit het archief gehaald."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibrary}"],"Body too long.":["Tekst is te lang."],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Een fout ontstond bij het afhandelen van uw laatste actie. (Handler niet gevonden)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond tijdens het laden van het zoekresultaat."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"Weekly":["Wekelijks"],"Your weekly summary":["Uw wekelijkse samenvatting"],"APC(u)":["APC(u)"],"No caching":["Geen caching"],"PHP APC(u) Extension missing - Type not available!":["De PHP APC(u) extensie ontbreekt - Type is niet beschikbaar!"],"Specify your LDAP-backend used to fetch user accounts.":["Geef uw LDAP-backend op om gebruikersaccounts op te halen."],"All created contents of this user will be deleted.":["Alle door deze gebruiker gemaakte inhoud wordt verwijderd."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?"],"Confirm user deletion":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de gebruiker"],"If this user is owner of some spaces, you will automatically become owner of these spaces.":["Als deze gebruiker eigenaar is van ruimtes, wordt u automatisch eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"This action is disabled!":["Deze actie is uitgeschakeld!"],"This group has no members yet.":["Deze groep heeft nog geen leden."],"Open file":["Open bestand"],"View online:":["Bekijk online:"],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Meld u aan met uw gebruikersnaam / email en wachtwoord."],"Complete Poll":["Rond het stemmen af."],"Reopen Poll":["Heropen de stembus"],"Application folder not writable!":["Applicatie map is niet schrijfbaar!"],"Application folder: {folder}":["Applicatie map: {folder}"],"Installed PHP version not support!":["De geïnstalleerde PHP versie wordt niet ondersteund!"],"Please update installed modules when new version is available!":["Update de geïnstalleerde modules als een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is!"],"Switch to default theme after update (strongly recommended)":["Schakel over naar het standaard thema na de update (sterk aanbevolen)"],"The currently installed PHP version is too old. Please update before proceed.":["De geïnstalleerde PHP versie is te oud. Installeer een nieuwe versie voordat u verder gaat."],"The updater requires write access to all files and folders in the application root folder.":["De updater vereist schrijf toegang tot alle bestanden en mappen in hoofdmap van Humhub."],"Invalid content id given!":["Content ID is ongeldig!"],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden. Hint: controleer de «upload_max_filesize» en «post_max_size» php-instellingen."],"Copy to clipboard":["Kopieer naar klembord"],"Error:":["Fout:"],"Info:":["Informatie:"],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition Proefperiode"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ongeldige Enterprise Edition Licentie"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registreer de Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Unregistreerde Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Voer alstublieft uw HumHub - Enterprise Edition licentiesleutel in. Als u nog geen licentiesleutel hebt, kunt u een bij %link% verkrijgen."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Registreer dezeHumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Vernieuw deze HumHub - Enterprise Edition licentie!"],"Registration successful!":["Registratie is gelukt!"],"Validating...":["Valideren ...\n"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["U heeft {daysLeft} dagen over in uw proefperiode."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Een regel kan bestaan uit @voorbeeld.com om elke e-mail van het opgegeven domein toe te staan, of een volledig adres zoals gebruiker@voorbeeld.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["E-mailkoppelingen"],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["De volgende e-mails komen niet overeen met de toegestane e-maillijst instellingen: {e-mails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["Registratie met dit e-mailadres is niet toegestaan!"],"Whitelist":["Toegestane e-maillijst"],"Change space image":["Verander ruimteafbeelding"],"Crop image":["Afbeelding bijsnijden"],"Current image":["Huidige afbeelding"],"Delete image":["Verwijder afbeelding"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Hier kunt u uw ruimtetypen beheren, die u kunt gebruiken om uw ruimten te categoriseren."],"Space Types":["Ruimtetypen"],"Upload image":["Afbeeldingen uploaden"],"Logo of {appName}":["Logo van {appName}"],"My profile image":["Mijn profielafbeelding"],"Profile dropdown":["Profiel keuzelijst"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profielafbeelding van {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profielafbeelding van {displayName}"],"Toggle comment menu":["Aan/uit commentaar menu"],"Toggle panel menu":["Aan/uit paneelmenu"],"Toggle post menu":["Aan/uit berichten menu"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Aan/uit nieuwsberichten menu"],"Upload file":["Upload bestand"],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} zette iets op uw profiel {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Inhoud zichtbaar"],"Open the notification dropdown menu":["Open het vervolgkeuzemenu meldingen"],"Search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"Remove tour panel":["Verwijder gidspanel"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Deze actie verwijdert het gidspaneel uit uw dashboard. U kunt deze opnieuw activeren bij
Account instellingen Instellingen."],"Hello {displayName},":["Beste {displayName},"],"Please click on the link below to view request:":["Klik op de onderstaande link om het verzoek te bekijken:"],"a new user {displayName} needs approval.":["De nieuwe gebruiker {displayName} heeft goedkeuring nodig."],"Crop profile background":["Profiel achterground bijsnijden"],"Crop profile image":["Profileafbeelding bijsnijden"],"Delete profile image":["Verwijder profielafbeelding"],"Missing E-Mail Attribute from AuthClient.":["Ontbrekend e-mail attribuut van AuthClient."],"Missing ID AuthClient Attribute from AuthClient.":["Ontbrekend ID AuthClient attribuut van AuthClient."],"Unknown user status!":["Onbekende gebruikersstatus!"],"Upload profile banner":["Upload profiel spandoek"],"Upload profile image":["Upload profiel afbeelding"],"Your account is disabled!":["Uw account is uitgeschakeld!"],"Your account is not approved yet!":["Uw account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["U bent uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan %appName%"],"Checkbox List":["Selectievak keuzelijst"],"Allow other selection":["Laat andere selectie toe"],"This will add an additional input element for custom values":["Dit voegt een extra invoerelement toe voor aangepaste waarden"],"You've been invited to join {space} on {appName}":["U bent uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan {space} op {appName}"],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the result.":["Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden tijdens het laden."],"Delete profile banner":["Verwijder de profiel achtergrond"],"Add profile calendar":["Voegeen profielagenda toe"],"Are you sure you want to delete this event?":["Weet u zeker dat u dit evenement wilt verwijderen?"],"Attending":["Neem deel"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Om gebeurtenissen toe te voegen aan uw profiel, moet u eerst de agendamodule inschakelen."],"Interested":["Belangstelling"],"Invited":["Uitnodiging"],"Calendar module configuration":["Agendamoduleconfiguratie"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Voegt een fragment toe met aankomende gebeurtenissen aan het gebruikersprikbord."],"Half a year":["Half jaar"],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Indien geactiveerd, is het bovenste menu-item en het dashboard-fragment in de agenda alleen zichtbaar voor gebruikers die de agendamodule in hun profiel hebben geïnstalleerd."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Interval van komende gebeurtenissen"],"Max event items":["Maximaal aantal gebeurtenissen"],"One month":["Een maand"],"One week":["Een week"],"One year":["Een jaar"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Toon alleen het bovenste menu-item en het fragment als de module is geïnstalleerd in het gebruikersprofiel"],"Show snippet":["Toon fragment","Fragment weergeven"],"Upcoming events snippet":["Komende gebeurtenisfragment"],"Open Calendar":["Open agenda"],"Hide sidebar":["Verberg zijbalk"],"Show sidebar":["Toon zijbalk"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Met de emailkoppelingen kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor gebruikers die na registratie automatisch aan deze groep worden toegewezen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["Met de toegestane e-maillijst kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor het beperken van toegestane e-mailadressen voor gebruikersregistratie en uitnodigingen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["Met de toegestane e-maillijst kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor gebruikers die niet na goedkeuring moeten worden goedgekeurd."],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Wanneer de Toegestane e-maillijstfunctie ook is ingeschakeld (tenminste één regel) - worden de opgegeven regels ook toegevoegd aan de toegestane e-maillijst"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Licentie"],"Licence Serial Code":["Licentiecode"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Geef hieronder uw Enterprise Edition-licentiecode op, u kunt het veld ook leeg laten om 14 dagen uit te proberen.."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Maakeen nieuwe ldap mapping"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Bewerkeen ldap mapping"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP member mapping"],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this group.":["LDAP-gebruikers toewijzen die automatisch lid worden van deze groep."],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this space.":["LDAP-gebruikers toewijzen die automatisch lid worden van deze ruimte."],"Attribute value (e.g. street==Some Street or street=~Street)":["Attribuutwaarde (bijvoorbeeld street == Hobbemastraatofstreet = ~ Straat)"],"Create new mapping":["Maak nieuwe mapping aan"],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP Mapping"],"Mapping options:":["Mapping opties:"],"Note: This option is only available for global user administrators.":["Opmerking: deze optie is alleen beschikbaar voor globale gebruikersbeheerders."],"Part of the users base DN (e.g. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)":["Een deel van de gebruikersbasis DN (bijvoorbeeld OU = People, DC = voorbeeld, DC = com)"],"User Memberships (MemberOf, e.g. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)":["Gebruikers Lidmaatschappen (MemberOf, bijvoorbeeld CN = xyz_space_access, OU = Groups, DC = voorbeeld, DC = com)"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Een toegestane e-maillijsttregel kan ofwel in de vorm voorbeeld.com zijn om elke e-mail van de gegeven domein of een volledig adres toe te staan als gebruiker@voorbeeld.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Scheid meerdere regels met een nieuwe regel."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Scheid meerdere toegestane e-mailregels met een nieuwe regel."],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Sorry! Gebruikerslimiet is bereikt"],"Administrative Contact":["Administratief contact"],"Advanced Options":["Geavanceerde mogelijkheden"],"Custom Domain":["Aangepast domein"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Verwijder instatie","Verwijder instance"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Het maximale aantal gebruikersregistraties is bereikt op deze virtuele machine."],"Your plan":["Uw contract"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Sta anderen toe om u privéberichten te sturen"],"Receive private messages":["Ontvang privéberichten"],"Assign Users":["Gebruikers toewijzen"],"Create document":["Maak document"],"DocumentServer not accessible.":["Documenten-server is niet bereikbaar."],"DocumentServer not configured yet.":["Documenten-server is nog niet geconfigureerd."],"DocumentServer successfully connected! - Installed version: {version}":["Documenten-sverver is succesvol aangesloten! - Geïnstalleerde versie: {versie}"],"OnlyOffice - DocumentServer module configuration":["OnlyOffice - Documenten-server moduleconfiguratie"],"Share document":["Deel document"],"Could not find shared file!":["Kan het gedeelde bestand niet vinden!"],"File read access denied!":["Lees-toegang geweigerd!"],"File write access denied!":["Schrijf-toegang geweigerd!"],"Link for view only access":["Link voor alleen lees-toegang"],"Link with enabled write access":["Link voor schrijf-toegang"],"Open the new document in the next step":["Open het nieuwe document in de volgende stap"],"You can simply share this document using a direct link. The user does not need an valid user account on the platform.":["U kunt dit document eenvoudig delen met een directe link. De gebruiker heeft geen geldig gebruikersaccount op het platform nodig."],"e.g. https://doc.onlyoffice.com":["bijvoobeeld https://doc.onlyoffice.com"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Berichten toestaan> 160 tekens (standaard: niet toegestaan -> momenteel niet ondersteund, aangezien tekens door de weergave worden beperkt)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Een onbekende fout is opgetreden."],"Body too too short.":["Tekst is te kort."],"Characters left:":["Tekens over:"],"Choose Provider":["Kies een provider"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Kon geen verbinding maken met SMS-provider, neem contact op met een beheerder."],"Gateway Number":["Gateway nummer"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Gateway is niet beschikbaar voor dit netwerk."],"Insufficent credits.":["Onvoldoende saldo"],"Invalid IP address.":["Ongeldig IP-adres"],"Invalid destination.":["Ongeldige bestemming"],"Invalid sender.":["Ongeldige verzender"],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module-configuratie te controleren."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Er is onvoldoende saldo beschikbaar voor hoofdaccount."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Er is onvoldoende saldo beschikbaar voor subaccount."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["De provider is niet geïnitialiseerd. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module-configuratie te controleren."],"Receiver is invalid.":["De ontvanger is ongeldig."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Nummer ontvanger heeft niet de juiste opmaak, moet in internationaal formaat zijn, ofwel 00 [...] of + [...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Referentielabel om een filter te maken in statistieken"],"Route access violation.":["Route toegang niet toegestaan"],"SMS Module Configuration":["SMS-module configuratie"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS is afgewezen/niet afgeleverd."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS is succesvol verzonden."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS heeft geen indicatie van de prijs (premium aantal advertenties)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS met identieke berichttekst is te vaak binnen de laatste 180 seconden verzonden."],"Save Configuration":["Opslaan configuratie"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Beveiligingsfout. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module configuratie te controleren."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Selecteer de Spryng route (standaard: BUSINESS)"],"Sender is invalid.":["Afzender is ongeldig."],"Technical error.":["Technische fout."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Test optie. Sms worden niet afgeleverd, maar server reacties doen alsof dat wil zo is."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Om een sms te kunnen verzenden naar een specifiek account, moet het profielveld \"mobiel\" bestaan in de accountinformatie."],"Unknown route.":["Onbekende route."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Binnen deze configuratie kunt u kiezen tussen verschillende sms-providers en deze configureren. U moet uw accountgegevens voor de gekozen provider correct aanpassen om de sms-functionaliteit goed te laten werken."],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:

\n\n Met vriendelijk groet

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\n\n Met vriendelijke groet

"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Sta deelnamestatus 'afwijzen' toe"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Sta deelnamestatus 'misschien' toe"],"Event Type":["Gebeurtenistype"],"Event type color":["Gebeurtenistype kleur"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Ongeldige gebeurtenistype-id geselecteerd."],"Maximum number of participants":["Maximaal aantal deelnemers"],"Send update notification":["Stuur updatemelding"],"Time Zone":["Tijdzone"],"canceled":["geannuleerd"],"(global)":["(globaal)"],"Confirm Deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen"],"Default event settings":["Standaard gebeurtenis instellingen"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Wilt u dit gebeurtenistype echt verwijderen?"],"Event Type Configuration":["Gebeurtenistype configuratie"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Hier kunt u de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe agendagebeurtenissen configureren."],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Hier kunt u de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe agendagebeurtenissen configureren. Deze instellingen kunnen op het ruimte- / profielniveau overschreven worden."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Hier kunt u uw gebeurtenistypes beheren."],"Reset":["Opnieuw instellen","Reset"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Er zijn momenteel geen gebeurtenistypes beschikbaar."],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Ontvang agenda gerelateerde meldingen."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} annuleerde gebeurtenis '{contentTitle}' in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} annuleerde gebeurtenis '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} werkte zojuist gebeurtenis {contentTitle} in ruimte {spaceName} bij."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} zojuist bijgewerkt."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heropende gebeurtenis {contentTitle} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heropende gebeurtenis {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["De gebruiker mag nieuwe agenda-items maken"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["De gebruiker mag bestaande agenda-items bewerken of verwijderen"],"Create entry":["Maak agenda-item"],"Manage entries":["Beheer items"],"Create new event type":["Maak nieuw gebeurtenistype"],"Create new type":["Maak nieuw type"],"Edit event type":["Bewerk gebeurtenistype"],"Participation":["Deelnemen"],"Select event type...":["Kies een gebeurtenis-type..."],"Participant information:":["Deelnemer informatie:"],"Read full description...":["Lees de volledige beschrijving ..."],"Read full participation info...":["Lees volledige deelname informatie ..."],"Event Types":["Gebeurtenis-types"],"Snippet":["Codefragment"],"Your are not a member of this space":["U bent niet lid van deze ruimte."],"Duplicate meeting":["Dupliceer bijeenkomst"],"Shift agenda entry to new meeting":["Verplaats onderwerp naar een nieuw bijeenkomst"],"Duration":["Duur"],"Duration in hh:mm format ":["Duur in uu:mm formaat "],"Move down":["Naar beneden verplaatsen"],"Move up":["Naar boven verplaatsen"],"Shift to other meeting":["Verschuif naar andere vergadering"],"Duplicate agenda entries":["Dupliceer agenda-onderwerpen"],"Manage Meetings":["Beheer bijeenkomsten"],"Participants (External)":["Deelnemers van buiten"],"Duration (hh:mm)":["Duur (uu:mm)"],"Filter meetings":["Filter bijeenkomsten"],"I'm participating":["I neem deel"],"Only past meetings":["Allen bijeenkomsten in het verleden"],"Confirm meeting deletion":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de vergadering"],"Confirm entry deletion":["Bevestig het wissen van het item"],"Meeting overview":["Bijeenkomsten overzicht"],"Drag entry":["Sleep item","Sleep het item"],"Duplicate":["Dupliceer"],"Edit a protocol":["Werk een procedure bij"],"Filter meetings by title":["Filter bijeenkomsten op titel"],"Note: This agenda entry still uses a legacy time format, please save all legacy items in order to use new features.":["Opmerking: dit agenda-item gebruikt nog steeds een oud tijdopmaak, sla alle oude items opnieuw op om nieuwe functies te kunnen gebruiken."],"There are currently no upcoming meetings!.":["Er zijn geen aankomende bijeenkomsten!"],"at":["om"],"Participants have been notified":["Deelnemers zijn in kennis gesteld"],"Shift agenda item":["Verplaats agenda item"],"Choose upcoming meeting":["Kies de komende bijeenkomst"],"Chose upcoming meeting":["Kies de komende bijeenkomst"],"Create new meeting":["Maak een nieuwe bijeenkomst"],"File download url":["Bestand download url"],"File url":["Bestand url"],"Folder url":["Map url"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Een bestand met die naam bestaat al in deze map."],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["Er is een fout opgetreden bij het maken van map {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uitpakken van {filename}."],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Kan geen map met id %id% vinden:"],"Destination folder not found!":["Bestemmingsmap niet gevonden!"],"Display Url":["Toon Url"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Wilt u dit {number} item (s) met alle inhoud erin verwijderen?"],"Files from the stream":["Bestanden van de berichtenstroom"],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["Map {name} kan niet naar zichzelf worden verplaatst!"],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["Naam {name} van deze map is niet bewerkbaar!"],"Make Private":["Privé maken"],"Make Public":["Openbaar maken"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Het verplaatsen naar dezelfde map is niet mogelijk."],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Het verplaatsen naar deze map is niet mogelijk."],"Open file folder":["Open bestandsmap"],"Root":["Root"],"Size: {size}":["Grootte: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Sommige bestanden kunnen niet worden geïmporteerd:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Sommige bestanden kunnen niet worden verplaatst:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["De hoofdmap is het beginpunt dat alle beschikbare bestanden bevat."],"This file is private.":["Dit bestand is privé."],"This file is public.":["Dit bestand is openbaar."],"This folder is private.":["Deze map is privé"],"This folder is public.":["Deze map is openbaar."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["U kunt hier alle bestanden vinden die in deze berichtenstroom zijn geplaatst."],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["ZIP-ondersteuning is niet ingeschakeld."],"Is Public":["Is openbaar"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Opmerking: Wijzigingen in de zichtbaarheid wijzigen van de mappen worden ook toegepast op alle bestanden en mappen in de mappen."],"Add files":["Voeg bestanden toe"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Laat de gebruiker bestanden wijzigen en verwijderen."],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Laat de gebruiker nieuwe bestanden uploaden en mappen maken"],"Manage files":["Bestanden beheren"],"Create draw.io diagram":["Maak een draw.io diagram"],"Draw.io module configuration":["Draw.io module configuratie"],"Create draw.io document":["Maak een draw.io document"],"Edit using draw.io":["Bewerken met draw.io"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["bijvoorbeeld https://draw.io"],"Add new gallery":["Voeg nieuw fotoalbum toe"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Verwijder fotoalbum "],"Confirm delete item":["Bent u zeker? dat u dit item wil verwijderen?"],"Edit gallery":["Bewerk fotoalbum"],"Gallery ":["Fotoalbum "],"Gallery settings":["Fotoalbums instellingen"],"List of galleries":["Overzicht van fotoalbums"],"Add Gallery":["Voeg fotoalbum toe"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Voegt de fotoalbum module aan deze ruimte toe."],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Voegt de fotoalbum module toe aan uw profiel."],"Choose snippet gallery":["Kies fragment fotoalbum"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Klik hier om een nieuw fotoalbum toe te voegen"],"Click or drop files here":["Klik of zet bestanden hier neer"],"Delete Gallery":["Verwijder fotoalbum"],"Deleted":["Verwijderd"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Wilt u dit fotoalbum echt verwijderen inclusief alle bijbehorende inhoud?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Wilt u dit item echt verwijderen inclusief alle bijbehorende inhoud?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Laat het fotoalbum fragment niet zien in deze ruimte."],"Edit Gallery":["Bewerk fotoalbum"],"Gallery":["Fotoalbum"],"Gallery:":["Fotoalbum:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Als een fotoalbum niet zichtbaar is voor de huidige gebruiker, dan gebruikt het fragment het laatst gebruikte fotoalbum."],"Item could not be deleted!":["Item kan niet worden verwijderd!"],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Laatste fotoalbum - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Maak dit fotoalbum openbaar"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Open fotoalbum"],"Posted Media Files":["Geplaatst mediabestanden"],"Posted pictures":["Geplaatste foto's"],"Show connected post":["Toon verbonden foto's"],"Size:":["Grootte:"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Er zijn geen fotoalbums beschikbaar in deze ruimte. Als u het fotalbum-fragment wilt configureren, maak dan een nieuw fotoalbum."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden uit het profiel."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden uit de ruimtes."],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste afbeeldingen."],"added by ":["toegevoegd door"],"of posted media files":["van geplaatste mediabestanden"],"Export":["Exporteer"],"Select Me":["Klik op mij"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Aanmelden als gast is uitgeschakeld, meld u eerst aan."],"Login required for this section.":["Aanmelding vereist door dit onderdeel."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["U hebt geen toegang tot dit onderdeel."],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["U hebt beheerdersrechten nodig voor dit onderdeel."],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Uw gebruikersaccount is nog niet goedgekeurd, probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact op met de beheerder."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Uw gebruikersaccount is inactief, log in met een actief account of neem contact op met de beheerder."],"Back to user overview":["Terug naar het gebruikersoverzicht"],"Invited by":["Uitgenodigd door"],"Pending user registrations":["Wachtende gebruikersregistraties"],"ID Attribute":["ID attribuut"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Niet veranderbaar LDAP-attribuut om de gebruiker in de map ondubbelzinnig te identificeren. Indien leeg wordt de gebruiker automatisch per e-mailadres of gebruikersnaam bepaald. Voorbeelden: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) of uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Standaard inhoud van de e-mail voor registratie goedkeuring"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Standaard inhoud van de e-mail voor registratie afwijzing"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle wachtende registraties en uitnodigingen."],"Do not change placeholders like {displayName} if you want them to be automatically filled by the system. To reset the email content fields with the system default, leave them empty.":["Wijzig geen plaatshouders zoals {displayName} als u wilt dat ze automatisch door het systeem worden gevuld. Als u de velden voor e-mailinhoud wilt resetten met de systeeminstelling, laat ze ze leeg."],"Status: Warning! (No users found using the ldap user filter!)":["Status: Waarschuwing! (Er zijn geen gebruikers gevonden die het ldap gebruikersfilter gebruiken!)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["U kunt een statistieken HTML code toevoegen die aan alle pagina's toegevoegd zal worden."],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Content Tag met ongeldige contentcontainer_id toegewezen."],"This space is not visible!":["Deze ruimte is niet zichtbaar!"],"Tag":["Label"],"The given name is already in use.":["De opgegeven naam is al in gebruik."],"None":["Geen"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["U kunt slechts uploaden naar {n,plural,=1{# bestand} other{# bestanden}} tegelijk."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["De gevraagde inhoud is ongeldig of is verwijderd!"],"Administrator:":["Beheerder:"],"Moderator:":["Moderator:"],"Owner:":["Eigenaar:"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Hiermee kunt u pagina's (markdown, iframe of links) toevoegen aan de ruimtenavigatie"],"Custom pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Zonder toevoeging aan navigatie (directe link)"],"Add new page":["Voeg nieuwe pagina toe"],"Open page...":["Open bladzijde..."],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Voegt een agenda voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"e.g. http://documentserver":["bijvoobeeld http://documentserver"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul uw e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om uw wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"Your email":["uw e-mailadres"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["De tekst kon niet worden gekopieerd naar het klembord."],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["De tekst is naar het klembord gekopieerd."],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["De URL moet beginnen met http:// of https://"],"[Deleted]":["[Verwijderd]"],"Last update by:":["Laatst bijgewerkt door:"],"Your new password must not be equal your current password!":["Uw nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan uw huidige wachtwoord!"],"This profile stream is still empty
Be the first and post something...":["Uw profiel is momenteel nog leeg.
Wees de eerste en een schrijf een bericht..."],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Vast formaat (dd/mm/jjjj) - Voorbeeld: {example}"],"The group id of the group that should be exluded.":["De ID van de groep die moet worden uitgesloten."],"The number of days future birthdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen worden getoond."],"Choose target calendar":["Kies doelagenda"],"Profile Calendar":["Profiel agenda"],"(disabled)":["(Uitgeschakeld)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Hier kunt u de kalender types beheren die afkomstig zijn van andere modules."],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Configuratie van andere agenda's"],"Edit calendar":["Agenda bewerken"],"I'm attending":["Ik ben aanwezig"],"Other Calendars":["Andere agenda's "],"Note: The replacement behaviour is currently not supported for zip imports.":["Opmerking: Vervanging wordt momenteel niet ondersteund voor zip-imports."],"Import Zip":["Zip importeren"],"Replace existing files":["Vervang bestaande bestanden"],"This file is only visible for you and your friends.":["Dit bestand is alleen zichtbaar voor u en uw vrienden."],"This file is protected.":["Dit bestand is beveiligd."],"This folder is only visible for you and your friends.":["Deze map is alleen zichtbaar voor u en uw vrienden."],"This folder is protected.":["Deze map is beveiligd."],"Upload behaviour for existing file names":["Uploadgedrag voor bestaande bestandsnamen"],"Use of file indexes for already existing files":["Gebruik indexen voor reeds bestaande bestanden"],"Edit media":["Media bewerken"],"Conversation":["Gesprek"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Meldingen ontvangen wanneer iemand een nieuw gesprek opent."],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand u een bericht stuurt."],"Can manage meeting content":["Kan bijeenkomsten beheren"],"Open Meeting":["Open bijeenkomst"],"Editors:":["Redacteuren:"],"Add Category":["Categorie toevoegen"],"Download as ICS file":["Downloaden als ICS-bestand"],"{displayName} Birthday":["{displayName} Verjaardag"],"Custom Pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"Edit snippet":["Bewerk snipper"],"Add a file icon before the title":["Voeg een bestandspictogram toe vóór de titel"],"Adds plain HTML content to your site.":["Voegt eenvoudige HTML-inhoud toe aan uw site."],"Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.":["Hiermee kunt u inhoud toevoegen in de MarkDown-syntaxis."],"Alternate text":["Alternatieve tekst"],"Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!":["Maak altijd een back-up van uw view-bestanden buiten uw productieomgeving!"],"An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.":["Een lege toegestane sjabloonselectie staat alle containersjablonen voor deze container toe."],"Back to directory":["Terug naar map"],"Back to space":["Terug naar de ruimte"],"Configuration":["Configuratie"],"Containers":["Containers"],"Create new {type}":["Maak nieuw {type}"],"Css Class":["CSS-klasse"],"Default Content":["Standaard inhoud"],"Directory Menu":["Adresboek menu"],"Edit Page":["Bewerk pagina","Pagina bewerken"],"Empty":["Leeg","leeg"],"Html":["HTML"],"Iframe":["Iframe"],"Invalid type selection":["Ongeldige typeselectie"],"Item name":["Itemnaam"],"Layouts":["Lay-outs"],"Off":["Uit"],"On":["Aan"],"On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.":["Op deze pagina kunt u algemene instellingen van uw aangepaste pagina's configureren."],"PHP":["PHP"],"Pages":["Pagina's"],"Please choose one of the following content types. 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Raadpleeg voor meer informatie de Yii's Security best practices."],"Show additional file information (size)":["Extra bestandsinformatie weergeven (grootte)"],"Snipped-Layouts":["Snipper-lay-outs"],"Snippets":["Snippers"],"Source":["Bron"],"Style":["Stijl"],"Template":["Sjabloon"],"Templates":["Sjablonen"],"Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.":["Met sjablonen kunt u combineerbare paginafragmenten definiëren met inline-bewerkingsfunctionaliteit."],"This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!":["Voor deze actie is een ownerContentId of ownerContent-instance vereist!"],"This action requires an templateId or template instance!":["Voor deze actie is een instantie templateId of template-instance vereist!"],"This container does not allow any further items!":["Deze container staat geen verdere items toe!"],"Will embed the the result of a given url as an iframe element.":["Het resultaat van een opgegeven URL insluiten als een iframe-element."],"Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.":["Zend verzoeken om naar een opgegeven (relatieve of absolute) URL."],"With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.":["Met op PHP gebaseerde pagina's kunt u aangepaste pagina's maken door middel van view-bestanden in uw bestandssysteem. Controleer de moduleconfiguratie voor meer informatie."],"Icon":["Pictogram"],"Invalid template selection!":["Ongeldige sjabloon selectie!"],"Invalid view file selection!":["Ongeldige view bestandsselectie!"],"Style Class":["Stijlklasse"],"Target Url":["Doel-URL"],"Template Layout":["Sjabloon lay-out"],"Add {templateName} item":[" Toevoegen {templateName} item"],"Edit item":["Bijwerken item"],"Edit {type} element":[" {type} element bewerken"],"Empty content elements cannot be delted!":["Lege inhoudselementen kunnen niet worden verwijderd!"],"Invalid request data!":["Ongeldige requestgegevens!"],"You are not allowed to delete default content!":["Het is niet toegestaan om standaard inhoud te verwijderen!"],"Empty
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The deletion will affect all pages using this template.":["Wilt u dit element echt verwijderen?
De verwijdering is van invloed op alle pagina's die deze sjabloon gebruiken."],"View not found":["View niet gevonden"],"Add new {pageType}":["Toevoegen van een nieuwe {pageType}"],"Create new template":["Maak een nieuwe sjabloon"],"Edit template":["Bewerk de sjabloon","Sjabloon bewerken"],"By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value 'mypage' will result in an url 'www.example.de/p/mypage'.":["Door een url-snelkoppeling in te stellen, kunt u een beter leesbare URL voor uw pagina maken. Als URL-herschrijving is ingeschakeld op uw site, resulteert de waarde 'Mijnpagina' in een URL 'www.example.de/p/mijnpagina'."],"Here you can configure the general settings of your {label}.":["Hier kunt u de algemene instellingen van uw {label} configureren."],"Inline Editor":["Inline Editor"],"e.g. http://www.example.de":["bijv. http://www.voorbeeld.nl"],"Create new {label}":["Maak een nieuw {label}"],"No {label} entry created yet!":["Er is nog geen {label}-inschrijving gemaakt!"],"This page lists all available {label} entries.":["Deze pagina bevat alle beschikbare {label}-items."],"Edit Template":["Sjabloon bewerken"],"Edit elements":["Elementen bewerken"],"Page configuration":["Pagina-configuratie"],"Turn edit off":["Zet bewerking uit"],"Inline":["Inline"],"Multiple":["Meerdere"],"This template does not contain any elements yet.":["Deze sjabloon bevat nog geen elementen."],"none":["Geen"],"less":["minder"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Opmerking: het resultaat blijft verborgen totdat een moderator de stembus sluit."],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Verberg de resultaten tot de sluiting van de stembus?"],"Cancel Event":["Annuleer gebeurtenis"],"Reopen Event":["Heropen de gebeurtenis"],"(Disabled - please add content in default language!)":["(Uitgeschakeld - voeg inhoud toe in de standaardtaal!)"],"Legal module - administration":["Juridische -module - beheer"],"Accept button label":["Aanvaarden-knoplabel"],"Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Voegt een overlay toe die de gebruikers informeert over het gebruik van cookies. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen."],"Adds several editable legal options, like an imprint and a privacy policy.":["Voegt verschillende bewerkbare juridische opties toe, zoals een voettekstregel en een privacybeleid."],"Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!":["Zeker weten? Bewaar veranderingen voordat u verder gaat!"],"Box content":["Frame inhoud"],"Box language:":["Frame taal"],"Cookie notification":["Cookie melding"],"Default languge":["Standaard taal"],"Delete my account including my personal data":["Verwijder mijn account inclusief mijn persoonlijke gegevens"],"Enabled pages and features":["Ingeschakelde pagina's en functies"],"Got it!":["Begrepen!"],"I am older than 16 years":["Ik ben ouder dan 16 jaar"],"I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy":["Ik heb het privacybeleid gelezen en ga ermee akkoord"],"I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions":["Ik heb de algemene voorwaarden gelezen en ga ermee akkoord"],"If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Als u uw privacybeleid bijwerkt, kunt u de \"Bevestiging herstellen\"-optie gebruiken om uw gebruikers op de hoogte te stellen en hen te vragen om akkoord te gaan."],"If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Als u uw Algemene voorwaarden bijwerkt, kunt u de «Bevestiging resetten-optie» gebruiken om uw gebruikers op de hoogte te stellen en hen te vragen om akkoord te gaan."],"Imprint":["Voettekstregel"],"Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.":["Informeert de gebruikers dat u uw privacybeleid of uw algemene voorwaarden hebt gewijzigd. Om dit te activeren, moet de «Bevestiging resetten-optie» van genoemde juridische documenten worden geactiveerd."],"Legal Tools":["Juridische hulpmiddelen"],"Legal Update":["Juridische update"],"More information: {link}":["Meer informatie: {link}"],"Page language:":["Paginataal:"],"Page:":["Pagina"],"Privacy Policy":["Privacybeleid"],"Reset confirmation":["Reset bevestiging"],"Reset successful!":["Reset succesvol!"],"Show age verification (16+)":["Toon leeftijdsverificatie (16+)"],"Terms and Conditions":["Voorwaarden"],"This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Deze pagina is toegevoegd aan de voettekstnavigatie en het registratieproces. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.":["Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.":["Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker."],"Overview":["Overzicht"],"Are you really sure? All existing category page assignments will be removed!":["Zeker weten? Alle bestaande categoriepagina-toewijzingen worden verwijderd!"],"Categories":["Categorieën"],"Invalid category!":["Ongeldige categorie!"],"Is category":["Is categorie"],"Page list":["Paginalijst"],"Pages in this category":["Pagina's in deze categorie"],"Pages without category":["Pagina's zonder categorie"],"Show all {count} pages.":["Toon alle {count}. pagina's."],"Data privacy":["Data Privacy"],"Terms of use":["Gebruiksvoorwaarden"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["Sta gebruikers toe om nieuwe gesprekken te starten"],"Start new conversations":["Begin nieuwe gesprekken"],"Add:":["Toevoegen:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Kan de opgevraagde pagina niet vinden."],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Typ ten minste {count} tekens"],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["De huidige naam van de HumHub-gegevensbank is"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% is gearchiveerd."],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% is uit het archief gehaald."],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Alle persoonlijke gegevens van deze gebruiker worden definitief verwijderd."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["De gebruiker is de eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Module succesvol uitgeschakeld!"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Module succesvol ingeschakeld!"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Schakel module: {moduleId} uit --- "],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Schakel module: {moduleId} in ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Module niet gevonden of geactiveerd!"],"Module not found!\n":["Module niet gevonden"],"Redis":["Redis"],"CronJob Status":["CronJob status"],"Queue Status":["Wachtrij status"],"Background Jobs":["Achtergrond taken"],"Delayed":["Uitgesteld"],"Driver":["Stuurprogramma"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Raadpleeg de documentatie om cronjobs in te stellen en workers in de wachtrij te zetten."],"Reserved":["Wordt uitgevoerd"],"Waiting":["Aan het wachten"],"Active users":["Actieve gebruikers"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt uitschakelen?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt inschakelen?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt imiteren?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Weet u zeker dat u de volgende gebruiker wilt verwijderen?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Verwijder alle bijdragen van deze gebruiker"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Verwijder alle ruimtes die eigendom zijn van deze gebruiker"],"Deleted users":["Verwijder gebruikers"],"Disabled users":["Uitgeschakelde gebruikers"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Als deze optie niet is geselecteerd, wordt het eigendom van de spaties overgedragen aan uw account."],"List pending registrations":["Lijst met in behandeling zijnde registraties"],"Member since":["Lid sinds"],"Permanently delete":["Permanent verwijderen"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Zoeken op naam, e-mailadres of ID."],"User deletion process queued.":["Het verwijderen van de gebruiker is in de wachtrij geplaatst."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Met behulp van deze optie worden alle bijdragen (zoals inhoud, opmerkingen of vind-ik-leuks) van deze gebruiker onherroepelijk verwijderd."],"View profile":["Bekijk profiel"],"Send invitation email":["Stuur uitnodigingsmail"],"Send invitation email again?":["De uitnodigingsmail opnieuw versturen?"],"You are not allowed to comment.":["U mag geen commentaar geven."],"Move content":["Inhoud verplaatsen"],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["De inhoud is verplaatst naar {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Ongeldige ruimteselectie."],"Move content":["Verplaats inhoud"],"Target Space":["Nieuwe ruimte"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["De auteur van deze inhoud mag geen privé-inhoud maken binnen de geselecteerde ruimte."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["De auteur van deze inhoud mag geen openbare-inhoud maken binnen de geselecteerde ruimte."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["De inhoud kan niet worden verplaatst naar de huidige ruimte."],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["De module {moduleName} is niet ingeschakeld in de geselecteerde nieuwe ruimte."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Dit inhoudstype kan niet worden verplaatst vanwege een ontbrekende module-ID-instelling."],"This content type can't be moved.":["Dit inhoudstype kan niet worden verplaatst."],"You do not have the permission to move this content to the given space.":["U bent niet gemachtigd om deze inhoud naar de opgegeven ruimte te verplaatsen."],"You do not have the permission to move this content.":["U bent niet gemachtigd om deze inhoud te verplaatsen."],"Activity":["Activiteit"],"Add or remove link":["Hyperlink toevoegen of verwijderen"],"Animals & Nature":["Dieren en natuur"],"Change to code block":["Verander naar codeblok"],"Change to heading":["Verander naar kop"],"Change to paragraph":["Verander naar paragraaf"],"Columns":["Kolommen"],"Create a link":["Maak een hyperlink"],"Create table":["Maak een tabel"],"Delete column":["Kolom verwijderen"],"Delete row":["Rij verwijderen"],"Delete table":["Tabel verwijderen"],"Food & Drink":["Eten & drinken"],"Horizontal rule":["Horizontale lijn"],"Insert":["Invoegen"],"Insert column after":["Kolom invoegen na"],"Insert column before":["Kolom invoegen voor"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Horizontale lijn invoegen"],"Insert image":["Afbeeldingen invoegen"],"Insert row after":["Rij invoegen na"],"Insert row before":["Rij invoegen voor"],"Insert table":["Tabel invoegen"],"Link target":["Hyperlink doel"],"Objects":["Objecten"],"Paragraph":["Paragraaf"],"People":["Mensen"],"Rows":["Rijen"],"Symbols":["Symbolen"],"Toggle code font":["Code"],"Toggle emphasis":["Cursief"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Doorhalen"],"Toggle strong style":["Vet"],"Travel & Places":["Reizen & plaatsen"],"Upload File":["Upload bestand"],"Upload and include a File":["Upload en voeg een bestand toe"],"Wrap in block quote":["Maak een blokcitaat"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Maak een lijst met opsomtekens"],"Wrap in ordered list":["Maak een genummerde lijst"],"Include archived content":["inclusief gearchiveerde inhoud"],"Only private content":["Alleen privé inhoud"],"Only public content":["Alleen openbare inhoud"],"With file attachments":["Met bestandsbijlagen"],"Access directory":["Toegang tot map"],"Can access the directory section.":["Heeft toegang tot de mappen."],"Space has been archieved":["Ruimte is gearchiveerd"],"Whenever a space is archieved.":["Als een ruimte is gearchiveerd"],"Author":["Auteur"],"Content Type":["Inhoudstype"],"User Interface":["Gebruikersomgeving"],"Invalid icon.":["Ongeldig pictogram."],"Select icon":["Selecteer een pictogram"],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["Al uw persoonlijke gegevens worden permanent verwijderd."],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["Weet u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen?"],"You are currently the owner of following spaces:":["U bent momenteel de eigenaar van de volgende ruimtes:"],"You must transfer ownership or delete these spaces before you can delete your account.":["U moet het eigendom overdragen of deze ruimtes verwijderen voordat u uw account kunt verwijderen."],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["Uw account kan niet worden verwijderd!"],"This profile is no longer available!":["Dit profiel is niet langer beschikbaar!"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Melding van {appName}. U bent toegevoegd aan de groep."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Melding van {appName}. U bent uit de groep verwijderd."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} heeft u toegevoegd aan groep {groupName}."],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} heeft u verwijderd uit de groep {groupName}."],"Change owner":["Wijzig eigenaar"],"Manage members":["Leden beheren"],"Manage modules":["Modules beheren"],"Open space":["Ruimte openen"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Zoeken op naam, beschrijving, ID of eigenaar."],"Impersonate":["Imiteren ( wordt deze gebruiker)"],"Topics":["Rubrieken"],"Flags":["Vlaggen"],"Space has been unarchieved":["Ruimte is gedearchiveerd"],"Whenever a space is unarchieved.":["Als een ruimte is gedearchiveerd"],"{count} members":["{count} leden"],"Remove from space":["Verwijderen uit de ruimte"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["U bent toegevoegd aan ruimte {spaceName}"],"{displayName} changed your role to {roleName} in the space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heeft uw rol gewijzigd in {roleName} in de ruimte {spaceName}."],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["Meldingen van ruimte-lidmaatschapsgebeurtenissen ontvangen."],"Allows the user to create private content":["Sta de gebruiker toe privé-inhoud maken"],"Create private content":["Maak privé-inhoud"],"-":["-"],"Add all registered users":["Voeg alle geregistreerde gebruikers toe."],"Add users to Space without inviting them":["Voeg gebruikers toe aan deze ruimte zonder ze uit te nodigen."],"The request to add users has been added to the queue":["Het verzoek om gebruikers toe te voegen is toegevoegd aan de wachtrij."],"Topic":["Rubriek"],"Confirm topic deletion":[" Bevestig het verwijderen van deze rubriek"],"Edit Topic":["Rubriekbewerken"],"Manage Topics":["Rubriek beheren"],"Topic Overview":["Rubriek overzicht"],"Add Topic":["Voeg rubriek toe"],"Do you really want to delete this topic?":["Wilt u dit rubriek echt verwijderen?"],"Topic has been deleted!":["Rubriek is verwijderd."],"Add Topics":["Voeg rubriek toe"],"Manage Topics":["Rubrieken beheren"],"Can add new topics":["Kan nieuwe rubrieken toevoegen"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Kan rubrieken bewerken en verwijderen"],"Add topic":["Rubriek toevoegen"],"No topics found for the given query":["Geen rubrieken gevonden voor de opgegeven zoekopdracht"],"Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}":["Selecteer {n,plural,=1{rubriek} other{rubrieken}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}":["Dit veld kent een maximum van {n,plural,=1{# rubriek} other{# rubrieken}}"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Deze gebruiker is niet eigenaar van een ruimte."],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Groepen (Opmerking: de beheerdersgroep van deze gebruiker kan niet worden beheerd met uw machtigingen)"],"Deleted invitation":["Uitnodiging verwijderen"],"Invite not found!":["Uitnodiging niet gevonden!"],"Resend invitation email":["Stuur uitnodigingsmail opnieuw"],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Wachtrij succesvol gewist."],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Bezig met het opnieuw opbouwen van de zoekindex."],"Delete invitation":["Uitnodiging verwijderen"],"Delete invitation?":["Uitnodiging verwijderen?"],"The comment must not be empty!":["De opmerking mag niet leeg zijn!"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige inhoud beheren (bijvoorbeeld archiveren, plakken, verplaatsen of verwijderen)"],"User invitations have been added to the queue":["Gebruikersuitnodigingen zijn aan de wachtrij toegevoegd."],"User memberships have been added to the queue":["Gebruikerslidmaatschappen zijn toegevoegd aan de wachtrij."],"Add users without invitation":["Voeg gebruikers zonder uitnodiging toe"],"Select all registered users":["Selecteer alle geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Users has been invited.":["De bebruikers zijn uitgenodigd."],"Here you can edit the source of your template by defining the template layout and adding content elements. Each element can be assigned with a default content and additional definitions.":["Hier kunt u de bron van uw sjabloon bewerken door de sjabloonlay-out te definiëren en inhoudselementen toe te voegen. Elk element kan worden toegewezen met een standaard inhoud en aanvullende definities."],"This template systems uses {twigLink} as template engine.

You can add elements as Richtexts or Images into your template by using the 'Add Element' dropdown menu.
After adding an element, the elements placeholder is automatically inserted to your template.
You can change the position of your elements anytime. The element for an block with the name 'content' will be represented as '{{ content }}' within your template.

The name of your block hast to start with an alphanumeric letter and cannot contain any special signs except an '_'. Each element provides additional placeholder for rendering the default content or edit links. These additions can be inserted adding for example {{ content.default }} to your template.":["Dit sjabloonsysteem gebruikt {twigLink} als sjabloonengine.

U kunt elementen als richtexts of afbeeldingen aan uw sjabloon toevoegen met behulp van het vervolgkeuzemenu 'Element toevoegen'.
Na het toevoegen van een element, de plaatsaanduidingen voor elementen worden automatisch in uw sjabloon ingevoegd.
U kunt de positie van uw elementen op elk gewenst moment wijzigen. Het element voor een blok met de naam 'inhoud' wordt in uw sjabloon weergegeven als '{{content}}'.

De naam van uw blok moet beginnen met een alfanumerieke letter en mag geen enkele letter bevatten speciale tekens behalve een '_'. Elk element biedt extra tijdelijke aanduiding voor het renderen van de standaard inhoud of bewerken van koppelingen. Deze toevoegingen kunnen worden ingevoegd door bijvoorbeeld {{content.default}} aan uw sjabloon toe te voegen."],"Mail module configuration":["Moduleconfiguratie Mail"],"Show menu item in top Navigation":["Toon het menu-item in de navigatiebalk (bovenaan)."],"This user is already participating in this conversation.":["Deze gebruiker neemt al deel aan dit gesprek."],"Write a message...":["Schrijf een bericht..."],"You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.":["Het is niet toegestaan om een gesprek met deze gebruiker te starten."],"User {name} is already participating!":["Gebruiker {name} doet al mee!"],"You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!":["U mag {naam} niet uitnodigen. Deze naam is al in gebruik!"],"Channel":["Kanaal"],"Make sure all files are writable! (file)":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn!"],"Stable and beta versions":["Stabiele en bètaversies"],"Stable versions only":["Alleen stabiele versies"],"Updater Configuration":["Updater-configuratie"],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Waarschuwing onvolledige installatie!"],"Open documentation":["Open documentatie"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["De cron-taak voor de achtergrondtaken (wachtrij) lijkt niet goed te werken."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["De cron-taak voor de reguliere taken (cron) lijkt niet goed te werken."],"Must contain at least one character.":["Moet ten minste één teken bevatten."],"Add all space members to this event":["Voeg alle leden van deze ruimte toe aan deze gebeurtenis"],"Add remaining space members to this event":["Resterende leden van deze ruimte toevoegen aan deze gebeurtenis"],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName} starting at {time}.":["{displayName} heeft u zojuist aan {\"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName} vanaf {time} toegevoegd."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} annuleerde \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} annuleerde \"{contentTitle}\"."],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} heeft u zojuist aan \"{contentTitle}\" toegevoegd."],"{displayName} just updated event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} werkte zojuist \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName} bij."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heropende \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} heropende \"{contentTitle}\"."],"Edit message...":["Bewerk bericht ..."],"Delete discussion":["Verwijder discussie"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geen taken gevonden die voldoen aan uw filter(s)!"],"Index":["Inhoudsopgave"],"Wiki link":["Wiki hyperlink"],"Add Page":["Pagina toevoegen"],"Choose a Wiki Page":["Kies een wiki-pagina"],"Headline":["Kop"],"Home":["Startpagina"],"Index":["Inhoudsopgave"],"Last updated ":["Laatst bijgewerkt"],"Page index":["Pagina-index"],"Page not found":["Pagina niet gevonden"],"Search for Wiki Title":["Zoeken naar Wiki-kop"],"This page is empty.":["Deze pagina is leeg."],"Info message has been sent.":["Info-bericht is verzonden."],"Send as message":["Stuur als bericht"],"{userName} completed task {task}.":["{userName} voltooide taak {task}."],"{userName} reset task {task}.":["{userName} stelde taak {task} opnieuw in.."],"{userName} reviewed task {task}.":["{userName} beoordeelde taak {task}."],"{userName} works on task {task}.":["{userName} werkt aan taak {task}."],"Assigned users are allowed to process this task.":["Alleen toegewezen gebruikers mogen deze taak werken."],"Create task list":["Takenlijst maken"],"Edit task list":["Takenlijst bewerken"],"Accept Task":["Taak accepteren"],"Add Task List":["Takenlijst toevoegen"],"Add task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Allows the user to create new tasks, the user will only be able to edit and delete own tasks":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker nieuwe taken maken, de gebruiker kan alleen eigen taken bewerken en verwijderen."],"Assignments:":["Toewijzingen:"],"Begin Task":["Begin aan taak"],"Checklist:":["Controlelijst:"],"Continue Review":["Doorgaan met beoordeling"],"Create tasks":["Taken maken"],"Delete list":["Taaklijst verwijderen"],"Delete task":["Taak verwijderen"],"Edit list":["Lijst bijwerken"],"Edit task":["Taak bijwerken"],"Finish Task":["Voltooi de taak"],"Finished Lists":["Voltooide takenlijsten"],"Here you can manage your task lists in order to categorize and sort tasks.":["Hier kunt u uw takenlijsten beheren, categoriseren en sorteren."],"Hide this list once all tasks are completed":["Verberg deze lijst zodra alle taken zijn voltooid."],"If no assigned user is selected, every space member with the permission to process unassigned tasks can process the task.":["Als er geen toegewezen gebruiker is geselecteerd, kan elk ruimtelid met de machtiging om niet-toegewezen taken te verwerken, de taak verwerken."],"In case the review option is active, a responsible user will have to review and either reject or confirm this task before completion.":["Als de beoordelingsoptie actief is, moet een verantwoordelijke gebruiker deze taak afwijzen of bevestigen voordat deze is voltooid."],"Invalid task list selection.":["Ongeldige selectie van een takenlijst."],"Let Task Review":["Laten we taken gaan beoordelen."],"Lists":["Taaklijsten"],"No pending tasks found":["Geen openstaande taken gevonden"],"Other Tasks":["Andere taken"],"Ready For Review":["Klaar voor beoordeling"],"Reject Task":["Taak weigeren"],"Request extension":["Verzoek om verlenging"],"Reset Task":["Taak opnieuw instellen","Taak resetten"],"Scheduling":["Planning"],"Show {count} more completed {n,plural,=1{task} other{tasks}}":["Toon {count} voltooide {n,plural,=1{taak} other{taken}} meer."],"Task Lists":["Takenlijsten"],"Tasks: Reminder":["Taken: herinnering"],"This task requires to be reviewed by a responsible":["Een verantwoordelijk moet deze taak beoordelen."],"Unsorted":["Niet sorteerd"],"You are assigned!":["U bent toegewezen!"],"You are responsible!":["U bent verantwoordelijk"],"{displayName} is assigned to this task":["{displayName} is toegewezen aan deze taak"],"{displayName} is responsible for this task":["{displayName} is verantwoordelijk voor deze taak"],"Drag list":["Sleep lijst"],"Task module configuration":["Taak-module configureren"],"Max tasks items":["Maximaal aantal taken"],"Show snippet in Space":["Fragment in ruimte weergeven"],"Shows a widget with tasks on the dashboard where you are assigned/responsible.":["Toont een widget met aan uw toegewezen of verantwoordelijke taken op het dashboard."],"Shows the widget also on the dashboard of spaces.":["Toont de widget ook op het dashboard van ruimtes"],"Your tasks snippet":["Uw taakfragment"],"Already requested":["Al aangevraagd"],"Request sent":["Verzoek verzonden"],"Filter tasks":["Filter taken"],"I'm assigned":["Toegewezen aan mij"],"I'm responsible":["Mijn verantwoordelijkheid"],"Overdue":["Over tijd","Te laat"],"Add Deadline to space calendar":["Voeg de uiterste datum toe aan de ruimtekalender"],"Add schedule to the space calendar":["Voeg schema toe aan de ruimtekalender"],"Add to space calendar":["Toevoegen aan de ruimtekalender"],"Checklist Items":["Checklist items"],"Deadline: ":["Uiterste datum"],"Don't add to calendar":["Voeg niet toe aan de kalender"],"Extend deadline request":["Verleng uiterste datum"],"Parent Task":["Bovenliggende taak"],"Reminder sent":["Herinnering verstuurd"],"Reminders":["Herinneringen"],"Responsible user(s)":["Verantwoordelijke gebruiker(s)"],"Review by responsible user required":["Beoordeling door verantwoordelijke gebruiker vereist"],"1 Day before":["1 dag ervoor"],"1 Month before":["1 maand ervoor"],"1 Week before":["1 week ervoor"],"2 Days before":["2 dagen ervoor"],"2 Weeks before":["2 weken ervoor"],"3 Weeks before":["3 weken ervoor"],"At least 1 Hour before":["Ten minste 1 uur ervoor"],"At least 2 Hours before":["Ten minste 2 uur ervoor"],"Do not remind":["Niet herinneren"],"Remind Mode":["Herinneringsmodus"],"Completed":["Voltooid"],"Receive Notifications for Task Reminder.":["Ontvang meldingen voor taakherinnering."],"Receive Notifications for Tasks (Deadline Updates, Status changes ...).":["Meldingen ontvangen voor taken (uiterste datum wijzigingen, statuswijzigingen ...)."],"Reminder":["Herinnering"],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} ends at {dateTime}.":["Taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} eindigt om {dateTime}."],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} starts at {dateTime}.":["Taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} begint om {dateTime}."],"{userName} assigned you to task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} wees taak {task} aan u toe in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} completed Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} voltooide taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has changed deadline for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} wijzigde de uiterste datum voor taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has re-opened task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} opende taak {task} opnieuw in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has rejected task {task} in space {spaceName} as incomplete.":["{userName} keurde taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} af als onvolledig."],"{userName} marked Task {task} in space {spaceName} as completed.":["{userName} markeerde taak {taak} in ruimte {spaceName} als voltooid."],"{userName} requests a deadline extension for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} vraagt om het verschuiven van de uiterste datum voor taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} requests you to review Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} vraagt u om taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} te bekijken."],"{userName} started working on Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} begon te werken aan Task {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"Allows the user to create, delete and edit tasks and lists and also sort tasks and lists":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker taken en lijsten maken, verwijderen, bewerken en sorteren."],"Allows the user to process unassigned tasks":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker niet-toegewezen taken verwerken."],"Manage tasks":["Beheer taken"],"Process unassigned tasks":["Verwerk niet-toegewezen taken"],"Confirm task deletion":["Bevestigenhet verwijderen van de taak"],"Add checkpoint...":["Controlepunt toevoegen"],"Add reminder":["Herinnering toevoegen"],"Add responsible users":["Voeg verantwoordelijke gebruikers toe"],"Assignment":["Toewijzing"],"Checklist":["Controlelijst"],"Edit item (empty field will be removed)...":["Item bewerken (leeg veld wordt verwijderd) ..."],"Leave empty to let anyone work on this task.":["Laat leeg om iedereen aan deze taak te laten werken."],"Title and Color":["Samenvatting en kleur"],"Title of your task":["Samenvatting van de taak"],"Any user with a \"Process unassigned tasks\" permission can work on this task":["Elke gebruiker met de machtiging «Kan niet-toegewezen taken verwerken» kan aan deze taak werken"],"Assigned":["Toegewezen"],"Deadline at":["Uiterste datum om"],"Drag task":["Sleep de taak"],"Filter tasks by title":["Filter taken op samenvatting"],"In Progress":["Bezig"],"In Review":["In beoordeling"],"No Scheduling set for this Task":["Geen planning opgegeven voor deze taak"],"Pending":["In afwachting"],"Pending Review":["In afwachting van een beoordeling"],"Responsible":["Verantwoordelijk"],"Start now, by creating a new task!":["Begin nu door een nieuwe taak te maken!"],"There are currently no upcoming tasks!.":["Er zijn momenteel geen aankomende taken!."],"ending Review":["Beoordeling beëindigen"],"{count} {n,plural,=1{day} other{days}} remaining":["{count} {n,plural,=1{dag} other{dagen}} resterend"],"Task Users have been notified":["De betrokken gebruikers zijn op de hoogte gebracht."],"Your Reminder for task {task}":["Uw herinnering voor taak {task}"],"{userName} assigned you as responsible person in task {task} from space {spaceName}.":["{userName} heeft u verantwoordelijk gemaakt voor taak {task} vanuit de ruimte {spaceName}."],"Your tasks":["Mijn taken"],"Anyone can work on this task!":["Iedereen kan aan deze taak werken!"],"Open Task":["Open taak"],"This task can only be processed by assigned and responsible users.":["Alleen toegewezen of verantwoordelijke gebruikers kunnen werken aan deze taak."]} \ No newline at end of file +{"Latest updates":["Laatste updates"],"Search":["Zoeken"],"Account settings":["Accountinstellingen"],"Administration":["Administratie","Beheer"],"Back":["Terug"],"Back to dashboard":["Terug naar het dashboard","Terug naar dashboard"],"Choose language:":["Kies een taal:"],"Collapse":["Inklappen"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon bron moet een instantie van HActiveRecordContent of HActiveRecordContentAddon zijn!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kan de content container niet bepalen!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kan de inhoud van deze addon niet vinden!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Kon de gevraagde module niet vinden!"],"Error":["Fout"],"Expand":["Uitklappen"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Niet voldoende rechten om inhoud te plaatsen!"],"Invalid request.":["Ongeldig verzoek."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["U hebt misschien de verkeerde keuze gemaakt."],"Keyword:":["Trefwoord:"],"Language":["Taal"],"Latest news":["Laatste nieuws"],"Login":["Log in","Aanmelden","Login"],"Logout":["Uitloggen","Afmelden"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"My profile":["Mijn profiel"],"New profile image":["Nieuwe profielfoto"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Niets gevonden met deze input."],"Oooops...":["Oeps..."],"Results":["Resultaten"],"Search":["Zoek"],"Search for users and spaces":["Zoeken naar gebruikers en ruimtes"],"Show more results":["Laat meer resultaten zien"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Sorry, niets gevonden!"],"Space not found!":["Ruimte niet gevonden!"],"User Approvals":["Goedkeuren gebruikers"],"User not found!":["Gebruiker niet gevonden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Welkom bij %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare content plaatsen!"],"Your daily summary":["Uw dagelijkse samenvatting"],"Login required":["Inloggen vereist"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Er is een interne serverfout opgetreden."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globale {global} array opgeruimd met de {method} methode."],"Upload error":["Upload fout"],"Close":["Sluit"],"Add image/file":["Voeg afbeelding/bestand toe"],"Add link":["Voeg link toe"],"Bold":["Vet"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een URL in (bijvoobeeld http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Kop"],"Image":["Afbeelding"],"Image/File":["Afbeelding/Bestand"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Link invoegen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Afbeelding link invoegen"],"Italic":["Cursief"],"List":["Lijst","Taaklijst"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Even geduld aub..."],"Preview":["Voorbeeld"],"Quote":["Quote"],"Target":["Doel"],"Title":["Samenvatting"],"Title of your link":["Titel van de link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Code tekst hier"],"emphasized text":["benadrukte tekst"],"enter image description here":["Afbeelding omschrijving"],"enter image title here":["Afbeelding titel"],"enter link description here":["Link omschrijving"],"heading text":["Koptekst"],"list text here":["Lijsttekst"],"quote here":["quote hier plaatsen"],"strong text":["belangrijke tekst"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Kon geen activiteit voor dit object type maken!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de nieuwe ruimte %spaceName% aangemaakt"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte aangemaakt."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% is lid geworden van ruimte %spaceName%."],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% is van deze ruimte lid geworden."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de ruimte %spaceName% verlaten"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte verlaten."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} volgt nu {user2}."],"see online":["Bekijk online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Laatste activiteiten"],"There are no activities yet.":["Er zijn nog geen activiteiten."],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account has been activated.

\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n \n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account request has been declined.

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n \n Je account aanvraag is afgewezen.

\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}

"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is goedgekeurd."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is afgewezen."],"Group not found!":["Groep niet gevonden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kon de module niet deïnstalleren! Module is beveiligd."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Module pad %path% is niet schrijfbaar"],"Saved":["Opgeslagen","Bewaard"],"Database":["Gegevensbank"],"No theme":["Geen thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kon LDAP niet laden! - Controleer PHP Extensie"],"File":["Bestand"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Geen caching (Alleen om te testen!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Geen - toont keuzelijst in gebruikersregistratie."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Opgeslagen en cache vernieuwd"],"Become this user":["Word deze gebruiker"],"Delete":["Verwijder"],"Disabled":["Uitgeschakeld"],"Enabled":["Ingeschakeld"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokaal"],"Save":["Bewaar"],"Unapproved":["Niet goedgekeurd"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["U kunt uzelf niet verwijderen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kon categorie niet laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["U kunt alleen lege categorieën verwijderen!"],"Group":["Groep"],"Message":["Bericht"],"Subject":["Onderwerp"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP ondersteuning inschakelen"],"Encryption":["Encryptie"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Haal Gebruikers Automatisch op"],"Hostname":["Hostnaam","Computernaam","Computernaam (Hostname)"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Wachtwoord"],"Port":["Poort"],"User Filer":["Gebruikersfilter"],"Username":["Gebruikersnaam"],"Username Attribute":["Gebruikersnaam Attribuut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Sta beperkte toegang voor niet-ingelogde gebruikers (gasten) toe"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonieme gebruikers kunnen registreren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standaard gebruikersgroep voor nieuwe gebruikers"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standaard gebruiker idle timeout - auto-uitloggen (in seconden, optioneel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid gebruikersprofiel"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Leden kunnen externe gebruikers uitnodigen per email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Goedkeuring door groep admin benodigd na registratie"],"Base URL":["Basis-URL"],"Default language":["Standaard taal"],"Default space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Invalid space":["Ongeldige ruimte"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Naam van de applicatie"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Toon introductie aan nieuwe gebruikers"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Toon bericht verzenden van gebruikersprofiel op het dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standaard vervaltijd (in seconden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standaard paginering grootte (Berichten per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Weergavenaam (Formaat)"],"Dropdown space order":["Keuzelijst ruimte volgorde"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Toegestane bestandsextensies"],"Convert command not found!":["Conversie commando niet gevonden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Kreeg ongeldig image magic response! - Juiste commando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Verberg bestandsinformatie (naam, grootte) voor afbeeldingen op muur"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Verberg bestandslijstwidget voor deze objecten op muur"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick conversie commando (optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum hoogte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum breedte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maximale bestandsgrootte (in MB's)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Gebruik X-Sendfile voor bestand downloads"],"Administrator users":["Administrators"],"Description":["Beschrijving"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Name":["Naam"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Sta zelfondertekende certificaten toe?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-mailadres afzender"],"E-Mail sender name":["Naam van afzender"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail transporttype"],"Port number":["Poortnummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Eindpunt URL"],"Url Prefix":["URL Voorvoegsel"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Geen Proxy Hosts"],"Server":["Server"],"User":["Gebruiker"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins kunnen alle objecten verwijderen"],"Default Join Policy":["Standaard beleidslijn om lid te worden"],"Default Visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML tracking code"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulemap voor module %moduleId% bestaat reeds!"],"Could not extract module!":["Kon module niet uitpakken!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Kon lijst van modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Kon info over modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Download van module mislukt!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modulemap %modulePath% is niet schrijfbaar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Download van module mislukt! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Geen compatibele moduleversie gevonden!"],"Activated":["Geactiveerd"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nog geen modules geïnstalleerd."],"Version:":["Versie:"],"Installed":["Geïnstalleerd"],"No modules found!":["Geen modules gevonden!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle modules zijn up-to-date!"],"About HumHub":["Over HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Huidige versie: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licenties"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Er is een nieuwe update beschikbaar! (Laatste versie: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Deze installatie is up-to-date!"],"Accept":["Aanvaarden"],"Decline":["Afwijzen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepteer gebruiker: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annuleren"],"Send & save":["Verzend & bewaar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afwijzen & verwijderen gebruiker: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Zoek naar e-mail"],"Search for username":["Zoek naar gebruikersnaam"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier zie je alle gebruikers die zich geregistreerd hebben en momenteel nog wachten op een goedkeuring."],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Om de groep \"{group}\" te verwijderen, dien je een alternatieve groep in te stellen voor volgende gebruikers:"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"Edit group":["Bewerk groep"],"Group name":["Naam van de groep"],"Search for description":["Zoek naar beschrijving"],"Search for group name":["Zoek naar groepsnaam"],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Je kan gebruikers in verschillende groepen opsplitsen (voor teams, departementen, enz.) en standaard ruimtes en administrators toekennen een hun."],"Error logging":["Error loggen"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Er worden {count} berichten getoond per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Flush berichten"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} berichten gevonden."],"Available updates":["Beschikbare updates"],"Browse online":["Blader online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modules breiden de functionaliteit van HumHub uit. Hier kunt u de modules van de HumHub marktplaats installeren en beheren."],"Module details":["Module details"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Deze module heeft geen verdere informatie."],"Processing...":["Verwerken..."],"Modules directory":["Modules overzicht"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Weet u het zeker? *ALLE* module gegevens zal verloren gaan!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Weet u het zeker? *ALLE* gegevens en bestanden gerelateerd aan de module zullen verloren gaan!"],"Configure":["Configureren","Configureer"],"Disable":["Uitschakelen"],"Enable":["Inschakelen"],"More info":["Meer info"],"Set as default":["Instellen als standaard"],"Uninstall":["Deïnstalleren"],"Install":["Installeren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Latest version:":["Nieuwste versie:"],"Installed version:":["Geïnstalleerde versie:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Update":["Bijwerken"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Stel in als standaard module"],"Always activated":["Altijd geactiveerd"],"Deactivated":["Gedeactiveerd"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kunt u kiezen of een module automatisch geactiveerd moet worden voor een ruimte of gebruikersprofiel. Als de module moet worden geactiveerd, kies dan \"altijd geactiveerd\"."],"Spaces":["Ruimtes","Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Gebruikersprofielen"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie van HumHub beschikbaar (versie %version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authenticatie - Basis"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimum waarde is 20 seconden. Indien niet ingesteld, zal de sessie na 1400 seconden (24 minuten) verlopen, ongeacht activiteit."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Alleen van toepassing als beperkte toegang voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers ingeschakeld is. Heeft alleen invloed op nieuwe gebruikers."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authenticatie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL is aan te raden in productie omgevingen om te vermijden dat wachtwoorden in leesbare tekst verzonden worden."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definieert de filter om toe te passen wanneer er ingelogd wordt. %uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam in de login actie. Voorbeeld: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" of "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribuut voor gebruikersnaam. Voorbeeld: "uid" of "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Beperk toegang voor gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria. Voorbeeld: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" of "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Error! (Melding: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} gebruikers)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["De standaard Base DN die gebruikt wordt voor het zoeken naar accounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Het standaard wachtwoord (wordt enkel gebruikt in combinatie met bovenstaande gebruikersnaam)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["De standaards gebruikersnaam. Sommige servers eisen dat dit in DN formaat staat. Dit moet in DN formaat staan als de LDAP server een DN vereist voor de bind actie en de bind actie zou mogelijk moeten zijn met simpele gebruikersnamen."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Instellingen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Bewaar & vernieuw de caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob instellingen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab van gebruiker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Laatste dagelijkse run:","Laatste dagelijkse uitvoering:"],"Last run (hourly):":["Laatste run per uur:","Laatste uitvoering per uur:"],"Never":["Nooit"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Of Crontab van root gebruiker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Zorg er aub voor dat de volgende cronjobs geïnstalleerd zijn:"],"Design settings":["Design instellingen"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisch"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Voornaam Achternaam (bijvoorbeeld Jan Jansen)"],"Last visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Gebruikersnaam (bijvoorbeeld jan)"],"File settings":["Bestand instellingen"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om alles toe te staan."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om de bestandslijst voor alle objecten te laten zien op de muur."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de hoogte standaard 200px zijn."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de breedte standaard 200px zijn."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meld een maximum van {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bevestig afbeelding verwijderen"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Voorbeeld http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nieuwe gebruikers zullen standaard aan deze ruimte(s) worden toegevoegd."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["U gebruikt momenteel geen logo."],"Activities":["Activiteiten"],"Always":["Altijd"],"Daily summary":["Dagelijks overzicht"],"Defaults":["Standaard instellingen"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Standaard instellingen voor e-mails als een gebruiker een notificatie ontvangt. Dit kan door gebruikers zelf worden aangepast naar eigen wens."],"Notifications":["Meldingen"],"Server Settings":["Server Instellingen"],"When I´m offline":["Wanneer ik offline ben"],"About":["Over"],"Groups":["Groepen"],"Could not delete comment!":["Reactie kan niet worden verwijderd! "],"Target not found!":["Doel niet gevonden!"],"Access denied!":["Toegang geweigerd!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Niet genoeg rechten!"],"Comment":["Reactie"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schreef een nieuwe reactie"],"Comments":["Reacties"],"Edit your comment...":["Bewerk je reactie..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op je %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Toon alle {total} reacties."],"Post":["Bericht"],"Write a new comment...":["Geef een nieuwe reactie..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Toon nog %count% reacties"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bevestig reactie verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Wilt u deze reactie echt verwijderen?"],"Edit":["Bijwerken","Bewerk"],"Updated :timeago":["Bijgewerkt :timeago"],"Back to stream":["Terug naar berichten","Terug naar stream"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\n\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Could not load requested object!":["Kan het gevraagde object niet laden!"],"Invalid model given!":["Ongeldig model opgegeven!"],"Unknown content class!":["Onbekende inhoud klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kon de gevraagde inhoud niet vinden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kon gevraagde permalink niet vinden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuw {contentTitle} aangemaakt."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Verzend"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Geen resultaten met de geselecteerde filters!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nog niets om weer te geven!"],"Unarchive":["Dearchiveer"],"Move to archive":["Verplaats naar archief"],"Add a member to notify":["Hou een lid op de hoogte"],"Make private":["Maak privé"],"Make public":["Maak publiek"],"Notify members":["Breng leden op de hoogte"],"Public":["Publiek","Openbaar"],"What's on your mind?":["Plaats een bericht"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Weet u zeker dat u dit bericht wilt verwijderen? Alle vind-ik-leuks en reacties zullen verloren gaan!","Wil je dit bericht echt verwijderen? Alle likes en commentaren gaan ook verloren!"],"Archived":["Gearchiveerd"],"Sticked":["Vastgekleefd"],"Turn off notifications":["Meldingen uitzetten"],"Turn on notifications":["Meldingen aanzetten"],"Permalink to this page":["Permalink naar deze pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink naar dit bericht"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Vastkleven"],"Unstick":["Losmaken"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Er heeft nog niemand een bericht geschreven.
Wees de eerste en laat een bericht achter..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Uw dashboard is leeg!
Plaats een bericht op uw profiel of word lid van een aantal ruimtes!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Uw profiel is momenteel nog leeg.
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Content with attached files":["Berichten met bestanden"],"Created by me":["Gemaakt door mij"],"Creation time":["Aanmaak datum"],"Include archived posts":["Inclusief gearchiveerde berichten"],"Last update":["Laatste bijwerk datum"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niets gevonden dat overeenkomt met de huidige filter(s)!"],"Only private posts":["Alleen privé berichten"],"Only public posts":["Alleen publieke berichten"],"Posts only":["Alleen berichten"],"Posts with links":["Berichten met links"],"Show all":["Alles weegeven"],"Where I´m involved":["Waar ik bij betrokken ben"],"No public contents to display found!":["Geen openbare inhoud gevonden!"],"Directory":["Overzicht","Adresboek"],"Member Group Directory":["Leden groep overzicht"],"show all members":["Toon alle leden"],"Directory menu":["Mapmenu"],"Members":["Leden"],"User profile posts":["Profiel berichten"],"Member directory":["Leden overzicht"],"Follow":["Volgen","Volg"],"No members found!":["Geen leden gevonden!"],"Unfollow":["Stop volgen"],"search for members":["Zoek naar leden"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"No spaces found!":["Geen ruimtes gevonden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Je bent lid van deze ruimte","U bent lid van deze ruimte"],"search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"Group stats":["Groep statistieken"],"Average members":["Gemiddeld aantal leden"],"Top Group":["Top Groep"],"Total groups":["Totaal aantal groepen"],"Member stats":["Leden statistieken"],"New people":["Nieuwe personen"],"Follows somebody":["Volgt iemand"],"Online right now":["Momenteel online"],"Total users":["Totaal aantal leden"],"See all":["Toon alle"],"New spaces":["Nieuwe ruimtes"],"Space stats":["Ruimte statistieken"],"Most members":["Meeste leden"],"Private spaces":["Private ruimtes"],"Total spaces":["Totaal aantal ruimtes"],"Could not find requested file!":["Gevraagd bestand niet gevonden!","Kan het aangevraagde bestand niet vinden!","Kan het gevraagde bestand niet vinden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Onvoldoende rechten!"],"Created By":["Gemaakt door"],"Created at":["Aangemaakt op","Gemaakt op"],"File name":["Bestandsnaam"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ongeldige Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum bestandsgrootte ({maxFileSize}) overschreden!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Grootte"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dit bestandstype is niet toegelaten!"],"Updated at":["Aangepast op","Bewerkt op"],"Updated by":["Aangepast door","Bewerkt door"],"Could not upload File:":["Kon bestand niet uploaden:"],"Upload files":["Upload bestanden"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lijst van geüploade bestanden:"],"Create Admin Account":["Maak beheerdersaccount"],"Name of your network":["Naam van je netwerk"],"Name of Database":["Databasenaam"],"Admin Account":["Beheerder Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Bijna klaar. In de laatste stap dien je een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met die account kan je het hele netwerk beheren."],"Next":["Volgende"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Wijzig de naam van je nieuwe sociale netwerk. Je kan bijvoorbeeld de naam van je bedrijf, organisatie of club gebruiken."],"Social Network Name":["Sociale Netwerk Naam"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gefeliciteerd. Je bent klaar."],"Sign in":["Aanmelden"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["De installatie is succesvol voltooid! Veel plezier met je nieuwe sociale netwerk."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Welkom bij HumHub
Uw Sociale Netwerk Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Deze wizard zal uw eigen HumHub installeren en configureren.

Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."],"Database Configuration":["Database Configuratie"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hieronder dien je informatie in te vullen voor de database connectie. Als je niet zeker weet wat je moet invullen, neem dan contact op met je systeemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnaam van je MySQL database server (Bijvoorbeeld localhost als MySQL op dezelfde server staat als HumHub)"],"Initializing database...":["Databank initialiseren..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oei, er is iets misgelopen!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["De naam van de database waar je HumHub in wil plaatsen."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Verbinding met database gelukt!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Je MySQL wachtwoord."],"Your MySQL username":["Je MySQL gebruikersnaam."],"System Check":["Systeem Controle"],"Check again":["Controleer opnieuw"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gefeliciteerd! Alles ziet er goed uit en klaar om opnieuw te beginnen!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Dit overzicht toont alle systeemvereisten voor HumHub."],"Users who like this":["Gebruikers die dit leuk vonden"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} vindt {contentTitle} leuk"],"User who vote this":["Gebruiker die dit stemde"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% ook leuk."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% leuk."]," likes this.":[" vindt dit leuk."],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"You
"],"Like":["Vind ik leuk"],"Unlike":["Vind ik niet meer leuk"],"and {count} more like this.":["en nog {count} andere."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kon doorverwijzing niet bepalen voor dit soort bronobject!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kon notificatie bronobject voor doorverwijzing niet laden!"],"New":["Nieuw"],"Mark all as seen":["Markeer alles als gezien"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Er zijn nog geen meldingen."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% heeft een nieuw bericht geplaatst."],"Edit your post...":["Bewerk uw bericht..."],"Read full post...":["Lees volledig bericht..."],"Send & decline":["Verzenden & afwijzen"],"Visible for all":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen"]," Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["De eigenaar van ruimte {spaceName} kan niet verwijderd worden!"],"Everyone can enter":["Iedereen kan lid worden"],"Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Only by invite":["Alleen door uitnodiging"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privaat (Onzichtbaar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiek (Leden & Gasten)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiek (Alleen leden)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiek (Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Public (Visible)":["Publiek (Zichtbaar)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (leden en gasten)"],"Space is invisible!":["Ruimte is onzichtbaar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Je moet inloggen om de inhoud van deze ruimte te zien!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als eigenaar kunt u uw lidmaatschap niet intrekken!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kon lidmaatschap niet aanvragen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Er zijn geen uitnodigingen in behandeling."],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Deze actie is enkel beschikbaar voor leden van de ruimte!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["U mag geen lid worden van deze ruimte!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ruimtetitel is reeds in gebruik!"],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Uw wachtwoord"],"Invites":["Uitnodigingen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nieuwe gebruiker per e-mail (gescheiden met komma)"],"User is already member!":["Gebruiker is reeds lid!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} is reeds geregistreerd!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} is niet geldig!"],"Application message":["Applicatie melding"],"Scope":["Omvang"],"Strength":["Kracht"],"Created At":["Gemaakt op"],"Join Policy":["Gedragslijn om lid te worden"],"Owner":["Eigenaar"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Labels"],"Updated At":["Aangepast op","Bijgewerkt op"],"Visibility":["Zichtbaarheid"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optioneel)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["U kunt geen privaat zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["U kunt geen publiek zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecteer het gebied van je foto dat je wilt gebruiken als avatar en klik op Bewaar."],"Modify space image":["Wijzig ruimte afbeelding"],"Delete space":["Verwijder ruimte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ben je zeker dat je deze ruimte wilt verwijderen? Alle gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Geef je wachtwoord om verder te gaan!"],"General space settings":["Algemene ruimte instellingen"],"Archive":["Archiveren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Kies het soort lidmaatschap dat je wilt voorzien voor deze ruimte."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Kies het beveiligingsniveau voor deze ruimte om de zichtbaarheid te bepalen."],"Manage your space members":["Beheer je ruimte leden"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Openstaande uitnodigingen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Openstaande gebruikersaanvragen"],"Remove member":["Verwijder lid"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Deze gebruiker kan andere gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Deze gebruiker kan berichten publiek maken"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze gebruiker uit deze ruimte wilt verwijderen?"],"Can invite":["Kan uitnodigen"],"Can share":["Kan delen"],"Change space owner":["Verander ruimte eigenaar"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe gebruikers uitgenodigd via e-mail worden hier niet getoond."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Hieronder kan je alle actieve gebruikers van deze ruimte zien. Je kan hun rechten aanpassen of hun verwijderen uit deze ruimte."],"Is admin":["Is admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Maak deze gebruiker een administrator"],"No, cancel":["Nee, annuleer"],"Remove":["Verwijderen"],"Request message":["Aanvraag bericht"],"Revoke invitation":["Uitnodiging intrekken"],"Search members":["Zoek leden"],"Space owner":["Ruimte eigenaar"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De volgende gebruikers wachten op een goedkeuring om deze ruimte te betreden."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De volgende gebruikers zijn reeds uitgenodigd voor deze ruimte, maar hebben de uitnodiging nog niet geaccepteerd."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["De ruimte eigenaar is de super admin van een ruimte met alle rechten en meestal de maker van de ruimte. Hier kan je een andere eigenaar kiezen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, verwijder"],"Space Modules":["Ruimte Modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor deze ruimte zal verwijderd worden!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Er zijn momenteel geen modules beschikbaar voor deze ruimte!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Breid deze ruimte uit met modules."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte"],"Advanced access settings":["Geavanceerde instellingen voor toegang"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Ook niet-leden kunnen deze ruimte zien, maar hebben geen toegang"],"Create":["Maak"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Alle gebruikers kunnen lid worden van je ruimte, zonder je toestemming"],"For everyone":["Voor iedereen"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hoe wil je je ruimte noemen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Geef een korte beschrijving voor andere gebruikers."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Deze ruimte zal verborgen zijn voor alle niet-leden"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gebruikers kunnen ook vragen om lid te worden van deze ruimte"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gebruikers kunnen alleen toegevoegd worden door uitnodiging"],"space description":["Ruimte beschrijving"],"space name":["Ruimte naam"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vraagt lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} goedgekeurd"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je gevraagd om lid te worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} aanvaard"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"This space is still empty!":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!"],"Accept Invite":["Uitnodiging accepteren"],"Become member":["Lid worden"],"Cancel membership":["Lidmaatschap Annuleren"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Lidmaatschapsaanvraag annuleren"],"Deny Invite":["Uitnodiging afwijzen"],"Request membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Je bent de eigenaar van deze ruimte."],"created by":["aangemaakt door"],"Invite members":["Leden uitnodigen"],"Add an user":["Voeg een gebruiker toe"],"Email addresses":["E-mailadres"],"Invite by email":["Uitnodigen per e-mail"],"New user?":["Nieuwe gebruiker?"],"Pick users":["Selecteer gebruikers"],"Send":["Versturen"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Om gebruikers uit te nodigen, vul je hun naam hieronder in om ze te zoeken en selecteren."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Je kan ook personen zonder account uitnodigen. Vul hun e-mailadressen in gescheiden door een komma."],"Request space membership":["Vraag ruimte lidmaatschap aan"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Je aanvraag is succesvol naar de ruimte-administrator verstuurd."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Gebruiker is lid geworden."],"User has been invited.":["De gebruiker is uitgenodigd."],"User has not been invited.":["Gebruiker is niet uitgenodigd."],"Space preferences":["Ruimte voorkeuren"],"General":["Algemeen"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Admin":["Beheerder"],"My Space List":["Mijn Ruimte Lijst"],"My space summary":["Mijn ruimte overzicht"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"Space menu":["Ruimte menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Afbeelding wijzigen"],"Current space image":["Huidige ruimte afbeelding"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ben je zeker dat je de titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?","Ben je zeker dat je je titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je profielafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Invite":["Uitnodigen"],"Something went wrong":["Er is iets fout gegaan"],"Followers":["Volgers"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Request workspace membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol verstuurd naar de ruimte administrator."],"Create new space":["Maak een nieuwe ruimte aan"],"My spaces":["Mijn ruimtes"],"Space info":["Ruimte info"],"more":["meer"],"New member request":["Nieuw lidmaatschapsverzoek"],"Space members":["Ruimte leden"],"Next »":["Volgende »"],"« Prev":["« Vorige"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Dit account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["U moet ingelogd zijn om dit profiel te bekijken!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Uw wachtwoord is onjuist!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Je kan je wachtwoord hier niet aanpassen."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ongeldige link! Zorg dat u de volledige URL invoert."],"Save profile":["Bewaar profiel"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Dit e-mailadres is al in gebruik."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Je kan je e-mailadres hier niet aanpassen."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Maak een account aan"],"Current password":["Huidig wachtwoord"],"E-Mail change":["E-mail aanpassen"],"New E-Mail address":["Nieuw e-mailadres"],"Send activities?":["Verzend activiteiten?"],"Send notifications?":["Verzend meldingen?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres of wachtwoord."],"New password":["Nieuw wachtwoord"],"New password confirm":["Nieuw wachtwoord bevestigen"],"Remember me next time":["Onthouden"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Je account is nog niet door onze medewerkers geactiveerd."],"Your account is suspended.":["Je account is geschorst."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Wachtwoordherstel is niet mogelijk voor dit accounttype!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Wachtwoord herstelen"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" niet gevonden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailadres is reeds in gebruik - Probeer wachtwoord vergeten."],"Invalid language!":["Ongeldige taal"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Verberg paneel op het dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profiel zichtbaarheid"],"Default Space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Group Administrators":["Groep Beheerders"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Leden kunnen private ruimtes aanmaken"],"Members can create public spaces":["Leden kunnen publieke ruimtes aanmaken"],"Birthday":["Geboortedatum","Verjaardag"],"City":["Stad"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Extra"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Vrouw"],"Firstname":["Voornaam"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Geslacht"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Verberg jaar in profiel"],"Lastname":["Achternaam"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Man"],"Mobile":["Mobiel"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefoon (privé)"],"Phone Work":["Telefoon (werk)"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Staat"],"Street":["Straat"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Address"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postcode"],"Created by":["Aangemaakt door","Gemaakt door"],"Editable":["Aanpasbaar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Veldtype kan niet aangepast worden!"],"Fieldtype":["Veldtype"],"Internal Name":["Interne naam"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interne naam reeds in gebruik"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interne naam kon niet aangepast worden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ongeldig veldtype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribuut"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Alleen alfanumerieke karakters zijn toegestaan!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profiel Veld Categorie"],"Required":["Verplicht"],"Show at registration":["Toon bij registratie"],"Sort order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertaling Categorie ID"],"Type Config":["Soort configuratie"],"Visible":["Zichtbaar"],"Communication":["Communicatie"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bladwijzer"],"Datetime":["Datumtijd"],"Number":["Getal"],"Select List":["Keuzelijst"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstvlak"],"%y Years":["Mijn leeftijd"],"Birthday field options":["Geboortedatum veld opties"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datum (en tijd) veld opties"],"Show date/time picker":["Toon datum/tijd kiezer"],"Maximum value":["Maximum waarde"],"Minimum value":["Minimun waarde"],"Number field options":["Getalveld opties"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["1 optie per regel. sleutel=>Waarde Formaat (v.b. ja=>Ja)","Eén optie per regel. Sleutel => Waardeopmaak (bijvoorbeeld ja => Ja) "],"Please select:":["Maak een keuze:"],"Possible values":["Mogelijke waarden"],"Select field options":["Keuzelijst opties","Selecteer veldopties"],"Default value":["Standaardwaarde"],"Maximum length":["Maximale lengte"],"Minimum length":["Minimale lengte"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Reguliere expressie: Foutmelding"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Reguliere expressie: Validatie"],"Text Field Options":["Tekstveld opties"],"Validator":["Validatie"],"Text area field options":["Tekstvlak opties"],"Authentication mode":["Authenticatiemodus"],"New user needs approval":["Nieuwe gebruiker vereist goedkeuring"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Gebruikersnaam mag enkel letters, cijfers, spaties en speciale tekens (+-._) bevatten"],"Wall":["Muur"],"Change E-mail":["Wijzig E-mailadres"],"Current E-mail address":["Huidig E-mailadres"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Uw e-mailadres is succesvol aangepast naar {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Er is een bevestiging verstuurd naar uw e-mailadres."],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Je paswoord is succesvol aangepast!","Je wachtwoord is succesvol aangepast!"],"Modify your profile image":["Wijzig mijn profiel-afbeelding"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Bent u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen?
Al uw gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Vul uw wachtwoord in om door te gaan"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Sorry, als eigenaar van een ruimte kunt u uw account niet verwijderen!
Selecteer eerst een nieuwe eigenaar of verwijder de ruimte."],"User details":["Gebruiker details"],"User modules":["Gebruiker modules"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Bent u zeker? *ALLE* module gegevens voor uw profiel zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Breid uw profiel uit met modules."],"User settings":["Gebruiker instellingen"],"Getting Started":["Aan de slag"],"Registered users only":["Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (ook niet-geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Bureaublad Notificaties"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notificaties"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ontvang een bureaublad notificatie als je online bent."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ontvang een e-mail voor elke activiteit van alle gebruikers die je volgt of waarmee je samen werkt in ruimtes."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ontvang een e-mail wanneer iemand uw bericht leuk vindt of een reactie achterlaat."],"Account registration":["Account registratie"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Uw account is succesvol aangemaakt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nadat juw account geactiveerd is door de beheerder, ontvangt u een bericht per e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Ga naar de aanmeld pagina"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Om aan te melden met uw nieuwe account, klikt u op onderstaande knop."],"back to home":["terug naar begin"],"Please sign in":["Meld u eerst aan"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Create a new one.":["Maak een nieuwe aan."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Hebt uw geen account? Word lid van het netwerk door uw e-mailadres in te vullen."],"Forgot your password?":["Wachtwoord vergeten?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Als u al lid bent, meldt u dan aan met uw gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres en het wachtwoord."],"Register":["Registreren"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["wachtwoord"],"username or email":["gebruikersnaam of e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen","Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul uw e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om uw wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Reset password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"your email":["uw e-mailadres"],"Password recovery!":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["We hebben u een e-mail gestuurd met een link waarmee u uw wachtwoord opnieuw kan instellen."],"Registration successful!":["Registratie succesvol!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Controleer uw e-mail en volg de instructies!"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"Change your password":["Wijzig je wachtwoord"],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed!":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Confirm
your new email address":["Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres"],"Confirm":["Bevestig"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Je hebt gevraagd om je e-mailadres te wijzigen.
Je nieuwe e-mailadres is {newemail}.

Om je nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Deze link verloopt binnen 24 uur."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Gebruik de volgende link binnen 24 uur om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen."],"Reset Password":["Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen"],"Registration Link":["Registratielink"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Welkom bij %appName%. Klik op onderstaande knop om verder te gaan met uw registratie."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Space Invite":["Ruimte Uitnodiging"],"You got a space invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging voor een ruimte ontvangen"],"invited you to the space:":["uitgenodigd door:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft je vermeld in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} volgt je vanaf nu."],"About this user":["Over deze gebruiker"],"Modify your title image":["Wijzig uw titel afbeelding"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dit profiel is momenteel nog leeg!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Bent u zeker dat u uw logo wilt verwijderen?"],"Account settings":["Account instellingen"],"Profile":["Profiel"],"Settings":["Instellingen"],"Profile menu":["Profiel menu"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Following":["Volgend"],"Following user":["Volgt"],"User followers":["Volgers"],"Member in these spaces":["Leden van deze ruimtes"],"User tags":["Gebruiker labels"],"No birthday.":["Geen verjaardagen."],"Back to modules":["Terug naar modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Verjaardagen module configuratie"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Aankomende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["U kunt het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden instellen."],"becomes":["wordt"],"birthdays":["verjaardagen"],"days":["dagen"],"today":["vandaag"],"years old.":["jaar oud."],"Active":["Actief"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markeren als ongelezen voor alle gebruikers"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Voegt een agenda voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Voegt een agenda toe aan deze ruimte."],"All Day":["Volledige dag","De hele dag"],"Attending users":["Deelnemers"],"Calendar":["Agenda"],"Declining users":["Afgewezen"],"End Date":["Einddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Einddatum en uur"],"End Time":["Eindtijd"],"End time must be after start time!":["Einde moet na begin zijn!","Eindtijd moet na de starttijd liggen!"],"Event":["Gebeurtenis"],"Event not found!":["Gebeurtenis niet gevonden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Misschien"],"Participation Mode":["Deelname"],"Recur":["Herhaal"],"Recur End":["Herhaal einde"],"Recur Interval":["Herhaal interval"],"Recur Type":["Herhaaltype"],"Select participants":["Selecteer deelnemers"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum en uur"],"Start Time":["Starttijd"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Je hebt geen toegang tot dit evenement!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om een evenement te maken!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["U hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te verwijderen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te bewerken!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% aangemaakt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt misschien deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt niet deel aan %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Startdatum/uur"],"Create event":["Maak gebeurtenis aan"],"Edit event":["Bewerk gebeurtenis"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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alle berichten"],"No users.":["Geen gebruikers."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet meer dan 7 zijn."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet negatief zijn."],"Most active people":["Meest actieve personen"],"Get a list":["Lijst"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Meest Actieve Gebruikers Module Configuratie"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Het aantal van de meest actieve gebruikers die getoond zullen worden."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Je kan het aantal gebruikers dat getoond zal worden configureren."],"Comments created":["Reacties aangemaakt"],"Likes given":["Aantal \"Vind ik leuk\""],"Posts created":["Berichten aangemaakt"],"Notes":["Notities"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API sleutel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL naar Etherpad"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft nieuwe notitie {noteName} gemaakt."],"{userName} 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{question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe {question} aangemaakt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe stembus aangemaakt en jou aangewezen."],"Ask":["Vragen"],"Reset my vote":["Reset mijn antwoord"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["en {count} anderen hebben voor dit gestemd."],"votes":["stemmen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker toelaten?"],"Ask something...":["Stel uw vraag..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mogelijke antwoorden (1 per lijn)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Er zijn nog geen stembussen"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen stembussen!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Asked by me":["Gevraagd door mij"],"No answered yet":["Nog geen antwoord"],"Only private polls":["Alleen private stembussen"],"Only public polls":["Alleen publieke stembussen"],"Tasks":["Taken"],"Translation Manager":["Vertaalmanager"],"Translations":["Vertalingen"],"Translation Editor":["Vertaal Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bevestig pagina verwijderen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bevestig het terugzetten van de pagina"],"Overview of all pages":["Overzicht van alle pagina's"],"Page history":["Pagina geschiedenis"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Module"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan deze ruimte."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan uw profiel."],"Back to page":["Terug naar pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Wilt u deze pagina echt terugzetten?"],"Edit page":["Pagina bewerken"],"Edited at":["Bewerkt op"],"Go back":["Ga terug"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ongeldig teken in paginatitel!"],"Let's go!":["Aan de slag!"],"Main page":["Hoofdpagina"],"New page":["Nieuwe pagina"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Er zijn momenteel nog geen pagina's."],"Overview":["Overzicht"],"Page History":["Historie"],"Page title already in use!":["Paginakop reeds in gebruik"],"Revert":["Terugzetten"],"Revert this":["Terugzetten"],"View":["Toon"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["door"],"Wiki page":["Wikipagina"],"Create new page":["Maak nieuwe pagina"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een paginanaam of URL in"],"New page title":["Nieuwe paginakop"],"Page content":["Pagina inhoud"],"Allow":["Toestaan"],"Default":["Standaard"],"Deny":["Weigeren"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Typ tenminste 3 tekens"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Sta gebruikers toe om reacties achter te laten"],"Create comment":["Maak reactie"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft een nieuwe {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Share your opinion with others":["Deel je mening met anderen"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Plaats een bericht op Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Plaats een bericht op Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Deel met mensen op LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweet over deze site"],"Group members - {group}":["Groep leden - {group}"],"You":["Jij"],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"Confirm new password":["Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord"],"No users found.":["Geen gebruikers gevonden."],"TimeZone":["Tijdzone"],"Date":["Datum"],"Hide age per default":["Verberg leeftijd standaard"],"Create Account":["Maak account"],"Remember me":["Onthoud me"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"Registration successful":["Registratie succesvol"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Sign up now":["Nu aanmelden!","Nu registreren!"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Verjaardagen in de komende {days} dagen"],"In {days} days":["Over {days} dagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wordt {years} jaar oud."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking Nieuws Configuratie"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Let op: Je kunt markdown syntax gebruiken"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["De map %filename% kon niet opgeslagen worden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% heeft een ongeldige extensie en is overgeslagen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% is vervangen door een nieuwere versie."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Verwijder bestand"],"Create folder":["Maak map"],"Edit folder":["Bewerk map"],"Files module configuration":["Bestanden module instellingen"],"Move files":["Verplaats bestanden"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Een map met deze naam bestaat al."],"Add directory":["Map toevoegen"],"Add file(s)":["Bestand(en) toevoegen"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Bestanden module toevoegen aan deze space."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Voegt de bestanden module toe aan je profiel."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Verander type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Maak een nieuwe %typeTitle% ruimte"],"Create new space type":["Maak nieuw ruimtetype"],"Delete space type":["Verwijder ruimtetype"],"Edit space type":["bewerk ruimtetype"],"Manage space types":["Beheer space types"],"Create new type":["Nieuw type maken"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Om het ruimtetype \"{type}\"te verwijderen, moet je een alternatief instellen voor dit ruimtetype:"],"Types":["Typen"],"e.g. Project":["bijvoorbeeld Project"],"e.g. Projects":["bijvoorbeeld Projecten"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Kies een afbeelding"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Je kunt jezelf geen mail sturen!","U kunt geen e-mail naar uzelf sturen!"],"Add recipients":["Ontvangers toevoegen"],"Edit message entry":["Bericht bewerken"],"Conversations":["Gesprekken"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Gesprek verwijderen"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Gesprek verlaten"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bericht verwijderen"],"Delete conversation":["Verwijder gesprek"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Wilt u dit gesprek echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Wilt u dit bericht echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Wilt u dit gesprek echt verlaten?"],"Leave":["Verlaat"],"Leave conversation":["Verlaat gesprek"],"Send message":["Verstuur bericht"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonieme stemmen"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Opnieuw? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Op dit moment zijn we een nieuwe meeting aan het plannen en we willen graag van u weten waar u heen zou willen gaan."],"To Daniel":["Aan Daan"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Waarom gaan we niet naar de Bemelman Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anoniem"],"Closed":["Gesloten"],"Add answer...":["Antwoord toevoegen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anoniem stemmen?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antwoorden in willekeurige volgorde weergeven?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwoorden veranderen (Lege antwoorden worden verwijderd)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Verander de vraag..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Waarom wil je dit bericht rapporteren?"],"by :displayName":["door :displayname"],"created by :displayName":["gemaakt door :displayname"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Offensive":["Beledigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als: Hoort niet thuis in space."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd voor niet horen in de space."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"Open wiki page...":["Open wiki pagina..."],"comment":["Reactie"],"post":["Bericht"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. 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\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Met vriendelijk groet
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\n\n Met vriendelijke groet
\n {AdminName}

"],"Group user not found!":["Groep van de gebruiker niet gevonden"],"No value found!":["Geen waarde gevonden!"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-mail Adres attribuut"],"Date input format":["Datum invoerformaat"],"Default stream content order":["Standaard inhoud volgorde"],"Enable user friendship system":["Vriendschap systeem inschakelen"],"Server Timezone":["Server tijdzone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorteren op aanmaak datum"],"Sort by update date":["Sorteren op update datum"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standaard zichtbaarheid inhoud"],"Administrative group":["Administratieve groep"],"About HumHub":["Over"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Vereisten"],"Advanced":["Geavanceerd"],"Permissions":["Permissies","Machtigingen"],"No purchased modules found!":["Geen aangeschafte modules gevonden!"],"Third-party":["Derde-partij"],"search for available modules online":["Zoek online naar beschikbare modules"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["De ontwikkelaars geven geen ondersteuning op modules van derde partijen en geven ook geen garantie op de werking en veiligheid van deze module."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Derde partij disclamer"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["De nieuwe versie ({version}) is beschikbaar!"],"Advanced Settings":["Geavanceerde Instellingen"],"Appearance Settings":["Weergave instellingen"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-mail Instellingen"],"General Settings":["Algemene instellingen"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Hier kun je de e-mail instellingen van je site veranderen."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Hieronder past u de registratie en aanvullende gebruiker instellingen van uw website aan."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Hieronder verandert u de basis instellingen van uw website."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Hieronder stelt u geavanceerde onderdelen van uw site in."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Hieronder stelt u het uiterlijk van uw site in."],"User Settings":["Gebruikers-instellingen."],"Add new space":["Nieuwe ruimte toevoegen."],"Information":["Informatie"],"Settings and Configuration":["Instellingen en configuratie"],"User administration":["Gebruiker administratie"],"Add new group":["Nieuwe groep toevoegen"],"Back to overview":["Terug naar het overzicht"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Beheer groep: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Profiles":["Profielen"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. 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Schakel dit uit wanneer u in productie draait!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Bekijk de installatie handleiding voor meer info."],"Actions":["Acties"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende gebruiker goedkeuringen"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle geregistreerde mensen die wachtten op goedkeuring."],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Add":["Toevoegen"],"Add new members...":["Nieuwe leden toevoegen..."],"No":["Nee"],"Remove from group":["Verwijder uit groep"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gebruikers kunnen aan verschillende groepen (zoals teams, afdelingen etc.) met specifieke standaard ruimtes, groep managers en permissies."],"Purchases":["Aankopen"],"Enable module...":["Module inschakelen..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koop (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"Installing module...":["Module installeren..."],"Licence Key:":["Licentie code:"],"Updating module...":["Module bijwerken..."],"Visible for members only":["Alleen zichtbaar voor leden"],"Visible for members+guests":["Zichtbaar voor leden+bezoekers"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. 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Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen zelf veranderen."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Notificaties is gebruiker geralateerde informatie (bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe post of volger). Notificaties worden ook aangemaakt als er een interactie verseist is (bijvoorbeeld bij een vriendschapsverzoek)."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP opties"],"Add new provider":["Nieuwe provider toevoegen"],"Currently no provider active!":["Er is geen provider actief op dit moment!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers inschakelden."],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider toevoegen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider aanpassen"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["URL prefix zonder http:// of https:// (bijv. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Gebruik %url% als plaatshouder voor een URL. Het formaat dient JSON te zijn (bijv. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Software vereisten controleren."],"Re-Run tests":["Test opnieuw uitvoeren"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["U kunt een statistieken HTML code toevoegen die aan alle pagina's toegevoegd zal worden."],"Manage spaces":["Beheer ruimtes"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Verander hier de standaard instellingen van ruimtes. Een gebruiker kan deze instellingen zelf per ruimte veranderen."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle ruimtes met acties om de ruimte te bekijken, veranderen en verwijderen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen? Als deze gebruiker eigenaar van ruimtes is, wordt u de nieuwe eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"Delete user":["Verwijder gebruiker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Bewerk gebruiker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Nieuwe gebruiker toevoegen"],"Group Manager":["Groepsmanager"],"Last login":["Laatste aanmelding"],"Send invite":["Verstuur uitnodiging"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Deze lijst toont alle geregistreerde gebruikers met opties om te bekijken, te bewerken en te verwijderen."],"never":["nooit"],"Create new profile category":["Nieuwe profiel categorie toevoegen"],"Edit profile category":["Profiel categorie bewerken"],"Create new profile field":["Nieuw profiel veld toevoegen"],"Edit profile field":["Profielveld aanpassen"],"Add new category":["Nieuwe categorie toevoegen"],"Add new field":["Nieuw veld toevoegen"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Pas hier de profiel-categorieën en velden aan. "],"Manage profile attributes":["Profiel-attributen aanpassen"],"Administration menu":["Administratie menu"],"Appearance":["Weergave"],"E-Mails":["E-mails"],"Information":["Informatie"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Click here to review":["Klik hier om te beoordelen"],"New approval requests":["Nieuwe goedkeuring verzoeken"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Een of meerdere gebruikers hebben uw goedkeuring nodig als groep-beheerder"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Nieuwe reactie"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Gebruikers mogen berichten maken"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige content beheren (bijv. vastmaken, archiveren, verwijderen)"],"Create post":["Bericht maken"],"Manage content":["Content beheren"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Load more":["Meer laden"],"My friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Pending friend requests":["Wachtende vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Sent friend requests":["verstuurde vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Accept Friend Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek accepteren"],"Add Friend":["Vriend toevoegen"],"Cancel friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek annuleren"],"Deny friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek weigeren"],"Friends":["Vrienden"],"Requests":["Verzoeken"],"Sent requests":["Verstuurde verzoeken"],"Show all friends":["Alle vrienden weergeven"],"Unfriend":["Ontvrienden"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek goedgekeurd."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek geweigerd."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je een vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd."],"Friendship Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek"],"Friendship Approved":["Vriendschap goedgekeurd"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Modules downloaden en installeren..."],"Welcome Space":["Welkom Ruimte"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Gaaf;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Uw eerste voorbeeld ruimte om het platform te ontdekken."],"New Like":["Nieuwe like"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vinden uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vindt uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} en {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} en {number} andere"],"Other":["Ander"],"Notification Overview":["Notificatie Overzicht"],"Module Filter":["Module filter"],"No notifications found!":["Geen mledingen gevonden!"],"Show all notifications":["Alle meldingen weergeven"],"Search results":["Zoek resultaten"],"Advanced search settings":["Geavanceerde zoekopties"],"All":["Alle"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Zoek naar gebruikers, ruimtes en inhoud"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Zoek alleen in specifieke ruimtes:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Je zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd.","Uw zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd."],"Space followers":["Ruimte volgers"],"No spaces found.":["Geen ruimtes gevonden"],"Private":["Privé"],"Space":["Ruimte"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standaard)"],"Members":["Leden"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, u kunt deze ruimte niet verlaten!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al lid van deze ruimte!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al een aanvrager van deze ruimte!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Als eigenaar van deze ruimte kunt u deze rol overdragen naar een andere administrator in deze ruimte."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["De URL bevat niet toegestane tekens,"],"Transfer ownership":["Eigenaarschap overdragen"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["Dat is bijvoorbeeld voor {baseUrl}/s/voorbeeld"],"Last Visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Originator User ID":["Oprichter gebruiker ID"],"Request Message":["Verzoek bericht"],"Updated By":["Geüpdatet door","Bijgewerkt door"],"Administrators":["Beheerders"],"Color":["Kleur"],"Default content visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid inhoud"],"Homepage":["Startpagina"],"Moderators":["Moderators","Moderatoren"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geaccepteerd"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw verzoek voor de ruimte {spaceName} goed gekeurd"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw verzoek voor de ruimte {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft uw uitgenodigd voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} wil lid worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Sta de gebruiker toe openbare inhoud te maken"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Sta de gebruiker toe nieuwe leden uit te nodigen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan verborgen (privé) ruimtes maken"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan openbare ruimtes maken (Te zien in overzicht)"],"Create private space":["Maak privé ruimte"],"Create public content":["Maak openbare inhoud"],"Create public space":["Maak openbare ruimte"],"Invite users":["Gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Toevoegen {n,plural,=1{ruimte} other{ruimtes}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Kies of nieuwe content standaard openbaar of privé is"],"Manage members":["Beheer leden"],"Role":["Rol"],"Space name":["Ruimte naam"],"Add Modules":["Modules toevoegen"],"Security settings":["Veiligheids instellingen","Privacy instellingen"],"Space settings":["Ruimte instellingen"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Permissies zijn toegewezen aan verschillende groepen gebruikers. Om een permissie aan te passen, klik je op de groep die je wilt bewerken en selecteer je in het drop-down menu de gewenste permissie."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Je bent geen lid van deze ruimte en er is nog geen openbare inhoud beschikbaar!"],"Done":["Klaar"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Lidmaatschap beëindigen"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Verberg berichten op het dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Berichten weergeven op het dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe inhoud van deze ruimte verbergen in uw dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe inhoud van deze ruimte weergeven in uw dashboard"],"Pending Approvals":["Wachtende verzoeken"],"Pending Invites":["Wachtende uitnodigingen"],"End guide":["Beëindig tour"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Sleep hier een foto heen of klik hierop om een bestand te kiezen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verberg mijn geboortejaar"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Welkom %firstname, leuk dat u onze website gebruikt!"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["U bent de allereerste hier... Joepie! Wees een uitstekend voorbeeld en vul uw profiel in,
zodat toekomstige gebruikers weten wie hier de baas is en bij wie ze terecht kunnen als ze vragen hebben."],"Your firstname":["Uw voornaam"],"Your lastname":["Uw achternaam"],"Your mobild phone number":["Uw mobiele telefoon nummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Uw telefoonnummer op het werk"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Uw vaardigheden, ervaring, etc. (gescheiden met komma's)"],"Your title or position":["Uw titel of positie"],"Your profile":["Mijn profiel"],"Basic Settings":["Basisinstellingen"],"Change Email":["Verander e-mail"],"Change Password":["Verander wachtwoord"],"Connect account":["Verbind account"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Connected accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Currently in use":["Momenteel in gebruik"],"Delete Account":["Verwijder account"],"Disconnect account":["Ontkoppel account"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier kun je verbinding maken met andere websites om daarmee snel in te loggen."],"My Account":["Mijn account"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Er bestaat al een gebruiker met hetzelfde mailadres, maar dit account is daar niet mee verbonden. Log in met je email adres en wachtwoord en koppel je accounts."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Het nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan het huidige wachtwoord"],"or":["of"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Introductie verbergen op uw dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Nieuwe mensen uitnodigen"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adres(sen)"],"Invitation to join":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vul hieronder de e-mail adressen in van de mensen die u wilt uitnodigen."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Meerdere email adressen gescheiden door een komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Klik hier om een account te maken:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} heeft u uitgenodigd om lid te worden van \"{space}\" op {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} heeft u uitgenodigd voor {name}."],"Searchable":["Doorzoekbaar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma gescheiden land codes, bijv. DE,EN,NL","Door komma gescheiden land codes, bijvoorbeeld DE,EN,NL"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Ondersteunde ISO3166 land codes"],"Auth Mode":["Verificatie wijze"],"Last Activity Email":["Laatste activiteit mail"],"Last Login":["Laatste login"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Weergeven in overzicht"],"Show At Registration":["Weergeven bij registratie"],"Space ID":["Ruimte-ID"],"Mentioned":["Genoemd"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} volgt u nu."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft u genoemd in {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Uw huidige e-mail adres is {email}. Hieronder kunt u uw e-mail adres wijzigen.\n"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Uw wachtwoord kunt u hieronder veranderen."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kunt u uw algemene accountgegevens aanpassen, die zichtbaar zijn op de 'over mij' pagina op uw profiel."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Krijg een email voor elke activiteit van gebruikers of ruimtes die u volgt."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ontvang bureaublad meldingen wanneer u online bent","Ontvang desktop melding wanneer u online bent"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden van de ruimte: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registreer nu en doe mee!"],"You got an invite":["U hebt een uitnodiging ontvangen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["heeft uw uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["nodigt u uit om deel te nemen aan {space} op {name}."],"Is Originator":["Is bedenker"],"Last Viewed":["Laatst weergegeven"],"Allows to start polls.":["Starten van stembussen toestaan."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen","Bevestig verwijderen van bericht."],"Confirm report deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van rapportage"],"Delete post":["Verwijder bericht"],"Delete report":["Verwijder rapportage"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Wil je deze rapportage echt verwijderen?"],"Reason":["Reden"],"Reporter":["Rapporteerder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Er zijn geen gerapporteerde berichten."],"Does not belong to this space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Help ons te begrijpen wat er gebeurd."],"It's offensive":["Het is beledigend"],"It's spam":["Het is spam"],"Report post":["Rapporteer bericht"],"Assigned user(s)":["Toegewezen gebruiker(s)"],"Deadline":["Uiterste termijn","Uiterste datum"],"Could not access task!":["Geen toegang tot de taak!"],"Task":["Taak"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} toegewezen aan taak {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} gemaakt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} voltooid."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} heeft u aan de taak {task} gekoppeld."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe taak gemaakt: {task}."],"Create new task":["Maak nieuwe taak"],"Edit task":["Bewerk taak"],"Assign users":["Gebruikers koppelen"],"What is to do?":["Wat gaan we doen?","Wat is er te doen?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bevestig verwijderen taak"],"Add Task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Wilt u deze taak echt verwijderen?"],"No open tasks...":["Geen open taken..."],"completed tasks":["voltooide taken"],"Click, to finish this task":["Click om deze taak te voltooien"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Deze taak is al voltooid. Klik om als onvoltooid te markeren."],"My tasks":["Mijn taken"],"From space: ":["Van ruimte:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Er zijn nog geen taken!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen taken!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Assigned to me":["Toegewezen aan mij"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand gekoppeld"],"State is finished":["Taak is voltooid"],"State is open":["Taak is open"],"Assign users to this task":["Koppel gebruikers aan deze taak"],"Deadline for this task?":["Uiterste datum voor deze taak?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Wijs vooraf gebruiker(s) toe aan deze taak."],"What to do?":["Wat is er te doen?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Wilt u deze taak behandelen?"],"I do it!":["Ik doe het!"],"Update HumHub":["Update"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update HumHub "],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Maak een backup van je bestanden en database voordat je verder gaat!"],"Check for next update":["Controleer op een volgende update"],"Could not extract update package!":["Kon het update pakket niet uitpakken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Kon geen update informatie ophalen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Resultaten van de gegevensbank-migratie"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Gebruik deze updater niet in combinatie met Git of Composer installaties!"],"Downloading update package...":["Update downloaden..."],"Error!":["Fout!"],"Installing update package...":["Nieuwe update installeren..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn door de applicatie."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Zorg er voor dat de modules en thema's compatibel zijn met versie %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Zorg ervoor dat de volgende bestanden schrijfbaar zijn voor de applicatie:"],"Please note:":["Let op:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Update de geïnstalleerde modules voor EN na de update"],"Proceed Installation":["Installatie voortzetten"],"Release Notes:":["Notities van deze versie:"],"Show database migration results":["Database migratie resultaten weergeven"],"Start Installation":["Installatie starten"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["De volgende bestanden lijken niet origineel (%version%) en zullen overschreven of verwijderd worden tijdens het updaten."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":[" De nieuwe versie %version% is beschikbaar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Een nieuwe versie is nog niet voorhanden."],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Het update-pakket is ongeldig!"],"Warning!":["Waarschuwing!"],"Warnings:":["Waarschuwingen:"],"successfully installed!":["succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"version update":["versie update"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Nieuwe versie ophalen is mislukt! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["Is startpagina"],"Protected":["Beschermd"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\r\n\r\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijk groet
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Hallo {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijke groet
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\r\n\r\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\r\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Pinned":["Vastgekleefd","Vastkleven"],"Unpinned":["Losmaken"],"Confirm Action":["Zeker weten?"],"Mail summary":["E-mail samenvatting"],"An error occured while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Een fout ontstond bij het afhandelen van uw laatste actie. (Handler niet gevonden)."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the search result.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond tijdens het laden van het zoekresultaat."],"An unexpected error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"An unexpected server error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte server fout trad op. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl/Cmd+C":["Kopiëren naar het klembord: Ctrl-Cmd + C"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Weet u dit zeker?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Fout bij het uitvoeren van uw laatste actie (Ongeldige request method)."],"No error information given.":["Geen fout informatie beschikbaar."],"Open":["Open"],"Show less":["Toon minder","Laat minder zien"],"Show more":["Toon meer","Laat meer zien"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Enkele bestanden zijn niet geüpload."],"The date has to be in the past.":["De datum moet in het verleden liggen."],"The file has been deleted.":["Het bestand is verwijderd."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["De gevraagde hulpbron kan niet worden gevonden."],"The space has be archived.":["De ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"The space has be unarchived.":["De ruimte is uit het archief gehaald."],"Unsubscribe":["Afmelden"],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Het is niet toegestaan om deze actie uit te voeren.","U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren..","U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren."],"Ordered List":["Genummerde lijst"],"Unordered List":["Opsommingslijst"],"Created at:":["Gemaakt op"],"Creator":["Maker"],"Filesize:":["Bestandsgrootte"],"Folder":["Map"],"Folder options":["Map opties"],"Invalid parameter.":["Ongeldige parameter"],"Move":["Verplaatsen"],"Schließen":["Sluiten"],"ZIP all":["Comprimeer alles"],"ZIP selected":["ZIPpen"],"changed:":["veranderd:"],"created:":["gemaakt:"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-Mail samenvattingen"],"Daily":["Dagelijks"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-mail samenvattingen"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-mail samenvattingen informeren u over de recente activiteiten."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-mail samenvattingen informeren andere gebruikers over uw recente activiteiten"],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["Negeer de volgende ruimtes in de e-mail samenvattingen"],"Hourly":["Om het uur"],"Interval":["Interval"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["Op deze pagina kunt u de inhoud en het interval van deze e-mail updates instellen."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Op deze pagina kunt u het standaard gedrag voor uw gebruikers instellen. De gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen overschrijven op hun accountinstellingen pagina."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["Alleen de volgende ruimte in de e-mail samenvatting opnemen."],"Reset to defaults":["Terugzetten naar standaardinstellingen"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["U ontvangt alleen een e-mail bij nieuwe berichten."],"See online:":["Bekijk online"],"User is already a member of this group.":["De gebruiker is al lid van deze groep."],"Add Groups...":["Groep toevoegen..."],"Select Groups":["Groep kiezen ..."],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Beelden horizontaal scrollen op een mobiel apparaat"],"1 month":["1 maand"],"1 week":["1 week"],"1 year":["1 jaar"],"2 weeks":["twee weken"],"3 months":["drie maanden"],"6 months":["zes maanden"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Maximaal leeftijd van logs."],"Administrative":["Beheer"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Ontvang meldingen voor beheertaken zoals nieuwe software versies."],"Access Admin Information":["Toegang tot beheer informatie"],"Can access the 'Administration -> Information' section.":["Toegang tot Beheer->informatie "],"Can manage spaces within the 'Administration -> Spaces' section (create/edit/delete).":["Toegang tot beheer ruimtes (maken, wijzigen, verwijderen)."],"Can manage user- space- and general-settings.":["Toegang tot beheer gebruiker->ruimte en algemene instellingen."],"Can manage users and groups":["Toegang tot beheer gebruikers en groepen"],"Can manage users and user profiles.":["Toegang tot beheer gebruikers en gebruikergegevens"],"Cann manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Toegang tot beheer modules."],"Manage Groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Manage Modules":["Beheer modules"],"Manage Settings":["Beheer instellingen"],"Manage Spaces":["Beheer ruimtes"],"Manage Users":["Beheer gebruikers"],"Notification Settings":["Meldingen instellingen"],"Confirm image deletion":["Bevestig de verwijdering van de afbeelding"],"Wall entry layout":["Afbeeldingenmuur indeling"],"Currently there are {count} records in the database dating from {dating}.":["Momenteel zijn er {count} records in de gegevensbank vanaf {dating}."],"Old logs can significantly increase the size of your database while providing little information.":["Oude logs nemen veel ruimte in, maar leveren weinig informatie op."],"Space Settings":["Ruimte instellingen"],"E-Mail summaries":["E-mail samenvattingen"],"Logs":["Logs"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Wanneer er een nieuwe reactie is geschreven."],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} reageerde op {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} reageerde op {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayNames} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle}"],"{displayNames} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayNames} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}":["{displayName} reageerde op {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} reageerde op {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle}":["{displayName} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle}"],"{displayName} just commented your {contentTitle} in space {space}":["{displayName} reageerde zojuist op uw {contentTitle} in ruimte {space}"],"Receive Notifications when someone comments on my own or a following post.":["Meldingen ontvangen wanneer iemand op mijn eigen of een volgende bericht reageert."],"View Online":["Bekijk online"],"Cancel Edit":["Annuleer bewerking"],"Comment has been deleted":["Reactie is verwijderd"],"Read full comment...":["Lees het volledige bericht..."],"Contents":["Inhoud"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Wanneer nieuwe inhoud (bijvoorbeeld een bericht) is gemaakt."],"Could not delete content!":["Kan de inhoud niet verwijderen!"],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["Kan de inhoud niet verwijderen: toegang verwijderd!"],"Invalid request method!":["Ongeldige aanroep!"],"Maximum number of pinned items reached!\n\nYou can pin to top only two items at once.\nTo however pin this item, unpin another before!":["Maximum aantal vastgezette items bereikt! U kunt slechts twee items tegelijk vastmaken aan top . Maak eerst een bericht los, om dit bericht vast te maken!"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo}":["{originator} schreef zojuist {contentInfo}"],"{originator} just wrote {contentInfo} in space {space}":["{originator} schreef zojuist {contentInfo} in ruimte {space}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator} attendeert u op {contentInfo}"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo} in {space}":["{originator} attendeert u op {contentInfo} in {space}"],"New Content":["Nieuwe inhoud"],"Receive Notifications for new content you follow.":["Ontvang meldingen voor nieuw inhoud die u volgt."],"This space is archived.":["Deze ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"Pin to top":["Kleef vast "],"Unpin":["Maak los"],"The content has been archived.":["De inhoud is gearchiveerd."],"The content has been deleted.":["De inhoud is verwijderd."],"The content has been pinned.":["De inhoud is vastgezet."],"The content has been unarchived.":["De inhoud is uit het archief gehaald."],"The content has been unpinned.":["De inhoud is losgemaakt."],"Your last edit state has been saved!":["Uw laatste bewerking is bewaard!"],"File {fileName} could not be uploaded!":["Het bestand {fileName} kon niet worden geüpload."],"Could not find requested file variant!":["De gevraagde bestandsvariant is niet gevonden."],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["De afmetingen van de afbeelding zijn te groot om te worden verwerkt met de huidige server geheugen limiet!"],"This upload field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}}.":["Dit upload veld kan maximaal {n,plural,=1{# bestand} other {# bestanden}} bevatten."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We zoeken briljante leuzen van bekende merken. Kunt u enkele voorbeelden bedenken?"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Voeg de voorbeeldinhoud toe (aanbevolen)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Toegang toestaan voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers van de openbare inhoud (gast toegang)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Sta vriendschappen tussen leden toe."],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Externe gebruikers kunnen inschrijven (Toon registratieformulier op login-pagina)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nieuw geregistreerde gebruikers moet eerst worden geactiveerd door een beheerder."],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Geregistreerde leden kunnen nieuwe gebruikers via e-mail uitnodigen."],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Ik wil Humhub gebruik voor:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["U bent bijna klaar. In deze stap moet u het formulier invullen om een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met dit account kunt u het hele netwerk te beheren."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub is zeer flexibel en kan worden aangepast uitgebreid voor verschillende toepassingen dankzij de verschillende modules. De volgende modules zijn slechts een paar voorbeelden en degene die we dachten dat het meest belangrijk voor uw gekozen toepassing.
U kunt later modules installeren of verwijderen modules. U kunt meer modules vinden na de installatie in de beheerinstellingen."],"Recommended Modules":["Aanbevolen modules"],"Example contents":["Voorbeeld inhoud"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Om een lege dashboard na uw eerste login te vermijden, kan HumHub bijvoorbeeld-inhoud voor u installeren. Dit geeft u een mooi overzicht van Humhub's mogelijkheden. U kunt altijd de voorbeeld-inhoud verwijderen."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Hier kunt u bepalen hoe nieuwe, niet-geregistreerde gebruikers toegang krijgen tot HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Beveiliginsinstellingen"],"Configuration":["Configuratie"],"My club":["Mijn club"],"My community":["Mijn vereniging"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Mijn bedrijf (Personeelsvereniging / projectmanagement)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Mijn onderwijsinstituut (school, universiteit)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Sla deze stap over, ik wil alles handmatig instellen."],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Om de configuratie te vereenvoudigen, hebben wij de meeste gebruikte instellingen vooraf ingevuld. U kunt deze instellingen aan passen in de volgende stap."],"Likes":["Vind ik leuk"],"Whenever someone likes something (e.g. a post or comment).":["Wanneer iemand van iets houdt (bijvoorbeeld een bericht of reactie)."],"{displayNames} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vindt uw {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes your {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vindt uw {contentTitle}."],"Receive Notifications when someone likes your content.":["Ontvang een meldingen wanneer iemand uw bijdragen leuk vindt."],"Notification Settings":["Notificatie instellingen"],"In this view, you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["In dit scherm kunt u het standaard gedrag voor uw gebruikers definiëren. Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen overschrijven op hun pagina met accountinstellingen."],"Notifications are sent directly to your users to inform them about new activities in your network.":["Uw gebruikers ontvangen meteen meldingen over nieuwe activiteiten in uw netwerk."],"Notifications are sent instantly to you to inform you about new activities in your network.":["U ontvang meteen meldingen over de nieuwe activiteiten in uw netwerk."],"There are new updates available at {baseUrl}":["Nieuwe updates zijn beschikbaar zijn op {baseurl}"],"There are new updates available at {baseUrl} - ({category})":["Nieuwe updates zijn beschikbaar zijn op {baseurl} - ({categorie})"],"This view allows you to configure your notification settings by selecting the desired targets for the given notification categories.":["Met dit scherm kunt u uw instellingen voor meldingen configureren door de gewenste instelling te selecteren voor de gegeven notificatiecategorieën."],"Web":["Web"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Sta bureaublad meldingen standaard toe."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Ontvang 'Nieuwe inhoud' meldingen voor de volgende ruimten"],"Apply":["Pas toe"],"Allow others to create new posts on your profile page":["Anderen mogen nieuwe berichten maken op mijn profielpagina"],"Specify space":["Geef de Ruimte op."],"Space member joined":["Een nieuw lid is toegetreden deze ruimte"],"Space member left":["Een lid heeft van deze ruimte verlaten."],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Wanneer een lid een van uw ruimtes verlaat."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Wanneer een nieuw lid toetreedt tot één van uw ruimtes."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Toegang geweigerd - U kunt geen leden uitnodigen!"],"This user is already a member of this space.":["De gebruiker is al lid van deze ruimte."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["De gebruiker is niet een lid van deze ruimte."],"the default start page of this space for members":["De standaard startpagina voor leden van deze ruimte."],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["De standaard startpagina voor bezoekers van deze ruimte."],"Homepage (Guests)":["Startpagina (Gasten)"],"{displayName} just invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} nodigde u zojuist uit voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"Receive Notifications for Friendship Request and Approval events.":["Ontvang meldingen voor vriendschapsverzoeken en andere uitnodigingen."],"Receive Notifications for Space Approval and Invite events.":["Ontvang meldingen voor ruimte goedkeuringen en uitnodigingen."],"Space Membership":["Lidmaatschap ruimte"],"Don't receive notifications for new content":["Ontvang geen meldingen voor nieuwe inhoud."],"Receive Notifications for new content":["Ontvang meldingen voor nieuwe inhoud."],"Add Space":["Voeg een ruimte toe"],"No spaces found for the given query":["Geen ruimte zijn gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht."],"Select {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Kies {n,plural,=1{ruimte} other{ruimtes}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# space} other{# spaces}}":["Dit veld kent een maximum van {n,plural,=1{# ruimte} other{# ruimtes}}"],"This space is archived":["Deze ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"You are following this space":["U volgt deze ruimte."],"No member or following spaces found.":["Geen enkel lid of volgende ruimtes gevonden."],"No result found for the given filter.":["Geen resultaat gevonden door het opgegeven filter."],"To search for other spaces, type at least {count} characters.":["Toets tenminste {count} tekens in bij het zoeken naar andere ruimtes."],"{n,plural,=1{# new entry} other{# new entries}} since your last visit":["{n,plural,=1{# nieuw item} other{# nieuw items}} sinds uw laatste bezoek."],"Show {i} more.":["Toon {i} meer."],"Administration":["Beheer"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Klaar! Meer is er niet."],"Modules":["Modules"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Als beheerder kunt u het hele platform vanaf hier beheren.

Afgezien van de modules, gaan we niet op details in, want elk veld heeft een eigen korte beschrijving."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["U bevindt zich nu in het menu Extra. Vanaf hier kunt u toegang krijgen tot de HumHub online marktplaats, waar u een steeds groeiend aantal modules kunt installeren.
Elke nieuwe modules voegt meer functionaliteit toe aan uw ruimtes."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["U hebt nu alle belangrijke functies en instellingen geleerd. U bent l klaar om te beginnen met het platform.
Wij hopen dat u en alle toekomstige gebruikers zullen genieten van het gebruik van deze site. We kijken ernaar uit om het even welke suggesties of ondersteuning die u wenst aan te bieden voor ons project. Voelt u vrij om contact met ons op te nemen via www.humhub.org waar u de laatste informatie kunt vinden. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dit is uw dashboard.

Alle nieuwe activiteiten en berichten die u kunnen interesseren verschijnen hier."],"Administration (Modules)":["Beheer (Modules)"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hoera Dat was het."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hoera! U bent klaar!"],"Profile photo":["Profiel foto"],"Profile stream":["Profiel berichten"],"User profile":["Gebruiker profeil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klik op deze knop om uw profiel en de accountinstellingen bij te werken. U kunt ook meer informatie toe te voegen aan uw profiel."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Elk profiel heeft zijn eigen prikbord. Uw berichten verschijnen ook op de prikborden van gebruikers die u volgt."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Net als in de ruimtes kan het gebruiker profiel worden gepersonaliseerd met verschillende modules.
U kunt zien welke modules beschikbaar zijn voor uw profiel door te kijken in \"Modules\" in het menu accountinstellingen."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dit is uw openbare gebruikersprofiel, die kan worden gezien door een geregistreerde gebruiker."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["U kunt een nieuwe profielfoto uploaden door simpelweg hier te klikken of door een foto hiernaar toe te slepen. Doe precies hetzelfde voor het bijwerken van uw omslagfoto."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["U hebt de gebruikersprofielgids voltooid."],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["U heb de gebruiker profielgids voltooid.

Om door te gaan met de beheerders gids, klik hier:

"],"Most recent activities":["Meest recente activiteiten"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Profile Guide":["Profiel Gids"],"Space":["Ruimte"],"Space navigation menu":["Ruimte navigatie menu"],"Writing posts":["Schrijven van berichten"],"Yay! You're done.":["Ja. U bent klaar."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["157/5000\nAlle gebruikers die lid zijn van deze ruimte worden hier getoond.

Nieuwe leden kunnen worden toegevoegd door iedereen die toegang heeft rechten heeft gekregen van de beheerder."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nieuwe berichten kunnen hier worden geschreven en worden geplaatst."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Wanneer u deelneemt of een nieuwe ruimte maakt, kunt u werken aan projecten bespreken of alleen informatie delen met andere gebruikers.
Er zijn verschillende gereedschappen om een ruimte te personaliseren, waardoor het werkproces productiever is."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Dat is het voor deze ruimte gids.

Om door te gaan met de gebruikersprofiel gids, klik hier:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Hier kunt u door de ruimte navigeren - welke modules zijn actief of beschikbaar in de ruimte waar u momenteel in bent. Dit kunnen bijvoorbeeld vragenlijsten, taken of notities zijn.
Alleen de ruimteeheerder kan modules toevoegen of verwijderen."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Dit menu is alleen toegankelijk voor ruimtebeheerders. Hier kunt u uw ruimte beheren, toevoegen, leden blokkeren en activeren plus gereedschappen in- en uitschakelen voor deze ruimte."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Om u up-to-date te houden, zullen hier de meeste recente activiteiten van andere gebruikers in deze ruimte worden weergegeven."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Berichten van u en andere gebruikers worden hier weergegeven.

U kunt deze dan leuk vinden of er commentaar op geven."],"Account Menu":["Account Menu"],"Notifications":["Meldingen"],"Space Menu":["ruimte Menu"],"Start space guide":["Start de ruimtegids"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Om het spoor van alle zaken niet verliezen!

Dit icoon houdt u op de hoogte van de activiteiten en berichten die u betreffen."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Het account menu geeft u toegang tot uw persoonlijke instellingen en laat u uw openbare profiel beheren."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Dit is de belangrijkste menu en zal waarschijnlijk degene die u het meest gebruikt.
Toegang tot alle ruimtes die u hebt samengevoegd en het maken van nieuwe ruimtes doet u hier.
De volgende gids zal u tonen hoe!.:"]," Remove panel":["Verwijder panel"],"Getting Started":["Beginnen"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Gids: Beheer (Modules)"],"Guide: Overview":["Gids: Overzicht"],"Guide: Spaces":["Gids: Ruimtes"],"Guide: User profile":["Gids: Gebruikers profiel"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Leer de weg kennen op deze webpagina's door de belangrijkste kenmerken met de volgende gidsen te leren kennen:"],"Not registered users":["Niet-geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Other users":["Andere gebruikers"],"Your friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Current Password":["Huidige wachtwoord"],"You're not registered.":["U bent niet geregistreerd."],"YouTube URL":["YouTube URL"],"Checkbox":["Keuzevak"],"Markdown":["Opmaakcodering"],"Checkbox field options":["Keuzevak opties"],"{displayName} is now following you":["{displayName} volgt u nu."],"{displayName} just mentioned you in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\"":["{displayName} heeft u genoemd in {contentTitle} \"{preview}\""],"Mentionings":["Vermeldingen"],"Receive Notifications when someone is following you.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand mij volgt."],"Receive Notifications when someone mentioned you in a post.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand mij vermeldt in een bericht."],"Allows access to your about page with personal information":["Verleen toegang tot mijn pagina met persoonlijke informatie"],"View your about page":["Bekijk mijn over-pagina."],"Join the network":["Treed toe tot de groep"],"Add more...":["Voeg meer toe..."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the result.":["Een onverwachte fout trad op tijdens het laden."],"Please enter at least {n} character":["Toets tenminste {n} tekens in"],"Select {n,plural,=1{item} other{items}}":["Kies {n,plural,=1{item} other {items}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# item} other{# items}}.":["Het maximale aantal is {n,plural,=1{# item} other {# items}}."],"You reached the maximum number of allowed charachters ({n}).":["Het maximale aantal tekens is ({n})."],"Permission":["Toestemming"],"No users found for the given query.":["Geen gebruikers gevonden met de opgegeven waarden."],"Select {n,plural,=1{user} other{users}}":["Selecteer {n,plural,=1{gebruiker} other{gebruikers}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# user} other{# users}}.":["Dit veld kan maximaal {n,plural,=1{# gebruiker} other{# gebruikers}}."],"Sign in / up":["Aanmelden / Registeren"],"Add Dropbox files":["Voeg Dropbox bestanden toe."],"Invalid file":["Ongeldig bestand"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API Key"],"Show warning on posting":["Toon meldingen bij posting"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox post"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox module instellingen"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["De dropbox module moet actief in de dropbox applicatie worden gemaakt! Ga naar deze webpagina , kies 'Drop-ins app \"en koppel uw API-sleutel aan een app naam ."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox instellingen"],"Describe your files":["Beschrijving uw bestanden","Beschrijf uw bestanden"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Sorry, de Dropbox-module is nog niet geconfigureerd! Neem contact op met de beheerder."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["De Dropbox module is nog niet geconfigureerd! hier."],"Select files from dropbox":["Kies bestanden in de Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":[" Let op! U deelt persoonlijke bestanden."],"Do not show this warning in future":["Deze waarschuwing in de toekomst niet te laten zien."],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["De bestanden die u wilt delen zijn privé. Om bestanden in uw ruimte te delen hebben we een gedeelde koppeling gegenereerd. Iedereen met de link kan het bestand te zien.
Weet u zeker dat u de bestanden wilt delen?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, ik weet het zeker."],"Category":["Categorie"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Voegt de vergadermanager toe aan deze ruimte"],"Agenda Entry":["Agenda-item"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["De tijdindeling moet zijn UUR:MINUUT"],"Meeting":["Bijeenkomst"],"Meetings":["Bijeenkomsten"],"Begin":["Begin"],"End":["Einde"],"Location":["Plaats"],"Room":["kamer","Kamer"],"Minutes":["Notulen"],"End must be after begin":["Eindtijdstip moet na het starttijdstip liggen."],"No valid time":["Ongeldige tijd"],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} nodigde u uit voor {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Deze taak heeft te maken met % link%"],"Get details...":["Haal de details..."],"Could not get note content!":["Kan de notitie-inhoud niet vinden."],"Note":["Notitie"],"API Connection successful!":["API verbinding is succesvol."],"Could not connect to API!":["Kan niet verbinden met AP."],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Lees de module documentatie in /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt voor meer details!"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["The notitiemodule heeft een draaide ehterpad server nodig."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["Bijvoorbeeld hppt://uwdomein/pad/"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe notitie gemaakt en aan u toegewezen."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} heeft gewerkt aan notitie {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Open de notitie"],"Title of your new note":["Kop van uw nieuwe notitie"],"There are no notes yet!":["Er zijn nog geen notities!"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Geeft een redenen op waarom u dit bericht wilt rapporteren."],"Approve":["Goedkeuren"],"Approve post":["Keur bericht goed"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Wilt u dit bericht goedkeuren?"],"Does not belong here":["Hoort hier niet."],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Bijwerken naar HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Annuleren"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Veranderingen aan de Humhub kernbestanden worden overschreven bij het bijwerken."],"Cleanup update files":["Opruimen bijwerkbestanden"],"Downloading update package":["Het ophalen van het bijwerkpakket"],"Extracting package files":["Uitpakken van de bestanden in het pakket."],"Installing files":["Installeren van de bestanden."],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Zorg dat alle bestanden beschrijfbaar zijn ("],"Migrating database":["Migreren van de gegevensbank."],"New updater version available!":["Een nieuwe versie staat klaar."],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Foutboodschap is niet beschikbaar. Controleer de log-bestanden"],"Preparing system":["Het systeem voorbereiden."],"Start":["Start"],"Start update":["Start het bijwerken naar de nieuwe versie"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Schakel naar het bijwerken naar de nieuwe versie over naar het standaard thema."],"The update was successfully installed!":["De nieuwe versie is succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Een nieuwe versie van de updater module is beschikbaar. Vernieuw eerst deze module voordat u verder gaat."],"Update HumHub":["Installeer de nieuwste versie van HumHub"],"Update successful":["De nieuwe versie is succesvol geïnstalleerd."],"Validating package":["Het pakket controleren."],"Page creation disabled!":["Maken nieuwe pagina is uitgeschakeld."],"Page not editable!":["Pagina is niet aanpasbaar."],"Page not found.":["Pagina niet gevonden."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Toegang geweigerd. U hebt geen beheerdersrechten."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Toegang geweigerd. U hebt geen rechten om de historie te bekijken."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Terugdraaien is niet mogelijk. Dit is al de laatste herziening."],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["U moet lid zijn van de ruimte \"%space_name%\" te zijn om toegang te krijgen tot deze wiki pagina!"],"Edit file":["Bewerk bestand"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Er is een interne fout opgetreden. Kon map met id %id% niet vinden"],"Edit directory":["Map bewerken"],"This folder is empty.":["Deze map is leeg."],"This folder is still empty.":["Deze map is nog steeds leeg."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Helaas ontbreekt toestemming om bestanden te uploaden of te bewerken."],"Updated":["Bijgewerkt"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Upload ZIP":["Upload ZIP"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Upload bestanden of maak een submap met de knoppen bovenaan."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Upload bestanden naar de berichtenstroom om deze map te vullen."],"Folder ID":["Map ID"],"Description for the wall entry.":["Beschrijving van de wall entry"],"Parent Folder ID":["Bovenliggende map ID"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Kon bestand %title% niet opslaan."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Er is een interne fout opgetreden. Kan de standaard map met alle geplaatst bestanden niet laden, de gegevensbank is niet goed geïnitialiseerd."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Er is een interne fout opgetreden. Kan hoofdmap niet laden, de gegevensbank is niet goed geïnitialiseerd"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Archief %filename% kan niet worden uitgepakt.."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Archive (zip) ondersteuning is niet ingeschakeld."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Bestand bestaat niet."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Schakel archief (ZIP) ondersteuning uit"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Wilt u echt wilt deze %nummer% artikel(en) met alle onderliggende inhoud verwijderen?"],"Download":["Download"],"Download ZIP":["Download ZIP"],"Edit the file description...":["Bewerk het bestandsomschrijving ..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Bewerk de mapbeschrijving..."],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Naam van de map mag niet beginnen of eindigen met een spatie."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Onvoldoende rechten om deze actie uit te voeren."],"Last edited at:":["Laatst gewijzigd op:"],"Last edited by:":["Laatst bijgwerkt op:"],"Likes/Comments":["Vind ik leuk / Commentaar"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Verhuizen naar dezelfde map is niet mogelijk. Kies een geldige bovenliggende map voor %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Geen geldige items werden geselecteerd om te verplaatsen."],"Open directory!":["Open map!"],"Open parent directory!":["Open bovenliggende map!"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Opening van archief is mislukt, foutcode %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Selecteer een geldige bestemmingsmap voor %title%."],"Selected items...":["Geselecteerde items ..."],"Show Image":["Toon afbeelding"],"Show Post":["Toon bericht"],"Show all files":["Toon alle bestanden"],"Show complete file preview":["Toon een volledige bestandsvoorbeschouwing"],"Show on Wall":["Toon op muur"],"The archive could not be created.":["Het archief kan niet worden gemaakt."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["De map %filename% bestaat al. De Inhoud is overschreven."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["De map met de id %id% bestaat niet."],"Can manage modules within the 'Administration -> Modules' section.":["Toegang tot beheer modules."],"First name":["Voornaam"],"Last name":["Achternaam"],"Export data":["Exporteer gegevens"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Ondersteuning/hulp"],"Task description":["Taakomschrijving"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de vergadering"],"Create new meeting":["Maak een nieuwe vergadering"],"Edit meeting":["Bewerk de vergadering"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Voeg externe deelnemers toe (vrije tekst)"],"Add participant":["Voeg deelnemer toe"],"Add participants":["Voeg deelnemers toe"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Wilt u deze vergadering echt verwijderen?"],"External participants":["Externe deelnemers"],"Title of your meeting":["Naam van de vergadering"],"hh:mm":["uu:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Bevestig het wissen van het item"],"Create new entry":["Maak een nieuw item"],"Edit entry":["Bewerk het item"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Voeg externe moderatoren toe (vrije tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Voeg moderator toe"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Wilt u dit item echt verwijderen?"],"External moderators":["Externe moderator"],"Title of this entry":["Omschrijving van dit item"],"Edit Note":["Bewerk notitie"],"Note content":["Nieuwe notitie"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Details van de vergadering: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Volgende vergaderingen"],"Past meetings":["Vorige vergaderingen"],"Add a protocol":["Voeg een procedure toe"],"Add a task":["Voeg een taak toe"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Maak uw eigen agendapunt door te klikken op de onderstaande knop."],"New agenda entry":["Nieuw agendapunt"],"New meeting":["Nieuwe vergadering"],"Print agenda":["Druk de agenda af"],"Protocol":["Procedure"],"Share meeting":["Deel de vergadering"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Begin nu, door het maken van een nieuwe vergadering!"],"Today":["Vandaag"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Helaas, tot nu toe ontbreken agendapunten."],"Share meeting":["Deel de vergadering"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Voeg aan uw agenda toe en nodig deelnemers uit"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Toevoeg aan uw persoonlijke agenda"],"Export ICS":["Exporteer ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Stuur kennisgevingen aan alle deelnemers"],"Send now":["Stuur nu"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Stuurt interne kennisgevingen aan alle deelnemers van de vergadering."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Dit maakt een ICS-bestand, die deze bijeenkomst alleen aan uw privé agenda toevoegt."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Dit maakt een ICS-bestand, die deze bijeenkomst aan uw privé agenda toevoegt, alle andere uitnodigt deelnemers uitnodigt en wacht op hun antwoord."],"Send SMS":["Stuur een SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Stuur een SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Stuur een SMS naar"],"The space has been archived.":["De ruimte is gearchiveerd."],"The space has been unarchived.":["De ruimte is uit het archief gehaald."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibrary}"],"Body too long.":["Tekst is te lang."],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Een fout ontstond bij het afhandelen van uw laatste actie. (Handler niet gevonden)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond tijdens het laden van het zoekresultaat."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Een onverwachte fout ontstond. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden. Als dit zich herhaalt, neem dan contact op met een beheerder van deze site."],"Weekly":["Wekelijks"],"Your weekly summary":["Uw wekelijkse samenvatting"],"APC(u)":["APC(u)"],"No caching":["Geen caching"],"PHP APC(u) Extension missing - Type not available!":["De PHP APC(u) extensie ontbreekt - Type is niet beschikbaar!"],"Specify your LDAP-backend used to fetch user accounts.":["Geef uw LDAP-backend op om gebruikersaccounts op te halen."],"All created contents of this user will be deleted.":["Alle door deze gebruiker gemaakte inhoud wordt verwijderd."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?"],"Confirm user deletion":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de gebruiker"],"If this user is owner of some spaces, you will automatically become owner of these spaces.":["Als deze gebruiker eigenaar is van ruimtes, wordt u automatisch eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"This action is disabled!":["Deze actie is uitgeschakeld!"],"This group has no members yet.":["Deze groep heeft nog geen leden."],"Open file":["Open bestand"],"View online:":["Bekijk online:"],"Please login with your username/email and password.":["Meld u aan met uw gebruikersnaam / email en wachtwoord."],"Complete Poll":["Rond het stemmen af."],"Reopen Poll":["Heropen de stembus"],"Application folder not writable!":["Applicatie map is niet schrijfbaar!"],"Application folder: {folder}":["Applicatie map: {folder}"],"Installed PHP version not support!":["De geïnstalleerde PHP versie wordt niet ondersteund!"],"Please update installed modules when new version is available!":["Update de geïnstalleerde modules als een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is!"],"Switch to default theme after update (strongly recommended)":["Schakel over naar het standaard thema na de update (sterk aanbevolen)"],"The currently installed PHP version is too old. Please update before proceed.":["De geïnstalleerde PHP versie is te oud. Installeer een nieuwe versie voordat u verder gaat."],"The updater requires write access to all files and folders in the application root folder.":["De updater vereist schrijf toegang tot alle bestanden en mappen in hoofdmap van Humhub."],"Invalid content id given!":["Content ID is ongeldig!"],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden. Hint: controleer de «upload_max_filesize» en «post_max_size» php-instellingen."],"Copy to clipboard":["Kopieer naar klembord"],"Error:":["Fout:"],"Info:":["Informatie:"],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition Proefperiode"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ongeldige Enterprise Edition Licentie"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registreer de Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Unregistreerde Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Voer alstublieft uw HumHub - Enterprise Edition licentiesleutel in. Als u nog geen licentiesleutel hebt, kunt u een bij %link% verkrijgen."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Registreer dezeHumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Vernieuw deze HumHub - Enterprise Edition licentie!"],"Registration successful!":["Registratie is gelukt!"],"Validating...":["Valideren ...\n"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["U heeft {daysLeft} dagen over in uw proefperiode."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Een regel kan bestaan uit @voorbeeld.com om elke e-mail van het opgegeven domein toe te staan, of een volledig adres zoals gebruiker@voorbeeld.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["E-mailkoppelingen"],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["De volgende e-mails komen niet overeen met de toegestane e-maillijst instellingen: {e-mails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["Registratie met dit e-mailadres is niet toegestaan!"],"Whitelist":["Toegestane e-maillijst"],"Change space image":["Verander ruimteafbeelding"],"Crop image":["Afbeelding bijsnijden"],"Current image":["Huidige afbeelding"],"Delete image":["Verwijder afbeelding"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Hier kunt u uw ruimtetypen beheren, die u kunt gebruiken om uw ruimten te categoriseren."],"Space Types":["Ruimtetypen"],"Upload image":["Afbeeldingen uploaden"],"Logo of {appName}":["Logo van {appName}"],"My profile image":["Mijn profielafbeelding"],"Profile dropdown":["Profiel keuzelijst"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profielafbeelding van {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profielafbeelding van {displayName}"],"Toggle comment menu":["Aan/uit commentaar menu"],"Toggle panel menu":["Aan/uit paneelmenu"],"Toggle post menu":["Aan/uit berichten menu"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Aan/uit nieuwsberichten menu"],"Upload file":["Upload bestand"],"{displayName} posted on your profile {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} zette iets op uw profiel {contentTitle}."],"Content visibility":["Inhoud zichtbaar"],"Open the notification dropdown menu":["Open het vervolgkeuzemenu meldingen"],"Search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"Remove tour panel":["Verwijder gidspanel"],"This action will remove the tour panel from your dashboard. You can reactivate it at
Account settings Settings.":["Deze actie verwijdert het gidspaneel uit uw dashboard. U kunt deze opnieuw activeren bij
Account instellingen Instellingen."],"Hello {displayName},":["Beste {displayName},"],"Please click on the link below to view request:":["Klik op de onderstaande link om het verzoek te bekijken:"],"a new user {displayName} needs approval.":["De nieuwe gebruiker {displayName} heeft goedkeuring nodig."],"Crop profile background":["Profiel achterground bijsnijden"],"Crop profile image":["Profileafbeelding bijsnijden"],"Delete profile image":["Verwijder profielafbeelding"],"Missing E-Mail Attribute from AuthClient.":["Ontbrekend e-mail attribuut van AuthClient."],"Missing ID AuthClient Attribute from AuthClient.":["Ontbrekend ID AuthClient attribuut van AuthClient."],"Unknown user status!":["Onbekende gebruikersstatus!"],"Upload profile banner":["Upload profiel spandoek"],"Upload profile image":["Upload profiel afbeelding"],"Your account is disabled!":["Uw account is uitgeschakeld!"],"Your account is not approved yet!":["Uw account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You've been invited to join %appName%":["U bent uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan %appName%"],"Checkbox List":["Selectievak keuzelijst"],"Allow other selection":["Laat andere selectie toe","Andere selectie toestaan"],"This will add an additional input element for custom values":["Dit voegt een extra invoerelement toe voor aangepaste waarden"],"You've been invited to join {space} on {appName}":["U bent uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan {space} op {appName}"],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the result.":["Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden tijdens het laden."],"Delete profile banner":["Verwijder de profiel achtergrond"],"Add profile calendar":["Voegeen profielagenda toe"],"Are you sure you want to delete this event?":["Weet u zeker dat u dit evenement wilt verwijderen?"],"Attending":["Neem deel"],"In order to add events to your profile, you have to enable the calendar module first.":["Om gebeurtenissen toe te voegen aan uw profiel, moet u eerst de agendamodule inschakelen."],"Interested":["Belangstelling"],"Invited":["Uitnodiging"],"Calendar module configuration":["Agendamoduleconfiguratie"],"Adds an snippet with upcoming events to your users dashboard.":["Voegt een fragment toe met aankomende gebeurtenissen aan het gebruikersprikbord."],"Half a year":["Half jaar"],"If activated, the calendar top menu item and dashboard snippet is only visible for users having the calendar module installed in their profile.":["Indien geactiveerd, is het bovenste menu-item en het dashboard-fragment in de agenda alleen zichtbaar voor gebruikers die de agendamodule in hun profiel hebben geïnstalleerd."],"Interval of upcoming events":["Interval van komende gebeurtenissen"],"Max event items":["Maximaal aantal gebeurtenissen"],"One month":["Een maand"],"One week":["Een week"],"One year":["Een jaar"],"Only show top menu item and snippet if the module is installed in the users profile":["Toon alleen het bovenste menu-item en het fragment als de module is geïnstalleerd in het gebruikersprofiel"],"Show snippet":["Toon fragment","Fragment weergeven"],"Upcoming events snippet":["Komende gebeurtenisfragment"],"Open Calendar":["Open agenda"],"Hide sidebar":["Verberg zijbalk"],"Show sidebar":["Toon zijbalk"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Met de emailkoppelingen kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor gebruikers die na registratie automatisch aan deze groep worden toegewezen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["Met de toegestane e-maillijst kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor het beperken van toegestane e-mailadressen voor gebruikersregistratie en uitnodigingen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["Met de toegestane e-maillijst kunt u e-mailregels opgeven voor gebruikers die niet na goedkeuring moeten worden goedgekeurd."],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Wanneer de Toegestane e-maillijstfunctie ook is ingeschakeld (tenminste één regel) - worden de opgegeven regels ook toegevoegd aan de toegestane e-maillijst"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Licentie"],"Licence Serial Code":["Licentiecode"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Geef hieronder uw Enterprise Edition-licentiecode op, u kunt het veld ook leeg laten om 14 dagen uit te proberen.."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Maakeen nieuwe ldap mapping"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Bewerkeen ldap mapping"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP member mapping"],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this group.":["LDAP-gebruikers toewijzen die automatisch lid worden van deze groep."],"Assign LDAP users which becomes automatically member of this space.":["LDAP-gebruikers toewijzen die automatisch lid worden van deze ruimte."],"Attribute value (e.g. street==Some Street or street=~Street)":["Attribuutwaarde (bijvoorbeeld street == Hobbemastraatofstreet = ~ Straat)"],"Create new mapping":["Maak nieuwe mapping aan"],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP Mapping"],"Mapping options:":["Mapping opties:"],"Note: This option is only available for global user administrators.":["Opmerking: deze optie is alleen beschikbaar voor globale gebruikersbeheerders."],"Part of the users base DN (e.g. OU=People,DC=example,DC=com)":["Een deel van de gebruikersbasis DN (bijvoorbeeld OU = People, DC = voorbeeld, DC = com)"],"User Memberships (MemberOf, e.g. CN=xyz_space_access,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)":["Gebruikers Lidmaatschappen (MemberOf, bijvoorbeeld CN = xyz_space_access, OU = Groups, DC = voorbeeld, DC = com)"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Een toegestane e-maillijsttregel kan ofwel in de vorm voorbeeld.com zijn om elke e-mail van de gegeven domein of een volledig adres toe te staan als gebruiker@voorbeeld.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Scheid meerdere regels met een nieuwe regel."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Scheid meerdere toegestane e-mailregels met een nieuwe regel."],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Sorry! Gebruikerslimiet is bereikt"],"Administrative Contact":["Administratief contact"],"Advanced Options":["Geavanceerde mogelijkheden"],"Custom Domain":["Aangepast domein"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Verwijder instatie","Verwijder instance"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Het maximale aantal gebruikersregistraties is bereikt op deze virtuele machine."],"Your plan":["Uw contract"],"Allow others to send you private messages":["Sta anderen toe om u privéberichten te sturen"],"Receive private messages":["Ontvang privéberichten"],"Assign Users":["Gebruikers toewijzen"],"Create document":["Maak document"],"DocumentServer not accessible.":["Documenten-server is niet bereikbaar."],"DocumentServer not configured yet.":["Documenten-server is nog niet geconfigureerd."],"DocumentServer successfully connected! - Installed version: {version}":["Documenten-sverver is succesvol aangesloten! - Geïnstalleerde versie: {versie}"],"OnlyOffice - DocumentServer module configuration":["OnlyOffice - Documenten-server moduleconfiguratie"],"Share document":["Deel document"],"Could not find shared file!":["Kan het gedeelde bestand niet vinden!"],"File read access denied!":["Lees-toegang geweigerd!"],"File write access denied!":["Schrijf-toegang geweigerd!"],"Link for view only access":["Link voor alleen lees-toegang"],"Link with enabled write access":["Link voor schrijf-toegang"],"Open the new document in the next step":["Open het nieuwe document in de volgende stap"],"You can simply share this document using a direct link. The user does not need an valid user account on the platform.":["U kunt dit document eenvoudig delen met een directe link. De gebruiker heeft geen geldig gebruikersaccount op het platform nodig."],"e.g. https://doc.onlyoffice.com":["bijvoobeeld https://doc.onlyoffice.com"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Berichten toestaan> 160 tekens (standaard: niet toegestaan -> momenteel niet ondersteund, aangezien tekens door de weergave worden beperkt)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Een onbekende fout is opgetreden."],"Body too too short.":["Tekst is te kort."],"Characters left:":["Tekens over:"],"Choose Provider":["Kies een provider"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Kon geen verbinding maken met SMS-provider, neem contact op met een beheerder."],"Gateway Number":["Gateway nummer"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Gateway is niet beschikbaar voor dit netwerk."],"Insufficent credits.":["Onvoldoende saldo"],"Invalid IP address.":["Ongeldig IP-adres"],"Invalid destination.":["Ongeldige bestemming"],"Invalid sender.":["Ongeldige verzender"],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module-configuratie te controleren."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Er is onvoldoende saldo beschikbaar voor hoofdaccount."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Er is onvoldoende saldo beschikbaar voor subaccount."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["De provider is niet geïnitialiseerd. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module-configuratie te controleren."],"Receiver is invalid.":["De ontvanger is ongeldig."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Nummer ontvanger heeft niet de juiste opmaak, moet in internationaal formaat zijn, ofwel 00 [...] of + [...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Referentielabel om een filter te maken in statistieken"],"Route access violation.":["Route toegang niet toegestaan"],"SMS Module Configuration":["SMS-module configuratie"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS is afgewezen/niet afgeleverd."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS is succesvol verzonden."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS heeft geen indicatie van de prijs (premium aantal advertenties)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS met identieke berichttekst is te vaak binnen de laatste 180 seconden verzonden."],"Save Configuration":["Opslaan configuratie"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Beveiligingsfout. Neem contact op met een beheerder om de module configuratie te controleren."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Selecteer de Spryng route (standaard: BUSINESS)"],"Sender is invalid.":["Afzender is ongeldig."],"Technical error.":["Technische fout."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Test optie. Sms worden niet afgeleverd, maar server reacties doen alsof dat wil zo is."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Om een sms te kunnen verzenden naar een specifiek account, moet het profielveld \"mobiel\" bestaan in de accountinformatie."],"Unknown route.":["Onbekende route."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Binnen deze configuratie kunt u kiezen tussen verschillende sms-providers en deze configureren. U moet uw accountgegevens voor de gekozen provider correct aanpassen om de sms-functionaliteit goed te laten werken."],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.

\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:

\n\n Met vriendelijk groet

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Hallo {displayName},

\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.

\n\n Met vriendelijke groet

"],"Allow participation state 'decline'":["Sta deelnamestatus 'afwijzen' toe"],"Allow participation state 'maybe'":["Sta deelnamestatus 'misschien' toe"],"Event Type":["Gebeurtenistype"],"Event type color":["Gebeurtenistype kleur"],"Invalid event type id selected.":["Ongeldige gebeurtenistype-id geselecteerd."],"Maximum number of participants":["Maximaal aantal deelnemers"],"Send update notification":["Stuur updatemelding"],"Time Zone":["Tijdzone"],"canceled":["geannuleerd"],"(global)":["(globaal)"],"Confirm Deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen"],"Default event settings":["Standaard gebeurtenis instellingen"],"Do you really want to delte this event type?":["Wilt u dit gebeurtenistype echt verwijderen?"],"Event Type Configuration":["Gebeurtenistype configuratie"],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events.":["Hier kunt u de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe agendagebeurtenissen configureren."],"Here you can configure default settings for new calendar events. These settings can be overwritten on space/profile level.":["Hier kunt u de standaardinstellingen voor nieuwe agendagebeurtenissen configureren. Deze instellingen kunnen op het ruimte- / profielniveau overschreven worden."],"Here you can manage your event types.":["Hier kunt u uw gebeurtenistypes beheren."],"Reset":["Opnieuw instellen","Reset"],"There are currently no event types available.":["Er zijn momenteel geen gebeurtenistypes beschikbaar."],"Receive Calendar related Notifications.":["Ontvang agenda gerelateerde meldingen."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}' in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} annuleerde gebeurtenis '{contentTitle}' in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event '{contentTitle}'.":["{displayName} annuleerde gebeurtenis '{contentTitle}'."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} werkte zojuist gebeurtenis {contentTitle} in ruimte {spaceName} bij."],"{displayName} just updated event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} zojuist bijgewerkt."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle} in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heropende gebeurtenis {contentTitle} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heropende gebeurtenis {contentTitle}."],"Allows the user to create new calendar entries":["De gebruiker mag nieuwe agenda-items maken"],"Allows the user to edit/delete existing calendar entries":["De gebruiker mag bestaande agenda-items bewerken of verwijderen"],"Create entry":["Maak agenda-item"],"Manage entries":["Beheer items"],"Create new event type":["Maak nieuw gebeurtenistype"],"Create new type":["Maak nieuw type"],"Edit event type":["Bewerk gebeurtenistype"],"Participation":["Deelnemen"],"Select event type...":["Kies een gebeurtenis-type..."],"Participant information:":["Deelnemer informatie:"],"Read full description...":["Lees de volledige beschrijving ..."],"Read full participation info...":["Lees volledige deelname informatie ..."],"Event Types":["Gebeurtenis-types"],"Snippet":["Codefragment"],"Your are not a member of this space":["U bent niet lid van deze ruimte."],"Duplicate meeting":["Dupliceer bijeenkomst"],"Shift agenda entry to new meeting":["Verplaats onderwerp naar een nieuw bijeenkomst"],"Duration":["Duur"],"Duration in hh:mm format ":["Duur in uu:mm formaat "],"Move down":["Naar beneden verplaatsen"],"Move up":["Naar boven verplaatsen"],"Shift to other meeting":["Verschuif naar andere vergadering"],"Duplicate agenda entries":["Dupliceer agenda-onderwerpen"],"Manage Meetings":["Beheer bijeenkomsten"],"Participants (External)":["Deelnemers van buiten"],"Duration (hh:mm)":["Duur (uu:mm)"],"Filter meetings":["Filter bijeenkomsten"],"I'm participating":["I neem deel"],"Only past meetings":["Allen bijeenkomsten in het verleden"],"Confirm meeting deletion":["Bevestig het verwijderen van de vergadering"],"Confirm entry deletion":["Bevestig het wissen van het item"],"Meeting overview":["Bijeenkomsten overzicht"],"Drag entry":["Sleep item","Sleep het item"],"Duplicate":["Dupliceer"],"Edit a protocol":["Werk een procedure bij"],"Filter meetings by title":["Filter bijeenkomsten op titel"],"Note: This agenda entry still uses a legacy time format, please save all legacy items in order to use new features.":["Opmerking: dit agenda-item gebruikt nog steeds een oud tijdopmaak, sla alle oude items opnieuw op om nieuwe functies te kunnen gebruiken."],"There are currently no upcoming meetings!.":["Er zijn geen aankomende bijeenkomsten!"],"at":["om"],"Participants have been notified":["Deelnemers zijn in kennis gesteld"],"Shift agenda item":["Verplaats agenda item"],"Choose upcoming meeting":["Kies de komende bijeenkomst"],"Chose upcoming meeting":["Kies de komende bijeenkomst"],"Create new meeting":["Maak een nieuwe bijeenkomst"],"File download url":["Bestand download url"],"File url":["Bestand url"],"Folder url":["Map url"],"A file with that name already exists in this folder.":["Een bestand met die naam bestaat al in deze map."],"An error occurred while creating folder {folder}.":["Er is een fout opgetreden bij het maken van map {folder}."],"An error occurred while unpacking {filename}.":["Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uitpakken van {filename}."],"Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Kan geen map met id %id% vinden:"],"Destination folder not found!":["Bestemmingsmap niet gevonden!"],"Display Url":["Toon Url"],"Do you really want to delete this {number} item(s) with all subcontent?":["Wilt u dit {number} item (s) met alle inhoud erin verwijderen?"],"Files from the stream":["Bestanden van de berichtenstroom"],"Folder {name} can't be moved to itself!":["Map {name} kan niet naar zichzelf worden verplaatst!"],"Folder {name} given folder is not editable!":["Naam {name} van deze map is niet bewerkbaar!"],"Make Private":["Privé maken"],"Make Public":["Openbaar maken"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid.":["Het verplaatsen naar dezelfde map is niet mogelijk."],"Moving to this folder is invalid.":["Het verplaatsen naar deze map is niet mogelijk."],"Open file folder":["Open bestandsmap"],"Root":["Root"],"Size: {size}":["Grootte: {size}"],"Some files could not be imported: ":["Sommige bestanden kunnen niet worden geïmporteerd:"],"Some files could not be moved: ":["Sommige bestanden kunnen niet worden verplaatst:"],"The root folder is the entry point that contains all available files.":["De hoofdmap is het beginpunt dat alle beschikbare bestanden bevat."],"This file is private.":["Dit bestand is privé."],"This file is public.":["Dit bestand is openbaar."],"This folder is private.":["Deze map is privé"],"This folder is public.":["Deze map is openbaar."],"You can find all files that have been posted to this stream here.":["U kunt hier alle bestanden vinden die in deze berichtenstroom zijn geplaatst."],"ZIP support is not enabled.":["ZIP-ondersteuning is niet ingeschakeld."],"Is Public":["Is openbaar"],"Note: Changes of the folders visibility, will be inherited by all contained files and folders.":["Opmerking: Wijzigingen in de zichtbaarheid wijzigen van de mappen worden ook toegepast op alle bestanden en mappen in de mappen."],"Add files":["Voeg bestanden toe"],"Allows the user to modify or delete any files.":["Laat de gebruiker bestanden wijzigen en verwijderen."],"Allows the user to upload new files and create folders":["Laat de gebruiker nieuwe bestanden uploaden en mappen maken"],"Manage files":["Bestanden beheren"],"Create draw.io diagram":["Maak een draw.io diagram"],"Draw.io module configuration":["Draw.io module configuratie"],"Create draw.io document":["Maak een draw.io document"],"Edit using draw.io":["Bewerken met draw.io"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["bijvoorbeeld https://draw.io"],"Add new gallery":["Voeg nieuw fotoalbum toe"],"Confirm delete gallery":["Verwijder fotoalbum "],"Confirm delete item":["Bent u zeker? dat u dit item wil verwijderen?"],"Edit gallery":["Bewerk fotoalbum"],"Gallery ":["Fotoalbum "],"Gallery settings":["Fotoalbums instellingen"],"List of galleries":["Overzicht van fotoalbums"],"Add Gallery":["Voeg fotoalbum toe"],"Adds gallery module to this space.":["Voegt de fotoalbum module aan deze ruimte toe."],"Adds gallery module to your profile.":["Voegt de fotoalbum module toe aan uw profiel."],"Choose snippet gallery":["Kies fragment fotoalbum"],"Click here to add new Gallery":["Klik hier om een nieuw fotoalbum toe te voegen"],"Click or drop files here":["Klik of zet bestanden hier neer"],"Delete Gallery":["Verwijder fotoalbum"],"Deleted":["Verwijderd"],"Do you really want to delete this gallery with all related content?":["Wilt u dit fotoalbum echt verwijderen inclusief alle bijbehorende inhoud?"],"Do you really want to delete this item with all related content?":["Wilt u dit item echt verwijderen inclusief alle bijbehorende inhoud?"],"Don't show the gallery snippet in this space.":["Laat het fotoalbum fragment niet zien in deze ruimte."],"Edit Gallery":["Bewerk fotoalbum"],"Gallery":["Fotoalbum"],"Gallery:":["Fotoalbum:"],"In case the gallery is not visible for the current user, the snippet will use the latest accessible gallery instead.":["Als een fotoalbum niet zichtbaar is voor de huidige gebruiker, dan gebruikt het fragment het laatst gebruikte fotoalbum."],"Item could not be deleted!":["Item kan niet worden verwijderd!"],"Latest Gallery - {title} ({visibility})":["Laatste fotoalbum - {title} ({visibility})"],"Make this gallery public":["Maak dit fotoalbum openbaar"],"Media":["Media"],"Open Gallery":["Open fotoalbum"],"Posted Media Files":["Geplaatst mediabestanden"],"Posted pictures":["Geplaatste foto's"],"Show connected post":["Toon verbonden foto's"],"Size:":["Grootte:"],"There are no galleries available for this space. In order to configure the gallery snippet, please create a new gallery":["Er zijn geen fotoalbums beschikbaar in deze ruimte. Als u het fotalbum-fragment wilt configureren, maak dan een nieuw fotoalbum."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the profile.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden uit het profiel."],"This gallery contains all posted media files from the space.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden uit de ruimtes."],"This gallery contains all posted media.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste mediabestanden."],"This gallery contains all posted pictures.":["Dit fotoalbum bevat alle geplaatste afbeeldingen."],"added by ":["toegevoegd door"],"of posted media files":["van geplaatste mediabestanden"],"Export":["Exporteer"],"Select Me":["Klik op mij"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Aanmelden als gast is uitgeschakeld, meld u eerst aan."],"Login required for this section.":["Aanmelding vereist door dit onderdeel."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["U hebt geen toegang tot dit onderdeel."],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["U hebt beheerdersrechten nodig voor dit onderdeel."],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Uw gebruikersaccount is nog niet goedgekeurd, probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact op met de beheerder."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Uw gebruikersaccount is inactief, log in met een actief account of neem contact op met de beheerder."],"Back to user overview":["Terug naar het gebruikersoverzicht"],"Invited by":["Uitgenodigd door"],"Pending user registrations":["Wachtende gebruikersregistraties"],"ID Attribute":["ID attribuut"],"Not changeable LDAP attribute to unambiguously identify the user in the directory. If empty the user will be determined automatically by e-mail address or username. Examples: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) or uidNumber (OpenLDAP)":["Niet veranderbaar LDAP-attribuut om de gebruiker in de map ondubbelzinnig te identificeren. Indien leeg wordt de gebruiker automatisch per e-mailadres of gebruikersnaam bepaald. Voorbeelden: objectguid (ActiveDirectory) of uidNumber (OpenLDAP)"],"Default content of the registration approval email":["Standaard inhoud van de e-mail voor registratie goedkeuring"],"Default content of the registration denial email":["Standaard inhoud van de e-mail voor registratie afwijzing"],"The following list contains all pending sign-ups and invites.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle wachtende registraties en uitnodigingen."],"Do not change placeholders like {displayName} if you want them to be automatically filled by the system. To reset the email content fields with the system default, leave them empty.":["Wijzig geen plaatshouders zoals {displayName} als u wilt dat ze automatisch door het systeem worden gevuld. Als u de velden voor e-mailinhoud wilt resetten met de systeeminstelling, laat ze ze leeg."],"Status: Warning! (No users found using the ldap user filter!)":["Status: Waarschuwing! (Er zijn geen gebruikers gevonden die het ldap gebruikersfilter gebruiken!)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["U kunt een statistieken HTML code toevoegen die aan alle pagina's toegevoegd zal worden."],"Content Tag with invalid contentcontainer_id assigned.":["Content Tag met ongeldige contentcontainer_id toegewezen."],"This space is not visible!":["Deze ruimte is niet zichtbaar!"],"Tag":["Label"],"The given name is already in use.":["De opgegeven naam is al in gebruik."],"None":["Geen"],"Sorry, you can only upload up to {n,plural,=1{# file} other{# files}} at once.":["U kunt slechts uploaden naar {n,plural,=1{# bestand} other{# bestanden}} tegelijk."],"The requested content is not valid or was removed!":["De gevraagde inhoud is ongeldig of is verwijderd!"],"Administrator:":["Beheerder:"],"Moderator:":["Moderator:"],"Owner:":["Eigenaar:"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Hiermee kunt u pagina's (markdown, iframe of links) toevoegen aan de ruimtenavigatie"],"Custom pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Zonder toevoeging aan navigatie (directe link)"],"Add new page":["Voeg nieuwe pagina toe"],"Open page...":["Open bladzijde..."],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Voegt een agenda voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"e.g. http://documentserver":["bijvoobeeld http://documentserver"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul uw e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om uw wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"Your email":["uw e-mailadres"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["De tekst kon niet worden gekopieerd naar het klembord."],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["De tekst is naar het klembord gekopieerd."],"Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://":["De URL moet beginnen met http:// of https://"],"[Deleted]":["[Verwijderd]"],"Last update by:":["Laatst bijgewerkt door:"],"Your new password must not be equal your current password!":["Uw nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan uw huidige wachtwoord!"],"This profile stream is still empty
Be the first and post something...":["Uw profiel is momenteel nog leeg.
Wees de eerste en een schrijf een bericht..."],"Fixed format (dd/mm/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Vast formaat (dd/mm/jjjj) - Voorbeeld: {example}"],"The group id of the group that should be exluded.":["De ID van de groep die moet worden uitgesloten."],"The number of days future birthdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen worden getoond."],"Choose target calendar":["Kies doelagenda"],"Profile Calendar":["Profiel agenda"],"(disabled)":["(Uitgeschakeld)"],"Here you can manage calendar types provided by other modules.":["Hier kunt u de kalender types beheren die afkomstig zijn van andere modules."],"Other Calendars Configuration":["Configuratie van andere agenda's"],"Edit calendar":["Agenda bewerken"],"I'm attending":["Ik ben aanwezig"],"Other Calendars":["Andere agenda's "],"Note: The replacement behaviour is currently not supported for zip imports.":["Opmerking: Vervanging wordt momenteel niet ondersteund voor zip-imports."],"Import Zip":["Zip importeren"],"Replace existing files":["Vervang bestaande bestanden"],"This file is only visible for you and your friends.":["Dit bestand is alleen zichtbaar voor u en uw vrienden."],"This file is protected.":["Dit bestand is beveiligd."],"This folder is only visible for you and your friends.":["Deze map is alleen zichtbaar voor u en uw vrienden."],"This folder is protected.":["Deze map is beveiligd."],"Upload behaviour for existing file names":["Uploadgedrag voor bestaande bestandsnamen"],"Use of file indexes for already existing files":["Gebruik indexen voor reeds bestaande bestanden"],"Edit media":["Media bewerken"],"Conversation":["Gesprek"],"Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.":["Meldingen ontvangen wanneer iemand een nieuw gesprek opent."],"Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.":["Ontvang meldingen wanneer iemand u een bericht stuurt."],"Can manage meeting content":["Kan bijeenkomsten beheren"],"Open Meeting":["Open bijeenkomst"],"Editors:":["Redacteuren:"],"Add Category":["Categorie toevoegen"],"Download as ICS file":["Downloaden als ICS-bestand"],"{displayName} Birthday":["{displayName} Verjaardag"],"Custom Pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"Edit snippet":["Bewerk snipper"],"Add a file icon before the title":["Voeg een bestandspictogram toe vóór de titel"],"Adds plain HTML content to your site.":["Voegt eenvoudige HTML-inhoud toe aan uw site."],"Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.":["Hiermee kunt u inhoud toevoegen in de MarkDown-syntaxis."],"Alternate text":["Alternatieve tekst"],"Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!":["Maak altijd een back-up van uw view-bestanden buiten uw productieomgeving!"],"An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.":["Een lege toegestane sjabloonselectie staat alle containersjablonen voor deze container toe."],"Back to directory":["Terug naar map"],"Back to space":["Terug naar de ruimte"],"Configuration":["Configuratie"],"Containers":["Containers"],"Create new {type}":["Maak nieuw {type}"],"Css Class":["CSS-klasse"],"Default Content":["Standaard inhoud"],"Directory Menu":["Adresboek menu"],"Edit Page":["Bewerk pagina","Pagina bewerken"],"Empty":["Leeg","leeg"],"Html":["HTML"],"Iframe":["Iframe"],"Invalid type selection":["Ongeldige typeselectie"],"Item name":["Itemnaam"],"Layouts":["Lay-outs"],"Off":["Uit"],"On":["Aan"],"On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.":["Op deze pagina kunt u algemene instellingen van uw aangepaste pagina's configureren."],"PHP":["PHP"],"Pages":["Pagina's"],"Please choose one of the following content types. 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Raadpleeg voor meer informatie de Yii's Security best practices."],"Show additional file information (size)":["Extra bestandsinformatie weergeven (grootte)"],"Snipped-Layouts":["Snipper-lay-outs"],"Snippets":["Snippers"],"Source":["Bron"],"Style":["Stijl"],"Template":["Sjabloon"],"Templates":["Sjablonen"],"Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.":["Met sjablonen kunt u combineerbare paginafragmenten definiëren met inline-bewerkingsfunctionaliteit."],"This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!":["Voor deze actie is een ownerContentId of ownerContent-instance vereist!"],"This action requires an templateId or template instance!":["Voor deze actie is een instantie templateId of template-instance vereist!"],"This container does not allow any further items!":["Deze container staat geen verdere items toe!"],"Will embed the the result of a given url as an iframe element.":["Het resultaat van een opgegeven URL insluiten als een iframe-element."],"Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.":["Zend verzoeken om naar een opgegeven (relatieve of absolute) URL."],"With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.":["Met op PHP gebaseerde pagina's kunt u aangepaste pagina's maken door middel van view-bestanden in uw bestandssysteem. Controleer de moduleconfiguratie voor meer informatie."],"Icon":["Pictogram"],"Invalid template selection!":["Ongeldige sjabloon selectie!"],"Invalid view file selection!":["Ongeldige view bestandsselectie!"],"Style Class":["Stijlklasse"],"Target Url":["Doel-URL"],"Template Layout":["Sjabloon lay-out"],"Add {templateName} item":[" Toevoegen {templateName} item"],"Edit item":["Bijwerken item"],"Edit {type} element":[" {type} element bewerken"],"Empty content elements cannot be delted!":["Lege inhoudselementen kunnen niet worden verwijderd!"],"Invalid request data!":["Ongeldige requestgegevens!"],"You are not allowed to delete default content!":["Het is niet toegestaan om standaard inhoud te verwijderen!"],"Empty
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The deletion will affect all pages using this template.":["Wilt u dit element echt verwijderen?
De verwijdering is van invloed op alle pagina's die deze sjabloon gebruiken."],"View not found":["View niet gevonden"],"Add new {pageType}":["Toevoegen van een nieuwe {pageType}"],"Create new template":["Maak een nieuwe sjabloon"],"Edit template":["Bewerk de sjabloon","Sjabloon bewerken"],"By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value 'mypage' will result in an url 'www.example.de/p/mypage'.":["Door een url-snelkoppeling in te stellen, kunt u een beter leesbare URL voor uw pagina maken. Als URL-herschrijving is ingeschakeld op uw site, resulteert de waarde 'Mijnpagina' in een URL 'www.example.de/p/mijnpagina'."],"Here you can configure the general settings of your {label}.":["Hier kunt u de algemene instellingen van uw {label} configureren."],"Inline Editor":["Inline Editor"],"e.g. http://www.example.de":["bijv. http://www.voorbeeld.nl"],"Create new {label}":["Maak een nieuw {label}"],"No {label} entry created yet!":["Er is nog geen {label}-inschrijving gemaakt!"],"This page lists all available {label} entries.":["Deze pagina bevat alle beschikbare {label}-items."],"Edit Template":["Sjabloon bewerken"],"Edit elements":["Elementen bewerken"],"Page configuration":["Pagina-configuratie"],"Turn edit off":["Zet bewerking uit"],"Inline":["Inline"],"Multiple":["Meerdere"],"This template does not contain any elements yet.":["Deze sjabloon bevat nog geen elementen."],"none":["Geen"],"less":["minder"],"Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.":["Opmerking: het resultaat blijft verborgen totdat een moderator de stembus sluit."],"Hide results until poll is closed?":["Verberg de resultaten tot de sluiting van de stembus?"],"Cancel Event":["Annuleer gebeurtenis"],"Reopen Event":["Heropen de gebeurtenis"],"(Disabled - please add content in default language!)":["(Uitgeschakeld - voeg inhoud toe in de standaardtaal!)"],"Legal module - administration":["Juridische -module - beheer"],"Accept button label":["Aanvaarden-knoplabel"],"Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Voegt een overlay toe die de gebruikers informeert over het gebruik van cookies. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen."],"Adds several editable legal options, like an imprint and a privacy policy.":["Voegt verschillende bewerkbare juridische opties toe, zoals een voettekstregel en een privacybeleid."],"Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!":["Zeker weten? Bewaar veranderingen voordat u verder gaat!"],"Box content":["Frame inhoud"],"Box language:":["Frame taal"],"Cookie notification":["Cookie melding"],"Default languge":["Standaard taal"],"Delete my account including my personal data":["Verwijder mijn account inclusief mijn persoonlijke gegevens"],"Enabled pages and features":["Ingeschakelde pagina's en functies"],"Got it!":["Begrepen!"],"I am older than 16 years":["Ik ben ouder dan 16 jaar"],"I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy":["Ik heb het privacybeleid gelezen en ga ermee akkoord"],"I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions":["Ik heb de algemene voorwaarden gelezen en ga ermee akkoord"],"If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Als u uw privacybeleid bijwerkt, kunt u de \"Bevestiging herstellen\"-optie gebruiken om uw gebruikers op de hoogte te stellen en hen te vragen om akkoord te gaan."],"If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ":["Als u uw Algemene voorwaarden bijwerkt, kunt u de «Bevestiging resetten-optie» gebruiken om uw gebruikers op de hoogte te stellen en hen te vragen om akkoord te gaan."],"Imprint":["Voettekstregel"],"Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.":["Informeert de gebruikers dat u uw privacybeleid of uw algemene voorwaarden hebt gewijzigd. Om dit te activeren, moet de «Bevestiging resetten-optie» van genoemde juridische documenten worden geactiveerd."],"Legal Tools":["Juridische hulpmiddelen"],"Legal Update":["Juridische update"],"More information: {link}":["Meer informatie: {link}"],"Page language:":["Paginataal:"],"Page:":["Pagina"],"Privacy Policy":["Privacybeleid"],"Reset confirmation":["Reset bevestiging"],"Reset successful!":["Reset succesvol!"],"Show age verification (16+)":["Toon leeftijdsverificatie (16+)"],"Terms and Conditions":["Voorwaarden"],"This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.":["Deze pagina is toegevoegd aan de voettekstnavigatie en het registratieproces. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.":["Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker."],"Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.":["Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker."],"Overview":["Overzicht"],"Are you really sure? All existing category page assignments will be removed!":["Zeker weten? Alle bestaande categoriepagina-toewijzingen worden verwijderd!"],"Categories":["Categorieën"],"Invalid category!":["Ongeldige categorie!"],"Is category":["Is categorie"],"Page list":["Paginalijst"],"Pages in this category":["Pagina's in deze categorie"],"Pages without category":["Pagina's zonder categorie"],"Show all {count} pages.":["Toon alle {count}. pagina's."],"Data privacy":["Data Privacy"],"Terms of use":["Gebruiksvoorwaarden"],"Allow users to start new conversations":["Sta gebruikers toe om nieuwe gesprekken te starten"],"Start new conversations":["Begin nieuwe gesprekken"],"Add:":["Toevoegen:"],"Could not find requested page.":["Kan de opgevraagde pagina niet vinden."],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Typ ten minste {count} tekens"],"The current main HumHub database name is ":["De huidige naam van de HumHub-gegevensbank is"],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% is gearchiveerd."],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% is uit het archief gehaald."],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Alle persoonlijke gegevens van deze gebruiker worden definitief verwijderd."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["De gebruiker is de eigenaar van deze ruimtes."],"\nModule successfully disabled!\n":["Module succesvol uitgeschakeld!"],"\nModule successfully enabled!\n":["Module succesvol ingeschakeld!"],"--- Disable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Schakel module: {moduleId} uit --- "],"--- Enable module: {moduleId} ---\n\n":["--- Schakel module: {moduleId} in ---"],"Module not found or activated!\n":["Module niet gevonden of geactiveerd!"],"Module not found!\n":["Module niet gevonden"],"Redis":["Redis"],"CronJob Status":["CronJob status"],"Queue Status":["Wachtrij status"],"Background Jobs":["Achtergrond taken"],"Delayed":["Uitgesteld"],"Driver":["Stuurprogramma"],"Please refer to the documentation to setup the cronjobs and queue workers.":["Raadpleeg de documentatie om cronjobs in te stellen en workers in de wachtrij te zetten."],"Reserved":["Wordt uitgevoerd"],"Waiting":["Aan het wachten"],"Active users":["Actieve gebruikers"],"Are you really sure that you want to disable this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt uitschakelen?"],"Are you really sure that you want to enable this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt inschakelen?"],"Are you really sure that you want to impersonate this user?":["Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt imiteren?"],"Are you sure that you want to delete following user?":["Weet u zeker dat u de volgende gebruiker wilt verwijderen?"],"Delete all contributions of this user":["Verwijder alle bijdragen van deze gebruiker"],"Delete spaces which are owned by this user":["Verwijder alle ruimtes die eigendom zijn van deze gebruiker"],"Deleted users":["Verwijder gebruikers"],"Disabled users":["Uitgeschakelde gebruikers"],"If this option is not selected, the ownership of the spaces will be transferred to your account.":["Als deze optie niet is geselecteerd, wordt het eigendom van de spaties overgedragen aan uw account."],"List pending registrations":["Lijst met in behandeling zijnde registraties"],"Member since":["Lid sinds"],"Permanently delete":["Permanent verwijderen"],"Search by name, email or id.":["Zoeken op naam, e-mailadres of ID."],"User deletion process queued.":["Het verwijderen van de gebruiker is in de wachtrij geplaatst."],"Using this option any contributions (e.g. contents, comments or likes) of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Met behulp van deze optie worden alle bijdragen (zoals inhoud, opmerkingen of vind-ik-leuks) van deze gebruiker onherroepelijk verwijderd."],"View profile":["Bekijk profiel"],"Send invitation email":["Stuur uitnodigingsmail"],"Send invitation email again?":["De uitnodigingsmail opnieuw versturen?"],"You are not allowed to comment.":["U mag geen commentaar geven."],"Move content":["Inhoud verplaatsen"],"Content has been moved to {spacename}":["De inhoud is verplaatst naar {spacename}"],"Invalid space selection.":["Ongeldige ruimteselectie."],"Move content":["Verplaats inhoud"],"Target Space":["Nieuwe ruimte"],"The author of this content is not allowed to create private content within the selected space.":["De auteur van deze inhoud mag geen privé-inhoud maken binnen de geselecteerde ruimte."],"The author of this content is not allowed to create public content within the selected space.":["De auteur van deze inhoud mag geen openbare-inhoud maken binnen de geselecteerde ruimte."],"The content can't be moved to its current space.":["De inhoud kan niet worden verplaatst naar de huidige ruimte."],"The module {moduleName} is not enabled on the selected target space.":["De module {moduleName} is niet ingeschakeld in de geselecteerde nieuwe ruimte."],"This content type can't be moved due to a missing module-id setting.":["Dit inhoudstype kan niet worden verplaatst vanwege een ontbrekende module-ID-instelling."],"This content type can't be moved.":["Dit inhoudstype kan niet worden verplaatst."],"You do not have the permission to move this content to the given space.":["U bent niet gemachtigd om deze inhoud naar de opgegeven ruimte te verplaatsen."],"You do not have the permission to move this content.":["U bent niet gemachtigd om deze inhoud te verplaatsen."],"Activity":["Activiteit"],"Add or remove link":["Hyperlink toevoegen of verwijderen"],"Animals & Nature":["Dieren en natuur"],"Change to code block":["Verander naar codeblok"],"Change to heading":["Verander naar kop"],"Change to paragraph":["Verander naar paragraaf"],"Columns":["Kolommen"],"Create a link":["Maak een hyperlink"],"Create table":["Maak een tabel"],"Delete column":["Kolom verwijderen"],"Delete row":["Rij verwijderen"],"Delete table":["Tabel verwijderen"],"Food & Drink":["Eten & drinken"],"Horizontal rule":["Horizontale lijn"],"Insert":["Invoegen"],"Insert column after":["Kolom invoegen na"],"Insert column before":["Kolom invoegen voor"],"Insert horizontal rule":["Horizontale lijn invoegen"],"Insert image":["Afbeeldingen invoegen"],"Insert row after":["Rij invoegen na"],"Insert row before":["Rij invoegen voor"],"Insert table":["Tabel invoegen"],"Link target":["Hyperlink doel"],"Objects":["Objecten"],"Paragraph":["Paragraaf"],"People":["Mensen"],"Rows":["Rijen"],"Symbols":["Symbolen"],"Toggle code font":["Code"],"Toggle emphasis":["Cursief"],"Toggle strikethrough":["Doorhalen"],"Toggle strong style":["Vet"],"Travel & Places":["Reizen & plaatsen"],"Upload File":["Upload bestand"],"Upload and include a File":["Upload en voeg een bestand toe"],"Wrap in block quote":["Maak een blokcitaat"],"Wrap in bullet list":["Maak een lijst met opsomtekens"],"Wrap in ordered list":["Maak een genummerde lijst"],"Include archived content":["inclusief gearchiveerde inhoud"],"Only private content":["Alleen privé inhoud"],"Only public content":["Alleen openbare inhoud"],"With file attachments":["Met bestandsbijlagen"],"Access directory":["Toegang tot map"],"Can access the directory section.":["Heeft toegang tot de mappen."],"Space has been archieved":["Ruimte is gearchiveerd"],"Whenever a space is archieved.":["Als een ruimte is gearchiveerd"],"Author":["Auteur"],"Content Type":["Inhoudstype"],"User Interface":["Gebruikersomgeving"],"Invalid icon.":["Ongeldig pictogram."],"Select icon":["Selecteer een pictogram"],"All your personal data will be irrevocably deleted.":["Al uw persoonlijke gegevens worden permanent verwijderd."],"Are you sure that you want to delete your account?":["Weet u zeker dat u uw account wilt verwijderen?"],"You are currently the owner of following spaces:":["U bent momenteel de eigenaar van de volgende ruimtes:"],"You must transfer ownership or delete these spaces before you can delete your account.":["U moet het eigendom overdragen of deze ruimtes verwijderen voordat u uw account kunt verwijderen."],"Your account cannot be deleted!":["Uw account kan niet worden verwijderd!"],"This profile is no longer available!":["Dit profiel is niet langer beschikbaar!"],"Notify from {appName}. You were added to the group.":["Melding van {appName}. U bent toegevoegd aan de groep."],"Notify from {appName}. You were removed from the group.":["Melding van {appName}. U bent uit de groep verwijderd."],"{displayName} added you to group {groupName}":["{displayName} heeft u toegevoegd aan groep {groupName}."],"{displayName} removed you from group {groupName}":["{displayName} heeft u verwijderd uit de groep {groupName}."],"Change owner":["Wijzig eigenaar"],"Manage members":["Leden beheren"],"Manage modules":["Modules beheren"],"Open space":["Ruimte openen"],"Search by name, description, id or owner.":["Zoeken op naam, beschrijving, ID of eigenaar."],"Impersonate":["Imiteren ( wordt deze gebruiker)"],"Topics":["Rubrieken"],"Flags":["Vlaggen"],"Space has been unarchieved":["Ruimte is gedearchiveerd"],"Whenever a space is unarchieved.":["Als een ruimte is gedearchiveerd"],"{count} members":["{count} leden"],"Remove from space":["Verwijderen uit de ruimte"],"You were added to Space {spaceName}":["U bent toegevoegd aan ruimte {spaceName}"],"{displayName} changed your role to {roleName} in the space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heeft uw rol gewijzigd in {roleName} in de ruimte {spaceName}."],"Receive Notifications of Space Membership events.":["Meldingen van ruimte-lidmaatschapsgebeurtenissen ontvangen."],"Allows the user to create private content":["Sta de gebruiker toe privé-inhoud maken"],"Create private content":["Maak privé-inhoud"],"-":["-"],"Add all registered users":["Voeg alle geregistreerde gebruikers toe."],"Add users to Space without inviting them":["Voeg gebruikers toe aan deze ruimte zonder ze uit te nodigen."],"The request to add users has been added to the queue":["Het verzoek om gebruikers toe te voegen is toegevoegd aan de wachtrij."],"Topic":["Rubriek"],"Confirm topic deletion":[" Bevestig het verwijderen van deze rubriek"],"Edit Topic":["Rubriekbewerken"],"Manage Topics":["Rubriek beheren"],"Topic Overview":["Rubriek overzicht"],"Add Topic":["Voeg rubriek toe"],"Do you really want to delete this topic?":["Wilt u dit rubriek echt verwijderen?"],"Topic has been deleted!":["Rubriek is verwijderd."],"Add Topics":["Voeg rubriek toe"],"Manage Topics":["Rubrieken beheren"],"Can add new topics":["Kan nieuwe rubrieken toevoegen"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Kan rubrieken bewerken en verwijderen"],"Add topic":["Rubriek toevoegen"],"No topics found for the given query":["Geen rubrieken gevonden voor de opgegeven zoekopdracht"],"Select {n,plural,=1{topic} other{topics}}":["Selecteer {n,plural,=1{rubriek} other{rubrieken}}"],"This field only allows a maximum of {n,plural,=1{# topic} other{# topics}}":["Dit veld kent een maximum van {n,plural,=1{# rubriek} other{# rubrieken}}"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Deze gebruiker is niet eigenaar van een ruimte."],"Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can't be managed with your permissions)":["Groepen (Opmerking: de beheerdersgroep van deze gebruiker kan niet worden beheerd met uw machtigingen)"],"Deleted invitation":["Uitnodiging verwijderen"],"Invite not found!":["Uitnodiging niet gevonden!"],"Resend invitation email":["Stuur uitnodigingsmail opnieuw"],"Queue successfully cleared.":["Wachtrij succesvol gewist."],"Search index rebuild in progress.":["Bezig met het opnieuw opbouwen van de zoekindex."],"Delete invitation":["Uitnodiging verwijderen"],"Delete invitation?":["Uitnodiging verwijderen?"],"The comment must not be empty!":["De opmerking mag niet leeg zijn!"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick, move or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige inhoud beheren (bijvoorbeeld archiveren, plakken, verplaatsen of verwijderen)"],"User invitations have been added to the queue":["Gebruikersuitnodigingen zijn aan de wachtrij toegevoegd."],"User memberships have been added to the queue":["Gebruikerslidmaatschappen zijn toegevoegd aan de wachtrij."],"Add users without invitation":["Voeg gebruikers zonder uitnodiging toe"],"Select all registered users":["Selecteer alle geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Users has been invited.":["De bebruikers zijn uitgenodigd."],"Here you can edit the source of your template by defining the template layout and adding content elements. Each element can be assigned with a default content and additional definitions.":["Hier kunt u de bron van uw sjabloon bewerken door de sjabloonlay-out te definiëren en inhoudselementen toe te voegen. Elk element kan worden toegewezen met een standaard inhoud en aanvullende definities."],"This template systems uses {twigLink} as template engine.

You can add elements as Richtexts or Images into your template by using the 'Add Element' dropdown menu.
After adding an element, the elements placeholder is automatically inserted to your template.
You can change the position of your elements anytime. The element for an block with the name 'content' will be represented as '{{ content }}' within your template.

The name of your block hast to start with an alphanumeric letter and cannot contain any special signs except an '_'. Each element provides additional placeholder for rendering the default content or edit links. These additions can be inserted adding for example {{ content.default }} to your template.":["Dit sjabloonsysteem gebruikt {twigLink} als sjabloonengine.

U kunt elementen als richtexts of afbeeldingen aan uw sjabloon toevoegen met behulp van het vervolgkeuzemenu 'Element toevoegen'.
Na het toevoegen van een element, de plaatsaanduidingen voor elementen worden automatisch in uw sjabloon ingevoegd.
U kunt de positie van uw elementen op elk gewenst moment wijzigen. Het element voor een blok met de naam 'inhoud' wordt in uw sjabloon weergegeven als '{{content}}'.

De naam van uw blok moet beginnen met een alfanumerieke letter en mag geen enkele letter bevatten speciale tekens behalve een '_'. Elk element biedt extra tijdelijke aanduiding voor het renderen van de standaard inhoud of bewerken van koppelingen. Deze toevoegingen kunnen worden ingevoegd door bijvoorbeeld {{content.default}} aan uw sjabloon toe te voegen."],"Mail module configuration":["Moduleconfiguratie Mail"],"Show menu item in top Navigation":["Toon het menu-item in de navigatiebalk (bovenaan)."],"This user is already participating in this conversation.":["Deze gebruiker neemt al deel aan dit gesprek."],"Write a message...":["Schrijf een bericht..."],"You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.":["Het is niet toegestaan om een gesprek met deze gebruiker te starten."],"User {name} is already participating!":["Gebruiker {name} doet al mee!"],"You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!":["U mag {naam} niet uitnodigen. Deze naam is al in gebruik!"],"Channel":["Kanaal"],"Make sure all files are writable! (file)":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn!"],"Stable and beta versions":["Stabiele en bètaversies"],"Stable versions only":["Alleen stabiele versies"],"Updater Configuration":["Updater-configuratie"],"Warning incomplete setup!":["Waarschuwing onvolledige installatie!"],"Open documentation":["Open documentatie"],"The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.":["De cron-taak voor de achtergrondtaken (wachtrij) lijkt niet goed te werken."],"The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.":["De cron-taak voor de reguliere taken (cron) lijkt niet goed te werken."],"Must contain at least one character.":["Moet ten minste één teken bevatten."],"Add all space members to this event":["Voeg alle leden van deze ruimte toe aan deze gebeurtenis"],"Add remaining space members to this event":["Resterende leden van deze ruimte toevoegen aan deze gebeurtenis"],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName} starting at {time}.":["{displayName} heeft u zojuist aan {\"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName} vanaf {time} toegevoegd."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} annuleerde \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} canceled event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} annuleerde \"{contentTitle}\"."],"{displayName} just added you to event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} heeft u zojuist aan \"{contentTitle}\" toegevoegd."],"{displayName} just updated event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} werkte zojuist \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName} bij."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\" in space {spaceName}.":["{displayName} heropende \"{contentTitle}\" in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{displayName} reopened event \"{contentTitle}\".":["{displayName} heropende \"{contentTitle}\"."],"Edit message...":["Bewerk bericht ..."],"Delete discussion":["Verwijder discussie"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geen taken gevonden die voldoen aan uw filter(s)!"],"Index":["Inhoudsopgave"],"Wiki link":["Wiki hyperlink"],"Add Page":["Pagina toevoegen"],"Choose a Wiki Page":["Kies een wiki-pagina"],"Headline":["Kop"],"Home":["Startpagina"],"Index":["Inhoudsopgave"],"Last updated ":["Laatst bijgewerkt"],"Page index":["Pagina-index"],"Page not found":["Pagina niet gevonden"],"Search for Wiki Title":["Zoeken naar Wiki-kop"],"This page is empty.":["Deze pagina is leeg."],"Info message has been sent.":["Info-bericht is verzonden."],"Send as message":["Stuur als bericht"],"{userName} completed task {task}.":["{userName} voltooide taak {task}."],"{userName} reset task {task}.":["{userName} stelde taak {task} opnieuw in.."],"{userName} reviewed task {task}.":["{userName} beoordeelde taak {task}."],"{userName} works on task {task}.":["{userName} werkt aan taak {task}."],"Assigned users are allowed to process this task.":["Alleen toegewezen gebruikers mogen deze taak werken."],"Create task list":["Takenlijst maken"],"Edit task list":["Takenlijst bewerken"],"Accept Task":["Taak accepteren"],"Add Task List":["Takenlijst toevoegen"],"Add task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Allows the user to create new tasks, the user will only be able to edit and delete own tasks":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker nieuwe taken maken, de gebruiker kan alleen eigen taken bewerken en verwijderen."],"Assignments:":["Toewijzingen:"],"Begin Task":["Begin aan taak"],"Checklist:":["Controlelijst:"],"Continue Review":["Doorgaan met beoordeling"],"Create tasks":["Taken maken"],"Delete list":["Taaklijst verwijderen"],"Delete task":["Taak verwijderen"],"Edit list":["Lijst bijwerken"],"Edit task":["Taak bijwerken"],"Finish Task":["Voltooi de taak"],"Finished Lists":["Voltooide takenlijsten"],"Here you can manage your task lists in order to categorize and sort tasks.":["Hier kunt u uw takenlijsten beheren, categoriseren en sorteren."],"Hide this list once all tasks are completed":["Verberg deze lijst zodra alle taken zijn voltooid."],"If no assigned user is selected, every space member with the permission to process unassigned tasks can process the task.":["Als er geen toegewezen gebruiker is geselecteerd, kan elk ruimtelid met de machtiging om niet-toegewezen taken te verwerken, de taak verwerken."],"In case the review option is active, a responsible user will have to review and either reject or confirm this task before completion.":["Als de beoordelingsoptie actief is, moet een verantwoordelijke gebruiker deze taak afwijzen of bevestigen voordat deze is voltooid."],"Invalid task list selection.":["Ongeldige selectie van een takenlijst."],"Let Task Review":["Laten we taken gaan beoordelen."],"Lists":["Taaklijsten"],"No pending tasks found":["Geen openstaande taken gevonden"],"Other Tasks":["Andere taken"],"Ready For Review":["Klaar voor beoordeling"],"Reject Task":["Taak weigeren"],"Request extension":["Verzoek om verlenging"],"Reset Task":["Taak opnieuw instellen","Taak resetten"],"Scheduling":["Planning"],"Show {count} more completed {n,plural,=1{task} other{tasks}}":["Toon {count} voltooide {n,plural,=1{taak} other{taken}} meer."],"Task Lists":["Takenlijsten"],"Tasks: Reminder":["Taken: herinnering"],"This task requires to be reviewed by a responsible":["Een verantwoordelijk moet deze taak beoordelen."],"Unsorted":["Niet sorteerd"],"You are assigned!":["U bent toegewezen!"],"You are responsible!":["U bent verantwoordelijk"],"{displayName} is assigned to this task":["{displayName} is toegewezen aan deze taak"],"{displayName} is responsible for this task":["{displayName} is verantwoordelijk voor deze taak"],"Drag list":["Sleep lijst"],"Task module configuration":["Taak-module configureren"],"Max tasks items":["Maximaal aantal taken"],"Show snippet in Space":["Fragment in ruimte weergeven"],"Shows a widget with tasks on the dashboard where you are assigned/responsible.":["Toont een widget met aan uw toegewezen of verantwoordelijke taken op het dashboard."],"Shows the widget also on the dashboard of spaces.":["Toont de widget ook op het dashboard van ruimtes"],"Your tasks snippet":["Uw taakfragment"],"Already requested":["Al aangevraagd"],"Request sent":["Verzoek verzonden"],"Filter tasks":["Filter taken"],"I'm assigned":["Toegewezen aan mij"],"I'm responsible":["Mijn verantwoordelijkheid"],"Overdue":["Over tijd","Te laat"],"Add Deadline to space calendar":["Voeg de uiterste datum toe aan de ruimtekalender"],"Add schedule to the space calendar":["Voeg schema toe aan de ruimtekalender"],"Add to space calendar":["Toevoegen aan de ruimtekalender"],"Checklist Items":["Checklist items"],"Deadline: ":["Uiterste datum"],"Don't add to calendar":["Voeg niet toe aan de kalender"],"Extend deadline request":["Verleng uiterste datum"],"Parent Task":["Bovenliggende taak"],"Reminder sent":["Herinnering verstuurd"],"Reminders":["Herinneringen"],"Responsible user(s)":["Verantwoordelijke gebruiker(s)"],"Review by responsible user required":["Beoordeling door verantwoordelijke gebruiker vereist"],"1 Day before":["1 dag ervoor"],"1 Month before":["1 maand ervoor"],"1 Week before":["1 week ervoor"],"2 Days before":["2 dagen ervoor"],"2 Weeks before":["2 weken ervoor"],"3 Weeks before":["3 weken ervoor"],"At least 1 Hour before":["Ten minste 1 uur ervoor"],"At least 2 Hours before":["Ten minste 2 uur ervoor"],"Do not remind":["Niet herinneren"],"Remind Mode":["Herinneringsmodus"],"Completed":["Voltooid"],"Receive Notifications for Task Reminder.":["Ontvang meldingen voor taakherinnering."],"Receive Notifications for Tasks (Deadline Updates, Status changes ...).":["Meldingen ontvangen voor taken (uiterste datum wijzigingen, statuswijzigingen ...)."],"Reminder":["Herinnering"],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} ends at {dateTime}.":["Taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} eindigt om {dateTime}."],"Task {task} in space {spaceName} starts at {dateTime}.":["Taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} begint om {dateTime}."],"{userName} assigned you to task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} wees taak {task} aan u toe in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} completed Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} voltooide taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has changed deadline for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} wijzigde de uiterste datum voor taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has re-opened task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} opende taak {task} opnieuw in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} has rejected task {task} in space {spaceName} as incomplete.":["{userName} keurde taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} af als onvolledig."],"{userName} marked Task {task} in space {spaceName} as completed.":["{userName} markeerde taak {taak} in ruimte {spaceName} als voltooid."],"{userName} requests a deadline extension for task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} vraagt om het verschuiven van de uiterste datum voor taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"{userName} requests you to review Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} vraagt u om taak {task} in ruimte {spaceName} te bekijken."],"{userName} started working on Task {task} in space {spaceName}.":["{userName} begon te werken aan Task {task} in ruimte {spaceName}."],"Allows the user to create, delete and edit tasks and lists and also sort tasks and lists":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker taken en lijsten maken, verwijderen, bewerken en sorteren."],"Allows the user to process unassigned tasks":["Hiermee kan de gebruiker niet-toegewezen taken verwerken."],"Manage tasks":["Beheer taken"],"Process unassigned tasks":["Verwerk niet-toegewezen taken"],"Confirm task deletion":["Bevestigenhet verwijderen van de taak"],"Add checkpoint...":["Controlepunt toevoegen"],"Add reminder":["Herinnering toevoegen"],"Add responsible users":["Voeg verantwoordelijke gebruikers toe"],"Assignment":["Toewijzing"],"Checklist":["Controlelijst"],"Edit item (empty field will be removed)...":["Item bewerken (leeg veld wordt verwijderd) ..."],"Leave empty to let anyone work on this task.":["Laat leeg om iedereen aan deze taak te laten werken."],"Title and Color":["Samenvatting en kleur"],"Title of your task":["Samenvatting van de taak"],"Any user with a \"Process unassigned tasks\" permission can work on this task":["Elke gebruiker met de machtiging «Kan niet-toegewezen taken verwerken» kan aan deze taak werken"],"Assigned":["Toegewezen"],"Deadline at":["Uiterste datum om"],"Drag task":["Sleep de taak"],"Filter tasks by title":["Filter taken op samenvatting"],"In Progress":["Bezig"],"In Review":["In beoordeling"],"No Scheduling set for this Task":["Geen planning opgegeven voor deze taak"],"Pending":["In afwachting"],"Pending Review":["In afwachting van een beoordeling"],"Responsible":["Verantwoordelijk"],"Start now, by creating a new task!":["Begin nu door een nieuwe taak te maken!"],"There are currently no upcoming tasks!.":["Er zijn momenteel geen aankomende taken!."],"ending Review":["Beoordeling beëindigen"],"{count} {n,plural,=1{day} other{days}} remaining":["{count} {n,plural,=1{dag} other{dagen}} resterend"],"Task Users have been notified":["De betrokken gebruikers zijn op de hoogte gebracht."],"Your Reminder for task {task}":["Uw herinnering voor taak {task}"],"{userName} assigned you as responsible person in task {task} from space {spaceName}.":["{userName} heeft u verantwoordelijk gemaakt voor taak {task} vanuit de ruimte {spaceName}."],"Your tasks":["Mijn taken"],"Anyone can work on this task!":["Iedereen kan aan deze taak werken!"],"Open Task":["Open taak"],"This task can only be processed by assigned and responsible users.":["Alleen toegewezen of verantwoordelijke gebruikers kunnen werken aan deze taak."]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/nl/base.php b/protected/humhub/messages/nl/base.php index 94c60abf8e..2cdac41580 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/messages/nl/base.php +++ b/protected/humhub/messages/nl/base.php @@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ 'Unsubscribe' => 'Afmelden', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'Upload file' => 'Upload bestand', - 'You are not allowed to run this action.' => 'U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren..', + 'You are not allowed to run this action.' => 'U mag deze actie niet uitvoeren.', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json index 430e7aeb16..d6e19a2a8a 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json +++ b/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"Could not find requested module!":["İstenen modül bulunamadı!"],"Invalid request.":["Geçersiz istek."],"Keyword:":["Anahtar:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Hiç bir girdi bulunamadı."],"Results":["Sonuçlar"],"Show more results":["Daha fazla sonuç göster"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Üzgünüz, sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin"],"Latest updates":["Son güncellemeler"],"Search":["Arama"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Back":["Geri"],"Back to dashboard":["Panele geri dön","Gösterge paneline geri dön"],"Choose language:":["Dil Seçin:"],"Collapse":["Başarısız"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["İçerik eklenti kaynağı HActiveRecordContent ya da HActiveRecordAddon şeklinde olmalı!"],"Could not determine content container!":["İçerik kabı saptanamıyor!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Eklenti içeriği bulunamadı!"],"Error":["Hata"],"Expand":["Göster"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["İçerik oluşturmak için izinler yetersiz!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Yanlış bir geridönüş var gibi görünüyor."],"Language":["Dil"],"Latest news":["Güncel haberler"],"Login":["Giriş"],"Logout":["Çıkış"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"My profile":["Profilim"],"New profile image":["Yeni profil resmi"],"Oooops...":["Hata!"],"Search":["Arama"],"Search for users and spaces":["Kullanıcı ve alanlarda ara"],"Space not found!":["Alan bulunamadı!","Sayfa bulunamadı!"],"User Approvals":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User not found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Genel içerik oluşturmazsınız!"],"Your daily summary":["Günlük özetiniz"],"Login required":["Giriş Yapınız"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Sunucu hatası oluştu."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için izin gereklidir."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Küresel {global} dizi yöntemi {method} ile temizlenmelidir."],"Upload error":["Yükleme hatası"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Add image/file":["Resim/Dosya Ekle"],"Add link":["Link Ekle"],"Bold":["Kalın"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Url girin (Örnek: http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Başlık"],"Image":["Resim"],"Image/File":["Resim/Dosya"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Bağlantı Ekle"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Resim Bağlantısı Ekle"],"Italic":["İtalik"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin..."],"Preview":["Görüntüle"],"Quote":["Alıntı"],"Target":["Hedef"],"Title":["Başlık"],"Title of your link":["Bağlantı Başlığı"],"URL/Link":["URL/Adres"],"code text here":["kod metni girin"],"emphasized text":["vurgulanan metin"],"enter image description here":["resim açıklaması girin"],"enter image title here":["resim başlığını girin"],"enter link description here":["bağlantı açıklaması girin"],"heading text":["başlık metni"],"list text here":["metin listesi girin"],"quote here":["alıntı girin"],"strong text":["kalın metin"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Bu nesne türü için etkinlik oluşturamazsınız!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% yeni bir alan oluşturdu %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% bu alanı oluşturdu."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanına katıldı","%displayName% - %spaceName% mekana katıldı"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% alana katıldı.","%displayName% mekana katıldı."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanından ayrıldı"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% alandan ayrıldı."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} artık {user2} takip ediyor."],"see online":["kimle çevrimiçi"],"via":["ile"],"Latest activities":["En son aktiviteler"],"There are no activities yet.":["Henüz bir aktivite yok."],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account has been activated.

\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n \n Hesabınız aktive edildi

\n \n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account request has been declined.

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n \n Hesab talebiniz reddedildi.

\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' kabul edildi."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' reddedildi."],"Group not found!":["Grup bulunamadı!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Modül direkt kaldırılamaz! Modül korumada."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %path% yazılabilir değil!"],"Saved":["Kaydet"],"Database":["Veritabanı"],"No theme":["Tema yok"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP yüklenemedi! - PHP Eklentisini kontrol t"],"File":["Dosya"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Önbellek yok (Sadece test!)","Önbellek yok(Sadece test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Yok - kullanıcı kaydında açılır gösterim."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Kaydedildi ve önbellek düzeltildi"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Yerel"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Kendini silemezsin!"],"Become this user":["Bu kullanıcı ol"],"Delete":["Sil"],"Disabled":["Devre dışı"],"Enabled":["Etkin"],"Save":["Kaydet"],"Unapproved":["Onaylanmamış"],"Could not load category.":["Kategori yüklenemedi."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Sadece boş kategorileri silebilirsiniz!"],"Group":["Grup"],"Message":["Mesaj"],"Subject":["Konu"],"Base DN":["DN Temeli"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP desteği aktif"],"Encryption":["Şifreleme"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Kullanıcıları Otomatik Getir/Güncelle"],"Hostname":["Host adı","Host adı (Örnek: localhost)","Host Adı"],"Login Filter":["Giriş filtresi"],"Password":["Şifre"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Kullanıcı filtresi"],"Username":["Kullanıcı adı"],"Username Attribute":["Kullanıcı niteliği"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Kimliği doğrulanmamış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişime izin ver (misafir)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonim kullanıcılar kayıt olabilir"],"Default user group for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için varsayılan kullanıcı grubu"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Varsayılan kullanıcı boşta kalma (Zaman aşımı), otomatik çıkış (saniye cinsinden, isteğe bağlı)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Varsayılan kullanıcı profili görünürlüğü"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Kullanıcılar eposta ile davet gönderebilirler"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kayıttan sonra grup yöneticisinin onayı gerekir"],"Base URL":["Temel URL"],"Default language":["Varsayılan dil"],"Default space":["Varsayılan alan"],"Invalid space":["Geçersiz alan"],"Logo upload":["Logo Yükle"],"Name of the application":["Uygulama adı"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için tanıtım turu göster"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Panoda kullanıcı profil paylaşım alanı"],"Cache Backend":["Önbellek arkaucu"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Varsayılan bitiş zamanı (saniye)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"Dropdown space order":["Açılır menu arası boşluk"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standart sayfalama boyutu (sayfa başına yazı)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Görünen isim (Biçim)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["İzin verilen dosya Uzantıları"],"Convert command not found!":["Dönüştürme komutu bulunamadı!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Boş image magick karşılığı! - Doğru komut?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Duvara görüntülenen dosyaların (isim, boyut) bilgilerini sakla"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Duvarda gösterilen nesnelerin dosya listesi widget'ı gizle."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick dönüştürme komutu (isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum görüntü önizleme yüksekliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum önizleme görüntü genişliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimum dosya yükleme boyutu (MB türünden)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Dosya indirmek için X-Sendfile kullan"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Sertifikaları kendinden İmzalı izin ver?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Eposta gönderen adresi"],"E-Mail sender name":["Eposta gönderen adı"],"Mail Transport Type":["Posta transfer türü"],"Port number":["Port numarası"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Adres"],"Url Prefix":["Url Önek"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Proxy Sunucu yok"],"Server":["Sunucu"],"User":["Kullanıcı"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Süper yöneticiler tüm içerik ve nesneleri silebilir"],"Default Join Policy":["Varsayılan Politikaya Katıl"],"Default Visibility":["Varsayılan Görünürlük"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML izleme kodu"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modül yolu için modül %moduleId% zaten var!"],"Could not extract module!":["Modül çıkarılamadı!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül listesi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül bilgisi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Modülü indirme başarısız oldu!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %modulePath% yazılabilir değil!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modül indirme başarısız! %error%"],"No compatible module version found!":["Hiçbir uyumlu modül sürümü bulundu!","Uyumlu modül versiyonu bulunamadı!"],"Activated":["Aktif","Aktive edildi"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Daha hiç modül yüklenmedi. Fonksiyonelliği artırmak için modül yükle!"],"Version:":["Sürüm:"],"Installed":["Yüklendi","Yüklü"],"No modules found!":["Modül bulunamadı!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tüm modüller güncel!"],"About HumHub":["HumHub hakkında"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Şu anda yüklü sürüm: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lisanslar"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yeni bir güncelleme mevcut! (Son sürüm: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["HumHub sürümünüz güncel!"],"Accept":["Kabul et"],"Decline":["Katılmıyorum"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Kullanıcıyı kabul et: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["İptal"],"Send & save":["Gönder ve kaydet"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Kullanıcıyı reddet ve sil: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-posta"],"Search for email":["Eposta için arama"],"Search for username":["Kullanıcı adı için arama"],"Pending user approvals":["Onay bekleyen kullanıdılar"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Burda kayıtlı ve halen onay bekleyen kullanıcılar görüntülenir."],"Delete group":["Grup sil"],"Delete group":["Grubu sil"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["\"{group}\" grubunu silmek için mevcut kullanıcılara bir grup seçmeniz gerekli:"],"Create new group":["Yeni grup oluştur"],"Edit group":["Grup düzenle"],"Description":["Açıklama"],"Group name":["Grup adı"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Açıklama için arama"],"Search for group name":["Grup adı için ara"],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Create new group":["Yeni Grup Oluştur"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Kullanıcıları bölebilir ve farklı gruplara atayabilir, (takım, birim benzeri) ve standart alan ya da yöneticiler seçebilirsiniz."],"Flush entries":["Tüm girdileri sil"],"Error logging":["Hata günlüğü"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Sayfabaşına görüntülenen girdiler {count}"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Toplam bulunan girdiler {count}"],"Available updates":["Mevcut güncellemeler"],"Browse online":["Çevrimiçi gözat"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modüller HumHub un fonksiyonelliğini artırır. Burada HumHub Marketten modül yüklüyebilir veya yönetebilirsin."],"Module details":["Modül ayrıntıları"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Bu modül daha fazla bilgi içermez."],"Processing...":["İşleniyor..."],"Modules directory":["Modül dizini"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri ve dosyaları kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Configure":["Yapılandırma","Kurulum"],"Disable":["Pasif","Devre dışı","Deaktif"],"Enable":["Aktif","Etkinleştirme"],"More info":["Daha fazla bilgi"],"Set as default":["Varsayılan yap"],"Uninstall":["Kaldır"],"Install":["Yükle"],"Latest compatible version:":["En son uyumlu sürüm:"],"Latest version:":["Son versiyon:"],"Installed version:":["Yüklenen versiyon:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["En son uyumlu versiyon:"],"Update":["Güncelle"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Varsayılan modül olarak ayarla"],"Always activated":["Daima aktif"],"Deactivated":["Deaktif"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Bir modülün kullanıcının ya da alanlarda otomatik olarak aktif olup olmayacağını seçebilirsiniz. Eğer tüm bölümlerde aktif olmasını istiyorsanız \"Daima aktif\"i seçin."],"Spaces":["Mekanlar"],"User Profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Mevcut yeni (%version%) HumHub sürümü var."],"Authentication - Basic":["Temel - Kimlik"],"Basic":["Temel"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum 20 saniyedir. 1400 saniye (24 dakika) (varsayılan oturum zaman aşımı) sonra zaman aşımına olacaktır."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kimliği doğrulanmış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişim etkin olduğunda geçerli olur. Sadece yeni kullanıcılar etkiler."],"Authentication - LDAP":["LDAP - Kimlik doğrulama"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL / TLS açık metin olarak iletilir şifreleri önlemek için üretim ortamlarında tercih edilir."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Kullanıcı adı için LDAP özelliği. Örnek: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Bu kriterleri karşılayan kullanıcılara erişim sınırlandırma. Örnek: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Durum: Hata! (Mesaj: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Durum: TAMAM! ( {usercount} Kullanıcılar)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Hesaplar için yapılan aramada varsayılan temel DN kullan."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Varsayılan kimlik şifresi (Sadece kullanıcı adı ile kullanılır)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Varsayılan kimlik ismi. Bazı sunucular bu DN formda olmasını gerektirir.LDAP sunucusu bağlamak ve bağlayıcı basit kullanıcı adları ile mümkün olmalıdır DN gerektiriyorsa, bu DN şeklinde verilmelidir."],"Cache Settings":["Ön bellek Ayarları"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Kaydet ve önbelleği göm"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Ayarları"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Kullanıcı crontab: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Son çalışma (günlük):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Son çalışma (saatlik):"],"Never":["Asla"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ya da Crontab root kullanıcı"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Lütfen aşağıdaki cronjobs öğelerinin yüklü olduğundan emin olun:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetik\n"],"Last visit":["Son Ziyaret"],"Design settings":["Dizayn Ayarları"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Ad Soyad (Örnek: Mehmet Çifçi)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Kullanıcı adı (Örnek: mehmet)"],"File settings":["Dosya Ayarları"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Virgülle ayrılmış liste. Hepsine izin vermek için boş bırak"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Listeleri virgül ile ayır. Duvara tüm nesneler için dosya listesini göstermek için boş bırakın."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, yükseklik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, genişlik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP maksimum sunulan {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Confirm image deleting":["Görüntü silmeyi onayla"],"Dashboard":["Panel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Örn. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak belirli alana eklenir."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Logo kullanmıyorsun. Şimdi logo yükle."],"Mailing defaults":["Posta varsayılanları"],"Activities":["Aktiviteler"],"Always":["Herzaman"],"Daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Defaults":["Varsayılan"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Kullanıcı bildirimleri veya yenilikler hakkında eposta alma özelliği varsayılan olarak tanımlıdır. Bu ayarı kullanıcı hesap ayarları bölümünden değiştirebilir."],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Server Settings":["Sunucu Ayarları"],"When I´m offline":["Ben çevrimdışıyken"],"Mailing settings":["Posta Ayarları"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Ayarları"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Add new provider":["Yeni Sağlayacı Ekle"],"Currently active providers:":["Şuan da etkin sağlayıcılar:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Şuan sağlayıcılar aktif değil!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısı Ekle"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısını Düzenle"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Önek http:// ve https:// (Örnek: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Url için %url% yer tutucusunu kullanın. Url biçimi JSON olmalıdır. (Örnek: http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy ayarları"],"Security settings and roles":["Güvenlik Ayarları ve Roller"],"Self test":["Kendi kendini test et"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub yazılım önkoşulları denetleniyor."],"Re-Run tests":["Yeniden test et"],"Statistic settings":["İstatistik Ayarları"],"All":["Hepsi"],"Delete space":["Mekan sil"],"Edit space":["Mekan düzenle"],"Search for space name":["Mekan adı için arama"],"Search for space owner":["Mekan sahibi için arama"],"Space name":["Mekan adı"],"Space owner":["Sayfa sahibi"],"View space":["Mekan görüntüle"],"Manage spaces":["Mekan Yönetimi"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarları tanımla"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Tüm mekanlar bulunabilir ve yönetilebilir."],"Overview":["Genel Bakış"],"Settings":["Ayarlar"],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Add user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Eğer bu kullanıcıya ait bazı mekanlar varsa, sen bu mekanların sahibi olacaksın. Bu kullanıcıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? "],"Delete user":["Kullanıcıyı sil"],"Delete user: {username}":["Kullanıcıyı sil: {username}"],"Edit user":["Kullanıcıyı düzenle"],"Admin":["Yönetici"],"Delete user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını sil"],"Edit user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını düzenle"],"No":["Hayır"],"View user profile":["Kullanıcı profilini görüntüle"],"Yes":["Evet"],"Manage users":["Kullanıcıları yönet"],"Add new user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Kayıtlı kullanıcıları bulabilir, görüntüleyebilir ve yönetebilirsiniz."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni Profil Kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil Kategorisi düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni Profil Alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil Alanı düzenle"],"Manage profiles fields":["Profil alanlarını yönet"],"Add new category":["Yeni kategori ekle"],"Add new field":["Yeni alan ekle"],"Security & Roles":["Güvenlik ve roller"],"Administration menu":["Yönetici Menüsü"],"About":["Hakkımda"],"Authentication":["Kimlik doğrulama"],"Caching":["Ön bellekleme"],"Cron jobs":["Cron Jobs"],"Design":["Tasarım"],"Files":["Dosyalar"],"Groups":["Gruplar"],"Logging":["Oturum","Günlük"],"Mailing":["Posta"],"Modules":["Modüller"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Test ve güncelleme"],"Statistics":["İstatistikler"],"User approval":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Users":["Kullanıcılar"],"Click here to review":["Görüntülemek için tıklayın"],"New approval requests":["Yeni onay istekleri"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Bir veya daha fazla kullanıcı grubu yönetici onayı bekliyor."],"Could not delete comment!":["Yorumu silinemedi!"],"Invalid target class given":["Verilen hedef sınıfı geçersiz"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id Parametresi gerekli!"],"Target not found!":["Hedef bulunamadı!"],"Access denied!":["Erişim engellendi!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Comment":["Yorum"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı"],"Comments":["Yorumlar"],"Edit your comment...":["Yorumunu düzenle..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğe %displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini yorumladı."],"Show all {total} comments.":["{total} diğer yorumu gör"],"Write a new comment...":["Yeni bir yorum yaz..."],"Post":["Gönderi"],"Show %count% more comments":["Daha %count% fazla yorum göster"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Yorum silme işlemini onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Bu yorumu silmek istediğine emin misin?"],"Edit":["Düzenle"],"Updated :timeago":["Güncellendi :timeago"],"Could not load requested object!":["İstenen obje yüklenemedi"],"Unknown content class!":["Bilinmeyen içerik sınıfı!"],"Could not find requested content!":["İstenen içerik bulunamadı!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["İstenen permalink bulunamadı!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} kullanıcısı {contentTitle} gönderisini oluşturdu"],"Submit":["Gönder"],"Move to archive":["Arşive taşı"],"Unarchive":["Arşivden taşı","Arşivden çıkar"],"Add a member to notify":["Bilgilendirme için bir kullanıcı ekle"],"Make private":["Gizli yap"],"Make public":["Açık yap"],"Notify members":["Üyeleri bilgilendir"],"Public":["Herkes","Herkese açık"],"What's on your mind?":["Aklında neler var?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Gönderi silinmesini Onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Bu gönderiyi silmek istediğine emin misin? Tüm yorumlar ve beğeniler kaybolacak!","Bu yazıyı silmek istiyor musunuz? Yorumlar ve beğeniler silinecektir!"],"Archived":["Arşiv"],"Sticked":["Yapışkan"],"Turn off notifications":["Bildirimleri kapat"],"Turn on notifications":["Bildirimleri aç"],"Permalink to this post":["Gönderim için Permalink","İçerik bağlantısı"],"Permalink":["Permalink","İçerik bağlantısı"],"Stick":["Başa Tuttur"],"Unstick":["Baştan Kaldır"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Daha hiçkimse birşey yazmamış.
Bir başlangıç yap ve birşeyler yaz..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Bu profilin yayını hala boş"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Bu mekan hala boş!Burada bir şey paylaşarak başla..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Panon bomboş!Profilinde birşeyler paylaş veya birkaç mekana katıl!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Profil yayının hala boş
Başlangıç olarak birşeyler paylaş..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uyan hiçbir şey bulunamadı!"],"Show all":["Tümünü göster"],"Back to stream":["Yayına dön","Akışlara geri dön"],"Content with attached files":["Ekli dosyalarla içerik"],"Created by me":["Benim tarafımdan oluşturuldu","Açtıklarım"],"Creation time":["Oluşturulma zamanı","Oluşturma süresi"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Arşivlenen gönderileri içer"],"Last update":["Son güncelleme"],"Only private posts":["Sadece gizli gönderiler"],"Only public posts":["Sadece açık gönderiler"],"Posts only":["Sadece gönderiler"],"Posts with links":["Linkler gönderilerle birlikte"],"Sorting":["Sıralama"],"Where I´m involved":["Nerede gelişebilirim"],"No public contents to display found!":["Gösterilebilecek içerik bulanamadı!"],"Directory":["Dizin"],"Member Group Directory":["Kullanıcı Grup dizini"],"show all members":["tüm kullanıcıları göster"],"Directory menu":["Dizin menüsü"],"Members":["Üyeler","Kullanıcılar"],"User profile posts":["Kullanıcı gönderileri"],"Member directory":["Kullanıcı dizini"],"Follow":["Takip et"],"No members found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"Unfollow":["Takibi Bırak"],"search for members":["kullanıcılar için ara"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"No spaces found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"You are a member of this space":["Bu mekanın bir üyesisiniz"],"search for spaces":["mekanlarda ara"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Profil mesajı henüz bulunmamaktadır!"],"Group stats":["Grup istatistikleri"],"Average members":["Ortalama üye"],"Top Group":["En iyi grup"],"Total groups":["Toplam gruplar"],"Member stats":["Kullanıcı istatistikleri"],"New people":["Yeni insanlar"],"Follows somebody":["Birilerini takip et"],"Online right now":["Şu anda çevrimiçi"],"Total users":["Toplam kullanıcı"],"See all":["Tümünü gör"],"New spaces":["Yeni mekanlar"],"Space stats":["Mekan istatistikleri"],"Most members":["Çoğu üye"],"Private spaces":["Özel mekanlar"],"Total spaces":["Toplam mekanlar"],"Could not find requested file!":["İstenen dosya bulunamadı!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksimum dosya büyüklüğüne {maxFileSize} ulaşıldı"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Bu dosya türü için izin yok!"],"Created By":["Oluşturan"],"Created at":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"File name":["Dosya adı"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID","Kimlik","İD"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Geçersiz Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Boyut"],"Updated at":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Updated by":["Güncelleyen"],"Could not upload File:":["Dosya yüklenemedi:"],"Upload files":["Dosya yükle"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Yüklenen dosyaların listesi:"],"Create Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı Oluştur"],"Name of your network":["Sosyal Ağınızın Adı"],"Name of Database":["Database Adı"],"Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Neredeyse bitti. Son adımda bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmak için formu doldurmanız gerekli. Bu hesapla sosyal ağı yöneteceksiniz."],"Next":["İleri"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Yeni bir Sosyal Ağ adı gerekiyor. Beğendiğiniz bir isim giriniz."],"Social Network Name":["Sosyal Ağ İsim"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tebrikler tüm adımları tamamladınız."],"Setup Complete":["Kurulum Tamamlandı"],"Sign in":["Giriş Yap"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Kurulum başarıyla tamamlandı!
Yeni sosyal ağınız ile paylaşım yapmaya başlayabilirsiniz."],"Setup Wizard":["Kurulum Sihirbazı"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Humhub Sosyal Ağ Kurulumu"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Kurulum sihirbazı ile kendi Humhub Sosyal Ağınızı oluşturabilirsiniz.
Devam etmek için İleri'yi tıklatın."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Evet, veritabanı bağlantısı çalışıyor!"],"Database Configuration":["Veritabanı Ayarlamaları"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, bir şeyler yanlış gitti!"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQL şifre"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQL kullanıcı adı"],"System Check":["Sistem Kontrol"],"Check again":["Kontrol Et"],"Could not find target class!":["Hedef bölüm bulunamadı!"],"Could not find target record!":["Hedef kayıt bulunamadı!"],"Invalid class given!":["Verilen bölüm geçersiz!"],"Users who like this":["Hangi kullanıcılar beğendi"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} beğendi {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğini %displayName% beğendi."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini beğendi."],"Like":["Beğen"],"Unlike":["Beğenme"]," likes this.":["beğendi."],"You like this.":["Bunu beğendin."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["ve {count} kişi beğendi."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen link saptanamıyor!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen bildirim bulunamıyor!"],"New":["Yeni"],"Mark all as seen":["Hepsini okundu işaretle"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Henüz bildirim bulunmuyor."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% yeni bir gönderi yazdı."],"Edit your post...":["Gönderini düzenle..."],"Read full post...":["Gönderinin tamamını oku..."],"Search results":["Arama sonuçları"],"Content":["İçerik"],"Send & decline":["Gönder ve Kabul etme"],"Visible for all":["Tümü görebilir"]," Invite and request":[" Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Sayfa sahibi bir kullanıcı silinemedi! Sayfanın adı: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Herkes girebilir"],"Invite and request":["Davet ve İstek talebi"],"Only by invite":["Sadece davetliler"],"Private (Invisible)":["Gizli (Görünmez)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Genel (Üyeler & Misafirler)"],"Public (Members only)":["Genel (Yalnızca üyeler)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Genel (Yalnızca kayıtlı kullanıcılar)"],"Public (Visible)":["Genel (Görünür)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Tümü görebilir (Üyeler ve Misafirler)"],"Space is invisible!":["Sayfa görünmez!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Bu sayfa içeriğini görüntülemek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Sayfa sahibi olarak siz üyeliğinizi iptal edemezsiniz!"],"Could not request membership!":["Üyelik isteği gerçekleşmedi!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Bekleyen davet bulunmuyor!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Bu eylemi yalnızca çalışma alanı üyeleri kullanabilir!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Bu sayfaya katılmanıza izin verilmiyor!"],"Your password":["Şifreniz"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["e-posta adresi ile yeni kullanıcı (virgülle ayılmış)"],"Invites":["Davetler"],"User is already member!":["Kullanıcı zaten üye"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} zaten kayıtlı!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} adresi geçersiz!"],"Application message":["Uygulama mesajı"],"Scope":["Faaliyet"],"Strength":["Kadro"],"Created At":["Oluşturma zamanı"],"Join Policy":["Katılma İlkesi"],"Name":["İsim","Ad"],"Owner":["Sahibi","Yönetici"],"Status":["Durum"],"Tags":["Etiketler"],"Updated At":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Visibility":["Görünüm"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website adresi (isteğe bağlı)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Özel görünür sayfalar oluşturamazsınız!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Genel görünür sayfalar oluşturamazsınız!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Kullanıcı fotoğrafı olarak kullanmak istediğin alanı seç ve Kaydet e tıkla"],"Modify space image":["Mekan resmi değiştir"],"Delete space":["Mekanı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tüm yayınlanan içerikler silinecektir! Bu mekanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Lütfen devam etmek için şifrenizi girin!"],"General space settings":["Genel mekan ayarları"],"Archive":["Arşiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Bu çalışma alanı için geçerli bir üyelik türü seçin."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Bu çalışma alanının görünürlük düzeyini seçin."],"Search members":["Üyelerde ara"],"Manage your space members":["Mekan üyelerini yönet"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen davetler"],"Outstanding user requests":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen istekler"],"Remove member":["Üyeyi sil"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Bu kullanıcının diğerlerini
davet etmesine izin ver"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Bu kullanıcının içerik
oluşturmasına izin ver"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bu üyeyi mekandan silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"],"Can invite":["Davet edebilir"],"Can share":["Paylaşabilir"],"Change space owner":["Mekan sahibi değiştir"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Kimler eposta ile davet gönderebilir, burada listelenmez."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Aşağıdaki mekanda aktif kullanıcılara bakın. Ayrıcalıklarını düzenleyebilir ya da kaldırabilirsiniz."],"Is admin":["Yönetici"],"Make this user an admin":["Bu kullanıcıyı yönetici yap"],"No, cancel":["Hayır, iptal"],"Remove":["Sil"],"Request message":["İstek mesajı"],"Revoke invitation":["Daveti geri al"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar mekana katılmak için onay bekliyor. Lütfen bir aksiyon seçin."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar zaten bu mekana davet edildi, fakat şimdiye kadar daveti takip etmediler."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Tüm ayrıcalıklara ve süper admin yetkilerine olan mekan sahipleri ve mekan oluşturan normal kullanıcılar. Burda başka bir kullanıcı ile rolleri değiştirebilirsiniz."],"Yes, remove":["Evet, sil"],"Space Modules":["Mekan Modülleri"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Emin misiniz? Bu alan için *TÜM * modül verileri silinecek!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Şu anda bu mekanda hiçbir modül bulunmuyor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Modüller ile bu alanı geliştirin."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan oluştur"],"Advanced access settings":["Gelişmiş erişim ayarları "],"Advanced search settings":["Gelişmiş arama ayarları"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Üye olmayanlar bu mekanı
görebilir, fakat erişemezler."],"Create":["Oluştur"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tüm kullanıcılar onay olmadan
mekana katılabilirler"],"For everyone":["Herkes için"],"How you want to name your space?":["Mekanınıza nasıl bir isim istiyorsunuz?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Diğer kullanıcılar için küçük bir açıklama yazınız."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Bu mekan üye olmayanlar için gizli olacak"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Kullanıcılar bu alana
üyelik için başvurabilir"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Kullanıcılar sadece
davetiye ile eklenebilir"],"space description":["mekan açıklaması"],"space name":["mekan adı"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talepleri {userName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyeliğiniz onaylandı {userName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talebiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} sizi {spaceName} mekanına davet etti"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz kabul edildi {userName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Bu alan halen boş!"],"Accept Invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Become member":["Üye ol"],"Cancel membership":["Mekandan Ayrıl"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Bekleyen üyelik başvurusunu iptal et"],"Deny Invite":["Daveti reddet"],"Request membership":["Üyelik isteği"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Bu mekanın sahibi"],"created by":["oluşturan"],"Invite members":["Üye davet et"],"Add an user":["Kullanıcı ekle"],"Email addresses":["Email adresleri"],"Invite by email":["Email ile davet et"],"New user?":["Yeni kullanıcı?"],"Pick users":["Kullanıcıları seç"],"Send":["Gönder"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Bu mekana kullanıcıları davet etmek, bulmak ve onları almak için aşağıya isimlerini yazınız."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Dışardan kullanıcı davet edebilirsiniz. Sadece virgülle ayırarak e-posta adreslerini ekleyin."],"Request space membership":["Mekan üyeliği isteği","Mekan üyelik isteği"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde mekan sahiplerine iletildi."],"Ok":["Tamam"],"User has become a member.":["Kullanıcı üye yapılmıştır."],"User has been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edildi."],"User has not been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edilmemiştir."],"Back to workspace":["Mekana geri dön"],"Space preferences":["Mekan tercihleri"],"General":["Genel"],"My Space List":["Mekan listesi"],"My space summary":["Mekan özeti"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"Space menu":["Mekan menüsü"],"Stream":["Akış","Yayın"],"Change image":["Resmi değiştir"],"Current space image":["Geçerli mekan resmi"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Kapak resmini silmek istiyor musun?","Başlık görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Profil resmini silmek istiyor musun?"],"Invite":["Davet"],"Something went wrong":["Birşeyler yanlış"],"Followers":["Takipçiler"],"Posts":["Mesajlar"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Request workspace membership":["Mekan üyeliği talebi"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde yöneticilere iletildi."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan aç"],"My spaces":["Mekanlarım","Mekanım"],"Space info":["Mekan bilgisi"],"more":["daha"],"Accept invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Deny invite":["Davet reddet"],"Leave space":["Mekandan ayrıl"],"New member request":["Yeni üye isteği"],"Space members":["Mekan üyeleri"],"End guide":["Klavuz sonu"],"Next »":["İleri »"],"« Prev":["« Geri"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Yaşasın! Şimdilik hepsi bu."],"Modules":["Modüller"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Bir yönetici olarak, buradan tüm platformu yönetebilirsiniz.

Modüllerden ayrı olarak, burada olarak her bir noktaya detay oluşturabilir, kendi kısa açıklamalarını belirtebilirsiniz."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Şu an araçlar menüsündesiniz. Burdan HumHub online pazarına erişebilir, anında yüklemeler yapabilirsiniz.

Araçları mekanları özelleştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["En önemli özellikleri ve ayarları öğrendin ve hepsi platformu kullanmaya başlaman için ayarlandı.

Umarız sen ve gelecekteki tüm kullanıcılar siteyi kullanırken eğlenirsiniz. Projemiz için her türlü istediğin öneri ve desteklerini bekliyor olacağız. Bizle rahatlıkla www.humhub.org adresinden iletişime geçebilirsin.

Bizi izlemeye devam edin. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kontrol paneli"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Bu sizin kontrol paneliniz

Yeni aktiviyelere ve gönderiler bu link altında gösterilir."],"Administration (Modules)":["Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Edit account":["Hesap düzenle"],"Hurray! The End.":["Yaşasın! Bitti."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Yaşasın! Başardın!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menü","Profil menüsü"],"Profile photo":["Profil resmi"],"Profile stream":["Profil akışı"],"User profile":["Kullanıcı profili"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Butona tıklayarak profilini güncelleyebilir veya hesap ayarlarını düzenleyebilirsin. Ayrıca profili daha fazla bilgi ekleyebilirsin. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Her profil kendi panolarına sahiptir. Ayrıca seni takip eden kişiler gönderilerini buradn görebilir."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Mekan gibi, kullanıcı profili de çeşitli modüllerle kişiselleştirilebilir.

Profilin için uygun olan modüllere hesap ayarları menüsündeki \"Modüller\" sekmesinden bakabilirsin."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Bu senin açık kullanıcı profilin, profilin üye olan kullanıcılar tarafından görünürdür."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Buraya tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile kolayca profil fotoğrafı yükleyebilirsin. Aynı şeyi kapak fotoğrafın için de yapabilirsin."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!

Yönetim rehberine devam etmek için, buraya tıkla:

"],"Most recent activities":["Son aktiviteler"],"Posts":["Gönderiler"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Rehberi"],"Space":["Mekan"],"Space navigation menu":["Mekan navigasyon menü"],"Writing posts":["Gönderi oluşturma"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Herşeyi kaptın."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Mekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.

Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebiMekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.

Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebilir."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.

The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Diğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.

Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebiDiğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.

Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebilir."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Yeni gönderileri buradan yazıp gönderilirsin."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Mekana katıldığında veya yeni oluşturduğunda projeler üzerinde çalışabilirsin, konular üzerinde tartış veya sadece diğerleri ile bilgi paylaş.

Mekanı kişiselleştirmek için birçok araç mevcut, bu sayede proje sürecini daha üretken hale getirebilirsin."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Bu mekan rehberi için.

Profil rehberine devam etmek için buraya tıkla:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Buradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.

Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebiBuradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.

Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebilir."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Bu menü sadece mekan yöneticileri için görünür. Buradan mekan ayarlarını yönetebilir, üye ekleme/engelleme ve modül aktifleştirme/deaktifleştirme işlemlerini yapabilirsin."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Kendini güncel tutman için, diğer kullanıcıların son aktiviteleri burada görünecek."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Senin ve diğer kullanıcıların gönderileri burada görünecek.

Buradan beğenilebilir veya yorumda bulunulabilir. "],"Account Menu":["Hesap Menüsü"],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Space Menu":["Mekan Menüsü"],"Start space guide":["Mekan rehberine Başla"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Hiçbirşeyi kaçırma!

Bu ikon seni ilgilendiren aktiviteler ve gönderiler hakkında seni doğrudan bilgilendirecek."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Hesap menüsü sana gizli ayarlarına erişim hakkı ve açık profilini yönetmeni sağlar."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Bu en önemli menü muhtemelen en çok kullandığın menü olacak!

Katıldığın mekanlara gözat, yeni mekanlar oluştur.

Sonraki adımda nasıl olacağını göreceksin:"]," Remove panel":[" Paneli kaldır"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Rehber: Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Guide: Overview":["Rehber: Genel bakış"],"Guide: Spaces":["Rehber: Mekanlar"],"Guide: User profile":["Rehber: Kullanıcı profili"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Adımları takip ederek özelliklerini tanıyın:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Bu kullanıcı hesabı henüz onaylanmamış!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Bu kullanıcının profilini görmek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Girdiğin şifre yanlış"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Burada şifreni değiştiremezsin."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Geçersiz link! Lütfen url nin tamamını girdiğinizden emin olun."],"Save profile":["Profili kaydet"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Girdiğin mail adresi zaten başka bir kullanıcı tarafından kullanımda."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Burada mail adresini değiştiremezsin."],"Account":["Hesap"],"Create account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Current password":["Kullandığın şifren"],"E-Mail change":["Mail adresi değiştir"],"New E-Mail address":["Yeni mail adresi"],"Send activities?":["Aktiviteleri gönder?"],"Send notifications?":["Bildirimleri gönder?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Yanlış kullanıcı adı/email veya şifre"],"New password":["Yeni şifre"],"New password confirm":["Yeni şifre doğrula"],"Remember me next time":["Daha sonra hatırla"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Hesabın çalışanlar taradından daha aktive edilmedi."],"Your account is suspended.":["Hesabın banlandı."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Hesap türünüz şifre kurtarma için uygun değil!"],"E-Mail":["Email"],"Password Recovery":["Şifre Kurtarma"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" bulunamadı!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-Posta adresi kullanılıyor - Şifremi Unuttum."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Panoda paneli gizle"],"Invalid language!":["Geçersiz Dil!","Geçersiz dil!"],"Profile visibility":["Profil görünürlük"],"TimeZone":["Zaman Dilimi"],"Default Space":["Varsayılan Mekan"],"Group Administrators":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Üyeler gizli mekan oluşturabilir"],"Members can create public spaces":["Üyeler açık mekan oluşturabilir"],"Birthday":["Doğumgünü"],"City":["Şehir"],"Country":["Ülke"],"Custom":["Gelenek"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook Adres"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Bayan"],"Firstname":["Ad"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr Adres"],"Gender":["Cinsiyet"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ Adres"],"Hide year in profile":["Yılı profilde gizle"],"Lastname":["Soyad"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn Adres"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Erkek"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace Adres"],"Phone Private":["Telefon No"],"Phone Work":["İş Telefonu"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Adı"],"State":["İlçe"],"Street":["Cadde"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter Adres"],"Url":["Adres"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo Adres"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Adres"],"Xing URL":["Xing Adres"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube Adres"],"Zip":["Zip"],"Created by":["Oluşturan"],"Editable":["Düzenlenebilir"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Alan değiştirilemez!"],"Fieldtype":["Alan Tipi"],"Internal Name":["iç Adı"],"Internal name already in use!":["İç ad zaten kullanımda"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["iç ad değiştirilemedi"],"Invalid field type!":["Geçersiz alan tipi"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP özelliği"],"Module":["Modül"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sadece alfanümerik karakterler izinli!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil alanı Kategorisi"],"Required":["Gerekli"],"Show at registration":["Kayıtta göster"],"Sort order":["Sırala"],"Translation Category ID":["Çeviri kategori ID si"],"Type Config":["Ayar Tipi"],"Visible":["Görünür"],"Communication":["İletişim"],"Social bookmarks":["Sosyal imler"],"Datetime":["Tarih zamanı"],"Number":["Rakam"],"Select List":["Seçim Listesi"],"Text":["Yazı"],"Text Area":["Yazı alanı"],"%y Years":["%y Yıl"],"Birthday field options":["Doğumgünü alanı seçenekleri"],"Date(-time) field options":["Tarih (-zaman) alanı seçenekleri"],"Show date/time picker":["Tarih/zaman seçici göster"],"Maximum value":["Maksimum değer"],"Minimum value":["Minimum değer"],"Number field options":["Rakam alanı seçenekleri"],"One option per line. 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Anahtar=>Değer Formatı (Örn. evet=>evet)"],"Please select:":["Lütfen seç:"],"Possible values":["Uygun değerler"],"Select field options":["Çoktan seçmeli seçenekleri"],"Default value":["Varsayılan değer"],"Maximum length":["Maksimum uzunluk"],"Minimum length":["Minimum uzunluk"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Düzenli İfade: Hata mesajı"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Düzenli İfade: Doğrulayıcı"],"Text Field Options":["Yazı Alanı Seçenekleri"],"Validator":["Doğrulayıcı"],"Text area field options":["Yazı alanı seçenekleri"],"Authentication mode":["Kimlik Doğrulama modu"],"New user needs approval":["Yeni kullanıcı onay bekliyor"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Kullanıcı adı sadece harfler, rakamlar, boşluk ve özel karakter (+-._) içerebilir"],"Wall":["Duvar"],"Change E-mail":["Mail adresiDeğiştir","Email Değiştir","Mail adresini Değiştir"],"Current E-mail address":["Geçerlli E-posta adresi"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Yeni mail adresin {email} adresi ile başarıyla değiştirildi."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Yeni mail adresine bir doğrulama maili gönderdik.
Lütfen içindeki adımları takip et"],"Change password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password changed":["Şifre Değişti"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Şifren başarı ile değiştirildi!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profil fotoğrafını değiştir"],"Delete account":["Hesabı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Hesabını silmek istediğine emin misin?
Tüm yayında olan gönderilerin kaldırılacak! "],"Delete account":["Hesabı sil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Devam için şifrenizi girin"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Özür dileriz, bir mekan sahibi olarak hesabını silemezsin!
Lütfen mekanı başka bir kullanıcıya devret veya hepsini sil!"],"User details":["Kullanıcı detayları"],"User modules":["Kullanıcı modülleri"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Profilindeki *TÜM* modül verileri silinmiş olacak! Emin misin?"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Profilini modüllerle genişlet."],"User settings":["Kullanıcı ayarları"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Registered users only":["Kayıtlı kullanıcılar sadece"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Görünürlük tüm (ayrıca kayıtsız kullanıcılar için) "],"Desktop Notifications":["Masaüstü Bildirimler"],"Email Notifications":["Email Bildirimleri"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda bir masaüstü bildirim alın."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["İş mekanları içerisinde takip ettiğin her kişinin her aktivitesi için."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gönderine kullanıcılar yorum yaptığında veya beğendiğinde mail al."],"Account registration":["Hesap oluştur"],"Create Account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Hesabın başarı ile oluşturuldu!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Hesabın yöneticiler tarafından aktif edildikten sonra, bir mail ile bilgilendirileceksin."],"Go to login page":["Giriş sayfasına git"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Yeni hesabınla giriş yapmak için, aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"back to home":["anasayfaya dön","Anasayfaya dön"],"Please sign in":["Giriş yap"],"Sign up":["Kayıt ol"],"Create a new one.":["Yeni oluştur"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Bir hesabınız yok mu? E-posta adresinizi girerek kayıt olun."],"Forgot your password?":["Şifreni mi unuttun?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Üye iseniz Kullanıcı Adı/ E-posta ve şifreniz ile giriş yapınız."],"Register":["Kayıt Ol"],"email":["E-posta"],"password":["Şifre"],"username or email":["Kullanıcı Adı / E-posta"],"Password recovery":[" Şifre kurtarma","Şifre kurtarma"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Sadece mail adresini gir. Sana şifreni kurtarma adımlarını göndereceğiz."],"Password recovery":["Şifre kurtarma"],"Reset password":["Şifre sıfırla"],"enter security code above":["Yeni Şifre"],"your email":["E-posta Adresin"],"Password recovery!":["Şifre kurtar!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Sana şifreni sıfırlamana yardımcı olacak bir mail gönderdik."],"Registration successful!":["Kayıt başarılı!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Lütfen email adresini kontrol et ve bilgilere uy!"],"Registration successful":["Kayıt başarılı"],"Change your password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Change password":["Şifre değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Password changed!":["Şifre değişti!"],"Confirm
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"],"Confirm":["Doğrula"],"Hello":["Merhaba"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Email adresini değiştirmek için istek yolladın.
Yeni mail adresin {newemail}.

Yeni mail adresini kabul etmek için aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"Hello {displayName}":["Merhaba {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Eğer bu linki 24 saat içinde kullanmazsan, geçerliliği bitecek."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Lütfen 24 saat içerisinde şifrenizi kurtarmak için takip eden linke tıklayın."],"Reset Password":["Şifre Sıfırla"],"Registration Link":["Kayıt Linki"],"Sign up":["Kaydol"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin. Üyelikle devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Bir sosyal ağ iletişi ve takımına katılmak için..
Şimdi kaydol ve mekana katıl."],"Sign up now":["Şimdi kaydolun","Şimdi kayıt ol"],"Space Invite":["Mekan DavMekan Davet"],"You got a space invite":["Bir mekan davetin var"],"invited you to the space:":["Mekana davet eden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} {contentTitle} içeriğinde senden bahsetti."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} şimdi seni takip ediyor."],"About this user":["Bu kullanıcı hakkında"],"Modify your title image":["Başlık fotoğrafını değiştir"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Profil yayını hala boş!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Logo görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musun?"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Hesabı düzenle"],"Following":["Takip edilenler"],"Following user":["Takip edilen kullanıcı"],"User followers":["Kullanıcı takipçileri"],"Member in these spaces":["Üye mekanları"],"User tags":["Kullanıcı etiketler"],"No birthday.":["Hiçbir doğum günü yok."],"Back to modules":["Modüllere dön"],"Tomorrow":["Yarın"],"Upcoming":["Yaklaşan"],"becomes":["olur"],"birthdays":["doğum günü"],"days":["Günler"],"today":["bugün"],"years old.":["yaşında."],"Active":["Aktif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Tüm kullanıcılar için işaretle olarak görünmeyen"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Son Dakika Haberleri Yapılandırma"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Not: Markdown söz dizimini kullanabilirsiniz."],"End Date and Time":["Bitiş tarihi ve saati"],"Recur":["Hatırlatma"],"Recur End":["Son hatırlatma"],"Recur Interval":["Aralıklarla hatırlatma"],"Recur Type":["Hatırlatma şekli"],"Select participants":["Katılımcıları seç"],"Start Date and Time":["Başlangıç tarihi ve saati"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Bu etkinliğe erişmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Etkinlik oluşturmak için izniniz yok!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Bu mekana bir etkinlik takvimi ekler."],"All Day":["Tüm günler"],"Attending users":["Katılanlar"],"Calendar":["Takvim"],"Declining users":["Katılmayanlar"],"End Date":["Bitiş tarihi"],"End time must be after start time!":["Bitiş saati başlangıç ​​zamanından sonra olmalıdır!"],"Event":["Etkinlik"],"Event not found!":["Etkinlik bulunamadı!"],"Maybe attending users":["Belki katılanlar"],"Participation Mode":["Katılım şekli"],"Start Date":["Başlangıç tarihi"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Bu etkinliği silmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Bu etkinliği düzenlemek için izniniz yok!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% yeni bir %contentTitle% içerik oluşturdu."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katıldı."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% belki katılıcak."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katılmıyor."],"Start Date/Time":["Başlangıç tarih/saat"],"Create event":["Etkinlik oluştur"],"Edit event":["Etkinlik düzenle"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Not: Bu etkinlik profilinizde oluşturulur. 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"],"Save & Test":["Kaydet ve test et"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Not modülü için çalışan bir etherpad sunucusuna ihtiyaç var!"],"Save and close":["Kaydet ve kapat"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için yeni bir not oluşturdu."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} kullanıcı {spaceName} bulunan not üzerinde çalıştı."],"Open note":["Notu aç"],"Title of your new note":["Yeni not başlığı"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtreyle eşleşen hiç bir not bulunamadı!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Henüz not girilmemiş!"],"Polls":["Anketler"],"Could not load poll!":["Anket yüklenemedi!"],"Invalid answer!":["Geçersiz cevap!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Kullanıcılar oyladı: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Birden fazla cevap için oylama devre dışı bırakıldı!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmek için yeterli izinlere sahip değilsiniz!"],"Answers":["Cevaplar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Kullanıcılar için çoklu cevap"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Lütfen en az {min} cevap işaretleyin!"],"Question":["Soru"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{question} anketi {userName} oyladı."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} yeni bir soru sordu {question}."],"User who vote this":["Hangi kullanıcılar oyladı"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için bir soru sordu."],"Ask":["Sor"],"Reset my vote":["Oyumu sıfırla"],"Vote":["Oyla"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["ve {count} oy verildi."],"votes":["oylar"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Birden fazla cevap verilsin mi?"],"Ask something...":["Bir şeyler sor..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Olası cevaplar (her satır bir cevap)"],"Display all":["Hepsini görüntüle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtre ile eşleşen anket yok!"],"Asked by me":["Bana sorulan"],"No answered yet":["Henüz cevap yok"],"Only private polls":["Sadece özel anketler"],"Only public polls":["Sadece genel anketler"],"Manage reported posts":["Raporlanan mesajlar"],"Reported posts":["Raporlar"],"by :displayName":[":displayName tarafından"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Mekana ait değil"],"Offensive":["Saldırgan"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Bu alanda kullanıcıların mesaj raporlarını yönetebilirsiniz."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Bu alanda bildirilen mesajları yönetebilirsiniz."],"Appropriate":["Uygun"],"Delete post":["Mesajı sil"],"Reason":["Neden"],"Reporter":["Tarafından"],"Tasks":["Görevler"],"Could not access task!":["Göreve erişilemedi!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} size bir görev atadı {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} görev oluşturdu {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{task} Görev sona erdi {userName} .","{userName} görev sona erdi {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} size {task} görevini atadı."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} yeni bir görev oluşturdu {task}."],"This task is already done":["Görev zaten yapıldı"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Bu göreve atanmadınız."],"Click, to finish this task":["Görevi tamamlamak için tıklayın"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Görev zaten yapıldı. Yeniden aç."],"My tasks":["Benim görevlerim"],"From space: ":["Mekandan:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uygun görev bulunamadı!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Henüz görev yok!
İlk görevi oluşturun..."],"Assigned to me":["Bana atanan"],"Nobody assigned":["Hiç kimseye atanan"],"State is finished":["Durum sona erdi"],"State is open":["Durum açık"],"What to do?":["Ne yapalım?"],"Translation Manager":["Çeviri Menejeri"],"Translations":["Çeviriler"],"Translation Editor":["Çeviri Editörü"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modül"],"Edit page":["Sayfa Düzenle"],"Main page":["Anasayfa"],"New page":["Yeni sayfa"],"Revert":["Eski haline dön"],"View":["Görünüm"],"Create new page":["Yeni sayfa oluştur"],"New page title":["Yeni Sayfa Başlığı"],"Allow":["İzin ver"],"Default":["Standart","Varsayılan"],"Deny":["Reddet"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Lütfen en az 3 karakter giriniz"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

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İşlem yaparken devre dışı bırakın!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Daha fazla bilgi için kurulum kılavuzuna bakınız."],"Buy (%price%)":["Satın Al (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Modül yükleniyor ..."],"Licence Key:":["Lisans Anahtarı:"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Kullanıcı diline göre otomatik biçim - Örnek: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Sabit biçim (mm/dd/yyyy) - Örnek: {example}"],"Actions":["Eylemler"],"Last login":["Son giriş"],"never":["asla"],"Error!":["Hata!"],"Purchases":["Satın Alınanlar"],"Enable module...":["Modül etkinleştiriliyor..."],"Updating module...":["Modül güncelleniyor..."],"Allows the user to add comments":["Kullanıcı yorum eklemesi için izin verir"],"Create comment":["Yorum oluşturma"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yeni oluşturulan {contentTitle}."],"in":[", "],"Group members - {group}":["Grup üyeleri - {group}"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Sadece belirli alanlarda ara:"],"Private":["Özel"],"Members":["Üyeler"],"Color":["Renk"],"Add Modules":["Modül ekle"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Mesajları gizle"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Mesajları göster"],"Permissions":["İzinler"],"Confirm new password":["Yeni şifreyi onayla"],"No users found.":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı."],"Date":["Tarih"],"Hide age per default":["Varsayılan olarak yaşı gizle"],"Remember me":["Beni hatırla"],"Confirm delete file":["Dosya silmeyi onayla"],"Add directory":["Dizin ekle"],"Creator":["Yaratıcı"],"Download":["İndir"],"Edit directory":["Düzenleme dizini"],"Move":["Taşı"],"Open":["Aç"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Paket Lisans"],"Licence Serial Code":["Lisans Seri Kodu"],"Create new ldap mapping":["Yeni ldap eşleme oluştur"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Düzenleme ldap haritalama"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP üye haritalama"],"Create new mapping":["Yeni bir eşleme oluştur"],"Space ID":["Alan İD"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Kendinize e-posta gönderemessiniz!"],"Add recipients":["Alıcıları ekle"],"Delete conversation":["Konuşmayı sil"],"Leave conversation":["Konuşmadan ayrıl"],"Title of this entry":["İçeriğin başlığı"],"created by :displayName":["oluşturan :displayName"],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı spam olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı mekana ait değil olarak bildirildi."],"Confirm post deletion":["Mesaj silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm report deletion":["Rapor silmeyi onayla"],"Delete report":["Raporu Sil"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Bu raporu silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"There are no reported posts.":["Rapor edilen mesaj bulunamadı."],"Does not belong to this space":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"It's offensive":["Saldırgan içerik"],"It's spam":["Spam mesaj"],"Report post":["Mesajı bildir"],"Deadline":["Son tarih"],"What is to do?":["Ne yapmak istiyorsun?"],"Assign users to this task":["Göreve kullanıcı atama"],"Deadline for this task?":["Görev için son tarih?"],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelleme"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Tüm dosyalarınızı ve veritabanını yedekleyin"],"Check for next update":["Güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin"],"Could not extract update package!":["Güncelleştirme paketi açılamadı!"],"Could not get update info online! 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(%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Veritabanı göç sonuçları:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Git ve Besteci kurulumları ile birlikte bu güncelleme modülünü kullanmayın!"],"Downloading update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi indiriliyor..."],"Installing update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi yükleniyor..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Tüm dosyalar ve uygulamalar yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Özel modüller ve tema sürümü ile uyumlu olduğundan emin olun"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar uygulama tarafından yazılabilir olsun:"],"Please note:":["Lütfen aklınızda bulundurun:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Güncellemeden önce ve sonra yüklü olan modülleri güncelleyin"],"Proceed Installation":["Kuruluma Devam"],"Release Notes:":["Sürüm notları:"],"Show database migration results":["Veritabanı göç sonuçlarını göster"],"Start Installation":["Kurulumu Başlat"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar (%version%) sürüme ait görünüyor, değişiklikler yapılıp güncelleme işlemi sırasında silinecektir."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Yeni bir sürüm %version% mevcut!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Yeni güncelleme mevcut değil!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Güncelleştirme paketi geçersiz!"],"Warning!":["Uyarı!"],"Warnings:":["Uyarılar:"],"successfully installed!":["başarıyla yüklendi!"],"version update":["sürüm güncelleme"],"Update download failed! 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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
İletişim ve takım çalışmasını artırmak için bir sosyal ağ.
Şimdi sosyal ağa katılmak için kayıt olun."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox ayarlar"],"Select files from dropbox":["Dropbox dosya seçin"],"Types":["Türler"],"Anonymous poll!":["Misafir anket!"],"Confirm page deleting":["Sayfa silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm page reverting":["Sayfa dönüştürmeyi onayla"],"Overview of all pages":["Sayfalara genel bakış"],"Back to page":["Sayfaya dön"],"Go back":["Geri dön"],"Let's go!":["Kullanmaya Başla!"],"Page History":["Sayfa Geçmişi"],"Wiki page":["Wiki sayfası"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wiki sayfası adı veya url girin (örnek: http://example.com)"],"Page content":["Sayfa içeriği"],"Open wiki page...":["Wiki sayfası açık..."],"Most active people":["Aktif kişiler"],"Get a list":["Göster"],"Anonymous":["Misafir"],"Closed":["Kapalı"],"Add answer...":["Cevap ekleyin..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Misafir oy?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Cevapları rastgele sırala?"],"Edit your poll question...":["Anket sorusunu düzenle..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!
İlk anketi oluştur..."],"Send SMS":["SMS Gönder"],"Page history":["Sayfa geçmişi"],"Edited at":["Tarafından"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Henüz sayfa oluşturulmamış.
Şimdi ilk sayfayı oluşturun."],"Approval":["Onay"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Self test":["Test et"],"User posts":["Kullanıcı mesajlar"],"Userprofiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Group user not found!":["Gruba ait kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"No value found!":["Hiçbir sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Default stream content order":["Varsayılan akış içeriği sırası"],"Enable user friendship system":["Arkadaşlık sistemini etkinleştir"],"Sort by creation date":["Oluşturma tarihine göre sırala"],"Sort by update date":["Güncelleme tarihine göre sırala"],"Administrative group":["Yönetim grubu"],"About HumHub":["HumHub Hakkında"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Gereksinim"],"Advanced":["Gelişmiş"],"Third-party":["Üçüncü taraf"],"Advanced Settings":["Gelişmiş Ayarlar"],"Appearance Settings":["Görünüm Ayarları"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-Posta\nAyarları","E-Posta\r\nAyarları"],"General Settings":["Genel Ayarlar"],"User Settings":["Kullanıcı Ayarları"],"Add new space":["Yeni mekan ekle"],"Information":["Bilgilendirme"],"Settings and Configuration":["Ayarlar ve Yapılandırma"],"User administration":["Kullanıcı yönetimi"],"Add new group":["Yeni grup Ekle"],"Back to overview":["Geri dön"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Grubu yönet: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Bekleyen onaylar"],"Profiles":["Profiller"],"Pending user approvals":["Bekleyen kullanıcı onayları"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Aşağıdaki liste, onay bekleyen kayıtlı tüm kullanıcıları içerir."],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Add":["Ekle"],"Add new members...":["Yeni üye ekle..."],"Remove from group":["Gruptan kaldır"],"Disclaimer":["Vazgeç"],"Friendship":["Dostluk"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak bu alana eklenecektir."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Etkin OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed sağlayıcı ekle"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed düzen sağlayıcı"],"Edit user: {name}":["Kullanıcı Düzenle: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Genel bakış görüntülemek için eylemler düzenleyebilir ve silebilirsiniz. Kayıtlı kullanıcı listesi içerir."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni profil kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil kategorisini düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni profil alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil düzenleme alanı"],"comment":["Yorum"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Yeni Yorum"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oluşturdu {contentTitle}."],"Send invite":["Davetiye gönder"],"My friends":["Arkadaşlarım"],"Pending friend requests":["Arkadaş istekleri"],"Sent friend requests":["Gönderilen İstekler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Onayla"],"Add Friend":["Arkadaşı Ekle"],"Cancel friend request":["İsteği Sil"],"Deny friend request":["İsteği Reddet"],"Friends":["Arkadaşlar"],"Requests":["İstekler"],"Sent requests":["Gönderilen istekler"],"Show all friends":["Tüm arkadaşları göster"],"Unfriend":["Arkadaşım Olmayan"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğini kabul etti."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğinizi reddetti."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteği gönderdi."],"Friendship Request":["Arkadaşlık İsteği"],"Friendship Approved":["Arkadaşlık Onaylı"],"New Like":["Yeni Beğeni"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} ve {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} ve {number} diğerleri"],"Other":["Diğer"],"Module Filter":["Modülü Filtrele"],"No notifications found!":["Herhangi bir bildirim bulunamadı!"],"Notification Overview":["Bildirim Genel Bakış"],"post":["Gönderi"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Aranan hiçbir eşleşme yok."],"Space followers":["Sayfa takipçileri"],"No spaces found.":["Sayfa bulunamadı."],"Space":["Sayfa"],"Stream (Default)":["Akış (Varsayılan)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Üzgünüz, bu sayfayı terk etmenize izin verilmiyor."],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Bu sayfanın sahibi olarak sayfanızdaki başka bir kullanıcıya yönetici rolünüzü aktarabilirsiniz."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Url geçersiz karakterler içeriyor!"],"Transfer ownership":["Mülkiyet transfer"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["örn: örneğin {baseUrl}/s/ornekisim"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["%filename% klasörü kaydedilemedi."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Create folder":["Klasör oluştur"],"Edit folder":["Klasör düzenle"],"Move files":["Klasörü taşı"],"Add file(s)":["Dosya Ekle"],"Download ZIP":["ZİP İndir"],"Folder":["Klasör"],"Show":["Göster"],"Show Post":["Gönderiyi göster"],"Updated":["Güncel"],"Upload":["Yükle"],"Upload ZIP":["ZİP Yükle"],"root":["root"],"MarkDown":["Daralt"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)"],"Conversations":["Konuşmalar"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Neden raporlamak istiyorsun?"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Spam mesaj olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Mekana ait olmayan yazı için bildirildi."],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ne Olduğunu Anlamamıza Yardımcı Ol"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Kayıtlı olmayan kullanıcılar için erişim izni. (Misafir erişimi)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Üyeler arasında arkadaşlık"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Yeni kayıt olan kullanıcılar ilk olarak yönetici tarafından aktive edilecek."],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Formu doldurarak yönetici hesabı oluşturmanız gerekir. Bu hesap ile sosyal ağı yönetebilirsiniz."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub çok esnek ve ayarlanabilir yapısı olduğundan farklı modüller ve çeşitli uygulamalar sayesinde genişletilebilir. Aşağıdaki modüller sadece bir kaç örnektir ve seçtiğiniz modüller otomatik kurulacaktır.

İstediğiniz modülü yükleyip sonradan kaldırabilir veya yönetici alanından diğer modüllere göz atabilirsiniz."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Kayıtsız kullanıcıların nasıl erişim sağlayabileceğine karar verebilirsiniz."],"Configuration":["Yapılandırma"],"My club":["Kulübüm"],"My community":["Topluluk"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Şirket (Sosyal Intranet / Proje yönetimi)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Eğitim kurumu (okul, üniversite)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Bu adımı atlayın, ayarlamaları daha sonra yapacağım"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Yapılandırmayı basitleştirmek için bazı modüller ve ayarlamaları farklı seçenekler ile kullanabilirsin. Bir sonraki adım sırasında bunları ayarlayabileceğinizi unutmayın."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Veritabanı bağlantı ayarlarını girmek zorundasınız. Bu konuda emin değilseniz sistem yöneticinize başvurun."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL veritabanı sunucusu ana bilgisayar adı (örneğin, localhost MySQL aynı makinede çalışıyorsa)"],"Initializing database...":["Veritabanı başlatılıyor..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Humhub kurulumu için çalışmak istediğiniz veritabanı adı."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tebrik ederiz! Her şey tamam ve kuruluma başlamak için hazır!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["HumHub sistem gereksinimlerinizin olup olmadığını gösterir."],"Your profile":["Senin profilin"],"Connect account":["Hesabı bağlayın"],"Delete Account":["Hesabı sil"],"Disconnect account":["Hesabın bağlantısını kes"],"My Account":["Hesabım"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"Show more":["Daha fazla göster"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Geçmiş bir tarih girilmesi gerekiyor."],"Unsubscribe":["Abonelikten çık"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Mobil cihazda yatay kaydırma görüntüleri"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub geliştiricileri üçüncü taraf modülleri için hiçbir destek sağlamaz ve bu modülün uygunluğu, işlevselliği veya güvenliği konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermez."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Üçüncü taraf reddi"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Yeni bir ({version}) HumHub Sürümü mevcut."],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın e-posta davranışını ve posta sunucusu ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın kayıt davranışını ve ek kullanıcı ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın temel ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar, sosyal ağınızın gelişmiş konularını belirtir."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar sosyal ağınızın görünümüne atıfta bulunmaktadır."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Kullanıcılar belirli standart alanlar, grup yöneticileri ve izinlerle farklı gruplara (ör. Ekipler, bölümler vb.) atanabilir."],"Visible for members only":["Sadece üyelere görünür"],"Visible for members+guests":["Üyeler + misafirler için görünür"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["E-Posta Adresi için LDAP Özniteliği. Varsayılan: "mail""],"Wall entry layout":["Duvar girişi düzeni"],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Faaliyetler bir alan veya diğer kullanıcılar bağlamında alınan eylemlerin bir özetini sağlar. (Örneğin, yeni bir yayın yazılmış veya yeni bir üye alana katıldı)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Kullanıcı e-postalarını göndermek için varsayılan davranışı tanımlayın. Bu ayarlar kullanıcıların hesap ayarlarında üzerine yazılabilir."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Bildirimler, kullanıcı ile ilgili bilgilerdir (örneğin, kendi yayınlarındaki yeni yorumlar veya yeni bir takipçi). Bildirim, bir kullanıcı işlemi gerekli olduğunda da oluşturulur (ör. Arkadaşlık isteği)."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Burada, yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarlarınızı tanımlayabilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, her bir mekan için üzerine yazılabilir."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Bu genel bakış, mekanları görüntülemek, düzenlemek ve silmek için eylemler içeren her alanın bir listesini içerir."],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Burada profil kategorilerini ve alanlarını oluşturabilir veya düzenleyebilirsiniz."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil niteliklerini yönet"],"Appearance":["Görünüm"],"E-Mails":["E-Postalar"],"Information":["Bilgi"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Kullanıcının mesajlar oluşturmasına izin verir"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Rastgele içerikleri yönetebilir (ör. arşivleyebilir, sabitleyebilir veya silebilirsiniz)"],"Create post":["Mesaj oluştur"],"Manage content":["İçeriği yönetin"],"Load more":["Daha fazla yükle"],"Welcome Space":["Karşılama Mekanı"],"Example contents":["Örnek içerik"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["İlk oturum açtıktan sonra boş bir gösterge tablosundan kaçınmak için, HumHub örnek içeriği sizin için kurabilir. HumHub'un nasıl çalıştığına dair size güzel genel bir görünüm verecektir. Her bir içeriği daima silebilirsiniz."],"Notification Overview":["Bildirimler"],"Show all notifications":["Tüm bildirimleri göster"],"Last Visit":["Son ziyaret"],"Originator User ID":["Başlatan Kullanıcı ID"],"Request Message":["İstek Mesajı"],"Updated By":["Güncelleyen"],"Administrators":["Yöneticiler"],"Default content visibility":["Varsayılan içerik görünürlüğü"],"Homepage":["Anasayfa"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Anasayfa (Misafirler)"],"Moderators":["Moderatörler"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Buraya bir fotoğraf sürükleyin veya dosyalarınıza göz atmak için tıklayın"],"Hide my year of birth":["Doğum yılımı gizle"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, HumHub'u kullandığınız için teşekkürler."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Burada ilk kullanıcı sensin ... Yehuu! İlk kullanan siz olun ve profilinizi tamamlayın, böylece gelecek kullanıcılar, burada kimlerin en iyi olduğunu ve sorularınız varsa açabilecekleri kim olduğunu biliyorlar."],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Becerileriniz, bilgi ve tecrübeleriniz (virgül ile ayrılmış)"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["HumHub {version} güncelleme"],"Abort":["İptal et"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Güncelleme sırasında HumHub çekirdek dosyalarındaki değişiklikler üzerine yazılabilir!"],"Cleanup update files":["Güncelleme dosyalarını temizle"],"Downloading update package":["Güncelleme paketi indiriliyor"],"Extracting package files":["Paket dosyaları çıkartılıyor"],"Installing files":["Dosyaları yükleme"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Tüm dosyaların yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun! ("],"Migrating database":["Veritabanı taşınıyor"],"New updater version available!":["Yeni güncelleyici sürümü mevcut!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Hata mesajı yok. Lütfen günlük dosyalarını kontrol edin!"],"Preparing system":["Sistem hazırlığı"],"Start":["Başla"],"Start update":["Güncellemeyi Başlat"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Güncellemeden sonra varsayılan temaya geç"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Güncelleme başarıyla yüklendi!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Güncelleyici modülünün yeni bir sürümü mevcut. Lütfen devam etmeden önce güncelleyin."],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelle"],"Update successful":["Güncelleme başarılı"],"Validating package":["Paketi onayla"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\r\n\r\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\r\n\r\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\r\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"Pinned":["Yapışkan","Başa Tuttur"],"Unpinned":["Baştan Kaldır"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Confirm Action":["İşlemi Onayla"],"Mail summary":["Mesaj özeti"],"An error occured while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (İşleyici bulunamadı)."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the search result.":["Arama sonuçlarını yüklerken beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unexpected error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"An unexpected server error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir server hatası oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl/Cmd+C":["Panoya kopyalamak için: Ctrl/Cmd+C"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (Geçersiz istek)."],"Loading...":["Yükleniyor..."],"No error information given.":["Hata bilgisi verilmedi."],"Show less":["Daha az göster"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Bazı dosyalar yüklenemedi:"],"The file has been deleted.":["Dosya silinmiştir."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["İstenilen kaynak bulunamadı."],"The space has be archived.":["Alan arşivlenmiştir."],"The space has be unarchived.":["Alan arşivden çıkarılmıştır."],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Bu işlemi yapmaya izniniz yok."],"Ordered List":["Düzenlenen Liste"],"Unordered List":["Düzenlenmeyen Liste"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-posta Özetleri"],"Daily":["Günlük"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-posta Özetleri"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-posta özetleri sosyal ağınızdaki son aktiviteleri bilgilendirmek amacıyla size gönderilir."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-posta özetleri sosyal ağınızdaki son aktiviteleri kullanıcıları bilgilendirmek amacıyla kendilerine gönderilir."],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["E-posta özetinden aşağıdaki sayfaları çıkar"],"Hourly":["Saat başı"],"Interval":["Süre"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["Bu sayfada, alacağınız e-posta güncellemeleri ile ilgili süreyi ayarlayabilirsiniz."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Bu sayfada kullanıcılarınızın varsayılan ayarlarını belirleyebilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, kullanıcılarınızın hesap ayarları bölümünde bundan sonra geçerli olacaktır."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["E-posta özeti yalnızca aşağıdaki sayfaları içersin"],"Reset to defaults":["Varsayılan ayarlara geri dön"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["Yalnızca yeni bir işlem olduğunda e-posta ile bilgilendirileceksiniz."],"Space member joined":["Sayfa üyesi katıldı."],"Space member left":["Sayfa üyesi ayrıldı"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Sayfa üyelerinden biri sayfanızdan ayrıldığında."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Yeni bir sayfa üyesi sayfanıza katıldığında."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Erişim engellendi. - Üye daveti gönderemezsiniz."],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Bu kullanıcı zaten bu sayfanın üyesi."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Bu kullanıcı bu sayfanın üyesi değil."],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["{username} isimli kullanıcı zaten bu sayfa üyesi!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["{username} isimli kullanıcı zaten bu sayfaya üyelik isteğinde bulunmuş!"],"the default start page of this space for members":["sayfa üyeleri için gösterilecek varsayılan giriş sayfası"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["misafirler için gösterilecek varsayılan giriş sayfası"],"First name":["Ad"],"Last name":["Soyad"],"The space has been archived.":["Alan arşivlenmiştir."],"The space has been unarchived.":["Alan arşivden çıkarılmıştır."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibrary}"],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (İşleyici bulunamadı)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["Arama sonuçlarını yüklerken beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir server hatası oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"Weekly":["Haftalık"],"Your weekly summary":["Haftalık özet"],"See online:":["Çevrimiçi olaraklar:"],"Contents":["İçerikler"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Yeni bir içerik (ör. mesaj) oluşturulduğunda."],"Could not delete content!":["İçerik silinemedi!"],"Invalid request method!":["Geçersiz istek yöntemi!"],"This action is disabled!":["Bu eylem devre dışı!"],"Web":["Ağ"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Varsayılan olarak masaüstü bildirimlerine izin ver."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Aşağıdaki alanlar için 'Yeni İçerik' bildirimleri alın"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda masaüstü bildirimlerini alın."],"Basic Settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Change Email":["E-posta Değiştir"],"Change Password":["Şifre Değiştir"],"Connected Accounts":["Bağlı Hesaplar"],"Connected accounts":["Bağlı hesaplar"],"Current Password":["Şuanki Şifre"],"Sign in / up":["Oturum aç/kapa"],"or":["veya"],"Administrative Contact":["İdari İletişim"],"Advanced Options":["Gelişmiş seçenekler"],"Datacenter":["Veri merkezi"],"Invalid content id given!":["Geçersiz içerik kimliği!"],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["Yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["Yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu. İpucu: upload_max_filesize ve post_max_size php ayarlarınızı kontrol edin."],"Copy to clipboard":["Panoya kopyala"],"Error:":["Hata:"],"Info:":["Bilgi:"],"Logo of {appName}":["{appName} Logosu"],"My profile image":["Profil resmim"],"Profile dropdown":["Profil menüsü"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profil resmi {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profil fotoğrafı {displayName}"],"Toggle panel menu":["Panel menüsünü aç / kapat"],"Toggle post menu":["Yayın menüsünü aç / kapat"],"Upload file":["Dosya yükle"],"User is already a member of this group.":["Kullanıcı zaten bu grubun üyesi."],"Add Groups...":["Grup Ekle..."],"Select Groups":["Grupları Seç"],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["İçerik silinemedi: Erişim reddedildi!"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator}, {contentInfo} size bildirdi "],"View Online":["Çevrimiçi Görüntüleme"],"Content visibility":["İçerik görünürlüğü"],"This space is archived.":["Bu alan arşivlenmektedir."],"Security settings":["Güvenlik ayarları"],"Not registered users":["Kayıtlı kullanıcı yok"],"Other users":["Diğer kullanıcılar"],"Your friends":["Arkadaşların"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:

\n\n Saygılarımızla

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\n\n Saygılarımızla

"],"Toggle comment menu":["Yorum menüsü değiştirme"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Akış giriş menüsünü aç / kapat"],"No caching":["Önbellek yok"],"1 month":["1 ay"],"1 week":["1 hafta"],"1 year":["1 yıl"],"2 weeks":["2 hafta"],"3 months":["3 ay"],"6 months":["6 ay"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Günlükler için izin verilen maksimum sınır"],"Administrative":["Yönetim"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Mevcut güncellemeler gibi yönetimsel etkinlikler için bildirimler alın."],"Can manage users and groups":["Kullanıcıları ve grupları yönetebilir"],"Manage Modules":["Modülleri Yönet"],"Manage Spaces":["Mekanları Yönet"],"Manage Users":["Kullanıcıları Yönet"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Ne zaman yeni bir yorum yazılmış"],"Cancel Edit":["İptal Düzenle"],"Comment has been deleted":["Yorum silindi"],"Read full comment...":["Yorumu tam okuyun ..."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Interested":["İlgilenen"],"Edit file":["Dosya düzenle"],"File url":["Dosya link"],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Varolmayan dosyayı düzenleyemiyor."],"Display Url":["Görüntülenen Link"],"Root":["Kök"],"Selected items...":["Seçilen öğeler..."],"Create draw.io document":["Draw.io belgesi oluştur"],"Edit using draw.io":["Draw.io dosyasını düzenleme"],"File write access denied!":["Dosya yazma erişimi reddedildi!"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["örn: https://draw.io"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Just enter your e-mail address. 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Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin veya bir ağ yöneticisine başvurun."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Kullanıcı hesabınız etkin değil, lütfen aktif bir hesapla giriş yapın veya bir ağ yöneticisine başvurun."],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% arşivlendi"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% arşivden kaldırıldı"],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Bu kullanıcının tüm kişisel verileri geri alınamaz bir şekilde silinecektir."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["Kullanıcı şu mekanların sahibidir:"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Bu kullanıcının mekanları yok."],"Add Topic":["Konu Ekle"],"Topic":["Konu"],"Topic has been deleted!":["Konu silindi!"],"Topics":["Konular"],"Can add new topics":["Yeni konular ekleyebilir"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Konuları düzenleyebilir ve kaldırabilir"],"No topics found for the given query":["Konu ekle"],"User Interface":["Kullanıcı Arabirimi"],"Invalid icon.":["Geçersiz ikon"],"Select icon":["İkon Seç"],"Hide sidebar":["Kenar çubuğunu gizle"],"Show sidebar":["Kenar çubuğunu göster"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Lütfen bu içeriği neden bildirmek istediğinizi belirtin."]} \ No newline at end of file +{"Could not find requested module!":["İstenen modül bulunamadı!"],"Invalid request.":["Geçersiz istek."],"Keyword:":["Anahtar:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Hiç bir girdi bulunamadı."],"Results":["Sonuçlar"],"Show more results":["Daha fazla sonuç göster"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Üzgünüz, sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin"],"Latest updates":["Son güncellemeler"],"Search":["Arama"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Back":["Geri"],"Back to dashboard":["Panele geri dön","Gösterge paneline geri dön"],"Choose language:":["Dil Seçin:"],"Collapse":["Başarısız"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["İçerik eklenti kaynağı HActiveRecordContent ya da HActiveRecordAddon şeklinde olmalı!"],"Could not determine content container!":["İçerik kabı saptanamıyor!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Eklenti içeriği bulunamadı!"],"Error":["Hata"],"Expand":["Göster"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["İçerik oluşturmak için izinler yetersiz!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Yanlış bir geridönüş var gibi görünüyor."],"Language":["Dil"],"Latest news":["Güncel haberler"],"Login":["Giriş"],"Logout":["Çıkış"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"My profile":["Profilim"],"New profile image":["Yeni profil resmi"],"Oooops...":["Hata!"],"Search":["Arama"],"Search for users and spaces":["Kullanıcı ve alanlarda ara"],"Space not found!":["Alan bulunamadı!","Sayfa bulunamadı!"],"User Approvals":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User not found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Genel içerik oluşturmazsınız!"],"Your daily summary":["Günlük özetiniz"],"Login required":["Giriş Yapınız"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Sunucu hatası oluştu."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için izin gereklidir."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Küresel {global} dizi yöntemi {method} ile temizlenmelidir."],"Upload error":["Yükleme hatası"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Add image/file":["Resim/Dosya Ekle"],"Add link":["Link Ekle"],"Bold":["Kalın"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Url girin (Örnek: http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Başlık"],"Image":["Resim"],"Image/File":["Resim/Dosya"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Bağlantı Ekle"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Resim Bağlantısı Ekle"],"Italic":["İtalik"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin..."],"Preview":["Görüntüle"],"Quote":["Alıntı"],"Target":["Hedef"],"Title":["Başlık"],"Title of your link":["Bağlantı Başlığı"],"URL/Link":["URL/Adres"],"code text here":["kod metni girin"],"emphasized text":["vurgulanan metin"],"enter image description here":["resim açıklaması girin"],"enter image title here":["resim başlığını girin"],"enter link description here":["bağlantı açıklaması girin"],"heading text":["başlık metni"],"list text here":["metin listesi girin"],"quote here":["alıntı girin"],"strong text":["kalın metin"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Bu nesne türü için etkinlik oluşturamazsınız!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% yeni bir alan oluşturdu %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% bu alanı oluşturdu."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - 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\n \n your account has been activated.

\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n \n Hesabınız aktive edildi

\n \n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}

\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n \n your account request has been declined.

\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n \n Hesab talebiniz reddedildi.

\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' kabul edildi."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' reddedildi."],"Group not found!":["Grup bulunamadı!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Modül direkt kaldırılamaz! Modül korumada."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %path% yazılabilir değil!"],"Saved":["Kaydet"],"Database":["Veritabanı"],"No theme":["Tema yok"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP yüklenemedi! - PHP Eklentisini kontrol t"],"File":["Dosya"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Önbellek yok (Sadece test!)","Önbellek yok(Sadece test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Yok - kullanıcı kaydında açılır gösterim."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Kaydedildi ve önbellek düzeltildi"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Yerel"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Kendini silemezsin!"],"Become this user":["Bu kullanıcı ol"],"Delete":["Sil"],"Disabled":["Devre dışı"],"Enabled":["Etkin"],"Save":["Kaydet"],"Unapproved":["Onaylanmamış"],"Could not load category.":["Kategori yüklenemedi."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Sadece boş kategorileri silebilirsiniz!"],"Group":["Grup"],"Message":["Mesaj"],"Subject":["Konu"],"Base DN":["DN Temeli"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP desteği aktif"],"Encryption":["Şifreleme"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Kullanıcıları Otomatik Getir/Güncelle"],"Hostname":["Host adı","Host adı (Örnek: localhost)","Host Adı"],"Login Filter":["Giriş filtresi"],"Password":["Şifre"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Kullanıcı filtresi"],"Username":["Kullanıcı adı"],"Username Attribute":["Kullanıcı niteliği"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Kimliği doğrulanmamış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişime izin ver (misafir)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonim kullanıcılar kayıt olabilir"],"Default user group for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için varsayılan kullanıcı grubu"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Varsayılan kullanıcı boşta kalma (Zaman aşımı), otomatik çıkış (saniye cinsinden, isteğe bağlı)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Varsayılan kullanıcı profili görünürlüğü"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Kullanıcılar eposta ile davet gönderebilirler"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kayıttan sonra grup yöneticisinin onayı gerekir"],"Base URL":["Temel URL"],"Default language":["Varsayılan dil"],"Default space":["Varsayılan alan"],"Invalid space":["Geçersiz alan"],"Logo upload":["Logo Yükle"],"Name of the application":["Uygulama adı"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için tanıtım turu göster"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Panoda kullanıcı profil paylaşım alanı"],"Cache Backend":["Önbellek arkaucu"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Varsayılan bitiş zamanı (saniye)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"Dropdown space order":["Açılır menu arası boşluk"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standart sayfalama boyutu (sayfa başına yazı)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Görünen isim (Biçim)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["İzin verilen dosya Uzantıları"],"Convert command not found!":["Dönüştürme komutu bulunamadı!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Boş image magick karşılığı! - Doğru komut?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Duvara görüntülenen dosyaların (isim, boyut) bilgilerini sakla"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Duvarda gösterilen nesnelerin dosya listesi widget'ı gizle."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick dönüştürme komutu (isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum görüntü önizleme yüksekliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum önizleme görüntü genişliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimum dosya yükleme boyutu (MB türünden)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Dosya indirmek için X-Sendfile kullan"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Sertifikaları kendinden İmzalı izin ver?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Eposta gönderen adresi"],"E-Mail sender name":["Eposta gönderen adı"],"Mail Transport Type":["Posta transfer türü"],"Port number":["Port numarası"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Adres"],"Url Prefix":["Url Önek"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Proxy Sunucu yok"],"Server":["Sunucu"],"User":["Kullanıcı"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Süper yöneticiler tüm içerik ve nesneleri silebilir"],"Default Join Policy":["Varsayılan Politikaya Katıl"],"Default Visibility":["Varsayılan Görünürlük"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML izleme kodu"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modül yolu için modül %moduleId% zaten var!"],"Could not extract module!":["Modül çıkarılamadı!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül listesi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül bilgisi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Modülü indirme başarısız oldu!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %modulePath% yazılabilir değil!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modül indirme başarısız! %error%"],"No compatible module version found!":["Hiçbir uyumlu modül sürümü bulundu!","Uyumlu modül versiyonu bulunamadı!"],"Activated":["Aktif","Aktive edildi"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Daha hiç modül yüklenmedi. Fonksiyonelliği artırmak için modül yükle!"],"Version:":["Sürüm:"],"Installed":["Yüklendi","Yüklü"],"No modules found!":["Modül bulunamadı!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tüm modüller güncel!"],"About HumHub":["HumHub hakkında"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Şu anda yüklü sürüm: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lisanslar"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yeni bir güncelleme mevcut! (Son sürüm: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["HumHub sürümünüz güncel!"],"Accept":["Kabul et"],"Decline":["Katılmıyorum"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Kullanıcıyı kabul et: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["İptal"],"Send & save":["Gönder ve kaydet"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Kullanıcıyı reddet ve sil: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-posta"],"Search for email":["Eposta için arama"],"Search for username":["Kullanıcı adı için arama"],"Pending user approvals":["Onay bekleyen kullanıdılar"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Burda kayıtlı ve halen onay bekleyen kullanıcılar görüntülenir."],"Delete group":["Grup sil"],"Delete group":["Grubu sil"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["\"{group}\" grubunu silmek için mevcut kullanıcılara bir grup seçmeniz gerekli:"],"Create new group":["Yeni grup oluştur"],"Edit group":["Grup düzenle"],"Description":["Açıklama"],"Group name":["Grup adı"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Açıklama için arama"],"Search for group name":["Grup adı için ara"],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Create new group":["Yeni Grup Oluştur"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Kullanıcıları bölebilir ve farklı gruplara atayabilir, (takım, birim benzeri) ve standart alan ya da yöneticiler seçebilirsiniz."],"Flush entries":["Tüm girdileri sil"],"Error logging":["Hata günlüğü"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Sayfabaşına görüntülenen girdiler {count}"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Toplam bulunan girdiler {count}"],"Available updates":["Mevcut güncellemeler"],"Browse online":["Çevrimiçi gözat"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modüller HumHub un fonksiyonelliğini artırır. Burada HumHub Marketten modül yüklüyebilir veya yönetebilirsin."],"Module details":["Modül ayrıntıları"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Bu modül daha fazla bilgi içermez."],"Processing...":["İşleniyor..."],"Modules directory":["Modül dizini"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri ve dosyaları kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Configure":["Yapılandırma","Kurulum"],"Disable":["Pasif","Devre dışı","Deaktif"],"Enable":["Aktif","Etkinleştirme"],"More info":["Daha fazla bilgi"],"Set as default":["Varsayılan yap"],"Uninstall":["Kaldır"],"Install":["Yükle"],"Latest compatible version:":["En son uyumlu sürüm:"],"Latest version:":["Son versiyon:"],"Installed version:":["Yüklenen versiyon:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["En son uyumlu versiyon:"],"Update":["Güncelle"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Varsayılan modül olarak ayarla"],"Always activated":["Daima aktif"],"Deactivated":["Deaktif"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Bir modülün kullanıcının ya da alanlarda otomatik olarak aktif olup olmayacağını seçebilirsiniz. Eğer tüm bölümlerde aktif olmasını istiyorsanız \"Daima aktif\"i seçin."],"Spaces":["Mekanlar"],"User Profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Mevcut yeni (%version%) HumHub sürümü var."],"Authentication - Basic":["Temel - Kimlik"],"Basic":["Temel"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum 20 saniyedir. 1400 saniye (24 dakika) (varsayılan oturum zaman aşımı) sonra zaman aşımına olacaktır."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kimliği doğrulanmış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişim etkin olduğunda geçerli olur. Sadece yeni kullanıcılar etkiler."],"Authentication - LDAP":["LDAP - Kimlik doğrulama"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL / TLS açık metin olarak iletilir şifreleri önlemek için üretim ortamlarında tercih edilir."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Kullanıcı adı için LDAP özelliği. Örnek: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Bu kriterleri karşılayan kullanıcılara erişim sınırlandırma. Örnek: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Durum: Hata! (Mesaj: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Durum: TAMAM! ( {usercount} Kullanıcılar)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Hesaplar için yapılan aramada varsayılan temel DN kullan."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Varsayılan kimlik şifresi (Sadece kullanıcı adı ile kullanılır)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Varsayılan kimlik ismi. Bazı sunucular bu DN formda olmasını gerektirir.LDAP sunucusu bağlamak ve bağlayıcı basit kullanıcı adları ile mümkün olmalıdır DN gerektiriyorsa, bu DN şeklinde verilmelidir."],"Cache Settings":["Ön bellek Ayarları"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Kaydet ve önbelleği göm"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Ayarları"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Kullanıcı crontab: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Son çalışma (günlük):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Son çalışma (saatlik):"],"Never":["Asla"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ya da Crontab root kullanıcı"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Lütfen aşağıdaki cronjobs öğelerinin yüklü olduğundan emin olun:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetik\n"],"Last visit":["Son Ziyaret"],"Design settings":["Dizayn Ayarları"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Ad Soyad (Örnek: Mehmet Çifçi)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Kullanıcı adı (Örnek: mehmet)"],"File settings":["Dosya Ayarları"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Virgülle ayrılmış liste. Hepsine izin vermek için boş bırak"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Listeleri virgül ile ayır. Duvara tüm nesneler için dosya listesini göstermek için boş bırakın."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, yükseklik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, genişlik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP maksimum sunulan {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Confirm image deleting":["Görüntü silmeyi onayla"],"Dashboard":["Panel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Örn. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak belirli alana eklenir."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Logo kullanmıyorsun. Şimdi logo yükle."],"Mailing defaults":["Posta varsayılanları"],"Activities":["Aktiviteler"],"Always":["Herzaman"],"Daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Defaults":["Varsayılan"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Kullanıcı bildirimleri veya yenilikler hakkında eposta alma özelliği varsayılan olarak tanımlıdır. Bu ayarı kullanıcı hesap ayarları bölümünden değiştirebilir."],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Server Settings":["Sunucu Ayarları"],"When I´m offline":["Ben çevrimdışıyken"],"Mailing settings":["Posta Ayarları"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Ayarları"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Add new provider":["Yeni Sağlayacı Ekle"],"Currently active providers:":["Şuan da etkin sağlayıcılar:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Şuan sağlayıcılar aktif değil!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısı Ekle"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısını Düzenle"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Önek http:// ve https:// (Örnek: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Url için %url% yer tutucusunu kullanın. Url biçimi JSON olmalıdır. (Örnek: http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy ayarları"],"Security settings and roles":["Güvenlik Ayarları ve Roller"],"Self test":["Kendi kendini test et"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub yazılım önkoşulları denetleniyor."],"Re-Run tests":["Yeniden test et"],"Statistic settings":["İstatistik Ayarları"],"All":["Hepsi"],"Delete space":["Mekan sil"],"Edit space":["Mekan düzenle"],"Search for space name":["Mekan adı için arama"],"Search for space owner":["Mekan sahibi için arama"],"Space name":["Mekan adı"],"Space owner":["Sayfa sahibi"],"View space":["Mekan görüntüle"],"Manage spaces":["Mekan Yönetimi"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarları tanımla"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Tüm mekanlar bulunabilir ve yönetilebilir."],"Overview":["Genel Bakış"],"Settings":["Ayarlar"],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Add user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Eğer bu kullanıcıya ait bazı mekanlar varsa, sen bu mekanların sahibi olacaksın. Bu kullanıcıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? "],"Delete user":["Kullanıcıyı sil"],"Delete user: {username}":["Kullanıcıyı sil: {username}"],"Edit user":["Kullanıcıyı düzenle"],"Admin":["Yönetici"],"Delete user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını sil"],"Edit user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını düzenle"],"No":["Hayır"],"View user profile":["Kullanıcı profilini görüntüle"],"Yes":["Evet"],"Manage users":["Kullanıcıları yönet"],"Add new user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Kayıtlı kullanıcıları bulabilir, görüntüleyebilir ve yönetebilirsiniz."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni Profil Kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil Kategorisi düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni Profil Alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil Alanı düzenle"],"Manage profiles fields":["Profil alanlarını yönet"],"Add new category":["Yeni kategori ekle"],"Add new field":["Yeni alan ekle"],"Security & Roles":["Güvenlik ve roller"],"Administration menu":["Yönetici Menüsü"],"About":["Hakkında","Hakkımda"],"Authentication":["Kimlik doğrulama"],"Caching":["Ön bellekleme"],"Cron jobs":["Cron Jobs"],"Design":["Tasarım"],"Files":["Dosyalar"],"Groups":["Gruplar"],"Logging":["Oturum","Günlük"],"Mailing":["Posta"],"Modules":["Modüller"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Test ve güncelleme"],"Statistics":["İstatistikler"],"User approval":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Users":["Kullanıcılar"],"Click here to review":["Görüntülemek için tıklayın"],"New approval requests":["Yeni onay istekleri"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Bir veya daha fazla kullanıcı grubu yönetici onayı bekliyor."],"Could not delete comment!":["Yorumu silinemedi!"],"Invalid target class given":["Verilen hedef sınıfı geçersiz"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id Parametresi gerekli!"],"Target not found!":["Hedef bulunamadı!"],"Access denied!":["Erişim engellendi!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Comment":["Yorum"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı"],"Comments":["Yorumlar"],"Edit your comment...":["Yorumunu düzenle..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğe %displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini yorumladı."],"Show all {total} comments.":["{total} diğer yorumu gör"],"Write a new comment...":["Yeni bir yorum yaz..."],"Post":["Gönderi"],"Show %count% more comments":["Daha %count% fazla yorum göster"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Yorum silme işlemini onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Bu yorumu silmek istediğine emin misin?"],"Edit":["Düzenle"],"Updated :timeago":["Güncellendi :timeago"],"Could not load requested object!":["İstenen obje yüklenemedi"],"Unknown content class!":["Bilinmeyen içerik sınıfı!"],"Could not find requested content!":["İstenen içerik bulunamadı!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["İstenen permalink bulunamadı!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} kullanıcısı {contentTitle} gönderisini oluşturdu"],"Submit":["Gönder"],"Move to archive":["Arşive taşı"],"Unarchive":["Arşivden taşı","Arşivden çıkar"],"Add a member to notify":["Bilgilendirme için bir kullanıcı ekle"],"Make private":["Gizli yap"],"Make public":["Açık yap"],"Notify members":["Üyeleri bilgilendir"],"Public":["Herkes","Herkese açık"],"What's on your mind?":["Aklında neler var?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Gönderi silinmesini Onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Bu gönderiyi silmek istediğine emin misin? Tüm yorumlar ve beğeniler kaybolacak!","Bu yazıyı silmek istiyor musunuz? Yorumlar ve beğeniler silinecektir!"],"Archived":["Arşiv"],"Sticked":["Yapışkan"],"Turn off notifications":["Bildirimleri kapat"],"Turn on notifications":["Bildirimleri aç"],"Permalink to this post":["İçerik bağlantısı"],"Permalink":["İçerik bağlantısı"],"Stick":["Başa Tuttur"],"Unstick":["Baştan Kaldır"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Daha hiçkimse birşey yazmamış.
Bir başlangıç yap ve birşeyler yaz..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Bu profilin yayını hala boş"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Bu mekan hala boş!Burada bir şey paylaşarak başla..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Panon bomboş!Profilinde birşeyler paylaş veya birkaç mekana katıl!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Profil yayının hala boş
Başlangıç olarak birşeyler paylaş..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uyan hiçbir şey bulunamadı!"],"Show all":["Tümünü göster"],"Back to stream":["Yayına dön","Akışlara geri dön"],"Content with attached files":["Ekli dosyalarla içerik"],"Created by me":["Benim tarafımdan oluşturuldu","Açtıklarım"],"Creation time":["Oluşturulma zamanı","Oluşturma süresi"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Arşivlenen gönderileri içer"],"Last update":["Son güncelleme"],"Only private posts":["Sadece gizli gönderiler"],"Only public posts":["Sadece açık gönderiler"],"Posts only":["Sadece gönderiler"],"Posts with links":["Linkler gönderilerle birlikte"],"Sorting":["Sıralama"],"Where I´m involved":["Nerede gelişebilirim"],"No public contents to display found!":["Gösterilebilecek içerik bulanamadı!"],"Directory":["Dizin"],"Member Group Directory":["Kullanıcı Grup dizini"],"show all members":["tüm kullanıcıları göster"],"Directory menu":["Dizin menüsü"],"Members":["Üyeler","Kullanıcılar"],"User profile posts":["Kullanıcı gönderileri"],"Member directory":["Kullanıcı dizini"],"Follow":["Takip et"],"No members found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"Unfollow":["Takibi Bırak"],"search for members":["kullanıcılar için ara"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"No spaces found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"You are a member of this space":["Bu mekanın bir üyesisiniz"],"search for spaces":["mekanlarda ara"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Profil mesajı henüz bulunmamaktadır!"],"Group stats":["Grup istatistikleri"],"Average members":["Ortalama üye"],"Top Group":["En iyi grup"],"Total groups":["Toplam gruplar"],"Member stats":["Kullanıcı istatistikleri"],"New people":["Yeni insanlar"],"Follows somebody":["Birilerini takip et"],"Online right now":["Şu anda çevrimiçi"],"Total users":["Toplam kullanıcı"],"See all":["Tümünü gör"],"New spaces":["Yeni mekanlar"],"Space stats":["Mekan istatistikleri"],"Most members":["Çoğu üye"],"Private spaces":["Özel mekanlar"],"Total spaces":["Toplam mekanlar"],"Could not find requested file!":["İstenen dosya bulunamadı!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksimum dosya büyüklüğüne {maxFileSize} ulaşıldı"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Bu dosya türü için izin yok!"],"Created By":["Oluşturan"],"Created at":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"File name":["Dosya adı"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID","Kimlik","İD"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Geçersiz Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Boyut"],"Updated at":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Updated by":["Güncelleyen"],"Could not upload File:":["Dosya yüklenemedi:"],"Upload files":["Dosya yükle"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Yüklenen dosyaların listesi:"],"Create Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı Oluştur"],"Name of your network":["Sosyal Ağınızın Adı"],"Name of Database":["Database Adı"],"Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Neredeyse bitti. Son adımda bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmak için formu doldurmanız gerekli. Bu hesapla sosyal ağı yöneteceksiniz."],"Next":["İleri"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Yeni bir Sosyal Ağ adı gerekiyor. Beğendiğiniz bir isim giriniz."],"Social Network Name":["Sosyal Ağ İsim"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tebrikler tüm adımları tamamladınız."],"Setup Complete":["Kurulum Tamamlandı"],"Sign in":["Giriş Yap"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Kurulum başarıyla tamamlandı!
Yeni sosyal ağınız ile paylaşım yapmaya başlayabilirsiniz."],"Setup Wizard":["Kurulum Sihirbazı"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Humhub Sosyal Ağ Kurulumu"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.

To continue, click Next.":["Kurulum sihirbazı ile kendi Humhub Sosyal Ağınızı oluşturabilirsiniz.
Devam etmek için İleri'yi tıklatın."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Evet, veritabanı bağlantısı çalışıyor!"],"Database Configuration":["Veritabanı Ayarlamaları"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, bir şeyler yanlış gitti!"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQL şifre"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQL kullanıcı adı"],"System Check":["Sistem Kontrol"],"Check again":["Kontrol Et"],"Could not find target class!":["Hedef bölüm bulunamadı!"],"Could not find target record!":["Hedef kayıt bulunamadı!"],"Invalid class given!":["Verilen bölüm geçersiz!"],"Users who like this":["Hangi kullanıcılar beğendi"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} beğendi {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğini %displayName% beğendi."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini beğendi."],"Like":["Beğen"],"Unlike":["Beğenme"]," likes this.":["beğendi."],"You like this.":["Bunu beğendin."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["ve {count} kişi beğendi."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen link saptanamıyor!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen bildirim bulunamıyor!"],"New":["Yeni"],"Mark all as seen":["Hepsini okundu işaretle"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Henüz bildirim bulunmuyor."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% yeni bir gönderi yazdı."],"Edit your post...":["Gönderini düzenle..."],"Read full post...":["Gönderinin tamamını oku..."],"Search results":["Arama sonuçları"],"Content":["İçerik"],"Send & decline":["Gönder ve Kabul etme"],"Visible for all":["Tümü görebilir"]," Invite and request":[" Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Sayfa sahibi bir kullanıcı silinemedi! Sayfanın adı: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Herkes girebilir"],"Invite and request":["Davet ve İstek talebi"],"Only by invite":["Sadece davetliler"],"Private (Invisible)":["Gizli (Görünmez)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Genel (Üyeler & Misafirler)"],"Public (Members only)":["Genel (Yalnızca üyeler)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Genel (Yalnızca kayıtlı kullanıcılar)"],"Public (Visible)":["Genel (Görünür)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Tümü görebilir (Üyeler ve Misafirler)"],"Space is invisible!":["Sayfa görünmez!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Bu sayfa içeriğini görüntülemek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Sayfa sahibi olarak siz üyeliğinizi iptal edemezsiniz!"],"Could not request membership!":["Üyelik isteği gerçekleşmedi!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Bekleyen davet bulunmuyor!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Bu eylemi yalnızca çalışma alanı üyeleri kullanabilir!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Bu sayfaya katılmanıza izin verilmiyor!"],"Your password":["Şifreniz"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["e-posta adresi ile yeni kullanıcı (virgülle ayılmış)"],"Invites":["Davetler"],"User is already member!":["Kullanıcı zaten üye"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} zaten kayıtlı!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} adresi geçersiz!"],"Application message":["Uygulama mesajı"],"Scope":["Faaliyet"],"Strength":["Kadro"],"Created At":["Oluşturma zamanı"],"Join Policy":["Katılma İlkesi"],"Name":["İsim","Ad"],"Owner":["Sahibi","Yönetici"],"Status":["Durum"],"Tags":["Etiketler"],"Updated At":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Visibility":["Görünüm"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website adresi (isteğe bağlı)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Özel görünür sayfalar oluşturamazsınız!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Genel görünür sayfalar oluşturamazsınız!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Kullanıcı fotoğrafı olarak kullanmak istediğin alanı seç ve Kaydet e tıkla"],"Modify space image":["Mekan resmi değiştir"],"Delete space":["Mekanı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tüm yayınlanan içerikler silinecektir! Bu mekanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Lütfen devam etmek için şifrenizi girin!"],"General space settings":["Genel mekan ayarları"],"Archive":["Arşiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Bu çalışma alanı için geçerli bir üyelik türü seçin."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Bu çalışma alanının görünürlük düzeyini seçin."],"Search members":["Üyelerde ara"],"Manage your space members":["Mekan üyelerini yönet"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen davetler"],"Outstanding user requests":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen istekler"],"Remove member":["Üyeyi sil"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Bu kullanıcının diğerlerini
davet etmesine izin ver"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Bu kullanıcının içerik
oluşturmasına izin ver"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bu üyeyi mekandan silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"],"Can invite":["Davet edebilir"],"Can share":["Paylaşabilir"],"Change space owner":["Mekan sahibi değiştir"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Kimler eposta ile davet gönderebilir, burada listelenmez."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Aşağıdaki mekanda aktif kullanıcılara bakın. Ayrıcalıklarını düzenleyebilir ya da kaldırabilirsiniz."],"Is admin":["Yönetici"],"Make this user an admin":["Bu kullanıcıyı yönetici yap"],"No, cancel":["Hayır, iptal"],"Remove":["Sil"],"Request message":["İstek mesajı"],"Revoke invitation":["Daveti geri al"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar mekana katılmak için onay bekliyor. Lütfen bir aksiyon seçin."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar zaten bu mekana davet edildi, fakat şimdiye kadar daveti takip etmediler."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Tüm ayrıcalıklara ve süper admin yetkilerine olan mekan sahipleri ve mekan oluşturan normal kullanıcılar. Burda başka bir kullanıcı ile rolleri değiştirebilirsiniz."],"Yes, remove":["Evet, sil"],"Space Modules":["Mekan Modülleri"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Emin misiniz? Bu alan için *TÜM * modül verileri silinecek!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Şu anda bu mekanda hiçbir modül bulunmuyor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Modüller ile bu alanı geliştirin."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan oluştur"],"Advanced access settings":["Gelişmiş erişim ayarları "],"Advanced search settings":["Gelişmiş arama ayarları"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Üye olmayanlar bu mekanı
görebilir, fakat erişemezler."],"Create":["Oluştur"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tüm kullanıcılar onay olmadan
mekana katılabilirler"],"For everyone":["Herkes için"],"How you want to name your space?":["Mekanınıza nasıl bir isim istiyorsunuz?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Diğer kullanıcılar için küçük bir açıklama yazınız."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Bu mekan üye olmayanlar için gizli olacak"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Kullanıcılar bu alana
üyelik için başvurabilir"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Kullanıcılar sadece
davetiye ile eklenebilir"],"space description":["mekan açıklaması"],"space name":["mekan adı"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talepleri {userName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyeliğiniz onaylandı {userName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talebiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} sizi {spaceName} mekanına davet etti"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz kabul edildi {userName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Bu alan halen boş!"],"Accept Invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Become member":["Üye ol"],"Cancel membership":["Mekandan Ayrıl"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Bekleyen üyelik başvurusunu iptal et"],"Deny Invite":["Daveti reddet"],"Request membership":["Üyelik isteği"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Bu mekanın sahibi"],"created by":["oluşturan"],"Invite members":["Üye davet et"],"Add an user":["Kullanıcı ekle"],"Email addresses":["Email adresleri"],"Invite by email":["Email ile davet et"],"New user?":["Yeni kullanıcı?"],"Pick users":["Kullanıcıları seç"],"Send":["Gönder"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Bu mekana kullanıcıları davet etmek, bulmak ve onları almak için aşağıya isimlerini yazınız."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Dışardan kullanıcı davet edebilirsiniz. Sadece virgülle ayırarak e-posta adreslerini ekleyin."],"Request space membership":["Mekan üyeliği isteği","Mekan üyelik isteği"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde mekan sahiplerine iletildi."],"Ok":["Tamam"],"User has become a member.":["Kullanıcı üye yapılmıştır."],"User has been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edildi."],"User has not been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edilmemiştir."],"Back to workspace":["Mekana geri dön"],"Space preferences":["Mekan tercihleri"],"General":["Genel"],"My Space List":["Mekan listesi"],"My space summary":["Mekan özeti"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"Space menu":["Mekan menüsü"],"Stream":["Akış","Yayın"],"Change image":["Resmi değiştir"],"Current space image":["Geçerli mekan resmi"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Kapak resmini silmek istiyor musun?","Başlık görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Profil resmini silmek istiyor musun?"],"Invite":["Davet"],"Something went wrong":["Birşeyler yanlış"],"Followers":["Takipçiler"],"Posts":["Mesajlar"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Request workspace membership":["Mekan üyeliği talebi"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde yöneticilere iletildi."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan aç"],"My spaces":["Mekanlarım","Mekanım"],"Space info":["Mekan bilgisi"],"more":["daha"],"Accept invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Deny invite":["Davet reddet"],"Leave space":["Mekandan ayrıl"],"New member request":["Yeni üye isteği"],"Space members":["Mekan üyeleri"],"End guide":["Klavuz sonu"],"Next »":["İleri »"],"« Prev":["« Geri"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Yaşasın! Şimdilik hepsi bu."],"Modules":["Modüller"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.

Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Bir yönetici olarak, buradan tüm platformu yönetebilirsiniz.

Modüllerden ayrı olarak, burada olarak her bir noktaya detay oluşturabilir, kendi kısa açıklamalarını belirtebilirsiniz."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.

As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Şu an araçlar menüsündesiniz. Burdan HumHub online pazarına erişebilir, anında yüklemeler yapabilirsiniz.

Araçları mekanları özelleştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.

We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.

Stay tuned. :-)":["En önemli özellikleri ve ayarları öğrendin ve hepsi platformu kullanmaya başlaman için ayarlandı.

Umarız sen ve gelecekteki tüm kullanıcılar siteyi kullanırken eğlenirsiniz. Projemiz için her türlü istediğin öneri ve desteklerini bekliyor olacağız. Bizle rahatlıkla www.humhub.org adresinden iletişime geçebilirsin.

Bizi izlemeye devam edin. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kontrol paneli"],"This is your dashboard.

Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Bu sizin kontrol paneliniz

Yeni aktiviyelere ve gönderiler bu link altında gösterilir."],"Administration (Modules)":["Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Edit account":["Hesap düzenle"],"Hurray! The End.":["Yaşasın! Bitti."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Yaşasın! Başardın!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menü","Profil menüsü"],"Profile photo":["Profil resmi"],"Profile stream":["Profil akışı"],"User profile":["Kullanıcı profili"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Butona tıklayarak profilini güncelleyebilir veya hesap ayarlarını düzenleyebilirsin. Ayrıca profili daha fazla bilgi ekleyebilirsin. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Her profil kendi panolarına sahiptir. Ayrıca seni takip eden kişiler gönderilerini buradn görebilir."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.

You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Mekan gibi, kullanıcı profili de çeşitli modüllerle kişiselleştirilebilir.

Profilin için uygun olan modüllere hesap ayarları menüsündeki \"Modüller\" sekmesinden bakabilirsin."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Bu senin açık kullanıcı profilin, profilin üye olan kullanıcılar tarafından görünürdür."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Buraya tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile kolayca profil fotoğrafı yükleyebilirsin. Aynı şeyi kapak fotoğrafın için de yapabilirsin."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!

To carry on with the administration guide, click here:

":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!

Yönetim rehberine devam etmek için, buraya tıkla:

"],"Most recent activities":["Son aktiviteler"],"Posts":["Gönderiler"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Rehberi"],"Space":["Mekan"],"Space navigation menu":["Mekan navigasyon menü"],"Writing posts":["Gönderi oluşturma"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Herşeyi kaptın."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.

New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Mekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.

Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebiMekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.

Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebilir."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.

The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Diğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.

Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebiDiğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.

Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebilir."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Yeni gönderileri buradan yazıp gönderilirsin."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.

There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Mekana katıldığında veya yeni oluşturduğunda projeler üzerinde çalışabilirsin, konular üzerinde tartış veya sadece diğerleri ile bilgi paylaş.

Mekanı kişiselleştirmek için birçok araç mevcut, bu sayede proje sürecini daha üretken hale getirebilirsin."],"That's it for the space guide.

To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Bu mekan rehberi için.

Profil rehberine devam etmek için buraya tıkla:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.

Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Buradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.

Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebiBuradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.

Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebilir."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Bu menü sadece mekan yöneticileri için görünür. Buradan mekan ayarlarını yönetebilir, üye ekleme/engelleme ve modül aktifleştirme/deaktifleştirme işlemlerini yapabilirsin."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Kendini güncel tutman için, diğer kullanıcıların son aktiviteleri burada görünecek."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.

These can then be liked or commented on.":["Senin ve diğer kullanıcıların gönderileri burada görünecek.

Buradan beğenilebilir veya yorumda bulunulabilir. "],"Account Menu":["Hesap Menüsü"],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Space Menu":["Mekan Menüsü"],"Start space guide":["Mekan rehberine Başla"],"Don't lose track of things!

This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Hiçbirşeyi kaçırma!

Bu ikon seni ilgilendiren aktiviteler ve gönderiler hakkında seni doğrudan bilgilendirecek."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Hesap menüsü sana gizli ayarlarına erişim hakkı ve açık profilini yönetmeni sağlar."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!

Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.

The next guide will show you how:":["Bu en önemli menü muhtemelen en çok kullandığın menü olacak!

Katıldığın mekanlara gözat, yeni mekanlar oluştur.

Sonraki adımda nasıl olacağını göreceksin:"]," Remove panel":[" Paneli kaldır"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Rehber: Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Guide: Overview":["Rehber: Genel bakış"],"Guide: Spaces":["Rehber: Mekanlar"],"Guide: User profile":["Rehber: Kullanıcı profili"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Adımları takip ederek özelliklerini tanıyın:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Bu kullanıcı hesabı henüz onaylanmamış!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Bu kullanıcının profilini görmek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Girdiğin şifre yanlış"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Burada şifreni değiştiremezsin."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Geçersiz link! Lütfen url nin tamamını girdiğinizden emin olun."],"Save profile":["Profili kaydet"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Girdiğin mail adresi zaten başka bir kullanıcı tarafından kullanımda."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Burada mail adresini değiştiremezsin."],"Account":["Hesap"],"Create account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Current password":["Kullandığın şifren"],"E-Mail change":["Mail adresi değiştir"],"New E-Mail address":["Yeni mail adresi"],"Send activities?":["Aktiviteleri gönder?"],"Send notifications?":["Bildirimleri gönder?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Yanlış kullanıcı adı/email veya şifre"],"New password":["Yeni şifre"],"New password confirm":["Yeni şifre doğrula"],"Remember me next time":["Daha sonra hatırla"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Hesabın çalışanlar taradından daha aktive edilmedi."],"Your account is suspended.":["Hesabın banlandı."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Hesap türünüz şifre kurtarma için uygun değil!"],"E-Mail":["Email"],"Password Recovery":["Şifre Kurtarma"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" bulunamadı!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-Posta adresi kullanılıyor - Şifremi Unuttum."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Panoda paneli gizle"],"Invalid language!":["Geçersiz Dil!","Geçersiz dil!"],"Profile visibility":["Profil görünürlük"],"TimeZone":["Zaman Dilimi"],"Default Space":["Varsayılan Mekan"],"Group Administrators":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Üyeler gizli mekan oluşturabilir"],"Members can create public spaces":["Üyeler açık mekan oluşturabilir"],"Birthday":["Doğumgünü"],"City":["Şehir"],"Country":["Ülke"],"Custom":["Gelenek"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook Adres"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Bayan"],"Firstname":["Ad"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr Adres"],"Gender":["Cinsiyet"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ Adres"],"Hide year in profile":["Yılı profilde gizle"],"Lastname":["Soyad"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn Adres"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Erkek"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace Adres"],"Phone Private":["Telefon No"],"Phone Work":["İş Telefonu"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Adı"],"State":["İlçe"],"Street":["Cadde"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter Adres"],"Url":["Adres"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo Adres"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Adres"],"Xing URL":["Xing Adres"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube Adres"],"Zip":["Zip"],"Created by":["Oluşturan"],"Editable":["Düzenlenebilir"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Alan değiştirilemez!"],"Fieldtype":["Alan Tipi"],"Internal Name":["iç Adı"],"Internal name already in use!":["İç ad zaten kullanımda"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["iç ad değiştirilemedi"],"Invalid field type!":["Geçersiz alan tipi"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP özelliği"],"Module":["Modül"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sadece alfanümerik karakterler izinli!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil alanı Kategorisi"],"Required":["Gerekli"],"Show at registration":["Kayıtta göster"],"Sort order":["Sırala"],"Translation Category ID":["Çeviri kategori ID si"],"Type Config":["Ayar Tipi"],"Visible":["Görünür"],"Communication":["İletişim"],"Social bookmarks":["Sosyal imler"],"Datetime":["Tarih zamanı"],"Number":["Rakam"],"Select List":["Seçim Listesi"],"Text":["Yazı"],"Text Area":["Yazı alanı"],"%y Years":["%y Yıl"],"Birthday field options":["Doğumgünü alanı seçenekleri"],"Date(-time) field options":["Tarih (-zaman) alanı seçenekleri"],"Show date/time picker":["Tarih/zaman seçici göster"],"Maximum value":["Maksimum değer"],"Minimum value":["Minimum değer"],"Number field options":["Rakam alanı seçenekleri"],"One option per line. 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Anahtar=>Değer Formatı (Örn. evet=>evet)"],"Please select:":["Lütfen seç:"],"Possible values":["Uygun değerler"],"Select field options":["Çoktan seçmeli seçenekleri"],"Default value":["Varsayılan değer"],"Maximum length":["Maksimum uzunluk"],"Minimum length":["Minimum uzunluk"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Düzenli İfade: Hata mesajı"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Düzenli İfade: Doğrulayıcı"],"Text Field Options":["Yazı Alanı Seçenekleri"],"Validator":["Doğrulayıcı"],"Text area field options":["Yazı alanı seçenekleri"],"Authentication mode":["Kimlik Doğrulama modu"],"New user needs approval":["Yeni kullanıcı onay bekliyor"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Kullanıcı adı sadece harfler, rakamlar, boşluk ve özel karakter (+-._) içerebilir"],"Wall":["Duvar"],"Change E-mail":["Mail adresiDeğiştir","Email Değiştir","Mail adresini Değiştir"],"Current E-mail address":["Geçerlli E-posta adresi"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Yeni mail adresin {email} adresi ile başarıyla değiştirildi."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Yeni mail adresine bir doğrulama maili gönderdik.
Lütfen içindeki adımları takip et"],"Change password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password changed":["Şifre Değişti"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Şifren başarı ile değiştirildi!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profil fotoğrafını değiştir"],"Delete account":["Hesabı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Hesabını silmek istediğine emin misin?
Tüm yayında olan gönderilerin kaldırılacak! "],"Delete account":["Hesabı sil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Devam için şifrenizi girin"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Özür dileriz, bir mekan sahibi olarak hesabını silemezsin!
Lütfen mekanı başka bir kullanıcıya devret veya hepsini sil!"],"User details":["Kullanıcı detayları"],"User modules":["Kullanıcı modülleri"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Profilindeki *TÜM* modül verileri silinmiş olacak! Emin misin?"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Profilini modüllerle genişlet."],"User settings":["Kullanıcı ayarları"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Registered users only":["Kayıtlı kullanıcılar sadece"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Görünürlük tüm (ayrıca kayıtsız kullanıcılar için) "],"Desktop Notifications":["Masaüstü Bildirimler"],"Email Notifications":["Email Bildirimleri"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda bir masaüstü bildirim alın."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["İş mekanları içerisinde takip ettiğin her kişinin her aktivitesi için."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gönderine kullanıcılar yorum yaptığında veya beğendiğinde mail al."],"Account registration":["Hesap oluştur"],"Create Account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Hesabın başarı ile oluşturuldu!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Hesabın yöneticiler tarafından aktif edildikten sonra, bir mail ile bilgilendirileceksin."],"Go to login page":["Giriş sayfasına git"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Yeni hesabınla giriş yapmak için, aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"back to home":["anasayfaya dön","Anasayfaya dön"],"Please sign in":["Giriş yap"],"Sign up":["Kayıt ol"],"Create a new one.":["Yeni oluştur"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Bir hesabınız yok mu? E-posta adresinizi girerek kayıt olun."],"Forgot your password?":["Şifreni mi unuttun?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Üye iseniz Kullanıcı Adı/ E-posta ve şifreniz ile giriş yapınız."],"Register":["Kayıt Ol"],"email":["E-posta"],"password":["Şifre"],"username or email":["Kullanıcı Adı / E-posta"],"Password recovery":[" Şifre kurtarma","Şifre kurtarma"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Sadece mail adresini gir. Sana şifreni kurtarma adımlarını göndereceğiz."],"Password recovery":["Şifre kurtarma"],"Reset password":["Şifre sıfırla"],"enter security code above":["Yeni Şifre"],"your email":["E-posta Adresin"],"Password recovery!":["Şifre kurtar!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Sana şifreni sıfırlamana yardımcı olacak bir mail gönderdik."],"Registration successful!":["Kayıt başarılı!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Lütfen email adresini kontrol et ve bilgilere uy!"],"Registration successful":["Kayıt başarılı"],"Change your password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Change password":["Şifre değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Password changed!":["Şifre değişti!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Yeni mail adresinizi doğrulayın"],"Confirm":["Doğrula"],"Hello":["Merhaba"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.

To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Email adresini değiştirmek için istek yolladın.
Yeni mail adresin {newemail}.

Yeni mail adresini kabul etmek için aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"Hello {displayName}":["Merhaba {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Eğer bu linki 24 saat içinde kullanmazsan, geçerliliği bitecek."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Lütfen 24 saat içerisinde şifrenizi kurtarmak için takip eden linke tıklayın."],"Reset Password":["Şifre Sıfırla"],"Registration Link":["Kayıt Linki"],"Sign up":["Kaydol"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin. Üyelikle devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Bir sosyal ağ iletişi ve takımına katılmak için..
Şimdi kaydol ve mekana katıl."],"Sign up now":["Şimdi kaydolun","Şimdi kayıt ol"],"Space Invite":["Mekan DavMekan Davet"],"You got a space invite":["Bir mekan davetin var"],"invited you to the space:":["Mekana davet eden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} {contentTitle} içeriğinde senden bahsetti."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} şimdi seni takip ediyor."],"About this user":["Bu kullanıcı hakkında"],"Modify your title image":["Başlık fotoğrafını değiştir"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Profil yayını hala boş!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Logo görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musun?"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Hesabı düzenle"],"Following":["Takip edilenler"],"Following user":["Takip edilen kullanıcı"],"User followers":["Kullanıcı takipçileri"],"Member in these spaces":["Üye mekanları"],"User tags":["Kullanıcı etiketler"],"No birthday.":["Hiçbir doğum günü yok."],"Back to modules":["Modüllere dön"],"Tomorrow":["Yarın"],"Upcoming":["Yaklaşan"],"becomes":["olur"],"birthdays":["doğum günü"],"days":["Günler"],"today":["bugün"],"years old.":["yaşında."],"Active":["Aktif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Tüm kullanıcılar için işaretle olarak görünmeyen"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Son Dakika Haberleri Yapılandırma"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Not: Markdown söz dizimini kullanabilirsiniz."],"End Date and Time":["Bitiş tarihi ve saati"],"Recur":["Hatırlatma"],"Recur End":["Son hatırlatma"],"Recur Interval":["Aralıklarla hatırlatma"],"Recur Type":["Hatırlatma şekli"],"Select participants":["Katılımcıları seç"],"Start Date and Time":["Başlangıç tarihi ve saati"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Bu etkinliğe erişmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Etkinlik oluşturmak için izniniz yok!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Bu mekana bir etkinlik takvimi ekler."],"All Day":["Tüm günler"],"Attending users":["Katılanlar"],"Calendar":["Takvim"],"Declining users":["Katılmayanlar"],"End Date":["Bitiş tarihi"],"End time must be after start time!":["Bitiş saati başlangıç ​​zamanından sonra olmalıdır!"],"Event":["Etkinlik"],"Event not found!":["Etkinlik bulunamadı!"],"Maybe attending users":["Belki katılanlar"],"Participation Mode":["Katılım şekli"],"Start Date":["Başlangıç tarihi"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Bu etkinliği silmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Bu etkinliği düzenlemek için izniniz yok!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% yeni bir %contentTitle% içerik oluşturdu."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katıldı."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% belki katılıcak."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katılmıyor."],"Start Date/Time":["Başlangıç tarih/saat"],"Create event":["Etkinlik oluştur"],"Edit event":["Etkinlik düzenle"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Not: Bu etkinlik profilinizde oluşturulur. 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"],"Save & Test":["Kaydet ve test et"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Not modülü için çalışan bir etherpad sunucusuna ihtiyaç var!"],"Save and close":["Kaydet ve kapat"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için yeni bir not oluşturdu."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} kullanıcı {spaceName} bulunan not üzerinde çalıştı."],"Open note":["Notu aç"],"Title of your new note":["Yeni not başlığı"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtreyle eşleşen hiç bir not bulunamadı!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Henüz not girilmemiş!"],"Polls":["Anketler"],"Could not load poll!":["Anket yüklenemedi!"],"Invalid answer!":["Geçersiz cevap!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Kullanıcılar oyladı: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Birden fazla cevap için oylama devre dışı bırakıldı!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmek için yeterli izinlere sahip değilsiniz!"],"Answers":["Cevaplar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Kullanıcılar için çoklu cevap"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Lütfen en az {min} cevap işaretleyin!"],"Question":["Soru"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{question} anketi {userName} oyladı."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} yeni bir soru sordu {question}."],"User who vote this":["Hangi kullanıcılar oyladı"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için bir soru sordu."],"Ask":["Sor"],"Reset my vote":["Oyumu sıfırla"],"Vote":["Oyla"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["ve {count} oy verildi."],"votes":["oylar"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Birden fazla cevap verilsin mi?"],"Ask something...":["Bir şeyler sor..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Olası cevaplar (her satır bir cevap)"],"Display all":["Hepsini görüntüle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtre ile eşleşen anket yok!"],"Asked by me":["Bana sorulan"],"No answered yet":["Henüz cevap yok"],"Only private polls":["Sadece özel anketler"],"Only public polls":["Sadece genel anketler"],"Manage reported posts":["Raporlanan mesajlar"],"Reported posts":["Raporlar"],"by :displayName":[":displayName tarafından"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Mekana ait değil"],"Offensive":["Saldırgan"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Bu alanda kullanıcıların mesaj raporlarını yönetebilirsiniz."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Bu alanda bildirilen mesajları yönetebilirsiniz."],"Appropriate":["Uygun"],"Delete post":["Mesajı sil"],"Reason":["Neden"],"Reporter":["Tarafından"],"Tasks":["Görevler"],"Could not access task!":["Göreve erişilemedi!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} size bir görev atadı {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} görev oluşturdu {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{task} Görev sona erdi {userName} .","{userName} görev sona erdi {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} size {task} görevini atadı."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} yeni bir görev oluşturdu {task}."],"This task is already done":["Görev zaten yapıldı"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Bu göreve atanmadınız."],"Click, to finish this task":["Görevi tamamlamak için tıklayın"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Görev zaten yapıldı. Yeniden aç."],"My tasks":["Benim görevlerim"],"From space: ":["Mekandan:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uygun görev bulunamadı!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Henüz görev yok!
İlk görevi oluşturun..."],"Assigned to me":["Bana atanan"],"Nobody assigned":["Hiç kimseye atanan"],"State is finished":["Durum sona erdi"],"State is open":["Durum açık"],"What to do?":["Ne yapalım?"],"Translation Manager":["Çeviri Menejeri"],"Translations":["Çeviriler"],"Translation Editor":["Çeviri Editörü"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modül"],"Edit page":["Sayfa Düzenle"],"Main page":["Anasayfa"],"New page":["Yeni sayfa"],"Revert":["Eski haline dön"],"View":["Görünüm"],"Create new page":["Yeni sayfa oluştur"],"New page title":["Yeni Sayfa Başlığı"],"Allow":["İzin ver"],"Default":["Standart","Varsayılan"],"Deny":["Reddet"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Lütfen en az 3 karakter giriniz"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account has been activated.

\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}

\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\n\n your account request has been declined.

\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}

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İşlem yaparken devre dışı bırakın!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Daha fazla bilgi için kurulum kılavuzuna bakınız."],"Buy (%price%)":["Satın Al (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Modül yükleniyor ..."],"Licence Key:":["Lisans Anahtarı:"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Kullanıcı diline göre otomatik biçim - Örnek: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Sabit biçim (mm/dd/yyyy) - Örnek: {example}"],"Actions":["Eylemler"],"Last login":["Son giriş"],"never":["asla"],"Error!":["Hata!"],"Purchases":["Satın Alınanlar"],"Enable module...":["Modül etkinleştiriliyor..."],"Updating module...":["Modül güncelleniyor..."],"Allows the user to add comments":["Kullanıcı yorum eklemesi için izin verir"],"Create comment":["Yorum oluşturma"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yeni oluşturulan {contentTitle}."],"in":[", "],"Group members - {group}":["Grup üyeleri - {group}"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Sadece belirli alanlarda ara:"],"Private":["Özel"],"Members":["Üyeler"],"Color":["Renk"],"Add Modules":["Modül ekle"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Mesajları gizle"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Mesajları göster"],"Permissions":["İzinler"],"Confirm new password":["Yeni şifreyi onayla"],"No users found.":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı."],"Date":["Tarih"],"Hide age per default":["Varsayılan olarak yaşı gizle"],"Remember me":["Beni hatırla"],"Confirm delete file":["Dosya silmeyi onayla"],"Add directory":["Dizin ekle"],"Creator":["Yaratıcı"],"Download":["İndir"],"Edit directory":["Düzenleme dizini"],"Move":["Taşı"],"Open":["Aç"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Paket Lisans"],"Licence Serial Code":["Lisans Seri Kodu"],"Create new ldap mapping":["Yeni ldap eşleme oluştur"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Düzenleme ldap haritalama"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP üye haritalama"],"Create new mapping":["Yeni bir eşleme oluştur"],"Space ID":["Alan İD"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Kendinize e-posta gönderemessiniz!"],"Add recipients":["Alıcıları ekle"],"Delete conversation":["Konuşmayı sil"],"Leave conversation":["Konuşmadan ayrıl"],"Title of this entry":["İçeriğin başlığı"],"created by :displayName":["oluşturan :displayName"],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı spam olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı mekana ait değil olarak bildirildi."],"Confirm post deletion":["Mesaj silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm report deletion":["Rapor silmeyi onayla"],"Delete report":["Raporu Sil"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Bu raporu silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"There are no reported posts.":["Rapor edilen mesaj bulunamadı."],"Does not belong to this space":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"It's offensive":["Saldırgan içerik"],"It's spam":["Spam mesaj"],"Report post":["Mesajı bildir"],"Deadline":["Son tarih"],"What is to do?":["Ne yapmak istiyorsun?"],"Assign users to this task":["Göreve kullanıcı atama"],"Deadline for this task?":["Görev için son tarih?"],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelleme"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Tüm dosyalarınızı ve veritabanını yedekleyin"],"Check for next update":["Güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin"],"Could not extract update package!":["Güncelleştirme paketi açılamadı!"],"Could not get update info online! 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(%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Veritabanı göç sonuçları:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Git ve Besteci kurulumları ile birlikte bu güncelleme modülünü kullanmayın!"],"Downloading update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi indiriliyor..."],"Installing update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi yükleniyor..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Tüm dosyalar ve uygulamalar yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Özel modüller ve tema sürümü ile uyumlu olduğundan emin olun"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar uygulama tarafından yazılabilir olsun:"],"Please note:":["Lütfen aklınızda bulundurun:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Güncellemeden önce ve sonra yüklü olan modülleri güncelleyin"],"Proceed Installation":["Kuruluma Devam"],"Release Notes:":["Sürüm notları:"],"Show database migration results":["Veritabanı göç sonuçlarını göster"],"Start Installation":["Kurulumu Başlat"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar (%version%) sürüme ait görünüyor, değişiklikler yapılıp güncelleme işlemi sırasında silinecektir."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Yeni bir sürüm %version% mevcut!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Yeni güncelleme mevcut değil!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Güncelleştirme paketi geçersiz!"],"Warning!":["Uyarı!"],"Warnings:":["Uyarılar:"],"successfully installed!":["başarıyla yüklendi!"],"version update":["sürüm güncelleme"],"Update download failed! 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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
İletişim ve takım çalışmasını artırmak için bir sosyal ağ.
Şimdi sosyal ağa katılmak için kayıt olun."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox ayarlar"],"Select files from dropbox":["Dropbox dosya seçin"],"Types":["Türler"],"Anonymous poll!":["Misafir anket!"],"Confirm page deleting":["Sayfa silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm page reverting":["Sayfa dönüştürmeyi onayla"],"Overview of all pages":["Sayfalara genel bakış"],"Back to page":["Sayfaya dön"],"Go back":["Geri dön"],"Let's go!":["Kullanmaya Başla!"],"Page History":["Sayfa Geçmişi"],"Wiki page":["Wiki sayfası"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wiki sayfası adı veya url girin (örnek: http://example.com)"],"Page content":["Sayfa içeriği"],"Open wiki page...":["Wiki sayfası açık..."],"Most active people":["Aktif kişiler"],"Get a list":["Göster"],"Anonymous":["Misafir"],"Closed":["Kapalı"],"Add answer...":["Cevap ekleyin..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Misafir oy?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Cevapları rastgele sırala?"],"Edit your poll question...":["Anket sorusunu düzenle..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!
İlk anketi oluştur..."],"Send SMS":["SMS Gönder"],"Page history":["Sayfa geçmişi"],"Edited at":["Tarafından"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Henüz sayfa oluşturulmamış.
Şimdi ilk sayfayı oluşturun."],"Approval":["Onay"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Self test":["Test et"],"User posts":["Kullanıcı mesajlar"],"Userprofiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Group user not found!":["Gruba ait kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"No value found!":["Hiçbir sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Default stream content order":["Varsayılan akış içeriği sırası"],"Enable user friendship system":["Arkadaşlık sistemini etkinleştir"],"Sort by creation date":["Oluşturma tarihine göre sırala"],"Sort by update date":["Güncelleme tarihine göre sırala"],"Administrative group":["Yönetim grubu"],"About HumHub":["HumHub Hakkında"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Gereksinim"],"Advanced":["Gelişmiş"],"Third-party":["Üçüncü taraf"],"Advanced Settings":["Gelişmiş Ayarlar"],"Appearance Settings":["Görünüm Ayarları"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-Posta\nAyarları","E-Posta\r\nAyarları"],"General Settings":["Genel Ayarlar"],"User Settings":["Kullanıcı Ayarları"],"Add new space":["Yeni mekan ekle"],"Information":["Bilgilendirme"],"Settings and Configuration":["Ayarlar ve Yapılandırma"],"User administration":["Kullanıcı yönetimi"],"Add new group":["Yeni grup Ekle"],"Back to overview":["Geri dön"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Grubu yönet: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Bekleyen onaylar"],"Profiles":["Profiller"],"Pending user approvals":["Bekleyen kullanıcı onayları"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Aşağıdaki liste, onay bekleyen kayıtlı tüm kullanıcıları içerir."],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Add":["Ekle"],"Add new members...":["Yeni üye ekle..."],"Remove from group":["Gruptan kaldır"],"Disclaimer":["Vazgeç"],"Friendship":["Dostluk"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak bu alana eklenecektir."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Etkin OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed sağlayıcı ekle"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed düzen sağlayıcı"],"Edit user: {name}":["Kullanıcı Düzenle: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Genel bakış görüntülemek için eylemler düzenleyebilir ve silebilirsiniz. Kayıtlı kullanıcı listesi içerir."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni profil kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil kategorisini düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni profil alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil düzenleme alanı"],"comment":["Yorum"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Yeni Yorum"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oluşturdu {contentTitle}."],"Send invite":["Davetiye gönder"],"My friends":["Arkadaşlarım"],"Pending friend requests":["Arkadaş istekleri"],"Sent friend requests":["Gönderilen İstekler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Onayla"],"Add Friend":["Arkadaşı Ekle"],"Cancel friend request":["İsteği Sil"],"Deny friend request":["İsteği Reddet"],"Friends":["Arkadaşlar"],"Requests":["İstekler"],"Sent requests":["Gönderilen istekler"],"Show all friends":["Tüm arkadaşları göster"],"Unfriend":["Arkadaşım Olmayan"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğini kabul etti."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğinizi reddetti."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteği gönderdi."],"Friendship Request":["Arkadaşlık İsteği"],"Friendship Approved":["Arkadaşlık Onaylı"],"New Like":["Yeni Beğeni"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} ve {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} ve {number} diğerleri"],"Other":["Diğer"],"Module Filter":["Modülü Filtrele"],"No notifications found!":["Herhangi bir bildirim bulunamadı!"],"Notification Overview":["Bildirim Genel Bakış"],"post":["Gönderi"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Aranan hiçbir eşleşme yok."],"Space followers":["Sayfa takipçileri"],"No spaces found.":["Sayfa bulunamadı."],"Space":["Sayfa"],"Stream (Default)":["Akış (Varsayılan)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Üzgünüz, bu sayfayı terk etmenize izin verilmiyor."],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Bu sayfanın sahibi olarak sayfanızdaki başka bir kullanıcıya yönetici rolünüzü aktarabilirsiniz."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Url geçersiz karakterler içeriyor!"],"Transfer ownership":["Mülkiyet transfer"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["örn: örneğin {baseUrl}/s/ornekisim"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["%filename% klasörü kaydedilemedi."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Create folder":["Klasör oluştur"],"Edit folder":["Klasör düzenle"],"Move files":["Klasörü taşı"],"Add file(s)":["Dosya Ekle"],"Download ZIP":["ZİP İndir"],"Folder":["Klasör"],"Show":["Göster"],"Show Post":["Gönderiyi göster"],"Updated":["Güncel"],"Upload":["Yükle"],"Upload ZIP":["ZİP Yükle"],"root":["root"],"MarkDown":["Daralt"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)"],"Conversations":["Konuşmalar"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Neden raporlamak istiyorsun?"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Spam mesaj olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Mekana ait olmayan yazı için bildirildi."],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ne Olduğunu Anlamamıza Yardımcı Ol"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Kayıtlı olmayan kullanıcılar için erişim izni. (Misafir erişimi)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Üyeler arasında arkadaşlık"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Yeni kayıt olan kullanıcılar ilk olarak yönetici tarafından aktive edilecek."],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Formu doldurarak yönetici hesabı oluşturmanız gerekir. Bu hesap ile sosyal ağı yönetebilirsiniz."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.

You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub çok esnek ve ayarlanabilir yapısı olduğundan farklı modüller ve çeşitli uygulamalar sayesinde genişletilebilir. Aşağıdaki modüller sadece bir kaç örnektir ve seçtiğiniz modüller otomatik kurulacaktır.

İstediğiniz modülü yükleyip sonradan kaldırabilir veya yönetici alanından diğer modüllere göz atabilirsiniz."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Kayıtsız kullanıcıların nasıl erişim sağlayabileceğine karar verebilirsiniz."],"Configuration":["Yapılandırma"],"My club":["Kulübüm"],"My community":["Topluluk"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Şirket (Sosyal Intranet / Proje yönetimi)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Eğitim kurumu (okul, üniversite)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Bu adımı atlayın, ayarlamaları daha sonra yapacağım"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Yapılandırmayı basitleştirmek için bazı modüller ve ayarlamaları farklı seçenekler ile kullanabilirsin. Bir sonraki adım sırasında bunları ayarlayabileceğinizi unutmayın."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Veritabanı bağlantı ayarlarını girmek zorundasınız. Bu konuda emin değilseniz sistem yöneticinize başvurun."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL veritabanı sunucusu ana bilgisayar adı (örneğin, localhost MySQL aynı makinede çalışıyorsa)"],"Initializing database...":["Veritabanı başlatılıyor..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Humhub kurulumu için çalışmak istediğiniz veritabanı adı."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tebrik ederiz! Her şey tamam ve kuruluma başlamak için hazır!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["HumHub sistem gereksinimlerinizin olup olmadığını gösterir."],"Your profile":["Senin profilin"],"Connect account":["Hesabı bağlayın"],"Delete Account":["Hesabı sil"],"Disconnect account":["Hesabın bağlantısını kes"],"My Account":["Hesabım"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"Show more":["Daha fazla göster"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Geçmiş bir tarih girilmesi gerekiyor."],"Unsubscribe":["Abonelikten çık"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Mobil cihazda yatay kaydırma görüntüleri"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub geliştiricileri üçüncü taraf modülleri için hiçbir destek sağlamaz ve bu modülün uygunluğu, işlevselliği veya güvenliği konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermez."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Üçüncü taraf reddi"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Yeni bir ({version}) HumHub Sürümü mevcut."],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın e-posta davranışını ve posta sunucusu ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın kayıt davranışını ve ek kullanıcı ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın temel ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar, sosyal ağınızın gelişmiş konularını belirtir."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar sosyal ağınızın görünümüne atıfta bulunmaktadır."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Kullanıcılar belirli standart alanlar, grup yöneticileri ve izinlerle farklı gruplara (ör. Ekipler, bölümler vb.) atanabilir."],"Visible for members only":["Sadece üyelere görünür"],"Visible for members+guests":["Üyeler + misafirler için görünür"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["E-Posta Adresi için LDAP Özniteliği. Varsayılan: "mail""],"Wall entry layout":["Duvar girişi düzeni"],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Faaliyetler bir alan veya diğer kullanıcılar bağlamında alınan eylemlerin bir özetini sağlar. (Örneğin, yeni bir yayın yazılmış veya yeni bir üye alana katıldı)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Kullanıcı e-postalarını göndermek için varsayılan davranışı tanımlayın. Bu ayarlar kullanıcıların hesap ayarlarında üzerine yazılabilir."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Bildirimler, kullanıcı ile ilgili bilgilerdir (örneğin, kendi yayınlarındaki yeni yorumlar veya yeni bir takipçi). Bildirim, bir kullanıcı işlemi gerekli olduğunda da oluşturulur (ör. Arkadaşlık isteği)."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Burada, yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarlarınızı tanımlayabilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, her bir mekan için üzerine yazılabilir."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Bu genel bakış, mekanları görüntülemek, düzenlemek ve silmek için eylemler içeren her alanın bir listesini içerir."],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Burada profil kategorilerini ve alanlarını oluşturabilir veya düzenleyebilirsiniz."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil niteliklerini yönet"],"Appearance":["Görünüm"],"E-Mails":["E-Postalar"],"Information":["Bilgi"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Kullanıcının mesajlar oluşturmasına izin verir"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Rastgele içerikleri yönetebilir (ör. arşivleyebilir, sabitleyebilir veya silebilirsiniz)"],"Create post":["Mesaj oluştur"],"Manage content":["İçeriği yönetin"],"Load more":["Daha fazla yükle"],"Welcome Space":["Karşılama Mekanı"],"Example contents":["Örnek içerik"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["İlk oturum açtıktan sonra boş bir gösterge tablosundan kaçınmak için, HumHub örnek içeriği sizin için kurabilir. HumHub'un nasıl çalıştığına dair size güzel genel bir görünüm verecektir. Her bir içeriği daima silebilirsiniz."],"Notification Overview":["Bildirimler"],"Show all notifications":["Tüm bildirimleri göster"],"Last Visit":["Son ziyaret"],"Originator User ID":["Başlatan Kullanıcı ID"],"Request Message":["İstek Mesajı"],"Updated By":["Güncelleyen"],"Administrators":["Yöneticiler"],"Default content visibility":["Varsayılan içerik görünürlüğü"],"Homepage":["Anasayfa"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Anasayfa (Misafirler)"],"Moderators":["Moderatörler"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Buraya bir fotoğraf sürükleyin veya dosyalarınıza göz atmak için tıklayın"],"Hide my year of birth":["Doğum yılımı gizle"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, HumHub'u kullandığınız için teşekkürler."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Burada ilk kullanıcı sensin ... Yehuu! İlk kullanan siz olun ve profilinizi tamamlayın, böylece gelecek kullanıcılar, burada kimlerin en iyi olduğunu ve sorularınız varsa açabilecekleri kim olduğunu biliyorlar."],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Becerileriniz, bilgi ve tecrübeleriniz (virgül ile ayrılmış)"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["HumHub {version} güncelleme"],"Abort":["İptal et"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Güncelleme sırasında HumHub çekirdek dosyalarındaki değişiklikler üzerine yazılabilir!"],"Cleanup update files":["Güncelleme dosyalarını temizle"],"Downloading update package":["Güncelleme paketi indiriliyor"],"Extracting package files":["Paket dosyaları çıkartılıyor"],"Installing files":["Dosyaları yükleme"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Tüm dosyaların yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun! ("],"Migrating database":["Veritabanı taşınıyor"],"New updater version available!":["Yeni güncelleyici sürümü mevcut!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Hata mesajı yok. Lütfen günlük dosyalarını kontrol edin!"],"Preparing system":["Sistem hazırlığı"],"Start":["Başla"],"Start update":["Güncellemeyi Başlat"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Güncellemeden sonra varsayılan temaya geç"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Güncelleme başarıyla yüklendi!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Güncelleyici modülünün yeni bir sürümü mevcut. Lütfen devam etmeden önce güncelleyin."],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelle"],"Update successful":["Güncelleme başarılı"],"Validating package":["Paketi onayla"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.

\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\r\n\r\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\r\n\r\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\r\n {loginURL}

\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Hello {displayName},

\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.

\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\r\n\r\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}

"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\r\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"Pinned":["Yapışkan","Başa Tuttur"],"Unpinned":["Baştan Kaldır"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Confirm Action":["İşlemi Onayla"],"Mail summary":["Mesaj özeti"],"An error occured while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (İşleyici bulunamadı)."],"An unexpected error occured while loading the search result.":["Arama sonuçlarını yüklerken beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unexpected error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"An unexpected server error occured. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir server hatası oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl/Cmd+C":["Panoya kopyalamak için: Ctrl/Cmd+C"],"Do you really want to perform this action?":["Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Error while running your last action (Invalid request method).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (Geçersiz istek)."],"Loading...":["Yükleniyor..."],"No error information given.":["Hata bilgisi verilmedi."],"Show less":["Daha az göster"],"Some files could not be uploaded:":["Bazı dosyalar yüklenemedi:"],"The file has been deleted.":["Dosya silinmiştir."],"The requested resource could not be found.":["İstenilen kaynak bulunamadı."],"The space has be archived.":["Alan arşivlenmiştir."],"The space has be unarchived.":["Alan arşivden çıkarılmıştır."],"You are not allowed to run this action.":["Bu işlemi yapmaya izniniz yok."],"Ordered List":["Düzenlenen Liste"],"Unordered List":["Düzenlenmeyen Liste"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-posta Özetleri"],"Daily":["Günlük"],"E-Mail Summaries":["E-posta Özetleri"],"E-Mail summaries are sent to inform you about recent activities in the network.":["E-posta özetleri sosyal ağınızdaki son aktiviteleri bilgilendirmek amacıyla size gönderilir."],"E-Mail summaries are sent to users to inform them about recent activities in your network.":["E-posta özetleri sosyal ağınızdaki son aktiviteleri kullanıcıları bilgilendirmek amacıyla kendilerine gönderilir."],"Exclude spaces below from the mail summary":["E-posta özetinden aşağıdaki sayfaları çıkar"],"Hourly":["Saat başı"],"Interval":["Süre"],"On this page you can configure the contents and the interval of these e-mail updates.":["Bu sayfada, alacağınız e-posta güncellemeleri ile ilgili süreyi ayarlayabilirsiniz."],"On this page you can define the default behavior for your users. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings page.":["Bu sayfada kullanıcılarınızın varsayılan ayarlarını belirleyebilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, kullanıcılarınızın hesap ayarları bölümünde bundan sonra geçerli olacaktır."],"Only include spaces below to the mail summary":["E-posta özeti yalnızca aşağıdaki sayfaları içersin"],"Reset to defaults":["Varsayılan ayarlara geri dön"],"You will only receive an e-mail if there is something new.":["Yalnızca yeni bir işlem olduğunda e-posta ile bilgilendirileceksiniz."],"Space member joined":["Sayfa üyesi katıldı."],"Space member left":["Sayfa üyesi ayrıldı"],"Whenever a member leaves one of your spaces.":["Sayfa üyelerinden biri sayfanızdan ayrıldığında."],"Whenever a new member joined one of your spaces.":["Yeni bir sayfa üyesi sayfanıza katıldığında."],"Access denied - You cannot invite members!":["Erişim engellendi. - Üye daveti gönderemezsiniz."],"This user is already a member of this space.":["Bu kullanıcı zaten bu sayfanın üyesi."],"This user is not a member of this space.":["Bu kullanıcı bu sayfanın üyesi değil."],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["{username} isimli kullanıcı zaten bu sayfa üyesi!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["{username} isimli kullanıcı zaten bu sayfaya üyelik isteğinde bulunmuş!"],"the default start page of this space for members":["sayfa üyeleri için gösterilecek varsayılan giriş sayfası"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["misafirler için gösterilecek varsayılan giriş sayfası"],"First name":["Ad"],"Last name":["Soyad"],"The space has been archived.":["Alan arşivlenmiştir."],"The space has been unarchived.":["Alan arşivden çıkarılmıştır."],"Current Image Library: {currentImageLibrary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibrary}"],"An error occurred while handling your last action. (Handler not found).":["Son işleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu. (İşleyici bulunamadı)."],"An unexpected error occurred while loading the search result.":["Arama sonuçlarını yüklerken beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unexpected error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"An unexpected server error occurred. If this keeps happening, please contact a site administrator.":["Beklenmeyen bir server hatası oluştu. Eğer bu hata devam ederse lütfen bildiriniz."],"Weekly":["Haftalık"],"Your weekly summary":["Haftalık özet"],"See online:":["Çevrimiçi olaraklar:"],"Contents":["İçerikler"],"Whenever a new content (e.g. post) has been created.":["Yeni bir içerik (ör. mesaj) oluşturulduğunda."],"Could not delete content!":["İçerik silinemedi!"],"Invalid request method!":["Geçersiz istek yöntemi!"],"This action is disabled!":["Bu eylem devre dışı!"],"Web":["Ağ"],"Allow desktop notifications by default.":["Varsayılan olarak masaüstü bildirimlerine izin ver."],"Receive 'New Content' Notifications for the following spaces":["Aşağıdaki alanlar için 'Yeni İçerik' bildirimleri alın"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda masaüstü bildirimlerini alın."],"Basic Settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Change Email":["E-posta Değiştir"],"Change Password":["Şifre Değiştir"],"Connected Accounts":["Bağlı Hesaplar"],"Connected accounts":["Bağlı hesaplar"],"Current Password":["Şuanki Şifre"],"Sign in / up":["Oturum aç/kapa"],"or":["veya"],"Administrative Contact":["İdari İletişim"],"Advanced Options":["Gelişmiş seçenekler"],"Datacenter":["Veri merkezi"],"Invalid content id given!":["Geçersiz içerik kimliği!"],"An unknown error occurred while uploading.":["Yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu."],"An unknown error occurred while uploading. Hint: check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size php settings.":["Yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu. İpucu: upload_max_filesize ve post_max_size php ayarlarınızı kontrol edin."],"Copy to clipboard":["Panoya kopyala"],"Error:":["Hata:"],"Info:":["Bilgi:"],"Logo of {appName}":["{appName} Logosu"],"My profile image":["Profil resmim"],"Profile dropdown":["Profil menüsü"],"Profile image of {displayName}":["Profil resmi {displayName}"],"Profile picture of {displayName}":["Profil fotoğrafı {displayName}"],"Toggle panel menu":["Panel menüsünü aç / kapat"],"Toggle post menu":["Yayın menüsünü aç / kapat"],"Upload file":["Dosya yükle"],"User is already a member of this group.":["Kullanıcı zaten bu grubun üyesi."],"Add Groups...":["Grup Ekle..."],"Select Groups":["Grupları Seç"],"Could not delete content: Access denied!":["İçerik silinemedi: Erişim reddedildi!"],"{originator} notifies you about {contentInfo}":["{originator}, {contentInfo} size bildirdi "],"View Online":["Çevrimiçi Görüntüleme"],"Content visibility":["İçerik görünürlüğü"],"This space is archived.":["Bu alan arşivlenmektedir."],"Security settings":["Güvenlik ayarları"],"Not registered users":["Kayıtlı kullanıcı yok"],"Other users":["Diğer kullanıcılar"],"Your friends":["Arkadaşların"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account has been activated.

\nClick here to login:

\n\nKind Regards

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.

\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:

\n\n Saygılarımızla

"],"Hello {displayName},

\nYour account request has been declined.

\n\nKind Regards

":["Merhaba {displayName},

\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.

\n\n Saygılarımızla

"],"Toggle comment menu":["Yorum menüsü değiştirme"],"Toggle stream entry menu":["Akış giriş menüsünü aç / kapat"],"No caching":["Önbellek yok"],"1 month":["1 ay"],"1 week":["1 hafta"],"1 year":["1 yıl"],"2 weeks":["2 hafta"],"3 months":["3 ay"],"6 months":["6 ay"],"Maximum allowed age for logs.":["Günlükler için izin verilen maksimum sınır"],"Administrative":["Yönetim"],"Receive Notifications for administrative events like available updates.":["Mevcut güncellemeler gibi yönetimsel etkinlikler için bildirimler alın."],"Can manage users and groups":["Kullanıcıları ve grupları yönetebilir"],"Manage Modules":["Modülleri Yönet"],"Manage Spaces":["Mekanları Yönet"],"Manage Users":["Kullanıcıları Yönet"],"Whenever a new comment was written.":["Ne zaman yeni bir yorum yazılmış"],"Cancel Edit":["İptal Düzenle"],"Comment has been deleted":["Yorum silindi"],"Read full comment...":["Yorumu tam okuyun ..."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pages.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Interested":["İlgilenen"],"Edit file":["Dosya düzenle"],"File url":["Dosya link"],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Varolmayan dosyayı düzenleyemiyor."],"Display Url":["Görüntülenen Link"],"Root":["Kök"],"Selected items...":["Seçilen öğeler..."],"Create draw.io document":["Draw.io belgesi oluştur"],"Edit using draw.io":["Draw.io dosyasını düzenleme"],"File write access denied!":["Dosya yazma erişimi reddedildi!"],"e.g. https://draw.io":["örn: https://draw.io"],"Adds a calendar for private or public events to your profile and main menu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Just enter your e-mail address. We'll send you recovery instructions!":["Sadece mail adresini gir. Sana şifreni kurtarma adımlarını göndereceğiz."],"Enter security code above":["Yeni Şifre"],"Your email":["E-posta Adresin"],"I'm attending":["Katılıyorum"],"Export":["Çıkart"],"Select Me":["Beni Seç"],"Text could not be copied to clipboard":["Metin panosu kopyalanamadı"],"Text has been copied to clipboard":["Metin panosu kopyalandı"],"Time Zone":["Saat Dilimi"],"Guest mode not active, please login first.":["Misafir modu aktif değil, lütfen önce giriş yapın."],"Login required for this section.":["Bu bölüm için giriş gerekli."],"You are not permitted to access this section.":["Bu bölüme erişme izniniz yok."],"Notification Settings":["Bildirim Ayarları"],"Apply":["Uygula"],"Specify space":["Mekanı belirtin"],"Add files":["Dosya ekle"],"Manage files":["Dosyaları yönet"],"Back to directory":["Rehbere geri dön"],"Back to space":["Mekanlara geri dön"],"Conversation":["Sohbet"],"Last Viewed":["Son görüntülenen"],"Add:":["Ekle:"],"Could not find requested page.":["İstenen sayfa bulunamadı."],"Please type at least {count} characters":["Lütfen en az {count} karakter girin"],"You need admin permissions to access this section.":["Bu bölüme erişmek için yönetici izinlerine ihtiyacınız var."],"Your user account has not been approved yet, please try again later or contact a network administrator.":["Kullanıcı hesabınız henüz onaylanmadı. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin veya bir ağ yöneticisine başvurun."],"Your user account is inactive, please login with an active account or contact a network administrator.":["Kullanıcı hesabınız etkin değil, lütfen aktif bir hesapla giriş yapın veya bir ağ yöneticisine başvurun."],"%spaceName% has been archived":["%spaceName% arşivlendi"],"%spaceName% has been unarchived":["%spaceName% arşivden kaldırıldı"],"All the personal data of this user will be irrevocably deleted.":["Bu kullanıcının tüm kişisel verileri geri alınamaz bir şekilde silinecektir."],"The user is the owner of these spaces:":["Kullanıcı şu mekanların sahibidir:"],"This user owns no spaces.":["Bu kullanıcının mekanları yok."],"Add Topic":["Konu Ekle"],"Topic":["Konu"],"Topic has been deleted!":["Konu silindi!"],"Topics":["Konular"],"Can add new topics":["Yeni konular ekleyebilir"],"Can edit and remove topics":["Konuları düzenleyebilir ve kaldırabilir"],"No topics found for the given query":["Konu ekle"],"User Interface":["Kullanıcı Arabirimi"],"Invalid icon.":["Geçersiz ikon"],"Select icon":["İkon Seç"],"Hide sidebar":["Kenar çubuğunu gizle"],"Show sidebar":["Kenar çubuğunu göster"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Lütfen bu içeriği neden bildirmek istediğinizi belirtin."]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_delete.php b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_delete.php index 3f46701366..3e3f19cddf 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_delete.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_delete.php @@ -1,21 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Delete invitation?' => 'Haluatko poista kutsun?', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_resend.php b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_resend.php index 999564c263..c04744e895 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_resend.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/fi/views_invite_resend.php @@ -1,21 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Send invitation email again?' => 'Haluatko lähettä kutsun uudelleen?', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/it/information.php b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/it/information.php index 9dba8a157d..e14e877e59 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/it/information.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/it/information.php @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ 'Queue Status' => 'Stato Attività in background', 'About HumHub' => 'Informazioni su HumHub', 'Background Jobs' => 'Attività in background', - 'Database' => 'Base dati', - 'Database migration results:' => 'Risultato della migrazione della base dati:', + 'Database' => 'Database', + 'Database migration results:' => 'Risultato della migrazione del database:', 'Delayed' => 'Posticipato', 'Done' => 'Fatto', 'Driver' => 'Driver', @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ 'Queue successfully cleared.' => 'Coda svuotata correttamente', 'Reserved' => 'Riservato', 'Search index rebuild in progress.' => 'Ricostruzione indice di ricerca in corso.', - 'The current main HumHub database name is ' => 'La base dati Humhub si chiama:', + 'The current main HumHub database name is ' => 'Il database principale di Humhub si chiama:', 'Waiting' => 'In attesa', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/tr/base.php b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/tr/base.php index 7e5563970b..cd0aa06bf7 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/tr/base.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/admin/messages/tr/base.php @@ -1,56 +1,39 @@ Warning incomplete setup!' => '', - 'Back to user overview' => '', - 'Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://' => '', - 'Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can\'t be managed with your permissions)' => '', - 'Invite' => '', - 'Invited by' => '', - 'Open documentation' => '', - 'Pending user registrations' => '', - 'Sign up' => '', - 'The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.' => '', - 'The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.' => '', - 'About' => 'Hakkımda', - 'Add purchased module by licence key' => 'Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle', - 'Admin' => 'Yönetici', - 'Administration' => 'Yönetim', - 'Approval' => 'Onay', - 'Authentication' => 'Kimlik doğrulama', - 'Back to overview' => 'Geri dön', - 'Basic' => 'Temel', - 'Caching' => 'Ön bellekleme', - 'Cronjobs' => 'Cronjobs', - 'Design' => 'Tasarım', - 'Files' => 'Dosyalar', - 'Groups' => 'Gruplar', - 'Logging' => 'Oturum', - 'Mailing' => 'Posta', - 'Modules' => 'Modüller', - 'OEmbed providers' => 'OEmbed sağlayıcılar', - 'Proxy' => 'Proxy', - 'Security' => 'Güvenlik', - 'Self test' => 'Test et', - 'Spaces' => 'Mekanlar', - 'Statistics' => 'İstatistikler', - 'User posts' => 'Kullanıcı mesajlar', - 'Userprofiles' => 'Kullanıcı profilleri', - 'Users' => 'Kullanıcılar', -]; +return array ( + 'Warning incomplete setup!' => '', + 'About' => 'Hakkında', + 'Add purchased module by licence key' => 'Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle', + 'Admin' => 'Yönetici', + 'Administration' => 'Yönetim', + 'Approval' => 'Onay', + 'Authentication' => 'Kimlik doğrulama', + 'Back to overview' => 'Geri dön', + 'Back to user overview' => '', + 'Base URL needs to begin with http:// or https://' => '', + 'Basic' => 'Temel', + 'Caching' => 'Ön bellekleme', + 'Cronjobs' => 'Cronjobs', + 'Design' => 'Tasarım', + 'Files' => 'Dosyalar', + 'Groups' => 'Gruplar', + 'Groups (Note: The Administrator group of this user can\'t be managed with your permissions)' => '', + 'Invite' => '', + 'Invited by' => '', + 'Logging' => 'Oturum', + 'Mailing' => 'Posta', + 'Modules' => 'Modüller', + 'OEmbed providers' => 'OEmbed sağlayıcılar', + 'Open documentation' => '', + 'Pending user registrations' => '', + 'Proxy' => 'Proxy', + 'Security' => 'Güvenlik', + 'Self test' => 'Test et', + 'Sign up' => '', + 'Spaces' => 'Mekanlar', + 'Statistics' => 'İstatistikler', + 'The cron job for the background jobs (queue) does not seem to work properly.' => '', + 'The cron job for the regular tasks (cron) does not seem to work properly.' => '', + 'User posts' => 'Kullanıcı mesajlar', + 'Userprofiles' => 'Kullanıcı profilleri', + 'Users' => 'Kullanıcılar', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/directory/messages/nb_no/base.php b/protected/humhub/modules/directory/messages/nb_no/base.php index e13a553150..c85694c3c4 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/directory/messages/nb_no/base.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/directory/messages/nb_no/base.php @@ -1,58 +1,41 @@ '', - 'Can access the directory section.' => '', - 'Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...' => 'Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg...', - 'There are no profile posts yet!' => 'Det er ingen profil poster enda!', - 'Directory menu' => 'Innholds meny', - 'Group members - {group}' => 'Gruppe brukere - {group}', - 'Group stats' => 'Gruppestatistikk', - 'Member Group Directory' => 'Medlemmer Gruppe innhold', - 'Member directory' => 'Brukerområde', - 'Member stats' => 'Brukerstatistikk', - 'New people' => 'Nye Brukere', - 'New spaces' => 'Nye Grupper', - 'Space directory' => 'Område oversikt', - 'Space stats' => 'Gruppestatistikk', - 'Average members' => 'Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede', - 'Directory' => 'Innhold', - 'Follows somebody' => 'Noen som følger andre', - 'Groups' => 'Grupper', - 'Members' => 'Medlemmer', - 'Most members' => 'Flest medlemmer', - 'No members found!' => 'Ingen brukere funnet!', - 'No spaces found!' => 'Ingen grupper funnet', - 'Online right now' => 'Online akkurat nå', - 'Private spaces' => 'Private grupper', - 'Search' => 'Søk', - 'See all' => 'Se alt', - 'Send invite' => 'Send invitasjon', - 'Spaces' => 'Grupper', - 'This group has no members yet.' => 'Denne gruppen har ingen medlemmer.', - 'Top Group' => 'Mest besøkte', - 'Total groups' => 'Totalt antall grupper', - 'Total spaces' => 'Antall grupper totalt', - 'Total users' => 'Brukere totalt ', - 'User profile posts' => 'Brukerinnlegg', - 'You are a member of this space' => 'Du er medlem av dette område', - 'search for members' => 'Søk etter brukere', - 'search for spaces' => 'Søk etter område', - 'show all members' => 'Vis alle medlemmer', -]; +return array ( + 'Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...' => 'Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg...', + 'There are no profile posts yet!' => 'Det er ingen profil poster enda!', + 'Directory menu' => 'Innholds meny', + 'Group members - {group}' => 'Gruppe brukere - {group}', + 'Group stats' => 'Gruppestatistikk', + 'Member Group Directory' => 'Medlemmer Gruppe innhold', + 'Member directory' => 'Brukerområde', + 'Member stats' => 'Brukerstatistikk', + 'New people' => 'Nye Brukere', + 'New spaces' => 'Nye Grupper', + 'Space directory' => 'Område oversikt', + 'Space stats' => 'Gruppestatistikk', + 'Access directory' => 'Tilgangskatalog', + 'Average members' => 'Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede', + 'Can access the directory section.' => 'Kan få tilgang til katalogdelen.', + 'Directory' => 'Innhold', + 'Follows somebody' => 'Noen som følger andre', + 'Groups' => 'Grupper', + 'Members' => 'Medlemmer', + 'Most members' => 'Flest medlemmer', + 'No members found!' => 'Ingen brukere funnet!', + 'No spaces found!' => 'Ingen grupper funnet', + 'Online right now' => 'Online akkurat nå', + 'Private spaces' => 'Private grupper', + 'Search' => 'Søk', + 'See all' => 'Se alt', + 'Send invite' => 'Send invitasjon', + 'Spaces' => 'Grupper', + 'This group has no members yet.' => 'Denne gruppen har ingen medlemmer.', + 'Top Group' => 'Mest besøkte', + 'Total groups' => 'Totalt antall grupper', + 'Total spaces' => 'Antall grupper totalt', + 'Total users' => 'Brukere totalt ', + 'User profile posts' => 'Brukerinnlegg', + 'You are a member of this space' => 'Du er medlem av dette område', + 'search for members' => 'Søk etter brukere', + 'search for spaces' => 'Søk etter område', + 'show all members' => 'Vis alle medlemmer', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/fi/views_overview_index.php b/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/fi/views_overview_index.php index 87cf562c3c..aea2e43f39 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/fi/views_overview_index.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/fi/views_overview_index.php @@ -1,26 +1,9 @@ Notification Overview' => 'Ilmoituksen Yleiskatsaus', - 'Apply' => 'Hyväksy', - 'Filter' => 'Suofatin', - 'Mark all as seen' => 'Merkitse kaikki luetuiksi', - 'Module Filter' => 'Laajennus Suodatin', - 'No notifications found!' => 'Ilmoituksia ei löytynyt!', -]; +return array ( + 'Notification Overview' => 'Ilmoitus', + 'Apply' => 'Hyväksy', + 'Filter' => 'Suodatin', + 'Mark all as seen' => 'Merkitse kaikki luetuiksi', + 'Module Filter' => 'Laajennuksen Suodatin', + 'No notifications found!' => 'Ilmoituksia ei löytynyt!', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/nb_no/widgets_views_list.php b/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/nb_no/widgets_views_list.php index 06caf5ec64..a45a2ccf87 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/nb_no/widgets_views_list.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/notification/messages/nb_no/widgets_views_list.php @@ -1,25 +1,8 @@ '', - 'Mark all as seen' => 'Marker alle som sett', - 'Notifications' => 'Oppdateringer', - 'Show all notifications' => 'Vis alle oppdateringer', - 'There are no notifications yet.' => 'Det er ingen oppdateringer enda.', -]; +return array ( + 'Mark all as seen' => 'Marker alle som sett', + 'Notifications' => 'Oppdateringer', + 'Open the notification dropdown menu' => 'Åpne nedtreksmenyen for varsel ', + 'Show all notifications' => 'Vis alle oppdateringer', + 'There are no notifications yet.' => 'Det er ingen oppdateringer enda.', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/manage.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/manage.php index 0e74ef61dc..8132471a6e 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/manage.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/manage.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'Come proprietario di questo Space puoi trasferirne la proprietà ad un altro amministratore dello spazio. ', + 'As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.' => 'Come proprietario di questo spazio puoi trasferirne la proprietà ad un altro amministratore dello spazio. ', 'Remove from space' => 'Rimuovi dallo spazio', 'Show all' => 'Mostra tutti', 'Space owner' => 'Proprietario dello Spazio', diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_delete.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_delete.php index 7b52d31bf3..b472d05697 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_delete.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_delete.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo space? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!', - 'Delete' => 'Elimina', - 'Please provide your password to continue!' => 'Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!', -]; +return array ( + 'Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo spazio? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!', + 'Delete' => 'Elimina', + 'Please provide your password to continue!' => 'Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_edit.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_edit.php index 963e215ad6..b2afaad228 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_edit.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_edit.php @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ 'Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.' => 'Scegli il livello di sicurezza di questo workspace per definirne la visibilità.', 'Delete' => 'Cancella', 'Save' => 'Salva', - 'Unarchive' => 'Disarchivia', + 'Unarchive' => 'Ripristina', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_modules.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_modules.php index d45d1349f2..a43e0558ed 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_modules.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_admin_modules.php @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ Space Modules' => 'Moduli dello Space', + 'Space Modules' => 'Moduli dello Spazio', 'Activated' => 'Attivato', - 'Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!' => 'Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo space saranno cancellati!', + 'Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!' => 'Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo spazio saranno cancellati!', 'Configure' => 'Configura', - 'Currently there are no modules available for this space!' => 'Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo space!', + 'Currently there are no modules available for this space!' => 'Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo spazio!', 'Disable' => 'Disabilita', 'Enable' => 'Abilita', - 'Enhance this space with modules.' => 'Potenzia questo space con i moduli', + 'Enhance this space with modules.' => 'Potenzia questo spazio con i moduli', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_create_create.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_create_create.php index b0a28fa980..9c3c9c988d 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_create_create.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_create_create.php @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ Create new space' => 'Crea nuovo space', + 'Create new space' => 'Crea nuovo spazio', 'Advanced access settings' => 'Impostazioni avanzate di accesso', 'Next' => 'Avanti', - 'Space name' => 'Nome space', - 'space description' => 'descrizione space', + 'Space name' => 'Nome spazio', + 'space description' => 'descrizione spazio', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_index.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_index.php index 518d969030..682dab898f 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_index.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_index.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ This space is still empty!
' => 'Questo space è ancora vuoto!', - 'This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...' => 'Questo space è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui...', + 'This space is still empty!' => 'Questo spazio è ancora vuoto!', + 'This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...' => 'Questo spazio è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui...', 'You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!' => 'Non sei membro di questo spazio e al momento non esiste contenuto pubblico!', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_invite.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_invite.php index e86cf3cbe1..ccdafae2e5 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_invite.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_invite.php @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ 'Pick users' => 'Scegli gli utenti', 'Select all registered users' => 'Scegli tutti gli utenti registrati', 'Send' => 'Invia', - 'To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.' => 'Per invitare utenti a questo space per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli.', + 'To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.' => 'Per invitare utenti a questo spazio. Per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli.', 'You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.' => 'Puoi anche invitare utenti esterni che non sono ancora registrati. Puoi aggiungere il loro indirizzo e-mail separato da virgola.', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembership.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembership.php index d61de5bddf..140895601b 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembership.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembership.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ Request space membership' => 'Richiesta di membership per lo space', - 'Close' => 'Chiudi', - 'Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.' => 'Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro accettato in questo space.', -]; +return array ( + 'Request space membership' => 'Richiesta di partecipazione per lo spazio', + 'Close' => 'Chiudi', + 'Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.' => 'Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro di questo spazio.', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembershipSave.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembershipSave.php index 91cee4eddd..c9141798c0 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembershipSave.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/views_space_requestMembershipSave.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Request space membership' => 'Richiesta di membership per lo space', + 'Request space membership' => 'Richiesta di membership per lo spazio', 'Close' => 'Chiudi', - 'Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.' => 'La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello space.', + 'Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.' => 'La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello spazio.', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceAdminMenuWidget.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceAdminMenuWidget.php index 402a0b2c7d..a3adc07ee1 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceAdminMenuWidget.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceAdminMenuWidget.php @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ '' => '', 'Cancel Membership' => 'Cancella affiliazione', 'Don\'t receive notifications for new content' => 'Non ricevere notifiche per contenuti nuovi', - 'Hide posts on dashboard' => 'Nascondi post nel dashboard', + 'Hide posts on dashboard' => 'Nascondi post nella baacheca', 'Members' => 'Membri', 'Modules' => 'Moduli', 'Receive Notifications for new content' => 'Ricevi notifiche per contenuti nuovi', 'Security' => 'Sicurezza', - 'Show posts on dashboard' => 'Mostra post nel dashboard', + 'Show posts on dashboard' => 'Mostra post nella bacheca', 'This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard' => 'Questa opzione nasconderà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca', 'This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard' => 'Questa opzione mostrerà i nuovi contenuti di questo spazio nella tua bacheca', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceBrowseMenuWidget.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceBrowseMenuWidget.php index 1e494387e2..7d3819d81d 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceBrowseMenuWidget.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceBrowseMenuWidget.php @@ -1,24 +1,7 @@ 'La lista dei miei space', - 'My space summary' => 'Il sommario dei miei space', - 'Space directory' => 'Elenco degli space', - 'Spaces' => 'Space', -]; +return array ( + 'My Space List' => 'La lista dei miei spazi', + 'My space summary' => 'Il sommario dei miei spazi', + 'Space directory' => 'Elenco degli spazi', + 'Spaces' => 'Spazi', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceMenuWidget.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceMenuWidget.php index 738f55b33c..334aa77bf5 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceMenuWidget.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_SpaceMenuWidget.php @@ -1,22 +1,5 @@ Space menu' => 'Menù Space', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', -]; +return array ( + 'Space menu' => 'Menù Spazio', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_changeImage.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_changeImage.php index 5ece627733..88892667aa 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_changeImage.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_changeImage.php @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 'Cambia immagine', - 'Current space image' => 'Immagine dello space corrente', + 'Current space image' => 'Immagine dello spazio corrente', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_membershipButton.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_membershipButton.php index 2ac2a8e54a..8de30aa660 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_membershipButton.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_membershipButton.php @@ -1,25 +1,8 @@ 'Accetta invito', - 'Become member' => 'Unisciti allo space', - 'Cancel pending membership application' => 'Annulla richiesta di membership', - 'Deny Invite' => 'Rifiuta invito', - 'Request membership' => 'Chiedi di farne parte', -]; +return array ( + 'Accept Invite' => 'Accetta invito', + 'Become member' => 'Unisciti allo space', + 'Cancel pending membership application' => 'Annulla richiesta di partecipazione', + 'Deny Invite' => 'Rifiuta invito', + 'Request membership' => 'Chiedi di farne parte', +); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembership.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembership.php index c92df0f6d1..5e580e2b9a 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembership.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembership.php @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ return array ( 'Cancel' => 'Annulla', 'Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.' => 'Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro approvato di questo workspace.', - 'Request workspace membership' => 'Richiesta di membership per lo space', + 'Request workspace membership' => 'Richiesta di membership per lo spazio', 'Send' => 'Invia', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembershipSave.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembershipSave.php index 0c49c5b186..016af489bd 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembershipSave.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_requestMembershipSave.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'Chiudi', - 'Request workspace membership' => 'Richiesta di memebership per lo space', + 'Request workspace membership' => 'Richiesta di partecipazione allo spazio', 'Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.' => 'La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori del workspace.', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_spaceMembers.php b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_spaceMembers.php index a744b0793c..68d2f232bd 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_spaceMembers.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/space/messages/it/widgets_views_spaceMembers.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ New member request' => 'Nuova richiesta membro', - 'Space members' => 'Membri dello Space', + 'Space members' => 'Membri dello Spazio', 'Show all' => 'Mostra tutti', ); diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/user/messages/nl/models_ProfileFieldTypeSelect.php b/protected/humhub/modules/user/messages/nl/models_ProfileFieldTypeSelect.php index 80b51035ff..d85cfebc7c 100644 --- a/protected/humhub/modules/user/messages/nl/models_ProfileFieldTypeSelect.php +++ b/protected/humhub/modules/user/messages/nl/models_ProfileFieldTypeSelect.php @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'Laat andere selectie toe', - 'Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU' => 'Komma gescheiden land codes, bijv. DE,EN,NL', - 'One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)' => '1 optie per regel. sleutel=>Waarde Formaat (v.b. ja=>Ja)', + 'Allow other selection' => 'Andere selectie toestaan', + 'Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU' => 'Door komma gescheiden land codes, bijvoorbeeld DE,EN,NL', + 'One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)' => 'Eén optie per regel. Sleutel => Waardeopmaak (bijvoorbeeld ja => Ja) ', 'Please select:' => 'Maak een keuze:', 'Possible values' => 'Mogelijke waarden', - 'Select field options' => 'Keuzelijst opties', + 'Select field options' => 'Selecteer veldopties', 'Supported ISO3166 country codes' => 'Ondersteunde ISO3166 land codes', 'This will add an additional input element for custom values' => 'Dit voegt een extra invoerelement toe voor aangepaste waarden', );