The next generation of effing package management on Chef.
This cookbook installs fpm to a given Ruby. It also provides some useful LWRPs to help build packages in a Chef friendly manner.
Builds a package using fpm. All options available via fpm --help
are available as attributes within the LWRP. Dashes are simply
replaced with underscores. For example, lets build a rails gem:
fpm_tng_package 'rails' do
input_type 'gem'
output_type 'deb'
version '3.2.6'
input_args 'rails'
Most times gems will requre dependencies. These can be autobuilt:
fpm_tng_gemdeps 'rails' do
version '3.2.6'
- default[:fpm_tng][:install][:gems] = %w(fpm)
- default[:fpm_tng][:install][:packages] = []
- default[:fpm_tng][:build_dir] = '/opt/fpm-build'
- default[:fpm_tng][:package_dir] = '/opt/fpm-pkgs'
- default[:fpm_tng][:exec] = File.join(node.languages.ruby.bin_dir, 'fpm')
- default[:fpm_tng][:gem] = node.languages.ruby.gem_bin
- Repository: