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Merge pull request #895 from hydephp/remove-markdown-from-text-used-i…
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Create new logic for converting Markdown to plain text for the search index generation
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caendesilva committed Feb 1, 2023
2 parents 4c0cb7b + b5a257b commit cfbeec1
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namespace Hyde\Framework\Actions;

use function array_keys;
use function array_values;
use function explode;
use function implode;
use function preg_replace;
use function rtrim;
use function str_replace;
use function substr;

* Converts Markdown to plain text.
* @see \Hyde\Framework\Testing\Feature\Actions\ConvertsMarkdownToPlainTextTest
* @experimental This class is experimental and does not have a stable API yet.
* @internal This class is experimental and should not be used outside HydePHP.
class ConvertsMarkdownToPlainText
protected const ATX_HEADERS = ['/^(\n)?\s{0,}#{1,6}\s+| {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}#{0,} {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}$/m' => '$1$2$3'];
protected const SETEXT_HEADERS = ['/\n={2,}/' => "\n"];
protected const HORIZONTAL_RULES = ['/^(-\s*?|\*\s*?|_\s*?){3,}\s*/m' => ''];
protected const HTML_TAGS = ['/<[^>]*>/' => ''];
protected const CODE_BLOCKS = ['/(`{3,})(.*?)\1/m' => '$2'];
protected const FENCED_CODEBLOCKS = ['/`{3}.*\n/' => '', '/`{3}/' => ''];
protected const TILDE_FENCED_CODEBLOCKS = ['/~{3}.*\n/' => '', '/~{3}/' => ''];
protected const INLINE_CODE = ['/`(.+?)`/' => '$1'];
protected const IMAGES = ['/\!\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/' => '$1'];
protected const INLINE_LINKS = ['/\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/' => '$1'];
protected const REFERENCE_LINKS = ['/^\s{1,2}\[(.*?)\]: (\S+)( ".*?")?\s*$/' => ''];
protected const STRIKETHROUGH = ['/~~/' => ''];
protected const BLOCKQUOTES = ['/^\s{0,3}>\s?/' => ''];
protected const FOOTNOTES = ['/\[\^.+?\](\: .*?$)?/' => ''];
protected const EMPHASIS = ['/([\*_]{1,3})(\S.*?\S{0,1})\1/' => '$2'];

/** Emphasis (repeat the line to remove double emphasis) */
protected const DOUBLE_EMPHASIS = self::EMPHASIS;

/** Replace two or more newlines with exactly two */
protected const REPEATED_NEWLINES = ['/\n{2,}/' => "\n\n"];

protected string $markdown;

public function __construct(string $markdown)
$this->markdown = $markdown;

* Regex based on, licensed under MIT.
public function execute(): string
return $this->applyStringTransformations($this->applyRegexTransformations($this->markdown));

protected function applyRegexTransformations(string $markdown): string
/** @var array<array-key, array<string, string>> $patterns */
$patterns = [

foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$markdown = preg_replace(array_keys($pattern), array_values($pattern), $markdown) ?? $markdown;

return $markdown;

protected function applyStringTransformations(string $markdown): string
$lines = explode("\n", $markdown);
foreach ($lines as $line => $contents) {
$contents = $this->removeTables($contents);
$contents = $this->removeBlockquotes($contents);

$lines[$line] = $contents;

return implode("\n", $lines);

protected function removeTables(string $contents): string
// Remove dividers
if (str_starts_with($contents, '|--') && str_ends_with($contents, '--|')) {
$contents = str_replace(['|', '-'], ['', ''], $contents);
// Remove cells
if (str_starts_with($contents, '| ') && str_ends_with($contents, '|')) {
$contents = rtrim(str_replace(['| ', ' | ', ' |'], ['', '', ''], $contents), ' ');

return $contents;

protected function removeBlockquotes(string $contents): string
// Remove blockquotes
if (str_starts_with($contents, '> ')) {
$contents = substr($contents, 2);
// Remove multiline blockquotes
if (str_starts_with($contents, '>')) {
$contents = substr($contents, 1);

return $contents;
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namespace Hyde\Framework\Services;

use Hyde\Framework\Actions\ConvertsMarkdownToPlainText;
use Hyde\Framework\Concerns\InteractsWithDirectories;
use Hyde\Hyde;
use Hyde\Pages\DocumentationPage;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

* @internal Generate a JSON file that can be used as a search index for documentation pages.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,17 +106,12 @@ protected function save(): self
* in the document. This would however add complexity as well as extra
* computing time.
* Benchmarks: (for official Hyde docs)
* Returning $document->body as is: 500ms
* Returning $document->body as Str::markdown(): 920ms + 10ms for regex
* The current function is benchmarked on the official Hyde docs and takes
* around 140ms to generate the search index for all page files.
protected function getSearchContentForDocument(DocumentationPage $page): string
// This is compiles the Markdown body into HTML, and then strips out all
// HTML tags to get a plain text version of the body. This takes a long
// site, but is the simplest implementation I've found so far.
return preg_replace('/<(.|\n)*?>/', ' ', Str::markdown($page->markdown));
return (new ConvertsMarkdownToPlainText($page->markdown->body()))->execute();

public function getDestinationForSlug(string $slug): string
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