Hyle is a simple and readable text syntax to generate and affect content in After Effects.
Hyle can be used to:
- Create project templates
- Keep your effects presets in a readable form
- Quickly apply keyframes and expressions
- Easily Generate a big amount of content
- Avoid repetitive tasks
The website has been taken down, but documentation is still available here: https://github.com/Hyle-Script/hyle.io/tree/master/resources/documentation/v1.
This repository contains the language’s standalone core. If you are seaching for the After Effects panel to generate and submit Hyle scripts, you will find it in this repository.
and copy it in your startup scripts folder.OS X:
/Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2014/Scripts/Startup
Windows:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\/Support Files/Scripts/Startup
(Optional) Download
and copy it in your scriptsUI folderOS X:
/Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2014/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
Windows:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\/Support Files/Scripts/Script UI Panels
Once installed, Hyle runs in the user’s background and makes available a comprehensive API for your scripts to access it.
The script is still in an early stage. It still needs work and real situations to be thrown at it in order to mature.