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AHOHNMYC edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

GetFailed indicates a Freenet retrieval has failed. See below for error codes and their descriptions. Complex GetFailed messages are also possible; the format is identical to that of a PutFailed.


 CodeDescription=Unknown metadata
 ExtraDescription=<extra description of this specific error, if available>
 ShortCodeDescription=<short code description>
 Identifier=<identifier passed in by client>
 ExpectedDataLength=<expected data length if known>
 ExpectedMetadata.ContentType=<expected content type if known>
 FinalizedExpected=<whether the Expected fields can be trusted; if false, then data length may change, and if ContentType is null or application/octet-stream then it may be set later on>
 RedirectURI=<uri to redirect to; only included for e.g. USKs where we want the client to update any links to the old URI to point to the new one; equivalent to HTTP 301>


Field Example or [Range] Description
Code Integer Error code identifier. See Fetch Error Codes
CodeDescription <description></description> Description of error code.
ExtraDescription Extra description of this specific error, if available.
Fatal [true,false] True means there isn't much point retrying as it's probably an error with the data.
ShortCodeDescription Short code description.
Identifier Identifier passed in by client.
ExpectedDataLength Expected data length, if known.
ExpectedMetadata.ContentType Expected content type, if known.
FinalizedExpected [true,false] Whether the Expected fields can be trusted; if false, then data length may change, and if ContentType is null or application/octet-stream then it may be set later on.
RedirectURI URI to redirect to; only included for e.g. USKs where we want the client to update any links to the old URI to point to the new one; equivalent to HTTP 301>

Fetch Error Codes

(Always refer to the source code for the most up to date list)

Value Message
1 (Depreciated) Too many levels of archive recursion
2 (Depreciated) Unknown splitfile metadata
3 Unknown metadata
4 Invalid metadata
5 Archive failure
6 Block decode error
7 (Depreciated) Too many metadata levels
8 Too many archive restarts
9 Too many levels of recursion
10 Tried to access an archive file but not in an archive (this isn't an archive, but you seem to be telling me it is)
11 The URI has more metastrings and I can't deal with them
12 Bucket error (ie. internal, ie. not your fault!)
13 Data not found (I've looked, and it's really not there. Get over it)
14 Route not found (I can't get to where it would be)
15 Rejected overload (A downstream node was too busy to deal with us right now)
16 (Depreciated) Too many redirects
17 Internal error
18 Transfer failed (I found it, but never managed to get the data)
19 Splitfile error
20 Invalid URI
21 Too big!
22 Metadata is too big
23 Too many blocks per segment (in a splitfile)
24 Not enough metastrings (be more specific - put /something at the end)
25 Cancelled
26 Archive restart
27 Permanent redirect (there's a newer version of the USK you asked for)
28 All data not found (means we fetched some data but not all - perhaps a redirect to a file that hasn't been inserted)
29 Requestor specified a list of allowed MIME types, and the key's type wasn't in the list
30 A node killed the request because it had recently been tried and had DNFed
31 Content filtration has generally failed to produce clean data
32 The content filter does not recognize this data type
33 The content filter knows this data type is dangerous
34 The metadata specified a hash but the data didn't match it
35 FEC decode produced a block that doesn't match the data in the original splitfile
36 For a filtered download to disk, the MIME type is incompatible with the extension, potentially resulting in data on disk filtered with one MIME type but accessed by the operating system with another MIME type. This is equivalent to it not being filtered at all i.e. potentially dangerous.
37 Not enough disk space to start a download or the next stage of a download
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