# IC-GVINS GNC # 结果输出路径 # Output directory outputpath: "/media/syl/SYL/gici-data/20230327/1.1/log" is_make_outputdir: true # 时间信息, s # Time length for GNSS/INS intialization initlength: 1 # IMU原始数据频率, Hz # IMU sample rate imudatarate: 400 # 考虑地球自转补偿项 # Consider the Earth rotation iswithearth: true # 天线杆臂, IMU前右下方向, m # GNSS lever-arm in IMU body frame (front-right-down) antlever: [-0.042, 0.354, 0.029] # IMU噪声建模参数 # IMU noise parameters imumodel: arw: 0.34377 # deg/sqrt(hr) 速度随机游走, m / s^1.5 vrw: 0.12 # m/s/sqrt(hr) gbstd: 4.33156 # deg/hr abstd: 84.0 # mGal corrtime: 1.0 # hr # GNSS中断配置 # GNSS outage configurations, the GNSS will not be used after the gnssoutagetime isusegnssoutage: false gnssoutagetime: 121000.400000 # 固定阈值GNSS抗差 # A fixed threshold (STD, m) for GNSS outlier culling gnssthreshold: 20 # 是否开启可视化 # Use visualization is_use_visualization: true # 跟踪 # Tracking configurations track_check_histogram: false # 直方图检查, 避免出现光照变化较大的图像 (Check histogram for drastic illumulation change) track_min_parallax: 15 # 关键帧最小像素视差 (The minmum parallax in pixels to choose a keyframe) track_max_interval: 0.5 # 最大的关键帧间隔, 超过则插入观测帧, s (The maximum lenght to choose a observation frame) track_max_features: 300 # 最大提取特征数量 (The maximum features to detect, may be more or less, see tracking.cc) # 优化 # Optimization configurations reprojection_error_std: 1.5 # 像素重投影误差 (The reprojection error std for optimizition and outlier culling) optimize_windows_size: 10 # 滑动窗口大小 (The size of the sliding window, number of the keyframes ) optimize_num_iterations: 20 # 优化迭代次数 (The iterations in total) optimize_estimate_extrinsic: true # 建议false,估计出的外参飘忽不定,误差很大,可能是因为车辆运动速度过快导致。是否估计相机和IMU的外参 (Estimate the extrinsic) optimize_estimate_td: true # 否估计相机和IMU之间的时间间隔 (Estimate the time delay) # Camera parameters cam0: # 内参 [fx, fy, cx, cy(, skew)] # Intrinsic parameters, pinhole model intrinsic: [ 510.12091726559544, 509.55338413343736, 357.48596105253193, 240.00309579253124 ] # 畸变参数 [k1, k2, p1, p2(, k3)] # Distortion parameters distortion: [ -0.36472323465957157, 0.11530151924890532, 0.0006024586154990503, 0.0020184970860498133 ] # 图像分辨率 # Resolution resolution: [752, 480] # 相机IMU外参 (Camera-IMU extrinsic) # Pb = q_b_c * Pc + t_b_c # q (x, y, z, w) q_b_c: [0.504847611247718, 0.496119477219145, 0.501848515391305, 0.497134208580358] # t_b_c: [0.025008868367930974, 0.0110786309679912626,0.0229793554058591656] t_b_c: [0.025009, 0.011079, 0.022979] # IMU和相机时间延时 (The time delay between the IMU and camera) # t_i = t_c + td td_b_c: 0.0