A PHP library to integrate iMoneza into your application.
Using your http://imoneza.com account, you can interact with all parts of the API using this library. This library requires PHP 5.4+ and curl to be installed.
This library is available on packagist and can be installed using composer.
$ composer require imoneza/imoneza-php-api
There are a number of ways to interact with the API. But, the way of performing each task is relatively the same. For this example, let's save a resource to iMoneza.
$options = new \iMoneza\Options\Management\SaveResource();
->setName('Wisconsin Crowned King of Cheese')
->setTitle('Wisconsin Crowned King of Cheese')
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('iMoneza');
$connection = new \iMoneza\Connection($apiKey, $secretKey, $accessApiKey, $accessSecretKey, new \iMoneza\Request\Curl(), $logger);
$connection->request($options, new \iMoneza\Data\None());
The Connection Object
Options Objects
Data Objects
- PHP 5.4+
- Curl
- iMoneza publisher account
The features of this project are handled internally by iMoneza. However, we do encourage you to visit the issues section here on GitHub if you have any suggestions, requests, or find a bug.
Testing is managed by Travis CI and coverage provided by Coveralls.
This library is licensed under the LGPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details