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Automate tagging svn working copies.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0rc7

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-svn-tag --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "svn_tag" task


The svn_tag multi-task creates a new subversion tag for your working copy path using the version listed in your project's package.json file.

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named svn_tag to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  svn_tag: {
    release: {
      options: {
        tag: 'v{%= version %}',
        commitMessage: 'admin: Tag for release ({%= version %})'



Type: String Default: 'v{%= version %}'

The name used to create your svn tag where version is the version specified in your project's package.json file. Processed as a grunt template using '{%' and '%}' as template delimiters. You may also use the --tag flag from the command line.


Type: String Default: 'admin: Tag for release ({%= version %})'

The commit message used when creating your svn tag where version is the version specified in your project's package.json file. Processed as a grunt template using '{%' and '%}' as template delimiters. You may also use the --commit-message flag from the command line.


Type: String Default: inferred from svn info url && package.json

Used to set the base project url where new tags should be created. Useful if you have multiple projects in a single svn repository.

Tags will be copied into the projectRoot + '/tags' (remote) folder.

Project roots are determined by checking the following in order:

  • The task options for a 'projectRoot' property
  • Your package.json file for repository.url (if respository.type === 'svn')
  • The url returned by svn info


Type: Boolean Default: false

Mostly included for debugging purposes. When set to true svn commands while be written to the console rather than executed.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Overwrite tag if it already exists. This will effectively issue a svn remove on your tag name before attempting to copy onto it.


Type: String Default: 'admin: Cleaning tag destination'

The commit message to use when delete


Type: String

The username svn uses for authentication, a password must also be specified.


Type: String

The password svn uses for authentication, a username must also be specified.


Please see our consolidated contribution guidelines.

Release History

  • 07-07-2015 v0.8.0 Convert to multitask, add overwite and overwriteMessage options
  • 03-21-2014 v0.7.0 Support tagging from trunk or a branch
  • 03-21-2014 v0.5.0 Check package.json for repository url
  • 03-13-2014 v0.4.0 Make project root configurable.
  • 01-01-2014 v0.3.0 Make tag name and commit message configurable.


Tag the working copy with a standard commit message







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