This repository provides a set of Ansible Playbook for automatic deployment of OpenVPN on servers running Ubuntu 20.04, support for other OS versions such as Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian is planned in the future. VPN can be deployed in Single, Double and Triple nodes.
Server with 1 CPU, 1024 MB RAM, 5 Gb free HDD or SDD, running Ubuntu 20.04
- Android App OpenVPN Connect 3.2.7
- iPhone App OpenVPN Connect 3.2.3
- OS X Big Sur with Tunnelblick 3.8.7a using openvpn-2.5.4
- Windows OpenVPN GUI v11.26.0.0
To use it, you need to install Ansible version at least 2.21 installation instructions on your system here
Next, download this repository
git clone
Go to the repository folder and launch Ansible Playbook For convenience, you can edit the inventory file hosts.txt or pass parameters via –extra-vars
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/vpn_standalone.yml –extra-vars “clientname=test profile_path=~/openvpn_profiles”
Required variables:
clientname: test
- specify the name of the client, for example test
!!!The sequence of execution is important!!!
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/double_vpn_exitnode.yml –extra-vars “client_profile=vpn_test_hop2”
Required variables:
client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_hop2
- specify the profile name, change only the client name example vpn_test_hop2ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/double_vpn_enternode.yml –extra-vars “clientname=test nextsrv_client_profile=vpn_test_hop2 profile_path=~/openvpn_profiles”
Required variables:
clientname: test
- specify the name of the client, for example testnextsrv_client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_hop2
- specify the profile name, example vpn_test_hop 2
Optional variables:
profile_path: /root/openvpn_profiles
- the path where to save the client connection file
!!!The sequence of execution is important!!!
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/triple_vpn_exitnode.yml–extra-vars “client_profile=vpn_test_hop3”
Required variables:
client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_shop3
- specify the profile name, change only the client name example vpn_test_hop3ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/triple_vpn_middlenode.yml –extra-vars “client_profile=vpn_test_hop2 nextsrv_client_profile=vpn_test_hop3 ”
Required variables:
client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_hop2
- specify the profile name, change only the client name example vpn_test_hop2 -
nextsrv_client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_hop3
- specify the profile name, change only the client name example vpn_test_hop3ansible-playbook -i ./hosts.txt -l test playbooks/triple_vpn_enternode.yml –extra-vars “clientname=test nextsrv_client_profile=vpn_test_hop2 profile_path=~/openvpn_profiles”
Required variables:
clientname: test
- specify the name of the client, for example testnextsrv_client_profile: vpn_{client_name}_hop2
- specify the profile name, example vpn_test_hop2
Optional variables:
profile_path: /root/openvpn_profiles
- the path where to save the client connection file