I am currently a Senior DevOps Engineer at Voltron Data. I specialize in implementing mainly cloud-based solutions to support workloads ranging from CI/CD to Security & Monitoring. I am also interested in optimizing cloud financial spending and am a FinOps Certified Practitioner. In addition to this, I have a knack for filesystems and have explored everything from NFS to WekaFS. Furthermore, I have previous experience working across multiple regulated industries accomplishing effective solutions to improve data science workflows, and I possess a Master of Data Science from the University of British Columbia. Outside work, I am a certified free diver; I love to surf and travel Latin America.
Developing digital infrastructure to support novel challenges in society. Specifically, at this moment, I'm looking to create an Open Data Management Solution based in modern web standards.
He/Him/They | El/Elle
I started university at 14 years old. I speak 4 languages at different levels of fluency (English, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole). I'm an AIDA certified freediver and I enjoy bodyboarding.
R, Python, Go, Data Science, Kubernetes, DevOps, CI/CD, FinOps