### Pandocomatic Configuration ### # IMPORTANT: # YAML configuration files uses spaces for indentation to define structure # # Path values are normally relative to the Pandoc data dir: /Users/MYNAME/.pandoc # so csl/apa.csl will be searched as /Users/MYNAME/.pandoc/csl/apa.csl # see https://heerdebeer.org/Software/markdown/pandocomatic/#specifying-paths # # This has been updated for the Pandoc V2.11 citeproc engine, not the older filter templates: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LATEX :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- latex: preprocessors: - preprocessors/removeImageDimensions.rb # remove image dimensions pandoc: from: markdown to: latex standalone: true filter: - filters/assimilateMetadata.rb # handle academic metadata template: templates/custom.latex verbatim: true metadata: documentclass: 'article' classoption: twoside pagestyle: plain # control \pagestyle{}: the default article class supports plain (default), empty (no running heads or page numbers), and headings (section titles in running heads) fontsize: '12pt' linestretch: '1.5' geometry: ['inner=2.2cm','outer=1.8cm','bottom=2.5cm','twoside'] mainfont: 'Greta Text Pro' mainfontoptions: 'Numbers=OldStyle,Numbers=Proportional' sansfont: 'Greta Sans Pro' sansfontoptions: 'Numbers=OldStyle,Numbers=Proportional' monofont: 'Fira Code' mathfont: 'Cambria Math' mathfontoptions: 'math-style=ISO,bold-style=ISO' #CJKmainfont: 'Heiti SC' colorlinks: true linkcolor: Mahogany citecolor: Sepia urlcolor: BrickRed lang: 'en-GB' nonumberfigures: true # I use Scrivener autonumbering, so disable for LaTeX postprocessors: - postprocessors/fixLaTeX.rb #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- myrefs: setup: [] #runs a general script to rename or copy files before anything is run preprocessors: [] #runs a script on the markdown file itself pandoc: citeproc: true #this enables the built-in citeproc engine bibliography: "./mwe.bib" #bibtex file, in the current MWE folder csl: "./apa.csl" #CSL style file, in the current MWE folder metadata: reference-section-title: "Bibliography" notes-after-punctuation: false #don't put refs after . link-citations: true #hyperlink intext references to the bibliography csl-hanging-indent: true #try to add hanging indents to formatted bibliogrpahy postprocessors: [] cleanup: [] #general cleanup script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- paper-with-refs-latex: extends: ['myrefs','latex'] #we can inherit from other templates pandoc: from: markdown to: latex template: "templates/custom.latex" #customised pandoc template toc: true toc-depth: 2 metadata: mainfont: 'Hoefler Text' sansfont: 'Avenir Next' monofont: 'Menlo' CJKmainfont: 'PingFang SC' lang: 'en-GB' papersize: 'A4' documentclass: 'article' fontsize: '12pt' linestretch: '1.75' geometry: 'margin=2cm' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PDF :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdf: extends: ['paper-with-refs-latex'] #we can inherit from other templates pandoc: to: pdf standalone: true