A ROS node that processes data received from TeensyCam - stereo camera module.
Depending on various options defined in camera.launch, it can generate and broadcast the following ROS topics:
- raw (both left and right) images
- rectified images
- disparity image
- depth image
- camera_info for the above images
- point cloud
- emulated laser scan
This node makes use of LIBELAS dense stereo library, specifically its OpenMP-version.
- get from here: https://github.com/wjwwood/serial
- before
, change install location:cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/serial
- enable access to serial device:
sudo gpasswd --add ${USER} dialout
- add to ~/.bashrc:
source /opt/serial/setup.bash
- Version 2.4 or higher
More info about the project is here: https://BoredomProjects.net/index.php/projects/robot-navigation-using-stereo-vision-part-2