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Releases: iconara/cql-rb


17 May 09:32
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v2.1.0.pre2 Pre-release

This prerelease includes a fix that was added to v2.0.5 (see #126), and also includes performance optimizations in the connection management (see #128).


15 Jul 15:23
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This release makes prepared statements work when a table has changed, see #126. Thanks to @stenlarsson for the fix.


26 Oct 08:43
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v2.1.0.pre1 Pre-release

This release fixes an issue where sending new requests as a reaction to requests timing out could lead to queued requests never being sent (see #123).

The dependency on Ione has also been changed to not require and exact version, but the latest.


26 Oct 08:53
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This release backports some bug fixes from v2.1.0:

  • Sending new requests as a reaction to requests timing out could lead to queued requests never being sent (see #123).
  • Decoding some frames could break under some circumstances.


11 Sep 19:59
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v2.1.0.pre0 Pre-release

This release adds support for user defined types, a Cassandra 2.1 feature. It also adds experimental support for encrypted and authenticated connections.

This release depends on a hard coded prerelease version of Ione for the encryption support.

@jasonmk has been very helpful in testing the encryption support, and has written a guide for how to get it set up.


10 Jul 06:22
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Bugfix release:

  • Fixes #117, batches with prepared statements now ensures that the statements are prepared on the selected connection instead of raising NotPreparedError.
  • Fixes #118, VARINT and DECIMAL encoding bugs.


04 Jul 07:49
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Bugfix release:

  • The encoding of DECIMAL with trailing zeroes was fixed (see #115, thanks to @ahisbrook for finding and fixing)


26 Jun 17:45
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This release contains a mix of bug fixes, optimizations and new features.

  • Uuid and TimeUuid can now be compared correctly (see #111).
  • DECIMAL and VARINT with value zero are now encoded properly (see #112).
  • An LZ4 compressor has been added (see #109).
  • The overhead of the locking in the hot path of the IO handling has been optimized. Combined with similar optimizations in Ione this should be a nice performance boost for high throughput applications. Make sure you update to the latest version of Ione too.


23 May 06:24
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v2.0 is fully supports Cassandra 2.0 and is completely backwards compatible with v1.2 – both Cassandra and cql-rb, the version matches are completely coincidental. This is the biggest release yet, it contains lots of new features and improvements, but without sacrificing compatibility.

The big new features are:

  • Support for batches of mixed statements
  • Result paging, for those wide rows that you don't want to read all in one go
  • Bound values in non-prepared statements, this is useful for one-off queries where you have a complex object like a UUID that can be tricky to format right in a CQL string
  • Prepared statement performance improvements, taking advantage of some additions in v2 of the CQL binary protocol
  • SASL authentication with pluggable authenticators, and support for the built in plain text authentication.
  • Multi protocol support, works with both v1 and v2 of the CQL binary protocol, and automatically negotiates a version the server and client supports.

Another change that has happened is that the reactive core of cql-rb has been extracted to its own gem, Ione. If you want to build your own high performance drivers now you have the tool you need to do it.


17 May 18:09
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v2.0.0.rc0 Pre-release

First release candidate of v2.0. Unless any bugs are found in the next few days this is going to be v2.0.

  • Authentication has moved to its own namespace, Cql::Auth. If you have implemented your own authentication this is a breaking change.
  • Lots of documentation updates
  • Added #last_page? and #next_page to QueryResult and VoidResult to make the API the same regardless of whether the concrete result is a a void result, a normal rows result, or a paged result.
  • Removed the docs for some deprecated features. They still work, but are no longer part of the public API.
  • Fixed #94, a silly bug where giving an empty list of hosts to Client.connect failed with an unrelated error.