diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index d8a7c6f..3a8add3 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ ## 규칙 +1. UTF-8 with BOM 인코딩을 사용해야 한다. + 1. 반드시 용어는 일관적으로, 동일하게 번역되어야만 한다. 2. 반드시 통일된 규칙으로 작성해야만 한다. diff --git a/english.csv b/english.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64fac69 --- /dev/null +++ b/english.csv @@ -0,0 +1,6832 @@ +Name,English,Translation,Restrictions,Comment +__Priority,0,0,,Order of language importance. Allows other packs to supplement or replace sections +_Argument0,{0},{0},,single unlocalised argument +_Error,Error: {0},Error: {0},,General error prefix +_Language,English,English,,Language name - in English +_LanguageNative,English,English,,Language name in the native language +_LanguageCode,en,en,,standard windows os language code this pack represents (can be primary code only ie. en or primary-secondary ie. en-GB) +_GameMaker2016,GameMaker Studio 2,GameMaker Studio 2,,IDE title +_MANUAL_LOCATION,"http://zeus.yoyogames.com/GMS2_English-master.zip","http://zeus.yoyogames.com/GMS2_English-master.zip",,Location of language manual +_MANUAL_ONLINE_URL,"https://manual-en.yoyogames.com","https://manual-en.yoyogames.com",,online manual url +_TUTORIALS_ONLINE_URL,"https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials","https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials",,Location of Tutorials url +$win_OpenInExplorer,Open In Explorer,Open In Explorer,,Windows version of Open In Explorer +$win_OpenProjectInExplorer,Open Project In Explorer,Open Project In Explorer,,Windows version of Open Project In Explorer +$win_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Open Log In Explorer,Open Log In Explorer,,Windows version of Show Log In Explorer +$win_explorer,explorer,explorer,,windows version of explorer +$mac_explorer,finder,finder,,mac version of explorer +$mac_OpenInExplorer,Show In Finder,Show In Finder,,Mac version of Open In Explorer +$mac_OpenProjectInExplorer,Show Project In Finder,Show Project In Finder,,Mac version of Open Project In Explorer +$mac_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Reveal Log In Finder,Reveal Log In Finder,,Mac version of Show Log In Explorer +$linux_explorer,file manager,file manager,,Linux version of explorer +$linux_OpenInExplorer,Show In File Manager,Show In File Manager,,Linux version of Open In Explorer +$linux_OpenProjectInExplorer,Show Project In File Manager,Show Project In File Manager,,Linux version of Open Project In Explorer +$linux_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Reveal Log In File Manager,Reveal Log In File Manager,,Linux version of Show Log In Explorer +$win_ctrl,Ctrl,Ctrl,,Windows version of ctrl key +$mac_ctrl,Command,Command,,Mac version of ctrl key +$linux_ctrl,Ctrl,Ctrl,,Linux version of ctrl key +$win_FileMenuExit,Exit,Exit,,Windows version of the Exit main menu entry +$mac_FileMenuExit,Quit,Quit,,Mac version of the Exit main menu entry +$linux_FileMenuExit,Exit,Exit,,Linux version of the Exit main menu entry +$win_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About,About,,Windows version of the About main menu entry +$mac_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About GameMaker Studio 2,About GameMaker Studio 2,,Mac version of the About main menu entry +$linux_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About,About,,Linux version of the About main menu entry +$win_IDEMenuViews,Windows,Windows,,Windows version of the views menu entry +$mac_IDEMenuViews,Window,Window,,Mac version of the views menu entry +$linux_IDEMenuViews,Windows,Windows,,Linux version of the views menu entry +$win_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Control and Right Alt,Right Control and Right Alt,,Windows version of laptop mode keys +$mac_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Command and Right Alt,Right Command and Right Alt,,Mac version of laptop mode keys +$linux_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Control and Right Alt,Right Control and Right Alt,,Linux version of laptop mode keys +$win_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Control,Left Control,,Windows laptop mode zoom key +$mac_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Command,Left Command,,Mac laptop mode zoom key +$linux_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Control,Left Control,,Linux laptop mode zoom key +Account_Menu_Login,Login,Login,,"Account menu ""Login""" +Account_Menu_Logout,Logout,Logout,,"Acount menu ""Logout""" +Account_Menu_ManageAccount,Manage Account,Manage Account,,"Account menu ""Account""" +AnimationManager_InvalidTransition,The transition specified '{0}' is not valid,The transition specified '{0}' is not valid,,The transition specified in the animation json is not a valid value +BackgroundLayer_HSpeed,Horizontal Speed,Horizontal Speed,,Numeric textbox label for horizontal scroll speed +BackgroundLayer_HTile,Horizontal Tile,Horizontal Tile,,Checkbox label for horizontal tiling +BackgroundLayer_NoBackground,,,,no background selected caption for the background layer button +BackgroundLayer_PosX,X Offset,X Offset,,Numeric textbox label for x pos offset +BackgroundLayer_PosY,Y Offset,Y Offset,,numeric textbox label for y pos offset +BackgroundLayer_Stretch,Stretch,Stretch,,Checkbox label for stretch +BackgroundLayer_VSpeed,Vertical Speed,Vertical Speed,,Numeric textbox label for vertical scroll speed +BackgroundLayer_VTile,Vertical Tile,Vertical Tile,,Checkbox label for vertical tiling +Breakpoints,Breakpoints,Breakpoints,,Breakpoints +Breakpoint_Delete,Delete Breakpoint,Delete Breakpoint,,delete breakpoint menu option +Breakpoint_GotoCode,Go To Code,Go To Code,,breakpoint show code menu option +Breakpoint_MenuToggle,Toggle Breakpoint,Toggle Breakpoint,,toggle breakpoint menu option +Breakpoint_Help,"There are no breakpoints to display.\nTo place one, press F9 on the desired line in a code editor.","There are no breakpoints to display.\nTo place one, press F9 on the desired line in a code editor.",,Breakpoint help text to be displayed when there are no breakpoints +Build_FailedCompile,ERROR: Project failed to compile: error code {0},ERROR: Project failed to compile: error code {0},,Error message when the project fails to compile +Build_FailedDeploy,ERROR: Project failed to deploy: error code {0},ERROR: Project failed to deploy: error code {0},,Error message when the project fails to deploy +Build_FailedRun,ERROR: Project failed to run: error code {0},ERROR: Project failed to run: error code {0},,Error message when the project fails to run +Button_Add,Add,Add,,Add button +Button_Cancel,Cancel,Cancel,,cancel button +Button_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Delete button +Button_Done,Done,Done,,Done button +Button_Import,Import,Import,,import button label +Button_Manage,Manage,Manage,,Manage button +Button_No,No,No,,No +Button_OK,OK,OK,,ok button +Button_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Rename button +Button_Resize,Resize,Resize,,resize button label +Button_Scale,Scale,Scale,,Image editor - scale button +Button_Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes +Button_Next,Next,Next,,next button label +Button_Create,Create,Create,,create button label +Button_Apply,Apply,Apply,,apply button label +Button_Search,Search,Search,,search button label +Button_Remove_All,Remove All,Remove All,,button label - remove all +Dialog_ResetLayout_Title,Reset Layout,Reset Layout,,Reset layout dialog title +Dialog_ResetLayout,Resetting the project layout will close any open resources. Are you sure you want to reset the layout?,Resetting the project layout will close any open resources. Are you sure you want to reset the layout?,,Dialog message reset layout +Dialog_ResetLayout_ChoicePref,Automatic response to resetting the project layout,Automatic response to resetting the project layout,,Default reset layout dialog choice +LicenseNotification_TrialExpiring,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,,Trial licence expiry notification +LicenseNotification_Expiring,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,,Licence expiry notification +LicenseNotification_BuyNow,Buy Now,Buy Now,,Buy Now label +LicenseNotification_ButtonBuyNow,BUY NOW,BUY NOW,,BUY NOW label +IDE_License_Label,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,,IDE licence label +IDE_TrialLicense_Label,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,,IDE trial licence label +marketplace_certificate_settings,Marketplace Certificate Settings,Marketplace Certificate Settings,,marketplace certificate settings pref +Certificate_GenerateSucceeded,Successfully created certificate file: {0},Successfully created certificate file: {0},,certificate create success +Certificate_GenerateFailed,Failed to create certificate file: {0},Failed to create certificate file: {0},,certificate create failed +Certificate_FileAlreadyExists,Certificate file '{0}' already exists; please choose a new filename,Certificate file '{0}' already exists; please choose a new filename,,certificate file exists +Certificate_RequiredFieldsMissing,Name and Password fields must be set,Name and Password fields must be set,,create certificate missing fields +Certificate_FileMissing,Unable to find certificate file '{0}',Unable to find certificate file '{0}',,certificate file missing +Certificate_Test_Title,Certificate Check,Certificate Check,,certificate test title +Certificate_PasswordFail,Password is NOT valid for certificate,Password is NOT valid for certificate,,certificate password fail +Certificate_PasswordOK,Password is valid for certificate,Password is valid for certificate,,certificate password ok +CertProperties_Heading,Set .pem certificate file and password,Set .pem certificate file and password,,certificate properties heading +CertProperties_Heading2,(you can use an existing GameMaker:Studio marketplace certificate),(you can use an existing GameMaker:Studio marketplace certificate),,certificate properties heading 2 +CertProperties_CertificateFile,Certificate File:,Certificate File:,,certificate file label +CertProperties_CertificatePassword,Certificate Password:,Certificate Password:,,certificate password label +CertProperties_Check,Check,Check,,certificate properties check certificate button label +CertProperties_CheckTooltip,Check that the password is valid for the selected certficate file,Check that the password is valid for the selected certficate file,,certificate properties check tooltip +CertProperties_CreateInfoLabel,"If you don't have a certificate, you can create one:","If you don't have a certificate, you can create one:",,certificate properties create info +CertProperties_CreateNewCertificate,Create new certificate,Create new certificate,,certificate properties create new certificate button label +CertProperties_CreateCertificate,Create Certificate,Create Certificate,,certificate properties create certificate button label +CertProperties_EnterCertDetails,Enter new certificate details:,Enter new certificate details:,,certificate properties enter certificate details +CertProperties_PublisherName,Publisher Name:,Publisher Name:,,cert properties author name +CertProperties_CreatePublisherAccount,Create Publisher Account,Create Publisher Account,,create publisher account button label +CodeWindow_2Column,2 columns,2 columns,,Document window layout menu option - 2columns +CodeWindow_3Column,3 columns,3 columns,,Document window layout menu option - 3 columns +CodeWindow_Fullscreen,Fullscreen workspace tab,Fullscreen workspace tab,,Document window layout menu option - fullscreen workspace tab +CodeWindow_Menu_Help,Keyword help,Keyword help,,Code window help menu option +CodeWindow_Menu_ShowResource,Show resource,Show resource,,Code window show resource menu option +CodeWindow_SingleColumn,Single pane,Single pane,,Document window layout menu option - 1 column +CodeWindow_Title,Code,Code,,fullscreen code editor workspace tab title +CodeWindow_RestoreToWorkspace,Restore to Workspace,Restore to Workspace,,code editor restore to workspace context menu option +CodeWindow_GotoObject,Go to Object,Go to Object,,code editor go to object context menu option +CodeWindow_AddEvent,Add/Open Event,Add/Open Event,,code editor event script add event context menu option +CodeWindow_OpenInheritedEvent,Open Inherited Event,Open Inherited Event,,open inherited event context menu option +GotoLine_Title,Go To Line,Go To Line,,goto line dialog title +GotoLine_Label,Line Number ({0} - {1}),Line Number ({0} - {1}),,goto line label +CompileErrors,Compile Errors,Compile Errors,,Compile Errors tab title +CompileErrors_NoErrors,There are no compile errors to show!,There are no compile errors to show!,,No compile errors message +Configuration,Configuration,Configuration,,Configuration +Configuration_Select,Select Configuration,Select Configuration,,Window title for config select +Configurations,Configurations,Configurations,,Configurations +Configurations_Add,Add New Configuration,Add New Configuration,,Add configuration window title +Configurations_Delete,Are you sure you want to delete configuration '{0}'?,Are you sure you want to delete configuration '{0}'?,,Confirm for deleting a configuration +Configurations_Delete_OtherConfigs,Are you sure? Deleting configuration '{0}' will also delete the following configurations: '{1}'.,Are you sure? Deleting configuration '{0}' will also delete the following configurations: '{1}'.,,Warning about deleting a configuration deleting child configs +Configurations_DeleteError,Cannot delete configuration '{0}',Cannot delete configuration '{0}',,Cannot delete a configuration error message +Configurations_DuplicateEntryError,Cannot duplicate existing configuration name,Cannot duplicate existing configuration name,,Configuration name cannot be duplicated error message +Configurations_InvalidLicenseError,Cannot create configurations with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,Cannot create configurations with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Cannot create configurations with the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message +Configurations_InvalidNameError,The configuration name '{0}' is not valid,The configuration name '{0}' is not valid,,Configuration name provided is invalid +Configurations_Manage,Manage Configurations,Manage Configurations,,Manage Configurations window title +Configurations_NameEmptyError,New configuration name cannot be empty,New configuration name cannot be empty,,Configuration name cannot be empty error message +Configurations_NewName,New Configuration Name,New Configuration Name,,New configuration label +Configurations_Parent,Parent Configuration,Parent Configuration,,Choose parent configuration label +Configurations_Promote,Promote,Promote,,Promotion of a config up the config hierarchy +Configurations_Rename,Rename Configuration,Rename Configuration,,Rename configuration +Configurations_RenameError,Cannot rename '{0}' configuration,Cannot rename '{0}' configuration,,Configuration name cannot be renamed error message +Configurations_ConfirmPromote,Are you sure? Promoting a configuration cannot be undone,Are you sure? Promoting a configuration cannot be undone,,Confirm the user really wants to promote a config +ContextMenu_AddMenuEntry,Add Menu Entry,Add Menu Entry,,Context menu option to add a menu entry at the end of the context menu +ContextMenu_AddMenuEntryAfter,Add Menu Entry Below,Add Menu Entry Below,,Context menu option to add a menu entry below the selected entry +ContextMenu_AddMenuEntryBefore,Add Menu Entry Above,Add Menu Entry Above,,Context menu option to add a menu entry above the selected entry +ContextMenu_AddMenuSeparatorAfter,Add Menu Separator Below,Add Menu Separator Below,,Context menu option to add a separator below the selected entry +ContextMenu_AddMenuSeparatorBefore,Add Menu Separator Above,Add Menu Separator Above,,Context menu option to add a separator above the selected entry +ContextMenu_AddSubMenuEntry,Add Sub Menu Entry,Add Sub Menu Entry,,Context menu option to add a sub menu entry at the end of the context menu +ContextMenu_AddSubMenuEntryAfter,Add Sub Menu Entry Below,Add Sub Menu Entry Below,,Context menu option to add a sub menu entry before the selected entry +ContextMenu_AddSubMenuEntryBefore,Add Sub Menu Entry Above,Add Sub Menu Entry Above,,Context menu option to add a sub menu entry after the selected entry +ContextMenu_MoveEntryDown,Move Menu Item Down,Move Menu Item Down,,Context menu option to move a menu entry or separator down +ContextMenu_MoveEntryUp,Move Menu Item Up,Move Menu Item Up,,Context menu option to move a menu entry or separator up +Dialog_AreYouSure,Are you sure?,Are you sure?,,"Generic ""Are you sure?"" dialog message" +Dialog_Confirm,Confirm,Confirm,,"Dialog ""confirm"" heading" +Dialog_Ignore,Ignore,Ignore,,dialog ignore label +Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query,Are you sure you want to remove the event with all its actions?,Are you sure you want to remove the event with all its actions?,,Delete event dialog confirmation query +Dialog_CutEvent_Query,Are you sure you want to cut the selected event?,Are you sure you want to cut the selected event?,,Cut event dialog confirmation query +Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query_Multiple,Are you sure you want to remove {0} events with all their actions?,Are you sure you want to remove {0} events with all their actions?,,Delete multiple event dialog confirmation query +Dialog_DeleteFrame_Query,Delete the selected frames?,Delete the selected frames?,,image editor delete frames confirm query +Dialog_PasteEvent_NotReady,The event is still being copied. Please try pasting again in a few seconds.,The event is still being copied. Please try pasting again in a few seconds.,,Not ready to paste yet message +Dialog_DontShowAgain,Don't show this message again,Don't show this message again,,Message next to checkbox to allow the user to choose not to see this popup in future +Dialog_Error,Error,Error,,error dialog title +Dialog_NotReady,Not Ready,Not Ready,,not ready dialog title +Dialog_Success,Success,Success,,success dialog title +Dialog_Invalid,Invalid,Invalid,,Dialog caption text for invalid input +Dialog_InvalidInput,Invalid input. Please provide the required information.,Invalid input. Please provide the required information.,,A dialog message for invalid input in dialogs +Dialog_SaveChangesToX,Save the changes to {0}?,Save the changes to {0}?,,Save changes to X query +Dialog_Warning,Warning,Warning,,"Dialog ""Warning"" title" +DialogEditor_AddContextMenu,Add Context Menu,Add Context Menu,,Context menu option to add a context menu to the selected gadget +DialogEditor_Cell,Grid Cell,Grid Cell,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a grid cell group +DialogEditor_ChildGadgets,Child Gadgets,Child Gadgets,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child gadgets group +DialogEditor_ChildWindows,Child Windows,Child Windows,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child windows group +DialogEditor_ClearLayoutList,Clear List,Clear List,,Button label for clearing the open layout list +DialogEditor_Client,Client Panel,Client Panel,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a client panel (window or tab) +DialogEditor_ClippedGadget,Clip To Parent,Clip To Parent,,context menu option for setting if a gadget is clipped within its parent or not +DialogEditor_ColourDialog,Colour Dialog,Colour Dialog,,layout hierarchy label for a colour dialog window +DialogEditor_ColourSelected,Selected Colour Display,Selected Colour Display,,layout hierarchy label for the selected colour display +DialogEditor_ColumnSplitter,Grid Column Splitter,Grid Column Splitter,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a grid column splitter +DialogEditor_ColumnDockSplitter,Grid Column Dock Splitter,Grid Column Dock Splitter,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a grid column dock splitter +DialogEditor_RowDockSplitter,Grid Row Dock Splitter,Grid Row Dock Splitter,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a grid row dock splitter +DialogEditor_GridSplitter,Grid Splitter,Grid Splitter,,gadget properties heading for a grid splitter +DialogEditor_DockSplitter,Grid Dock Splitter,Grid Dock Splitter,,gadget properties heading for a grid dock splitter +DialogEditor_ContextMenu,Context Menu,Context Menu,,Layout Heirarcy heading for a context menu +DialogEditor_CopyGadget,Copy Gadget,Copy Gadget,,menu entry for copying a gadget to clipboard +DialogEditor_CutGadget,Cut Gadget,Cut Gadget,,menu entry for cutting a gadget to clipboard +DialogEditor_DeleteGadget,Delete Gadget,Delete Gadget,,menu entry for deleting the currently highlighted gadget +DialogEditor_DeleteLayout,Delete Layout,Delete Layout,,Dialog editor delete layout menu entry +DialogEditor_DeleteLayout_AreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete this layout?,Are you sure you want to delete this layout?,,Check the user really wants to delete the layout +DialogEditor_DuplicateLayoutName,Dialog Editor: Duplicate Layout Name,Dialog Editor: Duplicate Layout Name,,log prompt for user to indicate the layout name is already in use +DialogEditor_DuplicateStyleName,A duplicate of stylename '{0}' was found in\n'{1}'\nthe style will continue to be saved in\n'{2}',A duplicate of stylename '{0}' was found in\n'{1}'\nthe style will continue to be saved in\n'{2}',,warning message that a duplicate of a style name was found but will be ignored +DialogEditor_Error,Error,Error,,dialog editor error box title +DialogEditor_FailedToOpenJSON,Dialog Editor: Failed to open .json file: '{0}',Dialog Editor: Failed to open .json file: '{0}',,The .json file selected failed to load +DialogEditor_FileBrowse,Browse...,Browse...,,browse for filepath +DialogEditor_FileName,File name:,File name:,,layout file name +DialogEditor_FlattenSubLayout,Flatten SubLayout,Flatten SubLayout,,Context menu/menu bar entry for flattening a sub layout within a layout hierarchy +DialogEditor_Gadgets,Gadgets,Gadgets,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a gadgets group +DialogEditor_GUIBase,GUI Base,GUI Base,,gadget properties heading for properties coming from the GUIBase class +DialogEditor_GUIStyle,Style,Style,,Gadget properties heading for the guistyle class properties +DialogEditor_Hierarchy,Layout Hierarchy,Layout Hierarchy,,the title for the layout hierarchy window +DialogEditor_HighlightedGadgetInfo,"relative position: ({0}px, {1}px) dimension: ({2}px, {3}px)","relative position: ({0}px, {1}px) dimension: ({2}px, {3}px)",,display position and dimension of the currently highlighted gadget +DialogEditor_HSVTextEntry,HSV Input,HSV Input,,layout hierarchy label for the HSV input boxes +DialogEditor_InvalidJSON,The style '{0}' is not a valid json primitive. Please amend or revert the style. No changes will be saved.,The style '{0}' is not a valid json primitive. Please amend or revert the style. No changes will be saved.,,Error message when the user attempts to save a broken json style +DialogEditor_LabelAndIconCollection,Name And Icon,Name And Icon,,Gadget properties heading for the LabelAndIcon class properties +DialogEditor_Layout,Layout,Layout,,Gadget properties heading for the basic layout properties group +DialogEditor_LayoutName,Layout name:,Layout name:,,layout name +DialogEditor_ListBoxItems,List Items,List Items,,The layout hierarchy label for the list items +DialogEditor_LoadLayoutXML,Load Layout File,Load Layout File,,Button prompt for loading a layout xml file +DialogEditor_MenuBarEntry,Menu Bar Entry,Menu Bar Entry,,layout hierarchy label for menubarentry gadget +DialogEditor_MenuEntry,Menu Entry,Menu Entry,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a menu entry +DialogEditor_NewLayout,New Layout,New Layout,,Dialog editor new layout menu entry +DialogEditor_Node,Tree View Node,Tree View Node,,Tree view node label in the gadget layout hierarchy +DialogEditor_NoJSONSelected,Dialog Editor: No JSON File Selected,Dialog Editor: No JSON File Selected,,There was no .json file selected by the user +DialogEditor_NoLayoutSelected,Dialog Editor: No Layout Selected,Dialog Editor: No Layout Selected,,log prompt for user to indicate no layout was selected +DialogEditor_NoXMLSelected,Dialog Editor: No XML File Selected,Dialog Editor: No XML File Selected,,log prompt for user to indicate no xml file was selected +DialogEditor_OpenLayout,Open Layout,Open Layout,,Dialog editor open layout menu entry +DialogEditor_OverridingStyleFile,The style name '{0}' is currently registered to\n'{2}'\nbut will now be saved to\n'{1}',The style name '{0}' is currently registered to\n'{2}'\nbut will now be saved to\n'{1}',,Message when the user overrides a styles save file +DialogEditor_PasteGadget,Paste Gadget,Paste Gadget,,menu entry for pasting a gadget from clipboard +DialogEditor_Properties,Gadget Layout Properties,Gadget Layout Properties,,the title for the layout properties window +DialogEditor_RadioGroup,Radio Button Group,Radio Button Group,,Layout hierarchy display name for radio button group +DialogEditor_ReloadImages,Reload Images,Reload Images,,menu bar entry for reloading all images in the dialog editor +DialogEditor_RemoveTestLayout,Remove Active Test Layouts,Remove Active Test Layouts,,Menu option to remove any active test layout windows from the dialog editor +DialogEditor_RevertAllStyles,Revert All Styles To Last Save,Revert All Styles To Last Save,,Revert the all the currently open styles to version on disk +DialogEditor_RevertAllStylesToOriginal,Revert All Styles To Original State,Revert All Styles To Original State,,Revert the all the currently open styles to version of unmodified file on disk +DialogEditor_RevertStyle,Revert Style To Last Save,Revert Style To Last Save,,Revert the currently active style to version on disk +DialogEditor_RevertStyleToOriginal,Revert Style To Original State,Revert Style To Original State,,Revert the currently active style to version of unmodified file on disk +DialogEditor_RGBATextEntry,RGBA Input,RGBA Input,,layout hierarchy label for the RGBA input boxes +DialogEditor_RowSplitter,Grid Row Splitter,Grid Row Splitter,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a grid row splitter +DialogEditor_SaveAllStyles,Save All Styles,Save All Styles,,Menu option to save all open styles to file +DialogEditor_SaveAsLayout,Save Layout As...,Save Layout As...,,Dialog editor save as layout menu entry +DialogEditor_SaveFailed,Dialog Editor: Save failed due to error: {0} - {1},Dialog Editor: Save failed due to error: {0} - {1},,lop propmt for user to indicate the save failed +DialogEditor_SaveLayout,Save Layout,Save Layout,,Dialog editor save layout menu entry +DialogEditor_SaveStyle,Save Style,Save Style,,Menu option to save a style to file +DialogEditor_SaveStyleAs,Save Style As...,Save Style As...,,Menu option to save a style to a different file or with a different name +DialogEditor_ScrollPanel,Scroll Panel,Scroll Panel,,layout hierarchy display name for scroll panel +DialogEditor_SelectContextMenu,Edit Context Menu,Edit Context Menu,,Context menu option to select the context menu for the selected gadget so it can be edited +DialogEditor_SelectSaveFile,Select the file to save the style to. If the file doesn't already contain the style definition it will search all files within its folder.\nUse 'Save Style As...' to explicitly override save file,Select the file to save the style to. If the file doesn't already contain the style definition it will search all files within its folder.\nUse 'Save Style As...' to explicitly override save file,,Information about selecting a save file. Informs the user that if the file they have chosen doesn't already include the stylename it will search for the file that does inside the parent folder +DialogEditor_StyleEditor,Style Editor,Style Editor,,the title for the style editor window +DialogEditor_StyleName,Style name:,Style name:,,style name +DialogEditor_StyleNotFound,The style wasn't found in this folder. It will append to the selected file unless an alternative is selected.,The style wasn't found in this folder. It will append to the selected file unless an alternative is selected.,,Warning message that the style wasnt' found so it will be appended to the end of the given style instead +DialogEditor_SubMenuEntry,Sub Menu Entry,Sub Menu Entry,,Layout hierarchy label for a sub menu entry +DialogEditor_TabControl,Tab Control Panel,Tab Control Panel,,Gadget toolbox display name for tab control +DialogEditor_TabItem,Tab,Tab,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a tab +DialogEditor_TestLayout,Test Layout,Test Layout,,Dialog editor test layout menu entry +DialogEditor_Title,Dialog Editor,Dialog Editor,,title for the dialog editor window +DialogEditor_Toolbox,Gadget Toolbox,Gadget Toolbox,,title for the gadget toolbox window +DialogEditor_TreeViewNode,TreeViewNode,TreeViewNode,,Dialog editor TreeViewNode +DialogEditor_Warning,Warning,Warning,,warning message box title +Edit_Menu_FindResource,Find Resource,Find Resource,,"Edit menu ""FindResource""" +Edit_Menu_Redo,Redo,Redo,,Redo menu entry +Edit_Menu_Search,Search & Replace,Search & Replace,,"Edit menu ""Search & Replace""" +Edit_Menu_Undo,Undo,Undo,,Undo menu entry +Error_AnimBlendClone,{0} does not implement ICloneable,{0} does not implement ICloneable,,Any class that is used in the animation system must implement ICloneable +Error_CursorManagerDuplicateName,Attempting to add a cursor using image {1} with duplicated id {0} please assign a different name,Attempting to add a cursor using image {1} with duplicated id {0} please assign a different name,,Multiple cursors have been added with the same reference name +Error_CursorManagerFailedLoad,Attempted to load cursor {1} but received error '{0}',Attempted to load cursor {1} but received error '{0}',,File load failed for cursor image +Error_CursorManagerLoadingInfoMissing,Attempting to load cursor {0} but can't find loading info,Attempting to load cursor {0} but can't find loading info,,The loading callback for a cursor can't find the loading hotspot info +Error_GadgetToolboxFailedLoad,Attempted to load gadget toolbox info but received error '{0}' - '{1}',Attempted to load gadget toolbox info but received error '{0}' - '{1}',,Failed to load the gadget toolbox list +Error_GadgetToolboxInvalidGadget,Attempted to add gadget '{0}' to toolbox but it isn't registered with the layout manager ,Attempted to add gadget '{0}' to toolbox but it isn't registered with the layout manager ,,Invalid gadget specified in gadget toolbox list +Error_Cursors,Cursor Error,Cursor Error,,Cursor error warning title +Error_GUILayout_AnchorRequiresParentPos,"A parent reliant anchor (bottom or right) has been set with no parent gadget, try setting the dimension instead","A parent reliant anchor (bottom or right) has been set with no parent gadget, try setting the dimension instead",,Attempted to use an bottom or right anchor when there is no parent gadget to base the position upon +Error_GUILayout_DimensionAndBothAnchors,"A dimension input has been set along with both the associated anchors, the dimension input will be ignored","A dimension input has been set along with both the associated anchors, the dimension input will be ignored",,"Both the dimension and the associated anchors have been set (for instance width, top and bottom) the dimension will be calculated from the anchors not the dimension input" +Error_GUILayout_FailedCalculatePosition,"Cannot calculate actual position of gadget, too few anchors and/or dimensions are set","Cannot calculate actual position of gadget, too few anchors and/or dimensions are set",,Gadget requires at least one anchor or the dimension to be set for each direction +Error_GUILayout_PercentageRequiresParentDimension,"An anchor or dimension has been set to percentage with no parent gadget, try using pixel instead","An anchor or dimension has been set to percentage with no parent gadget, try using pixel instead",,Attempted to use percentage style values when there is no parent gadget to base it upon +Error_ProjectLoadFailure,Project load failed. Unable to load {0},Project load failed. Unable to load {0},,Project load failure +Error_ProjectTooNew,"This project requires a newer version of the IDE and so will not be loaded. Please update your IDE to at least the version used to create the project, then try opening it again.","This project requires a newer version of the IDE and so will not be loaded. Please update your IDE to at least the version used to create the project, then try opening it again.",,Error message for loading in a project created in a newer version +Error_StyleNotFound,"Can not set requested style, not found","Can not set requested style, not found",,Trying to set a style when it hasn't been loaded/found +Error_WeakDelegateArgument,Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed because {2},Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed because {2},,Attempting to invoke a method from within a weak delegate with incorrect arguments +Error_WeakDelegateParameterCount,Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed due to mismatching parameter count,Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed due to mismatching parameter count,,Attempting to invoke a method from within a weak delegate with incorrect parameter count +Event_Alarm,Alarm,Alarm,,Alarm event name +Event_AlarmN,Alarm {0},Alarm {0},,Key Event Alarm N +Event_Async_AudioPlayback,Async - Audio Playback,Async - Audio Playback,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_AudioRecording,Async - Audio Recording,Async - Audio Recording,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_Cloud,Async - Cloud,Async - Cloud,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_Dialog,Async - Dialog,Async - Dialog,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_HTTP,Async - HTTP,Async - HTTP,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_IAP,Async - In-App Purchase,Async - In-App Purchase,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_ImageLoaded,Async - Image Loaded,Async - Image Loaded,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_Networking,Async - Networking,Async - Networking,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_PushNotification,Async - Push Notification,Async - Push Notification,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_SaveLoad,Async - Save/Load,Async - Save/Load,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_Social,Async - Social,Async - Social,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_Steam,Async - Steam,Async - Steam,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Async_SystemEvent,Async - System,Async - System,,Asynchronous event subtype +Event_Asynchronous,Asynchronous,Asynchronous,,Asynchronous event name +Event_Collision,Collision,Collision,,Collision event name +Event_Create,Create,Create,,Create event name +Event_Destroy,Destroy,Destroy,,Destroy event name +Event_CleanUp,Clean Up,Clean Up,,Clean Up event name +Event_Draw,Draw,Draw,,Draw event name +Event_Draw_Draw,Draw,Draw,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_DrawBegin,Draw Begin,Draw Begin,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_DrawEnd,Draw End,Draw End,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_DrawGUI,Draw GUI,Draw GUI,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_DrawGUIBegin,Draw GUI Begin,Draw GUI Begin,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_DrawGUIEnd,Draw GUI End,Draw GUI End,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_PostDraw,Post-Draw,Post-Draw,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_PreDraw,Pre-Draw,Pre-Draw,,Draw event subtype +Event_Draw_Resize,Window Resize,Window Resize,,Draw event subtype +Event_Key_Alt,Alt,Alt,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_AnyKey,Any,Any,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Backspace,Backspace,Backspace,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_Ctrl,Control,Control,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Delete,Delete,Delete,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_DigitN,{0},{0},,event key digit N +Event_Key_Digits,Digits,Digits,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Down,Down,Down,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_End,End,End,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_Enter,Enter,Enter,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Escape,Escape,Escape,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_FunctionKeys,Function Keys,Function Keys,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Home,Home,Home,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_Insert,Insert,Insert,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_Tab,Tab,Tab,,Key event others subtype +Event_Key_Keypad,Keypad,Keypad,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_KeypadN,Keypad {0},Keypad {0},,Keypad event N +Event_Keyboard_Modifiers,Modifiers,Modifiers,,Modifiers keyboard group title +Event_Key_ArrowKeys,Arrow Keys,Arrow Keys,,Arrow keys keyboard group title +Event_Key_ControlKeys,Control Keys,Control Keys,,Control keys keybaord group title +Event_Key_Left,Left,Left,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Letters,Letters,Letters,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_NoKey,No Key,No Key,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Others,Others,Others,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_PageDown,Page Down,Page Down,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_PageUp,Page Up,Page Up,,"Key event ""others"" subtype" +Event_Key_Right,Right,Right,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Shift,Shift,Shift,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Space,Space,Space,,Key event subtype +Event_Key_Up,Up,Up,,Key event subtype +Event_Keyboard,Key Down,Key Down,,Keyboard event name +Event_KeyPress,Key Pressed,Key Pressed,,Key Press event name +Event_KeyPress_Short,Key Press - ,Key Press - ,,KeyPress event short name +Event_KeyDown_Short,Key Down - ,Key Down - ,,KeyDown event short name +Event_KeyPressN,Press {0},Press {0},,Key Press event - short name +Event_KeyRelease,Key Up,Key Up,,Key Release event name +Event_KeyRelease_Short,Key Up - ,Key Up - ,,Key Release event - short name +Event_KeyDown,Key Down,Key Down,,Key Down event name +Event_KeyUp,Key Up,Key Up,,Key Up event name +Event_Mouse,Mouse,Mouse,,Mouse event name +Event_MouseClick,Mouse Click,Mouse Click,,Mouse Click event name +Event_MouseDown,Mouse Down,Mouse Down,,Mouse Down event name +Event_MouseUp,Mouse Up,Mouse Up,,Mouse Up event name +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse,Global,Global,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_LeftButton,Global Left Down,Global Left Down,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_LeftPressed,Global Left Pressed,Global Left Pressed,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_LeftReleased,Global Left Released,Global Left Released,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_MiddleButton,Global Middle Down,Global Middle Down,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_MiddlePressed,Global Middle Pressed,Global Middle Pressed,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_MiddleReleased,Global Middle Released,Global Middle Released,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_RightButton,Global Right Down,Global Right Down,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_RightPressed,Global Right Pressed,Global Right Pressed,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_RightReleased,Global Right Released,Global Right Released,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" +Event_Mouse_LeftButton,Left Down,Left Down,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_LeftPressed,Left Pressed,Left Pressed,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_LeftReleased,Left Released,Left Released,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MiddleButton,Middle Down,Middle Down,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MiddlePressed,Middle Pressed,Middle Pressed,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MiddleReleased,Middle Released,Middle Released,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MouseEnter,Mouse Enter,Mouse Enter,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MouseLeave,Mouse Leave,Mouse Leave,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MouseWheelDown,Mouse Wheel Down,Mouse Wheel Down,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_MouseWheelUp,Mouse Wheel Up,Mouse Wheel Up,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_NoButton,No Mouse Input,No Mouse Input,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Any,Any Button,Any Button,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_None,No Button,No Button,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Left,Left,Left,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Right,Right,Right,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Middle,Middle,Middle,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Side1,Side 1,Side 1,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Side2,Side 2,Side 2,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_RightButton,Right Down,Right Down,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_RightPressed,Right Pressed,Right Pressed,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Mouse_RightReleased,Right Released,Right Released,,Mouse event subtype +Event_Other,Other,Other,,Other event name +Event_Other_AnimationEnd,Animation End,Animation End,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_AnimationEvent,Animation Event,Animation Event,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_AnimationUpdate,Animation Update,Animation Update,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_BroadcastMessage,Broadcast Message,Broadcast Message,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_EndOfPath,Path Ended,Path Ended,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_GameEnd,Game End,Game End,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_GameStart,Game Start,Game Start,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_IntersectBoundary,Intersect Boundary,Intersect Boundary,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_OutsideRoom,Outside Room,Outside Room,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_RoomEnd,Room End,Room End,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_RoomStart,Room Start,Room Start,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_UserDefined,User Events,User Events,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_UserN,User Event {0},User Event {0},,event other user N +Event_Other_Views,Views,Views,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_Views_BoundaryViewN,Intersect View {0} Boundary,Intersect View {0} Boundary,,"Other-Views ""Boundary view"" event numberN" +Event_Other_Views_OutsideViewN,Outside View {0},Outside View {0},,"Other-Views ""Outside view"" event numberN" +Event_Other_Views_Boundary,Intersect Boundary,Intersect Boundary,,Intersect boundary view group title +Event_Other_Views_Outside,Outside View,Outside View,,Outside view group title +Event_Step,Step,Step,,Step event name +Event_StepBegin,Begin Step,Begin Step,,Begin Step event name +Event_StepEnd,End Step,End Step,,End Step event name +Event_Unknown,Unknown Event,Unknown Event,,Object editor unknown event name +SeqEvents_Tooltip,Sequence Events,Sequence Events,,Events button tooltip +SeqEvents_TypeFunctionNameHere,Type Function Name Here,Type Function Name Here,,Type Function Name Here +SeqEvents_FuncOverrideMessage,This will override the following functions:\n{0},This will override the following functions:\n{0},,Used in the confirmation dialog +SeqEvents_NewFunctionQuestion,Would you like to create new functions?,Would you like to create new functions?,,Seq func question +SeqEvents_FuncOverrideTitle,Sequence Events - Create New Functions,Sequence Events - Create New Functions,,Used as the confirmation dialog's title +SeqMessages_TypeMessageHere,Type Broadcast Message Here,Type Broadcast Message Here,,Type Broadcast Message Here +SeqMoments_Frames,Frame,Frame,,Frames label +Exit_AreYouSure,Are you sure you want to exit?,Are you sure you want to exit?,,"On closing main desktop to quit, are you sure?" +Exit_SaveProject,Do you want to save changes before exiting?,Do you want to save changes before exiting?,,Let user save project on exit +CloseProject_Save,Do you want to save changes to the current project?,Do you want to save changes to the current project?,,Prompt user to save changes to current project +Extension_Export,Enable in game,Enable in game,,Enable this extension in the game +Extension_Import,Import extension,Import extension,,Extension import title +Extension_Import_Button_Add,Add -->,Add -->,,extension add resource button +Extension_Import_Button_ImportAll,Import All,Import All,,extension import all button +Extension_Import_Button_Remove,Remove,Remove,,extension remove resource button +Extension_Import_Complete,Import Complete!,Import Complete!,,extension import complete message +Extension_Import_CopyingFiles,Copying files...,Copying files...,,extension import copying files progress label +Extension_Import_DuplicateExtensionName,Extension with name '{0}' already exists - delete previous version before importing new version,Extension with name '{0}' already exists - delete previous version before importing new version,,extension import - imported extension has the same name as an existing extension +Extension_Import_DuplicateExtensionResourceNames,Extension resource names clash with project resources. Please cancel the import and rename your project resources.,Extension resource names clash with project resources. Please cancel the import and rename your project resources.,,extension import - resources being imported from the extension have the same name as existing resources in the destination project +Extension_Import_Error,An error occured:{0},An error occured:{0},,extension import generic error +Extension_Import_ExtensionLabel,Extension resources:,Extension resources:,,extension resource import - extension resources label +Extension_Import_Extracting,Extracting...,Extracting...,,extension importing extracting progress label +Extension_Import_GMEZ_Error,An error occurred,An error occurred,,extension import generic error +Extension_Import_GMEZ_InvalidData,Unable to read the extension file,Unable to read the extension file,,extension import parse error +Extension_Import_GMEZ_Missing,Unable to find an extension within the GMEZ file,Unable to find an extension within the GMEZ file,,extension import missing gmez +Extension_Import_ImportingResources,Importing resources...,Importing resources...,,extension import - importing resource progress label +Extension_Import_ProjectLabel,Resources to add:,Resources to add:,,extension resource import add to project label +Extension_Import_ResourceNameAlreadyExists,Already a resource with name '{0}' - please rename it before importing the extension,Already a resource with name '{0}' - please rename it before importing the extension,,extension import - imported extension has the same name as an existing resource +Extension_Import_ResourceNameConflict,Resource names conflict,Resource names conflict,,extension import - resource names conflict +Extension_Import_Resources_Description,Select resources from your extension and add them to your project,Select resources from your extension and add them to your project,,extension import description label +Extension_Import_Extract_Error,Failed to extract the extension archive: '{0}',Failed to extract the extension archive: '{0}',,extension import - archive unzip failed error message +Extension_Import_Resources_Title,Import resources: {0},Import resources: {0},,extension import resource title +Extension_Import_Legacy_Resources_Title,Import legacy resources: {0},Import legacy resources: {0},,legacy extension(1.x) import resource title +Logout_Query,Logout user '{0}'?\nThis will save any changes and restart the IDE.,Logout user '{0}'?\nThis will save any changes and restart the IDE.,,Query if the user really wants to logout +Restored_Default_Settings_Restart,Are you sure you want to restore default settings?\nThis will restart the application for the changes to take effect.,Are you sure you want to restore default settings?\nThis will restart the application for the changes to take effect.,,Restore default settings restart prompt +File_Menu_NewIDE,New IDE,New IDE,,Start a new instance of the IDE from the file menu +File_Menu_Logout,Logout,Logout,,The Logout program menu item +File_Menu_MyAccount,My Account,My Account,,Launches my account web page menu item +File_Menu_Exit,${FileMenuExit},${FileMenuExit},,The Exit program menu item +File_Menu_ExportProject,Export Project,Export Project,,The Export Project menu item +File_Menu_ImportProject,Import Project,Import Project,,The Import project menu item +File_Menu_NewProject,New Project,New Project,,The New Project menu item +File_Menu_OpenProject,Open Project,Open Project,,The Open Project menu item +File_Menu_Preferences,Preferences,Preferences,,The Preferences menu item +File_Menu_RecentProjects,Recent Projects,Recent Projects,,The Recent Projects menu item +File_Menu_Save,Save Project,Save Project,,The Save menu item +File_Menu_SaveAs,Save Project As,Save Project As,,The Save As menu item +FileError_Cancelled,File Load Cancelled,File Load Cancelled,,File Load Cancelled +FileError_DirectoryNotFound,File Directory Not Found,File Directory Not Found,,File Directory Not Found +FileError_Inaccessible,File Inaccessible,File Inaccessible,,File Inaccessible +FileError_InvalidData,File Data Invalid,File Data Invalid,,File Data Invalid +FileError_Locked,File Locked,File Locked,,File Locked +FileError_NotFound,File Not Found,File Not Found,,File Not Found +FileError_PathTooLong,File Path Too Long,File Path Too Long,,File Path Too Long +FileError_Timeout,File Load Timeout,File Load Timeout,,File Load Timeout +Font_CannotRegenerate_FontNotAvailable,Font {0} texture generation skipped (font is not available on this machine),Font {0} texture generation skipped (font is not available on this machine),,Font generation failed +Font_TTF_BaseAlphabet,"!\""#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~","!\""#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~",,FontTTF standard English alphabet< +Inspector,Inspector,Inspector,,Inspector preference heading +Inspector_WindowTitle,Inspector,Inspector,,Inspector window title +Inspector_WindowTitleArg,Inspector: {0},Inspector: {0},,Inspector window title with argument +Inspector_WindowTitleMulti,Inspector Window: Multiple Items,Inspector Window: Multiple Items,,Inspector window title multi select +Inspector_ErrorTitle,Inspector Error,Inspector Error,,An error occurred in the inspector +Inspector_Lock,Lock inspector to current selection,Lock inspector to current selection,,Lock inspector tooltip +Inspector_Unlock,Unlock inspector to allow new selections,Unlock inspector to allow new selections,,Unlock inspector tooltip +Inspector_MultiSortMode,Multi-select order,Multi-select order,,multi select order menu entry +Inspector_MultiSelLabel,Selection: ,Selection: ,,inspector multi select label +Inspector_SelectExistingTag,Select existing tag,Select existing tag,,inspector tag combo label +Inspector_TagsWindowTitleArg,Tags: {0},Tags: {0},,tags window title +Inspector_TagsWindowMulti,Tags: Multiple Selection,Tags: Multiple Selection,,tags window title +inspector_pref_scrollonexpand,Scroll category into view on expand,Scroll category into view on expand,,inspector scroll on expand pref +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_AssetType,Asset type,Asset type,,multisort mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_SelectionOrder,Selection order,Selection order,,multisort mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_Alphabetical,Alphabetical,Alphabetical,,multisort mode enum +InspectorGadget_ListBox_Empty,(List is empty),(List is empty),,Label shown when a listbox is empty +InspectorGadget_Array_Empty,(Array is empty),(Array is empty),,Label shown when an array is empty +InspectorGadget_Object_Empty,(Object is not inspectable),(Object is not inspectable),,Label shown when an object is not inspectable +InspectorGadget_ErrorLabel,'{0}' is not supported by the inspector,'{0}' is not supported by the inspector,,Inspector error label when layout fails +InspectorGadget_Null,Element did not return a value,Element did not return a value,,Inspector null label +InspectorGadget_ExceptionLabel,An exception was thrown by this element,An exception was thrown by this element,,Inspector exception label +InspectorGadget_Coalescing_Disallowed_Tooltip,This field does not support bulk editing,This field does not support bulk editing,,Field cannot be coalesced tooltip +InspectorGadget_Coalescing_Error_Tooltip,An error occurred in retrieving this value,An error occurred in retrieving this value,,Error occurred in retrieving value tooltip +InspectorGadget_Coalescing_Differ_Tooltip,The selected elements have different values for this field,The selected elements have different values for this field,,Different values tooltip +Inspector_ArrayItemNamed,Element {0} - {1},Element {0} - {1},,Label to represent array elements in inspector +Inspector_ArrayItem,Element {0},Element {0},,Label to represent array elements in inspector +Inspector_ArrayItemTooltip,This is an entry in the array,This is an entry in the array,,Tooltip to represent array elements in inspector +Inspector_ArrayList_FailedToAddElement,Failed to add new element to the array list.,Failed to add new element to the array list.,,Failed to add new array list element +Inspector_ArrayList_FailedToRemoveElement,Failed to remove element from the array list.,Failed to remove element from the array list.,,Failed to remove array list element +Inspector_ArrayList_AddElementTooltip,Add another element,Add another element,,Tooltip to add another array list element +Inspector_ArrayList_RemoveElementTooltip,Remove this element,Remove this element,,Tooltip to remove array list element +Inspector_ArrayList_Size,Size:,Size:,,Array list size +Inspector_ArrayList_Error,An error occurred while getting this value,An error occurred while getting this value,,Error getting array list value +Inspector_ArrayList_Differing,Selected elements have different values for this field,Selected elements have different values for this field,,Different array list values +Inspector_ArrayList_Disallowed,This list does not support bulk editing,This list does not support bulk editing,,Array list bulk editing not supported +Inspector_ObjectPanel_Error,An error occurred while getting this value,An error occurred while getting this value,,Error getting object panel value +Inspector_ObjectPanel_Differing,Selected elements have different values for this field,Selected elements have different values for this field,,Different object panel values +Inspector_ObjectPanel_Disallowed,This object does not support bulk editing,This object does not support bulk editing,,Object panel bulk editing not supported +Inspector_EventList_Error,An error occurred while getting this value,An error occurred while getting this value,,Error getting event list value +Inspector_EventList_CannotCoalesce,Events do not support bulk editing,Events do not support bulk editing,,Event list bulk editing error +Inspector_EventList_AddElementTooltip,Add event,Add event,,Tooltip to add a new event +Inspector_UndoError,An error occurred while attempting to undo a change.,An error occurred while attempting to undo a change.,,Undo error message +Inspector_RedoError,An error occurred while attempting to redo a change.,An error occurred while attempting to redo a change.,,Redo error message +Inspector_CreateNewAssetType,New {0},New {0},,new (asset type name) +Inspector_EditAssetType,Edit {0},Edit {0},,edit (asset type name) +Inspector_AlignIcons,Align Icons,Align Icons,,inspector align icons label +Inspector_FlipIcons,Flip Icons,Flip Icons,,inspector flip icons label +Inspector_HAlign_Left,Align Left,Align Left,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Centre,Align Centre,Align Centre,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Right,Align Right,Align Right,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Distrib,Distribute Horizontally,Distribute Horizontally,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Top,Align Top,Align Top,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Centre,Align Centre,Align Centre,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Bottom,Align Bottom,Align Bottom,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Distrib,Distribute Vertically,Distribute Vertically,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_AddObjVariable,Add Variable,Add Variable,,inspector add object variable button +SeqTrack_Singular,Track,Track,,sequence track type name singular +SeqTrack_Plural,Tracks,Tracks,,sequence track type name plural +SeqSpriteTrack_Singular,Sprite Track,Sprite Track,,sprite track type name singular +SeqSpriteTrack_Plural,Sprite Tracks,Sprite Tracks,,sprite track type name plural +SeqObjectTrack_Singular,Object Track,Object Track,,object track type name singular +SeqObjectTrack_Plural,Object Tracks,Object Tracks,,object track type name plural +SeqAudioTrack_Singular,Audio Track,Audio Track,,audio track type name singular +SeqAudioTrack_Plural,Audio Tracks,Audio Tracks,,audio track type name plural +SeqSeqTrack_Singular,Sequence Track,Sequence Track,,sequence instance track type name singular +SeqSeqTrack_Plural,Sequence Tracks,Sequence Tracks,,sequence instance track type name plural +Inspector_Category_Transform,Transform,Transform,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Physics,Physics,Physics,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Permissions,Permissions,Permissions,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Icons,Icons,Icons,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Logo,Logo,Logo,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Splash,Splash Screen,Splash Screen,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Sdk,Software Development Kit,Software Development Kit,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Orientation,Orientation,Orientation,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_XboxLive,Xbox Live,Xbox Live,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Viewport,Viewport,Viewport,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_View,View,View,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_TextureSettings,Texture Settings,Texture Settings,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_CollisionMask,Collision Mask,Collision Mask,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Nineslice,Nine Slices,Nine Slices,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Tiles,Tiles,Tiles,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_FontOptions,Advanced Options,Advanced Options,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_CanvasFrame,Canvas Frame,Canvas Frame,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Parent,Parent,Parent,,Inspector category +Inspector_OpenEditor,Open Editor,Open Editor,,open editor +Inspector_ObjNoEvents,"This Object currently has no Events.\nAdd Events here or via the editor","This Object currently has no Events.\nAdd Events here or via the editor",,no object events inspector label +Inspector_OpenEditors,Open Editors,Open Editors,,open multiple editors +Inspector_Category_Properties,Properties,Properties,,inspector category +Inspector_Category_Editors,Editors,Editors,,inspector category +Inspector_Field_Width,W,W,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_Height,H,H,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_WidthC,W:,W:,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_HeightC,H:,H:,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_X,X,X,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_Y,Y,Y,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_Left,L,L,,left abbreviated +Inspector_Field_Right,R,R,,right abbreviated +Inspector_Field_Top,T,T,,top abbreviated +Inspector_Field_Bottom,B,B,,bottom abbreviated +Inspector_TileOffset,Tile Offset,Tile Offset,,inspector property label +Inspector_Separation,Separation,Separation,,inspector property label +Inspector_OutputBorder,Output Border,Output Border,,inspector property label +Inspector_Dimension,Dimension,Dimension,,inspector property label +Inspector_Origin,Origin,Origin,,inspector property label +Inspector_TimeUnits,Time Units,Time Units,,inspector property label +Inspector_SpeedFPS,Speed (FPS),Speed (FPS),,inspector property label +Inspector_LengthFrames,Length (Frames),Length (Frames),,inspector property label +Inspector_Offset,Offset,Offset,,inspector property label +Inspector_Opacity,Opacity,Opacity,,inspector property label +Inspector_BackdropImage,Backdrop Image,Backdrop Image,,inspector property label +Inspector_BackdropSize,Backdrop Size,Backdrop Size,,inspector property label +Inspector_Size,Size,Size,,inspector property label +GMShader_VertexShaderPath,.VSH (Read-only),.VSH (Read-only),,inspector property name +GMShader_FragmentShaderPath,.FSH (Read-only),.FSH (Read-only),,inspector property name +Inspector_Script,Script (Read-only),Script (Read-only),,inspector property name +Inspector_Notes,Notes (Read-only),Notes (Read-only),,inspector property name +RulerLine_Value,Ruler Value,Ruler Value,,smart guide ruler coord value +fonteditor_texture_size,{0} x {1},{0} x {1},,Font editor texture size label +fonteditor_gms1mode,"This legacy font was not upgraded automatically.\n\nUpgrading the font may show inconsistencies but the font will be backed up in its folder.","This legacy font was not upgraded automatically.\n\nUpgrading the font may show inconsistencies but the font will be backed up in its folder.",,Font editor GMS1 mode label +fonteditor_gms1upgradebutton,Back Up and Upgrade,Back Up and Upgrade,,Upgrade font button +fonteditor_upgradefont_title,Upgrade Font,Upgrade Font,,Upgrade font dialog title +fonteditor_upgradefont_message,You are upgrading this legacy font to a GameMaker Studio 2 font and there may be inconsistencies.\nThe original font is safely backed up.,You are upgrading this legacy font to a GameMaker Studio 2 font and there may be inconsistencies.\nThe original font is safely backed up.,,Upgrade font dialog message +fonteditor_toomanyglyphs,and more (too many glyphs),and more (too many glyphs),,Too many glyphs for the font editor to cope with label +fonteditor_aa_off,Off,Off,,Font Editor aa off +fonteditor_aa_tooltip,"To achieve better monochrome font results, go to Options and set Hinting to 'Monochrome'","To achieve better monochrome font results, go to Options and set Hinting to 'Monochrome'",,Monochrome font aa tooltip help +fonteditor_font,Select Font,Select Font,,TTF font name +fonteditor_texlastregen,Last generated on {0},Last generated on {0},,Last font texture generate time stamp +fonteditor_pref_successregendialog,Automatic choice for successful font regeneration dialog,Automatic choice for successful font regeneration dialog,,Automatic choice for font dialog after regeneration +fonteditor_pref_errorregendialog,Automatic choice for failed font regeneration dialog,Automatic choice for failed font regeneration dialog,,Automatic choice for font dialog after regeneration +fonteditor_pref_upgradedialog,Automatic choice for upgrading imported legacy font,Automatic choice for upgrading imported legacy font,,Automatic choice for upgrading imported legacy font +fonteditor_or,Or,Or,,Font editor select font OR include in build +fonteditor_aa_on,On,On,,Font Editor aa on +fonteditor_no_preview,This font has no texture yet. Press 'Regenerate' to make one,This font has no texture yet. Press 'Regenerate' to make one,,Font no texture yet label +fonteditor_radio_sample,Sample,Sample,,Font editor sample text radio button +fonteditor_radio_texture,Game Preview,Game Preview,,Font editor game preview radio button +fonteditor_radio_sample_texture_tooltip,'Sample' shows the font's sample text\n'Game Preview' shows the font's generated texture that is used in the game,'Sample' shows the font's sample text\n'Game Preview' shows the font's generated texture that is used in the game,,Font editor sample texture preview help tooltip +fonteditor_options,Options,Options,,Advanced font options +fonteditor_options_desc,Advanced options,Advanced options,,Advanced font options description +fonteditor_options_fontconfig,Font Configuration,Font Configuration,,Font configuration label +fonteditor_options_configtooltip,These options allow total customization of how the font is displayed\nFonts generally react differently to these options,These options allow total customization of how the font is displayed\nFonts generally react differently to these options,,Font config tooltip +fonteditor_options_hintingalg,Hinting,Hinting,,Font editor hinting algorithm option +fonteditor_options_hintingalg_tooltip,Select a specific hinting algorithm to use by the hinter,Select a specific hinting algorithm to use by the hinter,,Font editor hinting algorithm option tooltip +fonteditor_options_glyphop,Glyph Options,Glyph Options,,Font editor glyph options option +fonteditor_options_glyphop_tooltip,Select the operations to perform during glyph loading,Select the operations to perform during glyph loading,,Font editor glyph options option tooltip +fonteditor_options_intepreter,Interpreter,Interpreter,,Font editor interpreter version option +fonteditor_options_intepreter_tooltip,Select the TrueType interpreter version,Select the TrueType interpreter version,,Font editor interpreter version option tooltip +fonteditor_options_conversion,Rounding,Rounding,,Font point size to integer conversion +fonteditor_options_conversion_tooltip,Select rounding method when converting from fixed-point decimal size to integer,Select rounding method when converting from fixed-point decimal size to integer,,Font point size to integer conversion tooltip +fonteditor_add_range,Add,Add,,Adding a new font range - button +fonteditor_add_range_desc,Add new range,Add new range,,Adding a new font range - description +fonteditor_bold,Bold,Bold,,Font editor Bold caption +fonteditor_del_range,Delete,Delete,,Delete the currently selected font range - button +fonteditor_del_range_desc,Delete selected range,Delete selected range,,Delete the currently selected font range - description +fonteditor_regenerate,Regenerate,Regenerate,,Regenerate this font texture +fonteditor_regenerate_desc,Regenerate font texture,Regenerate font texture,,Regenerate this font texture +fonteditor_helloworld,Hello World!!,Hello World!!,,Inital text window in the Font Editor +FontEditor_InvalidChars_BtnNo,No,No,,Font editor invalid chars No button +FontEditor_InvalidChars_BtnYes,Yes,Yes,,Font editor invalid chars Yes button +FontEditor_InvalidChars_NotFoundMessage,These characters are not in this font:,These characters are not in this font:,,Font editor invalid chars message label +FontEditor_InvalidChars_Question,Would you like to add them?,Would you like to add them?,,Font editor invalid chars question label +FontEditor_InvalidChars_Warning,Warning!,Warning!,,Font editor invalid chars warning label +fonteditor_italic,Italic,Italic,,Font editor Italic caption +fonteditor_name,Name,Name,,GML Name of font +fonteditor_render_mode,Anti-aliasing,Anti-aliasing,,The method of anti-aliasing rendering +fonteditor_size,Size,Size,,Size of font +fonteditor_style,Presets,Presets,,Font Editor style group name +fonteditor_stylename,Style,Style,,Font editor style name +fonteditor_toggle,Toggle,Toggle,,Font editor AA radio group header +fonteditor_window,Font: {0},Font: {0},,Font editor title +fonteditor_options_window,Font Options,Font Options,,Font options window title +fonteditor_includettf,Copy to project,Copy to project,,Font editor include TTF checkbox +fonteditor_includettf_tooltip,Copy the source font into the project\nMarketplace assets containing this resource will also include the source font,Copy the source font into the project\nMarketplace assets containing this resource will also include the source font,,tooltip for the 'includettf' copy to project checkbox +fonteditor_ttfpath,{0},{0},,Font editor included TTF path +fonteditor_selectttf,Select Font to Include,Select Font to Include,,Font editor include Font dialog title +fontrange_add_range,Add Range,Add Range,,Confirm adding the range +fontrange_ascii,ASCII,ASCII,,Font range dialog - ASCII characters button +fontrange_caption,Font Range,Font Range,,Name of the font range dialog +fontrange_digits,Digits,Digits,,Font range dialog - Numerical digits only button +fontrange_from_code,From Code,From Code,,Front range dialog - From Code button +fontrange_from_file,From File,From File,,Front range dialog - From File button +fontrange_letters,Letters,Letters,,Font range dialog - English letters only button +fontrange_normal,Normal,Normal,,Font range dialog - Normal only button +fontrange_till,to,to,,Font range dialog - TILL text label +ListBoxEnum_eFontHinting_Normal,Normal,Normal,,Normal font hinting +Help_eFontHinting_Normal,"This is the default anti-aliased hinting algorithm","This is the default anti-aliased hinting algorithm",,Normal font hinting tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eFontHinting_Light,Light,Light,,Light font hinting +Help_eFontHinting_Light,"A lighter anti-aliased hinting algorithm\nMany generated glyphs are more fuzzy but better resemble its original shape","A lighter anti-aliased hinting algorithm\nMany generated glyphs are more fuzzy but better resemble its original shape",,Light font hinting tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eFontHinting_Mono,Monochrome,Monochrome,,Monochrome font hinting +Help_eFontHinting_Mono,Strong hinting algorithm that should only be used for monochrome output,Strong hinting algorithm that should only be used for monochrome output,,Monochrome font hinting tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_Default,Default,Default,,Default glyph operation +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_DisableHinting,Disable Hinting,Disable Hinting,,Disable font hinting glyph operation +Help_eGlyphOperations_DisableHinting,"Disable hinting\nThis disables the font's native hinter and the auto-hinter","Disable hinting\nThis disables the font's native hinter and the auto-hinter",,Disable font hinting glyph operation tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_DisableAutoHinting,Disable Auto-hinter,Disable Auto-hinter,,Disable auto-hinter glyph operation +Help_eGlyphOperations_DisableAutoHinting,"Disable the auto-hinter and prefer the font's native hinter if it has one\nThis overrides 'Prefer Auto-hinter'","Disable the auto-hinter and prefer the font's native hinter if it has one\nThis overrides 'Prefer Auto-hinter'",,Disable auto-hinter glyph operation tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_PreferAutoHinting,Prefer Auto-hinter,Prefer Auto-hinter,,Prefer auto-hinter over font hinting glyph operation +Help_eGlyphOperations_PreferAutoHinting,"Prefer using the auto-hinter over the font's native hinter\nThis is overridden by 'Disable Auto-hinter' and 'Disable Hinting'","Prefer using the auto-hinter over the font's native hinter\nThis is overridden by 'Disable Auto-hinter' and 'Disable Hinting'",,Prefer auto-hinter over font hinting glyph operation tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_NoScale,"No Scale","No Scale",,No scale glyph operation +Help_eGlyphOperations_NoScale,"Keep glyphs in font units and ignore requested size\nThis implies 'Disable Hinting'","Keep glyphs in font units and ignore requested size\nThis implies 'Disable Hinting'",,No scale glyph operation tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eGlyphOperations_Warping,"Warping","Warping",,Warping glyph operation +Help_eGlyphOperations_Warping,"Slightly warp glyphs to improve their grid alignment\nThis requires the auto-hinter and 'Normal' hinting mode","Slightly warp glyphs to improve their grid alignment\nThis requires the auto-hinter and 'Normal' hinting mode",,Warping glyph operation +ListBoxEnum_eFontInterpreter_TrueType40,TrueType v40,TrueType v40,,TrueTupe v40 interpreter +Help_eFontInterpreter_TrueType40,"This interpreter imitates subpixel hinting","This interpreter imitates subpixel hinting",,TrueTupe v40 interpreter tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eFontInterpreter_TrueType35,TrueType v35,TrueType v35,,TrueTupe v35 interpreter +Help_eFontInterpreter_TrueType35,"This interpreter is based on the TrueType specification and produces black-and-white bitmaps","This interpreter is based on the TrueType specification and produces black-and-white bitmaps",,TrueTupe v35 interpreter tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eFixedPointRounding_Floor,Floor,Floor,,Floor method +ListBoxEnum_eFixedPointRounding_Round,Round,Round,,Round method +ListBoxEnum_eFixedPointRounding_Ceil,Ceil,Ceil,,Ceil method +Help_eFixedPointRounding_Floor,This rounds the value down to the previous integer,This rounds the value down to the previous integer,,Floor tooltip +Help_eFixedPointRounding_Round,This rounds the value to the nearest integer,This rounds the value to the nearest integer,,Round tooltip +Help_eFixedPointRounding_Ceil,This rounds the value up to the next integer,This rounds the value up to the next integer,,Ceil tooltip +ComboBox_FlagMode_NoneSelected,None,None,,No items selected in combobox flag mode +ComboBox_FlagMode_AllSelected,Everything,Everything,,All items selected in combobox flag mode +GadgetToolbox_Button,Button,Button,,Gadget toolbox display name for button +GadgetToolbox_BrowseButton,Browse Button,Browse Button,,Gadget toolbox display name for the browse button +GadgetToolbox_Buttons,Buttons,Buttons,,Gadget toolbox display name for the buttons group +GadgetToolbox_CheckBox,Checkbox,Checkbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for checkbox +GadgetToolbox_CloseButton,Close Button,Close Button,,Gadget toolbox display name for a close button +GadgetToolbox_Colour,Colour,Colour,,Gadget toolbox display name for colour group +GadgetToolbox_ColourDialog,Colour Dialog,Colour Dialog,,Gadget toolbox display name for colour dialog +GadgetToolbox_ColourPalette,Colour Palette,Colour Palette,,Gadget toolbox display name for colour palette +GadgetToolbox_ColourPicker,Colour Picker,Colour Picker,,Gadget toolbox display name for colour picker +GadgetToolbox_ColourSelectButton,Colour Select Button,Colour Select Button,,Gadget toolbox heading for colour select button +GadgetToolbox_ComboBox,Combobox,Combobox,,Gadget toolbox display name for combobox +GadgetToolbox_Containers,Containers,Containers,,Gadget toolbox display name for container group +GadgetToolbox_DefaultBorderedWindow,Bordered Window,Bordered Window,,Gadget toolbox display name for a bordered window +GadgetToolbox_DefaultBorderlessWindow,Borderless Window,Borderless Window,,Gadget toolbox display name for a borderless window +GadgetToolbox_DefaultBlendWindow,Blend Window,Blend Window,,Gadget toolbox display name for a blend window +GadgetToolbox_FileInput,File Input,File Input,,gadget toolbox heading for the file input gadget +GadgetToolbox_Grid,Grid,Grid,,Gadget toolbox display name for grid +GadgetToolbox_Group,Group,Group,,Gadget toolbox display name for group +GadgetToolbox_HorizontalScrollbar,Horizontal Scrollbar,Horizontal Scrollbar,,Gadget toolbox display name for vertical scrollbar +GadgetToolbox_HorizontalSeparator,Horizontal Separator,Horizontal Separator,,Gadget toolbox display name for horizontal separator +GadgetToolbox_Image,Image,Image,,Gadget toolbox display name for image +GadgetToolbox_Input,Input,Input,,Gadget toolbox display name for input +GadgetToolbox_Label,Label,Label,,Gadget toolbox display name for label +GadgetToolbox_LinkLabel,Link Label,Link Label,,Gadget toolbox display name for link label +GadgetToolbox_ListBox,Listbox,Listbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for listbox +GadgetToolbox_HeaderedListBox,Headered Listbox,Headered Listbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for headered listbox +GadgetToolbox_Lists,Lists,Lists,,Gadget toolbox display name for lists group +GadgetToolbox_MenuBar,Menu Bar,Menu Bar,,Gadget toolbox display name for menu bar +GadgetToolBox_Misc,Miscellaneous,Miscellaneous,,Gadget toolbox display name for miscellaneous group +GadgetToolbox_MultiLineTextBox,Multiline Text Box,Multiline Text Box,,A multiline text input box +GadgetToolbox_NumericTextBox,Numeric Textbox,Numeric Textbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for numeric textbox +GadgetToolbox_PanArea,Pan Area,Pan Area,,Gadget toolbox pan area class name +GadgetToolbox_SequenceCanvas,Sequence Canvas,Sequence Canvas,,Gadget toolbox sequence canvas name +GadgetToolbox_RadioButton,Radio Button,Radio Button,,Gadget toolbox display name for radio button +GadgetToolbox_RadioButtons,Radio Buttons,Radio Buttons,,Gadget toolbox display name for radio buttons group +GadgetToolbox_RadioGroup,Radio Button Group,Radio Button Group,,Gadget toolbox display name for radio button group +GadgetToolbox_Scrollbars,Scrollbars,Scrollbars,,Gadget toolbox display name for scrollbars +GadgetToolbox_ScrollPanel,Scroll Panel,Scroll Panel,,Gadget toolbox display name for scroll panel +GadgetToolbox_Separators,Separators,Separators,,Gadget toolbox display name for separators +GadgetToolbox_Slider,Slider,Slider,,Gadget toolbox display name for slider +GadgetToolbox_ThumbnailSlider,Thumbnail Slider,Thumbnail Slider,,Gadget toolbox display name for thumbnail slider +GadgetToolbox_AngularSelect,Angular Select,Angular Select,,Gadget toolbox display name for angular select +GadgetToolbox_StackPanel,Stack Panel,Stack Panel,,Gadget toolbox display name for stack panel +GadgetToolbox_TabControl,Tab Control Panel,Tab Control Panel,,Gadget toolbox display name for tab control +GadgetToolbox_TextBox,Textbox,Textbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for textbox +GadgetToolbox_FunctionTextBox,Function Textbox,Function Textbox,,Gadget toolbox display name for function textbox +GadgetToolbox_TextInput,Text Input,Text Input,,Gadget toolbox display name for text input group +GadgetToolbox_TitleBar,Title Bar,Title Bar,,Gadget toolbox display name for title bar +GadgetToolbox_ToggleButton,Toggle Button,Toggle Button,,Gadget GadgetToolbox_ExpandableCategorytoolbox display name for a toggle button +GadgetToolbox_TreeView,Tree View,Tree View,,Gadget toolbox display name for tree view +GadgetToolbox_VerticalScrollbar,Vertical Scrollbar,Vertical Scrollbar,,Gadget toolbox display name for horizontal scrollbar +GadgetToolbox_VerticalSeparator,Vertical Separator,Vertical Separator,,Gadget toolbox display name for vertical separator +GadgetToolbox_Window,Window,Window,,Gadget toolbox display name for window +GadgetToolbox_WindowFrame,Window Frame,Window Frame,,Gadget toolbox display name for window frame +GadgetToolBox_Windowing,Windowing,Windowing,,Gadget toolbox display name for windowing group +GadgetToolbox_TextEditorPanel,Text Editor Panel,Text Editor Panel,,Gadget toolbox display for the text editor panel +GadgetToolbox_ResourceButton,Resource Select Button,Resource Select Button,,Gadget toolbox display for the resource button +GadgetToolbox_ResourceDropPanel,Resource Drop Panel,Resource Drop Panel,,Gadget toolbox display for the resource drop panel +GadgetToolbox_ResourceImage,Resource Image,Resource Image,,Gadget toolbox display for the resource image icon +GadgetToolbox_ResourceSpriteIcon,Sprite Icon,Sprite Icon,,Gadget toolbox display for the sprite icon +GadgetToolbox_ResourceObjectIcon,Object Icon,Object Icon,,Gadget toolbox display for the object icon +GadgetToolbox_ResourceTileSetIcon,Tile Set Icon,Tile Set Icon,,Gadget toolbox display for the tileset icon +GadgetToolbox_SpriteSelector,Sprite Selector,Sprite Selector,,Gadget toolbox display for the sprite selector +GadgetToolbox_Resources,Resources,Resources,,Gadget toolbox heading for the resources group +GadgetToolbox_DnD,Drag and Drop,Drag and Drop,,Gadget toolbox heading for the Drag and Drop group +Game_Options,Game Options - {0},Game Options - {0},,Takes platform argument to show type of Game Options being displayed +AddOns,Add-ons,Add-ons,,Add-ons node label +GameOptions_AddOns_Label,Add one or more add-ons to this project,Add one or more add-ons to this project,,Add addon to this project label +GameOptions_Extensions,Extensions,Extensions,,Extensions node label +Gamemaker_Help,Help,Help,,Help window title +Gamemaker_News,News,News,,News window title +Gmez_NoProject,Gmez Import: No project to import into,Gmez Import: No project to import into,,Error when importing without a project loaded +GraphicProperties_AnimSpeed,Speed,Speed,,The animation speed for graphics +GraphicProperties_FrameIndex,Frame,Frame,,The initial frame for the sprite +GraphicProperties_HeadPosition,Head,Head,,The initial head for the sprite +GraphicProperties_Height,Height,Height,,graphic properties caption for height textbox +GraphicProperties_PosX,X,X,,graphic properties caption for x textbox +GraphicProperties_PosY,Y,Y,,graphic properties caption for y textbox +GraphicProperties_u0,U0,U0,,graphic properties caption for u0 textbox +GraphicProperties_u1,U1,U1,,graphic properties caption for u1 textbox +GraphicProperties_v0,V0,V0,,graphic properties caption for v0 textbox +GraphicProperties_v1,V1,V1,,graphic properties caption for v1 textbox +GraphicProperties_Width,Width,Width,,graphic properties caption for width textbox +GraphicProperties_AnimationSpeed,Animation Speed,Animation Speed,,graphic properties caption for animation speed textbox +Grid_InsertColumnAfter,Insert Column After,Insert Column After,,Context menu option to insert a new column after the selected column +Grid_InsertColumnBefore,Insert Column Before,Insert Column Before,,Context menu option to insert a new column before the selected column +Grid_InsertColumnSplitterAfter,Insert Grid Column Splitter After,Insert Grid Column Splitter After,,Context menu option to insert a new column splitter after the selected column +Grid_InsertColumnSplitterBefore,Insert Grid Column Splitter Before,Insert Grid Column Splitter Before,,Context menu option to insert a new column splitter before the selected column +Grid_InsertColumnDockSplitterAfter,Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter After,Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter After,,Context menu option to insert a new column dock splitter after the selected column +Grid_InsertColumnDockSplitterBefore,Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter Before,Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter Before,,Context menu option to insert a new column dock splitter before the selected column +Grid_InsertRowAfter,Insert Row After,Insert Row After,,Context menu option to insert a new row after the selected row +Grid_InsertRowBefore,Insert Row Before,Insert Row Before,,Context menu option to insert a new row before the selected row +Grid_InsertRowSplitterAfter,Insert Grid Row Splitter After,Insert Grid Row Splitter After,,Context menu option to insert a new row splitter after the selected row +Grid_InsertRowSplitterBefore,Insert Grid Row Splitter Before,Insert Grid Row Splitter Before,,Context menu option to insert a new row splitter before the selected row +Grid_InsertRowDockSplitterAfter,Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter After,Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter After,,Context menu option to insert a new row dock splitter after the selected row +Grid_InsertRowDockSplitterBefore,Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter Before,Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter Before,,Context menu option to insert a new row dock splitter before the selected row +Grid_MoveColumnLeft,Move Column Left,Move Column Left,,Context menu option to move column left +Grid_MoveColumnRight,Move Column Right,Move Column Right,,Context menu option to move column right +Grid_MoveRowDown,Move Row Down,Move Row Down,,Context menu option to move row down +Grid_MoveRowUp,Move Row Up,Move Row Up,,Context menu option to move row up +Grid_MoveToSpanColumns,Span All Columns,Span All Columns,,Context menu option to make a gadget span all the columns +Grid_MoveToSpanGrid,Span Entire Grid,Span Entire Grid,,Context menu option to make a gadget span the entire grid it currently inhabits +Grid_MoveToSpanRows,Span All Rows,Span All Rows,,Context menu option to make a gadget span all the rows +Grid_RemoveColumn,Remove Column(s),Remove Column(s),,Context menu option to remove a column or columns +Grid_RemoveRow,Remove Row(s),Remove Row(s),,Context menu option to remove a row or rows +History_Title,History,History,,History window title +IDEMenu_Account,Account,Account,,"IDE menu ""Account""" +IDEMenu_Build,Build,Build,,"File menu ""Build""" +IDEMenu_Edit,Edit,Edit,,The Edit menu item name +IDEMenu_File,File,File,,The File menu item name +IDEMenu_Views,${IDEMenuViews},${IDEMenuViews},,Main menu entry for views +IDEMenu_Tools,Tools,Tools,,Main menu entry for tools +IDEMenu_Help,Help,Help,,Main menu entry for HELP +IDEMenu_Help_SupportForum,Support Forums,Support Forums,,Help menu item for support forums +IDEMenu_Help_YYG,YoYoGames.com,YoYoGames.com,,Help menu item for main yoyogames website +IDEMenu_Help_GMC,GameMaker Community,GameMaker Community,,Help menu item for gmc forums +IDEMenu_Help_BetaForums,Mac Closed beta forums,Mac Closed beta forums,,Closed beta forums for Mac +IDEMenu_Help_SDKS,Required SDKs,Required SDKs,,Help menu item for the required sdks page +IDEMenu_Help_KnowledgeBase,Knowledge Base,Knowledge Base,,Help menu item for knowledge base +IDEMenu_Help_ReportBug,Report a Bug,Report a Bug,,Help menu item for report a bug page +IDEMenu_Help_ReleaseNotes,Release Notes,Release Notes,,Help menu item for release notes +IDEMenu_Help_RuntimeReleaseNotes,Current Runtime Release Notes,Current Runtime Release Notes,,Help menu item for current runtime release notes +IDEMenu_Help_StartPage,Start Page,Start Page,,Help menu item for reopening the start page +IDEMenu_Help_WelcomePage,Welcome Page,Welcome Page,,Help menu item for reopening the welcome page +IDEMenu_Help_Help,Open Manual,Open Manual,,Help menu item for actual help +IDEMenu_Help_About,${IDEMenuHelpAbout},${IDEMenuHelpAbout},,Help menu item for actual About +IDEMenu_Help_Licenses,Licences,Licences,,Help menu item for licences +IDEMenu_Help_OpenInExplorer,${OpenProjectInExplorer},${OpenProjectInExplorer},,Help menu item for opening the explorer window at the current project's location +IDEMenu_Help_LogFile,${ShowLogFileInExplorer},${ShowLogFileInExplorer},,Help menu item for taking the user to the log file location +IDEMenu_Marketplace,Marketplace,Marketplace,,Main menu entry for marketplace +IDEMenu_Texturepage,Texture Groups,Texture Groups,,Texture group manager +IDEMenu_Audiogroups,Audio Groups,Audio Groups,,Audio group manager +IDEMenu_SoundMixer,Sound Mixer,Sound Mixer,,Open Sound Mixer +IDEMenu_Layouts,Layouts,Layouts,,Layouts +IDEMenu_LoadLayout,Load Layout,Load Layout,,Main menu entry for load layouts +IDEMenu_SaveLayout,Save Layout,Save Layout,,Main menu entry for save layouts +IDEMenu_ResetLayout,Reset Layout,Reset Layout,,Main menu entry for resetting the layout +IDETooltip_StartPage,Start Page,Start Page,,IDE toolbar tooltip for the home button +IDETooltip_NewProject,New Project ,New Project ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_OpenProject,Open Project ,Open Project ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Save,Save Project ,Save Project ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Package,Create Executable ,Create Executable ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Package_FreeDisabled,Create Executable (not available with Trial Licence),Create Executable (not available with Trial Licence),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Debug,Debug ,Debug ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Run,Run ,Run ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Stop,Stop,Stop,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Clean,Clean ,Clean ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_GameSettings,Game Options,Game Options,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Help,Help ,Help ,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Targets,Targets,Targets,,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Notifications,Notifications,Notifications,,IDE toolbar notifications tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomIn,Zoom In ,Zoom In ,,workspace zoom in ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomOut,Zoom Out ,Zoom Out ,,workspace zoom out ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomReset,Zoom Reset ,Zoom Reset ,,workspace zoom reset ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_CollapseDocks,Collapse/Expand dock panels ,Collapse/Expand dock panels ,,collapse/expand docks tooltip +ImageEditor_AddFrame,Add Frame,Add Frame,,Image editor menu option -Add frame +ImageEditor_AddFromFile,Import Image(s),Import Image(s),,Add images from file menu option +ImageEditor_CreateFromStrip,Convert to Frames,Convert to Frames,,create from strip menu option +ImageEditor_ImportFromStrip,Import Strip Image,Import Strip Image,,import strip image menu option +ImageEditor_ExportToPNG,Export to PNG,Export to PNG,,export to png image menu option +ImageEditor_AddGroup,Add group,Add group,,Image editor layer context menu - add group +ImageEditor_AddLayer,Add layer,Add layer,,Image editor layer context menu - add layer +ImageEditor_AllLayers,All Layers,All Layers,,effect all layers option +ImageEditor_Arc_Iterations,Iterations:,Iterations:,,Iterations slider label for Arc Tool +ImageEditor_BrushPanelTitle,Brushes,Brushes,,brushes panel title +ImageEditor_CancelSelection,Cancel Selection,Cancel Selection,,Image editor menu option -Cancel selection +ImageEditor_NewCanvasSize,New Canvas Size:,New Canvas Size:,,image editor new canvas size +ImageEditor_CentreFit,Fit Screen,Fit Screen,,"Image editor view menu - centre, scale to fit" +ImageEditor_CentreUnitScale,1:1,1:1,,Image editor view menu - centre unit scale +ImageEditor_ColourLeftLabel,Left:,Left:,,left brush label +ImageEditor_ColourOnly,Colour only,Colour only,,Image editor magic wand colour only checkbox +ImageEditor_ColourPanelTitle,Colours,Colours,,colours panel title +ImageEditor_UnableToLoadFrame,Unable to load,Unable to load,,Unable to load frame dialog title +ImageEditor_InvalidSpriteFrame,Sprite {0} contains {1} image(s) that failed to load. Affected frames have been removed from the sprite.,Sprite {0} contains {1} image(s) that failed to load. Affected frames have been removed from the sprite.,,Failed to load image +IE_ColourPanel_MenuToolTip,Colour Options,Colour Options,,image editor colours panel menu button tooltip +ImageEditor_ColourRightLabel,Right:,Right:,,right brush label +ImageEditor_CommitToolChanges,Commit Tool Changes?,Commit Tool Changes?,,Commit tool changes +ImageEditor_CropToSelection,Crop All Frames To Selection,Crop All Frames To Selection,,Image editor - crop to selection menu option +ImageEditor_AutoTrim,Auto Trim All Frames,Auto Trim All Frames,,Image editor - auto trim all frames +ImageEditor_ReverseFrames,Reverse Frames,Reverse Frames,,Image Editor - reverse frames menu entry +ImageEditor_Cut,Cut,Cut,,Image editor menu option -Cut +ImageEditor_CutFrame,Cut Frame,Cut Frame,,Image editor menu option -Cut +ImageEditor_CutSelection,Cut Selection,Cut Selection,,Image editor menu option -Cut +ImageEditor_Copy,Copy,Copy,,Image editor menu option -Copy +ImageEditor_CopyFrame,Copy Frame,Copy Frame,,Image editor copy frame menu option +ImageEditor_PasteFrame,Paste Frame,Paste Frame,,Image editor paste frame menu option +ImageEditor_CopySelection,Copy Selection,Copy Selection,,Image editor copy selection menu option +ImageEditor_PasteClipboard,Paste Clipboard,Paste Clipboard,,Image editor paste clipboard menu option +ImageEditor_SelectAll,Select All,Select All,,Image editor select all menu option +ImageEditor_DeleteFrames,Delete Selected Frames,Delete Selected Frames,,Image editor menu option -Delete selected frames +ImageEditor_DeleteGroup,Delete group,Delete group,,Image editor layer context menu - delete group/folder +ImageEditor_DeleteLayer,Delete layer(s),Delete layer(s),,Image editor layer context menu - delete layer or layers +ImageEditor_DuplicateLayer,Duplicate layer(s),Duplicate layer(s),,Image editor layer panel - duplicate layer menu option +ImageEditor_EditLayerProperties,Edit layer properties,Edit layer properties,,Image editor layer context menu- edit layer properties +ImageEditor_EffectApply,Apply,Apply,,effect apply button +ImageEditor_EffectApplyToLabel,Apply To:,Apply To:,,effect apply to heading +ImageEditor_EffectCancel,Cancel,Cancel,,effect cancel button +ImageEditor_Effects,Effects,Effects,,Image editor menu heading -Effects +ImageEditor_EffectAllFrames,Apply to All Frames,Apply to All Frames,,apply to all frames label +ImageEditor_Flip,Flip,Flip,,Image editor menu option -Flip +ImageEditor_GridColour,Colour,Colour,,Image editor grid colour label +ImageEditor_GridSettings,Grid Settings,Grid Settings,,Image editor grid settings label +ImageEditor_GridX,X Spacing,X Spacing,,Image editor grid x spacing label +ImageEditor_GridY,Y Spacing,Y Spacing,,Image editor grid y spacing label +ImageEditor_HeightLabel,Height:,Height:,,image editor resize height label +ImageEditor_ImportCrop,Crop / pad,Crop / pad,,Image editor import dialog crop option +ImageEditor_ImportImageTitle,Import image(s),Import image(s),,Image editor import images title +ImageEditor_PasteImageResizeTitle,Resize Canvas,Resize Canvas,,canvas resize dialog on paste +ImageEditor_ImportResizeLabel,Imported image is a different size from the canvas,Imported image is a different size from the canvas,,Image editor import dialog resize required description +ImageEditor_PasteResizeLabel,Pasted image is larger than the canvas,Pasted image is larger than the canvas,,Image editor import dialog paste resize label +ImageEditor_Import_ResizeImported,Resize imported image to canvas size,Resize imported image to canvas size,,Image editor import resize imported image +ImageEditor_Import_ResizeCanvas,Resize canvas to imported image size ({0} x {1}),Resize canvas to imported image size ({0} x {1}),,Image editor import resize canvas +ImageEditor_Paste_ResizeCanvas,Resize canvas to pasted image size ({0} x {1})?,Resize canvas to pasted image size ({0} x {1})?,,Image editor import resize canvas pasted image +ImageEditor_ImportCrop_Canvas,Crop/pad canvas,Crop/pad canvas,,image editor import - crop canvas +ImageEditor_ImportScale_Canvas,Scale canvas,Scale canvas,,image editor import - scale canvas +ImageEditor_ImportCrop_Import,Crop/pad imported image,Crop/pad imported image,,image editor import- crop imported image +ImageEditor_ImportScale_Import,Scale imported image,Scale imported image,,image editor import- scale imported image +ImageEditor_InsertFrame,Insert Frame,Insert Frame,,Image editor menu option -Insert frame +ImageEditor_IntensityLabel,Intensity:,Intensity:,,effect intensity +ImageEditor_InterpLabel,Interpolation:,Interpolation:,,Image editor interpolation label +ImageEditor_InvertSelection,Invert Selection,Invert Selection,,Image editor menu option -Invert selection +ImageEditor_KeepAspectRatio,Keep aspect ratio,Keep aspect ratio,,image editor keep aspect ratio label +ImageEditor_LayerBlendMode,Blend Mode:,Blend Mode:,,Image layer properties - blend mode +ImageEditor_LayerName,Name:,Name:,,Layer Name label in Layer Preferences +ImageEditor_LayerOpacity,Opacity:,Opacity:,,Image layer properties - opacity +ImageEditor_LayerPanelTitle,Layers,Layers,,layers panel title +ImageEditor_LayerProperties,Layer Properties,Layer Properties,,Image layer properties title +ImageEditor_Loop_Tooltip,Toggle loop/ping-pong,Toggle loop/ping-pong,,Image editor loop/ping pong button tooltip +ImageEditor_Menu_Save,Save,Save,,Image editor menu option -Save +ImageEditor_MergeAllLayers,Merge all layers,Merge all layers,,Image editor layer context menu - merge all layers +ImageEditor_MergeGroup,Merge group,Merge group,,Image editor layer context menu - merge group +ImageEditor_MergeLayerDown,Merge layer down,Merge layer down,,Image editor layer context menu - merge layer down +ImageEditor_MergeSelectedLayers,Merge Selected Layers,Merge Selected Layers,,Image editor layer context menu - merge selected layers +ImageEditor_Mirror,Mirror,Mirror,,Image editor menu option -Mirror +ImageEditor_NxN_Pixels,{0} x {1} pixels,{0} x {1} pixels,,image editor pixel dimensions +ImageEditor_OnionSkin_Tooltip,Toggle onion skinning,Toggle onion skinning,,Image editor onion skin button tooltip +ImageEditor_OnionSkinFramesBack,Frames back,Frames back,,Image editor onion skin settings label +ImageEditor_OnionSkinFramesFwd,Frames forwards,Frames forwards,,Image editor onion skin settings label +ImageEditor_OnionSkinSettings,Onion Skin Settings,Onion Skin Settings,,Image editor onion skin settings title +ImageEditor_OnionSkinTint,Colour,Colour,,Image editor onion skin settings label +ImageEditor_Paste,Paste,Paste,,Image editor menu option -Paste +ImageEditor_PlaybackSpeed,Speed:,Speed:,,Image editor playback speed label +ImageEditor_PlayButton_Tooltip,Play/Pause animation,Play/Pause animation,,Image editor play button tooltip +ImageEditor_Position,Position,Position,,image editor position label +ImageEditor_Preview,Preview,Preview,,effect preview +ImageEditor_Redo,Redo,Redo,,Image editor menu option -Redo +ImageEditor_ResizeCanvas,Resize All Frames,Resize All Frames,,image editor resize canvas menu entry +ImageEditor_Rotate,Rotate,Rotate,,Image editor menu option -Rotate +ImageEditor_Scale,Scale,Scale,,Image editor menu option -Scale +ImageEditor_ScaleImage,Scale All Frames,Scale All Frames,,Image editor scale image title +ImageEditor_SelectedLayer,Selected Layer,Selected Layer,,effect selected layer option +ImageEditor_SnapToGrid,Snap to grid,Snap to grid,,Image editor snap to grid +ImageEditor_TextTool_AA,Anti-alias,Anti-alias,,Image editor text tool anti-alias +ImageEditor_TextTool_SettingsWindow,Font Adjustment,Font Adjustment,,Image editor text tool settings window caption +ImageEditor_Title,Image Editor: {0},Image Editor: {0},,Image editor:(resource) title +ImageEditor_ToggleGrid,Toggle Grid,Toggle Grid,,Image editor toggle grid menu entry +ImageEditor_ToleranceLabel,Tolerance:,Tolerance:,,Image editor magic wand tolerance label +ImageEditor_RotationLabel,Rotation:,Rotation:,,Image editor rotation label +ImageEditor_RotationInterpolateLabel,Interpolate,Interpolate,,Image editor rotation interpolate label +ImageEditor_Tool_Arc,Arc tool,Arc tool,,ImageEditor Arc tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Brush,Paintbrush tool,Paintbrush tool,,ImageEditor paint brush tool +ImageEditor_Tool_ColourPicker,Colour Picker,Colour Picker,,ImageEditor Colour Picker +ImageEditor_Tool_Ellipse,Ellipse tool,Ellipse tool,,ImageEditor Ellipse tool +ImageEditor_Tool_EllipseOutline,Ellipse tool - outline,Ellipse tool - outline,,ImageEditor Ellipse tool(outline) +ImageEditor_Tool_EllipseFilled,Ellipse tool - filled,Ellipse tool - filled,,ImageEditor Ellipse tool(filled) +ImageEditor_Tool_EllipseSelect,Ellipse select tool,Ellipse select tool,,ImageEditor Ellipse select tool +ImageEditor_Tool_PaintSelect,Paint selection tool,Paint selection tool,,ImageEditor paint selection tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Erase,Erase tool,Erase tool,,ImageEditor Erase tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Fill,Fill tool,Fill tool,,ImageEditor Fill tool +ImageEditor_Tool_ColourReplace,Colour replace tool,Colour replace tool,,ImageEditor Colour replace tool +ImageEditor_Tool_ColourRemover,Colour remove tool,Colour remove tool,,ImageEditor Colour remove tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Flip,Flip brush tool,Flip brush tool,,ImageEditor Flip tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Line,Line tool,Line tool,,ImageEditor Line tool +ImageEditor_Tool_MagicWand,Magic wand tool,Magic wand tool,,ImageEditor Magic wand tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Mirror,Mirror brush tool,Mirror brush tool,,ImageEditor Mirror tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Pan,Pan image tool,Pan image tool,,ImageEditor Pan tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Polygon,Polygon tool,Polygon tool,,ImageEditor Polygon tool +ImageEditor_Tool_PolygonOutline,Polygon tool - outline,Polygon tool - outline,,ImageEditor Polygon tool(outline) +ImageEditor_Tool_PolygonFilled,Polygon tool - filled,Polygon tool - filled,,ImageEditor Polygon tool(filled) +ImageEditor_Tool_Rectangle,Rectangle tool,Rectangle tool,,ImageEditor Rectangle tool +ImageEditor_Tool_RectangleOutline,Rectangle tool - outline,Rectangle tool - outline,,ImageEditor Rectangle tool(outline) +ImageEditor_Tool_RectangleFilled,Rectangle tool - filled,Rectangle tool - filled,,ImageEditor Rectangle tool(filled) +ImageEditor_Tool_RectangleSelect,Rectangle select tool,Rectangle select tool,,ImageEditor Rectangle select tool +ImageEditor_Tool_Rotate,Rotate brush tool,Rotate brush tool,,ImageEditor Rotate tool +ImageEditor_Tool_FreeRotate,Free rotate brush tool,Free rotate brush tool,,ImageEditor Free Rotate tool +ImageEditor_Tool_SplitMagnify,Split Magnify,Split Magnify,,Image editor split magnify tool name +ImageEditor_Tool_Text,Text tool,Text tool,,Image editor text tool +ImageEditor_ToolboxPanelTitle,Toolbox,Toolbox,,toolbox panel title +ImageEditor_Transform,Animation,Animation,,Image editor menu - animation transform heading +ImageEditor_Menu_Flip,Flip,Flip,,Image editor menu flip +ImageEditor_Menu_Mirror,Mirror,Mirror,,Image editor menu mirror +ImageEditor_Menu_AllFrames,All Frames,All Frames,,Image editor menu flip animation +ImageEditor_Menu_CurrentFrame,Selected Frames,Selected Frames,,Image editor menu flip current frame +ImageEditor_Menu_RotateImageCW,Rotate All Frames (clockwise 90),Rotate All Frames (clockwise 90),,Image editor rotate clockwise menu entry +ImageEditor_Menu_RotateImageACW,Rotate All Frames (anti-clockwise 90),Rotate All Frames (anti-clockwise 90),,Image editor rotate anti-clockwise menu entry +ImageEditor_Undo,Undo,Undo,,Image editor menu option -Undo +ImageEditor_VisibleLayers,Visible Layers,Visible Layers,,effect visible layers option +ImageEditor_WidthLabel,Width:,Width:,,image editor resize width label +ImageEditor_ArcTool_Info,"Click to add a point, drag to move (${ctrl} - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)","Click to add a point, drag to move (${ctrl} - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_ColourPicker_Info,Left/right click to pick a colour,Left/right click to pick a colour,,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_EllipseTool_Info,Click and drag to draw an ellipse (Shift for a circle),Click and drag to draw an ellipse (Shift for a circle),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_PaintSelectTool_Info,"Paint selection (${ctrl} to add, Alt/right click to subtract)","Paint selection (${ctrl} to add, Alt/right click to subtract)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_EraseTool_Info,Click to erase,Click to erase,,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_FillTool_Info,Click to fill (Alt to tile with brush),Click to fill (Alt to tile with brush),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_ColourReplaceTool_Info,Click to swap colours (Alt to replace alpha also),Click to swap colours (Alt to replace alpha also),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_ColourRemoveTool_Info,Click to remove a colour,Click to remove a colour,,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_LineTool_Info,Click and drag to draw a line (Shift for a straight line),Click and drag to draw a line (Shift for a straight line),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_MagicWand_Info,"Click to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_Paintbrush_Info,"Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, ${ctrl} to pick a colour)","Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, ${ctrl} to pick a colour)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_PanTool_Info,Click and drag to pan,Click and drag to pan,,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_PolyTool_Info,Click to add points (Enter to commit),Click to add points (Enter to commit),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_RectangleTool_Info,Click and drag to draw a rectangle (Shift for a square),Click and drag to draw a rectangle (Shift for a square),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_RotateTool_Info,Click button to rotate clockwise (Shift for anti-clockwise),Click button to rotate clockwise (Shift for anti-clockwise),,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_FreeRotateTool_Info,Click and drag to rotate current brush,Click and drag to rotate current brush,,image editor free rotate tool info +ImageEditor_SelectEllipseTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_SelectRectTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_TextTool_Info,Click to insert text,Click to insert text,,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_Warning_GroupSelected,Cannot paint on layer groups,Cannot paint on layer groups,,image editor: group paint warning +ImageEditor_Warning_GroupSelected_Dialog,Cannot paint on layer groups; select a non-group layer,Cannot paint on layer groups; select a non-group layer,,image editor: group paint warning dialog +ImageEditor_Warning_LayerLocked,Cannot paint to a locked or invisible layer,Cannot paint to a locked or invisible layer,,image editor: locked layer warning +ImageEditor_Warning_LayerLocked_Dialog,Cannot paint to the selected layer - it is locked or hidden,Cannot paint to the selected layer - it is locked or hidden,,image editor: locked layer dialog warning +ImageEditor_Warning_LayerHidden,Current layer is not visible,Current layer is not visible,,image editor hidden layer warning +ImageEditor_Select_RectSize,Selection Area: {0}x{1},Selection Area: {0}x{1},,selection rect size +ImageEditor_CurrentFrame,Current Frame:,Current Frame:,,image editor current frame label +ImageEditor_FrameNumberLabel,{0} of {1} frames,{0} of {1} frames,,label for frame number +ImageEditor_BrushSizeLabel,Size:,Size:,,brush size label +ImageEditor_BrushSmoothLabel,Smooth,Smooth,,brush smooth label +ImageEditor_ColourOnlyLabel,Colour only:,Colour only:,,magic wand colour only label +ImageEditor_ContiguousLabel,Contiguous mode:,Contiguous mode:,,magic wand contiguous mode label +ImageEditor_FillStyle_Stroke,Stroke,Stroke,,shape tool stroke style +ImageEditor_FillStyle_Fill,Fill,Fill,,shape tool fill style +ImageEditor_FillStyle_Both,Both,Both,,shape tool both style +ImageEditor_SwatchMenu_Copy,Copy colours to sprite:,Copy colours to sprite:,,swatch panel menu copy colours +ImageEditor_SwatchMenu_Import,Import colours from sprite:,Import colours from sprite:,,swatch panel menu import colours +ImageEditor_OnionBurger_Tooltip,Onion skin,Onion skin,,burger button tooltip +ImageEditor_LoopBurger_Tooltip,Loop mode,Loop mode,,burger button tooltip +ImageEditor_PlayBurger_Tooltip,Play,Play,,burger button tooltip +ImageEditor_AddLayer_TT,Add Layer To All Frames,Add Layer To All Frames,,image editor add layer tooltip +ImageEditor_AddLayerGroup_TT,Add Layer Group,Add Layer Group,,image editor layer tooltip +ImageEditor_ShiftLayerUp_TT,Shift Layer Up,Shift Layer Up,,image editor shift layer up tooltip +ImageEditor_ShiftLayerDown_TT,Shift Layer Down,Shift Layer Down,,image editor shift layer down tooltip +ImageEditor_DeleteLayer_TT,Delete Layer/Group For All Frames,Delete Layer/Group For All Frames,,image editor delete layer tooltip +ImageEditor_EraseColour_TT,Left Or Right Click To Set Eraser,Left Or Right Click To Set Eraser,,erase colour button tooltip +ImageEditor_LastLayerDeleteTitle,Can't Delete Last Layer,Can't Delete Last Layer,,can't delete last layer title +ImageEditor_LayerLayerDeleteMessage,Can't delete layer - image must have at least one layer,Can't delete layer - image must have at least one layer,,last layer delete message +ImageEditor_SwapColours_TT,Swap left and right colours,Swap left and right colours,,image editor swap colours tool tip +ImageEditor_Greyscale,Greyscale,Greyscale,,ie greyscale label +ImageEditor_Blur,Blur,Blur,,ie blur label +ImageEditor_BlurType,Blur Type:,Blur Type:,,ie blur type label +ImageEditor_Horizontal,Horizontal,Horizontal,,ie horizontal label +ImageEditor_Vertical,Vertical,Vertical,,ie vertical label +ImageEditor_Both,Both,Both,,ie both label +ListBoxEnum_eBlurType_Box,Box,Box,,blur type enum +ListBoxEnum_eBlurType_Gaussian,Gaussian,Gaussian,,blur type enum +GridWidgetSettings_Colour,Grid Colour:,Grid Colour:,,zoom widget grid settings colour label +GridWidgetSettings_Alpha,Alpha:,Alpha:,,zoom widget grid settings alpha label +GridWidgetSettings_GridX,Grid X,Grid X,,grid settings grid x +GridWidgetSettings_GridY,Grid Y,Grid Y,,grid settings grid y +GridWidgetSettings_Snap,Snap,Snap,,grid settings grid snap to grid +SplitWidgetSettings_NoSplit,No Split,No Split,,split settings no split +SplitWidgetSettings_Horizontal,Split Horizontal,Split Horizontal,,split settings horizontal split +SplitWidgetSettings_Vertical,Split Vertical,Split Vertical,,split settings vertical split +Importing,Importing...,Importing...,,Importing +Extracting,Extracting...,Extracting...,,Extracting +IncludedFile_AllPlatforms,All,All,,caption for all platforms button +IncludedFile_FileName,File Name:,File Name:,,Textbox caption for file name +IncludedFile_FileSize,File Size:,File Size:,,caption for file size +IncludedFile_FileSizeKB,{0} KB,{0} KB,,display for file size in kilobytes +IncludedFile_FileSizeMB,{0} MB,{0} MB,,display for file size in megabytes +IncludedFile_NoPlatforms,None,None,,caption for no platforms button +IncludedFile_Platforms,Platforms: ,Platforms: ,,caption for platforms buttons/list +IncludedFile_Title,Included File: {0},Included File: {0},,Included file editor window title +IncludedFilesPlatform_Android,Android,Android,,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Android_YYC,Android (YYC),Android (YYC),,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_GameMaker_Player,GameMaker:Player,GameMaker:Player,,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_HTML5,HTML5,HTML5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_iOS,iOS,iOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_iOS_YYC,iOS (YYC),iOS (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Mac_OS_X,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_4_YYC,PlayStation 4 (YYC),PlayStation 4 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_5_YYC,PlayStation 5 (YYC),PlayStation 5 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Ubuntu_Linux,Ubuntu,Ubuntu,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Ubuntu_Linux_YYC,Ubuntu (YYC),Ubuntu (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows,Windows,Windows,DO NOT TRANSLATE - refers to the Windows OS,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_8_YYC,Windows 8 (YYC),Windows 8 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_Phone_8,Windows Phone 8,Windows Phone 8,DO NOT TRANSLATE 'windows',included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_Phone_8_YYC,Windows Phone 8 (YYC),Windows Phone 8 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE 'windows',included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_YYC,Windows (YYC),Windows (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows8_Javascript,Windows 8 (Javascript),Windows 8 (Javascript),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows8_Native,Windows 8 (Native),Windows 8 (Native),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_XBox_One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_XBox_One_YYC,Xbox One (YYC),Xbox One (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Xbox_Series_XS,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Xbox_Series_XS_YYC,Xbox Series X/S (YYC),Xbox Series X/S (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_UWP,Windows UWP,Windows UWP,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Android_TV,Android TV,Android TV,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_TV_OS,tvOS,tvOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_AmazonFire,Amazon Fire,Amazon Fire,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Amazon Fire platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_WASM,WASM,WASM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,WASM platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_OPERAGX,Opera GX,Opera GX,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Opera GX platform list entry +wasm,WASM,WASM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,WASM Platform settings entry +operagx,Opera GX,Opera GX,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Opera GX Platform settings entry +OperaGX,Opera GX,Opera GX,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Opera GX Platform settings entry +InstanceProperties_CreationCode,Creation Code,Creation Code,,instance properties button caption for opening the creation code +InstanceProperties_EditObject,Edit Object,Edit Object,,instance properties button caption for opening the object for edit +InstanceProperties_FlipX,Flip X,Flip X,,instance properties checkbox label for flip x +InstanceProperties_FlipY,Flip Y,Flip Y,,instance properties checkbox label for flip y +InstanceProperties_ImageIndex,Frame,Frame,,Instance property initial image index +InstanceProperties_ImageSpeed,Image Speed,Image Speed,,Instance property initial image speed +InstanceProperties_PosX,X,X,,instance properties numeric box label for x pos +InstanceProperties_PosY,Y,Y,,instance properties numeric box label for y pos +InstanceProperties_Rotation,Rotation,Rotation,,instance properties numeric textbox caption for rotation +InstanceProperties_ScaleX,Scale X,Scale X,,instance properties numeric box label for scale x +InstanceProperties_ScaleY,Scale Y,Scale Y,,instance properties numeric box label for scale y +LanguageSelect_Title,Please select a language,Please select a language,,Title of the language select dialog +ListBoxEnum_eAntiAliasMode_Mono,Off,Off,,Anti-aliasing off +ListBoxEnum_eAntiAliasMode_Normal,On,On,,Anti-aliasing on +ListBoxEnum_eGMSoundBitDepth__16bit,16 bit,16 bit,,16 bit audio bit depth ListBox Enum +ListBoxEnum_eGMSoundBitDepth__8bit,8 bit,8 bit,,8 bit audio bit depth ListBox Enum +ListBoxEnum_eGMSoundType__3D,3D,3D,,3D Sound Listbox Enum +ListBoxEnum_eGMSoundType_Mono,Mono,Mono,,Mono Sound Listbox Enum +ListBoxEnum_eGMSoundType_Stereo,Stereo,Stereo,,Stereo Sound Listbox Enum +ListBoxEnum_eImageBGStyle_BlockPattern,Block Pattern,Block Pattern,,image editor image background style enum +ListBoxEnum_eImageBGStyle_SingleColour,Single Colour,Single Colour,,image editor image background style enum +ListBoxEnum_eAnimLoopMode_PlayOnce,Play once,Play once,,image editor anim loop mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eAnimLoopMode_Loop,Loop,Loop,,image editor anim loop mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eAnimLoopMode_PingPong,Ping pong,Ping pong,,image editor anim loop mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eImageInterp_Cubic,Cubic,Cubic,,Image interpolation enum - cubic +ListBoxEnum_eImageInterp_Linear,Linear,Linear,,Image interpolation enum -linear +ListBoxEnum_eImageInterp_Nearest,None,None,,Image interpolation enum - nearest / none +ListBoxEnum_eImageSizeUnits_Percent,Percent,Percent,,image size units enum +ListBoxEnum_eImageSizeUnits_Pixel,Pixels,Pixels,,image size units enum +ListBoxEnum_eLayerBlendType_Add,Add,Add,,Listbox auto-enum blend mode for add +ListBoxEnum_eLayerBlendType_Multiply,Multiply,Multiply,,Listbox auto-enum blend mode for multiply +ListBoxEnum_eLayerBlendType_Normal,Normal,Normal,,Listbox auto-enum blend mode for normal +ListBoxEnum_eLayerBlendType_Subtract,Subtract,Subtract,,Listbox auto-enum blend mode for subtract +ListBoxEnum_eRoomEditorParentDeletePreference_DeleteAll,Delete All,Delete All,, +ListBoxEnum_eRoomEditorParentDeletePreference_KeepAll,Keep All,Keep All,, +ListBoxEnum_eRoomEditorParentDeletePreference_KeepChanged,Keep Changed,Keep Changed,, +ListBoxEnum_eRoomEditorParentDeletePreference_ShowDialog,Show Message,Show Message,, +ListBoxEnum_eStandardConfirmPreference_No,No,No,, +ListBoxEnum_eStandardConfirmPreference_ShowDialog,Show Message,Show Message,, +ListBoxEnum_eStandardConfirmPreference_Yes,Yes,Yes,, +ListBoxEnum_eStandardAcceptancePreference_OK,OK,OK,, +ListBoxEnum_eStandardAcceptancePreference_ShowDialog,Show Message,Show Message,, +ListBoxEnum_TileDataSize_Bit_16,16 Bit,16 Bit,,drop down list label for 16bit tile data size +ListBoxEnum_TileDataSize_Bit_32,32 Bit,32 Bit,,drop down list label for 32bit tile data size +ListBoxEnum_TileDataSize_Bit_64,64 Bit,64 Bit,,drop down list label for 64bit tile data size +ListBoxEnum_eImageFit_Stretch,Stretch,Stretch,,Stretch Image Scaling option +ListBoxEnum_eImageFit_Tile,Tile,Tile,,Tile Image Scaling option +ListBoxEnum_eImageFit_BestFit,Best Fit,Best Fit,,Best Fit Image Scaling option +ListBoxEnum_eImageFit_DesktopStretch,Desktop Stretch,Desktop Stretch,,Desktop Stretch Image Scaling option +ListBoxEnum_eImageFit_ScreenStretch,Screen Stretch,Screen Stretch,,Screen Stretch Image Scaling option +Loading,Loading...,Loading...,,Loading +Marketplace_Go,Open Marketplace,Open Marketplace,,Open Marketplace +Marketplace_Assets,My Library,My Library,,Downloaded assets +Marketplace_Downloads,Downloads,Downloads,,Downloads +Marketplace_Login,Login,Login,,Login +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Overview,Overview,Overview,,Overview title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Header_Title,Title,Title,,Header Title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Header_Developer,Developer,Developer,,Developer Title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Header_Rating,Rating,Rating,,Rating Title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Pagination,Page {0} / {1},Page {0} / {1},,Pagination +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Header_Status,Status,Status,,Status Title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Screens,Screenshots,Screenshots,,Screens Title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewMoreFrom,View more from developer.,View more from developer.,,View more from Developer text +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Description,Description:,Description:,,Description label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_AgeRating,Age Rating:,Age Rating:,,Age Rating Label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Version,Version:,Version:,,Version Label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_VersionLabel,Version {0}. Published {1}.,Version {0}. Published {1}.,,Version label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_PackageContains,Package Contains:,Package Contains:,,Package Contains Label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_EULA,End User Licence Agreement: (EULA),End User Licence Agreement: (EULA),,EULA Label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Categories,Categories,Categories,,Marketplace Categories title +Marketplace_MyLibary_AssetVerifying,Verifying...,Verifying...,,Marketplace my library asset being verified label +Marketplace_MyLibary_AssetDownloaded,Downloaded,Downloaded,,Marketplace my library asset downloaded label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewAsset,View in marketplace,View in marketplace,,Marketplace view asset +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Author,By {0},By {0},,Marketplace author line +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Delete marketplace asset button caption +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Download,Download,Download,,Download asset button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Update,Update,Update,,Update asset button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_RefreshTooltip,Refresh library.,Refresh library.,,Refresh assets button tooltip +Marketplace_MyLibrary_UpdateTooltip,An update is available for this asset.,An update is available for this asset.,,Update available tooltip +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Import,Import,Import,,Import asset button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_LeaveReview,Review This Asset,Review This Asset,,Review this asset marketplace tooltip +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Title,My Library,My Library,,Marketplace my library window title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewMarketplace,View in Marketplace,View in Marketplace,,View asset button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Install,Install,Install,,marketplace library install label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Installing,Installing...,Installing...,,marketplace library installing label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Installed,Installed,Installed,,marketplace library installed label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_NoAssetsDisplayed,You do not currently have any assets in your Library. Click to visit the Marketplace and browse assets.,You do not currently have any assets in your Library. Click to visit the Marketplace and browse assets.,,marketplace library no assets displayed button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_DownloadCancelled,Download cancelled,Download cancelled,,marketplace asset download cancelled status +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Downloading,Downloading...,Downloading...,,marketplace asset download progress label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_DownloadFailed,Download failed,Download failed,,marketplace asset download failed label +Marketplace_Password,Password,Password,,Password +Marketplace_Register,Register,Register,,Register marketplace account +Marketplace_StoreCredentials,Save Username/Password,Save Username/Password,,Store credentials +Marketplace_Username,Username,Username,,Username +Marketplace_Offline,Cannot access Marketplace: User is offline,Cannot access Marketplace: User is offline,,Marketplace is offline error message +Marketplace_TryAgainLater,Cannot access Marketplace. Try again later.,Cannot access Marketplace. Try again later.,,Marketplace cannot be accessed try again later +Marketplace_WaitForServer,Marketplace will open when a connection has been established.,Marketplace will open when a connection has been established.,,Marketplace wait for server result message +Marketplace_CreateNewPackage,Create Package,Create Package,,marketplace menu create package +Marketplace_UpdatePackage,Update Existing Package,Update Existing Package,,marketplace menu update existing package +Marketplace_CreatePackage,Create Package,Create Package,,marketplace menu create package +Marketplace_CreatePackageDescription,Select publisher and enter a new package name and ID,Select publisher and enter a new package name and ID,,marketplace create new package instructions +Marketplace_ChooseAssetTitle,Choose an Asset,Choose an Asset,,marketplace choose publisher package title +Marketplace_ChoosePackageId,Please select the name and package ID of your asset from the marketplace,Please select the name and package ID of your asset from the marketplace,,marketplace choose publisher package id +Marketplace_PackageName,Name:,Name:,,marketplace package name label +Marketplace_PublisherSelectionRequired,No Publisher selected,No Publisher selected,,marketplace package no publisher selected error +Marketplace_PublisherName,Publisher Name:,Publisher Name:,,marketplace packge publisher name label +Marketplace_PackageId,Package ID:,Package ID:,,marketplace package id label +Marketplace_PackageVersion,Version:,Version:,,marketplace version label +Marketplace_PackageIdRequired,Package ID required,Package ID required,,create asset package missing package id +Marketplace_CreatingPackage,Creating package...,Creating package...,,create package progress title +Marketplace_CreatePackageDesc,Select resources from your project and add them to your package:,Select resources from your project and add them to your package:,,marketplace create package description +Marketplace_ProjectLabel,Project:,Project:,,create package project label +Marketplace_AssetPackageLabel,Asset Package:,Asset Package:,,create package asset package label +Marketplace_Package_Changelog,Changelog:,Changelog:,,change log label +Marketplace_Package_AddLabel,Add,Add,,create package add resource button +Marketplace_Package_AddAllLabel,Add All,Add All,,create package add all resources button +Marketplace_Package_RemoveLabel,Remove,Remove,,create package remove resource button +Marketplace_Package_CertSettingsMissing,Certificate file has not been set - please check Marketplace certificate settings,Certificate file has not been set - please check Marketplace certificate settings,,create package certificate settings error +Marketplace_Package_CertFileMissing,Certificate file '{0}' could not be found - please check Marketplace certificate settings,Certificate file '{0}' could not be found - please check Marketplace certificate settings,,create package missing certificate file error +Marketplace_Package_CertFileSetupMessage,You will need to set up a signing certificate before you can create and publish packages.,You will need to set up a signing certificate before you can create and publish packages.,,mplace need certificate message +Marketplace_Package_CertFileSettingsButton,Go to Certificate Settings,Go to Certificate Settings,,mplace go to certificate settings button +Marketplace_Package_CreateError,Error creating package,Error creating package,,create package error title +Marketplace_Package_ImportError,Error importing package,Error importing package,,package import error title +Marketplace_Package_Verifying,Verifying package...,Verifying package...,,marketplace pacakge verifying progress title +Marketplace_Package_VerifyError,Failed to verify the package,Failed to verify the package,,marketplace package verification error +Marketplace_Package_GenericError,Failed with error:\n'{0}',Failed with error:\n'{0}',,generic marketplace package error +Marketplace_Package_SigningError,Package signing error,Package signing error,,marketplace package signing error +Marketplace_Package_ExtractFailed,Error extracting package archive: '{0}',Error extracting package archive: '{0}',,marketplace package extract fail +Marketplace_Package_ImportCompleted,Import Completed!,Import Completed!,,marketplace package import completed +Marketplace_Package_ImportDesc,Select resources from the asset package and add them to your project:,Select resources from the asset package and add them to your project:,,package import description +Marketplace_Package_ImportNoProject,You must first open a project to import resources into,You must first open a project to import resources into,,marketplace package import no project open message +Marketplace_Package_ExportNoResources,You must include at least one resource,You must include at least one resource,,package export no resources selected message +Marketplace_Package_ImportToNewProject,Import all resources to a new project,Import all resources to a new project,,package import new project +Marketplace_Package_ResourceImportError,Some resources failed to import - see output window for details,Some resources failed to import - see output window for details,,resource import error message +Marketplace_Package_PackageResources,Package Resources:,Package Resources:,,package import- package resources caption +Marketplace_Package_ImportResources,Resources to Import:,Resources to Import:,,package import - resource to import caption +Marketplace_CheckForUpdates,Check For Updates,Check For Updates,,check for updates button label +Marketplace_Updating,Updating...,Updating...,,marketplace updating label +Marketplace_WindowTitle,Marketplace,Marketplace,,Marketplace webview window title +Marketplace_PurchaseHistory,My Purchase History,My Purchase History,,Marketplace purchase history menu entry +Marketplace_NoPublisherTitle,Publisher Account Required,Publisher Account Required,,marketplace no publisher title +Marketplace_NoPublisherMessage,You do not have a Publisher attached to this account. Do you want to add one now?,You do not have a Publisher attached to this account. Do you want to add one now?,,marketplace no publisher account message +Marketplace_ProjectRequiredDialogTitle,Project Required,Project Required,,marketplace import project required dialog title +Marketplace_ProjectRequiredDialogMessage,An open project is required to import assets.\nDo you want to create a new project or open an existing project now?,An open project is required to import assets.\nDo you want to create a new project or open an existing project now?,,marketplace import project required dialog message +MPackage_PackageUploadTitle,Package Upload,Package Upload,,package upload dialog title +MPackage_PackageCreated,Created package '{0}' version {1},Created package '{0}' version {1},,package create success message +MPackage_PackageUploading,Uploading to Marketplace...,Uploading to Marketplace...,,package uploading message +MPackage_PackageIDInvalid,Package ID is invalid,Package ID is invalid,,mplace create package package id error +MPackage_AssetDisplayName,Display name,Display name,,marketplace asset display name label +MPackage_DisplayNameInvalid,Display name is invalid,Display name is invalid,,marketplace package display name error +MPackage_DisplayNameRestrictions,Display name restrictions,Display name restrictions,,package display name restrictions label +MPackage_DisplayNameRule1,- Must be between 5 and 30 characters long,- Must be between 5 and 30 characters long,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_DisplayNameRule2,- Must start with a letter,- Must start with a letter,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_DisplayNameRule3,"- May only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores","- May only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores",,asset create restriction label +MPackage_PackageIdRestrictions,Package ID Restrictions,Package ID Restrictions,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_PackageIdRule1,- Must be in the format com.companyname.assetname,- Must be in the format com.companyname.assetname,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_PackageIdRule2,- Cannot contain spaces,- Cannot contain spaces,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_PackageIdRule3,- Company and asset names may contain letters and numbers,- Company and asset names may contain letters and numbers,,asset create restriction label +MPackage_NewPackageInfo_Other,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created.,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created.,,create asset warning label +MPackage_UploadedMessage,Uploaded package '{0}' version {1}\nGo to the asset listing page?,Uploaded package '{0}' version {1}\nGo to the asset listing page?,,mplace package uploaded message +MPackage_UploadFailed,Package upload failed: {0},Package upload failed: {0},,mplace package upload failed message +MPackage_UploadCancelled,Package upload cancelled,Package upload cancelled,,mplace package upload cancelled message +MPackage_UploadSuccess,Package upload successful!,Package upload successful!,,mplace package upload success message +MPackage_PackageType,Package Type:,Package Type:,,mplace package type label +MPackage_CategorySetting_Demo,IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload,IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload,,mplace category setting message +MPackage_CategorySetting_Tutorial,IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload,IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload,,mplace category setting message +MPackage_NewPackageInfo_Demo,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload,,mplace category setting message +MPackage_NewPackageInfo_Tutorial,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload,IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload,,mplace category setting message +Package_SignPackage,Sign Package,Sign Package,,sign local package +Package_LocalPackageDescription,Enter a package name and ID,Enter a package name and ID,,local package create description +Package_CreateLocalPackage,Create Local Package,Create Local Package,,create local package menu entry +Package_ImportLocalPackage,Import Local Package,Import Local Package,,import local package menu entry +Package_Local_SuccessMsg,Created package file: {0},Created package file: {0},,local package create success message +Package_Local_ValidationError,Please enter a Display Name and Package ID\nPackage ID should be a valid filename,Please enter a Display Name and Package ID\nPackage ID should be a valid filename,,local package create validation message +Package_LocalPackageId,Package ID (Filename):,Package ID (Filename):,,marketplace package id label +MPackage_KeepAll,Keep All,Keep All,,package import keep all existing resources +MPackage_ReplaceAll,Replace All,Replace All,,package replace all existing resources +MPackage_Keep,Keep,Keep,,package import keep +MPackage_Replace,Replace,Replace,,package import replace +MPackage_ConflictsTitle,Resolve Import Conflicts,Resolve Import Conflicts,,resolve package import conflicts title +MPackage_ConflictsMsg2,"The following package resource(s) have the same names as existing project resources. Please choose if you want to replace with the imported files, or keep the existing project resources.","The following package resource(s) have the same names as existing project resources. Please choose if you want to replace with the imported files, or keep the existing project resources.",,import conflict msg 2 +MPackage_ResourceName,Resource Name,Resource Name,,resource name +MenuBar_AddMenuBarEntry,Add Menu Bar Entry,Add Menu Bar Entry,,Add a new menu bar entry at the end of the bar +MenuBar_AddMenuBarEntryAfter,Add Menu Bar Entry After '{0}',Add Menu Bar Entry After '{0}',,Add a new menu bar entry after the selected entry +MenuBar_AddMenuBarEntryBefore,Add Menu Bar Entry Before '{0}',Add Menu Bar Entry Before '{0}',,Add a new menu bar entry before the selected entry +MenuBar_Edit,Edit,Edit,,Menu bar heading: Edit +MenuBar_File,File,File,,Menu bar heading: File +MenuBar_Image,Image,Image,,menu bar heading: Image +MenuBar_Language,Language,Language,,Menu bar heading for languages +MenuBar_Style,Style,Style,,The menu bar heading for style +MenuBar_Tools,Tools,Tools,,Menu bar heading: Tools +MenuBar_View,View,View,,Menu bar heading: View +Navigation_Back,Back,Back,,Back +Navigation_Forward,Forward,Forward,,Forward +Navigation_Reload,Reload,Reload,,Reload webpage +News_ReleaseNotes,Release Notes,Release Notes,,Release notes window caption +Object_Mask,Collision Mask:,Collision Mask:,,"object ""mask"" property" +Object_Parent,Parent,Parent,,"object ""parent"" property" +ObjectEditor_ParentChildren,Parent & Children,Parent & Children,,Object editor parent and children caption +Object_Persistent,Persistent,Persistent,,"Object Model ""persistent"" property" +Object_Persistent_Tooltip,Instances of this object will persist between rooms,Instances of this object will persist between rooms,,object editor persistent property tooltip +Object_PhysicsAngularDamping,Angular Damping,Angular Damping,,"object ""physicsAngularDamping"" property label" +Object_PhysicsDensity,Density,Density,,"object ""physicsDensity"" property label" +Object_PhysicsFriction,Friction,Friction,,"object ""physicsFriction"" property label" +Object_PhysicsGroup,Collision Group,Collision Group,,"object ""physicsGroup"" property label" +Object_PhysicsKinematic,Kinematic,Kinematic,,"object ""physicsKinematic"" property label" +Object_PhysicsLinearDamping,Linear Damping,Linear Damping,,"object ""physicsLinearDamping"" property label" +Object_PhysicsRestitution,Restitution,Restitution,,"object ""physicsRestitution"" property label" +Object_PhysicsSensor,Sensor,Sensor,,"object ""physicsSensor"" property label" +Object_PhysicsStartAwake,Start Awake,Start Awake,,"object ""physicsStartAwake"" property label" +Object_Solid,Solid,Solid,,"Object Model ""solid"" property" +Object_Solid_Tooltip,Solid instances will automatically be placed back in their previous position when in collision,Solid instances will automatically be placed back in their previous position when in collision,,object editor solid property tooltip +Object_UsesPhysics,Uses Physics,Uses Physics,,"Object Model ""uses physics"" property" +Object_UsesPhysics_Tooltip,Instances use physics processing when in a room with 'Enable Physics' checked,Instances use physics processing when in a room with 'Enable Physics' checked,,object editor uses physics tooltip +Object_Visible,Visible,Visible,,"Object Model ""visible"" property" +Object_Visible_Tooltip,"When unchecked, instances of this object will still be processed, but will not be drawn","When unchecked, instances of this object will still be processed, but will not be drawn",,object editor visible property tooltip +ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomIn,Zoom in,Zoom in,,Object editor physics window label +ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomOut,Zoom out,Zoom out,,Object editor physics window label +ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomReset,Reset zoom,Reset zoom,,Object editor physics window label +ObjectEditor_AddEvent,Add Event,Add Event,,Object editor add event +ObjectEditor_Sprite,Sprite,Sprite,,Object editor sprite group +ObjectEditor_AnimSpeed,Animation Speed,Animation Speed,,Physics collision window playback speed +ObjectEditor_Arg0,{0},{0},,"empty string, single unlocalised argument" +ObjectEditor_Box,Box,Box,,Object editor collision shape box +ObjectEditor_ChangeEvent,Change Event,Change Event,,Object editor change event menu option +ObjectEditor_ChangeEventExistsTitle,Cannot change event,Cannot change event,,Object Editor tried to change an event to one that already exists +ObjectEditor_ChangeEventExistsMessage,The Event cannot be changed to an existing Event.,The Event cannot be changed to an existing Event.,,Object Editor tried to change an event to one that already exists +ObjectEditor_ConvertEventType,Convert to {0},Convert to {0},,Change the event from DnD™ to script or from script to DnD™ +ObjectEditor_EventTypeScript,GML,GML,,Event type when script +ObjectEditor_EventTypeDnD,DnD™,DnD™,,Event type when DnD™ +ObjectEditor_Children,Children,Children,,Children label in Object Editor +ObjectEditor_Circle,Circle,Circle,,Object editor collision shape circle +ObjectEditor_CodeWindow,Code,Code,,object editor code window heading +ObjectEditor_CollisionShape,Collision Shape,Collision Shape,,Object editor collision shape label +ObjectEditor_CurrentFrame,Current Frame,Current Frame,,Physics collision window current frame +ObjectEditor_DeleteEvent,Delete Event,Delete Event,,Object Editor delete event menu option +ObjectEditor_DeleteEvents,Delete Events,Delete Events,,Object Editor delete event menu option (multiple) +ObjectEditor_CutEvent,Cut Event,Cut Event,,Object editor cut event menu option +ObjectEditor_CopyEvent,Copy Event,Copy Event,,Object editor copy event menu option +ObjectEditor_PasteEvent,Paste Event,Paste Event,,Object editor paste event menu option +ObjectEditor_DuplicateEvent,Duplicate Event,Duplicate Event,,Object editor duplicate event menu option +ObjectEditor_OpenParentObject,Open Parent Event,Open Parent Event,,Object editor open parent object menu option +ObjectEditor_OverrideParentEvent,Override Event,Override Event,,Object editor override parent event menu option +ObjectEditor_InheritParentEvent,Inherit Event,Inherit Event,,Object editor inherit parent event menu option +ObjectEditor_ViewParentEvent,Show Parent Event,Show Parent Event,,Object editor show parent event menu option +ObjectEditor_SelectSprite,Select Sprite,Select Sprite,,Object editor select sprite caption +ObjectEditor_SelectMask,Select Mask,Select Mask,,Object editor select mask caption +ObjectEditor_SelectParent,Select Parent,Select Parent,,Object editor select parent caption +ObjectEditor_Event,Event,Event,,Event button +ObjectEditor_Events,Events,Events,,object editor events heading +ObjectEditor_ModifyCollisionShape,Modify Collision Shape,Modify Collision Shape,,"Object editor ""modify collision shape"" button label" +ObjectEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,Name label in obejct editor +ObjectEditor_NewSprite,New,New,,object editor new sprite button +ObjectEditor_NoParent,No Parent,No Parent,,"Object editor ""no parent"" setting" +ObjectEditor_NoSprite,No Sprite,No Sprite,,"Object editor ""no sprite"" setting" +ObjectEditor_ObjectProperties,Object Properties,Object Properties,,Object properties window title +ObjectEditor_Physics,Physics,Physics,,Physics label in Object Editor +ObjectEditor_InstProps,Variables,Variables,,Object Variables label in Object Editor +ObjectEditor_InstPropsDefs,Variable Definitions,Variable Definitions,,Object Variables definitions label in Object Editor +ObjectEditor_Multiselect,Multi-select,Multi-select,,Object editor list option multiselect +ObjectEditor_PropAddButton_Tooltip,Add a new variable,Add a new variable,,Add variable tooltip +ObjectEditor_ListAddButton_Tooltip,Add a new list item,Add a new list item,,Add list item tooltip +ObjectEditor_PropInherited_Tooltip,This variable has been inherited from the parent object {0}.,This variable has been inherited from the parent object {0}.,,Inherited variable tooltip +ObjectEditor_PropName,Name,Name,,Variable name +ObjectEditor_PropName_Tooltip,This is how you will reference it in code.,This is how you will reference it in code.,,Tooltip property name +InstanceEditor_PropValue,Value,Value,,Variable value +InstanceEditor_PropValue_Tooltip,Set the variable to a value for this instance only.,Set the variable to a value for this instance only.,,Set variable tooltip +ObjectEditor_PropType,Type,Type,,Variable type +ObjectEditor_PropDefault,Default,Default,,Variable default value +ObjectEditor_PropParams,Options,Options,,Variable attributes aka parameters +InstanceEditor_PropBoolean_Label,True,True,,Boolean label +ObjectEditor_WindowOptions,Options: {0},Options: {0},,Options window title +ObjectEditor_RangeEnabled,Use Range,Use Range,,Use ranged parameter +ObjectEditor_RangeMin,Min,Min,,Min ranged parameter +ObjectEditor_RangeMax,Max,Max,,Max ranged parameter +ObjectEditor_ListItems,List items,List items,,List items label +ObjectEditor_ResourceFilter,Filter by Asset,Filter by Asset,,Filter by Asset label +ObjectEditor_RemoveListItem,Remove this item,Remove this item,,Remove this item label +ObjectEditor_PhysicsProperties,Physics Properties,Physics Properties,,Object editor physics properties label +ObjectEditor_PhysicsShape_WindowTitle,Physics Collision Shape,Physics Collision Shape,,Object editor physics shape window title +ObjectEditor_Properties,Properties,Properties,,Object editor properties heading +ObjectEditor_SameMask,Same As Sprite,Same As Sprite,,"Object editor ""same as sprite"" mask setting" +ObjectEditor_MaskSameAsSprite,Same As Sprite,Same As Sprite,,Object editor same mask caption +ObjectEditor_Shape,Convex Shape,Convex Shape,,"Object editor collision shape ""shape""" +ObjectEditor_WindowTitle,Object: {0},Object: {0},,Object properties window title +ObjectEditor_Prop_RemoveTooltip,Remove this variable,Remove this variable,,Remove variable row tooltip +ObjectEditor_Prop_RemoveOverrideTooltip,Reset to default,Reset to default,,remove variable override tooltip +ObjectEditor_Prop_OptionsTooltip,Open options...,Open options...,,Open variable options tooltip +ObjectEditor_EventReplaceMessage,"Replace the existing {0} event, or paste as a new event?","Replace the existing {0} event, or paste as a new event?",,event paste replace dialog message +ObjectEditor_EventReplaceTitle,Replace existing event?,Replace existing event?,,event paste replace dialog title +ObjectEditor_EventReplaceLabel,Replace,Replace,,replace button label +ObjectEditor_EventNewLabel,New Event,New Event,,new event button label +InstanceEditor_Prop_OverrideTooltip,Override this variable,Override this variable,,Override variable tooltip +OutputPanel_Output,Output,Output,,Output panel output tab name +OutputPanel_SearchResults,Search Results,Search Results,,Output panel search results tab name +OutputPanel_SourceControl,Source Control,Source Control,,Output panel source control tab name +PathEditor_Increment,Increment:,Increment:,,Increment path label +PathEditor_Add,Add,Add,,Path editor add button name +PathEditor_Closed,Closed,Closed,,Path editor closed path checkbox +PathEditor_ConnectionKind,Connection Kind,Connection Kind,,Connection kind radio group caption +PathEditor_ContextMenu_EditPoint,Edit,Edit,,Point label context menu item +PathEditor_EditPoint,Edit,Edit,,Edit button text on path editor +PathEditor_EditPoint_Cancel,Cancel,Cancel,,Cancel button text +PathEditor_EditPoint_Save,Save,Save,,Save button text +PathEditor_EditPoint_Title,Edit Point {0} In {1},Edit Point {0} In {1},,Edit point dialog window caption +PathEditor_HorizontalShift,Horizontal Shift:,Horizontal Shift:,,Path shift dialog label +PathEditor_Insert,Insert,Insert,,Path editor insert button name +PathEditor_ListBoxItem_Speed,Speed:,Speed:,,The speed of a point in the path points collection +PathEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,Path editor name textbox caption +PathEditor_Precision,Precision:,Precision:,,Path editor precision textbox caption +PathEditor_Remove,Remove,Remove,,Path editor remove button name +PathEditor_RoomPlugin_Inherit,Inherit,Inherit,,Path editor room editor plugin inherit button +PathEditor_RoomPlugin_NoPath,,,,Label when no path is being edited in path editor room plugin +PathEditor_RoomPlugin_SelectPath,Select Path...,Select Path...,,Select path property button for path editor room plugin +PathEditor_Shift,Shift,Shift,,Path shift button text +PathEditor_ShiftDialog_Label,Click the arrow in the direction you want to shift the path.,Click the arrow in the direction you want to shift the path.,,Path editor shift dialog help text +PathEditor_ShiftPath_Title,Shift Path: {0},Shift Path: {0},,Path shift dialog title +PathEditor_SmoothCurve,Smooth Curve,Smooth Curve,,Path editor smooth curve connection kind +PathEditor_SnapX,Snap X,Snap X,,Path editor snap x label +PathEditor_SnapY,Snap Y,Snap Y,,Path editor snap y label +PathEditor_Speed,Speed,Speed,,Path editor speed textbox caption +PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_EditPoints,Edit Points,Edit Points,,Path spline editor context menu entry +PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_FlipHorizontalPath,Mirror,Mirror,,Path spline editor context menu entry +PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_FlipVerticalPath,Flip,Flip,,Path spline editor context menu entry +PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_PanToPath,Pan To Path,Pan To Path,,Path spline editor context menu entry +PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_Reverse,Reverse,Reverse,,Path spline editor context menu entry +PathEditor_SplineEditor_AddTip,Left Mouse Button: Add & Drag Anchor,Left Mouse Button: Add & Drag Anchor,,Path spline editor help tip +PathEditor_SplineEditor_Area,"Area: {0},{1} {2},{3}","Area: {0},{1} {2},{3}",,Path spline editor area location +PathEditor_SplineEditor_Cursor,"Cursor: {0},{1}","Cursor: {0},{1}",,Path spline editor cursor location +PathEditor_SplineEditor_EditTip,"T+LMB: Translate, R+LMB: Rotate, S+LMB: Scale","T+LMB: Translate, R+LMB: Rotate, S+LMB: Scale",,Path spline editor help tip +PathEditor_StraightLines,Straight Lines,Straight Lines,,Path editor straight lines connection kind +PathEditor_ToolTip_ShiftPath,Shift Path,Shift Path,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_ToolTip_SnapGrid,Snap Path To Grid,Snap Path To Grid,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_ToolTip_ToggleGrid,Toggle Grid On/Off,Toggle Grid On/Off,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_ToolTip_ZoomIn,Zoom In,Zoom In,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_ToolTip_ZoomOut,Zoom Out,Zoom Out,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_ToolTip_ZoomReset,Reset Zoom,Reset Zoom,,Path editor tool tip +PathEditor_VerticalShift,Vertical Shift:,Vertical Shift:,,Path shift dialog label +PathEditor_WindowTitle,Path: {0},Path: {0},,Path editor window title +PathLayer_AddNewPath,,,,context menu entry for creating a new path within the path layer properties +PrefsTree_Title,Preferences,Preferences,,Preferences tree title +DebugInfo_Title,Debug Info,Debug Info,,Debug info window title +DebugInfo_DumpMemory,Memory Usage,Memory Usage,,Dump memory button label +DebugInfo_CrashButton,DIE DIE DIE (Crash),DIE DIE DIE (Crash),,Crash button label +OutputPanel_Title,Output,Output,,Output panel window title +PropertyButton_NoResourceArg,No {0},No {0},,no resource (type name) selected caption for resource button +PropertyButton_NoResource,No Resource,No Resource,,no resource selected caption for resource button +PropertyButton_NoGMObject,No Object,No Object,,no object selected caption for the view object button +PropertyButton_NoGMSprite,No Sprite,No Sprite,,Button caption for when no sprite is selected +PropertyButton_NoGMSequence,No Sequence,No Sequence,,Button caption for when no sequence is selected +PropertyButton_NoGMTileSet,No Tileset,No Tileset,,no background selected caption for the layer background button +PropertyButton_NoGMParticleType,No Particle Type,No Particle Type,,no particle type selected button caption +PropertyButton_NoGMParticleSystem,No Particle System,No Particle System,,no particle system selected button caption +ResourceNode_AddExisting,Add Existing,Add Existing,,Resource Tree node menu - add an already existing resource +ResourceNode_AddExistingFromLibrary,Add Existing From My Library,Add Existing From My Library,,Resource Tree node menu - open my library to select resource to import +ResourceNode_AddGroup,Add Group,Add Group,,Add a group +ResourceNode_AddFromDefault,Add From Default View,Add From Default View,,submenu heading to allow users to select a resource from the default view to add to their user view. +ResourceNode_RemoveFromView,Remove From Current View,Remove From Current View,,Resource Tree - remove a resource from the current view +ResourceNode_RemoveFromView_Confirm,You are about to remove ""{0}"" from view ""{1}"". Continue?,You are about to remove ""{0}"" from view ""{1}"". Continue?,,Resource Tree - confirmation of removal from the current view +ResourceNode_Create,Create,Create,,Resource Tree node menu - create resource +ResourceNode_DndToScript,Convert to GML,Convert to GML,,Resource Tree node menu - Dnd To GML +ResourceNode_ScriptToDnd,Convert to DnD™,Convert to DnD™,,Resource Tree node menu - Script To Dnd +ResourceNode_CreateChild,Create Child,Create Child,,Resource tree context menu label for creating a child resource of the selected node +ResourceNode_CreateDataFile,Create Included File,Create Included File,,Resource Tree node menu - create included file +ResourceNode_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Resource Tree node menu - delete resource +ResourceNode_Duplicate,Duplicate,Duplicate,,Resource Tree node menu - duplicate +ResourceNode_ImportExtension,Import Extension,Import Extension,,resource node menu - import extension +ResourceNode_InsertDataFile,Insert Included File,Insert Included File,,Resource Tree node menu - insert included file +ResourceNode_OpenExternally,Open Externally,Open Externally,,Resource Tree node menu - open externally +ResourceTree_ErrorOpeningExternally,Error Opening Externally,Error Opening Externally,,Resource Tree node menu - error open externally +ResourceNode_OpenInExplorer,${OpenInExplorer},${OpenInExplorer},,Resource Tree node menu - open in explorer +ResourceNode_OpenAll,Open All,Open All,,Resource Tree node menu - open all +ResourceNode_OpenProperties,Open Properties,Open Properties,,Resource Tree node menu - open properties +ResourceNode_OpenInMixer,Open In Sound Mixer,Open In Sound Mixer,,Resource Tree node menu - open in sound mixer +ResourceNode_RegenerateFont,Regenerate Font,Regenerate Font,,Resource Tree node menu - regenerate font +ResourceNode_RegenerateFonts,Regenerate Fonts,Regenerate Fonts,,Resource Tree node menu - regenerate fonts +ResourceNode_OpenObjectEvents,Open All Event Scripts,Open All Event Scripts,,Resource Tree node menu - open all event scripts +ResourceNode_ImageAsSprite,Create Sprite From Image(s),Create Sprite From Image(s),,Resource Tree node menu - create a new sprite from image files +ResourceNode_SetTextureGroup,Assign Texture Group,Assign Texture Group,,Resource Tree node menu - set the texture group of selected resources +ResourceNode_NewTextureGroup,Create New...,Create New...,,Resource Tree node menu - create new texture group with selected resources +ResourceNode_NewAudioGroup,Create New...,Create New...,,Resource Tree node menu - create new audio group with selected resources +ResourceNode_SetAudioGroup,Assign Audio Group,Assign Audio Group,,Resource Tree node menu - set the audio group of selected resources +ResourceNode_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Resource Tree node menu - rename resource +ResourceNode_OpenInImageEditor,Open in Image Editor,Open in Image Editor,,resource node open in image editor +Save_RegeneratedFont,Generated font texture for '{0}',Generated font texture for '{0}',,Studio console to notify user of font texture update +Save_RegeneratedFont_NoneExisted,Generated font texture for '{0}' because non existed,Generated font texture for '{0}' because non existed,,Studio console to notify user of font texture update +RegeneratedFonts_DidNothing,No fonts were regenerated.,No fonts were regenerated.,,No fonts were regenerated +RegeneratedFonts_Success,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Success_Legacy,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Success_Unavailable,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Success_Legacy_Unavailable,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,Successfully regenerated {0} fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Failed,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Legacy,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Unavailable,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,,Success message regenerate fonts +RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Legacy_Unavailable,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,,Success message regenerate fonts +ResourceTree_Configs,Configurations,Configurations,, +ResourceTree_DirectoryDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the directory ""{0}"" and all the items it contains. Continue?","You are about to delete the directory ""{0}"" and all the items it contains. Continue?",,Resource tree directory delete user confirmation +ResourceTree_Extensions,Extensions,Extensions,,"Resource tree ""Extensions"" label" +ResourceTree_FileDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the file ""{0}"". Continue?","You are about to delete the file ""{0}"". Continue?",,Resource tree file delete user confirmation +ResourceTree_Fonts,Fonts,Fonts,,"Resource tree ""Fonts"" label" +ResourceTree_Folders,Folders,Folders,,resource tree folders resource label +ResourceTree_IncludedFiles,Included Files,Included Files,,"Resource tree ""Included Files"" label" +ResourceTree_NoResourceFound,No results found,No results found,,message when nothing found when searching resource tree +ResourceMenu_CreateExtension,Create Extension,Create Extension,,"Resource menu ""Create Extension"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateFont,Create Font,Create Font,,"Resource menu ""Create Font"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateIncludedFile,Create Included File,Create Included File,,"Resource menu ""Create Included File"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateObject,Create Object,Create Object,,"Resource menu ""Create Object"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreatePath,Create Path,Create Path,,"Resource menu ""Create Path"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateRoom,Create Room,Create Room,,"Resource menu ""Create Room"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateScript,Create Script,Create Script,,"Resource menu ""Create Script"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateShader,Create Shader,Create Shader,,"Resource menu ""Create Shader"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateSound,Create Sound,Create Sound,,"Resource menu ""Create Sound"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateSprite,Create Sprite,Create Sprite,,"Resource menu ""Create Sprite"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateTileset,Create Tile Set,Create Tile Set,,"Resource menu ""Create Tile Set"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateNote,Create Note,Create Note,,"Resource menu ""Create Note"" entry" +ResourceMenu_CreateTimeline,Create Timeline,Create Timeline,,"Resource menu ""Create Timeline"" entry" +ResourceMenu_Resources,Resources,Resources,,Main resources menu entry +ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_IncludedFiles_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_Events_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_Notes,Notes,Notes,,"Resource tree ""Notes"" label" +ResourceTree_Objects,Objects,Objects,,"Resource tree ""Objects"" label" +ResourceTree_Options,Options,Options,,options +ResourceTree_Paths,Paths,Paths,,"Resource tree ""Paths"" label" +ResourceTree_ResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_ResourceDelete_IncludedFiles_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted,,Resource tree folder delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_ResourceDelete_Events_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,,Resource tree delete events confirmation label +ResourceTree_Rooms,Rooms,Rooms,,"Resource tree ""Rooms"" label" +ResourceTree_Scripts,Scripts,Scripts,,"Resource tree ""Scripts"" label" +ResourceTree_Shaders,Shaders,Shaders,,"Resource tree ""Shaders"" label" +ResourceTree_Sounds,Sounds,Sounds,,"Resource tree ""Sounds"" label" +ResourceTree_Sprites,Sprites,Sprites,,"Resource tree ""Sprites"" label" +ResourceTree_Tilesets,Tile Sets,Tile Sets,,"Resource tree ""Tile Sets"" label" +ResourceTree_Timelines,Timelines,Timelines,,"Resource tree ""Timelines"" label" +ResourceTree_Title,Assets,Assets,,Assets title +ResourceTree_ViewNameInUse,View Name Already In Use,View Name Already In Use,,label to show view name is already in use when renaming +ResourceTree_CannotRenameDefaultView,Cannot rename Default View,Cannot rename Default View,,label to show that you cannot rename default view +ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesWarning,Do you want to open {0} resources for edit?,Do you want to open {0} resources for edit?,,label to warn user they are about to open a lot of resources +ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesTitle,Opening Lots of Resources,Opening Lots of Resources,,title for warning dialog box +ResourceTree_CloneViewToolTip,Clone current view,Clone current view,,clone view tooltip +ResourceTree_AddViewToolTip,Add new view,Add new view,,add new view tooltip +ResourceTree_DeleteViewToolTip,Delete current view,Delete current view,,delete view tooltip +ResourceTree_ExpandCollapseAllToolTip,Expand/Collapse All,Expand/Collapse All,,expand/collapse all elements of the resource tree tooltip +ResourceTree_ExpandCollapseAll,Expand/Collapse All,Expand/Collapse All,,expand/collapse all elements of the resource tree tooltip +ResourceTree_ExpandAll,Expand All,Expand All,,Expand all elements of the resource tree +ResourceTree_CollapseAll,Collapse All,Collapse All,,Collapse all elements of the resource tree +RoomEditor_AddSubLayer,Add Sub Layer,Add Sub Layer,,context sub menu heading for adding sub layers in the room editor layer view +RoomEditor_AddRootLayer,Add Layer,Add Layer,,context sub menu heading for adding layers at the same level as the selected layer in the room editor layer view +RoomEditor_AllLayers,All,All,,Layers label next to the set all layers locked/visible checkboxes +RoomEditor_ConfirmDeleteInstances,Are you sure you want to delete the following items (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0},Are you sure you want to delete the following items (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0},,Confirm delete instances +RoomEditor_ConfirmDeleteLayers,Are you sure you want to delete the following layers (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0},Are you sure you want to delete the following layers (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0},,Confirm delete layers +RoomEditor_ConfirmDeleteParentItems,Attempting to delete items from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching items from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room items\nKeep Changed: Keep child room items which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0},Attempting to delete items from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching items from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room items\nKeep Changed: Keep child room items which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0},,layer delete confirm dialog message explaining the child layer deletion options +RoomEditor_ConfirmDeleteParentLayers,Attempting to delete layers from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching layers from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room layers\nKeep Changed: Keep child room layers which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0},Attempting to delete layers from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching layers from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room layers\nKeep Changed: Keep child room layers which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0},,layer delete confirm dialog message explaining the child layer deletion options +RoomEditor_DeleteAllChildLayers,Delete All,Delete All,,layer delete confirm dialog message for the delete all button +RoomEditor_DeleteLayer,Delete Layer,Delete Layer,,context menu option for deleting a layer +RoomEditor_RenameLayer,Rename Layer,Rename Layer,,context menu option for renaming a layer +RoomEditor_DeleteSelectedLayer,Delete Selected Layers,Delete Selected Layers,,tooltip for the delete selected layers button +RoomEditor_GraphicProperties,Graphic: {0},Graphic: {0},,graphic properties window +RoomEditor_ParticleSystemProperties,Particle System: {0},Particle System: {0},,graphic properties window +RoomEditor_SequenceProperties,Sequence: {0},Sequence: {0},,graphic properties window +RoomEditor_SpriteProperties,Sprite: {0},Sprite: {0},,graphic properties window +RoomEditor_GridColour,Colour:,Colour:,,room editor toolbar grid colour select button caption +RoomEditor_GridSnapX,Snap X:,Snap X:,,room editor toolbar grid horizontal snap numeric textbox caption +RoomEditor_GridSnapY,Snap Y:,Snap Y:,,room editor toolbar grid vertical snap numeric textbox caption +RoomEditor_Inherit,Inherit,Inherit,,Inherit button caption +RoomEditor_InheritCode,Inherit Creation Code,Inherit Creation Code,,Tooltip for the button which sets if this room inherits its creation code from the parent +RoomEditor_InheritEditorSettings,Inherit Editor Properties,Inherit Editor Properties,,Inherit button tool tip caption for editor settings +RoomEditor_InheritPhysicsSettings,Inherit Physics Properties,Inherit Physics Properties,,Inherit button tool tip caption for physics settings +RoomEditor_InheritRoomSettings,Inherit Room Settings,Inherit Room Settings,,Inherit button tool tip caption for room settings +RoomEditor_InheritSubLayers,Inherit Sub Layers,Inherit Sub Layers,,Context menu option for inheriting sub layers from the parent layer +RoomEditor_InheritView,Inherit View,Inherit View,,inherit toggle button caption for a single view entry +RoomEditor_InheritViewSettings,Inherit View Properties,Inherit View Properties,,Inherit button tool tip caption for view settings +RoomEditor_InheritVisibility,Inherit Layer Visibility,Inherit Layer Visibility,,Context menu entry for whether a layer should inherit visibility state +RoomEditor_InstanceProperties,Instance: {0},Instance: {0},,Instance properties window title +RoomEditor_KeepAllChildLayers,Keep All,Keep All,,layer delete confirm dialog message for the keep all button +RoomEditor_KeepBrokenChildLayers,Keep Changed,Keep Changed,,layer delete confirm dialog message for the keep changed button +RoomEditor_LayerProperties,{1} Layer Properties - {0},{1} Layer Properties - {0},,Window title for the layer properties +RoomEditor_Layers,Layers - {0},Layers - {0},,Window heading for the room editor layers view +RoomEditor_NewAssetLayer,Create New Asset Layer,Create New Asset Layer,,Tool tip for the new asset layer button +RoomEditor_NewBackgroundLayer,Create New Background Layer,Create New Background Layer,,Tool tip for the new background layer button +RoomEditor_NewFolder,Create New Folder,Create New Folder,,Tool tip for the new folder button +RoomEditor_NewInstanceLayer,Create New Instance Layer,Create New Instance Layer,,Tool tip for the new instance layer button +RoomEditor_NewPathLayer,Create New Path Layer,Create New Path Layer,,Create new path layer tool tip for room editor +RoomEditor_NewTileLayer,Create New Tile Layer,Create New Tile Layer,,Tool tip for the new tile layer button +RoomEditor_NoParentItemToolTip,"{0} ({1}, {2})","{0} ({1}, {2})",,instance/graphic tooltip when there is no parent item +RoomEditor_ItemToolTip,"{0} ({1}, {2}) parent - {3}","{0} ({1}, {2}) parent - {3}",,instance/graphic tooltip when there is no parent item +RoomEditor_RoomProperties,Properties - {0},Properties - {0},,Window title for room properties +RoomEditor_InstanceCreationOrder,Instance Creation Order - {0},Instance Creation Order - {0},,Window title for instance creation order +RoomEditorMenu_InstanceCreationOrder,Instance Creation Order,Instance Creation Order,,menu entry for instance creation order window +RoomEditor_SelectedTileBrush,Brush:,Brush:,,Label for the currently selected tile editing brush +RoomEditor_SelectedTileTool,Tool:,Tool:,,Label for the currently selected tile editing tool +RoomEditor_EditingWindowMode,Editing Mode:,Editing Mode:,,Label for the TileSet macro page mode (selection or editing) +RoomEditor_TileWindow,Tiles - {0},Tiles - {0},,Tile view/selection window title +RoomEditor_ZoomLevel,Zoom: {0}%,Zoom: {0}%,,label to display the current zoom level +RoomEditorMenu_LayerProperties,Layer Properties,Layer Properties,,context menu option for opening the layer properties window +RoomEditorMenu_LayerView,Layer View,Layer View,,menu entry to open the layer view +RoomEditorMenu_ResetWindowLayout,Reset Windows On Current Desktop,Reset Windows On Current Desktop,,menu entry to reset the room window layout bringing windows to the currently selected desktop +RoomEditorMenu_Room,Room,Room,,menu heading for the room editor +RoomEditorMenu_RoomProperties,Room Properties,Room Properties,,menu entry to open the room properties +RoomEditorMenu_Windows,Windows,Windows,,sub menu entry for the room editor windows +RoomEditorTileEditing_ClearSelection,Clear Selection,Clear Selection,,Tile editing menu entry heading for clear the current mask selection +RoomEditorTileEditing_CopySelection,Copy Selection,Copy Selection,,Tile editing menu entry heading for copy the current mask selection +RoomEditorTileEditing_CutSelection,Cut Selection,Cut Selection,,Tile editing menu entry heading for cut the current mask selection +RoomEditorTileEditing_DeleteSelection,Delete Selection,Delete Selection,,Tile editing menu entry heading for delete the current mask selection +RoomEditorTileEditing_InvertSelection,Invert Selection,Invert Selection,,Tile editing menu entry heading for invert the current mask selection +RoomEditorTileEditing_Menu,Tile Editing,Tile Editing,,Tile editing sub menu entry heading +RoomEditorTileEditing_TileDisplayWindow,Tile Selection Window,Tile Selection Window,,Tile editing menu entry heading for open the tile selection window +RoomEditorTool_AutoTile,Auto Tile ,Auto Tile ,,tooltip for auto tile tool +RoomEditorTool_SelectTiles,Select Tiles ,Select Tiles ,,tooltip for tile selection tool +RoomEditorTool_TileBrush,Paint Tiles,Paint Tiles,,Button tooltip for the tile brush tool +RoomEditorTool_TileEraser,Eraser ,Eraser ,,tooltip for tile eraser tool +RoomEditorTool_TileFlip,Flip ,Flip ,,tooltip for flip tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TileInheritance,Show Tile Inheritance,Show Tile Inheritance,,Tooltip message for the show tile inheritance button +RoomEditorTool_TileMirror,Mirror ,Mirror ,,tooltip for mirror tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TilePaintInheritance,Edit Tile Inheritance ,Edit Tile Inheritance ,,tooltip for inheritance tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TilePen,Pen ,Pen ,,tooltip for tile pen tool +RoomEditorTool_TileRotate,Rotate Tile ,Rotate Tile ,,tooltip for rotate tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TileFill,Fill ,Fill ,,tooltip for fill tile tool +RoomEditorTool_TileLine,Line ,Line ,,tooltip for line tile tool +RoomEditorTool_TileRect,Rectangle ,Rectangle ,,tooltip for rectangle tile tool +RoomProperties_BackgroundColour,Room Colour,Room Colour,,room properties section heading for background colour +RoomProperties_ClearDisplayBuffer,Clear Display Buffer,Clear Display Buffer,,checkbox caption for clear display buffer option +RoomProperties_ClearView,Clear Viewport Background,Clear Viewport Background,,checkbox caption for clear view background option +RoomProperties_Colour,Colour,Colour,,colour select box caption +RoomProperties_CreationCode,Creation Code,Creation Code,,button caption for opening creation code +RoomProperties_CreationOrder,Instance Creation Order,Instance Creation Order,, button caption for opening the instance creation order window +RoomProperties_EnablePhysics,Enable Physics,Enable Physics,,Checkbox caption for enabling physics +RoomProperties_EnableViews,Enable Viewports,Enable Viewports,,checkbox caption for enable views option +RoomProperties_GravityX,Gravity X,Gravity X,,Numeric textbox caption for horizontal gravity +RoomProperties_GravityY,Gravity Y,Gravity Y,,Numeric textbox caption for vertical gravity +RoomProperties_HBorder,Horizontal Border,Horizontal Border,,numeric text box label for view for horizontal border +RoomProperties_Height,Height,Height,,numeric textbox caption for room height +RoomProperties_HSpeed,Horizontal Speed,Horizontal Speed,,numeric text box label for view for horizontal speed +RoomProperties_Persistent,Persistent,Persistent,,checkbox caption for persistent setting +RoomProperties_Physics,Room Physics,Room Physics,,Room properties section heading for physics +RoomProperties_PixsToMeters,Pixels To Meters,Pixels To Meters,,Numeric textbox caption for pixels to meters conversion +RoomProperties_Settings,Room Settings,Room Settings,,room properties section heading for settings +RoomProperties_ShowColour,Draw Background Colour,Draw Background Colour,,checkbox caption for drawing background colour +RoomProperties_Speed,Speed,Speed,,numeric textbox caption for room speed +RoomProperties_VBorder,Vertical Border,Vertical Border,,numeric text box label for view for vertical border +RoomProperties_View,Viewport {0},Viewport {0},,view instance heading in room properties +RoomProperties_ViewArea,Camera Properties,Camera Properties,,group heading for room view area settings +RoomProperties_ViewFollowing,Object Following,Object Following,,group heading for object following settings +RoomProperties_ViewH,Height,Height,,numeric text box label for view or view port height +RoomProperties_Viewport,Viewport Properties,Viewport Properties,,group heading for viewport settings +RoomProperties_Views,Viewports and Cameras,Viewports and Cameras,,room properties section heading for views +RoomProperties_ViewVisible,Visible,Visible,,checkbox caption for whether the view is visible from room start +RoomProperties_ViewW,Width,Width,,numeric text box label for view or view port width +RoomProperties_ViewX,X Pos,X Pos,,numeric text box label for view or view port x pos +RoomProperties_ViewY,Y Pos,Y Pos,,numeric text box label for view or view port y pos +RoomProperties_VSpeed,Vertical Speed,Vertical Speed,,numeric text box label for view for vertical speed +RoomProperties_Width,Width,Width,,numeric textbox caption for room width +Run_Menu_Clean,Clean,Clean,,"Run menu ""Clean""" +Run_Menu_CreateExecutable,Create Executable,Create Executable,,The Create Executable menu item +Run_Menu_RevealRemote,Show Remote Worker Installer,Show Remote Worker Installer,,Reveal worker menu item +Run_Menu_Run,Run,Run,,"Run menu ""Run""" +Run_Menu_RunDebug,Debug,Debug,,"Run menu ""Debug""" +remote_worker_error,Error,Error,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Title +remote_worker_error_connecting,Could not connect to Remote Worker. Please check your setup and try again.,Could not connect to Remote Worker. Please check your setup and try again.,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Contents +remote_worker_error_no_name,Remote Worker was left blank. Please name your Remote Worker and try again.,Remote Worker was left blank. Please name your Remote Worker and try again.,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Contents +remote_worker_error_invalid_name,'{0}' cannot be used as a name for the Remote Worker. Please enter a new name and try again.,'{0}' cannot be used as a name for the Remote Worker. Please enter a new name and try again.,,Remote worker invalid name +Saving,Saving...,Saving...,,Saving +SCM_Add_Path,Add Path,Add Path,,Add a path to the SCM +SCM_Clone,Clone Repository,Clone Repository,,Clone a Source Control Repository +SCM_Commit,Commit Changes,Commit Changes,,Commit local changes to Repository +SCM_Conflicts,Show Conflicts,Show Conflicts,,Show Conflicts within Repository +SCM_Create,Create Project Repository,Create Project Repository,,Create a local Source Control Repository for this project +SCM_Delete_Path,Delete Path,Delete Path,,Delete a path from Source Control +SCM_History,View History,View History,,View Source Control Repository History +SCM_Import,Import Project into Repository,Import Project into Repository,,Import a Game Maker Project to a Source Control Repository +SCM_Menu,Source Control,Source Control,,Source Control Menu title +SCM_Pull,Pull Changes,Pull Changes,,Pull Changes from Source Control Repository +SCM_Push,Push Changes,Push Changes,,Push Changes to Source Control Repository +SCM_Revert_All,Revert All,Revert All,,Revert all changes from Source Control +SCM_Revert_Path,Revert Path,Revert Path,,Revert an item from Source Control +SCM_Revert_Revision,Revert To This Revision,Revert To This Revision,,Revert to the selected revision in SCM +SCM_Conflict_Title,Source Control Conflicts,Source Control Conflicts,,Source Control Conflicts window title +SCM_Conflict_Theirs,Use Theirs,Use Theirs,,"Use ""Their"" version to resolve conflict" +SCM_Conflict_Merge,Merge,Merge,,Open Merge Tool +SCM_Conflict_MergeTool,Choose Merge Tool,Choose Merge Tool,,Choose which merge tool to use +SCM_Conflict_MergeTool_Path,Tool location,Tool location,,The Path to the Tool to use +SCM_Conflict_MergeTool_Options,Tool options,Tool options,,The Options to send to the Tool +SCM_Conflict_Mine,Use Mine,Use Mine,,"Use ""Mine"" to resolve conflict" +SCM_Successful_Merge,Was the Merge operation successful?,Was the Merge operation successful?,,Wait for the Merge Tool to finish and ask the user if the operation has been a success +SearchReplace_Cancelled,Search Cancelled,Search Cancelled,,Search and Replace - Search Cancelled +SearchReplace_CaseSensitive,Case Sensitive,Case Sensitive,,Search and Replace - Case Sensitive +SearchReplace_SearchStart,Searching for '{0}'...,Searching for '{0}'...,,search started message +SearchReplace_ReplaceAllStart,Replacing '{0}' with '{1}',Replacing '{0}' with '{1}',,replace all start message +SearchReplace_Complete,Search Complete ({0} results),Search Complete ({0} results),,Search and Replace - Search Complete +SearchReplace_ContentHeader,Content,Content,,"Search & Replace - Output window ""content"" header" +SearchReplace_EndOfResults,"End of search results reached, should we loop?","End of search results reached, should we loop?",,"End of Search and Replace results, loop to beginning or end?" +SearchReplace_FindAll,Find All,Find All,,Search and Replace - Find All +SearchReplace_FindNext,Find Next,Find Next,,Search and Replace - Find Next +SearchReplace_FindPrevious,Find Previous,Find Previous,,Search and Replace - Find Previous +SearchReplace_ItemHeader,Item,Item,,"Search & Replace - Output window ""item"" header" +SearchReplace_LineHeader,Line,Line,,"Search & Replace - Output window ""line"" header" +SearchReplace_NoResults,No results were found.,No results were found.,,Search and Replace - No results found. +SearchReplace_Replace,Replace:,Replace:,,Search and Replace - Replace +SearchReplace_ReplaceAll,Replace All,Replace All,,Search and Replace - Replace All +SearchReplace_ReplaceAllQuery,Are you sure you want to Replace All?\nThis will edit files on disk.,Are you sure you want to Replace All?\nThis will edit files on disk.,,Warn user that a Replace All will edit files on disk. +SearchReplace_ReplaceSelected,Replace,Replace,,Search and Replace - Replace Selected +SearchReplace_Search,Search:,Search:,,Search and Replace - Search +SearchReplace_Title,Search & Replace,Search & Replace,,Search and Replace title +SearchReplace_WholeWordOnly,Whole Word Only,Whole Word Only,,Search and Replace - Whole Word Only +SearchReplace_MoreResults,There are more results available...,There are more results available...,,There are too many results to display +SearchReplace_StopSearch,Stop Search,Stop Search,,Search And Replace - stop search +SearchReplace_IgnoreComments,Ignore Comments,Ignore Comments,,Ignore Comments +SearchReplace_FilterScripts,Scripts,Scripts,,Scripts +SearchReplace_FilterObjects,Objects,Objects,,Objects +SearchReplace_FilterSequences,Sequences,Sequences,,Sequences +SearchReplace_FilterRooms,Rooms,Rooms,,Rooms +SearchReplace_FilterNotes,Notes,Notes,,Notes +SearchReplace_FilterTimelines,Timelines,Timelines,,Timelines +SearchReplace_FilterShaders,Shaders,Shaders,,Shaders +SearchReplace_FilterExtensions,Extensions,Extensions,,Extensions +SoundEditor_Attributes,Attributes:,Attributes:,,Sound Editor Attributes - for choosing uncompressed/streaming options +SoundEditor_AudioGroup,Audio Group:,Audio Group:,,Sound Editor Audio Group labal +SoundEditor_BitRate,Bit Rate (kbps):,Bit Rate (kbps):,,Sound Editor Target Bit Rate ( in kbps ) +SoundEditor_Compressed_NotStreamed,Compressed - Not Streamed,Compressed - Not Streamed,,Sound Editor Attribute - Compressed and Not Streamed +SoundEditor_Compressed_Streamed,Compressed - Streamed,Compressed - Streamed,,Sound Editor Attribute - Compressed - Streamed +SoundEditor_CopyingSound,Copying Sound...,Copying Sound...,,SoundEditor - copying sound to project +SoundEditor_EditSound,Edit Sound,Edit Sound,,Sound Editor Edit Sound Button +SoundEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,Sound Editor Name label +SoundEditor_NoSound,No Sound has been loaded,No Sound has been loaded,,SoundEditor - no sound has been loaded +SoundEditor_Open,Open,Open,,Sound Editor - Open new sound +SoundEditor_Quality,Quality:,Quality:,,Sound Editor Quality label +SoundEditor_SampleRate,Sample Rate:,Sample Rate:,,Sound Editor Target Sample Rate +SoundEditor_SoundLoaded,Sound Loaded,Sound Loaded,,SoundEditor - Sound has been loaded +SoundEditor_TargetOptions,Target Options:,Target Options:,,"Sound Editor Target Options - for choosing sample rate, bit rate, etc..." +SoundEditor_Title,Sound: {0},Sound: {0},,Title of SoundEditor window +SoundEditor_Uncompressed_NotStreamed,Uncompressed - Not Streamed,Uncompressed - Not Streamed,,Sound Editor Attribute - Uncompressed and Not Streamed +SoundEditor_UncompressOnLoad_NotStreamed,Uncompress on Load - Not Streamed,Uncompress on Load - Not Streamed,,Sound Editor Attribute - Uncompress on Load - Not Streamed +SoundEditor_Volume,Volume:,Volume:,,Sound Editor Volume label +SoundEditor_Output,Output:,Output:,,Sound Editor Output label +SoundEditor_NoDeviceWarningTitle,No Audio Device,No Audio Device,,No audio device is available for previewing sounds warning dialog title +SoundEditor_NoDeviceWarning,No audio device is available for previewing sounds.,No audio device is available for previewing sounds.,,No audio device is available for previewing sounds warning message +SoundEditor_StreamedAudioGroupWarning,Streaming sounds cannot be used in AudioGroups. Are you sure you want to set this to streaming? It will reset the AudioGroup back to Default.,Streaming sounds cannot be used in AudioGroups. Are you sure you want to set this to streaming? It will reset the AudioGroup back to Default.,,warning message for streamed sound in audio group +SoundMixer_Title,Sound Mixer,Sound Mixer,,Title of SoundMixer window +SoundMixer_ColumnVolume,Column Volume,Column Volume,,Column Volume Label +SoundMixer_UntitledGroup,Untitled Group,Untitled Group,,Label of Untitled Group +SoundMixer_TooManyGroupsTitle,Too Many Sound Mixer Groups,Too Many Sound Mixer Groups,,There are Too Many Sound Mixer Groups title +SoundMixer_TooManyGroups,There are too many Sound Mixer Groups on this window. You could open another Sound Mixer or close unused groups in this window.,There are too many Sound Mixer Groups on this window. You could open another Sound Mixer or close unused groups in this window.,,There are too many Sound Mixer Groups on this window. You could open another Sound Mixer or close unused groups in this window.t +SourceControl_ActionEnded,"Attempting to request further source control actions on '{0}' after end has been called, create a new sourcecontrolaction class or use WaitForPrevious to insert blocking sections between requests","Attempting to request further source control actions on '{0}' after end has been called, create a new sourcecontrolaction class or use WaitForPrevious to insert blocking sections between requests",,exception message for when the code has attempted to request an action after End() has been called +SourceControl_ActionIncomplete,Source Control Action '{0}' has not successfully completed,Source Control Action '{0}' has not successfully completed,,error message for a source control action End() returning from a blocking wait when the action hasn't fully completed +SourceControl_InvalidAction,Source Control Action '{0}' has an invalid action in the request queue,Source Control Action '{0}' has an invalid action in the request queue,,exception message for when we have hit an invalid action request +SourceControlGit_NeedIdentity,Source Control (Git) Invalid Credentials,Source Control (Git) Invalid Credentials,,Require Credentials Dialog Title +SourceControlGit_NeedIdentityMessage,The Repository '{0}' is expecting a different Username/Password than is set under the Identity preferences.,The Repository '{0}' is expecting a different Username/Password than is set under the Identity preferences.,,The Git repository is expecting a different username and password message. +SourceControlGit_NeedCredentials,The Repository is expecting credentials that have not been setup. Please check your Git installation on how to do this.,The Repository is expecting credentials that have not been setup. Please check your Git installation on how to do this.,,There are no Credentials setup for Git and the user needs to do this +SourceControlGit_NoRepoTitle,Source Control (Git) No Repository,Source Control (Git) No Repository,,There is no Git Repository (Title) +SourceControlGit_NoRepoMessage,"There is no Git repository configured with this Project.\nTry Create if you want a local repository, or Import into an existing one.","There is no Git repository configured with this Project.\nTry Create if you want a local repository, or Import into an existing one.",,"There is no Git Repository (Message) There is no repository at the project directory, perhaps try Create or Import." +SourceControlGit_NoIdentity,Source Control (Git) No Identity,Source Control (Git) No Identity,,There is no Git Identity set (Title) +SourceControlGit_NoIdentityMessage,There is no Git identity set under Preferences.\nPlease set one so that commits are correctly attributed!,There is no Git identity set under Preferences.\nPlease set one so that commits are correctly attributed!,,"There is no Git Identity set (Message) No identity credentials found in preferences, please set them." +SourceControlGit_Select_All,Select/Deselect All,Select/Deselect All,,Select/Deselect all items to commit +SourceControlGit_Merging,Merge in Progress,Merge in Progress,,Merge in Progress Status Message for Commit window +SourceControlGit_History_Files,Files Modified in Commit - {0},Files Modified in Commit - {0},,Files Modified in Selected Commit +SourceControlGit_History_Message,Message for Commit - {0},Message for Commit - {0},,Message for Selected Commit +SourceControlGit_History_Commits,Commit History,Commit History,,Commit History +SourceControlGit_PageLeft,Previous Page,Previous Page,,Previous Page of Results +SourceControlGit_PageRight,Next Page,Next Page,,Next Page of Results +SourceControlGit_SelectCommit,Select a Commit,Select a Commit,,Select a Commit message +SourceControlGit_AutoPopup,Automatically open source control output window,Automatically open source control output window,,Preference title for automatically popping up the source control output window +SourceControlGit_NoCommitMessage,"You have not specified a commit message, are you sure you want to continue?","You have not specified a commit message, are you sure you want to continue?",,No commit message specified warning +SourceControlConflictsDetected,"There are conflicts within this project. If the project is closed or reloaded, it may be broken until manually resolved. Are you sure you want to continue?","There are conflicts within this project. If the project is closed or reloaded, it may be broken until manually resolved. Are you sure you want to continue?",,Conflicts Detected message +sourcecontrolgit_auth_type,Authorisation Type,Authorisation Type,,Type of Authorisation to use +sourcecontrolgit_auth_repository,Repository URL,Repository URL,,URL of Repository +sourcecontrolgit_auth_username,Username,Username,,Username for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_password,Password,Password,,Password for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_public,Path to Public Key,Path to Public Key,,Path to Public Key for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_private,Path to Private Key,Path to Private Key,,Path to Private Key for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_userpass,Username/Password,Username/Password,,Username and Password combination for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_sshkeys,SSH Keys,SSH Keys,,SSH Keypair combination for authentication +sourcecontrolgit_authentication_settings,Source Control (Git) Authentication Settings,Source Control (Git) Authentication Settings,,Source Control (Git) Authentication Settings Window Title +sourcecontrolgit_difftool_path,Path to Diff tool,Path to Diff tool,,Path to Diff tool +sourcecontrolgit_difftool_options,Diff Tool Options,Diff Tool Options,,Options to pass to Diff tool +sourcecontrolgit_auth_add_userpass,Add User/Pass Authentication,Add User/Pass Authentication,,Add new User/Pass Authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_add_ssh,Add SSH Keypair Authentication,Add SSH Keypair Authentication,,Add new SSH Keypair Authentication +sourcecontrolgit_auth_failed,Source Control (Git) Authentication Failed,Source Control (Git) Authentication Failed,,Authentication failed in Source Control (Git) error title +sourcecontrolgit_auth_userpass_failed,No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0},No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0},,No Valid User/Pass found for repository error message +sourcecontrolgit_auth_ssh_failed,No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0},No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0},,No Valid SSH KeyPair found for repository error message +sourcecontrolgit_auth_create_keypair,Create KeyPair,Create KeyPair,,Create SSH KeyPair button +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missingfield_title,Source Control (Git) Invalid Authentication,Source Control (Git) Invalid Authentication,,Source Control (Git) Invalid Authentication title +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missing_repo,Repository field cannot be empty,Repository field cannot be empty,,Warning that the repository field cannot be empty +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missing_username,Username field cannot be empty,Username field cannot be empty,,Warning that the username field cannot be empty +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missing_password,Password field cannot be empty,Password field cannot be empty,,Warning that the password field cannot be empty +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missing_publickey,Cannot find Public key - please ensure path is valid,Cannot find Public key - please ensure path is valid,,Warning that the public key field is invalid +sourcecontrolgit_auth_missing_privatekey,Cannot find Private key - please ensure path is valid,Cannot find Private key - please ensure path is valid,,Warning that the private key field is invalid +sourcecontrolgit_auth_repo_exists,Authentication details for repository already exist,Authentication details for repository already exist,,Authentication details for repository already exist +SourceControlGit_UnlocalisedError,{0},{0},,For when Git dies for some reason that we dont know why - display the exception directly +sourcecontrolgit_clone_repository,Source Control (Git) Clone Repository,Source Control (Git) Clone Repository,,Clone Repository in source control git plugin +sourcecontrolgit_clone_urltoclone,URL of repository to clone:,URL of repository to clone:,,URL of the repository to clone +sourcecontrolgit_clone_path,Path to clone to:,Path to clone to:,,Path to clone repository into +sourcecontrolgit_commit,Source Control (Git) Commit,Source Control (Git) Commit,,Commit to repository title +sourcecontrolgit_commit_stagedchanges,Staged Changes,Staged Changes,,Staged Changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstageall,Unstage All,Unstage All,,Unstage All changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstageselected,Unstage Selected,Unstage Selected,,Unstage Selected changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstagedchanges,Unstaged Changes,Unstaged Changes,,Unstaged Changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_stageall,Stage All,Stage All,,Stage All changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_stageselected,Stage Selected,Stage Selected,,Stage Selected changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_message,Commit Message,Commit Message,,Commit Message label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_button,Commit,Commit,,Commit button label +sourcecontrolgit_import_project,Source Control (Git) Import Project,Source Control (Git) Import Project,,Import Project title +sourcecontrolgit_import_repository,Repository to import project into:,Repository to import project into:,,Repository to import project into label +sourcecontrolgit_log,Source Control (Git) Log,Source Control (Git) Log,,Revision log for source control title +Splash_Done,Done.,Done.,,Finished loading +Splash_Loading,Loading....,Loading....,,Generic loading text +Splash_WaitingNetwork,Checking Network...,Checking Network...,,Network step +Splash_LoadingLanguages,Loading Languages...,Loading Languages...,,Loading the languages prefix +Splash_LoadingUserLanguages,Loading Custom Languages...,Loading Custom Languages...,,Loading the user supplied languages prefix +Splash_LoadingPlugins,Loading Plugins...,Loading Plugins...,,Loading the plugins +Splash_LoadingPrefs,Loading Preferences...,Loading Preferences...,,Loading the preferences +Splash_LoadingDevices,Loading Devices...,Loading Devices...,,Loading the devices +Splash_LoadingPluginGUI,Loading Plugin Resources...,Loading Plugin Resources...,,Loading the plugin resources +Splash_LoadingPluginLanguages,Loading Plugin Languages...,Loading Plugin Languages...,,Loading the plugin languages +Splash_UserLogin,User Login,User Login,,User Login has been started +Splash_InitDnD,Drag and Drop...,Drag and Drop...,,Initialising Drag and Drop™ +Splash_CheckingRSS,Checking RSS...,Checking RSS...,,Checking RSS... +Splash_DownloadingManual,Downloading Manual...,Downloading Manual...,,Downloading Manual... +SplineEditor_DeletePoints,Delete Points,Delete Points,,Path spline editor context menu entry +SpriteEditor_LockOrigin,Lock sprite origin,Lock sprite origin,,Lock sprite origin from editing +SpriteEditor_Manual,Manual,Manual,,Sprite editor manual bounding box label +SpriteEditor_Premultiply,Premultiply Alpha,Premultiply Alpha,,Premultiply alpha channel of sprite composite +SpriteEditor_EdgeFiltering,Edge Filtering,Edge Filtering,,Edge filtering of sprite composite +SpriteEditor_Premultiply_Tooltip,Premultiply the alpha channel into the sprite frame,Premultiply the alpha channel into the sprite frame,,Premultiply alpha channel of sprite composite tooltip +SpriteEditor_EdgeFiltering_Tooltip,Merge pixels along the edge of the graphic to correct interpolation,Merge pixels along the edge of the graphic to correct interpolation,,Edge filtering of sprite composite tooltip +SpriteEditor_FullImage,Full Image,Full Image,,Sprite editor full image bounding box label +SpriteEditor_Image,Image:,Image:,,Image label +SpriteEditor_BBBottom,Bottom:,Bottom:,,Sprite editor bounding box label +SpriteEditor_ZoomLabel,{0}%,{0}%,,Zoom label format +SpriteEditor_BBLeft,Left:,Left:,,Sprite editor bounding box label +SpriteEditor_BBRight,Right:,Right:,,Sprite editor bounding box label +SpriteEditor_BBTop,Top:,Top:,,Sprite editor bounding box label +SpriteEditor_BoundingBox,Boundaries,Boundaries,,Sprite editor bounding box label +SpriteEditor_ColDiamond,Diamond (Slow),Diamond (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +SpriteEditor_ColEllipse,Ellipse (Slow),Ellipse (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +SpriteEditor_CollisionMask,Collision Mask,Collision Mask,,Sprite editor collision mask caption +SpriteEditor_CollisionMaskTimeline,Collision Mask:,Collision Mask:,,Sprite editor collision mask caption in timeline +SpriteEditor_ColPrecise,Precise (Slow),Precise (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +SpriteEditor_ColPrecise_Separate,Precise Per Frame (Slow),Precise Per Frame (Slow),,Sprite editor collision mask type +SpriteEditor_ColRectangle,Rectangle,Rectangle,,Sprite editor collision type +SpriteEditor_ColRectangleRotation,Rectangle with rotation,Rectangle with rotation,,Sprite editor collision type +SpriteEditor_ColMaskAutomatic,Automatic,Automatic,,Sprite editor automatic collision mask +SpriteEditor_ContextMenu_AddFrame,Add Frame,Add Frame,,Sprite editor frame context menu +SpriteEditor_ContextMenu_Copy,Copy,Copy,,Sprite editor frame context menu +SpriteEditor_ContextMenu_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Sprite editor frame context menu +SpriteEditor_ContextMenu_Paste,Paste,Paste,,Sprite editor frame context menu +SpriteEditor_ContextMenu_SelectAll,Select All,Select All,,Sprite editor frame context menu +SpriteEditor_EditImages,Edit Image,Edit Image,,Sprite editor open image editor button +SpriteEditor_EditMask,Edit Collision Mask,Edit Collision Mask,,Sprite editor open collision mask button +SpriteEditor_EnableWrap,Wrap Frames,Wrap Frames,,Sprite editor wrap frames toggle button caption +SpriteEditor_FPS,Speed:,Speed:,,Sprite editor fps playback speed label +SpriteEditor_Import,Import,Import,,Sprite editor import button +SpriteEditor_LabelFrameCount,Frame Count: {0},Frame Count: {0},,Sprite editor frame label +SpriteEditor_LabelOrigin,Origin Point:,Origin Point:,,Sprite editor origin point label +SpriteEditor_LabelSize,Size:,Size:,,Sprite editor label size +SpriteEditor_W,W: {0},W: {0},,Width label +SpriteEditor_H,H: {0},H: {0},,Height label +SpriteEditor_SWFPrecisionLabel,SWF Precision:,SWF Precision:,,SWF precision slider label +Sprite_Resize_Title,Resize Properties: {0},Resize Properties: {0},,Resize properties title +Sprite_Resize_CurrentSize,Current,Current,,Current size of sprite label +Sprite_Resize_Preview,Preview,Preview,,Preview label +SpriteEditor_PreviewColMask,Preview Mask,Preview Mask,,Preview label +Sprite_Resize_ScaleImage,Scale Image,Scale Image,,Scale label +Sprite_Resize_ResizeCanvas,Resize Canvas,Resize Canvas,,Resize label +Sprite_Resize_Width,Width:,Width:,,Width label +Sprite_Resize_Height,Height:,Height:,,Height label +Sprite_Resize_MaintainAspect,Maintain Aspect Ratio:,Maintain Aspect Ratio:,,Maintain ratio label +Sprite_Resize_Origin,Apply to Origin,Apply to Origin,,Also resize/scale sprite origin +Sprite_Resize_Origin_Tooltip,Apply the same transformation to the sprite's origin\nThis is only optional if the sprite origin is custom and unlocked,Apply the same transformation to the sprite's origin\nThis is only optional if the sprite origin is custom and unlocked,,Sprite origin resize/scale tooltip +SpritePref_ResizeOrigin,Apply resize and scale to sprite origin,Apply resize and scale to sprite origin,,Sprite editor resize/scale origin preference +Sprite_Resize_Pixels,pixels,pixels,,Pixels label +SpriteResizeTilesetWarning_Label,Sprite is a tile set resource!,Sprite is a tile set resource!,,Tile set warning +SpriteResizeTilesetWarning,This sprite is a tile set and resizing will cause tile data to change. Do you want to continue anyway?,This sprite is a tile set and resizing will cause tile data to change. Do you want to continue anyway?,,Sprite resize tile set warning +Sprite_Resize_Percentage,%,%,,Percentage label +Sprite_Resize_ScaleIn,Scale In:,Scale In:,,Scale in label +Sprite_Resize_ResizeIn,Resize In:,Resize In:,,Resize in label +SpriteEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,Sprite editor name label +SpriteEditor_Origin,Origin,Origin,,Sprite editor origin label +SpriteEditor_Origin_BottomLeft,Bottom Left,Bottom Left,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_BottomMiddle,Bottom Center,Bottom Center,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_BottomRight,Bottom Right,Bottom Right,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_CentreLeft,Middle Left,Middle Left,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_CentreMiddle,Middle Center,Middle Center,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_CentreRight,Middle Right,Middle Right,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_Custom,Custom,Custom,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_TopLeft,Top Left,Top Left,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_TopMiddle,Top Center,Top Center,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Origin_TopRight,Top Right,Top Right,,Sprite editor origin combo menu item +SpriteEditor_Play,Play Animation,Play Animation,,Sprite editor play animation button +SpriteEditor_PlaybackOptions,Playback Options,Playback Options,,Sprite editor playback options label +SpriteEditor_PreviewFrameRanges,Previewing Frames: ,Previewing Frames: ,,Sprite editor label for displaying previewed frame ranges +SpriteEditor_ShowingColMask,Showing Collision Mask,Showing Collision Mask,,Sprite editor label when showing collision mask over sprite +SpriteEditor_TextureGroup,Group,Group,,Sprite editor texture group label +SpriteEditor_TextureSettings,Texture Settings:,Texture Settings:,,Sprite editor texture settings label +SpriteEditor_TileHor,Tile Horizontally,Tile Horizontally,,Sprite editor tile hor label +SpriteEditor_Tile_Tooltip,"Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically relate to how the edges of the image will be\ncreated when placed on the texture page. An image that is to be tiled will have the edges (horizontal or vertical)\nadded to by the edges from the opposite side.","Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically relate to how the edges of the image will be\ncreated when placed on the texture page. An image that is to be tiled will have the edges (horizontal or vertical)\nadded to by the edges from the opposite side.",,Tiling tooltip +SpriteEditor_TileVer,Tile Vertically,Tile Vertically,,Sprite editor tile ver label +SpriteEditor_Tolerance,Tolerance,Tolerance,,Sprite editor alpha tolerance slider label +SpriteEditor_Use3D,Separate Texture Page,Separate Texture Page,,Sprite editor use for 3D label +SpriteEditor_WindowTitle,Sprite: {0},Sprite: {0},,Sprite editor window title +SpriteEditor_SpineLabel,Spine Sprite,Spine Sprite,,spine type sprite +SpriteEditor_SpineLabelTT,Spine Sprite - some editor settings disabled,Spine Sprite - some editor settings disabled,,spine sprite label tooltip +SpriteEditor_SWFLabel,SWF Sprite,SWF Sprite,,SWF type sprite +SpriteEditor_SWFLabelTT,SWF Sprite - some editor settings disabled,SWF Sprite - some editor settings disabled,,SWF sprite label tooltip +NineSlice_Activate,Activate Nine Slice,Activate Nine Slice,,activate nineslice label +NineSlice_SelectedSlice,Selected Slice:,Selected Slice:,,selected nineslice label +NineSlice_TileMode,Tile Mode:,Tile Mode:,,nineslice tilemode label +NineSlice_Highlight,Highlight:,Highlight:,,nineslice highlight label +NineslicePref_LeftGuideColour,Left Guide Colour,Left Guide Colour,,nineslice pref setting label +NineslicePref_RightGuideColour,Right Guide Colour,Right Guide Colour,,nineslice pref setting label +NineslicePref_TopGuideColour,Top Guide Colour,Top Guide Colour,,nineslice pref setting label +NineslicePref_BottomGuideColour,Bottom Guide Colour,Bottom Guide Colour,,nineslice pref setting label +NineslicePref_HighlightColour,Selected Slice Highlight Colour,Selected Slice Highlight Colour,,nineslice default highlight colour +NineslicePref_HighlightStyle,Selected Slice Highlight Style,Selected Slice Highlight Style,,nineslice default highlight style +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_None,None,None,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_Left,Left,Left,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_Top,Top,Top,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_Right,Right,Right,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_Bottom,Bottom,Bottom,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eSlice_Centre,Centre,Centre,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eTileMode_Stretch,Stretch,Stretch,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eTileMode_Repeat,Repeat,Repeat,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eTileMode_Mirror,Mirror,Mirror,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eTileMode_BlankRepeat,Blank Repeat,Blank Repeat,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eTileMode_Hide,Hide,Hide,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eHighlightStyle_Inverted,Inverted,Inverted,,nineslice highlight style enum +ListBoxEnum_eHighlightStyle_Overlay,Overlay,Overlay,,nineslice highlight style enum +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Precise,Precise (Slow),Precise (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Rectangle,Rectangle,Rectangle,,Sprite editor collision type +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Ellipse,Ellipse (Slow),Ellipse (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Diamond,Diamond (Slow),Diamond (Slow),,Sprite editor collision type +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_PrecisePerFrame,Precise Per Frame (Slow),Precise Per Frame (Slow),,Sprite editor collision mask type +ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_RectangleRotation,Rectangle with rotation,Rectangle with rotation,,Sprite editor collision type +ParticleType_NewName,New_Particle_Type,New_Particle_Type,,Name of a newly created particle type resource +ParticleEmitter_NewName,New_Emitter,New_Emitter,,Name of a newly created particle emitter resource +ParticleTypeEditor_Title,Particle Types,Particle Types,,Particle type editor window title +ParticleTypeEditor_Appearance,Appearance,Appearance,,Particle type appearance label +ParticleTypeEditor_Properties,Properties,Properties,,Particle type properties label +ParticleTypeEditor_BuiltInTextures,Textures,Textures,,Particle type built-in textures label +ParticleTypeEditor_BuiltInTextures_Tooltip,Use a preset texture as a particle type,Use a preset texture as a particle type,,Help tooltip +ParticleTypeEditor_Sprite_Tooltip,Use a Sprite from the project as a particle type,Use a Sprite from the project as a particle type,,Help tooltip +ParticleTypeEditor_Color,Colour,Colour,,Particle type color label +ParticleTypeEditor_ColorHelp,Sets how this particle type changes colour over time,Sets how this particle type changes colour over time,,Particle type color help +ParticleTypeEditor_Size,Size,Size,,Particle type size label +ParticleTypeEditor_SizeHelp,Sets the size this particle type can spawn as relative to the Sprite or texture used to display it,Sets the size this particle type can spawn as relative to the Sprite or texture used to display it,,Particle type size help +ParticleTypeEditor_Scale,Scale,Scale,,Particle type scale label +ParticleTypeEditor_ScaleHelp,Sets the scale of this particle type,Sets the scale of this particle type,,Particle type scale help +ParticleTypeEditor_Min,Minimum,Minimum,,Particle type minimum label +ParticleTypeEditor_Max,Maximum,Maximum,,Particle type maximum label +ParticleTypeEditor_Incement,Increment,Increment,,Particle type increment label +ParticleTypeEditor_IncementHelp,Sets how much this property changes over time,Sets how much this property changes over time,,Particle type increment help +ParticleTypeEditor_Wiggle,Wiggle,Wiggle,,Particle type wiggle label +ParticleTypeEditor_WiggleHelp,Sets how much this property can randomly change over time,Sets how much this property can randomly change over time,,Particle type wiggle help +ParticleTypeEditor_Blending,Blending,Blending,,Particle type blending label +ParticleTypeEditor_BlendingHelp,Enable additive blending for this particle type,Enable additive blending for this particle type,,Particle type blending help +ParticleTypeEditor_Gravity,Gravity,Gravity,,Particle type gravity label +ParticleTypeEditor_GravityHelp,Sets the gravity force and direction applied to this particle type over time,Sets the gravity force and direction applied to this particle type over time,,Particle type editor gravity help +ParticleTypeEditor_GravityForce,Force,Force,,Particle type gravity force label +ParticleTypeEditor_GravityDir,Direction,Direction,,Particle type gravity direction label +ParticleTypeEditor_Direction,Direction,Direction,,Particle type direction label +ParticleTypeEditor_DirectionHelp,Sets the direction of this particle type,Sets the direction of this particle type,,Particle type editor direction help +ParticleTypeEditor_Orientation,Orientation,Orientation,,Particle type editor orientation label +ParticleTypeEditor_OrientationHelp,Sets the rotation of this particle type,Sets the rotation of this particle type,,Particle type editor orientation help +ParticleTypeEditor_Relative,Relative,Relative,,Particle type editor relative label +ParticleTypeEditor_RelativeOrientationHelp,Sets whether this particle type's rotation is relative to its direction,Sets whether this particle type's rotation is relative to its direction,,Particle type editor relative orientation help +ParticleTypeEditor_Speed,Speed,Speed,,Particle type editor speed label +ParticleTypeEditor_SpeedHelp,Sets the speed of this particle type,Sets the speed of this particle type,,Particle type editor speed help +ParticleTypeEditor_Life,Life,Life,,Particle type editor life label +ParticleTypeEditor_Subparticles,Subparticles,Subparticles,,Particle type editor subparticles label +ParticleTypeEditor_SpawnDeath,On Death,On Death,,Particle type editor spawn on death label +ParticleTypeEditor_SpawnDeathHelp,Spawn another particle when this dies,Spawn another particle when this dies,,Particle type editor spawn on death help label +ParticleTypeEditor_SpawnUpdate,On Update,On Update,,Particle type editor spawn on update label +ParticleTypeEditor_SpawnUpdateHelp,Spawn another particle each update,Spawn another particle each update,,Particle type editor spawn on update help label +ParticleTypeEditor_Headposition,Head,Head,,Particle type editor head label +ParticleTypeEditor_HeadHelp,Use the sprite frame at the given head position,Use the sprite frame at the given head position,,Particle type editor head help label +ParticleEditor_RuntimeNoBinderTitle,Incompatible Runtime,Incompatible Runtime,,Title for below error message +ParticleEditor_RuntimeNoBinder,The active runtime does not support editor particle systems. Upgrade to a newer runtime to use this feature.,The active runtime does not support editor particle systems. Upgrade to a newer runtime to use this feature.,,Not supported by runtime error message +ParticleEditor_Title,Particle System: {0},Particle System: {0},,Particle System editor window title +ParticleEditor_System,System,System,,Particle system label +ParticleEditor_Particles,Particles,Particles,,Particles label +ParticleEditor_Emitters,Emitters,Emitters,,Emitters label +ParticleEditor_DrawOrder,Draw Order,Draw Order,,Particle system draw order label +ParticleEditor_AddParticleType,Create a new particle type,Create a new particle type,,New particle type tooltip +ParticleEditor_RemoveParticleType,Delete selected particle type(s),Delete selected particle type(s),,Delete particle type tooltip +ParticleEditor_AddParticleEmitter,Create a new particle emitter,Create a new particle emitter,,New particle emitter tooltip +ParticleEditor_RemoveParticleEmitter,Delete particle emitter,Delete particle emitter,,Delete particle emitter tooltip +ParticleEditor_EditParticleType,Edit this particle type,Edit this particle type,,Edit particle type tooltip +ParticleEditor_EditParticleEmitter,Edit this particle emitter,Edit this particle emitter,,Edit particle emitter tooltip +ParticleEditor_EmitterName,Name,Name,,Emitter name label +ParticleEditor_EmitterMode,Mode,Mode,,Emitter mode label +ParticleEditor_EmitterParticleType,Particle Type,Particle Type,,Emitter particle type label +ParticleEditor_EmitterCount,Particle Count,Particle Count,,Emitter particle count to emit each time label +ParticleEditor_EmitterShape,Shape,Shape,,Emitter shape label +ParticleEditor_EmitterDistribution,Distribution,Distribution,,Emitter particle distribution label +ParticleEditor_EmitterEnabled,Enabled,Enabled,,Emitter enabled label +ParticleEditor_EmitterColor,Editor Colour,Editor Colour,,Emitter editor color label +ParticleEditor_ShapeLeft,Left,Left,,Emitter shape region left label +ParticleEditor_ShapeTop,Top,Top,,Emitter shape region top label +ParticleEditor_ShapeWidth,Width,Width,,Emitter shape region width label +ParticleEditor_ShapeHeight,Height,Height,,Emitter shape region height label +ParticleEditor_ShapeRotation,Rotation,Rotation,,Emitter shape rotation label +ParticleEditor_BackgroundSettings,Change the preview background,Change the preview background,,Change the preview background tooltip +ParticleEditor_ToggleBackground,Toggle preview background,Toggle preview background,,Toggle preview background tooltip +ParticleEditor_Play,Start the particle system,Start the particle system,,Start emitting particles tooltip +ParticleEditor_Pause,Pause the particle system,Pause the particle system,,Pause emitting particles tooltip +ParticleEditor_SelectType,Select particle type,Select particle type,,Select particle type window title +ParticleEditor_BackgroundLabel,Display a sprite or a local image as the background of the Particle System preview.,Display a sprite or a local image as the background of the Particle System preview.,,Particle editor background explanation +ParticleEditor_BackgroundSprite,Sprite,Sprite,,Sprite label for background +ParticleEditor_BackgroundImage,Local image,Local image,,Texture background +ParticleEditor_AutomaticUpdate,Automatic Update,Automatic Update,,Automatic update particle system label +ParticleEditor_AutomaticDraw,Automatic Draw,Automatic Draw,,Automatic draw particle system label +ParticleEditor_TimeOffset,Time Offset,Time Offset,,Time offset particle system label +ParticleEditorStats_ParticleCount,Particles: {0},Particles: {0},,Particle editor stats label +ParticleEditorStats_UpdateTime,Update: {0}ms,Update: {0}ms,,Particle editor stats label for how long it took to update +ParticleEditorStats_DrawTime,Drawing: {0}ms,Drawing: {0}ms,,Particle editor stats label for how long it took to draw +ToolTip_eParticleSystemDrawOrder_OldFirst,Draw older particles below newer particles (default),Draw older particles below newer particles (default),,Particle system draw order help tip for drawing old first +ToolTip_eParticleSystemDrawOrder_NewFirst,Draw newer particles below older particles,Draw newer particles below older particles,,Particle system draw order help tip for drawing new first +ListBoxEnum_eParticleSystemDrawOrder_OldFirst,Default,Default,,Particle system draw order localised label +ListBoxEnum_eParticleSystemDrawOrder_NewFirst,New Below Old,New Below Old,,Particle system draw order localised label +ListBoxEnum_eParticleDistribution_Linear,Linear,Linear,,Linear particle distribution +ListBoxEnum_eParticleDistribution_Gaussian,Gaussian,Gaussian,,Gaussian particle distribution +ListBoxEnum_eParticleDistribution_InverseGaussian,Inverse Gaussian,Inverse Gaussian,,Inverse gaussian particle distribution +ListBoxEnum_eEmitterShape_Rectangle,Rectangle,Rectangle,,Rectangular emitter shape +ListBoxEnum_eEmitterShape_Line,Line,Line,,Line emitter shape +ListBoxEnum_eEmitterShape_Ellipse,Ellipse,Ellipse,,Ellipse emitter shape +ListBoxEnum_eEmitterShape_Diamond,Diamond,Diamond,,Diamond emitter shape +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Pixel,Pixel,Pixel,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Disk,Disk,Disk,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Circle,Circle,Circle,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Ring,Ring,Ring,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Line,Line,Line,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Square,Square,Square,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Star,Star,Star,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Spark,Spark,Spark,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Flare,Flare,Flare,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Sphere,Sphere,Sphere,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Smoke,Smoke,Smoke,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Explosion,Explosion,Explosion,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Cloud,Cloud,Cloud,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_ePartTypeTexture_Snow,Snow,Snow,,Particle type texture +ListBoxEnum_eEmitMode_Stream,Stream,Stream,,Emitter mode +ListBoxEnum_eEmitMode_Burst,Burst,Burst,,Emitter mode +StartPage_Error,Start page failed to load.\nYou can create new projects from the File menu.,Start page failed to load.\nYou can create new projects from the File menu.,,Start page error text +StartPage_ErrorTitle,An Error Occurred,An Error Occurred,,Start page error title +StartPage_Title,Start Page,Start Page,,Start page title +StripDialog_NumberOfImages,Number of Frames,Number of Frames,,strip dialog frame count +StripDialog_ImagesPerRow,Frames per Row,Frames per Row,,strip dialog frames per row +StripDialog_ImageWidth,Frame Width,Frame Width,,strip dialog frame width +StripDialog_ImageHeight,Frame Height,Frame Height,,strip dialog frame height +StripDialog_HCellOffset,Horizontal Cell Offset,Horizontal Cell Offset,,strip dialog horizontal cell offset +StripDialog_VCellOffset,Vertical Cell Offset,Vertical Cell Offset,,strip dialog vertical cell offset +StripDialog_HPixelOffset,Horizontal Pixel Offset,Horizontal Pixel Offset,,strip dialog horizontal pixel offset +StripDialog_VPixelOffset,Vertical Pixel Offset,Vertical Pixel Offset,,strip dialog vertical pixel offset +StripDialog_HSeparation,Horizonal Separation,Horizonal Separation,,strip dialog horizontal separation +StripDialog_VSeparation,Vertical Separation,Vertical Separation,,strip dialog vertical separation +StripDialogTitle,Create from Strip,Create from Strip,,strip image import dialog title +StripImportWarning,Importing strip images will replace the existing sprite frames - do you wish to proceed?,Importing strip images will replace the existing sprite frames - do you wish to proceed?,,strip image import warning +StyleManager_DuplicateStyle,"Duplicate style '{0}' found, it will be discarded as overwrite is set to false","Duplicate style '{0}' found, it will be discarded as overwrite is set to false",,Log message for when loading a duplicate style name with 'overwrite' set to false +StyleManager_ICloneableFail,Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' object class must implement ICloneable interface,Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' object class must implement ICloneable interface,,exception message when attempting to clone an uncloneable object +StyleManager_ICollectionCloneFail,Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' collection types must have a bespoke deep clone implemented,Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' collection types must have a bespoke deep clone implemented,,exception message when attempting to clone an ICollection which doesn't have a deep clone available +TabControl_AddTab,Add New Tab,Add New Tab,,Add a new tab to the tab control context menu entry +TabControl_AddTabAfter,Add New Tab After '{0}',Add New Tab After '{0}',,Add a new tab to the tab control context menu entry after the active tab +TabControl_MoveTabBack,Move Tab '{0}' Back,Move Tab '{0}' Back,,Move the tab back one space context menu entry +TabControl_MoveTabForward,Move Tab '{0}' Forward,Move Tab '{0}' Forward,,Move the tab forward one space context menu entry +TextEditor_Clear,Clear,Clear,,Clear TextEditor context menu entry +TextEditor_Copy,Copy,Copy,,Text editor copy command +TextEditor_Cut,Cut,Cut,,Text editor cut command +TextEditor_Paste,Paste,Paste,,Text editor paste command +TextEditor_SelectAll,Select All,Select All,,Select All context menu entry on Text Editor +TextEditor_CommentSelection,Comment Selection,Comment Selection,,text editor context menu comment selection +TextEditor_UncommentSelection,Uncomment Selection,Uncomment Selection,,text editor context menu uncomment selection +TextEditor_TabIn,Tab In,Tab In,,text editor context menu tab in selection +TextEditor_TabOut,Tab Out,Tab Out,,text editor context tab out selection +TextEditor_StatusText,"{0}/{1} Col:{2} Ch:{3}","{0}/{1} Col:{2} Ch:{3}",,text editor status bar column character +TextEditor_RegionsMenu,Regions,Regions,,text editor regions menu +TextEditor_FoldAllRegions,Fold All Regions,Fold All Regions,,fold all regions context menu entry +TextEditor_UnfoldAllRegions,Unfold All Regions,Unfold All Regions,,unfold all regions context menu entry +TextEditor_ToggleFold,Fold/Unfold region,Fold/Unfold region,,text editor toggle region fold +TextEditor_PreviousRegion,Previous Region,Previous Region,,text editor previous region menu entry +TextEditor_NextRegion,Next Region,Next Region,,text editor next region menu entry +TextEditor_CodeSnippets,Code Snippets,Code Snippets,,Code snippets context menu entry +TextureGroups_ActiveGroup,Current Group:,Current Group:,,Texture group current group +TextureGroups_AddNew,Add New,Add New,,Texture group add new button +TextureGroups_AllowScaling,Allow Scaling,Allow Scaling,,Texture group allow scaling checkbox +TextureGroups_AutoCrop,Automatically Crop,Automatically Crop,,Texture group auto cropping checkbox +TextureGroups_MipMap,Generate mipmaps,Generate mipmaps,,Texture group mipmap generation checkbox +TextureGroups_Backgrounds,Tilesets,Tilesets,,Texture group backgrounds header +TextureGroups_BorderSize,Border Size:,Border Size:,,Texture group border size label +TextureGroups_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Texture group delete button +TextureGroups_FindResource,Add Resource,Add Resource,,Texture group find resource label +TextureGroups_Fonts,Fonts,Fonts,,Texture group fonts header +TextureGroups_List_Backgrounds,Backgrounds,Backgrounds,,Texture group list category +TextureGroups_List_Fonts,Fonts,Fonts,,Texture group list category +TextureGroups_List_Sprites,Sprites,Sprites,,Texture group list category +TextureGroups_NoResources,This group is empty.,This group is empty.,,Texture groups label when a sub-tree is empty +TextureGroups_ParentTexGorup,Parent Texture Group,Parent Texture Group,,Texture group parent texture group label +TextureGroups_Remove,Remove,Remove,,Texture group remove menu entry +TextureGroups_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Texture group rename button +TextureGroups_SettingsLabel,Group Settings,Group Settings,,Texture group settings label +TextureGroups_Sprites,Sprites,Sprites,,Texture group sprites header +TextureGroups_TargetPlatforms,Use Group On...,Use Group On...,,Texture group target platforms label +TextureGroups_TypeFindResource,Type to find resource,Type to find resource,,Texture group manager tooltip +TextureGroups_WindowTitle,Texture Groups,Texture Groups,,Texture groups window title +TextureGroups_Menu_MoveTo,Move To,Move To,,Texture groups context menu button +TexGroups_EditResource,Edit...,Edit...,,Texture groups window edit resource button +AudioGroups_ActiveGroup,Current Group:,Current Group:,,Audio group current group +AudioGroups_AddNew,Add New,Add New,,Audio group add new button +AudioGroups_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Texture group delete button +AudioGroups_FindResource,Add Resource,Add Resource,,Audio group find resource label +AudioGroups_NoResources,This group is empty.,This group is empty.,,Audio groups label when a sub-tree is empty +AudioGroups_Remove,Remove,Remove,,Audio group remove menu entry +AudioGroups_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Audio group rename button +AudioGroups_TargetPlatforms,Use Group On...,Use Group On...,,Audio group target platforms label +AudioGroups_TypeFindResource,Type to find resource,Type to find resource,,Audio group manager tooltip +AudioGroups_WindowTitle,Audio Groups,Audio Groups,,Audio groups window title +TextureAudioGroups_SelectResource,Select Asset,Select Asset,,Asset explorer title +AudioGroups_EditResource,Edit...,Edit...,,Audio groups window edit resource button +TileLayer_TileDataSize,Tile Data Size,Tile Data Size,,tile layer properties caption for the data size drop down box +TileSetEditor_EditImage,Edit Image,Edit Image,,tile set editor edit image button caption +TileSetEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,tile set editor name textbox caption +TileSetEditor_NoSprite,No Sprite Selected,No Sprite Selected,,message to be shown when the user has not selected a sprite in the tile set editor window +TileSetEditor_OffsetX,Tile Offset X,Tile Offset X,,tile set editor x offset numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_OffsetY,Tile Offset Y,Tile Offset Y,,tile set editor y offset numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_OutBorderX,Output Border X,Output Border X,,tile set editor label for the output border x setting +TileSetEditor_OutBorderY,Output Border Y,Output Border Y,,tile set editor label for the output border y setting +TileSetEditor_AnimationSpeed_ToolTip,Animation Speed: Frames Per Second,Animation Speed: Frames Per Second,,tile set editor tooltip for the animation speed setting +TileSetEditor_AnimationSpeed,FPS,FPS,,tile set editor label for the animation speed setting +TileSetEditor_AddAnimationButton,Add Anim,Add Anim,,label for the tile set editor button to add a new animation +TileSetEditor_DeleteAnimationButton,Delete Anim,Delete Anim,,label for the tile set editor button to delete the currently selected animation +TileSetEditor_AnimationTileBGColour,The background colour that should be shown behind animation frames,The background colour that should be shown behind animation frames,,preferences message for the background colour that should be shown behind animation frames +TileSetEditor_AutoTilingTileBGColour,Auto tile background colour,Auto tile background colour,,preferences message for the background colour that should be shown behind autotiling tiles +TileSetEditor_DeleteAutoTileSetButton,Delete,Delete,,label for the tile set editor button to delete the currently selected set of auto tiles +TileSetEditor_AddFullAutoTileSetButton,47 Tiles,47 Tiles,,Label for the button to create a 47 tile autotile set +TileSetEditor_AddTransitionAutoTileSetButton,16 Tiles,16 Tiles,,Label for the button to create a 16 tile autotile set +TileSetEditor_ShowAutoTileGuideButton,Show Guide,Show Guide,,Label for the button to show the AutoTile guide +TileSetEditor_SelectedTileBrush,Brush:,Brush:,,Label for the currently selected tile editing brush +TileSetEditor_SelectedTileTool,Tool:,Tool:,,Label for the currently selected tile editing tool +TileSetEditor_SeparationX,Tile Separation X,Tile Separation X,,tile set editor x separation numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_SeparationY,Tile Separation Y,Tile Separation Y,,tile set editor y separation numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_TileHeight,Tile Height,Tile Height,,tile set editor height numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_TileSize,Tile Size,Tile Size,,tile set editor size numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_TileWidth,Tile Width,Tile Width,,tile set editor width numeric textbox caption +TileSetEditor_Title,Tile Set: {0},Tile Set: {0},,tile set editor window title +TileSetEditor_UseAsTileSet,Use As Tileset,Use As Tileset,,tile set editor use as tileset checkbox caption +TileSetGenerator_Complete,Tile Set: Image generated for '{0}',Tile Set: Image generated for '{0}',,console output message for when a tile set image has been generated +TimeLine_BtnAdd,Add,Add,,Add button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnChange,Change,Change,,Change button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnClear,Clear,Clear,,Clear button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnDuplicate,Duplicate,Duplicate,,Duplicate button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnMerge,Merge,Merge,,Merge button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnRemove,Remove,Remove,,Remove button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_BtnShift,Shift,Shift,,Shift button caption for timeline editor +TimeLine_ContextMenu_Add,Add,Add,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_ClearSelection,Unselect All,Unselect All,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_CopyMoments,Copy,Copy,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_CutMoments,Cut,Cut,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_Duplicate,Duplicate,Duplicate,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_Edit,Edit,Edit,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_EditStep,Change Moment,Change Moment,,Time line editor context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_Merge,Merge,Merge,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_PasteMoments,Paste,Paste,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_RemoveMoments,Remove,Remove,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ContextMenu_SelectAll,Select All,Select All,,Time line context menu entry +TimeLine_ListBox_Step,Step,Step,,Time line moments listbox step label +TimeLine_Moments,Moment,Moment,,Time line column header for moments +TimeLine_Name,Name:,Name:,,Time line editor name label +TimeLine_Names,Description,Description,,Time line editor names caption +TimeLine_WindowTitle,Timeline: {0},Timeline: {0},,Time line editor window caption +TimeLine_WindowTitle_CodeEditor,"Timeline Moments: {0}","Timeline Moments: {0}",,Time line code editor window title +TimeLine_ConvertType,Convert to {0},Convert to {0},,Change the event from DnD™ to script or from script to DnD™ +TreeView_AddChildNode,Add Child Node,Add Child Node,,context menu option to add a child node +TreeView_AddNode,Add Node,Add Node,,context menu option to add a node +TreeView_AddNodeAfter,Add Node After,Add Node After,,context menu option to add a node after +TreeView_AddNodeBefore,Add Node Before,Add Node Before,,context menu option to add a node before +TreeView_MoveNodeDown,Move Node Down,Move Node Down,,context menu option to move the node down +TreeView_MoveNodeUp,Move Node Up,Move Node Up,,context menu option to move the node up +UndoAction_AmbigousPropertyMatch,"Failed to store undo property '{0}': \nMultiple potential properties found, does this property use the 'new' keyword?","Failed to store undo property '{0}': \nMultiple potential properties found, does this property use the 'new' keyword?",,Log error message for undo failing to store a property +UpdateDialogDownloadNow,Download now,Download now,,Update new version dialog - download now button +UpdateDialogRemindMe,Remind me later,Remind me later,,Update new version dialog - remind me later button +UpdateDialogLabel,New version is available! \nYou are on v{0}\nNew version is {1},New version is available! \nYou are on v{0}\nNew version is {1},,Update new version dialog - tell user which version they are on and which version update will take them to +UpdateDialogReleaseNotes,View Release notes,View Release notes,,Update new version dialog - view release notes button +UpdateDialogTitle,New Version,New Version,,Update new version dialog title +User_Login,Login,Login,,Login button +User_Register,Register,Register,,User Login dialog - Register button +User_Login_Title,YoYo Account Login,YoYo Account Login,,User Login dialog +UserLogin_Email,Email/Username,Email/Username,,User Login dialog - e-mail label +UserLogin_Password,Password,Password,,User Login dialog - password label +UserLogin_RememberMe,Remember Me,Remember Me,,User Login dialog - Remember Me checkbox +User_ProxySettings,Proxy settings,Proxy settings,,Proxy setting tool-tip +User_Authentication,Two Step Authentication,Two Step Authentication,,User Login - two step authentication title +User_OK,OK,OK,,User Login - two step authentication ok button +User_AuthenticationCode,Authentication Code,Authentication Code,,User Login - two step authentication label for the authentication code +UserLogin_Retry,Retry,Retry,,User Login - Error Retry +UserLogin_MaxDevice,Maximum logins exceeded \nYou can manage your account sessions at accounts.yoyogames.com,Maximum logins exceeded \nYou can manage your account sessions at accounts.yoyogames.com,,User Login Error response 29 +UserLogin_Error34,Invalid session (User),Invalid session (User),,User Login Error response 34 +UserLogin_Error36,Two-step login required,Two-step login required,,User Login Error response 36 +UserLogin_Error37,Required fields missing,Required fields missing,,User Login Error response 37 +UserLogin_Error38,User is banned,User is banned,,User Login Error response 38 +UserLogin_Error39,Authentication failed. Please verify your username and password and try again.,Authentication failed. Please verify your username and password and try again.,,User Login Error response 39 +UserLogin_Error40,User not found,User not found,,User Login Error response 40 +UserLogin_Error44,Device ID mismatch,Device ID mismatch,,User Login Error response 44 +UserLogin_Error45,Two-step code invalid,Two-step code invalid,,User Login Error response 45 +UserLogin_Error47,Session not found,Session not found,,User Login Error response 47 +UserLogin_Error48,Login successful,Login successful,,User Login Error response 48 +UserLogin_Error54,No beta access,No beta access,,User Login Error response 48 +UserLogin_Error58,Session has expired,Session has expired,,User Login Error response 58 +UserLogin_Error69,No licence found. Please try again later or contact the helpdesk.,No licence found. Please try again later or contact the helpdesk.,,user login response 69 +UserLogin_Error99,Errors creating session,Errors creating session,,User Login Error response 99 +UserLogin_Error88,Please complete your profile to continue.,Please complete your profile to continue.,,User Login Error response 88 (profile incomplete) +UserLogin_EditProfile,Update Profile,Update Profile,,user login edit profile button +UserLogin_ProfileIncomplete,Profile Incomplete,Profile Incomplete,,user login incomplete profile title +UserLogin_NoRuntime,"Unable to access the Runtime Feed and no local Runtime installed. Please check your internet connection and start GameMaker Studio 2 again.","Unable to access the Runtime Feed and no local Runtime installed. Please check your internet connection and start GameMaker Studio 2 again.",,user login no runtime message +UserLogin_InstallRuntimeTitle,Install Runtime {0},Install Runtime {0},,install runtime title +UserLogin_RuntimeSpaceWarningMessage,Destination drive {0} has only {1} GB free space available.\nAt least 2 GB of free space is recommended - please ensure there is enough free space available before proceeding.,Destination drive {0} has only {1} GB free space available.\nAt least 2 GB of free space is recommended - please ensure there is enough free space available before proceeding.,,runtime free space warning message +UserLogin_Continue,Continue,Continue,,continue label +UserLogin_AccessTokenGetFail,Failed to acquire access token,Failed to acquire access token,,failed to acquire access token error message +Validate_MaxLength,{0} - Length should be less than {1},{0} - Length should be less than {1},,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too long +Validate_MinLength,{0} - Length should be greater than {1},{0} - Length should be greater than {1},,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too short +Validate_MVCType,{0} - Object should be of type {2}{1},{0} - Object should be of type {2}{1},,Failed validation by passing an object of the wrong type +Validate_MVCType_OrInherits,or inherit from ,or inherit from ,,Injected to requested error message if the validation is checking parent type +Validate_MVCTypeList,{0} - List should only contain objects of type {2}{1},{0} - List should only contain objects of type {2}{1},,Failed validation by passing a list containing objects of the wrong type +Validate_Range,{0} - Value must be within range {1} - {2},{0} - Value must be within range {1} - {2},,Failed validation for value range +Validate_Required,{0} - Value cannot be null,{0} - Value cannot be null,,Failed validation by passing a null value to a required property +Validate_StringLength,{0} - String length is invalid must be between {1} and {2} characters,{0} - String length is invalid must be between {1} and {2} characters,,Failed validation for string length +Validate_UniqueLayerName,Failed to set layer name '{0}' it is not unique within room,Failed to set layer name '{0}' it is not unique within room,,validation error message for non-unique layer name +Validate_UniqueName,Failed to set property on model '{0}' name is not unique,Failed to set property on model '{0}' name is not unique,,validation error message for non-unique resource name +Validate_ImageLayerName,Layer name cannot be blank,Layer name cannot be blank,,validation error message for image layer name +View_Menu_Bookmarks,Bookmarks,Bookmarks,,Bookmarks menu item +View_Menu_Breakpoints,Breakpoints,Breakpoints,,View breakpoints menu item +View_Menu_GlobalGameSettings,Global Game Settings,Global Game Settings,,View the Global Game Settings menu item +View_Menu_OutputWindow,Output Window,Output Window,,View output window menu item +Views_Menu_History,History,History,,Views menu entry for undo history +Views_Menu_Output,Output,Output,,Views menu entry for the output panel +Views_Menu_Worker,Build Worker,Build Worker,,Views menu entry for the build worker window +Views_Menu_Resources,Resources,Resources,,Views menu entry for resources +Views_Menu_AssetBrowser,Asset Browser,Asset Browser,,Views menu entry for resources +Views_Menu_Inspector,Inspector,Inspector,,Views menu entry for inspector +Views_Menu_Tutorial,Tutorial Windows,Tutorial Windows,,Views menu entry for tutorial windows +Views_Menu_SearchResults,Search Results,Search Results,,Views menu entry for the search results panel +Views_Menu_SourceControl,Source Control Output,Source Control Output,,Views menu entry for the source control output window +Views_Menu_Breakpoints,Breakpoints,Breakpoints,,Views menu entry for the breakpoints window +Views_Menu_CompileErrors,Compile Errors,Compile Errors,,Views menu entry for the compile errors window +Views_Menu_Macros,IDE Environment Variables,IDE Environment Variables,,View Macros window +Window_Close,Close,Close,,Close window context menu entry +Window_Minimize,Minimize,Minimize,,Minimize window context menu entry +TimeLine_MergeWarning,Merging moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?,Merging moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?,,Merge warning for time lines +TimeLine_MergeWarningTitle,Merge Moments,Merge Moments,,Merge moments warning dialog title +TimeLine_DeleteWarning,Deleting moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?,Deleting moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?,,Delete warning for time lines +TimeLine_DeleteWarningTitle,Delete Moments,Delete Moments,,Delete moments warning dialog title +Workspace_TabTitle,Workspace {0},Workspace {0},,The default tab name for workspace tabs +Dock_TabTitle,Dock Tab{0},Dock Tab{0},,the default tab name for dock tabs +RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadget,"The selected layer does not accept the dragged assets, please select an appropriate layer type, ie. object -> instance layer, sprite -> asset or background layer, path -> path layer","The selected layer does not accept the dragged assets, please select an appropriate layer type, ie. object -> instance layer, sprite -> asset or background layer, path -> path layer",, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them +RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadgetCreateNewLayer_Instance,"This asset can only be applied to an Instance Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Instance Layer?","This asset can only be applied to an Instance Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Instance Layer?",, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them and indicating that an instance layer will be created +RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadgetCreateNewLayer_Asset,"This asset can only be applied to an Asset Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Asset Layer?","This asset can only be applied to an Asset Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Asset Layer?",, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them and indicating that an asset layer will be created +Dock_FloatingDock_Title,Floating Dock,Floating Dock,,floating dock window title +RoomEditor_InvalidDragLayers,"Unable to drag resources into room, ensure one layer is selected","Unable to drag resources into room, ensure one layer is selected",, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on the room but layer selection is invalid +RoomEditor_InvalidDragLayerFrozenOrInvisible,"Unable to drag resources into room, ensure selected layer '{0}' is unlocked and visible","Unable to drag resources into room, ensure selected layer '{0}' is unlocked and visible",,Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a locked or invisible selected layer +RoomEditor_InvalidTileSet,The selected tile set has no associated sprite please select a valid tile set,The selected tile set has no associated sprite please select a valid tile set,,message to be shown when the user has selected a tileset that is not valid (ie. no sprite selected) +RoomEditor_NoTilesetMessage,Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a tile set,Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a tile set,,message to be shown when the user has not selected a tile set +RoomEditor_NoLayer,No Tile Layer Selected,No Tile Layer Selected,, message to be shown when the user has not selected a tile layer +InvalidName_NameInUse,"Invalid name, already in use: {0}. Names must be unique.","Invalid name, already in use: {0}. Names must be unique.",,Name not unique message +InvalidName_KeywordReserved,"Invalid name, reserved keyword: {0}.","Invalid name, reserved keyword: {0}.",,Name is a reserved keyword message +InvalidName_InvalidCharacters,"Invalid name, contains invalid characters: {0}. Should only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z or _ and not start with 0-9.","Invalid name, contains invalid characters: {0}. Should only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z or _ and not start with 0-9.",,Name contains invalid characters message +InvalidName_InvalidModel,Invalid model.,Invalid model.,,Invalid model message +InvalidName_DuplicateGroupName,Group name '{0}' is already in use,Group name '{0}' is already in use,,duplicate group folder name +InvalidName_InvalidGroupName,Group name '{0}' cannot contain / or \,Group name '{0}' cannot contain / or \,,invalid group folder name +InvalidMove_DuplicateChildName,A group with name '{0}' already exists at this location,A group with name '{0}' already exists at this location,,Parent folders or project cannot have multiple child folder with the same name message +ResourceTree_View,View,View,View,View +ResourceTree_Views,Views,Views,,Views selector button label +ResourceTree_View_Add,Add New View,Add New View,,Add New View Prompt +ResourceTree_View_Default,Default,Default,,default tag +ResourceTree_View_Cannot_Delete_Default,You cannot delete the default view.,You cannot delete the default view.,,You cannot delete the default view +ResourceTree_View_Title,Resource Tree,Resource Tree,,Title for above message +ResourceTree_View_DuplicateName,A view with this name already exists. Views must be unique.,A view with this name already exists. Views must be unique.,,Duplicate name warning +ResourceTree_Filter, Filter Tree, Filter Tree,, 'Filter Tree' checkbox label +ResourceTree_WholeWord, Whole Word, Whole Word,, 'Whole Word' checkbox label +ResourceTree_FindNext, Find Next, Find Next,, 'Find Next' button label +ResourceTree_FindPrevious, Find Previous, Find Previous,, 'Find Previous' button label +ResourceTree_SearchResources,Search...,Search...,, default contents of the resource tree search resources box +ResourceTree_SearchOptions,Search Options,Search Options,,Additional Search Options +SearchInScript_Search,Find...,Find...,,Search in Script Search default box text +SearchInScript_Replace,Replace...,Replace...,,Search in Script Replace default box text +SearchInScript_SelectionOnly,Selection Only,Selection Only,,Search in Script Selection Only +DnD_Gadget_DirectionalInput,Directional Input,Directional Input,,DnD™ gadget for directional input +DnD_Gadget_NumericInput,Numeric Input,Numeric Input,,DnD™ gadget for numeric input +DnD_Gadget_ApplyTo,Apply To,Apply To,,DnD™ gadget for applying to a specific object or instance +DnD_Gadget_IsRelative,Is Relative,Is Relative,,DnD™ gadget for determining if a change is relative +DnD_Gadget_IsTemp,Is Temp,Is Temp,,DnD™ gadget for determining if a target is temp +DnD_Gadget_TextInput,Text Input,Text Input,,DnD™ gadget for text input +DnD_Gadget_ExpressionInput,Expression,Expression,,DnD™ gadget for expression input +DnD_Gadget_ArgumentInput,Argument,Argument,,DnD™ gadget for argument input and optional arguments +DnD_Gadget_MenuInput,Menu Input,Menu Input,,DnD™ gadget for menu input +DnD_Gadget_MenuExpressionInput,Menu Expression Input,Menu Expression Input,,DnD™ gadget for menu expression input +DnD_Gadget_ResourceSelection,Resource Selection,Resource Selection,,DnD™ gadget for resource selection +DnD_Gadget_ResourceSelection_SelectResource,Select Asset,Select Asset,,DnD™ gadget list view explorer title +DnD_Gadget_BooleanInput,Boolean Input,Boolean Input,,DnD™ gadget for boolean input +DnD_Gadget_BooleanExprInput,Boolean Expression Input,Boolean Expression Input,,DnD™ gadget for boolean input +DnD_Gadget_ColorPicker,Colour Picker,Colour Picker,,DnD™ gadget for picking a color +DnD_Gadget_ColorPalette,Colour Palette,Colour Palette,,DnD™ gadget for picking a color +DnD_Gadget_MultiLineTextInput,Text Input (MultiLine),Text Input (MultiLine),,DnD™ gadget for multiline text input +DnD_Gadget_CodeInput,Code Input,Code Input,,DnD™ gadget for code input +DnD_Gadget_Caption_GroupSelector,Options,Options,,DnD™ label caption for the group selector gadget +DnD_Gadget_GroupSelector,Group Selector,Group Selector,,DnD™ group selector gadget name +DnD_Gadget_Caption_IsRelative,Relative,Relative,,DnD™ gadget caption name for Is Relative +DnD_Gadget_Caption_IsTemp,Temp,Temp,,DnD™ gadget caption name for Is Temp +DnD_Gadget_Caption_ApplyTo,Apply To,Apply To,,DnD™ gadget caption name for Apply To +DnDMaker_AppTitle,DnD™ Maker,DnD™ Maker,,DnD™ Maker application title +DnDMaker_Arguments,Arguments,Arguments,,DnD™ Maker argument gadgets header +DnDMaker_Gadgets,Gadgets,Gadgets,,DnD™ Maker gui gadgets header +DnDMaker_Properties,Argument Properties,Argument Properties,,DnD™ Maker properties header +DnDMaker_Layout,Argument Layout,Argument Layout,,DnD™ Maker layout header +DnDMaker_LivePreview,Node Designer ({0}),Node Designer ({0}),,DnD™ Maker live preview header +DnDMaker_NoAction,No Action,No Action,,DnD™ Maker designer title no action selected +DnDMaker_Groups,Layout Groups,Layout Groups,,DnD™ Maker layout groups view header +DnDMaker_Menu_Library,Library,Library,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Menu_Nodes,Nodes,Nodes,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Menu_Layout,Layout,Layout,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Menu_Translation,Translations,Translations,,DnD Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_LangName,Name,Name,,column +DnDMaker_LangEng,English,English,,column +DnDMaker_LangTrans,Translation,Translation,,column +DnDMaker_LangRes,Restrictions,Restrictions,,column +DnDMaker_LangDesc,Description,Description,,column +DnDMaker_Menu_Languages,Languages,Languages,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Menu_NewLang,New Language,New Language,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Menu_EditLang,Edit Language,Edit Language,,DnD™ Maker menu entry +DnDMaker_Group_Default,Default,Default,,DnD™ Maker default group name +DnDMaker_NewGroup,Group,Group,,DnD™ Maker default new group name +DnDMaker_NewSection,New Section,New Section,,DnD™ Maker default new section name +DnDMaker_NewAction,New Action,New Action,,DnD™ Maker default new action name +DnDMaker_Menu_NewNode,New Node,New Node,,DnD™ Maker new node menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_SaveNode,Save Node,Save Node,,DnD™ Maker save node menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_PreviewNode,Preview,Preview,,DnD™ Maker preview node menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_EvaluateNode,Evaluate,Evaluate,,DnD™ Maker evaluate node menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_LoadLibrary,Load Library,Load Library,,DnD™ Maker load library menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_SaveLibrary,Save Library,Save Library,,DnD™ Maker save library menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_NewLibrary,New Library,New Library,,DnD™ Maker new library menu item +DnDMaker_Library,My Library,My Library,,DnD™ Maker library header text +DnDMaker_Menu_ExportLibrary,Export Library,Export Library,,DnD™ Maker export library menu item +DnDMaker_LibWizard_Label,Write new library name,Write new library name,,DnD™ Maker library wizard name label +DnDMaker_LibWizard_OK,Create Library,Create Library,,DnD™ Maker library wizard OK button +DnDMaker_LibWizard_Cancel,Cancel,Cancel,,DnD™ Maker library wizard Cancel button +DnDMaker_Menu_Sections,Sections,Sections,,DnD™ Maker sections menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_AddSection,Add Section,Add Section,,DnD™ Maker add section menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_LayoutWizard,Open Layout Wizard...,Open Layout Wizard...,,DnD™ Maker Open Layout Wizard menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_ExpandLocalisation,Expand Localisation,Expand Localisation,,DnD™ Maker Open Layout Wizard menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_AddGroup,Add Layout Group,Add Layout Group,,DnD™ Maker add layout group menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_RenameGroup,Rename Layout Group,Rename Layout Group,,DnD™ Maker rename layout group menu item +DnDMaker_Menu_RemoveGroup,Remove Layout Group,Remove Layout Group,,DnD™ Maker remove layout group menu item +DnDMaker_CMenu_AddSection,Add Section,Add Section,,DnD™ Maker context menu add section caption +DnDMaker_CMenu_RemoveSectionOrAction,Remove,Remove,,DnD™ Maker library context menu remove caption +DnDMaker_CMenu_RenameSectionOrAction,Rename,Rename,,DnD™ Maker library context menu rename caption +DnDMaker_CMenu_EditAction,Edit Action,Edit Action,,DnD™ Maker library context menu edit caption +DnDMaker_CMenu_RemoveGadget,Remove Gadget,Remove Gadget,,DnD™ Maker designer remove gadget menu entry +DnDMaker_CMenu_CopyGadget,Copy Gadget,Copy Gadget,,DnD™ Maker designer copy gadget menu entry +DnDMaker_CMenu_CutGadget,Cut Gadget,Cut Gadget,,DnD™ Maker designer cut gadget menu entry +DnDMaker_CMenu_PasteGadget,Paste Gadget,Paste Gadget,,DnD™ Maker designer paste gadget menu entry +DnDMaker_PopUp_OK,OK,OK,,DnD™ Maker popup window OK button +DnDMaker_MustMakeLibrary,No library loaded.,No library loaded.,,DnD™ Maker no library loaded warning message +DnDMaker_CMenu_AddGroup,Add Group,Add Group,,DnD™ Maker add group menu entry +DnDMaker_CMenu_RenameGroup,Rename Group,Rename Group,,DnD™ Maker rename group menu entry +DnDMaker_CMenu_RemoveGroup,Remove Group,Remove Group,,DnD™ Maker remove group menu entry +DnDMaker_CannotDeleteDefaultGroup,Default group cannot be deleted.,Default group cannot be deleted.,,DnD™ Maker warning message +DnDMaker_CannotDeleteLibrary,Library cannot be deleted.,Library cannot be deleted.,,DnD™ Maker cannot delete library node warning message +DnDMaker_InvalidActionName,Invalid action name: must be XML compatible.,Invalid action name: must be XML compatible.,,DnD™ Maker invalid action name warning message +DnDMaker_NoActionLayout,This action has no layout.,This action has no layout.,,DnD™ Maker invalid action layout warning message +DnDMaker_CantShowPreview,Error -- Cannot show preview.,Error -- Cannot show preview.,,DnD™ Maker cannot show preview warning message +DnDMaker_NotEditingAction,You are not editing an action.,You are not editing an action.,,DnD™ Maker not editing action warning message +DnDMaker_NotPreviewingAction,You are not previewing an action.,You are not previewing an action.,,DnD™ Maker not previewing action warning message +DnDMaker_EvaluationResult,Evaluation Result,Evaluation Result,,DnD™ Maker evaluation result window caption +DnDMaker_ActionProperties,Action Properties,Action Properties,,DnD™ Maker action properties caption +DnDMaker_DefaultCode,// Your code here,// Your code here,,DnD™ Maker default code input for group +DnDMaker_CodeCaption,Code (Group: {0}),Code (Group: {0}),,DnD™ Maker code for selected group caption +DnDMaker_SaveError,Saving failed.,Saving failed.,,DnD™ Maker save error message +DnDMaker_SaveComplete,Library saved.,Library saved.,,DnD™ Maker library save message +DnDMaker_DialogTitle,DnD™ Maker,DnD™ Maker,,DnD™ Maker dialog title +DnDMaker_UnsavedChanges,There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save?,There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save?,,DnD™ Maker unsaved changes confirmation dialog +DnDMaker_UnsavedLibrary,Do you want to save the current library before continuing?,Do you want to save the current library before continuing?,,DnD™ Maker unsaved library +DnDMaker_ExportFailed,Exporting library failed.,Exporting library failed.,,DnD™ Maker export failed message +DnDMaker_OpenFailed,Couldn't open the specified library.,Couldn't open the specified library.,,DnD™ Maker open library error message +DnDMaker_CantParentAction,Actions can't be parents.,Actions can't be parents.,,DnD™ Maker drag into action error +DnDMaker_CantParentGadget,Gadgets can't be parents.,Gadgets can't be parents.,,DnD™ Maker drag into Gadgets error +DnDMaker_NoSelectedGadget,You have not selected a gadget.,You have not selected a gadget.,,DnD™ Maker no selected gadget error +DnDMaker_NoCopiedGadget,You have not copied a gadget.,You have not copied a gadget.,,DnD™ Maker no copied gadget error +DnDMaker_LayoutWizard,Layout Wizard,Layout Wizard,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard name +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardHelpText,This wizard helps you easily create a layout for your DnD™ action.,This wizard helps you easily create a layout for your DnD™ action.,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard help text +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardArgCount,How many arguments do you need?,How many arguments do you need?,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard arg count +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardArgCaption,Caption,Caption,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard arg caption label +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardArgGadget,Gadget,Gadget,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard arg gadget label +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardArgTagName,Tag Name,Tag Name,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard arg tag name label +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardIsRelative,Can Be Relative?,Can Be Relative?,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard can be relative label +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardProperties,Properties,Properties,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard properties label +DnDMaker_LayoutWizardIsTemp,Can Be Temp?,Can Be Temp?,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard can be temp label +DnDMaker_NoLayoutWizardLayout,Layout wizard layout is missing.,Layout wizard layout is missing.,,DnD™ Maker layout wizard error +DnD_Loading,Loading...,Loading...,,Loading dnd script +DnDMaker_ExpandLocalisationFailed,Failed to expand localisation,Failed to expand localisation,,expand localisation error message +DnD_Gadget_Label,Label,Label,,DnD™ Label gadget localised name +DnD_Gadget_StackPanel,Stack Panel,Stack Panel,,DnD™ Stack Panel gadget localised name +DnD_Gadget_Grid,Grid,Grid,,DnD™ Grid gadget localised name +DnD_Gadget_MKConstantSelector,Mouse & Key Selector,Mouse & Key Selector,,DnD™ gadget localised name +kbv_type_default,Default,Default,,Default virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_ascii,ASCII,ASCII,,ASCII virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_url,URL,URL,,URL virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_email,Email,Email,,Email virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_numbers,Numbers,Numbers,,Numbers virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_phone,Phone,Phone,,Phone virtual keyboard type +kbv_type_phone_name,Alphanumeric,Alphanumeric,,Phone name virtual keyboard type +kbv_returnkey_default,Default,Default,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_go,Go,Go,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_google,Google,Google,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_join,Join,Join,,Return key type of virtual keyboardG +kbv_returnkey_next,Next,Next,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_route,Route,Route,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_search,Search,Search,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_send,Send,Send,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_yahoo,Yahoo,Yahoo,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_done,Done,Done,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_continue,Continue,Continue,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_returnkey_emergency,Emergency,Emergency,,Return key type of virtual keyboard +kbv_autocapitalize_none,None,None,,No autocapitalization +kbv_autocapitalize_words,Words,Words,,Words autocapitalization +kbv_autocapitalize_sentences,Sentences,Sentences,,Sentence autocapitalization +kbv_autocapitalize_characters,Characters,Characters,,Character autocapitalization +Tutorial_Install_NoTutorials,Failed to find any tutorials in the installed package,Failed to find any tutorials in the installed package,,tutorial install error message +Tutorial_Install_Complete,Tutorial install complete!,Tutorial install complete!,,tutorial install complete message +Tutorial_Download_Error,Error Downloading Tutorial: '{0}',Error Downloading Tutorial: '{0}',,tutorial download error message +Tutorial_Install_Failed,Tutorial Install Failed,Tutorial Install Failed,,tutorial install failed message +Tutorial_Menu_OpenInBrowser,Open in browser,Open in browser,,tutorial context menu entry +Tutorial_WindowTitle,Tutorial: {0},Tutorial: {0},,tutorial window title +Tutorial_LoadFailed,Error loading tutorial file: {0},Error loading tutorial file: {0},,tutorial load error message +Tutorial_Install_Title,Installing Tutorial,Installing Tutorial,,tutorial install window title +Tutorial_Installing_Label,Installing:{0},Installing:{0},,tutorial install window name label +Tutorial_Install_ErrorTitle,Error installing tutorial,Error installing tutorial,,turorial install error +Tutorial_Install_ErrorMessage,Failed to install tutorial package: {0},Failed to install tutorial package: {0},,tutorial install fail message +Tutorial_ProjectFileMissing,Unable to locate tutorial project file: {0},Unable to locate tutorial project file: {0},,missing tutorial project file +Tutorial_Create_DisplayNameMissing,Display name must be set,Display name must be set,,tutorial create error +Tutorial_DisplayNameLabel,Display Name:,Display Name:,,tutorial settings display name +Tutorial_IconFileLabel,Icon File:,Icon File:,,tutorial setting icon file label +Tutorial_VideoSettingsLabel,Optional video settings,Optional video settings,,tutorial settings optional video label +Tutorial_VideoUrlLabel,Video URL:,Video URL:,,tutorial setting label +Tutorial_VideoHtmlLabel,HTML Video Page:,HTML Video Page:,,tutorial setting label +Tutorial_StartPageLabel,HTML Start Page:,HTML Start Page:,,tutorial setting label +Tutorial_Settings_Description,Tutorial Content Settings:,Tutorial Content Settings:,,tutorial setting description +Tutorial_Dock_Title,Tutorial,Tutorial,,tutorial dock tab title +Tutorial_FileMissing,Could not find {0},Could not find {0},,tutorial missing file message +Tutorial_DisplayNameMissing,Display name must be set,Display name must be set,,tutorial missing display name message +Tutorial_PurchaseFailed,Error acquiring tutorial: {0},Error acquiring tutorial: {0},,tutorial purchase error message +Tutorial_CreateInfo,Add content to Included Files "TutorialContent" folder,Add content to Included Files "TutorialContent" folder,,tutorial package create info label +Tutorial_CreateInfo2,Add files for the user to import to Included Files "TutorialResources" folder,Add files for the user to import to Included Files "TutorialResources" folder,,tutorial package create info label +Tutorial_UpdateAvailableNotification,Update Available: {0},Update Available: {0},,tutorial package update available notification +Demo_PurchaseFailed,Error Acquiring Demo: {0},Error Acquiring Demo: {0},,demo purchase error message +Demo_Download_Error,Error Downloading Demo: '{0}',Error Downloading Demo: '{0}',,demo download error +yyzimporter_message,YYZ Importer,YYZ Importer,,YYZ Importer Message Title +yyzimporter_failed,Failed to import YYZ,Failed to import YYZ,,Failed to import YYZ error message +yyzexport_message,YYZ Exporter,YYZ Exporter,,YYZ Exporter Message Title +yyzexport_success,YYZ Exported Successfully,YYZ Exported Successfully,,YYZ Exported Successfully +yyzexport_failed,YYZ Export Failed,YYZ Export Failed,,YYZ Export Failed +ImportLoad_FileNotFound,"Unable to find file {0}.\nIf the file is inside an archive, please extract it first.","Unable to find file {0}.\nIf the file is inside an archive, please extract it first.",,project load or import file not found error +InheritFromDialog_Title,Inherit From Project,Inherit From Project,,title for inherit from project dialog +DnDEditor_Menu_Workspace,Workspace,Workspace,,DnD™ Editor Workspace caption +DnDEditor_Menu_Save,Save,Save,,DnD™ Editor Workspace Save caption +DnDEditor_Menu_Reload,Reload,Reload,,DnD™ Editor Workspace Reload caption +DnDEditor_CMenu_Preview,Live Preview,Live Preview,,DnD™ Editor Workspace Reload caption +DnDEditor_LivePreviewTitle,DnD™ Preview,DnD™ Preview,,DnD live preview tab title +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_PanToThis,Pan,Pan,,DnD™ node window context menu +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_Copy,Copy,Copy,,DnD™ node window context menu +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_Cut,Cut,Cut,,DnD™ node window context menu +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_Help,Show Help...,Show Help...,,DnD node window context menu +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_Paste,Paste,Paste,,DnD™ node window context menu +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_CollapseAll,Collapse All,Collapse All,,DnD node window context menu collapse all nodes +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_ExpandAll,Expand All,Expand All,,DnD node window context menu expand all nodes +DnDNodeWindow_CMenu_Evaluate,Evaluate...,Evaluate...,,DnD™ node window context menu +ggs_graphics_scale,Scaling,Scaling,,Game Settings Graphics Scale title +ggs_graphics_scale_keepaspectratio,Keep aspect ratio,Keep aspect ratio,,Game Settings Graphics Scale - Keep Aspect Ratio option +ggs_launchscreen_fill,Launchscreen fill,Launchscreen fill,,Launchscreen fill +ggs_graphics_scale_fullscale,Full scale,Full scale,,Game Settings Graphics Scale - Full scale option +ggs_version,Version,Version,,Game Settings Version title +ggs_game_name,Game Name,Game Name,,Game Settings Game Name label +ImagePath_ImageError,Error Selecting Image,Error Selecting Image,,Error when using image_path gadget to select an image +ImagePath_NotExpectedDimensions,The image is expected to be of {0}x{1} but received {2}x{3},The image is expected to be of {0}x{1} but received {2}x{3},,Image wrong size with 0x1 being expected size and 2x3 being the image size +ImagePath_NotExpectedAlpha,The image is expected to have an alpha channel (i.e. be 32-bit),The image is expected to have an alpha channel (i.e. be 32-bit),,The image needs to have an alpha channel but the selected one does not +ImagePath_FileError,Cannot access file: {0},Cannot access file: {0},,Error when trying to access file where 0 is the filename +ImagePath_NotExpectedFormat,Selected image is not a valid '{0}' format.,Selected image is not a valid '{0}' format.,,invalid image format message +ggs_windows_save_localappdata,%localappdata%\,%localappdata%\,,Save Path to Local App Data +ggs_windows_save_appdata,%appdata%\,%appdata%\,,Save Path to Local App Data +ggs_vertex_buffer_method,Vertex Buffer Method,Vertex Buffer Method,,Vertex Buffer Method +ggs_graphics_vbuffer_fast,Fast,Fast,,Fast vertex buffer method +ggs_graphics_vbuffer_compatible,Compatible,Compatible,,Compatible vertex buffer method +ggs_graphics_vbuffer_most_compatible,Most Compatible,Most Compatible,,Most Compatible vertex buffer method +ggs_texturepage_256,256x256,256x256,,256x256 Texture Page Size +ggs_texturepage_512,512x512,512x512,,512x512 Texture Page Size +ggs_texturepage_1024,1024x1024,1024x1024,,1024x1024 Texture Page Size +ggs_texturepage_2048,2048x2048,2048x2048,,2048x2048 Texture Page Size +ggs_texturepage_4096,4096x4096,4096x4096,,4096x4096 Texture Page Size +ggs_texturepage_8192,8192x8192,8192x8192,,8192x8192 Texture Page Size +ggs_certificate_install,Install,Install,,Install Certificate +ggs_win8_logo_foreground_light,Light,Light,,Light foreground text on Windows 8 logo +ggs_win8_logo_foreground_dark,Dark,Dark,,Dark foreground text on Windows 8 logo +Edit,Edit,Edit,,Edit label +ggs_ps_package_id,Package Content ID,Package Content ID,,Package Content Id +ggs_ps_passcode,Package Passcode,Package Passcode,,Package Passcode +ggs_mac_provision_refresh,Refresh from Mac,Refresh from Mac,,Refresh provisioning list from Mac +ggs_ps4_param_sfo,PARAM.SFO,PARAM.SFO,,Run Sony PARAM.SFO Editor +ggs_ps5_param_json,Param.json,Param.json,,Run Sony Param.json Editor +ggs_ps5_shared_binary_tooltip,Comma separated list of configs to include as sub-SKUs,Comma separated list of configs to include as sub-SKUs,,Comma separated list of configs to include as sub-SKUs +ggs_ps5_shared_binary,SharedBinary SubConfigs,SharedBinary SubConfigs,,SharedBinary SubConfigs +ggs_ps4_np_title_dat,NPTITLE.DAT,NPTITLE.DAT,,Import nptitle.dat +ggs_ps4_trophy_edit,Trophy Editor,Trophy Editor,,Run Sony Trophy Editor +ggs_ps4_share_param,Share Editor,Share Editor,,Run Sony Share File Editor +ggs_ps4_voice_recognition,Voice Recognition,Voice Recognition,,import pronunciation +ggs_build_tools,Build Tools,Build Tools,,Build Tools +ggs_package_name,Package Name,Package Name,,Package Name +ggs_target_sdk,Target SDK,Target SDK,,Target SDK +ggs_minimum_sdk,Minimum SDK,Minimum SDK,,Minimum SDK +ggs_compile_sdk,Compile SDK,Compile SDK,,Compile SDK +ggs_0_seconds,0 seconds,0 seconds,,0 seconds +ggs_1_seconds,1 second,1 second,,1 second +ggs_2_seconds,2 seconds,2 seconds,,2 seconds +ggs_3_seconds,3 seconds,3 seconds,,3 seconds +ggs_4_seconds,4 seconds,4 seconds,,4 seconds +ggs_5_seconds,5 seconds,5 seconds,,5 seconds +ggs_6_seconds,6 seconds,6 seconds,,6 seconds +ggs_7_seconds,7 seconds,7 seconds,,7 seconds +ggs_8_seconds,8 seconds,8 seconds,,8 seconds +ggs_9_seconds,9 seconds,9 seconds,,9 seconds +ggs_10_seconds,10 seconds,10 seconds,,10 seconds +ggs_android_install_auto,Automatic,Automatic,,Automatic install location +ggs_android_install_prefer_external,Prefer External,Prefer External,,Prefer External install location +ggs_16bit,16bit,16bit,,16 bit depth +ggs_24bit,24bit,24bit,,24 bit depth +ggs_android_device_gpu,Only support Android devices with a GPU,Only support Android devices with a GPU,,Only install on Android devices with a GPU +ggs_android_device_any,Install on any supported Android device,Install on any supported Android device,,Install on any Android Device +ggs_webgl,WebGL,WebGL,,WebGL +ggs_webgl_disabled,Disabled,Disabled,,WebGL Disabled +ggs_webgl_required,Required,Required,,WebGL Required +ggs_webgl_autodetect,Auto Detect,Auto Detect,,Auto Detect WebGL +ggs_ios_devices_iphone_and_touch,iPhone or iPod Touch,iPhone or iPod Touch,,iPhone or iPod Touch device selection +ggs_ios_defer_home_indicator,Defer Home Indicator Input,Defer Home Indicator Input,,Defer Home Indicator Input for iPhone X +ggs_ios_devices_ipad,iPad,iPad,,iPad device selection +ggs_both,Both,Both,,Both selections +ggs_orientation,Orientation,Orientation,,Orientation +ggs_portrait,Portrait,Portrait,,Portrait Orientation +ggs_landscape,Landscape,Landscape,,Landscape Orientation +ggs_application,Application,Application,,Application setting +ggs_game,Game,Game,,Game setting +ggs_light,Light,Light,,Light setting +ggs_dark,Dark,Dark,,Dark setting +ggs_x86,x86,x86,,x86 setting +ggs_x64,x64,x64,,x64 setting +ggs_arm,ARM,ARM,,ARM setting +ggs_displayname,Display Name,Display Name,,Display Name +ggs_exename,Executable Name,Executable Name,,Executable Name +ggs_display_cursor,Display cursor,Display cursor,,Display Cursor +ggs_package_domain,Package Domain,Package Domain,,Package Domain (.com) +ggs_package_company,Package Company,Package Company,,Package Company +ggs_package_product,Package Product,Package Product,,Package Product +ggs_build_armv5,Build for Armv5,Build for Armv5,,Build for Armv5 +ggs_build_armv7,Build for Armv7,Build for Armv7,,Build for Armv7 +ggs_build_x86,Build for x86,Build for x86,,Build for x86 +ggs_build_mips,Build for Mips,Build for Mips,,Build for Mips +ggs_build_mips64,Build for Mips64,Build for Mips64,,Build for Mips64 +ggs_build_x86_64,Build for x86_64,Build for x86_64,,Build for x86_64 +ggs_build_arm64,Build for Arm64,Build for Arm64,,Build for Arm64 +ggs_landscape_orientation,Allow landscape orientation,Allow landscape orientation,,Allow Landscape Orientation +ggs_portrait_orientation,Allow portrait orientation,Allow portrait orientation,,Allow Portrait Orientation +ggs_flipped_landscape_orientation,Allow flipped landscape orientation,Allow flipped landscape orientation,,Allow Flipped Landscape Orientation +ggs_flipped_portrait_orientation,Allow flipped portrait orientation,Allow flipped portrait orientation,,Allow Flipped Portrait Orientation +ggs_team_identifier,Team Identifier,Team Identifier,,Team Identifier +ggs_install_location,Install location,Install location,,Install Location +ggs_moga_gamepad_support,Enable MOGA gamepad support,Enable MOGA gamepad support,,Enable MOGA Gamepad Support +ggs_android_lint,Run Lint code analysis,Run Lint code analysis,,Run Lint Code Analysis +ggs_landscape_splash_screen,Landscape Splash Screen,Landscape Splash Screen,,Landscape Splash Screen +ggs_portrait_splash_screen,Portrait Splash Screen,Portrait Splash Screen,,Portrait Splash Screen +ggs_splash_screen,Splash Screen Image,Splash Screen Image,,Splash Screen Image +ggs_foreground_screen,Foreground Image,Foreground Image,,Foreground Image +LicenceExcluded_ggs_splash_screen,Splash screen image cannot be changed on 'Creator' platforms,Splash screen image cannot be changed on 'Creator' platforms,Do not localise 'Creator' it's a product name,forced splash screen image tooltip +ggs_use_splash_screen,Use splash screen,Use splash screen,,Use Splash Screen +LicenceExcluded_ggs_use_splash_screen,Splash screen cannot be disabled on 'Creator' platforms,Splash screen cannot be disabled on 'Creator' platforms,Do not localise 'Creator' it's a product name,use splash force enabled tooltip +ggs_minimum_display_time,Minimum time to display,Minimum time to display,,Minimum time to display +ggs_interpolate_pixels,Interpolate colours between pixels,Interpolate colours between pixels,,Interpolate colours between pixels +ggs_screen_colour_depth,Screen Colour Depth,Screen Colour Depth,,Screen Colour Depth +ggs_device_support,Device Support,Device Support,,Device Support +ggs_scaling,Scaling,Scaling,,Scaling +ggs_texturepage_size,Texture Page Size,Texture Page Size,,Texture Page Size +ggs_ldpi_icon,Icon for ldpi,Icon for ldpi,,Icon for ldpi +ggs_mdpi_icon,Icon for mdpi,Icon for mdpi,,Icon for mdpi +ggs_hdpi_icon,Icon for hdpi,Icon for hdpi,,Icon for hdpi +ggs_xhdpi_icon,Icon for xhdpi,Icon for xhdpi,,Icon for xhdpi +ggs_xxhdpi_icon,Icon for xxhdpi,Icon for xxhdpi,,Icon for xxhdpi +ggs_xxxhdpi_icon,Icon for xxxhdpi,Icon for xxxhdpi,,Icon for xxxhdpi +ggs_ldpi_adaptive_icon,LDPI,LDPI,,LDPI +ggs_mdpi_adaptive_icon,MDPI,MDPI,,MDPI +ggs_hdpi_adaptive_icon,HDPI,HDPI,,HDPI +ggs_xhdpi_adaptive_icon,XHDPI,XHDPI,,XHDPI +ggs_xxhdpi_adaptive_icon,XXHDPI,XXHDPI,,XXHDPI +ggs_xxxhdpi_adaptive_icon,XXXHDPI,XXXHDPI,,XXXHDPI +ggs_ldpi_adaptivebg_icon,LDPI,LDPI,,LDPI +ggs_mdpi_adaptivebg_icon,MDPI,MDPI,,MDPI +ggs_hdpi_adaptivebg_icon,HDPI,HDPI,,HDPI +ggs_xhdpi_adaptivebg_icon,XHDPI,XHDPI,,XHDPI +ggs_xxhdpi_adaptivebg_icon,XXHDPI,XXHDPI,,XXHDPI +ggs_xxxhdpi_adaptivebg_icon,XXXHDPI,XXXHDPI,,XXXHDPI +ggs_use_facebook,Use Facebook,Use Facebook,,Use Facebook +ggs_facebook_id,Facebook App ID,Facebook App ID,,Facebook App Id +ggs_facebook_app_name,Facebook App Name,Facebook App Name,,Facebook App Name +ggs_enable_push_notifications,Enable push notifications,Enable push notifications,,Enable Push Notifications +ggs_enable_apple_sign_in,Enable Sign In with Apple,Enable Sign In with Apple,,Enable Sign In with Apple +ggs_podfile,Podfile,Podfile,,Podfile +ggs_podfile_lock,Podfile.lock,Podfile.lock,,Podfile.lock +ggs_gcm_sender_id,GCM Sender ID,GCM Sender ID,,GCM Sender Id +ggs_enable_google_services,Enable Google Services,Enable Google Services,,Enable Google Services +ggs_enable_google_cloud_saving,Enable Google Cloud saving,Enable Google Cloud saving,,Enable Google Cloud Saving +ggs_google_services_id,Google Services ID,Google Services ID,,Google Services Id +ggs_enable_amazon_apis,Enable Amazon APIs,Enable Amazon APIs,,Enable Amazon APIs +ggs_enable_WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_permission,Enable WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission,Enable WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission,,Enable WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission +ggs_enable_READ_PHONE_STATE_permission,Enable READ_PHONE_STATE permission,Enable READ_PHONE_STATE permission,,Enable READ_PHONE_STATE permission +ggs_enable_ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE_permission,Enable ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission,Enable ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission,,Enable ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission +ggs_enable_INTERNET_permission,Enable INTERNET permission,Enable INTERNET permission,,Enable INTERNET permission +ggs_enable_BLUETOOTH_permission,Enable BLUETOOTH permission,Enable BLUETOOTH permission,,Enable BLUETOOTH permission +ggs_enable_RECORD_AUDIO_permission,Enable RECORD_AUDIO permission,Enable RECORD_AUDIO permission,,Enable RECORD_AUDIO permission +ggs_enable_MICROPHONE_permission,Enable MICROPHONE permission,Enable MICROPHONE permission,,Enable MICROPHONE permission +ggs_enable_ID_CAP_MICROPHONE_permission,Enable ID_CAP_MICROPHONE permission,Enable ID_CAP_MICROPHONE permission,,Enable ID_CAP_MICROPHONE permission +ggs_enable_SEARCH_permission,Enable SEARCH permission,Enable SEARCH permission,,Enable SEARCH permission +ggs_bluetooth_icade_support,Enable Bluetooth/iCade support,Enable Bluetooth/iCade support,,Enable Bluetooth/iCade Support +ggs_haptic_effects,Enable Haptic Effects,Enable Haptic Effects,,Enable Haptic Effects +ggs_enable_google_licensing,Enable Google licensing,Enable Google licensing,,Enable Google Licensing +ggs_google_licensing_public_key,Google Licensing Public Key,Google Licensing Public Key,,Google Licensing Public Key +ggs_use_google_apk_expansion,Use Google APK expansion,Use Google APK expansion,,Use Google APK Expansion +ggs_use_google_dynamic_asset_delivery,Use Google Dynamic Asset Delivery,Use Google Dynamic Asset Delivery,,Use Google Dynamic Asset Delivery +ggs_banner,Banner Image,Banner Image,,Banner Image +ggs_isgame,Is game,Is game,,Is Game +ggs_android_application_tag_inject,Inject to Android Application Tag,Inject to Android Application Tag,,Inject to Android Application Tag +ggs_included_file_as_index.html,Included file as index.html,Included file as index.html,,Included file as index.html +ggs_loading_bar_extension,Loading bar extension,Loading bar extension,,Loading Bar Extension +ggs_html5_browser_title,Browser Title,Browser Title,,Title for Browser +ggs_foldername,Folder Name,Folder Name,,Name of Folder +ggs_outputname,Output Name,Output Name,,Output Name +ggs_output_debug_to_console,Output debug to console,Output debug to console,,Output Debug to Console +ggs_generate_spotify_app,Generate Spotify App,Generate Spotify App,,Generate Spotify App +ggs_display_outside_server_alert,Display "Running outside server" alert,Display "Running outside server" alert,,Display the running outside of server alert +ggs_prepend_js,Prepend output .js with,Prepend output .js with,,Prepend output .js with +ggs_installer_background,Installer Background,Installer Background,,Installer Background +ggs_icon,Icon,Icon,,Icon +ggs_icon_57,57x57 Icon,57x57 Icon,,57x57 Icon +ggs_icon_72,72x72 Icon,72x72 Icon,,72x72 Icon +ggs_icon_76,76x76 Icon,76x76 Icon,,76x76 Icon +ggs_icon_114,114x114 Icon,114x114 Icon,,114x114 Icon +ggs_icon_120,120x120 Icon,120x120 Icon,,120x120 Icon +ggs_icon_144,144x144 Icon,144x144 Icon,,144x144 Icon +ggs_icon_152,152x152 Icon,152x152 Icon,,152x152 Icon +ggs_icon_167,167x167 Icon,167x167 Icon,,167x167 Icon +ggs_icon_400,400x240 Icon,400x240 Icon,,400x240 Icon +ggs_icon_1280,1280x768 Icon,1280x768 Icon,,1280x768 Icon +ggs_iphone_landscape,iPhone Landscape,iPhone Landscape,,iPhone Landscape +ggs_iphone_portrait,iPhone Portrait,iPhone Portrait,,iPhone Portrait +ggs_iphone_retina_landscape,iPhone Retina Landscape,iPhone Retina Landscape,,iPhone Retina Landscape +ggs_iphone_retina_portrait,iPhone Retina Portrait,iPhone Retina Portrait,,iPhone Retina Portrait +ggs_iphone_5_landscape,iPhone 5 Landscape,iPhone 5 Landscape,,iPhone 5 Landscape +ggs_iphone_5_portrait,iPhone 5 Portrait,iPhone 5 Portrait,,iPhone 5 Portrait +ggs_iphone_6_landscape,iPhone 6 Landscape,iPhone 6 Landscape,,iPhone 6 Landscape +ggs_iphone_6_portrait,iPhone 6 Portrait,iPhone 6 Portrait,,iPhone 6 Portrait +ggs_iphone_6_plus_landscape,iPhone 6+ Landscape,iPhone 6+ Landscape,,iPhone 6+ Landscape +ggs_iphone_6_plus_portrait,iPhone 6+ Portrait,iPhone 6+ Portrait,,iPhone 6+ Portrait +ggs_ipad_landscape,iPad Landscape,iPad Landscape,,iPad Landscape +ggs_ipad_portrait,iPad Portrait,iPad Portrait,,iPad Portrait +ggs_ipad_retina_landscape,iPad Retina Landscape,iPad Retina Landscape,,iPad Retina Landscape +ggs_ipad_retina_portrait,iPad Retina Portrait,iPad Retina Portrait,,iPad Retina Portrait +ggs_allow_fullscreen,Allow fullscreen switching,Allow fullscreen switching,,Allow Fullscreen Switching +ggs_centre_game_in_browser,Centre game in browser window,Centre game in browser window,,Centre game in Browser window +ggs_use_builtin_font,Use built-in font,Use built-in font,,Use built-in font +ggs_use_builtin_particles,Use built-in particles,Use built-in particles,,Use Built-in Particles +ggs_bundlename,Bundle Name,Bundle Name,,Bundle Name +ggs_bundle_id,Bundle ID,Bundle ID,,Bundle Id +ggs_provisioning_certificate,Provisioning Certificate,Provisioning Certificate,,Provisioning Certificate +ggs_maintainer_email,Maintainer Email,Maintainer Email,,Maintainer Email +ggs_half_ipad1_textures,Halve iPad 1 texture sizes,Halve iPad 1 texture sizes,,Half iPad 1 Texture Sizes +ggs_homepage,Homepage,Homepage,,Homepage +ggs_short_description,Short Description,Short Description,,Short Description +ggs_long_description,Long Description,Long Description,,Long Description +ggs_start_fullscreen,Start fullscreen,Start fullscreen,,Start Fullscreen +ggs_vsync,Use synchronization to avoid tearing,Use synchronization to avoid tearing,,Use synchronization to avoid tearing +ggs_vsync_winuwp_tooltip,synchronization must be enabled for this platform,synchronization must be enabled for this platform,,vsync tooltip in win uwp options +ggs_player_resize_window,Allow window resize,Allow window resize,,Allow player to resize window +ggs_app_id,App ID,App ID,,App Id +ggs_app_output,App Output,App Output,,App Output +ggs_team_id,Team Identifier,Team Identifier,,the macOS Option for team identifier +ggs_team_id_tooltip,10 digit alpha-numeric identifier taken from your developer.apple.com/#/overview URL. If blank this will inherit the value set in Platform Options,10 digit alpha-numeric identifier taken from your developer.apple.com/#/overview URL. If blank this will inherit the value set in Platform Options,,Tooltip for signing identity +ggs_signing_id,Signing Identifier,Signing Identifier,,Signing Identifier Label +ggs_signing_id_tooltip,"To distribute your title outside of the Mac App Store macOS requires that your\npackage is codesigned. Please provide the signing identity that you wish to use\nhere: this should be a Developer ID Application identity and should be present\nin your Mac's login keychain certificates. Signing identities can be easily created\nin Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Team->View Details->Developer ID\nApplication->Create. Signing identities will be matched so the default value\nshould be sufficient if you are only the member of one development team.","To distribute your title outside of the Mac App Store macOS requires that your\npackage is codesigned. Please provide the signing identity that you wish to use\nhere: this should be a Developer ID Application identity and should be present\nin your Mac's login keychain certificates. Signing identities can be easily created\nin Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Team->View Details->Developer ID\nApplication->Create. Signing identities will be matched so the default value\nshould be sufficient if you are only the member of one development team.",,Tooltip for signing identity +ggs_copyright,Copyright,Copyright,,Copyright +ggs_allow_menu_dock_fullscreen,Allow menu and dock in fullscreen,Allow menu and dock in fullscreen,,Allow Menu and Dock in Fullscreen +ggs_enable_retina,Enable Retina,Enable Retina,,Enable Retina +ggs_build_mac_app_store,Build for Mac App Store,Build for Mac App Store,,Build for Mac App Store +ggs_allow_incoming_network_connections,Allow incoming network connections,Allow incoming network connections,,Allow Incoming Network Connections +ggs_allow_outgoing_network_connections,Allow outgoing network connections,Allow outgoing network connections,,Allow Outgoing Network Connections +ggs_mac_app_category,Mac App Store Category,Mac App Store Category,,Mac App Store Category +ggs_display_errors,Display Errors,Display Errors,,Display Errors +ggs_write_errors,Write Errors,Write Errors,,Write Errors +ggs_abort_errors,Abort Errors,Abort Errors,,Abort Errors +ggs_variable_errors,Variable Errors,Variable Errors,,Variable Errors +ggs_argument_errors,Argument Errors,Argument Errors,,Argument Errors +ggs_author,Author,Author,,Author +ggs_lastchanged,Last Changed,Last Changed,,Last Changed +ggs_information,Information,Information,,Information +ggs_enable_source_control,Enable source control,Enable source control,,Enable Source Control +ggs_content_id,Package Content ID,Package Content ID,,Package Content Id +ggs_passcode,Passcode,Passcode,,Passcode +ggs_save_data_icon,Save Data Icon,Save Data Icon,,Save Data Icon +ggs_trophy_screen,Background Image,Background Image,,Trophy Screen +ggs_display_cursor_when_touchpad_active,Display cursor when touchpad is active,Display cursor when touchpad is active,,Display Cusor when Touchpad Active +ggs_product,Product,Product,,Product +ggs_product_id,Product ID,Product ID,,Product Id +ggs_company,Company,Company,,Company +ggs_description,Description,Description,,Description +ggs_enable_front_touch,Enable Front Touch,Enable Front Touch,,Enable Front Touch +ggs_enable_rear_touch,Enable Rear Touch,Enable Rear Touch,,Enable Rear Touch +ggs_network_urls,Network URLs,Network URLs,,Network URLs +ggs_use_sandbox,Use Sandbox,Use Sandbox,,Use Sandbox +ggs_item_group_id,Item Group ID,Item Group ID,,Item Group Id +ggs_publisher,Publisher,Publisher,,Publisher +ggs_publisher_display_name,Publisher Display Name,Publisher Display Name,,Publisher Display Name +ggs_publisher_id,Publisher ID,Publisher ID,,Publisher Id +ggs_package_display_name,Package Display Name,Package Display Name,,Package Display Name +ggs_native_target,Native CPU Target,Native CPU Target,,Native CPU Target +ggs_windows_target_platform_version,Windows Target Platform Version,Windows Target Platform Version,,Windows Target Platform Version +ggs_windows_universal_family_platform_version,Universal family platform version,Universal family platform version,,Universal family platform version +ggs_windows_desktop_family_platform_version,Desktop family platform version,Desktop family platform version,,Desktop family platform version +ggs_windows_xbox_family_platform_version,Xbox family platform version,Xbox family platform version,,Xbox family platform version +ggs_windows_mobile_family_platform_version,Mobile family platform version,Mobile family platform version,,Mobile family platform version +ggs_windows_holographic_family_platform_version,Holographic family platform version,Holographic family platform version,,Holographic family platform version +ggs_windows_team_family_platform_version,Team family platform version,Team family platform version,,Team family platform version +ggs_windows_target_platform_min_version,Windows Target Platform Min Version,Windows Target Platform Min Version,,Windows Target Platform Min Version +ggs_windows_universal_family_platform_min_version,Universal family platform min version,Universal family platform min version,,Universal family platform min version +ggs_windows_desktop_family_platform_min_version,Desktop family platform min version,Desktop family platform min version,,Desktop family platform min version +ggs_windows_xbox_family_platform_min_version,Xbox family platform min version,Xbox family platform min version,,Xbox family platform min version +ggs_windows_mobile_family_platform_min_version,Mobile family platform min version,Mobile family platform min version,,Mobile family platform min version +ggs_windows_holographic_family_platform_min_version,Holographic family platform min version,Holographic family platform min version,,Holographic family platform min version +ggs_windows_team_family_platform_min_version,Team family platform min version,Team family platform min version,,Team family platform min version +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_universal,Support Universal device family,Support Universal device family,,Support Universal device family +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_desktop,Support Desktop device family,Support Desktop device family,,Support Desktop device family +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_xbox,Support Xbox device family,Support Xbox device family,,Support Xbox device family +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_mobile,Support Mobile device family,Support Mobile device family,,Support Mobile device family +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_holographic,Support Holographic device family,Support Holographic device family,,Support Holographic device family +ggs_support_targetdevicefamily_team,Support Team device family,Support Team device family,,Support Team device family +ggs_small_image,Small Image,Small Image,,Small Image +ggs_smallish_image,Medium Image,Medium Image,,Medium Image +ggs_large_image,Large Image,Large Image,,Large Image +ggs_store_image,Store Image,Store Image,,Store Image +ggs_wide_image,Wide Image,Wide Image,,Wide Image +ggs_logo_image,Logo Image,Logo Image,,Logo Image +ggs_logo_background_colour,Logo background colour,Logo background colour,,Logo Background Colour +ggs_logo_foreground_colour,Logo Foreground Text Colour,Logo Foreground Text Colour,,Logo Foreground Text Colour +ggs_splash_background_colour,Splash background colour,Splash background colour,,Splash Background Colour +ggs_certificate_js,Certificate (JS),Certificate (JS),,Certificate (JS) +ggs_certificate_native,Certificate (Native),Certificate (Native),,Certificate (Native) +ggs_save_location,Save Location,Save Location,,Save Location +ggs_software_vertex_processing,Force Software Vertex Processing,Force Software Vertex Processing,,Force Software Vertex Processing +ggs_borderless,Borderless window,Borderless window,,Borderless Window +ggs_textures_on_demand,Create Textures on Demand,Create Textures on Demand,,Create Textures on Demand +ggs_sleep_margin,Sleep margin (ms),Sleep margin (ms),,Sleep Margin in ms +ggs_sleep_margin_windows,Sleep margin (ms) - default 10ms,Sleep margin (ms) - default 10ms,,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms +ggs_sleep_margin_android,Sleep margin (ms) - default 4ms,Sleep margin (ms) - default 4ms,,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms +ggs_alt_sync,Alternate synchronization method,Alternate synchronization method,,Alternate synchronization method +ggs_installer_finished_image,Installer Finished Image,Installer Finished Image,,Installer Finished Image +ggs_installer_header_image,Installer Header Image,Installer Header Image,,Installer Header Image +ggs_license_agreement,Licence Agreement,Licence Agreement,,Licence Agreement +ggs_installer_nsi_script,Installer NSI Script,Installer NSI Script,,Installer NSI Script +ggs_certificate_location,Store certificate location,Store certificate location,,Store Certificate Location +ggs_certificate_publisher,Publisher Name,Publisher Name,,certificate issuer name +ggs_wvga_resolution,Support WVGA Resolution,Support WVGA Resolution,,Support WVGA Resolution +ggs_wxga_resolution,Support WXGA Resolution,Support WXGA Resolution,,Support WXGA Resolution +ggs_720p_resolution,Support 720p Resolution,Support 720p Resolution,,Support 720p Resolution +ggs_genre,Genre,Genre,,Genre +ggs_480_splash,480x800 Splash Screen,480x800 Splash Screen,,480x800 Splash Screen +ggs_720_splash,720x1280 Splash Screen,720x1280 Splash Screen,,720x1280 Splash Screen +ggs_768_splash,768x1280 Splash Screen,768x1280 Splash Screen,,720x1280 Splash Screen +ggs_small_front_flip_image,Small Front Flip Image,Small Front Flip Image,,Small Front Flip Image +ggs_medium_front_flip_image,Medium Front Flip Image,Medium Front Flip Image,,Medium Front Flip Image +ggs_medium_back_flip_image,Medium Back Flip Image,Medium Back Flip Image,,Medium Back Flip Image +ggs_wide_front_flip_image,Wide Front Flip Image,Wide Front Flip Image,,Wide Front Flip Image +ggs_wide_back_flip_image,Wide Back Flip Image,Wide Back Flip Image,,Wide Back Flip Image +ggs_front_flip_content,Front Flip Content,Front Flip Content,,Front Flip Content +ggs_back_flip_content,Back Flip Content,Back Flip Content,,Back Flip Content +ggs_small_iconic,Small Iconic,Small Iconic,,Small Iconic +ggs_wide_iconic,Wide Iconic,Wide Iconic,,Wide Iconic +ggs_iconic_wide_content1,Iconic Wide 1 Content,Iconic Wide 1 Content,,Iconic Wide 1 Content +ggs_iconic_wide_content2,Iconic Wide 2 Content,Iconic Wide 2 Content,,Iconic Wide 2 Content +ggs_iconic_wide_content3,Iconic Wide 3 Content,Iconic Wide 3 Content,,Iconic Wide 3 Content +ggs_iconic_background_colour,Iconic Background Colour,Iconic Background Colour,,Iconic Background Colour +ggs_iconic_message,Iconic Message,Iconic Message,,Iconic Message +ggs_ratings_xml,Ratings XML,Ratings XML,,Ratings XML +ggs_languages_xml,Languages XML,Languages XML,,Languages XML +ggs_title_id,Title ID,Title ID,,Title Id +ggs_service_configuration_id,Service Configuration ID,Service Configuration ID,,Service Configuration Id +ggs_xbox_program_id,Program ID,Program ID,,Program Id +ggs_xboxseriesxs_package_name,Package Name,Package Name,,Package Name +ggs_playfab_party_id,PlayFab Party ID,PlayFab Party ID,,PlayFab Party ID +ggs_require_xbox_live,Require Xbox Live,Require Xbox Live,,Require Xbox Live +ggs_require_game_chat,Require game chat,Require game chat,,Require Game Chat +ggs_game_chat_slots,Max game chat slots,Max game chat slots,,Max game chat slots +ggs_require_audio_recording,Require audio recording,Require audio recording,,Require Audio Recording +ggs_service_config_manifest,Service Manifest,Service Manifest,,Service Config Manifest +ggs_network_config_manifest,Network Manifest,Network Manifest,,Network Config Manifest +ggs_small_logo,Small Logo,Small Logo,,Small Logo +ggs_store_logo,Store Logo,Store Logo,,Store Logo +ggs_medium_logo,Medium Logo,Medium Logo,,Medium Logo +ggs_large_logo,Large Logo,Large Logo,,Large Logo +ggs_wide_logo,Wide Logo,Wide Logo,,Wide Logo +ggs_small_cycle_image,Small Cycle Image,Small Cycle Image,,Small Cycle Image +ggs_wide1_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 1,Wide Cycle Image 1,,Wide Cycle Image 1 +ggs_wide2_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 2,Wide Cycle Image 2,,Wide Cycle Image 2 +ggs_wide3_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 3,Wide Cycle Image 3,,Wide Cycle Image 3 +ggs_wide4_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 4,Wide Cycle Image 4,,Wide Cycle Image 4 +ggs_wide5_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 5,Wide Cycle Image 5,,Wide Cycle Image 5 +ggs_wide6_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 6,Wide Cycle Image 6,,Wide Cycle Image 6 +ggs_wide7_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 7,Wide Cycle Image 7,,Wide Cycle Image 7 +ggs_wide8_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 8,Wide Cycle Image 8,,Wide Cycle Image 8 +ggs_wide9_cycle_image,Wide Cycle Image 9,Wide Cycle Image 9,,Wide Cycle Image 9 +ggs_copy_runner_to_dest,Copy exe to output folder,Copy exe to output folder,,Copy exe to output folder +Import,Import,Import,,Import +Convert,Convert,Convert,,Convert +movedegreerange_description,Workspace keyboard navigation degree range,Workspace keyboard navigation degree range,,Description for degree range of moving a window +resetzoomonmoving_description,Workspace keyboard navigation resets zoom,Workspace keyboard navigation resets zoom,,Description for reset zoom +background_image,Background Image,Background Image,,Background Image +workspacebackground_skin_description,IDE skin,IDE skin,,Label to use to prompt the user to pick a new skin for the IDE +workspacebackgroundfit_description,Image Scaling,Image Scaling,,Description for workspace background fit +showworkspacebackground_description,Show background image on workspaces,Show background image on workspaces,,Description for showing workspace background +adddefaultlayers_description,Add default room layers,Add default room layers,,Description for adding default layers +defaultbackgroundroomcolour_description,Default background layer colour,Default background layer colour,,Description for the default colour for a room background layer +roomdefaultwidth,Default room width,Default room width,,Default width of a room +roomdefaultheight,Default room height,Default room height,,Default height of a room +roomdefaultspeed,The default speed of a new room in frames per second (FPS),The default speed of a new room in frames per second (FPS),,Default speed of a room +exitconfirmation,Automatic response to exit confirmation,Automatic response to exit confirmation,,Exit Confirmation Setting +system_font_changed,Automatic response to the system font changed dialog,Automatic response to the system font changed dialog,,System font changed preference +showcompilewindow,Show the compile window during compilation,Show the compile window during compilation,,Show compile window setting +showsyntaxwindow,Automatically open syntax error window on error detection,Automatically open syntax error window on error detection,,Automatically pop up Syntax Errors when an error occurs setting +showcommandsincompilewindow,Show compiler commands in compile output,Show compiler commands in compile output,,Show Commands in the Compile Window setting +showverbosecompilercommands,Show verbose compiler output,Show verbose compiler output,,Show Verbose Compiler commands setting +usesubstfordrivepaths,Use subst for drive paths,Use subst for drive paths,,Use subst for drive paths to avoid long path errors +temp_location,Temp directory,Temp directory,,Temp location setting +autodeletetempfolder,Automatically delete temp directory on close,Automatically delete temp directory on close,,Auto delete of temp folder setting +deletetempfolder,Delete Temp Folder,Delete Temp Folder,,Delete the temp folder setting +SystemFontChanged_Title,System fonts,System fonts,,System fonts dialog title +SystemFontChanged_Message,A system font has changed. Do you want to apply the changes? Font resources must be regenerated for the changes to take effect.,A system font has changed. Do you want to apply the changes? Font resources must be regenerated for the changes to take effect.,,System font changed dialog message +UpdateSystemFonts_Message,Do you want to refresh system fonts? Font resources must be regenerated for the changes to take effect.,Do you want to refresh system fonts? Font resources must be regenerated for the changes to take effect.,,System font changed dialog message +restoredefaults,Restore defaults,Restore defaults,,Restore default settings +assetcachelocation,Asset cache directory,Asset cache directory,,Location of Asset Cache setting +myprojectslocation,'My Projects' directory,'My Projects' directory,,My Projects location setting +autoreloadchangedfiles,Automatically reload changed files,Automatically reload changed files,,Automatically reload changed files setting +deleteassetcache,Delete Asset Cache,Delete Asset Cache,,Delete the asset cache now +deleteassetcacheonquit,Automatically delete asset cache directory on close,Automatically delete asset cache directory on close,,Delete the asset cache on quit setting +deletetemponquit,Delete temp folder on quit,Delete temp folder on quit,,Delete the temp folder on quit setting +opennewresources,Open new resources for edit on creation,Open new resources for edit on creation,,Open new resources setting +alwaysopendroppedresources,Open new resources for edit on dragging files into IDE,Open new resources for edit on dragging files into IDE,,Setting to stop the IDE from opening new resources via drag/drop +externalswfeditor,SWF files,SWF files,,Path to external swf editor +externalspineeditor,Spine files,Spine files,,Path to external spine editor +androidsdkpath,Path to Android SDK,Path to Android SDK,,Path to Android SDK +clearfontcache,Clear font cache,Clear font cache,,Clear the font cache setting +openscriptsfullscreen,Open scripts in a full screen editor,Open scripts in a full screen editor,,Open scripts in a full screen editor setting +openshadersfullscreen,Open shaders in a full screen editor,Open shaders in a full screen editor,,Open shaders in a full screen editor setting +openobjecteventsfullscreen,Open object events in a full screen editor,Open object events in a full screen editor,,pref full screen object events +openeventtabsinsamewindow,Open event scripts as tabs in same window,Open event scripts as tabs in same window,,Open the event tabs in the same window +openscripttabsinsamewindow,Open linked scripts as tabs in same window,Open linked scripts as tabs in same window,,Open script tabs in the same window +focuspantexteditor,Pan text editor into view on focus,Pan text editor into view on focus,,auto pan text editor on focus +texteditor_defaultwidth,Default code window width,Default code window width,,default code window width +texteditor_defaultheight,Default code window height,Default code window height,,default code window height +texteditor_minwidth,Minimum code window width,Minimum code window width,,min code window width +texteditor_minheight,Minimum code window height,Minimum code window height,,min code window height +webserverport,Help manual port,Help manual port,,The port number to use for the help web server setting +externalbrowserforhelp,Use an external browser for help,Use an external browser for help,,Use an external browser for help setting +use_online_help_pref,Use online manual,Use online manual,,use online manual help pref +imageeditor_buttonchoiceonframedelete,Automatic response to deleting frames,Automatic response to deleting frames,,Automatic button choice on frame deletion setting +imageeditor_choicefortoolchanges,Automatic response to committing changes on tool change,Automatic response to committing changes on tool change,,Choice for tool changes setting +imageeditor_layerlockeddisplay,Automatic response to locked layer warning,Automatic response to locked layer warning,,Layer locked display setting +imageeditor_groupselecteddialog,Automatic response to group selected warning,Automatic response to group selected warning,,Group selected dialog setting +imageeditor_createFromStripConfirm,Automatic response to replacing images during strip import,Automatic response to replacing images during strip import,,create from strip confirm dialog setting +imageeditor_drawthinselection,Draw thin selection outline,Draw thin selection outline,,Draw Thin selection setting +imageeditor_selectioncolour1,Selection outline primary colour,Selection outline primary colour,,Selection colour 1 +imageeditor_selectioncolour2,Selection outline secondary colour,Selection outline secondary colour,,Selection colour 2 +imageeditor_backgroundcolour,Editor background colour,Editor background colour,,Background colour in image editor +imageeditor_transparentbackgroundstyle,Canvas style,Canvas style,,Transparent background style in image editor +imageeditor_expandoverlay,Expand sprite controls overlay by default,Expand sprite controls overlay by default,,Expand sprite controls overlay setting +imageeditor_transparentcolour1,Canvas primary colour,Canvas primary colour,,Transparent background colour 1 in image editor +imageeditor_transparentcolour2,Canvas secondary colour (block pattern style),Canvas secondary colour (block pattern style),,Transparent background colour 2 in image editor +imageeditor_transparentblocksize,Canvas block size (block pattern style),Canvas block size (block pattern style),,Transparent block size in image editor +imageeditor_gridsettings,Grid Settings,Grid Settings,,grid settings pref +imageeditor_defaultloopmode,Default loop mode,Default loop mode,,image editor setting Default playback loop mode +gridsettings_displaygrid,Display grid,Display grid,,GridSettings.DisplayGrid pref +gridsettings_snaptogrid,Snap to grid,Snap to grid,,GridSettings.SnapToGrid pref +gridsettings_xspacing,Grid horizontal spacing (px),Grid horizontal spacing (px),,GridSettings.XSpacing pref +gridsettings_yspacing,Grid vertical spacing (px),Grid vertical spacing (px),,GridSettings.YSpacing pref +gridsettings_colour,Grid line colour,Grid line colour,,GridSettings.Colour pref +arctool_colourofknots,Anchor point colour,Anchor point colour,,Colour of Knots in Arc Tool +arctool_colourofcontrolpoints,Control point colour,Control point colour,,Colour of Control Points in Arc Tool +arctool_colourofcontrollines,Tangent line colour,Tangent line colour,,Colour of Control Lines in Arc Tool +arctool_colourofselectedpoints,Selected point colour,Selected point colour,,Colour of Selected Points in Arc Tool +arctool_sizeofpoints,Point size,Point size,,Size of Points in Arc Tool +objecteditor_buttonchoiceondeletion,Automatic response to deleting event,Automatic response to deleting event,,Automatic button choice on event deletion in Object Editor +patheditor_linecolour,Path colour,Path colour,,Line Colour in Path Editor +patheditor_lineerrorcolour,Invalid path colour,Invalid path colour,,Line Error Colour in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorerrorcolour,Invalid anchor point colour,Invalid anchor point colour,,anchor Error Colour in Path Editor +patheditor_linehighlight,Highlighted path segment colour,Highlighted path segment colour,,Line Highlight in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorcolour,Anchor point colour,Anchor point colour,,Anchor colour in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorhighlight,Selected anchor point colour,Selected anchor point colour,,Anchor highlight colour in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorerrorhighlight,Selected invalid anchor point colour,Selected invalid anchor point colour,,Anchor error highlight colour in Path Editor +patheditor_anchoractive,Mouseover anchor point colour,Mouseover anchor point colour,,Active Anchor colour in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorerroractive,Mouseover invalid anchor point colour,Mouseover invalid anchor point colour,,error Active Anchor colour in Path Editor +patheditor_insertionprecision,Insert path point precision (px),Insert path point precision (px),,Insertion Precision in Path Editor +patheditor_rotatesensitivity,The path rotation sensitivity,The path rotation sensitivity,,Rotation sensitivity in Path Editor +patheditor_scalesensitivity,The path scale sensitivity,The path scale sensitivity,,Scale Sensitivity in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorwidth,Anchor point width,Anchor point width,,Anchor width in Path Editor +patheditor_anchorheight,Anchor point height,Anchor point height,,Anchor Height in Path Editor +patheditor_maskoverlay,Enable mask overlay for point insertion,Enable mask overlay for point insertion,,Mask Overlay in Path Editor +patheditor_maskcolour,Mask overlay colour,Mask overlay colour,,Mask colour in Path editor +resourcetree_duplicatefoldermove,Automatically dismiss duplicate folder error,Automatically dismiss duplicate folder error,,Automatically dismiss duplicate folder error +resourcetree_automaticdeletion,Automatic response to Asset deletion,Automatic response to Asset deletion,,Automatic deletion on resource tree +resourcetree_automaticopenall,Automatic response to opening multiple Assets,Automatic response to opening multiple Assets,,Automatic button choice on opening multiple resources +resourcetree_maxresourcesbeforewarning,Maximum number of Assets to open simultaneously without warning,Maximum number of Assets to open simultaneously without warning,,Max resources to open before showing a warning +roomeditor_automaticparentitemdeletion,Automatic response to parent room item deletion,Automatic response to parent room item deletion,,Automatic parent item deletion in room editor +roomeditor_automaticparentlayerdeletion,Automatic response to parent room layer deletion,Automatic response to parent room layer deletion,,Automatic parent layer deletion in room editor +roomeditor_automaticitemdeletion,Automatic response to room item deletion,Automatic response to room item deletion,,Automatic item deletion in room editor +roomeditor_automaticlayerdeltion,Automatic response to room layer deletion,Automatic response to room layer deletion,,Automatic layer deletion in room editor +roomeditor_automaticacceptitemdrag,Hide warnings when dragging unusable assets onto room layers,Hide warnings when dragging unusable assets onto room layers,,Automatic drag acceptance on invalid items in room editor +roomeditor_automaticacceptitemdrag_createinstancelayer,Create new Instance layers when dragging objects onto unsuitable layers,Create new Instance layers when dragging objects onto unsuitable layers,,Automatic drag acceptance on invalid instance items in room editor +roomeditor_automaticacceptitemdrag_createassetlayer,Create new Asset layers when dragging sequences/sprites onto unsuitable layers,Create new Asset layers when dragging sequences/sprites onto unsuitable layers,,Automatic drag acceptance on invalid asset items in room editor +roomeditor_automaticacceptlayerdrag,Automatic response to invalid layer selection drag error,Automatic response to invalid layer selection drag error,,Automatic layer drag acceptance in room editor +roomeditor_automaticacceptlockedinvisiblelayerdrag,Automatic response to locked/invisible layer drag error,Automatic response to locked/invisible layer drag error,,Automatic layer drag acceptance for locked or invisible layer in room editor +roomeditor_linkcolour,Chain link colour,Chain link colour,,Link Colour in Room Editor +roomeditor_chainalphafalloff,Chain fade out start distance (px),Chain fade out start distance (px),,Alpha Fall Off of chain in Room Editor +roomeditor_chainalphadistance,Chain fade out stop distance (px),Chain fade out stop distance (px),,Distance of chain alpha fall off in Room Editor +roomeditor_minfalloffalpha,Chain minimum alpha,Chain minimum alpha,,Minimum Alpha fall off in Room Editor +roomeditor_multiselectcolour,Area select highlight colour,Area select highlight colour,,Colour of the multi select area in Room Editor +roomeditor_tileselectcolour,Selected tile highlight colour,Selected tile highlight colour,,Tile Select colour in Room Editor +roomeditor_tilehighlightcolour,Mouseover tile highlight colour,Mouseover tile highlight colour,,Tile Highlight Colour in Room Editor +roomeditor_tileinheritcolour,Inherited tile highlight colour,Inherited tile highlight colour,,Tile Inherit colour in Room Editor +roomeditor_showviews,Show room views,Show room views,,Show Views in Room Editor +roomeditor_volume,Volume,Volume,,Volume in Room Editor +roomeditor_mastervolume,Master Volume Setting,Master Volume Setting,,room editor master volume +timeline_noundoactions,Automatic response to permanent action warning,Automatic response to permanent action warning,,No Undo Actions in Timeline Editor +timeline_opennewmoments,Open new moments for edit on creation,Open new moments for edit on creation,,Open newly created moments for editing preference +CMenu_CloseAllButThis,Close All But This,Close All But This,,Close all but this context menu +CMenu_Restore,Restore,Restore,,Restore context menu +codeeditor_textcolour,Colour of text,Colour of text,,Text Colour in Code Editor +codeeditor_font,Font to use,Font to use,,Font to use in Code Editor +codeeditor_fontstyle,Font Style,Font Style,,Font Style to use in Code Editor +codeeditor_fontaa,Font AA,Font AA,,Anti-Alias Font in Code Editor +codeeditor_textsize,Size of text,Size of text,,Size of Text in Code Editor +codeeditor_normaltext,Normal Text,Normal Text,,Colour of Normal Text in Code Editor +codeeditor_keywords,Keywords,Keywords,,Colour of Keywords in Code Editor +codeeditor_values,Values,Values,,Colour of Values in Code Editor +codeeditor_strings,Strings,Strings,,Colour of Strings in Code Editor +codeeditor_comments,Comments,Comments,,Colour of Comments in Code Editor +codeeditor_constants,Constants,Constants,,Colour of Constants in Code Editor +codeeditor_builtinvariables,Built-in Variables,Built-in Variables,,Colour of Built-in Variables in Code Editor +codeeditor_builtinfunctions,Built-in Functions,Built-in Functions,,Colour of Built-in Functions in Code Editor +codeeditor_scriptnames,Script names,Script names,,Colour of Script names in Code Editor +codeeditor_resourcenames,Resource names,Resource names,,Colour of Resource names in Code Editor +codeeditor_linenumbers,Line numbers,Line numbers,,Colour of Line Numbers in Code Editor +codeeditor_readonlylines,Read only line style,Read only line style,,Style of read only lines in Code Editor +codeeditor_bookmarklines,Bookmark line style,Bookmark line style,,Style of bookmark lines in Code Editor +codeeditor_selectedline,Selected line colour,Selected line colour,,Selected line colour in Code Editor +codeeditor_changedline,Changed line colour,Changed line colour,,Changed line colour in Code Editor +codeeditor_backgroundcolour,Background colour,Background colour,,Colour of Background in Code Editor +codeeditor_selection,Selection colour,Selection colour,,Colour of Selections in Code Editor +codeeditor_currentline,Current line colour,Current line colour,,Colour of current line in Code Editor +codeeditor_errorline,Error line colour,Error line colour,,Colour of Error line in Code Editor +codeeditor_highlight,Highlight colour,Highlight colour,,Colour of higlighted text in code editor +codeeditor_debugger,Debugger colour,Debugger colour,,Colour of line the debugger is on +codeeditor_bracketmatchsuccess,Bracket/quote match colour,Bracket/quote match colour,,Colour of Successful bracket matches in code editor +codeeditor_bracketmatchfail,Failed bracket/quote match colour,Failed bracket/quote match colour,,Colour of failed bracket matches in code editor +codeeditor_statusbarselected,Pre cursor intellisense colour,Pre cursor intellisense colour,,Status Bar selection colour in code editor +codeeditor_intellisenseleft,Post cursor intellisense colour,Post cursor intellisense colour,,Colour of intellisense left in Code Editor +codeeditor_whitespacestyle,White space text style,White space text style,,White space style in Code Editor +codeeditor_keeptabs,Keep tabs,Keep tabs,,Keep Tabs in Code Editor +codeeditor_tabsize,Tab size,Tab size,,Tab Size in Code Editor +codeeditor_showwhitespace,Show whitespace,Show whitespace,,Show Whitespace in Code Editor +codeeditor_showlinenumbers,Show line numbers,Show line numbers,,Show Line Numbers in Code Editor +codeeditor_showtablines,Show tab lines,Show tab lines,,Show Tab Lines in Code Editor +codeeditor_colourcoding,Enable colour coding,Enable colour coding,,Enable Colour Coding in Code Editor +codeeditor_maxlinecount,Document line limit (<=0 no limit),Document line limit (<=0 no limit),,Max Line Count in Code Editor +codeeditor_matchindent,Match indent on new lines,Match indent on new lines,,Match indent in code editor +codeeditor_braceindent,Auto indent after brace,Auto indent after brace,,code editor curly brace indent pref +codeeditor_codecompletion,Enable code completion,Enable code completion,,Enable Code Completion in Code editor +codeeditor_enablebrackets,Auto add function brackets,Auto add function brackets,,Enable adding brackets to functions in Code editor +codeeditor_contextmenu,Enable Context Menu,Enable Context Menu,,Enable Context Menu in Code Editor +codeeditor_columnselect,Allow column selection,Allow column selection,,Allow column selection in Code Editor +codeeditor_breakpoints,Allow breakpoints,Allow breakpoints,,Allow breakpoints in Code Editor +codeeditor_blockcomment,Allow Block Comments,Allow Block Comments,,Allow Block Comments in Code Editor +codeeditor_undostacksize,Undo/Redo stack limit (<0 unlimited),Undo/Redo stack limit (<0 unlimited),,Undo Stack Size in Code Editor +codeeditor_highlightmatches,Highlight selection matches,Highlight selection matches,,Highlight words which match selection in Code Editor +codeeditor_textcolours,Text colours and style,Text colours and style,,Text colours and style in Code Editor +codeeditor_options,Options,Options,,Options for Code Editor +codeeditor_show_obsoletes,Colour coding/code completion enabled for obsolete content,Colour coding/code completion enabled for obsolete content,,code editor show obsolete symbols pref +codeeditor_highlight_pairs,Highlight symbol pairs,Highlight symbol pairs,,code editor highlight matching symbol pairs pref +codeeditor_obsolete_style,Obsolete functions etc,Obsolete functions etc,,code editor text style for obsolete symbols +codeeditor_struct_member_style,Struct members (built in),Struct members (built in),,code editor text style for struct members +codeeditor_braces,Braces,Braces,,code editor text style for braces +codeeditor_folded_region,Folded region,Folded region,,text style for folded #region +codeeditor_folded_region_tag,Folded region name,Folded region name,,text style for folded region tag +codeeditor_tab_lines_colour,Tab lines colour,Tab lines colour,,code editor tab lines colour +dialogeditor_textcolours,Text colours and style,Text colours and style,,Text colours and style in Dialog Editor +dialogeditor_options,Options,Options,,Options in Dialog Editor +sourcecontrolgit_username,Commit username,Commit username,,Username to commit as for source control git +sourcecontrolgit_password,Password for Username,Password for Username,,Password for Username to commit as for source control git +sourcecontrolgit_email,Commit email address,Commit email address,,Email for user to commit as for source control git +sourcecontrolgit_mergetoolpath,Tool location,Tool location,,Path to Tool for source control git +sourcecontrolgit_mergetooloptions,Options for Tool,Options for Tool,,Options for Tool for Source Control Git +sourcecontrolgit_logging_verbose,Verbose logging,Verbose logging,,Verbose Logging for Source Control Git +sourcecontrolgit_externaltoolerror,Source Control (Git) External Tool Error,Source Control (Git) External Tool Error,,Source Control (Git) External Tool Error message title +sourcecontrolgit_nomergetool,Merge Tool path is invalid,Merge Tool path is invalid,,Merge Tool path is invalid +sourcecontrolgit_nodifftool,Diff Tool path is invalid,Diff Tool path is invalid,,Diff Tool path is invalid +sourcecontrolgit_automatically_start,Automatically enable source control,Automatically enable source control,,Automatically enable Source Control +ProgressBar_checking_device,Checking Device...,Checking Device...,,Checking Device Connection Progress Bar Label +ProgressBar_detecting_devices,Detecting Devices...,Detecting Devices...,,Detecting Devices Progress Bar label +ProgressBar_runtime_delete,Deleting Runtime...,Deleting Runtime...,,Deleting Runtime Progress Bar Label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_push,Pushing...,Pushing...,,Push progress label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_pull,Pulling...,Pulling...,,Pull progress label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_checkout,Checking Out...,Checking Out...,,Checkout progress label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_revert_files,Reverting Files...,Reverting Files...,,Revert Files progress label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_revert_revision,Reverting Revision...,Reverting Revision...,,Revert Revision progress label +ProgressBar_sourcecontrolgit_clone,Cloning...,Cloning...,,Clone progress label +ProgressBar_converting,Converting...,Converting...,,Converting progress label +ExternalEditor_FailedToOpen,Failed to open external editor {0}.,Failed to open external editor {0}.,,Failed to open external editor message +desktop_slowclicktime,Slow double-click time (ms),Slow double-click time (ms),,Slow double-click time in milliseconds +desktop_scrolllocktime,Scroll lock time (ms),Scroll lock time (ms),,The time in milliseconds to lock scrolling to the gadget scrolling started on as long as the mouse is still over it +desktop_acpowerspeed,AC power framerate (%),AC power framerate (%),,Speed of IDE while running on AC power +desktop_batterypowerspeed,Battery power framerate (%),Battery power framerate (%),,Speed of IDE while running on battery power +desktop_focuspowerspeed,Background framerate (%),Background framerate (%),,% when application is not in focus +desktop_scrollspeed,Scroll speed,Scroll speed,,scroll speed preference +desktop_textselectionbias,Add bias to text selection to prevent line jumping,Add bias to text selection to prevent line jumping,,Text selection bias +Desktop_EnableLaptopMode,Enable Laptop Mode on all devices,Enable Laptop Mode on all devices,,Preference to allow users to enable laptop mode on all devices +folderwatcher_frequency,File watcher frequency (ms),File watcher frequency (ms),,File watcher frequency in milliseconds +folderwatcher_laptopfrequency,Laptop file watcher frequency (ms),Laptop file watcher frequency (ms),,File watcher frequency in milliseconds on laptops +filewatcher_enabled,Enable File Watcher,Enable File Watcher,,enable file watcher pref +prefs_logout_on_exit,Logout on exit,Logout on exit,,logout on exit pref +ggs_enable_steam,Enable steam,Enable steam,,Enable Steam +ggs_steam_alternative_launcher,Use alternative launcher for Steam application,Use alternative launcher for Steam application,,"Use alternative launcher for Steam application when running from Steam IDE, this allows the correct Steam application id to be used by a game launched from the Steam IDE" +ggs_disable_sandbox,Disable file system sandbox,Disable file system sandbox,,Disable file system sandbox +ggs_use_x64,Use x64 Windows Runtime,Use x64 Windows Runtime,,Use x64 Windows Runtime +ggs_steam_id,Steam ID,Steam ID,,Steam Id +ggs_enable_iap_sandbox,Enable IAP sandbox,Enable IAP sandbox,,Enable IAP Sandbox +ggs_tile_type,Type of Tiles to display,Type of Tiles to display,,Type of Tiles to display +ggs_tiles_flip,Flip tiles,Flip tiles,,Flip tiles +ggs_tiles_iconic,Iconic tiles,Iconic tiles,,Iconic tiles +ggs_tiles_cycle,Cycle tiles,Cycle tiles,,Cycle tiles +ggs_new_guid,Create New GUID,Create New GUID,,Create New GUID +ggs_new_id,Create New ID,Create New ID,,Create New ID +ggs_short_circuit_evaluations,Enable Short Circuit Evaluations,Enable Short Circuit Evaluations,,Enable Short Circuit Evaluations +ggs_delete_event_on_room_change,Delete Event on Room Changes,Delete Event on Room Changes,,Delete Event on Room Changes +ggs_use_fast_collisions,Enable Fast Collisions,Enable Fast Collisions,,Enable Fast Collisions +ggs_game_speed,Game frames per second,Game frames per second,,Game Frames Per Second +ggs_game_identifier,Game Identifier,Game Identifier,,Game Identifier +ggs_game_guid,Game GUID,Game GUID,,Game GUID +ggs_isdnd,Use DnD™ as default script type,Use DnD™ as default script type,,Project code type +ggs_mips_for_3d_textures,Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages,Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages,,Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages +TargetSelection_RequiresWorker,Requires Worker,Requires Worker,,label for when a selected platform requires a worker +TargetSelection_RequiresWindowsPC,Requires Windows PC,Requires Windows PC,,remote worker not available on mac +TargetSelection_Worker,Worker:,Worker:,,the list title for target selecting worker +TargetSelection_Platform,Platform:,Platform:,,the list title for target selecting platform +TargetSelection_Config,Config:,Config:,,the list title for target selecting config +TargetSelection_Device,Device:,Device:,,the list title for target selecting device +TargetSelection_Runtime,Output:,Output:,,the list title for target selecting runtime +TargetSelection_Platform_Test,Test,Test,,the teset platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_Windows,Windows,Windows,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the windows platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_windowsuap,Windows UWP,Windows UWP,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the windows uwp platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_WinPhone8,Windows Phone 8,Windows Phone 8,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the windows phone platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_Mac,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the mac platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_Linux,Ubuntu,Ubuntu,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the linux platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_HTML5,HTML5,HTML5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the html5 platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_android,Android,Android,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the android platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_AmazonFire,Amazon Fire,Amazon Fire,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the Amazon Fire platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_ios,iOS,iOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the apple iOS platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_tvos,tvOS,tvOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the apple tvOS platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_ps4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,,the ps4 platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_ps5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,,the ps5 platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_xboxone,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the xbox one platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_xboxseriesxs,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the Xbox Series X/S platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_wasm,WASM,WASM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the WASM platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_operagx,Opera GX,Opera GX,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the opera gx platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Runtime_VM,VM,VM,, the VM (Virtual Machine) title in the runtime selection list +TargetSelection_Runtime_YYC,YYC,YYC,DO NOT TRANSLATE, the yyc title in the runtime selection list +TargetSelection_Runtime_Javascript,JavaScript,JavaScript,DO NOT TRANSLATE, the javascript title in the runtime selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Local,Local,Local,, the local device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Default,Default,Default,, the default device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Device,Device,Device,, the 'device' device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator,Simulator,Simulator,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPad2,Simulator - iPad 2,Simulator - iPad 2,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPadAir,Simulator - iPad Air,Simulator - iPad Air,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPadAir2,Simulator - iPad Air 2,Simulator - iPad Air 2,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPadPro,Simulator - iPad Pro,Simulator - iPad Pro,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPadRetina,Simulator - iPad Retina,Simulator - iPad Retina,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone4S,Simulator - iPhone 4S,Simulator - iPhone 4S,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone5,Simulator - iPhone 5,Simulator - iPhone 5,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone5S,Simulator - iPhone 5S,Simulator - iPhone 5S,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone6,Simulator - iPhone 6,Simulator - iPhone 6,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone6Plus,Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus,Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone6S,Simulator - iPhone 6,Simulator - iPhone 6,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Simulator_iPhone6SPlus,Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus,Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus,, the simulator device title in the device selection list +TargetSelection_Device_Editor,Device Editor,Device Editor,,the device editor window title +TargetSelection_Device_Editor_Tooltop,Open Device Editor,Open Device Editor,,the device editor button tooltip +TargetSelection_Device_Editor_Cancel,"This will lose any unapplied changes you have made - do you want to continue?","This will lose any unapplied changes you have made - do you want to continue?",,Cancelling the device manager does this +TargetSelection_Worker_Local,Local,Local,,Local worker target +TargetSelection_Config_Editor,Edit Configs,Edit Configs,,edit configs +DnDModule_ToolboxWindow,Toolbox,Toolbox,,The Drag and Drop™ toolbox when in a standalone window +DnDModule_CodeOutputWindow,Equivalent Code,Equivalent Code,,The Drag and Drop™ equivalent code window for nodes +DnDModule_Toolbox_Title,Toolbox,Toolbox,,The toolbox title when docked +DnDModule_Toolbox_Recent,Recently Used,Recently Used,,Toolbox recent category +DnDModule_Toolbox_Favorites,Favourites,Favourites,,Toolbox favourites category +DnDModule_Toolbox_SearchText,Search...,Search...,,Toolbox search placeholder text +fonteditor_aa_default,Default,Default,,Default setting for font AA +use_default,Use Default,Use Default,,Use Default setting +desktop_unmaxdragdist,Tab drag distance to unmaximise desktop (px),Tab drag distance to unmaximise desktop (px),,Distance in pixels the tab must be dragged before it will unmaximise the desktop +SaveProjectAs_UnsafeLocationMessage,The location you have chosen is unsafe.\n\nAre you sure you want to save to '{0}'?,The location you have chosen is unsafe.\n\nAre you sure you want to save to '{0}'?,,Warning message if the user tries to save to a daft location +SaveProjectAs_DeleteExisting,Are you sure you want to delete all files in '{0}'?,Are you sure you want to delete all files in '{0}'?,,Confirmation for deleting an existing project and related files +SplashScreen_PluginLoadFailed,Failed to load a required plug-in. Please try restarting GameMaker Studio 2. If the problem persists please reinstall GameMaker Studio 2.,Failed to load a required plug-in. Please try restarting GameMaker Studio 2. If the problem persists please reinstall GameMaker Studio 2.,,Error message when you fail to load a required plugin dll +SplashScreen_PluginLoadFailedTitle,Failed to load a required plug-in,Failed to load a required plug-in,,Title for error message when you fail to load a required plugin dll +SplashScreen_LaunchProjectNotFound,Project '{0}' does not exist,Project '{0}' does not exist,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument but the file was not found +SplashScreen_LaunchProjectInvalid,'{0}' is not a valid GameMaker Studio 2 project,'{0}' is not a valid GameMaker Studio 2 project,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument of a non .yyp file +SplashScreen_LaunchProjectFailed,Launch Project Failed,Launch Project Failed,,Message dialog title when the program was launched with a file command argument but it has failed +SplashScreen_LaunchImportTrialDenied,Cannot import project '{0}' with a Trial Licence,Cannot import project '{0}' with a Trial Licence,,launch yyz project import blocked by free licence msg +LicensedModulesError,Your licence does not have this module enabled,Your licence does not have this module enabled,,Message Dialog for when a user tries to build/run a target their licence doesn't have +DnD_Pref_ToolboxLocation,DnD™ toolbox default location,DnD™ toolbox default location,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_StoryMode,DnD™ node overview visibility mode,DnD™ node overview visibility mode,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_CollapseToolbox,Hide docked DnD™ toolboxes if floating DnD™ toolbox is open,Hide docked DnD™ toolboxes if floating DnD™ toolbox is open,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_ChainThickness,Thickness of the chain that connects DnD™ actions,Thickness of the chain that connects DnD™ actions,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_CollapseStory,Hide DnD™ node overview panel,Hide DnD™ node overview panel,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_MaxThumbSize,Maximum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,Maximum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_MinThumbSize,Minimum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,Minimum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_ThumbSize,Default size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,Default size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_RecentlyUsed,Maximum number of recently used actions to display,Maximum number of recently used actions to display,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_ChainSmoothness,The smoothness of the chain.,The smoothness of the chain.,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_DragTime,Mouse down time to start dragging node (ms),Mouse down time to start dragging node (ms),,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_CommentStyle,Comment text style,Comment text style,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Message_Error_Prefix,ERROR:,ERROR:,,DnD™ message prefix +DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxError,The "{0}" node is causing an invalid program flow. Move it to a correct location.,The "{0}" node is causing an invalid program flow. Move it to a correct location.,,DnD™ message syntax error +DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxInsertionTitle,Invalid Insertion,Invalid Insertion,,DnD™ pop up title for below message +DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxInsertion,Inserting {0} at this location would result in an invalid program.,Inserting {0} at this location would result in an invalid program.,,DnD™ pop up message for invalid syntax insertion +ggs_webserver_port,Web Server Port,Web Server Port,,Webserver Port +ggs_webserver_ips,Allowed Web Server IPs,Allowed Web Server IPs,,Allowed IPs to connect to the debug webserver +ggs_browser_path,Path to Browser,Path to Browser,,Path to Browser to use for testing HTML5 +Views_Menu_SyntaxErrors,Syntax Errors,Syntax Errors,,Open Syntax Errors Window +SyntaxErrors,Syntax Errors,Syntax Errors,,Syntax Errors +SyntaxErrors_NoErrors,There are no syntax errors detected!,There are no syntax errors detected!,,No Syntax Errors found message +Project_DirectoryLost_Message,Project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will be unable to save progress until the directory is reconnected,Project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will be unable to save progress until the directory is reconnected,,message box contents when the project directory has been unavailable for a few minutes +Project_DirectoryLost_Title,Project Directory Unavailable,Project Directory Unavailable,,message box title when the project directory has been unavailable for a few minutes +Project_InheritedDirectoryLost_Message,"Base project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will not receive notifications for changes","Base project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will not receive notifications for changes",,message box contents when the project directory has been unavailable for a few minutes +Project_InheritedDirectoryLost_Title,Base Project Directory Unavailable,Base Project Directory Unavailable,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been unavailable for a few minutes +Project_DirectoryReconnected_Message,"Project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project or save? \n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","Project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project or save? \n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected +Project_DirectoryReconnected_Title,Project Directory Reconnected,Project Directory Reconnected,,message box title when the project directory has been reconnected +Project_InheritedDirectoryReconnected_Message,"Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?","Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected +Project_InheritedDirectoryReconnected_Title,Base Project Directory Reconnected,Base Project Directory Reconnected,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been reconnected +Project_LargeChanges_Message,"Project directory '{0}' has had a large number of changes detected. Would you like to reload the project, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","Project directory '{0}' has had a large number of changes detected. Would you like to reload the project, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow +Project_LargeChanges_Title,Project Directory Modified,Project Directory Modified,,message box title when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow +Project_InheritedLargeChanges_Message,"Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?","Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow +Project_InheritedLargeChanges_Title,Base Project Directory Modified,Base Project Directory Modified,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow +ProjectReconnected_Reload,Reload,Reload,,button message for reloading the project +ProjectReconnected_Save,Save,Save,,button message for saving the project +ProjectReconnected_Delete,Delete,Delete,,button message for deleting resources +Project_Changes_Message,"Changes detected in project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","Changes detected in project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,message box contents when the project directory has detected changes +Project_Changes_Title,Project Directory Modified,Project Directory Modified,,message box title when the project directory has detected changes +Project_Deletions_Title,Resources have been deleted,Resources have been deleted,,Resources have been deleted +Project_Deletions_Message,"Resources have been deleted from disk in '{0}'. You can re-save these, or delete the resources from the project.\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","Resources have been deleted from disk in '{0}'. You can re-save these, or delete the resources from the project.\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,Message to show that resources have been deleted and the user can either restore or save them +Project_InheritedChanges_Message,"Changes detected in base project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","Changes detected in base project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,message box contents when the project directory has detected changes +Project_InheritedChanges_Title,Project Directory Modified,Project Directory Modified,,message box title when the project directory has detected changes +Project_ProjFileChanged_Message,"The main project file '{0}' has changed. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","The main project file '{0}' has changed. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",,message box contents when the main project file has changed +Project_ProjFileChanged_Title,Project Modified,Project Modified,,message box title when the main project file has changed +Project_Deleted_Title,Project Deleted,Project Deleted,,message box title when a project has been deleted +Project_Deleted_Message,"The project file '{0}' was deleted. Your project will now be closed.","The project file '{0}' was deleted. Your project will now be closed.",,Error message telling the user the project has been deleted +keystore_filename,Filename,Filename,,Keystore Filename +keystore_password,Password,Password,,Keystore Password +keystore_alias,Alias,Alias,,Keystore Alais +keystore_commonname,Common Name,Common Name,,Keystore Common Name +keystore_organisationalunit,Organisational Unit,Organisational Unit,,Keystore Organisational Unit +keystore_organisation,Organisation,Organisation,,Keystore Organisation +keystore_location,Location,Location,,Keystore Location +keystore_country,Country,Country,,Keystore Country +keystore_keyhash,Key Hash,Key Hash,,Keystore Key Hash +keystore_keyhash_sha1,Key Hash (SHA1),Key Hash (SHA1),,Keystore SHA1 Key Hash +keystore_show_keyhash,Show Key Hash,Show Key Hash,,Show Keystore Key Hash +keystore_generate_keyhash,Generate Keystore,Generate Keystore,,Generate Keystore Key Hash +android_checksdk,Check Android SDK,Check Android SDK,,Check Android SDK setup correctly +android_checkndk,Check Android NDK,Check Android NDK,,Check Android NDK setup correctly +android_issdkvalid,Is Android SDK Valid,Is Android SDK Valid,,Is Android SDK valid +android_sdkvalid,Android SDK Valid,Android SDK Valid,,Android SDK is valid +android_sdknotvalid,Android SDK Not Valid,Android SDK Not Valid,,Android SDK is not valid +android_sdknotvalid_nokeystore,Android SDK Not Valid - Missing Keystore,Android SDK Not Valid - Missing Keystore,,Android SDK Not Valid - Missing Keystore +android_sdknotvalid_invalidjdk,Android SDK Not Valid - Invalid JDK,Android SDK Not Valid - Invalid JDK,,Android SDK Not Valid - Invalid JDK +android_sdknotvalidated,Android SDK Not Validated,Android SDK Not Validated,,Android SDK is not validated +android_isndkvalid,Is Android NDK Valid,Is Android NDK Valid,,Is Android NDK valid +android_ndkvalid,Android NDK Valid,Android NDK Valid,,Android NDK is valid +android_ndknotvalid,Android NDK Not Valid,Android NDK Not Valid,,Android NDK is not valid +android_ndknotvalidated,Android NDK Not Validated,Android NDK Not Validated,,Android NDK is not validated +android_sdklocation,Android SDK Location,Android SDK Location,,Location of Android SDK +android_ndklocation,Android NDK Location,Android NDK Location,,Location of Android NDK +android_jdklocation,Java JDK Location,Java JDK Location,,Location of Java JDK +android_fullinstall,Always do full install of APK,Always do full install of APK,,Always do full install of APK +android_packageinstall,Install on package,Install on package,,Install on Package +android_maxheapsize,JDK maximum heap size (GB),JDK maximum heap size (GB),,Android build system max heap size +android_maxheapsize_tooltip,Gigabytes of RAM the Android build is allowed to use,Gigabytes of RAM the Android build is allowed to use,,Android build system max heap size tooltip +android_usemac,Use Mac for ADB connection,Use Mac for ADB connection,,Use Mac for ADB connection +android_macadbpath,ADB Path on Mac,ADB Path on Mac,,ADB Path on Mac +android_ipaddress,IP Address,IP Address,,IP Address +android_keystore,Android Keystore,Android Keystore,,Android Keystore +android_keystorepath,Path to Keystore,Path to Keystore,,Path to Keystore +android_keystore_warning1,IMPORTANT! Backup keystore files and info above!,IMPORTANT! Backup keystore files and info above!,,IMPORTANT! Backup keystore files and info above! +android_keystore_warning2,"If lost, you cannot submit app updates to Google Play or Amazon","If lost, you cannot submit app updates to Google Play or Amazon",,If lost you cannot submit app updates to Google Play or Amazon +android_package_name_invalid_title,Package name is invalid,Package name is invalid,,Android package name is invalid +android_package_name_invalid,Individual package name parts may only start with a letter and cannot be a reserved Java keyword,Individual package name parts may only start with a letter and cannot be a reserved Java keyword,,Android package name is invalid message and why +clearoutputwindowoncompile,Clear output window on compile start,Clear output window on compile start,,Option to clear the output window on each compile +autostopbeforepackage,Automatically Stop Running before packaging,Automatically Stop Running before packaging,,Option to automatically Stop Running before packaging +openpackagesinexplorer,Show package in ${explorer} on build completion,Show package in ${explorer} on build completion,,Setting in Preferences General Compiling +Build_StopBeforeRun,Stop the current running project before running again?,Stop the current running project before running again?,,Stop the current running project before running again? +Build_NoDebugInYYC,"You cannot debug a project while using YYC, running using VM instead.","You cannot debug a project while using YYC, running using VM instead.",,Dialog shown when trying to debug a build whilst YYC is selected +Configuration_Problem,Configuration Problem,Configuration Problem,,There is a configuration problem with preferences or platform options +Build_AndroidSDK_NotFound,The path to the Android SDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,The path to the Android SDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,,The path to the Android SDK is wrong +Build_AndroidNDK_NotFound,The path to the Android NDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,The path to the Android NDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,,The path to the Android NDK is wrong +Build_AndroidJDK_NotFound,The path to the Java JDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,The path to the Java JDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly,,The path to the Java JDK is wrong +Build_Android_NoArchs,No Architectures have been specified in the Android Options,No Architectures have been specified in the Android Options,,No Architectures were selected in the Android options +Build_Android_NoKeystore,No Keystore has been set in the Android Preferences,No Keystore has been set in the Android Preferences,,No Keystore has been set in the Android Preferences +Build_AmazonFire_NoKeystore,No Keystore has been set in the Amazon Fire Preferences,No Keystore has been set in the Amazon Fire Preferences,,No Keystore has been set in the Amazon Fire Preferences +Layer_Depth,Depth,Depth,,the layer depth property caption +stopbeforerun,Automatic response to restarting a running build,Automatic response to restarting a running build,,Automatic choice for stopping a current running build before running again. +maxparalleljobscompiling,Maximum parallel compile jobs,Maximum parallel compile jobs,,Maximum amount of jobs to use when compiling +debugyycwarning,Automatic response to warning when attempting to debug YYC,Automatic response to warning when attempting to debug YYC,,Preference to turn off the dialog warning the user that this run action will be completed in the VM not YYC +UseDefaultLicenseAgreement,Use Default Licence Agreement,Use Default Licence Agreement,,Use Default Licence Agreement +UseDefaultNSISScript,Use Default NSIS Script,Use Default NSIS Script,,Use Default NSIS Script +ObjectEditor_DefaultCodeComment,/// @description Insert description here\n// You can write your code in this editor,/// @description Insert description here\n// You can write your code in this editor,Do not translate @description and leave in /// and // at the start of each line,Object editor module default text for new events +ObjectEditor_DefaultEventComment,Default event content,Default event content,,Default Code Event Comment to use +ObjectEditor_ShowDefaultHelpPref,Add default event content,Add default event content,,Object editor module default text preference +ObjectEditor_InheritedEventAlpha,Inherited Events Alpha,Inherited Events Alpha,,object editor ghosted events alpha setting +ObjectEditor_EventFormatPref,Event label format (unchecked items are shown in the tooltip),Event label format (unchecked items are shown in the tooltip),,event label format preference title +ObjectEditor_EventOpenPref,Click to open Event method,Click to open Event method,,event open click preference +ObjectEditor_EventDeletePref,Automatic choice on event deletion,Automatic choice on event deletion,,Event deletion preference +ObjectEditor_EventDeleteMessage,Are you sure you want to delete this event and its contents?,Are you sure you want to delete this event and its contents?,,Are you sure about deleting the event message text +ScriptEditor_ShowDefaultCommentPref,Add default script content,Add default script content,,script default comment text preference +ScriptEditor_DefaultScriptCommentLabel,Default script content,Default script content,,Default script comment label +ListBoxEnum_eEventClickType_SingleClick,Single-Click,Single-Click,,single click enum +ListBoxEnum_eEventClickType_DoubleClick,Double-Click,Double-Click,,double click enum +EventLabelFormat_Name,Event Name,Event Name,,event label format name item +EventLabelFormat_Description,Event Description,Event Description,,event label format description item +EventLabelFormat_ParentObject,Parent Object,Parent Object,,event label format parent object item +DnD_ReservedTagName,The tag name {0} is reserved and cannot be used.,The tag name {0} is reserved and cannot be used.,,DnDGadget reserved tag name warning +DnD_ReservedTagName_Title,Reserved Tag Name,Reserved Tag Name,,DnDGadget reserved tag name warning message title +Room_InvalidDepthsImportedLog,"Imported layer depths for room(s) '{0}' were not adequately spaced. Unless updated this will have undefined results in game.","Imported layer depths for room(s) '{0}' were not adequately spaced. Unless updated this will have undefined results in game.",,conversion log message where layer depths are invalid and have not been adjusted +Room_InvalidDepthsImportedMessage,Imported layer depths for rooms listed below are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? This may require updating scripts where depth values have been used. \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths but will have undefined results in game.,Imported layer depths for rooms listed below are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? This may require updating scripts where depth values have been used. \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths but will have undefined results in game.,, message when importing a project which has invalid layer depths +Room_AutoDepthUpdateMessage,"User defined layer depths are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths, but will have undefined results in game.","User defined layer depths are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths, but will have undefined results in game.",,the message when a user tries to put too many layers between their user defined layers such that we can't create unique depths. +Room_AutoDepthUpdateTitle,Layer Depth Error,Layer Depth Error,,message title when the user has given invalid layer depths +roomdefaultstep,Default layer depth spacing,Default layer depth spacing,,the preference label for auto depth layer spacing +room_autodepthchoice,Automatic response to updating layer depths,Automatic response to updating layer depths,,preference label for the auto depth confirmation dialog preference +DnDConvert_Warning,You are performing a one-way conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?,You are performing a one-way conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?,,Object editor convert dnd to script warning +DnDConvert_WarningTitle,Convert DnD™,Convert DnD™,,object editor dnd convert warning title +TimelineEditor_ConvertMerge,Merging the selected moments will result in conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?,Merging the selected moments will result in conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?,,Merge warning +TimelineDnD_ConvertOpposite,Opposite,Opposite,,Convert dnd or script to opposite type +Settings_DnDConvert,Automatic response to DnD™ conversion to GameMaker Language,Automatic response to DnD™ conversion to GameMaker Language,,DnD™ convert pref +Settings_DnDDeleteNode,Automatic response to DnD™ node deletion,Automatic response to DnD™ node deletion,,DnD™ deletion pref +DnDModule_DeleteNodeMsg,Are you sure you want to delete this DnD™ action?,Are you sure you want to delete this DnD™ action?,,DnD delete message +DnDModule_ConvertToScript,Convert to GML,Convert to GML,,DnD™ module convert to gml context menu +DnDModule_AddComment,Comment...,Comment...,,Add a comment to a DnD™ script +DnDModule_RemoveComment,Remove Comment,Remove Comment,,Remove a comment from a DnD™ script +DnDModule_RemoveComments,Remove Comments,Remove Comments,,Remove comments from a DnD™ script +DnDModule_Window,Window,Window,,Window submenu +dpi_percentage,% of native DPI,% of native DPI,,Slider to control percentage of DPI +dpi_raw,Raw DPI value,Raw DPI value,,Raw value of DPI to override with +DnDModule_ResetLayout,Reset Layout,Reset Layout,,DnD™ module reset layout context menu +ggs_support_lib,Support Library,Support Library,,Support Library +BackgroundLayer_AnimationFPS,Animation Speed:,Animation Speed:,,The caption for the background layer animation fps property +ListViewExplorer_None,None,None,,None resource +ListViewExplorer_GoBack,Back,Back,,Back item +ListView_SearchResultsSingular,{0} item,{0} item,,ListView search results label +ListView_SearchResultsPlural,{0} items,{0} items,,ListView search results label +ListViewExplorer_CancelSearch,Cancel,Cancel,,ListView cancel search label +DnDModule_ApplyToExplorer,Applies To...,Applies To...,,Apply to list view explorer title +DnDModule_ApplyTo_Self,Self,Self,,Apply to self caption +DnDModule_ApplyTo_Other,Other,Other,,Apply to other caption +DnDModule_ApplyTo_All,All,All,,Apply to all caption +DnDModule_ApplyTo_Expression,Expression,Expression,,Apply To expression label +RoomEditor_DockTab,Room Editor,Room Editor,,The default tab name for a tab created by the room editor +keystore_error,Error with Keystore,Error with Keystore,,Error with Keystore +keystore_invalid_alias,Invalid characters in alias,Invalid characters in alias,,Invalid characters in alias +keystore_invalid_password,Invalid characters in password,Invalid characters in password,,Invalid characters in password +keystore_invalid_commonname,Invalid characters in common name,Invalid characters in common name,,Invalid characters in common name +keystore_invalid_orgunit,Invalid characters in organisational unit,Invalid characters in organisational unit,,Invalid characters in organisational unit +keystore_invalid_org,Invalid characters in organisation,Invalid characters in organisation,,Invalid characters in organisation +keystore_invalid_location,Invalid characters in location,Invalid characters in location,,Invalid characters in location +keystore_invalid_country,Invalid characters in country,Invalid characters in country,,Invalid characters in country +keystore_small_pass,Password must be longer than 5 characters,Password must be longer than 5 characters,,Password must be longer than 5 characters +keystore_jdk_error,JDK not installed correctly at location entered in Android Platform Settings,JDK not installed correctly at location entered in Android Platform Settings,,JDK install error +keystore_show_error,Could not process Keystore; may be corrupt or have incorrect password,Could not process Keystore; may be corrupt or have incorrect password,,Keystore error during processing +keystore_small_alias,Alias password must be longer than 5 characters,Alias password must be longer than 5 characters,,Alias password must be longer than 5 characters +keystore_invalid_alias_password,Invalid characters in alias password,Invalid characters in alias password,,Invalid characters in alias password +GMXTextureGroup_BadId,The Texture Group for sprite '{0}' is invalid - setting to Default Texture Group instead,The Texture Group for sprite '{0}' is invalid - setting to Default Texture Group instead,,Error message on importing that a sprite texture group is wrong +ggs_enable_flurry,Enable Flurry Analytics,Enable Flurry Analytics,,Enable Flurry Analytics +ggs_enable_google_analytics,Enable Google Analytics,Enable Google Analytics,,Enable Google Analytics +ggs_google_analytics_id,Google Analytics ID,Google Analytics ID,,Google Analytics Id +ggs_flurry_id,Flurry Analytics ID,Flurry Analytics ID,,Flurry Analytics Id +ggs_advertising_type,Advertising Type,Advertising Type,,Advertising Type +ggs_use_test_ads,Use Test Ads,Use Test Ads,,Use Test Ads +ggs_enable_advertising,Enable Advertising,Enable Advertising,,Enable Advertising +ggs_advertising_key0,Key 0,Key 0,,Key 0 +ggs_advertising_key1,Key 1,Key 1,,Key 1 +ggs_advertising_key2,Key 2,Key 2,,Key 2 +ggs_advertising_key3,Key 3,Key 3,,Key 3 +ggs_advertising_key4,Key 4,Key 4,,Key 4 +wasm_package_title,OperaGX Packaging,OperaGX Packaging,,Title for dialog performing the packing for the OperaGX Target (upload to GXC) +wasm_login,Sign-In to Opera,Sign-In to Opera,,Button label for OperaGX packaging +wasm_view_on_web,Edit Game on Opera,Edit Game on Opera,,Button label for OperaGX packaging +wasm_out_start_login,Starting Sign-In to Opera,Starting Sign-In to Opera,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_compiling,Compiling...,Compiling...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_refreshing_token,Refreshing OAuth2 Token,Refreshing OAuth2 Token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_uploading,Uploading...,Uploading...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_upload_exiting,GXC Upload Exiting...,GXC Upload Exiting...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_upload_timeout,GXC Upload Timeout...,GXC Upload Timeout...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_upload_success,GXC Upload succeeded,GXC Upload succeeded,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_upload_failed,GXC Upload failed,GXC Upload failed,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_game_created,Game Created!,Game Created!,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_game_create_error,ERROR - Creating Game,ERROR - Creating Game,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_game_list,List of Games Retrieved,List of Games Retrieved,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_game_list_error,ERROR - Retrieving List of Games,ERROR - Retrieving List of Games,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_received,OAuth2 response received,OAuth2 response received,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_exiting,OAuth2 Exiting...,OAuth2 Exiting...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_timeout,OAuth2 Timeout...,OAuth2 Timeout...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_error,ERROR - Unable to refresh OAuth token,ERROR - Unable to refresh OAuth token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_retrieve_error,Failed to retrieve OAuth token,Failed to retrieve OAuth token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +wasm_out_auth_token_success,OAuth2 access token received,OAuth2 access token received,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_package_title,OperaGX Packaging,OperaGX Packaging,,Title for dialog performing the packing for the OperaGX Target (upload to GXC) +operagx_login,Sign-In to Opera,Sign-In to Opera,,Button label for OperaGX packaging +operagx_view_on_web,Edit Game on Opera,Edit Game on Opera,,Button label for OperaGX packaging +operagx_out_start_login,Starting Sign-In to Opera,Starting Sign-In to Opera,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_compiling,Compiling...,Compiling...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_refreshing_token,Refreshing OAuth2 Token,Refreshing OAuth2 Token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_uploading,Uploading...,Uploading...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_upload_exiting,GXC Upload Exiting...,GXC Upload Exiting...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_upload_timeout,GXC Upload Timeout...,GXC Upload Timeout...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_upload_success,GXC Upload succeeded,GXC Upload succeeded,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_upload_failed,GXC Upload failed,GXC Upload failed,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_game_created,Game Created!,Game Created!,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_game_create_error,ERROR - Creating Game,ERROR - Creating Game,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_game_list,List of Games Retrieved,List of Games Retrieved,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_game_list_error,ERROR - Retrieving List of Games,ERROR - Retrieving List of Games,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_received,OAuth2 response received,OAuth2 response received,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_exiting,OAuth2 Exiting...,OAuth2 Exiting...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_timeout,OAuth2 Timeout...,OAuth2 Timeout...,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_error,ERROR - Unable to refresh OAuth token,ERROR - Unable to refresh OAuth token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_retrieve_error,Failed to retrieve OAuth token,Failed to retrieve OAuth token,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +operagx_out_auth_token_success,OAuth2 access token received,OAuth2 access token received,,Output Message tracking Packaging for OperaGX process +windowsuwp_package_arm,Package an ARM build,Package an ARM build,,Package an ARM build +windowsuwp_package_x86,Package an x86 build,Package an x86 build,,Package an x86 build +windowsuwp_package_x64,Package an x64 build,Package an x64 build,,Package an x64 build +win_uwp_package_default_type,Default package architecture,Default package architecture,,Win UWP Preference for package architecture +win_uwp_store_package_default_type,Automatic response to creating store package,Automatic response to creating store package,,Default response for creating store package - sits on same dialogue as package_default_type above +windows_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,Remember Packaging Option?,,Remember Packaging Option? +windows_package_nsis,Package as Installer,Package as Installer,,Package as Installer +windows_package_zip,Package as Zip,Package as Zip,,Package as Zip +windows_package_type,Package Type,Package Type,,Package Type +windows_package_default_type,Default packaging type,Default packaging type,,Default Packaging Type +mac_package_nsis,Package as DMG,Package as DMG,,Package as DMG +mac_package_zip,Package as Zip,Package as Zip,,Package as Zip +mac_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,Remember Packaging Option?,,Remember Packaging Option? +html5_package_loose,Package as Loose Files,Package as Loose Files,,Package as Loose Files +html5_package_zip,Package as Zip,Package as Zip,,Package as Zip +html5_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,Remember Packaging Option?,,Remember Packaging Option? +html5_package_default_type,Default packaging type,Default packaging type,,Default Packaging Type +html5_default_webserver_port,Default Web Server Port,Default Web Server Port,,Default Webserver Port +html5_default_web_address,Default Web Server Address,Default Web Server Address,,Default Webserver Address +html5_default_allowed_ips,Default Web Server Allowed IPs,Default Web Server Allowed IPs,,Default Webserver Allowed IPs +ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_LooseFiles,Package as Loose Files,Package as Loose Files,,Package as Loose Files +ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_Zip,Package as Zip,Package as Zip,,Package as Zip +ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_Show,Show Dialog,Show Dialog,,Show Dialog +windows_uwp_package_upload,Package for Store Upload,Package for Store Upload,,Package for Store Upload +windows_uwp_package_for,Package for:,Package for:,,Followed by a list of architectures to package for +windows_uwp_arm,ARM,ARM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,ARM +windows_uwp_x86,x86,x86,DO NOT TRANSLATE,x86 +windows_uwp_x64,x64,x64,DO NOT TRANSLATE,x64 +windows_uwp_package_no_arch_error,At least one architecture must be selected to create a package,At least one architecture must be selected to create a package,,Error message shown if the user doesn't select any architectures +windows_uwp_package_no_arch_error_title,Error,Error,,Title for error dialog shown when the user hasn't selected any architectures +xbox_package_dev,Developer Package,Developer Package,,Normal Package type used during development +xbox_package_submission,Submission Package (/l),Submission Package (/l),,Package created for final submission to Microsoft +build_no_packaging_on_platform,Packages can not be built for the selected platform,Packages can not be built for the selected platform,,It is not possible to Create Application on this platform +build_no_packaging_on_platform_title,Error,Error,,Title for dialog box shown when trying to Create Application with Test platform selected +ListBoxEnum_WindowsPackageChoice_WindowsPackage_Show,Show Dialog,Show Dialog,,Show Dialog +ListBoxEnum_WindowsPackageChoice_WindowsPackage_Zip,Create Zip Archive,Create Zip Archive,,Create Zip Archive +ListBoxEnum_WindowsPackageChoice_WindowsPackage_Nsis,Create Nsis Installer,Create Nsis Installer,,Create Nsis Installer +ListBoxEnum_WindowsUWPPackageArchitectureChoice_WinUWPPackage_Show,Show Dialog,Show Dialog,,Show Dialog +ListBoxEnum_WindowsUWPPackageArchitectureChoice_WinUWPPackage_X86,Create X86 Package,Create X86 Package,,Create X86 Package +ListBoxEnum_WindowsUWPPackageArchitectureChoice_WinUWPPackage_X64,Create X64 Package,Create X64 Package,,Create X64 Package +ListBoxEnum_WindowsUWPPackageArchitectureChoice_WinUWPPackage_ARM,Create Arm Package,Create Arm Package,,Create Arm Package +ListBoxEnum_MacPackageChoice_MacPackage_Dmg,Create DMG Installer,Create DMG Installer,,Create DMG Installer +ListBoxEnum_MacPackageChoice_MacPackage_Zip,Create Zip Archive,Create Zip Archive,,Create Zip Archive +ListBoxEnum_MacPackageChoice_MacPackage_Show,Show Dialog,Show Dialog,,Show Dialog +AddWorker_Name,Name,Name,,Worker name +AddWorker_NameTooltip,The name assigned to this worker,The name assigned to this worker,,Worker name +AddWorker_Host,Name/IP,Name/IP,,Worker host name +AddWorker_Host_Tooltip,The host name or IP address,The host name or IP address,,Tool tip for Name/IP +AddWorker_Port,Port,Port,,Port of remote worker +AddWorker_Port_Tooltip,The port to connect to,The port to connect to,,Port of remote worker tooltip +platformdevice_add,Add New Device,Add New Device,,Add New Platform Device +platformdevice_add_browser,Add New Browser,Add New Browser,,Add New Browser +platformdevice_remove,Remove Device,Remove Device,,Remove Platform Device +platformdevice_remove_browser,Remove Browser,Remove Browser,,Remove Browser +platformdevice_displayname,Display Name:,Display Name:,,Platform Device Display Name +platformdevice_installdir,Install Folder:,Install Folder:,,Linux Install Folder +platformdevice_browserpath,Path to Browser:,Path to Browser:,,Path to Browser +platformdevice_browserargs,Browser Command Line Arguments:,Browser Command Line Arguments:,,Browser Command Line Arguments +platformdevice_webserver_port,Web Server Port:,Web Server Port:,,Webserver Port +platformdevice_webserver_ips,Allowed Web Server IPs/Hostnames/CIDR IP Ranges:,Allowed Web Server IPs/Hostnames/CIDR IP Ranges:,,Allowed IPs/Hostnames to connect to the debug webserver +platformdevice_webserver_address,Web Server Address:,Web Server Address:,,The address used when launching a browser +platformdevice_hostname,Host Name:,Host Name:,,Platform Device Host Name +platformdevice_ipaddress,IP Address:,IP Address:,,Platform Device IP Address +platformdevice_pin,PIN:,PIN:,,Platform Device PIN +platformdevice_username,User Name:,User Name:,,Platform Device User Name +platformdevice_password,Password:,Password:,,Platform Device Password +platformdevice_edit_amazonfire_devices,Edit Amazon Fire Devices,Edit Amazon Fire Devices,,Edit Amazon fire Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_android_devices,Edit Android Devices,Edit Android Devices,,Edit Android Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_html5_devices,Edit HTML5 Browsers,Edit HTML5 Browsers,,Edit HTML5 Browsers Window Name +platformdevice_edit_ios_devices,Edit iOS Devices,Edit iOS Devices,,Edit iOS Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_linux_devices,Edit Linux Devices,Edit Linux Devices,,Edit Linux Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_mac_devices,Edit Mac Devices,Edit Mac Devices,,Edit Mac Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_ps3_devices,Edit PS3 Devices,Edit PS3 Devices,,Edit PS3 Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_ps4_devices,Edit PS4 Devices,Edit PS4 Devices,,Edit PS4 Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_psvita_devices,Edit PS Vita Devices,Edit PS Vita Devices,,Edit PS Vita Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_tvos_devices,Edit tvOS Devices,Edit tvOS Devices,,Edit tvOS Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_windows_devices,Edit Windows Devices,Edit Windows Devices,,Edit Windows Devices Window Name +platformdevice_edit_winphone8_devices,Edit Windows Phone 8 Devices,Edit Windows Phone 8 Devices,,Edit Windows Phone 8 Devices +platformdevice_edit_xbone_devices,Edit Xbox One Devices,Edit Xbox One Devices,,Edit Xbox One Devices +platformdevice_detecting,Detecting devices...,Detecting devices...,,Shown when the user has selected to auto-detect devices (iOS mainly) +platformdevice_checkdevice,Test Connection,Test Connection,,Platform Device Check Device Connection +platformdevice_clearkeys,Clear SSH Key,Clear SSH Key,,Platform Device Clear Keys +platformdevice_cleardevices,Clear Devices,Clear Devices,,Platform Devices Clear +platformdevice_detect,Detect Device,Detect Device,,Detect Connected Platform Devices +platformdevice_run_avd,Run AVD,Run AVD,,Run AVD (Android Virtual Device Manager) +platformdevice_android_instructions,"To use Android simulators, Launch Android Studio and select Tools->Android->AVD Manager","To use Android simulators, Launch Android Studio and select Tools->Android->AVD Manager",,Instructions for the Android device editor +ListViewExplorer_Title_SelectResource,Find Resource,Find Resource,,list view explorer generic title for ResourceButton +ListViewExplorer_Prefs_DisplayMode,Display Mode,Display Mode,,Listviewexplorer pref +ListViewExplorer_NewResource,Create New,Create New,,New resource item caption +RoomPathLayer_SelectPath,Select Path,Select Path,,Select path list view explorer caption +platformdevice_deviceguid,Device GUID:,Device GUID:,,Device GUID +platformdevice_status,Device Status:,Device Status:,,Device Status +platformdevice_type,Device Type:,Device Type:,,Device Type +platformdevice_type_device,Device,Device,,Device +platformdevice_type_simulator,Simulator,Simulator,,Simulator +platformdevice_status_unknown,Unknown,Unknown,,Unknown +platformdevice_status_shutdown,Shutdown,Shutdown,,Shutdown +platformdevice_status_not_connected,Not Connected,Not Connected,,Not Connected +platformdevice_status_connected,Connected,Connected,,Connected +platformdevice_launch_simulator,Launch Simulator,Launch Simulator,,Launch Simulator +platformdevice_connection_success,Connection to {0} Successful,Connection to {0} Successful,,Connection Successful to hostname +platformdevice_connection_success_no_devices,Connection to {0} Successful - No Devices found,Connection to {0} Successful - No Devices found,,Connection Successful to hostname but no devices are found +platformdevice_connection_failed,Connection to {0} Failed,Connection to {0} Failed,,Connection Failed to hostname +platformdevice_connection_success_title,Connection Successful,Connection Successful,,Connection Successful title +platformdevice_connection_failed_title,Connection Failed,Connection Failed,,Connection Failed title +platformdevice_connection_no_devices,No Devices found,No Devices found,,no devices are found +AssetExplorer_SelectResource,Select Asset,Select Asset,,Fallback title for asset explorer +AssetExplorer_SelectResourceType,Select {0},Select {0},,select (resource type name) title for asset explorer +AssetExplorer_FilterCaptionGeneric,Showing {0}/{1} filtered items,Showing {0}/{1} filtered items,,Title for filtered items in asset explorer +ParserError_DnD,{0} in DnD™ action {1},{0} in DnD™ action {1},,DnD™ parser error message +GadgetToolbox_ListView,List View,List View,,List View dialog editor name +GadgetToolbox_Table,Table,Table,,Table dialog editor name +GadgetToolbox_TableListBox,TableListBox,TableListBox,,The table gadgets list box name +GadgetToolbox_ProgressBar,Progress Bar,Progress Bar,,The progress bar name +DnDMaker_Menu_RegenerateLayouts,Regenerate Layouts,Regenerate Layouts,,Regenerate all layouts in the loaded library +DnDMaker_Menu_RegenerateLayout,Regenerate Current,Regenerate Current,,Regenerate current layout in the loaded library +runtimes_available,Runtimes Available:,Runtimes Available:,,Runtimes Available +runtime_version,Version No.,Version No.,,Runtime Version +runtime_is_installed,Is Installed,Is Installed,,Runtime Is Installed +runtime_install_failed,Install Failed,Install Failed,,Runtime failed to install +runtime_published,Date,Date,,Runtime Published +runtime_location,Location,Location,,Runtime Location +runtime_modules,Modules,Modules,,Runtime Modules +runtime_current_version,Current Version:,Current Version:,,Current Runtime Version +runtime_new_version,New Version:,New Version:,,New Runtime Version +runtime_current_date,Date:,Date:,,Current Runtime Date +runtime_current_location,Location:,Location:,,Current Runtime Location +runtime_status,Status,Status,,Runtime Status Label +runtime_switchto,Switch To,Switch To,,Switch To Label +runtime_running,Running,Running,,Current Running Runtime Label +runtime_install,Install,Install,,Install Runtime +runtime_delete,Delete,Delete,,Delete Runtime +runtime_selection,Runtime Selection,Runtime Selection,,Runtime Selection Window title +runtime_selection_change,Do you want to change your current runtime to version {0}?\nThis will require a restart of the IDE.,Do you want to change your current runtime to version {0}?\nThis will require a restart of the IDE.,,Change current runtime to the selected version {0} +runtime_onstartup_change,Do you want to change your current runtime to the matching IDE version {0}?,Do you want to change your current runtime to the matching IDE version {0}?,,Change current runtime to the version matching the IDE +runtime_selection_install,Are you sure you want to install version {0}?,Are you sure you want to install version {0}?,,Install runtime version {0} +runtime_installing,Installing...,Installing...,,Runtime is installing +Runtime_Download_Title,Runtime Downloading...,Runtime Downloading...,,Runtime downloading title +Runtime_Download_In_Progress,A Runtime download is already in progress.,A Runtime download is already in progress.,,A runtime download is already in progress +runtime_delete_old,Automatically delete old runtimes,Automatically delete old runtimes,,Automatically delete old runtimes +IDE_OpenProject_NotExists,The project '{0}' does not exist and cannot be opened.,The project '{0}' does not exist and cannot be opened.,,Tried to open a project that doesn't exist +runtime_message_title,Runtime Selection,Runtime Selection,,Runtime Selection Message Title +runtime_message_name_warning,Names must be unique and not empty,Names must be unique and not empty,,Warning when name is not unique or empty +runtime_message_url_warning,URL must be unique and not empty,URL must be unique and not empty,,Warning when URL is not unique or empty +runtime_message_url_empty,Cannot save changes to {0} because it has an empty URL,Cannot save changes to {0} because it has an empty URL,,Warning when a url has an empty URL on Apply +runtime_message_update_successful,Successfully updated Runtime Feeds,Successfully updated Runtime Feeds,,Successfully updated Runtime Feeds message +IDE_OpenProject_NotExists_Title,Invalid Project,Invalid Project,,Title for IDE_OpenProject_NotExists message dialog +SpriteEditor_InvalidFileFormat,"The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the sprite editor.","The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the sprite editor.",,Sprite editor invalid file format dropped +ImageEditor_InvalidFileFormat,"The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the image editor.","The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the image editor.",,Image editor invalid file format dropped +SpriteEditor_InvalidFileFormat_Title,Invalid File Format,Invalid File Format,,Invalid file format dialog title +ImageEditor_InvalidFileSingle,The file that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.,The file that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.,,image invalid file format dropped +ImageEditor_InvalidFileGroup,One or more of the files that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.,One or more of the files that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.,,image invalid file format multiple dropped +steam_sdk_path,Steam SDK location,Steam SDK location,,Path to Steam SDK +ColourPicker_Title,Colour Picker,Colour Picker,,Title for Colour Picker +ColourPicker_Red,Red,Red,,Red Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Blue,Blue,Blue,,Blue Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Green,Green,Green,,Green Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Alpha,Alpha,Alpha,,Alpha Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Hue,Hue,Hue,,Hue Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Sat,Sat,Sat,,Saturation Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_Val,Val,Val,,Value Colour Picker Channel +ColourPicker_NewColour,New Colour,New Colour,,New Colour Picker label +ColourPicker_Hex,Hex,Hex,,Colour Picker Hex label +ColourPicker_SaveNewColour,Store Colour,Store Colour,,Save new Custom Colour button +ColourPicker_PickColour,Select Colour:,Select Colour:,,Select Colour Label +ColourPicker_BasicColours,Basic Colours:,Basic Colours:,,Basic Colours Label +ColourPicker_SavedColours,Custom Colours:,Custom Colours:,,Custom Colours Label +SpriteSelector_Source,Sprite:,Sprite:,,The sprite selector button heading +SpriteSelector_SelectSprite,Select Sprite,Select Sprite,,The sprite selector button heading +SpriteSelector_EditSprite,Edit Sprite,Edit Sprite,,The edit sprite button tooltip +SpriteSelector_EditImage,Edit Image,Edit Image,,The edit image button tooltip +SpriteSelector_NewSprite,New Sprite,New Sprite,,The new sprite button tooltip +TileSet_Properties,Tile Set Properties,Tile Set Properties,,the tile set properties window title +TileSet_BrushBuilder,Brush Builder,Brush Builder,,the tile set scratchpad window title +TileSet_Animation,Tile Animation,Tile Animation,,the tile set animation window title +TileSet_AutoTile,Auto Tiling,Auto Tiling,,the tile set auto tile window title +TileSetEditor_Editors,Editors:,Editors:,,the tile set heading for the various sub editor buttons +IDE_FatalErrorWarning,GameMaker Studio 2 has become unstable.\nPlease save changes and exit.,GameMaker Studio 2 has become unstable.\nPlease save changes and exit.,,Warn the user they should try saving changes and exit +IDE_FatalErrorTitle,Fatal Error,Fatal Error,,Title for the fatal error warning dialog +IDE_ShutdownBlocked,GameMaker Studio 2 is running...,GameMaker Studio 2 is running...,,shutdown blocked message +SpriteSelector_NoSprite,No Sprite,No Sprite,,"Sprite selector ""no sprite"" setting" +SpriteSelector_Dimensions,{0} x {1},{0} x {1},,"Sprite selector dimensions label ie. width x height" +SpriteSelector_DragMessage,Drop here to assign sprite,Drop here to assign sprite,,message displayed while dragging a sprite resource +TileSetEditor_TileProperties,Tile Properties,Tile Properties,,the tileset properties window heading for the tile properties +TileSetEditor_TileSetSource,Source Image,Source Image,,the tileset properties window heading for the source image +TileSetEditor_NoSpriteMessage,Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a sprite,Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a sprite,,the message to appear in the tileset editor when there is no tileset to display +TileSetEditor_SelectSprite,Select Sprite,Select Sprite,,the select sprite button message when no sprite is selected +SpriteEditor_ImportImagesTitle,Import Files,Import Files,,Sprite editor confirm dialog for importing files +SpriteEditor_ImportImages,Importing files to a sprite is not an undoable action. Do you want to continue?,Importing files to a sprite is not an undoable action. Do you want to continue?,,Sprite editor confirm dialog for importing files +SpriteEditor_ImportSpineSwfBlocked,Sprite is currently assigned to Tileset '{0}' which does not support use of Spine or SWF sprites,Sprite is currently assigned to Tileset '{0}' which does not support use of Spine or SWF sprites,,sprite editor spine/swf tileset sprite import +SpriteEditorPref_ImportImages,Automatic response to file import,Automatic response to file import,,Automatic choice for importing files into the sprite editor +SpriteEditorPref_FailedToLoadImages,Automatic response to image load failure,Automatic response to image load failure,,Default response for images that failed to load +Dialog_ImportFailed_Title,Import Failed,Import Failed,,Import failed dialog title +Dialog_ImportFailed_Msg,Failed to import the chosen files.,Failed to import the chosen files.,,Import failed dialog message +Texture_BoundsInvalid_Title,Texture Size Not Supported,Texture Size Not Supported,,VerifyTextureSizeGPU check failed +Texture_BoundsInvalid_File,The texture at path '{0}' ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.,The texture at path '{0}' ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.,,VerifyTextureSizeGPU check failed +Texture_BoundsInvalid,A texture ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.,A texture ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.,,VerifyTextureSizeGPU check failed +rowpadding_description,Workspace chain row padding (px),Workspace chain row padding (px),,the prefernces label for workspace row padding +linkcolour_description,Workspace chain link colour,Workspace chain link colour,,Link Colour in Workspaces +TileSet_BrushSize,Size,Size,,the brush size slider caption +TileSetEditor_Brush,Brush,Brush,,the brush panel heading +display_argument_types,Display argument types in status bar,Display argument types in status bar,,preference message in language.gml +display_argument_descriptions,Display argument descriptions in status bar,Display argument descriptions in status bar,,preference message in language.gml +AddExistingProjectMissing,ImportHandler: Unable to find parent project for {0}. Cannot import dependant resources.,ImportHandler: Unable to find parent project for {0}. Cannot import dependant resources.,,message for when the external project cannot be found. +AddExistingAssetMismatch,You have selected a {0} instead of a {1}. Would you like to import as {2} instead?,You have selected a {0} instead of a {1}. Would you like to import as {2} instead?,,Ask use if they with tom add existing resource instead of the type they clicked on? +AddExistingFailedTitle,Add Existing Failed,Add Existing Failed,,Add Existing failed message title +ImportAsIncludedFiles,Would you like to add these files as Included Files?,Would you like to add these files as Included Files?,,Ask the user if they want to add the dragged in files as included files +ImportAsIncludedFilesTitle,Import As Included Files,Import As Included Files,,Import selected files as Included Files Question title +TileSetEditor_Tiles,Tiles,Tiles,,the tile selection display panel heading +TileSetEditor_Frames,Frames,Frames,,the tile animation frames panel heading +TileSetEditor_Library,Library,Library,,the tile animation/autotile library panel heading +TileSetEditor_Tools,Tools,Tools,,the tile editing tools panel heading +TileSetEditor_Brushes,Brushes,Brushes,,the tile editing brush scratchpad panel heading +columnpadding_description,Workspace chain column padding (px),Workspace chain column padding (px),,the prefernces label for workspace column padding +TileSetEditor_SelectedTiles,Selected Tiles:,Selected Tiles:,,the selected tiles label in the tile set sub editor status bars +TileSetEditor_AnimationsLibrary,Animations Library,Animations Library,,the window panel title for the animations library +TileSetEditor_AutoTileLibrary,Auto Tile Library,Auto Tile Library,,the window panel title for the auto tile library +TileSetEditor_AddAnimation,Add Animation,Add Animation,,the add animation label beside the add animation button +TileSetEditor_SelectedFrame,Selected Frame:,Selected Frame:,,the caption in the animations window status bar +TileSetEditor_SelectedTile,Selected Tile:,Selected Tile:,,the caption in the animations window status bar +TileSetEditor_SelectAnimationFrameCount,Set number of frames,Set number of frames,,the message displayed on a new animation which the user has not selected the frame count +TileSetEditor_TileTemplates,Auto Tile Templates,Auto Tile Templates,,The auto tile editor heading for the auto tile set list +ApplyTo_DnD_ToolTip,Apply to a different instance.,Apply to a different instance.,,Apply To dnd tooltip caption +YoYoImage_UnknownImageFormat,Unknown image format,Unknown image format,,ouput to show that the selected image file was of an unknown type +YoYoImage_ImageTooLarge,Tried to load an image that was too large. Skipping pixels.,Tried to load an image that was too large. Skipping pixels.,,tried to load image message +YoYoImage_BmpRleNotSupported,Runlength encoded not supported for .bmp formatted images. Skipping pixels.,Runlength encoded not supported for .bmp formatted images. Skipping pixels.,,BMP RLE not suported message +PhysicsShapeEditor_Radius,Radius {0},Radius {0},,Physics shape editor circle radius +IMPORT_FAILED_UNKNOWN_FILETYPE,"Cannot import incompatible resource: {0} (unknown file type)","Cannot import incompatible resource: {0} (unknown file type)",,Add Existing failed +IMPORT_FAILED_DISALLOWED_FILETYPE,"Cannot add existing {0} resources","Cannot add existing {0} resources",,Add Existing failed due to disallowed resources +platformdevice_android_title,Android Devices,Android Devices,,Title for window that says "No devices detected" +platformdevice_androidsettings_title,Android Settings Error,Android Settings Error,,Error in Android Settings +platformdevice_androidsettings_sdk_misconfigured,The Android SDK path is misconfigured,The Android SDK path is misconfigured,,The Android SDK path is misconfigured +platformdevice_amazonfire_title,Amazon Fire Devices,Amazon Fire Devices,,Title for the window that says "No devices detected" +platformdevice_amazonfiresettings_title,Amazon Fire Settings Error,Amazon Fire Settings Error,,Error in Amazon Fire Settings +platformdevice_amazonfiresettings_sdk_misconfigured,The Amazon Fire Android SDK path is misconfigured,The Amazon Fire Android SDK path is misconfigured,,The Amazon Fire Android SDK path is misconfigured +SourceControlGit_PullError_Title,Source Control (Git) Pull Error,Source Control (Git) Pull Error,,Source Control (Git) Pull Error +SourceControlGit_NeedToCommitChanges,You need to commit changes before pulling.,You need to commit changes before pulling.,,You need to commit your changes before pulling +skin_selection_change,You have selected to use a new skin but this change requires a restart.\nDo you wish to restart the IDE now?,You have selected to use a new skin but this change requires a restart.\nDo you wish to restart the IDE now?,,User has changed the skin and we need to restart the IDE. +FILTERED,Filtered,Filtered,,suffix used in filtered resource tree view +ExtensionEditor_MainProperties,Extension: {0},Extension: {0},,main window title +ExtensionEditor_Name,Name:,Name:,,the name title +ExtensionEditor_Version,Version:,Version:,,the version number title +ExtensionEditor_Resources,Resources:,Resources:,,the resources title +ExtensionEditor_Extensions,Extensions,Extensions,,the extensions title +ExtensionEditor_Files,Files,Files,,the main props filelist title +ExtensionEditor_AdditionalFeatures,Extra Platforms,Extra Platforms,,the additional features title +ExtensionEditor_ImportExport,Import / Export,Import / Export,,import export header +ExtensionEditor_Import,Import,Import,,Import label +ExtensionEditor_Export,Export,Export,,Export label +ExtensionEditor_Supports,Supports,Supports,,Supports label +ExtensionEditor_ExtOptionFiles,Extension Option Files,Extension Option Files,,Extension option files +ExtensionEditor_WindowTitle,{0} Properties,{0} Properties,,generic window title +ExtensionEditor_FunctionsWindowTitle,{0} Functions,{0} Functions,,extensions functions window title +ExtensionEditor_MacrosWindowTitle,{0} Macros,{0} Macros,,extensions macros window title +ExtensionEditor_InitialFunc,Init Function:,Init Function:,,init function title +ExtensionEditor_FinalFunc,Final Function:,Final Function:,,final function title +ExtensionEditor_ProxyFunctionsMacros,Functions:,Functions:,,proxy Functions title +ExtensionEditor_ProxyFiles,Proxy Files:,Proxy Files:,,proxy files title +ExtensionEditor_Macros,Macros,Macros,,edit macros button label +ExtensionEditor_Tooltip_AddMacro,Add Macro,Add Macro,,add macro button tooltip +ExtensionEditor_Tooltip_RemoveMacro,Remove Macro,Remove Macro,,remove macro button tooltip +ExtensionEditor_CopiesTo,Copies To:,Copies To:,,copies to title +ExtensionEditor_UncompressAsZip,Uncompress on build,Uncompress on build,,uncompress as zip title +ExtensionEditor_Key,Key:,Key:,,key label +ExtensionEditor_Value,Value:,Value:,,value label +ExtensionEditor_Hidden,Hidden,Hidden,,hidden label +ExtensionEditor_Help,Help:,Help:,,help label +ExtensionEditor_ReturnType,ReturnType:,ReturnType:,,return type label +ExtensionEditor_Arguments,Arguments:,Arguments:,,heading label +ExtensionEditor_ExternalName,External Name:,External Name:,,external name label +ExtensionEditor_IosProperties,Extension iOS Properties,Extension iOS Properties,,window title +ExtensionEditor_TvosProperties,Extension tvOS Properties,Extension tvOS Properties,,window title +ExtensionEditor_CompilerFlags,Compiler Flags:,Compiler Flags:,,compiler flags label +ExtensionEditor_LinkerFlags,Linker Flags:,Linker Flags:,,linker flags label +ExtensionEditor_ClassName,Class Name:,Class Name:,,class name label +ExtensionEditor_DelegateName,App Delegate Class Name:,App Delegate Class Name:,,app delegate class name label +ExtensionEditor_SystemFrameworks,System Frameworks,System Frameworks,,system frameworks label +ExtensionEditor_3rdPartyFrameworks,3rd Party Frameworks + Bundles,3rd Party Frameworks + Bundles,,3rd party framwork label +ExtensionEditor_CocoaPods,CocoaPods,CocoaPods,,List of CocoaPods for this extension +ExtensionEditor_CocoaPods_Dependencies,CocoaPods Dependencies,CocoaPods Dependencies,,List of CocoaPods Dependencies for this extension +ExtensionEditor_CheckForWeakRef,Check for weak reference,Check for weak reference,,weak reference label +ExtensionEditor_AndroidProperties,Extension Android Properties,Extension Android Properties,,android window title +ExtensionEditor_InjectToGradle,Inject to Gradle dependencies:,Inject to Gradle dependencies:,,gradle injection label +ExtensionEditor_InjectToManifest,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Manifest:,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Manifest:,,manifest injection label +ExtensionEditor_InjectToManifestApplication,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Application:,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Application:,,manifest injection label +ExtensionEditor_InjectToManifestRunnerActivity,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml RunnerActivity:,Inject to AndroidManifest.xml RunnerActivity:,,manifest injection label +ExtensionEditor_PlistInject,Inject to Info.plist:,Inject to Info.plist:,,manifest injection label +ExtensionEditor_AndroidPermissions,Android Permissions:,Android Permissions:,,android permissions label +ExtensionEditor_ProxyFileName,File Name,File Name,,file name label +ExtensionEditor_ProxyTarget,Target,Target,,target label +ExtensionEditor_FileExistsTitle,File already exists,File already exists,,title for file already exists yes/no dialog +ExtensionEditor_FileExistsMessage,A file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?,A file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?,,proxy file overwrite prompt +ExtensionEditor_VarArgs,Variable Length Arguments,Variable Length Arguments,,label +ExtensionEditor_DeleteFileAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the file?,Are you sure you want to delete the file?,,main extension dialog confirmation message +ExtensionEditor_AddGenericPlaceholder,Add Generic Placeholder,Add Generic Placeholder,,context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddGMLPlaceholder,Add GML Placeholder,Add GML Placeholder,,context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddJSPlaceholder,Add JS Placeholder,Add JS Placeholder,,context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddFile,Add File,Add File,,context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_DeleteProxyAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the proxy?,Are you sure you want to delete the proxy?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_DeleteResourceAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the resource?,Are you sure you want to delete the resource?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_DeleteArgumentAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the argument?,Are you sure you want to delete the argument?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_ExtensionFileExistsTitle,Extension file already exists,Extension file already exists,,title for extension already exists yes/no dialog +ExtensionEditor_ExtensionFileExistsMessage,An extension file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?,An extension file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?,,overwrite prompt +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnFileDeletion,Automatic response to file deletion,Automatic response to file deletion,,Automatic button choice on file deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnResourceDeletion,Automatic button choice on function & macro deletion,Automatic button choice on function & macro deletion,,Automatic button choice on function & macro deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnProxyDeletion,Automatic response to proxy file deletion,Automatic response to proxy file deletion,,Automatic button choice on proxy file deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnArgumentDeletion,Automatic button choice on argument deletion,Automatic button choice on argument deletion,,Automatic button choice on argument deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnAndroidPermissionDeletion,Automatic button choice on android permission deletion,Automatic button choice on android permission deletion,,Automatic button choice on android permission deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_RemoveAndroidPermissionAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the permission?,Are you sure you want to delete the permission?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_RemoveIosSystemFrameworkAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the iOS system framework?,Are you sure you want to delete the iOS system framework?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnIosSystemFrameworkDeletion,Automatic button choice on iOS System Framework deletion,Automatic button choice on iOS System Framework deletion,,Automatic button choice on android permission deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_RemoveIos3rdPartyFrameworkAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the iOS 3rd party framework?,Are you sure you want to delete the iOS 3rd party framework?,,confirm message +ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnIos3rdPartyFrameworkDeletion,Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion,Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion,,Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion setting +ExtensionEditor_CodeInjection,Code Injection:,Code Injection:,,ext editor code injection label +GoToType_WindowTitle,"Search for Assets, Options, Preferences:","Search for Assets, Options, Preferences:",,Go To Type window title +GoToType_FieldCaption,What are you looking for?,What are you looking for?,,Go To Type default search field caption +GoToType_MaxItemPref,Maximum number of search results to display,Maximum number of search results to display,,Go To max number pref +GoToType_EnableStylingPref,Enable styling on search results (turn off for better performance),Enable styling on search results (turn off for better performance),,Go To enable styling pref +GoTo_Pref_Resources,Search in Assets,Search in Assets,,Search resources on/off +GoTo_Pref_Preferences,Search in Preferences,Search in Preferences,,Search preferences on/off +GoTo_Pref_GameOptions,Search in Game Options,Search in Game Options,,Search game options on/off +GoTo_Pref_Functions,Search in user-defined Functions,Search in user-defined Functions,,Search user functions pref +GoTo_Driver_Resources,Project Resources,Project Resources,,resources driver name +GoTo_Driver_ResourcesDesc,This driver exposes the project resources to Go To,This driver exposes the project resources to Go To,,resources driver description +GoTo_Driver_Preferences,Preferences,Preferences,,preferences driver name +GoTo_Driver_PreferencesDesc,This driver exposes preferences to Go To,This driver exposes preferences to Go To,,preferences driver description +GoTo_Driver_GameOptions,Game Options,Game Options,,game options driver name +GoTo_Driver_GameOptionsDesc,This driver exposes game options to Go To,This driver exposes game options to Go To,,game options driver description +GoTo_Driver_PreferenceLabel,{0} - Preference,{0} - Preference,,Preference label +GoTo_Driver_GameOptionLabel,{0} - Game Options,{0} - Game Options,,Game options label +ExtensionEditor_ExportPropertiesTitle,Extension Properties - Export,Extension Properties - Export,,export dialog title +ExtensionEditor_ImportPropertiesTitle,Extension Properties - Import,Extension Properties - Import,,import dialog title +ExtensionEditor_All,All,All,,all label +ExtensionEditor_Project,Project:,Project:,,project label +ExtensionEditor_Extension,Extension:,Extension:,,Extension label +ExtensionEditor_LearnMore,Learn More,Learn More,,Learn More label +ExtensionEditor_AddFunction,Add Function,Add Function,,add function label +ExtensionEditor_AddMacro,Add Macro,Add Macro,,add macro label +ExtensionEditor_RemoveSelected,Remove Selected,Remove Selected,,Remove Selected label +WorkspaceOverview_Title,Workspace Overview,Workspace Overview,,Workspace overview window title +WorkspaceOverview_Tabs,Workspaces,Workspaces,,Workspace overview workspaces box caption +WorkspaceOverview_ActiveWindows,Active Windows,Active Windows,,Workspace overview active window caption +WorkspaceOverview_ActiveTabs,Active Tabs,Active Tabs,,Workspace overview active tabs caption +WorkspaceMenu_Windows,Windows,Windows,,Workspace area context menu +WorkspaceMenu_Resources,Assets,Assets,,Workspace area context menu +WorkspaceMenu_GoTo,Go To...,Go To...,,Workspace area context menu +ExtensionEditor_AddSDK,Add SDK,Add SDK,,main properties context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddSource,Add Source,Add Source,,main properties context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddIosFrameworkFromMac,Enter framework path on Mac,Enter framework path on Mac,,main properties context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddPlaceholder,Add Placeholder,Add Placeholder,,main properties context menu entry +ExtensionEditor_AddArgument,Add Argument,Add Argument,,function properties context menu entry +Extension_Error,Extension Error,Extension Error,,Error with Extension setup +Runtime_Error,Runtime Error,Runtime Error,,Error with current Runtime +RuntimeTooOld,The current runtime is too old for this project version. Please select one beginning with at least 2.3,The current runtime is too old for this project version. Please select one beginning with at least 2.3,,Current runtime is too old to run the project +ExtensionFunction_4DiffArgs,Extensions with more than 4 arguments on DLL types must all have the same argument type.\n{0},Extensions with more than 4 arguments on DLL types must all have the same argument type.\n{0},,Extensions with more than 4 arguments on DLL types must all have the same argument type warning +ExtensionFunction_ConfigIssue,The DLL {0} on extension {1} with function {2} has more than 4 arguments and are not all the same type.,The DLL {0} on extension {1} with function {2} has more than 4 arguments and are not all the same type.,,The DLL extension with function has more than 4 arguments and are not all the same type. +animations_settings,Disable IDE transition animations,Disable IDE transition animations,,Transition animation preference +Survey_Later,Close,Close,,Choose to answer survey questions later +Survey_SubmitAll,Send Now,Send Now,,Choose to submit all questions now +Survey_SubmitMoreFeedback,Send and Take More,Send and Take More,,Choose to submit all questions and provide more feedback +Survey_Rating_5,Excellent,Excellent,,Excellent Rating +Survey_Rating_4,Good,Good,,Good Rating +Survey_Rating_3,Okay,Okay,,Okay Rating +Survey_Rating_2,Poor,Poor,,Poor Rating +Survey_Rating_1,Terrible,Terrible,,Really Bad Rating +Survey_Rating_0,Not Applicable,Not Applicable,,Rating Not Applicable +Surveys_OptIn,Opt-in to feedback surveys,Opt-in to feedback surveys,,feedback survey opt-in checkbox text +Notifications_Hub,Notification Hub,Notification Hub,,Notification Hub string +SoundMixer_ToolTip_AddGroup,Add sound group,Add sound group,,Sound mixer tool tip for adding a sound group to the mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_CloseGroup,Close sound group,Close sound group,,Sound mixer tool tip for adding a sound group to the mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_SoundGroup,Sound group,Sound group,,Sound mixer tool tip for the sound group +SoundMixer_ToolTip_MuteGroup,Mute all sounds in group,Mute all sounds in group,,Sound mixer tool tip +SoundMixer_ToolTip_ColumnVolume,Column volume,Column volume,,Sound mixer tool tip for the column volume +SoundMixer_ToolTip_PlayGroup,Play all sounds in group,Play all sounds in group,,Sound mixer tool tip +SoundMixer_ToolTip_LoopGroup,Loop playback for all sounds in group,Loop playback for all sounds in group,,Sound mixer tool tip +SoundMixer_ToolTip_RewindGroup,Rewind all sounds in group to start,Rewind all sounds in group to start,,Sound mixer tool tip +SoundMixer_ToolTip_CloseSound,Close sound,Close sound,,Tool tip for closing the sound in the mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_PlaySound,Play sound,Play sound,,Tool tip for playing an individual sound in the sound mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_MuteSound,Mute sound,Mute sound,,Tool tip for muting an individual sound in the sound mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_RepeatSound,Loop playback,Loop playback,,Tool tip for looping an individual sound in the sound mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_RewindSound,Rewind to start,Rewind to start,,Tool tip for rewinding an individual sound in the sound mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_PlaybackPosition,Playback position,Playback position,,Tool tip for setting the playback position an individual sound in the sound mixer +SoundMixer_ToolTip_LinkGroups,Link groups,Link groups,,Tool tip for link groups button +SoundEditor_ToolTip_PlaySound,Preview sound,Preview sound,,Tool tip for playing an individual sound in the sound editor +SoundEditor_ToolTip_MuteSound,Mute sound,Mute sound,,Tool tip for muting an individual sound in the sound editor +SoundEditor_ToolTip_RepeatSound,Preview Looped,Preview Looped,,Tool tip for looping an individual sound in the sound editor +SoundEditor_ToolTip_RewindSound,Rewind to start,Rewind to start,,Tool tip for rewinding an individual sound in the sound editor +SoundEditor_ToolTip_Volume,Sound volume,Sound volume,,Tool tip for the volume slider in the sound editor +SoundEditor_ToolTip_OpenGroupMixer,Sound group mixer,Sound group mixer,,Tool tip for the button to open the sound group mixer +SoundEditor_ToolTip_BrowseForSound,Choose sound file,Choose sound file,,Tool tip for the button used to open the file browser to choose a new file +Shader_ChangeShaderType,Shader Type,Shader Type,,Context menu sub menu heading for choosing the shader type +ShaderType_GLSLES,GLSL ES,GLSL ES,,the glsles shader type option +ShaderType_GLSL,GLSL,GLSL,,the glsl shader type option +ShaderType_HLSL9,HLSL 9,HLSL 9,,the hlsl9 shader type option +ShaderType_HLSL11,HLSL 11,HLSL 11,,the hlsl11 shader type option +ShaderType_PSSL,PS4 (PSSL),PS4 (PSSL),,the pssl shader type option +resourcetree_editimageondoubleclick,Sprite double click opens image editor,Sprite double click opens image editor,,the message to accompany the double click edit the image property +ResourceTree_OpenObjectEventsDoubleClick,Object double click opens all object events,Object double click opens all object events,,double click object resource preference +ResourceTree_CompactPref,Use compact resource tree (re-open resource tree),Use compact resource tree (re-open resource tree),,resource tree pref +ResourceTree_AllowLabelBelowHundred,Resource font can scale below 100%,Resource font can scale below 100%,,resource tree pref +ResourceTree_AllowLabelAboveHundred,Resource font can scale above 100%,Resource font can scale above 100%,,resource tree pref +ResourceTree_ItemSizeLabel,Resource item size:,Resource item size:,,Label +ResourceTree_ItemSize,Default zoom (%),Default zoom (%),,resource tree pref +ResourceTree_ItemMinSize,Resource item minimum size,Resource item minimum size,,resource tree pref +ResourceTree_ItemMaxSize,Resource item maximum size,Resource item maximum size,,resource tree pref +Settings_ShowPassword,Show Password,Show Password,,Show Password +SourceControlGit_CreateRepoTitle,Source Control (Git) Create,Source Control (Git) Create,,Source Control (Git) Create Title +SourceControlGit_CreateRepoMessage,This will create a bare (server) repository and bind your project to it,This will create a bare (server) repository and bind your project to it,,Create Repository message +SourceControlGit_CreateRepoSuccess,Repository created successfully,Repository created successfully,,Create repository success message +WorkspaceMenu_Windows_CloseAll,Close All,Close All,,Workspace context menu close all windows +WorkspaceMenu_Windows_ShowAll,Show All,Show All,,Workspace context menu show all windows +InvalidTTFCharMap,The font {0} does not contain any character maps and cannot be loaded.,The font {0} does not contain any character maps and cannot be loaded.,,TTF error when font has no character maps +RoomEditor_MousePosStatus,"({0}, {1})","({0}, {1})",,the mouse position label in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_SelectedItemStatus,"{0}: ({1}, {2})","{0}: ({1}, {2})",,the current selection status label in the room editor status bar for one selection +RoomEditor_SelectedAreaStatus,"{4} selected items - area: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})","{4} selected items - area: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})",,the current selection area status label in the room editor status bar for multiple selections +RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_Coord,"Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1})","Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1})",,the current tile map coordinate status in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_BrushIndices,"Brush tiles: ({0})","Brush tiles: ({0})",,the current tile brush indices status in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_Full,"Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1}) Brush tiles: ({2})","Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1}) Brush tiles: ({2})",,the current tile map coordinate and tile brush indices status in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_PathLayerStatus,"Selected control point(s): {0}","Selected control point(s): {0}",,the selected control points status for the path layer shown in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_PathLayerPointStatus,"({0}, {1}),","({0}, {1}),",,the an individual control point status for the path layer shown in the room editor status bar +ListBoxEnum_eAnimSpeedType_FramesPerSecond,Frames per second,Frames per second,,the playback type comboxbox entry for fps +ListBoxEnum_eAnimSpeedType_FramesPerGameFrame,Frames per game frame,Frames per game frame,,the playback type comboxbox entry for game frame locked playback +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Real,Real,Real,,Real value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Integer,Integer,Integer,,Integer value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_String,String,String,,String value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,,Boolean value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Expression,Expression,Expression,,Expression value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Resource,Asset,Asset,,Asset value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Color,Colour,Colour,,Color value type +ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_List,List,List,,List value type +ResourcePickerButton_ToolTip,Select an Asset,Select an Asset,,Resource picker button tooltip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Real,The value is a real number and accepts decimal places (allows expressions),The value is a real number and accepts decimal places (allows expressions),,Real value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Integer,The value is a whole number (allows expressions),The value is a whole number (allows expressions),,Integer value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_String,The value is a string (quotes are optional),The value is a string (quotes are optional),,String value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Boolean,The value is either true or false,The value is either true or false,,Boolean value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Expression,The value is any code expression,The value is any code expression,,Expression value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Resource,The value is an asset (allows expressions),The value is an asset (allows expressions),,Asset value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_Color,The value is a colour (allows expressions),The value is a colour (allows expressions),,Color value type help tip +Help_eObjectPropertyType_List,The value is one or more expressions from a list (if multi-select is on then\nthis is an array of expressions),The value is one or more expressions from a list (if multi-select is on then\nthis is an array of expressions),,List value type help tip +DnDToolbox_Menu_AddToWorkspace,Use {0},Use {0},,DnD™ Toolbox use action +DnDToolbox_Menu_CollapseAll,Collapse All,Collapse All,,DnD toolbox collapse all +DnDToolbox_Menu_Favorite,Make Favourite,Make Favourite,,DnD™ Toolbox make favourite +DnDToolbox_Menu_RemoveFav,Remove Favourite,Remove Favourite,,DnD™ Toolbox remove favourite +DnDToolbox_Menu_ClearRecentlyUsed,Clear Recently Used,Clear Recently Used,,DnD™ Toolbox clear recently used +DnDToolbox_Menu_ClearFavs,Clear Favourites,Clear Favourites,,DnD™ Toolbox clear favourites +SourceControlGit_FileLock,One or more files may be locked. Please check that none of the files are open in external programs. Do you want to try again?,One or more files may be locked. Please check that none of the files are open in external programs. Do you want to try again?,,Files potentially locked and need to try again +SourceControlGit_Error,Source Control (Git) Error,Source Control (Git) Error,,Error with Source Control (Git) +SourceControlGit_ProjectBreakRetry,"Be aware that this may have broken your project, as the command was not successful and you have chosen not to retry it.","Be aware that this may have broken your project, as the command was not successful and you have chosen not to retry it.",,Project may be broken warning due to command failing and choosing not to retry +SourceControlGit_ServerNotFound,Server '{0}' has not been found,Server '{0}' has not been found,,Server has not been found error +SourceControlGit_NotEmptyDirectory,The chosen directory must be empty,The chosen directory must be empty,,The chosen directory must be empty +SourceControlGit_InvalidPath,The URL is invalid,The URL is invalid,,The URL is invalid +SourceControlGit_Clone,Source Control (Git) Clone,Source Control (Git) Clone,,Source Control (Git) Clone Title +SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nHowever we have found its origin so we will push to that and clone from the origin instead.,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nHowever we have found its origin so we will push to that and clone from the origin instead.,,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository but an origin has been found. +SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareNoOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nThere is no Origin marked on this repository so we will ask you to create one so both old and new repositories will be linked via the new bare repository,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nThere is no Origin marked on this repository so we will ask you to create one so both old and new repositories will be linked via the new bare repository,,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository and an origin has not been found. +Survey_Title,Feedback Survey,Feedback Survey,,Feedback Survey Window Title +TileSetEditor_Add47AutoTileSet,Add 47 Tile Set,Add 47 Tile Set,,Tooltip for adding a new 47 tile auto tile set +TileSetEditor_Add16AutoTileSet,Add 16 Tile Set,Add 16 Tile Set,,Tooltip for adding a new 16 tile auto tile set +TileSetEditor_DeleteSelectedAutoSet,Delete Selected Set,Delete Selected Set,,Tooltip for deleting the selected auto tile set +TileSetEditor_ShowAutoTileGuide,Show Guide Overlay,Show Guide Overlay,,Tooltip for showing the auto tile guide overlaying the auto tile sets +ZoomWidget_ToggleGrid,Toggle Grid ,Toggle Grid ,,Tooltip for the toggle grid button +ZoomWidget_GridOptions,Grid Options,Grid Options,,Tooltip for opening the grid options drop down +ZoomWidget_SplitViewToggle,Show Split View,Show Split View,,Tooltip for toggling split view +ZoomWidget_SplitViewMode,Split View Mode,Split View Mode,,Tooltip for choosing split view mode +ZoomWidget_ZoomIn,Zoom In ,Zoom In ,,Tooltip for zooming in +ZoomWidget_ZoomOut,Zoom Out ,Zoom Out ,,Tooltip for zooming out +ZoomWidget_ZoomReset,Reset Zoom ,Reset Zoom ,,Tooltip for reset zoom +ZoomWidget_ZoomCentreFit,Centre Fit,Centre Fit,,Tooltip for zoom centre fit +RoomEditor_ShowViews,Show Views,Show Views,,Tooltip for show views button +RoomEditor_PlayAnimation,Play Animation,Play Animation,,Tooltip for play animation button +display_us_spelling_functions,Show US Spelling for system functions,Show US Spelling for system functions,,Show US Spelling for system functions +max_num_syntax_errors,Maximum number of Syntax Errors to display,Maximum number of Syntax Errors to display,,Maximum number of Syntax Errors to display +enable_reference_warnings,Enable variable reference warnings,Enable variable reference warnings,,Enable variable reference warnings +enable_statement_folding,Enable statement folding as regions,Enable statement folding as regions,,Enable statement folding as regions +GMStdCatDefault,"Default","Default",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdFunction,Function,Function,,DnD label +GMStdOption,Option,Option,,DnD label +GMStdChoose_Name,Choose,Choose,,DnD label +GMStdChoose_Desc,Randomly chooses one of the supplied arguments.,Randomly chooses one of the supplied arguments.,,DnD label +GMStdCallFunction_Name,Function Call,Function Call,,DnD label +GMStdCallFunction_Desc,Call any function with optional arguments and get the return value of the function.,Call any function with optional arguments and get the return value of the function.,,DnD label +GMStdNew_Name,New Struct,New Struct,,DnD label +GMStdNew_Desc,Create a new struct with optional arguments and assign it to a variable.,Create a new struct with optional arguments and assign it to a variable.,,DnD label +GMStdCatCommon,"Common","Common",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatCamera,"Cameras","Cameras",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatInstances,"Instances","Instances",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatSequences,"Sequences","Sequences",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatMouseKeyboard,"Mouse & Keyboard","Mouse & Keyboard",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatGamepad,"Gamepad","Gamepad",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatMovement,"Movement","Movement",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatCollisions,"Collisions","Collisions",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatDrawing,"Drawing","Drawing",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatTiles,"Tiles","Tiles",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatInstVars,"Instance Variables","Instance Variables",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatGlobal,"Global","Global",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatRandom,"Random","Random",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatLoops,"Loops","Loops",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatSwitch,"Switch","Switch",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatTypes,"Types","Types",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatDataStructs,"Data Structures","Data Structures",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatAudio,"Audio","Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatRooms,"Rooms","Rooms",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatGame,"Game","Game",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatFiles,"Files","Files",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatTimelines,"Timelines","Timelines",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatPaths,"Paths","Paths",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatMisc,"Miscellaneous","Miscellaneous",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdCatParticles,"Particles","Particles",,Drag and Drop™ library category name +GMStdVar_Name,"Assign Variable","Assign Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdVar_Desc,"Assign a value to a variable.","Assign a value to a variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTempVar_Name,"Declare Temp","Declare Temp",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTempVar_Desc,"Declare a temporary variable.","Declare a temporary variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTemp,Temp,Temp,,DnD™ library +GMStdIfVar_Name,"If Variable","If Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfVar_Desc,"Check if a variable satisfies a condition.","Check if a variable satisfies a condition.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfScore_Name,"If Score","If Score",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfScore_Desc,"Check if an instance's score satisfies a condition.","Check if an instance's score satisfies a condition.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfLives_Name,"If Lives","If Lives",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfLives_Desc,"Check if an instance's lives satisfies a condition.","Check if an instance's lives satisfies a condition.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfHealth_Name,"If Health","If Health",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfHealth_Desc,"Check if an instance's health satisfies a condition.","Check if an instance's health satisfies a condition.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfExpr_Name,"If Expression","If Expression",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfExpr_Desc,"Check if an expression is true or false.","Check if an expression is true or false.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfUndef_Name,"If Undefined","If Undefined",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfUndef_Desc,"Check if a variable is or isn't undefined.","Check if a variable is or isn't undefined.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdElse_Name,"Else","Else",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdElse_Desc,"Append this to an if-statement to execute code when the condition evaluates to false.","Append this to an if-statement to execute code when the condition evaluates to false.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdExCode_Name,"Execute Code","Execute Code",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdExCode_Desc,"Execute a piece of code.","Execute a piece of code.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdExScript_Name,"Execute Script","Execute Script",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdExScript_Desc,"Execute a script resource.","Execute a script resource.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdApplyTo_Name,"Apply To","Apply To",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdApply,"Apply","Apply",,Apply dnd label +GMStdApplyTo_Desc,"Execute code in the context of a specific object or instance.","Execute code in the context of a specific object or instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRet_Name,"Return","Return",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRet_Desc,"Return a value from a function.","Return a value from a function.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdMacro_Name,"Macro","Macro",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdMacro_Desc,"Define a global compile-time macro.","Define a global compile-time macro.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdExit_Name,"Exit","Exit",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdExit_Desc,"Exit the current event without executing the remaining code.","Exit the current event without executing the remaining code.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInstCount_Name,"Get Instance Count","Get Instance Count",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdInstCount_Desc,"Returns the number of active instances of the object.","Returns the number of active instances of the object.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInstCreate_Name,"Create Instance","Create Instance",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdInstCreate_Desc,"Creates an instance of an object.","Creates an instance of an object.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInstChange_Name,"Change Instance","Change Instance",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdInstChange_Desc,"Change an instance to be an instance of another object.","Change an instance to be an instance of another object.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInstDestroy_Name,"Destroy Instance","Destroy Instance",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdInstDestroy_Desc,"Destroy an instance and remove it from the room.","Destroy an instance and remove it from the room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqCreate_Name,"Create Sequence","Create Sequence",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqCreate_Desc,"Creates an instance of a sequence.","Creates an instance of a sequence.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqDestroy_Name,"Destroy Sequence","Destroy Sequence",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqDestroy_Desc,"Destroys an instance of a sequence and remove it from the room.","Destroys an instance of a sequence and remove it from the room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqGetPosition_Name,"Get Sequence Position","Get Sequence Position",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqGetPosition_Desc,"Sets the values of the x and y variables to the position of the sequence.","Sets the values of the x and y variables to the position of the sequence.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqSetPosition_Name,"Set Sequence Position","Set Sequence Position",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqSetPosition_Desc,"Sets the position of the sequence.","Sets the position of the sequence.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqPlay_Name,"Play Sequence","Play Sequence",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqPlay_Desc,"Plays the sequence.","Plays the sequence.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqPause_Name,"Pause Sequence","Pause Sequence",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSeqPause_Desc,"Pauses the sequence.","Pauses the sequence.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfSeqExists_Name,"If Sequence Exists","If Sequence Exists",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfSeqExists_Desc,"Check if a sequence exists.","Check if a sequence exists.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSeqGetLength_Name,"Get Sequence Length","Get Sequence Length",,dnd library action name +GMStdSeqGetLength_Desc,"Gets the length of a sequence element.","Gets the length of a sequence element.",,dnd library action description +GMStdSeqGetHead_Name,"Get Sequence Head","Get Sequence Head",,dnd library action name +GMStdSeqGetHead_Desc,"Gets the head position (in frames) of a sequence element.","Gets the head position (in frames) of a sequence element.",,dnd library action description +GMStdSeqSetHead_Name,"Set Sequence Head","Set Sequence Head",,dnd library action name +GMStdSeqSetHead_Desc,"Sets the head position (in frames) of a sequence element.","Sets the head position (in frames) of a sequence element.",,dnd library action description +GMStdSeqGetLength_Story_1,"Get length of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into ${var}","Get length of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into ${var}",,dnd story text +GMStdSeqGetLength_Story_2,"Get length of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into temp ${var}","Get length of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into temp ${var}",,dnd story text +GMStdSeqSetHead_Story_1,"Set head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} to ${var}","Set head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} to ${var}",,dnd story text +GMStdSeqGetHead_Story_1,"Get head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into ${var}","Get head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into ${var}",,dnd story text +GMStdSeqGetHead_Story_2,"Get head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into temp ${var}","Get head position (in frames) of sequence instance ${sequenceelmid} into temp ${var}",,dnd story text +GMStdDestroyAtPos_Name,"Destroy At Position","Destroy At Position",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDestroyAtPos_Desc,"Destroy all instances at a position.","Destroy all instances at a position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetSprite_Name,"Set Sprite","Set Sprite",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetSprite_Desc,"Change the sprite of an object instance.","Change the sprite of an object instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRotSprite_Name,"Set Instance Rotation","Set Instance Rotation",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRotSprite_Desc,"Set the rotation of an instance.","Set the rotation of an instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpriteAnimSpd_Name,"Set Animation Speed","Set Animation Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpriteAnimSpd_Desc,"Set the animation speed of an instance's sprite.","Set the animation speed of an instance's sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpriteScale_Name,"Set Instance Scale","Set Instance Scale",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpriteScale_Desc,"Set the horizontal and vertical scaling of an instance's sprite.","Set the horizontal and vertical scaling of an instance's sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpriteAlpha_Name,"Set Instance Alpha","Set Instance Alpha",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpriteAlpha_Desc,"Set the transparency (0-1) of an instance's sprite.","Set the transparency (0-1) of an instance's sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpriteColor_Name,"Set Instance Colour","Set Instance Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpriteColor_Desc,"Set the colour blend of an instance's sprite.","Set the colour blend of an instance's sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetAlarm_Name,"Set Alarm Countdown","Set Alarm Countdown",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetAlarm_Desc,"Set the countdown value of an alarm event.","Set the countdown value of an alarm event.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetAlarm_Name,"Get Alarm Countdown","Get Alarm Countdown",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetAlarm_Desc,"Get the countdown value of an alarm event.","Get the countdown value of an alarm event.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInheritEvent_Name,"Call Parent Event","Call Parent Event",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdInheritEvent_Desc,"Call this event on the instance's parent object.","Call this event on the instance's parent object.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfMousePressed_Name,"If Mouse Pressed","If Mouse Pressed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfMousePressed_Desc,"Check if a mouse button is pressed.","Check if a mouse button is pressed.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfMouseDown_Name,"If Mouse Down","If Mouse Down",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfMouseDown_Desc,"Check if a mouse button is held or released.","Check if a mouse button is held or released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfMouseUp_Name,"If Mouse Released","If Mouse Released",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfMouseUp_Desc,"Check if a mouse button is released.","Check if a mouse button is released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfKeyPressed_Name,"If Key Pressed","If Key Pressed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfKeyPressed_Desc,"Check if a key is pressed.","Check if a key is pressed.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfKeyDown_Name,"If Key Down","If Key Down",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfKeyDown_Desc,"Check if a key is down or released.","Check if a key is down or released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfKeyUp_Name,"If Key Released","If Key Released",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfKeyUp_Desc,"Check if a key is released.","Check if a key is released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGPAxis_Name,"Get Gamepad Axis","Get Gamepad Axis",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGPAxis_Desc,"Get the value of an axis on a gamepad.","Get the value of an axis on a gamepad.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGPTrigger_Name,"Get Gamepad Trigger","Get Gamepad Trigger",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGPTrigger_Desc,"Get the value of a gamepad's trigger button.","Get the value of a gamepad's trigger button.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfGPDown_Name,"If Gamepad Button Down","If Gamepad Button Down",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfGPDown_Desc,"Check if a gamepad button is down or released.","Check if a gamepad button is down or released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfGPPressed_Name,"If Gamepad Button Pressed","If Gamepad Button Pressed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfGPPressed_Desc,"Check if a gamepad button is pressed.","Check if a gamepad button is pressed.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfGPUp_Name,"If Gamepad Button Released","If Gamepad Button Released",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfGPUp_Desc,"Check if a gamepad button is released.","Check if a gamepad button is released.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGPDeadzone_Name,"Set Gamepad Axis Deadzone","Set Gamepad Axis Deadzone",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGPDeadzone_Desc,"Set the deadzone of a gamepad axis.","Set the deadzone of a gamepad axis.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGPThreshold_Name,"Set Gamepad Button Threshold","Set Gamepad Button Threshold",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGPThreshold_Desc,"Set the threshold for the analogue buttons of the given gamepad device.","Set the threshold for the analogue buttons of the given gamepad device.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGpDeviceC_Name,"Get Gamepad Count","Get Gamepad Count",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGpDeviceC_Desc,"Get the number of connected gamepad devices.","Get the number of connected gamepad devices.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGPConnc_Name,"Get Gamepad Connected","Get Gamepad Connected",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGPConnc_Desc,"Get whether a given gamepad is connected.","Get whether a given gamepad is connected.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDirFixed_Name,"Set Direction Fixed","Set Direction Fixed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDirFixed_Desc,"Set a fixed direction.","Set a fixed direction.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDirFree_Name,"Set Direction Variable","Set Direction Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDirFree_Desc,"Set a variable direction.","Set a variable direction.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDirPoint_Name,"Set Point Direction","Set Point Direction",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDirPoint_Desc,"Set a direction towards a specified point.","Set a direction towards a specified point.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDirRandom_Name,"Set Direction Random","Set Direction Random",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDirRandom_Desc,"Set a random direction based on the specified directions.","Set a random direction based on the specified directions.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpeed_Name,"Set Speed","Set Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpeed_Desc,"Set the speed of an instance.","Set the speed of an instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGravDir_Name,"Set Gravity Direction","Set Gravity Direction",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGravDir_Desc,"Set the gravitational direction.","Set the gravitational direction.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGravForce_Name,"Set Gravity Force","Set Gravity Force",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGravForce_Desc,"Set the gravitational force.","Set the gravitational force.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyShow_Name,"Show Virtual Keyboard","Show Virtual Keyboard",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdVKeyShow_Desc,"Display the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is shown, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","Display the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is shown, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyHide_Name,"Hide Virtual Keyboard","Hide Virtual Keyboard",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdVKeyHide_Desc,"Hide the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is hidden, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","Hide the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is hidden, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyStatus_Name,"If Virtual Keyboard Showing","If Virtual Keyboard Showing",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdVKeyStatus_Desc,"Check if the virtual keyboard is showing. If querying the status, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","Check if the virtual keyboard is showing. If querying the status, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyHeight_Name,"Get Virtual Keyboard Height","Get Virtual Keyboard Height",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdVKeyHeight_Desc,"Get the current pixel height of the virtual keyboard if it is visible.","Get the current pixel height of the virtual keyboard if it is visible.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdReverse_Name,"Reverse","Reverse",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdReverse_Desc,"Reverse a direction from a list of presets.","Reverse a direction from a list of presets.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdFriction_Name,"Set Friction","Set Friction",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdFriction_Desc,"Apply friction to the instance's movement.","Apply friction to the instance's movement.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdJumpPoint_Name,"Jump To Point","Jump To Point",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdJumpPoint_Desc,"Jump to the specified position.","Jump to the specified position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdJumpStart_Name,"Jump To Start","Jump To Start",,Drag and Drop™ library action nameGM +GMStdJumpStart_Desc,"Jump to the instance's start position.","Jump to the instance's start position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSnapPos_Name,"Snap Position","Snap Position",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSnapPos_Desc,"Snap an instance's position to a grid.","Snap an instance's position to a grid.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdWrapRoom_Name,"Wrap Around Room","Wrap Around Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdWrapRoom_Desc,"Wrap around room.","Wrap around room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfAnyObjAt_Name,"If Any Object At Place","If Any Object At Place",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfAnyObjAt_Desc,"Check if an instance overlaps any object instances at a position.","Check if an instance overlaps any object instances at a position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfObjAt_Name,"If Object At Place","If Object At Place",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfObjAt_Desc,"Check if an instance overlaps one or more instances of a specific object at a position.","Check if an instance overlaps one or more instances of a specific object at a position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfColShape_Name,"If Collision Shape","If Collision Shape",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfColShape_Desc,"Check if one or more instances intersect a shape.","Check if one or more instances intersect a shape.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfColPoint_Name,"If Collision Point","If Collision Point",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfColPoint_Desc,"Check if one or more instances intersect a point.","Check if one or more instances intersect a point.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawSelf_Name,"Draw Self","Draw Self",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawSelf_Desc,"Draw this instance's sprite.","Draw this instance's sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawValue_Name,"Draw Value","Draw Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawValue_Desc,"Draw the specified value. It can be a string, number or variable.","Draw the specified value. It can be a string, number or variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawValueTransformed_Name,"Draw Transformed Value","Draw Transformed Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawValueTransformed_Desc,"Draw a value with a transformation. It can be a string, number or variable.","Draw a value with a transformation. It can be a string, number or variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawSprite_Name,"Draw Sprite","Draw Sprite",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawSprite_Desc,"Draw a sprite.","Draw a sprite.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawSpritesStacked_Name,"Draw Stacked Sprites","Draw Stacked Sprites",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawSpritesStacked_Desc,"Draw a sprite multiple times in a stack.","Draw a sprite multiple times in a stack.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawRectangle_Name,"Draw Rectangle","Draw Rectangle",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawRectangle_Desc,"Draw a rectangle.","Draw a rectangle.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawGradientRect_Name,"Draw Gradient Rectangle","Draw Gradient Rectangle",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawGradientRect_Desc,"Draw a gradient in a rectangular shape.","Draw a gradient in a rectangular shape.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawEllipse_Name,"Draw Ellipse","Draw Ellipse",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawEllipse_Desc,"Draw an ellipse.","Draw an ellipse.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawGradientEllipse_Name,"Draw Gradient Ellipse","Draw Gradient Ellipse",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawGradientEllipse_Desc,"Draw a gradient in an elliptical shape.","Draw a gradient in an elliptical shape.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawLine_Name,"Draw Line","Draw Line",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawLine_Desc,"Draw a line.","Draw a line.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawHealthbar_Name,"Draw Healthbar","Draw Healthbar",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawHealthbar_Desc,"Draw a healthbar from a 0-100 value.","Draw a healthbar from a 0-100 value.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawInstanceScore_Name,"Draw Instance Score","Draw Instance Score",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawInstanceScore_Desc,"Draw an instance's score with a caption.","Draw an instance's score with a caption.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawInstanceHealth_Name,"Draw Instance Health","Draw Instance Health",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawInstanceHealth_Desc,"Draw an instance's health with a healthbar.","Draw an instance's health with a healthbar.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawInstanceLives_Name,"Draw Instance Lives","Draw Instance Lives",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawInstanceLives_Desc,"Draw an instance's lives with stacked sprites.","Draw an instance's lives with stacked sprites.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetColor_Name,"Set Draw Colour","Set Draw Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetColor_Desc,"Set the colour to blend all drawing with.","Set the colour to blend all drawing with.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetColor_Name,"Get Draw Colour","Get Draw Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetColor_Desc,"Get the colour used to blend all drawing with.","Get the colour used to blend all drawing with.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetFont_Name,"Get Draw Font","Get Draw Font",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetFont_Desc,"Get the font used for all text drawing.","Get the font used for all text drawing.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetTextAlign_Name,"Get Text Alignment","Get Text Alignment",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetTextAlign_Desc,"Get the horizontal or vertical alignment of text drawing.","Get the horizontal or vertical alignment of text drawing.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetFont_Name,"Set Font","Set Font",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetFont_Desc,"Set the font to use for all text drawing.","Set the font to use for all text drawing.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetAlignment_Name,"Set Text Alignment","Set Text Alignment",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetAlignment_Desc,"Set the horizontal and vertical alignment of text drawing.","Set the horizontal and vertical alignment of text drawing.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileSetAtPixel_Name,"Set Tile Index At Pixel","Set Tile Index At Pixel",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileSetAtPixel_Desc,"Set the tile index at the specified position.","Set the tile index at the specified position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileGetAtPixel_Name,"Get Tile Index At Pixel","Get Tile Index At Pixel",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileGetAtPixel_Desc,"Get the tile index at the specified position.","Get the tile index at the specified position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileSetInCell_Name,"Set Tile Index In Cell","Set Tile Index In Cell",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileSetInCell_Desc,"Set the tile index in the specified cell.","Set the tile index in the specified cell.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileGetInCell_Name,"Get Tile Index In Cell","Get Tile Index In Cell",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileGetInCell_Desc,"Get the tile index in the specified cell.","Get the tile index in the specified cell.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileGetElm_Name,"Get Tile Data In Cell","Get Tile Data In Cell",,DnD label +GMStdTileGetElm_Desc,"Get the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.","Get the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.",,DnD label +GMStdTileGetElmPixel_Name,"Get Tile Data At Pixel","Get Tile Data At Pixel",,DnD label +GMStdTileGetElmPixel_Desc,"Get the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.","Get the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetElm_Name,"Set Tile Data In Cell","Set Tile Data In Cell",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetElm_Desc,"Set the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.","Set the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetElmPixel_Name,"Set Tile Data At Pixel","Set Tile Data At Pixel",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetElmPixel_Desc,"Set the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.","Set the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.",,DnD label +GMStdTileGetVar_Name,"Get Tilemap Variable","Get Tilemap Variable",,DnD label +GMStdTileGetVar_Desc,"Get a variable from a tilemap element.","Get a variable from a tilemap element.",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetTileSet_Name,"Set Tile Set","Set Tile Set",,DnD label +GMStdTileSetTileSet_Desc,"Set the tile set resource of a tilemap.","Set the tile set resource of a tilemap.",,DnD label +GMStdTileTransform_Name,"Set Tile Data Transform","Set Tile Data Transform",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileTransform_Desc,"Apply a transformation to tile data.","Apply a transformation to tile data.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileGetTransform_Name,"Get Tile Data Transform","Get Tile Data Transform",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdTileGetTransform_Desc,"Get the transformation of tile data.","Get the transformation of tile data.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdTileSet,Tile Set,Tile Set,,DnD label +GMStdSetScore_Name,"Set Score","Set Score",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetScore_Desc,"Set the score variable on the instance.","Set the score variable on the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetScore_Name,"Get Score","Get Score",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetScore_Desc,"Get the score of the instance.","Get the score of the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetLives_Name,"Set Lives","Set Lives",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetLives_Desc,"Set the life count of the instance.","Set the life count of the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetLives_Name,"Get Lives","Get Lives",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetLives_Desc,"Get the life count of the instance.","Get the life count of the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetHealth_Name,"Set Health","Set Health",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetHealth_Desc,"Set the health variable of the instance.","Set the health variable of the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetHealth_Name,"Get Health","Get Health",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetHealth_Desc,"Get the health of the instance.","Get the health of the instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetGlobal_Name,"Set Global Variable","Set Global Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetGlobal_Desc,"Set a global variable.","Set a global variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetGlobal_Name,"Get Global Variable","Get Global Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetGlobal_Desc,"Get a global variable.","Get a global variable.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetRandomNumber_Name,"Get Random Number","Get Random Number",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetRandomNumber_Desc,"Get a random inclusive number.","Get a random inclusive number.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRandomize_Name,"Randomize","Randomize",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRandomize_Desc,"Create a new random seed used by the random number generator.","Create a new random seed used by the random number generator.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRepeat_Name,"Repeat","Repeat",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRepeat_Desc,"Repeat code a number of times.","Repeat code a number of times.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdWhileLoop_Name,"While Loop","While Loop",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdWhileLoop_Desc,"Execute code while a given expression is true.","Execute code while a given expression is true.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdBreak_Name,"Break","Break",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdBreak_Desc,"Break out of a loop.","Break out of a loop.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSwitch_Name,"Switch","Switch",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSwitch_Desc,"Switch which branch to execute based on input.","Switch which branch to execute based on input.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCase_Name,"Case","Case",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCase_Desc,"A branch to execute in a switch if the case is true.","A branch to execute in a switch if the case is true.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDecimalToInteger_Name,"Decimal To Integer","Decimal To Integer",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDecimalToInteger_Desc,"Round a decimal value to an integer value by rounding, ceiling or flooring it.","Round a decimal value to an integer value by rounding, ceiling or flooring it.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStringToNumber_Name,"String To Number","String To Number",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStringToNumber_Desc,"Convert a string to a number.","Convert a string to a number.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdNumberToString_Name,"Number To String","Number To String",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdNumberToString_Desc,"Convert a number to a string.","Convert a number to a string.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCreateList_Name,"Create List","Create List",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCreateList_Desc,"Create a list data structure.","Create a list data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCreateMap_Name,"Create Map","Create Map",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCreateMap_Desc,"Create a map data structure.","Create a map data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdForLoop_Name,"For Loop","For Loop",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdForLoop_Desc,"A self-contained loop structure with initialise, condition and increment statements.","A self-contained loop structure with initialise, condition and increment statements.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawSpriteExt_Name,"Draw Sprite Transformed","Draw Sprite Transformed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDrawSpriteExt_Desc,"Draw a sprite with transformations.","Draw a sprite with transformations.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetViewVar_Name,"Set View Variable","Set View Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetViewVar_Desc,"Set a variable pertaining to a room view.","Set a variable pertaining to a room view.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetViewVar_Name,"Get View Variable","Get View Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetViewVar_Desc,"Get a variable pertaining to a room view.","Get a variable pertaining to a room view.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCreateGrid_Name,"Create Grid","Create Grid",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCreateGrid_Desc,"Create a new grid data structure.","Create a new grid data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCreateStack_Name,"Create Stack","Create Stack",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCreateStack_Desc,"Create a stack data structure.","Create a stack data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfDSExists_Name,"If Data Structure Exists","If Data Structure Exists",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfDSExists_Desc,"Check if a data structure exists.","Check if a data structure exists.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfDSEmpty_Name,"If Data Structure Empty","If Data Structure Empty",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfDSEmpty_Desc,"Check if a data structure is empty.","Check if a data structure is empty.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDSClear_Name,"Clear Data Structure","Clear Data Structure",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDSClear_Desc,"Clear the contents of a data structure.","Clear the contents of a data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDSFree_Name,"Free Data Structure","Free Data Structure",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDSFree_Desc,"Free an existing data structure.","Free an existing data structure.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListAdd_Name,"Add To List","Add To List",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListAdd_Desc,"Add a value to a list.","Add a value to a list.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListRemove_Name,"Remove From List","Remove From List",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListRemove_Desc,"Remove a value from a list.","Remove a value from a list.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListGetAt_Name,"Get List Item At","Get List Item At",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListGetAt_Desc,"Get a list item at an index.","Get a list item at an index.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListIndexOf_Name,"Get Index Of List Item","Get Index Of List Item",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListIndexOf_Desc,"Get the index of a list item.","Get the index of a list item.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListInsert_Name,"Insert Into List","Insert Into List",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListInsert_Desc,"Insert an item into a list at an index.","Insert an item into a list at an index.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdListCount_Name,"Get List Item Count","Get List Item Count",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdListCount_Desc,"Get the number of items in a list.","Get the number of items in a list.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdMapSetValue_Name,"Set Map Value","Set Map Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdMapSetValue_Desc,"Set the value of a map entry.","Set the value of a map entry.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdMapGetValue_Name,"Get Map Value","Get Map Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdMapGetValue_Desc,"Get the value of a map entry.","Get the value of a map entry.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdMapRemove_Name,"Remove Map Entry","Remove Map Entry",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdMapRemove_Desc,"Remove a map entry.","Remove a map entry.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGridSetValue_Name,"Set Grid Value","Set Grid Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGridSetValue_Desc,"Set a value in a grid.","Set a value in a grid.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGridGetValue_Name,"Get Grid Value","Get Grid Value",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGridGetValue_Desc,"Get a value in a grid.","Get a value in a grid.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGridClear_Name,"Clear Grid","Clear Grid",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGridClear_Desc,"Clear a grid to a specific value.","Clear a grid to a specific value.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStackPush_Name,"Push Onto Stack","Push Onto Stack",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStackPush_Desc,"Push a value onto a stack.","Push a value onto a stack.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStackPop_Name,"Pop Stack","Pop Stack",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStackPop_Desc,"Pop a value off a stack.","Pop a value off a stack.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPlayAudio_Name,"Play Audio","Play Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPlayAudio_Desc,"Play a sound effect or a music track.","Play a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStopAudio_Name,"Stop Audio","Stop Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStopAudio_Desc,"Stop playing a sound effect or a music track.","Stop playing a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStopAllAudio_Name,"Stop All Audio","Stop All Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStopAllAudio_Desc,"Stop all audio.","Stop all audio.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPauseAudio_Name,"Pause Audio","Pause Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPauseAudio_Desc,"Pause a sound effect or a music track.","Pause a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPauseAllAudio_Name,"Pause All Audio","Pause All Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPauseAllAudio_Desc,"Pause all audio.","Pause all audio.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdResumeAudio_Name,"Resume Audio","Resume Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdResumeAudio_Desc,"Resume playing a sound effect or a music track.","Resume playing a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdResumeAllAudio_Name,"Resume All Audio","Resume All Audio",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdResumeAllAudio_Desc,"Resume playing all paused audio.","Resume playing all paused audio.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfAudioPlaying_Name,"If Audio Is Playing","If Audio Is Playing",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfAudioPlaying_Desc,"Check if a sound effect or a music track is playing.","Check if a sound effect or a music track is playing.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfAudioPaused_Name,"If Audio Is Paused","If Audio Is Paused",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfAudioPaused_Desc,"Check if a sound effect or a music track is paused.","Check if a sound effect or a music track is paused.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioSetPosition_Name,"Set Audio Position","Set Audio Position",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioSetPosition_Desc,"Set the playback position of a sound effect or a music track.","Set the playback position of a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioGetLength_Name,"Get Audio Length","Get Audio Length",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioGetLength_Desc,"Get the length of a sound effect or a music track in seconds.","Get the length of a sound effect or a music track in seconds.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioSetPitch_Name,"Set Audio Pitch","Set Audio Pitch",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioSetPitch_Desc,"Set the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.","Set the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioGetPitch_Name,"Get Audio Pitch","Get Audio Pitch",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioGetPitch_Desc,"Get the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.","Get the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioSetVolume_Name,"Set Audio Volume","Set Audio Volume",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioSetVolume_Desc,"Set the volume of a sound effect or a music track.","Set the volume of a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioGetVolume_Name,"Get Audio Volume","Get Audio Volume",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioGetVolume_Desc,"Get the volume of a sound effect or a music track.","Get the volume of a sound effect or a music track.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudoSetMasterVolume_Name,"Set Master Volume","Set Master Volume",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudoSetMasterVolume_Desc,"Set the master volume that all other volumes are relative to.","Set the master volume that all other volumes are relative to.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdAudioGetMasterVolume_Name,"Get Master Volume","Get Master Volume",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdAudioGetMasterVolume_Desc,"Get the master volume all other volumes are relative to.","Get the master volume all other volumes are relative to.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGetCurrentRoom_Name,"Get Current Room","Get Current Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGetCurrentRoom_Desc,"Get the currently active room.","Get the currently active room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPreviousRoom_Name,"Go To Previous Room","Go To Previous Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPreviousRoom_Desc,"Go to the room that was previously active.","Go to the room that was previously active.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdNextRoom_Name,"Go To Next Room","Go To Next Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdNextRoom_Desc,"Go to the next room in the list.","Go to the next room in the list.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRestartRoom_Name,"Restart Room","Restart Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRestartRoom_Desc,"Restart the current room.","Restart the current room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdGoToRoom_Name,"Go To Room","Go To Room",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdGoToRoom_Desc,"Go to a specific room.","Go to a specific room.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfFirstRoom_Name,"If Room Is First","If Room Is First",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfFirstRoom_Desc,"Check if the current room is the first room or not.","Check if the current room is the first room or not.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIfLastRoom_Name,"If Room Is Last","If Room Is Last",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIfLastRoom_Desc,"Check if the current room is the last room or not.","Check if the current room is the last room or not.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRestartGame_Name,"Restart Game","Restart Game",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRestartGame_Desc,"Restart the game.","Restart the game.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdEndGame_Name,"Exit Game","Exit Game",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdEndGame_Desc,"Exit the game application.","Exit the game application.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSaveGame_Name,"Save Game","Save Game",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSaveGame_Desc,"Save the current progress.","Save the current progress.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdLoadGame_Name,"Load Game","Load Game",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdLoadGame_Desc,"Load the game from a save file.","Load the game from a save file.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdOpenIni_Name,"Open Ini File","Open Ini File",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdOpenIni_Desc,"Open an ini file for reading and writing. You can only have 1 ini file open at a time.","Open an ini file for reading and writing. You can only have 1 ini file open at a time.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdCloseIni_Name,"Close Ini File","Close Ini File",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdCloseIni_Desc,"Close the currently open ini file.","Close the currently open ini file.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdInit,Initialise,Initialise,,DnD label +GMStdCondition,Condition,Condition,,DnD label +GMStdIncrement,Increment,Increment,,DnD label +GMStdView,View,View,,DnD label +GMStdIniWrite_Name,"Write To Ini File","Write To Ini File",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIniWrite_Desc,"Write a string or numeric value to an ini file.","Write a string or numeric value to an ini file.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdIniRead_Name,"Read Ini File","Read Ini File",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdIniRead_Desc,"Read a string or numeric value from an ini file.","Read a string or numeric value from an ini file.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetTimeline_Name,"Set Instance Timeline","Set Instance Timeline",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetTimeline_Desc,"Attach a timeline to an instance.","Attach a timeline to an instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPositionTimeline_Name,"Set Timeline Moment","Set Timeline Moment",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPositionTimeline_Desc,"Set the current moment of an instance's timeline.","Set the current moment of an instance's timeline.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSpeedTimeline_Name,"Set Timeline Speed","Set Timeline Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSpeedTimeline_Desc,"Set the speed of an instance's timeline.","Set the speed of an instance's timeline.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetTimelineState_Name,"Set Timeline State","Set Timeline State",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetTimelineState_Desc,"Set the state of an instance's timeline.","Set the state of an instance's timeline.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStartPath_Name,"Start Following Path","Start Following Path",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStartPath_Desc,"Start following a path with an instance.","Start following a path with an instance.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdStopPath_Name,"Stop Following Path","Stop Following Path",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdStopPath_Desc,"Stop an instance from following a path.","Stop an instance from following a path.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPathPosition_Name,"Set Position Along Path","Set Position Along Path",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPathPosition_Desc,"Set the position of the instance along the path it is following.","Set the position of the instance along the path it is following.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPathSpeed_Name,"Set Path Follow Speed","Set Path Follow Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPathSpeed_Desc,"Set the speed of the instance following a path.","Set the speed of the instance following a path.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDebugShowMessage_Name,"Show Debug Message","Show Debug Message",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdDebugShowMessage_Desc,"Display a debug message in the output console.","Display a debug message in the output console.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdSetWindowState_Name,"Set Window State","Set Window State",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdSetWindowState_Desc,"Set the window state of the game.","Set the window state of the game.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeDestroy_Name,"Destroy Particle Type","Destroy Particle Type",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeDestroy_Desc,"Destroy the particle type.","Destroy the particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeOrientation_Name,"Set Particle Orientation","Set Particle Orientation",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeOrientation_Desc,"Set the orientation of a particle type.","Set the orientation of a particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartCreateBurst_Name,"Burst Particles","Burst Particles",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartCreateBurst_Desc,"Create a burst of particles without an emitter.","Create a burst of particles without an emitter.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartSystCreate_Name,"Create Particle System","Create Particle System",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartSystCreate_Desc,"Create a new particle system.","Create a new particle system.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartSystDestroy_Name,"Destroy Particle System","Destroy Particle System",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartSystDestroy_Desc,"Destroy the particle system.","Destroy the particle system.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartSystClear_Name,"Clear Particle System","Clear Particle System",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartSystClear_Desc,"Clear the particle system.","Clear the particle system.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPauseParticles_Name,"Pause Particle System","Pause Particle System",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPauseParticles_Desc,"Pause or resume the particle system.","Pause or resume the particle system.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdRefreshParticles_Name,"Update Particle System","Update Particle System",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdRefreshParticles_Desc,"Update the particle system, advancing it another step.","Update the particle system, advancing it another step.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeCreate_Name,"Create Particle Type","Create Particle Type",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeCreate_Desc,"Create a new particle type.","Create a new particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeColor_Name,"Set Particle Colour","Set Particle Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeColor_Desc,"Set the colour of a particle type.","Set the colour of a particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeLife_Name,"Set Particle Life","Set Particle Life",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeLife_Desc,"Set the life of a particle type.","Set the life of a particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeGravity_Name,"Set Particle Gravity","Set Particle Gravity",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeGravity_Desc,"Set the gravity of a particle type.","Set the gravity of a particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartTypeSecondary_Name,"Set Secondary Particles","Set Secondary Particles",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartTypeSecondary_Desc,"Add secondary particle emissions to a particle type.","Add secondary particle emissions to a particle type.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartEmitCreate_Name,"Create Particle Emitter","Create Particle Emitter",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartEmitCreate_Desc,"Create a new particle emitter.","Create a new particle emitter.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartEmitDestroy_Name,"Destroy Particle Emitter","Destroy Particle Emitter",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartEmitDestroy_Desc,"Destroy a particle emitter.","Destroy a particle emitter.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdPartEmitterEmit_Name,"Emit Particles","Emit Particles",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdPartEmitterEmit_Desc,"Emit particles from a particle system.","Emit particles from a particle system.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdEffect_Name,"Do Effect","Do Effect",,Drag and Drop™ library action name +GMStdEffect_Desc,"Show an effect at the specified position.","Show an effect at the specified position.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdScript,"Script","Script",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdArgument,"Argument","Argument",,DnD argument label +GMStdOptional,"Optional","Optional",, DnD optional label +GMStdDefaultValue,"Value","Value",, DnD default value label +GMStdTarget,"Target","Target",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdReturnList,"Return List","Return List",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFreeTarget,"Free Target","Free Target",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdObject,"Object","Object",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSequence,"Sequence","Sequence",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdX,X,X,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdY,Y,Y,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTargetX,Target X,Target X,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTargetY,Target Y,Target Y,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdLayer,"Layer","Layer",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAlarm,"Alarm","Alarm",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdCountdown,"Countdown","Countdown",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdNot,"Not","Not",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdExcludeSelf,"Exclude Self","Exclude Self",,DnD argument label +GMStdGamepad,"Gamepad","Gamepad",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdThreshold,"Threshold","Threshold",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAxis,"Axis","Axis",,Drag and Drop™ library argument labelf +GMStdTrigger,"Trigger","Trigger",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdButton,"Button","Button",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdDeadzone,"Deadzone","Deadzone",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAdditiveBlend,Blend,Blend,,DnD™ +GMStdDirection,"Direction","Direction",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdType,"Type","Type",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSpeed,"Speed","Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library argument labelG +GMStdMinSpeed,"Min Speed","Min Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMaxSpeed,"Max Speed","Max Speed",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdForce,"Force","Force",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdX2,"X2","X2",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdY2,"Y2","Y2",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSprite,"Sprite","Sprite",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFrameIndex,"Frame","Frame",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdStackOrder,"Stack Order","Stack Order",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdNumber,"Number","Number",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdLeft,"Left","Left",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTop,"Top","Top",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRight,"Right","Right",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdBottom,"Bottom","Bottom",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFill,"Fill","Fill",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdBackground,"Background","Background",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMinCol,"Min Colour","Min Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMaxCol,"Max Colour","Max Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFont,"Font","Font",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdHAlign,"HAlign","HAlign",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdVAlign,"VAlign","VAlign",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdLayerName,"Layer","Layer",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTileIndex,"Tile","Tile",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdData,Data,Data,,DnD label +GMStdColumn,"Column","Column",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRow,"Row","Row",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdScore,"Score","Score",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdLives,"Lives","Lives",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdHealth,"Health","Health",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdGlobal,"Global","Global",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMin,"Minimum","Minimum",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMax,"Maximum","Maximum",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTimes,"Times","Times",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdVariable,"Variable","Variable",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTransformation,"Transform","Transform",,DnD™ argument label +GMStdIs,"Is","Is",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdValue,"Value","Value",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdValue100,"Value (0-100)","Value (0-100)",,DnD™ +GMStdConstant,"Constant","Constant",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRounding,"Rounding","Rounding",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdWidth,"Width","Width",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdHeight,"Height","Height",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdStructure,"Structure","Structure",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdList,"List","List",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdIndex,"Index","Index",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdGrid,"Grid","Grid",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdStack,"Stack","Stack",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSound,"Sound","Sound",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdLoop,"Loop","Loop",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTimeInSecs,"Time In Seconds","Time In Seconds",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdPitch,"Pitch","Pitch",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdVolume,"Volume","Volume",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRoom,"Room","Room",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFilename,"Filename","Filename",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSection,"Section","Section",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdDefault,"Default","Default",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTimeline,"Timeline","Timeline",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMoment,"Moment","Moment",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdState,"State","State",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMessage,"Message","Message",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMap,"Map","Map",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdKey,"Key","Key",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdColorMix,"Colour Mix","Colour Mix",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdStart,"Start","Start",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdEnd,"End","End",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMinLife,"Min Life","Min Life",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMaxLife,"Max Life","Max Life",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRenderDepth,"Depth","Depth",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdShape,"Shape","Shape",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMinSize,"Min Size","Min Size",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMaxSize,"Max Size","Max Size",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdIncrease,"Increase","Increase",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdWiggle,Wiggle,Wiggle,,DnD™ lib argument label +GMStdCount,Count,Count,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSecondaryType,Secondary,Secondary,,DnD™ lib argument label +GMStdEmitter,"Emitter","Emitter",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdBurst,"Burst","Burst",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdStream,"Stream","Stream",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdWhere,"Where","Where",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMinDir,"Min Dir","Min Dir",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMaxDir,"Max Dir","Max Dir",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdFriction,"Friction","Friction",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdPositionNorm,"Position (0-1)","Position (0-1)",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdColor,"Colour","Colour",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdHor,"Horizontal","Horizontal",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdVer,"Vertical","Vertical",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdExpr,"Expression","Expression",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMargin,"Margin","Margin",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdOutline,"Outline","Outline",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdCaption,"Caption","Caption",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdCamera,Camera,Camera,,DnD label +GMStdVisibility,Visibility,Visibility,,DnD label +GMStdParticleSystem,System,System,,Dnd library argument label +GMStdParticleType,Type,Type,,DnD™ library argument label +GMStdFrame,"Frame","Frame",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAngle,"Angle","Angle",,Drag and Drop™ library argument labelG +GMStdMinAngle,Min Angle,Min Angle,,DnD™ +GMStdMaxAngle,Max Angle,Max Angle,,DnD™ +GMStdDistribution,Distribution,Distribution,,DnD™ +GMStdAlpha,"Alpha","Alpha",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAlignment,"Alignment","Alignment",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdReturn,"Return","Return",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdReturnKey,"Return Key","Return Key",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdAutoCapitalization,"Capitalization","Capitalization",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdPredictiveText,"Text Prediction","Text Prediction",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRelativeToDir,Relative To Direction,Relative To Direction,,DnD™ +GMStdMacro,"Macro","Macro",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdDirs,"Directions","Directions",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdPath,"Path","Path",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdOnEnd,"On End","On End",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdMouseButton,"Button","Button",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTopLeft,"Top Left","Top Left",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdTopRight,"Top Right","Top Right",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdBottomLeft,"Bottom Left","Bottom Left",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdBottomRight,"Bottom Right","Bottom Right",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdCenter,"Center","Center",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdEdge,"Edge","Edge",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdScaleX,"Scale X","Scale X",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdScaleY,"Scale Y","Scale Y",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdRotation,"Rotation","Rotation",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdName,"Name","Name",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdVertically,"Vertical","Vertical",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdHorizontally,"Horizontal","Horizontal",,Drag and Drop™ library argument label +GMStdSeqHead,"Head (frames)","Head (frames)",,dnd library argument label +GMStdEqual,Equal,Equal,,DnD™ +GMStdLess,Less,Less,,DnD™ +GMStdGreater,Greater,Greater,,DnD™ +GMStdLessorEqual,Less or Equal,Less or Equal,,DnD™ +GMStdGreaterorEqual,Greater or Equal,Greater or Equal,,DnD™ +GMStdString,String,String,,DnD™ +GMStdResume,Resume,Resume,,DnD™ +GMStdPaused,Paused,Paused,,DnD™ +GMStdPause,Pause,Pause,,DnD™ +GMStdToggle,Toggle,Toggle,,DnD™ +GMStdWindow,Window,Window,,DnD™ +GMStdFullscreen,Fullscreen,Fullscreen,,DnD™ +GMStdSnow,Snow,Snow,,DnD™ +GMStdRain,Rain,Rain,,DnD™ +GMStdCloud,Cloud,Cloud,,DnD™ +GMStdFlare,Flare,Flare,,DnD™ +GMStdSpark,Spark,Spark,,DnD™ +GMStdStar,Star,Star,,DnD™ +GMStdSmokeUp,Smoke Up,Smoke Up,,DnD™ +GMStdSmoke,Smoke,Smoke,,DnD™ +GMStdFirework,Firework,Firework,,DnD™ +GMStdEllipse,Ellipse,Ellipse,,DnD™ +GMStdRing,Ring,Ring,,DnD™ +GMStdExplosion,Explosion,Explosion,,DnD™ +GMStdSphere,Sphere,Sphere,,DnD™ +GMStdCircle,Circle,Circle,,DnD™ +GMStdSquare,Square,Square,,DnD™ +GMStdDisk,Disk,Disk,,DnD™ +GMStdPixel,Pixel,Pixel,,DnD™ +GMStdSmall,Small,Small,,DnD™ +GMStdMedium,Medium,Medium,,DnD™ +GMStdLarge,Large,Large,,DnD™ +GMStdBelowObjects,Below Objects,Below Objects,,DnD™ +GMStdAboveObjects,Above Objects,Above Objects,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm0,Alarm 0,Alarm 0,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm1,Alarm 1,Alarm 1,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm2,Alarm 2,Alarm 2,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm3,Alarm 3,Alarm 3,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm4,Alarm 4,Alarm 4,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm5,Alarm 5,Alarm 5,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm6,Alarm 6,Alarm 6,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm7,Alarm 7,Alarm 7,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm8,Alarm 8,Alarm 8,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm9,Alarm 9,Alarm 9,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm10,Alarm 10,Alarm 10,,DnD™ +GMStdAlarm11,Alarm 11,Alarm 11,,DnD™ +GMStdMiddle,Middle,Middle,,DnD™ +GMStdAny,Any,Any,,DnD™ +GMStdNone,None,None,,DnD™ +GMStdLeftTrigger,Left Trigger,Left Trigger,,DnD™ +GMStdRightTrigger,Right Trigger,Right Trigger,,DnD™ +GMStdActionTop,Action Top,Action Top,,DnD™ +GMStdActionLeft,Action Left,Action Left,,DnD™ +GMStdActionBottom,Action Bottom,Action Bottom,,DnD™ +GMStdActionRight,Action Right,Action Right,,DnD™ +GMStdShoulderLeft,Shoulder Left,Shoulder Left,,DnD™ +GMStdShoulderRight,Shoulder Right,Shoulder Right,,DnD™ +GMStdDPadUp,D-Pad Up,D-Pad Up,,DnD™ +GMStdDPadLeft,D-Pad Left,D-Pad Left,,DnD™ +GMStdDPadDown,D-Pad Down,D-Pad Down,,DnD™ +GMStdDPadRight,D-Pad Right,D-Pad Right,,DnD™ +GMStdLeftStick,Left Stick,Left Stick,,DnD™ +GMStdRightStick,Right Stick,Right Stick,,DnD™ +GMStdSelect,Select,Select,,DnD™ +GMStdGravity,Gravity,Gravity,,DnD™ +GMStdSize,Size,Size,,DnD™ +GMStdXAndY,X And Y,X And Y,,DnD™ +GMStdXOnly,X Only,X Only,,DnD™ +GMStdYOnly,Y Only,Y Only,,DnD™ +GMStdRectangle,Rectangle,Rectangle,,DnD™ +GMStdLine,Line,Line,,DnD™ +GMStdLeftStickHor,Left Stick (Horizontal),Left Stick (Horizontal),,DnD™ +GMStdLeftStickVer,Left Stick (Vertical),Left Stick (Vertical),,DnD™ +GMStdRightStickHor,Right Stick (Horizontal),Right Stick (Horizontal),,DnD™ +GMStdRightStickVer,Right Stick (Vertical),Right Stick (Vertical),,DnD™ +GMStdDecimal,Decimal,Decimal,,DnD™ +GMStdInteger,Integer,Integer,,DnD™ +GMStdRound,Round,Round,,DnD™ +GMStdCeil,Ceil,Ceil,,DnD™ +GMStdFloor,Floor,Floor,,DnD™ +GMStdStop,Stop,Stop,,DnD™ +GMStdLinear,Linear,Linear,,DnD™ +GMStdGaussian,Gaussian,Gaussian,,DnD™ +GMStdInverseGaussian,Inverse Gaussian,Inverse Gaussian,,DnD™ +GMStdRestart,Restart,Restart,,DnD™ +GMStdReverse,Reverse,Reverse,,DnD™ +GMStdDiamond,Diamond,Diamond,,DnD™ +GMStdMixed,Mixed,Mixed,,DnD™ +GMStdChanging,Changing,Changing,,DnD™ +GMStdFileMode,Mode,Mode,,DnD™ +GMStdFileMode_Read,Read,Read,,DnD™ +GMStdFileMode_Write,Write,Write,,DnD™ +GMStdFileType,Type,Type,,DnD™ +GMStdFileType_Bin,Binary,Binary,,DnD™ +GMStdFileType_Text,Text,Text,,DnD™ +GMStdCopyTo,Copy To,Copy To,,DnD™ +GMStdNewFilename,New Name,New Name,,DnD™ +GMStdFile,File,File,,DnD™ +GMStdBuffer,Buffer,Buffer,,DnD™ +GMStdSeek,Seek,Seek,,DnD™ +GMStdRelative,Relative,Relative,,DnD argument label +GMStdAbsolute,Absolute,Absolute,,DnD argument label +GMStdOffset,Offset,Offset,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_mirror,Mirror,Mirror,,Mirror DnD™ +GMStdVar_flip,Flip,Flip,,Flip DnD™ +GMStdVar_bboxleft,Bounding Box Left,Bounding Box Left,,DnD label +GMStdVar_bboxtop,Bounding Box Top,Bounding Box Top,,DnD label +GMStdVar_bboxright,Bounding Box Right,Bounding Box Right,,DnD label +GMStdVar_bboxbottom,Bounding Box Bottom,Bounding Box Bottom,,DnD label +GMStdVar_insequence,In Sequence,In Sequence,,Dnd label +GMStdVar_xoffset,Sprite Origin X,Sprite Origin X,,DnD label +GMStdVar_yoffset,Sprite Origin Y,Sprite Origin Y,,DnD label +GMStdVar_rotate,Rotate,Rotate,,Rotate DnD™ +GMStdVar_xstart,Initial X Coordinate,Initial X Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_ystart,Initial Y Coordinate,Initial Y Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_xprevious,Previous X Coordinate,Previous X Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_yprevious,Previous Y Coordinate,Previous Y Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_x,X Coordinate,X Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_y,Y Coordinate,Y Coordinate,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_width,Width,Width,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_height,Height,Height,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_rows,Rows,Rows,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_columns,Columns,Columns,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_tilewidth,Tile Width,Tile Width,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_tileheight,Tile Height,Tile Height,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_tileset,Tile Set Resource,Tile Set Resource,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_frame,Current Frame,Current Frame,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_tilemask,Mask,Mask,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_tileglobalmask,Global Mask,Global Mask,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_hspeed,Horizontal Speed,Horizontal Speed,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_vspeed,Vertical Speed,Vertical Speed,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_direction,Direction,Direction,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_speed,Speed,Speed,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_friction,Friction,Friction,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_gravity,Gravity,Gravity,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_gravity_direction,Gravity Direction,Gravity Direction,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_visible,Visible,Visible,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_sprite_index,Sprite,Sprite,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_index,Image Index,Image Index,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_layer,Layer,Layer,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_persistent,Persistent,Persistent,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_mask_index,Mask,Mask,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_score,Score,Score,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_lives,Lives,Lives,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_health,Health,Health,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_depth,Depth,Depth,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_xscale,Horizontal Scale,Horizontal Scale,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_yscale,Vertical Scale,Vertical Scale,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_angle,Image Rotation,Image Rotation,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_alpha,Image Alpha,Image Alpha,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_image_blend,Image Blend Colour,Image Blend Colour,,DnD™ +GMStdVar_xport,Viewport X Coordinate,Viewport X Coordinate,,DnD label +GMStdVar_yport,Viewport Y Coordinate,Viewport Y Coordinate,,DnD label +GMStdVar_wport,Viewport Width,Viewport Width,,DnD label +GMStdVar_hport,Viewport Height,Viewport Height,,DnD label +GMStdVar_surfaceid,Viewport Surface ID,Viewport Surface ID,,DnD label +GMStdCatBuffers,Buffers,Buffers,,DnD™ +GMStdEvent,Event,Event,,DnD™ +GMStdPerStep,Per Step,Per Step,,DnD™ +GMStdOnDeath,On Death,On Death,,DnD™ +GMStdCallUserEvent_Name,Call User Event,Call User Event,,DnD™ action name +GMStdCallUserEvent_Desc,Call a user event on an instance.,Call a user event on an instance.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdInstExists_Name,If Instance Exists,If Instance Exists,,DnD™ action name +GMStdInstExists_Desc,Checks if an instance exists.,Checks if an instance exists.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdIfFileExists_Name,If File Exists,If File Exists,,DnD™ action name +GMStdIfFileExists_Desc,Checks if a file exists.,Checks if a file exists.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdFileCopy_Name,Copy File,Copy File,,DnD™ action name +GMStdFileCopy_Desc,Copy a file to a new location.,Copy a file to a new location.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdFileDelete_Name,Delete File,Delete File,,DnD™ action name +GMStdFileDelete_Desc,Delete a file.,Delete a file.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdFileRename_Name,Rename File,Rename File,,DnD™ action name +GMStdFileRename_Desc,Rename a file.,Rename a file.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferCreate_Name,Create Buffer,Create Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferCreate_Desc,Create a buffer.,Create a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferCopy_Name,Copy Buffer,Copy Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferCopy_Desc,Copy a buffer.,Copy a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferDelete_Name,Delete Buffer,Delete Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferDelete_Desc,Delete a buffer.,Delete a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferGetSize_Name,Get Buffer Size,Get Buffer Size,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferGetSize_Desc,Get the size of a buffer.,Get the size of a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferSeek_Name,Seek Buffer,Seek Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferSeek_Desc,Seek to a position in a buffer.,Seek to a position in a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferGetPosition_Name,Get Buffer Position,Get Buffer Position,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferGetPosition_Desc,Get current position in a buffer.,Get current position in a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferLoad_Name,Load Buffer,Load Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferLoad_Desc,Load a file into a buffer.,Load a file into a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferSave_Name,Save Buffer,Save Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferSave_Desc,Save a buffer to a file.,Save a buffer to a file.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferRead_Name,Read Buffer,Read Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferRead_Desc,Read from a buffer.,Read from a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferWrite_Name,Write Buffer,Write Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferWrite_Desc,Write to a buffer.,Write to a buffer.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeSize_Name,Set Particle Size,Set Particle Size,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeSize_Desc,Set the size of a particle type.,Set the size of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeShape_Name,Set Particle Shape,Set Particle Shape,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeShape_Desc,Set the shape of a particle type.,Set the shape of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeAlpha_Name,Set Particle Alpha,Set Particle Alpha,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeAlpha_Desc,Set the alpha channel of a particle type.,Set the alpha channel of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeSprite_Name,Set Particle Sprite,Set Particle Sprite,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeSprite_Desc,Set the sprite of a particle type.,Set the sprite of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeSpeed_Name,Set Particle Speed,Set Particle Speed,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeSpeed_Desc,Set the speed of a particle type.,Set the speed of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartTypeDirection_Name,Set Particle Direction,Set Particle Direction,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartTypeDirection_Desc,Set the direction of a particle type.,Set the direction of a particle type.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPartEmitRegion_Name,Set Emitter Region,Set Emitter Region,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPartEmitRegion_Desc,Set the region of an emitter.,Set the region of an emitter.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferEOS_Name,If End Of Buffer,If End Of Buffer,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferEOS_Desc,Checks if the end of a buffer has been reached.,Checks if the end of a buffer has been reached.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdBufferExists_Name,If Buffer Exists,If Buffer Exists,,DnD™ action name +GMStdBufferExists_Desc,Checks if a buffer exists.,Checks if a buffer exists.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdDefault_Name,Default,Default,,DnD™ action name +GMStdDefault_Desc,A default switch case for when no other case is matched.,A default switch case for when no other case is matched.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdLoop_Name,Loop,Loop,,DnD™ action name +GMStdLoop_Desc,A generic loop that continues until a Break action is hit.,A generic loop that continues until a Break action is hit.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdGetInstanceVar_Name,Get Instance Variable,Get Instance Variable,,DnD™ action name +GMStdGetInstanceVar_Desc,Get the value of an instance variable.,Get the value of an instance variable.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdSetInstanceVar_Name,Set Instance Variable,Set Instance Variable,,DnD™ action name +GMStdSetInstanceVar_Desc,Set the value of an instance variable.,Set the value of an instance variable.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPathGetSpeed_Name,Get Path Follow Speed,Get Path Follow Speed,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPathGetSpeed_Desc,Get the speed of the instance following a path.,Get the speed of the instance following a path.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdPathGetPosition_Name,Get Position Along Path,Get Position Along Path,,DnD™ action name +GMStdPathGetPosition_Desc,Get the position of the instance along the path it is following.,Get the position of the instance along the path it is following.,,DnD™ action description +GMStdConstructor,"Constructor","Constructor",,dnd function label for constructor +GMStdStatic,"Static","Static",,dnd function label for static +GMStdDeclFunction_Desc,"Declare a new function","Declare a new function",,dnd declare a new function +GMStdDeclFunction_Name,"Declare A New Function","Declare A New Function",,dnd declare a new function +GMStdDeclFunction_Story,"Declare a new function ${funcName}","Declare a new function ${funcName}",,dnd declare a new function +DnDManager_UnknownAction,Unknown Action,Unknown Action,,DnD™ Manager action name returned for action that doesnt exist +DnDEditor_EmptyChain,Empty,Empty,,DnD empty chain notice +SplineEditor_InvalidConvex,Shape is not convex!,Shape is not convex!,,Spline editor non convex shape +Validation_Error,Validation Error,Validation Error,,title used for validation error windows +ProgressBar_Load,Loading...,Loading...,,the progress bar caption while loading +ProgressBar_Extract,Extracting...,Extracting...,,the progress bar caption while extracting +ProgressBar_Import,Importing...,Importing...,,the progress bar caption while importing +ProgressBar_Install,Installing...,Installing...,,the progress bar caption while installing +ProgressBar_Save,Saving...,Saving...,,the progress bar caption while saving +ProgressBar_Export,Exporting...,Exporting...,,the progress bar caption while exporting +ProgressBar_Process,Processing...,Processing...,,the progress bar caption while processing +ProgressBar_BuildProgress,Building... {0},Building... {0},,The progress bar caption while compiling +ProgressBar_SpritePreview,Sprite Preview...,Sprite Preview...,,The progress bar caption while generating sprite preview +ProgressBar_Archiving,Archiving...,Archiving...,,Compressing to a .zip/.yyz/etc... +ProgressBar_ConvertingGMX,Converting GMX...,Converting GMX...,,converting gmx progress caption +TileSetEditor_SpriteNoExport,Disable Source Sprite Export,Disable Source Sprite Export,,checkbox caption to disable the export on the source sprite +TileSetEditor_AutoTileLibrary_Tooltip,Edit Autotiling,Edit Autotiling,,autotile tooltip +TileSetEditor_AnimationsLibrary_Tooltip,Edit Tile Animation,Edit Tile Animation,,animation library tooltip +FileFilters_AllSupported,All Supported File Types,All Supported File Types,,file filter info +FileFilters_ImageFiles,Image Files,Image Files,,Sprite resource file filter +Sprite_FileFilters_SwfFiles,Shockwave Flash Object,Shockwave Flash Object,,Sprite resource file filter +SpriteEditor_NoExport,Export Sprite Disabled,Export Sprite Disabled,,The caption alongside the checkbox to show if a sprite will be exported +SpriteEditor_ToolTip_WillExport,Sprite will export,Sprite will export,,THe tooltip when the sprite will be exported +SpriteEditor_ToolTip_NoExport,Sprite export disabled by tile set(s): {0},Sprite export disabled by tile set(s): {0},,The tooltip when the sprite will not be exported +RoomEditor_SelectFromAnyLayer,Select From Any Layer ,Select From Any Layer ,,tool tip for the select from any layer button +RoomEditor_InstanceLayerStatus,LMB + ALT to paint with selected object resources,LMB + ALT to paint with selected object resources,,status bar information for painting in an instance layer +RoomEditor_AssetLayerStatus,LMB + ALT to paint with selected sprite resources,LMB + ALT to paint with selected sprite resources,,status bar information for painting in an asset layer +RoomEditor_InstanceLayerStatus_Laptop,LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected object resources,LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected object resources,,status bar information for painting in an instance layer when laptop compatibility is enabled +RoomEditor_AssetLayerStatus_Laptop,LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected sprite resources,LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected sprite resources,,status bar information for painting in an asset layer when laptop compatibility is enabled +SPINE_ATLAS_NOT_FOUND,Spine: unable to find .atlas file for {0},Spine: unable to find .atlas file for {0},,spine atlas not found message +SPINE_TEXTURE_NOT_FOUND,Spine: unable to find texture file: {0},Spine: unable to find texture file: {0},,spine texture not found message +SPINE_JSON_NOT_FOUND,Spine: json file not found: {0},Spine: json file not found: {0},,spine json not found message +Spine_License_Title,Spine Agreement,Spine Agreement,,spine licence dialog title +Spine_License_Label1,Purchasing Spine from Esoteric Software grants permission to create and distribute GameMaker applications using Spine animations,Purchasing Spine from Esoteric Software grants permission to create and distribute GameMaker applications using Spine animations,,spine licence label +Spine_License_Label2,"To purchase Spine, please visit","To purchase Spine, please visit",,spine licence label +Spine_License_Link,http://esotericsoftware.com,http://esotericsoftware.com,,spine link +Spine_License_Label3,"To use Spine animations with GameMaker, please agree to the licence above.","To use Spine animations with GameMaker, please agree to the licence above.",,spine licence label +Spine_License_Agree,I agree to the terms listed,I agree to the terms listed,,spine licence agreement +Spine_License_AcceptLabel,Accept Spine licence,Accept Spine licence,,spine licence option +Spine_License_Show,Show Licence,Show Licence,,spine licence button +Spine_NeedLicenceAcceptance,Project contains Spine assets - please accept the Spine licence agreement to proceed,Project contains Spine assets - please accept the Spine licence agreement to proceed,,spine licence requirement message +RoomEditor_BrushEditingModeToolTip,Switch between selection and editing modes in brush builder page ,Switch between selection and editing modes in brush builder page ,,the tooltip for the editing mode button in the brush builder page +RoomEditor_DuplicateLayer,Duplicate Layer,Duplicate Layer,,context menu option to duplicate a layer +TileSetEditor_DeleteAnimation_ToolTip,Delete Animation,Delete Animation,,delete animation button tooltip +TileSetEditor_PlayAnimation_ToolTip,Play Animation,Play Animation,,play animation button tooltip +TileSetEditor_FrameCount_ToolTip,Set Frame Count,Set Frame Count,,frame count drop down tooltip +WelcomePage_Title,Welcome Page,Welcome Page,,Welcome page workspace title +WelcomePage_InstallingTitle,While we finish up your installation...,While we finish up your installation...,,installation title +WelcomePage_WelcomeTitle,Welcome,Welcome,,title to be used if not installing. +Welcome_ShowOnStartup,Show on startup,Show on startup,,do not show again label +WelcomePage_Close,Close,Close,,close label +WelcomePage_Page1Text,"...why not check out our all new {0}'Getting Started'{1} video","...why not check out our all new {0}'Getting Started'{1} video",, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation +WelcomePage_Page2Text,"Sit back, relax, and let us introduce you to some of our cool {0}'New Features'{1}","Sit back, relax, and let us introduce you to some of our cool {0}'New Features'{1}",, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation +WelcomePage_Page3Text,"{0}'Access All Areas'{1}. Find everything you need in one place. Tutorials, marketplace, support and much more","{0}'Access All Areas'{1}. Find everything you need in one place. Tutorials, marketplace, support and much more",, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation +WelcomePage_ShowOnStartup,Show welcome screen on startup,Show welcome screen on startup,,preference text +WelcomePage_Learn,Learn,Learn,,welcome page external link text +WelcomePage_Marketplace,Marketplace,Marketplace,,welcome page external link text +WelcomePage_Support,Support,Support,,welcome page external link text +WelcomePage_Community,Community,Community,,welcome page external link text +Runtime_Installing_Version,Installing runtime {0},Installing runtime {0},,user facing splash screen message for installing runtime +StartPage_Web_MyAccount,My Account,My Account,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_NewProject,New,New,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_OpenProject,Open,Open,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_ImportProject,Import,Import,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_Demos,Demos,Demos,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_Marketplace,Marketplace,Marketplace,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_Tutorials,Tutorials,Tutorials,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_About,More,More,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_CreateNewProject,Create New Project,Create New Project,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_NewDnD,Drag and Drop,Drag and Drop,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_NewGml,GameMaker Language,GameMaker Language,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_NewJS,JavaScript,JavaScript,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_InheritFromProject,Inherit Project,Inherit Project,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_ViewReleaseNotes,To view release notes for this and previous versions,To view release notes for this and previous versions,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_RecentProjects,Recent Projects,Recent Projects,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_RecentTutorials,Recent Tutorials,Recent Tutorials,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_Licenses,Licences,Licences,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_ReleaseNotes,Release Notes,Release Notes,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_OwnedTutorials,Owned,Owned,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_FilterByInstalled,Filter by installed,Filter by installed,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_OfficialTutorials,Official,Official,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_ExpandOrCollapse,Expand or collapse,Expand or collapse,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_GettingStarted,Getting Started,Getting Started,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_Explore,Explore,Explore,,Start page localised web content +addon_available,Available,Available,,This addon is available +StartPage_Web_Owned,Owned,Owned,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_Installed,Installed,Installed,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_Downloading,Downloading...,Downloading...,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_InProgress,Not Completed,Not Completed,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_Completed,Completed,Completed,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_Available,Available,Available,,Start page status label +StartPage_Web_ViewOnMarketplace,View On Marketplace,View On Marketplace,,Start page tooltip +StartPage_Web_Download,Download,Download,,Start page tooltip +StartPage_Web_Open,Open,Open,,Start page tooltip +StartPage_Web_Remove,Remove Local Files,Remove Local Files,,Start page remove tooltip +RemoteWorker_Submit,Submit,Submit,,Submit remote worker changes +remote_worker_cache_path,Cache Path,Cache Path,,Remote worker cache path +remote_worker_folder_sync_path,Path to FolderSync Tool,Path to FolderSync Tool,,Remote worker foldersync path +remote_worker_fronkensteen_runtime_path,Path to Remote Runtime,Path to Remote Runtime,,Remote worker runtime path +remote_worker_output_path,Output Path,Output Path,,Remote worker output path +remote_worker_project_cache_path,Project Cache Path,Project Cache Path,,Remote worker project cache path +default_audio_setting,Default Audio Device,Default Audio Device,,Default Audio Device setting +Validate_NameLength,Resource name must be between {2} and {1} characters long,Resource name must be between {2} and {1} characters long,,validation error message for resource name +Validate_InvalidFolderName,Folder name contains invalid characters: {0},Folder name contains invalid characters: {0},,validation error message for folder names +DnD_ResourceSelection_DropLabel,Drop here to assign asset,Drop here to assign asset,,DnD™ Resource Input label +TextureGroups_OpenResource,Open,Open,,Open Resource +RemoteWorker_WindowTitle,Settings for {0},Settings for {0},,Remote worker window title +RemoteWorker_PlatformNotSupportedTitle,Remote Worker - Platform Not Supported,Remote Worker - Platform Not Supported,,Platform is not supported on this remote worker title +RemoteWorker_ErrorTitle,Remote Worker Error,Remote Worker Error,,Remote worker error +RemoteWorker_Error_Connect,Failed to connect to the remote worker.\nVerify the host name and try again.,Failed to connect to the remote worker.\nVerify the host name and try again.,,Failed to connect error +RemoteWorker_NameErrorTitle,Remote Worker Name Error,Remote Worker Name Error,,Error with Remote Worker Name +RemoteWorker_NameError,A Remote Worker with this name already exists.,A Remote Worker with this name already exists.,,Remote Worker Name error message +RemoteWorker_PlatformNotSupported,The current platform is not supported on this Remote Worker.,The current platform is not supported on this Remote Worker.,,Platform is not supported on this remote worker +SearchOutput_Default,Press ${open_search_replace} to open the Search and Replace window.,Press ${open_search_replace} to open the Search and Replace window.,,Default text for the Search Output Window +SourceControl_Default,"Source Control Output will go here.","Source Control Output will go here.",,Default text for the Source Control Window +SourceControl_Trial,"Source Control Output would go here, but you are currently using a Trial version.\nPlease upgrade to a paid version to enable the Source Control features!\nVisit https://www.yoyogames.com/get2 to view our pricing.","Source Control Output would go here, but you are currently using a Trial version.\nPlease upgrade to a paid version to enable the Source Control features!\nVisit https://www.yoyogames.com/get2 to view our pricing.",,Default text for source control window when in trial mode. +TileSetEditor_WarningRoomTileLayersAffected,"Tile size increase will cause rooms to lose some tile layer data, are you sure you want to make this change?\n\nTo avoid data loss press cancel and increase room size of the affected rooms: {0}","Tile size increase will cause rooms to lose some tile layer data, are you sure you want to make this change?\n\nTo avoid data loss press cancel and increase room size of the affected rooms: {0}",,warning for user when increasing tile width/height which would cause a room tile layer to be truncated and lose painted tiles +GMStdAlpha_Name,Set Draw Alpha,Set Draw Alpha,,dnd set draw alpha node +GMStdAlpha_Desc,Set the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.,Set the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.,,dnd set draw alpha node +GMStdGetAlpha_Name,Get Draw Alpha,Get Draw Alpha,,dnd set draw alpha node +GMStdGetAlpha_Desc,Get the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.,Get the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.,,dnd set draw alpha node +GMStdUseAlpha,Use Alpha,Use Alpha,,dnd node label +TextEditorPanel_ConvertToDnD,Convert to DnD™,Convert to DnD™,,Convert the current script to DnD™ +Marketplace_CreatePackageDetails,Package Details:,Package Details:,,package details heading +Marketplace_InactiveTutorialSettings,Tutorial Content Settings will appear here when 'Tutorial' Package Type has been selected,Tutorial Content Settings will appear here when 'Tutorial' Package Type has been selected,,the message displayed when the tutorial settings are inactive +CloseNonEmptyWorkspaceTabMessage,"Closing this workspace will also close the contained editors, are you sure?","Closing this workspace will also close the contained editors, are you sure?",,confirmation dialog message when closing a workspace tab with open editors +CloseNonEmptyWorkspaceTabTitle,Closing a non-empty workspace,Closing a non-empty workspace,,confirmation dialog title +enableclosetabshortcut,Allow empty tabs to be closed via the keyboard shortcut,Allow empty tabs to be closed via the keyboard shortcut,,close tab label +autoclosenonemptyworkspacetabs,Automatic response to closing a workspace via keyboard shortcut,Automatic response to closing a workspace via keyboard shortcut,,auto close tab label +tileseteditor_automaticaccepttilesize,Automatic response to room tile layer cropping due to tile size changes,Automatic response to room tile layer cropping due to tile size changes,,tile size causing tile layer crop confirmation description +fonteditor_fontnotavailable,Font family '{0}' is not available. Verify that you have installed this font correctly.,Font family '{0}' is not available. Verify that you have installed this font correctly.,,Font editor font not available +fonteditor_fontnotavailable_listbox,Missing '{0}',Missing '{0}',,Text in font dropdown to tell user the font is unavailable +fonteditor_fontnotavailable_title,Unavailable Font,Unavailable Font,,Title for unavailable font warning +TextureAudioGroups_CyclicParent,A group cannot be a child of itself.,A group cannot be a child of itself.,,Cyclic parent warning +TextureAudioGroups_CyclicParent_Title,Invalid Parent,Invalid Parent,,Title for above warning +workspace_background_pref,Restore Default,Restore Default,,Restore default background +IDETooltip_CurrentTarget,Current Build Target,Current Build Target,,tooltip for the current build target info +spriteanimmode,Default sprite animation mode,Default sprite animation mode,,The default animation mode type for new sprites +spriteanimspeed,Default sprite animation speed,Default sprite animation speed,,The default animation speed for new sprites +NewSpriteWidth,Default sprite width,Default sprite width,,pref label +NewSpriteHeight,Default sprite height,Default sprite height,,pref label +TileSetEditorMenu_Delete,Delete,Delete,,the delete animation or auto tile set context menu option +TileSetEditorMenu_Rename,Rename,Rename,,the rename animation or auto tile set context menu option +RoomEditor_NoSelectionPathLayerStatus,"LMB + T to translate path, LMB + R to rotate path, LMB + S to scale path","LMB + T to translate path, LMB + R to rotate path, LMB + S to scale path",,status bar information for editing paths +YYP_DragDrop_Message,Load the project instead of adding a datafile?,Load the project instead of adding a datafile?,,confirm message +YYP_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Load the project?,Load the project?,,confirm message +StartPage_Web_RefreshDemos,Refresh owned demos.,Refresh owned demos.,,Refresh demos start page +YYP_DragDrop_Title,Project file detected,Project file detected,,dialog title +Archive_DragDrop_Message,Import the project instead of adding a datafile?,Import the project instead of adding a datafile?,,confirm message +Archive_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Import the project?,Import the project?,,confirm message +Archive_DragDrop_Title,Project archive detected,Project archive detected,,dialog title +GadgetToolbox_ExpandableCategory,Expandable Category,Expandable Category,,Dialog editor toolbox name +MarketplaceAsset_RemoveTooltip,Delete local content for this asset.,Delete local content for this asset.,,Remove tooltip for marketplace assets +MarketplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Message,Open the tutorial instead of adding a datafile?,Open the tutorial instead of adding a datafile?,,confirm message +MarketplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Open the tutorial?,Open the tutorial?,,confirm message +MarkerplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Title,Tutorial package detected,Tutorial package detected,,dialog title +MarketplacePackage_DragDrop_Message,Import marketplace package assets instead of adding a datafile?,Import marketplace package assets instead of adding a datafile?,,confirm message +MarketplacePackage_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Import marketplace package?,Import marketplace package?,,confirm message +MarketplacePackage_DragDrop_Title,Marketplace Package Detected,Marketplace Package Detected,,dialog title +Package_DragDrop_Message,Import package assets instead of adding a datafile?,Import package assets instead of adding a datafile?,,confirm message +Package_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Import asset package?,Import asset package?,,confirm message +Package_DragDrop_Title,Asset Package Detected,Asset Package Detected,,dialog title +Dialog_CopyToClipboard,Copy to clipboard,Copy to clipboard,,Copy the dialog message to the clipboard +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Reviews,{0} reviews,{0} reviews,,Review count label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_MadeWith,Created with {0},Created with {0},,Created with asset label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_SearchText,Search...,Search...,,Search default text +Marketplace_MyLibrary_AllCategory,All Assets,All Assets,,Category all assets +Marketplace_MyLibrary_UpdateCategory,New Version ({0}),New Version ({0}),,Category new version available +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewAuthor,Visit this author's page.,Visit this author's page.,,Author link text +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewReviews,View this asset's reviews.,View this asset's reviews.,,Review link text +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Offline,Offline,Offline,,Offline label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_DeleteContentTitle,Delete Local Content?,Delete Local Content?,,marketplace delete asset warning title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_OfflineDelete,Are you sure you want to delete local content for '{0}'?\nYou will need to be online to download it again.,Are you sure you want to delete local content for '{0}'?\nYou will need to be online to download it again.,,marketplace asset delete offline warning +Marketplace_OfflineDeleteConfirmChoice,Automatic response to offline content delete,Automatic response to offline content delete,,preference choice for marketplace offline local content delete +TileSetEditor_OpenClosedEdge_ToolTip,Open Or Closed Edges,Open Or Closed Edges,,tooltip for the auto tile set option to have open or closed edges +Marketplace_MyLibrary_SearchCaption,Search Results ({0}),Search Results ({0}),,Search caption +StartPage_Web_TooltipNotOwned,Acquire this tutorial,Acquire this tutorial,,Acquire tutorial tooltip +StartPage_Web_TooltipNotOwnedDemo,Acquire this demo,Acquire this demo,,Acquire demo tooltip +StartPage_Web_OwnedTutorialsFiltered,Installed,Installed,,Installed filter text +PhysicsShapeWindow_CurFrame,Frame:,Frame:,,Phsyics shape window toolbar frame label +Validation_ItemFrozen,"Item '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing","Item '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing",,validation error message when item is locked +Validation_ItemsFrozen,"Items '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing","Items '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing",,validation error message when multiple items are locked +Validation_LayerFrozen,"Layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing","Layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing",,validation error message when layer is locked +Validation_LayersFrozen,"Layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing","Layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing",,validation error message when multiple layers are locked +Validation_ItemOwnerLayerFrozen,"Owner layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing of item","Owner layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing of item",,validation error message when layer is locked +Validation_ItemOwnerLayersFrozen,"Owner layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing of items","Owner layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing of items",,validation error message when layer is locked +room_frozenitemchoice,Automatic response to item locked warning,Automatic response to item locked warning,,preference acceptance or show dialog message for editing locked items +room_frozenlayerchoice,Automatic response to layer locked warning,Automatic response to layer locked warning,,preference acceptance or show dialog message for editing locked layers +room_frozenownerlayerchoice,Automatic response to item owner layer locked warning,Automatic response to item owner layer locked warning,,preference acceptance or show dialog message for editing items within locked layers +TextureAudioGroups_NoneParent,None,None,,No parent +SettingsVertexLimit,Automatic response to exceeding physics vertex limit,Automatic response to exceeding physics vertex limit,,Settings box2d vertex limit +EventInherited_RequireModifierLookup,${ctrl}+MMB to open the inherited event instead of the manual.,${ctrl}+MMB to open the inherited event instead of the manual.,,event_inherited lookup modifier on/off +VertexLimitWarning,A physics shape cannot have more than 8 points.,A physics shape cannot have more than 8 points.,,Vertex limit physics warning message +VertexLimitWarning_Title,Warning,Warning,,Above message title +ObjectEditor_DropParentHere,Drop here to assign parent,Drop here to assign parent,,Drop message for object parent +ObjectEditor_DropChildHere,Drop here to add child,Drop here to add child,,Drop message for object child list +ObjectEditor_AddChildTooltip,Add child,Add child,,Object editor child list add child tooltip +ObjectEditor_RemoveChildTooltip,Remove child,Remove child,,Object editor child list remove child tooltip +INVALID_FILEPATH_TITLE,Invalid Path,Invalid Path,,Invalid File path title +INVALID_FILEPATH_PATHTOOLONG,File path is too long: {0},File path is too long: {0},,File at x has a path which is too long to handle +INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME_TITLE,Included File has invalid name,Included File has invalid name,,Invalid included file name dialog box title +INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME_MSG,"One or more included files has an invalid filename, should only contain a-z, A_Z, 0-9, _ or .\nSee the output panel for a list.","One or more included files has an invalid filename, should only contain a-z, A_Z, 0-9, _ or .\nSee the output panel for a list.",,Invalid included file name dialog box message +INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME,"Included file with invalid filename: '{0}'","Included file with invalid filename: '{0}'",,Invalid Included file name output message +Validate_InvalidFilename,"'{0}' contains invalid filename characters","'{0}' contains invalid filename characters",,Rename message +InvalidIncludedFileName_Digit,"'{0}' starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this","'{0}' starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this",,Invalid Included File starting with a digit +roomeditor_selectioncolour,Selection frame colour,Selection frame colour,,preference name for the selection frame colour for unlocked items in the room editor +roomeditor_selectionlockedcolour,Locked selection frame colour,Locked selection frame colour,,preference name for the selection frame colour for locked items in the room editor +roomeditor_propertiescolour,Properties frame colour,Properties frame colour,,preference name for the properties frame colour for unlocked items in the room editor +roomeditor_propertieslockedcolour,Locked properties frame colour,Locked properties frame colour,,preference name for the properties frame colour for locked items in the room editor +roomeditor_selectionboundscolour,Selection bounds colour,Selection bounds colour,,preference name for the selection bounds colour for unlocked items in the room editor +roomeditor_selectionboundslockedcolour,Locked selection bounds colour,Locked selection bounds colour,,preference name for the selection bounds colour for locked and unlocked items in the room editor +GridSettings_SnapToGridToolTip,Snap To Grid ,Snap To Grid ,,the tooltip for the snap to grid checkbox +PhysicsShapeEditor_FrameOf,of,of,,Frame x of y label +ResourcePrefs_DefaultSpriteOrigin,Default sprite origin,Default sprite origin,,Default sprite origin preference +ResourcePrefs_DefaultSpriteCollisionMaskKind,Default sprite collision mask kind,Default sprite collision mask kind,,Preferences / Sprite Editor / Default sprite collision mask kind +ListBoxEnum_eLVEDisplayMode_TreeView,Tree View,Tree View,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eLVEDisplayMode_ListView,List View,List View,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eLVEDisplayMode_Both,Both,Both,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_TopLeft,Top Left,Top Left,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_TopCentre,Top Centre,Top Centre,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_TopRight,Top Right,Top Right,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_MiddleLeft,Middle Left,Middle Left,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_MiddleCentre,Middle Centre,Middle Centre,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_MiddleRight,Middle Right,Middle Right,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_BottomLeft,Bottom Left,Bottom Left,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_BottomCentre,Bottom Centre,Bottom Centre,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eOrigin_BottomRight,Bottom Right,Bottom Right,,enum name +RoomItem_RestoreNameUpdated,Attempting to restore item '{0}' name is already in use and has been updated to '{1}',Attempting to restore item '{0}' name is already in use and has been updated to '{1}',,console log message when restoring an item whose name has been taken by another instance +Extraction_Error,ERROR: Unable to extract '{0}' at '{1}',ERROR: Unable to extract '{0}' at '{1}',,Error message when gmz/yyz extraction fails +FontEditor_SampleText,Sample Text,Sample Text,,Font editor sample text +PhysicsShapeEditor_ToggleGrid,Toggle grid on or off.,Toggle grid on or off.,,Toggle grid tooltip +PhysicsShapeEditor_PlayAnimation,Play or pause the sprite animation.,Play or pause the sprite animation.,,Play or pause tooltip +PhysicsShapeEditor_CurrentFrameTooltip,Set the displayed sprite frame,Set the displayed sprite frame,,Current frame tooltip +PhysicsShapeEditor_SnapX,Set the horizontal grid alignment.,Set the horizontal grid alignment.,,Snap x tooltip +PhysicsShapeEditor_SnapY,Set the vertical grid alignment.,Set the vertical grid alignment.,,Snap y tooltip +GeneralSettings_ChainSoftness,Workspace chain rendering segment count,Workspace chain rendering segment count,,Chain softness preference +SequencePref_ChainSoftness,Canvas chain rendering segment count,Canvas chain rendering segment count,,Canvas chain softness preference +SequencePref_TranslationPathInsertion,Translation path point insertion margin,Translation path point insertion margin,,Insertion Precision in Sequence Editor +SequencePref_AddActionMessage,Automatic button choice on Add Action,Automatic button choice on Add Action,,Automatic button choice on Add Action dialog +SequencePref_CreateDefaultParameterTracks,Automatically create default parameter tracks,Automatically create default parameter tracks,,Automatically create default parameter tracks prefs +SequencePref_AutoStretchResources,Automatically stretch newly added assets,Automatically stretch newly added assets,,Automatically stretch newly added assets prefs +SequencePref_ConfirmEmbed,Automatic choice to embed edited curve,Automatic choice to embed edited curve,,sequence embed confirm pref +SequencePref_ConvertToKeys,Automatic choice to convert curve to keys,Automatic choice to convert curve to keys,,sequence convert to keys pref +SequencePref_ExternalCurveEditWarning,Automatic choice to show warning on external curve edit,Automatic choice to show warning on external curve edit,,sequence pref external curve edit +SequencePref_CurveTrackHeight,Height of Anim Curve Track in Dopesheet,Height of Anim Curve Track in Dopesheet,,seq curve track height preference +ListBoxEnum_eCurveTrackHeight_Single,Single Line Height,Single Line Height,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eCurveTrackHeight_Double,Double Line Height,Double Line Height,,enum name +ListBoxEnum_eCurveTrackHeight_Triple,Triple Line Height,Triple Line Height,,enum name +SmartGuidePref_EnableGuides,Enable Smart Guides,Enable Smart Guides,,Enable Smart Guides +SmartGuidePref_EnableRulers,Enable Rulers,Enable Rulers,,Enable Rulers +SmartGuidePref_SnapDistance,Snap Distance,Snap Distance,,Snap Distance +SmartGuidePref_SnapRulers,Snap Rulers to edges,Snap Rulers to edges,,snap rulers pref +PickWhipSettings_ChainSoftness,Pick whip chain rendering segment count,Pick whip chain rendering segment count,,Pick whip chain softness preference +PickWhipSettings_ChainThickness,Pick whip chain thickness,Pick whip chain thickness,,Pick whip chain thickness preference +PickWhipSettings_Color,Pick whip colour,Pick whip colour,,The color of the pick whip preference +DnDModule_ToggleBreakpoint,Toggle Breakpoint,Toggle Breakpoint,,Toggle breakpoint on a DnD™ node +DnDModule_DisableNode,Disable,Disable,,Disable node output +DnDModule_EnableNode,Enable,Enable,,Enable node output +DnDModule_ToggleDisabled,Toggle Enabled,Toggle Enabled,,Toggle node output +DnDModule_NodeDisabled,(Disabled),(Disabled),,Node disabled story entry +DnDModule_DeleteAllBreakpoints,Delete All Breakpoints,Delete All Breakpoints,,Delete breakpoints on selected DnD™ nodes +DnDModule_DeleteNode,Delete,Delete,,DnD™ module delete selected +IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Title,Laptop Mode ({0}),Laptop Mode ({0}),,IDE toolbar laptop mode title +IDETooltip_LaptopMode_On,On,On,,On text +IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Off,Off,Off,,Off text +IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Description,"In Laptop Mode you can pan, scroll and zoom by moving the mouse over an area\nwhile holding ${LaptopLZoomKey} to zoom and Left Alt to pan and scroll.\nUse ${LaptopRHSKeys} for non-mouse interactions while Laptop Mode is enabled.","In Laptop Mode you can pan, scroll and zoom by moving the mouse over an area\nwhile holding ${LaptopLZoomKey} to zoom and Left Alt to pan and scroll.\nUse ${LaptopRHSKeys} for non-mouse interactions while Laptop Mode is enabled.",,IDE toolbar laptop mode description +MyAccount_Offline,Cannot access account management: User is offline,Cannot access account management: User is offline,,User is offline and trying to access My Account +UserOffline_NeedsInternet,Please make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.,Please make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.,,User is offline +MyAccount_WorkspaceTitle,My Account,My Account,,My account workspace title +RoomEditor_IgnoreItem,Export,Export,,checkbox for whether the item will be exported to the runner +StartPage_ProjectNotExistsTitle,Project Missing,Project Missing,,Project does not exist title +StartPage_ProjectNotExists,This project may have been moved or deleted.\nPlease verify the project location and try again.,This project may have been moved or deleted.\nPlease verify the project location and try again.,,Project does not exist +TileSet_Libraries,Libraries,Libraries,,the tile selection window libraries tab title +TileSet_Brushes,Brushes,Brushes,,the tile selection window brushes tab title +Validate_MaintainFileExtension,"Invalid name, cannot change extension from '{0}' to '{1}'.","Invalid name, cannot change extension from '{0}' to '{1}'.",,extension placeholder message +ObjectEditor_EditParent,Edit Parent,Edit Parent,,Edit parent object tooltip +ObjectEditor_EditMask,Edit Mask,Edit Mask,,Edit mask tooltip +StartPage_Web_RefreshTutorials,Refresh owned tutorials.,Refresh owned tutorials.,,Refresh tutorials tooltip +Tooltip_ResizeSprite,Resize Sprite,Resize Sprite,,Sprite resize button tooltip +Debugger_UnableToEvaluate,,,,Unable to evaluate expression in debugger +Debugger_ErrorMsg,An error has occurred in the game. See error message below.,An error has occurred in the game. See error message below.,,Debugger game error label +Debugger_TabTitle,Debugger,Debugger,,Debugger tab title +Debugger_Window_ResourceView,Resource View,Resource View,,Debugger resource view window title +Debugger_Window_SourceView,Source View,Source View,,Debugger source view window title +Debugger_Window_LocalsView,Locals,Locals,,Debugger locals window title +Debugger_Window_GlobalsView,Globals,Globals,,Debugger globals window title +Debugger_Window_WatchView,Watch,Watch,,Debugger watch window title +Debugger_Window_InstanceView,Instance,Instance,,Debugger instance window title +Debugger_Window_AllInstancesView,All Instances,All Instances,,Debugger all instances window title +Debugger_Window_SelectedInstanceView,Selected Instance,Selected Instance,,Debugger selected instance window title +Debugger_Window_SelectedInstanceView_Arg,Selected Instance {0},Selected Instance {0},,Debugger selected instance window title with argument +Debugger_Window_Callstack,Call Stack,Call Stack,,Debugger call stack window title +Debugger_Window_Surfaces,Surfaces & Textures,Surfaces & Textures,,Debugger surfaces window title +Debugger_Window_Graph,Graph,Graph,,Debugger graph window title +Debugger_Window_Profile,Profile,Profile,,Debugger profile window title +Debugger_Window_Buffers,Buffers,Buffers,,Debugger buffers window title +Debugger_Window_RenderState,Render States,Render States,,Debugger render states window title +Debugger_TimelineMoment,Moment {0},Moment {0},,Debugger timeline moment label +Debugger_Toltip_Run,Continue ,Continue ,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_Break,Break,Break,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_Restart,Restart game,Restart game,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_Stop,Close the game,Close the game,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Tooltip_Close,Discard the collected data and end the debugging session.,Discard the collected data and end the debugging session.,,Toltip lol +Debugger_Toltip_StepInto,Step into function call ,Step into function call ,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_StepOver,Step over function call ,Step over function call ,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_StepOut,Step out of function ,Step out of function ,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_Realtime,Enable real-time debugging,Enable real-time debugging,,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_SourceModified,Source Modified,Source Modified,,Debugger source modified window title +Debugger_SourceModified_Msg,The source code in {0} has been modified and cannot be debugged.,The source code in {0} has been modified and cannot be debugged.,,Debugger source modified window message +Debugger_MenuBar_Debugger,Debugger,Debugger,,Debugger menu bar +Debugger_RoomNoCode,This room has no creation code,This room has no creation code,,Debugger no code label +Debugger_ObjectNoCode,This object has no source code,This object has no source code,,Debugger no code label +Debugger_ScriptNoCode,This script has no source code,This script has no source code,,Debugger no code label +Debugger_TimeLineNoCode,This time line has no moments with source code,This time line has no moments with source code,,Debugger no code label +Debugger_ExtensionNoCode,This extension has no exported functions,This extension has no exported functions,,Debugger no code label +Debugger_CallStack_Name,Name,Name,,Debugger call stack name column +Debugger_Surfaces_Type,Type,Type,,Debugger surfaces type column +Debugger_Surfaces_Texture,Thumbnail,Thumbnail,,Debugger surfaces texture column +Debugger_Surfaces_Size,Size,Size,,Debugger surfaces size column +Debugger_SurfaceView_NoneSelected,Double-click a resource in the Resource View to view its source code here,Double-click a resource in the Resource View to view its source code here,,Debugger no source code selected +Debugger_CallStack_Empty,The call stack is empty.,The call stack is empty.,,The call stack is empty label +Debugger_StackFrame_Tooltip,Double-click to go to this stack frame,Double-click to go to this stack frame,,Debugger stack frame tooltip +Debugger_MemoryUsage,Memory: ,Memory: ,,Debugger memory usage label +Debugger_Fps,FPS: ,FPS: ,,Debugger fps label +Debugger_DataGrid_Name,Name,Name,,Debugger data grid name column +Debugger_DataGrid_Value,Value,Value,,Debugger data grid value column +Debugger_Dock_Variables,Variables,Variables,,Debugger variables dock +Debugger_Dock_Graphics,Graphics,Graphics,,Debugger graphics dock +Debugger_Dock_Instance,Instances,Instances,,Debugger instance dock +Debugger_Dock_Misc,Others,Others,,Debugger miscellaneous dock +Debugger_Dock_Debugger,Debugger,Debugger,,Debugger dock +Debugger_Buffer_textOnly,Show Text Only,Show Text Only,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_numbersOnly,Show Numbers Only,Show Numbers Only,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_byte1,1-byte Integer,1-byte Integer,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_byte2,2-byte Integer,2-byte Integer,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_byte4,4-byte Integer,4-byte Integer,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_float32,32-bit Floating Point,32-bit Floating Point,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_float64,64-bit Floating Point,64-bit Floating Point,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_hex,Hex,Hex,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_signed,Signed,Signed,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_unsigned,Unsigned,Unsigned,,Buffer view type +Debugger_Buffer_Id,Buffer ID,Buffer ID,,Buffer id label +Debugger_Buffer_Columns,Columns,Columns,,Buffer columns label +Debugger_Buffer_Type,Type: {0},Type: {0},,Buffer type label +Debugger_Buffer_Size,Size: {0},Size: {0},,Buffer size label +Debugger_Buffer_Tell,Tell: {0},Tell: {0},,Buffer tell label +Debugger_Buffer_Alignment,Alignment: {0},Alignment: {0},,Buffer alignment label +Debugger_Buffer_ColumnsAuto,Auto,Auto,,Debugger auto columns label +Debugger_Buffer_NoneSelected,There is no buffer associated with identifier {0},There is no buffer associated with identifier {0},,Debugger buffer none selected label +Debugger_ViewType_Real,Real,Real,,debugger view type real +Debugger_ViewType_DSList,ds_list,ds_list,,debugger view type ds_list +Debugger_ViewType_DSMap,ds_map,ds_map,,debugger view type ds_map +Debugger_ViewType_DSStack,ds_stack,ds_stack,,debugger view type ds_stack +Debugger_ViewType_DSQueue,ds_queue,ds_queue,,debugger view type ds_queue +Debugger_ViewType_DSPriority,ds_priority,ds_priority,,debugger view type ds_priority +Debugger_ViewType_DSGrid,ds_grid,ds_grid,,debugger view type ds_grid +Debugger_ViewType_Instance,Instance,Instance,,debugger view type Instance +Debugger_Surface,Surface {0},Surface {0},,Debugger surface label +Debugger_Texture,Texture {0},Texture {0},,Debugger texture label +Debugger_Surface_View,Surface,Surface,,Debugger surface label +Debugger_Texture_View,Texture,Texture,,Debugger texture label +Debugger_Menu_Windows,Windows,Windows,,Debugger menu item +Debugger_ResetLayout,Reset Window Layout,Reset Window Layout,,Debugger reset window layout menu item +Debugger_Graph_Mem,"Mem {0}","Mem {0}",,Debugger graph memory +Debugger_Graph_Fps,"Fps {0}","Fps {0}",,Debugger graph fps +Debugger_Graph_GameFps,"Game Fps {0}","Game Fps {0}",,Debugger graph game fps +Debugger_Graph_Avg,Avg {0},Avg {0},,Debugger graph average label +Debugger_Graph_FpsAvg,Fps Avg {0},Fps Avg {0},,Debugger graph average label +Debugger_Graph_MemAvg,Mem Avg {0},Mem Avg {0},,Debugger graph average label +Debugger_ViewAs,View As...,View As...,,watch contect menu view as +Debugger_DeleteWatch,Delete Watch,Delete Watch,,watch contect menu delete watch +Debugger_ClearWatches,Clear All,Clear All,,watch contect menu delete all watches +Debugger_AddWatch,Add Watch,Add Watch,,debugger context menu add watch +Debugger_Profiler_Start,Start Profiling,Start Profiling,,debugger start profiling +Debugger_Profiler_Stop,Stop Profiling,Stop Profiling,,debugger start profiling +Debugger_Profiler_Running,Profiling...,Profiling...,,debugger profiling +Debugger_Profiler_Averages,Average Values,Average Values,,Debugger show average values +Debugger_Profiler_Averages_Tooltip,Tick this to display all values as averages.\nUntick it to display accumulated values.,Tick this to display all values as averages.\nUntick it to display accumulated values.,,Debugger averages tooltip +Debugger_DataGrid_CallCount,Call Count,Call Count,,Debugger call count +Debugger_DataGrid_Time,Time (Ms),Time (Ms),,Debugger time count +Debugger_DataGrid_Step,Step %,Step %,,Debugger step % column +Debugger_Graph_Help,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold Control and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold Control and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,,Debugger graph help icon +Debugger_Graph_Help_Mac,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold ⌘ and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold ⌘ and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,,Debugger graph help icon +Debugger_FailedToEvaluate,Failed to evaluate expression,Failed to evaluate expression,,Debugger failed to evaluate expression +Debugger_Connection_Active,Active connection to game,Active connection to game,,Debugger active connection +Debugger_Connection_Pending,Connecting to game...,Connecting to game...,,Debugger pending connection +Debugger_Connection_Closed,No connection to game,No connection to game,,Debugger no connection +Debugger_GraphView_ShowWindow,Click to open in a window.,Click to open in a window.,,Debugger open in window label +Debugger_GraphView_Tags_WindowTitle,Debug Events - Tick {0},Debug Events - Tick {0},,Debug events window title +Debugger_IPDialog_Title,Device IP Required,Device IP Required,,Debugger IP Address dialog title +Debugger_IPDialog_Message,Target Device IP is required to connect the debugger,Target Device IP is required to connect the debugger,,Debugger IP Address dialog message +Debugger_IPDialog_Button,Open Device Settings,Open Device Settings,,Debugger IP Address button caption +Debugger_AttachToProgramDialog_Title,Enter Debugger Connection String,Enter Debugger Connection String,,Debugger Connection dialog title +Debugger_AttachToProgramDialog_Message,Debugger Connection String,Debugger Connection String,,Debugger Connection String +Debugger_AttachToProgramDialog_Button,Connect,Connect,,Debugger Attach to Program button caption +Debugger_AttachToProgram_YYDebugFile,.yydebug File,.yydebug File,,yydebug file caption +Debugger_AttachToProgram_YYDebugFile_Tooltip,The location of the yydebug file for the program to connect to,The location of the yydebug file for the program to connect to,,yydebug file location tooltop +Debugger_AttachToProgram_YYDebugFile_Extension,yydebug,yydebug,,yydebug file extension +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Host,Name/IP,Name/IP,,hostname or IP of machine the program is running on +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Host_Tooltip,The host name or IP address the program is running on,The host name or IP address the program is running on,,Tool tip for Name/IP +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Port,Port,Port,,Port the debugger is listening on +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Port_Tooltip,The port the debugger should connect to,The port the debugger should connect to,,Port the debugger should connect on tooltip +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Error_Title,Error,Error,,Title for the error dialog shown when the attach to program dialog is filled out incorrectly +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Error_YYDebugFile,Cannot find yydebug file specified. Cancelling debugger connection.,Cannot find yydebug file specified. Cancelling debugger connection.,,Error shown when the yydebug file is not correct +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Error_Host,Name/IP is invalid. Cancelling debugger connection.,Name/IP is invalid. Cancelling debugger connection.,,Error shown when the IP/Name is not correct +Debugger_AttachToProgram_Error_Port,Port is invalid. Cancelling debugger connection.,Port is invalid. Cancelling debugger connection.,,Error shown when the port number is invalid +Debugger_Watches_AddNewWatch,Add new watch...,Add new watch...,,Watches add new text +Debugger_OnlyAvailableWindows,Only available with Windows target,Only available with Windows target,,selected instance windows only message +Debugger_CloseMessage_NoGame,This will close the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.,This will close the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.,,Close debugger without a running game +Debugger_CloseMessage_Game,This will close the game and the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.,This will close the game and the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.,,Close debugger with a running game +Debugger_Pref_AutomaticCloseChoice,Automatic response to closing the debugger,Automatic response to closing the debugger,,Close automatic choice message +Debugger_CodeError,Code Error,Code Error,,debugger code error dialog title +Debugger_FetchingTextures,Fetching images...,Fetching images...,,debugger texture image fetch label +Debugger_RefreshTextures_Tooltip,Load texture/surface images from the target,Load texture/surface images from the target,,debugger texture refresh button tooltip +Debugger_VersionError_Title,Debugger Version Error,Debugger Version Error,,debugger version error title +Debugger_VersionError,IDE version and current runtime version are not compatible for debugging.,IDE version and current runtime version are not compatible for debugging.,,debugger version error message +Debugger_ConnectAbort,Abort Connection,Abort Connection,,connection abort button label +Debugger_ConnectContinue,Keep trying,Keep trying,,connection continue button label +Debugger_ConnectTimeoutMsg,The Debugger has not received a response from the target - it may be a network or firewall issue.,The Debugger has not received a response from the target - it may be a network or firewall issue.,,debugger connect timeout msg +Debugger_ConnectHelpLink,Click here to visit help page,Click here to visit help page,,connection issue help link +Debugger_ConnectTimeoutTitle,Debugger failed to connect,Debugger failed to connect,,debugger connect timeout title +Textview_Title,Text Viewer,Text Viewer,,text view window title +Textview_Expression,Expression:,Expression:,,text viewer expression label +Textview_Value,Value:,Value:,,text viewer value label +Textview_Wrap,Wrap,Wrap,,wrap checkbox label +Help_BufferId,"The buffer id is an integer value starting at zero and increments when a new buffer is created.\nView the contents of the buffer with a given id.","The buffer id is an integer value starting at zero and increments when a new buffer is created.\nView the contents of the buffer with a given id.",,Help tip +Help_eProfileFilterType_eGML,"Show only samples for my code, excluding the underlying engine code.","Show only samples for my code, excluding the underlying engine code.",,Help tip +Help_eProfileFilterType_eEngine,"Show only samples for the underlying engine code, excluding my code.","Show only samples for the underlying engine code, excluding my code.",,Help tip +Help_eProfileFilterType_eCombined,Show samples for my code and the underlying engine code.,Show samples for my code and the underlying engine code.,,Help tip +Help_eProfileViewType_eTree,"Show samples in a top-down hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the bottom of the tree.","Show samples in a top-down hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the bottom of the tree.",,Help tip +Help_eProfileViewType_eBottomUp,"Show samples in a bottom-up hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the top of the tree.","Show samples in a bottom-up hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the top of the tree.",,Help tip +Help_TextureView,"Show all textures in use by the game.","Show all textures in use by the game.",,Help tip +Help_SurfaceView,Show all dynamically created surfaces currently in memory.,Show all dynamically created surfaces currently in memory.,,help tip +ListBoxEnum_eProfileFilterType_eGML,My Code,My Code,,User code filter +ListBoxEnum_eProfileFilterType_eEngine,Engine Code,Engine Code,,Engine code filter +ListBoxEnum_eProfileFilterType_eCombined,Combined,Combined,,Combined code filter +ListBoxEnum_eProfileViewType_eTree,Top-down,Top-down,,Debugger profiler view +ListBoxEnum_eProfileViewType_eBottomUp,Bottom-up,Bottom-up,,Debugger profiler view +Marketplace_MyLibrary_NoAvgRatingTooltip,This asset hasn't received enough reviews yet.,This asset hasn't received enough reviews yet.,,Not enough reviews tooltip +Marketplace_MyLibrary_AvgRatingTooltip,Average rating.,Average rating.,,Not enough reviews tooltip +LinkLabel_Browser,Browser,Browser,,Link label default localisation title +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ServerNotResponding,Server is not responding.,Server is not responding.,,Server not responding error message +Marketplace_MyLibrary_RequestCancelled,The request was cancelled before completion.,The request was cancelled before completion.,,Request cancelled error message +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ErrorTitle,An Error Occurred,An Error Occurred,,Error occurred title +ExtEditor_ToolTip_Name,Update the extension name,Update the extension name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_VersionNumber_Major,Set the major version number,Set the major version number,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_VersionNumber_Minor,Set the minor version number,Set the minor version number,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_VersionNumber_Patch,Set the patch number,Set the patch number,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_AddRemoveResource,Add or Remove resource,Add or Remove resource,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_TogglePlatformSettings,Toggle extra platforms,Toggle extra platforms,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_AddProxyFile,Add Proxy File,Add Proxy File,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_RemoveProxyFile,Remove Proxy File,Remove Proxy File,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_UncompressAsZipFile,Check to uncompress this file after being copied to the target platform,Check to uncompress this file after being copied to the target platform,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SelectInitFunction,Select Init function,Select Init function,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SelectFinalFunction,Select Final function,Select Final function,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_AddArgument,Add Argument,Add Argument,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_RemoveArgument,Remove Argument,Remove Argument,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetFunctionName,Set Function Name,Set Function Name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetExternalName,Set External Name,Set External Name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetReturnType,Set Return Type,Set Return Type,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetScriptingHelp,Set help text,Set help text,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_VarArgs,GML functions can support variable arguments,GML functions can support variable arguments,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetMacroName,Set Macro Name,Set Macro Name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_ToolTip_SetMacroValue,Set Macro Value,Set Macro Value,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_SetClassName,Set Class Name,Set Class Name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_SetDelegateName,Set App Delegate Class Name,Set App Delegate Class Name,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_GradleDependancies,Entries for injecting into the Gradle build system,Entries for injecting into the Gradle build system,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_ManifestAdditions,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest file,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest file,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_ManifestApplicationAdditions,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Application,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Application,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_ManifestActivityAdditions,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Activity,Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Activity,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_AddPermission,Add Permission,Add Permission,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_RemovePermission,Remove Permission,Remove Permission,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_AndroidAddSDK,Add Android SDK,Add Android SDK,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_AndroidAddSource,Add Folder Containing Android Source files,Add Folder Containing Android Source files,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_CompilerFlags,Flags used when compiling imported source files,Flags used when compiling imported source files,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_LinkerFlags,Flags to be used when linking imported source files,Flags to be used when linking imported source files,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_AddSysFramework,Add system framework entry,Add system framework entry,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_RemoveSysFramework,Remove selected framework,Remove selected framework,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_Add3rdFramework,Add third-party framework entry,Add third-party framework entry,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_CocoaPods,Learn about CocoaPods,Learn about CocoaPods,,cocoapoads tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_Remove3rdFramework,Remove selected framework,Remove selected framework,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_FrameworkPathOnMac,Full path on Mac to import framework from,Full path on Mac to import framework from,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_AddFrameworkFromMac,Import from Mac,Import from Mac,,tooltip +ExtEditor_Tooltip_iOS_AddSource,Add local source folder,Add local source folder,,tooltip +DnD_StoryPanel_Empty,An overview will appear here when you add an action,An overview will appear here when you add an action,,Empty panel text +allowoverlappingchains_description,Workspace chains can overlap,Workspace chains can overlap,,preference description for whether we allow overlapping chains +IcoFailedLoad,An image in the {0} file failed to load.,An image in the {0} file failed to load.,,Ico image failed to load +desktop_windowlockzoomlevel,Minimum zoom level for interacting with window contents (%),Minimum zoom level for interacting with window contents (%),,preference description for when a window is locked and only responds to mouse interaction for dragging +PlatformImage_Generate,Generate,Generate,,button caption for the generate images button +SpriteEditor_CollisionType,Type,Type,,Collision type label +SpriteEditor_CollisionMode,Mode,Mode,,Collision mode label +NoChangesWillBeLost,You have unsaved changes and will be prompted to save.,You have unsaved changes and will be prompted to save.,,Save message on restart prompt +PlatformImage_GenerateTitle,Generate Project Images,Generate Project Images,,window title for the platform image generation module +PlatformImage_BorderColour,Border Colour,Border Colour,,colour select caption for image generation +PlatformImage_GenerationType,Generation Mode,Generation Mode,,combobox caption for image generation type selection +ListBoxEnum_eImageGenerationType_KeepAspectRatio,Keep Aspect Ratio,Keep Aspect Ratio,,image generation type keep aspect ratio option +ListBoxEnum_eImageGenerationType_CropToFit,Crop To Fit,Crop To Fit,,image generation type keep aspect ratio by cropping option +ggs_use_facebook_extension,"In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Facebook Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?","In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Facebook Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?",,Facebook extension not installed need to download it +ggs_use_googleplayservices_extension,"In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Services Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now?","In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Services Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now?",,Google Play Services extension not installed and need to download it +ggs_use_amazonapi_extension,"In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Amazon API Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?","In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Amazon API Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?",,Amazon API extension not installed and need to download it +ggs_use_google_apkexpansion_extension,"In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play APK Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?","In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play APK Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?",,Google Play APK Expansion extension not installed and need to download it +ggs_use_google_licensing_extension,"In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Licensing Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?","In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Licensing Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?",,Google Play APK Expansion extension not installed and need to download it +ListBoxEnum_eImageGenerationType_Stretch,Stretch,Stretch,,image generation type stretch option +aboutbox_ide_version,IDE Version:,IDE Version:,,IDE Version in About Box +aboutbox_runtime_version,Current Runtime:,Current Runtime:,,Current Runtime in About Box +aboutbox_time_in_ide,Time in IDE,Time in IDE,,Overall Time spent in IDE +aboutbox_onlinestatus,Online Status:,Online Status:,,Online Status in About Box +aboutbox_onlinestatus_isonline,Online,Online,,Is Online status +aboutbox_onlinestatus_isoffline,Offline,Offline,,Is Offline status +aboutbox_username,Username:,Username:,,Username in About Box +aboutbox_graphicsvendor,Graphics Vendor:,Graphics Vendor:,,Graphics Vendor in About Box +aboutbox_cpuvendor,CPU Vendor:,CPU Vendor:,,CPU Vendor in About Box +Views_Menu_ImageGenerator,Generate Project Images,Generate Project Images,,the ide menu entry for opening the project image generator window +Update_System_fonts,Refresh System Fonts,Refresh System Fonts,,Refresh system fonts ide menu entry +PlatformImage_NoFileSelectedTitle,No Image Selected,No Image Selected,,the title for the warning message that no image has been selected +PlatformImage_NoFileSelectedMessage,Please select an image using the file browser,Please select an image using the file browser,,the warning message that no image has been selected +PlatformImage_Images,Images:,Images:,,the images section header +PlatformImage_Icons,Icons:,Icons:,,the icons section header +OverwriteFramesTitle,Replace all frames,Replace all frames,,image editor replace frames with os dnd files dialog title +OverwriteFramesMessage,Do you wish to replace ALL the frames with the dropped image files?,Do you wish to replace ALL the frames with the dropped image files?,,image editor replace frames with os dnd files dialog title +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eNone,Unknown,Unknown,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eEnumEntry,Enum Field,Enum Field,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eGlobal,Global Variable,Global Variable,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eLocal,Local Variable,Local Variable,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eStatic,Static Variable,Static Variable,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eVariable,Variable,Variable,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eBuiltInVariable,Built-in Variable,Built-in Variable,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eMacro,Macro,Macro,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eEnum,Enum,Enum,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eKeyword,Keyword,Keyword,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eConstant,Constant,Constant,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eFunction,Function,Function,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eScript,Script,Script,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eResource,Resource,Resource,,Symbol type +ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eObsolete,Obsolete,Obsolete,,Symbol type +Sprite_PreviewErrorMsg,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window.,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window.,,Generate preview error message +Spine_PreviewErrorMsg,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window for further information and try re-exporting using a supported version of Spine.,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window for further information and try re-exporting using a supported version of Spine.,,Generate preview error message for Spine sprites +serverportunavailable_title,Webserver Port Unavailable,Webserver Port Unavailable,,Webserver Port Unavailable title message +serverportunavailable_message_range,Ports {0} - {1} are unavailable for launching help.\nPlease change the Help manual port or select 'Use online manual' in Preferences.,Ports {0} - {1} are unavailable for launching help.\nPlease change the Help manual port or select 'Use online manual' in Preferences.,,Webserver port is unavailable message content +Marketplace_MyLibrary_Empty,Your library is empty.,Your library is empty.,,Empty library +Marketplace_MyLibrary_ClickToBrowse,Click here to browse the marketplace.,Click here to browse the marketplace.,,Click to browse marketplace +StartPage_Offline,This link cannot be opened as you are currently offline.,This link cannot be opened as you are currently offline.,,User is offline and trying to open an external url +debuggerporttouse,Debugger port,Debugger port,,Port for Debugger to use label in Settings +debuggershoweventicons,Show event icons in Debugger Resource View,Show event icons in Debugger Resource View,,debugger show event icons pref +realtimedebugging,Enable real-time debugging,Enable real-time debugging,,Enable real-time debugging label in Settings +syntaxcheckingdelay,Syntax Checking delay (ms),Syntax Checking delay (ms),,Syntax Checking delay (ms) setting label +codecompletiondelay,Code Completion delay (ms),Code Completion delay (ms),,Code Completion delay (ms) setting label +ggs_draw_colour,Default draw colour,Default draw colour,,the option for the default draw colour +ggs_window_colour,Default colour outside the room region,Default colour outside the room region,,the option for the default colour outside the room region +defaultprojectdrawcolour_description,Initial default draw colour for new projects,Initial default draw colour for new projects,,the preference for setting the default draw colour option on project creation +defaultprojectwindowcolour_description,Initial default window colour for new projects,Initial default window colour for new projects,,the preference for setting the default window colour option on project creation +macroeditor_title,IDE Environment Variables,IDE Environment Variables,,MacroEditor title +DnDModule_LivePreview_Text,Preview (Read-Only),Preview (Read-Only),,DnD module live preview top comment text +No_Resources_To_Add,No resources to add,No resources to add,,Add from Default View status message +FreeVersion_ProjectInvalid,The project '{0}' cannot be loaded with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,The project '{0}' cannot be loaded with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Error message when the user tries to load a project that exceeds free limits +FreeVersion_ResourceLimitReached,You have reached the limits of GameMaker Studio 2 Trial for '{0}'.,You have reached the limits of GameMaker Studio 2 Trial for '{0}'.,,Error message when the user tries to create more resources than the Trial version allows +FreeVersion_SpineNotSupported,Spine files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,Spine files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Spine files are not supported in the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message +FreeVersion_SWFNotSupported,SWF files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,SWF files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,SWF files are not supported in the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message +FreeVersion_ImportNotSupported,Importing projects is not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,Importing projects is not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Importing projects is not supported in the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message +FreeVersion_MarketplaceNotSupported,Marketplace cannot be accessed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,Marketplace cannot be accessed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Marketplace cannot be accessed from the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message +FreeVersion_UnsupportedResources,'{0}' contains resources not supported by GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,'{0}' contains resources not supported by GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Unsupported resources error message +SpriteResizeTileset,Recalculate tile set after resize,Recalculate tile set after resize,,Resize dialog checkbox for sprite used as tileset +SpriteResizeTilesetSelect,This sprite is used by multiple tile sets of varying tile sizes. Select a reference tile set for this operation.,This sprite is used by multiple tile sets of varying tile sizes. Select a reference tile set for this operation.,,Multiple tilesets pick one +SelectTileSetTitle,Select Reference Tile Set,Select Reference Tile Set,,Pick a tile set dialog title +SelectTileSet_NoneSelected,No tile set was selected. Cannot complete operation.,No tile set was selected. Cannot complete operation.,,No tile set selected message +DocumentWindow_Title_FragmentShader,{0} Fragment Shader,{0} Fragment Shader,,Fragment Shader title +DocumentWindow_Title_VertexShader,{0} Vertex Shader,{0} Vertex Shader,,Vertex Shader title +DocumentWindow_Title_CombinedShader,{0},{0},,Combined Shader title +DocumentWindow_Title_ObjectEvent,{0}: {1},{0}: {1},,Single Object Event title +DocumentWindow_Title_ObjectMultipleEvents,{0}: Events,{0}: Events,,Single Object Multiple Events +DocumentWindow_Title_Note,{0},{0},,Single Note +DocumentWindow_Title_Notes,Notes,Notes,,Multiple Notes +DocumentWindow_Title_Script,{0},{0},,Single Script +DocumentWindow_Title_TimelineMoment,{0}: Moment {1},{0}: Moment {1},,Single Timeline Single Moment +DocumentWindow_Title_TimelineMultipleMoments,{0}: Moments,{0}: Moments,,Single Timeline Multiple Moments +DocumentWindow_Title_RoomCreationCode,{0} Creation Code,{0} Creation Code,,Room Creation Code +DocumentWindow_Title_RoomInstanceCreationCode,{0}:{1} - Creation Code,{0}:{1} - Creation Code,,Single Room Single Instance Creation Code +OutputWindowTextSettings,Output Window Font Settings,Output Window Font Settings,,Output Window Font Settings +SourceControlTextSettings,Source Control Window Font Settings,Source Control Window Font Settings,,Source Control Window Font Settings +BreakpointTextSettings,Breakpoint Window Font Settings,Breakpoint Window Font Settings,,Breakpoint Window Font Settings +SearchReplaceTextSettings,Search Result Window Font Settings,Search Result Window Font Settings,,Search Result Window Font Settings +SyntaxErrorsTextSettings,Syntax Error Window Font Settings,Syntax Error Window Font Settings,,Syntax Error Window Font Settings +CompileErrorsTextSettings,Compile Error Window Font Settings,Compile Error Window Font Settings,,Compile Error Window Font Settings +desktop_ctrlmousewheelzoom,Mouse wheel zoom requires ${ctrl} key,Mouse wheel zoom requires ${ctrl} key,,Preference description for whether the user needs to hold ctrl to zoom in/out +desktop_wrapcursor,Wrap cursor around screen when panning,Wrap cursor around screen when panning,,pref desktop wrap cursor +dpi_setting_change,DPI override changes requires a restart of the IDE. Do you want to restart now?,DPI override changes requires a restart of the IDE. Do you want to restart now?,,Restart IDE after a DPI change +dpi_override,Enable DPI override,Enable DPI override,,DPI Override +dpi_limits_suggested,Suggested maximum DPI for this display is {0}%,Suggested maximum DPI for this display is {0}%,,Suggested DPI limits tooltip +Notification_NeedHelp,Need Help?,Need Help?,,Need help notification category +Notification_Dpi_Warning,"The DPI override setting is above the suggested limit for this display at {0}%. Click here to disable DPI override.","The DPI override setting is above the suggested limit for this display at {0}%. Click here to disable DPI override.",,DPI above suggested limit notification message +ggs_allow_game_statistics,Allow anonymous game statistics,Allow anonymous game statistics,,Allow anonymous game statistics +LicenceExcluded_ggs_allow_game_statistics,Statistics cannot be turned off on 'Creator' platforms,Statistics cannot be turned off on 'Creator' platforms,Do not localise 'Creator' it's a product name,Trial stats tooltip on checkbox +LicenceFree_ggs_allow_game_statistics,Statistics cannot be turned off in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,Statistics cannot be turned off in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,Trial stats tooltip on checkbox +ggs_statistics_off,Are you sure you want to turn statistics off?\n\nAnonymous statistics allow us to provide developers with info about their target audience and focus development in key areas,Are you sure you want to turn statistics off?\n\nAnonymous statistics allow us to provide developers with info about their target audience and focus development in key areas,,Message when turning off anonymous statistics +ggs_statistics_choice,Automatic response to turning off anonymous statistics,Automatic response to turning off anonymous statistics,,Confirm dialog option +ResourceTree_DataFileAlreadyExists,Included file '{0}' already exists.\nOperation cancelled.,Included file '{0}' already exists.\nOperation cancelled.,,Warn the user that an included file already exists and therefore the operation has been cancelled +RestoreResourceName_DirectoryFailure,Renaming failed: unable to restore directory '{0}' to its original name. Please see the output panel for more details.,Renaming failed: unable to restore directory '{0}' to its original name. Please see the output panel for more details.,,Error message when attempting to restore a bad resource rename fails +RestoreResourceName_FilesFailure,Renaming failed: unable to restore files to their correct state. Please see the output panel for more details.,Renaming failed: unable to restore files to their correct state. Please see the output panel for more details.,,Error message when attempting to restore a bad resource rename fails +SaveFailures_Title,Save Project Failed,Save Project Failed,,Save project failed dialog title +SaveFailures_Message,Unable to save the following files (please see the output panel for more details).,Unable to save the following files (please see the output panel for more details).,,Save project failed dialog message +SaveFailures_Message_LongPath,Unable to save the following files (please see the output panel for more details).\nOne or more file paths exceed the system-defined maximum length.,Unable to save the following files (please see the output panel for more details).\nOne or more file paths exceed the system-defined maximum length.,,Save project failed dialog message(long path exception) +DnDMaker_CantRegenerateAction,Cannot regenerate this action.,Cannot regenerate this action.,,Cant regenerate +PNG2Tileset_ImportDialog,Import image and convert to Tilemap,Import image and convert to Tilemap,,Import an image and convert to a tilemap dilog +PNG2Tileset_ImageLeft,Left Edge,Left Edge,,Pixel offset to left edge of image +PNG2Tileset_ImageTop,Top Edge,Top Edge,,Pixel offset to top of image +PNG2Tileset_ImageRight,Right Edge,Right Edge,,Pixel offset to right edge of image +PNG2Tileset_ImageBottom,Bottom Edge,Bottom Edge,,Pixel offset to bottom of image +PNG2Tileset_TilesetSpriteWidth,Destination Width,Destination Width,,Target width of the new tileset sprite +PNG2Tileset_ImportOptions,Import options,Import options,,Options for importing an imate and converting to tilesets +PNG2Tileset_GenerateButton,Generate Map,Generate Map,,Button to create the tileset and map! +PNG2Tileset_SpriteName,Sprite Name,Sprite Name,,Text for sprite name label +PNG2Tileset_TilemapName,Tilemap Name,Tilemap Name,,Text for tilemap name label +PNG2Tileset_LayerName,Layer Name,Layer Name,,Text for layer name label +PNG2Tileset_ColourLabel,Remove Colour,Remove Colour,,Colour to remove on import +PNG2Tileset_ImageTooLarge,The selected image is too large to display,The selected image is too large to display,,Error message to display if the map is > max texture size +platformdevice_detect_browsers,Detect Browsers,Detect Browsers,,Button to auto-detect installed web browsers +RoomEditor_GenerateTileMapFromImage,Convert Image to Tilemap,Convert Image to Tilemap,,menu entry for taking an image and building a tileset/tilemap from it +ResourceTree_SetRoomParent,Are you sure you want to set '{0}' as the room inheritance parent of '{1}'?,Are you sure you want to set '{0}' as the room inheritance parent of '{1}'?,,message displayed when attempting to drag a room onto another in the resource tree +ResourceTree_RemoveRoomParent,Are you sure you want to remove the room inheritance parent from '{0}'?,Are you sure you want to remove the room inheritance parent from '{0}'?,,message displayed when attempting to drag a room off a parent +resourcetree_automaticsetparentroom,Automatic response to setting a room parent via node drag,Automatic response to setting a room parent via node drag,,the automatic response to dragging rooms to become child rooms in the resource tree +resourcetree_automaticviewdeletion,Automatic response to deleting custom views,Automatic response to deleting custom views,,the automatic response when deleting a custom view +RoomEditor_InstanceLockToolTip,Lock Instance,Lock Instance,,tooltip for instance lock +RoomEditor_GraphicLockToolTip,Lock Graphic,Lock Graphic,,tooltip for graphic lock +RoomEditor_SequenceLockToolTip,Lock Sequence,Lock Sequence,,tooltip for sequence graphic lock +FontEditor_ReplacementGlyphError,Using symbols not found in font (?),Using symbols not found in font (?),,Font glyph error +FontEditor_ReplacementGlyphError_Tooltip,This font is missing one or more symbols and will get replacements from other fonts,This font is missing one or more symbols and will get replacements from other fonts,,Tooltip +FontEditor_MissingFontError,Font is not available on this machine (?),Font is not available on this machine (?),,This font is not available on this machine +FontEditor_MissingFontError_Tooltip,Verify that the font is installed on your machine and try again,Verify that the font is installed on your machine and try again,,This font is not available on this machine tooltip +Font_TooLargeTexPage,Font ""{0}"" packs more characters than can fit on the texture page. Some characters will not be visible.,Font ""{0}"" packs more characters than can fit on the texture page. Some characters will not be visible.,,Font too large for texture page warning dialog +Event_Gesture,Gesture,Gesture,,Gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global,Global,Global,,Gesture event subtype +Event_Gesture_Tap,Tap,Tap,,Tap gesture event name +Event_Gesture_DoubleTap,Double Tap,Double Tap,,Double tap gesture event name +Event_Gesture_DragStart,Drag Start,Drag Start,,Drag start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_DragMove,Dragging,Dragging,,Dragging gesture event name +Event_Gesture_DragEnd,Drag End,Drag End,,Drag end gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Flick,Flick,Flick,,Flick gesture event name +Event_Gesture_PinchStart,Pinch Start,Pinch Start,,Pinch start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_PinchIn,Pinch In,Pinch In,,Pinch in gesture event name +Event_Gesture_PinchOut,Pinch Out,Pinch Out,,Pinch out gesture event name +Event_Gesture_PinchEnd,Pinch End,Pinch End,,Pinch end gesture event name +Event_Gesture_RotateStart,Rotate Start,Rotate Start,,Rotate start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Rotating,Rotating,Rotating,,Rotating gesture event name +Event_Gesture_RotateEnd,Rotate End,Rotate End,,Rotate end gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_Tap,Global Tap,Global Tap,,Global tap gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_DoubleTap,Global Double Tap,Global Double Tap,,Global double tap gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_DragStart,Global Drag Start,Global Drag Start,,Global drag start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_DragMove,Global Dragging,Global Dragging,,Global dragging gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_DragEnd,Global Drag End,Global Drag End,,Global drag end gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_Flick,Global Flick,Global Flick,,Global flick gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_PinchStart,Global Pinch Start,Global Pinch Start,,Global Pinch Start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_PinchIn,Global Pinch In,Global Pinch In,,Global Pinch In gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_PinchOut,Global Pinch Out,Global Pinch Out,,Global Pinch Out gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_PinchEnd,Global Pinch End,Global Pinch End,,Global Pinch End gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_RotateStart,Global Rotate Start,Global Rotate Start,,Global Rotate Start gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_Rotating,Global Rotating,Global Rotating,,Global Rotating gesture event name +Event_Gesture_Global_RotateEnd,Global Rotate End,Global Rotate End,,Global Rotate End gesture event name +MarketplaceFilter_Downloaded,Downloaded,Downloaded,,Downloaded filter name for marketplace library +MarketplaceFilter_GMS2Only,GMS 2.x,GMS 2.x,,Studio 2 assets filter name for marketplace library +MarketplaceFilter_GMS1Only,GMS 1.x,GMS 1.x,,Studio 1 assets filter name for marketplace library +MarketplaceFilter_GMS2_3Only,GMS 2.3,GMS 2.3,,Studio 2.3 assets filter name for marketplace library +ide_language_description,IDE language,IDE language,,Label beside the IDE language selection +pref_max_framerate,Maximum framerate of the GameMaker Studio 2 editor,Maximum framerate of the GameMaker Studio 2 editor,,Maximum framerate preference +pref_filewatcher_tolerance,Set File Watcher tolerance in ms after saving from within IDE,Set File Watcher tolerance in ms after saving from within IDE,,File watcher preference to handle save tolerance in ms +pref_filewatcher_delay,Set File Watcher action delay in ms after filesystem changes,Set File Watcher action delay in ms after filesystem changes,,File Watcher preference to handle delay in action after changes +File Watcher,File Watcher,File Watcher,,File Watcher preference label +notification_popups,Enable notifications,Enable notifications,,Enable Notification messages +notification_timeout,Notification timeout (ms),Notification timeout (ms),,Notification timeout in ms +android_linktoamazonsubmit,Link to Amazon Submission Guide,Link to Amazon Submission Guide,,Link to Amazon Submission Guide +RemoteWorker_AddWorker,Add Worker,Add Worker,,Add Worker Dialog Title +RemoteWorker_DeleteDialogMessage,"Are you sure you wish to delete this remote?","Are you sure you wish to delete this remote?",,the message when a user tries to delete a remote +RemoteWorker_DeleteDialogTitle,Delete Remote,Delete Remote,,message title when the user wants to delete a remote +Settings_VCVARS32,You must specifiy the full path to the VCVARS32.BAT file,You must specifiy the full path to the VCVARS32.BAT file,,Shown when you don't specify the vcvars32.bat file +Error_PS4ParamEditor,PARAM.SFO editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/PARAM.SFO,PARAM.SFO editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/PARAM.SFO,,Shown when trying to edit PARAM.SFO on the Mac +Error_PS4TrophyEditor,Trophy editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/trophy/trophy00.trp,Trophy editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/trophy/trophy00.trp,,Shown when trying to edit PS4 trophies on the Mac +FindReplace_Title,Find and Replace,Find and Replace,,Find and Replace title +FindReplace_ToggleReplace,Toggle Replace,Toggle Replace,,Toggle Replace Options +FindReplace_WholeWord,Whole Word Only,Whole Word Only,,Whole Word Only Option +FindReplace_CaseSensitive,Case Sensitive,Case Sensitive,,Case Sensitive Option +FindReplace_FindPrevious,Find Previous,Find Previous,,Find Previous +FindReplace_FindNext,Find Next,Find Next,,Find Next +FindReplace_ReplaceNext,Replace Next,Replace Next,,Replace Next +FindReplace_ReplaceAll,Replace All,Replace All,,Replace All +Preferences_iOS_suppress,Suppress build and run (only create Xcode project on macOS),Suppress build and run (only create Xcode project on macOS),,Preferences/Platform Settings/iOS +Preferences_iOS_install_path,macOS Install Path,macOS Install Path,,Preferences/Platform Settings/iOS +Preferences_iOS_default_team_id,Default team identifier,Default team identifier,,Preferences/Platform Settings/iOS +Preferences_android_sdk_location,Android SDK location,Android SDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Android +Preferences_android_ndk_location,Android NDK location,Android NDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Android +Preferences_android_jdk_location,Java JDK location,Java JDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Android +Preferences_windows_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Windows +Preferences_winuwp_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/WinUWP +Preferences_winuwp_tools_folder,Win UWP Tools location,Win UWP Tools location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/WinUWP +Preferences_macos_default_team_id,Default team identifier,Default team identifier,,Preferences/Platform Settings/macOS +Preference_macos_package_default_type,Automatic packaging choice,Automatic packaging choice,,Preferences/Platform Settings/macOS +Preferences_ps4_sdk_dir,PS4 SDK location,PS4 SDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 +Preferences_ps4_tools_dir,PS4 Tools location,PS4 Tools location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 +Preferences_ps4_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 +Preferences_ps5_sdk_dir,PS5 SDK location,PS5 SDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 +Preferences_ps5_tools_dir,PS5 Tools location,PS5 Tools location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 +Preferences_ps5_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 +Preferences_xbone_xdk_dir,XDK location,XDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone +Preferences_xbone_tools_dir,Xbox One Tools location,Xbox One Tools location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone +Preferences_xbone_xbone_dir,Xbox One SDK location,Xbox One SDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone +Preferences_xbone_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_dir,GDK location,GDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_tools_dir,GDK base location,GDK base location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS +Preferences_operagx_sdk_dir,EMSCRIPTEN SDK location,EMSCRIPTEN SDK location,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Opera GX +ProjectLoad_BadPathTitle,Unsafe Path,Unsafe Path,,Bad Path message title when failing badpath check on load +ProjectLoad_BadPathMessage,This project is located in an unsafe location: {0}\nPlease save it in a new location to avoid loss of work.,This project is located in an unsafe location: {0}\nPlease save it in a new location to avoid loss of work.,,Project is in an unsafe location message +ResourceTree_Search_Filters,Filters:,Filters:,,Filter label on Resource Tree search +ResourceTree_Search_Go,Go,Go,,Go Button Label +ResourceTree_Search_Reset,Reset,Reset,,Reset Button Label +ResourceTree_Views_Views,Views,Views,,Views label +ResourceTree_Views_Clone,Clone,Clone,,Clone resource tree view label +ResourceTree_Views_Delete,Delete Current,Delete Current,,Delete Current Resource Tree View Label +ResourceTree_HorizontalSeparators,Show horizontal separators,Show horizontal separators,,Show Horizontal Separators in Resource Tree +ResourceTree_HorizontalSeparatorColour,Horizontal separator colour,Horizontal separator colour,,Choose colour for Horizontal Separators in Resource Tree +ResourceTree_TreeLineColour,Tree line colour,Tree line colour,,Choose colour for the Tree Lines +ResourceTree_DefaultBackgroundColour,Default background colour,Default background colour,,Default Background Colour +ResourceTree_BackgroundColourHelp,"Ensure alpha level is increased to display node highlight","Ensure alpha level is increased to display node highlight",,Help label for the Resource Tree background colours +ResourceTree_SpriteBackgroundColour,Sprites background colour,Sprites background colour,,Background Colour for Sprites +ResourceTree_TileSetsBackgroundColour,Tile Sets background colour,Tile Sets background colour,,Background Colour for Tile Sets +ResourceTree_SoundsBackgroundColour,Sounds background colour,Sounds background colour,,Background Colour for sounds +ResourceTree_AudioEmittersBackgroundColour,Audio Emitters background colour,Audio Emitters background colour,,Background Colour for Audio Emitters +ResourceTree_PathsBackgroundColour,Paths background colour,Paths background colour,,Backgound Colour for Paths +ResourceTree_AnimCurvesBackgroundColour,Animation Curves background colour,Animation Curves background colour,,Backgound Colour for Animation Curves +ResourceTree_AnimCurves,Animation Curves,Animation Curves,,animation curve resource name +ResourceTree_ScriptsBackgroundColour,Scripts background colour,Scripts background colour,,Background Colour for Scripts +ResourceTree_ShadersBackgroundColour,Shaders background colour,Shaders background colour,,Background Colour for Shaders +ResourceTree_ParticleSystemsBackgroundColour,Particle Systems background colour,Particle Systems background colour,,Background Colour for Particle Systems +ResourceTree_FontsBackgroundColour,Fonts background colour,Fonts background colour,,Background Colour for Fonts +ResourceTree_TimelinesBackgroundColour,Timelines background colour,Timelines background colour,,Background Colour for Timelines +ResourceTree_SequencesBackgroundColour,Sequences background colour,Sequences background colour,,Background Colour for Sequences +ResourceTree_ObjectsBackgroundColour,Objects background colour,Objects background colour,,Background Colour for Objects +ResourceTree_RoomBackgroundColour,Rooms background colour,Rooms background colour,,Background Colour for Rooms +ResourceTree_IncludedFilesBackgroundColour,Included Files background colour,Included Files background colour,,Background Colour for Included Files +ResourceTree_ExtensionsBackgroundColour,Extensions background colour,Extensions background colour,,Background Colour for Extensions +ResourceTree_OptionsBackgroundColour,Options background colour,Options background colour,,Background Colour for Options +ResourceTree_ConfigsBackgroundColour,Configurations background colour,Configurations background colour,,Background Colour for Configurations +ResourceTree_NotesBackgroundColour,Notes background colour,Notes background colour,,Background Colour for Notes +ResourceTree_MinItemSize,Minimum zoom (%),Minimum zoom (%),,Minimum Zoom on Resource Tree +ResourceTree_MaxItemSize,Maximum zoom (%),Maximum zoom (%),,Maximum Zoom on Resource Tree +ResourceTree_DefaultLabelColour,Default Label Colour,Default Label Colour,,Default Label Colour +ResourceTree_SpriteLabelColour,Sprite Label Colour,Sprite Label Colour,,Label Colour for Sprites +ResourceTree_TileSetsLabelColour,Tile Sets Label Colour,Tile Sets Label Colour,,Label Colour for Tile Sets +ResourceTree_SoundsLabelColour,Sounds Label Colour,Sounds Label Colour,,Label Colour for sounds +ResourceTree_PathsLabelColour,Paths Label Colour,Paths Label Colour,,Backgound Colour for Paths +ResourceTree_ScriptsLabelColour,Scripts Label Colour,Scripts Label Colour,,Label Colour for Scripts +ResourceTree_ShadersLabelColour,Shaders Label Colour,Shaders Label Colour,,Label Colour for Shaders +ResourceTree_FontsLabelColour,Fonts Label Colour,Fonts Label Colour,,Label Colour for Fonts +ResourceTree_TimelinesLabelColour,Timelines Label Colour,Timelines Label Colour,,Label Colour for Timelines +ResourceTree_ObjectsLabelColour,Objects Label Colour,Objects Label Colour,,Label Colour for Objects +ResourceTree_RoomLabelColour,Room Label Colour,Room Label Colour,,Label Colour for Rooms +ResourceTree_IncludedFilesLabelColour,Included Files Label Colour,Included Files Label Colour,,Label Colour for Included Files +ResourceTree_ExtensionsLabelColour,Extensions Label Colour,Extensions Label Colour,,Label Colour for Extensions +ResourceTree_OptionsLabelColour,Options Label Colour,Options Label Colour,,Label Colour for Options +ResourceTree_ConfigsLabelColour,Configurations Label Colour,Configurations Label Colour,,Label Colour for Configurations +ResourceTree_NotesLabelColour,Notes Label Colour,Notes Label Colour,,Label Colour for Notes +ResourceTree_DeleteView_Confirm,Delete the selected view: {0}?,Delete the selected view: {0}?,,Delete the currently selected view. +ResourceTree_ShowTreeLines,Show tree lines,Show tree lines,,Show Tree Lines in Resource Tree +ResourceTree_ShowGroupIcons,Show group node icons,Show group node icons,,Show the Group Node Icons in the Resource Tree +ResourceTree_DefaultIconColour,Default icon colour,Default icon colour,,Default Icon Colour +ResourceTree_SpriteIconColour,Sprites icon colour,Sprites icon colour,,Icon Colour for Sprites +ResourceTree_TileSetsIconColour,Tile Sets icon colour,Tile Sets icon colour,,Icon Colour for Tile Sets +ResourceTree_SoundsIconColour,Sounds icon colour,Sounds icon colour,,Icon Colour for sounds +ResourceTree_AudioEmittersIconColour,Audio Emitters icon colour,Audio Emitters icon colour,,Icon Colour for Audio Emitters +ResourceTree_PathsIconColour,Paths icon colour,Paths icon colour,,Backgound Colour for Paths +ResourceTree_AnimCurvesIconColour,Animation Curves icon colour,Animation Curves icon colour,,Backgound Colour for Animation Curves +ResourceTree_ScriptsIconColour,Scripts icon colour,Scripts icon colour,,Icon Colour for Scripts +ResourceTree_ShadersIconColour,Shaders icon colour,Shaders icon colour,,Icon Colour for Shaders +ResourceTree_ParticleSystemsIconColour,Particle Systems icon colour,Particle Systems icon colour,,Icon Colour for Particle Systems +ResourceTree_FontsIconColour,Fonts icon colour,Fonts icon colour,,icon colour for Fonts +ResourceTree_TimelinesIconColour,Timelines icon colour,Timelines icon colour,,Icon Colour for Timelines +ResourceTree_SequencesIconColour,Sequences icon colour,Sequences icon colour,,Icon Colour for Sequences +ResourceTree_ObjectsIconColour,Objects icon colour,Objects icon colour,,Icon Colour for Objects +ResourceTree_RoomIconColour,Rooms icon colour,Rooms icon colour,,icon colour for Rooms +ResourceTree_IncludedFilesIconColour,Included Files icon colour,Included Files icon colour,,Icon Colour for Included Files +ResourceTree_ExtensionsIconColour,Extensions icon colour,Extensions icon colour,,Icon Colour for Extensions +ResourceTree_OptionsIconColour,Options icon colour,Options icon colour,,Icon Colour for Options +ResourceTree_ConfigsIconColour,Configurations icon colour,Configurations icon colour,,Icon Colour for Configurations +ResourceTree_NotesIconColour,Notes icon colour,Notes icon colour,,Icon Colour for Notes +ResourceTree_NodeSelectHighlight,Node selection highlight,Node selection highlight,,Node Selection Highlight colour +ResourceTree_Notes_Singular,Note,Note,,Note resource name singular +ResourceTree_Objects_Singular,Object,Object,,Object resource name singular +ResourceTree_Paths_Singular,Path,Path,,Path resource name singular +ResourceTree_Rooms_Singular,Room,Room,,Room resource name singular +ResourceTree_Scripts_Singular,Script,Script,,Script resource name singular +ResourceTree_Shaders_Singular,Shader,Shader,,Shader resource name singular +ResourceTree_Sounds_Singular,Sound,Sound,,Sound resource name singular +ResourceTree_Sprites_Singular,Sprite,Sprite,,Sprite resource name singular +ResourceTree_Tilesets_Singular,Tile Set,Tile Set,,Tileset resource name singular +ResourceTree_Timelines_Singular,Timeline,Timeline,,Timeline resource name singular +ResourceTree_Fonts_Singular,Font,Font,,Font resource name singular +ResourceTree_Sequences_Singular,Sequence,Sequence,,Sequence resource name singular +ResourceTree_AnimCurves_Singular,Animation Curve,Animation Curve,,Animcurve resource name singular +ResourceTree_Extensions_Singular,Extension,Extension,,Extension resource name singular +ResourceTree_IncludedFiles_Singular,Included File,Included File,,Included File resource name singular +RT_Unknown,Resource,Resource,,unknown resource type name +RT_RoomInstance,Room Instances,Room Instances,,room instance resource name +RT_RoomInstance_Singular,Room Instance,Room Instance,,room instance resource name singular +RT_RoomGraphic,Room Graphics,Room Graphics,,room graphic resource name +RT_RoomGraphic_Singular,Room Graphic,Room Graphic,,room graphic resource name singular +recentwindows_title,Recent Windows,Recent Windows,,Recently activated windows title +Views_Menu_Recent_Windows,Recent Windows,Recent Windows,,Recent activated windows menu option +Developer_Menu_Title,Developer,Developer,,Title of the main Developer menu +HideGameMaker_Menu_Title,Hide GameMaker Studio 2,Hide GameMaker Studio 2,,Hide GameMaker menu entry for Mac +HideOthers_Menu_Title,Hide Others,Hide Others,,Hide others menu entry for Mac +ShowAll_Menu_Title,Show All,Show All,,Show all windows menu entry for Mac +BringAllToFront_Menu_Title,Bring All To Front,Bring All To Front,,Bring all windows to front menu entry for Mac +Project_Error,Project Error,Project Error,,Error in Project +Project_Error_No_Rooms,No rooms found - you need at least one room to run.,No rooms found - you need at least one room to run.,,No rooms error message +RecentWindows_ActiveWindowsOnly,Display only currently open windows,Display only currently open windows,,Only show active windows preference +RecentWindows_ShuffleItemsOnClick,Move focused window to top,Move focused window to top,,Shuffle the newly focused window to the top of the recent windows list +RecentWindows_MaxNumberOfItems,Maximum windows to display,Maximum windows to display,,Maximum number of windows to show +RecentWindows_RemoveItem,Remove Item(s),Remove Item(s),,Remove Items from the recent windows list +RecentWindows_ClearAll,Clear All Items,Clear All Items,,Clear All Items from the recent windows list +RecentWindows_MoveToTop,Move to Top,Move to Top,,Move the selected items to the top of the recent windows list +RecentWindows_ShowByDefault,Open automatically on project load,Open automatically on project load,,Show the Recent Windows list by default on project load +Project_Error_Invalid_Shaders,The shader '{0}' has an invalid type.,The shader '{0}' has an invalid type.,,Invalid shader error message +Project_Error_Invalid_IncludedFiles,There are included files which starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this. Please check the Compile Errors for more information.,There are included files which starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this. Please check the Compile Errors for more information.,,Invalid Included File error message +AVDVersion_Error,Cannot run AVD directly with version '{0}' of the Android SDK.\nPlease launch 'Android Studio' and select 'Tools > Android > AVD Manager'.,Cannot run AVD directly with version '{0}' of the Android SDK.\nPlease launch 'Android Studio' and select 'Tools > Android > AVD Manager'.,,error message for later versions of Android Studio +ggs_windowsuap_enable_xbox_live,Enable Xbox Live,Enable Xbox Live,,Enable Xbox Live +ggs_windowsuap_xbox_live_creators_program,Creators Program App,Creators Program App,,Specifies that this is a Creators Program app +ggs_windowsuap_xbox_live_title_id,Title ID,Title ID,,The Title ID of the app +ggs_windowsuap_xbox_live_scid,Service Configuration ID,Service Configuration ID,,The Service Configuration ID of the app +Proxy_Settings,Proxy Settings,Proxy Settings,,Proxy settings window title +Proxy_Address,Proxy,Proxy,,proxy address label +Proxy_Address_Tooltip,Proxy address and port (http://address:port),Proxy address and port (http://address:port),,proxy address tooltip +Proxy_Address_Error,Error proxy must using "http://address:port" format,Error proxy must using "http://address:port" format,,proxy format error message +Proxy_Error_Title,Error: Invalid proxy setting,Error: Invalid proxy setting,,proxy error window title +Proxy_Username,Username,Username,,proxy username label +Proxy_Username_Tooltip,Proxy username,Proxy username,,proxy username tooltip +Proxy_Password,Password,Password,,proxy password label +Proxy_Password_Tooltip,Proxy password,Proxy password,,proxy password tooltip +Proxy_Domain,Domain,Domain,,proxy domain label +Proxy_Domain_Tooltip,Proxy Domain. Usually left blank,Proxy Domain. Usually left blank,,proxy domain tooltip +General Settings,General Settings,General Settings,,General Settings preference group heading +Drag and Drop,Drag and Drop,Drag and Drop,,Drag and Drop preference group heading +Image Editor,Image Editor,Image Editor,,Image Editor preference group heading +Sprite Editor,Sprite Editor,Sprite Editor,,Sprite Editor preference group heading +Nineslice,Nine Slice,Nine Slice,,Sprite editor nineslice pref group subheading +Object Editor,Object Editor,Object Editor,,Object Editor preference group heading +Script Editor,Script Editor,Script Editor,,Script Editor preference group heading +Room Editor,Room Editor,Room Editor,,Room Editor preference group heading +Spline Editor,Spline Editor,Spline Editor,,Spline Editor preference group heading +Sequences,Sequences,Sequences,,Sequences preference group heading +Tile Sets Editor,Tile Sets Editor,Tile Sets Editor,,Tile Sets Editor preference group heading +Timelines,Timelines,Timelines,,Timelines preference group heading +Extension Editor,Extension Editor,Extension Editor,,Extension Editor preference group heading +Resource Tree,Resource Tree,Resource Tree,,Resource Tree preference group heading +Text Editors,Text Editors,Text Editors,,Text Editors preference group heading +Languages,Languages,Languages,,Languages preference group heading +Marketplace,Marketplace,Marketplace,,Marketplace preference group heading +Platform Settings,Platform Settings,Platform Settings,,Platform Settings preference group heading +Plugins,Plugins,Plugins,,Plugins preference group heading +Runtime Feeds,Runtime Feeds,Runtime Feeds,,Runtime Feeds preference group heading +Asset Explorer,Asset Explorer,Asset Explorer,,Asset Explorer preference group subheading +Background,Background,Background,,Background preference group subheading +Compiling,Compiling,Compiling,,Compiling preference group subheading +Confirm Dialogs,Confirm Dialogs,Confirm Dialogs,,Confirm Dialogs preference group subheading +Debug,Debug,Debug,,Debug preference group subheading +Font Editor,Font Editor,Font Editor,,Font editor preference group heading +Compatibility,Compatibility,Compatibility,,Compatibility preference group subheading +Debugging,Debugging,Debugging,,Debugging preference group subheading +Go To,Go To,Go To,,Go To preference group subheading +Help,Help,Help,,Help preference group subheading +Input,Input,Input,,Input preference group subheading +Output Windows,Output Windows,Output Windows,,Output Windows preference group subheading +Paths,Paths,Paths,,Paths preference group subheading +Animation Curves,Animation Curves,Animation Curves,,Animation Curves preference group subheading +Power Saving,Power Saving,Power Saving,,Power Saving preference group subheading +Recent Windows,Recent Windows,Recent Windows,,Recent Windows preference group subheading +Pick Whip,Pick Whip,Pick Whip,,Pick Whip preference group subheading +Resources,Resources,Resources,,Resources preference group subheading +Workspace,Workspace,Workspace,,Workspace preference group subheading +Grid Settings,Grid Settings,Grid Settings,,Grid Settings preference group subheading +Smart Guides,Smart Guides,Smart Guides,,Smart Guides preference group subheading +Tools,Tools,Tools,,Tools preference group subheading +Auto Tiling,Auto Tiling,Auto Tiling,,Auto Tiling preference group subheading +Colours,Colours,Colours,,Colours preference group subheading +Code Editor,Code Editor,Code Editor,,Code Editor preference group subheading +GML,GML,GML,,GML preference group subheading +Source Control (Git),Source Control (Git),Source Control (Git),,Source Control (Git) preference group subheading +Master,Master,Master,,Master preference group subheading +Main Options,Main Options,Main Options,,Main Options options group heading +General,General,General,,General options group heading +Graphics,Graphics,Graphics,,Graphics options group heading +Images,Images,Images,,Images options group heading +Installer,Installer,Installer,,Installer options group heading +Packaging,Packaging,Packaging,,Packaging options group heading +Device Families,Device Families,Device Families,,Device families options group heading +Android,Android,Android,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Android preference group subheading +HTML5,HTML5,HTML5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,HTML5 preference group subheading +iOS,iOS,iOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,iOS preference group subheading +macOS,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,macOS preference group subheading +Mac,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,macOS preference group subheading for the old version where it was called Mac +PS4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 4 preference group subheading +PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 4 preference group subheading +PS5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 5 preference group subheading +PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 5 preference group subheading +Steam,Steam,Steam,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Steam preference group subheading +Windows,Windows,Windows,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Windows preference group subheading +Windows UWP,Windows UWP,Windows UWP,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Windows UWP preference group subheading +Xbox One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox One preference group subheading +XBox One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox One preference group subheading +Xbox Series XS,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox Series X/S preference group subheading +Linux,Ubuntu,Ubuntu,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Ubuntu preference group subheading +WebAssembly,WASM,WASM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,WASM preference group subheading +Wasm,WASM,WASM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,WASM preference group subheading +Opera GX,Opera GX,Opera GX,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Opera GX preference group subheading +Xbox Live,Xbox Live,Xbox Live,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox Live options group subheading +Dialogue Editor,Dialog Editor,Dialog Editor,,Dialog Editor preference group subheading +Options,Options,Options,,Options preference group subheading +Ratings,Ratings,Ratings,,Ratings option group subheading +Splash Screen,Splash Screen,Splash Screen,,Splash Screen option group subheading +Logos,Logos,Logos,,Logos option group subheading +Product Information,Product Information,Product Information,,Product Information option group subheading +Requirements,Requirements,Requirements,,Requirements option group subheading +Config Files,Config Files,Config Files,,Config Files option group subheading +Build Settings,Build Settings,Build Settings,,Build Settings option group subheading +Orientation,Orientation,Orientation,,Orientation option group subheading +Icons,Icons,Icons,,Icons option group subheading +Social,Social,Social,,Social option group subheading +Facebook,Facebook,Facebook,,Facebook option group subheading +iPhone,iPhone,iPhone,,iPhone option group subheading +iPhone Retina,iPhone Retina,iPhone Retina,DO NOT TRANSLATE iPhone,iPhone Retina option group subheading +iPhone 5,iPhone 5,iPhone 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,iPhone 5 option group subheading +iPhone 6,iPhone 6,iPhone 6,DO NOT TRANSLATE,iPhone 6 option group subheading +iPhone 6+,iPhone 6+,iPhone 6+,DO NOT TRANSLATE,iPhone 6+ option group subheading +iPad,iPad,iPad,DO NOT TRANSLATE,iPad option group subheading +iPad Retina,iPad Retina,iPad Retina,DO NOT TRANSLATE iPad,iPad Retina option group subheading +Permissions,Permissions,Permissions,,Permissions option group subheading +Architecture,Architecture,Architecture,,Architecture option group subheading +Android TV,Android TV,Android TV,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Android TV option group subheading +Google,Google,Google,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Google option group subheading +Amazon,Amazon,Amazon,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Amazon option group subheading +Analytics,Analytics,Analytics,,Analytics option group subheading +Flurry,Flurry,Flurry,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Flurry option group subheading +Logo,Logo,Logo,,Logo option group subheading +App Store,App Store,App Store,,App Store option group subheading +Advanced,Advanced,Advanced,,Advanced option group subheading +Misc,Misc,Misc,,Misc option group subheading +AdaptiveIcons,Adaptive Icons,Adaptive Icons,,Adaptive Icons group subheading +AndroidAdaptiveBackgrounds,Adaptive Icon Backgrounds,Adaptive Icon Backgrounds,,Adaptive Icon Backgrounds subheading +AndroidAdaptiveIcons,Adaptive Icon Foregrounds,Adaptive Icon Foregrounds,,Adaptive Icons subheading +AndroidAdaptiveIconsGen,Icon Generator and Preview,Icon Generator and Preview,,Adaptive Icons Generator and Preview subheading +Option_Texture_Page_Size,Texture page size,Texture page size,,Texture Page Size option selector caption +Option_Project_Last_Changed,Project Last Changed,Project Last Changed,,Project Last Changed option display caption +Option_Project_Use_Time,Project Use Time,Project Use Time,,Project Use Time option display caption +Option_Project_Start_Date,Project Start Date,Project Start Date,,Project Start Date option display caption +Option_Project_GUID,Project GUID,Project GUID,,Project GUID option display caption +Option_License_Agreement,Licence Agreement,Licence Agreement,,Licence Agreement file path option location caption +Option_NSIS_Script,NSIS Script,NSIS Script,,NSIS Script file path option location caption +Pref_Visual_Studio_Path,Visual Studio Path,Visual Studio Path,,Visual Studio Path preference location caption +ggs_share_overlay,"Share Overlay (128x128, 64x64, 256x128, 256x64)","Share Overlay (128x128, 64x64, 256x128, 256x64)",,Share Overlay image for playstation 4 caption +Button_Preview,Preview,Preview,,Preview button caption +Main,Main,Main,,Main option group subheading +Run_Timer_Format,d' Days 'h' Hours 'm' Minutes 's' Seconds',d' Days 'h' Hours 'm' Minutes 's' Seconds',"Do not change d,h,m or s as these are formatting tags",time format to display in run timer +Device_Manager_Platform,Platform,Platform,,Platform selector title for device manager +Server,Server,Server,,Server preference group subheading +Console,Console,Console,,Console preference group subheading +Surveys,Surveys,Surveys,,Surveys preference group subheading +IDE,IDE,IDE,,IDE preference group subheading +External Editors,External Editors,External Editors,,External Editors preference group subheading +Source Control,Source Control,Source Control,,Source Control preference group subheading +Search Results,Search Results,Search Results,,Search Results preference group subheading +Output,Output,Output,,Output preference group subheading +Compile Errors,Compile Errors,Compile Errors,,Compile Errors preference group subheading +Syntax Errors,Syntax Errors,Syntax Errors,,Syntax Errors preference group subheading +Arc,Arc,Arc,,Arc preference group subheading +Label,Label,Label,,Label preference group subheading +Default,Default,Default,,Default preference group subheading +Sprites,Sprites,Sprites,,Sprites preference group subheading +Nine Slices,Nine Slices,Nine Slices,,Nine Slices preference group subheading +Tile Sets,Tile Sets,Tile Sets,,Tile Sets preference group subheading +Sounds,Sounds,Sounds,,Sounds preference group subheading +Audio Emitters,Audio Emitters,Audio Emitters,,Audio Emitters preference group subheading +Scripts,Scripts,Scripts,,Scripts preference group subheading +Shaders,Shaders,Shaders,,Shaders preference group subheading +Particle Systems,Particle Systems,Particle Systems,,Particle Systems preference group subheading +Fonts,Fonts,Fonts,,Fonts preference group subheading +Objects,Objects,Objects,,Objects preference group subheading +Room,Room,Room,,Room preference group subheading +Notes,Notes,Notes,,Notes preference group subheading +Included Files,Included Files,Included Files,,Included Files preference group subheading +Extensions,Extensions,Extensions,,Extensions preference group subheading +Resource Label,Resource Label,Resource Label,,Resource Label preference group subheading +Icon,Icon,Icon,,Icon preference group subheading +Normal Text,Normal Text,Normal Text,,Normal Text preference group subheading +Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,,Keyword preference group subheading +Values,Values,Values,,Values preference group subheading +Strings,Strings,Strings,,Strings preference group subheading +Comments,Comments,Comments,,Comments preference group subheading +Styling,Styling,Styling,,Comments Styling preference group subheading +Constants,Constants,Constants,,Constants preference group subheading +Builtin Variables,Builtin Variables,Builtin Variables,,Builtin Variables preference group subheading +Object Variables,Object Variables,Object Variables,,Object Variables preference group subheading +Functions,Functions,Functions,,Functions preference group subheading +Script Names,Script Names,Script Names,,Script Names preference group subheading +Resource Names,Resource Names,Resource Names,,Resource Names preference group subheading +Enums,Enums,Enums,,Enums preference group subheading +Enum Entries,Enum Entries,Enum Entries,,Enum Entries preference group subheading +Macros,Macros,Macros,,Macros preference group subheading +Local Variables,Local Variables,Local Variables,,Local Variables preference group subheading +Global Variables,Global Variables,Global Variables,,Global Variables preference group subheading +Static Variables,Static Variables,Static Variables,,Static Variables preference group subheading +Line Number Text,Line Number Text,Line Number Text,,Line Number Text preference group subheading +Read Only Line Numbers,Read Only Line Numbers,Read Only Line Numbers,,Read Only Line Numbers preference group subheading +Struct Members,Struct Members,Struct Members,,Struct Members preference group subheading +Bookmark Line Numbers,Bookmark Line Numbers,Bookmark Line Numbers,,Bookmark Line Numbers preference group subheading +White Space,White Space,White Space,,White Space preference group subheading +Obsolete Symbols,Obsolete Symbols,Obsolete Symbols,,Obsolete Symbols preference group subheading +Braces,Braces,Braces,,Braces preference group subheading +debug,debug,debug,,debug preference group subheading +Keystore,Keystore,Keystore,,Keystore preference group subheading +FontStyle_Colour,Colour,Colour,,caption for font style colour selector +FontStyle_Name,Font Name,Font Name,,caption for font style font name selector +PathCheck_Found,Found,Found,,Successfully checked the given path caption +PathCheck_NotFound,Not found,Not found,,Failed check for given path caption +Identity,Identity,Identity,,Identity source control preference subheading +Authentication,Authentication,Authentication,,Authentication source control preference subheading +Merge,Merge,Merge,,Merge tool source control preference subheading +Diff,Diff,Diff,,Diff tool source control preference subheading +DNDInputCountMacro,(${input_count} inputs),(${input_count} inputs),,to append the input count information to a dnd story string +Pref_SystemAudioDevice,,,,name of the device representing the system settings device selection +ListBoxEnum_eStoryMode_Never,Never,Never,,list box option for when the dnd story should show +ListBoxEnum_eStoryMode_Collapsed,Collapsed,Collapsed,,list box option for when the dnd story should show +ListBoxEnum_eStoryMode_Always,Always,Always,,list box option for when the dnd story should show +ListBoxEnum_eToolboxLocation_Left,Left,Left,,list box option for where to display the dnd toolbox +ListBoxEnum_eToolboxLocation_Right,Right,Right,,list box option for where to display the dnd toolbox +platformdevice_nomac,No mac found,No mac found,,message for when no mac has been discovered +ImageEditor_ChooseResize,Choose a resize option,Choose a resize option,,radio group label for resize options +ImageEditor_StatusSize,Size: {0} x {1},Size: {0} x {1},,dimensions of image displayed in status bar +SoundMixer_Duration,{0} / {1}s,{0} / {1}s,,the current time and overall duration of a sound clip information +IDE_RuntimeVersionInfo,{1} Runtime v{0},{1} Runtime v{0},,the runtime version information string +IDE_VersionInfo,{1} IDE v{0},{1} IDE v{0},,the ide version information string +IDE_SteamVersionInfo,{1} IDE v{0} Steam,{1} IDE v{0} Steam,,the ide version information string when running from steam +TileSetEditor_OutputError,Output size unsupported!,Output size unsupported!,,message displayed when the output texture for a tileset will be too large +TileSetEditor_OutputErrorTooltip,"Output texture size is too large, some tiles may be missing. \nReduce source image or output border sizes","Output texture size is too large, some tiles may be missing. \nReduce source image or output border sizes",,tooltip for the ouptut size unsupported error +Options_PS4ToolsSetupError,PlayStation 4 Tools Missing,PlayStation 4 Tools Missing,,error dialog title when unable to find a ps4 tool +Options_PS4ToolsSetupTrophyMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 4 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 4 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the trophy editor +Options_PS4ToolsPreference,Go to PlayStation 4 settings,Go to PlayStation 4 settings,,button message to take user to PS4 preferences +Options_PS4ToolsSetupParamSFOMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 4 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 4 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS4ToolsSetupShareParamMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 4 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 4 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS5ToolsSetupError,PlayStation 5 Tools Missing,PlayStation 5 Tools Missing,,error dialog title when unable to find a ps5 tool +Options_PS5ToolsSetupTrophyMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 5 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 5 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the trophy editor +Options_PS5ToolsPreference,Go to PlayStation 5 settings,Go to PlayStation 5 settings,,button message to take user to PS5 preferences +Options_PS5ToolsSetupParamSFOMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 5 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 5 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS5ToolsSetupShareParamMessage,"Unable to find PlayStation 5 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find PlayStation 5 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_XBoxToolsSetupServiceConfigMessage,"Unable to find Xbox One executable xcetool.exe.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}","Unable to find Xbox One executable xcetool.exe.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0}",,error message when failed to find the xce.exe +Options_XBoxToolsSetupError,Xbox One Tools Missing,Xbox One Tools Missing,,error dialog title when unable to find a xbox tool +Options_XBoxToolsPreference,Go to Xbox One settings,Go to Xbox One settings,,button message to take user to xbox preferences +Error_XBoxTools,XBox One tools not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows,XBox One tools not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows,,Shown when trying to copy the xbox service manifest on mac +BreakpointManager_Script,Script: {0},Script: {0},,breakpoint manager caption for a script +BreakpointManager_Object,Object: {0}: {1},Object: {0}: {1},,breakpoint manager caption for an object event +BreakpointManager_Timeline,Timeline: {0}: moment {1},Timeline: {0}: moment {1},,breakpoint manager caption for a timeline moment +BreakpointManager_RoomCode,Room Creation Code: {0},Room Creation Code: {0},,breakpoint manager caption for a room's creation code +BreakpointManager_RoomInstance,Room Instance: {0}: {1},Room Instance: {0}: {1},,breakpoint manager caption for a room instance's creation code +BreakpointManager_UnknownEvent,Unknown event,Unknown event,,breakpoint manager caption for an unknown object event +BreakpointManager_UnknownMoment,Unknown moment,Unknown moment,,breakpoint manager caption for an unknown timeline moment +BreakpointManager_Info,"{0}, line {1}","{0}, line {1}",,breakpoint manager caption for a breakpoint at a given line number +SyntaxError_UnterminatedRegEx,unterminated regular expression literal,unterminated regular expression literal,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MalformedRef,malformed reference {0},malformed reference {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_MalformedHex,malformed hexadecimal character escape sequence,malformed hexadecimal character escape sequence,,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnexpectedNode,unexpected node {0},unexpected node {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_ExceptionParsing,Exception while parsing {0},Exception while parsing {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnnecessaryExp,unnecessary expression {0} used as a statement,unnecessary expression {0} used as a statement,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MalformedID,malformed id reference {0},malformed id reference {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_MalformedArray,malformed array reference {0},malformed array reference {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnexpectedBinaryOp,unexpected binary operator {0},unexpected binary operator {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnterminatedString,unterminated string literal,unterminated string literal,,syntax error +SyntaxError_SingleQuotes,single quotes no longer allowed for string,single quotes no longer allowed for string,,syntax error +SyntaxError_Unexpected,unexpected syntax error,unexpected syntax error,,syntax error +SyntaxError_InvalidArgs,Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}',Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}',,syntax error +SyntaxError_InvalidArgsOption,Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}' or '{3}',Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}' or '{3}',,syntax error +SyntaxError_ExpectedExp,expected expression,expected expression,,syntax error +SyntaxError_EmptyStatement,empty {0} statement,empty {0} statement,,syntax error +SyntaxError_NestedCalls,nested function calls are not allowed,nested function calls are not allowed,,syntax error +SyntaxError_TrialLimit,use of {0} is not allowed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,use of {0} is not allowed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,,syntax error +SyntaxError_ArgCount,number of arguments for function {2} expected {0} got {1},number of arguments for function {2} expected {0} got {1},,syntax error +SyntaxError_ArgCountRange,number of arguments for function {3} expected {0} - {1} got {2},number of arguments for function {3} expected {0} - {1} got {2},,syntax error +SyntaxError_DuplicateEnumEntry,duplicate enum entry found,duplicate enum entry found,,syntax error +SyntaxError_DuplicateEnum,duplicate enum found,duplicate enum found,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MissingGlobalVarName,missing variable name in globalvar,missing variable name in globalvar,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MissingVarName,missing variable name in var,missing variable name in var,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MissingRegion,no matching #region found for #endregion,no matching #region found for #endregion,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MissingEndRegion,unclosed #region found at End of Script,unclosed #region found at End of Script,,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnexpectedTerminalOp,unexpected terminal operator {0},unexpected terminal operator {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnexpectedUnaryOp,unexpected unary operator {0},unexpected unary operator {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnexpectedTernaryOp,unexpected ternary operator {0},unexpected ternary operator {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_UnmatchedTry,try needs to have catch or finally clause,try needs to have catch or finally clause,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MacroExists,macro {0} already exists,macro {0} already exists,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MalformedVarRef,malformed variable reference got {0},malformed variable reference got {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_MultiAssignment,assignment to multi-relational-equality expression - GML does not support multiple assignments in an expression,assignment to multi-relational-equality expression - GML does not support multiple assignments in an expression,,syntax error +SyntaxError_Info,"{0} at line {1}, {2} : {3}","{0} at line {1}, {2} : {3}",,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - character num, 3 - error description)" +SyntaxError_MacroReferenceOnce,macro {0} is unused,macro {0} is unused,,syntax error +SyntaxError_VariableReferenceOnce,variable {0} only referenced once,variable {0} only referenced once,,syntax error +SyntaxError_VariableUnassigned,unassigned variable {0} referenced,unassigned variable {0} referenced,,syntax error +SyntaxError_ConstructorsOnly,only functions that are declared as constructors can use inheritance.,only functions that are declared as constructors can use inheritance.,,syntax error +SyntaxError_InvalidFunctionModifier,unknown function atribute {0},unknown function atribute {0},,syntax error +SyntaxError_InheritedFunctionArguments,Inherited argument "{0}" is not in function arguments,Inherited argument "{0}" is not in function arguments,,syntax error +SyntaxError_Only16NamedArgs,only 16 named arguments supported in a function declaration,only 16 named arguments supported in a function declaration,,syntax error +SyntaxError_AssignmentToBuiltIn,Assignment to builtin variable/function/constant,Assignment to builtin variable/function/constant,,syntax error +CompileError_Info,"{0} at line {1} : {2}","{0} at line {1} : {2}",,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - error description)" +CompileError_ObjVar_WrongType,Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in {2}'s variable '{3}' (expected {4}),Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in {2}'s variable '{3}' (expected {4}),,Object variable wrong type error +CompileError_ObjVar_WrongTypeRoom,Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in room {2} in instance {3}'s variable '{4}' (expected {5}),Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in room {2} in instance {3}'s variable '{4}' (expected {5}),,Object variable wrong type error in room instances +CompileError_ObjVar,Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in {1}'s variable '{2}',Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in {1}'s variable '{2}',,Object variable undefined reference error +CompileError_InstVar,Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in room {3} in instance {1}'s variable '{2}',Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in room {3} in instance {1}'s variable '{2}',,Instance variable undefined reference error +CompileError_Script,Script: {0},Script: {0},,script error +CompileError_Object,Object: {0},Object: {0},,object event error +CompileError_RoomCode,Creation Code in Room: {0},Creation Code in Room: {0},,room creation code error +CompileError_RoomInstance,Instance Code in Room: {0},Instance Code in Room: {0},,instance creation code error +CompileError_Vertex,Vertex Shader: {0},Vertex Shader: {0},,vertex shader error +CompileError_Fragment,Fragment Shader: {0},Fragment Shader: {0},,fragment shader error +CompileError_Timeline,Timeline: {0},Timeline: {0},,timeline error +CompileError_Collision,{0} Collision Event With {1},{0} Collision Event With {1},,event error +CompileError_KeyEvent,{0} Key Event: {1},{0} Key Event: {1},,event error +CompileError_KeyPressed,{0} Key Pressed: {1},{0} Key Pressed: {1},,event error +CompileError_KeyReleased,{0} Key Released: {1},{0} Key Released: {1},,event error +CompileError_Event,{0} Event: {1},{0} Event: {1},,event error +CompileError_RoomInstanceName,{0} instance {1}: ,{0} instance {1}: ,,room instance error +SyntaxError_RoomCode,{0} Creation Code,{0} Creation Code,,room creation code syntax error +Notification_UpdatedRuntime,An updated runtime is available in {0}!,An updated runtime is available in {0}!,,notification when a new runtime is available +Notification_Runtimes,Runtimes,Runtimes,,notification title +Notification_Surveys,Surveys,Surveys,,notification title +Notification_Tutorials,Tutorials,Tutorials,,notification title +Notification_Demos,Demos,Demos,,notification title +General_Pref_RegenerateFontsImport,Update fonts imported from GameMaker Studio 1 projects,Update fonts imported from GameMaker Studio 1 projects,,Regenerate fonts on import from GMS1 +ConversionLog_SteamID,"Detected a {0} Steam App ID: The Steam App ID is now in one place - Main Options, please ensure it is correct","Detected a {0} Steam App ID: The Steam App ID is now in one place - Main Options, please ensure it is correct",,conversion log for steam app - param 0 platform (windows/mac/linux) +ConversionLog_Windows,Windows,Windows,,conversion log windows platform +ConversionLog_Mac,Mac,Mac,,conversion log mac platform +ConversionLog_Linux,Linux,Linux,,conversion log linux platform +ConversionLog_ResourceNameInUse,"Resource name collision '{0}' already exists, renamed to '{1}'","Resource name collision '{0}' already exists, renamed to '{1}'",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontConverted,"Font {0} has been converted to font family {1} ({2})","Font {0} has been converted to font family {1} ({2})",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontKept,"Font has maintained its texture from GameMaker Studio 1 and will not be regenerated automatically","Font has maintained its texture from GameMaker Studio 1 and will not be regenerated automatically",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontRegenerated,"Font texture has been regenerated - inconsistencies may occur","Font texture has been regenerated - inconsistencies may occur",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontTextureMissing,"Font has no texture in GameMaker Studio 1 project, forced to regenerate","Font has no texture in GameMaker Studio 1 project, forced to regenerate",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontTextureBackedUp,"GameMaker Studio 1 font texture has been backed up at {0}","GameMaker Studio 1 font texture has been backed up at {0}",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontStyleMissing,"!!! Font {0} font family {1} is installed but couldn't match style - Font has NOT been regenerated","!!! Font {0} font family {1} is installed but couldn't match style - Font has NOT been regenerated",,conversion log +ConversionLog_FontMissing,"!!! Font {0} uses a font ({1}) not installed on this system - Font has NOT been regenerated","!!! Font {0} uses a font ({1}) not installed on this system - Font has NOT been regenerated",,conversion log +ConversionLog_UnknownShader,Unknown Shader Type '{0}' for shader '{1}',Unknown Shader Type '{0}' for shader '{1}',,conversion log +ConversionLog_MacIcon,macOS icon {0} written out as 32-bit,macOS icon {0} written out as 32-bit,,conversion log +ConversionLog_ExtensionError,"Error - function '{0}' in extension '{1}' has more than 4 arguments, and they are not all of the same type","Error - function '{0}' in extension '{1}' has more than 4 arguments, and they are not all of the same type",,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertingScript,Converting GML script: {0},Converting GML script: {0},,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertingEvent,Converting object event to GML script: {0},Converting object event to GML script: {0},,conversion log +ConversionLog_DefaultInstaller,Windows NSIS Installer Script has been set to default due to changes in GameMaker Studio 2,Windows NSIS Installer Script has been set to default due to changes in GameMaker Studio 2,,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConversionException,Exception while converting {0} : {1},Exception while converting {0} : {1},,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertingOriginal,Original was,Original was,,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertingResult,Current result was,Current result was,,conversion log +ConversionLog_MissingAudioGroup,Missing audiogroup for sound: '{0}' - setting to default audio group,Missing audiogroup for sound: '{0}' - setting to default audio group,,conversion log +ConversionLog_CompatibilityScript,Added compatibility script '{0}',Added compatibility script '{0}',,conversion log +ConversionLog_UpdatedCompatibilityScript,Updated compatibility script '{0}',Updated compatibility script '{0}',,conversion log +ConversionLog_GameSpeed,Game speed set to {0},Game speed set to {0},,conversion log +ConversionLog_ParseError,ERROR: {0} - {1}: {2},ERROR: {0} - {1}: {2},,conversion log (0 - filename/1 - line number/2 - error message) +ConversionLog_TooManyErrors,Too many errors - GML not processed : {0},Too many errors - GML not processed : {0},,conversion log +ConversionLog_VariableNameInvalid,"Error: variable '{0}' has same name as a built-in (function, constant or variable), it must be renamed to function correctly","Error: variable '{0}' has same name as a built-in (function, constant or variable), it must be renamed to function correctly",,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertedString,Converted string - line {0}: {1} -> {2},Converted string - line {0}: {1} -> {2},,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertedDesc,Converted description {0},Converted description {0},,conversion log +ConversionLog_RemoveInstRef,Removing instance reference from builtin - line {0} : {1},Removing instance reference from builtin - line {0} : {1},,conversion log +ConversionLog_ConvertedBuiltin,Converted builtin - line {0}: {1} -> {2},Converted builtin - line {0}: {1} -> {2},,conversion log +ConversionLog_FilenamePrefix,compatibility_report_,compatibility_report_,must be usable as a standard windows/mac filename,used to prefix the output filename +ConversionLog_AppliesToUndefined,Skipped action {0} as it applies to ,Skipped action {0} as it applies to ,do not localise ,conversion log when the applies to is undefined +ConversionLog_AppliesToUndefinedIF,Skipped action(s) {0} because parent 'if' action was skipped,Skipped action(s) {0} because parent 'if' action was skipped,do not localise 'if',conversion log for skipping actions because if was skipped +UserLogin_None,None State,None State,,error message for being in login 'none' state +UserLogin_NoneMessage,Managed to enter none state,Managed to enter none state,,detailed error message for being in login 'none' state +UserLogin_LicenceMissing,Licence file missing,Licence file missing,,licence missing error +UserLogin_LicenceMissingDetail,Licence file is not there,Licence file is not there,,licence missing detail +UserLogin_LicenceInvalid,Licence is invalid,Licence is invalid,,licence invalid error +UserLogin_LicenceInvalidLocalDetail,"Licence local id doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at accounts.yoyogames.com/contact-us","Licence local id doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at accounts.yoyogames.com/contact-us",,licence invalid error +UserLogin_LicenceInvalidDetail,"Licence doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at accounts.yoyogames.com/contact-us","Licence doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at accounts.yoyogames.com/contact-us",,licence invalid error +UserLogin_InvalidExpiryDetail,Cannot parse the expiry date,Cannot parse the expiry date,,licence expiry error +UserLogin_Expired,Licence has expired,Licence has expired,,licence expired error +UserLogin_ExpiredDetail,Re-login to update local licence,Re-login to update local licence,,local licence has expired and user needs to re-login to server for new licence +UserLogin_SessionIDDetail,Session id differs,Session id differs,,session id error +UserLogin_DeviceIDDetail,Device id differs,Device id differs,,device id error +UserLogin_SignatureDetail,Signature is invalid,Signature is invalid,,signature error +UserLogin_ServerError,Error ({0}) - {1},Error ({0}) - {1},,server response error +UserLogin_Exception,Exception - {0},Exception - {0},,exception error +UserLogin_MachineIDMismatchDetail,Local Machine ID mismatch,Local Machine ID mismatch,,machine id mismatch error +UserLogin_MachineIDMissingDetail,Local Machine ID missing,Local Machine ID missing,,machine id missing error +UserLogin_TrialExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 trial has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","Your GameMaker Studio 2 trial has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!",,Trial expired message +UserLogin_LicenseExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 Licence has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","Your GameMaker Studio 2 Licence has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!",,Temporary licence expired message +UserLogin_TrialExpiredTitle,Trial Period Ended,Trial Period Ended,,Trial period ended dialog title +UserLogin_LicenseExpiredTitle,Licence Expired,Licence Expired,,Licence expired dialog title +UserLogin_LicenceNoBuildAccessDetail,Licence does not have permission to access this build,Licence does not have permission to access this build,,message when user licence is not allowed to access a particular build +UserLogin_OfflineError,Unable to take user offline,Unable to take user offline,,offline error +UserLogin_NoConnection,Unable to login - no network connection,Unable to login - no network connection,,connection error +UserLogin_NoAccountsServer,Unable to Login - Cannot reach https://accounts.yoyogames.com,Unable to Login - Cannot reach https://accounts.yoyogames.com,,accounts server connection error +UserLogin_SteamError,Unable to login - failed to get a Steam session ticket,Unable to login - failed to get a Steam session ticket,,steam error +UserLogin_ServerConnectionError,"Unable to login - server error, allowing offline","Unable to login - server error, allowing offline",,server connection error +UserLogin_SaveFailed,Failed to save licence file {0} - result {1}({2}),Failed to save licence file {0} - result {1}({2}),,save failed error +UserLogin_SaveFailedNoResult,Failed to save licence file {0} - no result,Failed to save licence file {0} - no result,,save failed error +UserLogin_LicenceStatus,Status: {0},Status: {0},,licence status error +UserLogin_RestartForCustomFeed,You have a new IDE update feed available. \nWould you like to restart and check for updates?,You have a new IDE update feed available. \nWould you like to restart and check for updates?,,message when a user has a custom ide feed available +SearchResult_Info,{0} at line {1}: \t{2},{0} at line {1}: \t{2},,search result information +UserLogin_ManageDevices,My Account,My Account,,ok button caption for too many devices error +UserLogin_CommonInternetProblems,"If this is a persistent issue, please try the following:\nCheck any firewall is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nCheck any antivirus is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nCheck any proxy or VPN is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nAnd if all else fails, submit a help ticket and include your ui.log which can be found:\nOn Mac - /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2\nOn PC - C:\ProgramData\GameMakerStudio2","If this is a persistent issue, please try the following:\nCheck any firewall is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nCheck any antivirus is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nCheck any proxy or VPN is not blocking GameMaker Studio 2 access.\nAnd if all else fails, submit a help ticket and include your ui.log which can be found:\nOn Mac - /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2\nOn PC - C:\ProgramData\GameMakerStudio2",,Common steps to try for internet connection failures +Amazon Fire,Amazon Fire,Amazon Fire,,Amazon Fire label +addon_amazon_apis,Amazon APIs,Amazon APIs,,Amazon APIs label for addon download +addon_google_play_services,Google Play Services,Google Play Services,,Google play services label for addon download +addon_error,Error with addon,Error with addon,,Generic error with addon title +addon_verify_failed,Addon verification failed. Please check your project and try again.,Addon verification failed. Please check your project and try again.,,Addon verification failed +addon_not_found,The addon could not be found on the marketplace,The addon could not be found on the marketplace,,Message for when the addon could not be found on the marketplace +addon_could_not_download,The addon could not be downloaded from the marketplace,The addon could not be downloaded from the marketplace,,Message for when the addon could not be download from the marketplace +FileFilters_Info,{0} Files,{0} Files,,basic filter info eg XML Files +FileFilters_AudioFiles,Audio Files,Audio Files,,audio file filter +FileFilters_All,All Files,All Files,,all file filter +FileFilter_YYP,GameMaker Studio 2 Project,GameMaker Studio 2 Project,,yyp filter +FileFilter_ProjectName,Project Name,Project Name,,project filter +FileFilters_ProjectLayout,GameMaker Studio 2 Layout,GameMaker Studio 2 Layout,,layout file filter +FileFilter_ResourceFile,GameMaker Studio 2 Resource,GameMaker Studio 2 Resource,,yy filter +FileFilter_Localisation,Localisation Files,Localisation Files,,localisation filter +FileFilters_Certificate,GameMaker Studio 2 Certificate,GameMaker Studio 2 Certificate,,certificate filter +FileFilters_HTMLArchive,HTML Zip Archive,HTML Zip Archive,,html archive filter +FileFilters_CompressedApp,Compressed Application Zip,Compressed Application Zip,,compressed application filter +FileFilters_MacCompressedApp,macOS Application Zip,macOS Application Zip,,mac application as a zip filter +FileFilters_MacDmgApp,macOS DMG,macOS DMG,,mac application as a dmg file +FileFilters_Package,{0} Package,{0} Package,,package filter +FileFilters_Installer,{0} Installer,{0} Installer,,installer filter +FileFilters_Application,{0} Application,{0} Application,,application filter +FileFilters_Export,{0} Export,{0} Export,,export filter +FileFilters_Directory,Directory,Directory,,directory filter +FileFilters_SSHKey,SSH Key,SSH Key,,ssh key filter +FileFilter_AssetPackage,GameMaker Studio 2 Asset Package,GameMaker Studio 2 Asset Package,,yymp filter +FileFilter_AndroidCreateExeMessage,Save as .aab or .apk,Save as .aab or .apk,,Save as .aab or .apk +tvOS,tvOS,tvOS,,tvOS label for game options +amazonfire_nodevices_title,No Amazon devices detected,No Amazon devices detected,,No Amazon devices detected title +amazonfire_nodevices_messages,There were no Amazon Fire devices detected.,There were no Amazon Fire devices detected.,,No Amazon devices detected message +device_manager_error,Device Manager Error,Device Manager Error,,Error message title for Device Manager +device_manager_devicesjson_locked,The devices.json is locked.\nPlease ensure no other application is trying to read or write to this and try again.,The devices.json is locked.\nPlease ensure no other application is trying to read or write to this and try again.,,devices.json is locked and we can't access it +platformdevice_authorisation_required,The device with serial id: {0} requires authorisation.\nPlease check the device.,The device with serial id: {0} requires authorisation.\nPlease check the device.,,Authorisation required on device so prompt the user to check it +Addon_FailedPlatformCheckTitle,Addon requires additional licences,Addon requires additional licences,,Title for the failed platform check when attempting to download an addon +Addon_DefaultFailedPlatformCheckMessage,"Unfortunately, this addon is not available for the licences you currently own.\nDo you want to go to your account to view your licences?","Unfortunately, this addon is not available for the licences you currently own.\nDo you want to go to your account to view your licences?",,Message to display by default when the platform check fails +RoomEditor_InheritLayerDepthToolTip,Inherit Layer Depth,Inherit Layer Depth,,tooltip for inherit layer depth +RoomEditor_InheritCreationOrderToolTip,Inherit Creation Order,Inherit Creation Order,,tooltip for inherit creation order +RoomEditor_InheritGraphicToolTip,Inherit Graphic Properties,Inherit Graphic Properties,,tooltip for inherit graphic properties +RoomEditor_InheritInstanceToolTip,Inherit Instance Properties,Inherit Instance Properties,,tooltip for inherit instance properties +RoomEditor_InheritInstancesToolTip,Inherit Instances,Inherit Instances,,tooltip for inherit instances +RoomEditor_InheritAssetsToolTip,Inherit Assets,Inherit Assets,,tooltip for inherit assets +RoomEditor_InheritBackgroundToolTip,Inherit Background Properties,Inherit Background Properties,,tooltip for inherit background +RoomEditor_InheritTileLayerToolTip,Inherit Tile Properties,Inherit Tile Properties,,tooltip for inherit tile layer properties +RoomEditor_InheritPathToolTip,Inherit Path Properties,Inherit Path Properties,,tooltip for inherit path properties +RoomEditor_InheritLayersToolTip,Inherit Layers,Inherit Layers,,tooltip for inherit layers +Error_InvalidProjectName,The project name '{0}' contains the following unsupported characters: '{1}'.\nPlease try a different name.,The project name '{0}' contains the following unsupported characters: '{1}'.\nPlease try a different name.,,Error that the user has chosen a project name that won't work on Windows +Addon_AmazonFireFailedPlatformCheckMessage,"This addon requires the Amazon Fire or Mobile licences.\nDo you want to go to your account to check your availability of these?","This addon requires the Amazon Fire or Mobile licences.\nDo you want to go to your account to check your availability of these?",,Message to display when the Amazon Fire addon fails the platform check +RuntimeTarget_Error,Error with Runtime,Error with Runtime,,Error about the current active Runtime +RuntimeTarget_LowerThanBaseline,The current runtime ({0}) is lower than the baseline required ({1}).\nPlease update your runtime to {1} or higher.,The current runtime ({0}) is lower than the baseline required ({1}).\nPlease update your runtime to {1} or higher.,,Message to tell user to update their runtime +Notification_TrialLicense,Trial Licence,Trial Licence,,Trial licence notification title +Notification_License,Licence,Licence,,Licence notification title +Notification_Renewals,Licence Renewal,Licence Renewal,,the notification category for licence renewals +Notification_PrimaryRenewalDays,Your licence is due to expire in under {1} days\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,Your licence is due to expire in under {1} days\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,,one week message +Notification_RenewalDays,Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} days\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} days\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,,one week message +Notification_PrimaryRenewalWeeks,Your licence is due to expire in under {1} weeks\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,Your licence is due to expire in under {1} weeks\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,,several weeks message +Notification_RenewalWeeks,Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} weeks\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} weeks\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product,,several weeks message +Notification_NoNotifications,You have no notifications.,You have no notifications.,,No notifications message +RenewalNotification_Renew,Renew,Renew,,renew button label +ide_cache_location,IDE cache directory,IDE cache directory,,IDE cache directory path +deleteidecacheonquit,Automatically delete ide cache directory on close,Automatically delete ide cache directory on close,,Automatically delete the ide cache directory on close +deleteidecache,Delete IDE Cache,Delete IDE Cache,,Delete the IDE cache now +sync_preferences,Synchronise Preferences,Synchronise Preferences,,Synchronise preferences label +preferences_copyfromandroid,Sync from Android,Sync from Android,,Sync settings from Android +preferences_copyfromamazon,Sync from Amazon Fire,Sync from Amazon Fire,,Sync settings from Amazon +preferences_copyfromandroid_label,Copy settings from Android,Copy settings from Android,,Copy settings from Android +preferences_copyfromamazon_label,Copy settings from Amazon Fire,Copy settings from Amazon Fire,,Copy settings from Amazon Fire +FileFilters_Pronunciation,Pronunciation Files,Pronunciation Files,,pronunciation.xml file dialog +Error_PS4PronunciationMissingSig,Unable to find matching pronunciation.sig file \nVoice recognition files will not be imported,Unable to find matching pronunciation.sig file \nVoice recognition files will not be imported,,error message when the prnunciation.sig is missing +TargetSelection_Platform_switch,Switch,Switch,,Switch +Switch,Switch,Switch,,Switch +Preferences_switch_sdk_dir,NintendoSDK Directory,NintendoSDK Directory,,Path to NintendoSDK Directory +Preferences_switch_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio location,,Visual Studio location +platformdevice_targetip,Target IP,Target IP,,Target IP +preferences_import_nmeta,Import nmeta file,Import nmeta file,,Import an nmeta file into the project +preferences_open_authoring,Open Authoring Editor,Open Authoring Editor,,Open the Authoring Editor +IncludedFilesPlatform_Switch,Switch,Switch,,Switch platform include name +FileFilters_NMeta,Switch nmeta file,Switch nmeta file,,Switch nmeta file filter description +FileFilters_NSP,Switch Package,Switch Package,,Switch Package file filter +App Icon,App Icon,App Icon,,App Icon settings namespace +iPad Pro,iPad Pro,iPad Pro,,iPad Pro settings namespace +Notification,Notification,Notification,,Notification settings namespace +Spotlight,Spotlight,Spotlight,,Spotlight settings namespace +Settings,Settings,Settings,,Settings settings namespace +iTunes Artwork,iTunes Artwork,iTunes Artwork,,iTunes Artwork settings namespace +ggs_icon_iphone_app_120,iPhone 60pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPhone 60pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 60pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_iphone_app_180,iPhone 60pt 3x (iOS 7+),iPhone 60pt 3x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 60pt 3x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_app_76,iPad 76pt (iOS 7+),iPad 76pt (iOS 7+),,iPad 76pt (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_app_152,iPad 76pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPad 76pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPad 76pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_pro_app_167,iPad Pro 83.5pt 2x (iOS 9+),iPad Pro 83.5pt 2x (iOS 9+),,iPad Pro 83.5pt 2x (iOS 9+) +ggs_icon_iphone_notification_40,iPhone 20pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPhone 20pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 20pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_iphone_notification_60,iPhone 20pt 3x (iOS 7+),iPhone 20pt 3x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 20pt 3x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_notification_20,iPad 20pt (iOS 7+),iPad 20pt (iOS 7+),,iPad 20pt (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_notification_40,iPad 20pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPad 20pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPad 20pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_iphone_spotlight_80,iPhone 40pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPhone 40pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 40pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_iphone_spotlight_120,iPhone 40pt 3x (iOS 7+),iPhone 40pt 3x (iOS 7+),,iPhone 40pt 3x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_spotlight_40,iPad 40pt (iOS 7+),iPad 40pt (iOS 7+),,iPad 40pt (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_ipad_spotlight_80,iPad 40pt 2x (iOS 7+),iPad 40pt 2x (iOS 7+),,iPad 40pt 2x (iOS 7+) +ggs_icon_iphone_settings_58,iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),,iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+) +ggs_icon_iphone_settings_87,iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+),iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+),,iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+) +ggs_icon_ipad_settings_29,iPad 29pt (iOS 5+),iPad 29pt (iOS 5+),,iPad 29pt (iOS 5+) +ggs_icon_ipad_settings_58,iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),,iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+) +ggs_icon_itunes_artwork_1024,iTunes Artwork 1024pt,iTunes Artwork 1024pt,,iTunes Artwork 1024pt +sourcecontrolgit_auth_userpass_failed_import,No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,,No Valid User/Pass found for repository error message +sourcecontrolgit_auth_ssh_failed_import,No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,,No Valid SSH KeyPair found for repository error message +sourcecontrolgit_import_project_success,Successfully imported project,Successfully imported project,,Success message for importing a project +iosiconupdate_title,iOS Icons Require Updating,iOS Icons Require Updating,,Title for iOS Icons requiring an update +iosiconupdate_message,"Due to iOS submission requirement changes, Options > iOS > Icons image sizes are now different and your current icons need to be recreated at the correct sizes. Tools > Generate Project Images can help quickly fix this.","Due to iOS submission requirement changes, Options > iOS > Icons image sizes are now different and your current icons need to be recreated at the correct sizes. Tools > Generate Project Images can help quickly fix this.",,iOS Icon update message +preferences_patch_original_package,Original Submitted Package,Original Submitted Package,,Label for Original Submitted Package +preferences_patch_current_package,Current Package,Current Package,,Label for Current Package +preferences_patch_previous_patch,Previous Patch,Previous Patch,,Label for Previous Patch +preferences_patch_package,Patch Package,Patch Package,,Label for Patch Package +Import_BadYYP_Title,External Project File Error,External Project File Error,,The external project file has errors +Import_BadYYP_Message,The external project file cannot be read to import this resource,The external project file cannot be read to import this resource,,External project file cannot be read +ggs_xboxone_x_title_memory,Xbox One X title memory (GB),Xbox One X title memory (GB),,the xbox one option for how much memory to dedicate to this app +ggs_xboxone_x_title_memory_tooltip,The amount of memory in gigabytes to dedicate to this game on Xbox One X \nAllows games to take advantage of full xbox one x available memory or request less to improve load times,The amount of memory in gigabytes to dedicate to this game on Xbox One X \nAllows games to take advantage of full xbox one x available memory or request less to improve load times,,tooltip for xbox one x dedicated memory +ggs_xboxone_support_4k_one_x,Support 4k on Xbox One X,Support 4k on Xbox One X,,Support 4k output resolution on Xbox One X +ggs_xboxone_support_4k_one_s,Support 4k on Xbox One S,Support 4k on Xbox One S,,Support 4k output resolution on Xbox One S +preferences_generate_patch,Generate Patch,Generate Patch,,Label for generating new patch +preferences_install_patch,Install Patch,Install Patch,,Label for installing a patch +Patching,Patching,Patching,,Patching +preferences_patch_error,Patching Error,Patching Error,,Patching Error Title +preferences_patch_original_file_missing,The Original Package is missing. Please check the path.,The Original Package is missing. Please check the path.,,Missing original package file +preferences_patch_current_file_missing,The Current Package is missing. Please check the path.,The Current Package is missing. Please check the path.,,Missing current package file +preferences_patch_file_missing,The Patch file is missing. Please check the path.,The Patch file is missing. Please check the path.,,Patch file is missing. +ggs_check_publishing_errors,Check for publishing errors,Check for publishing errors,,Check package file for publishing errors +Build_Switch_NoSDK,The path for the Nintendo Switch SDK is misconfigured,The path for the Nintendo Switch SDK is misconfigured,,Path to Nintendo Switch SDK is wrong +Build_Switch_NoNMeta,No NMeta file has been found for this project. Please open the Authoring Editor to create one,No NMeta file has been found for this project. Please open the Authoring Editor to create one,,No NMeta file has been found +Build_Switch_NoNEXSDK,The path for the Nintendo Switch NEX SDK does not exist. Please ensure the NEX plugin has been correctly installed in NDI.,The path for the Nintendo Switch NEX SDK does not exist. Please ensure the NEX plugin has been correctly installed in NDI.,,No NEX SDK installed +ggs_enable_file_access_checking,Enable File Access Logging to SD Card,Enable File Access Logging to SD Card,,Enable File Access Logging to SD Card +ggs_enable_package_debug_output,Enable Debug Output in Package,Enable Debug Output in Package,,Enable Debug Output in Package +ggs_use_nx_cpu_profiler,Enable NX CPU Profiler for YYC Builds,Enable NX CPU Profiler for YYC Builds,,Enable NX CPU Profiler for YYC Builds +Build_Switch_VM_CPU_Profiler,"The NX CPU Profiler can only be used on YYC builds. However, you may use the GMS2 Profiler on VM builds.","The NX CPU Profiler can only be used on YYC builds. However, you may use the GMS2 Profiler on VM builds.",,The NX CPU Profiler can only be used on YYC Builds +Build_Switch_Package_CPU_Profiler,The NX CPU Profiler should not be enabled for Packaged builds,The NX CPU Profiler should not be enabled for Packaged builds,,The NX CPU Profiler should not be enabled for Packaged builds +DESC_SEC_INSTALL,"Install ${APP_NAME}.","Install ${APP_NAME}.",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_SHORTCUTS,"Setup Start Menu shortcuts for All Users.","Setup Start Menu shortcuts for All Users.",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT,"Setup Desktop shortcut for All Users.","Setup Desktop shortcut for All Users.",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS,"Setup file associations for Project Files (.yyp) and Compressed Project Files (.yyz).","Setup file associations for Project Files (.yyp) and Compressed Project Files (.yyz).",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_DOTNET,"Install Microsoft Dot NET 3.5sp1 and 4.5 Frameworks.","Install Microsoft Dot NET 3.5sp1 and 4.5 Frameworks.",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_VCREDIST,"Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and 2015 C++ x64 runtimes.","Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and 2015 C++ x64 runtimes.",,Installer Text +DESC_SEC_NGEN,"Optimise the executable and add to the Global Assembly Cache.","Optimise the executable and add to the Global Assembly Cache.",,Installer Text +DESC_DESKTOPSHORTCUT,"Desktop Shortcuts","Desktop Shortcuts",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_OPTIMISEEXE,"Optimise Executable","Optimise Executable",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_STARTMENU,"Start Menu Shortcuts","Start Menu Shortcuts",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_FILEASS,"File associations","File associations",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_DOTNET_INSTALL,"DotNet Install","DotNet Install",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_VCDIST,"Visual C++ Redistributable","Visual C++ Redistributable",,Installer Tick box install menu +DESC_FINISHED_FILES,"Finished files","Finished files",,Installer messages +DESC_REG_FILE_ASC,"Register File Associations","Register File Associations",,Installer messages +DESC_UNINSTALL_GAC,"uninstall from GAC... this may take some time","uninstall from GAC... this may take some time",,Installer messages +DESC_FINISHED,"Finished","Finished",,Installer messages +DESC_RUNDOTNET35,"Running Dot Net 3.5 sp1 Framework Setup...","Running Dot Net 3.5 sp1 Framework Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_ENDDOTNET35,"end .NET 3.5 sp1","end .NET 3.5 sp1",,Installer messages +DESC_RUNDOTNET45,"Running Dot Net 4.5.2 Framework Setup...","Running Dot Net 4.5.2 Framework Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_ENDDOTNET45,"end .NET 4.5.2","end .NET 4.5.2",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2012x86,"Running Visual Studio 2012 x86 Redistributable Setup...","Running Visual Studio 2012 x86 Redistributable Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2012x86END,"end VS2012 x86","end VS2012 x86",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2012x64,"Running Visual Studio 2012 x64 Redistributable Setup...","Running Visual Studio 2012 x64 Redistributable Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2012x64END,"end VS2012 x64","end VS2012 x64",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2015x86,"Running Visual Studio 2015 x86 Redistributable Setup...","Running Visual Studio 2015 x86 Redistributable Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2015x86END,"end VS2015 x86","end VS2015 x86",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2015x64,"Running Visual Studio 2015 x64 Redistributable Setup...","Running Visual Studio 2015 x64 Redistributable Setup...",,Installer messages +DESC_VS2015x64END,"end VS2015 x64","end VS2015 x64",,Installer messages +DESC_OPTIMISING,"Optimising executable... this may take some time","Optimising executable... this may take some time",,Installer messages +DESC_INSTBEGIN,"runInstaller Begin","runInstaller Begin",,Installer messages +DESC_ALLREADYINST,"${APP_NAME} is already installed. $\n$\nClick 'OK' to remove the previous version or 'Cancel' to cancel this upgrade." ,"${APP_NAME} is already installed. $\n$\nClick 'OK' to remove the previous version or 'Cancel' to cancel this upgrade." ,,Installer prompt to uninstall first +DESC_ERRORSFOUND,"errors found in uninstall","errors found in uninstall",,Installer - Uninstaller errors found +DESC_IDERUNNING,"Check IDE still running (i.e. cancelled from Uninstall)","Check IDE still running (i.e. cancelled from Uninstall)",,Installer messages +DESC_IDERUNABORT,"IDE still running aborting...","IDE still running aborting...",,Installer messages +DESC_UNINSTALLDONE,"runUnInstaller Done","runUnInstaller Done",,Installer messages +DESC_32BITOS,"Sorry, but ${APP_NAME} is only available for 64bit Windows this is a 32bit version of Windows","Sorry, but ${APP_NAME} is only available for 64bit Windows this is a 32bit version of Windows",,Installer messages +DESC_APPRUNNING,"${EXEFILENAME} is running. Please close it first","${EXEFILENAME} is running. Please close it first",,Installer messages +iOS 5/6,iOS 5/6,iOS 5/6,,iOS 5/6 heading +iOS 7,iOS 7,iOS 7,,iOS 7 heading +iOS 8,iOS 8,iOS 8,,iOS 8 heading +without status,without status,without status,,without status heading +ggs_iphone_8_55_landscape,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Landscape,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Landscape,,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Landscape +ggs_iphone_8_47_portrait,iPhone 8 HD 4.7 Portrait,iPhone 8 HD 4.7 Portrait,,iPhone 8 HD 4.7 Portrait +ggs_iphone_8_55_portrait,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Portrait,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Portrait,,iPhone 8 HD 5.5 Portrait +ggs_iphone_7_retina4_portrait,iPhone 7 Retina4 Portrait,iPhone 7 Retina4 Portrait,,iPhone 7 Retina4 Portrait +ggs_iphone_7_2x_portrait,iPhone 7 2x Portrait,iPhone 7 2x Portrait,,iPhone 7 2x Portrait +ggs_iphone_56_retina4_portrait,iPhone 5/6 Retina4 Portrait,iPhone 5/6 Retina4 Portrait,,iPhone 5/6 Retina4 Portrait +ggs_iphone_56_2x_portrait,iPhone 5/6 2x Portrait,iPhone 5/6 2x Portrait,,iPhone 5/6 2x Portrait +ggs_iphone_56_portrait,iPhone 5/6 Portrait,iPhone 5/6 Portrait,,iPhone 5/6 Portrait +ggs_ipad_retina_7_portrait,iPad Retina iOS 7 Portrait,iPad Retina iOS 7 Portrait,,iPad Retina iOS 7 Portrait +ggs_ipad_retina_7_landscape,iPad Retina iOS 7 Landscape,iPad Retina iOS 7 Landscape,,iPad Retina iOS 7 Landscape +ggs_ipad_7_portrait,iPad iOS 7 Portrait,iPad iOS 7 Portrait,,iPad iOS 7 Portrait +ggs_ipad_7_landscape,iPad iOS 7 Landscape,iPad iOS 7 Landscape,,iPad iOS 7 Landscape +ggs_ipad_retina_56_portrait,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Portrait,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Portrait,,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Portrait +ggs_ipad_retina_56_landscape,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Landscape,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Landscape,,iPad Retina iOS 5/6 Landscape +ggs_ipad_56_portrait,iPad iOS 5/6 Portrait,iPad iOS 5/6 Portrait,,iPad iOS 5/6 Portrait +ggs_ipad_56_landscape,iPad iOS 5/6 Landscape,iPad iOS 5/6 Landscape,,iPad iOS 5/6 Landscape +ggs_iphone_x_landscape,iPhone X/Xs Landscape,iPhone X/Xs Landscape,,iPhone X/Xs Landscape +ggs_ios_launchscreen,Launch Screen,Launch Screen,,Launch Screen +ggs_ios_launchscreen_landscape,Launch Screen Landscape,Launch Screen Landscape,,Launch Screen Landscape +ggs_iphone_x_portrait,iPhone X/Xs Portrait,iPhone X/Xs Portrait,,iPhone X/Xs Portrait +ggs_iphone_xr_portrait,iPhone Xr Portrait,iPhone Xr Portrait,,iPhone Xr Portrait +ggs_iphone_xr_landscape,iPhone Xr Landscape,iPhone Xr Landscape,,iPhone Xr Landscape +ggs_iphone_xs_max_portrait,iPhone Xs Max Portrait,iPhone Xs Max Portrait,,iPhone Xs Max Portrait +ggs_iphone_xs_max_landscape,iPhone Xs Max Landscape,iPhone Xs Max Landscape,,iPhone Xs Max Landscape +ggs_ipad_landscape_1024_748,iPad iOS 5/6 landscape without status,iPad iOS 5/6 landscape without status,,iPad iOS 5/6 landscape without status +ggs_ipad_portrait_768_1004,iPad iOS 5/6 portrait without status,iPad iOS 5/6 portrait without status,,iPad iOS 5/6 portrait without status +ggs_ipad_landscape_2048_1496,iPad iOS 5/6 2x landscape without status,iPad iOS 5/6 2x landscape without status,,iPad iOS 5/6 2x landscape without status +ggs_ipad_portrait_1536_2008,iPad iOS 5/6 2x portrait without status,iPad iOS 5/6 2x portrait without status,,iPad iOS 5/6 2x portrait without status +iPhone 7,iPhone 7,iPhone 7,,iPhone 7 option group subheading +iPhone 7+,iPhone 7+,iPhone 7+,,iPhone 7+ option group subheading +iPhone 8,iPhone 8,iPhone 8,,iPhone 8 option group subheading +iPhone 8+,iPhone 8+,iPhone 8+,,iPhone 8+ option group subheading +iPhone SE,iPhone SE,iPhone SE,,iPhone SE option group subheading +iPhone X,iPhone X/Xs,iPhone X/Xs,,iPhone X/Xs option group subheading +iPhone Xr,iPhone Xr,iPhone Xr,,iPhone Xr option group subheading +iPhone Xs Max,iPhone Xs Max,iPhone Xs Max,,iPhone Xs Max option group subheading +ResourceMenu_CreateSequence,Create Sequence,Create Sequence,,Resource menu entry +ResourceMenu_CreateParticleSystem,Create Particle System,Create Particle System,,Resource menu entry +ResourceMenu_CreateCurve,Create Animation Curve,Create Animation Curve,,Resource menu entry +ResourceMenu_CreateAudioEmitter,Create Audio Emitter,Create Audio Emitter,,Resource menu entry +ResourceTree_Sequences,Sequences,Sequences,,Resource tree label +ResourceTree_Particles,Particle Systems,Particle Systems,,Resource tree label +ResourceTree_Curves,Animation Curves,Animation Curves,,Resource tree label +ResourceTree_AudioEmitters,Audio Emitters,Audio Emitters,,Resource tree label +ResourceTree_CreateVectorSprite,Create Vector Sprite,Create Vector Sprite,,Resource tree label +ResourceTree_OpenInShapeViewer,Open in Shape Viewer,Open in Shape Viewer,,Resource tree label +SequenceEditor_Title,Sequence: {0},Sequence: {0},,Sequence editor window title +SequenceEditor_Pref_AutoRecord,Automatically record changes,Automatically record changes,,Sequence auto record preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_PauseCanvas,Pause when clicking on canvas,Pause when clicking on canvas,,Sequence pause canvas preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_OverlapDelay,Overlap selection delay in milliseconds,Overlap selection delay in milliseconds,,Sequence canvas preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_ShowBackdrop,Show canvas frame on newly created sequences,Show canvas frame on newly created sequences,,Show canvas frame newly created sequence preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_BackdropWidth,Canvas frame width on newly created sequences,Canvas frame width on newly created sequences,,canvas frame width newly created sequence preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_BackdropHeight,Canvas frame height on newly created sequences,Canvas frame height on newly created sequences,,canvas frame height newly created sequence preference +SequenceEditor_Toolbar_Design,Design,Design,,Design button +SequenceEditor_Toolbar_Code,Code,Code,,Code button +SequenceEditor_Toolbar_Split,Split,Split,,Split button +AnimCurveEditor_Title,Animation Curve: {0},Animation Curve: {0},,Animation Curve editor window title +ShapeViewerEditor_Title,Shape Viewer: {0},Shape Viewer: {0},,Shape Viewer editor window title +AudioEmitterEditor_Title,Audio Emitter: {0},Audio Emitter: {0},,Audio Emitter editor window title +DopeSheet_Column_Tracks,Tracks,Tracks,,Dope sheet column tracks +Sequence_Dopesheet_TitleBar,{0} [{1}] - Dope Sheet,{0} [{1}] - Dope Sheet,,dopesheet floating window title bar +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_TrackPanel_Header,Track Panel,Track Panel,,empty track panel header +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_TrackPanel_Description,Click or drag an asset here to create an asset track. Organise & order your tracks in this panel.,Click or drag an asset here to create an asset track. Organise & order your tracks in this panel.,,empty track panel description +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_Header,Dope Sheet,Dope Sheet,,empty dopesheet panel header +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_Description,'Tracks' appear here when assets have been added to the project. Click or drag assets here.,'Tracks' appear here when assets have been added to the project. Click or drag assets here.,,empty dopesheet panel description +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveChannels,Select any parameter track to view curve,Select any parameter track to view curve,,Empty channel stack label +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveGraph1,No curve visible.,No curve visible.,,Empty graph label +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveGraph2,A parameter track must be sepected to view curves.,A parameter track must be sepected to view curves.,,Empty graph label +SequenceDopesheet_FPS,fps,fps,,dopesheet timeline FPS label +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Frames,Frames (f),Frames (f),,timeline time mode setting for frames +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Time,Time (h:m:s),Time (h:m:s),,timeline time mode setting for time +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Frames_Units,f,f,,timeline frames mode abbreviation +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Frames_Units_Tooltip,Frames,Frames,,timeline frames mode tooltip +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Time_Units,h:m:s,h:m:s,,timeline time mode abbreviation +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Time_Units_Tooltip,Timestamp,Timestamp,,timeline time mode tooltip +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Tooltip_HeadPos,Playhead position ({0}),Playhead position ({0}),,timeline playhead position textbox tooltip +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_Tooltip_Duration,Sequence length ({0}),Sequence length ({0}),,timeline sequence length textbox tooltip +SequenceDopeSheet_Timeline_ChangeTimeUnitsTooltip,Change time units,Change time units,,timeline sequence time unit change tooltip +SeqDopeSheet_EmptyAnimCurve_ChannelDesc,Select any parameter track to view curve.,Select any parameter track to view curve.,,empty dopesheet anim curve channels label +SeqDopeSheet_EmptyAnimCurve_TrackDesc1,No curve visible.,No curve visible.,,no anim curve track label +SeqDopeSheet_EmptyAnimCurve_TrackDesc2,A parameter track must be selected to view curves.,A parameter track must be selected to view curves.,,no anim curve track label +SeqDopeSheet_SharedCurveC,Shared Curve:,Shared Curve:,,shared curve: +SeqDopeSheet_ExternalCurveEditWarning1,Changes to this curve inside sequences will also be applied to the external shared curve asset.,Changes to this curve inside sequences will also be applied to the external shared curve asset.,,external curve warning label +SeqDopeSheet_ExternalCurveEditWarning2,Embed the curve to make edits freely or Continue to edit.,Embed the curve to make edits freely or Continue to edit.,,external curve warning label +SeqDopeSheet_ExternalCurveDetailEmbed,The sequence will have its own copy of the curve,The sequence will have its own copy of the curve,,shared curve detail embed +SeqDopeSheet_ExternalCurveDetailContinue,Continue to edit the shared curve,Continue to edit the shared curve,,shared curve detail continue +SeqDopeSheet_ConvertToKeysWarning,Converting a curve to keys will revert the curve back to 'linear' and it will appear as keyframes in the dopesheet.,Converting a curve to keys will revert the curve back to 'linear' and it will appear as keyframes in the dopesheet.,,convert to keys warning +SeqDopeSheet_AnimCurveKeyFrame1,This is a keyframed parameter track.,This is a keyframed parameter track.,,sequence anim curve mode keyframe track msg1 +SeqDopeSheet_AnimCurveKeyFrame2,'Convert to Curve' to make edits in this view,'Convert to Curve' to make edits in this view,,sequence anim curve mode keyframe track msg2 +SeqDopeSheet_AnimCurveLocked1,Locked:,Locked:,,anim curve locked track label +SeqDopeSheet_AnimCurveLocked2,Unlock asset track in track panel\n to continue editing,Unlock asset track in track panel\n to continue editing,,anim curve locked track label +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidSharedCurve,Invalid Shared Curve,Invalid Shared Curve,,invalid shaded curve +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidSharedCurveC,Invalid Shared Curve:,Invalid Shared Curve:,,invalid shaded curve: +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidCurveMsg1,Sequences can no longer read the shared curve due to edits that have been made externally.,Sequences can no longer read the shared curve due to edits that have been made externally.,,invalid curve text +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidCurveMsg2,Add channels to the curve to resolve the issue.,Add channels to the curve to resolve the issue.,,invalid curve text +SeqDopeSheet_AddChannels,Add Channel(s),Add Channel(s),,add channel/channels +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidCurveDetailOK,This will add the appropriate number of channels to the curve to make it compatible with the sequence.,This will add the appropriate number of channels to the curve to make it compatible with the sequence.,,invalid curve detail msg +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidCurveDetailCancel,The curve will not be modified,The curve will not be modified,,invalid curve detail cancel msg +SeqDopeSheet_IncompatCurveDetailCancel,The curve will not be assigned to the track,The curve will not be assigned to the track,,incompat curve detail cancel msg +SeqDopeSheet_InvalidCurveEdit,Edit the shared curve to fix the issues.,Edit the shared curve to fix the issues.,,invalid shared curve edit label +SeqDopeSheet_IncompCurveTitle,Important,Important,,incompat curve dialog title +SeqDopeSheet_IncompCurve,Incompatible Curve:,Incompatible Curve:,,incompatible curve +SeqDopeSheet_IncompCurveMsg1,'{0}' does not have enough channels to work with this parameter track.,'{0}' does not have enough channels to work with this parameter track.,,incompat curve text +SeqDopeSheet_IncompCurveMsg2,Add missing channels to this curve?,Add missing channels to this curve?,,incompat curve text +Seq_GoToTooltip,Go To Function,Go To Function,,go to function tooltip +Seq_AddStubTooltip,Add Function,Add Function,,add function tooltip +Seq_DeleteTooltip,Delete Moment,Delete Moment,,delete moment tooltip +Seq_DeleteEventpinTooltip,Delete Broadcast Message,Delete Broadcast Message,,Delete Broadcast Message tooltip +SE_Menu_Transform,Transform,Transform,,Transform menu +SE_Menu_RasterizeSprite,Rasterize as Sprite,Rasterize as Sprite,,Rasterize as sprite menu +Tag_Disable_Name,Disable,Disable,,Disable tag name +Tag_Disable_Description,Disable a track,Disable a track,,Disable tag description +Tag_Invisible_Name,Invisible,Invisible,,Invisible tag name +Tag_Invisible_Description,Make a track invisible by disabling all rendering,Make a track invisible by disabling all rendering,,Invisible tag description +Tag_Locked_Name,Locked,Locked,,Locked tag name +Tag_Locked_Description,Prevent editing a track by locking it,Prevent editing a track by locking it,,Locked tag description +Tag_TrackLink_Name,Link,Link,,Track link tag name +Tag_TrackLink_Description,Link a track to another to use its keyframes instead,Link a track to another to use its keyframes instead,,Track link tag description +TagLink_CannotLinkTooltip_Type,This track is not compatible with the selected track,This track is not compatible with the selected track,,Not compatible track for linking tooltip +TagLink_CannotLinkTooltip_Circular,This would create a cyclic link,This would create a cyclic link,,Cyclic link tooltip +Track_TrackInformation,Track Information,Track Information,,Track information label +Track_Name,Name,Name,,Name of track label +Track_Graphic,Graphic,Graphic,,Graphic track display nameSequenceParam_ +Track_Particles,Particles,Particles,,Particles track display name +Track_SpriteFrames,Frames,Frames,,Sprite frames track display name +Track_Text,Text,Text,,Text track display name +Track_Instance,Instance,Instance,,Instance track display name +Track_Sound,Sound,Sound,,Sound track display name +Track_Sequence,Sequence,Sequence,,Sequence track display name +Track_Code,Code,Code,,Code track display name +Track_Real,Real,Real,,Real track display name +Track_String,String,String,,String track display name +Track_Resource,Resource,Resource,,Resource track display name +Track_Color,Colour,Colour,,Colour track display name +Track_Bool,Boolean,Boolean,,Boolean track display name +Track_Width,Width,Width,,Width parameter track display name +Track_Height,Height,Height,,Height parameter track display name +Track_Group,Group,Group,,Group component track display name +Track_ClipMask,Clipping Mask,Clipping Mask,,Clipping Mask component track display name +Track_ClipMask_Mask,Mask,Mask,,Clipping mask mask child +Track_ClipMask_Subject,Subject,Subject,,Clipping mask subject child +Track_Position,Position,Position,,Track position +Track_UserDefined,Unnamed Variable,Unnamed Variable,,User defined track +Track_Scale,Scale,Scale,,Track scale +Track_Rotation,Rotation,Rotation,,Track rotation +Track_Gain,Volume,Volume,,Track gain +Track_Pitch,Pitch,Pitch,,Track pitch +Track_Falloff,Falloff,Falloff,,Track falloff +Track_SoundMode,Loop Mode,Loop Mode,,sound track loop mode +ListBoxEnum_eSoundMode_Loop,Loop,Loop,,loop sound mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eSoundMode_Single,Play once,Play once,,single sound mode enum +Track_MultiplyColour,Colour Multiply,Colour Multiply,,Track colour +Track_AddColour,Colour Add,Colour Add,,Track colour +Track_Origin,Origin,Origin,,Sequence parameter +Track_ImageSpeed,Image Speed,Image Speed,,Sequence parameter +Track_ImageIndex,Image Index,Image Index,,Sequence parameter +Track_ImageAngle,Image Angle,Image Angle,,Sequence parameter +Track_ImageBlend,Image Blend,Image Blend,,Sequence parameter +Track_Param_Channel_X,x,x,,sequence parameter channel x +Track_Param_Channel_Y,y,y,,sequence parameter channel y +Track_Param_Channel_Angle,angle,angle,,sequence parameter channel angle +Track_Param_Channel_Colour,colour,colour,,sequence parameter channel colour +Track_Param_Channel_Colour_A,alpha,alpha,,sequence parameter channel colour alpha +Track_Param_Channel_Colour_R,red,red,,sequence parameter channel colour red +Track_Param_Channel_Colour_G,green,green,,sequence parameter channel colour green +Track_Param_Channel_Colour_B,blue,blue,,sequence parameter channel colour blue +Track_Param_Channel_Gain,volume,volume,,sequence parameter channel gain +Track_Param_Channel_Pitch,pitch,pitch,,sequence parameter channel pitch +Track_Param_Channel_Falloff,falloff,falloff,,sequence parameter channel falloff +Track_Param_Channel_Index,index,index,,sequence parameter channel index +Track_Param_Channel_Speed,speed,speed,,sequence parameter channel speed +Track_Param_Channel_Generic,channel {0},channel {0},,sequence parameter channel generic title +AnimCurve_DoubleClickToEdit,Double-click to edit,Double-click to edit,,Double-click to edit anim curve tooltip +AnimCurve_Spline,Curve,Curve,,Spline submenu animation curve +AnimCurve_FunctionLinear,Linear,Linear,,Animation curve linear function +AnimCurve_FunctionCentripetalCatmullRom,Centripetal Catmull-Rom,Centripetal Catmull-Rom,,Animation curve centripetal catmull-rom function +AnimCurve_Single,Single channel,Single channel,,Single channel animation curve +AnimCurve_Dual,Dual channel,Dual channel,,Dual channel animation curve +AnimCurve_Color,Color channels,Color channels,,Color channels animation curve +AnimCurveDesc_Single,A single channel animation curve,A single channel animation curve,,Default animation curve description +AnimCurveDesc_Dual,A dual channel animation curve,A dual channel animation curve,,Dual-channel animation curve description +AnimCurveDesc_Color,A color channel animation curve,A color channel animation curve,,Color animation curve description +AnimCurveChannelDesc_Default,The default curve channel,The default curve channel,,Default animation curve channel +AnimCurveChannelDesc_R,The red color channel,The red color channel,,rgba animation curve channel +AnimCurveChannelDesc_G,The green color channel,The green color channel,,rgba animation curve channel +AnimCurveChannelDesc_B,The blue color channel,The blue color channel,,rgba animation curve channel +AnimCurveChannelDesc_A,The alpha color channel,The alpha color channel,,rgba animation curve channel +AnimCurve_ZoomIn,Zoom In,Zoom In,,zoom in +AnimCurve_ZoomOut,Zoom Out,Zoom Out,,zoom out +AnimCurve_CentreFit,Centre Fit,Centre Fit,,centre fit +AnimCurve_PointLabel,point {0}:,point {0}:,,curve point label +AnimCurve_SetRange,Set Range,Set Range,,set range +AnimCurve_Upper,Upper,Upper,,range upper +AnimCurve_Lower,Lower,Lower,,range lower +AnimCurve_InsertPoint,Insert Point,Insert Point,,insert point +AnimCurve_EditColour,Edit Colour,Edit Colour,,edit colour +AnimCurve_DeletePoint,Delete Point,Delete Point,,delete point +AnimCurve_DeletePoints,Delete Points,Delete Points,,delete points +AnimCurve_DeleteConfirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,,Delete confirmation +AnimCurve_DeleteAllConfirm,Are you sure you want to delete all curves?,Are you sure you want to delete all curves?,,Delete confirmation +AnimCurveEditor,Anim Curve Editor,Anim Curve Editor,,anim curved editor pref type name +animcurve_automaticdeletion,Automatic response to curve deletion,Automatic response to curve deletion,,Automatic deletion in animation curve editor +animcurve_compactlayout,Use compact layout,Use compact layout,,animcurve editor compact layout pref +KeyMenu_StretchParam,Stretch Parameter Key,Stretch Parameter Key,,Stretch key until sequence ends for parameters +KeyMenu_StretchAsset,Stretch Asset Key,Stretch Asset Key,,Stretch key until sequence ends for assets +KeyMenu_DeleteParam,Delete Parameter Key,Delete Parameter Key,,Delete key for parameters +KeyMenu_DeleteAsset,Delete Asset Key,Delete Asset Key,,Delete key for assets +KeyMenu_CopyToEnd,Copy to End,Copy to End,,Copy to end menu entry +KeyMenu_CopyToStart,Copy to Start,Copy to Start,,Copy to start menu entry +KeyMenu_CopyKey,Copy Key,Copy Key,,Copy key menu entry +KeyMenu_CutKey,Cut Key,Cut Key,,Cut key menu entry +KeyMenu_PasteKey,Paste Key,Paste Key,,Paste key menu entry +KeyMenu_PasteInPlaceKey,Paste Key In Place,Paste Key In Place,,Paste key in place menu entry +Seq_KeyMenu_Disabled,Disabled,Disabled,,Disabled key context menu entry +SequenceEditor_SetKeyAsset,Set Key Asset,Set Key Asset,,set key asset dialog title +SelectTrackDialog_Title,Select Track,Select Track,,Select track dialog title +SequenceTrackGroupName,Group,Group,,Group +SequenceCanvas_Menu_Select,Select,Select,,Select another canvas item submenu +SequenceCanvas_Menu_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Rename selected canvas item +SequenceCanvas_Menu_GroupSelected,Group,Group,,Group all selected canvas items together +SequenceCanvas_Menu_FindInDopeSheet,Find in Sheet,Find in Sheet,,Find the clicked item in the dope sheet +SequenceCanvas_Menu_FindOtherInDopeSheet,Find Other,Find Other,,Find another item in the dope sheet +SequenceCanvas_Menu_CannotGroupSelected_Tooltip,The selected items cannot be grouped together because they do not have the same parent,The selected items cannot be grouped together because they do not have the same parent,,Tooltip reason for not being able to group selected items together +SequenceCanvas_Menu_Record,Record,Record,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to record something +SequenceCanvas_Menu_RecordTranslation,Record Position,Record Position,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to record translation +SequenceCanvas_Menu_RecordScale,Record Scale,Record Scale,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to record scale +SequenceCanvas_Menu_RecordRotation,Record Rotation,Record Rotation,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to record rotation +SequenceCanvas_Menu_OpenEditor,Open Editor...,Open Editor...,,Open editor for item resource +SequenceCanvas_Menu_Remove,Remove Key,Remove Key,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to remove selected items +SequenceCanvas_Menu_RemoveTracks,Remove Track,Remove Track,,Sequence canvas context menu entry to remove selected tracks +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmos,Toggle Gizmos,Toggle Gizmos,,Toggle gizmos on/off tooltip +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmosSpecific,Toggle specific gizmos,Toggle specific gizmos,,Toggle specific gizmos on/off tooltip +SequenceCanvas_ToggleTransformGizmo,Toggle Transform Gizmo Mode,Toggle Transform Gizmo Mode,,Tooltip for transform gizmo settings button +SequenceCanvas_ToggleTransformGizmoSpecific,Select Transform Gizmo Mode,Select Transform Gizmo Mode,,Tooltip for transform gizmo settings menu +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmoTranslate,Translate,Translate,,Toggle to translate canvas gizmo +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmoScale,Scale,Scale,,Toggle to scale canvas gizmo +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmoRotate,Rotate,Rotate,,Toggle to rotate canvas gizmo +SequenceCanvas_ToggleGizmoOrigin,Origin,Origin,,Toggle to origin canvas gizmo +SequenceCanvas_ToggleBackdrop,Toggle canvas frame,Toggle canvas frame,,Toggle canvas frame on/off tooltip +SequenceCanvas_ToggleBackdropSpecific,Canvas frame settings,Canvas frame settings,,canvas frame settings tooltip +SequenceCanvas_BackdropEnabled,Canvas frame enabled,Canvas frame enabled,,canvas frame enabled label +SequenceCanvas_BackdropImageRefEnabled,Image reference enabled,Image reference enabled,,image reference enabled label +SequenceCanvas_BackdropWidth,Width,Width,,canvas frame width label +SequenceCanvas_BackdropHeight,Height,Height,,canvas frame height label +SequenceCanvas_xorigin,Origin X,Origin X,,canvas origin x +SequenceCanvas_yorigin,Origin Y,Origin Y,,canvas origin y +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_Events,Events,Events,,Toolbox events tooltip +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_AddAction,Add action,Add action,,Toolbox add action tooltip +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_Edit,Edit,Edit,,Toolbox edit tooltip +SequenceCanvasWindow_Multiselect,Multiselect,Multiselect,,Canvas window multiselect label +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_MultiselectTooltip,Multiple targets,Multiple targets,,Multiple toolbox targets tooltip +SequenceCanvas_EditWindow_Title,Edit,Edit,,Edit window title +SequenceCanvas_DeleteWindow_Title,Delete,Delete,,Delete window title +SequenceCanvas_DeleteWindow_Message,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,,Delete confirmation label +SequenceCanvas_DeleteWindow_Multiselect_Message,Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?,Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?,,Delete confirmation label +SequenceCanvas_EventsWindow_Title,Events,Events,,Events window title +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_Delete,Delete,Delete,,Toolbox delete tooltip +SequenceCanvas_Toolbox_SelectThisItem,Select {0},Select {0},,Select item tooltip +SequenceCanvas_MousePosStatus,"({0}, {1})","({0}, {1})",,the mouse position label in the sequence editor canvas status bar +SequenceCanvas_SelectedItemStatus,"{0}","{0}",,the current selection status label in the room editor status bar for one selection +SequenceAddAction_SelectEvent,Select Event,Select Event,,Select event label +SequenceAddAction_SelectTarget,Select Target,Select Target,,Select target label +SequenceAddAction_SelectAction,Select Action,Select Action,,Select action label +SequenceAddAction_QuickAdd,Add Action,Add Action,,Add action window title +SequenceAddAction_EditAction,Action Properties,Action Properties,,Action Properties window title +SequenceAddAction_NoProperties,This action has no properties,This action has no properties,,Action has no properties +SequenceAddAction_Search,Search...,Search...,,Search for action +SequenceAddAction_AddAction,Add Action,Add Action,,Add action button +SequenceAddAction_Event,Event,Event,,Event label +SequenceAddAction_Target,Target,Target,,Target label +SequenceAddAction_Action,Action,Action,,Action label +SequenceAddAction_Properties,Properties,Properties,,Properties label +SequenceAddAction_AddActionDialog,Are you sure you want to add this action?,Are you sure you want to add this action?,,Are you sure +SequenceAddAction_ActionAdded,Action added!,Action added!,,Action added to event confirmation message +SequenceAddAction_EventActionLabel,On {0}: {1},On {0}: {1},,What action was added to what event label +SequenceAddAction_AddAnotherAction,Continue,Continue,,Continue button label +SequenceEditWindow_Position,Position,Position,,Position label +SequenceEditWindow_CannotBulkEdit,The selected items cannot be edited in bulk.,The selected items cannot be edited in bulk.,,Cannot edit in bulk label +SequenceEditWindow_Scale,Scale,Scale,,Scale label +SequenceEditWindow_Flip,Flip,Flip,,Flip label +SequenceEditWindow_Horizontal,Horizontal,Horizontal,,Horizontal label +SequenceEditWindow_Vertical,Vertical,Vertical,,Vertical label +SequenceEditWindow_Arrange,Arrange,Arrange,,Arrange render order label +SequenceEditWindow_Volume,Volume,Volume,,Volume label +SequenceCanvas_UnnamedTrack,'???','???',,Unknown track name +SequenceGizmo_MissingResource,Missing Resource,Missing Resource,,Missing resource gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_AudioEmitter,Audio Emitter,Audio Emitter,,Audio emitter gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_ClippingMask,Clipping Mask,Clipping Mask,,Clipping mask gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_Sound,Sound,Sound,,Sound gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_Sequence,Sequence,Sequence,,Sequence gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_Group,Group,Group,,Group gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_Ghosting,Delta Ghosting,Delta Ghosting,,Ghosting gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_Origin,Origin,Origin,,Origin gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_ZeroZero,Zero zero,Zero zero,,Zero zero gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_AxisTransform,Transform,Transform,,Transform gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_ShowAxes,Show Axes,Show Axes,,Show axes gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_TranslationPath,Translation Path,Translation Path,,Translation path gizmo text +Sequence_AddTagTooltip,Add tag,Add tag,,Add tag tooltip +Sequence_RemoveTagsTooltip,Remove selected tags,Remove selected tags,,Remove selected tags tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_NewKey,Record a new key ,Record a new key ,,New key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_AutoRecord,Automatically record changes ,Automatically record changes ,,Auto record tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_SplitKey,Split the selected keys ,Split the selected keys ,,Split key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_DeleteKey,Delete the selected keys ,Delete the selected keys ,,Delete key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_RaiseEvent,Broadcast message,Broadcast message,,Broadcast message tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_GlobalSpace,Global space,Global space,,Current space is global +DopeSheet_Tooltip_LocalSpace,Local space,Local space,,Current space is local +DopeSheet_Tooltip_GlobalLocalSpace,Toggle between local and global space,Toggle between local and global space,,Toggle local-global space tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_TrackOptions,Options,Options,,Track options tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_Tags,Tags,Tags,,Tags options tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_TrackLink,Link to another track,Link to another track,,Track link to other tooltip +DopeSheet_RootNode,Root,Root,,Root node +ContextMenu_AddCodeKey,Add code,Add code,,Add a code key +ContextMenu_AddCurveKey,Add curve,Add curve,,Add an animation curve +ContextMenu_TrackInterpolation,Interpolation,Interpolation,,Real number interpolation +ContextMenu_TrackInterpOff,Off,Off,,Real number interpolation off +ContextMenu_TrackInterpLerp,Linear,Linear,,Real number interpolation linear +ContextMenu_Cut,Cut,Cut,,Cut +ContextMenu_Copy,Copy,Copy,,Copy +ContextMenu_Paste,Paste,Paste,,Paste +ContextMenu_AddResourceTrack,New Resource,New Resource,,Create resource track +ContextMenu_AddComponentTrack,New Component,New Component,,Create component track +ContextMenu_AddParameterTrack,New Parameter,New Parameter,,Create parameter track +ContextMenu_DeleteTrack,Delete track(s),Delete track(s),,Delete this track +ContextMenu_EditEvents,Edit Broadcast Message,Edit Broadcast Message,,Edit broadcast message +ContextMenu_RemoveRaisedEvents,Remove Broadcast Message,Remove Broadcast Message,,Remove broadcast message +ContextMenu_EditMoment,Edit Moment,Edit Moment,,Edit Moment +ContextMenu_RemoveMomentKey,Remove Moment,Remove Moment,,Remove Moment +ContextMenu_EditCode,Edit code,Edit code,,Edit code +ContextMenu_SetValue,Set Value,Set Value,,Set value of key at location +ContextMenu_SetAsset,Set Asset,Set Asset,,Set value of asset key at location +ContextMenu_SwapAsset,Swap Asset,Swap Asset,,Set value of asset key at location +ContextMenu_CopyKeys,Copy key(s),Copy key(s),,Copy multiple keys menu entry +ContextMenu_CutKeys,Cut key(s),Cut key(s),,Cut multiple keys menu entry +ContextMenu_PasteKeys,Paste key(s),Paste key(s),,Paste multiple keys menu entry +ContextMenu_PasteKeysInPlace,Paste key(s) in place,Paste key(s) in place,,Paste multiple keys in place menu entry +ContextMenu_AddKey,Add key in place,Add key in place,,Add key menu entry +ContextMenu_SplitKey,Split key in place,Split key in place,,Split key menu entry +ContextMenu_DuplicateTrack,Duplicate Track,Duplicate Track,,Duplicate track menu entry +ContextMenu_DeleteKeys,Delete key(s),Delete key(s),,Delete multiple keys menu entry +ContextMenu_PasteKeysWarning,Some copied keys were not pasted successfully due to target track types not matching up,Some copied keys were not pasted successfully due to target track types not matching up,,Warning when attempting to paste keys into invalid target tracks +ContextMenu_ConvertToAnimCurve,Convert to Curve,Convert to Curve,,Convert to embedded anim curve menu entry +ContextMenu_SetToAnimCurve,Assign Shared Curve (Import),Assign Shared Curve (Import),,Set to external anim curve menu entry +ContextMenu_ExportEmbeddedAnimCurve,Export To Shared Curve,Export To Shared Curve,,Export embedded anim curve menu entry +ContextMenu_ConvertToKeys,Convert to keys,Convert to keys,,Convert to keys menu entry +SequenceEditor_AnimCurve_EmbedCurve,Embed Curve,Embed Curve,,Embed Curve button +SequenceEditor_AnimCurve_ConvertToKeys,Convert To Keys,Convert To Keys,,Convert To Keys button +SequenceEditor_AnimCurve_ConvertToCurve,Convert To Curve,Convert To Curve,,Convert to curve button +SequenceEditor_SetTrackAnimCurve,Select animation curve,Select animation curve,,Select animation curve menu entry +SequenceEditor_SetTrackAnimCurveFilter,Incompatible curves: {0} of {1},Incompatible curves: {0} of {1},,Compatible anim curves filter string +SequenceEditor_IncompatCurveTT,Needs additional channels,Needs additional channels,,warning tooltip for incompatible curve +SequenceMessage_ParameterAlreadyExistsMsg,Parameter '{0}' already exists in this track as '{1}'.,Parameter '{0}' already exists in this track as '{1}'.,,Already exists +SequenceMessage_TagAlreadyExistsMsg,Tag '{0}' already exists on this track.,Tag '{0}' already exists on this track.,,Already exists +SequenceMessage_AddedParameterMsg,Added parameter '{0}' to the track.,Added parameter '{0}' to the track.,,Parameter added message +SequenceMessage_DeleteTagMsg,Do you want to delete tag(s) {0} from the track?,Do you want to delete tag(s) {0} from the track?,,Do you want to delete tags question message +SequenceTooltip_TagAlreadyExists,This tag is already on the track,This tag is already on the track,,Tag already on track tooltip +SequencePref_ParameterConfirmDialog,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when a new track parameter is added,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when a new track parameter is added,,Confirm dialog preference +SequencePref_TagConfirmDialog,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when a new track tag is added,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when a new track tag is added,,Confirm dialog preference +SequencePref_DeleteTagDialog,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when trying to delete a tag,Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown when trying to delete a tag,,Delete tag confirm dialog preference +SequencePref_ChainThickness,Canvas chain thickness,Canvas chain thickness,,Canvas chain thickness preference +SequencePref_ChainColor,Canvas chain colour,Canvas chain colour,,Canvas chain colour preference +Seq_ContextMenu_Rename,Rename,Rename,,Rename track +Seq_ContextMenu_Tags,Tags,Tags,,Tags context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_Parameters,Parameters,Parameters,,Add parameter track context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_DefaultParameters,Default,Default,,Add default parameters context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_TrackParameters,Track,Track,,Add track parameters context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_AllParameters,All,All,,Add all parameters context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_Hidden,Hidden,Hidden,,Hidden dopesheet track context menu entry +Seq_ContextMenu_Locked,Locked,Locked,,Locked dopesheet track context menu entry +SequenceTrack_ParamReal,Number,Number,,Add real parameter track +SequenceTrack_ParamString,String,String,,Add string parameter track +SequenceTrack_ParamBool,Boolean,Boolean,,Add boolean parameter track +SequenceTrack_ParamResource,Resource,Resource,,Add resource parameter track +SequenceTrack_ParamColor,Colour,Colour,,Add colour parameter track +WindowTitle_RaiseEvents,Broadcast messages,Broadcast messages,,Broadcast messages dialog title +WindowTitle_Moments,Moment,Moment,,Add a moment +WindowTitle_NewKeyValue,Assign Value at Key {0},Assign Value at Key {0},,assign key value dialog title +WindowTitle_BaseValue,Assign Base Value for Track {0},Assign Base Value for Track {0},,assign base track value dialog title +ValueDialog_Value,Value,Value,,Value label +ValueDialog_TabTitle,Channel {0},Channel {0},,Value dialog channel tab title +ValueDialog_Resource,Resource,Resource,,Resource label +ValueDialog_EditEmbedCurve,Edit embedded curve,Edit embedded curve,,Resource label +ValueDialog_EnterBaseValue,Enter the base value of this track:,Enter the base value of this track:,,Enter a base value for this track label +ValueDialog_RealValue,Numeric Value,Numeric Value,,Real value for real track +ValueDialog_AnimCurve,Animation Curve,Animation Curve,,Animation curve for real track +ValueDialog_EmbedAnimCurve,Embed Animation Curve,Embed Animation Curve,,Embed animation curve for real track +ValueDialog_WarningFailed,Value Error,Value Error,,Value error warning dialog title +ValueDialog_WarningValueError,The value was not entered or it was not in the correct format.,The value was not entered or it was not in the correct format.,,Value error label +ValueDialog_Key,Key,Key,,Key label in value dialog +ValueDialog_Channel,Channel,Channel,,Channel label in value dialog +ValueDialog_Length,Length,Length,,Length label in value dialog +ValueDialog_SoundResource,Sound,Sound,,Value dialog sound label +ValueDialog_EmitterResource,Audio Emitter,Audio Emitter,,Value dialog audio emitter label +Sequence_Speed_Label,Fps,Fps,,Sequence speed label +Sequence_Length_Label,Length,Length,,Sequence length label +Sequence_Head_Label,Head,Head,,Sequence head label +Sequence_Volume,Volume,Volume,,Volume label +Sequence_Tooltip_Volume,Master volume for IDE playback,Master volume for IDE playback,,Master volume tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Play,Play sequence from head marker,Play sequence from head marker,,Play sequence tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Stop,Pause sequence,Pause sequence,,Pause sequence tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_PlaybackMode,Change playback mode,Change playback mode,,Change playback mode tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Button_Menu,Show Menu,Show Menu,,Show Menu tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Rewind,Jump to start,Jump to start,,Rewind sequence tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Fastfoward,Jump to end,Jump to end,,Fastforward sequence tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Add_Label,Add Broadcast Message ,Add Broadcast Message ,,Add Broadcast Message tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Moment_Tooltip,Add Moment ,Add Moment ,,Add Moment tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Search,Search,Search,,Search tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_LockUnlock_All_Tracks,Lock\Unlock All Tracks,Lock\Unlock All Tracks,,Lock\Unlock All Tracks tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_ShowHide_All_Tracks,Show\Hide All Tracks,Show\Hide All Tracks,,Show\Hide All Tracks tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Collapse_All,Expand\Collapse all,Expand\Collapse all,,Expand\Collapse all tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_AnimCurveMode,Toggle Curve Mode,Toggle Curve Mode,,anim curve mode button tooltip +SequenceDopeSheet_Components,Components,Components,,Components label +SequenceDopeSheet_Tracks,Tracks,Tracks,,Tracks label +SequenceDopeSheet_SelectResource,Select Asset,Select Asset,,Select resource to add as new track +SequenceDopeSheet_SelectComponent,Select Component,Select Component,,Select component to add as new track +SequenceDopeSheet_SearchResults,{0} of {1} results,{0} of {1} results,,Sequence track panel hierarchy search results +SequenceDopeSheet_SearchResultsNone,No results found,No results found,,Sequence track panel hierarchy search results +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Zoom_Bar_BG,Zoom Bar,Zoom Bar,,Zoom Bar tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_Group,Add New Group ,Add New Group ,,Add New Group tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_ClipMask,Add New Clip Mask ,Add New Clip Mask ,,Add New Clip Mask tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Add,Add Track,Add Track,,Add Track tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Copy,Duplicate Track,Duplicate Track,,Duplicate Track tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Delete,Delete Track,Delete Track,,Delete Track tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_KeyNavPrev,Jump to previous key,Jump to previous key,,Jump to prev key tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_KeyNavNext,Jump to next key,Jump to next key,,Jump to next key tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_KeyToggleOn,Toggle key on,Toggle key on,,Toggle key on tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_KeyToggleOff,Toggle key off,Toggle key off,,Toggle key on tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_AddParameter,Add parameter track,Add parameter track,,Add parameter track tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_KeyEditorLink,Link values,Link values,,Link values tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_ToggleVisibility,Toggle visiblity,Toggle visiblity,,Toggle visiblity tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_ToggleLocked,Toggle lock,Toggle lock,,Toggle lock tooltip +SequenceHierarchy_Tooltip_ChangeColour,Change track colour,Change track colour,,Change track colour tooltip +ListBoxEnum_eSequencePlayback_Normal,Normal,Normal,,Normal playback +ListBoxEnum_eSequencePlayback_Loop,Loop,Loop,,Loop playback +ListBoxEnum_eSequencePlayback_PingPong,Ping Pong,Ping Pong,,Ping pong playback +Tooltip_eSequencePlayback_Normal,Normal playback of the indicated range,Normal playback of the indicated range,,Normal playback +Tooltip_eSequencePlayback_Loop,Looped playback of the indicated range,Looped playback of the indicated range,,Loop playback +Tooltip_eSequencePlayback_PingPong,Ping pong between start and end of indicated range,Ping pong between start and end of indicated range,,Ping pong playback +Tooltip_EventsRaised,Events raised:\n{0},Events raised:\n{0},,Events raised tooltip +CodeKey_ScriptDeletedTitle,Script missing,Script missing,,Message title +CodeKey_ScriptDeleted,Script resource has been deleted.,Script resource has been deleted.,,Script deleted message +CodeKey_TabTitle,Sequence Keyframe,Sequence Keyframe,,Keyframe code tab title +CurveKey_OpenInEditor,Open Editor...,Open Editor...,,Open an animation curve in a pop-out editor +AnimCurve_ToggleChannel,Toggle channel visibility,Toggle channel visibility,,Toggle channel visibility tooltip +ResourceNode_Edit,Edit,Edit,,Edit resource from resource tree +ResourceNode_EditAll,Edit All,Edit All,,Edit All resource from a resource tree group +AssetBrowser_Title,Asset Browser,Asset Browser,,Asset browser window title +AssetBrowser_Title_Arg,Asset Browser: {0},Asset Browser: {0},,Asset browser window title with argument +AssetBrowser_CreateNew,Create Asset,Create Asset,,Asset browser create new +AssetBrowser_ImportAssets,Import Asset,Import Asset,,Asset browser import assets +AssetBrowser_SortFilter,Filter/Sort,Filter/Sort,,Asset browser filter/sort tooltip +AssetBrowser_NoResults,No results found,No results found,,Asset browser no results +AssetBrowser_SortAZ,A-Z,A-Z,,asset browser sort type label +AssetBrowser_SortZA,Z-A,Z-A,,asset browser sort type label +AssetBrowser_SortGroupFirst,Groups First,Groups First,,asset browser sort type label +AssetBrowser_SortCustom,Custom Order,Custom Order,,asset browser custom sort order label +AssetBrowser_QuickAccess,Quick Access,Quick Access,,quick access node title +AssetBrowser_Recent,Recent,Recent,,quick access node recent title +AssetBrowser_Favourites,Favourites,Favourites,,quick access node title +AssetBrowser_RoomOrder,Room Order,Room Order,,quick access node title +AssetBrowser_RoomInheritance,Room Inheritance,Room Inheritance,,room inheritance title +AssetBrowser_RoomManager,Room Manager,Room Manager,,room manager title +AssetBrowser_SavedFilters,Saved Searches,Saved Searches,,quick access node title +AssetBrowser_EditTags,Edit Tags,Edit Tags,,edit tags label +AssetBrowser_CreateGroup,Create Group,Create Group,,create group +AssetBrowser_Create,Create,Create,,create asset +AssetBrowser_CreateResourceType,Create {0},Create {0},,create (resource type name) +AssetBrowser_AddFavourite,Favourite,Favourite,,add to favourites +AssetBrowser_RemoveFavourite,Unfavourite,Unfavourite,,remove from favourites or unfavourite +AssetBrowser_DefaultGroupName,group,group,,default name for new group/folder +AssetBrowser_NewAssetBrowser,Open in new Asset Browser,Open in new Asset Browser,,open in new asset browser +AssetBrowser_ClearFavourites,Clear Favourites,Clear Favourites,,asset browser clear favourites menu entry +AssetBrowser_ClearRecent,Clear Recent Items,Clear Recent Items,,asset browser clear recently edited menu entry +AssetBrowser_SaveCurrentFilter,Save Current Filter,Save Current Filter,,asset save current filter menu entry +AssetBrowser_ResetFilter,Reset Filter,Reset Filter,,reset filter menu entry +AssetBrowser_AllTypes,Any Types,Any Types,,all types label +AssetBrowser_AllTags,Any Tags,Any Tags,,all tags label +AssetBrowser_ApplyFilter,Apply Filter,Apply Filter,,apply filter menu entry +AssetBrowser_ApplyTagFilter,Filter by Tag,Filter by Tag,,apply tag filter menu entry +AssetBrowser_RemoveTagFilter,Remove from Filter,Remove from Filter,,un-apply tag filter menu entry +AssetBrowser_Rename,Rename,Rename,,rename +AssetBrowser_Edit,Edit,Edit,,Edit resource from resource tree +AssetBrowser_EditAll,Edit All,Edit All,,Edit All resource from a resource tree group +AssetBrowser_Tags,Tags,Tags,,tags +AssetBrowser,Asset Browser,Asset Browser,,AssetBrowser preference group heading +AssetBrowser_ResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?,,asset tree delete confirmation label +AssetBrowser_ResourceDelete_ConfirmWithDependents,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nIt is referenced by {1},Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nIt is referenced by {1},,asset tree delete with known dependents confirmation label +AssetBrowser_MultipleResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0} Assets: {1}?,Are you sure you want to delete {0} Assets: {1}?,,delete multiple resources confirmation label +AssetBrowser_ResourceDelete_Events_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,,Resource tree delete events confirmation label +AssetBrowser_MultipleResourceDelete_Events_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these Assets: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,Are you sure you want to delete these Assets: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +AssetBrowser_RoomOrderGroupDeleteWarning,Deleting a Room Order group will delete any room assets it contains.,Deleting a Room Order group will delete any room assets it contains.,,room order group delete warning +AssetBrowser_AssignSpriteToObject,Assign Sprite to Object,Assign Sprite to Object,,assign sprite to object +AssetBrowser_CreateChildRoom,Create Child Room,Create Child Room,,create child room +AssetBrowser_MultipleResourceSelection,,,,multiple resource selected +AssetBrowser_ColourCellTT,Right-click to edit,Right-click to edit,,colour picker cell tooltip +AssetBrowser_ColourPicker,Colour Picker,Colour Picker,,colour picker title +AssetBrowser_ResourceTreeEmpty,No Assets,No Assets,,empty resource tree label +AssetBrowser_SearchEmpty,No Search Results,No Search Results,,no search results label +AssetBrowser_ExpandChildren,Expand Children,Expand Children,,expand child nodes menu entry +AssetBrowser_ConfigEditor,Config Editor,Config Editor,,config editor +AssetBrowser_ItemCountSingle,{0} item,{0} item,,item count label singular +AssetBrowser_ItemCountPlural,{0} items,{0} items,,item count label plural +AssetBrowser_SelectedCount,{0} selected,{0} selected,,selected count label +AssetBrowser_Filters,Filters,Filters,,filters +AssetBrowser_ClearFilters,Clear Filters,Clear Filters,,clear filters +AssetBrowser_AssetType,Asset Type,Asset Type,,asset type +AssetBrowser_SaveSearch,Save Search,Save Search,,save search +AssetBrowser_ListView,List View,List View,,list view +AssetBrowser_GridView,Grid View,Grid View,,grid view +AssetBrowser_ShowTreeLocation,Show Tree Location,Show Tree Location,,show main tree location +AssetBrowser_GameOptions,Game Options,Game Options,,game options +AssetBrowser_IncludedFiles,Included Files,Included Files,,included files +AssetBrowser_TTSortFilter,Sort/Filter,Sort/Filter,,sort filter button tooltip +AssetBrowser_TTMenu,Menu,Menu,,menu button tooltip +AssetBrowser_DeleteTagConfirmMessage,Are you sure you want to delete selected Tags? Deleted Tags will be removed from all Assets.,Are you sure you want to delete selected Tags? Deleted Tags will be removed from all Assets.,,delete tag confirm message +AssetBrowser_Arrange,Arrange,Arrange,,arrange submenu +AssetBrowser_SendToTop,Send To Top,Send To Top,,arrange to top +AssetBrowser_SendToBottom,Send To Bottom,Send To Bottom,,arrange to bottom +AssetBrowser_UpOne,Up One,Up One,,arrange up one +AssetBrowser_DownOne,Down One,Down One,,arrange down one +ListBoxEnum_eAssetListStyle_Grid,Grid,Grid,, +ListBoxEnum_eAssetListStyle_List,List,List,, +ConfigEditor_CreateConfig,Create,Create,,create config +ConfigEditor_DeleteConfig,Delete,Delete,,delete config +ConfigEditor_AddConfig,Add Config,Add Config,,add config +ConfigEditor_RenameConfig,Rename,Rename,,rename config +ConfigEditor_SetConfig,Set Config,Set Config,,set config +AnimCurveEditor_CurveType,Curve Type:,Curve Type:,,curve type +AnimCurveEditor_Interpolation,Interpolation,Interpolation,,interpolation +AnimCurveEditor_Graph,Graph,Graph,,graph +AnimCurveEditor_Curves,Curves,Curves,,curves +AnimCurveEditor_Curve,Curve:,Curve:,,curve label +AnimCurve_Editor_AddCurve,Add Curve,Add Curve,,add curve +AnimCurve_Editor_DeleteCurve,Delete Curve,Delete Curve,,delete curve +AnimCurveEditor_ToggleVis,Toggle Visibility,Toggle Visibility,,toggle visibility +AnimCurveEditor_DeleteAllCurves,Delete all curves,Delete all curves,,deleted all curves +AnimCurveEditor_MultipleCurves,,,,anim curve editor multiple curves selected +AnimCurve_CopyCurve,Copy Curve,Copy Curve,,copy curve +AnimCurve_PasteCurve,Paste Curve,Paste Curve,,paste curve +AnimCurve_CurveType,Curve Type,Curve Type,,curve type +AnimCurve_Ease,Ease,Ease,,ease +AnimCurve_Linear,Linear,Linear,,linear +AnimCurve_EaseIn,Ease-In,Ease-In,,ease-in +AnimCurve_EaseOut,Ease-Out,Ease-Out,,ease-out +AnimCurve_EaseInOut,Ease-In-Out,Ease-In-Out,,ease in-out +AnimCurve_Smooth,Smooth,Smooth,,smooth +AnimCurve_2DBezier,Bezier,Bezier,,bezier2D +AnimCurve_Rename,Rename,Rename,,rename +AnimCurve_Delete,Delete,Delete,,delete +AnimCurve_DefaultChannelName,curve{0},curve{0},,default channel name +AnimCurve_EmbeddedCurveName,Embedded Curve,Embedded Curve,,anim curve embedded curve +AnimCurve_ChannelValue_H,h,h,,h channel value +AnimCurve_ChannelValue_V,v,v,,v channel value +AnimCurveLib_Title,Animation Curve Library,Animation Curve Library,,anim curve library window title +AnimCurveLib_Type,Type,Type,,type label +AnimCurveLib_Presets,Presets,Presets,,presets label +AnimCurveLib_TTOverwrite,Overwrite: Apply curve once across all selected sections,Overwrite: Apply curve once across all selected sections,,overwrite mode tooltip +AnimCurveLib_TTBetween,Between: Apply curve repeatedly for each selected section,Between: Apply curve repeatedly for each selected section,,between mode tooltip +AnimCurveLib_TTEaseOut,Ease Out,Ease Out,,ease out tooltip +AnimCurveLib_TTEaseIn,Ease In,Ease In,,ease in tooltip +AnimCurveLib_TTEaseInOut,Ease In-Out,Ease In-Out,,ease in-out tooltip +AnimCurveLib_Reset,Reset,Reset,,reset curve label +ACL_linear,Linear,Linear,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_ease,Ease,Ease,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_easeCubic,Cubic,Cubic,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_easeQuart,Quart,Quart,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_easeExpo,Expo,Expo,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_easeCirc,Circ,Circ,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_easeBack,Back,Back,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_elastic,Elastic,Elastic,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_bounce,Bounce,Bounce,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_fastOutSlowIn,Fast To Slow,Fast To Slow,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_slowMiddle,Mid Slow,Mid Slow,,anim curve library curve name +ACL_ResetTip,Select "Reset" to revert curve to initial state.,Select "Reset" to revert curve to initial state.,,anim curve library reset tip +assetbrowser_defaultfolders,Create default folders in new project,Create default folders in new project,,create default folders +assetbrowser_maxrecentlyedited,Maximum recently edited items,Maximum recently edited items,,max recently edited count +assetbrowser_palette_entry_count,Colour palette size,Colour palette size,,colour palette entry count +assetbrowser_apply_qacolours,Apply Asset colours in Quick Access,Apply Asset colours in Quick Access,,apply colours in quick access +assetbrowser_group_colour_override,Group colours override child colours,Group colours override child colours,,group colour override +assetbrowser_asset_list_style,Create Asset dialogue style,Create Asset dialogue style,,create resource dialog style +assetbrowser_defaultsortorder,Default sort order for new Asset Browsers,Default sort order for new Asset Browsers,,default sort order for new Asset Browsers +ListBoxEnum_eSortType_AtoZ,A-Z,A-Z,,sort order enum a-z +ListBoxEnum_eSortType_ZtoA,Z-A,Z-A,,sort order enum z-a +ListBoxEnum_eSortType_Custom,Custom,Custom,,sort order enum custom sort +assetbrowser_defaultfoldersfirst,Default sort folders first,Default sort folders first,,default sort folders first +assetbrowser_duplicatefoldermove,Automatic response to duplicate group name error,Automatic response to duplicate group name error,,Automatically dismiss duplicate folder error +AssetBrowser_ExpandOnFilterChange,Expand tree on filter change,Expand tree on filter change,,Automatically expand the tree when the filter is changed +assetbrowser_show_quickaccess,Show Quick Access,Show Quick Access,,asset browser quick access enabled pref +assetbrowser_deletetag,Automatic response to delete tag confirmation,Automatic response to delete tag confirmation,,delete tag confirmation pref +assetbrowser_automaticRoGroupDeletion,Automatic response to Room Order group deletion,Automatic response to Room Order group deletion,,Automatic room order group deletion on asset browser +assetbrowser_UngroupDeletesGroup,Room Order Ungroup removes the empty group,Room Order Ungroup removes the empty group,,delete group on ungroup pref +preferences_updateandroidtoolsversion,Pre-populate SDK values to chosen API Level,Pre-populate SDK values to chosen API Level,,Pre-populate SDK values to chosen API Level +preferences_android_genadaptive_icon,Generate Foregrounds From File:,Generate Foregrounds From File:,,generate adaptive icons widget foreground file label +preferences_android_genadaptive_bg,Generate Backgrounds From File:,Generate Backgrounds From File:,,generate adaptive icons widget background file label +preferences_android_genadaptive_btn,Generate,Generate,,generate adaptive icons widget icon file button +preferences_android_genadaptive_preview,Preview Adaptive Icons:,Preview Adaptive Icons:,,generate adaptive icons widget preview label +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask,Preview Icon Shape:,Preview Icon Shape:,,generate adaptive icons widget mask label +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_caption,Select a mask..,Select a mask..,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection default caption +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_none,No mask,No mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection no mask +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_square,Square mask,Square mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection square mask +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_circle,Circle mask,Circle mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection circle mask +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_roundedsquare,Rounded square mask,Rounded square mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection rounded square mask +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_squircle,Squircle mask,Squircle mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection squircle mask +preferences_android_genadaptive_mask_teardrop,Teardrop mask,Teardrop mask,,generate adaptive icons widget mask selection teardrop mask +ProgressBar_DownloadManual,Downloading Manual,Downloading Manual,MAX of 18 characters,Progress bar info +Manual_Language_Selection,Manual Language,Manual Language,,Manual Language Selection label +LocalisedManual_NotInstalled,Would you like to download this manual?,Would you like to download this manual?,,Localised manual not installed text +LocalisedManual_NotInstalledTitle,Localised manual not installed,Localised manual not installed,,Localised manual not installed title +LocalisedManual_NotLocalisedTitle,Manual not localised,Manual not localised,,Manual no localised title +LocalisedManual_NotLocalised,The manual is not currently localised for this language,The manual is not currently localised for this language,,Manual not localised message +LocalisedManual_DownloadFailedTitle,Manual download failed,Manual download failed,,The download of the manual failed +LocalisedManual_DownloadFailed,An error occurred while trying to download the manual,An error occurred while trying to download the manual,,Error while downloading the manual +LocalisedManual_DownloadMsg,"The manual for the current manual language ({0}) is not installed. Would you like to download it now, or use the online help?","The manual for the current manual language ({0}) is not installed. Would you like to download it now, or use the online help?",,manual download message +Manual_Download,Download,Download,,manual download button text +Manual_UseOnline,Use online manual,Use online manual,,manual use online text +LocaliseManual_UpdateAvailableMsg,An update is available for the current manual language ({0}). Would you like to download it now?,An update is available for the current manual language ({0}). Would you like to download it now?,,manual update available message +LocaliseManual_UpdateAvailableTitle,Manual update available,Manual update available,,manual update available title +RuntimeDownload_FailedTitle,Runtime install incomplete,Runtime install incomplete,,Runtime download failed title +RuntimeDownload_Failed,The selected runtime could not fully install,The selected runtime could not fully install,,Runtime download failed message +sourcecontrolgit_noauthfound,No User/Pass authentication details found for {0},No User/Pass authentication details found for {0},,No User/Pass authentication details found for the given url +sourcecontrolgit_nosshfound,No SSH Keypair authentication details found for {0},No SSH Keypair authentication details found for {0},,No SSH authentication details found for the given url +sourcecontrolgit_projecthasrepository,Project already has repository!,Project already has repository!,,This project already has a repository +sourcecontrolgit_creatingrepo,Creating Repository at {0},Creating Repository at {0},,Creating repository at the given url +sourcecontrolgit_importingrepo,Importing Project to {0},Importing Project to {0},,Importing project to the given url +sourcecontrolgit_nocommitsinrepoonpull,There are no commits to pull. Please commit and push first,There are no commits to pull. Please commit and push first,,There are no commits when trying to pull +sourcecontrolgit_pull_uptodate,Up to date,Up to date,,Repostory is up to date +sourcecontrolgit_pull_complete,Pull Complete,Pull Complete,,Pull Competed +sourcecontrolgit_nothingtopush,There are no commits to push,There are no commits to push,,There are no commits to push +sourcecontrolgit_push_complete,Push Complete,Push Complete,,Push Completed +keystore_alias_password,Alias Password,Alias Password,,Alias Password Label +ConfigurationProblem_MacDevice,Configuration Problem : No Mac device found. Check your target settings.,Configuration Problem : No Mac device found. Check your target settings.,,Configuration Problem : No Mac device found. Check your target settings. +ConfigurationProblem_MacID,Configuration Problem : Game Options - Mac / General / App Id is not set.,Configuration Problem : Game Options - Mac / General / App Id is not set.,,Configuration problem when no mac app id set +ConfigurationProblem_MacAppOutput,Configuration Problem : Game Options - Mac / General / App Output is not set.,Configuration Problem : Game Options - Mac / General / App Output is not set.,,Configuration Problem : Game Options - Mac / General / App Output is not set. +ConfigurationProblem_MacSteamworksSDK,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_MacAppStoreSteam,Configuration Problem : Cannot build for Mac App Store and Steam at the same time.,Configuration Problem : Cannot build for Mac App Store and Steam at the same time.,,Configuration Problem : Cannot build for Mac App Store and Steam at the same time. +ConfigurationProblem_MacSteamIDMissing,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set. +ConfigurationProblem_MacSteamIDInvalid,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,,Configuration Problem : Mac Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id. +ConfigurationProblem_iOSInstallPath,Configuration Problem : iOS install path not set. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : iOS install path not set. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : iOS install path not set. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_iOSDevice,Configuration Problem : No iOS device found. Check your target settings.,Configuration Problem : No iOS device found. Check your target settings.,,Configuration Problem : No iOS device found. Check your target settings. +ConfigurationProblem_LinuxDevice,Configuration Problem : No Linux device found. Check your target settings.,Configuration Problem : No Linux device found. Check your target settings.,,Configuration Problem : No Linux device found. Check your target settings. +ConfigurationProblem_LinuxSteamsworksSDK,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_LinuxSteamIDMissing,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set. +ConfigurationProblem_LinuxSteamIDInvalid,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,,Configuration Problem : Linux Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id. +ConfigurationProblem_LinuxIcon,Configuration Problem : Icon file is not a valid PNG format image.,Configuration Problem : Icon file is not a valid PNG format image.,,Configuration Problem : Linux icon file invalid +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsPackageName,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Display Name.,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Display Name.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Display Name. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsExeName,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Executable Name.,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Executable Name.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Package requires a valid Executable Name. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsIcon,Configuration Problem : Icon file is not a valid '.ico' format image.,Configuration Problem : Icon file is not a valid '.ico' format image.,,Configuration Problem : Icon file is not a valid '.ico' format image. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsVSPath,Configuration Problem : Windows Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,Configuration Problem : Windows Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsSteamworksSDK,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Steamworks SDK install not found. check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsSteamIDMissing,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam selected but Steam App Id is not set. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsSteamIDInvalid,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Build for Steam has invalid Steam App Id. +ConfigurationProblem_PS4SDK,Configuration Problem : PS4 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : PS4 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 SDK not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS4Tools,Configuration Problem : PS4 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : PS4 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS4VSPath,Configuration Problem : PS4 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,Configuration Problem : PS4 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5SDK,Configuration Problem : PS5 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : PS5 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 SDK not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5Tools,Configuration Problem : PS5 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : PS5 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5VSPath,Configuration Problem : PS5 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,Configuration Problem : PS5 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +ConfigurationProblem_tvOSDevice,Configuration Problem : No tvOS device found. Check your target settings.,Configuration Problem : No tvOS device found. Check your target settings.,,Configuration Problem : No tvOS device found. Check your target settings. +ConfigurationProblem_tvOSPath,Configuration Problem : tvOS install path not set. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : tvOS install path not set. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : tvOS install path not set. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPDevice,Configuration Problem : No Windows UWP device found. Check your target settings.,Configuration Problem : No Windows UWP device found. Check your target settings.,,Configuration Problem : No Windows UWP device found. Check your target settings. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPSDK,Configuration Problem : Windows 10 SDK not found at path given in Windows UWP Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Windows 10 SDK not found at path given in Windows UWP Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Windows 10 SDK not found at path given in Windows UWP Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPVSPath,Configuration Problem : Windows UWP Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,Configuration Problem : Windows UWP Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,,Configuration Problem : Windows UWP Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPMinVersion,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Minimum Version has not been filled out.,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Minimum Version has not been filled out.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Minimum Version has not been filled out. +ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPPlatformVersion,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Version has not been filled out.,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Version has not been filled out.,,Configuration Problem : Windows Target Platform Version has not been filled out. +ConfigurationProblem_XboxOneTools,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Tools Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Tools Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Tools Directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_XboxOneSDK,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_XboxOneSDKVersion,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Version does not match {0}. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Version does not match {0}. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Xbox One SDK Version does not match +ConfigurationProblem_XboxOneSDKDir,Configuration Problem : Microsoft Xbox One Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,Configuration Problem : Microsoft Xbox One Directory not found. Check your Preferences.,,Configuration Problem : Microsoft Xbox One Directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_XboxOneVSPath,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,,Configuration Problem : Xbox One Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +Provisioning,Provisioning,Provisioning,DO NOT TRANSLATE,tvOS provisioning preference group subheading +Base_Unit_Memory,PS4 Base Memory,PS4 Base Memory,,title for options related to memory pool sizes +Neo_Memory,PS4 Pro Memory,PS4 Pro Memory,,title for options related to memory pool sizes +ggs_onion,CPU/GPU 'onion' memory pool size (MB),CPU/GPU 'onion' memory pool size (MB),DO NOT TRANSLATE onion, memory pool size for 'onion' memory +ggs_garlic,GPU 'garlic' memory pool size (MB),GPU 'garlic' memory pool size (MB),DO NOT TRANSLATE garlic,memory pool size for 'garlic' memory +ggs_ps4_garlic_memory_tooltip,"The amount of memory in megabytes to dedicate to the shared GPU memory pool \nMaximum allocation must be shared between both pools","The amount of memory in megabytes to dedicate to the shared GPU memory pool \nMaximum allocation must be shared between both pools",,tooltip for garlic memory pool +ggs_ps4_onion_memory_tooltip,"The amount of memory in megabytes to dedicate to the shared CPU/GPU memory pool \nMaximum allocation must be shared between both pools","The amount of memory in megabytes to dedicate to the shared CPU/GPU memory pool \nMaximum allocation must be shared between both pools",,tooltip for garlic memory pool +ggs_ps4_max_display_width,Maximum display width,Maximum display width,,title for options relating to display resolution +ggs_ps4_max_display_height,Maximum display height,Maximum display height,,title for options relating to display resolution +ggs_ps4_max_display_tooltip,"Maximum display dimensions to allow on PS4, subject to system constraints\n-1 indicates unlimited.","Maximum display dimensions to allow on PS4, subject to system constraints\n-1 indicates unlimited.",,tooltip for display resolution options +Top Shelf,Top Shelf,Top Shelf,,Top Shelf images group subheading for tvOS +ggs_top_shelf,Top Shelf Image,Top Shelf Image,,Top Shelf Image +ggs_top_shelf_2x,Top Shelf Image 2x,Top Shelf Image 2x,,Top Shelf Image 2x +ggs_top_shelf_wide,Top Shelf Image Wide,Top Shelf Image Wide,,Splash Screen Image Wide +ggs_top_shelf_wide_2x,Top Shelf Image Wide 2x,Top Shelf Image Wide 2x,,Splash Screen Image Wide 2x +ggs_icon_400_2x,400x240 Icon 2x,400x240 Icon 2x,,400x240 Icon 2x +ggs_splash_screen_2x,Splash Screen Image 2x,Splash Screen Image 2x,,Splash Screen Image 2x +ggs_xboxone_stats_system,Microsoft Stats System,Microsoft Stats System,,Microsoft Stats System +ggs_xboxone_stats_2017,Stats 2017,Stats 2017,,the radio group option for 2017 stats +ggs_xboxone_stats_2013,Stats 2013,Stats 2013,,the radio group option for 2013 stats +ggs_xboxone_stats_system_tooltip,The 2013 system has been deprecated by Microsoft and should only be used for titles already in development \nThe 2017 system no longer requires a service manifest \nPlease see Microsoft documentation for more details,The 2013 system has been deprecated by Microsoft and should only be used for titles already in development \nThe 2017 system no longer requires a service manifest \nPlease see Microsoft documentation for more details,,tooltip for the stats sytem radio group +Error_ResourceLoadFailures_Message,Resource load failures encountered...,Resource load failures encountered...,,non-blocking errors have occurred message +Error_ResourceFailedToLoad,Failed to load {0},Failed to load {0},,Failed to load given resource +Error_ResourceMissing,Missing Resource {0},Missing Resource {0},,Resource missing during load +android_build_settings_invalid,The SDK Build Settings are invalid,The SDK Build Settings are invalid,,Android/Amazon Fire SDK Build Settings are invalid +clean_runtimes_now,Clean Runtimes Now,Clean Runtimes Now,,Clean out older runtimes now +clean_all_runtimes,Do you want to delete older runtimes from all feeds?,Do you want to delete older runtimes from all feeds?,,Clean out all runtimes from runtime folder +runtime_clean_title,Runtime Deletion,Runtime Deletion,,Runtime Deletion title +tvos_show_file_warning,Automatic response to tvOS persistent storage limitation warning,Automatic response to tvOS persistent storage limitation warning,,Show tvOS file system warning preference setting +tvos_file_warning,tvOS persistent storage space is currently limited to 500k via NSUserDefaults. Please consider using cloud storage for this target.,tvOS persistent storage space is currently limited to 500k via NSUserDefaults. Please consider using cloud storage for this target.,,Warning message for the tvos file system limitations +ggs_requires_nex,Enable support for NEX libraries,Enable support for NEX libraries,,Enable support for NEX libraries +Build_Switch_NoNMetaSlim_Message,There is no SLIM data configured. Visit https://slim.mng.nintendo.net/slim/home to create it?,There is no SLIM data configured. Visit https://slim.mng.nintendo.net/slim/home to create it?,,No SLIM data message box +Error_AppleDeviceNotPaired,ERROR: Device '{0}' has not been paired. Does it have a valid provisioning profile?,ERROR: Device '{0}' has not been paired. Does it have a valid provisioning profile?,,!AMDeviceIsPaired has been returned for an iOS/tvOS device type and is probably just missing its provisioning profile +Error_AppleDevicesNotPaired,The following devices have not been paired. Please ensure they have valid provisioning profiles.,The following devices have not been paired. Please ensure they have valid provisioning profiles.,,The following devices have not been paired. Please ensure they have valid provisioning profiles +IDE_MissingFFmpegWrapperTitle,Missing FFmpegWrapper,Missing FFmpegWrapper,,Missing FFmpegWrapper Title +IDE_MissingFFmpegWrapper,The FFmpegWrapper.dll - or its dependencies - appear to be missing. This could be from a bad install or an overly aggressive virus scanner. Please check your virus scanner or reinstall.,The FFmpegWrapper.dll - or its dependencies - appear to be missing. This could be from a bad install or an overly aggressive virus scanner. Please check your virus scanner or reinstall.,,Missing FFmpegWrapper dll message +ProjectLoad_VerificationErrorTitle,Project Verification Error,Project Verification Error,,Project Verification Error Title +ProjectLoad_MultipleRootsMessage,This project has multiple root views and is unstable. Select Yes to attempt a repair or No to continue in an unstable state.,This project has multiple root views and is unstable. Select Yes to attempt a repair or No to continue in an unstable state.,,Multiple roots in project message +switch_tools_invalid_platform,The Switch tools are only available on Windows.,The Switch tools are only available on Windows.,,Switch tools not available on this platform +switch_tool_error,Switch Tools Error,Switch Tools Error,,Switch Tools Error title +switch_auth_editor_not_exist,The Switch Authoring Editor cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,The Switch Authoring Editor cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,,Switch Authoring Editor not found. Please check Nintendo SDK install +switch_auth_tool_not_exist,The Switch Authoring Tool cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,The Switch Authoring Tool cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,,Switch Patch Tool cannot be found. Please check Nintendo SDK install +switch_runontarget_tool_not_exist,The Switch RunOnTarget Tool cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,The Switch RunOnTarget Tool cannot be found. Please ensure the Nintendo SDK is properly installed and try again.,,Switch RunOnTarget Tool cannot be found. Please check Nintendo SDK install +Beta Channel,Beta Channel,Beta Channel,,Beta Channel preferences tag +beta_1,Here you can opt in or out of the GameMaker Studio 2 Beta.,Here you can opt in or out of the GameMaker Studio 2 Beta.,,beta_1 caption +beta_2,This will grant you access to upcoming versions of GameMaker Studio 2 before they are released to production.,This will grant you access to upcoming versions of GameMaker Studio 2 before they are released to production.,,beta_2 caption +beta_3,This product is covered by Section 2 of our ,This product is covered by Section 2 of our ,,beta_3 caption +beta_4,"Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.","Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.",,beta_4 caption +beta_5,If you do not back up your project and it is corrupted by a beta build there may be no way to recover it.,If you do not back up your project and it is corrupted by a beta build there may be no way to recover it.,,beta_5 caption +beta_6,You can revert back to a non-beta build by clicking the button below.,You can revert back to a non-beta build by clicking the button below.,,beta_6 caption +beta_7,End User Licence Agreement,End User Licence Agreement,,beta_7 caption +beta_check_1,I am aware that GameMaker Studio 2 Beta may corrupt my projects,I am aware that GameMaker Studio 2 Beta may corrupt my projects,,beta_check_1 caption +beta_check_2,I have backed up my projects or am using source control,I have backed up my projects or am using source control,,beta_check_2 caption +beta_check_opt-in,Opt-in to GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,Opt-in to GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,,beta_check_opt-in caption +beta_check_opt-out,Opt out of GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,Opt out of GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,,beta_check_opt-out caption +beta_channel_warning,Apply the Beta channel opt-in and restart GMS2 now?,Apply the Beta channel opt-in and restart GMS2 now?,,beta channel warning +beta_channel_downgrade,"After clicking OK, you should manually install a stable IDE to complete the opt-out process. See the release notes for an installer download link.","After clicking OK, you should manually install a stable IDE to complete the opt-out process. See the release notes for an installer download link.",,beta channel downgrade info +beta_channel_splash,"Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.","Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.",,beta channel splash +Convert_ConfirmMessage,"This project is of an older format and will need to be converted. Proceed?","This project is of an older format and will need to be converted. Proceed?",,sequences project conversion confirmation dialogue message +Convert_Success_Title,Conversion Success,Conversion Success,,Project Conversion success title +Convert_Success_Message,The Project has successfully converted,The Project has successfully converted,,Project Conversion success message +Convert_Failed_Title,Conversion Failed,Conversion Failed,,Project Conversion failed title +Convert_Failed_Message,The Project conversion has failed,The Project conversion has failed,,Project Conversion failed message +Convert_SameFolderMessage,You cannot save the converted project to the same folder as the original. Please select a new location.,You cannot save the converted project to the same folder as the original. Please select a new location.,,convert same folder dont do it message +exception_faq_button_caption,"To see what data this report contains, click here","To see what data this report contains, click here",,exception faq button caption +exception_fatal_error_header_caption,"A fatal exception has occurred in GameMaker Studio 2 and the program needs to close.\n\nWe are sorry for the inconvenience.","A fatal exception has occurred in GameMaker Studio 2 and the program needs to close.\n\nWe are sorry for the inconvenience.",,exception fatal error header caption +exception_problem_header_caption,"Please tell us about this problem.","Please tell us about this problem.",,exception problem header caption +exception_blurb,"An error report has been created so that we can examine and prevent issues like this. It would be very helpful if you could provide further details relating to the context of this event. Specifically, what you were working on immediately beforehand.\n\nImportant\nBy pressing Send, you are providing consent for us to process the data detailed below in line with our Privacy Policy.","An error report has been created so that we can examine and prevent issues like this. It would be very helpful if you could provide further details relating to the context of this event. Specifically, what you were working on immediately beforehand.\n\nImportant\nBy pressing Send, you are providing consent for us to process the data detailed below in line with our Privacy Policy.",,exception blurb +exception_send_caption,"Send","Send",,exception send button caption +exception_dont_send_caption,"Don't Send","Don't Send",,exception dont send button caption +exception_legal_blurb,"Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy governs the way we collect, store and process your data. We strongly recommend you take the time to read them.\n\nRight to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. If you wish to withdraw consent, you may do so via our Preference Centre, or by logging a ticket with our Helpdesk.\n\nIf you have any concerns about our use of data, please email our data controller at datacontroller@yoyogames.com\n\nForm version: ","Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy governs the way we collect, store and process your data. We strongly recommend you take the time to read them.\n\nRight to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. If you wish to withdraw consent, you may do so via our Preference Centre, or by logging a ticket with our Helpdesk.\n\nIf you have any concerns about our use of data, please email our data controller at datacontroller@yoyogames.com\n\nForm version: ",,exception legal blurb +exception_privacy_policy_caption,"Privacy Policy","Privacy Policy",,exception privacy policy +exception_form_version,"crash-0.2","crash-0.2",,exception form version +exception_upload_caption,"Upload Status","Upload Status",,exception form confirmation box caption +exception_upload_confirmation,"Upload Successful.","Upload Successful.",,exception form confirmation box message +Project_OldFormat_Title,Old Project Format,Old Project Format,,Old Project Format +Project_OldFormat_Message,Project was created in an older IDE which may have format changes,Project was created in an older IDE which may have format changes,,Project was created in an older IDE which may have format changes +ImportFromYY_Title,Importing Resources,Importing Resources,,Importing Resources Title +ImportFromYY_NoProjectFound,Could not find a project for the resource file at {0},Could not find a project for the resource file at {0},,Project not found message for the given resource +ImportFromYY_OldFormat,The project at {0} requires upgrading before you can import the requested resource(s). Do you want to do this now?,The project at {0} requires upgrading before you can import the requested resource(s). Do you want to do this now?,,The project requires an update do a newer format before we can import from it +ImportFromYY_NothingToImport,There no resources found that we can import,There no resources found that we can import,,We cannot import any resources within the given set +CoreResources_MissingResourceTitle,Project has missing Resources,Project has missing Resources,,Project has missing Resources title +CoreResources_MissingResourceMessage,This project has {0} missing Resource(s). Please check the Output log for more information.,This project has {0} missing Resource(s). Please check the Output log for more information.,,Project has missing x-amount of resources so check the log +CoreResources_MissingResourceLog,{0} is missing and has {1} reference(s).,{0} is missing and has {1} reference(s).,,Message to display in Output log due to missing resource +CoreResources_LostResource,{0} was lost and moved to root of project.,{0} was lost and moved to root of project.,,Message to display when a resource has lost its parent +CoreResources_LostIdReference,{0} has a missing IdReference at {1}.,{0} has a missing IdReference at {1}.,,Message to display when a resource has a lost IdReference and the breadcrumb trail to it +CoreResources_LostIdReferenceCompletely,{0} has a completely empty IdReference.,{0} has a completely empty IdReference.,,Message to display when a resource has a completely empty IdReference +Sequences_Events,Sequence Events,Sequence Events,,Events Window Caption +Event_Async_Event,Async Event,Async Event,,Async Event +Event_Broadcast_Message,Broadcast Message,Broadcast Message,,Broadcast Message +Create_Event_Definition,Create Event Definitions,Create Event Definitions,,Create Event Definitions +CanvasItem_TrackName,Track Name,Track Name,,track name +CanvasItem_X,X,X,,x +CanvasItem_Y,Y,Y,,x +CanvasItem_Position,Position,Position,,position +CanvasItem_Scale,Scale,Scale,,scale +CanvasItem_Origin,Origin,Origin,,origin +CanvasItem_ScaleX,Scale X,Scale X,,x scale +CanvasItem_ScaleY,Scale Y,Scale Y,,x scale +CanvasItem OriginX,Origin X,Origin X,,origin X +CanvasItem OriginY,Origin Y,Origin Y,,origin Y +CanvasItem_Sprite,Sprite,Sprite,,sprite resource +CanvasItem_Object,Object,Object,,object resource +CanvasItem_Sound,Sound,Sound,,sound resource +Category_SpriteInfo,Sprite Information,Sprite Information,,inspector category label +Category_BasicInfo,Basic Information,Basic Information,,inspector category label +Category_SoundInfo,Sound Information,Sound Information,,inspector category label +Category_InstanceInfo,Instance Information,Instance Information,,inspector category label +Category_SequenceInfo,Sequence Information,Sequence Information,,inspector category label +GMScript_DefaultComment,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information,,default script comment +GMScript_DnDBoilerPlate,/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : ${comment}\n/// @DnDArgument : "funcName" "${funcName}"\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n},/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : ${comment}\n/// @DnDArgument : "funcName" "${funcName}"\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n},,GML Boiler plate for a new script +GMScript_DnDFuncDecl,/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDArgument : "funcName" "${funcName}"\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n},/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDArgument : "funcName" "${funcName}"\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n},,GML function declaration template +AssetBrowser_CreateLotsOfResourcesWarning,Do you want to create {0} Assets?,Do you want to create {0} Assets?,,label to warn user they are about to create a lot of resources +AssetBrowser_CreateLotsOfResourcesTitle,Creating Lots of Assets,Creating Lots of Assets,,title for warning dialog box +YoYoImage_UnknownFileFormat,Image format not recognised,Image format not recognised,,This image format was not recognised +YoYoImage_UnknownFileFormat_Detail,The image '{0}' cannot be loaded.,The image '{0}' cannot be loaded.,,Message to show when an image cannot be loaded +IDE_Warning,Warning,Warning,,Warning for IDE +IDE_FolderPermsWarning,GameMaker Studio 2 is unable to access vital system folders.\nPlease check your paths in preferences and verify your folder permissions or contact your system administrator.\n\n{0},GameMaker Studio 2 is unable to access vital system folders.\nPlease check your paths in preferences and verify your folder permissions or contact your system administrator.\n\n{0},,File permissions failure on startup +code_completion_builtin_struct,BuiltIn {0} Member,BuiltIn {0} Member,,Code Completion when built-in structure member used. +SnappableControls_Orientation_Top,Snap to top,Snap to top,,Snappable widget controls snap to top button tooltip +SnappableControls_Orientation_Bottom,Snap to bottom,Snap to bottom,,Snappable widget controls snap to bottom button tooltip +SnappableControls_Orientation_Left,Snap to left,Snap to left,,Snappable widget controls snap to left button tooltip +SnappableControls_Orientation_Right,Snap to right,Snap to right,,Snappable widget controls snap to right button tooltip +SnappableControls_Orientation_Floating,Floating window,Floating window,,Snappable widget controls floating window button tooltip +SnappableControls_Reset,Reset to default,Reset to default,,Snappable widget controls reset button tooltip +SnappableControls_Title,Change orientation,Change orientation,,Snappable widget controls title label +Error_CreateNewProjectTitle,Error Creating Project,Error Creating Project,,Error Creating Project title +Error_CreateNewProjectMessage,Could not create project at specified path. You may not have permission to save here.,Could not create project at specified path. You may not have permission to save here.,,Error Creating Project message +Error_ImportProjectTitle,Error Saving Import Project,Error Saving Import Project,,Error Saving Import Project title +Error_ImportProjectMessage,Could not save imported project at specified path. You may not have permission to save here.,Could not save imported project at specified path. You may not have permission to save here.,,Error Saving Import Project message +Track Panel,Track Panel,Track Panel,,Track Panel label in Sequence Editor +at:,at:,at:,,Label for Moment Editor to show which frame this moment triggers at +Warning_ImportProject_Title,Warning,Warning,,Warning +Warning_ImportProject_Message,You have selected a folder already containing another GMS2 project - importing here will not merge the two projects. Are you sure you wish to save this import as a new subfolder inside the existing project's folder?,You have selected a folder already containing another GMS2 project - importing here will not merge the two projects. Are you sure you wish to save this import as a new subfolder inside the existing project's folder?,,Warning Importing Project message +Warning_AppIconAlpha_Title,Warning,Warning,,Warning +Warning_AppIconAlpha_Message,The image selected has transparency. Please select a different image.,The image selected has transparency. Please select a different image.,,App icon image transparency warning message +Error_CannotPackage_Message,The executable cannot be created as it's still currently running.,The executable cannot be created as it's still currently running.,,Application running error message. +CannotImportStripImageError_Title,Error,Error,,Error +CannotImportStripImageError_Message,An image of size {0} x {1} can't be split into {2} equal frames. Please resize the image and try again.,An image of size {0} x {1} can't be split into {2} equal frames. Please resize the image and try again.,,Strip image dimensions error +SourceControl_GitExecutablePath,Git executable path,Git executable path,,The path to the git executable +SourceControl_GitMergeToolPath,Merge tool,Merge tool,,The merge tool path +SourceControl_GitDiffToolPath,Diff tool,Diff tool,,The diff tool path +SourceControl_Push_Warning,Your changes couldn't be pushed to the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Your changes couldn't be pushed to the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning message for git push failure. +SourceControl_Pull_Warning,Changes couldn't be pulled from the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Changes couldn't be pulled from the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning message for git pull failure. +SourceControl_Status_Warning,The status of the git repository couldn't be queried. Please check Source Control Output for more information,The status of the git repository couldn't be queried. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git status failure. +SourceControl_Clone_Warning,Couldn't clone repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't clone repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git clone failure. +SourceControl_Add_Warning,Couldn't add files to the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't add files to the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git add failure. +SourceControl_Remove_Warning,Couldn't remove file from the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't remove file from the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git restore failure. +SourceControl_Commit_Warning,Couldn't commit files. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't commit files. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git commit failure. +SourceControl_Checkout_Warning,Couldn't perform checkout. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't perform checkout. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git checkout failure. +SourceControl_Log_Warning,Couldn't retrieve log. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't retrieve log. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git log failure. +SourceControl_Create_Warning,Couldn't create repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't create repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git create failure. +SourceControl_Merge_Warning,Couldn't complete merge operation. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't complete merge operation. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git merge failure. +KeyRebinding_Conflicts_Warning,Conflicting Keybind,Conflicting Keybind,,Conflicting Keybind +KeyRebinding_Conflicts_Description,That keybind is invalid as it would conflict with another active keybind,That keybind is invalid as it would conflict with another active keybind,,Description of conflicts shown to the user +Redefine Keys, Redefine Keys, Redefine Keys,,Redefine Key Menu Header +RedefineKeys_Import_Button, Import file, Import file,,Import file button caption +RedefineKeys_Export_Button, Export as file, Export as file,,Export file button caption +RedefineKeys_Clear_Button, Clear, Clear,,Clear Button +Redefine_Keys_Show_Unbound_Commands, Show Unbound Commands, Show Unbound Commands,,Show Unbound Commands caption +Redefine_Keys_Show_Only_Redefined_Commands, Show Only Redefined Commands, Show Only Redefined Commands,, Show Only Redefined Commands caption \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/korean.csv b/korean.csv index 6d73426..b98a270 100644 --- a/korean.csv +++ b/korean.csv @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Name,English,Translation,Restrictions,Comment +Name,English,Translation,Restrictions,Comment __Priority,0,0,,Order of language importance. Allows other packs to supplement or replace sections _Argument0,{0},{0},,single unlocalised argument _Error,Error: {0},오류: {0},,General error prefix @@ -8,51 +8,61 @@ _LanguageCode,en,kr,,standard windows os language code this pack represents (can _GameMaker2016,GameMaker Studio 2,GameMaker Studio 2,,IDE title _MANUAL_LOCATION,http://zeus.yoyogames.com/GMS2_English-master.zip,http://zeus.yoyogames.com/GMS2_English-master.zip,,Location of language manual _MANUAL_ONLINE_URL,https://manual-en.yoyogames.com,https://manual-en.yoyogames.com,,online manual url -_TUTORIALS_ONLINE_URL,"https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials","https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials",,Location of Tutorials url +_TUTORIALS_ONLINE_URL,https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials,https://www.yoyogames.com/en/tutorials,,Location of Tutorials url $win_OpenInExplorer,Open In Explorer,탐색기에서 열기,,Windows version of Open In Explorer $win_OpenProjectInExplorer,Open Project In Explorer,탐색기에서 프로젝트 열기,,Windows version of Open Project In Explorer -$win_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Open Log In Explorer,탐색기에서 기록 열기,,Windows version of Show Log In Explorer +$win_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Open Log In Explorer,탐색기에서 기록 살펴보기,,Windows version of Show Log In Explorer $win_explorer,explorer,탐색기,,windows version of explorer $mac_explorer,finder,Finder,,mac version of explorer $mac_OpenInExplorer,Show In Finder,Finder에서 보기,,Mac version of Open In Explorer $mac_OpenProjectInExplorer,Show Project In Finder,Finder에서 프로젝트 보기,,Mac version of Open Project In Explorer $mac_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Reveal Log In Finder,Finder에서 기록 살펴보기,,Mac version of Show Log In Explorer +$linux_explorer,file manager,파일 관리자,,Linux version of explorer +$linux_OpenInExplorer,Show In File Manager,파일 관리자에서 보기,,Linux version of Open In Explorer +$linux_OpenProjectInExplorer,Show Project In File Manager,파일 관리자에서 프로젝트 보기,,Linux version of Open Project In Explorer +$linux_ShowLogFileInExplorer,Reveal Log In File Manager,파일 관리자에서 기록 살펴보기,,Linux version of Show Log In Explorer $win_ctrl,Ctrl,Ctrl,,Windows version of ctrl key $mac_ctrl,Command,Command,,Mac version of ctrl key +$linux_ctrl,Ctrl,Ctrl,,Linux version of ctrl key $win_FileMenuExit,Exit,나가기,,Windows version of the Exit main menu entry $mac_FileMenuExit,Quit,끝내기,,Mac version of the Exit main menu entry +$linux_FileMenuExit,Exit,나가기,,Linux version of the Exit main menu entry $win_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About,알아보기,,Windows version of the About main menu entry -$mac_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About GameMaker Studio 2,GameMaker Studio 2 알아보기,,Windows version of the About main menu entry +$mac_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About GameMaker Studio 2,GameMaker Studio 2 알아보기,,Mac version of the About main menu entry +$linux_IDEMenuHelpAbout,About,알아보기,,Linux version of the About main menu entry $win_IDEMenuViews,Windows,창,,Windows version of the views menu entry $mac_IDEMenuViews,Window,창,,Mac version of the views menu entry +$linux_IDEMenuViews,Windows,창,,Linux version of the views menu entry $win_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Control and Right Alt,우측 Ctrl과 Alt,,Windows version of laptop mode keys $mac_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Command and Right Alt,우측 Command와 Alt,,Mac version of laptop mode keys +$linux_LaptopRHSKeys,Right Control and Right Alt,우측 Ctrl과 Alt,,Linux version of laptop mode keys $win_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Control,좌측 Ctrl,,Windows laptop mode zoom key $mac_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Command,좌측 Command,,Mac laptop mode zoom key +$linux_LaptopLZoomKey,Left Control,좌측 Ctrl,,Linux laptop mode zoom key Account_Menu_Login,Login,로그인,,"Account menu ""Login""" Account_Menu_Logout,Logout,로그아웃,,"Acount menu ""Logout""" Account_Menu_ManageAccount,Manage Account,계정 관리,,"Account menu ""Account""" AnimationManager_InvalidTransition,The transition specified '{0}' is not valid,전환 '{0}'이 올바르지 않아요.,,The transition specified in the animation json is not a valid value BackgroundLayer_HSpeed,Horizontal Speed,수평 속도,,Numeric textbox label for horizontal scroll speed -BackgroundLayer_HTile,Horizontal Tile,타일을 가로로 나열,,Checkbox label for horizontal tiling +BackgroundLayer_HTile,Horizontal Tile,타일을 가로로 놓기,,Checkbox label for horizontal tiling BackgroundLayer_NoBackground,,<배경 없음>,,no background selected caption for the background layer button BackgroundLayer_PosX,X Offset,기준 X 좌표,,Numeric textbox label for x pos offset BackgroundLayer_PosY,Y Offset,기준 Y 좌표,,numeric textbox label for y pos offset BackgroundLayer_Stretch,Stretch,채우기,,Checkbox label for stretch BackgroundLayer_VSpeed,Vertical Speed,수직 속도,,Numeric textbox label for vertical scroll speed -BackgroundLayer_VTile,Vertical Tile,타일을 세로로 나열,,Checkbox label for vertical tiling +BackgroundLayer_VTile,Vertical Tile,타일을 세로로 놓기,,Checkbox label for vertical tiling Breakpoints,Breakpoints,중단점,,Breakpoints -Breakpoint_Delete,Delete Breakpoint,중단점 삭제,,delete breakpoint menu option +Breakpoint_Delete,Delete Breakpoint,중단점 지우기,,delete breakpoint menu option Breakpoint_GotoCode,Go To Code,코드로 이동,,breakpoint show code menu option Breakpoint_MenuToggle,Toggle Breakpoint,중단점 전환,,toggle breakpoint menu option -Breakpoint_Help,"There are no breakpoints to display.\nTo place one, press F9 on the desired line in a code editor.",중단점이 없어요.\n코드 편집기의 원하는 곳에 F9를 눌러서 놓아보세요.,,Breakpoint help text to be displayed when there are no breakpoints +Breakpoint_Help,"There are no breakpoints to display.\nTo place one, press F9 on the desired line in a code editor.",중단점이 없어요.\n편집기의 원하시는 곳에 F9를 눌러 놓아보세요.,,Breakpoint help text to be displayed when there are no breakpoints Build_FailedCompile,ERROR: Project failed to compile: error code {0},프로젝트 컴파일 실패: {0},,Error message when the project fails to compile Build_FailedDeploy,ERROR: Project failed to deploy: error code {0},프로젝트 배포 실패: {0},,Error message when the project fails to deploy Build_FailedRun,ERROR: Project failed to run: error code {0},프로젝트 실행 실패: {0},,Error message when the project fails to run Button_Add,Add,추가,,Add button Button_Cancel,Cancel,취소,,cancel button Button_Delete,Delete,삭제,,Delete button -Button_Done,Done,확인,,Done button +Button_Done,Done,완료,,Done button Button_Import,Import,가져오기,,import button label Button_Manage,Manage,관리,,Manage button Button_No,No,아니요,,No @@ -71,7 +81,7 @@ Dialog_ResetLayout_ChoicePref,Automatic response to resetting the project layout LicenseNotification_TrialExpiring,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,체험판이 {0}일 이내에 만료됩니다.,,Trial licence expiry notification LicenseNotification_Expiring,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,라이선스가 {0}일 이내에 만료됩니다.,,Licence expiry notification LicenseNotification_BuyNow,Buy Now,라이선스 구매,,Buy Now label -LicenseNotification_ButtonBuyNow,BUY NOW,구매하기,,BUY NOW label +LicenseNotification_ButtonBuyNow,BUY NOW,바로 구입하세요.,,BUY NOW label IDE_License_Label,Your licence is due to expire in {0} days,라이선스가 {0}일 이내에 만료됩니다.,,IDE licence label IDE_TrialLicense_Label,Your trial is due to expire in {0} days,체험판이 {0}일 이내에 만료됩니다.,,IDE trial licence label marketplace_certificate_settings,Marketplace Certificate Settings,인증서 설정,,marketplace certificate settings pref @@ -79,7 +89,7 @@ Certificate_GenerateSucceeded,Successfully created certificate file: {0},인증 Certificate_GenerateFailed,Failed to create certificate file: {0},인증서 생성 실패: {0},,certificate create failed Certificate_FileAlreadyExists,Certificate file '{0}' already exists; please choose a new filename,인증서 파일 '{0}'이 이미 있어요. 다른 파일 이름을 골라주세요.,,certificate file exists Certificate_RequiredFieldsMissing,Name and Password fields must be set,이름 및 암호를 입력해야 해요.,,create certificate missing fields -Certificate_FileMissing,Unable to find certificate file '{0}',인증서 '{0}'을 찾을 수 없어요.,,certificate file missing +Certificate_FileMissing,Unable to find certificate file '{0}',인증서 '{0}'를 찾을 수 없어요.,,certificate file missing Certificate_Test_Title,Certificate Check,인증서 확인,,certificate test title Certificate_PasswordFail,Password is NOT valid for certificate,올바르지 않은 암호예요.,,certificate password fail Certificate_PasswordOK,Password is valid for certificate,올바른 암호예요.,,certificate password ok @@ -141,9 +151,9 @@ ContextMenu_MoveEntryUp,Move Menu Item Up,메뉴 항목 위로 이동시키기,, Dialog_AreYouSure,Are you sure?,확실한가요?,,"Generic ""Are you sure?"" dialog message" Dialog_Confirm,Confirm,확정,,"Dialog ""confirm"" heading" Dialog_Ignore,Ignore,무시,,dialog ignore label -Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query,Are you sure you want to remove the event with all its actions?,정말로 이 이벤트를 제거할까요?,,Delete event dialog confirmation query +Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query,Are you sure you want to remove the event with all its actions?,정말로 이 이벤트를 지울까요?,,Delete event dialog confirmation query Dialog_CutEvent_Query,Are you sure you want to cut the selected event?,정말로 이 이벤트를 잘라낼까요?,,Cut event dialog confirmation query -Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query_Multiple,Are you sure you want to remove {0} events with all their actions?,정말로 이벤트 {0}개를 제거할까요?,,Delete multiple event dialog confirmation query +Dialog_DeleteEvent_Query_Multiple,Are you sure you want to remove {0} events with all their actions?,정말로 이벤트 {0}개를 없앨까요?,,Delete multiple event dialog confirmation query Dialog_DeleteFrame_Query,Delete the selected frames?,선택된 프레임을 지울까요?,,image editor delete frames confirm query Dialog_PasteEvent_NotReady,The event is still being copied. Please try pasting again in a few seconds.,아직 이벤트를 복사하고 있어요. 잠시 후에 다시 시도해주세요.,,Not ready to paste yet message Dialog_DontShowAgain,Don't show this message again,다시 보지 않기,,Message next to checkbox to allow the user to choose not to see this popup in future @@ -156,8 +166,8 @@ Dialog_SaveChangesToX,Save the changes to {0}?,수정 사항을 {0}에 저장할 Dialog_Warning,Warning,경고,,"Dialog ""Warning"" title" DialogEditor_AddContextMenu,Add Context Menu,문맥 메뉴 추가하기,,Context menu option to add a context menu to the selected gadget DialogEditor_Cell,Grid Cell,격자 칸,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a grid cell group -DialogEditor_ChildGadgets,Child Gadgets,자식 가젯,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child gadgets group -DialogEditor_ChildWindows,Child Windows,자식 윈도우,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child windows group +DialogEditor_ChildGadgets,Child Gadgets,하위 가젯,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child gadgets group +DialogEditor_ChildWindows,Child Windows,하위 창,,Layout Hierarchy heading for a child windows group DialogEditor_ClearLayoutList,Clear List,목록 초기화,,Button label for clearing the open layout list DialogEditor_Client,Client Panel,클라이언트 창,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a client panel (window or tab) DialogEditor_ClippedGadget,Clip To Parent,부모에 귀속,,context menu option for setting if a gadget is clipped within its parent or not @@ -201,7 +211,7 @@ DialogEditor_NoJSONSelected,Dialog Editor: No JSON File Selected,JSON 파일이 DialogEditor_NoLayoutSelected,Dialog Editor: No Layout Selected,레이아웃이 선택되지 않았습니다.,,log prompt for user to indicate no layout was selected DialogEditor_NoXMLSelected,Dialog Editor: No XML File Selected,XML 파일이 선택되지 않았습니다.,,log prompt for user to indicate no xml file was selected DialogEditor_OpenLayout,Open Layout,레이아웃 열기,,Dialog editor open layout menu entry -DialogEditor_OverridingStyleFile,The style name '{0}' is currently registered to\n'{2}'\nbut will now be saved to\n'{1}',스타일 이름 '{0}' (은)는\n현재 '{2}'\n에 등록되어 있습니다.\n'{1}' 에 저장됩니다.,,Message when the user overrides a styles save file +DialogEditor_OverridingStyleFile,The style name '{0}' is currently registered to\n'{2}'\nbut will now be saved to\n'{1}',스타일 이름 '{0}'은\n현재 '{2}'\n에 등록돼 있어요.\n'{1}'에 저장돼요.,,Message when the user overrides a styles save file DialogEditor_PasteGadget,Paste Gadget,가젯 붙여넣기,,menu entry for pasting a gadget from clipboard DialogEditor_Properties,Gadget Layout Properties,가젯 레이아웃 속성,,the title for the layout properties window DialogEditor_RadioGroup,Radio Button Group,라디오 버튼 모음,,Layout hierarchy display name for radio button group @@ -215,16 +225,16 @@ DialogEditor_RGBATextEntry,RGBA Input,RGBA 입력,,layout hierarchy label for th DialogEditor_RowSplitter,Grid Row Splitter,격자 행 구분자,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a grid row splitter DialogEditor_SaveAllStyles,Save All Styles,모든 스타일 저장,,Menu option to save all open styles to file DialogEditor_SaveAsLayout,Save Layout As...,레이아웃을 다른 이름으로 저장,,Dialog editor save as layout menu entry -DialogEditor_SaveFailed,Dialog Editor: Save failed due to error: {0} - {1},오류 {0} - {1} 로 인해 저장이 실패하였습니다,,lop propmt for user to indicate the save failed +DialogEditor_SaveFailed,Dialog Editor: Save failed due to error: {0} - {1},오류 {0} - {1} 로 인해 저장이 실패했어요.,,lop propmt for user to indicate the save failed DialogEditor_SaveLayout,Save Layout,레이아웃 저장,,Dialog editor save layout menu entry DialogEditor_SaveStyle,Save Style,스타일 저장,,Menu option to save a style to file DialogEditor_SaveStyleAs,Save Style As...,스타일을 다른 이름으로 저장,,Menu option to save a style to a different file or with a different name DialogEditor_ScrollPanel,Scroll Panel,스크롤 창,,layout hierarchy display name for scroll panel DialogEditor_SelectContextMenu,Edit Context Menu,문맥 메뉴 편집,,Context menu option to select the context menu for the selected gadget so it can be edited -DialogEditor_SelectSaveFile,Select the file to save the style to. If the file doesn't already contain the style definition it will search all files within its folder.\nUse 'Save Style As...' to explicitly override save file,스타일을 저장할 파일을 선택하세요. 파일에 스타일 정의가 담고 있지않으면 해당 폴더 내의 다른 파일을 검색합니다. \n '다른 이름으로 스타일 저장...'을 사용하여 명시적으로 저장할 수 있습니다.,,Information about selecting a save file. Informs the user that if the file they have chosen doesn't already include the stylename it will search for the file that does inside the parent folder +DialogEditor_SelectSaveFile,Select the file to save the style to. If the file doesn't already contain the style definition it will search all files within its folder.\nUse 'Save Style As...' to explicitly override save file,스타일을 저장할 파일을 선택하세요. 파일에 스타일 정의가 없으면 해당 폴더 내의 다른 파일을 검색합니다. \n '다른 이름으로 스타일 저장...'을 사용하여 명시적으로 저장할 수 있어요.,,Information about selecting a save file. Informs the user that if the file they have chosen doesn't already include the stylename it will search for the file that does inside the parent folder DialogEditor_StyleEditor,Style Editor,스타일 편집기,,the title for the style editor window DialogEditor_StyleName,Style name:,스타일 이름,,style name -DialogEditor_StyleNotFound,The style wasn't found in this folder. It will append to the selected file unless an alternative is selected.,이 폴더에서 스타일을 찾을 수 없어요. 다른 파일을 선택하지 않으면 선택한 파일에 추가됩니다.,,Warning message that the style wasnt' found so it will be appended to the end of the given style instead +DialogEditor_StyleNotFound,The style wasn't found in this folder. It will append to the selected file unless an alternative is selected.,이 폴더에서 스타일을 찾을 수 없어요. 다른 파일을 선택하지 않으면 선택한 파일에 추가돼요.,,Warning message that the style wasnt' found so it will be appended to the end of the given style instead DialogEditor_SubMenuEntry,Sub Menu Entry,하위 메뉴 개체,,Layout hierarchy label for a sub menu entry DialogEditor_TabControl,Tab Control Panel,탭 제어판,,Gadget toolbox display name for tab control DialogEditor_TabItem,Tab,탭,,Layout Heirarchy heading for a tab @@ -238,17 +248,17 @@ Edit_Menu_Redo,Redo,다시 실행,,Redo menu entry Edit_Menu_Search,Search & Replace,검색 & 바꾸기,,"Edit menu ""Search & Replace""" Edit_Menu_Undo,Undo,실행 취소,,Undo menu entry Error_AnimBlendClone,{0} does not implement ICloneable,{0}은(는) ICloneable을 구현하지 않았어요.,,Any class that is used in the animation system must implement ICloneable -Error_CursorManagerDuplicateName,Attempting to add a cursor using image {1} with duplicated id {0} please assign a different name,중복 ID가 {0}인 그림 {1}을(를) 사용하여 커서를 추가하려면 다른 이름을 지정하세요.,,Multiple cursors have been added with the same reference name -Error_CursorManagerFailedLoad,Attempted to load cursor {1} but received error '{0}',커서 {1} 불러오기를 시도했지만 오류 '{0}'를 받았어요.,,File load failed for cursor image -Error_CursorManagerLoadingInfoMissing,Attempting to load cursor {0} but can't find loading info,커서 {0}을(를) 불러오기를 시도했지만 정보를 찾을 수가 없어요.,,The loading callback for a cursor can't find the loading hotspot info -Error_GadgetToolboxFailedLoad,Attempted to load gadget toolbox info but received error '{0}' - '{1}',가젯 도구 상자 정보 불러오기를 시도했지만 오류 '{0}' - '{1}'가 발생했어요.,,Failed to load the gadget toolbox list -Error_GadgetToolboxInvalidGadget,Attempted to add gadget '{0}' to toolbox but it isn't registered with the layout manager ,도구 상자에 가젯 '{0}'을 추가를 시도했지만 그 가젯이 레이아웃 관리자에 등록되지 않았어요.,,Invalid gadget specified in gadget toolbox list +Error_CursorManagerDuplicateName,Attempting to add a cursor using image {1} with duplicated id {0} please assign a different name,중복 ID가 {0}인 그림 {1}을 사용하여 커서를 추가하려면 다른 이름을 지정하세요.,,Multiple cursors have been added with the same reference name +Error_CursorManagerFailedLoad,Attempted to load cursor {1} but received error '{0}',오류 '{0}'를 받아서 커서 {0} 불러올 수가 없어요.,,File load failed for cursor image +Error_CursorManagerLoadingInfoMissing,Attempting to load cursor {0} but can't find loading info,정보를 찾을 수가 없어서 커서 {0}를 불러올 수가 없어요.,,The loading callback for a cursor can't find the loading hotspot info +Error_GadgetToolboxFailedLoad,Attempted to load gadget toolbox info but received error '{0}' - '{1}',오류 '{0}' - '{1}'가 발생해서 가젯 도구 상자 정보를 불러올 수가 없어요.,,Failed to load the gadget toolbox list +Error_GadgetToolboxInvalidGadget,Attempted to add gadget '{0}' to toolbox but it isn't registered with the layout manager ,가젯 {0}이 레이아웃 관리자에 등록되지 않아서 도구 상자에 추가할 수가 없어요.,,Invalid gadget specified in gadget toolbox list Error_Cursors,Cursor Error,커서 오류,,Cursor error warning title Error_GUILayout_AnchorRequiresParentPos,"A parent reliant anchor (bottom or right) has been set with no parent gadget, try setting the dimension instead",부모와 연관되어야 할 기준점이 부모 가젯과 연결 돼있지 않습니다. 차원을 설정해주세요.,,Attempted to use an bottom or right anchor when there is no parent gadget to base the position upon Error_GUILayout_DimensionAndBothAnchors,"A dimension input has been set along with both the associated anchors, the dimension input will be ignored",서로 연관 돼있는 기준점 양쪽에 입력되는 차원 치수는 무시되요.,,"Both the dimension and the associated anchors have been set (for instance width, top and bottom) the dimension will be calculated from the anchors not the dimension input" Error_GUILayout_FailedCalculatePosition,"Cannot calculate actual position of gadget, too few anchors and/or dimensions are set",가젯의 실제 위치를 계산할 수가 없어요. 기준점 혹은 차원의 수가 너무 적어요.,,Gadget requires at least one anchor or the dimension to be set for each direction Error_GUILayout_PercentageRequiresParentDimension,"An anchor or dimension has been set to percentage with no parent gadget, try using pixel instead",차원의 기준점이 부모 가젯 없이 비율로 설정됐어요. 픽셀 기준으로 정해주세요.,,Attempted to use percentage style values when there is no parent gadget to base it upon -Error_ProjectLoadFailure,Project load failed. Unable to load {0},프로젝트 {0}을(를) 불러오는데 실패했어요.,,Project load failure +Error_ProjectLoadFailure,Project load failed. Unable to load {0},프로젝트 '{0}'를 불러오는데 실패했어요.,,Project load failure Error_ProjectTooNew,"This project requires a newer version of the IDE and so will not be loaded. Please update your IDE to at least the version used to create the project, then try opening it again.",이 프로젝트는 상위 버전의 프로그램이 필요해요. IDE를 최신 판으로 업데이트하고 다시 열어보세요.,,Error message for loading in a project created in a newer version Error_StyleNotFound,"Can not set requested style, not found",요청하신 스타일을 찾지 못해서 설정할 수 없어요.,,Trying to set a style when it hasn't been loaded/found Error_WeakDelegateArgument,Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed because {2},{2}(으)로 인하여 객체 '{0}'의 메서드 '{1}'가 실패했어요.,,Attempting to invoke a method from within a weak delegate with incorrect arguments @@ -314,8 +324,8 @@ Event_Key_Shift,Shift,Shift,,Key event subtype Event_Key_Space,Space,스페이스,,Key event subtype Event_Key_Up,Up,위쪽 방향키,,Key event subtype Event_Keyboard,Key Down,키 누르는 중,,Keyboard event name -Event_KeyPress,Key Pressed,키 눌렀음,,Key Press event name -Event_KeyPress_Short,Key Press - ,키 눌렀음: ,,KeyPress event short name +Event_KeyPress,Key Pressed,키 누름,,Key Press event name +Event_KeyPress_Short,Key Press - ,키 누름: ,,KeyPress event short name Event_KeyDown_Short,Key Down - ,키 누르는 중:,,KeyDown event short name Event_KeyPressN,Press {0},{0} 눌렀음,,Key Press event - short name Event_KeyRelease,Key Up,키 뗌,,Key Release event name @@ -323,9 +333,9 @@ Event_KeyRelease_Short,Key Up - ,키 뗌: ,,Key Release event - short name Event_KeyDown,Key Down,키 눌림,,Key Down event name Event_KeyUp,Key Up,키 뗌,,Key Up event name Event_Mouse,Mouse,마우스,,Mouse event name -Event_MouseClick,Mouse Click,마우스 클릭,,Mouse Click event name -Event_MouseDown,Mouse Down,마우스 누르는 중,,Mouse Down event name -Event_MouseUp,Mouse Up,마우스 뗌,,Mouse Up event name +Event_MouseClick,Mouse Click,누름,,Mouse Click event name +Event_MouseDown,Mouse Down,누르는 중,,Mouse Down event name +Event_MouseUp,Mouse Up,뗌,,Mouse Up event name Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse,Global,전역,,Mouse event subtype Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_LeftButton,Global Left Down,전역 왼쪽 눌림,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" Event_Mouse_GlobalMouse_LeftPressed,Global Left Pressed,전역 왼쪽 눌렀음,,"Mouseevent ""global"" subtype" @@ -352,11 +362,13 @@ DnD_Event_Mouse_None,No Button,단추 없음,,Mouse event subtype DnD_Event_Mouse_Left,Left,왼쪽 단추,,Mouse event subtype DnD_Event_Mouse_Right,Right,오른쪽 단추,,Mouse event subtype DnD_Event_Mouse_Middle,Middle,가운데 단추,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Side1,Side 1,측면 단추 1,,Mouse event subtype +DnD_Event_Mouse_Side2,Side 2,측면 단추 2,,Mouse event subtype Event_Mouse_RightButton,Right Down,오른쪽 눌림,,Mouse event subtype Event_Mouse_RightPressed,Right Pressed,오른쪽 눌렀음,,Mouse event subtype Event_Mouse_RightReleased,Right Released,오른쪽 뗌,,Mouse event subtype Event_Other,Other,기타,,Other event name -Event_Other_AnimationEnd,Animation End,애니메이션 종료,,Other event subtype +Event_Other_AnimationEnd,Animation End,애니메이션 끝,,Other event subtype Event_Other_AnimationEvent,Animation Event,Spine 애니메이션 정보,,Other event subtype Event_Other_AnimationUpdate,Animation Update,Spine 애니메이션 갱신,,Other event subtype Event_Other_BroadcastMessage,Broadcast Message,메시지 송신,,Other event subtype @@ -402,17 +414,17 @@ Extension_Import_ExtensionLabel,Extension resources:,자원:,,extension resource Extension_Import_Extracting,Extracting...,추출 중...,,extension importing extracting progress label Extension_Import_GMEZ_Error,An error occurred,오류가 발생했어요,,extension import generic error Extension_Import_GMEZ_InvalidData,Unable to read the extension file,파일을 읽을 수 없어요.,,extension import parse error -Extension_Import_GMEZ_Missing,Unable to find an extension within the GMEZ file,GMEZ 파일에서 확장 기능을 찾을 수 없어요.,,extension import missing gmez +Extension_Import_GMEZ_Missing,Unable to find an extension within the GMEZ file,GMEZ 파일에서 확장 기능을 찾을 수가 없어요.,,extension import missing gmez Extension_Import_ImportingResources,Importing resources...,자원 가져오는 중...,,extension import - importing resource progress label -Extension_Import_ProjectLabel,Resources to add:,추가할 자원::,,extension resource import add to project label -Extension_Import_ResourceNameAlreadyExists,Already a resource with name '{0}' - please rename it before importing the extension,이름이 '{0}'인 자원이 이미 있어요. 확장 기능을 가져오기 전에 이름을 변경하세요.,,extension import - imported extension has the same name as an existing resource +Extension_Import_ProjectLabel,Resources to add:,추가할 자원:,,extension resource import add to project label +Extension_Import_ResourceNameAlreadyExists,Already a resource with name '{0}' - please rename it before importing the extension,이름이 '{0}'인 자원이 이미 있어요. 확장 기능을 가져오기 전에 이름을 바꾸세요.,,extension import - imported extension has the same name as an existing resource Extension_Import_ResourceNameConflict,Resource names conflict,자원 이름 충돌,,extension import - resource names conflict Extension_Import_Resources_Description,Select resources from your extension and add them to your project,확장 기능에서 자원을 선택하여 프로젝트에 추가하세요.,,extension import description label Extension_Import_Extract_Error,Failed to extract the extension archive: '{0}',확장의 압축 파일을 풀지 못했습니다: {0},,extension import - archive unzip failed error message Extension_Import_Resources_Title,Import resources: {0},자원 가져오기: {0},,extension import resource title Extension_Import_Legacy_Resources_Title,Import legacy resources: {0},예전 자원 가져오기: {0},,legacy extension(1.x) import resource title -Logout_Query,Logout user '{0}'?\nThis will save any changes and restart the IDE.,사용자 '{0}'를 로그아웃 할까요?\n변경 사항을 저장하고 IDE를 다시 시작해야해요.,,Query if the user really wants to logout -Restored_Default_Settings_Restart,Are you sure you want to restore default settings?\nThis will restart the application for the changes to take effect.,정말로 기본 설정을 되돌릴까요?\n적용하려면 프로그램을 다시 시작해야해요.,,Restore default settings restart prompt +Logout_Query,Logout user '{0}'?\nThis will save any changes and restart the IDE.,사용자 '{0}'에서 로그아웃 할까요?\n저장 후에 IDE를 다시 시작해야해요.,,Query if the user really wants to logout +Restored_Default_Settings_Restart,Are you sure you want to restore default settings?\nThis will restart the application for the changes to take effect.,정말로 기본 설정으로 되돌릴까요?\n적용하려면 프로그램을 다시 시작해야해요.,,Restore default settings restart prompt File_Menu_NewIDE,New IDE,새 IDE 열기,,Start a new instance of the IDE from the file menu File_Menu_Logout,Logout,로그아웃,,The Logout program menu item File_Menu_MyAccount,My Account,내 계정,,Launches my account web page menu item @@ -433,8 +445,8 @@ FileError_Locked,File Locked,파일 잠김,,File Locked FileError_NotFound,File Not Found,파일 찾을 수 없음,,File Not Found FileError_PathTooLong,File Path Too Long,파일 경로가 너무 김,,File Path Too Long FileError_Timeout,File Load Timeout,파일 불러오기 시간초과,,File Load Timeout -Font_CannotRegenerate_FontNotAvailable,Font {0} texture generation skipped (font is not available on this machine),장치에 글꼴이 없어서 글꼴 {0}의 텍스처 생성을 건너뛰었어요.,,Font generation failed -Font_TTF_BaseAlphabet,"!\""#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~","!\""#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~",,FontTTF standard English alphabet< +Font_CannotRegenerate_FontNotAvailable,Font {0} texture generation skipped (font is not available on this machine),글꼴이 없어서 글꼴 {0}의 텍스처 생성을 건너뛰었어요.,,Font generation failed +Font_TTF_BaseAlphabet,"!\""#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~","""-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~""""",,FontTTF standard English alphabet< Inspector,Inspector,계측기,,Inspector preference heading Inspector_WindowTitle,Inspector,계측기,,Inspector window title Inspector_WindowTitleArg,Inspector: {0},{0},,Inspector window title with argument @@ -442,6 +454,15 @@ Inspector_WindowTitleMulti,Inspector Window: Multiple Items,다수의 감시 항 Inspector_ErrorTitle,Inspector Error,계측기 오류,,An error occurred in the inspector Inspector_Lock,Lock inspector to current selection,계측기를 현재 선택 사항에 고정합니다.,,Lock inspector tooltip Inspector_Unlock,Unlock inspector to allow new selections,계측기의 고정을 풉니다.,,Unlock inspector tooltip +Inspector_MultiSortMode,Multi-select order,다중 선택 순서,,multi select order menu entry +Inspector_MultiSelLabel,Selection: ,선택 항목,,inspector multi select label +Inspector_SelectExistingTag,Select existing tag,존재하는 태그 선택,,inspector tag combo label +Inspector_TagsWindowTitleArg,Tags: {0},태그: {0},,tags window title +Inspector_TagsWindowMulti,Tags: Multiple Selection,태그: 다중 선택됨,,tags window title +inspector_pref_scrollonexpand,Scroll category into view on expand,범주를 펼칠 때 그 항목이 보이게 스크롤하기,,inspector scroll on expand pref +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_AssetType,Asset type,자산 종류,,multisort mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_SelectionOrder,Selection order,선택 순서,,multisort mode enum +ListBoxEnum_eMultiSortMode_Alphabetical,Alphabetical,알파벳 순,,multisort mode enum InspectorGadget_ListBox_Empty,(List is empty),(텅 빈 리스트),,Label shown when a listbox is empty InspectorGadget_Array_Empty,(Array is empty),(텅 빈 배열),,Label shown when an array is empty InspectorGadget_Object_Empty,(Object is not inspectable),(계측 불가능한 객체),,Label shown when an object is not inspectable @@ -468,8 +489,32 @@ Inspector_ObjectPanel_Disallowed,This object does not support bulk editing,그 Inspector_EventList_Error,An error occurred while getting this value,이 값을 가져올 때 오류가 발생했어요.,,Error getting event list value Inspector_EventList_CannotCoalesce,Events do not support bulk editing,그 이벤트는 일괄 편집을 지원하지 않아요.,,Event list bulk editing error Inspector_EventList_AddElementTooltip,Add event,이벤트를 추가합니다.,,Tooltip to add a new event -Inspector_UndoError,An error occurred while attempting to undo a change.,실행 취소할 때 오류가 발생했어요.,,Undo error message -Inspector_RedoError,An error occurred while attempting to redo a change.,다시 실행할 때 오류가 발생했어요.,,Redo error message +Inspector_UndoError,An error occurred while attempting to undo a change.,실행 취소할 때 문제가 발생했어요.,,Undo error message +Inspector_RedoError,An error occurred while attempting to redo a change.,다시 실행할 때 문제가 발생했어요.,,Redo error message +Inspector_CreateNewAssetType,New {0},새로운 {0} 만들기,,new (asset type name) +Inspector_EditAssetType,Edit {0},{0} 수정하기,,edit (asset type name) +Inspector_AlignIcons,Align Icons,아이콘 정렬,,inspector align icons label +Inspector_FlipIcons,Flip Icons,아이콘 뒤집기,,inspector flip icons label +Inspector_HAlign_Left,Align Left,좌측 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Centre,Align Centre,중앙 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Right,Align Right,우측 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_HAlign_Distrib,Distribute Horizontally,가로로 분포,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Top,Align Top,상단 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Centre,Align Centre,가운데 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Bottom,Align Bottom,하단 정렬,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_VAlign_Distrib,Distribute Vertically,세로로 분포,,inspector alignment tooltip +Inspector_AddObjVariable,Add Variable,변수 추가하기,,inspector add object variable button +SeqTrack_Singular,Track,트랙,,sequence track type name singular +SeqTrack_Plural,Tracks,트랙,,sequence track type name plural +SeqSpriteTrack_Singular,Sprite Track,스프라이트 트랙,,sprite track type name singular +SeqSpriteTrack_Plural,Sprite Tracks,스프라이트 트랙,,sprite track type name plural +SeqObjectTrack_Singular,Object Track,객체 트랙,,object track type name singular +SeqObjectTrack_Plural,Object Tracks,객체 트랙,,object track type name plural +SeqAudioTrack_Singular,Audio Track,오디오 트랙,,audio track type name singular +SeqAudioTrack_Plural,Audio Tracks,오디오 트랙,,audio track type name plural +SeqSeqTrack_Singular,Sequence Track,시퀀스 트랙,,sequence instance track type name singular +SeqSeqTrack_Plural,Sequence Tracks,시퀀스 트랙,,sequence instance track type name plural +Inspector_Category_Transform,Transform,변형,,Inspector category Inspector_Category_Physics,Physics,물리,,Inspector category Inspector_Category_Permissions,Permissions,권한,,Inspector category Inspector_Category_Icons,Icons,아이콘,,Inspector category @@ -484,16 +529,42 @@ Inspector_Category_TextureSettings,Texture Settings,텍스처 설정,,Inspector Inspector_Category_CollisionMask,Collision Mask,충돌 마스크,,Inspector category Inspector_Category_Tiles,Tiles,타일,,Inspector category Inspector_Category_FontOptions,Advanced Options,고급,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_CanvasFrame,Canvas Frame,용지 프레임,,Inspector category +Inspector_Category_Parent,Parent,부모,,Inspector category Inspector_OpenEditor,Open Editor,편집기 열기,,open editor +Inspector_ObjNoEvents,This Object currently has no Events.\nAdd Events here or via the editor,이 객체엔 이벤트가 없어요.\n여기 혹은 편집기에서 더하세요.,,no object events inspector label +Inspector_OpenEditors,Open Editors,편집기 열기,,open multiple editors +Inspector_Category_Properties,Properties,속성,,inspector category +Inspector_Category_Editors,Editors,편집기,,inspector category +Inspector_Field_Width,W,W,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_Height,H,H,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_X,X,X,,inspector field label +Inspector_Field_Y,Y,Y,,inspector field label +Inspector_TileOffset,Tile Offset,타일 기준점,,inspector property label +Inspector_Separation,Separation,간격,,inspector property label +Inspector_OutputBorder,Output Border,테두리 반경,,inspector property label +Inspector_Dimension,Dimension,차원,,inspector property label +Inspector_Origin,Origin,중심점,,inspector property label +Inspector_TimeUnits,Time Units,시간 단위,,inspector property label +Inspector_SpeedFPS,Speed (FPS),속도 (FPS),,inspector property label +Inspector_LengthFrames,Length (Frames),프레임 길이,,inspector property label +Inspector_Offset,Offset,기준점,,inspector property label +Inspector_Opacity,Opacity,불투명도,,inspector property label +Inspector_BackdropImage,Backdrop Image,배경,,inspector property label +Inspector_BackdropSize,Backdrop Size,배경 크기,,inspector property label +GMShader_VertexShaderPath,.VSH (Read-only),.VSH (읽기 전용),,inspector property name +GMShader_FragmentShaderPath,.FSH (Read-only),.FSH (읽기 전용),,inspector property name +Inspector_Script,Script (Read-only),스크립트 (읽기 전용),,inspector property name +Inspector_Notes,Notes (Read-only),필기 (읽기 전용),,inspector property name RulerLine_Value,Ruler Value,가늠자,,smart guide ruler coord value fonteditor_texture_size,{0} x {1},{0} x {1},,Font editor texture size label -fonteditor_gms1mode,This legacy font was not upgraded automatically.\n\nUpgrading the font may show inconsistencies but the font will be backed up in its folder.,구형 글꼴이 자동으로 업그레이드되지 않았어요.\n\n글꼴을 업그레이드했을 시에 차이가 있을 수 있기에 원본은 같은 폴더에 백업돼요.,,Font editor GMS1 mode label +fonteditor_gms1mode,This legacy font was not upgraded automatically.\n\nUpgrading the font may show inconsistencies but the font will be backed up in its folder.,구형 글꼴이 자동으로 업그레이드되지 않았어요.\n\n글꼴을 업그레이드했을 때 차이가 생길 수 있기에 원본은 같은 폴더에 백업돼요.,,Font editor GMS1 mode label fonteditor_gms1upgradebutton,Back Up and Upgrade,백업과 업그레이드,,Upgrade font button fonteditor_upgradefont_title,Upgrade Font,글꼴 업그레이드,,Upgrade font dialog title -fonteditor_upgradefont_message,You are upgrading this legacy font to a GameMaker Studio 2 font and there may be inconsistencies.\nThe original font is safely backed up.,구 글꼴을 GameMaker Studio 2에서의 글꼴로 업그레이드하면 차이가 있을 수 있어요.\n원래 글꼴 파일은 안전하게 백업돼요.,,Upgrade font dialog message +fonteditor_upgradefont_message,You are upgrading this legacy font to a GameMaker Studio 2 font and there may be inconsistencies.\nThe original font is safely backed up.,예전 글꼴을 GameMaker Studio 2에서의 글꼴로 업그레이드하면 차이가 생길 수 있어요.\n원래 글꼴 파일은 안전하게 백업돼요.,,Upgrade font dialog message fonteditor_toomanyglyphs,and more (too many glyphs), 등등 (너무 많은 문자),,Too many glyphs for the font editor to cope with label fonteditor_aa_off,Off,끄기,,Font Editor aa off -fonteditor_aa_tooltip,"To achieve better monochrome font results, go to Options and set Hinting to 'Monochrome'","좀 더 나은 흑백 서체를 얻으려면, 옵션에서 획을 흑백으로 설정하세요.",,Monochrome font aa tooltip help +fonteditor_aa_tooltip,"To achieve better monochrome font results, go to Options and set Hinting to 'Monochrome'",더 괜찮은 흑백 서체를 얻으려면 설정에서 '흑백'을 선택해야 합니다.,,Monochrome font aa tooltip help fonteditor_font,Select Font,글꼴,,TTF font name fonteditor_texlastregen,Last generated on {0},{0}에 생성됨,,Last font texture generate time stamp fonteditor_pref_successregendialog,Automatic choice for successful font regeneration dialog,글꼴 생성 성공,,Automatic choice for font dialog after regeneration @@ -501,12 +572,12 @@ fonteditor_pref_errorregendialog,Automatic choice for failed font regeneration d fonteditor_pref_upgradedialog,Automatic choice for upgrading imported legacy font,구 글꼴 업그레이드,,Automatic choice for upgrading imported legacy font fonteditor_or,Or,또는,,Font editor select font OR include in build fonteditor_aa_on,On,켜기,,Font Editor aa on -fonteditor_no_preview,This font has no texture yet. Press 'Regenerate' to make one,이 글꼴은 텍스처를 갖고있지 않습니다. 텍스처를 생성하세요.,,Font no texture yet label +fonteditor_no_preview,This font has no texture yet. Press 'Regenerate' to make one,이 글꼴엔 텍스처가 없어요. 텍스처를 생성하세요.,,Font no texture yet label fonteditor_radio_sample,Sample,예시,,Font editor sample text radio button fonteditor_radio_texture,Game Preview,게임 내 미리보기,,Font editor game preview radio button fonteditor_radio_sample_texture_tooltip,'Sample' shows the font's sample text\n'Game Preview' shows the font's generated texture that is used in the game,예시에선 원래 글꼴의 예시문을 보여줍니다.\n'게임 내 미리보기는 게임에서 사용하기 위해 만들어진 텍스처를 이용하여 보여줍니다.,,Font editor sample texture preview help tooltip fonteditor_options,Options,설정,,Advanced font options -fonteditor_options_desc,Advanced options,고급,,Advanced font options description +fonteditor_options_desc,Advanced options,고급 항목,,Advanced font options description fonteditor_options_fontconfig,Font Configuration,구성,,Font configuration label fonteditor_options_configtooltip,These options allow total customization of how the font is displayed\nFonts generally react differently to these options,이 선택지에서 글꼴이 표시되는 방법을 완전히 제어할 수 있습니다.\n일반적으로 선택지에 따라 글꼴은 다르게 반응할 것입니다.,,Font config tooltip fonteditor_options_hintingalg,Hinting,획 보정,,Font editor hinting algorithm option @@ -518,12 +589,12 @@ fonteditor_options_intepreter_tooltip,Select the TrueType interpreter version, fonteditor_options_conversion,Rounding,외곽 보정,,Font point size to integer conversion fonteditor_options_conversion_tooltip,Select rounding method when converting from fixed-point decimal size to integer,고정 소수점 크기의 글꼴을 정수 크기로 조정할 때 사용할 보정 방법을 선택합니다.,,Font point size to integer conversion tooltip fonteditor_add_range,Add,추가,,Adding a new font range - button -fonteditor_add_range_desc,Add new range,새 범위를 추가해요.,,Adding a new font range - description +fonteditor_add_range_desc,Add new range,범위를 새로 더합니다.,,Adding a new font range - description fonteditor_bold,Bold,굵게,,Font editor Bold caption fonteditor_del_range,Delete,삭제,,Delete the currently selected font range - button -fonteditor_del_range_desc,Delete selected range,선택된 범위를 삭제해요.,,Delete the currently selected font range - description +fonteditor_del_range_desc,Delete selected range,선택된 범위를 지웁니다.,,Delete the currently selected font range - description fonteditor_regenerate,Regenerate,텍스처 생성,,Regenerate this font texture -fonteditor_regenerate_desc,Regenerate font texture,글꼴의 텍스처를 다시 생성해요.,,Regenerate this font texture +fonteditor_regenerate_desc,Regenerate font texture,텍스처를 다시 만듭니다.,,Regenerate this font texture fonteditor_helloworld,Hello World!!,Hello World!!,,Inital text window in the Font Editor FontEditor_InvalidChars_BtnNo,No,아니요,,Font editor invalid chars No button FontEditor_InvalidChars_BtnYes,Yes,예,,Font editor invalid chars Yes button @@ -540,7 +611,7 @@ fonteditor_toggle,Toggle,전환,,Font editor AA radio group header fonteditor_window,Font: {0},글꼴,,Font editor title fonteditor_options_window,Font Options,글꼴 설정,,Font options window title fonteditor_includettf,Copy to project,프로젝트로 복사,,Font editor include TTF checkbox -fonteditor_includettf_tooltip,Copy the source font into the project\nMarketplace assets containing this resource will also include the source font,원본 글꼴 파일을 가져올 수 있어요.\n이 자원이 포함된 장터 내의 자산에도 원본 글꼴이 삽입돼요.,,tooltip for the 'includettf' copy to project checkbox +fonteditor_includettf_tooltip,Copy the source font into the project\nMarketplace assets containing this resource will also include the source font,원본 글꼴 파일을 가져올 수 있어요.\n이 자원이 들어간 패키지에도 원본 글꼴이 삽입돼요.,,tooltip for the 'includettf' copy to project checkbox fonteditor_ttfpath,{0},{0},,Font editor included TTF path fonteditor_selectttf,Select Font to Include,포함할 글꼴 선택,,Font editor include Font dialog title fontrange_add_range,Add Range,범위 추가,,Confirm adding the range @@ -604,7 +675,7 @@ GadgetToolbox_HorizontalSeparator,Horizontal Separator,횡 분리대,,Gadget too GadgetToolbox_Image,Image,그림,,Gadget toolbox display name for image GadgetToolbox_Input,Input,입력,,Gadget toolbox display name for input GadgetToolbox_Label,Label,글귀,,Gadget toolbox display name for label -GadgetToolbox_LinkLabel,Link Label,외부 링크 글귀,,Gadget toolbox display name for link label +GadgetToolbox_LinkLabel,Link Label,외부 링크,,Gadget toolbox display name for link label GadgetToolbox_ListBox,Listbox,목록 상자,,Gadget toolbox display name for listbox GadgetToolbox_HeaderedListBox,Headered Listbox,머리글 목록 상자,,Gadget toolbox display name for headered listbox GadgetToolbox_Lists,Lists,목록,,Gadget toolbox display name for lists group @@ -645,7 +716,7 @@ GadgetToolbox_ResourceObjectIcon,Object Icon,객체 아이콘,,Gadget toolbox di GadgetToolbox_ResourceTileSetIcon,Tile Set Icon,타일 세트 아이콘,,Gadget toolbox display for the tileset icon GadgetToolbox_SpriteSelector,Sprite Selector,스프라이트 선택기,,Gadget toolbox display for the sprite selector GadgetToolbox_Resources,Resources,자원,,Gadget toolbox heading for the resources group -GadgetToolbox_DnD,Drag and Drop,Drag and Drop,,Gadget toolbox heading for the Drag and Drop group +GadgetToolbox_DnD,Drag and Drop,드래그 앤 드롭,,Gadget toolbox heading for the Drag and Drop group Game_Options,Game Options - {0},게임 설정: {0},,Takes platform argument to show type of Game Options being displayed AddOns,Add-ons,부가 기능,,Add-ons node label GameOptions_AddOns_Label,Add one or more add-ons to this project,이 프로젝트에 하나 이상의 부가 기능을 추가하세요.,,Add addon to this project label @@ -719,37 +790,37 @@ IDEMenu_LoadLayout,Load Layout,불러오기,,Main menu entry for load layouts IDEMenu_SaveLayout,Save Layout,저장,,Main menu entry for save layouts IDEMenu_ResetLayout,Reset Layout,초기화,,Main menu entry for resetting the layout IDETooltip_StartPage,Start Page,시작,,IDE toolbar tooltip for the home button -IDETooltip_NewProject,New Project (${show_new_projects_page}),새 프로젝트 만들기 (${show_new_projects_page}),,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_OpenProject,Open Project (${load_project_dialog}),열기 (${load_project_dialog}),,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Save,Save Project (${menu_save_project_incremental}),저장하기 (${menu_save_project_incremental}),,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Package,Create Executable (${package_program}),실행 파일 만들기 (${package_program}),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_NewProject,New Project ,새 프로젝트 만들기 (${show_new_projects_page}),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_OpenProject,Open Project ,열기 (${load_project_dialog}),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Save,Save Project ,저장하기 (${menu_save_project_incremental}),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Package,Create Executable ,실행 파일 만들기 (${package_program}),,IDE toolbar tooltip IDETooltip_Package_FreeDisabled,Create Executable (not available with Trial Licence),실행 파일 만들기 (체험판에서는 사용 불가능),,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Debug,Debug (F6),디버그 (F6),,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Run,Run (F5),실행 (F5),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Debug,Debug ,디버그 (F6),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Run,Run ,실행 (F5),,IDE toolbar tooltip IDETooltip_Stop,Stop,중지,,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Clean,Clean (${clean_program}),청소 (${clean_program}),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Clean,Clean ,청소 (${clean_program}),,IDE toolbar tooltip IDETooltip_GameSettings,Game Options,전역 게임 설정,,IDE toolbar tooltip -IDETooltip_Help,Help (F1),설명서 (F1),,IDE toolbar tooltip +IDETooltip_Help,Help ,설명서 (F1),,IDE toolbar tooltip IDETooltip_Targets,Targets,대상,,IDE toolbar tooltip IDETooltip_Notifications,Notifications,알림,,IDE toolbar notifications tooltip -IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomIn,Zoom In (${zoom_in_workspace}),확대 (${zoom_in_workspace}),,workspace zoom in ide toolbar tooltip -IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomOut,Zoom Out (${zoom_out_workspace}),축소 (${zoom_out_workspace}),,workspace zoom out ide toolbar tooltip -IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomReset,Zoom Reset (${reset_workspace_zoom}),배율 재설정 (${reset_workspace_zoom}),,workspace zoom reset ide toolbar tooltip -IDETooltop_CollapseDocks,Collapse/Expand dock panels (F12),도크 접거나 펼치기 (F12),,collapse/expand docks tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomIn,Zoom In ,확대 (${zoom_in_workspace}),,workspace zoom in ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomOut,Zoom Out ,축소 (${zoom_out_workspace}),,workspace zoom out ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_WorkspaceZoomReset,Zoom Reset ,배율 재설정 (${reset_workspace_zoom}),,workspace zoom reset ide toolbar tooltip +IDETooltop_CollapseDocks,Collapse/Expand dock panels ,도크 접거나 펼치기 (F12),,collapse/expand docks tooltip ImageEditor_AddFrame,Add Frame,프레임 추가하기,,Image editor menu option -Add frame ImageEditor_AddFromFile,Import Image(s),그림 가져오기,,Add images from file menu option ImageEditor_CreateFromStrip,Convert to Frames,프레임으로 변환하기,,create from strip menu option ImageEditor_ImportFromStrip,Import Strip Image,연속되는 그림 가져오기,,import strip image menu option ImageEditor_ExportToPNG,Export to PNG,PNG로 내보내기,,export to png image menu option -ImageEditor_AddGroup,Add group,폴더 추가하기,,Image editor layer context menu - add group -ImageEditor_AddLayer,Add layer,레이어 추가하기,,Image editor layer context menu - add layer +ImageEditor_AddGroup,Add group,폴더 만들기,,Image editor layer context menu - add group +ImageEditor_AddLayer,Add layer,레이어 만들기,,Image editor layer context menu - add layer ImageEditor_AllLayers,All Layers,모든 레이어,,effect all layers option ImageEditor_Arc_Iterations,Iterations:,반복,,Iterations slider label for Arc Tool ImageEditor_BrushPanelTitle,Brushes,붓,,brushes panel title ImageEditor_CancelSelection,Cancel Selection,선택 취소하기,,Image editor menu option -Cancel selection ImageEditor_NewCanvasSize,New Canvas Size:,새 용지 크기,,image editor new canvas size ImageEditor_CentreFit,Fit Screen,화면에 맞추기,,"Image editor view menu - centre, scale to fit" -ImageEditor_CentreUnitScale,01:01,01:01,,Image editor view menu - centre unit scale +ImageEditor_CentreUnitScale,1:01,1:01,,Image editor view menu - centre unit scale ImageEditor_ColourLeftLabel,Left:,좌측,,left brush label ImageEditor_ColourOnly,Colour only,색깔만,,Image editor magic wand colour only checkbox ImageEditor_ColourPanelTitle,Colours,색상,,colours panel title @@ -771,8 +842,8 @@ ImageEditor_CopySelection,Copy Selection,선택 영역 복사,,Image editor copy ImageEditor_PasteClipboard,Paste Clipboard,클립보드,,Image editor paste clipboard menu option ImageEditor_SelectAll,Select All,모두 선택하기,,Image editor select all menu option ImageEditor_DeleteFrames,Delete Selected Frames,선택된 프레임 지우기,,Image editor menu option -Delete selected frames -ImageEditor_DeleteGroup,Delete group,폴더 삭제하기,,Image editor layer context menu - delete group/folder -ImageEditor_DeleteLayer,Delete layer(s),레이어 삭제하기,,Image editor layer context menu - delete layer or layers +ImageEditor_DeleteGroup,Delete group,폴더 지우기,,Image editor layer context menu - delete group/folder +ImageEditor_DeleteLayer,Delete layer(s),레이어 지우기,,Image editor layer context menu - delete layer or layers ImageEditor_DuplicateLayer,Duplicate layer(s),레이어 복제하기,,Image editor layer panel - duplicate layer menu option ImageEditor_EditLayerProperties,Edit layer properties,레이어 속성 편집하기,,Image editor layer context menu- edit layer properties ImageEditor_EffectApply,Apply,적용하기,,effect apply button @@ -793,7 +864,7 @@ ImageEditor_ImportResizeLabel,Imported image is a different size from the canvas ImageEditor_PasteResizeLabel,Pasted image is larger than the canvas,붙여 넣은 그림이 용지보다 커요.,,Image editor import dialog paste resize label ImageEditor_Import_ResizeImported,Resize imported image to canvas size,가져온 그림의 크기를 용지에 맞추기,,Image editor import resize imported image ImageEditor_Import_ResizeCanvas,Resize canvas to imported image size ({0} x {1}),용지의 크기를 가져온 그림에 맞추기 ({0} x {1}),,Image editor import resize canvas -ImageEditor_Paste_ResizeCanvas,Resize canvas to pasted image size ({0} x {1})?,용지의 크기를 붙여넣은 그림에 맞출까요? ({0} x {1}),,Image editor import resize canvas pasted image +ImageEditor_Paste_ResizeCanvas,Resize canvas to pasted image size ({0} x {1})?,용지의 크기를 붙여 넣은 그림에 맞출까요? ({0} x {1}),,Image editor import resize canvas pasted image ImageEditor_ImportCrop_Canvas,Crop/pad canvas,용지 정돈하기 / 여백 두기,,image editor import - crop canvas ImageEditor_ImportScale_Canvas,Scale canvas,용지 비율 조절하기,,image editor import - scale canvas ImageEditor_ImportCrop_Import,Crop/pad imported image,가져온 그림 정돈하기 / 여백 두기,,image editor import- crop imported image @@ -879,24 +950,24 @@ ImageEditor_Menu_RotateImageACW,Rotate All Frames (anti-clockwise 90),모든 프 ImageEditor_Undo,Undo,실행 취소,,Image editor menu option -Undo ImageEditor_VisibleLayers,Visible Layers,보이는 레이어,,effect visible layers option ImageEditor_WidthLabel,Width:,너비,,image editor resize width label -ImageEditor_ArcTool_Info,"Click to add a point, drag to move (${ctrl} - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)","클릭으로 점, 드래그로 이동 (${ctrl} - 제어 점 이동, Shift - 격자 맞춤, Enter - 확정).",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_ArcTool_Info,"Click to add a point, drag to move (${ctrl} - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)","Click to add a point, drag to move (${ctrl} - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)",,image editor tool info ImageEditor_ColourPicker_Info,Left/right click to pick a colour,왼쪽/오른쪽 클릭으로 색상 가져오기,,image editor tool info ImageEditor_EllipseTool_Info,Click and drag to draw an ellipse (Shift for a circle),클릭 후 드래그로 타원을 그리기. (Shift로 원 그리기),,image editor tool info -ImageEditor_PaintSelectTool_Info,"Paint selection (${ctrl} to add, Alt/right click to subtract)","페인트 선택 도구 (${ctrl}로 더하기, Alt/오른쪽 클릭으로 빼기)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_PaintSelectTool_Info,"Paint selection (${ctrl} to add, Alt/right click to subtract)","Paint selection (${ctrl} to add, Alt/right click to subtract)",,image editor tool info ImageEditor_EraseTool_Info,Click to erase,클릭으로 지우기,,image editor tool info ImageEditor_FillTool_Info,Click to fill (Alt to tile with brush),클릭으로 채우기 (Alt로 타일 브러시),,image editor tool info ImageEditor_ColourReplaceTool_Info,Click to swap colours (Alt to replace alpha also),클릭으로 색상 교체 (Alt로 투명도도 같이 대체),,image editor tool info ImageEditor_ColourRemoveTool_Info,Click to remove a colour,클릭으로 색상 제거,,image editor tool info ImageEditor_LineTool_Info,Click and drag to draw a line (Shift for a straight line),클릭 후 드래그로 선을 긋기 (Shift로 직선 긋기),,image editor tool info -ImageEditor_MagicWand_Info,"Click to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","클릭으로 선택 영역 변경 (${ctrl}로 선택 영역에 더하기, Shift로 선택 영역에서 빼기)",,image editor tool info -ImageEditor_Paintbrush_Info,"Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, ${ctrl} to pick a colour)","클릭으로 칠하기 (Shift로 직선 긋기, Ctrl로 색상 가져오기)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_MagicWand_Info,"Click to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_Paintbrush_Info,"Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, ${ctrl} to pick a colour)","Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, ${ctrl} to pick a colour)",,image editor tool info ImageEditor_PanTool_Info,Click and drag to pan,클릭 후 드래그로 이동,,image editor tool info ImageEditor_PolyTool_Info,Click to add points (Enter to commit),클릭으로 점 추가 (Enter로 적용),,image editor tool info ImageEditor_RectangleTool_Info,Click and drag to draw a rectangle (Shift for a square),클릭 후 드래그로 사각형 그리기 (Shift로 정사각형 그리기),,image editor tool info ImageEditor_RotateTool_Info,Click button to rotate clockwise (Shift for anti-clockwise),클릭으로 시계방향으로 회전 (Shift로 반 시계 방향),,image editor tool info ImageEditor_FreeRotateTool_Info,Click and drag to rotate current brush,클릭 후 드래그로 현재 브러시를 회전,,image editor free rotate tool info -ImageEditor_SelectEllipseTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","클릭 후 드래그로 선택 (${ctrl}로 선택 영역에 더하기, Shift로 선택 영역에서 빼기)",,image editor tool info -ImageEditor_SelectRectTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","클릭 후 드래그로 선택 (${ctrl}로 선택 영역에 더하기, Shift로 선택 영역에서 빼기)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_SelectEllipseTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info +ImageEditor_SelectRectTool_Info,"Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)","Click and drag to replace selection (${ctrl} to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)",,image editor tool info ImageEditor_TextTool_Info,Click to insert text,클릭으로 문장 삽입,,image editor tool info ImageEditor_Warning_GroupSelected,Cannot paint on layer groups,레이어 폴더에는 그릴 수 없어요.,,image editor: group paint warning ImageEditor_Warning_GroupSelected_Dialog,Cannot paint on layer groups; select a non-group layer,레이어 폴더에는 그릴 수 없어요. 단일 레이어를 선택해주세요.,,image editor: group paint warning dialog @@ -919,7 +990,7 @@ ImageEditor_OnionBurger_Tooltip,Onion skin,투영 보기,,burger button tooltip ImageEditor_LoopBurger_Tooltip,Loop mode,반복 방식,,burger button tooltip ImageEditor_PlayBurger_Tooltip,Play,재생,,burger button tooltip ImageEditor_AddLayer_TT,Add Layer To All Frames,모든 프레임에 레이어를 추가하기,,image editor add layer tooltip -ImageEditor_AddLayerGroup_TT,Add Layer Group,레이어 폴더 추가하기,,image editor layer tooltip +ImageEditor_AddLayerGroup_TT,Add Layer Group,레이어 폴더 만들기,,image editor layer tooltip ImageEditor_ShiftLayerUp_TT,Shift Layer Up,레이어 위로 밀기,,image editor shift layer up tooltip ImageEditor_ShiftLayerDown_TT,Shift Layer Down,레이어 아래로 밀기,,image editor shift layer down tooltip ImageEditor_DeleteLayer_TT,Delete Layer/Group For All Frames,모든 프레임의 레이어 / 모음 삭제,,image editor delete layer tooltip @@ -962,6 +1033,8 @@ IncludedFilesPlatform_iOS_YYC,iOS (YYC),iOS (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included file IncludedFilesPlatform_Mac_OS_X,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_4_YYC,PlayStation 4 (YYC),PlayStation 4 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_PlayStation_5_YYC,PlayStation 5 (YYC),PlayStation 5 (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_Ubuntu_Linux,Ubuntu,Ubuntu,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_Ubuntu_Linux_YYC,Ubuntu (YYC),Ubuntu (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows,Windows,Windows,DO NOT TRANSLATE - refers to the Windows OS,included files platform list entry @@ -973,6 +1046,8 @@ IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows8_Javascript,Windows 8 (Javascript),Windows 8 (Java IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows8_Native,Windows 8 (Native),Windows 8 (네이티브),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_XBox_One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_XBox_One_YYC,Xbox One (YYC),Xbox One (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Xbox_Series_XS,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry +IncludedFilesPlatform_Xbox_Series_XS_YYC,Xbox Series X/S (YYC),Xbox Series X/S (YYC),DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_Windows_UWP,Windows UWP,Windows UWP,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_Android_TV,Android TV,Android TV,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry IncludedFilesPlatform_TV_OS,tvOS,tvOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,included files platform list entry @@ -1043,7 +1118,7 @@ Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewMoreFrom,View more from developer.,개발자에 대해 Marketplace_MyLibrary_Description,Description:,설명,,Description label Marketplace_MyLibrary_AgeRating,Age Rating:,연령 등급,,Age Rating Label Marketplace_MyLibrary_Version,Version:,버전,,Version Label -Marketplace_MyLibrary_VersionLabel,Version {0}. Published {1}.,"버전 {0}, 게시일 {1}",,Version label +Marketplace_MyLibrary_VersionLabel,Version {0}. Published {1}.,버전 {0} 게시일 {1},,Version label Marketplace_MyLibrary_PackageContains,Package Contains:,패키지 구성물,,Package Contains Label Marketplace_MyLibrary_EULA,End User Licence Agreement: (EULA),최종 사용자 사용권 계약: (EULA),,EULA Label Marketplace_MyLibrary_Categories,Categories,범주,,Marketplace Categories title @@ -1063,7 +1138,7 @@ Marketplace_MyLibrary_ViewMarketplace,View in Marketplace,장터에서 보기,,V Marketplace_MyLibrary_Install,Install,설치,,marketplace library install label Marketplace_MyLibrary_Installing,Installing...,설치 중...,,marketplace library installing label Marketplace_MyLibrary_Installed,Installed,설치됨,,marketplace library installed label -Marketplace_MyLibrary_NoAssetsDisplayed,You do not currently have any assets in your Library. Click to visit the Marketplace and browse assets.,라이브러리에 자산이 없어요. 클릭해서 장터를 방문해보세요.,,marketplace library no assets displayed button +Marketplace_MyLibrary_NoAssetsDisplayed,You do not currently have any assets in your Library. Click to visit the Marketplace and browse assets.,라이브러리에 아무것도 없어요. 장터를 방문해보세요.,,marketplace library no assets displayed button Marketplace_MyLibrary_DownloadCancelled,Download cancelled,내려 받기 취소됨,,marketplace asset download cancelled status Marketplace_MyLibrary_Downloading,Downloading...,내려 받는 중...,,marketplace asset download progress label Marketplace_MyLibrary_DownloadFailed,Download failed,내려 받기 실패,,marketplace asset download failed label @@ -1128,7 +1203,7 @@ MPackage_PackageIDInvalid,Package ID is invalid,올바르지 않은 패키지 ID MPackage_AssetDisplayName,Display name,표기 이름,,marketplace asset display name label MPackage_DisplayNameInvalid,Display name is invalid,올바르지 않은 이름,,marketplace package display name error MPackage_DisplayNameRestrictions,Display name restrictions,이름 제한,,package display name restrictions label -MPackage_DisplayNameRule1,- Must be between 5 and 30 characters long,"반드시 5글자 이상, 30글자 미만이여야 해요",,asset create restriction label +MPackage_DisplayNameRule1,- Must be between 5 and 30 characters long,반드시 5글자 이상 30글자 미만이여야 해요,,asset create restriction label MPackage_DisplayNameRule2,#NAME?,#NAME?,,asset create restriction label MPackage_DisplayNameRule3,#NAME?,#NAME?,,asset create restriction label MPackage_PackageIdRestrictions,Package ID Restrictions,패키지 식별자 제한,,asset create restriction label @@ -1192,7 +1267,7 @@ Object_Solid_Tooltip,Solid instances will automatically be placed back in their Object_UsesPhysics,Uses Physics,물리 사용,,"Object Model ""uses physics"" property" Object_UsesPhysics_Tooltip,Instances use physics processing when in a room with 'Enable Physics' checked,룸에서 물리를 사용하도록 해야 객체들도 물리를 사용합니다.,,object editor uses physics tooltip Object_Visible,Visible,보이기,,"Object Model ""visible"" property" -Object_Visible_Tooltip,"When unchecked, instances of this object will still be processed, but will not be drawn",해제하면 객체들은 여전히 활동하지만 그려지지는 않습니다.,,object editor visible property tooltip +Object_Visible_Tooltip,"When unchecked, instances of this object will still be processed, but will not be drawn",해제하면 개체가 보이지는 않지만 여전히 동작합니다.,,object editor visible property tooltip ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomIn,Zoom in,확대,,Object editor physics window label ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomOut,Zoom out,축소,,Object editor physics window label ObjectEdior_PhysicsShape_ZoomReset,Reset zoom,줌 재설정,,Object editor physics window label @@ -1253,7 +1328,7 @@ ObjectEditor_RangeEnabled,Use Range,범위 사용,,Use ranged parameter ObjectEditor_RangeMin,Min,최소,,Min ranged parameter ObjectEditor_RangeMax,Max,최대,,Max ranged parameter ObjectEditor_ListItems,List items,목록 항목,,List items label -ObjectEditor_ResourceFilter,Resource filter,자원 필터,,Resource filter label +ObjectEditor_ResourceFilter,Filter by Asset,자원 필터,,Filter by Asset label ObjectEditor_RemoveListItem,Remove this item,이 항목 삭제,,Remove this item label ObjectEditor_PhysicsProperties,Physics Properties,물리 속성,,Object editor physics properties label ObjectEditor_PhysicsShape_WindowTitle,Physics Collision Shape,충돌체 모양,,Object editor physics shape window title @@ -1265,7 +1340,7 @@ ObjectEditor_WindowTitle,Object: {0},객체,,Object properties window title ObjectEditor_Prop_RemoveTooltip,Remove this variable,이 변수 삭제,,Remove variable row tooltip ObjectEditor_Prop_RemoveOverrideTooltip,Reset to default,기본값으로 되돌리기,,remove variable override tooltip ObjectEditor_Prop_OptionsTooltip,Open options...,옵션 열기...,,Open variable options tooltip -ObjectEditor_EventReplaceMessage,"Replace the existing {0} event, or paste as a new event?",이벤트 {0}을 덮어씌울까요? 아니면 새 이벤트로 붙여넣기 할까요?,,event paste replace dialog message +ObjectEditor_EventReplaceMessage,"Replace the existing {0} event, or paste as a new event?","Replace the existing {0} event, or paste as a new event?",,event paste replace dialog message ObjectEditor_EventReplaceTitle,Replace existing event?,이벤트를 덮어씌울까요?,,event paste replace dialog title ObjectEditor_EventReplaceLabel,Replace,덮어씌우기,,replace button label ObjectEditor_EventNewLabel,New Event,새 이벤트,,new event button label @@ -1304,7 +1379,7 @@ PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_FlipVerticalPath,Flip,좌우 뒤집기,,Path spline PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_PanToPath,Pan To Path,경로로 이동,,Path spline editor context menu entry PathEditor_SplineContextMenu_Reverse,Reverse,순서 반대로,,Path spline editor context menu entry PathEditor_SplineEditor_AddTip,Left Mouse Button: Add & Drag Anchor,왼쪽 마우스 단추로 기준점 추가 및 드래그,,Path spline editor help tip -PathEditor_SplineEditor_Area,"Area: {0},{1} {2},{3}","영역: {0},{1} / {2},{3}",,Path spline editor area location +PathEditor_SplineEditor_Area,"Area: {0},{1} {2},{3}","영역: {0}, {1} / {2},{3}",,Path spline editor area location PathEditor_SplineEditor_Cursor,"Cursor: {0},{1}","커서: {0},{1}",,Path spline editor cursor location PathEditor_SplineEditor_EditTip,"T+LMB: Translate, R+LMB: Rotate, S+LMB: Scale","T+LMB: 이동, R+LMB: 회전, S+LMB: 비율 조절",,Path spline editor help tip PathEditor_StraightLines,Straight Lines,직선,,Path editor straight lines connection kind @@ -1335,7 +1410,7 @@ ResourceNode_AddExistingFromLibrary,Add Existing From My Library,내 라이브 ResourceNode_AddGroup,Add Group,폴더 추가하기,,Add a group ResourceNode_AddFromDefault,Add From Default View,기본 보기에서 추가,,submenu heading to allow users to select a resource from the default view to add to their user view. ResourceNode_RemoveFromView,Remove From Current View,현재 보기에서 제거,,Resource Tree - remove a resource from the current view -ResourceNode_RemoveFromView_Confirm,"You are about to remove """"{0}"""" from view """"{1}"""". Continue?","보기 """"{1}"""" 에서 """"{0}""""를 제거합니다. 계속할까요?",,Resource Tree - confirmation of removal from the current view +ResourceNode_RemoveFromView_Confirm,"You are about to remove """"{0}"""" from view """"{1}"""". Continue?",보기 '{1}' 에서 '{0}'를 제거합니다. 계속할까요?,,Resource Tree - confirmation of removal from the current view ResourceNode_Create,Create,만들기,,Resource Tree node menu - create resource ResourceNode_DndToScript,Convert to GML,GML로 변환하기,,Resource Tree node menu - Dnd To GML ResourceNode_ScriptToDnd,Convert to DnD™,DnD™로 변환하기,,Resource Tree node menu - Script To Dnd @@ -1373,9 +1448,9 @@ RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Legacy,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} lega RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Unavailable,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,글꼴 중 하나를 생성하는데 실패했어요.\n{2}개의 글꼴들은 만들지 못했어요.,,Success message regenerate fonts RegeneratedFonts_Failed_Legacy_Unavailable,Failed to regenerate one or more fonts.\n{1} legacy fonts were excluded.\n{2} fonts were unavailable.,글꼴 중 하나를 생성하는데 실패했어요.\n{1}개의 구 글꼴들은 제외돼요.\n{2}개의 글꼴들은 만들지 못했어요.,,Success message regenerate fonts ResourceTree_Configs,Configurations,구성,, -ResourceTree_DirectoryDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the directory ""{0}"" and all the items it contains. Continue?","디렉토리 ""{0}""와 안에 포함된 모든 항목들을 지울까요?",,Resource tree directory delete user confirmation +ResourceTree_DirectoryDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the directory ""{0}"" and all the items it contains. Continue?",디렉토리 {0}와 안에 포함된 모든 항목들을 지울까요?,,Resource tree directory delete user confirmation ResourceTree_Extensions,Extensions,확장 기능,,"Resource tree ""Extensions"" label" -ResourceTree_FileDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the file ""{0}"". Continue?","파일 ""{0}""을 지울까요?",,Resource tree file delete user confirmation +ResourceTree_FileDelete_Confirm,"You are about to delete the file ""{0}"". Continue?",파일 {0}을 지울까요?,,Resource tree file delete user confirmation ResourceTree_Fonts,Fonts,글꼴,,"Resource tree ""Fonts"" label" ResourceTree_Folders,Folders,폴더,,resource tree folders resource label ResourceTree_IncludedFiles,Included Files,포함 파일,,"Resource tree ""Included Files"" label" @@ -1394,7 +1469,7 @@ ResourceMenu_CreateTileset,Create Tile Set,타일 세트 만들기,,"Resource me ResourceMenu_CreateNote,Create Note,필기 만들기,,"Resource menu ""Create Note"" entry" ResourceMenu_CreateTimeline,Create Timeline,타임라인 만들기,,"Resource menu ""Create Timeline"" entry" ResourceMenu_Resources,Resources,자원,,Main resources menu entry -ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?,정말로 자원 {0}을(를) 지울까요?,,Resource tree delete confirmation label +ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?,정말로 자원 {0}을 지울까요?,,Resource tree delete confirmation label ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_IncludedFiles_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted,정말로 이 자원들을 지울까요?: {0}\n디스크의 포함 파일 및 폴더도 함께 없어져요.,,Resource tree delete confirmation label ResourceTree_MultipleResourceDelete_Events_Confirm,Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted,정말로 이 자원들을 지울까요?: {0}\n삭제되는 객체와 그 충돌 이벤트도 함께 지워져요.,,Resource tree delete confirmation label ResourceTree_Notes,Notes,필기,,"Resource tree ""Notes"" label" @@ -1414,11 +1489,11 @@ ResourceTree_Timelines,Timelines,타임라인,,"Resource tree ""Timelines"" labe ResourceTree_Title,Assets,자원,,Assets title ResourceTree_ViewNameInUse,View Name Already In Use,이미 있는 이름이에요.,,label to show view name is already in use when renaming ResourceTree_CannotRenameDefaultView,Cannot rename Default View,기본 보기의 이름은 바꿀 수 없어요.,,label to show that you cannot rename default view -ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesWarning,Do you want to open {0} resources for edit?,자원 {0}을(를) 열고 편집할까요?,,label to warn user they are about to open a lot of resources -ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesTitle,Opening Lots of Resources,다수의 자원 여는 중,,title for warning dialog box -ResourceTree_CloneViewToolTip,Clone current view,현재 보기를 복제하기,,clone view tooltip -ResourceTree_AddViewToolTip,Add new view,새로운 보기를 추가하기,,add new view tooltip -ResourceTree_DeleteViewToolTip,Delete current view,현재 보기를 삭제하기,,delete view tooltip +ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesWarning,Do you want to open {0} resources for edit?,자원 {0}을 열고 편집할까요?,,label to warn user they are about to open a lot of resources +ResourceTree_LotsOfResourcesTitle,Opening Lots of Resources,많은 양의 자원 여는 중,,title for warning dialog box +ResourceTree_CloneViewToolTip,Clone current view,현재 보기를 복제합니다.,,clone view tooltip +ResourceTree_AddViewToolTip,Add new view,보기를 새로 추가합니다.,,add new view tooltip +ResourceTree_DeleteViewToolTip,Delete current view,현재 보기를 지웁니다.,,delete view tooltip ResourceTree_ExpandCollapseAllToolTip,Expand/Collapse All,전부 펼치기 / 접기,,expand/collapse all elements of the resource tree tooltip ResourceTree_ExpandCollapseAll,Expand/Collapse All,전부 펼치기 / 접기,,expand/collapse all elements of the resource tree tooltip ResourceTree_ExpandAll,Expand All,전부 펼치기,,Expand all elements of the resource tree @@ -1462,7 +1537,7 @@ RoomEditor_NewInstanceLayer,Create New Instance Layer,새로운 개체 레이어 RoomEditor_NewPathLayer,Create New Path Layer,새로운 경로 레이어 만들기,,Create new path layer tool tip for room editor RoomEditor_NewTileLayer,Create New Tile Layer,새로운 타일 레이어 만들기,,Tool tip for the new tile layer button RoomEditor_NoParentItemToolTip,"{0} ({1}, {2})","{0} ({1}, {2})",,instance/graphic tooltip when there is no parent item -RoomEditor_ItemToolTip,"{0} ({1}, {2}) parent - {3}","{0} ({1}, {2}) 부모: {3}",,instance/graphic tooltip when there is no parent item +RoomEditor_ItemToolTip,"{0} ({1}, {2}) parent - {3}","{0} ({1}, {2}) 부모 - {3}",,instance/graphic tooltip when there is no parent item RoomEditor_RoomProperties,Properties - {0},룸,,Window title for room properties RoomEditor_InstanceCreationOrder,Instance Creation Order - {0},개체 생성 순서,,Window title for instance creation order RoomEditorMenu_InstanceCreationOrder,Instance Creation Order,개체 생성 순서,,menu entry for instance creation order window @@ -1484,19 +1559,19 @@ RoomEditorTileEditing_DeleteSelection,Delete Selection,선택 삭제,,Tile editi RoomEditorTileEditing_InvertSelection,Invert Selection,선택 반전,,Tile editing menu entry heading for invert the current mask selection RoomEditorTileEditing_Menu,Tile Editing,타일 편집,,Tile editing sub menu entry heading RoomEditorTileEditing_TileDisplayWindow,Tile Selection Window,타일 선택 창,,Tile editing menu entry heading for open the tile selection window -RoomEditorTool_AutoTile,Auto Tile (A),자동 타일 (A),,tooltip for auto tile tool -RoomEditorTool_SelectTiles,Select Tiles (S),타일 선택 (S),,tooltip for tile selection tool +RoomEditorTool_AutoTile,Auto Tile ,자동 타일 (A),,tooltip for auto tile tool +RoomEditorTool_SelectTiles,Select Tiles ,타일 선택 (S),,tooltip for tile selection tool RoomEditorTool_TileBrush,Paint Tiles,타일 그리기,,Button tooltip for the tile brush tool -RoomEditorTool_TileEraser,Eraser (E),지우개 (E),,tooltip for tile eraser tool -RoomEditorTool_TileFlip,Flip (Y),상하 반전 (Y),,tooltip for flip tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TileEraser,Eraser ,지우개 (E),,tooltip for tile eraser tool +RoomEditorTool_TileFlip,Flip ,상하 반전 (Y),,tooltip for flip tile brush RoomEditorTool_TileInheritance,Show Tile Inheritance,타일 상속 표시,,Tooltip message for the show tile inheritance button -RoomEditorTool_TileMirror,Mirror (X),좌우 반전 (X),,tooltip for mirror tile brush -RoomEditorTool_TilePaintInheritance,Edit Tile Inheritance (I),타일 상속 편집 (I),,tooltip for inheritance tile brush -RoomEditorTool_TilePen,Pen (D),펜 (D),,tooltip for tile pen tool -RoomEditorTool_TileRotate,Rotate Tile (Z),회전 (Z),,tooltip for rotate tile brush -RoomEditorTool_TileFill,Fill (F),채우기 (F),,tooltip for fill tile tool -RoomEditorTool_TileLine,Line (L),선 (L),,tooltip for line tile tool -RoomEditorTool_TileRect,Rectangle (R),사각형 (R),,tooltip for rectangle tile tool +RoomEditorTool_TileMirror,Mirror ,좌우 반전 (X),,tooltip for mirror tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TilePaintInheritance,Edit Tile Inheritance ,타일 상속 편집 (I),,tooltip for inheritance tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TilePen,Pen ,펜 (D),,tooltip for tile pen tool +RoomEditorTool_TileRotate,Rotate Tile ,회전 (Z),,tooltip for rotate tile brush +RoomEditorTool_TileFill,Fill ,채우기 (F),,tooltip for fill tile tool +RoomEditorTool_TileLine,Line ,선 (L),,tooltip for line tile tool +RoomEditorTool_TileRect,Rectangle ,사각형 (R),,tooltip for rectangle tile tool RoomProperties_BackgroundColour,Room Colour,룸 색상,,room properties section heading for background colour RoomProperties_ClearDisplayBuffer,Clear Display Buffer,디스플레이의 버퍼 청소,,checkbox caption for clear display buffer option RoomProperties_ClearView,Clear Viewport Background,뷰 포트의 배경 청소,,checkbox caption for clear view background option @@ -1537,7 +1612,7 @@ Run_Menu_RunDebug,Debug,디버그,,"Run menu ""Debug""" remote_worker_error,Error,오류,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Title remote_worker_error_connecting,Could not connect to Remote Worker. Please check your setup and try again.,원격 작업자에 연결할 수 없습니다. 설정을 확인한 후 다시 시도하세요.,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Contents remote_worker_error_no_name,Remote Worker was left blank. Please name your Remote Worker and try again.,원격 작업자 이름이 비어 있습니다. 원격 근무자의 이름을 입력하고 다시 시도하세요.,,Error Connecting to Remote Worker Dialog Contents -remote_worker_error_invalid_name,'{0}' cannot be used as a name for the Remote Worker. Please enter a new name and try again.,{0}'은(는) 원격 작업자의 이름으로 사용할 수 없습니다. 다른 이름을 입력하고 다시 시도하세요.,,Remote worker invalid name +remote_worker_error_invalid_name,'{0}' cannot be used as a name for the Remote Worker. Please enter a new name and try again.,{0}'는 원격 작업자의 이름으로 사용할 수 없습니다. 다른 이름을 입력하고 다시 시도하세요.,,Remote worker invalid name Saving,Saving...,저장 중...,,Saving SCM_Add_Path,Add Path,경로 추가,,Add a path to the SCM SCM_Clone,Clone Repository,저장소 복제하기,,Clone a Source Control Repository @@ -1563,8 +1638,8 @@ SCM_Conflict_Mine,Use Mine,내 판본 사용,,"Use ""Mine"" to resolve conflict" SCM_Successful_Merge,Was the Merge operation successful?,병합 작업이 성공적이었나요?,,Wait for the Merge Tool to finish and ask the user if the operation has been a success SearchReplace_Cancelled,Search Cancelled,검색 취소됨,,Search and Replace - Search Cancelled SearchReplace_CaseSensitive,Case Sensitive,대소문자 구별,,Search and Replace - Case Sensitive -SearchReplace_SearchStart,Searching for '{0}'...,{0}' 검색 중…,,search started message -SearchReplace_ReplaceAllStart,Replacing '{0}' with '{1}',{0}'를 '{1}'로 바꾸기,,replace all start message +SearchReplace_SearchStart,Searching for '{0}'..., '{0}' 검색 중…,,search started message +SearchReplace_ReplaceAllStart,Replacing '{0}' with '{1}', '{0}'를 '{1}'로 바꾸기,,replace all start message SearchReplace_Complete,Search Complete ({0} results),{0}개 검색됨,,Search and Replace - Search Complete SearchReplace_ContentHeader,Content,내용,,"Search & Replace - Output window ""content"" header" SearchReplace_EndOfResults,"End of search results reached, should we loop?",검색 결과의 끝에 도달했어요. 다시 검색할까요?,,"End of Search and Replace results, loop to beginning or end?" @@ -1624,6 +1699,7 @@ SourceControl_ActionIncomplete,Source Control Action '{0}' has not successfully SourceControl_InvalidAction,Source Control Action '{0}' has an invalid action in the request queue,소스 제어 작업 '{0}'이 요청 대기열에 올바르지 않은 작업이 있어요.,,exception message for when we have hit an invalid action request SourceControlGit_NeedIdentity,Source Control (Git) Invalid Credentials,소스 제어 (Git) 잘못된 인증서,,Require Credentials Dialog Title SourceControlGit_NeedIdentityMessage,The Repository '{0}' is expecting a different Username/Password than is set under the Identity preferences.,환경 설정에서 정한 기존 저장소 '{0}'의 식별자와는 다른 사용자 이름 / 암호가 필요해요.,,The Git repository is expecting a different username and password message. +SourceControlGit_NeedCredentials,The Repository is expecting credentials that have not been setup. Please check your Git installation on how to do this.,인증서가 설치되지 않았어요. Git 설치를 확인해보세요.,,There are no Credentials setup for Git and the user needs to do this SourceControlGit_NoRepoTitle,Source Control (Git) No Repository,소스 제어 (Git) 저장소 없음,,There is no Git Repository (Title) SourceControlGit_NoRepoMessage,"There is no Git repository configured with this Project.\nTry Create if you want a local repository, or Import into an existing one.",이 프로젝트에 구성된 Git 저장소가 없어요.\n로컬 저장소가 필요하시면 만들거나 기존의 저장소를 가져와보세요.,,"There is no Git Repository (Message) There is no repository at the project directory, perhaps try Create or Import." SourceControlGit_NoIdentity,Source Control (Git) No Identity,소스 제어 (Git) 식별자 없음,,There is no Git Identity set (Title) @@ -1637,8 +1713,8 @@ SourceControlGit_PageLeft,Previous Page,이전 장,,Previous Page of Results SourceControlGit_PageRight,Next Page,다음 장,,Next Page of Results SourceControlGit_SelectCommit,Select a Commit,확정안 선택,,Select a Commit message SourceControlGit_AutoPopup,Automatically open source control output window,소스 제어 결과 창 자동으로 띄우기,,Preference title for automatically popping up the source control output window -SourceControlGit_NoCommitMessage,"You have not specified a commit message, are you sure you want to continue?",메세지를 정하지 않았는데 정말로 계속할까요?,,No commit message specified warning -SourceControlConflictsDetected,"There are conflicts within this project. If the project is closed or reloaded, it may be broken until manually resolved. Are you sure you want to continue?",이 프로젝트에 충돌이 있어요. 프로젝트를 닫거나 다시 불러오면 수동으로 밖에 해결할 수 없는 문제가 생기는데 정말로 계속할까요?,,Conflicts Detected message +SourceControlGit_NoCommitMessage,"You have not specified a commit message, are you sure you want to continue?",확정 메시지가 정해지지 않았는데 정말로 계속할까요?,,No commit message specified warning +SourceControlConflictsDetected,"There are conflicts within this project. If the project is closed or reloaded, it may be broken until manually resolved. Are you sure you want to continue?",프로젝트에 충돌이 있어요. 닫거나 새로 고치면 프로젝트가 망가질 수 있어요. 정말로 계속할까요?,,Conflicts Detected message sourcecontrolgit_auth_type,Authorisation Type,권한 부여 유형,,Type of Authorisation to use sourcecontrolgit_auth_repository,Repository URL,저장소 URL,,URL of Repository sourcecontrolgit_auth_username,Username,사용자 이름,,Username for authentication @@ -1668,7 +1744,7 @@ sourcecontrolgit_clone_repository,Source Control (Git) Clone Repository,소스 sourcecontrolgit_clone_urltoclone,URL of repository to clone:,복제할 저장소의 URL,,URL of the repository to clone sourcecontrolgit_clone_path,Path to clone to:,복제할 경로,,Path to clone repository into sourcecontrolgit_commit,Source Control (Git) Commit,소스 제어 (Git) 확정,,Commit to repository title -sourcecontrolgit_commit_stagedchanges,Stage Changes,올라간 사항,,Staged Changes label +sourcecontrolgit_commit_stagedchanges,Staged Changes,올라간 사항,,Staged Changes label sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstageall,Unstage All,모두 내리기,,Unstage All changes label sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstageselected,Unstage Selected,내리기,,Unstage Selected changes label sourcecontrolgit_commit_unstagedchanges,Unstaged Changes,올라가지 않은 사항,,Unstaged Changes label @@ -1677,7 +1753,7 @@ sourcecontrolgit_commit_stageselected,Stage Selected,올리기,,Stage Selected c sourcecontrolgit_commit_message,Commit Message,확정 메시지,,Commit Message label sourcecontrolgit_commit_button,Commit,확정,,Commit button label sourcecontrolgit_import_project,Source Control (Git) Import Project,소스 제어 (Git) 프로젝트 가져오기,,Import Project title -sourcecontrolgit_import_repository,Repository to import project into:,프로젝트를 가져올 저장소 :,,Repository to import project into label +sourcecontrolgit_import_repository,Repository to import project into:,프로젝트를 가져올 저장소:,,Repository to import project into label sourcecontrolgit_log,Source Control (Git) Log,소스 제어 (Git) 기록,,Revision log for source control title Splash_Done,Done.,완료.,,Finished loading Splash_Loading,Loading....,불러오는 중...,,Generic loading text @@ -1770,7 +1846,7 @@ SpriteEditor_ShowingColMask,Showing Collision Mask,충돌 마스크 보이기,,S SpriteEditor_TextureGroup,Group,모음,,Sprite editor texture group label SpriteEditor_TextureSettings,Texture Settings:,텍스처 설정,,Sprite editor texture settings label SpriteEditor_TileHor,Tile Horizontally,타일을 수평으로 나열하기,,Sprite editor tile hor label -SpriteEditor_Tile_Tooltip,Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically relate to how the edges of the image will be\ncreated when placed on the texture page. An image that is to be tiled will have the edges (horizontal or vertical)\nadded to by the edges from the opposite side.,"그림이 텍스처 페이지에 놓일 때, 다른 그림 사이의 가장자리가 어떻게 생성될 지와 관련되어 있습니다. 타일로 배열되는 경우에는 수평 또는 수직 가장자리가 반대편의 가장자리에 추가됩니다.",,Tiling tooltip +SpriteEditor_Tile_Tooltip,Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically relate to how the edges of the image will be\ncreated when placed on the texture page. An image that is to be tiled will have the edges (horizontal or vertical)\nadded to by the edges from the opposite side.,그림이 텍스처 페이지에 놓일 때 다른 그림 사이의 가장자리가 어떻게 생성될 지와 관련되어 있습니다. 타일로 배열되는 경우에는 수평 또는 수직 가장자리가 반대편의 가장자리에 추가됩니다.,,Tiling tooltip SpriteEditor_TileVer,Tile Vertically,타일을 수직으로 나열하기,,Sprite editor tile ver label SpriteEditor_Tolerance,Tolerance,오차,,Sprite editor alpha tolerance slider label SpriteEditor_Use3D,Separate Texture Page,텍스처 페이지 분리하기,,Sprite editor use for 3D label @@ -1831,9 +1907,9 @@ ParticleTypeEditor_GravityDir,Direction,방향,,Particle type gravity direction ParticleTypeEditor_Direction,Direction,방향,,Particle type direction label ParticleTypeEditor_DirectionHelp,Sets the direction of this particle type,입자가 운동하는 방향이에요.,,Particle type editor direction help ParticleTypeEditor_Orientation,Orientation,회전 방향,,Particle type editor orientation label -ParticleTypeEditor_OrientationHelp,Sets the rotation of this particle type,입자의 모양이 회전한 각도에요.,,Particle type editor orientation help +ParticleTypeEditor_OrientationHelp,Sets the rotation of this particle type,입자의 모양이 회전한 각도예요.,,Particle type editor orientation help ParticleTypeEditor_Relative,Relative,상대적,,Particle type editor relative label -ParticleTypeEditor_RelativeOrientationHelp,Sets whether this particle type's rotation is relative to its direction,입자의 회전 각도가 운동 방향에 상대적인지의 여부에요.,,Particle type editor relative orientation help +ParticleTypeEditor_RelativeOrientationHelp,Sets whether this particle type's rotation is relative to its direction,입자의 회전 각도가 운동 방향에 상대적인지의 여부예요.,,Particle type editor relative orientation help ParticleTypeEditor_Speed,Speed,이동 속도,,Particle type editor speed label ParticleTypeEditor_SpeedHelp,Sets the speed of this particle type,입자의 운동 속도를 정할 수 있어요.,,Particle type editor speed help ParticleTypeEditor_Life,Life,지속 시간,,Particle type editor life label @@ -1984,7 +2060,7 @@ AudioGroups_Rename,Rename,이름 바꾸기,,Audio group rename button AudioGroups_TargetPlatforms,Use Group On...,모음 사용,,Audio group target platforms label AudioGroups_TypeFindResource,Type to find resource,자원 검색,,Audio group manager tooltip AudioGroups_WindowTitle,Audio Groups,오디오 모음,,Audio groups window title -TextureAudioGroups_SelectResource,Select Resource,자원 선택,,Asset explorer title +TextureAudioGroups_SelectResource,Select Asset,자원 선택,,Asset explorer title AudioGroups_EditResource,Edit...,편집,,Audio groups window edit resource button TileLayer_TileDataSize,Tile Data Size,타일 자료 크기,,tile layer properties caption for the data size drop down box TileSetEditor_EditImage,Edit Image,그림 편집,,tile set editor edit image button caption @@ -2045,7 +2121,7 @@ TreeView_AddNodeAfter,Add Node After,뒤에 노드 추가,,context menu option t TreeView_AddNodeBefore,Add Node Before,앞에 노드 추가,,context menu option to add a node before TreeView_MoveNodeDown,Move Node Down,노드 아래로 이동,,context menu option to move the node down TreeView_MoveNodeUp,Move Node Up,노드 위로 이동,,context menu option to move the node up -UndoAction_AmbigousPropertyMatch,"Failed to store undo property '{0}': \nMultiple potential properties found, does this property use the 'new' keyword?",실행 취소 속성 '{0}'을 저장하지 못했어요.\n대신 잠재적 속성 후보를 찾았어요. 그 속성은 'new' 키워드를 사용하나요?,,Log error message for undo failing to store a property +UndoAction_AmbigousPropertyMatch,"Failed to store undo property '{0}': \nMultiple potential properties found, does this property use the 'new' keyword?",작업 취소 정보 '{0}'를 저장하지 못했어요: \n가능한 여러 방안이 있어요. 취소할 내용에 'new'가 사용됐었나요?,,Log error message for undo failing to store a property UpdateDialogDownloadNow,Download now,지금 받기,,Update new version dialog - download now button UpdateDialogRemindMe,Remind me later,나중에 알리기,,Update new version dialog - remind me later button UpdateDialogLabel,New version is available! \nYou are on v{0}\nNew version is {1},새 버전을 사용할 수 있어요!\n현재 버전: {0}\n새로운 버전: {1},,Update new version dialog - tell user which version they are on and which version update will take them to @@ -2062,7 +2138,7 @@ User_Authentication,Two Step Authentication,2단계 인증,,User Login - two ste User_OK,OK,확인,,User Login - two step authentication ok button User_AuthenticationCode,Authentication Code,인증 코드,,User Login - two step authentication label for the authentication code UserLogin_Retry,Retry,재시도,,User Login - Error Retry -UserLogin_MaxDevice,Maximum logins exceeded \nYou can manage your account sessions at accounts.yoyogames.com,최대 세션 도달. accounts.yoyogames.com에서 장치 및 세션 관리가 가능해요.,,User Login Error response 29 +UserLogin_MaxDevice,Maximum logins exceeded \nYou can manage your account sessions at accounts.yoyogames.com,허용하는 최대 세션에 도달했어요. accounts.yoyogames.com에서 장치 및 세션 관리가 가능해요.,,User Login Error response 29 UserLogin_Error34,Invalid session (User),유효하지 않은 세션 (사용자),,User Login Error response 34 UserLogin_Error36,Two-step login required,2단계 인증 필요,,User Login Error response 36 UserLogin_Error37,Required fields missing,필수 입력란 누락,,User Login Error response 37 @@ -2085,20 +2161,20 @@ UserLogin_InstallRuntimeTitle,Install Runtime {0},런타임 {0} 설치,,install UserLogin_RuntimeSpaceWarningMessage,Destination drive {0} has only {1} GB free space available.\nAt least 2 GB of free space is recommended - please ensure there is enough free space available before proceeding.,설치할 드라이브 {0}가 {1}GB 만큼의 용량 밖에 없어요.\n최소 2 GB의 용량이 필요해요. 진행 전에 충분한 용량을 확보해주세요.,,runtime free space warning message UserLogin_Continue,Continue,계속,,continue label UserLogin_AccessTokenGetFail,Failed to acquire access token,접근 토큰을 얻는데 실패,,failed to acquire access token error message -Validate_MaxLength,{0} - Length should be less than {1},{0} - 길이는 {1} 미만이어야 해요.,,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too long -Validate_MinLength,{0} - Length should be greater than {1},{0} - 길이가 {1} 보다 커야 해요.,,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too short -Validate_MVCType,{0} - Object should be of type {2}{1},{0} - 객체 유형이 {2}{1} 이어야 해요.,,Failed validation by passing an object of the wrong type +Validate_MaxLength,{0} - Length should be less than {1},{0} - 길이는 {1} 미만이어야만 함,,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too long +Validate_MinLength,{0} - Length should be greater than {1},{0} - 길이가 {1} 보다 커야 함,,Failed validation by passing an object whose length is too short +Validate_MVCType,{0} - Object should be of type {2}{1},{0} - 객체 유형이 {2}{1} 이어야 함,,Failed validation by passing an object of the wrong type Validate_MVCType_OrInherits,or inherit from ,또는 다음으로부터 상속 →,,Injected to requested error message if the validation is checking parent type -Validate_MVCTypeList,{0} - List should only contain objects of type {2}{1},{0} - 유형이 {2}{1} 인 객체만 리스트 안에 있어야해요.,,Failed validation by passing a list containing objects of the wrong type -Validate_Range,{0} - Value must be within range {1} - {2},{0} - 값은 범위 {1}~{2} 이내여야만 해요.,,Failed validation for value range -Validate_Required,{0} - Value cannot be null,{0} - 값이 null일 수는 없어요.,,Failed validation by passing a null value to a required property -Validate_StringLength,{0} - String length is invalid must be between {1} and {2} characters,{0} - 문자열 길이는 {1}자에서 {2}자 사이여야만 해요.,,Failed validation for string length -Validate_UniqueLayerName,Failed to set layer name '{0}' it is not unique within room,레이어의 이름으로 '{0}'을 지정할 수가 없어요. 유일한 이름이 아니에요.,,validation error message for non-unique layer name -Validate_UniqueName,Failed to set property on model '{0}' name is not unique,모델 '{0}'의 속성을 설정하지 못했습니다. 이름이 유일하지 않습니다.,,validation error message for non-unique resource name -Validate_ImageLayerName,Layer name cannot be blank,레이어 이름은 공란으로 둘 수 없어요.,,validation error message for image layer name +Validate_MVCTypeList,{0} - List should only contain objects of type {2}{1},{0} - 유형이 {2}{1} 인 객체만 리스트 안에 있어야함,,Failed validation by passing a list containing objects of the wrong type +Validate_Range,{0} - Value must be within range {1} - {2},{0} - 값은 범위 {1}~{2} 이내여야만 함,,Failed validation for value range +Validate_Required,{0} - Value cannot be null,{0} - 값이 null일 수는 없음,,Failed validation by passing a null value to a required property +Validate_StringLength,{0} - String length is invalid must be between {1} and {2} characters,{0} - 문자열 길이는 {1}자에서 {2}자 사이여야 함,,Failed validation for string length +Validate_UniqueLayerName,Failed to set layer name '{0}' it is not unique within room,유일한 이름이 아니라 레이어의 이름으로 '{0}'을 지정할 수 없음,,validation error message for non-unique layer name +Validate_UniqueName,Failed to set property on model '{0}' name is not unique,유일한 이름이 아니라 모델 '{0}'의 속성을 정할 수 없음,,validation error message for non-unique resource name +Validate_ImageLayerName,Layer name cannot be blank,레이어 이름은 공란으로 둘 수 없음,,validation error message for image layer name View_Menu_Bookmarks,Bookmarks,책갈피,,Bookmarks menu item View_Menu_Breakpoints,Breakpoints,중단점,,View breakpoints menu item -View_Menu_GlobalGameSettings,Global Game Settings,글로벌 게임 설정,,View the Global Game Settings menu item +View_Menu_GlobalGameSettings,Global Game Settings,전역 게임 설정,,View the Global Game Settings menu item View_Menu_OutputWindow,Output Window,출력 창,,View output window menu item Views_Menu_History,History,기록,,Views menu entry for undo history Views_Menu_Output,Output,출력,,Views menu entry for the output panel @@ -2120,7 +2196,7 @@ TimeLine_DeleteWarning,Deleting moments is a permanent action that cannot be und TimeLine_DeleteWarningTitle,Delete Moments,분기 삭제,,Delete moments warning dialog title Workspace_TabTitle,Workspace {0},작업공간 {0},,The default tab name for workspace tabs Dock_TabTitle,Dock Tab{0},고정 탭 {0},,the default tab name for dock tabs -RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadget,"The selected layer does not accept the dragged assets, please select an appropriate layer type, ie. object -> instance layer, sprite -> asset or background layer, path -> path layer","선택하신 레이어에는 자산을 놓으실 수 없어요. 적절한 레이어를 선택해주세요. 객체 -> 객체 레이어, 스프라이트 -> 자산 혹은 배경 레이어, 경로 -> 경로 레이어",, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them +RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadget,"The selected layer does not accept the dragged assets, please select an appropriate layer type, ie. object -> instance layer, sprite -> asset or background layer, path -> path layer",선택하신 레이어에는 자산을 놓으실 수 없어요. 적절한 레이어를 선택해주세요. 객체 -> 객체 레이어,, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadgetCreateNewLayer_Instance,This asset can only be applied to an Instance Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Instance Layer?,그 항목은 개체 레이어에만 놓을 수 있어요.\n\n새 레이어를 만들까요?,, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them and indicating that an instance layer will be created RoomEditor_InvalidDragGadgetCreateNewLayer_Asset,This asset can only be applied to an Asset Layer and you do not currently have one selected.\n\nWould you like to create a new Asset Layer?,그 항목은 자산 레이어에만 놓을 수 있어요.\n\n새 레이어를 만들까요?,, Information warning for dropping resource gadgets on a layer which won't accept them and indicating that an asset layer will be created Dock_FloatingDock_Title,Floating Dock,부동 고정판,,floating dock window title @@ -2129,14 +2205,14 @@ RoomEditor_InvalidDragLayerFrozenOrInvisible,"Unable to drag resources into room RoomEditor_InvalidTileSet,The selected tile set has no associated sprite please select a valid tile set,선택된 타일 세트가 스프라이트와 연결 돼있지 않아요. 올바른 타일 세트를 선택해주세요.,,message to be shown when the user has selected a tileset that is not valid (ie. no sprite selected) RoomEditor_NoTilesetMessage,Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a tile set,타일 세트를 선택하면 여기에 미리보기가 보여요.,,message to be shown when the user has not selected a tile set RoomEditor_NoLayer,No Tile Layer Selected,타일 레이어가 선택되지 않았어요.,, message to be shown when the user has not selected a tile layer -InvalidName_NameInUse,"Invalid name, already in use: {0}. Names must be unique.","유효하지 않은 이름, 이미 사용 중: {0}. 이름은 유일해야 해요.",,Name not unique message -InvalidName_KeywordReserved,"Invalid name, reserved keyword: {0}.","유효하지 않은 이름, 예약어: {0}",,Name is a reserved keyword message -InvalidName_InvalidCharacters,"Invalid name, contains invalid characters: {0}. Should only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z or _ and not start with 0-9.","유효하지 않은 이름, 유효하지 않은 부호 포함: {0}. 0-9, a-z, A-Z 혹은 _만 포함해야 하고 숫자로는 시작할 수 없어요.",,Name contains invalid characters message +InvalidName_NameInUse,"Invalid name, already in use: {0}. Names must be unique.",이미 사용중인 이름: {0}. 각 이름은 유일해야 해요.,,Name not unique message +InvalidName_KeywordReserved,"Invalid name, reserved keyword: {0}.",예약된 단어: {0}.,,Name is a reserved keyword message +InvalidName_InvalidCharacters,"Invalid name, contains invalid characters: {0}. Should only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z or _ and not start with 0-9.","올바르지 않은 문자 포함됨: {0}. 숫자, 대소문자 알파벳이나 _만 포함해야 하고 숫자로는 시작할 수 없어요.",,Name contains invalid characters message InvalidName_InvalidModel,Invalid model.,잘못된 모델,,Invalid model message InvalidName_DuplicateGroupName,Group name '{0}' is already in use,폴더 이름 '{0}'은 이미 있어요.,,duplicate group folder name InvalidName_InvalidGroupName,Group name '{0}' cannot contain / or \,폴더 이름 '{0}'은 / 와 \ 를 포함하면 안돼요.,,invalid group folder name InvalidMove_DuplicateChildName,A group with name '{0}' already exists at this location,상위 폴더 '{0}'는 이미 하위 폴더로 '{1}'를 갖고 있어요.,,Parent folders or project cannot have multiple child folder with the same name message -ResourceTree_View,View,보기,View,View +ResourceTree_View,View,보기,,View ResourceTree_Views,Views,보기,,Views selector button label ResourceTree_View_Add,Add New View,새로운 보기 추가,,Add New View Prompt ResourceTree_View_Default,Default,기본,,default tag @@ -2144,7 +2220,7 @@ ResourceTree_View_Cannot_Delete_Default,You cannot delete the default view.,기 ResourceTree_View_Title,Resource Tree,자원 트리,,Title for above message ResourceTree_View_DuplicateName,A view with this name already exists. Views must be unique.,이 이름의 보기가 이미 있어요. 이름은 유일해야 해요.,,Duplicate name warning ResourceTree_Filter, Filter Tree,필터,, 'Filter Tree' checkbox label -ResourceTree_WholeWord, Whole Word,완전히 단어 일치,, 'Whole Word' checkbox label +ResourceTree_WholeWord, Whole Word,단어 완전 일치,, 'Whole Word' checkbox label ResourceTree_FindNext, Find Next,다음,, 'Find Next' button label ResourceTree_FindPrevious, Find Previous,이전,, 'Find Previous' button label ResourceTree_SearchResources,Search...,검색,, default contents of the resource tree search resources box @@ -2159,10 +2235,11 @@ DnD_Gadget_IsRelative,Is Relative,상대적이라면,,DnD™ gadget for determin DnD_Gadget_IsTemp,Is Temp,임시 변수라면,,DnD™ gadget for determining if a target is temp DnD_Gadget_TextInput,Text Input,문자 입력,,DnD™ gadget for text input DnD_Gadget_ExpressionInput,Expression,표현식,,DnD™ gadget for expression input +DnD_Gadget_ArgumentInput,Argument,인자,,DnD™ gadget for argument input and optional arguments DnD_Gadget_MenuInput,Menu Input,메뉴 입력,,DnD™ gadget for menu input DnD_Gadget_MenuExpressionInput,Menu Expression Input,메뉴 표현식 입력,,DnD™ gadget for menu expression input DnD_Gadget_ResourceSelection,Resource Selection,자원 선택,,DnD™ gadget for resource selection -DnD_Gadget_ResourceSelection_SelectResource,Select Resource,자원 선택하기,,DnD™ gadget list view explorer title +DnD_Gadget_ResourceSelection_SelectResource,Select Asset,자원 선택하기,,DnD™ gadget list view explorer title DnD_Gadget_BooleanInput,Boolean Input,불린 입력,,DnD™ gadget for boolean input DnD_Gadget_BooleanExprInput,Boolean Expression Input,불린 식 입력,,DnD™ gadget for boolean input DnD_Gadget_ColorPicker,Colour Picker,색상 선택 도구,,DnD™ gadget for picking a color @@ -2236,7 +2313,7 @@ DnDMaker_InvalidActionName,Invalid action name: must be XML compatible.,잘못 DnDMaker_NoActionLayout,This action has no layout.,이 동작엔 레이아웃이 없어요.,,DnD™ Maker invalid action layout warning message DnDMaker_CantShowPreview,Error -- Cannot show preview.,지금 미리 볼 수는 없어요.,,DnD™ Maker cannot show preview warning message DnDMaker_NotEditingAction,You are not editing an action.,동작을 편집 중이 아니에요.,,DnD™ Maker not editing action warning message -DnDMaker_NotPreviewingAction,You are not previewing an action.,동작을 보고있지 않으세요.,,DnD™ Maker not previewing action warning message +DnDMaker_NotPreviewingAction,You are not previewing an action.,동작을 보고 있지 않으세요.,,DnD™ Maker not previewing action warning message DnDMaker_EvaluationResult,Evaluation Result,평가 결과,,DnD™ Maker evaluation result window caption DnDMaker_ActionProperties,Action Properties,속성,,DnD™ Maker action properties caption DnDMaker_DefaultCode,// Your code here,// 코드 작성,,DnD™ Maker default code input for group @@ -2325,6 +2402,7 @@ yyzimporter_failed,Failed to import YYZ,YYZ 가져오기를 실패했어요.,,Fa yyzexport_message,YYZ Exporter,YYZ 내보내기,,YYZ Exporter Message Title yyzexport_success,YYZ Exported Successfully,YYZ를 성공적으로 내보냈어요.,,YYZ Exported Successfully yyzexport_failed,YYZ Export Failed,YYZ 내보내기를 실패했어요.,,YYZ Export Failed +ImportLoad_FileNotFound,"Unable to find file {0}.\nIf the file is inside an archive, please extract it first.",{0} 파일을 찾을 수가 없어요.\n압축 파일이면 먼저 풀어주세요.,,project load or import file not found error InheritFromDialog_Title,Inherit From Project,프로젝트로부터 상속,,title for inherit from project dialog DnDEditor_Menu_Workspace,Workspace,작업공간,,DnD™ Editor Workspace caption DnDEditor_Menu_Save,Save,저장하기,,DnD™ Editor Workspace Save caption @@ -2345,7 +2423,7 @@ ggs_launchscreen_fill,Launchscreen fill,시작 화면 채우기,,Launchscreen fi ggs_graphics_scale_fullscale,Full scale,최대 비율,,Game Settings Graphics Scale - Full scale option ggs_version,Version,버전,,Game Settings Version title ImagePath_ImageError,Error Selecting Image,그림 선택 오류,,Error when using image_path gadget to select an image -ImagePath_NotExpectedDimensions,The image is expected to be of {0}x{1} but received {2}x{3},그림 크기가 {0}x{1}이어야 하지만 {2}x{3}을 입력받았어요.,,Image wrong size with 0x1 being expected size and 2x3 being the image size +ImagePath_NotExpectedDimensions,The image is expected to be of {0}x{1} but received {2}x{3},그림 크기가 {0}x{1}이어야 하지만 {2}x{3}을 받았어요.,,Image wrong size with 0x1 being expected size and 2x3 being the image size ImagePath_NotExpectedAlpha,The image is expected to have an alpha channel (i.e. be 32-bit),그림에 투명도 채널이 있어야 해요 (32비트).,,The image needs to have an alpha channel but the selected one does not ImagePath_FileError,Cannot access file: {0},접근할 수 없는 파일: {0},,Error when trying to access file where 0 is the filename ImagePath_NotExpectedFormat,Selected image is not a valid '{0}' format.,선택한 그림은 올바른 '{0}' 형식이 아니에요.,,invalid image format message @@ -2353,8 +2431,8 @@ ggs_windows_save_localappdata,%localappdata%\,%localappdata%\<게임 ggs_windows_save_appdata,%appdata%\,%appdata%\<게임 이름>,,Save Path to Local App Data ggs_vertex_buffer_method,Vertex Buffer Method,정점 버퍼 처리기,,Vertex Buffer Method ggs_graphics_vbuffer_fast,Fast,고속,,Fast vertex buffer method -ggs_graphics_vbuffer_compatible,Compatible,호환성,,Compatible vertex buffer method -ggs_graphics_vbuffer_most_compatible,Most Compatible,최고 호환성,,Most Compatible vertex buffer method +ggs_graphics_vbuffer_compatible,Compatible,호환,,Compatible vertex buffer method +ggs_graphics_vbuffer_most_compatible,Most Compatible,최대 호환,,Most Compatible vertex buffer method ggs_texturepage_256,256x256,256x256,,256x256 Texture Page Size ggs_texturepage_512,512x512,512x512,,512x512 Texture Page Size ggs_texturepage_1024,1024x1024,1024x1024,,1024x1024 Texture Page Size @@ -2369,6 +2447,9 @@ ggs_ps_package_id,Package Content ID,패키지 컨텐츠 식별자,,Package Cont ggs_ps_passcode,Package Passcode,패키지 통과번호,,Package Passcode ggs_mac_provision_refresh,Refresh from Mac,Mac에서 새로 고침,,Refresh provisioning list from Mac ggs_ps4_param_sfo,PARAM.SFO,PARAM.SFO,,Run Sony PARAM.SFO Editor +ggs_ps5_param_json,Param.json,Param.json,,Run Sony Param.json Editor +ggs_ps5_shared_binary_tooltip,Comma separated list of configs to include as sub-SKUs,하위 재고 단위로 들어갈 쉼표로 구분된 구성 목록,,Comma separated list of configs to include as sub-SKUs +ggs_ps5_shared_binary,SharedBinary SubConfigs,공유 바이너리 하위 구성,,SharedBinary SubConfigs ggs_ps4_np_title_dat,NPTITLE.DAT,NPTITLE.DAT,,Import nptitle.dat ggs_ps4_trophy_edit,Trophy Editor,트로피 편집기,,Run Sony Trophy Editor ggs_ps4_share_param,Share Editor,공유 편집기,,Run Sony Share File Editor @@ -2437,6 +2518,7 @@ ggs_android_lint,Run Lint code analysis,Lint 코드 분석 실행,,Run Lint Code ggs_landscape_splash_screen,Landscape Splash Screen,가로 시동 화면,,Landscape Splash Screen ggs_portrait_splash_screen,Portrait Splash Screen,세로 시동 화면,,Portrait Splash Screen ggs_splash_screen,Splash Screen Image,시동 화면 그림,,Splash Screen Image +ggs_foreground_screen,Foreground Image,전경 그림,,Foreground Image LicenceExcluded_ggs_splash_screen,Splash screen image cannot be changed on 'Creator' platforms,Creator 플랫폼에서는 시동 화면을 변경할 수 없어요.,Do not localise 'Creator' it's a product name,forced splash screen image tooltip ggs_use_splash_screen,Use splash screen,시동 화면 사용하기,,Use Splash Screen LicenceExcluded_ggs_use_splash_screen,Splash screen cannot be disabled on 'Creator' platforms,Creator 플랫폼에서는 시동 화면을 끌 수 없어요.,Do not localise 'Creator' it's a product name,use splash force enabled tooltip @@ -2503,7 +2585,7 @@ ggs_output_debug_to_console,Output debug to console,콘솔에 디버그 출력 ggs_generate_spotify_app,Generate Spotify App,Spotify 앱 생성,,Generate Spotify App ggs_display_outside_server_alert,"Display ""Running outside server"" alert",외부 서버 경고 실행 중,,Display the running outside of server alert ggs_prepend_js,Prepend output .js with,.js로 출력,,Prepend output .js with -gs_installer_background,Installer Background,설치기 배경,,Installer Background +ggs_installer_background,Installer Background,설치기 배경,,Installer Background ggs_icon,Icon,아이콘,,Icon ggs_icon_57,57x57 Icon,57x57 아이콘,,57x57 Icon ggs_icon_72,72x72 Icon,72x72 아이콘,,72x72 Icon @@ -2550,7 +2632,7 @@ ggs_app_output,App Output,앱 출력물,,App Output ggs_team_id,Team Identifier,팀 식별자,,the macOS Option for team identifier ggs_team_id_tooltip,10 digit alpha-numeric identifier taken from your developer.apple.com/#/overview URL. If blank this will inherit the value set in Platform Options,developer.apple.com/#사용자/overview에서 받은 10자 영문자과 숫자 조합의 식별자입니다. 이 내용이 공란이면 기본 설정에서 받아와요.,,Tooltip for signing identity ggs_signing_id,Signing Identifier,서명 식별자,,Signing Identifier Label -ggs_signing_id_tooltip,To distribute your title outside of the Mac App Store macOS requires that your\npackage is codesigned. Please provide the signing identity that you wish to use\nhere: this should be a Developer ID Application identity and should be present\nin your Mac's login keychain certificates. Signing identities can be easily created\nin Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Team->View Details->Developer ID\nApplication->Create. Signing identities will be matched so the default value\nshould be sufficient if you are only the member of one development team.,"Mac Appstore 외부로 배포하시려면\n패키지를 코드화 시켜야 해요. 여기에 서명 ID를 입력하세요.\n이 ID는 개발자 ID여야 하고, Mac의 로그인 키 체인 인증서에 보여야해요.\n XCode→Preferences→Accounts→Team→View Details→Developer ID→Application→Create에서 쉽게 만들 수 있어요.\n팀으로 구성된 개발자이시면 기본값이면 충분하기에 비워 두시면 됩니다.",,Tooltip for signing identity +ggs_signing_id_tooltip,To distribute your title outside of the Mac App Store macOS requires that your\npackage is codesigned. Please provide the signing identity that you wish to use\nhere: this should be a Developer ID Application identity and should be present\nin your Mac's login keychain certificates. Signing identities can be easily created\nin Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Team->View Details->Developer ID\nApplication->Create. Signing identities will be matched so the default value\nshould be sufficient if you are only the member of one development team.,"""""Mac Appstore 외부로 배포하시려면\n패키지를 코드화 시켜야 해요. 여기에 서명 ID를 입력하세요.\n이 ID는 개발자 ID여야 하고""",,Tooltip for signing identity ggs_copyright,Copyright,저작권,,Copyright ggs_allow_menu_dock_fullscreen,Allow menu and dock in fullscreen,전체 화면에서 메뉴 및 도킹 허용하기,,Allow Menu and Dock in Fullscreen ggs_enable_retina,Enable Retina,Retina 활성화하기,,Enable Retina @@ -2622,8 +2704,8 @@ ggs_software_vertex_processing,Force Software Vertex Processing,소프트웨어 ggs_borderless,Borderless window,경계 없는 창으로 시작하기,,Borderless Window ggs_textures_on_demand,Create Textures on Demand,필요할 때만 텍스처 생성하기,,Create Textures on Demand ggs_sleep_margin,Sleep margin (ms),GPU 대기 시간 (ms),,Sleep Margin in ms -ggs_sleep_margin_windows,Sleep margin (ms) - default 10ms,"GPU 대기 시간 (ms, 기본 10ms)",,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms -ggs_sleep_margin_android,Sleep margin (ms) - default 4ms,"GPU 대기 시간 (ms, 기본 4ms)",,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms +ggs_sleep_margin_windows,Sleep margin (ms) - default 10ms,GPU 대기 시간 (기본 10ms),,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms +ggs_sleep_margin_android,Sleep margin (ms) - default 4ms,GPU 대기 시간 (기본 4ms),,Sleep Margin in ms with default of 10ms ggs_alt_sync,Alternate synchronization method,대체 동기화 사용하기,,Alternate synchronization method ggs_installer_finished_image,Installer Finished Image,설치기 완료 그림,,Installer Finished Image ggs_installer_header_image,Installer Header Image,설치기 상단 그림,,Installer Header Image @@ -2657,6 +2739,7 @@ ggs_languages_xml,Languages XML,언어 XML,,Languages XML ggs_title_id,Title ID,제목 ID,,Title Id ggs_service_configuration_id,Service Configuration ID,서비스 구성 ID,,Service Configuration Id ggs_xbox_program_id,Program ID,프로그램 ID,,Program Id +ggs_playfab_party_id,PlayFab Party ID,PlayFab Party ID,,PlayFab Party ID ggs_require_xbox_live,Require Xbox Live,Xbox Live 필요함,,Require Xbox Live ggs_require_game_chat,Require game chat,게임 대화 기능 필요함,,Require Game Chat ggs_game_chat_slots,Max game chat slots,최대 게임 대화 슬롯 수,,Max game chat slots @@ -2915,7 +2998,7 @@ ggs_game_guid,Game GUID,게임 GUID,,Game GUID ggs_isdnd,Use DnD™ as default script type,기본 스크립트로 DnD™ 사용하기,,Project code type ggs_mips_for_3d_textures,Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages,개별 텍스처 페이지에 대해 밉맵 생성하기,,Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages TargetSelection_RequiresWorker,Requires Worker,작업자 필요함,,label for when a selected platform requires a worker -TargetSelection_RequiresWindowsPC,Requires Windows PC,Windows에서만 실행할 수 있어요,,remote worker not available on mac +TargetSelection_RequiresWindowsPC,Requires Windows PC,Windows에서만 가능,,remote worker not available on mac TargetSelection_Worker,Worker:,작업자,,the list title for target selecting worker TargetSelection_Platform,Platform:,플랫폼,,the list title for target selecting platform TargetSelection_Config,Config:,구성,,the list title for target selecting config @@ -2933,7 +3016,9 @@ TargetSelection_Platform_AmazonFire,Amazon Fire,Amazon Fire,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the TargetSelection_Platform_ios,iOS,iOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the apple iOS platform title in the platform selection list TargetSelection_Platform_tvos,tvOS,tvOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the apple tvOS platform title in the platform selection list TargetSelection_Platform_ps4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,,the ps4 platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_ps5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,,the ps5 platform title in the platform selection list TargetSelection_Platform_xboxone,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the xbox one platform title in the platform selection list +TargetSelection_Platform_xboxseriesxs,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,the Xbox Series X/S platform title in the platform selection list TargetSelection_Runtime_VM,VM,VM,, the VM (Virtual Machine) title in the runtime selection list TargetSelection_Runtime_YYC,YYC,YYC,DO NOT TRANSLATE, the yyc title in the runtime selection list TargetSelection_Runtime_Javascript,JavaScript,JavaScript,DO NOT TRANSLATE, the javascript title in the runtime selection list @@ -2971,10 +3056,10 @@ SaveProjectAs_UnsafeLocationMessage,The location you have chosen is unsafe.\n\nA SaveProjectAs_DeleteExisting,Are you sure you want to delete all files in '{0}'?,정말로 '{0}'에 있는 모든 파일을 지울까요?,,Confirmation for deleting an existing project and related files SplashScreen_PluginLoadFailed,Failed to load a required plug-in. Please try restarting GameMaker Studio 2. If the problem persists please reinstall GameMaker Studio 2.,필요한 플러그인을 불러오는데 실패했어요. GameMaker Studio 2를 재시작 해주세요. 문제가 지속된다면 GameMaker Studio 2를 재설치하세요.,,Error message when you fail to load a required plugin dll SplashScreen_PluginLoadFailedTitle,Failed to load a required plug-in,필요한 플러그인을 불러오는데 실패했어요.,,Title for error message when you fail to load a required plugin dll -SplashScreen_LaunchProjectNotFound,Project '{0}' does not exist,프로젝트 {0}은(는) 존재하지 않습니다,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument but the file was not found -SplashScreen_LaunchProjectInvalid,'{0}' is not a valid GameMaker Studio 2 project,{0}은(는) 올바른 GameMaker Studio 2 프로젝트가 아니에요.,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument of a non .yyp file +SplashScreen_LaunchProjectNotFound,Project '{0}' does not exist,프로젝트 '{0}'는 존재하지 않아요.,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument but the file was not found +SplashScreen_LaunchProjectInvalid,'{0}' is not a valid GameMaker Studio 2 project,{0}'는 올바른 GameMaker Studio 2 프로젝트가 아니에요.,,Message dialog when the program was launched with a file command argument of a non .yyp file SplashScreen_LaunchProjectFailed,Launch Project Failed,프로젝트의 시작이 실패했어요.,,Message dialog title when the program was launched with a file command argument but it has failed -SplashScreen_LaunchImportTrialDenied,Cannot import project '{0}' with a Trial Licence,체험판 라이선스로는 프로젝트 {0}을(를) 가져올 수 없어요.,,launch yyz project import blocked by free licence msg +SplashScreen_LaunchImportTrialDenied,Cannot import project '{0}' with a Trial Licence,체험판 라이선스에선 프로젝트로 '{0}'를 가져올 수가 없어요.,,launch yyz project import blocked by free licence msg LicensedModulesError,Your licence does not have this module enabled,현재 라이선스로는 이 모듈을 사용할 수 없습니다.,,Message Dialog for when a user tries to build/run a target their licence doesn't have DnD_Pref_ToolboxLocation,DnD™ toolbox default location,DnD™ 도구 상자 위치,,DnD™ pref DnD_Pref_StoryMode,DnD™ node overview visibility mode,DnD™ 개요 표시 방식,,DnD™ pref @@ -2986,12 +3071,12 @@ DnD_Pref_MinThumbSize,Minimum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,도구 DnD_Pref_ThumbSize,Default size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails,도구 상자 동작 미리보기의 기본 크기,,DnD™ pref DnD_Pref_RecentlyUsed,Maximum number of recently used actions to display,최대로 보여줄 최근 동작의 수,,DnD™ pref DnD_Pref_ChainSmoothness,The smoothness of the chain.,연결 사슬의 부드러운 정도,,DnD™ pref -DnD_Pref_DragTime,Mouse down time to start dragging node (ms),노드를 끌어오는데 걸리는 마우스로 누르는 시간 (밀리 초) .,,DnD™ pref +DnD_Pref_DragTime,Mouse down time to start dragging node (ms),노드를 끌어오는데 걸리는 마우스로 누르는 시간 (ms) .,,DnD™ pref DnD_Pref_CommentStyle,Comment text style,주석 스타일,,DnD™ pref DnD_Message_Error_Prefix,ERROR:,오류:,,DnD™ message prefix -DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxError,"The ""{0}"" node is causing an invalid program flow. Move it to a correct location.",노드 {0}에서 올바르지 않은 프로그램 흐름이 발생했어요. 올바른 위치로 이동시켜주세요.,,DnD™ message syntax error +DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxError,"The ""{0}"" node is causing an invalid program flow. Move it to a correct location.",{0}' 노드에서 올바르지 않은 프로그램 흐름이 발생했어요. 올바른 위치로 이동시켜주세요.,,DnD™ message syntax error DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxInsertionTitle,Invalid Insertion,잘못된 삽입,,DnD™ pop up title for below message -DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxInsertion,Inserting {0} at this location would result in an invalid program.,이 위치에 {0}를 삽입하면 문제가 생길 수 있어요.,,DnD™ pop up message for invalid syntax insertion +DnD_Message_InvalidSyntaxInsertion,Inserting {0} at this location would result in an invalid program.,이 위치에 '{0}'를 삽입하면 문제가 생길 수 있어요.,,DnD™ pop up message for invalid syntax insertion ggs_webserver_port,Web Server Port,웹 서버 포트,,Webserver Port ggs_webserver_ips,Allowed Web Server IPs,허용된 웹 서버 IP,,Allowed IPs to connect to the debug webserver ggs_browser_path,Path to Browser,브라우저 위치,,Path to Browser to use for testing HTML5 @@ -3005,8 +3090,8 @@ Project_InheritedDirectoryLost_Title,Base Project Directory Unavailable,기본 Project_DirectoryReconnected_Message,"Project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project or save? \n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",프로젝트 위치 '{0}'가 다시 연결됐어요. 확인되지 않은 수정 사항이 있을 수도 있는데 다시 불러오거나 저장할까요? \n\n경고 : 저장 시 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복원되지 않을 수 있습니다.,,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected Project_DirectoryReconnected_Title,Project Directory Reconnected,프로젝트 위치가 다시 연결됨,,message box title when the project directory has been reconnected Project_InheritedDirectoryReconnected_Message,"Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?",기본 프로젝트 위치 '{0}'가 다시 연결됐어요. 확인되지 않은 수정 사항이 있을 수도 있는데 파일을 다시 불러올까요?,,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected -Project_InheritedDirectoryReconnected_Title,Base Project Directory Reconnected,기본 프로젝트 위치가 다시 연결됨,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been reconnected -Project_LargeChanges_Message,"Project directory '{0}' has had a large number of changes detected. Would you like to reload the project, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","프로젝트 위치 '{0}'에 많은 수정 사항이 있어요. 프로젝트를 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요?\n\n경고: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow +Project_InheritedDirectoryReconnected_Title,Base Project Directory Reconnected,프로젝트 위치가 다시 연결됨,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been reconnected +Project_LargeChanges_Message,"Project directory '{0}' has had a large number of changes detected. Would you like to reload the project, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","기본 프로젝트 위치 '{0}'가 다시 연결됐어요. 확인되지 않은 수정 사항이 있을 수도 있는데 파일을 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요?\n\n경고: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow Project_LargeChanges_Title,Project Directory Modified,프로젝트 경로가 변경됨,,message box title when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow Project_InheritedLargeChanges_Message,"Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?",기본 프로젝트 위치 '{0}'에 확인되지 않은 여러 수정 사항이 있어요. 프로젝트를 다시 불러올까요?,,message box contents when the project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow Project_InheritedLargeChanges_Title,Base Project Directory Modified,기본 프로젝트 위치가 변경됨,,message box title when the inherited project directory has been reconnected due to a buffer overflow @@ -3017,9 +3102,9 @@ Project_Changes_Message,"Changes detected in project directory '{0}'. Would you Project_Changes_Title,Project Directory Modified,프로젝트 경로가 변경됨,,message box title when the project directory has detected changes Project_Deletions_Title,Resources have been deleted,자원이 삭제됨,,Resources have been deleted Project_Deletions_Message,"Resources have been deleted from disk in '{0}'. You can re-save these, or delete the resources from the project.\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files",디스크 '{0}'의 자원이 삭제됐어요. 다시 저장하거나 프로젝트에서 자원을 지울 수 있어요.\n\n경고: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.,,Message to show that resources have been deleted and the user can either restore or save them -Project_InheritedChanges_Message,"Changes detected in base project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","기본 프로젝트 디렉토리 '{0}'에 변경 사항이 있어요. 자원을 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요? \n\n주의: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the project directory has detected changes +Project_InheritedChanges_Message,"Changes detected in base project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","기본 프로젝트 디렉토리 '{0}'에 변경 사항이 있어요. 자원을 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요?\n\n경고: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the project directory has detected changes Project_InheritedChanges_Title,Project Directory Modified,기본 프로젝트 경로가 변경됨,,message box title when the project directory has detected changes -Project_ProjFileChanged_Message,"The main project file '{0}' has changed. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","주 프로젝트 파일 '{0}'이 변경되었습니다. 자원을 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요?\n\n경고: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the main project file has changed +Project_ProjFileChanged_Message,"The main project file '{0}' has changed. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files","주 프로젝트 파일 '{0}'이 수정됐어요. 자원을 다시 불러올까요, 아니면 저장할까요? \n\n주의: 저장할 땐 지금 메모리에 있는 자원 파일들만 갱신되므로 삭제되거나 편집된 파일은 복구되지 않을 수 있어요.",,message box contents when the main project file has changed Project_ProjFileChanged_Title,Project Modified,프로젝트 수정됨,,message box title when the main project file has changed Project_Deleted_Title,Project Deleted,프로젝트 삭제됨,,message box title when a project has been deleted Project_Deleted_Message,The project file '{0}' was deleted. Your project will now be closed.,프로젝트 '{0}'이 삭제됐어요. 이제 프로젝트가 닫혀요.,,Error message telling the user the project has been deleted @@ -3097,9 +3182,9 @@ EventLabelFormat_Description,Event Description,이벤트 설명,,event label for EventLabelFormat_ParentObject,Parent Object,부모 객체,,event label format parent object item DnD_ReservedTagName,The tag name {0} is reserved and cannot be used.,태그 이름 '{0}'은 이미 예약돼서 사용할 수 없어요.,,DnDGadget reserved tag name warning DnD_ReservedTagName_Title,Reserved Tag Name,예약된 태그 이름,,DnDGadget reserved tag name warning message title -Room_InvalidDepthsImportedLog,Imported layer depths for room(s) '{0}' were not adequately spaced. Unless updated this will have undefined results in game.,룸 {0}에 가져온 레이어의 깊이의 간격이 적절하지 않습니다. 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.,,conversion log message where layer depths are invalid and have not been adjusted -Room_InvalidDepthsImportedMessage,Imported layer depths for rooms listed below are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? This may require updating scripts where depth values have been used. \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths but will have undefined results in game.,"룸 {0}에 가져온 레이어의 깊이의 간격이 적절하지 않습니다. 여기서 깊이를 재분배할까요? 깊이 값을 사용한 스크립트를 고쳐야 할 수도 있어요.\n'아니요'를 선택하면 사용자 정의된 깊이가 유지되지만, 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.",, message when importing a project which has invalid layer depths -Room_AutoDepthUpdateMessage,"User defined layer depths are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths, but will have undefined results in game.","사용자 정의 레이어 깊이에 적절한 간격을 두지 않았어요. 여기서 깊이를 재분배할까요?\n'아니요'를 선택하시면 사용자 정의 깊이가 유지되지만, 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.",,the message when a user tries to put too many layers between their user defined layers such that we can't create unique depths. +Room_InvalidDepthsImportedLog,Imported layer depths for room(s) '{0}' were not adequately spaced. Unless updated this will have undefined results in game.,룸 {0}에 가져온 레이어의 깊이의 간격이 적절하지 않아요. 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.,,conversion log message where layer depths are invalid and have not been adjusted +Room_InvalidDepthsImportedMessage,Imported layer depths for rooms listed below are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? This may require updating scripts where depth values have been used. \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths but will have undefined results in game.,룸 {0}에 가져온 레이어의 깊이의 간격이 적절하지 않아요. 여기서 깊이를 재분배할까요? 깊이 값을 사용한 스크립트를 고쳐야 할 수도 있어요.\n'아니요'를 선택하시면 깊이가 유지되지만 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.,, message when importing a project which has invalid layer depths +Room_AutoDepthUpdateMessage,"User defined layer depths are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths, but will have undefined results in game.",사용자 정의 레이어 깊이에 적절한 간격을 두지 않으셨어요. 여기서 깊이를 재분배할까요?\n'아니요'를 선택하시면 사용자 정의 깊이가 유지되지만 원치 않으신 결과가 나올 수 있어요.,,the message when a user tries to put too many layers between their user defined layers such that we can't create unique depths. Room_AutoDepthUpdateTitle,Layer Depth Error,레이어 깊이 오류,,message title when the user has given invalid layer depths roomdefaultstep,Default layer depth spacing,레이어의 깊이 간격,,the preference label for auto depth layer spacing room_autodepthchoice,Automatic response to updating layer depths,레이어 깊이 수정,,preference label for the auto depth confirmation dialog preference @@ -3167,9 +3252,9 @@ windows_package_nsis,Package as Installer,설치 프로그램,,Package as Instal windows_package_zip,Package as Zip,압축 파일,,Package as Zip windows_package_type,Package Type,패키지 종류,,Package Type windows_package_default_type,Default packaging type,기본 패키지 종류,,Default Packaging Type -mac_package_nsis,Package as DMG,Package as DMG,,Package as DMG -mac_package_zip,Package as Zip,Package as Zip,,Package as Zip -mac_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,Remember Packaging Option?,,Remember Packaging Option? +mac_package_nsis,Package as DMG,DMG 패키지,,Package as DMG +mac_package_zip,Package as Zip,압축 파일,,Package as Zip +mac_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,패키지 선택지를 기억할까요?,,Remember Packaging Option? html5_package_loose,Package as Loose Files,압축되지 않은 파일,,Package as Loose Files html5_package_zip,Package as Zip,압축 파일,,Package as Zip html5_package_remember,Remember Packaging Option?,패키지 선택지를 기억할까요?,,Remember Packaging Option? @@ -3180,7 +3265,7 @@ html5_default_allowed_ips,Default Web Server Allowed IPs,기본 웹 서버 허 ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_LooseFiles,Package as Loose Files,압축되지 않은 파일,,Package as Loose Files ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_Zip,Package as Zip,압축 파일,,Package as Zip ListBoxEnum_HTML5PackageChoice_HTML5Package_Show,Show Dialog,대화상자 표시하기,,Show Dialog -windows_uwp_package_upload,Package for Store Upload,스토어 용 패키지,,Package for Store Upload +windows_uwp_package_upload,Package for Store Upload,스토어 패키지,,Package for Store Upload windows_uwp_package_for,Package for:,패키지,,Followed by a list of architectures to package for windows_uwp_arm,ARM,ARM,DO NOT TRANSLATE,ARM windows_uwp_x86,x86,x86,DO NOT TRANSLATE,x86 @@ -3245,7 +3330,7 @@ platformdevice_run_avd,Run AVD,AVD 실행,,Run AVD (Android Virtual Device Manag platformdevice_android_instructions,"To use Android simulators, Launch Android Studio and select Tools->Android->AVD Manager",Android 시뮬레이션을 이용하시려면 Android 스튜디오에서 도구->Android->AVD 관리자를 실행해주세요.,,Instructions for the Android device editor ListViewExplorer_Title_SelectResource,Find Resource,자원 찾기,,list view explorer generic title for ResourceButton ListViewExplorer_Prefs_DisplayMode,Display Mode,표시 방식,,Listviewexplorer pref -ListViewExplorer_NewResource,Create New,만들기,,New resource item caption +ListViewExplorer_NewResource,Create New,새로 만들기: ,,New resource item caption RoomPathLayer_SelectPath,Select Path,경로 선택,,Select path list view explorer caption platformdevice_deviceguid,Device GUID:,GUID,,Device GUID platformdevice_status,Device Status:,상태,,Device Status @@ -3263,8 +3348,8 @@ platformdevice_connection_failed,Connection to {0} Failed,{0}와(과) 연결 실 platformdevice_connection_success_title,Connection Successful,연결 성공,,Connection Successful title platformdevice_connection_failed_title,Connection Failed,연결 실패,,Connection Failed title platformdevice_connection_no_devices,No Devices found,장치 없음,,no devices are found -AssetExplorer_SelectResource,Select Resource,자원 선택,,Fallback title for asset explorer -AssetExplorer_SelectResourceType,Select {0},Select {0},,select (resource type name) title for asset explorer +AssetExplorer_SelectResource,Select Asset,자원 선택,,Fallback title for asset explorer +AssetExplorer_SelectResourceType,Select {0},{0} 선택됨,,select (resource type name) title for asset explorer AssetExplorer_FilterCaptionGeneric,Showing {0}/{1} filtered items,{0}/{1}개의 항목,,Title for filtered items in asset explorer ParserError_DnD,{0} in DnD™ action {1},DnD™ {1}의 {0},,DnD™ parser error message GadgetToolbox_ListView,List View,목록 보기,,List View dialog editor name @@ -3361,7 +3446,7 @@ TileSetEditor_Brush,Brush,붓,,the brush panel heading display_argument_types,Display argument types in status bar,상태 표시줄에서 인자 종류 보기,,preference message in language.gml display_argument_descriptions,Display argument descriptions in status bar,상태 표시줄에서 인수 설명 보기,,preference message in language.gml AddExistingProjectMissing,ImportHandler: Unable to find parent project for {0}. Cannot import dependant resources.,{0}의 부모 프로젝트를 찾지 못했어요. 각각의 자원들을 가져올 수가 없어요.,,message for when the external project cannot be found. -AddExistingAssetMismatch,You have selected a {0} instead of a {1}. Would you like to import as {2} instead?,{1} 대신 {0}을(를) 선택하셨습니다. 대신 {2}로 가져올까요?,,Ask use if they with tom add existing resource instead of the type they clicked on? +AddExistingAssetMismatch,You have selected a {0} instead of a {1}. Would you like to import as {2} instead?,{1} 대신 {0}을(를) 선택하셨습니다. 대신 {2}(으)로 가져올까요?,,Ask use if they with tom add existing resource instead of the type they clicked on? AddExistingFailedTitle,Add Existing Failed,기존 항목 추가 실패,,Add Existing failed message title ImportAsIncludedFiles,Would you like to add these files as Included Files?,이 파일을 포함시킬까요?,,Ask the user if they want to add the dragged in files as included files ImportAsIncludedFilesTitle,Import As Included Files,포함 파일로 가져오기,,Import selected files as Included Files Question title @@ -3470,13 +3555,14 @@ ExtensionEditor_RemoveIosSystemFrameworkAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to dele ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnIosSystemFrameworkDeletion,Automatic button choice on iOS System Framework deletion,삭제할 iOS 시스템 프레임워크 선택,,Automatic button choice on android permission deletion setting ExtensionEditor_RemoveIos3rdPartyFrameworkAreYouSure,Are you sure you want to delete the iOS 3rd party framework?,정말로 iOS 서드파티 프레임워크를 지울까요?,,confirm message ExtensionEditor_ButtonChoiceOnIos3rdPartyFrameworkDeletion,Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion,삭제할 iOS 서드파티 프레임워크 선택,,Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion setting -GoToType_WindowTitle,"Search for Assets, Options, Preferences:","자산, 게임 설정, 환경설정에서 검색",,Go To Type window title +GoToType_WindowTitle,"Search for Assets, Options, Preferences:","자산, 설정, 환경설정에서 검색",,Go To Type window title GoToType_FieldCaption,What are you looking for?,무엇을 찾으시나요?,,Go To Type default search field caption GoToType_MaxItemPref,Maximum number of search results to display,표시할 최대 검색 결과 수,,Go To max number pref GoToType_EnableStylingPref,Enable styling on search results (turn off for better performance),결과에 스타일 적용하기,,Go To enable styling pref -GoTo_Pref_Resources,Search in Resources,자원 중에서 검색하기,,Search resources on/off +GoTo_Pref_Resources,Search in Assets,자원 중에서 검색하기,,Search resources on/off GoTo_Pref_Preferences,Search in Preferences,환경설정 중에서 검색하기,,Search preferences on/off GoTo_Pref_GameOptions,Search in Game Options,게임 설정 중에서 검색하기,,Search game options on/off +GoTo_Pref_Functions,Search in user-defined Functions,사용자 정의 함수에서 검색하기,,Search user functions pref GoTo_Driver_Resources,Project Resources,프로젝트의 자원,,resources driver name GoTo_Driver_ResourcesDesc,This driver exposes the project resources to Go To,이 드라이버는 자원들이 바로가기 탭에 보여요.,,resources driver description GoTo_Driver_Preferences,Preferences,환경설정,,preferences driver name @@ -3562,18 +3648,18 @@ ResourceTree_ItemMinSize,Resource item minimum size,자원 항목 최소 크기, ResourceTree_ItemMaxSize,Resource item maximum size,자원 항목 최대 크기,,resource tree pref Settings_ShowPassword,Show Password,암호 표시,,Show Password SourceControlGit_CreateRepoTitle,Source Control (Git) Create,소스 제어 (Git) 생성,,Source Control (Git) Create Title -SourceControlGit_CreateRepoMessage,This will create a bare (server) repository and bind your project to it,"깨끗한 (서버) 저장소가 생성되고, 프로젝트가 할당돼요.",,Create Repository message -SourceControlGit_CreateRepoSuccess,Repository created successfully,저장소가 성공적으로 생성됐어요.,,Create repository success message +SourceControlGit_CreateRepoMessage,This will create a bare (server) repository and bind your project to it,깨끗한 (서버) 저장소가 생성되고 프로젝트가 할당돼요.,,Create Repository message +SourceControlGit_CreateRepoSuccess,Repository created successfully,저장소가 성공적으로 만들어졌어요.,,Create repository success message WorkspaceMenu_Windows_CloseAll,Close All,모두 닫기,,Workspace context menu close all windows WorkspaceMenu_Windows_ShowAll,Show All,모두 보기,,Workspace context menu show all windows InvalidTTFCharMap,The font {0} does not contain any character maps and cannot be loaded.,{0} 글꼴은 문자표가 없어서 불러올 수가 없어요.,,TTF error when font has no character maps RoomEditor_MousePosStatus,"({0}, {1})","({0}, {1})",,the mouse position label in the room editor status bar RoomEditor_SelectedItemStatus,"{0}: ({1}, {2})","{0}: ({1}, {2})",,the current selection status label in the room editor status bar for one selection -RoomEditor_SelectedAreaStatus,"{4} selected items - area: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})","{4} 선택된 항목 - 구획: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})",,the current selection area status label in the room editor status bar for multiple selections +RoomEditor_SelectedAreaStatus,"{4} selected items - area: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})","{4} 선택된 항목 - 영역: ({0: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})",,the current selection area status label in the room editor status bar for multiple selections RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_Coord,"Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1})","타일 지도 좌표: ({0}, {1})",,the current tile map coordinate status in the room editor status bar RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_BrushIndices,Brush tiles: ({0}),타일 붓: ({0}),,the current tile brush indices status in the room editor status bar RoomEditor_TileLayerStatus_Full,"Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1}) Brush tiles: ({2})","타일 지도 좌표: ({0}, {1}) 타일 붓: ({2})",,the current tile map coordinate and tile brush indices status in the room editor status bar -RoomEditor_PathLayerStatus,Selected control point(s): {0},선택한 제어 점: {0},,the selected control points status for the path layer shown in the room editor status bar +RoomEditor_PathLayerStatus,Selected control point(s): {0},선택된 제어 점: {0},,the selected control points status for the path layer shown in the room editor status bar RoomEditor_PathLayerPointStatus,"({0}, {1}),","({0}, {1}),",,the an individual control point status for the path layer shown in the room editor status bar ListBoxEnum_eAnimSpeedType_FramesPerSecond,Frames per second,초당 프레임,,the playback type comboxbox entry for fps ListBoxEnum_eAnimSpeedType_FramesPerGameFrame,Frames per game frame,게임 프레임당 프레임,,the playback type comboxbox entry for game frame locked playback @@ -3585,7 +3671,7 @@ ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Expression,Expression,표현식,,Expression valu ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Resource,Asset,자원,,Asset value type ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_Color,Colour,색상,,Color value type ListBoxEnum_eObjectPropertyType_List,List,배열,,List value type -ResourcePickerButton_ToolTip,Select a resource,자원을 하나 고릅니다.,,Resource picker button tooltip +ResourcePickerButton_ToolTip,Select an Asset,자원을 하나 고릅니다.,,Resource picker button tooltip Help_eObjectPropertyType_Real,The value is a real number and accepts decimal places (allows expressions),실수이며 소수점을 허용 (표현식 허용),,Real value type help tip Help_eObjectPropertyType_Integer,The value is a whole number (allows expressions),정수 (표현식 허용),,Integer value type help tip Help_eObjectPropertyType_String,The value is a string (quotes are optional),문자열 (따옴표는 선택 사항),,String value type help tip @@ -3602,25 +3688,25 @@ DnDToolbox_Menu_ClearRecentlyUsed,Clear Recently Used,최근 사용 기록 지 DnDToolbox_Menu_ClearFavs,Clear Favourites,즐겨찾기 정리하기,,DnD™ Toolbox clear favourites SourceControlGit_FileLock,One or more files may be locked. Please check that none of the files are open in external programs. Do you want to try again?,하나 이상의 파일이 잠겨 있어요. 외부 프로그램에서 열린 파일이 없는지 확인해주세요. 그리고 다시 시도해볼까요?,,Files potentially locked and need to try again SourceControlGit_Error,Source Control (Git) Error,소스 제어 (Git) 오류,,Error with Source Control (Git) -SourceControlGit_ProjectBreakRetry,"Be aware that this may have broken your project, as the command was not successful and you have chosen not to retry it.",명령이 실패했지만 다시 시도되지 않았어요. 프로젝트가 망가졌을 수도 있어요.,,Project may be broken warning due to command failing and choosing not to retry -SourceControlGit_ServerNotFound,Server '{0}' has not been found,서버 '{0}'가 발견되지 않았어요.,,Server has not been found error +SourceControlGit_ProjectBreakRetry,"Be aware that this may have broken your project, as the command was not successful and you have chosen not to retry it.",명령이 실패해서 지금 프로젝트가 망가졌을 수도 있어요. 다시 시도하면 안돼요.,,Project may be broken warning due to command failing and choosing not to retry +SourceControlGit_ServerNotFound,Server '{0}' has not been found,서버 '{0}'를 발견하지 못했어요.,,Server has not been found error SourceControlGit_NotEmptyDirectory,The chosen directory must be empty,선택하신 디렉토리는 비어 있어야해요.,,The chosen directory must be empty SourceControlGit_InvalidPath,The URL is invalid,올바르지 않은 URL이에요.,,The URL is invalid SourceControlGit_Clone,Source Control (Git) Clone,소스 제어 (Git) 복제,,Source Control (Git) Clone Title -SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nHowever we have found its origin so we will push to that and clone from the origin instead.,순수하지않은 저장소의 직접적인 복사는 지원하지 않아요.\norigin을 찾아 원 소스를 복제하여 새로 발행할 게요.,,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository but an origin has been found. -SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareNoOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nThere is no Origin marked on this repository so we will ask you to create one so both old and new repositories will be linked via the new bare repository,"순수하지않은 저장소의 직접적인 복사는 지원하지 않아요.\n이 저장소엔 표시된 origin이 없어서, 새 저장소를 만들어서 원래 저장소와 새로운 저장소를 모두 연결할 수 있도록 여쭤볼 게요.",,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository and an origin has not been found. +SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nHowever we have found its origin so we will push to that and clone from the origin instead.,순수하지않은 저장소의 직접적인 복사는 지원하지 않아요.\norigin을 찾아 원 소스를 복제하여 새로 발행 할게요.,,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository but an origin has been found. +SourceControlGit_CloneNonBareNoOrigin,This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nThere is no Origin marked on this repository so we will ask you to create one so both old and new repositories will be linked via the new bare repository,순수하지않은 저장소의 직접적인 복사는 지원하지 않아요.\n이 저장소엔 표시된 origin이 없어서 새 저장소를 만들어서 원래 저장소와 새로운 저장소를 모두 연결할 수 있도록 할게요.,,Message for when a clone is done on a non-bare repository and an origin has not been found. Survey_Title,Feedback Survey,피드백 설문조사,,Feedback Survey Window Title TileSetEditor_Add47AutoTileSet,Add 47 Tile Set,47개 타일 모음 추가,,Tooltip for adding a new 47 tile auto tile set TileSetEditor_Add16AutoTileSet,Add 16 Tile Set,16개 타일 모음 추가,,Tooltip for adding a new 16 tile auto tile set TileSetEditor_DeleteSelectedAutoSet,Delete Selected Set,선택된 모음 제거,,Tooltip for deleting the selected auto tile set TileSetEditor_ShowAutoTileGuide,Show Guide Overlay,상위 안내 창 보이기,,Tooltip for showing the auto tile guide overlaying the auto tile sets -ZoomWidget_ToggleGrid,Toggle Grid (G),격자 전환 (G),,Tooltip for the toggle grid button +ZoomWidget_ToggleGrid,Toggle Grid ,격자 전환 (G),,Tooltip for the toggle grid button ZoomWidget_GridOptions,Grid Options,격자 설정,,Tooltip for opening the grid options drop down ZoomWidget_SplitViewToggle,Show Split View,분할 보기,,Tooltip for toggling split view ZoomWidget_SplitViewMode,Split View Mode,분할 보기 방식,,Tooltip for choosing split view mode -ZoomWidget_ZoomIn,Zoom In (${room_area_zoom_in}),확대 (${room_area_zoom_in}),,Tooltip for zooming in -ZoomWidget_ZoomOut,Zoom Out (${room_area_zoom_out}),축소 (${room_area_zoom_out}),,Tooltip for zooming out -ZoomWidget_ZoomReset,Reset Zoom (${room_area_zoom_reset}),줌 재설정 (${room_area_zoom_reset}),,Tooltip for reset zoom +ZoomWidget_ZoomIn,Zoom In ,확대 (${room_area_zoom_in}),,Tooltip for zooming in +ZoomWidget_ZoomOut,Zoom Out ,축소 (${room_area_zoom_out}),,Tooltip for zooming out +ZoomWidget_ZoomReset,Reset Zoom ,줌 재설정 (${room_area_zoom_reset}),,Tooltip for reset zoom ZoomWidget_ZoomCentreFit,Centre Fit,중심 맞추기,,Tooltip for zoom centre fit RoomEditor_ShowViews,Show Views,뷰 보이기,,Tooltip for show views button RoomEditor_PlayAnimation,Play Animation,애니메이션 재생하기,,Tooltip for play animation button @@ -3635,7 +3721,7 @@ GMStdChoose_Name,Choose,선택하기,,DnD label GMStdChoose_Desc,Randomly chooses one of the supplied arguments.,제공된 인자 중 하나를 무작위로 선택합니다.,,DnD label GMStdCallFunction_Name,Function Call,함수 호출,,DnD label GMStdCallFunction_Desc,Call any function with optional arguments and get the return value of the function.,인수를 넣어 함수를 호출하고 반환 값을 가져옵니다.,,DnD label -GMStdNew_Name,New,새로 만들기,,DnD label +GMStdNew_Name,New Struct,새로 만들기,,DnD label GMStdNew_Desc,Create a new struct with optional arguments and assign it to a variable.,인자와 함께 새 구조체를 만들어서 변수에 할당합니다.,,DnD label GMStdCatCommon,Common,보통,,Drag and Drop™ library category name GMStdCatCamera,Cameras,카메라,,Drag and Drop™ library category name @@ -3792,11 +3878,11 @@ GMStdGravDir_Desc,Set the gravitational direction.,중력의 방향을 설정합 GMStdGravForce_Name,Set Gravity Force,중력 정하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdGravForce_Desc,Set the gravitational force.,중력의 크기를 설정합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdVKeyShow_Name,Show Virtual Keyboard,가상 키보드 띄우기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdVKeyShow_Desc,"Display the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is shown, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","가상 키보드를 표시합니다. 키보드가 띄워지면 시스템 이벤트 ""keyboard status""가 실행됩니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyShow_Desc,"Display the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is shown, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",가상 키보드를 표시합니다. 키보드가 띄워지면 시스템 이벤트 'keyboard status'가 실행됩니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdVKeyHide_Name,Hide Virtual Keyboard,가상 키보드 숨기기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdVKeyHide_Desc,"Hide the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is hidden, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","가상 키보드를 숨깁니다. 키보드가 사라지면 시스템 이벤트 ""keyboard status""가 실행됩니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyHide_Desc,"Hide the virtual keyboard. Once the keyboard is hidden, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",가상 키보드를 숨깁니다. 키보드가 사라지면 시스템 이벤트 'keyboard status'가 실행됩니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdVKeyStatus_Name,If Virtual Keyboard Showing,만약 가상 키보드가 띄워졌다면 ,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdVKeyStatus_Desc,"Check if the virtual keyboard is showing. If querying the status, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.","가상 키보드가 띄워져 있는지를 확인합니다. 상태를 확인하면 시스템 이벤트 ""keyboard status""가 실행됩니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdVKeyStatus_Desc,"Check if the virtual keyboard is showing. If querying the status, a System event of type ""keyboard status"" is raised.",가상 키보드가 띄워져 있는지를 확인합니다. 상태를 확인하면 시스템 이벤트 'keyboard status'가 실행됩니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdVKeyHeight_Name,Get Virtual Keyboard Height,가상 키보드의 크기 얻기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdVKeyHeight_Desc,Get the current pixel height of the virtual keyboard if it is visible.,가상 키보드가 띄워져 있으면 키보드의 화소 높이를 가져옵니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdReverse_Name,Reverse,방향 뒤집기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name @@ -3822,13 +3908,13 @@ GMStdIfColPoint_Desc,Check if one or more instances intersect a point.,지정한 GMStdDrawSelf_Name,Draw Self,자신 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdDrawSelf_Desc,Draw this instance's sprite.,이 개체의 스프라이트를 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawValue_Name,Draw Value,어떤 값 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdDrawValue_Desc,"Draw the specified value. It can be a string, number or variable.","문자열, 숫자, 변수 등의 지정한 값을 표기합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawValue_Desc,"Draw the specified value. It can be a string, number or variable.","숫자, 문자열, 변수 등의 지정한 값을 표기합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawValueTransformed_Name,Draw Transformed Value,어떤 값을 변형해서 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdDrawValueTransformed_Desc,"Draw a value with a transformation. It can be a string, number or variable.","문자열, 숫자, 변수 등의 지정한 값의 글자에 변형을 주어서 표기합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawValueTransformed_Desc,"Draw a value with a transformation. It can be a string, number or variable.","숫자, 문자열, 변수 등의 지정한 글자에 변형을 주어서 표기합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawSprite_Name,Draw Sprite,스프라이트 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdDrawSprite_Desc,Draw a sprite.,지정한 스프라이트 하나를 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawSpritesStacked_Name,Draw Stacked Sprites,스프라이트 겹겹이 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdDrawSpritesStacked_Desc,Draw a sprite multiple times in a stack.,지정한 스프라이트를 여러 개 쌓아서 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDrawSpritesStacked_Desc,Draw a sprite multiple times in a stack.,직사각형 하나를 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawRectangle_Name,Draw Rectangle,직사각형 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdDrawRectangle_Desc,Draw a rectangle.,직사각형 하나를 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawGradientRect_Name,Draw Gradient Rectangle,그라디언트 직사각형 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name @@ -3915,17 +4001,17 @@ GMStdSwitch_Desc,Switch which branch to execute based on input.,주어진 입력 GMStdCase_Name,Case,case 분기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdCase_Desc,A branch to execute in a switch if the case is true.,해당 조건이 switch 문에 전달된 입력과 같을 때 실행될 분기입니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDecimalToInteger_Name,Decimal To Integer,유리수를 정수로 변환하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdDecimalToInteger_Desc,"Round a decimal value to an integer value by rounding, ceiling or flooring it.","반올림, 올림, 내림 중 하나의 방법을 사용해서 유리수를 정수로 변환합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdDecimalToInteger_Desc,"Round a decimal value to an integer value by rounding, ceiling or flooring it.","올림, 내림, 반올림 중 하나의 방법을 사용해서 유리수를 정수로 변환합니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdStringToNumber_Name,String To Number,문자열을 숫자로 변환하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdStringToNumber_Desc,Convert a string to a number.,문자열을 숫자로 변환합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdNumberToString_Name,Number To String,숫자를 문자열로 변환하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdNumberToString_Desc,Convert a number to a string.,숫자를 문자열로 변환합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdNumberToString_Desc,Convert a number to a string.,스프라이트에 변형을 가해서 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdCreateList_Name,Create List,리스트 만들기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdCreateList_Desc,Create a list data structure.,목록 형태의 자료 구조를 생성합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdCreateMap_Name,Create Map,맵 만들기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdCreateMap_Desc,Create a map data structure.,매핑 형태의 자료 구조를 생성합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdForLoop_Name,For Loop,for 반복문,,Drag and Drop™ library action name -GMStdForLoop_Desc,"A self-contained loop structure with initialise, condition and increment statements.","초기화, 조건, 증분식을 갖게 짜여진 반복 문입니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description +GMStdForLoop_Desc,"A self-contained loop structure with initialise, condition and increment statements.","초기화식, 조건식, 증분식을 갖게 짜여진 반복 문입니다.",,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdDrawSpriteExt_Name,Draw Sprite Transformed,스프라이트 변형해서 그리기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name GMStdDrawSpriteExt_Desc,Draw a sprite with transformations.,스프라이트에 변형을 가해서 그립니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdSetViewVar_Name,Set View Variable,뷰 변수 정하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action name @@ -4096,6 +4182,8 @@ GMStdEffect_Name,Do Effect,효과 생성하기,,Drag and Drop™ library action GMStdEffect_Desc,Show an effect at the specified position.,지정한 자리에 효과를 생성합니다.,,Drag and Drop™ library action description GMStdScript,Script,스크립트,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label GMStdArgument,Argument,인자,,DnD argument label +GMStdOptional,Optional,선택적,, DnD optional label +GMStdDefaultValue,Value,값,, DnD default value label GMStdTarget,Target,대상,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label GMStdReturnList,Return List,반환 목록,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label GMStdFreeTarget,Free Target,자유 대상,,Drag and Drop™ library argument label @@ -4494,7 +4582,7 @@ Sprite_FileFilters_SwfFiles,Shockwave Flash Object,Shockwave Flash 객체,,Sprit SpriteEditor_NoExport,Export Sprite Disabled,스프라이트 내보내기는 사용하실 수 없어요.,,The caption alongside the checkbox to show if a sprite will be exported SpriteEditor_ToolTip_WillExport,Sprite will export,스프라이트가 추출됩니다.,,THe tooltip when the sprite will be exported SpriteEditor_ToolTip_NoExport,Sprite export disabled by tile set(s): {0},타일 세트 {0}에 의해 내보내기가 비활성화되었습니다:,,The tooltip when the sprite will not be exported -RoomEditor_SelectFromAnyLayer,Select From Any Layer (P),레이어 상관없이 선택합니다. (P),,tool tip for the select from any layer button +RoomEditor_SelectFromAnyLayer,Select From Any Layer ,레이어 상관없이 선택합니다. (P),,tool tip for the select from any layer button RoomEditor_InstanceLayerStatus,LMB + ALT to paint with selected object resources,LMB + ALT로 선택한 객체 자원으로 그릴 수 있어요.,,status bar information for painting in an instance layer RoomEditor_AssetLayerStatus,LMB + ALT to paint with selected sprite resources,LMB + ALT로 선택한 스프라이트 자원으로 그릴 수 있어요.,,status bar information for painting in an asset layer RoomEditor_InstanceLayerStatus_Laptop,LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected object resources,LMB + 오른쪽 ALT로 선택한 객체 자원으로 그릴 수 있어요.,,status bar information for painting in an instance layer when laptop compatibility is enabled @@ -4511,7 +4599,7 @@ Spine_License_Agree,I agree to the terms listed,동의,,spine licence agreement Spine_License_AcceptLabel,Accept Spine licence,Spine 라이선스 동의,,spine licence option Spine_License_Show,Show Licence,라이선스 보기,,spine licence button Spine_NeedLicenceAcceptance,Project contains Spine assets - please accept the Spine licence agreement to proceed,프로젝트가 Spine 자산을 포함하고 있기 때문에 Spine 약관에 동의하여야 합니다.,,spine licence requirement message -RoomEditor_BrushEditingModeToolTip,Switch between selection and editing modes in brush builder page (${room_editor_tools_keyboard_shortcut22}),붓 제작기에서 선택 및 편집 방식 전환 (${room_editor_tools_keyboard_shortcut22}),,the tooltip for the editing mode button in the brush builder page +RoomEditor_BrushEditingModeToolTip,Switch between selection and editing modes in brush builder page ,붓 제작기에서 선택 및 편집 방식을 바꿉니다.,,the tooltip for the editing mode button in the brush builder page RoomEditor_DuplicateLayer,Duplicate Layer,레이어 복제,,context menu option to duplicate a layer TileSetEditor_DeleteAnimation_ToolTip,Delete Animation,삭제,,delete animation button tooltip TileSetEditor_PlayAnimation_ToolTip,Play Animation,재생,,play animation button tooltip @@ -4523,7 +4611,7 @@ Welcome_ShowOnStartup,Show on startup,시작 시 보여주기,,do not show again WelcomePage_Close,Close,닫기,,close label WelcomePage_Page1Text,...why not check out our all new {0}'Getting Started'{1} video,완전히 새로운 {0} 시작하는 방법에 대한 영상 {1}을 확인해보세요.,, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation WelcomePage_Page2Text,"Sit back, relax, and let us introduce you to some of our cool {0}'New Features'{1}",편히 앉으세요. 저희 {0}의 멋진 신기술 {1}을 소개해드립니다.,, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation -WelcomePage_Page3Text,"{0}'Access All Areas'{1}. Find everything you need in one place. Tutorials, marketplace, support and much more","{0} 모든 것을 해결하세요. {1}. 이 곳에서 튜토리얼, 장터, 고객 지원 등 필요한 모든 것을 찾을 수 있습니다!",, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation +WelcomePage_Page3Text,"{0}'Access All Areas'{1}. Find everything you need in one place. Tutorials, marketplace, support and much more","{0} 모든 것을 해결하세요. {1}. 이 곳에서 튜토리얼, 장터, 지원을 한번에 확인할 수 있어요.",, {0} and {1} are used to include bold text - must be maintained in translation WelcomePage_ShowOnStartup,Show welcome screen on startup,시작 시 환영 화면 보기,,preference text WelcomePage_Learn,Learn,학습,,welcome page external link text WelcomePage_Marketplace,Marketplace,장터,,welcome page external link text @@ -4543,7 +4631,7 @@ StartPage_Web_NewDnD,Drag and Drop,드래그 앤 드롭,,Start page localised we StartPage_Web_NewGml,GameMaker Language,게임메이커 언어,,Start page localised web content StartPage_Web_NewJS,JavaScript,JavaScript,,Start page localised web content StartPage_Web_InheritFromProject,Inherit Project,프로젝트 상속,,Start page localised web content -StartPage_Web_ViewReleaseNotes,To view release notes for this and previous versions,현재 버전과 이전 버전의 출시 소식을 보시려면,,Start page localised web content +StartPage_Web_ViewReleaseNotes,To view release notes for this and previous versions,현재 버전과 이전 버전의 출시 소식을 보세요,,Start page localised web content StartPage_Web_RecentProjects,Recent Projects,최근 프로젝트,,Start page localised web content StartPage_Web_RecentTutorials,Recent Tutorials,최근 튜토리얼,,Start page localised web content StartPage_Web_Licenses,Licences,라이선스,,Start page localised web content @@ -4572,9 +4660,9 @@ remote_worker_fronkensteen_runtime_path,Path to Remote Runtime,원격 런타임 remote_worker_output_path,Output Path,결과물의 위치,,Remote worker output path remote_worker_project_cache_path,Project Cache Path,프로젝트 캐시의 위치,,Remote worker project cache path default_audio_setting,Default Audio Device,기본 오디오 장치,,Default Audio Device setting -Validate_NameLength,Resource name must be between {2} and {1} characters long,자원 이름은 {2}자와 {1}자 사이여야 합니다.,,validation error message for resource name +Validate_NameLength,Resource name must be between {2} and {1} characters long,자원 이름은 {2}자와 {1}자 사이여야 해요.,,validation error message for resource name Validate_InvalidFolderName,Folder name contains invalid characters: {0},폴더 이름에 올바르지 않은 문자가 있습니다: {0},,validation error message for folder names -DnD_ResourceSelection_DropLabel,Drop here to assign resource,자원을 할당하려면 여기로 끌어오세요.,,DnD™ Resource Input label +DnD_ResourceSelection_DropLabel,Drop here to assign asset,자원을 할당하려면 여기로 끌어오세요.,,DnD™ Resource Input label TextureGroups_OpenResource,Open,열기,,Open Resource RemoteWorker_WindowTitle,Settings for {0},{0}의 설정,,Remote worker window title RemoteWorker_PlatformNotSupportedTitle,Remote Worker - Platform Not Supported,원격 작업자 - 지원되지 않는 플랫폼,,Platform is not supported on this remote worker title @@ -4584,8 +4672,8 @@ RemoteWorker_NameErrorTitle,Remote Worker Name Error,원격 작업자 이름 오 RemoteWorker_NameError,A Remote Worker with this name already exists.,이 이름을 가진 원격 작업자가 이미 있어요.,,Remote Worker Name error message RemoteWorker_PlatformNotSupported,The current platform is not supported on this Remote Worker.,이 원격 작업자에서는 현재 플랫폼이 지원되지 않아요..,,Platform is not supported on this remote worker SearchOutput_Default,Press ${open_search_replace} to open the Search and Replace window.,검색 및 바꾸기 창을 열려면 ${open_search_replace}를 누르세요.,,Default text for the Search Output Window -SourceControl_Default,"Source Control Output will go here. If you have not turned on Source Control, you can find it in Main Options.",소스 제어 출력이 여기에 표시돼요. 소스 제어를 켜지 않은 경우 기본 옵션에서 찾을 수 있어요.,,Default text for the Source Control Window -SourceControl_Trial,"Source Control Output would go here, but you are currently using a Trial version.\nPlease upgrade to a paid version to enable the Source Control features!\nVisit https://www.yoyogames.com/get2 to view our pricing.","소스 제어 출력은 있지만, 체험판에선 사용하지는 못하세요.\n소스 제어 기능을 사용하려면 유료 버전으로 업그레이드해주세요!\nhttps://www.yoyogames.com/get2를 방문하세요.",,Default text for source control window when in trial mode. +SourceControl_Default,Source Control Output will go here.,소스 제어 출력이 여기에 표시돼요. 소스 제어를 켜지 않은 경우 기본 옵션에서 찾을 수 있어요.,,Default text for the Source Control Window +SourceControl_Trial,"Source Control Output would go here, but you are currently using a Trial version.\nPlease upgrade to a paid version to enable the Source Control features!\nVisit https://www.yoyogames.com/get2 to view our pricing.",소스 제어 출력은 있지만 체험판에선 사용하지는 못해요.\n소스 제어 기능을 사용하려면 유료 버전으로 업그레이드 해주세요!\nhttps://www.yoyogames.com/get2를 방문하세요.,,Default text for source control window when in trial mode. TileSetEditor_WarningRoomTileLayersAffected,"Tile size increase will cause rooms to lose some tile layer data, are you sure you want to make this change?\n\nTo avoid data loss press cancel and increase room size of the affected rooms: {0}",타일 크기가 커지면 룸에서 일부 타일 레이어 데이터가 손실되는데 정말로 계속할까요?\n데이터 손실을 방지하려면 취소를 누르고 영향을 받는 룸의 크기를 늘리세요: {0},,warning for user when increasing tile width/height which would cause a room tile layer to be truncated and lose painted tiles GMStdAlpha_Name,Set Draw Alpha,그리기 투명도 정하기,,dnd set draw alpha node GMStdAlpha_Desc,Set the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.,그리기에 사용되는 투명도 채널(0~1)을 설정합니다.,,dnd set draw alpha node @@ -4600,8 +4688,8 @@ CloseNonEmptyWorkspaceTabTitle,Closing a non-empty workspace,비어 있지 않 enableclosetabshortcut,Allow empty tabs to be closed via the keyboard shortcut,단축키를 통해 빈 탭을 닫을 수 있도록 허용하기,,close tab label autoclosenonemptyworkspacetabs,Automatic response to closing a workspace via keyboard shortcut,단축키로 비어 있지 않은 작업 공간 탭 닫기,,auto close tab label tileseteditor_automaticaccepttilesize,Automatic response to room tile layer cropping due to tile size changes,타일 크기 변경으로 인한 타일 레이어 정돈,,tile size causing tile layer crop confirmation description -fonteditor_fontnotavailable,Font family '{0}' is not available. Verify that you have installed this font correctly.,글꼴 패밀리 {0}을(를) 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 글꼴이 올바르게 설치됐는지 확인하세요.,,Font editor font not available -fonteditor_fontnotavailable_listbox,Missing '{0}',{0}'가 누락됐어요.,,Text in font dropdown to tell user the font is unavailable +fonteditor_fontnotavailable,Font family '{0}' is not available. Verify that you have installed this font correctly.,글꼴 패밀리 '{0}'를 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 글꼴이 올바르게 설치됐는지 확인하세요.,,Font editor font not available +fonteditor_fontnotavailable_listbox,Missing '{0}','{0}'가 누락됐어요.,,Text in font dropdown to tell user the font is unavailable fonteditor_fontnotavailable_title,Unavailable Font,사용 불가능한 글꼴,,Title for unavailable font warning TextureAudioGroups_CyclicParent,A group cannot be a child of itself.,모음은 스스로의 자식이 될 수 없어요.,,Cyclic parent warning TextureAudioGroups_CyclicParent_Title,Invalid Parent,유효하지 않은 부모,,Title for above warning @@ -4613,8 +4701,8 @@ NewSpriteWidth,Default sprite width,스프라이트의 기본 너비,,pref label NewSpriteHeight,Default sprite height,스프라이트의 기본 높이,,pref label TileSetEditorMenu_Delete,Delete,삭제,,the delete animation or auto tile set context menu option TileSetEditorMenu_Rename,Rename,이름 바꾸기,,the rename animation or auto tile set context menu option -RoomEditor_NoSelectionPathLayerStatus,"LMB + T to translate path, LMB + R to rotate path, LMB + S to scale path","경로 이동 - LMB + T, 경로 회전 - LMB + R, 경로 크기 조정 - LMB + S",,status bar information for editing paths -YYP_DragDrop_Message,Load the project instead of adding a datafile?,데이터파일을 추가하는 대신 프로젝트를 불러올까요?,,confirm message +RoomEditor_NoSelectionPathLayerStatus,"LMB + T to translate path, LMB + R to rotate path, LMB + S to scale path","경로 이동 - LMB + T, 경로 회전 - LMB + R, LMB + S to scale path",,status bar information for editing paths +YYP_DragDrop_Message,Load the project instead of adding a datafile?,자료 파일을 추가하는 대신 프로젝트를 불러올까요?,,confirm message YYP_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Load the project?,이 프로젝트를 불러올까요?,,confirm message StartPage_Web_RefreshDemos,Refresh owned demos.,소유하신 데모 프로젝트를 업데이트합니다.,,Refresh demos start page YYP_DragDrop_Title,Project file detected,프로젝트 파일 감지됨,,dialog title @@ -4622,7 +4710,7 @@ Archive_DragDrop_Message,Import the project instead of adding a datafile?,자료 Archive_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Import the project?,프로젝트를 가져올까요?,,confirm message Archive_DragDrop_Title,Project archive detected,프로젝트 압축 파일 감지됨,,dialog title GadgetToolbox_ExpandableCategory,Expandable Category,확장 가능한 범주,,Dialog editor toolbox name -MarketplaceAsset_RemoveTooltip,Delete local content for this asset.,자산의 내용물을 삭제합니다.,,Remove tooltip for marketplace assets +MarketplaceAsset_RemoveTooltip,Delete local content for this asset.,자산의 내용물을 지웁니다.,,Remove tooltip for marketplace assets MarketplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Message,Open the tutorial instead of adding a datafile?,자료 파일을 추가하는 대신 튜토리얼을 열까요?,,confirm message MarketplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Message_IDE,Open the tutorial?,튜토리얼을 열까요?,,confirm message MarkerplaceTutorial_DragDrop_Title,Tutorial package detected,튜토리얼 패키지 발견됨,,dialog title @@ -4650,8 +4738,8 @@ StartPage_Web_TooltipNotOwned,Acquire this tutorial,이 튜토리얼 얻기,,Acq StartPage_Web_TooltipNotOwnedDemo,Acquire this demo,이 데모 얻기,,Acquire demo tooltip StartPage_Web_OwnedTutorialsFiltered,Installed,설치됨,,Installed filter text PhysicsShapeWindow_CurFrame,Frame:,프레임,,Phsyics shape window toolbar frame label -Validation_ItemFrozen,"Item '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing",{0}'을 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when item is locked -Validation_ItemsFrozen,"Items '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing",{0}'을 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when multiple items are locked +Validation_ItemFrozen,"Item '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing",'{0}'을 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when item is locked +Validation_ItemsFrozen,"Items '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing",'{0}'을 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when multiple items are locked Validation_LayerFrozen,"Layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing",레이어 '{0}'를 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when layer is locked Validation_LayersFrozen,"Layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing",레이어 '{0}'를 편집하려면 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when multiple layers are locked Validation_ItemOwnerLayerFrozen,"Owner layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing of item",편집하려면 상위 레이어 '{0}'를 잠금 해제해주세요.,,validation error message when layer is locked @@ -4671,17 +4759,17 @@ ObjectEditor_RemoveChildTooltip,Remove child,자식 제거하기,,Object editor INVALID_FILEPATH_TITLE,Invalid Path,유효하지 않은 경로,,Invalid File path title INVALID_FILEPATH_PATHTOOLONG,File path is too long: {0},너무 긴 파일 이름: {0},,File at x has a path which is too long to handle INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME_TITLE,Included File has invalid name,유효하지 않은 포함 파일의 이름,,Invalid included file name dialog box title -INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME_MSG,"One or more included files has an invalid filename, should only contain a-z, A_Z, 0-9, _ or .\nSee the output panel for a list.","한 개 이상의 포함 파일들의 이름이 올바르지 않아요. 영문 대소문자, 숫자, 또는 _만을 포함해야 해요. \n출력 창에서 그 목록을 확인해주세요.",,Invalid included file name dialog box message +INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME_MSG,"One or more included files has an invalid filename, should only contain a-z, A_Z, 0-9, _ or .\nSee the output panel for a list.",한 개 이상의 포함 파일들의 이름이 올바르지 않아요. 영문 / 대소문자 / 숫자 또는 _만을 포함해야 해요. \n출력 창에서 그 목록을 확인해주세요.,,Invalid included file name dialog box message INVALID_INCLUDEDFILE_NAME,Included file with invalid filename: '{0}',유효하지 않은 파일 이름을 가진 포함 파일: '{0}',,Invalid Included file name output message Validate_InvalidFilename,'{0}' contains invalid filename characters,{0}'은 올바르지 않은 문자를 포함하고 있어요. 영문 대소문자와 숫자만 가능해요.,,Rename message -InvalidIncludedFileName_Digit,'{0}' starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this,{0}'은 숫자로 시작하는 이름이에요. 많은 플랫폼에서 이를 지원하지 않아요.,,Invalid Included File starting with a digit +InvalidIncludedFileName_Digit,'{0}' starts with a number. Various platforms do not support this,'{0}'은 숫자로 시작하는 이름이에요. 많은 플랫폼에서 이를 지원하지 않아요.,,Invalid Included File starting with a digit roomeditor_selectioncolour,Selection frame colour,룸 편집기에서 잠기지 않은 항목의 선택 프레임 색상,,preference name for the selection frame colour for unlocked items in the room editor roomeditor_selectionlockedcolour,Locked selection frame colour,룸 편집기에서 잠긴 항목의 선택 테두리 색상,,preference name for the selection frame colour for locked items in the room editor -roomeditor_propertiescolour,Properties frame colour,룸 편집기에서 잠기지 않은 항목의 속성 프레임 색상,,preference name for the properties frame colour for unlocked items in the room editor +roomeditor_propertiescolour,Properties frame colour,룸 편집기에서 잠기지 않은 항목의 속성 테두리 색상,,preference name for the properties frame colour for unlocked items in the room editor roomeditor_propertieslockedcolour,Locked properties frame colour,룸 편집기에서 잠긴 항목의 속성 테두리 색상,,preference name for the properties frame colour for locked items in the room editor roomeditor_selectionboundscolour,Selection bounds colour,룸 편집기에서 잠기지 않은 항목의 선택 경계 색상,,preference name for the selection bounds colour for unlocked items in the room editor roomeditor_selectionboundslockedcolour,Locked selection bounds colour,룸 편집기에서 잠긴 항목의 선택 경계 색상,,preference name for the selection bounds colour for locked and unlocked items in the room editor -GridSettings_SnapToGridToolTip,Snap To Grid (${toggle_grid_snap}),격자에 맞추기 (${toggle_grid_snap}),,the tooltip for the snap to grid checkbox +GridSettings_SnapToGridToolTip,Snap To Grid ,격자에 맞추기 (${toggle_grid_snap}),,the tooltip for the snap to grid checkbox PhysicsShapeEditor_FrameOf,of,의,,Frame x of y label ResourcePrefs_DefaultSpriteOrigin,Default sprite origin,기본 중심점,,Default sprite origin preference ResourcePrefs_DefaultSpriteCollisionMaskKind,Default sprite collision mask kind,기본 마스크 종류,,Preferences / Sprite Editor / Default sprite collision mask kind @@ -4703,7 +4791,7 @@ ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Diamond,Diamond,마름모형,,sprite collision kind d ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_Precise,Precise,정밀형,,sprite collision kind precise ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_PrecisePerFrame,PrecisePerFrame,프레임 마다 정밀형,,sprite collision kind precise per frame ListBoxEnum_eSpriteColKind_RectangleRotation,RectangleRotation,회전하는 사각형,,sprite collision kind rectangle rotation -RoomItem_RestoreNameUpdated,Attempting to restore item '{0}' name is already in use and has been updated to '{1}',이름' {0}'은 이미 있어서 '{1}'으로 바뀜,,console log message when restoring an item whose name has been taken by another instance +RoomItem_RestoreNameUpdated,Attempting to restore item '{0}' name is already in use and has been updated to '{1}',이름 '{0}'은 이미 있어서 '{1}'으로 바뀜,,console log message when restoring an item whose name has been taken by another instance Extraction_Error,ERROR: Unable to extract '{0}' at '{1}',오류: '{1}'에서 '{0}'을 추출할 수 없음,,Error message when gmz/yyz extraction fails FontEditor_SampleText,Sample Text,예시문,,Font editor sample text PhysicsShapeEditor_ToggleGrid,Toggle grid on or off.,격자를 켜고 끕니다.,,Toggle grid tooltip @@ -4741,7 +4829,7 @@ DnDModule_DeleteNode,Delete,삭제,,DnD™ module delete selected IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Title,Laptop Mode ({0}),랩톱 모드 ({0}),,IDE toolbar laptop mode title IDETooltip_LaptopMode_On,On,켜기,,On text IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Off,Off,끄기,,Off text -IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Description,"In Laptop Mode you can pan, scroll and zoom by moving the mouse over an area\nwhile holding ${LaptopLZoomKey} to zoom and Left Alt to pan and scroll.\nUse ${LaptopRHSKeys} for non-mouse interactions while Laptop Mode is enabled.","랩톱 모드에서는 마우스로 옮기기, 스크롤 그리고 확대가 가능합니다.\n${LaptopLZoomKey}을(를) 누르고 있으면 확대가 되고, 왼쪽 Alt를 누르면 이동과 스크롤이 되며\n${LaptopRHSKeys}은(는) 랩톱 모드가 활성화 돼있는 동안 마우스 사용이 중지됩니다.",,IDE toolbar laptop mode description +IDETooltip_LaptopMode_Description,"In Laptop Mode you can pan, scroll and zoom by moving the mouse over an area\nwhile holding ${LaptopLZoomKey} to zoom and Left Alt to pan and scroll.\nUse ${LaptopRHSKeys} for non-mouse interactions while Laptop Mode is enabled.",랩톱 모드에서는 마우스로 옮기기와 스크롤 그리고 확대가 가능합니다.\n${LaptopLZoomKey}을(를) 누르고 있으면 확대가 되고,,IDE toolbar laptop mode description MyAccount_Offline,Cannot access account management: User is offline,계정 관리에 접근할 수가 없어요. 사용자가 오프라인이에요.,,User is offline and trying to access My Account UserOffline_NeedsInternet,Please make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.,인터넷에 연결되어 있는지 확인하시고 다시 시도해보세요.,,User is offline MyAccount_WorkspaceTitle,My Account,내 계정,,My account workspace title @@ -4750,9 +4838,9 @@ StartPage_ProjectNotExistsTitle,Project Missing,프로젝트 누락됨,,Project StartPage_ProjectNotExists,This project may have been moved or deleted.\nPlease verify the project location and try again.,이 프로젝트가 이동되었거나 삭제되었을 수 있습니다.\n프로젝트 위치를 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.,,Project does not exist TileSet_Libraries,Libraries,라이브러리,,the tile selection window libraries tab title TileSet_Brushes,Brushes,붓,,the tile selection window brushes tab title -Validate_MaintainFileExtension,"Invalid name, cannot change extension from '{0}' to '{1}'.",유효하지 않은 이름입니다. '{0}'에서 '{1}'로 확장 기능을 바꿀 수 없습니다.,,extension placeholder message -ObjectEditor_EditParent,Edit Parent,부모 편집하기,,Edit parent object tooltip -ObjectEditor_EditMask,Edit Mask,마스크 편집하기,,Edit mask tooltip +Validate_MaintainFileExtension,"Invalid name, cannot change extension from '{0}' to '{1}'.",올바르지 않은 이름이에요. '{0}'에서 '{1}'로 확장 기능을 바꿀 수가 없어요.,,extension placeholder message +ObjectEditor_EditParent,Edit Parent,부모를 편집합니다.,,Edit parent object tooltip +ObjectEditor_EditMask,Edit Mask,마스크를 편집합니다.,,Edit mask tooltip StartPage_Web_RefreshTutorials,Refresh owned tutorials.,튜토리얼을 새로 고칩니다.,,Refresh tutorials tooltip Tooltip_ResizeSprite,Resize Sprite,스프라이트의 크기를 조절합니다.,,Sprite resize button tooltip Debugger_UnableToEvaluate,,<평가 불가능함>,,Unable to evaluate expression in debugger @@ -4774,14 +4862,14 @@ Debugger_Window_Profile,Profile,프로필,,Debugger profile window title Debugger_Window_Buffers,Buffers,버퍼,,Debugger buffers window title Debugger_Window_RenderState,Render States,렌더 상태,,Debugger render states window title Debugger_TimelineMoment,Moment {0},분기점 {0},,Debugger timeline moment label -Debugger_Toltip_Run,Continue (${debugger_continue}),계속 (${debugger_continue}),,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_Run,Continue ,계속 (${debugger_continue}),,Debugger tooltip Debugger_Toltip_Break,Break,중단,,Debugger tooltip Debugger_Toltip_Restart,Restart game,다시 시작,,Debugger tooltip Debugger_Toltip_Stop,Close the game,종료,,Debugger tooltip Debugger_Tooltip_Close,Discard the collected data and end the debugging session.,수집된 자료를 버리고 디버깅을 종료합니다.,,Toltip lol -Debugger_Toltip_StepInto,Step into function call (${debugger_step_into}),함수 호출 들어가기 (${debugger_step_into}),,Debugger tooltip -Debugger_Toltip_StepOver,Step over function call (${debugger_step_over}),함수 호출 건너뛰기 (${debugger_step_over}),,Debugger tooltip -Debugger_Toltip_StepOut,Step out of function (${debugger_step_out}),함수 호출 나오기 (${debugger_step_out}),,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_StepInto,Step into function call ,함수 호출 들어가기 (${debugger_step_into}),,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_StepOver,Step over function call ,함수 호출 건너뛰기 (${debugger_step_over}),,Debugger tooltip +Debugger_Toltip_StepOut,Step out of function ,함수 호출 나오기 (${debugger_step_out}),,Debugger tooltip Debugger_Toltip_Realtime,Enable real-time debugging,실시간 디버깅 사용,,Debugger tooltip Debugger_SourceModified,Source Modified,소스가 수정됨,,Debugger source modified window title Debugger_SourceModified_Msg,The source code in {0} has been modified and cannot be debugged.,{0}의 원본 코드가 수정돼서 디버깅할 수 없어요.,,Debugger source modified window message @@ -4855,7 +4943,7 @@ Debugger_Profiler_Running,Profiling...,프로파일 중...,,debugger profiling Debugger_Profiler_Averages,Average Values,평균 값,,Debugger show average values Debugger_Profiler_Averages_Tooltip,Tick this to display all values as averages.\nUntick it to display accumulated values.,모든 값을 평균으로 표시하려면 이것을 선택하세요\n누적 값을 표시하려면 선택하세요,,Debugger averages tooltip Debugger_DataGrid_CallCount,Call Count,호출 횟수,,Debugger call count -Debugger_DataGrid_Time,Time (Ms),밀리초 시간,,Debugger time count +Debugger_DataGrid_Time,Time (Ms),밀리 초,,Debugger time count Debugger_DataGrid_Step,Step %,스텝 %,,Debugger step % column Debugger_Graph_Help,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold Control and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,이 그래프는 시간에 따른 메모리 사용 실태와 초당 프레임 수를 보여줘요. \nCtrl을 누르고 스크롤하면 그래프와 상호작용할 수 있어요.,,Debugger graph help icon Debugger_Graph_Help_Mac,This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold ⌘ and scroll to expand and contract the graph.,이 그래프는 초당 프레임 수와 시간 경과에 따른 메모리 사용량을 보여줘요.\n⌘키를 누르고 스크롤하면 그래프와 상호작용할 수 있어요.,,Debugger graph help icon @@ -4960,7 +5048,7 @@ ExtEditor_Tooltip_Remove3rdFramework,Remove selected framework,선택된 프레 ExtEditor_Tooltip_FrameworkPathOnMac,Full path on Mac to import framework from,Mac에서 프레임워크를 가져올 전체 경로입니다.,,tooltip ExtEditor_Tooltip_AddFrameworkFromMac,Import from Mac,Mac에서 가져옵니다.,,tooltip ExtEditor_Tooltip_iOS_AddSource,Add local source folder,지역 소스 폴더를 추가합니다.,,tooltip -DnD_StoryPanel_Empty,An overview will appear here when you add an action,동작을 추가하면 여기서 그 개요가 보여요.,,Empty panel text +DnD_StoryPanel_Empty,An overview will appear here when you add an action,동작을 추가하면 여기서 개요가 보여요.,,Empty panel text allowoverlappingchains_description,Workspace chains can overlap,작업영역의 연결 사슬이 겹치도록 허용하기,,preference description for whether we allow overlapping chains IcoFailedLoad,An image in the {0} file failed to load.,파일 {0}의 그림을 불러오지 못했어요.,,Ico image failed to load desktop_windowlockzoomlevel,Minimum zoom level for interacting with window contents (%),마우스가 창 내용과 상호 작용할 수 있는 최소 배율 (%),,preference description for when a window is locked and only responds to mouse interaction for dragging @@ -5012,17 +5100,17 @@ ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eScript,Script,스크립트,,Symbol type ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eResource,Resource,자원,,Symbol type ListBoxEnum_eSymbolType_eObsolete,Obsolete,폐기됨,,Symbol type Sprite_PreviewErrorMsg,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window.,파일 '{0}'은 지원되지 않아요. 컴파일 오류 창을 확인해보세요.,,Generate preview error message -Spine_PreviewErrorMsg,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window for further information and try re-exporting using a supported version of Spine.,파일 '{0}'은 지원되지 않습니다. 컴파일 오류 창을 확인하시고 알맞은 버전의 Spine으로 다시 시도해보세요.,,Generate preview error message for Spine sprites +Spine_PreviewErrorMsg,The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window for further information and try re-exporting using a supported version of Spine.,파일 '{0}'은 지원되지 않아요. 컴파일 오류 창을 확인하시고 알맞은 버전의 Spine으로 다시 시도해보세요.,,Generate preview error message for Spine sprites serverportunavailable_title,Webserver Port Unavailable,웹 서버 포트를 사용할 수 없음,,Webserver Port Unavailable title message -serverportunavailable_message,Port {0} is unavailable for spawning help!\nPlease change this in Preferences,포트 {0}은(는) 도움말 생성에 사용할 수 없습니다!\n환경설정에서 변경하세요.,,Webserver port is unavailable message content +serverportunavailable_message,Port {0} is unavailable for spawning help!\nPlease change this in Preferences,포트 {0}은(는) 도움말 생성에 사용할 수가 없어요.\n환경설정에서 바꿔주세요.,,Webserver port is unavailable message content Marketplace_MyLibrary_Empty,Your library is empty.,라이브러리가 비었어요.,,Empty library Marketplace_MyLibrary_ClickToBrowse,Click here to browse the marketplace.,여길 클릭해서 장터를 둘러보세요.,,Click to browse marketplace StartPage_Offline,This link cannot be opened as you are currently offline.,이 링크는 현재 오프라인 상태이므로 열 수가 없어요.,,User is offline and trying to open an external url debuggerporttouse,Debugger port,디버거가 사용할 포트,,Port for Debugger to use label in Settings debuggershoweventicons,Show event icons in Debugger Resource View,디버거 자원 보기에서 이벤트 아이콘 표시하기,,debugger show event icons pref realtimedebugging,Enable real-time debugging,실시간 디버깅 활성화하기,,Enable real-time debugging label in Settings -syntaxcheckingdelay,Syntax Checking delay (ms),문법 검사 지연 (밀리초),,Syntax Checking delay (ms) setting label -codecompletiondelay,Code Completion delay (ms),자동 완성 지연 (밀리초),,Code Completion delay (ms) setting label +syntaxcheckingdelay,Syntax Checking delay (ms),문법 검사 지연 (ms),,Syntax Checking delay (ms) setting label +codecompletiondelay,Code Completion delay (ms),자동 완성 지연 (ms),,Code Completion delay (ms) setting label ggs_draw_colour,Default draw colour,기본 그리기 색상,,the option for the default draw colour ggs_window_colour,Default colour outside the room region,룸 외부의 기본 색상,,the option for the default colour outside the room region defaultprojectdrawcolour_description,Initial default draw colour for new projects,새 프로젝트의 기본 그리기 색상,,the preference for setting the default draw colour option on project creation @@ -5036,7 +5124,7 @@ FreeVersion_SpineNotSupported,Spine files are not supported in GameMaker Studio FreeVersion_SWFNotSupported,SWF files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,GameMaker Studio 2의 체험판에서는 SWF를 사용하실 수가 없어요.,,SWF files are not supported in the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message FreeVersion_ImportNotSupported,Importing projects is not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,GameMaker Studio 2의 체험판에서는 프로젝트 가져오기를 사용하실 수가 없어요.,,Importing projects is not supported in the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message FreeVersion_MarketplaceNotSupported,Marketplace cannot be accessed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,GameMaker Studio 2의 체험판에서는 장터를 이용하실 수가 없어요.,,Marketplace cannot be accessed from the Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 error message -FreeVersion_UnsupportedResources,{0}' contains resources not supported by GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,{0}'에 GameMaker Studio 2의 체험판에서는 사용 불가능한 자원이 있어요.,,Unsupported resources error message +FreeVersion_UnsupportedResources,'{0}' contains resources not supported by GameMaker Studio 2 Trial,{0}'에 GameMaker Studio 2의 체험판에서는 사용 불가능한 자원이 있어요.,,Unsupported resources error message SpriteResizeTileset,Recalculate tile set after resize,크기 변경 후 타일 세트 다시 계산,,Resize dialog checkbox for sprite used as tileset SpriteResizeTilesetSelect,This sprite is used by multiple tile sets of varying tile sizes. Select a reference tile set for this operation.,이 스프라이트는 다양한 타일 크기의 여러 타일 세트에서 사용돼요. 작업을 위해 참조 타일 세트를 선택하세요.,,Multiple tilesets pick one SelectTileSetTitle,Select Reference Tile Set,참조할 타일 세트 선택,,Pick a tile set dialog title @@ -5104,7 +5192,7 @@ FontEditor_ReplacementGlyphError,Using symbols not found in font (?),글꼴 (?) FontEditor_ReplacementGlyphError_Tooltip,This font is missing one or more symbols and will get replacements from other fonts,이 글꼴에 하나 이상의 기호가 누락되어 다른 글꼴에서 대체됩니다.,,Tooltip FontEditor_MissingFontError,Font is not available on this machine (?),해당 글꼴이 이 장치에 없어요.,,This font is not available on this machine FontEditor_MissingFontError_Tooltip,Verify that the font is installed on your machine and try again,해당 글꼴이 이 장치에 설치되었는지 확인하세요.,,This font is not available on this machine tooltip -Font_TooLargeTexPage,"Font """"{0}"""" packs more characters than can fit on the texture page. Some characters will not be visible.","글꼴 """"{0}""""은 텍스처 페이지에 들어갈 수 있는 양보다 많은 문자를 포함하고 있어요. 일부 문자는 표시되지 않아요.",,Font too large for texture page warning dialog +Font_TooLargeTexPage,"Font """"{0}"""" packs more characters than can fit on the texture page. Some characters will not be visible.",글꼴 '{0}'은 텍스처 페이지에 들어갈 수 있는 양보다 많은 문자를 포함하고 있어요. 일부 문자는 표시되지 않아요.,,Font too large for texture page warning dialog Event_Gesture,Gesture,제스처,,Gesture event name Event_Gesture_Global,Global,전역,,Gesture event subtype Event_Gesture_Tap,Tap,탭,,Tap gesture event name @@ -5139,10 +5227,11 @@ MarketplaceFilter_GMS1Only,GMS 1.x,GMS 1.x,,Studio 1 assets filter name for mark MarketplaceFilter_GMS2_3Only,GMS 2.3,GMS 2.3,,Studio 2.3 assets filter name for marketplace library ide_language_description,IDE language,IDE 언어,,Label beside the IDE language selection pref_max_framerate,Maximum framerate of the GameMaker Studio 2 editor,프로그램의 최대 프레임,,Maximum framerate preference -pref_filewatcher_tolerance,Set File Watcher tolerance in ms after saving from within IDE,저장 후의 파일 감시기의 오차 (밀리초),,File watcher preference to handle save tolerance in ms +pref_filewatcher_tolerance,Set File Watcher tolerance in ms after saving from within IDE,저장 후의 파일 감시기의 오차 (ms),,File watcher preference to handle save tolerance in ms +pref_filewatcher_delay,Set File Watcher action delay in ms after filesystem changes,Set File Watcher action delay in ms after filesystem changes,,File Watcher preference to handle delay in action after changes File Watcher,File Watcher,파일 감시자,,File Watcher preference label notification_popups,Enable notifications,알림 활성화하기,,Enable Notification messages -notification_timeout,Notification timeout (ms),알림 제한 시간 (밀리초),,Notification timeout in ms +notification_timeout,Notification timeout (ms),알림 제한 시간 (ms),,Notification timeout in ms android_linktoamazonsubmit,Link to Amazon Submission Guide,Amazon 제출 안내문 링크,,Link to Amazon Submission Guide RemoteWorker_AddWorker,Add Worker,작업자 추가,,Add Worker Dialog Title RemoteWorker_DeleteDialogMessage,Are you sure you wish to delete this remote?,정말로 이 원격 작업자를 지울까요?,,the message when a user tries to delete a remote @@ -5168,13 +5257,20 @@ Preferences_windows_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Prefere Preferences_winuwp_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/WinUWP Preferences_winuwp_tools_folder,Win UWP Tools location,UWP 도구 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/WinUWP Preferences_macos_default_team_id,Default team identifier,기본 팀 식별자,,Preferences/Platform Settings/macOS +Preference_macos_package_default_type,Automatic packaging choice,패키지를 선택할 때,,Preferences/Platform Settings/macOS Preferences_ps4_sdk_dir,PS4 SDK location,PS4 SDK 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 Preferences_ps4_tools_dir,PS4 Tools location,PS4 Tools 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 Preferences_ps4_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS4 +Preferences_ps5_sdk_dir,PS5 SDK location,PS5 SDK 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 +Preferences_ps5_tools_dir,PS5 Tools location,PS5 Tools 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 +Preferences_ps5_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/PS5 Preferences_xbone_xdk_dir,XDK location,XDK 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone Preferences_xbone_tools_dir,Xbox One Tools location,Xbox One Tools 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone Preferences_xbone_xbone_dir,Xbox One SDK location,Xbox One SDK 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone Preferences_xbone_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/Xbone +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_dir,GDK location,GDK 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_tools_dir,GDK base location,GDK 기본 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS +Preferences_xboxseriesxs_vs_path,Visual Studio location,Visual Studio 위치,,Preferences/Platform Settings/XboxSeriesXS ProjectLoad_BadPathTitle,Unsafe Path,안전하지 않은 경로,,Bad Path message title when failing badpath check on load ProjectLoad_BadPathMessage,This project is located in an unsafe location: {0}\nPlease save it in a new location to avoid loss of work.,이 프로젝트는 안전하지 않은 위치에 있어요: {0}\n작업물이 손실되지 않도록 다른 위치에 저장해주세요.,,Project is in an unsafe location message ResourceTree_Search_Filters,Filters:,필터,,Filter label on Resource Tree search @@ -5187,9 +5283,8 @@ ResourceTree_HorizontalSeparators,Show horizontal separators,가로 구분 표 ResourceTree_HorizontalSeparatorColour,Horizontal separator colour,가로 구분 색상,,Choose colour for Horizontal Separators in Resource Tree ResourceTree_TreeLineColour,Tree line colour,트리 선 색상,,Choose colour for the Tree Lines ResourceTree_DefaultBackgroundColour,Default background colour,기본 배경색,,Default Background Colour -ResourceTree_BackgroundColourHelp,Ensure alpha level is increased to display node highlight,노드 강조를 위해 투명도를 올려야 해요.,,Help label for the Resource Tree background colours +ResourceTree_BackgroundColourHelp,Ensure alpha level is increased to display node highlight,노드 강조를 위해 투명도를 높여야 해요.,,Help label for the Resource Tree background colours ResourceTree_SpriteBackgroundColour,Sprites background colour,스프라이트 배경색,,Background Colour for Sprites -ResourceTree_NineSlicesBackgroundColour,Nine Slices background colour,9등분 스프라이트 배경색,,Background Colour for Nine Slices ResourceTree_TileSetsBackgroundColour,Tile Sets background colour,타일 세트 배경색,,Background Colour for Tile Sets ResourceTree_SoundsBackgroundColour,Sounds background colour,소리 배경색,,Background Colour for sounds ResourceTree_AudioEmittersBackgroundColour,Audio Emitters background colour,오디오 방출기 배경색,,Background Colour for Audio Emitters @@ -5297,8 +5392,8 @@ ggs_windowsuap_xbox_live_scid,Service Configuration ID,서비스 구성 ID,,The Proxy_Settings,Proxy Settings,프록시 설정,,Proxy settings window title Proxy_Address,Proxy,프록시,,proxy address label Proxy_Address_Tooltip,Proxy address and port (http://address:port),프록시 주소와 포트 (http://주소:포트),,proxy address tooltip -Proxy_Address_Error,"Error proxy must using ""http://address:port"" format","오류 프록시는 ""http://주소:포트"" 형식을 사용해야 합니다",,proxy format error message -Proxy_Error_Title,Error: Invalid proxy setting,오류: 유효하지 않는 프록시 설정,,proxy error window title +Proxy_Address_Error,"Error proxy must using ""http://address:port"" format","오류: 프록시는 ""http://주소:포트"" 형식을 사용해야 해요.",,proxy format error message +Proxy_Error_Title,Error: Invalid proxy setting,오류: 올바르지 않은 프록시 설정,,proxy error window title Proxy_Username,Username,사용자 이름,,proxy username label Proxy_Username_Tooltip,Proxy username,프록시 사용자 이름,,proxy username tooltip Proxy_Password,Password,암호,,proxy password label @@ -5341,7 +5436,7 @@ Paths,Paths,경로,,Paths preference group subheading Animation Curves,Animation Curves,애니메이션 곡선,,Animation Curves preference group subheading Power Saving,Power Saving,전원 절약,,Power Saving preference group subheading Recent Windows,Recent Windows,최근 창,,Recent Windows preference group subheading -Pick Whip,Pick Whip,선택 꼬리,,Pick Whip preference group subheading +Pick Whip,Pick Whip,꼬리 선택,,Pick Whip preference group subheading Resources,Resources,자원,,Resources preference group subheading Workspace,Workspace,작업공간,,Workspace preference group subheading Grid Settings,Grid Settings,격자 설정,,Grid Settings preference group subheading @@ -5367,11 +5462,14 @@ macOS,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,macOS preference group subheading Mac,macOS,macOS,DO NOT TRANSLATE,macOS preference group subheading for the old version where it was called Mac PS4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 4 preference group subheading PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 4 preference group subheading +PS5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 5 preference group subheading +PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,DO NOT TRANSLATE,PlayStation 5 preference group subheading Steam,Steam,Steam,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Steam preference group subheading Windows,Windows,Windows,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Windows preference group subheading Windows UWP,Windows UWP,Windows UWP,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Windows UWP preference group subheading Xbox One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox One preference group subheading XBox One,Xbox One,Xbox One,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox One preference group subheading +Xbox Series XS,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox Series X/S,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox Series X/S preference group subheading Linux,Ubuntu,Ubuntu,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Ubuntu preference group subheading Xbox Live,Xbox Live,Xbox Live,DO NOT TRANSLATE,Xbox Live options group subheading Dialogue Editor,Dialog Editor,대화상자 편집기,,Dialog Editor preference group subheading @@ -5420,7 +5518,7 @@ Pref_Visual_Studio_Path,Visual Studio Path,Visual Studio 위치,,Visual Studio P ggs_share_overlay,"Share Overlay (128x128, 64x64, 256x128, 256x64)","오버레이 공유 (128x128, 64x64, 256x128, 256x64)",,Share Overlay image for playstation 4 caption Button_Preview,Preview,미리보기,,Preview button caption Main,Main,전역 설정,,Main option group subheading -Run_Timer_Format,d' Days 'h' Hours 'm' Minutes 's' Seconds',d'일 'h'시간 'm'분 's'초 ,"Do not change d,h,m or s as these are formatting tags",time format to display in run timer +Run_Timer_Format,d' Days 'h' Hours 'm' Minutes 's' Seconds', 'd'일 'h'시간 'm'분 's'초,"Do not change d,h,m or s as these are formatting tags",time format to display in run timer Device_Manager_Platform,Platform,플랫폼,,Platform selector title for device manager Server,Server,서버,,Server preference group subheading Console,Console,콘솔,,Console preference group subheading @@ -5505,9 +5603,14 @@ TileSetEditor_OutputErrorTooltip,"Output texture size is too large, some tiles m Options_PS4ToolsSetupError,PlayStation 4 Tools Missing,PlayStation 4 도구 누락됨,,error dialog title when unable to find a ps4 tool Options_PS4ToolsSetupTrophyMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 4 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 4 트로피 편집기를 찾을 수 없어요. 도구의 위치를 수정하세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the trophy editor Options_PS4ToolsPreference,Go to PlayStation 4 settings,PlayStation 4 설정으로 이동,,button message to take user to PS4 preferences -Options_PS4ToolsSetupParamSFOMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 4 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 4 param.sfo 편집기를 찾을 수 없어요. 도구의 위치를 수정하세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor -Options_PS4ToolsSetupShareParamMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 4 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 4 공유 파일 편집기를 찾을 수 없어요. 도구의 위치를 수정하세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor -Options_XBoxToolsSetupServiceConfigMessage,Unable to find Xbox One executable xcetool.exe.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},Xbox One의 xcetool.exe 실행 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.\n도구의 위치를 수정하세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the xce.exe +Options_PS4ToolsSetupParamSFOMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 4 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 4 param.sfo 편집기를 찾을 수가 없어요. 도구의 경로를 수정해주세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS4ToolsSetupShareParamMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 4 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 4 공유 파일 편집기를 찾을 수가 없어요. 도구의 경로를 수정해주세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS5ToolsSetupError,PlayStation 5 Tools Missing,PlayStation 6 도구 누락됨,,error dialog title when unable to find a ps5 tool +Options_PS5ToolsSetupTrophyMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 5 trophy editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 5 트로피 편집기를 찾을 수 없어요. 도구의 위치를 수정하세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the trophy editor +Options_PS5ToolsPreference,Go to PlayStation 5 settings,PlayStation 5 설정으로 이동,,button message to take user to PS5 preferences +Options_PS5ToolsSetupParamSFOMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 5 param.sfo editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 5 param.sfo 편집기를 찾을 수가 없어요. 도구의 경로를 수정해주세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_PS5ToolsSetupShareParamMessage,Unable to find PlayStation 5 share file editor.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},PlayStation 5 공유 파일 편집기를 찾을 수가 없어요. 도구의 경로를 수정해주세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the param.sfo editor +Options_XBoxToolsSetupServiceConfigMessage,Unable to find Xbox One executable xcetool.exe.\nPlease update your tools directory.\n{0},Xbox One의 xcetool.exe 실행 파일을 찾을 수가 없어요.\n도구의 위치를 수정해주세요.\n{0},,error message when failed to find the xce.exe Options_XBoxToolsSetupError,Xbox One Tools Missing,Xbox One 도구 누락됨,,error dialog title when unable to find a xbox tool Options_XBoxToolsPreference,Go to Xbox One settings,Xbox One 설정으로 이동,,button message to take user to xbox preferences Error_XBoxTools,XBox One tools not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows,Xbox One 도구는 Mac에서 사용하실 수 없어요. Windows에서 편집하세요.,,Shown when trying to copy the xbox service manifest on mac @@ -5549,22 +5652,23 @@ SyntaxError_UnexpectedTerminalOp,unexpected terminal operator {0},예기치 않 SyntaxError_UnexpectedUnaryOp,unexpected unary operator {0},예기치 않은 단항 연산자 {0},,syntax error SyntaxError_UnexpectedTernaryOp,unexpected ternary operator {0},예기치 않은 삼항 연산자 {0},,syntax error SyntaxError_UnmatchedTry,try needs to have catch or finally clause,try는 catch 또는 finally가 필요함,,syntax error -SyntaxError_MacroExists,macro {0} already exists,매크로 {0}은(는) 이미 존재함,,syntax error +SyntaxError_MacroExists,macro {0} already exists,매크로 {0}는 이미 존재함,,syntax error SyntaxError_MalformedVarRef,malformed variable reference got {0},변수 참조가 올 곳에 {0}이(가) 있음,,syntax error SyntaxError_MultiAssignment,assignment to multi-relational-equality expression - GML does not support multiple assignments in an expression,다중 관계 동등 연산자에 대입 - GML은 표현식에서 다중 할당을 지원하지 않음,,syntax error -SyntaxError_Info,"{0} at line {1}, {2} : {3}","{0}, 줄 {1}, 칸 {2} : {3}",,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - character num, 3 - error description)" +SyntaxError_Info,"{0} at line {1}, {2} : {3}",줄 {1} / 칸 {2} 에서 {0}: {3},,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - character num, 3 - error description)" SyntaxError_MacroReferenceOnce,macro {0} is unused,매크로 {0}이(가) 사용되지 않음,,syntax error SyntaxError_VariableReferenceOnce,variable {0} only referenced once,변수 {0}이(가) 한 번만 참조됨,,syntax error -SyntaxError_VariableUnassigned,unassigned variable {0} referenced,할당하지 않은 변수 {0}이(가) 참조됨,,syntax error +SyntaxError_VariableUnassigned,unassigned variable {0} referenced,할당하지 않은 변수 {0}가 참조됨,,syntax error SyntaxError_ConstructorsOnly,only functions that are declared as constructors can use inheritance.,생성자로 선언된 함수만 상속을 사용 가능,,syntax error SyntaxError_InvalidFunctionModifier,unknown function atribute {0},알 수 없는 함수 특성 {0},,syntax error -SyntaxError_InheritedFunctionArguments,"Inherited argument ""{0}"" is not in function arguments","상속된 인자 ""{0}""는 함수 인자가 아님",,syntax error +SyntaxError_InheritedFunctionArguments,"Inherited argument ""{0}"" is not in function arguments",상속된 인자 '{0}'는 함수 인자가 아님,,syntax error SyntaxError_Only16NamedArgs,only 16 named arguments supported in a function declaration,함수 선언에 이름 있는 인자는 16개까지만 지원됨,,syntax error -CompileError_Info,{0} at line {1} : {2},"{0}, 줄 {1}: {2}",,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - error description)" +SyntaxError_AssignmentToBuiltIn,Assignment to builtin variable/function/constant,"내장 변수, 함수 혹은 상수에 대입함",,syntax error +CompileError_Info,{0} at line {1} : {2},줄 {1}에서 {0}: {2},,"syntax error displayed to user (0 - source, 1 - line num, 2 - error description)" CompileError_ObjVar_WrongType,Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in {2}'s variable '{3}' (expected {4}),{4} 유형이어야 하는 {2}의 변수 '{3}'에 {0} 유형의 {1}이 있음,,Object variable wrong type error CompileError_ObjVar_WrongTypeRoom,Not expecting {0} {1} assigned in room {2} in instance {3}'s variable '{4}' (expected {5}),{5} 유형이어야 하는 룸 {2}에 있는 {3}의 변수 '{4}'에 {0} 유형의 {1}이 있음,,Object variable wrong type error in room instances CompileError_ObjVar,Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in {1}'s variable '{2}',{1}의 변수 '{2}'에서 정의되지 않은 변수 '{0}'를 참조함,,Object variable undefined reference error -CompileError_InstVar,Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in room {3} in instance {1}'s variable '{2}',룸 {3}에 있는 {1}의 변수 '{2}'에서 정의되지 않은 변수 '{0}'을(를) 참조함,,Instance variable undefined reference error +CompileError_InstVar,Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in room {3} in instance {1}'s variable '{2}',룸 {3}에 있는 {1}의 변수 '{2}'에서 정의되지 않은 변수 '{0}'를 참조함,,Instance variable undefined reference error CompileError_Script,Script: {0},스크립트: {0},,script error CompileError_Object,Object: {0},객체: {0},,object event error CompileError_RoomCode,Creation Code in Room: {0},룸의 생성 코드: {0},,room creation code error @@ -5598,7 +5702,7 @@ ConversionLog_FontTextureBackedUp,GameMaker Studio 1 font texture has been backe ConversionLog_FontStyleMissing,!!! Font {0} font family {1} is installed but couldn't match style - Font has NOT been regenerated,!!! 글꼴 {0}의 글꼴 패밀리 {1}이(가) 설치되었지만 스타일과 맞지 않아요. 글꼴이 재생성 되지 않았어요.,,conversion log ConversionLog_FontMissing,!!! Font {0} uses a font ({1}) not installed on this system - Font has NOT been regenerated,!!! 글꼴 {0}이(가) 시스템에 설치되지 않은 글꼴 ({1})을(를) 사용하고 있어요. 글꼴이 재 생성되지 않았어요.,,conversion log ConversionLog_UnknownShader,Unknown Shader Type '{0}' for shader '{1}',쉐이더 {1}의 알 수 없는 쉐이더 종류 '{0}'가 있음,,conversion log -ConversionLog_MacIcon,macOS icon {0} written out as 32-bit,macOS 아이콘 {0}이(가) 32비트로 작성됐어요.,,conversion log +ConversionLog_MacIcon,macOS icon {0} written out as 32-bit,macOS 아이콘 {0}이(가) 32비트로 작성됨,,conversion log ConversionLog_ExtensionError,"Error - function '{0}' in extension '{1}' has more than 4 arguments, and they are not all of the same type",오류 - '{1}'의 확장 기능 '{0}'이 4개 이상의 인자를 가지고 있는데 전부 서로 동일한 자료형이 아니에요.,,conversion log ConversionLog_ConvertingScript,Converting GML script: {0},GML 스크립트 변환 중: {0},,conversion log ConversionLog_ConvertingEvent,Converting object event to GML script: {0},객체 이벤트를 GML 스크립트로 변환 중: {0},,conversion log @@ -5637,8 +5741,8 @@ UserLogin_ServerError,Error ({0}) - {1},오류 ({0}) - {1},,server response erro UserLogin_Exception,Exception - {0},예외 - {0},,exception error UserLogin_MachineIDMismatchDetail,Local Machine ID mismatch,지역 단말 ID가 맞지 않아요.,,machine id mismatch error UserLogin_MachineIDMissingDetail,Local Machine ID missing,지역 단말 ID가 없어요.,,machine id missing error -UserLogin_TrialExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 trial has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","GameMaker Studio 2의 30일 체험판 기간이 끝났어요.\n\n만약 여러분이 GameMaker Studio 2가 마음에 드신다면, 그리고 작업을 다시 시작하시려면 $39의 가격에 구매하실 수 있습니다.\n\n지금 구매하시고 창의력을 발휘하세요!",,Trial expired message -UserLogin_LicenseExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 Licence has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","GameMaker Studio 2의 라이선스가 만료됐어요.\n\n만약 여러분이 GameMaker Studio 2가 마음에 드신다면, 그리고 작업을 다시 시작하시려면 $39의 가격에 구매하실 수 있습니다.\n\n지금 구매하시고 창의력을 발휘하세요!",,Temporary licence expired message +UserLogin_TrialExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 trial has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","Your GameMaker Studio 2 trial has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!",,Trial expired message +UserLogin_LicenseExpired,"Your GameMaker Studio 2 Licence has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!","Your GameMaker Studio 2 Licence has expired.\n\nIf you enjoyed using GameMaker and want to continue, please purchase one of our great value licences at yoyogames.com.\n\nBUY NOW and Get CREATIVE!",,Temporary licence expired message UserLogin_TrialExpiredTitle,Trial Period Ended,체험 기간 종료,,Trial period ended dialog title UserLogin_LicenseExpiredTitle,Licence Expired,라이선스 만료,,Licence expired dialog title UserLogin_LicenceNoBuildAccessDetail,Licence does not have permission to access this build,현재 라이선스에는 이 빌드에 접근 권한이 없어요.,,message when user licence is not allowed to access a particular build @@ -5686,10 +5790,10 @@ tvOS,tvOS,tvOS,,tvOS label for game options amazonfire_nodevices_title,No Amazon devices detected,Amazon 장치 없음,,No Amazon devices detected title amazonfire_nodevices_messages,There were no Amazon Fire devices detected.,감지된 Amazon Fire 장치가 없어요.,,No Amazon devices detected message device_manager_error,Device Manager Error,장치 관리자 오류,,Error message title for Device Manager -device_manager_devicesjson_locked,The devices.json is locked.\nPlease ensure no other application is trying to read or write to this and try again.,devices.json 이 잠겨 있습니다.\n다른 응용 프로그램에서 읽거나 쓰고 있는지 확인하고 다시 시도해주세요.,,devices.json is locked and we can't access it -platformdevice_authorisation_required,The device with serial id: {0} requires authorisation.\nPlease check the device.,해당 인증번호 {0}의 기기는 인증이 필요합니다.\n기기를 확인하세요.,,Authorisation required on device so prompt the user to check it -Addon_FailedPlatformCheckTitle,Addon requires additional licences,부가 기능에 추가 라이선스가 필요합니다.,,Title for the failed platform check when attempting to download an addon -Addon_DefaultFailedPlatformCheckMessage,"Unfortunately, this addon is not available for the licences you currently own.\nDo you want to go to your account to view your licences?",현재 소유하고 계신 라이선스에는 이 부가 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.\n라이선스 확인을 위해 계정으로 이동할까요?,,Message to display by default when the platform check fails +device_manager_devicesjson_locked,The devices.json is locked.\nPlease ensure no other application is trying to read or write to this and try again.,devices.json이 잠겨 있어요.\n다른 응용 프로그램에서 읽거나 쓰고 있는지 확인하고 다시 시도해주세요.,,devices.json is locked and we can't access it +platformdevice_authorisation_required,The device with serial id: {0} requires authorisation.\nPlease check the device.,해당 인증번호 {0}의 기기는 인증이 필요해요.\n기기를 확인해주세요.,,Authorisation required on device so prompt the user to check it +Addon_FailedPlatformCheckTitle,Addon requires additional licences,부가 기능에 추가 라이선스 필요함,,Title for the failed platform check when attempting to download an addon +Addon_DefaultFailedPlatformCheckMessage,"Unfortunately, this addon is not available for the licences you currently own.\nDo you want to go to your account to view your licences?",현재 소유하고 계신 라이선스는 이 부가 기능을 사용하실 수 없어요.\n라이선스 확인을 위해 계정으로 이동할까요?,,Message to display by default when the platform check fails RoomEditor_InheritLayerDepthToolTip,Inherit Layer Depth,레이어 깊이 상속,,tooltip for inherit layer depth RoomEditor_InheritCreationOrderToolTip,Inherit Creation Order,생성 순서 상속,,tooltip for inherit creation order RoomEditor_InheritGraphicToolTip,Inherit Graphic Properties,그래픽 속성 상속,,tooltip for inherit graphic properties @@ -5756,7 +5860,7 @@ ggs_icon_iphone_settings_58,iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),,iPh ggs_icon_iphone_settings_87,iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+),iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+),,iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+) ggs_icon_ipad_settings_29,iPad 29pt (iOS 5+),iPad 29pt (iOS 5+),,iPad 29pt (iOS 5+) ggs_icon_ipad_settings_58,iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+),,iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+) -ggs_icon_itunes_artwork_1024,iTunes Artwork 1024pt,iTunes 앨범 삽화 1024pt,,iTunes Artwork 1024pt +ggs_icon_itunes_artwork_1024,iTunes Artwork 1024pt,1024pt iTunes 앨범 삽화,,iTunes Artwork 1024pt sourcecontrolgit_auth_userpass_failed_import,No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,{0} 에 유효한 인증 상세 정보를 찾을 수 없어요.\n저장소를 성공적으로 연결하였고 올바른 상세 정보를 입력했으면 발행할 수 있어요.,,No Valid User/Pass found for repository error message sourcecontrolgit_auth_ssh_failed_import,No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.,{0} 에 유효한 SSH 키 쌍 인증 상세 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.\n저장소를 성공적으로 연결하였고 올바른 상세 정보를 입력했으면 발행할 수 있어요.,,No Valid SSH KeyPair found for repository error message sourcecontrolgit_import_project_success,Successfully imported project,프로젝트를 성공적으로 가져왔어요.,,Success message for importing a project @@ -5776,13 +5880,13 @@ preferences_generate_patch,Generate Patch,패치 생성,,Label for generating ne preferences_install_patch,Install Patch,패치 설치,,Label for installing a patch Patching,Patching,패치 중…,,Patching preferences_patch_error,Patching Error,패치 오류,,Patching Error Title -preferences_patch_original_file_missing,The Original Package is missing. Please check the path.,원본 패키지가 누락되었습니다. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Missing original package file -preferences_patch_current_file_missing,The Current Package is missing. Please check the path.,현재 패키지가 누락되었습니다. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Missing current package file -preferences_patch_file_missing,The Patch file is missing. Please check the path.,패치 파일이 누락되었습니다. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Patch file is missing. +preferences_patch_original_file_missing,The Original Package is missing. Please check the path.,원본 패키지가 누락됐어요. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Missing original package file +preferences_patch_current_file_missing,The Current Package is missing. Please check the path.,현재 패키지가 누락됐어요. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Missing current package file +preferences_patch_file_missing,The Patch file is missing. Please check the path.,패치 파일이 누락됐어요. 경로를 확인해보세요.,,Patch file is missing. ggs_check_publishing_errors,Check for publishing errors,게시 오류 확인,,Check package file for publishing errors Build_Switch_NoSDK,The path for the Nintendo Switch SDK is misconfigured,Nintendo Switch SDK 경로가 구성되지 않음,,Path to Nintendo Switch SDK is wrong -Build_Switch_NoNMeta,No NMeta file has been found for this project. Please open the Authoring Editor to create one,아무 NMeta 파일도 찾지 못했습니다. 저작 도구를 열고 만드세요.,,No NMeta file has been found -Build_Switch_NoNEXSDK,The path for the Nintendo Switch NEX SDK does not exist. Please ensure the NEX plugin has been correctly installed in NDI.,Nintendo Switch NEX SDK 에 대한 경로가 존재하지 않습니다. NEX 플러그인이 NDI에 설치되 있어야 합니다.,,No NEX SDK installed +Build_Switch_NoNMeta,No NMeta file has been found for this project. Please open the Authoring Editor to create one,아무 NMeta 파일도 찾지 못했어요. 저작 도구에서 만드세요.,,No NMeta file has been found +Build_Switch_NoNEXSDK,The path for the Nintendo Switch NEX SDK does not exist. Please ensure the NEX plugin has been correctly installed in NDI.,Nintendo Switch NEX SDK가 경로에 존재하지 않아요. NEX 플러그인이 NDI에 설치되 있어야 해요.,,No NEX SDK installed ggs_enable_file_access_checking,Enable File Access Logging to SD Card,SD 카드에 파일 접근 기록 활성화하기,,Enable File Access Logging to SD Card ggs_enable_package_debug_output,Enable Debug Output in Package,패키지에서 디버그 출력 활성화하기,,Enable Debug Output in Package ggs_use_nx_cpu_profiler,Enable NX CPU Profiler for YYC Builds,YYC 빌드를 위한 NX CPU 프로파일러 활성화하기,,Enable NX CPU Profiler for YYC Builds @@ -5879,7 +5983,7 @@ ResourceTree_OpenInShapeViewer,Open in Shape Viewer,도형 뷰어에서 열기,, SequenceEditor_Title,Sequence: {0},{0},,Sequence editor window title SequenceEditor_Pref_AutoRecord,Automatically record changes,자동으로 변경 사항 기록하기,,Sequence auto record preference SequenceEditor_Pref_PauseCanvas,Pause when clicking on canvas,용지를 클릭할 때 잠시 멈추기,,Sequence pause canvas preference -SequenceEditor_Pref_OverlapDelay,Overlap selection delay in milliseconds,선택 지연 시간 (밀리초),,Sequence canvas preference +SequenceEditor_Pref_OverlapDelay,Overlap selection delay in milliseconds,선택 지연 시간 (ms),,Sequence canvas preference SequenceEditor_Pref_ShowBackdrop,Show canvas frame on newly created sequences,새 시퀀스에서 프레임 용지 보기,,Show canvas frame newly created sequence preference SequenceEditor_Pref_BackdropWidth,Canvas frame width on newly created sequences,새 시퀀스에서의 프레임 너비,,canvas frame width newly created sequence preference SequenceEditor_Pref_BackdropHeight,Canvas frame height on newly created sequences,새 시퀀스에서의 프레임 높이,,canvas frame height newly created sequence preference @@ -5894,7 +5998,7 @@ Sequence_Dopesheet_TitleBar,{0} [{1}] - Dope Sheet,{0} [{1}] - 노출 시트,,do Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_TrackPanel_Header,Track Panel,트랙 제어판,,empty track panel header Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_TrackPanel_Description,Click or drag an asset here to create an asset track. Organise & order your tracks in this panel.,여기에 자산을 드래그 하거나 클릭해서 트랙을 만들 수 있어요. 그리고 트랙을 관리할 수 있어요.,,empty track panel description Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_Header,Dope Sheet,노출 시트,,empty dopesheet panel header -Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_Description,Tracks' appear here when assets have been added to the project. Click or drag assets here.,여기에 자산을 추가해보세요. 트랙은 여기에 표시돼요.,,empty dopesheet panel description +Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_Description,'Tracks' appear here when assets have been added to the project. Click or drag assets here.,여기에 자산을 추가해보세요. 트랙은 여기에 표시돼요.,,empty dopesheet panel description Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveChannels,Select any parameter track to view curve,곡선을 보일 매개변수 트랙을 선택해주세요.,,Empty channel stack label Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveGraph1,No curve visible.,보이는 곡선이 없어요.,,Empty graph label Sequence_Dopesheet_Empty_AnimCurveGraph2,A parameter track must be sepected to view curves.,곡선을 보려면 매개변수 트랙이 선택됐어야 해요.,,Empty graph label @@ -6104,7 +6208,7 @@ SequenceAddAction_Action,Action,동작,,Action label SequenceAddAction_Properties,Properties,속성,,Properties label SequenceAddAction_AddActionDialog,Are you sure you want to add this action?,정말로 이 동작들을 추가할까요?,,Are you sure SequenceAddAction_ActionAdded,Action added!,추가됐어요.,,Action added to event confirmation message -SequenceAddAction_EventActionLabel,On {0}: {1},{0} 위의{1},,What action was added to what event label +SequenceAddAction_EventActionLabel,On {0}: {1},{0} 위의 {1},,What action was added to what event label SequenceAddAction_AddAnotherAction,Continue,계속,,Continue button label SequenceEditWindow_Position,Position,위치,,Position label SequenceEditWindow_CannotBulkEdit,The selected items cannot be edited in bulk.,선택하신 항목은 일괄적으로 편집할 수 없어요.,,Cannot edit in bulk label @@ -6123,16 +6227,16 @@ SequenceGizmo_Sequence,Sequence,시퀀스,,Sequence gizmo text SequenceGizmo_Group,Group,모음,,Group gizmo text SequenceGizmo_Ghosting,Delta Ghosting,델타 고스팅,,Ghosting gizmo text SequenceGizmo_Origin,Origin,중심,,Origin gizmo text -SequenceGizmo_ZeroZero,Zero zero,제로 제로,,Zero zero gizmo text +SequenceGizmo_ZeroZero,Zero zero,XY 영점,,Zero zero gizmo text SequenceGizmo_AxisTransform,Transform,변형,,Transform gizmo text SequenceGizmo_ShowAxes,Show Axes,축 보이기,,Show axes gizmo text SequenceGizmo_TranslationPath,Translation Path,경로 변환하기,,Translation path gizmo text Sequence_AddTagTooltip,Add tag,태그 더하기,,Add tag tooltip Sequence_RemoveTagsTooltip,Remove selected tags,선택된 태그 지우기,,Remove selected tags tooltip -DopeSheet_Tooltip_NewKey,Record a new key (F9),새로운 태그 기록하기 (F9),,New key tooltip -DopeSheet_Tooltip_AutoRecord,Automatically record changes (F10),변경 사항 자동으로 기록하기 (F9),,Auto record tooltip -DopeSheet_Tooltip_SplitKey,Split the selected keys (F7),선택된 태그 나누기 (F9),,Split key tooltip -DopeSheet_Tooltip_DeleteKey,Delete the selected keys (F8),선택된 키 지우기 (F9),,Delete key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_NewKey,Record a new key ,새로운 태그 기록하기 (F9),,New key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_AutoRecord,Automatically record changes ,변경 사항 자동으로 기록하기 (F9),,Auto record tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_SplitKey,Split the selected keys ,선택된 태그 나누기 (F9),,Split key tooltip +DopeSheet_Tooltip_DeleteKey,Delete the selected keys ,선택된 키 지우기 (F9),,Delete key tooltip DopeSheet_Tooltip_RaiseEvent,Broadcast message,송출 메시지,,Broadcast message tooltip DopeSheet_Tooltip_GlobalSpace,Global space,전역 공간,,Current space is global DopeSheet_Tooltip_LocalSpace,Local space,지역 공간,,Current space is local @@ -6233,8 +6337,8 @@ Sequence_Tooltip_PlaybackMode,Change playback mode,재생 방식 바꾸기,,Chan Sequence_Tooltip_Button_Menu,Show Menu,메뉴 보이기,,Show Menu tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Rewind,Jump to start,시작으로 가기,,Rewind sequence tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Fastfoward,Jump to end,끝으로 가기,,Fastforward sequence tooltip -Sequence_Tooltip_Add_Label,Add Broadcast Message (Ctrl+8),방송 메시지 추가하기 (Ctrl + 8),,Add Broadcast Message tooltip -Sequence_Tooltip_Moment_Tooltip,Add Moment (Ctrl+9),분기 추가하기 (Ctrl+9),,Add Moment tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Add_Label,Add Broadcast Message ,방송 메시지 추가하기 (Ctrl + 8),,Add Broadcast Message tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Moment_Tooltip,Add Moment ,분기 추가하기 (Ctrl+9),,Add Moment tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Search,Search,검색하기,,Search tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_LockUnlock_All_Tracks,Lock\Unlock All Tracks,잠그기\전부 잠금 해제하기,,Lock\Unlock All Tracks tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_ShowHide_All_Tracks,Show\Hide All Tracks,보이기\전부 숨기기,,Show\Hide All Tracks tooltip @@ -6242,13 +6346,13 @@ Sequence_Tooltip_Collapse_All,Expand\Collapse all,펼치기\전부 접기,,Expan Sequence_Tooltip_AnimCurveMode,Toggle Curve Mode,곡선 모드 켜고 끄기,,anim curve mode button tooltip SequenceDopeSheet_Components,Components,구성요소,,Components label SequenceDopeSheet_Tracks,Tracks,트랙,,Tracks label -SequenceDopeSheet_SelectResource,Select Resource,자원 선택,,Select resource to add as new track +SequenceDopeSheet_SelectResource,Select Asset,자원 선택,,Select resource to add as new track SequenceDopeSheet_SelectComponent,Select Component,구성요소 선택,,Select component to add as new track SequenceDopeSheet_SearchResults,{0} of {1} results,{1}개 중에 {0}개의 결과,,Sequence track panel hierarchy search results SequenceDopeSheet_SearchResultsNone,No results found,결과 없음,,Sequence track panel hierarchy search results Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Zoom_Bar_BG,Zoom Bar,배율,,Zoom Bar tooltip -Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_Group,Add New Group (Alt+G),새 모음 추가하기,,Add New Group tooltip -Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_ClipMask,Add New Clip Mask (Ctrl+M),새 맞춤형 마스크 추가하기,,Add New Clip Mask tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_Group,Add New Group ,새 모음 추가하기,,Add New Group tooltip +Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_New_ClipMask,Add New Clip Mask ,새 맞춤형 마스크 추가하기,,Add New Clip Mask tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Add,Add Track,새 트랙 추가하기,,Add Track tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Copy,Duplicate Track,트랙 복제하기,,Duplicate Track tooltip Sequence_Tooltip_Dopesheet_Track_Delete,Delete Track,트랙 삭제하기,,Delete Track tooltip @@ -6283,7 +6387,7 @@ AssetBrowser_SortFilter,Filter/Sort,필터 및 정렬,,Asset browser filter/sort AssetBrowser_NoResults,No results found,결과 없음,,Asset browser no results AssetBrowser_SortAZ,A-Z,A-Z,,asset browser sort type label AssetBrowser_SortZA,Z-A,Z-A,,asset browser sort type label -AssetBrowser_SortGroupFirst,Folders First,폴더 먼저 놓기,,asset browser sort type label +AssetBrowser_SortGroupFirst,Groups First,폴더 먼저 놓기,,asset browser sort type label AssetBrowser_SortCustom,Custom Order,사용자 정의 순서,,asset browser custom sort order label AssetBrowser_QuickAccess,Quick Access,빠른 실행,,quick access node title AssetBrowser_Recent,Recent,최근 항목,,quick access node recent title @@ -6444,7 +6548,7 @@ LocalisedManual_DownloadFailed,An error occurred while trying to download the ma LocalisedManual_DownloadMsg,"The manual for the current manual language ({0}) is not installed. Would you like to download it now, or use the online help?","현재 언어 ({0})용 설명서가 설치돼 있지 않아요. 내려 받을까요, 아니면 온라인으로 볼까요?",,manual download message Manual_Download,Download,내려 받기,,manual download button text Manual_UseOnline,Use online manual,온라인 설명서,,manual use online text -LocaliseManual_UpdateAvailableMsg,An update is available for the current manual language ({0}). Would you like to download it now?,현재 설명서를 업데이트할 수 있는데 지금 받을까요?,,manual update available message +LocaliseManual_UpdateAvailableMsg,An update is available for the current manual language ({0}). Would you like to download it now?,현재 설명서를 업데이트할 수 있는데 지금 할까요?,,manual update available message LocaliseManual_UpdateAvailableTitle,Manual update available,설명서 업데이트 사용 가능함,,manual update available title RuntimeDownload_FailedTitle,Runtime install incomplete,완료되지 않은 런타임 설치,,Runtime download failed title RuntimeDownload_Failed,The selected runtime could not fully install,선택하신 런타임을 설치할 수 없어요.,,Runtime download failed message @@ -6453,7 +6557,7 @@ sourcecontrolgit_nosshfound,No SSH Keypair authentication details found for {0}, sourcecontrolgit_projecthasrepository,Project already has repository!,프로젝트에 저장소가 이미 있어요.,,This project already has a repository sourcecontrolgit_creatingrepo,Creating Repository at {0},{0}에 저장소를 만드는 중,,Creating repository at the given url sourcecontrolgit_importingrepo,Importing Project to {0},{0}로 프로젝트를 가져가는 중,,Importing project to the given url -sourcecontrolgit_nocommitsinrepoonpull,There are no commits to pull. Please commit and push first,"가져올 사안이 없어요. 먼저 확정 후 발행해주세요,",,There are no commits when trying to pull +sourcecontrolgit_nocommitsinrepoonpull,There are no commits to pull. Please commit and push first,가져올 사안이 없어요. 먼저 확정 후 발행해주세요.,,There are no commits when trying to pull sourcecontrolgit_pull_uptodate,Up to date,최신,,Repostory is up to date sourcecontrolgit_pull_complete,Pull Complete,가져오기 완료,,Pull Competed sourcecontrolgit_nothingtopush,There are no commits to push,발행할 사안이 없어요.,,There are no commits to push @@ -6483,6 +6587,9 @@ ConfigurationProblem_WindowsSteamIDInvalid,Configuration Problem : Windows Build ConfigurationProblem_PS4SDK,Configuration Problem : PS4 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,구성 문제: PS4 SDK를 찾을 수 없어요. 환경설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 SDK not found. Check your Preferences. ConfigurationProblem_PS4Tools,Configuration Problem : PS4 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,구성 문제: PS4 도구를 찾을 수 없어요. 환경설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences. ConfigurationProblem_PS4VSPath,Configuration Problem : PS4 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,구성 문제: PS4에서는 Visual Studio로의 경로는 배치 파일로(.bat) 정해져야 합니다.,,Configuration Problem : PS4 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5SDK,Configuration Problem : PS5 SDK not found. Check your Preferences.,구성 문제: PS5 SDK를 찾을 수 없어요. 환경설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 SDK not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5Tools,Configuration Problem : PS5 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences.,구성 문제: PS5 도구를 찾을 수 없어요. 환경설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 Tools directory not found. Check your Preferences. +ConfigurationProblem_PS5VSPath,Configuration Problem : PS5 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file.,구성 문제: PS5에서는 Visual Studio로의 경로는 배치 파일로(.bat) 정해져야 합니다.,,Configuration Problem : PS5 Visual Studio Path needs to be set to point to Visual Studio (.bat) batch file. ConfigurationProblem_tvOSDevice,Configuration Problem : No tvOS device found. Check your target settings.,구성 문제: tvOS 기기를 찾을 수 없어요. 대상 설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : No tvOS device found. Check your target settings. ConfigurationProblem_tvOSPath,Configuration Problem : tvOS install path not set. Check your Preferences.,구성 문제: tvOS의 설치 경로가 정해지지 않았어요. 환경설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : tvOS install path not set. Check your Preferences. ConfigurationProblem_WindowsUWPDevice,Configuration Problem : No Windows UWP device found. Check your target settings.,구성 문제: Windows UWP 기기를 찾을 수 없어요. 대상 설정을 확인해주세요.,,Configuration Problem : No Windows UWP device found. Check your target settings. @@ -6552,23 +6659,23 @@ beta_check_opt-in,Opt-in to GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,GameMaker Studio 2 베타에 beta_check_opt-out,Opt out of GameMaker Studio 2 Beta,GameMaker Studio 2 베타에서 나가기,,beta_check_opt-out caption beta_channel_warning,Apply the Beta channel opt-in and restart GMS2 now?,GameMaker Studio 2를 재시작 할까요?,,beta channel warning beta_channel_downgrade,"After clicking OK, you should manually install a stable IDE to complete the opt-out process. See the release notes for an installer download link.",베타에서 나가시려면 확인을 누르시고 일반 대상 분기의 프로그램을 재설치해야 합니다. 출시 내역의 내려 받기 링크에서 설치하세요.,,beta channel downgrade info -beta_channel_splash,Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.,"초기의 미리보기 빌드임을 명심해주세요. 그래서 프로그램에 버그가 있거나 프로젝트를 손상시킬 수도 있어요. 꼭 프로젝트를 백업하시고, 작업에는 복사본을 이용하세요. 또한 버전 관리 도구의 사용을 추천해드려요.",,beta channel splash +beta_channel_splash,Please note that these are early release builds. This means that they may have bugs that could corrupt your projects. We strongly recommend that you back up your project using source control and use a separate copy of it when using a beta build.,초기의 미리보기 빌드임을 명심해주세요. 그래서 프로그램에 버그가 있거나 프로젝트를 손상시킬 수도 있어요. 꼭 프로젝트를 백업하시고,,beta channel splash Convert_ConfirmMessage,This project is of an older format and will need to be converted. Proceed?,이 프로젝트는 예전의 프로젝트 구조를 띄고 있어서 변환이 필요해요. 계속할까요?,,sequences project conversion confirmation dialogue message Convert_Success_Title,Conversion Success,전환 성공,,Project Conversion success title Convert_Success_Message,The Project has successfully converted,프로젝트가 성공적으로 전환됐어요.,,Project Conversion success message Convert_Failed_Title,Conversion Failed,전환 실패,,Project Conversion failed title Convert_Failed_Message,The Project conversion has failed,프로젝트를 전환시키지 못했어요.,,Project Conversion failed message Convert_SameFolderMessage,You cannot save the converted project to the same folder as the original. Please select a new location.,원본과 같은 폴더에 저장할 수 없어요. 다른 위치를 지정해주세요.,,convert same folder dont do it message -exception_faq_button_caption,"To see what data this report contains, click here","보고서에 어떤 내용이 포함되는지 보려면 여길 참조해주세요.""",,exception faq button caption +exception_faq_button_caption,"To see what data this report contains, click here","보고서에 어떤 내용이 포함되는지 보시려면 여기를 참조해주세요.",,exception faq button caption exception_fatal_error_header_caption,A fatal exception has occurred in GameMaker Studio 2 and the program needs to close.\n\nWe are sorry for the inconvenience.,GameMaker Studio 2에 치명적인 오류가 발생해서 작동이 중단됐어요.\n\n불편함을 끼쳐드려 죄송해요.,,exception fatal error header caption exception_problem_header_caption,Please tell us about this problem.,이 문제에 대해 말씀해주세요.,,exception problem header caption exception_blurb,"An error report has been created so that we can examine and prevent issues like this. It would be very helpful if you could provide further details relating to the context of this event. Specifically, what you were working on immediately beforehand.\n\nImportant\nBy pressing Send, you are providing consent for us to process the data detailed below in line with our Privacy Policy.",저희는 오류 보고를 받아 문제가 무엇인지 파악할 수 있어요. 더 자세한 경위를 말씀해주시면 큰 도움이 돼요. 특히 바로 직전에 어떤 일이 있었는지 알려주세요..\n\n중요!\n보내기 버튼을 누르는 것은 여러분의 저희의 개인정보 정책에 동의함을 내포합니다.,,exception blurb exception_send_caption,Send,보내기,,exception send button caption exception_dont_send_caption,Don't Send,보내지 않기,,exception dont send button caption -exception_legal_blurb,"Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy governs the way we collect, store and process your data. We strongly recommend you take the time to read them.\n\nRight to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. If you wish to withdraw consent, you may do so via our Preference Centre, or by logging a ticket with our Helpdesk.\n\nIf you have any concerns about our use of data, please email our data controller at datacontroller@yoyogames.com\n\nForm version: ","개인 정보 보호 정책쿠키 정책은 여러분의 정보를 수집하고 처리하는 방식에 관여합니다. 꼭 시간을 내어 읽어보세요.\n\n청약 철회 조건: 여러분은 언제든지 동의를 철회 할 권리가 있어요. 동의를 철회하려면 Preference 센터 또는 도움 센터를 통해 문의하세요.\n\n저희의 정보 이용에 우려가 있으시다면datacontroller@yoyogames.com의 정보 관리자에 문의 메일을 보내주세요.\n\n양식 버전: ",,exception legal blurb +exception_legal_blurb,"Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy governs the way we collect, store and process your data. We strongly recommend you take the time to read them.\n\nRight to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. If you wish to withdraw consent, you may do so via our Preference Centre, or by logging a ticket with our Helpdesk.\n\nIf you have any concerns about our use of data, please email our data controller at datacontroller@yoyogames.com\n\nForm version: ","개인 정보 보호 정책쿠키 정책은 여러분의 정보를 수집하고 처리하는 방식에 관여합니다. 꼭 시간을 내어 읽어보세요.\n\n청약 철회 조건: 여러분은 언제든지 동의를 철회 할 권리가 있어요. 동의를 철회하려면 Preference 센터 또는 도움 센터를 통해 문의하세요.\n\n저희의 정보 이용에 우려가 있으시다면datacontroller@yoyogames.com의 정보 관리자에 문의 메일을 보내주세요.\n\n양식 버전: ",,exception legal blurb exception_privacy_policy_caption,Privacy Policy,개인정보 정책,,exception privacy policy exception_form_version,crash-0.2,crash-0.2,,exception form version -exception_upload_caption,Upload Status,상태,,exception form confirmation box caption +exception_upload_caption,Upload Status,업로드 상태,,exception form confirmation box caption exception_upload_confirmation,Upload Successful.,업로드가 성공했어요.,,exception form confirmation box message Project_OldFormat_Title,Old Project Format,오래된 프로젝트 형식,,Old Project Format Project_OldFormat_Message,Project was created in an older IDE which may have format changes,예전 버전의 IDE에서 만들어진 프로젝트예요. 프로젝트 구조가 바뀌었을 수도 있어요.,,Project was created in an older IDE which may have format changes @@ -6580,7 +6687,8 @@ CoreResources_MissingResourceTitle,Project has missing Resources,자원 누락 CoreResources_MissingResourceMessage,This project has {0} missing Resource(s). Please check the Output log for more information.,프로젝트에 {0}개의 누락된 자원이 있어요. 출력 기록을 확인해주세요.,,Project has missing x-amount of resources so check the log CoreResources_MissingResourceLog,{0} is missing and has {1} reference(s).,{0}이(가) 누락됐는데 {1}번 참조되었어요.,,Message to display in Output log due to missing resource CoreResources_LostResource,{0} was lost and moved to root of project.,{0}이(가) 소실돼서 프로젝트 루트로 옮겨졌어요.,,Message to display when a resource has lost its parent -CoreResources_LostIdReference,{0} has a missing IdReference at {1}.,{0}이(가) 누락된 식별 참조자를 {1}에 가지고 있었어요.,,Message to display when a resource has a lost IdReference and the breadcrumb trail to it +CoreResources_LostIdReference,{0} has a missing IdReference at {1}.,{0}이(가) 누락된 식별 참조자를 {1}에 가지고 있어요.,,Message to display when a resource has a lost IdReference and the breadcrumb trail to it +CoreResources_LostIdReferenceCompletely,{0} has a completely empty IdReference.,{0}이(가) 텅 빈 식별 참조자를 {1}에 가지고 있어요.,,Message to display when a resource has a completely empty IdReference Sequences_Events,Sequence Events,시퀀스 이벤트,,Events Window Caption Event_Async_Event,Async Event,비동기 이벤트,,Async Event Event_Broadcast_Message,Broadcast Message,송출 메시지,,Broadcast Message @@ -6603,8 +6711,8 @@ Category_BasicInfo,Basic Information,기본 정보,,inspector category label Category_SoundInfo,Sound Information,소리 정보,,inspector category label Category_InstanceInfo,Instance Information,개체 정보,,inspector category label Category_SequenceInfo,Sequence Information,시퀀스 정보,,inspector category label -GMScript_DefaultComment,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n},,default script comment -GMScript_DnDBoilerPlate,"/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : ${comment}\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}","/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : Script assets have changed$(13_10)for v2.3.0 see $(13_10)https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 $(13_10)for more information\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}",,GML Boiler plate for a new script +GMScript_DefaultComment,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information,// Script assets have changed for v2.3.0 see\n// https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005277377 for more information,,default script comment +GMScript_DnDBoilerPlate,"/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : ${comment}\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}","/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDComment : ${comment}\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}",,GML Boiler plate for a new script GMScript_DnDFuncDecl,"/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}","/// @DnDAction : YoYo Games.Common.Function\n/// @DnDVersion : 1\n/// @DnDHash : ${hash}\n/// @DnDArgument : ""funcName"" ""${funcName}""\nfunction ${funcName}(){\n\n}",,GML function declaration template AssetBrowser_CreateLotsOfResourcesWarning,Do you want to create {0} Assets?,{0}개의 자산을 만들까요?,,label to warn user they are about to create a lot of resources AssetBrowser_CreateLotsOfResourcesTitle,Creating Lots of Assets,다수의 자산 만들기,,title for warning dialog box @@ -6627,7 +6735,25 @@ Error_ImportProjectMessage,Could not save imported project at specified path. Yo Track Panel,Track Panel,트랙 창,,Track Panel label in Sequence Editor at:,at:,:,,Label for Moment Editor to show which frame this moment triggers at Warning_ImportProject_Title,Warning,경고,,Warning -Warning_ImportProject_Message,You have selected a folder already containing another GMS2 project - importing here will not merge the two projects. Are you sure you wish to save this import as a new subfolder inside the existing project's folder?,이미 다른 프로젝트가 들어있는 폴더를 선택하셨어요. 여기에 가져오는 것은 두 프로젝트를 합치지 않아요. 정말로 이 폴더에 다른 하위 폴더를 만들고 거기에 프로젝트를 가져올까요?,,Warning Importing Project message +Warning_ImportProject_Message,You have selected a folder already containing another GMS2 project - importing here will not merge the two projects. Are you sure you wish to save this import as a new subfolder inside the existing project's folder?,이미 다른 프로젝트가 들어있는 폴더를 선택하셨어요. 여기에 가져오는 것은 두 프로젝트를 합치지 않아요. 이 폴더에 다른 하위 폴더를 만들고 거기에 프로젝트를 가져올까요?,,Warning Importing Project message Warning_AppIconAlpha_Title,Warning,경고,,Warning Warning_AppIconAlpha_Message,The image selected has transparency. Please select a different image.,선택하신 그림은 투명도가 있어요. 다른 그림을 골라주세요.,,App icon image transparency warning message -Error_CannotPackage_Message,The executable cannot be created as it's still currently running.,파일이 아직 실행중이여서 만들어질 수가 없어요.,,Application running error message. +Error_CannotPackage_Message,The executable cannot be created as it's still currently running.,파일이 아직 실행중이여서 만들 수가 없어요.,,Application running error message. +CannotImportStripImageError_Title,Error,오류,,Error +CannotImportStripImageError_Message,An image of size {0} x {1} can't be split into {2} equal frames. Please resize the image and try again.,크기 {0} x {1}의 그림은 {2}장의 프레임으로 나눌 수 없어요. 크기를 조절하고 다시 시도해주세요.,,Strip image dimensions error +SourceControl_GitExecutablePath,Git executable path,Git 실행 파일 경로,,The path to the git executable +SourceControl_GitMergeToolPath,Merge tool,병합 도구,,The merge tool path +SourceControl_GitDiffToolPath,Diff tool,차이점 도구,,The diff tool path +SourceControl_Push_Warning,Your changes couldn't be pushed to the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Your changes couldn't be pushed to the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning message for git push failure. +SourceControl_Pull_Warning,Changes couldn't be pulled from the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Changes couldn't be pulled from the remote. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning message for git pull failure. +SourceControl_Status_Warning,The status of the git repository couldn't be queried. Please check Source Control Output for more information,The status of the git repository couldn't be queried. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git status failure. +SourceControl_Clone_Warning,Couldn't clone repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't clone repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git clone failure. +SourceControl_Add_Warning,Couldn't add files to the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't add files to the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git add failure. +SourceControl_Remove_Warning,Couldn't remove file from the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't remove file from the repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git restore failure. +SourceControl_Commit_Warning,Couldn't commit files. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't commit files. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git commit failure. +SourceControl_Checkout_Warning,Couldn't perform checkout. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't perform checkout. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git checkout failure. +SourceControl_Log_Warning,Couldn't retrieve log. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't retrieve log. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git log failure. +SourceControl_Create_Warning,Couldn't create repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't create repository. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git create failure. +SourceControl_Merge_Warning,Couldn't complete merge operation. Please check Source Control Output for more information,Couldn't complete merge operation. Please check Source Control Output for more information,,Warning for git merge failure. +KeyRebinding_Conflicts_Warning,Shortcut Conflicts Found,단축키 충돌함,,Shortcut Conflicts Found +KeyRebinding_Conflicts_Description,There were conflicts with the button maps!,단축키 중에 중복되는 키가 있습니다.,,Description of conflicts shown to the user