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Greedy Maximum Entropy Sampler

The objective is to extract a sample $S$ of items from an initial set $D$ with an optimized diversity of the attached entities: $S \subset D$, $|S| = l$ and $|D| = L$.

In the initial set $D$, each document (or item) $d$ is attached with a set of $N$-ary relations: ${r_1, r_2, ..., r_{n_d}}^{d}$, where $n_d$ in the number of relations attached to $d$. Each relation $r$ is connecting a set of $N$ entities, $r=(e_1, e_2, e_3, e_N)$, each belonging one particular category represented by a larger set and denoted by the variables $V_1, V_2, ..., V_{N}$. Sets are considered distincts and each entity belongs to one set: $e \in V_1 \cup V_2 ... \cup V_N$ and $\forall i, j, V_i \cap V_j = \emptyset$.

Also, one entity $e_i$ can appear many times in $d$: $0 \le |{ r_k: e_i \in r_k}^{d}| \le n_d$, with $|{r_k: e_i \in r_k }^{d}| \text{ the number of }N \text{-ary relations involving }e_i\text{ in }d\text{ .}$

Then, given a subset $S$, the probability that a $N$-ary relation involve the entity $e_i$ is:

$P(e_i) = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{d \in S} |{ r_k: e_i \in r_k }^{d}|}{\displaystyle\sum_{d \in S} n_d}$

It follows that the diversity of organisms or chemicals can be measured with the Shannon's entropy over the probability distributions of elements $V_{1:N}$. Expressed with entropy, the diversity reflects the uncertainty about the entities attached to a relation in an document $d$. The Shannon's entropy in the sample $S$ for the set $V_j$ is $H_S(V_j) = - \displaystyle\sum_{e_i \in V_i} P(e_i) \log P(e_i)$. Adding a new document $\displaystyle d$ to $S$ will update the probability distributions of $V_{1:N}$, and the new observed entropy of $V_j$ for instance will be $H_{\displaystyle S_{+d}}(V_j)$ where $\displaystyle S_{+d} = S \cup {d}$. Therefore, to optimize the diversity over $V_{1:N}$, the document $d*$ added to $S$ minimizes the distance to the utopian point $(log |V_1|, log |V_2|, ..., log |V_N|)$ (maximal observable entropies):

$d* = \underset{d}{argmin} || (H_{\displaystyle S_{+d}}(V_1), H_{\displaystyle S_{+d}}(V_2), ..., H_{\displaystyle S_{+d}}(V_N)) - (log |V_1|, log |V_2|, ..., log |V_N|) ||.$

The proposed sampling approach is a simple greedy algorithm that, at each step, selects and adds the new document $d*$ from $D$, maximising the diversity over the different set of entities $V_{1:N}$. We refer to it as diversity-sampling. As in ecology, diversity is intrinsically related to the number of distinct entities per each set, but, for the purpose of using the samples as training or evaluation sets, the balance of the distribution is prioritized over a higher number of rare entities. This latter behaviours is a natural consequence of using the Shannon's entropy. From this perspective, the method can also been seen as a ranking procedure, and a sample is determined by selecting the first top $n$ ranked items. The selection of an appropriate sample size $l$ is also a critical, but often overlooked factor. By monitoring $H_S(V_{j})$ $\forall j \in 1:N$ during the iterative construction of $S$ (until $l=L$), it is possible to determine the step $l$ at which diversity starts to deteriorate and sampling should be stopped, i.e. when the new added documents provide relationships for already frequently reported entities in $S$.


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The provided example considers the motivating scenario of sampling literature references for the LOTUS database.

The original snapshot of the LOTUS database (v.10 - Jan 6, 2023) used in this work is available at DOI.

The LOTUS dataset used is licensed under CC BY 4.0. See the related article and the website for more details.

Only a subset of the original database is used in this example. In this example, each document $d$ is identified by the reference_doi columns, e.g: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199902)13:13.0.CO;2-F. Each document then reports a list of relations between organisms and chemicals, respectively identified by a Wikidata Organisms entity and a Wikidata structure entity. In this example, we sample to top-5 documents that maximise the diversity among organisms and chemicals from this subset. The dataset looks like this:

structure_wikidata structure_cid structure_nameTraditional organism_wikidata organism_name organism_taxonomy_02kingdom reference_wikidata reference_doi reference_pubmed_id 5997 Cholesterol Eryngium foetidum Archaeplastida 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199902)13:13.0.CO;2-F 10189959 222284 Beta-Sitosterol Eryngium foetidum Archaeplastida 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199902)13:13.0.CO;2-F 10189959 5283638 Clerosterol Eryngium foetidum Archaeplastida 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199902)13:13.0.CO;2-F 10189959
  • The item_column indicates the column containing the documents identifiers while columns containing the variables to maximise the diversity are specified with the on_columns argument.

  • If binarised is set to True, thenwe only consider the distinct set of entities per documents.

  • dutopia is the main metric use to select the next document are represent the distance to the uptopian point, see here. However, a second metric is provided, sum, which simply rank the documents by the sum of the associated entropies.

import pandas as pd
from gme.gme import GreedyMaximumEntropySampler

# Load data
data = pd.read_csv("data/test_data.csv", sep="\t", dtype=object)

# Init sampler
sampler = GreedyMaximumEntropySampler(selector="dutopia", binarised=False)

# Sample
output = sampler.sample(
        on_columns=["structure_wikidata", "organism_wikidata"],

The expected output is:

reference_doi structure_wikidata organism_wikidata
10.1016/0039-128X(82)90018-6 2.77259 0.00000
10.1055/S-2001-11496 2.89793 1.02910
10.1016/J.TALANTA.2005.04.043 3.32340 1.33408
10.1016/0039-128X(80)90068-9 3.57149 1.56290
10.1016/S0305-1978(00)00054-5 3.70730 1.75229

At each step the document which maximised the diversity is sampled and the corresponding increasing entropy values for each variables (here structure_wikidata and organism_wikidata) are indicated.

On larger datasets, monitoring the entropy values can help estimate a sufficient sample size. See a complete example in our related article.

Additional information

The approache scales quadratically with the size of the dataset, which can be impractical for very large datasets. In this context, we implemented an --approx option. With this option, instead of computing all the emtropy values, the best candidate is approximated by only taking the best one over a random sample of $m$ items. If 0 (default), no approximation is performed.

Considering an intial sample of $N$ items and a used (approx) sample size of $k$, we can estimate the probability that the document $d*$ selected (top-1 in the sample of size $k$) is at least in the top-$n$ in the full dataset, with: $1 - [{(N - n) \choose k} / {N \choose k}]$.

For instance, for a dataset of size $N=130,000$, with a sample for approx of size $25,000$ (reduced by a factor $5$), we can estimate that there is:

  • 88.19 % that it is in the top-10 in the full dataset.
  • 98.60 % that it is in the top-20 in the full dataset.
  • 99.99 % that it is in the top-50 in the full dataset.
  • $\approx 100$ % that it is in the top-100 in the full dataset.


Greedy Maximum Entropy Sampler







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