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ihh committed Dec 5, 2015
1 parent 1a1c3d1 commit f04aacc
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 0 deletions.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
push @INC, $FindBin::Bin;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);

use Stockholm;

my ($infile, $outfile, $tree, $dna);

my $dartdir = $ENV{'DARTDIR'} || ($FindBin::Bin . "/..");
my $muscle = `which muscle` || "$dartdir/bin/muscle";
chomp $muscle;

my $usage = "\n"
."Usage: <infile> [more options...]\n"
." <infile> (FASTA or Stockholm format)\n"
." -dna (if input is DNA)\n"
." -tree <tree string> (New Hampshire format)\n"
." -out <outfile>\n"

@ARGV || die $usage;
unshift @ARGV, "-in";
GetOptions ("in=s" => \$infile,
"out=s" => \$outfile,
"tree=s" => \$tree,
"dartdir=s" => \$dartdir,
"muscle=s" => \$muscle,
"dna" => \$dna)
or die $usage;

defined($infile) or die $usage;

my $dartbin = "$dartdir/bin";

my $xrate = "$dartbin/xrate";
my $protpal = "$dartbin/protpal";

my $nullgram = "$dartdir/grammars/" . ($dna ? "" : "");

my $muscle_opts = $dna ? "-maxiters 1 -diags" : "-maxiters 1 -diags -sv -distance1 kbit20_3";

# Fasta or Stockholm?
my $got_stock = 0;
local *IN;
open IN, "<$infile" or die "Couldn't open input file $infile: $!";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^\s*# STOCKHOLM"/) {
$got_stock = 1;
} elsif (/\S/ && /^\s*[^#]/) {
close IN;

# Get guide alignment
my $alignfile;
if ($got_stock) {
$alignfile = $infile;
} else {
$alignfile = "$";
my $alignfile_fasta = "$infile.align.fasta";
sysrun ("$muscle $muscle_opts -in $infile -out $alignfile_fasta");
fasta2stockholm ($alignfile_fasta, $alignfile);

# Get tree
$tree = $tree || stockholm_tree($alignfile);
if (!defined $tree) {
my $treealignfile = "$";
sysrun ("$xrate -g $nullgram -noa $alignfile >$treealignfile");
$tree = stockholm_tree ($treealignfile);

# Write tree
my $treefile = "$infile.newick";
local *TREE;
open TREE, ">$treefile";
print TREE $tree;
close TREE;

# Run protpal
my $infile_opts = $got_stock ? "-stk $infile" : "-fa $infile";
my $outfile_opts = defined($outfile) ? ">$outfile" : "";
my $dna_opts = $dna ? "-dna" : "";
sysrun ("$protpal -ga $alignfile -tf $treefile -g $nullgram $dna_opts -eri $outfile_opts");

# Helper functions
sub fasta2stockholm {
my ($fasta, $stockholm) = @_;
my %seq;
my @name;
my $name;
local *FASTA;
open FASTA, "<$fasta" or die "Couldn't open FASTA file '$fasta': $!";
while (<FASTA>) {
if (/^\s*>\s*(\S+)/) {
$name = $1;
die "Duplicate name: $name" if defined $seq{$name};
push @name, $name;
} else {
if (/\S/ && !defined $name) {
warn "Ignoring: $_";
} else {
$seq{$name} .= $_;
close FASTA;

my $length;
my $lname;
foreach my $name (@name) {
my $l = length $seq{$name};
if (defined $length) {
die "Sequences not all same length ($lname is $length, $name is $l)" unless $length == $l;
} else {
$length = length $seq{$name};
$lname = $name;

local *STOCK;
open STOCK, ">$stockholm" or die "Couldn't write to file $stockholm: $!";
print STOCK "# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n";
foreach my $name (@name) {
print STOCK $name, " ", $seq{$name}, "\n";
print STOCK "//\n";
close STOCK;

sub stockholm_tree {
my ($stockfile) = @_;
my $stock = Stockholm->from_file ($stockfile);
return @{$stock->gf_NH} ? $stock->NH : undef;

sub sysrun {
my ($cmd) = @_;
warn "Running $cmd\n";
system $cmd;

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