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VirtuClass - your virtual class

VirtuClass - your virtual class

Welcome to VirtuClass wiki page!


VirtuClass Vision

How many times did you find yourself frustrated or even giving up on homework before you even started?
This is your opportunity to experience a whole new world.

Our desires:

  • Connection :
    Connect students together to share ideas.
  • Convenience :
    Make student life much easier by providing a convenient interface for plenty of professions.
  • Mutual Assistance :
    Allow students around the globe to unite and help each other for faster and better understanding.

Project Stages

VirtuClass - Project Documents

VirtuClass - Project Team

  • Mr. Raz Cohen
  • Mr. Oshri Ben Moshe
  • Mr. Gilad Bruchian
  • Mr. Yogev Gershon
  • Mr. Ilay Zeidman

##VirtuClass - Customers Students around the globe who want to share ideas, study in groups or get help. Ilan Ben Tal

##VirtuClass - Team Values Our values help ensure we get a satisfying product in the end of the process. ###Our principles have the following guidelines (PSCL):

  • Persistence:
    Being persistent without giving up.
  • Synergy:
    Create an effective collaboration to produce a result not independently obtainable.
  • Commitment:
    Common commitment to achieve the goal. Each member is committed to the team and to success.
  • Listening:
    Listen to the the thoughts of other members, avoid miscommunication and do brainstorming.

##VirtuClass - Development Method

The method we have adopted for our project is the SCRUM method with some differences: In our way of work considering the fact that the team is very small (5 members), we wont be defining different duties, we'll all be SCRUM Masters and Product Owners. The system is infrastructure of software project management with emphasis on iterative and incremental development, work in teams and constant improvement. At the beginning we'll arrange a meeting every work day to plan the sprint, and later on we'll arrange a closing meeting for conclusions. A fourth meeting will be dedicated for retrospective to prepare ourselves to the next sprint.

##VirtuClass - Features

  • Real Time Connectivity:
    See what everyone are writing at any given time, with an option for voice chat.
  • Enhanced homework editor:
    GUI desgined for comfortable use for math homework, graph drawing, and hotkeys for common expressions.


  • Video chat
  • website with all the open rooms

##VirtuCalss - Technical Solution Java based solution for the clients\server, with a SQL server with java program. TCP/IP connection. Danger zone : Finding a server that we can run SQL on with java.

##VirtuClass - Initial planning & evaluation On the first step of the project we'll have 3 parallel development lines :

  1. GUI development - login form, and editor form
  2. Socket programming - basic connection establishment between client and server
  3. SQL database - Designing database and translating data requirements into queries.

Second step :
Integration between the 3 development segments - the SQL with the socket, and the socket with the GUI. Using the SCRUM development method cycles we make the product agile to future changes.

Third step: In the remaning time we wil add optional enhancements : integrated tools, website and enhanced efficency.

##VirtuClass - Risks & Solutions

  • Risk : As a group we have a lot of tasks in a very short period of time.
  • Solution : We will divide our tasks in the most efficient way so it will be done.
  • Risk : The application will not be very user friendly intuitive use.
  • Solution : We will put a lot of effort and focus to make it become friendly use, we - as a team - believe its a primary idea.
  • Risk : Write and use code that we don't know through our studies.
  • Solution : Use external help, as google, and/or programmers with some experince.

VirtuClass - Technological experience

  • **Server :**We've established a client-server connection via socket programming(tcp). we use our own computer as a server to reduce the risk.
  • Time : We've divided our jobs to sprints(scrum) in order to work faster and more effective.