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NPM package for Javascript/Node.js competitive programmers

Build Status dependencies Status devDependencies Status License: MIT

Goal 🎯

  • To help Javascript/Node.js competitive programmers:
    • To start writing code without any boilerplate code
    • To debug the code easily by providing input through terminal one by one and check output instantly

How does it help? 🎯

  1. Write the code which use inputReader utility provided by this npm package.
    • this package helps in reading input from terminal one by one.
    • For example inputReader.readNumber() will wait for user input and return provided input.
  2. Now simple global command is provided by this package which convert the code, written using inputReader, into the code which is submittable on websites like codechef, topcoder, hackerrank, hackerearth etc.


  1. First, install the package globally :
    npm install -g competitive-programming-js
    Why? Global package will let you use cp-convert command
  2. Now install it locally in the project :
    • Initialize the project (If it's not already NPM project)
       npm init -y
    • Installing the package
       npm install --save competitive-programming-js
    Why? Local package will let you use inputReader module which wait for user input.

Basic Use

  1. example.js

    const {inputReader} = require('competitive-programming-js');
    // To read Number from console
    let noOfTestCases = inputReader.readNumber();
    console.log(noOfCase,typeof noOfCase);
    	// To read generic array separated by space
    	let tmp = inputReader.readArray();
    	console.log(tmp, typeof tmp);
    	// To read boolean value i.e. 'true' or 'false' (It's case insensitive)
    	tmp = inputReader.readBoolean();
    	console.log(tmp, typeof tmp);
    	// To read a single character
    	tmp = inputReader.readChar();
    	console.log(tmp, typeof tmp);
    	// to read a line
    	tmp = inputReader.readLine();
    	console.log(tmp, typeof tmp);
    	// To read a numeric array
    	tmp = inputReader.readNumberArray();
    	console.log(tmp, typeof tmp);
  2. Now to convert the file into code which could be submitted on competitive programming websites, run following command:

    • cp-convert --source example.js --destination output.js


    • cp-convert -s example.js -d output.js

  3. Hurray, that's all. Now you can submit the code which is there in output.js file on any competitive programming website. To learn more in details keep reading :)


1. inputReader

Ways to import inputReader module
  1.  const {inputReader} = require('competitive-programming-js'); 
  2.  const inputReader = require('competitive-programming-js').inputReader;
    Note: Currently, only these two are supported.
Available functions

All of these functions will wait for user input

  1. readNumber()
    • Get a Number from the user
    • This can't read the numbers separated by space
    • Special Case To read numbers separated by space, you can use following trick:
       // Input : 1 2 3
       let [a,b,c] = inputReader.readNumberArray()
       // After above statement a is 1, b is 2 and c is 3
      Note Above code is just using array destructuring.
  2. readBoolean()
    • Get the true or false value entered by user on the console.
    • 'true' or 'True' or 'TRUE' etc => true (It's case insensitive)
    • 'false' or 'False' or 'FALSE' etc => false (It's case insensitive)
  3. readChar()
    • Get a character from the user
  4. readLine()
    • Get a string from the user
  5. readArray()
    • Get a generic array separated by space
  6. readNumberArray()
    • Get a numeric array separated by space

2. cp-convert

It's a global utility which is used to convert the written code into code which is submittable on competitive programming websites

  • Options:

    Flags Use Required
    --source, -s Source file path YES
    --destination, --dest, -d Output file path YES
    --help Show help -
  • Example

    • cp-convert --source example.js --destination output.js
    • cp-convert -s example.js -d output.js

Project Structure

Used technologies :

  • ES6/ESNext - Write ES6 code and Babel will transpile it to ES5 for backwards compatibility
  • Test - Mocha with Istanbul coverage
  • Lint - Preconfigured ESlint with Airbnb config
  • CI - TravisCI configuration setup
  • Minify - Built code will be minified for performance

Commands :

  • npm run clean - Remove lib/ directory
  • npm run test - Run tests with linting and coverage results.
  • npm run test:only - Run tests without linting or coverage.
  • npm run test:watch - You can even re-run tests on file changes!
  • npm run test:prod - Run tests with minified code.
  • npm run test:examples - Test is written examples on pure JS for better understanding module usage.
  • npm run lint - Run ESlint with airbnb-config
  • npm run cover - Get coverage report for your code.
  • npm run build - Babel will transpile ES6 => ES5 and minify the code.
  • npm run prepublish - Hook for npm. Do all the checks before publishing your module.


MIT © Manish Menaria