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File metadata and controls

140 lines (105 loc) · 5.38 KB

Imbo face detector

OpenCV based face detection for Imbo, written in Node.JS. It listens on an AMQP queue for relevant events to act on, performs face detection and sets the detected point of interests as metadata on the image in Imbo.


In order to use the Imbo face detector you must have an Imbo installation, with the AMQP publisher enabled and set up to publish messages for the event.

You will need a public/private keypair with access to image.get and on all users of the installation.

For the actual face detection to take place, you will need to have OpenCV. On Ubuntu/Debian/Mint (and so on) the following is usually enough:

sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev


The configuration of the application is done either by setting environment variables or specifying a path to a configuration file. All the different variables are described below.

Environment variables


  • LOG_LEVEL - Level of messages that should be logged. Possible values: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace. Default: trace


  • DETECTOR_CLASSIFIER - Full file path to the classifier to use for detecting faces. Default: node_modules/opencv/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml
  • IMAGE_WIDTH - Width of image to use for detector. Default: 1024


  • IMBO_HOST - Hostname of the Imbo server. Default: http://imbo
  • IMBO_PORT - Port number of the Imbo server. Default: 80
  • IMBO_PUBLICKEY - Public key to use for retrieving images and updating metadata. Default: face-detect
  • IMBO_PRIVATEKEY - Private key that belongs to the public key specified. Default: face-detect-private-key


  • AMQP_PROTOCOL - Protocol for communicating with AMQP server. Default: amqp
  • AMQP_HOST - Hostname of the AMQP server. Default: localhost
  • AMQP_PORT - Port of the AMQP server. Default: 5672
  • AMQP_USER - Username for the AMQP server. Default: guest
  • AMQP_PASSWORD - Password for the AMQP server. Default: guest
  • AMQP_VHOST - vhost to use. Default: /
  • AMQP_QUEUE - Name of queue to use. Leave blank to auto-generate. Default: face-detect
  • AMQP_EXCLUSIVE - Whether or not to use exclusive queue. Default: false
  • AMQP_ROUTING_KEY - Routing key to specify for queue. Default: ``
  • AMQP_EXCHANGE - Name of exchange to use. Default: imbo
  • AMQP_EXCHANGE_TYPE - Type of exchange to use. Default: fanout
  • AMQP_EXCHANGE_DURABLE - Whether or not the exchange should be durable. Default: false
  • AMQP_EXCHANGE_AUTODELETE - Whether or not the exchange should auto-delete when there are no queues. Default: false
  • AMQP_NOACK - Whether or not to use noAck mode for messages. Default: true

Health check

  • HTTP_PORT - Port for health check server. Default: 8888

Configuration file

Should you instead want to use a configuration file, simply create a JSON file with any or all of the options below, and specify the path to the file with the --config option. The configuration will be recursively merged with the default values.

    "amqp": {
        "protocol": "amqp",
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 5672,
        "user": "guest",
        "password": "guest",
        "vhost": "/"
    "queue": {
        "name": "",
        "routingKey": "",
        "options": {
            "exclusive": true
    "exchange": {
        "name": "imbo",
        "type": "fanout",
        "options": {
            "durable": true,
    "consumption": {
        "noAck": true
    "imbo": {
        "host": "http://imbo",
        "port": 80,
        "publicKey": "face-detect",
        "privateKey": "face-detect-private-key",
        "events": [""]
    "detection": {
        "imageWidth": 1024,
        "classifier": "./node_modules/opencv/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml"

Building the docker image

In order to build and push the official imbo/face-detector image your user need to have push access to the imbo organization on the docker hub. You can of course build it and push it somewhere else without access. For the official docker image however, the process is as follows:

$ npm run docker:build

The docker image will be built with the latest tag and you should tag it with something appropriate in addition to that. In order to find the image id:

$ docker images
imbo/face-detector  latest  82afe0d63bed  About an hour ago  878.9 MB

Then tag this image with something sensible (1.2 as an example):

docker tag 82afe0d63bed imbo/face-detector:1.2

And now, the only thing left is pushing it to the docker hub to make it publicly available:

npm run docker:push


You can publish messages to the queue during testing by running the imbo-face-publish script that is included when you install this globally (or run node bin/publish.js manually). Use the --user and --identifier flags to specify a user and image identifier to use. Other options are read from environment variables or configuration, as with the consumer script.


Copyright (c) 2015, Kristoffer Brabrand and Espen Hovlandsdal.

Licensed under the MIT License