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Ranga Rao Karanam authored and Ranga Rao Karanam committed Dec 15, 2017
1 parent 6de148b commit 0aece43
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions jpa-in-10-steps/
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
echo '<!---' >> $
echo Current Directory : $PWD >> $
echo '-->' >> $
java -cp /ProgrammingExcellence/Workspaces/ test.ListDirectoryContentInGitFormat $PWD >> $
zip -r $ . -x "target/*" -x ".mvn/*" -x ".settings/*" -x ".*" -x ".*/*" -x "**/.*" -x "*.md" -x "**/*.md" -x "**/mvn*" -x "*.zip" -x "**/*.zip" -x "/**/target/*" -x "/**/.mvn/*" -x "/**/.settings/*"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mockito-in-5-steps/
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Mockito is the most famous mocking framework in Java.
- Git Repository -
- Pre-requisites
- Java & Eclipse -
- JUnit -
- JUnit -
- Easier Static Imports
- Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Favorites
- org.junit.Assert
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion presentations-reveal-js/.gitignore
Expand Up @@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ tmp/**
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
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# Microservices
# Ranga Rao Karanam
- Top Instructor on Udemy
- Author of "Mastering Spring 5.0"
# in28Minutes
- Create more great programmers
- Help you make the right career choices
# We love Buzzwords
# Microservices is the latest one!
# Microservices vs Monolith
- What are you doing today?
# Monolith
# Large
- Application Size
- Release Cycles
- Teams
# Scalability Challenges
# New Technology Adoption
# Agile?
# Automation Testing?
# Adapting to Modern Development Practices?
# Adapting to Device Explosion?
# Solution?
# Microservices
> Small autonomous services that work together - Sam Newman
> Developing a single application as a suite of small services each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API....contd
> These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery...contd
> There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies - James Lewis and Martin Fowler
## Microservices
- &amp; Small Well Chosen Deployable Units
- &amp; Cloud Enabled
# How does it look?
### Monolith
## Advantages?
## New Technology &amp; Process Adaption
## Faster Release Cycles
## Scaling
# Let's get to Challenges!
# Quick Setup needed
# Automation
# Visibility
# Bounded Context
# Configuration Management
# Dynamic Scale Up and Scale Down
# Pack of Cards
# Debugging
# Consistency
# Solutions
# Spring Boot
> Enable building production ready applications quickly
### Provide non-functional features
- embedded servers
- metrics
- health checks
- externalized configuration
# Spring vs Spring MVC vs Spring Boot
# Key Features
# Auto Configuration
# Starter Projects
# Spring Cloud
## Dynamic Scale Up and Down
- Naming Server (Eureka)
- Ribbon (Client Side Load Balancing)
- Feign (Easier REST Clients)
## Visibility and Monitoring
- Zipkin Distributed Tracing
- Netflix API Gateway
## Configuration Management
- Spring Cloud Config Server
## Fault Tolerance
- Hystrix
> Microservices
## Currency Exchange Service
id: 10002,
from: "EUR",
to: "INR",
conversionMultiple: 75,
port: 8000
## Currency Conversion Service
id: 10001,
from: "USD",
to: "INR",
conversionMultiple: 65,
quantity: 10,
totalCalculatedAmount: 650,
port: 8000
> Currency Conversion Service
> Currency Exchange Service
# How to provide Location Transparency?
> Eureka Naming Server
# How to provide Dynamic Load Balancing?
> Ribbon Load Balancing

> Zipkin Distributed Tracing
## API Gateways
- Authentication, authorization and security
- Rate Limits
- Fault Tolerance
- Service Aggregation
> Microservices Environments and Configuration
### Limits Service

public class Configuration {

private int minimum;
private int maximum;

public LimitConfiguration retrieveLimitsFromConfigurations() {
return new LimitConfiguration(configuration.getMaximum(),
> Spring Cloud Config Server
- Server Dependency - spring-cloud-config-server
- Client Dependencies - spring-cloud-starter-config

> Limits Service <--> Spring Config Server

> Limits Service <--> Spring Config Server

public class LimitsServiceApplication {

public LimitConfiguration retrieveConfiguration() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not available");

public LimitConfiguration fallbackRetrieveConfiguration() {
return new LimitConfiguration(999, 9);
> Fault Tolerance with Hystrix
# Questions



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