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inaimathi committed May 5, 2015
1 parent a6f9569 commit 790976b
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Showing 5 changed files with 111 additions and 61 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cl-lazy-parse.asd
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
:author "Your Name <>"
:license "Specify license here"
:serial t
:depends-on (#:flexi-streams)
:depends-on (#:flexi-streams #:usocket)
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "queue")
(:file "lazy")
(:file "rapid")
(:file "cl-lazy-parse")))

59 changes: 0 additions & 59 deletions cl-lazy-parse.lisp
@@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
(in-package #:cl-lazy-parse)

;;;;;;;;;; Basic lazy computation stuff
;;; (avoiding calling them delay/force, because I suspect they ultimately won't be thunks)
(defstruct paused fn)
(defmacro pause (&body body)
`(make-paused :fn (lambda () ,@body)))
(defmethod resume ((p paused))
(funcall (paused-fn p)))

;;;;;;;;;; Parsers
;;; A parser is a function that might return a result, a +fail+ or a paused state.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,53 +133,3 @@ Returns the accumulated successes (the empty list, if there were none)."
(defmethod char>> ((pred string))
(let ((lst (coerce pred 'list)))
(char>> (lambda (c) (member c lst)))))

(defun space? (c) (eql c #\space))
(defun non-space? (c) (not (space? c)))
(defun floating? (c)
(let ((code (char-code c)))
(or (= code 46) (>= 57 code 48))))

;;;; Example
(defparameter *example* "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 38

(defparameter +crlf+ (coerce (list #\return #\linefeed) 'string))

(defparameter http-method>>
(or>> "GET" "DELETE" "POST" "PUT"))

(defun to-string (seq)
(coerce seq 'string))

(defparameter request-line>>
(with (and>> http-method>> " " (many>> (char>> #'non-space?)) " HTTP/1.1" +crlf+)
(_fn (method _ uri _ _)
(cons (to-string method) (to-string uri)))))

(defun header-char? (c)
(let ((code (char-code c)))
(or (= code 45) (>= 122 code 65))))
(defun header-val-char? (c)
(> (char-code c) 13))

(defparameter header>>
(with (and>> (many>> (char>> #'header-char?)) ": " (many>> (char>> #'header-val-char?)) +crlf+)
(_fn (k _ v _)
(cons (intern (string-upcase (to-string k)) :keyword)
(to-string v)))))

(defparameter request>>
(with (and>> request-line>>
(many>> header>>))
(lambda (req headers)
(format t "~a~%" req)
(format t "~{ ~a~%~}" headers))))

(with-input-from-string (s *example*)
(let ((r (rapid s)))
(run! r request>>)))
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions example.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
(in-package :cl-lazy-parse)

;;;; Example
(defparameter *example* "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 38

(defparameter +crlf+ (coerce (list #\return #\linefeed) 'string))

(defparameter http-method>>
(or>> "GET" "DELETE" "POST" "PUT"))

(defun to-string (seq)
(coerce seq 'string))

(defun space? (c) (eql c #\space))
(defun non-space? (c) (not (space? c)))
(defun floating? (c)
(let ((code (char-code c)))
(or (= code 46) (>= 57 code 48))))

(defparameter request-line>>
(with (and>> http-method>> " " (many>> (char>> #'non-space?)) " HTTP/1.1" +crlf+)
(_fn (method _ uri _ _)
(format t "Got the request line (~s ~s)...~%" method uri)
(cons (to-string method) (to-string uri)))))

(defun header-char? (c)
(let ((code (char-code c)))
(or (= code 45) (>= 122 code 65))))
(defun header-val-char? (c)
(> (char-code c) 13))

(defparameter header>>
(with (and>> (many>> (char>> #'header-char?)) ": " (many>> (char>> #'header-val-char?)) +crlf+)
(_fn (k _ v _)
(format t "Got a header (~s ~s)...~%" k v)
(cons (intern (string-upcase (to-string k)) :keyword)
(to-string v)))))

(defparameter request>>
(with (and>> request-line>>
(many>> header>>))
(lambda (req headers)
(format t "~a~%" req)
(format t "~{ ~a~%~}" headers))))

;; (with-input-from-string (s *example*)
;; (let ((r (rapid s)))
;; (run! r request>>)))

(defmethod test-server ((port integer) &key (host usocket:*wildcard-host*))
(let ((server (socket-listen host port :reuse-address t))
(conns (make-hash-table)))
(loop (loop for ready in (wait-for-input (cons server (alexandria:hash-table-keys conns)) :ready-only t)
do (process-ready ready conns)))
(flet ((kill-sock! (sock)
(loop while (socket-close sock))))
(loop for c being the hash-keys of conns do (kill-sock! c))
(kill-sock! server)))))

(defmethod process-ready ((ready stream-server-usocket) (conns hash-table))
(format t "Got connection...~%")
(let ((client (socket-accept ready)))
(setf (gethash client conns)
(rapid (socket-stream client))

(defmethod process-ready ((ready stream-usocket) (conns hash-table))
(format t "Processing client...~%")
(let ((res (resume (gethash ready conns))))
(cond ((paused-p res)
(format t "Still waiting...~%")
(setf (gethash ready conns) res))
(format t "PARSED!~%~a~%~%" res)))))

;; (defparameter *sock* (usocket:socket-connect "localhost" 5008))
;; (write-string "GET /test HTTP/1.1" (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\return (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\linefeed (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (force-output (socket-stream *sock*))

;; (write-string "Host:" (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\return (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\linefeed (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (force-output (socket-stream *sock*))

;; (write-string "Content-Type: text/plain" (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\return (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (write-char #\linefeed (socket-stream *sock*))
;; (force-output (socket-stream *sock*))
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions lazy.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(in-package :cl-lazy-parse)

;;;;;;;;;; Basic lazy computation stuff
;;; (avoiding calling them delay/force, because I suspect they ultimately won't be thunks)
(defstruct paused fn)
(defmacro pause (&body body)
`(make-paused :fn (lambda () ,@body)))
(defmethod resume ((p paused))
(funcall (paused-fn p)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;;; package.lisp

(defpackage #:cl-lazy-parse
(:use #:cl)
(:use #:cl #:usocket)
(:shadow #:get))

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