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map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ func TestMetaClient_User(t *testing.T) { want: &User{ Name: "admin", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ func TestMetaClient_Roles(t *testing.T) { { Name: "admin", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ func TestMetaClient_Roles(t *testing.T) { { Name: "admin", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ func TestMetaClient_Role(t *testing.T) { want: &Role{ Name: "admin", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -917,12 +917,12 @@ func TestMetaClient_UserRoles(t *testing.T) { name: nil, }, want: map[string]Roles{ - "marty": Roles{ + "marty": { Roles: []Role{ { Name: "timetravelers", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ func TestMetaClient_UserRoles(t *testing.T) { { Name: "mcfly", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -939,12 +939,12 @@ func TestMetaClient_UserRoles(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - "docbrown": Roles{ + "docbrown": { Roles: []Role{ { Name: "timetravelers", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, @@ -952,12 +952,12 @@ func TestMetaClient_UserRoles(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - "george": Roles{ + "george": { Roles: []Role{ { Name: "mcfly", Permissions: map[string][]string{ - "": []string{ + "": { "ViewAdmin", "ViewChronograf", }, }, diff --git a/enterprise/mocks_test.go b/enterprise/mocks_test.go index 0f3a3b42fa..c35fceee4f 100644 --- a/enterprise/mocks_test.go +++ b/enterprise/mocks_test.go @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func NewMockControlClient(addr string) *ControlClient { return &ControlClient{ Cluster: &enterprise.Cluster{ DataNodes: []enterprise.DataNode{ - enterprise.DataNode{ + { HTTPAddr: addr, }, }, diff --git a/enterprise/users_test.go b/enterprise/users_test.go index afd13fedb6..c715287ef0 100644 --- a/enterprise/users_test.go +++ b/enterprise/users_test.go @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func TestClient_Add(t *testing.T) { }, userRoles: func(ctx context.Context) (map[string]enterprise.Roles, error) { return map[string]enterprise.Roles{ - "marty": enterprise.Roles{ + "marty": { Roles: []enterprise.Role{ { Name: "admin", @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func TestClient_Get(t *testing.T) { }, userRoles: func(ctx context.Context) (map[string]enterprise.Roles, error) { return map[string]enterprise.Roles{ - "marty": enterprise.Roles{ + "marty": { Roles: []enterprise.Role{ { Name: "timetravels", diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 360a1d42d1..5aa34f9779 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,33 +1,42 @@ module github.com/influxdata/chronograf require ( - github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler 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[]chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_idle", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest_nice", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_system", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest", Type: "field", }, @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_idle", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest_nice", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_system", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest", Type: "field", }, @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "median", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "count", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, }, - Tags: map[string][]string{"host": []string{"myhost"}}, + Tags: map[string][]string{"host": {"myhost"}}, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "", Tags: []string{}, @@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, }, - Tags: map[string][]string{"host": []string{"myhost"}}, + Tags: map[string][]string{"host": {"myhost"}}, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "", Tags: []string{}, @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Tags: map[string][]string{}, Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, @@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, }, - Tags: map[string][]string{"host": []string{"myhost"}}, + Tags: map[string][]string{"host": {"myhost"}}, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "", Tags: []string{}, @@ -318,16 +318,16 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "myhost", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu-total", }, }, @@ -362,14 +362,14 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_user", Type: "field", }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{"myhost", "yourhost"}, - "these": []string{"those"}, + "host": {"myhost", "yourhost"}, + "these": {"those"}, }, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "", @@ -389,31 +389,31 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_idle", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest_nice", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_system", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest", Type: "field", }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-meta-0", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-5", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-4", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-3", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu-total", "cpu0", }, @@ -436,31 +436,31 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_idle", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest_nice", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_system", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_guest", Type: "field", }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-meta-0", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-5", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-4", "dev-052978d6-us-east-2-data-3", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu-total", "cpu0", }, @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Alias: "mean_usage_idle", @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "percentile", Type: "func", Alias: "mean_usage_idle", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Value: "usage_idle", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "3.14", Type: "number", }, @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { want: chronograf.QueryConfig{ Measurement: "h2o_feet", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "top", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -619,11 +619,11 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Value: "water_level", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "location", Type: "field", }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "2", Type: "integer", }, @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { want: chronograf.QueryConfig{ Measurement: "h2o_feet", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "count", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { want: chronograf.QueryConfig{ Measurement: "h2o_feet", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "count", Type: "func", Alias: "count_water", @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { want: chronograf.QueryConfig{ Measurement: "h2o_feet", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "count", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Args: []chronograf.Field{ diff --git a/integrations/server_test.go b/integrations/server_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 31b05cf7ae..0000000000 --- a/integrations/server_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3180 +0,0 @@ -package integrations - -// This was intentionally added under the integrations package and not the integrations test package -// so that changes in other parts of the code base that may have an effect on these test will not -// compile until they are fixed. - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - - "net/http" - "testing" - "time" - - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/log" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/oauth2" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/roles" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/server" -) - -func TestServer(t *testing.T) { - type fields struct { - Organizations []chronograf.Organization - Mappings []chronograf.Mapping - Users []chronograf.User - Sources []chronograf.Source - Servers []chronograf.Server - Layouts []chronograf.Layout - Dashboards []chronograf.Dashboard - Config *chronograf.Config - } - type args struct { - server *server.Server - method string - path string - payload interface{} // Expects this to be a json serializable struct - principal oauth2.Principal - } - type wants struct { - statusCode int - contentType string - body string - } - - tests := []struct { - name string - subName string - fields fields - args args - wants wants - }{ - { - name: "GET /sources/5000/kapacitors/5000", - subName: "Get specific kapacitors; including Canned kapacitors", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: "viewer", - Organization: "howdy", // from canned testdata - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "howdy", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "id": "5000", - "name": "Kapa 1", - "url": "http://localhost:9092", - "active": true, - "insecureSkipVerify": false, - "links": { - "proxy": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000", - "rules": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/rules", - "tasks": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy?path=/kapacitor/v1/tasks", - "ping": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy?path=/kapacitor/v1/ping" - } -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /sources/5000/kapacitors", - subName: "Get all kapacitors; including Canned kapacitors", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: "viewer", - Organization: "howdy", // from canned testdata - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "howdy", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "kapacitors": [ - { - "id": "5000", - "name": "Kapa 1", - "url": "http://localhost:9092", - "active": true, - "insecureSkipVerify": false, - "links": { - "proxy": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000", - "rules": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/rules", - "tasks": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy?path=/kapacitor/v1/tasks", - "ping": "/chronograf/v1/sources/5000/kapacitors/5000/proxy?path=/kapacitor/v1/ping" - } - } - ] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /organizations", - subName: "Get all organizations; including Canned organization", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations" - }, - "organizations": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default" - }, - "id": "default", - "name": "Default", - "defaultRole": "member" - }, - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/howdy" - }, - "id": "howdy", - "name": "An Organization", - "defaultRole": "viewer" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /organizations/howdy", - subName: "Get specific organizations; Canned organization", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/howdy", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/howdy" - }, - "id": "howdy", - "name": "An Organization", - "defaultRole": "viewer" -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /dashboards/1000", - subName: "Get specific in the howdy organization; Using Canned testdata", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "howdy", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1000", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "howdy", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: `{"id":1000,"cells":[{"i":"8f61c619-dd9b-4761-8aa8-577f27247093","x":0,"y":0,"w":11,"h":5,"name":"Untitled Cell","queries":[{"query":"SELECT mean(\"value\") AS \"mean_value\" FROM \"telegraf\".\"autogen\".\"cpg\" WHERE time \u003e :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) 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"/chronograf/v1/dashboards", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "howdy", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: `{"dashboards":[{"id":1000,"cells":[{"i":"8f61c619-dd9b-4761-8aa8-577f27247093","x":0,"y":0,"w":11,"h":5,"name":"Untitled Cell","queries":[{"query":"SELECT mean(\"value\") AS \"mean_value\" FROM \"telegraf\".\"autogen\".\"cpg\" WHERE time \u003e :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) 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DATABASES","measurement":"","tagKey":"","fieldKey":""},"links":{"self":"/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1000/templates/e7e498bf-5869-4874-9071-24628a2cda63"}}],"name":"Name This Dashboard","organization":"howdy","links":{"self":"/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1000","cells":"/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1000/cells","templates":"/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1000/templates"}}]} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /users", - subName: "User Not Found in the Default Organization", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{}, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 403, - body: `{"code":403,"message":"User is not authorized"}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /users", - subName: "Single User in the Default Organization as SuperAdmin", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users" - }, - "users": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - } - ] - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /users", - subName: "Two users in two organizations; user making request is as SuperAdmin with out raw query param", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - { - ID: 2, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billietta", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "cool", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users" - }, - "users": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - } - ] - } - ] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "User making request is as SuperAdmin with raw query param; being created has wildcard role", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "*", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": false, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "member", - "organization": "default" - } - ] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "User making request is as SuperAdmin with raw query param; being created has no roles", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{}, - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": false, - "roles": [] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /users", - subName: "Two users in two organizations; user making request is as SuperAdmin with raw query param", - fields: fields{ - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - { - ID: 2, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billietta", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "1", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users" - }, - "users": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - } - ] - }, - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "billietta", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "1" - } - ] - } - ] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /users", - subName: "Two users in two organizations; user making request is as not SuperAdmin with raw query param", - fields: fields{ - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - { - ID: 2, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billietta", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: false, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "1", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billieta", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 403, - body: ` -{ - "code": 403, - "message": "User is not authorized" -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "Create a New User with SuperAdmin status; SuperAdminNewUsers is true (the default case); User on Principal is a SuperAdmin", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "default" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "Create a New User with SuperAdmin status; SuperAdminNewUsers is false; User on Principal is a SuperAdmin", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": false, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "default" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "Create a New User with SuperAdmin status; SuperAdminNewUsers is false; User on Principal is Admin, but not a SuperAdmin", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: false, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": false, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "default" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "Create a New User with SuperAdmin status; SuperAdminNewUsers is true; User on Principal is Admin, but not a SuperAdmin", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: false, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 401, - body: ` -{ - "code": 401, - "message": "User does not have authorization required to set SuperAdmin status. See https://github.com/influxdata/chronograf/issues/2601 for more information." -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "POST /users", - subName: "Create a New User with in multiple organizations; User on Principal is a SuperAdmin with raw query param", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "POST", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "user", - Provider: "provider", - Scheme: "oauth2", - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: roles.EditorRoleName, - Organization: "1", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 201, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/2" - }, - "id": "2", - "name": "user", - "provider": "provider", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "default" - }, - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "1" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "PATCH /users", - subName: "Update user to have no roles", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PATCH", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users/1", - payload: map[string]interface{}{ - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": []chronograf.Role{}, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "PATCH /users", - subName: "Update user roles with wildcard", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PATCH", - path: "/chronograf/v1/users/1", - payload: &chronograf.User{ - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: roles.AdminRoleName, - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: roles.WildcardRoleName, - Organization: "1", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - }, - { - "name": "viewer", - "organization": "1" - } - ] -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "PATCH /users/1", - subName: "SuperAdmin modifying their own status", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PATCH", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/1", - payload: map[string]interface{}{ - "id": "1", - "superAdmin": false, - "roles": []interface{}{ - map[string]interface{}{ - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default", - }, - }, - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized, - body: ` -{ - "code": 401, - "message": "user cannot modify their own SuperAdmin status" -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /organization/default/users", - subName: "Organization not set explicitly on principal", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{}, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users" - }, - "users": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - } - ] - } - ] -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "PUT /me", - subName: "Change SuperAdmins current organization to org they dont belong to", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "Sweet", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PUT", - path: "/chronograf/v1/me", - payload: map[string]string{ - "organization": "1", - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "id": "1", - "name": "billibob", - "roles": [ - { - "name": "admin", - "organization": "default" - }, - { - "name": "viewer", - "organization": "1" - } - ], - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "superAdmin": true, - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/1/users/1" - }, - "organizations": [ - { - "id": "1", - "name": "Sweet", - "defaultRole": "viewer" - }, - { - "id": "default", - "name": "Default", - "defaultRole": "member" - } - ], - "currentOrganization": { - "id": "1", - "name": "Sweet", - "defaultRole": "viewer" - } -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "PUT /me", - subName: "Change Admin current organization to org they dont belong to", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "Sweet", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: false, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PUT", - path: "/chronograf/v1/me", - payload: map[string]string{ - "organization": "1", - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 403, - body: ` - { - "code": 403, - "message": "user not found" -}`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /me", - subName: "New user hits me for the first time", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: false, - }, - }, - Mappings: []chronograf.Mapping{ - { - ID: "1", - Organization: "1", - Provider: "*", - Scheme: "*", - ProviderOrganization: "influxdata", - }, - { - ID: "1", - Organization: "1", - Provider: "*", - Scheme: "*", - ProviderOrganization: "*", - }, - { - ID: "2", - Organization: "2", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "*", - ProviderOrganization: "*", - }, - { - ID: "3", - Organization: "3", - Provider: "auth0", - Scheme: "ldap", - ProviderOrganization: "*", - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "Sweet", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - { - ID: "2", - Name: "What", - DefaultRole: roles.EditorRoleName, - }, - { - ID: "3", - Name: "Okay", - DefaultRole: roles.AdminRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{}, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/me", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Subject: "billietta", - Issuer: "github", - Group: "influxdata,idk,mimi", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "id": "2", - "name": "billietta", - "roles": [ - { - "name": "viewer", - "organization": "1" - }, - { - "name": "editor", - "organization": "2" - }, - { - "name": "member", - "organization": "default" - } - ], - "provider": "github", - "scheme": "oauth2", - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/default/users/2" - }, - "organizations": [ - { - 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{ - ID: "1", - Name: "Sweet", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - { - ID: "2", - Name: "What", - DefaultRole: roles.EditorRoleName, - }, - { - ID: "3", - Name: "Okay", - DefaultRole: roles.AdminRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/mappings", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - Group: "influxdata,idk,mimi", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/mappings" - }, - "mappings": [ - { - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/mappings/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "organizationId": "1", - "provider": "*", - "scheme": "*", - "providerOrganization": "influxdata" - 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Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "PUT", - path: "/chronograf/v1/mappings/1", - payload: &chronograf.Mapping{ - ID: "1", - Organization: "1", - Provider: "*", - Scheme: "*", - ProviderOrganization: "*", - }, - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - Group: "influxdata,idk,mimi", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "links": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/mappings/1" - }, - "id": "1", - "organizationId": "1", - "provider": "*", - "scheme": "*", - "providerOrganization": "*" -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /org_config", - subName: "default org", - fields: fields{ - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: true, - 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Organization: "default", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` - { - "links": { - "self": "\/chronograf\/v1\/org_config/logviewer" - }, - "columns": [ - { - "name": "time", - "position": 0, - "encodings": [ - { - "type": "visibility", - "value": "hidden" - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "severity", - "position": 1, - "encodings": [ - { - "type": "visibility", - "value": "visible" - }, - { - "type": "label", - "value": "icon" - }, - { - "type": "label", - "value": "text" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "ruby", - "name": "emerg" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "fire", - "name": "alert" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "curacao", - "name": "crit" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "tiger", - "name": "err" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "pineapple", - "name": "warning" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "rainforest", - "name": "notice" - }, - { - "type": "color", - "value": "star", - "name": "info" - 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Value: "hidden", - }, - }, - }, - { - Name: "severity", - Position: 1, - Encodings: []chronograf.ColumnEncoding{ - - { - Type: "visibility", - Value: "visible", - }, - { - Type: "label", - Value: "icon", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "emerg", - Value: "ruby", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "alert", - Value: "fire", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "crit", - Value: "curacao", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "err", - Value: "tiger", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "warning", - Value: "pineapple", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "notice", - Value: "wolf", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "info", - Value: "wolf", - }, - { - Type: "color", - Name: "debug", - Value: "wolf", - }, - }, - }, - { - Name: "timestamp", - Position: 3, - Encodings: []chronograf.ColumnEncoding{ - - { - Type: "visibility", - Value: "visible", - }, - }, - }, - { - Name: "message", - Position: 2, - Encodings: []chronograf.ColumnEncoding{ - - { - Type: "visibility", - Value: "visible", - }, - }, - }, - { - 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"auth": "/chronograf/v1/config/auth" - }, - "auth": [ - { - "name": "github", - "label": "Github", - "login": "/oauth/github/login", - "logout": "/oauth/github/logout", - "callback": "/oauth/github/callback" - } - ], - "logout": "/oauth/logout", - "external": { - "statusFeed": "" - }, - "orgConfig": { - "logViewer": "/chronograf/v1/org_config/logviewer", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/org_config" - }, - "flux": { - "ast": "/chronograf/v1/flux/ast", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/flux", - "suggestions": "/chronograf/v1/flux/suggestions" - }, - "validateTextTemplates":"chronograf/v1/validate_text_templates" -} -`, - }, - }, - { - name: "GET /", - subName: "signed into org 1", - fields: fields{ - Config: &chronograf.Config{ - Auth: chronograf.AuthConfig{ - SuperAdminNewUsers: true, - }, - }, - Organizations: []chronograf.Organization{ - { - ID: "1", - Name: "cool", - DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, - }, - }, - Users: []chronograf.User{ - { - ID: 1, // This is artificial, but should be reflective of the users actual ID - Name: "billibob", - Provider: "github", - Scheme: "oauth2", - SuperAdmin: false, - Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - { - Name: "admin", - Organization: "default", - }, - { - Name: "member", - Organization: "1", - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - server: &server.Server{ - GithubClientID: "not empty", - GithubClientSecret: "not empty", - }, - method: "GET", - path: "/chronograf/v1/", - principal: oauth2.Principal{ - Organization: "1", - Subject: "billibob", - Issuer: "github", - }, - }, - wants: wants{ - statusCode: 200, - body: ` -{ - "layouts": "/chronograf/v1/layouts", - "protoboards":"/chronograf/v1/protoboards", - "cells": "/chronograf/v2/cells", - "users": "/chronograf/v1/organizations/1/users", - "allUsers": "/chronograf/v1/users", - "organizations": "/chronograf/v1/organizations", - "mappings": "/chronograf/v1/mappings", - "sources": "/chronograf/v1/sources", - "me": "/chronograf/v1/me", - "environment": "/chronograf/v1/env", - "dashboards": "/chronograf/v1/dashboards", - "dashboardsv2":"/chronograf/v2/dashboards", - "config": { - "self": "/chronograf/v1/config", - "auth": "/chronograf/v1/config/auth" - }, - "orgConfig": { - "logViewer": "/chronograf/v1/org_config/logviewer", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/org_config" - }, - "auth": [ - { - "name": "github", - "label": "Github", - "login": "/oauth/github/login", - "logout": "/oauth/github/logout", - "callback": "/oauth/github/callback" - } - ], - "logout": "/oauth/logout", - "external": { - "statusFeed": "" - }, - "flux": { - "ast": "/chronograf/v1/flux/ast", - "self": "/chronograf/v1/flux", - "suggestions": "/chronograf/v1/flux/suggestions" - }, - "validateTextTemplates":"chronograf/v1/validate_text_templates" -} -`, - }, - }, - } - - for _, tt := range tests { - testName := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", tt.name, tt.subName) - t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) { - ctx := context.TODO() - // Create Test Server - host, port := hostAndPort() - tt.args.server.Host = host - tt.args.server.Port = port - - // Use testdata directory for the canned data - tt.args.server.CannedPath = "testdata" - tt.args.server.ResourcesPath = "testdata" - - // This is so that we can use staticly generate jwts - tt.args.server.TokenSecret = "secret" - - // Endpoint for validating RSA256 signatures when using id_token parsing for ADFS - tt.args.server.JwksURL = "" - - boltFile := newBoltFile() - tt.args.server.BoltPath = boltFile - - // Prepopulate BoltDB Database for Server - boltdb := bolt.NewClient() - boltdb.Path = boltFile - - logger := log.New(log.ParseLevel("debug")) - build := chronograf.BuildInfo{ - Version: "pre-", - Commit: "", - } - _ = boltdb.Open(ctx, logger, build) - - if tt.fields.Config != nil { - if err := boltdb.ConfigStore.Update(ctx, tt.fields.Config); err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to update global application config %v", err) - return - } - } - - // Populate Organizations - for i, mapping := range tt.fields.Mappings { - o, err := boltdb.MappingsStore.Add(ctx, &mapping) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add mapping: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Mappings[i] = *o - } - - // Populate Organizations - for i, organization := range tt.fields.Organizations { - o, err := boltdb.OrganizationsStore.Add(ctx, &organization) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add organization: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Organizations[i] = *o - } - - // Populate Users - for i, user := range tt.fields.Users { - u, err := boltdb.UsersStore.Add(ctx, &user) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add user: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Users[i] = *u - } - - // Populate Sources - for i, source := range tt.fields.Sources { - s, err := boltdb.SourcesStore.Add(ctx, source) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add source: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Sources[i] = s - } - - // Populate Servers - for i, server := range tt.fields.Servers { - s, err := boltdb.ServersStore.Add(ctx, server) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add server: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Servers[i] = s - } - - // Populate Layouts - for i, layout := range tt.fields.Layouts { - l, err := boltdb.LayoutsStore.Add(ctx, layout) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add layout: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Layouts[i] = l - } - - // Populate Dashboards - for i, dashboard := range tt.fields.Dashboards { - d, err := boltdb.DashboardsStore.Add(ctx, dashboard) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to add dashboard: %v", err) - return - } - tt.fields.Dashboards[i] = d - } - - _ = boltdb.Close() - - go tt.args.server.Serve(ctx) - serverURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v:%v%v", host, port, tt.args.path) - - // Wait for the server to come online - timeout := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second) - for { - _, err := http.Get(serverURL + "/swagger.json") - if err == nil { - break - } - if time.Now().After(timeout) { - t.Log("failed to start server") - return - } - } - - // Set the Expiry time on the principal - tt.args.principal.IssuedAt = time.Now() - tt.args.principal.ExpiresAt = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second) - - // Construct HTTP Request - buf, _ := json.Marshal(tt.args.payload) - reqBody := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buf)) - req, _ := http.NewRequest(tt.args.method, serverURL, reqBody) - token, _ := oauth2.NewJWT(tt.args.server.TokenSecret, tt.args.server.JwksURL).Create(ctx, tt.args.principal) - req.AddCookie(&http.Cookie{ - Name: "session", - Value: string(token), - HttpOnly: true, - Path: "/", - }) - - // Make actual http request - resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) - if err != nil { - t.Fatalf("failed to make httprequest: %v", err) - return - } - - content := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") - body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - - if resp.StatusCode != tt.wants.statusCode { - t.Errorf( - "%s %s Status Code = %v, want %v", - tt.args.method, - tt.args.path, - resp.StatusCode, - tt.wants.statusCode, - ) - } - - if tt.wants.contentType != "" && content != tt.wants.contentType { - t.Errorf( - "%s %s Content Type = %v, want %v", - tt.args.method, - tt.args.path, - content, - tt.wants.contentType, - ) - } - - if eq, err := jsonEqual(tt.wants.body, string(body)); err != nil || !eq { - t.Errorf( - "%s %s Body = %v, want %v", - tt.args.method, - tt.args.path, - string(body), - tt.wants.body, - ) - } - - tt.args.server.Listener.Close() - }) - } -} diff --git a/integrations/testdata/example.kap b/integrations/testdata/example.kap deleted file mode 100644 index 611216d081..0000000000 --- a/integrations/testdata/example.kap +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "5000", - "srcID": "5000", - "name": "Kapa 1", - "url": "http://localhost:9092", - "active": true, - "organization": "howdy" -} diff --git a/integrations/testdata/example.org b/integrations/testdata/example.org deleted file mode 100644 index 21031e50b1..0000000000 --- a/integrations/testdata/example.org +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "howdy", - "name": "An Organization", - "defaultRole": "viewer" -} diff --git a/integrations/testdata/example.src b/integrations/testdata/example.src deleted file mode 100644 index 2e92c7fc65..0000000000 --- a/integrations/testdata/example.src +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "5000", - "name": "Influx 1", - "username": "user1", - "password": "pass1", - "url": "http://localhost:8086", - "metaUrl": "http://metaurl.com", - "type": "influx-enterprise", - "insecureSkipVerify": false, - "default": true, - "telegraf": "telegraf", - "sharedSecret": "cubeapples", - "organization": "howdy" -} diff --git a/integrations/testdata/mydash.dashboard b/integrations/testdata/mydash.dashboard deleted file mode 100644 index 3e81b46dce..0000000000 --- a/integrations/testdata/mydash.dashboard +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": 1000, - "cells": [ - { - "i": "8f61c619-dd9b-4761-8aa8-577f27247093", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 11, - "h": 5, - "name": "Untitled Cell", - "queries": [ - { - "query": "SELECT mean(\"value\") AS \"mean_value\" FROM \"telegraf\".\"autogen\".\"cpg\" WHERE time \u003e :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)", - "queryConfig": { - "id": "b20baa61-bacb-4a17-b27d-b904a0d18114", - "database": "telegraf", - "measurement": "cpg", - "retentionPolicy": "autogen", - "fields": [ - { - "value": "mean", - "type": "func", - "alias": "mean_value", - "args": [ - { - "value": "value", - "type": "field", - "alias": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "tags": {}, - "groupBy": { - "time": "auto", - "tags": [] - }, - "areTagsAccepted": true, - "fill": "null", - "rawText": null, - "range": null, - "shifts": [] - }, - "source": "/chronograf/v1/sources/2" - } - ], - "axes": { - "x": { - "bounds": [], - "label": "", - "prefix": "", - "suffix": "", - "base": "10", - "scale": "linear" - }, - "y": { - "bounds": [], - "label": "", - "prefix": "", - "suffix": "", - "base": "10", - "scale": "linear" - }, - "y2": { - "bounds": [], - "label": "", - "prefix": "", - "suffix": "", - "base": "10", - "scale": "linear" - } - }, - "type": "line", - "colors": [ - { - "id": "0", - "type": "min", - "hex": "#00C9FF", - "name": "laser", - "value": "0" - }, - { - "id": "1", - "type": "max", - "hex": "#9394FF", - "name": "comet", - "value": "100" - } - ], - "legend": { - "type": "static", - "orientation": "bottom" - } - } - ], - "templates": [ - { - "tempVar": ":dbs:", - "values": [ - { - "value": "_internal", - "type": "database", - "selected": true - }, - { - "value": "telegraf", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "tensorflowdb", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "pushgateway", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "node_exporter", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "mydb", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "tiny", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "blah", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "test", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "chronograf", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "db_name", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "demo", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "eeg", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "solaredge", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - }, - { - "value": "zipkin", - "type": "database", - "selected": false - } - ], - "id": "e7e498bf-5869-4874-9071-24628a2cda63", - "type": "databases", - "label": "", - "query": { - "influxql": "SHOW DATABASES", - "measurement": "", - "tagKey": "", - "fieldKey": "" - } - } - ], - "name": "Name This Dashboard", - "organization": "howdy" - } diff --git a/integrations/utils.go b/integrations/utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2069c09595..0000000000 --- a/integrations/utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -package integrations - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http/httptest" - "net/url" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" -) - -func hostAndPort() (string, int) { - s := httptest.NewServer(nil) - defer s.Close() - - u, err := url.Parse(s.URL) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - xs := strings.Split(u.Host, ":") - host := xs[0] - portStr := xs[1] - port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return host, port - -} - -func newBoltFile() string { - f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "chronograf-bolt-") - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - f.Close() - - return f.Name() -} - -func jsonEqual(s1, s2 string) (eq bool, err error) { - var o1, o2 interface{} - - if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(s1), &o1); err != nil { - return - } - if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(s2), &o2); err != nil { - return - } - - return cmp.Equal(o1, o2), nil -} diff --git a/kapacitor/ast.go b/kapacitor/ast.go index b72e901952..8fe5b8c42a 100644 --- a/kapacitor/ast.go +++ b/kapacitor/ast.go @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ type WhereFilter struct { Operator string // Operator is == or != } +var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)"(.*)"\s+(==|!=)\s+'(.*)'`) + func varWhereFilter(vars map[string]tick.Var) (WhereFilter, bool) { // All chronograf TICKScripts have whereFilters. v, ok := vars["whereFilter"] @@ -112,7 +114,6 @@ func varWhereFilter(vars map[string]tick.Var) (WhereFilter, bool) { opSet := map[string]struct{}{} // All ops must be the same b/c queryConfig // Otherwise the lambda function will be several "tag" op 'value' expressions. - var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)"(.*)"\s+(==|!=)\s+'(.*)'`) for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(lambda, -1) { tag, op, value := match[1], match[2], match[3] opSet[op] = struct{}{} @@ -281,11 +282,15 @@ type FieldFunc struct { Func string } +var ( + effRe1 = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\|(\w+)\('(.*)'\)\s*\.as\('value'\)`) + effRe2 = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\|eval\(lambda: "(.*)"\)\s*\.as\('value'\)`) +) + func extractFieldFunc(script chronograf.TICKScript) FieldFunc { // If the TICKScript is relative or threshold alert with an aggregate // then the aggregate function and field is in the form |func('field').as('value') - var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\|(\w+)\('(.*)'\)\s*\.as\('value'\)`) - for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { + for _, match := range effRe1.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { fn, field := match[1], match[2] return FieldFunc{ Field: field, @@ -295,8 +300,7 @@ func extractFieldFunc(script chronograf.TICKScript) FieldFunc { // If the alert does not have an aggregate then the the value function will // be this form: |eval(lambda: "%s").as('value') - re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\|eval\(lambda: "(.*)"\)\s*\.as\('value'\)`) - for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { + for _, match := range effRe2.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { field := match[1] return FieldFunc{ Field: field, @@ -311,11 +315,15 @@ type CritCondition struct { Operators []string } +var ( + ecRe1 = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\.crit\(lambda:\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+crit\)`) + ecRe2 = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\.crit\(lambda:\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+lower\s+(.*)\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+upper\)`) +) + func extractCrit(script chronograf.TICKScript) CritCondition { // Threshold and relative alerts have the form .crit(lambda: "value" op crit) // Threshold range alerts have the form .crit(lambda: "value" op lower op "value" op upper) - var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\.crit\(lambda:\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+crit\)`) - for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { + for _, match := range ecRe1.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { op := match[1] return CritCondition{ Operators: []string{ @@ -323,8 +331,8 @@ func extractCrit(script chronograf.TICKScript) CritCondition { }, } } - re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?Um)\.crit\(lambda:\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+lower\s+(.*)\s+"value"\s+(.*)\s+upper\)`) - for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { + + for _, match := range ecRe2.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(script), -1) { lower, compound, upper := match[1], match[2], match[3] return CritCondition{ Operators: []string{ diff --git a/kapacitor/ast_test.go b/kapacitor/ast_test.go index e7815ddc8d..178b2b67fb 100644 --- a/kapacitor/ast_test.go +++ b/kapacitor/ast_test.go @@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { Tags: []string{"host", "cluster_id"}, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, @@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "cpu": []string{"cpu_total"}, - "host": []string{"acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod"}, + "cpu": {"cpu_total"}, + "host": {"acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod"}, }, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "10m0s", @@ -629,11 +629,11 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -766,11 +766,11 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -903,11 +903,11 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1022,11 +1022,11 @@ func TestReverse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1169,11 +1169,11 @@ trigger }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1317,11 +1317,11 @@ trigger }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1431,11 +1431,11 @@ trigger Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, diff --git a/kapacitor/client_test.go b/kapacitor/client_test.go index 8938f37a9b..278bdb347b 100644 --- a/kapacitor/client_test.go +++ b/kapacitor/client_test.go @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ func TestClient_All(t *testing.T) { }, listTasksOptions: &client.ListTasksOptions{}, resTasks: []client.Task{ - client.Task{ + { ID: "howdy", Status: client.Enabled, }, }, want: map[string]*Task{ - "howdy": &Task{ + "howdy": { ID: "howdy", HrefOutput: "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/howdy/output", @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func TestClient_All(t *testing.T) { }, listTasksOptions: &client.ListTasksOptions{}, resTasks: []client.Task{ - client.Task{ + { ID: "rule 1", Status: client.Enabled, Type: client.StreamTask, @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ trigger }, }, want: map[string]*Task{ - "rule 1": &Task{ + "rule 1": { ID: "rule 1", HrefOutput: "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/rule 1/output", diff --git a/kapacitor/tickscripts_test.go b/kapacitor/tickscripts_test.go index 6f7a7d5053..d6272949d7 100644 --- a/kapacitor/tickscripts_test.go +++ b/kapacitor/tickscripts_test.go @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ func TestGenerate(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ func TestThreshold(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -550,11 +550,11 @@ func TestThresholdDetail(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -710,11 +710,11 @@ func TestThresholdInsideRange(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -869,11 +869,11 @@ func TestThresholdOutsideRange(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1021,11 +1021,11 @@ func TestThresholdNoAggregate(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1171,11 +1171,11 @@ func TestRelative(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1341,11 +1341,11 @@ func TestRelativeChange(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, @@ -1508,11 +1508,11 @@ func TestDeadman(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "acc-0eabc309-eu-west-1-data-3", "prod", }, - "cpu": []string{ + "cpu": { "cpu_total", }, }, diff --git a/bolt/base.go b/kv/bolt/base.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/base.go rename to kv/bolt/base.go diff --git a/bolt/bolt_test.go b/kv/bolt/bolt_test.go similarity index 95% rename from bolt/bolt_test.go rename to kv/bolt/bolt_test.go index a9e35b6c80..7c7a57a536 100644 --- a/bolt/bolt_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/bolt_test.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "time" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/mocks" ) diff --git a/bolt/build.go b/kv/bolt/build.go similarity index 97% rename from bolt/build.go rename to kv/bolt/build.go index f137992c82..9af9f8da4e 100644 --- a/bolt/build.go +++ b/kv/bolt/build.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure BuildStore struct implements chronograf.BuildStore interface diff --git a/bolt/build_test.go b/kv/bolt/build_test.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/build_test.go rename to kv/bolt/build_test.go diff --git a/bolt/cell.go b/kv/bolt/cell.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/cell.go rename to kv/bolt/cell.go diff --git a/bolt/change_interval_to_duration.go b/kv/bolt/change_interval_to_duration.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/change_interval_to_duration.go rename to kv/bolt/change_interval_to_duration.go diff --git a/bolt/client.go b/kv/bolt/client.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/client.go rename to kv/bolt/client.go diff --git a/bolt/config.go b/kv/bolt/config.go similarity index 96% rename from bolt/config.go rename to kv/bolt/config.go index 432b964b5b..78ff74ee57 100644 --- a/bolt/config.go +++ b/kv/bolt/config.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure ConfigStore implements chronograf.ConfigStore. diff --git a/bolt/config_test.go b/kv/bolt/config_test.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/config_test.go rename to kv/bolt/config_test.go diff --git a/bolt/dashboards.go b/kv/bolt/dashboards.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/dashboards.go rename to kv/bolt/dashboards.go index c3035ee1b6..243b96a289 100644 --- a/bolt/dashboards.go +++ b/kv/bolt/dashboards.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure DashboardsStore implements chronograf.DashboardsStore. diff --git a/bolt/dashboards_test.go b/kv/bolt/dashboards_test.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/dashboards_test.go rename to kv/bolt/dashboards_test.go diff --git a/bolt/dashboardsv2.go b/kv/bolt/dashboardsv2.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/dashboardsv2.go rename to kv/bolt/dashboardsv2.go diff --git a/bolt/internal/internal.go b/kv/bolt/internal/internal.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/internal/internal.go rename to kv/bolt/internal/internal.go diff --git a/bolt/internal/internal.pb.go b/kv/bolt/internal/internal.pb.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/internal/internal.pb.go rename to kv/bolt/internal/internal.pb.go diff --git a/bolt/internal/internal.proto b/kv/bolt/internal/internal.proto similarity index 100% rename from bolt/internal/internal.proto rename to kv/bolt/internal/internal.proto diff --git a/bolt/internal/internal_test.go b/kv/bolt/internal/internal_test.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/internal/internal_test.go rename to kv/bolt/internal/internal_test.go index 7373e77323..91bedec96c 100644 --- a/bolt/internal/internal_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/internal/internal_test.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) func TestMarshalSource(t *testing.T) { @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func TestMarshalLayout(t *testing.T) { Type: "line", Name: "cell1", Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, Label: "foo", }, @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ func Test_MarshalDashboard(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"0", "3", "1-7", "foo"}, Label: "foo", Prefix: "M", @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ func Test_MarshalDashboard_WithLegacyBounds(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { LegacyBounds: [2]int64{0, 5}, }, }, @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ func Test_MarshalDashboard_WithLegacyBounds(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Base: "10", Scale: "linear", }, @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ func Test_MarshalDashboard_WithEmptyLegacyBounds(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { LegacyBounds: [2]int64{}, }, }, @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ func Test_MarshalDashboard_WithEmptyLegacyBounds(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Base: "10", Scale: "linear", }, diff --git a/bolt/layouts.go b/kv/bolt/layouts.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/layouts.go rename to kv/bolt/layouts.go index 0f11ecef22..15761f5158 100644 --- a/bolt/layouts.go +++ b/kv/bolt/layouts.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure LayoutsStore implements chronograf.LayoutsStore. diff --git a/bolt/mapping.go b/kv/bolt/mapping.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/mapping.go rename to kv/bolt/mapping.go index 52e643dfc2..52e5d8cc00 100644 --- a/bolt/mapping.go +++ b/kv/bolt/mapping.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure MappingsStore implements chronograf.MappingsStore. diff --git a/bolt/mapping_test.go b/kv/bolt/mapping_test.go similarity index 96% rename from bolt/mapping_test.go rename to kv/bolt/mapping_test.go index 745f5df902..25ad57f920 100644 --- a/bolt/mapping_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/mapping_test.go @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func TestMappingStore_All(t *testing.T) { name: "simple", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", @@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_All(t *testing.T) { }, wants: wants{ mappings: []chronograf.Mapping{ - chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", @@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_Delete(t *testing.T) { name: "simple", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", @@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_Delete(t *testing.T) { name: "mapping not found", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", @@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_Get(t *testing.T) { name: "simple", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", @@ -344,13 +344,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_Get(t *testing.T) { name: "mapping not found", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", @@ -417,13 +417,13 @@ func TestMappingStore_Update(t *testing.T) { name: "simple", fields: fields{ mappings: []*chronograf.Mapping{ - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "default", Provider: "*", Scheme: "*", ProviderOrganization: "*", }, - &chronograf.Mapping{ + { Organization: "0", Provider: "google", Scheme: "ldap", diff --git a/bolt/org_config.go b/kv/bolt/org_config.go similarity index 99% rename from bolt/org_config.go rename to kv/bolt/org_config.go index 76e8a1494b..cc40f14606 100644 --- a/bolt/org_config.go +++ b/kv/bolt/org_config.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure OrganizationConfigStore implements chronograf.OrganizationConfigStore. diff --git a/bolt/org_config_test.go b/kv/bolt/org_config_test.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/org_config_test.go rename to kv/bolt/org_config_test.go diff --git a/bolt/organizations.go b/kv/bolt/organizations.go similarity index 99% rename from bolt/organizations.go rename to kv/bolt/organizations.go index 458fefafee..a2935a6d54 100644 --- a/bolt/organizations.go +++ b/kv/bolt/organizations.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/organizations" ) diff --git a/bolt/organizations_test.go b/kv/bolt/organizations_test.go similarity index 99% rename from bolt/organizations_test.go rename to kv/bolt/organizations_test.go index c6f5cfe66a..5d3c8ce1bb 100644 --- a/bolt/organizations_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/organizations_test.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/roles" ) diff --git a/bolt/servers.go b/kv/bolt/servers.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/servers.go rename to kv/bolt/servers.go index 46ea4504b0..df5f32a388 100644 --- a/bolt/servers.go +++ b/kv/bolt/servers.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure ServersStore implements chronograf.ServersStore. diff --git a/bolt/servers_test.go b/kv/bolt/servers_test.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/servers_test.go rename to kv/bolt/servers_test.go index 312b1b5261..620515e842 100644 --- a/bolt/servers_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/servers_test.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func TestServerStore(t *testing.T) { s := c.ServersStore srcs := []chronograf.Server{ - chronograf.Server{ + { Name: "Of Truth", SrcID: 10, Username: "marty", @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func TestServerStore(t *testing.T) { Organization: "133", InsecureSkipVerify: true, }, - chronograf.Server{ + { Name: "HipToBeSquare", SrcID: 12, Username: "calvinklein", diff --git a/bolt/sources.go b/kv/bolt/sources.go similarity index 99% rename from bolt/sources.go rename to kv/bolt/sources.go index 8656a1b7bd..50af2090ea 100644 --- a/bolt/sources.go +++ b/kv/bolt/sources.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/roles" ) diff --git a/bolt/sources_test.go b/kv/bolt/sources_test.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/sources_test.go rename to kv/bolt/sources_test.go index f619cd75fa..f8a905e7d5 100644 --- a/bolt/sources_test.go +++ b/kv/bolt/sources_test.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "testing" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt" ) // Ensure an SourceStore can store, retrieve, update, and delete sources. @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func TestSourceStore(t *testing.T) { s := c.SourcesStore srcs := []chronograf.Source{ - chronograf.Source{ + { Name: "Of Truth", Type: "influx", Username: "marty", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func TestSourceStore(t *testing.T) { Organization: "1337", DefaultRP: "pineapple", }, - chronograf.Source{ + { Name: "HipToBeSquare", Type: "influx", Username: "calvinklein", @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func TestSourceStore(t *testing.T) { Default: true, Organization: "1337", }, - chronograf.Source{ + { Name: "HipToBeSquare", Type: "influx", Username: "calvinklein", diff --git a/bolt/users.go b/kv/bolt/users.go similarity index 98% rename from bolt/users.go rename to kv/bolt/users.go index d0658f8977..6110b720e0 100644 --- a/bolt/users.go +++ b/kv/bolt/users.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ( "github.com/boltdb/bolt" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt/internal" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt/internal" ) // Ensure UsersStore implements chronograf.UsersStore. diff --git a/bolt/users_test.go b/kv/bolt/users_test.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/users_test.go rename to kv/bolt/users_test.go diff --git a/bolt/util.go b/kv/bolt/util.go similarity index 100% rename from bolt/util.go rename to kv/bolt/util.go diff --git a/kv/kv.go b/kv/kv.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b600bdeacc --- /dev/null +++ b/kv/kv.go @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +// Package kv provides the interface for chronograf backends. +package kv diff --git a/log/log.go b/log/log.go index 1b00e33326..55e1b1933a 100644 --- a/log/log.go +++ b/log/log.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "io" "os" - "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" + "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" ) diff --git a/mocks/cells.go b/mocks/cells.go index ab27bcbc6c..de516a62e4 100644 --- a/mocks/cells.go +++ b/mocks/cells.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package mocks import ( "context" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/v2" + platform "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/v2" ) var _ platform.CellService = &CellService{} diff --git a/oauth2/mux_test.go b/oauth2/mux_test.go index 446bc5c5bf..9da9e7d323 100644 --- a/oauth2/mux_test.go +++ b/oauth2/mux_test.go @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func Test_AuthMux_Logout_DeletesSessionCookie(t *testing.T) { tsURL, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL) hc.Jar.SetCookies(tsURL, []*http.Cookie{ - &http.Cookie{ + { Name: DefaultCookieName, Value: "", }, diff --git a/organizations/users_test.go b/organizations/users_test.go index 4f350adea8..779c33083b 100644 --- a/organizations/users_test.go +++ b/organizations/users_test.go @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ func TestUsersStore_Add(t *testing.T) { Provider: "github", Scheme: "oauth2", Roles: []chronograf.Role{ - chronograf.Role{}, + {}, }, }, orgID: "1337", diff --git a/server/cells_test.go b/server/cells_test.go index 086b45a88a..a6e282dcc8 100644 --- a/server/cells_test.go +++ b/server/cells_test.go @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "correct axes", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, }, @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "invalid axes present", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "axis of evil": chronograf.Axis{ + "axis of evil": { Bounds: []string{"666", "666"}, }, - "axis of awesome": chronograf.Axis{ + "axis of awesome": { Bounds: []string{"1337", "31337"}, }, }, @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "linear scale value", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Scale: "linear", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "log scale value", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Scale: "log", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "invalid scale value", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Scale: "potatoes", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "base 10 axis", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Base: "10", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "base 2 axis", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Base: "2", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis(t *testing.T) { name: "invalid base", cell: &chronograf.DashboardCell{ Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Base: "all your base are belong to us", Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, @@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ func Test_Service_DashboardCells(t *testing.T) { Queries: []chronograf.DashboardQuery{}, CellColors: []chronograf.CellColor{}, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { name: "all fields set", dID: chronograf.DashboardID(1), dcells: []chronograf.DashboardCell{ - chronograf.DashboardCell{ + { ID: "445f8dc0-4d73-4168-8477-f628690d18a3", X: 0, Y: 0, @@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { }, }, }, - Tags: map[string][]string{"cpu": []string{"ChristohersMBP2.lan"}}, + Tags: map[string][]string{"cpu": {"ChristohersMBP2.lan"}}, GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{ Time: "2s", }, @@ -751,20 +751,20 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, Type: "line", CellColors: []chronograf.CellColor{ - chronograf.CellColor{ID: "0", Type: "min", Hex: "#00C9FF", Name: "laser", Value: "0"}, - chronograf.CellColor{ID: "1", Type: "max", Hex: "#9394FF", Name: "comet", Value: "100"}, + {ID: "0", Type: "min", Hex: "#00C9FF", Name: "laser", Value: "0"}, + {ID: "1", Type: "max", Hex: "#9394FF", Name: "comet", Value: "100"}, }, Legend: chronograf.Legend{ Type: "static", @@ -817,13 +817,13 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, @@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { name: "nothing set", dID: chronograf.DashboardID(1), dcells: []chronograf.DashboardCell{ - chronograf.DashboardCell{ + { ID: "445f8dc0-4d73-4168-8477-f628690d18a3", X: 0, Y: 0, @@ -878,13 +878,13 @@ func Test_newCellResponses(t *testing.T) { Name: "Untitled Cell", Queries: []chronograf.DashboardQuery{}, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, diff --git a/server/cellsv2.go b/server/cellsv2.go index b1e9672dde..287df236a4 100644 --- a/server/cellsv2.go +++ b/server/cellsv2.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "net/http" "github.com/bouk/httprouter" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/v2" + platform "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/v2" ) type cellV2Links struct { diff --git a/server/dashboards_test.go b/server/dashboards_test.go index 2ecf994c4b..161d9ef639 100644 --- a/server/dashboards_test.go +++ b/server/dashboards_test.go @@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ func Test_newDashboardResponse(t *testing.T) { }, }, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"2", "95"}, Label: "foo", }, @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ func Test_newDashboardResponse(t *testing.T) { Organization: "0", Templates: []templateResponse{}, Cells: []dashboardCellResponse{ - dashboardCellResponse{ + { Links: dashboardCellLinks{ Self: "/chronograf/v1/dashboards/0/cells/a", }, @@ -300,21 +300,21 @@ func Test_newDashboardResponse(t *testing.T) { }, CellColors: []chronograf.CellColor{}, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"0", "100"}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"2", "95"}, Label: "foo", }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, NoteVisibility: "default", }, }, - dashboardCellResponse{ + { Links: dashboardCellLinks{ Self: "/chronograf/v1/dashboards/0/cells/b", }, @@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ func Test_newDashboardResponse(t *testing.T) { W: 4, H: 4, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, }, }, diff --git a/server/databases_test.go b/server/databases_test.go index f703a90b78..99b7e44829 100644 --- a/server/databases_test.go +++ b/server/databases_test.go @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func TestService_GetDatabases(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func TestService_NewDatabase(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func TestService_DropDatabase(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func TestService_RetentionPolicies(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ func TestService_NewRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ func TestService_UpdateRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ func TestService_DropRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) { fields fields args args }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ func TestValidDatabaseRequest(t *testing.T) { args args wantErr bool }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ func TestValidRetentionPolicyRequest(t *testing.T) { args args wantErr bool }{ - // TODO: Add test cases. + // TODO: Add test cases. } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { diff --git a/server/helpers.go b/server/helpers.go index 8952734982..36e027e133 100644 --- a/server/helpers.go +++ b/server/helpers.go @@ -1,7 +1,46 @@ package server -import "net/http" +import ( + "net/http" + "path" +) func location(w http.ResponseWriter, self string) { w.Header().Add("Location", self) } + +// hsts add HTTP Strict Transport Security header with a max-age of two years +// Inspired from https://blog.bracebin.com/achieving-perfect-ssl-labs-score-with-go +func hsts(next http.Handler) http.Handler { + return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + w.Header().Add("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains") + next.ServeHTTP(w, r) + }) +} + +// version handler adds X-Chronograf-Version header to responses +func version(version string, h http.Handler) http.Handler { + fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + w.Header().Add("X-Chronograf-Version", version) + h.ServeHTTP(w, r) + } + return http.HandlerFunc(fn) +} + +// logout chooses the correct provider logout route and redirects to it +func logout(nextURL, basepath string, routes AuthRoutes) http.HandlerFunc { + return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + ctx := r.Context() + principal, err := getPrincipal(ctx) + if err != nil { + http.Redirect(w, r, path.Join(basepath, nextURL), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) + return + } + route, ok := routes.Lookup(principal.Issuer) + if !ok { + http.Redirect(w, r, path.Join(basepath, nextURL), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) + return + } + http.Redirect(w, r, route.Logout, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) + } +} diff --git a/server/hsts.go b/server/hsts.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1b6f54d71a..0000000000 --- a/server/hsts.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -package server - -import "net/http" - -// HSTS add HTTP Strict Transport Security header with a max-age of two years -// Inspired from https://blog.bracebin.com/achieving-perfect-ssl-labs-score-with-go -func HSTS(next http.Handler) http.Handler { - return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - w.Header().Add("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains") - next.ServeHTTP(w, r) - }) -} diff --git a/server/layout_test.go b/server/layout_test.go index 9ff1dbbabe..15b143e93a 100644 --- a/server/layout_test.go +++ b/server/layout_test.go @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func Test_Layouts(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "influxdb", }, []chronograf.Layout{ - chronograf.Layout{ + { ID: "d20a21c8-69f1-4780-90fe-e69f5e4d138c", Application: "influxdb", Measurement: "influxdb", @@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ func Test_Layouts(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "influxdb", }, []chronograf.Layout{ - chronograf.Layout{ + { ID: "d20a21c8-69f1-4780-90fe-e69f5e4d138c", Application: "influxdb", Measurement: "influxdb", }, - chronograf.Layout{ + { ID: "b020101b-ea6b-4c8c-9f0e-db0ba501f4ef", Application: "chronograf", Measurement: "chronograf", @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ func Test_Layouts(t *testing.T) { Name: "A Graph", CellColors: []chronograf.CellColor{}, Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{}, }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{}, }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{}, }, }, @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func Test_Layouts(t *testing.T) { }, }, []chronograf.Layout{ - chronograf.Layout{ + { ID: "d20a21c8-69f1-4780-90fe-e69f5e4d138c", Application: "influxdb", Measurement: "influxdb", diff --git a/server/logout.go b/server/logout.go deleted file mode 100644 index dd7c2cabe4..0000000000 --- a/server/logout.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package server - -import ( - "net/http" - "path" -) - -// Logout chooses the correct provider logout route and redirects to it -func Logout(nextURL, basepath string, routes AuthRoutes) http.HandlerFunc { - return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - ctx := r.Context() - principal, err := getPrincipal(ctx) - if err != nil { - http.Redirect(w, r, path.Join(basepath, nextURL), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) - return - } - route, ok := routes.Lookup(principal.Issuer) - if !ok { - http.Redirect(w, r, path.Join(basepath, nextURL), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) - return - } - http.Redirect(w, r, route.Logout, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) - } -} diff --git a/server/me.go b/server/me.go index 4d4575efc7..807e6eb2db 100644 --- a/server/me.go +++ b/server/me.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" + "net/url" "sort" "golang.org/x/net/context" @@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ func newMeResponse(usr *chronograf.User, org string) meResponse { name := "me" if usr != nil { base = fmt.Sprintf("/chronograf/v1/organizations/%s/users", org) - name = PathEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%d", usr.ID)) + name = url.PathEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%d", usr.ID)) } return meResponse{ @@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ func (s *Service) usersOrganizations(ctx context.Context, u *chronograf.User) ([ } orgs := []chronograf.Organization{} - for orgID, _ := range orgIDs { + for orgID := range orgIDs { org, err := s.Store.Organizations(ctx).Get(ctx, chronograf.OrganizationQuery{ID: &orgID}) // There can be race conditions between deleting a organization and the me query diff --git a/server/me_test.go b/server/me_test.go index 71522cbdcd..e15f9c461a 100644 --- a/server/me_test.go +++ b/server/me_test.go @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ func TestService_Me(t *testing.T) { }, AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Organization, error) { return []chronograf.Organization{ - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "0", Name: "The Gnarly Default", DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ func TestService_Me(t *testing.T) { }, AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Organization, error) { return []chronograf.Organization{ - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "0", Name: "The Gnarly Default", DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ func TestService_Me(t *testing.T) { }, AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Organization, error) { return []chronograf.Organization{ - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "0", Name: "The Gnarly Default", DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ func TestService_Me(t *testing.T) { }, AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Organization, error) { return []chronograf.Organization{ - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "0", Name: "The Bad Place", DefaultRole: roles.ViewerRoleName, diff --git a/server/mux.go b/server/mux.go index d6b8e30f4f..6bf9eb79ed 100644 --- a/server/mux.go +++ b/server/mux.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" + "net/url" "path" "strconv" "strings" @@ -11,8 +12,8 @@ import ( _ "net/http/pprof" "github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler" - "github.com/bouk/httprouter" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" // When julienschmidt/httprouter v2 w/ context is out, switch + "github.com/bouk/httprouter" // When julienschmidt/httprouter v2 w/ context is out, switch + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/oauth2" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/roles" ) @@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ type MuxOpts struct { UseAuth bool // UseAuth turns on Github OAuth and JWT Auth oauth2.Authenticator // Auth is used to authenticate and authorize ProviderFuncs []func(func(oauth2.Provider, oauth2.Mux)) - StatusFeedURL string // JSON Feed URL for the client Status page News Feed - CustomLinks map[string]string // Any custom external links for client's User menu - PprofEnabled bool // Mount pprof routes for profiling - DisableGZip bool // Optionally disable gzip. + StatusFeedURL string // JSON Feed URL for the client Status page News Feed + CustomLinks []CustomLink // Any custom external links for client's User menu + PprofEnabled bool // Mount pprof routes for profiling + DisableGZip bool // Optionally disable gzip. } // NewMux attaches all the route handlers; handler returned servers chronograf. @@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ func NewMux(opts MuxOpts, service Service) http.Handler { allRoutes.LogoutLink = path.Join(opts.Basepath, "/oauth/logout") // Create middleware that redirects to the appropriate provider logout - router.GET("/oauth/logout", Logout("/", opts.Basepath, allRoutes.AuthRoutes)) + router.GET("/oauth/logout", logout("/", opts.Basepath, allRoutes.AuthRoutes)) out = Logger(opts.Logger, FlushingHandler(auth)) } else { out = Logger(opts.Logger, FlushingHandler(router)) @@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ func AuthAPI(opts MuxOpts, router chronograf.Router) (http.Handler, AuthRoutes) routes := AuthRoutes{} for _, pf := range opts.ProviderFuncs { pf(func(p oauth2.Provider, m oauth2.Mux) { - urlName := PathEscape(strings.ToLower(p.Name())) + urlName := url.PathEscape(strings.ToLower(p.Name())) loginPath := path.Join("/oauth", urlName, "login") logoutPath := path.Join("/oauth", urlName, "logout") diff --git a/server/organizations_test.go b/server/organizations_test.go index 51dfd3b0fd..2f134acc0e 100644 --- a/server/organizations_test.go +++ b/server/organizations_test.go @@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ func TestService_Organizations(t *testing.T) { OrganizationsStore: &mocks.OrganizationsStore{ AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Organization, error) { return []chronograf.Organization{ - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "1337", Name: "The Good Place", }, - chronograf.Organization{ + { ID: "100", Name: "The Bad Place", }, diff --git a/server/path.go b/server/path.go deleted file mode 100644 index c1293e3cca..0000000000 --- a/server/path.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -package server - -import "net/url" - -// PathEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a URL path segment. -// Change to url.PathEscape for go 1.8 -func PathEscape(str string) string { - u := &url.URL{Path: str} - return u.String() -} diff --git a/server/protoboards_test.go b/server/protoboards_test.go index 8235c29129..40e8e031f5 100644 --- a/server/protoboards_test.go +++ b/server/protoboards_test.go @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { contentType: "application/json", body: `{"protoboards":[{"id":"1","meta":{"name":"protodashboard 1","icon":"http://example.com/icon.png","version":"1.2.3","measurements":["m1","m2"],"dashboardVersion":"1.7.0","description":"this is great","author":"Chronogiraffe","license":"Apache-2.0","url":"http://example.com"},"data":{"cells":[{"x":0,"y":0,"w":0,"h":0,"name":"","queries":null,"axes":null,"type":"","colors":null,"legend":{},"tableOptions":{"verticalTimeAxis":false,"sortBy":{"internalName":"","displayName":"","visible":false},"wrapping":"","fixFirstColumn":false},"fieldOptions":null,"timeFormat":"","decimalPlaces":{"isEnforced":false,"digits":0},"note":"","noteVisibility":""}],"templates":[{"tempVar":"","values":null,"id":"","type":"","label":""}]},"links":{"self":"/chronograf/v1/protoboards/1"}},{"id":"2","meta":{"name":"protodashboard 2","icon":"http://example.com/icon.png","version":"1.2.3","measurements":["m1","m2"],"dashboardVersion":"1.7.0","description":"this is great","author":"Chronogiraffe","license":"Apache-2.0","url":"http://example.com"},"data":{"cells":[{"x":8,"y":0,"w":3,"h":5,"name":"Untitled Cell","queries":[{"query":"SELECT mean(\"usage_steal\") AS \"mean_usage_steal\", mean(\"usage_system\") AS \"mean_usage_system\" FROM \"telegraf\".\"autogen\".\"cpu\" WHERE time \u003e :dashboardTime: AND \"host\"='denizs-MacBook-Pro.local' GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)","queryConfig":{"database":"telegraf","measurement":"cpu","retentionPolicy":"autogen","fields":[{"value":"mean","type":"func","alias":"mean_usage_steal","args":[{"value":"usage_steal","type":"field","alias":""}]},{"value":"mean","type":"func","alias":"mean_usage_system","args":[{"value":"usage_steal","type":"field","alias":""}]}],"tags":{"host":["denizs-MacBook-Pro.local"]},"groupBy":{"time":"auto","tags":[]},"areTagsAccepted":true,"fill":"null","rawText":null,"range":null,"shifts":null},"source":"","type":"influxql"}],"axes":{"x":{"bounds":["",""],"label":"","prefix":"","suffix":"","base":"10","scale":"linear"},"y":{"bounds":["",""],"label":"","prefix":"","suffix":"","base":"10","scale":"linear"},"y2":{"bounds":["",""],"label":"","prefix":"","suffix":"","base":"10","scale":"linear"}},"type":"line","colors":[],"legend":{},"tableOptions":{"verticalTimeAxis":false,"sortBy":{"internalName":"","displayName":"","visible":false},"wrapping":"","fixFirstColumn":false},"fieldOptions":[],"timeFormat":"","decimalPlaces":{"isEnforced":true,"digits":2},"note":"","noteVisibility":""}],"templates":null},"links":{"self":"/chronograf/v1/protoboards/2"}}]}`}, arg: []chronograf.Protoboard{ - chronograf.Protoboard{ + { ID: "1", Meta: chronograf.ProtoboardMeta{ Name: "protodashboard 1", @@ -58,18 +58,18 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { License: "Apache-2.0", URL: "http://example.com", }, - Data: chronograf.ProtoboardData{Cells: []chronograf.ProtoboardCell{chronograf.ProtoboardCell{}}, Templates: []chronograf.Template{chronograf.Template{}}}}, - chronograf.Protoboard{ + Data: chronograf.ProtoboardData{Cells: []chronograf.ProtoboardCell{{}}, Templates: []chronograf.Template{{}}}}, + { ID: "2", Meta: chronograf.ProtoboardMeta{Name: "protodashboard 2", Measurements: []string{"m1", "m2"}, Icon: "http://example.com/icon.png", Version: "1.2.3", DashboardVersion: "1.7.0", Description: "this is great", Author: "Chronogiraffe", License: "Apache-2.0", URL: "http://example.com"}, - Data: chronograf.ProtoboardData{Cells: []chronograf.ProtoboardCell{chronograf.ProtoboardCell{ + Data: chronograf.ProtoboardData{Cells: []chronograf.ProtoboardCell{{ X: 8, Y: 0, W: 3, H: 5, Name: "Untitled Cell", Axes: map[string]chronograf.Axis{ - "x": chronograf.Axis{ + "x": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, Label: "", Prefix: "", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { Base: "10", Scale: "linear", }, - "y": chronograf.Axis{ + "y": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, Label: "", Prefix: "", @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { Base: "10", Scale: "linear", }, - "y2": chronograf.Axis{ + "y2": { Bounds: []string{"", ""}, Label: "", Prefix: "", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { Note: "", NoteVisibility: "", Queries: []chronograf.DashboardQuery{ - chronograf.DashboardQuery{ + { Command: "SELECT mean(\"usage_steal\") AS \"mean_usage_steal\", mean(\"usage_system\") AS \"mean_usage_system\" FROM \"telegraf\".\"autogen\".\"cpu\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\"='denizs-MacBook-Pro.local' GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)", Label: "", QueryConfig: chronograf.QueryConfig{ @@ -128,24 +128,24 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { Measurement: "cpu", RetentionPolicy: "autogen", Fields: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Alias: "mean_usage_steal", Args: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_steal", Type: "field", Alias: "", }, }, }, - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "mean", Type: "func", Alias: "mean_usage_system", Args: []chronograf.Field{ - chronograf.Field{ + { Value: "usage_steal", Type: "field", Alias: "", @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func Test_Protoboards(t *testing.T) { }, }, Tags: map[string][]string{ - "host": []string{ + "host": { "denizs-MacBook-Pro.local", }, }, diff --git a/server/redoc.go b/server/redoc.go index 77f4e83c0a..7a74cc80de 100644 --- a/server/redoc.go +++ b/server/redoc.go @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const index = ` ` -// Redoc servers the swagger JSON using the redoc package. +// Redoc serves the swagger JSON using the redoc package. func Redoc(swagger string) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") diff --git a/server/routes.go b/server/routes.go index 2cdc412e3f..8c1637098f 100644 --- a/server/routes.go +++ b/server/routes.go @@ -60,18 +60,12 @@ type AllRoutes struct { AuthRoutes []AuthRoute // Location of all auth routes. If no auth, this can be empty. LogoutLink string // Location of the logout route for all auth routes. If no auth, this can be empty. StatusFeed string // External link to the JSON Feed for the News Feed on the client's Status Page - CustomLinks map[string]string // Custom external links for client's User menu, as passed in via CLI/ENV + CustomLinks []CustomLink // Custom external links for client's User menu, as passed in via CLI/ENV Logger chronograf.Logger } // serveHTTP returns all top level routes and external links within chronograf func (a *AllRoutes) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - customLinks, err := NewCustomLinks(a.CustomLinks) - if err != nil { - Error(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), a.Logger) - return - } - org := "default" if a.GetPrincipal != nil { // If there is a principal, use the organization to populate the users routes @@ -105,7 +99,7 @@ func (a *AllRoutes) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { Auth: make([]AuthRoute, len(a.AuthRoutes)), // We want to return at least an empty array, rather than null ExternalLinks: getExternalLinksResponse{ StatusFeed: &a.StatusFeed, - CustomLinks: customLinks, + CustomLinks: a.CustomLinks, }, Flux: getFluxLinksResponse{ Self: "/chronograf/v1/flux", diff --git a/server/routes_test.go b/server/routes_test.go index 258b0ec21b..ca2ede9959 100644 --- a/server/routes_test.go +++ b/server/routes_test.go @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ( "testing" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/log" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) func TestAllRoutes(t *testing.T) { @@ -85,9 +86,12 @@ func TestAllRoutesWithAuth(t *testing.T) { func TestAllRoutesWithExternalLinks(t *testing.T) { statusFeedURL := "http://pineapple.life/feed.json" - customLinks := map[string]string{ + + customLinks, err := NewCustomLinks(map[string]string{ "cubeapple": "https://cube.apple", - } + }) + require.NoError(t, err) + logger := log.New(log.DebugLevel) handler := &AllRoutes{ StatusFeed: statusFeedURL, diff --git a/server/server.go b/server/server.go index 89dfc1f5bb..53c94250e6 100644 --- a/server/server.go +++ b/server/server.go @@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ import ( "time" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/bolt" idgen "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/id" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/influx" + "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/kv/bolt" clog "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/log" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/oauth2" client "github.com/influxdata/usage-client/v1" flags "github.com/jessevdk/go-flags" - "github.com/tylerb/graceful" ) var ( @@ -54,8 +53,6 @@ type Server struct { KapacitorUsername string `long:"kapacitor-username" description:"Username of your Kapacitor instance" env:"KAPACITOR_USERNAME"` KapacitorPassword string `long:"kapacitor-password" description:"Password of your Kapacitor instance" env:"KAPACITOR_PASSWORD"` - NewSources string `long:"new-sources" description:"Config for adding a new InfluxDB source and Kapacitor server, in JSON as an array of objects, and surrounded by single quotes. E.g. --new-sources='[{\"influxdb\":{\"name\":\"Influx 1\",\"username\":\"user1\",\"password\":\"pass1\",\"url\":\"http://localhost:8086\",\"metaUrl\":\"http://metaurl.com\",\"type\":\"influx-enterprise\",\"insecureSkipVerify\":false,\"default\":true,\"telegraf\":\"telegraf\",\"sharedSecret\":\"cubeapples\"},\"kapacitor\":{\"name\":\"Kapa 1\",\"url\":\"http://localhost:9092\",\"active\":true}}]'" env:"NEW_SOURCES" hidden:"true"` - Develop bool `short:"d" long:"develop" description:"Run server in develop mode."` BoltPath string `short:"b" long:"bolt-path" description:"Full path to boltDB file (e.g. './chronograf-v1.db')" env:"BOLT_PATH" default:"chronograf-v1.db"` CannedPath string `short:"c" long:"canned-path" description:"Path to directory of pre-canned application layouts (/usr/share/chronograf/canned)" env:"CANNED_PATH" default:"canned"` @@ -105,8 +102,6 @@ type Server struct { Basepath string `short:"p" long:"basepath" description:"A URL path prefix under which all chronograf routes will be mounted. (Note: PREFIX_ROUTES has been deprecated. Now, if basepath is set, all routes will be prefixed with it.)" env:"BASE_PATH"` ShowVersion bool `short:"v" long:"version" description:"Show Chronograf version info"` BuildInfo chronograf.BuildInfo - Listener net.Listener - handler http.Handler } func provide(p oauth2.Provider, m oauth2.Mux, ok func() bool) func(func(oauth2.Provider, oauth2.Mux)) { @@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ func (s *Server) useTLS() bool { return s.Cert != "" } -// NewListener will an http or https listener depending useTLS() +// NewListener will return an http or https listener depending useTLS(). func (s *Server) NewListener() (net.Listener, error) { addr := net.JoinHostPort(s.Host, strconv.Itoa(s.Port)) if !s.useTLS() { @@ -273,10 +268,10 @@ func (s *Server) NewListener() (net.Listener, error) { listener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", addr, &tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, }) - if err != nil { return nil, err } + return listener, nil } @@ -330,16 +325,17 @@ func (s *Server) newBuilders(logger chronograf.Logger) builders { } // Serve starts and runs the chronograf server -func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) error { +func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) { logger := clog.New(clog.ParseLevel(s.LogLevel)) - _, err := NewCustomLinks(s.CustomLinks) + customLinks, err := NewCustomLinks(s.CustomLinks) if err != nil { logger. WithField("component", "server"). WithField("CustomLink", "invalid"). Error(err) - return err + return } + service := openService(ctx, s.BuildInfo, s.BoltPath, s.newBuilders(logger), s.ProtoboardsPath, logger, s.useAuth()) service.SuperAdminProviderGroups = superAdminProviderGroups{ auth0: s.Auth0SuperAdminOrg, @@ -347,13 +343,6 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) error { service.Env = chronograf.Environment{ TelegrafSystemInterval: s.TelegrafSystemInterval, } - if err := service.HandleNewSources(ctx, s.NewSources); err != nil { - logger. - WithField("component", "server"). - WithField("new-sources", "invalid"). - Error(err) - return err - } if !validBasepath(s.Basepath) { err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid basepath, must follow format \"/mybasepath\"") @@ -361,19 +350,19 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) error { WithField("component", "server"). WithField("basepath", "invalid"). Error(err) - return err + return } - providerFuncs := []func(func(oauth2.Provider, oauth2.Mux)){} - auth := oauth2.NewCookieJWT(s.TokenSecret, s.AuthDuration) - providerFuncs = append(providerFuncs, provide(s.githubOAuth(logger, auth))) - providerFuncs = append(providerFuncs, provide(s.googleOAuth(logger, auth))) - providerFuncs = append(providerFuncs, provide(s.herokuOAuth(logger, auth))) - providerFuncs = append(providerFuncs, provide(s.genericOAuth(logger, auth))) - providerFuncs = append(providerFuncs, provide(s.auth0OAuth(logger, auth))) + providerFuncs := []func(func(oauth2.Provider, oauth2.Mux)){ + provide(s.githubOAuth(logger, auth)), + provide(s.googleOAuth(logger, auth)), + provide(s.herokuOAuth(logger, auth)), + provide(s.genericOAuth(logger, auth)), + provide(s.auth0OAuth(logger, auth)), + } - s.handler = NewMux(MuxOpts{ + handler := NewMux(MuxOpts{ Develop: s.Develop, Auth: auth, Logger: logger, @@ -381,42 +370,30 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) error { ProviderFuncs: providerFuncs, Basepath: s.Basepath, StatusFeedURL: s.StatusFeedURL, - CustomLinks: s.CustomLinks, + CustomLinks: customLinks, PprofEnabled: s.PprofEnabled, DisableGZip: s.DisableGZip, }, service) // Add chronograf's version header to all requests - s.handler = Version(s.BuildInfo.Version, s.handler) + handler = version(s.BuildInfo.Version, handler) if s.useTLS() { // Add HSTS to instruct all browsers to change from http to https - s.handler = HSTS(s.handler) + handler = hsts(handler) } - listener, err := s.NewListener() - if err != nil { - logger. - WithField("component", "server"). - Error(err) - return err - } - s.Listener = listener - // Using a log writer for http server logging w := logger.Writer() defer w.Close() stdLog := log.New(w, "", 0) - // TODO: Remove graceful when changing to go 1.8 - httpServer := &graceful.Server{ - Server: &http.Server{ - ErrorLog: stdLog, - Handler: s.handler, - }, - Logger: stdLog, - TCPKeepAlive: 5 * time.Second, + httpServer := &http.Server{ + ErrorLog: stdLog, + Handler: handler, + IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Second, } + httpServer.SetKeepAlivesEnabled(true) if !s.ReportingDisabled { @@ -426,22 +403,30 @@ func (s *Server) Serve(ctx context.Context) error { if s.useTLS() { scheme = "https" } + + listener, err := s.NewListener() + if err != nil { + logger. + WithField("component", "server"). + Error(err) + return + } + defer listener.Close() + logger. WithField("component", "server"). - Info("Serving chronograf at ", scheme, "://", s.Listener.Addr()) + Info("Serving chronograf at ", scheme, "://", listener.Addr()) - if err := httpServer.Serve(s.Listener); err != nil { + if err := httpServer.Serve(listener); err != nil { logger. WithField("component", "server"). Error(err) - return err + return } logger. WithField("component", "server"). - Info("Stopped serving chronograf at ", scheme, "://", s.Listener.Addr()) - - return nil + Info("Stopped serving chronograf at ", scheme, "://", listener.Addr()) } func openService(ctx context.Context, buildInfo chronograf.BuildInfo, boltPath string, builder builders, protoboardsPath string, logger chronograf.Logger, useAuth bool) Service { @@ -540,7 +525,7 @@ func reportUsageStats(bi chronograf.BuildInfo, logger chronograf.Logger) { WithField("freq", "24h"). WithField("stats", "os,arch,version,cluster_id,uptime") l.Info("Reporting usage stats") - _, _ = reporter.Save(clientUsage(values)) + reporter.Save(clientUsage(values)) ticker := time.NewTicker(24 * time.Hour) defer ticker.Stop() @@ -563,7 +548,8 @@ func clientUsage(values client.Values) *client.Usage { } } +var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\/{1}[\w-]+)+`) + func validBasepath(basepath string) bool { - re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\/{1}[\w-]+)+`) return re.ReplaceAllLiteralString(basepath, "") == "" } diff --git a/server/sources.go b/server/sources.go index 94de481b58..acf90b8463 100644 --- a/server/sources.go +++ b/server/sources.go @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import ( "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/enterprise" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/flux" - "github.com/influxdata/chronograf/organizations" "github.com/bouk/httprouter" "github.com/influxdata/chronograf" @@ -486,80 +485,6 @@ func ValidSourceRequest(s *chronograf.Source, defaultOrgID string) error { return nil } -// HandleNewSources parses and persists new sources passed in via server flag -func (s *Service) HandleNewSources(ctx context.Context, input string) error { - if input == "" { - return nil - } - - s.Logger.Error("--new-sources is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.") - - var srcsKaps []struct { - Source chronograf.Source `json:"influxdb"` - Kapacitor chronograf.Server `json:"kapacitor"` - } - if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &srcsKaps); err != nil { - s.Logger. - WithField("component", "server"). - WithField("NewSources", "invalid"). - Error(err) - return err - } - - ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, organizations.ContextKey, "default") - defaultOrg, err := s.Store.Organizations(ctx).DefaultOrganization(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - for _, sk := range srcsKaps { - if err := ValidSourceRequest(&sk.Source, defaultOrg.ID); err != nil { - return err - } - // Add any new sources and kapacitors as specified via server flag - if err := s.newSourceKapacitor(ctx, sk.Source, sk.Kapacitor); err != nil { - // Continue with server run even if adding NewSource fails - s.Logger. - WithField("component", "server"). - WithField("NewSource", "invalid"). - Error(err) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// newSourceKapacitor adds sources to BoltDB idempotently by name, as well as respective kapacitors -func (s *Service) newSourceKapacitor(ctx context.Context, src chronograf.Source, kapa chronograf.Server) error { - srcs, err := s.Store.Sources(ctx).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - for _, source := range srcs { - // If source already exists, do nothing - if source.Name == src.Name { - s.Logger. - WithField("component", "server"). - WithField("NewSource", source.Name). - Info("Source already exists") - return nil - } - } - - src, err = s.Store.Sources(ctx).Add(ctx, src) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - kapa.SrcID = src.ID - if _, err := s.Store.Servers(ctx).Add(ctx, kapa); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - // NewSourceUser adds user to source func (s *Service) NewSourceUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var req sourceUserRequest diff --git a/server/sources_test.go b/server/sources_test.go index b7bf9546a4..961f13b7e6 100644 --- a/server/sources_test.go +++ b/server/sources_test.go @@ -224,185 +224,6 @@ func Test_newSourceResponse(t *testing.T) { } } -func TestService_newSourceKapacitor(t *testing.T) { - type fields struct { - SourcesStore chronograf.SourcesStore - ServersStore chronograf.ServersStore - Logger chronograf.Logger - } - type args struct { - ctx context.Context - src chronograf.Source - kapa chronograf.Server - } - srcCount := 0 - srvCount := 0 - tests := []struct { - name string - fields fields - args args - wantSrc int - wantSrv int - wantErr bool - }{ - { - name: "Add when no existing sources", - fields: fields{ - SourcesStore: &mocks.SourcesStore{ - AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Source, error) { - return []chronograf.Source{}, nil - }, - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, src chronograf.Source) (chronograf.Source, error) { - srcCount++ - src.ID = srcCount - return src, nil - }, - }, - ServersStore: &mocks.ServersStore{ - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, srv chronograf.Server) (chronograf.Server, error) { - srvCount++ - return srv, nil - }, - }, - }, - args: args{ - ctx: context.Background(), - src: chronograf.Source{ - Name: "Influx 1", - }, - kapa: chronograf.Server{ - Name: "Kapa 1", - }, - }, - wantSrc: 1, - wantSrv: 1, - }, - { - name: "Should not add if existing source", - fields: fields{ - SourcesStore: &mocks.SourcesStore{ - AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Source, error) { - return []chronograf.Source{ - { - Name: "Influx 1", - }, - }, nil - }, - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, src chronograf.Source) (chronograf.Source, error) { - srcCount++ - src.ID = srcCount - return src, nil - }, - }, - ServersStore: &mocks.ServersStore{ - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, srv chronograf.Server) (chronograf.Server, error) { - srvCount++ - return srv, nil - }, - }, - Logger: &mocks.TestLogger{}, - }, - args: args{ - ctx: context.Background(), - src: chronograf.Source{ - Name: "Influx 1", - }, - kapa: chronograf.Server{ - Name: "Kapa 1", - }, - }, - wantSrc: 0, - wantSrv: 0, - }, - { - name: "Error if All returns error", - fields: fields{ - SourcesStore: &mocks.SourcesStore{ - AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Source, error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error") - }, - }, - Logger: &mocks.TestLogger{}, - }, - args: args{ - ctx: context.Background(), - }, - wantErr: true, - }, - { - name: "Error if Add returns error", - fields: fields{ - SourcesStore: &mocks.SourcesStore{ - AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Source, error) { - return []chronograf.Source{}, nil - }, - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, src chronograf.Source) (chronograf.Source, error) { - return chronograf.Source{}, fmt.Errorf("error") - }, - }, - Logger: &mocks.TestLogger{}, - }, - args: args{ - ctx: context.Background(), - }, - wantErr: true, - }, - { - name: "Error if kapa add is error", - fields: fields{ - SourcesStore: &mocks.SourcesStore{ - AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Source, error) { - return []chronograf.Source{}, nil - }, - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, src chronograf.Source) (chronograf.Source, error) { - srcCount++ - src.ID = srcCount - return src, nil - }, - }, - ServersStore: &mocks.ServersStore{ - AddF: func(ctx context.Context, srv chronograf.Server) (chronograf.Server, error) { - srvCount++ - return chronograf.Server{}, fmt.Errorf("error") - }, - }, - Logger: &mocks.TestLogger{}, - }, - args: args{ - ctx: context.Background(), - src: chronograf.Source{ - Name: "Influx 1", - }, - kapa: chronograf.Server{ - Name: "Kapa 1", - }, - }, - wantSrc: 1, - wantSrv: 1, - wantErr: true, - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - srcCount = 0 - srvCount = 0 - h := &Service{ - Store: &mocks.Store{ - SourcesStore: tt.fields.SourcesStore, - ServersStore: tt.fields.ServersStore, - }, - Logger: tt.fields.Logger, - } - if err := h.newSourceKapacitor(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.src, tt.args.kapa); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { - t.Errorf("Service.newSourceKapacitor() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) - } - if tt.wantSrc != srcCount { - t.Errorf("Service.newSourceKapacitor() count = %d, wantSrc %d", srcCount, tt.wantSrc) - } - }) - } -} - func TestService_SourcesID(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { SourcesStore chronograf.SourcesStore @@ -2122,7 +1943,7 @@ func TestService_SourceRoles(t *testing.T) { return &mocks.RolesStore{ AllF: func(ctx context.Context) ([]chronograf.Role, error) { return []chronograf.Role{ - chronograf.Role{ + { Name: "biffsgang", Permissions: chronograf.Permissions{ { diff --git a/server/swagger.go b/server/swagger.go index 2308fc7f26..a447cbca05 100644 --- a/server/swagger.go +++ b/server/swagger.go @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ func Spec() http.HandlerFunc { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) - _, _ = w.Write(swagger) + w.Write(swagger) }) } diff --git a/server/version.go b/server/version.go deleted file mode 100644 index e7fc4c9013..0000000000 --- a/server/version.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -package server - -import ( - "net/http" -) - -// Version handler adds X-Chronograf-Version header to responses -func Version(version string, h http.Handler) http.Handler { - fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - w.Header().Add("X-Chronograf-Version", version) - h.ServeHTTP(w, r) - } - return http.HandlerFunc(fn) -}