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Part 4. Your Personal Dashboard

Rachel edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 3 revisions


Go to your Initial State account and click on the new data bucket with the name corresponding to the BUCKET_NAME parameter (i.e. Trash Sensor). Click on Tiles to view your sensor dashboard. You should see two tiles once you have let your sketch take measurements at least once - Dist (in) and Empty Trash. Place your hand within your designated distance and watch "Empty Trash?" go from ":smile: No" to ":weary: Yes". This dashboard lets you see the effect those weekend parties have on your trash bag or if your child took out the trash when they were supposed to.

Every now and then a noisy spike appears in the distance measurement, but it's very easy to spot the anomalies.


Switch to the Waves visualization to better see the history of your sensor data. With Waves you can take measurements and dig through your data to see when things happened. This is the best way to see that your child waited an hour and a half before taking out the trash.

This project would have been even better with text alerts - I talk about that in the next section.

<< Part 4: The Final Sketch - Part 4: If Only: Text Alerts >>