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by Ingo Karkat


Most of the line manipulation mappings of the LineJuggler.vim plugin can also be done with built-in Ex commands like :move, :put, etc. This plugin adds those commands that do not exist (in a simple form) as built-in commands. Sometimes, a command is just more practical (e.g. in a script), more repeatable (from the command-line history), or offers different line addressing. Namely, this plugin provides a :BlankLine command, a :Swap command to exchange two ranges of lines (or with a register), and a similar :Replace command.



  • This plugin is based on the functionality of the (required) LineJugger.vim plugin (vimscript #4140), which offers many mappings to quickly duplicate and move lines to above / below the current line.
  • ReplaceWithRegister.vim (vimscript #2703) provides normal and visual mode gr commands that are similar to the :Replace Ex command.


:[range]BlankLine [N]   Add [N] blank line(s) below the current line / last
                        line in [range].

:[range]Swap {range}    Exchange the current line / line(s) given by [range]
                        with the lines in {range}.
:[range]Swap [["]x]     Exchange the current line / line(s) given by [range]
                        with the text from register [x]. This always works
                        linewise, like a combination of :delete [x] and

:[range]Replace {range} Replace the current line / line(s) given by [range]
                        with the lines in {range}.
:[range]Replace [["]x]
                        Replace the current line / line(s) given by [range]
                        with the text from register [x]. This always works
                        linewise, like a combination of :delete and

                        Note: To use one of the numbered registers 1-9, you
                        need to prepend the optional double quotes ("1 - "9),
                        in order to disambiguate them from the absolute lines
                        1 - 9.


The code is hosted in a Git repo at You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.

vim LineJugglerCommands*.vmb.gz
:so %

To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.


  • Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
  • Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.033 or higher.
  • Requires the LineJuggler.vim plugin (vimscript #4140), version 2.11 or higher.


Report any bugs, send patches, or suggest features via the issue tracker at or email (address below).


  • Adapt: :BlankLine needs to check <count> == -1 instead of <line2> to support current line as well as a lnum of 0 (since Vim 8.1.1241).
1.21 04-Nov-2018
  • Add :BlankLine command.
  • Move LineJuggler#FoldClosed() and LineJuggler#FoldClosedEnd() into ingo-library as ingo#range#NetStart() and ingo#range#NetEnd().

You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.033!

You need to update to LineJuggler.vim (vimscript #4140) version 1.21!

1.20 19-Jun-2014
  • ENH: Also allow to pass a [x] register to the :Replace command, and replace the range with its contents.
  • ENH: Also allow to pass a [x] register to the :Swap command, and put the range into the register and vice versa.
1.10 11-Jun-2014
  • Add :Replace command.

You need to update to LineJuggler.vim (vimscript #4140) version 2.10!

1.00 08-Mar-2013
  • First published version.

Copyright: (C) 2013-2020 Ingo Karkat - The VIM LICENSE applies to this plugin.

Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <>


Commands to duplicate and move around lines.






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