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Inkscope installation (V1.1)

Alain Dechorgnat edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 5 revisions



Inkscope needs severals other products:

Download all the directories of the inkScope project to a folder of your choice

in the following stages, we have chosen /var/www/inkscope


Installation of inkscopeViz

Apache V2 is already installed

  1. Choose a tcp port for inkScope

    *in the following stages, we have chosen * 8080

  2. Modify Apache conf file /etc/apache2/ports.conf to add the following line

        Listen 8080
  3. Create a virtual host named inkScope

    in the folder /etc/apache2/sites-available , create a file inkScope.conf with this content:

    <VirtualHost *:8080>
        ServerName  localhost
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot {inkScope_folder}
        <Directory "{inkScope_folder}">
            Options All
            AllowOverride All
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
        <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
            AllowOverride None
            Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
        WSGIScriptAlias /inkscopeCtrl {inkScope_folder}/inkscopeCtrl/inkscopeCtrl.wsgi
        <Directory "{inkScope_folder}/inkScopeCtrl">
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
        # alert, emerg.
        LogLevel warn
        ProxyRequests Off  # we don't want a "forward proxy", but only a "Reverse proxy"
        ProxyPass /ceph-rest-api/ {ceph_rest_api_url}
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    Be sure to modify {inkScope_folder} and {ceph_rest_api_url} with the appropriate values

  4. Enable proxy module in Apache (if not already enabled)

     sudo a2enmod proxy_http
     sudo service apache2 restart
  5. Enable InkScope virtual host:

     sudo a2ensite inkScope

    No need to restart Apache at this time

Installation of inkscopeCtrl

  1. install mod-wgsi for Apache

     sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
  2. install python dependencies : simplejson, pymongo, python-requests, and flask 0.10.1

    if pip is not installed,

     sudo apt-get install python-pip

    for simplejson:

     sudo easy_install simplejson or sudo pip install simplejson

    for pymongo:

     sudo easy_install pymongo or sudo pip install pymongo

    for flask:

     sudo easy_install flask or sudo pip install flask

    If you are running Ubuntu 12.04 or an earlier version, you need to get your python-requests module updated to a version >= 1.1.0.

  3. run in inkscope directory to copy conf files in /opt/inkscope/etc and probes binaries

    modify /opt/inkscope/etc/inkscope.conf to change:

    • mongoDB parameters (mainly mongodb_host)
    • ceph-rest-api URL (finishing with /)
    • radosgw parameters ( do not forget to grant the required capabilities [usage, users, metadata, buckets] to the admin-user).

    The configuration file looks like this:

        "ceph_conf": "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf",
        "ceph_rest_api": "",
        "mongodb_host" : "",
        "mongodb_set" : "mongodb0:27017,mongodb1:27017,mongodb2:27017",
        "mongodb_replicaSet" : "replmongo0",
        "mongodb_read_preference" : "ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED",
        "mongodb_port" : 27017,
        "is_mongo_authenticate" : 0,
        "is_mongo_replicat" : 0,
        "cluster": "ceph",
        "status_refresh": 3,
        "osd_dump_refresh": 3,
        "pg_dump_refresh": 60,
        "crushmap_refresh": 60,
        "df_refresh": 60,
        "cluster_window": 1200,
        "osd_window": 1200,
        "pool_window": 1200,
        "mem_refresh": 60,
        "swap_refresh": 600,
        "disk_refresh": 60,
        "partition_refresh": 60,
        "cpu_refresh": 30,
        "net_refresh": 30,
        "mem_window": 1200,
        "swap_window": 3600,
        "disk_window": 1200,
        "partition_window": 1200,
        "cpu_window": 1200,
        "net_window": 1200,
        "radosgw_url": "",
        "radosgw_admin": "admin",
        "radosgw_key": "access-key",
        "radosgw_secret": "secret-key"

Installation of InkscopeProbe

InkscopeProbe collects Ceph cluster metrics and host metrics and put them in a database named as the cluster and put the data in dedicated mongodb collection. The datamodel is described in datamodel.txt and datamodeloverview.odp


  • needs a mongodb database

  • needs a ceph-rest-api active on a machine ceph-rest-api* can be launched as an apache wsgi application on the same server that inkscopeCtrl. See Configuration tips

  • needs package python-dev (on every host)

    sudo apt-get install python-dev

  • needs psutil python module (on every host). Do not install python-psutil but use pip or easy_install to install psutil.

    sudo easy_install psutil

  • needs pymongo python module (on every host)

    sudo easy_install pymongo


If this have not been done before, run in inkscope directory to copy conf files in /opt/inkscope/etc and scripts in/opt/inkscope/bin

You could make a link in /etc/init.d

Two daemons are defined:

  • sysprobe to collect system information; it must be installed on each machine running Ceph nodes (mon, mds, osd...)
  • cephprobe to collect ceph cluster information; it must be installed on only one machine running a Ceph node

Probe configuration

Sysprobe collect and push the informations into a mongodb. The config file should be stored at /opt/inkscope/etc/inkscope.conf. The unit of the refresh times is second.

Sysprobe is defined as a daemon: start|stop|restart

CephProbe configuration

A Ceph info collector ( should be run on a node thant can access to ceph-rest-api and the mongodb.

The config file is also /opt/inkscope/etc/inkscope.conf.

Cephprobe is defined as a daemon: start|stop|restart

Add a Console to Inkscope (optional)

  1. Install "Shell in a box"

     sudo apt-get install shellinabox

    if not available, find package on this page

  2. Modify its config file /etc/default/shellinabox:

     SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep -t" 

    and restart it service shellinabox restart

  3. Modify /etc/apache2/site-available/inkScope.conf to add the following line after ProxyPass /ceph-rest-api/ ...:

    ProxyPass /shell http://<hostname>:4200/

    where hostname is the host where shell in a box is installed.

    Then restart apache2.