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remove stake cert pointers on dereg
  • Loading branch information
Jared Corduan committed Aug 22, 2019
2 parents 704fb89 + 91fcd9b commit ae60818
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Showing 8 changed files with 141 additions and 33 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions byron/ledger/executable-spec/src/Ledger/Core.hs
Expand Up @@ -270,6 +270,12 @@ class Relation m where
(▷), (|>) :: Ord (Range m) => m -> Set (Range m) -> m
s |> r = s r

-- | Range exclusion
-- Unicode: 22eb
(⋫), (|/>) :: Ord (Range m) => m -> Set (Range m) -> m
s |/> r = s r

-- | Union
(∪) :: (Ord (Domain m), Ord (Range m)) => m -> m -> m

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,6 +333,8 @@ instance (Ord k, Ord v) => Relation (Bimap k v) where

r s = Bimap.filter (\_ v -> Set.member v s) r

r s = Bimap.filter (\_ v -> Set.notMember v s) r

d0 d1 = Bimap.fold Bimap.insert d0 d1
d0 d1 = foldr (uncurry Bimap.insert) d0 (toList d1)

Expand All @@ -353,6 +361,8 @@ instance Relation (Map k v) where

r s = Map.filter (flip Set.member s) r

r s = Map.filter (flip Set.notMember s) r

d0 d1 = Map.union d0 d1
-- For union override we pass @d1@ as first argument, since 'Map.union' is
-- left biased.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,6 +396,8 @@ instance Relation (Set (a, b)) where

r s = Set.filter (\(_,v) -> Set.member v s) r

r s = Set.filter (\(_,v) -> Set.notMember v s) r

(∪) = Set.union

d0 d1 = d1' ((dom d1') d0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,6 +428,8 @@ instance Relation [(a, b)] where

r s = filter ((`Set.member` toSet s) . snd) r

r s = filter ((`Set.notMember` toSet s) . snd) r

(∪) = (++)

-- In principle a list of pairs allows for duplicated keys.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/src/STS/Deleg.hs
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import BlockChain (slotsPrior)
import Coin (Coin (..))
import Delegation.Certificates
import Keys
import Ledger.Core (dom, singleton, (∈), (∉), (∪), (⋪), (⨃))
import Ledger.Core (dom, singleton, (∈), (∉), (∪), (⋪), (⋫),(⨃))
import LedgerState
import Slot
import TxData
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ delegationTransition = do
{ _stKeys = Set.singleton key _stKeys ds
, _rewards = Set.singleton (RewardAcnt key) _rewards ds
, _delegations = Set.singleton key _delegations ds
, _ptrs = Set.singleton ptr_ _ptrs ds
, _ptrs = _ptrs ds Set.singleton key

Delegate (Delegation delegator_ delegatee_) -> do
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/src/STS/Utxo.hs
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ instance
| InputSetEmptyUTxO
| FeeTooSmallUTxO Coin Coin
| ValueNotConservedUTxO Coin Coin
| NonPositiveOutputsUTxO
| NegativeOutputsUTxO
| UnexpectedFailureUTXO [ValidationError] -- TODO maybe restructure Validity
-- to prevent these predicate
-- failures?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ utxoInductive = do
ups' <- trans @(UP hashAlgo dsignAlgo) $ TRC ((slot_, pp, dms_), u ^. ups, txup tx)

let outputCoins = [c | (TxOut _ c) <- Set.toList (range (txouts txBody))]
all (0<) outputCoins ?! NonPositiveOutputsUTxO
all (0 <=) outputCoins ?! NegativeOutputsUTxO

let maxTxSize_ = fromIntegral (_maxTxSize pp)
txSize_ = txsize txBody
Expand All @@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ utxoInductive = do

depositChange = deposits pp stakePools txCerts - (refunded + decayed)

pure $ UTxOState
{ _utxo = (txins txBody (u ^. utxo)) txouts txBody
, _deposited = _deposited u + depositChange
, _fees = _fees u + (txBody ^. txfee) + decayed
, _ups = ups'
pure UTxOState
{ _utxo = (txins txBody (u ^. utxo)) txouts txBody
, _deposited = _deposited u + depositChange
, _fees = _fees u + (txBody ^. txfee) + decayed
, _ups = ups'

(HashAlgorithm hashAlgo, DSIGNAlgorithm dsignAlgo)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/src/TxData.hs
Expand Up @@ -399,6 +399,8 @@ instance Relation (StakeKeys hashAlgo dsignAlgo) where

(StakeKeys stKeys) s = StakeKeys $ stKeys s

(StakeKeys stKeys) s = StakeKeys $ stKeys s

(StakeKeys a) (StakeKeys b) = StakeKeys $ a b

(StakeKeys a) b = StakeKeys $ a b
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/src/UTxO.hs
Expand Up @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Coin (Coin (..))
import Keys (KeyDiscriminator(..), DSIGNAlgorithm, HashAlgorithm, KeyPair, Signable, hash, hashKey, sKey, sign,
vKey, verify)
import Keys (DSIGNAlgorithm, HashAlgorithm, KeyDiscriminator (..), KeyPair, Signable,
hash, hashKey, sKey, sign, vKey, verify)
import Ledger.Core (Relation (..))
import PParams (PParams (..))
import TxData (Addr (..), Credential (..), ScriptHash, StakeCredential, Tx (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ instance Relation (UTxO hashAlgo dsignAlgo) where

(UTxO utxo) s = UTxO $ utxo s

(UTxO utxo) s = UTxO $ utxo s

(UTxO a) (UTxO b) = UTxO $ a b

(UTxO a) b = UTxO $ a b
Expand Down
122 changes: 104 additions & 18 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/test/Examples.hs
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Examples
, ex2G
, ex2H
, ex2I
, ex2J
, ex3A
, ex3B
, ex3C
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ import BaseTypes (Seed (..), UnitInterval, mkUnitInterval, (⭒))
import BlockChain (pattern BHBody, pattern BHeader, pattern Block, pattern Proof,
ProtVer (..), TxSeq (..), bBodySize, bhHash, bhbHash, bheader, slotToSeed)
import Coin (Coin (..))
import Delegation.Certificates (pattern Delegate, pattern PoolDistr, pattern RegKey,
pattern RegPool)
import Delegation.Certificates (pattern DeRegKey, pattern Delegate, pattern PoolDistr,
pattern RegKey, pattern RegPool)
import EpochBoundary (BlocksMade (..), pattern Stake, emptySnapShots, _feeSS, _poolsSS,
_pstakeGo, _pstakeMark, _pstakeSet)
import Keys (pattern Dms, pattern KeyPair, pattern SKey, pattern SKeyES, pattern VKey,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,8 +517,7 @@ ex2A :: CHAINExample
ex2A = CHAINExample (Slot 10) initStEx2A blockEx2A expectedStEx2A

-- | Example 2B - continuing on after example 2, process a block late enough
-- in the epoch in order to create a reward update.
-- | Example 2B - process a block late enough in the epoch in order to create a reward update.
-- The block delegates Alice's and Bob's stake to Alice's pool.

txbodyEx2B :: TxBody
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ expectedStEx2Bquater = expectedStEx2Bgeneric ppsExInstantDecay
ex2B :: CHAINExample
ex2B = CHAINExample (Slot 90) expectedStEx2A blockEx2B expectedStEx2B

-- | Example 2C - continuing on after example 3, process an empty block in the next epoch
-- | Example 2C - process an empty block in the next epoch
-- so that the (empty) reward update is applied and a stake snapshot is made.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ ex2Cquater =
CHAINExample (Slot 110) expectedStEx2Bquater blockEx2C expectedStEx2Cquater

-- | Example 2D - continuing on after example 4, process an empty block late enough
-- | Example 2D - process an empty block late enough
-- in the epoch in order to create a second reward update, preparing the way for
-- the first non-empty pool distribution in this running example.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ ex2D :: CHAINExample
ex2D = CHAINExample (Slot 190) expectedStEx2C blockEx2D expectedStEx2D

-- | Example 2E - continuing on after example 5, create the first non-empty pool distribution
-- | Example 2E - create the first non-empty pool distribution
-- by creating a block in the third epoch of this running example.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -845,8 +845,7 @@ ex2E :: CHAINExample
ex2E = CHAINExample (Slot 220) expectedStEx2D blockEx2E expectedStEx2E

-- | Example 2F - continuing on after example 6, create a decentralized Praos block
-- (ie one not in the overlay schedule)
-- | Example 2F - create a decentralized Praos block (ie one not in the overlay schedule)

blockEx2F :: Block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,7 +890,7 @@ ex2F :: CHAINExample
ex2F = CHAINExample (Slot 295) expectedStEx2E blockEx2F expectedStEx2F

-- | Example 2G - continuing on after example 7, create an empty block in the next epoch
-- | Example 2G - create an empty block in the next epoch
-- to prepare the way for the first non-trivial reward update

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -951,7 +950,7 @@ ex2G :: CHAINExample
ex2G = CHAINExample (Slot 310) expectedStEx2F blockEx2G expectedStEx2G

-- | Example 2H - continuing on after example 8, create the first non-trivial reward update
-- | Example 2H - create the first non-trivial reward update

blockEx2H :: Block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -997,7 +996,7 @@ ex2H :: CHAINExample
ex2H = CHAINExample (Slot 390) expectedStEx2G blockEx2H expectedStEx2H

-- | Example 2I - continuing on after example 9, apply the first non-trivial reward update
-- | Example 2I - apply the first non-trivial reward update

blockEx2I :: Block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1061,14 +1060,100 @@ ex2I :: CHAINExample
ex2I = CHAINExample (Slot 410) expectedStEx2H blockEx2I expectedStEx2I

-- | Example 2J - drain reward account and de-register stake key

aliceAda2J :: Coin
aliceAda2J = Coin 82593524514 -- reward account
+ 9729 -- txin we will consume (must spend at least one)
+ 4 -- stake registration refund
- 9 -- tx fee

txbodyEx2J :: TxBody
txbodyEx2J = TxBody
(Set.fromList [TxIn (txid txbodyEx2B) 0]) --
[TxOut aliceAddr aliceAda2J]
(fromList [DeRegKey aliceSHK])
(Map.singleton (RewardAcnt aliceSHK) (Coin 82593524514))
(Coin 9)
(Slot 500)

txEx2J :: Tx
txEx2J = Tx
(makeWitnessesVKey txbodyEx2J [alicePay, aliceStake])

blockEx2J :: Block
blockEx2J = mkBlock
(coreNodeKeys 3)
(Slot 420)
(mkSeqNonce 7)
(Nonce 10)

blockEx2JHash :: Maybe HashHeader
blockEx2JHash = Just (bhHash (bheader blockEx2J))

utxoEx2J :: UTxO
utxoEx2J = UTxO . Map.fromList $
[ (TxIn genesisId 1, TxOut bobAddr bobInitCoin)
, (TxIn (txid txbodyEx2J) 0, TxOut aliceAddr aliceAda2J)

dsEx2J :: DState
dsEx2J = dsEx1
{ _ptrs = Map.fromList [ (Ptr (Slot 10) 0 1, bobSHK) ]
, _stKeys = StakeKeys $ Map.singleton bobSHK (Slot 10)
, _delegations = Map.singleton bobSHK (hk alicePool)
, _rewards = Map.singleton (RewardAcnt bobSHK) (Coin 730001159951)

expectedLSEx2J :: LedgerState
expectedLSEx2J = LedgerState
(Coin 219 - 4)
(Coin 18)
(DPState dsEx2J psEx2A)

expectedStEx2J :: ChainState
expectedStEx2J =
( NewEpochState
(Epoch 4)
(mkSeqNonce 7)
(BlocksMade Map.empty)
(BlocksMade Map.empty)
(EpochState acntEx2I (snapsEx2G { _feeSS = Coin 9 }) expectedLSEx2J ppsEx1)
, mkSeqNonce 10
, mkSeqNonce 10
, blockEx2JHash
, Slot 420

ex2J :: CHAINExample
ex2J = CHAINExample (Slot 420) expectedStEx2I blockEx2J expectedStEx2J

-- | Example 3A - Setting up for a successful protocol parameter update,
-- have three genesis keys vote on the same new parameters

ppVote3A :: Set.Set Ppm
ppVote3A = Set.fromList [ExtraEntropy (Nonce 123), PoolDeposit 200]

ppupEx3A :: PPUpdate
ppupEx3A = PPUpdate $ Map.fromList [ (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 0, Set.singleton (PoolDeposit 200))
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 3, Set.singleton (PoolDeposit 200))
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 4, Set.singleton (PoolDeposit 200))
ppupEx3A = PPUpdate $ Map.fromList [ (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 0, ppVote3A)
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 3, ppVote3A)
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 4, ppVote3A)

updateEx3A :: Update
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1158,8 +1243,8 @@ ex3A = CHAINExample (Slot 10) initStEx2A blockEx3A expectedStEx3A

ppupEx3B :: PPUpdate
ppupEx3B = PPUpdate $ Map.fromList [ (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 1, Set.singleton (PoolDeposit 200))
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 5, Set.singleton (PoolDeposit 200))
ppupEx3B = PPUpdate $ Map.fromList [ (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 1, ppVote3A)
, (hashKey $ coreNodeVKG 5, ppVote3A)

updateEx3B :: Update
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1286,12 +1371,13 @@ expectedLSEx3C = LedgerState

ppsEx3C :: PParams
ppsEx3C = ppsEx1 { _poolDeposit = Coin 200 }
-- Note that _extraEntropy is still NeutralSeed

expectedStEx3C :: ChainState
expectedStEx3C =
( NewEpochState
(Epoch 1)
(mkSeqNonce 2)
(mkSeqNonce 2 Nonce 123)
(BlocksMade Map.empty)
(BlocksMade Map.empty)
(EpochState acntEx2A snapsEx3C expectedLSEx3C ppsEx3C)
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/test/STSTests.hs
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool, testCase, (@?=))

import Examples (CHAINExample (..), alicePay, bobPay, carlPay, dariaPay, ex1, ex2A, ex2B,
ex2C, ex2Cbis, ex2Cquater, ex2Cter, ex2D, ex2E, ex2F, ex2G, ex2H, ex2I, ex3A,
ex3B, ex3C, ex4A, ex4B, ex4C)
ex2C, ex2Cbis, ex2Cquater, ex2Cter, ex2D, ex2E, ex2F, ex2G, ex2H, ex2I, ex2J,
ex3A, ex3B, ex3C, ex4A, ex4B, ex4C)
import MockTypes (CHAIN)
import MultiSigExamples (aliceAndBob, aliceAndBobOrCarl, aliceAndBobOrCarlAndDaria,
aliceAndBobOrCarlOrDaria, aliceOnly, aliceOrBob, applyTxWithScript, bobOnly)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ testCHAINExample2H = testCHAINExample ex2H
testCHAINExample2I :: Assertion
testCHAINExample2I = testCHAINExample ex2I

testCHAINExample2J :: Assertion
testCHAINExample2J = testCHAINExample ex2J

testCHAINExample3A :: Assertion
testCHAINExample3A = testCHAINExample ex3A

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ stsTests = testGroup "STS Tests"
, testCase "CHAIN example 2G - prelude to the first nontrivial rewards" testCHAINExample2G
, testCase "CHAIN example 2H - create a nontrivial rewards" testCHAINExample2H
, testCase "CHAIN example 2I - apply a nontrivial rewards" testCHAINExample2I
, testCase "CHAIN example 2J - drain reward account and deregister" testCHAINExample2J
, testCase "CHAIN example 3A - get 3/7 votes for a pparam update" testCHAINExample3A
, testCase "CHAIN example 3B - get 5/7 votes for a pparam update" testCHAINExample3B
, testCase "CHAIN example 3C - processes a pparam update" testCHAINExample3C
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion shelley/chain-and-ledger/formal-spec/delegation.tex
Expand Up @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ \subsection{Delegation Rules}
\varUpdate{\{\var{hk}\}} & \varUpdate{\subtractdom} & \varUpdate{\var{stkeys}} \\
\varUpdate{\{\addrRw \var{hk}\}} & \varUpdate{\subtractdom} & \varUpdate{\var{rewards}} \\
\varUpdate{\{\var{hk}\}} & \varUpdate{\subtractdom} & \varUpdate{\var{delegations}} \\
\varUpdate{\{ptr\}} & \varUpdate{\subtractdom} & \varUpdate{\var{ptrs}} \\
\varUpdate{\var{ptrs}} & \varUpdate{\subtractrange} & \varUpdate{\{\var{hk}\}} \\
\var{fdms} \\
\var{dms} \\
Expand Down

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