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Make monadic queries easier to access
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newhoggy committed Jul 28, 2021
1 parent 60a10bc commit 3eba38f
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Showing 3 changed files with 100 additions and 76 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api.hs
Expand Up @@ -584,9 +584,10 @@ module Cardano.Api (

-- ** Monadic queries
) where

import Cardano.Api.Address
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96 changes: 85 additions & 11 deletions cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/IPC/Monad.hs
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Cardano.Api.IPC.Monad
( LocalStateQueryScript
( LocalStateQueryExpr
, sendMsgQuery
, setupLocalStateQueryScript
, executeQueryLocalState
, executeQueryLocalStateWithChainSync
) where

import Cardano.Api.Block
Expand All @@ -21,40 +22,113 @@ import Data.Ord
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Scripts ()
import System.IO

import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Client as Net.Sync
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Client as Net.Query
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Type as Net.Query

-- | Monadic type for constructing local state queries.
-- Use 'sendMsgQuery' in a do block to construct queries of this type and convert
-- the expression to a 'Net.Query.LocalStateQueryClient' with 'setupLocalStateQueryScript'.
newtype LocalStateQueryScript block point query r m a = LocalStateQueryScript
{ runLocalStateQueryScript :: ContT (Net.Query.ClientStAcquired block point query m r) m a
-- the expression to a 'Net.Query.LocalStateQueryClient' with 'setupLocalStateQueryExpr'.
newtype LocalStateQueryExpr block point query r m a = LocalStateQueryExpr
{ runLocalStateQueryExpr :: ContT (Net.Query.ClientStAcquired block point query m r) m a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

-- | Use 'sendMsgQuery' in a do block to construct monadic local state queries.
sendMsgQuery :: Monad m => query a -> LocalStateQueryScript block point query r m a
sendMsgQuery q = LocalStateQueryScript . ContT $ \f -> pure $
sendMsgQuery :: Monad m => query a -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point query r m a
sendMsgQuery q = LocalStateQueryExpr . ContT $ \f -> pure $
Net.Query.SendMsgQuery q $
{ Net.Query.recvMsgResult = f

-- | Execute a local state query expression.
:: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode
-> Maybe ChainPoint
-> (NodeToClientVersion -> LocalStateQueryExpr (BlockInMode CardanoMode) ChainPoint (QueryInMode CardanoMode) () IO a)
-> IO (Either AcquireFailure (Maybe a))
executeQueryLocalState connectInfo mpoint f = do
resultVarQueryTipLocalState <- newEmptyTMVarIO
waitResult <- pure $ sequence <$> readTMVar resultVarQueryTipLocalState

(\ntcVersion ->
{ localChainSyncClient = NoLocalChainSyncClient
, localStateQueryClient = Just $ setupLocalStateQueryExpr waitResult mpoint ntcVersion resultVarQueryTipLocalState (f ntcVersion)
, localTxSubmissionClient = Nothing

atomically waitResult

-- | Execute a local state query expression concurrently with a chain sync.
:: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode
-> Maybe ChainPoint
-> (NodeToClientVersion -> LocalStateQueryExpr (BlockInMode CardanoMode) ChainPoint (QueryInMode CardanoMode) () IO a)
-> IO (ChainTip, Either AcquireFailure (Maybe a))
executeQueryLocalStateWithChainSync connectInfo mpoint f = do
resultVarQueryTipLocalState <- newEmptyTMVarIO
resultVarChainTip <- newEmptyTMVarIO

waitResult <- pure $ (,)
<$> readTMVar resultVarChainTip
<*> (sequence <$> readTMVar resultVarQueryTipLocalState)

(\ntcVersion ->
{ localChainSyncClient = LocalChainSyncClient $ chainSyncGetCurrentTip waitResult resultVarChainTip
, localStateQueryClient = Just $ setupLocalStateQueryExpr waitResult mpoint ntcVersion resultVarQueryTipLocalState (f ntcVersion)
, localTxSubmissionClient = Nothing

atomically waitResult

:: STM b
-> TMVar ChainTip
-> ChainSyncClient (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
chainSyncGetCurrentTip waitDone tipVar =
ChainSyncClient $ pure clientStIdle
clientStIdle :: Net.Sync.ClientStIdle (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
clientStIdle =
Net.Sync.SendMsgRequestNext clientStNext (pure clientStNext)

clientStNext :: Net.Sync.ClientStNext (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
clientStNext = Net.Sync.ClientStNext
{ Net.Sync.recvMsgRollForward = \_block tip -> ChainSyncClient $ do
void . atomically $ putTMVar tipVar tip
void $ atomically waitDone
pure $ Net.Sync.SendMsgDone ()
, Net.Sync.recvMsgRollBackward = \_point tip -> ChainSyncClient $ do
void . atomically $ putTMVar tipVar tip
void $ atomically waitDone
pure $ Net.Sync.SendMsgDone ()

-- | Use 'sendMsgQuery' in a do block to construct monadic local state queries.
setupLocalStateQueryScript ::
setupLocalStateQueryExpr ::
-> Maybe ChainPoint
-> NodeToClientVersion
-> TMVar (Maybe (Either Net.Query.AcquireFailure a))
-> LocalStateQueryScript (BlockInMode CardanoMode) ChainPoint (QueryInMode CardanoMode) () IO a
-> LocalStateQueryExpr (BlockInMode CardanoMode) ChainPoint (QueryInMode CardanoMode) () IO a
-> Net.Query.LocalStateQueryClient (BlockInMode CardanoMode) ChainPoint (QueryInMode CardanoMode) IO ()
setupLocalStateQueryScript waitDone mPointVar' ntcVersion resultVar' f =
setupLocalStateQueryExpr waitDone mPointVar' ntcVersion resultVar' f =
LocalStateQueryClient $
if ntcVersion >= NodeToClientV_8
then do
pure . Net.Query.SendMsgAcquire mPointVar' $
{ Net.Query.recvMsgAcquired = runContT (runLocalStateQueryScript f) $ \result -> do
{ Net.Query.recvMsgAcquired = runContT (runLocalStateQueryExpr f) $ \result -> do
atomically $ putTMVar resultVar' (Just (Right result))
void $ atomically waitDone
pure $ Net.Query.SendMsgRelease $ pure $ Net.Query.SendMsgDone ()
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75 changes: 12 additions & 63 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Run/Query.hs
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Coin
import Cardano.Ledger.Crypto (StandardCrypto)
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys (KeyHash (..), KeyRole (..))
import Cardano.Prelude hiding (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (except)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Extra (firstExceptT, handleIOExceptT, hoistMaybe, left)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), (.=))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History.Qry as Qry
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Client as Net.Sync
import qualified Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Type as LocalStateQuery
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.API.Protocol as Ledger
import qualified System.IO as IO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +205,18 @@ runQueryTip (AnyConsensusModeParams cModeParams) network mOutFile = do
CardanoMode -> do
let localNodeConnInfo = LocalNodeConnectInfo cModeParams network sockPath

(chainTip, emLocalState) <- liftIO $ queryQueryTip localNodeConnInfo Nothing
(chainTip, emLocalState) <- liftIO $
executeQueryLocalStateWithChainSync localNodeConnInfo Nothing $ \ntcVersion -> do
era <- sendMsgQuery (QueryCurrentEra CardanoModeIsMultiEra)
eraHistory <- sendMsgQuery (QueryEraHistory CardanoModeIsMultiEra)
mSystemStart <- if ntcVersion >= NodeToClientV_9
then Just <$> sendMsgQuery QuerySystemStart
else return Nothing
return O.QueryTipLocalState
{ O.era = era
, O.eraHistory = eraHistory
, O.mSystemStart = mSystemStart

mLocalState <- fmap join . hushM emLocalState $ \e -> do
liftIO . T.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,66 +262,6 @@ runQueryTip (AnyConsensusModeParams cModeParams) network mOutFile = do

mode -> left (ShelleyQueryCmdUnsupportedMode (AnyConsensusMode mode))

:: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode
-> Maybe ChainPoint
-> IO (ChainTip, Either AcquireFailure (Maybe O.QueryTipLocalState))
queryQueryTip connectInfo mpoint = do
resultVarQueryTipLocalState <- newEmptyTMVarIO
resultVarChainTip <- newEmptyTMVarIO

waitResult <- pure $ (,)
<$> readTMVar resultVarChainTip
<*> (sequence <$> readTMVar resultVarQueryTipLocalState)

(\ntcVersion ->
{ localChainSyncClient = LocalChainSyncClient $ chainSyncGetCurrentTip waitResult resultVarChainTip
, localStateQueryClient = Just $ setupLocalStateQueryScript waitResult mpoint ntcVersion resultVarQueryTipLocalState $ do
era <- sendMsgQuery (QueryCurrentEra CardanoModeIsMultiEra)
eraHistory <- sendMsgQuery (QueryEraHistory CardanoModeIsMultiEra)
mSystemStart <- if ntcVersion >= NodeToClientV_9
then Just <$> sendMsgQuery QuerySystemStart
else return Nothing
return O.QueryTipLocalState
{ O.era = era
, O.eraHistory = eraHistory
, O.mSystemStart = mSystemStart

, localTxSubmissionClient = Nothing

atomically waitResult

:: forall mode a
. STM a
-> TMVar ChainTip
-> ChainSyncClient (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
chainSyncGetCurrentTip waitDone tipVar =
ChainSyncClient $ pure clientStIdle
clientStIdle :: Net.Sync.ClientStIdle (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
clientStIdle =
Net.Sync.SendMsgRequestNext clientStNext (pure clientStNext)

clientStNext :: Net.Sync.ClientStNext (BlockInMode mode) ChainPoint ChainTip IO ()
clientStNext = Net.Sync.ClientStNext
{ Net.Sync.recvMsgRollForward = \_block tip -> ChainSyncClient $ do
void . atomically $ putTMVar tipVar tip
void $ atomically waitDone
pure $ Net.Sync.SendMsgDone ()
, Net.Sync.recvMsgRollBackward = \_point tip -> ChainSyncClient $ do
void . atomically $ putTMVar tipVar tip
void $ atomically waitDone
pure $ Net.Sync.SendMsgDone ()

-- | Query the UTxO, filtered by a given set of addresses, from a Shelley node
-- via the local state query protocol.
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