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Add API support for Shelley era extended ed25519 keys
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This lets us support extended keys which are used by the wallet, and
were also supported by the ITN jcli.

Adding it also lets us share a bit of code with the Byron witness
support which also uses extended keys.

Split the key role casting class into two: one for verification keys and
one for signing keys. This lets us add instances for converting extneded
keys, since you can convert an extended vkey to a normal one, but you
cannot convert an extended skey to a normal skey.
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dcoutts committed Jul 8, 2020
1 parent da2d61d commit 9acba4a
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Showing 2 changed files with 224 additions and 46 deletions.
267 changes: 222 additions & 45 deletions cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/Typed.hs
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ module Cardano.Api.Typed (

-- * Stake addresses
-- | Constructing and inspecting stake addresses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,14 +379,14 @@ import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Class as Crypto
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.DSIGN.Class as Crypto
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.KES.Class as Crypto
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.VRF.Class as Crypto
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as Crypto.HD

-- Byron imports
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Hashing as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Signing as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.ProtocolMagic as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as Byron.Crypto.Wallet

import qualified Cardano.Chain.Common as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Genesis as Byron
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,7 +482,6 @@ class HasTypeProxy t where
class (Eq (VerificationKey keyrole),
Show (VerificationKey keyrole),
Show (SigningKey keyrole),
SerialiseAsRawBytes (Hash keyrole),
HasTextEnvelope (VerificationKey keyrole),
HasTextEnvelope (SigningKey keyrole))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,11 +518,13 @@ generateSigningKey keytype = do
-- | Some key roles share the same representation and it is sometimes
-- legitimate to change the role of a key.
class CastKeyRole keyroleA keyroleB where
class CastVerificationKeyRole keyroleA keyroleB where

-- | Change the role of a 'VerificationKey', if the representation permits.
castVerificationKey :: VerificationKey keyroleA -> VerificationKey keyroleB

class CastSigningKeyRole keyroleA keyroleB where

-- | Change the role of a 'SigningKey', if the representation permits.
castSigningKey :: SigningKey keyroleA -> SigningKey keyroleB

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1220,34 +1222,25 @@ makeShelleyBootstrapWitness nw (ShelleyTxBody txbody) (ByronSigningKey sk) =

-- Now the hairy bits.
-- We start with a Byron era /extended/ signing key. This /cannot/ be
-- converted to a plain (non-extended) signing key. So we have to produce a
-- signature using this extended signing key directly.
-- Byron era signing keys were all /extended/ ed25519 keys. We have to
-- produce a signature using this extended signing key directly. They
-- /cannot/ be converted to a plain (non-extended) signing keys. Since we
-- now support extended signing keys for the Shelley too, we are able to
-- reuse that here.
signature :: Shelley.SignedDSIGN ShelleyCrypto
(Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto))
signature = fromByronSignature $
BS.empty -- passphrase for (unused) in-mem encryption
(Byron.unSigningKey sk)
(Crypto.getHash txhash)
signature = makeShelleyKeyWitnessSignature
-- Make the signature with the extended key directly:
(ShelleyExtendedSigningKey (Byron.unSigningKey sk))

txhash :: Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto)
txhash = Crypto.hash txbody

-- The crypto lib types are different so we also have to convert the type
-- of the resulting signature.
fromByronSignature :: Byron.Crypto.Wallet.XSignature
-> Shelley.SignedDSIGN ShelleyCrypto b
fromByronSignature =
. fromMaybe impossible
. Crypto.rawDeserialiseSigDSIGN
. Byron.Crypto.Wallet.unXSignature

impossible =
error "fromByronSignature: byron and shelley signature sizes do not match"
-- And finally the really funky bits. We need to provide the extra prefix
-- and suffix bytes necessary to reconstruct the mini-Merkel tree that is
-- a Byron address. The suffix bytes depend on the address attributes.

padding = Shelley.byronVerKeyAddressPadding $
Byron.mkAttributes Byron.AddrAttributes {
Expand All @@ -1257,35 +1250,102 @@ makeShelleyBootstrapWitness nw (ShelleyTxBody txbody) (ByronSigningKey sk) =

data ShelleyWitnessSigningKey =
WitnessPaymentKey (SigningKey PaymentKey)
| WitnessPaymentExtendedKey (SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey)
| WitnessStakeKey (SigningKey StakeKey)
| WitnessStakePoolKey (SigningKey StakePoolKey)
| WitnessGenesisDelegateKey (SigningKey GenesisDelegateKey)
| WitnessGenesisUTxOKey (SigningKey GenesisUTxOKey)

makeShelleyKeyWitness :: TxBody Shelley
-> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
-> Witness Shelley
makeShelleyKeyWitness (ShelleyTxBody txbody) wsk =
ShelleyKeyWitness $
Shelley.WitVKey vk signature
sk = toShelleySignKey wsk
vk = Shelley.VKey (Crypto.deriveVerKeyDSIGN sk)

signature :: Shelley.SignedDSIGN ShelleyCrypto
(Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto))
signature = Crypto.signedDSIGN () txhash sk
makeShelleyKeyWitness (ShelleyTxBody txbody) =
let txhash :: Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto)
txhash = Crypto.hash txbody

txhash :: Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto)
txhash = Crypto.hash txbody
-- To allow sharing of the txhash computation across many signatures we
-- define and share the txhash outside the lambda for the signing key:
in \wsk ->
let sk = toShelleySigningKey wsk
vk = getShelleyKeyWitnessVerificationKey sk
signature = makeShelleyKeyWitnessSignature txhash sk
in ShelleyKeyWitness $
Shelley.WitVKey vk signature

-- | We support making key witnesses with both normal and extended signing keys.
data ShelleySigningKey =
-- | A normal ed25519 signing key
ShelleyNormalSigningKey (Shelley.SignKeyDSIGN ShelleyCrypto)

-- | An extended ed25519 signing key
| ShelleyExtendedSigningKey Crypto.HD.XPrv

toShelleySigningKey :: ShelleyWitnessSigningKey -> ShelleySigningKey
toShelleySigningKey key = case key of
WitnessPaymentKey (PaymentSigningKey sk) -> ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk
WitnessStakeKey (StakeSigningKey sk) -> ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk
WitnessStakePoolKey (StakePoolSigningKey sk) -> ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk
WitnessGenesisUTxOKey (GenesisUTxOSigningKey sk) -> ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk
WitnessGenesisDelegateKey (GenesisDelegateSigningKey sk) ->
ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk

-- The special case
WitnessPaymentExtendedKey (PaymentExtendedSigningKey sk) ->
ShelleyExtendedSigningKey sk

:: ShelleySigningKey
-> Shelley.VKey Shelley.Witness ShelleyCrypto
getShelleyKeyWitnessVerificationKey (ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk) =
(Shelley.coerceKeyRole :: Shelley.VKey Shelley.Payment ShelleyCrypto
-> Shelley.VKey Shelley.Witness ShelleyCrypto)
. (\(PaymentVerificationKey vk) -> vk)
. getVerificationKey
. PaymentSigningKey
$ sk

getShelleyKeyWitnessVerificationKey (ShelleyExtendedSigningKey sk) =
(Shelley.coerceKeyRole :: Shelley.VKey Shelley.Payment ShelleyCrypto
-> Shelley.VKey Shelley.Witness ShelleyCrypto)
. (\(PaymentVerificationKey vk) -> vk)
. (castVerificationKey :: VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey)
. getVerificationKey
. PaymentExtendedSigningKey
$ sk

:: Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto (Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto)
-> ShelleySigningKey
-> Shelley.SignedDSIGN ShelleyCrypto
(Shelley.Hash ShelleyCrypto
(Shelley.TxBody ShelleyCrypto))
makeShelleyKeyWitnessSignature txhash (ShelleyNormalSigningKey sk) =
Crypto.signedDSIGN () txhash sk

makeShelleyKeyWitnessSignature txhash (ShelleyExtendedSigningKey sk) =
fromXSignature $
BS.empty -- passphrase for (unused) in-mem encryption
(Crypto.getHash txhash)
fromXSignature :: Crypto.HD.XSignature
-> Shelley.SignedDSIGN ShelleyCrypto b
fromXSignature =
. fromMaybe impossible
. Crypto.rawDeserialiseSigDSIGN
. Crypto.HD.unXSignature

toShelleySignKey :: ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
-> Shelley.SignKeyDSIGN ShelleyCrypto
toShelleySignKey (WitnessPaymentKey (PaymentSigningKey sk)) = sk
toShelleySignKey (WitnessStakeKey (StakeSigningKey sk)) = sk
toShelleySignKey (WitnessStakePoolKey (StakePoolSigningKey sk)) = sk
toShelleySignKey (WitnessGenesisDelegateKey (GenesisDelegateSigningKey sk)) = sk
toShelleySignKey (WitnessGenesisUTxOKey (GenesisUTxOSigningKey sk)) = sk
impossible =
error "fromByronSignature: byron and shelley signature sizes do not match"

-- order of signing keys must match txins
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2755,6 +2815,121 @@ instance HasTextEnvelope (SigningKey PaymentKey) where
-- TODO: fix these inconsistent names for the public testnet re-spin

-- Shelley payment extended ed25519 keys

-- | Shelley-era payment keys using extended ed25519 cryptographic keys.
-- They can be used for Shelley payment addresses and witnessing
-- transactions that spend from these addresses.
-- These extended keys are used by HD wallets. So this type provides
-- interoperability with HD wallets. The ITN CLI also supported this key type.
-- The extended verification keys can be converted (via 'castVerificationKey')
-- to ordinary keys (i.e. 'VerificationKey' 'PaymentKey') but this is /not/ the
-- case for the signing keys. The signing keys can be used to witness
-- transactions directly, with verification via their non-extended verification
-- key ('VerificationKey' 'PaymentKey').
-- This is a type level tag, used with other interfaces like 'Key'.
data PaymentExtendedKey

instance HasTypeProxy PaymentExtendedKey where
data AsType PaymentExtendedKey = AsPaymentExtendedKey
proxyToAsType _ = AsPaymentExtendedKey

instance Key PaymentExtendedKey where

newtype VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey =
PaymentExtendedVerificationKey Crypto.HD.XPub
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving anyclass SerialiseAsCBOR

newtype SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey =
PaymentExtendedSigningKey Crypto.HD.XPrv
deriving anyclass SerialiseAsCBOR

deterministicSigningKey :: AsType PaymentExtendedKey
-> Crypto.Seed
-> SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey
deterministicSigningKey AsPaymentExtendedKey seed =
(Crypto.HD.generate seedbs BS.empty)
(seedbs, _) = Crypto.getBytesFromSeedT 32 seed

deterministicSigningKeySeedSize :: AsType PaymentExtendedKey -> Word
deterministicSigningKeySeedSize AsPaymentExtendedKey = 32

getVerificationKey :: SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey
-> VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey
getVerificationKey (PaymentExtendedSigningKey sk) =
PaymentExtendedVerificationKey (Crypto.HD.toXPub sk)

-- | We use the hash of the normal non-extended pub key so that it is
-- consistent with the one used in addresses and signatures.
verificationKeyHash :: VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey
-> Hash PaymentExtendedKey
verificationKeyHash (PaymentExtendedVerificationKey vk) =
. Shelley.KeyHash
. Crypto.castHash
$ Crypto.hashRaw Crypto.HD.xpubPublicKey vk

instance ToCBOR (VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
toCBOR (PaymentExtendedVerificationKey xpub) =
toCBOR (Crypto.HD.unXPub xpub)

instance FromCBOR (VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
fromCBOR = do
bs <- fromCBOR
either fail (return . PaymentExtendedVerificationKey)
(Crypto.HD.xpub (bs :: ByteString))

instance ToCBOR (SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
toCBOR (PaymentExtendedSigningKey xprv) =
toCBOR (Crypto.HD.unXPrv xprv)

instance FromCBOR (SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
fromCBOR = do
bs <- fromCBOR
either fail (return . PaymentExtendedSigningKey)
(Crypto.HD.xprv (bs :: ByteString))

newtype instance Hash PaymentExtendedKey =
PaymentExtendedKeyHash (Shelley.KeyHash Shelley.Payment ShelleyCrypto)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance SerialiseAsRawBytes (Hash PaymentExtendedKey) where
serialiseToRawBytes (PaymentExtendedKeyHash (Shelley.KeyHash vkh)) =
Crypto.getHash vkh

deserialiseFromRawBytes (AsHash AsPaymentExtendedKey) bs =
PaymentExtendedKeyHash . Shelley.KeyHash <$> Crypto.hashFromBytes bs

instance HasTextEnvelope (VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
textEnvelopeType _ = "PaymentVerificationKeyShelley extended ed25519"

instance HasTextEnvelope (SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey) where
textEnvelopeType _ = "PaymentSigningKeyShelley extended ed25519"

instance CastVerificationKeyRole PaymentExtendedKey PaymentKey where
castVerificationKey (PaymentExtendedVerificationKey vk) =
. Shelley.VKey
. fromMaybe impossible
. Crypto.rawDeserialiseVerKeyDSIGN
. Crypto.HD.xpubPublicKey
$ vk
impossible =
error "castVerificationKey: byron and shelley key sizes do not match!"

-- Stake keys
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2947,10 +3122,11 @@ instance HasTextEnvelope (SigningKey GenesisDelegateKey) where
-- TODO: use a different type from the stake pool key, since some operations
-- need a genesis key specifically

instance CastKeyRole GenesisDelegateKey StakePoolKey where
instance CastVerificationKeyRole GenesisDelegateKey StakePoolKey where
castVerificationKey (GenesisDelegateVerificationKey (Shelley.VKey vkey)) =
StakePoolVerificationKey (Shelley.VKey vkey)

instance CastSigningKeyRole GenesisDelegateKey StakePoolKey where
castSigningKey (GenesisDelegateSigningKey skey) =
StakePoolSigningKey skey

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3020,10 +3196,11 @@ instance HasTextEnvelope (SigningKey GenesisUTxOKey) where
-- TODO: use a different type from the stake pool key, since some operations
-- need a genesis key specifically

instance CastKeyRole GenesisUTxOKey PaymentKey where
instance CastVerificationKeyRole GenesisUTxOKey PaymentKey where
castVerificationKey (GenesisUTxOVerificationKey (Shelley.VKey vkey)) =
PaymentVerificationKey (Shelley.VKey vkey)

instance CastSigningKeyRole GenesisUTxOKey PaymentKey where
castSigningKey (GenesisUTxOSigningKey skey) =
PaymentSigningKey skey

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cardano-api/test/Test/Cardano/Api/Typed/Envelope.hs
Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ roundtrip_VerificationKey_envelope roletoken =
(deserialiseFromTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey roletoken))

roundtrip_SigningKey_envelope :: (Key keyrole,
Eq (SigningKey keyrole))
Eq (SigningKey keyrole),
Show (SigningKey keyrole))
=> AsType keyrole -> Property
roundtrip_SigningKey_envelope roletoken = $ do
Expand Down

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